i'm so curious abt what the discourse for my oc would be gfhdjkHJKGFD
tho i gotta give a small "naeve in a nutshell" for context abt her
Made specifically to ship w Obi-wan (They don't meet each other until sometime between EP2 and TCW)
Speaking of, she's 27 during EP2
Just for funsies™️she's Qui-gon's niece. she has the Jinn Family Nose
Plant Mom
Bi Plant Mom
Carries on the chill vibes Qui-gon had
Her battalion is plant-themed
ITS HUGE-BRAINED IM SO ON BOARD WITH THIS im personally standing in front of her to shield naeve from all discourse thrown her way, im giving her my plants that are ailing in this insufferable heat i love her i adore her im holding her in my arms
someone would Definitely throw a bitchfit or two abt her being w obi-wan
probably some sexuality discourse because Oh How We Bisexuals Thrive (/s)
someone might get pissy bc of her familial connection To qui-gon and be like “noooo they cant date shes related to his master nooooooooo” (and unforch i have met these types of people 😭)
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mouse-mayhem · 7 months
Hi! Welcome to my mouse blog. I use this as a blog to store all of my mouse videos/pics and to force them on other people.
The Colony
I currently have 4 mice (11/28/23)
The alpha of my colony, she's a lilac splash with red eyes and is my most photogenic mouse by a significant margin. As of writing this she is currently going through a weight-loss journey so if you notice she's a bit chunky, we're working on it. (She's 100% not pregnant before you ask.) She's fearless, a bit of a bully, and.. Food Motivated to say the least. She doesn't love to be held but she doesn't seem to mind, either.
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You can find content of her under my #Noelle tag
(She also happens to be the mouse in my PfP)
My 2nd most dominant mouse, a Himalayan with red eyes. Nona doesn't really care for human interaction, and does not like being held even if she tolerates it. She is however very photogenic by virtue of always being on the wheel or napping on a highly-visible hammock usually. She's a brute, tries to own both wheels at once, but is also a big snuggly babey.
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You can find content of her under my #Nona tag
A black/brown splash, Naev is Nebahat's direct sister and my most skittish in terms of people. She doesn't like coming out when she knows there's eyes on her and tolerates being held the least (But still does so when I need to put her in her carrier or what have you.) She's got a penchant for digging and being a general menace, and seems to make a point of picking on her sister.
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You can find content of her under my #Naev tag
A brown/black splash with very low spotting (making her appear almost entirely brown barring her rump.) she's my lowest ranking mouse in the colony but also very friendly and adventurous. She loves to be held and makes a game of climbing to the top of your head to enjoy the view (Or admittedly, she has a penchant for hanging out in my bra for some reason.) She's extremely friendly but her high energy makes her never the first mouse I introduce to a guest. Unlike Nex, Nebahat does not come when called, but she's pretty active in general so she's easy to spot. She gets into fights semi-frequently with Nona and her sister Naev for reasons that completely allude me.
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You can find content of her under my #Nebahat tag
Past Mice
As of writing this, the only mouse I've lost. Nadia was a senior tri-color and already a year and 3 months when I got her. She unfortunately developed a tumor on her throat and had to be put to sleep. She was very nurturing and relaxed and could often be seen taking strolls around the cage. I didn't get to know her very well before she passed, but she was a retired breeder and supposedly a great mom.
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You can find content of her under my #Nadia tag
A self-black mouse with white spots on her belly. Nex was the friendliest mouse you'd ever meet. She came when I called her, imitated my 'pspsps' back at me, and was just a docile angel who had so much love to give. She single-handedly made a lot of people who swore they didn't like mice change their minds when they met her. Unfortunately she developed a severe case of phneumonia overnight and had to be put to sleep.
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You can find content of her under my #Nex tag
All Image Credits in this post go to Kedreeva, my breeder (They have a much better camera than me so I find it easier to use their photos for my pinned post.)
If you have any questions about me, my mice, or their care, my asks are open!
I also have another tag #Oona Cameo for when my dog is visible in frame. She likes to mousewatch, they're like TV to her. My dog is never able to reach my mice and they have never been "introduced". I don't believe in mixing predator and prey species like that. When I'm not actively tending to the mice or watching them in my chair, their whole area is blocked off by a baby gate she can't pass, as she is a chi mix.
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Petra was the whole reason Joelle and I planned this trip. We’ve both had it at the top of our bucket lists, and it did not disappoint. We went and visited all 3 days. The first time, we went to see Petra was at night. The road down to the treasury (the most iconic/famous building) is through the Siq, a canyon of towering rock cliffs. It’s about 2km long and was lit up by paper lanterns. When you get to the end, the treasury comes into view only in the last 10-20m, and it’s beautiful. The treasury was again lit up with candles. We sat on carpets and had Bedouin tea while we listened to traditional music played on the Shabbaba, a piece of metal pipe played as a flute, and a rababa, a fiddle with a single string. There were tons of cats/dogs around, which is fairly standard; we’re used to it now. The Bedouins called all of the dogs “whiskey” because “I love whiskey”. Add that to the looks (below) and it was a real to Jack Sparrow vibe.
The next morning, we woke up super early to try to get to Petra without any crowds. I read that we needed to be there when the park opened at 0630, but failed to realize that sunrise is not until 7-730. Poor Joelle was not impressed at all when we realized that unfortunately, although we were the first ones there, we couldn’t see anything without the lanterns 😂. We went and had coffee/breakfast and then re-started. The walk down the Siq was even more beautiful in the daylight, and the view of Petra’s treasury without any crowds was unbelievable. Petra is carved into the sandstone rock face, set in relief so that is is protected from rain and wind. It was carved by hand with chisels, from top to bottom. You can see footfalls carved into the rock on either side. You can also see the chisel marks, which give it a rough appearance like corrugated cardboard in some parts. Others, that look more smooth, were covered in plaster after to cover mistakes, increase durability, and make them aesthetically more pleasing. The treasury is actually a tomb, and only called the “treasury” because the locals believed there was gold inside somewhere. The urn carved on the very top looks quite eroded, and if you look closely you can see bullet holes. This is because locals shot at it repeatedly, trying to see if there were good coins inside. Petra was built by the Nabitheans, an ancient group in this area. Some aspects look Green or Roman, like the Corinthian Columns. However, they were Nabitheans who had hired people from Rome to come advise. You can tell because the top of the columns contain middle eastern items, like pomegranates, not just acanthus leaves.
The view from the bottom was gorgeous, but there are several bigger viewpoints only accessible with a local Bedouin guide. The Bedouins are a nomadic indigenous group who still actively lived in Petra until 1985 when the site was declared a UNESCO world heritage site. They were asked/forced to leave at that time. About half of them asked the government to build them a new town (still within the archaeological park, but about 15 min by donkey from the main area of the ruins), and the other half still live rustically in the caves in the hillside. The half that live in the town wear modern clothes and have modern haircuts. The group that live in the caves wear thick kohl eyeliner, have long hair tied back with hair scarves, and wear long coats/dresses. Honestly, the aesthetic looks similar to Captain Jack Sparrow.
One of the Bedouins, Naev, agreed to take us to the top. I expected a small staircase carved into the rock. It was actually more like rock climbing, which is not a forte of mine. Also, I’m pretty afraid of heights. My feet are cramping just thinking about it. Joelle was in jeans. Nevertheless, totally unprepared we scrambled up this cliff to a viewpoint well above the treasury. It was freezing cold, 2 degrees, and we were glad to see they had a tent with a fire and hot tea. The Bedouins traditionally live in portable tents made of black fabric. The fabric is woven from goat hair and is naturally water-repellant. I’m surprised they all don’t have COPD from constantly sitting in an enclosed space with an open fireplace (and the chain smoking I suppose). But there is a fire 100% of the time, and every time we encountered any Bedouin, we were immediately offered tea (at no cost, just out of politeness and generosity). Bedouin tea is black tea served with an astounding amount of sugar and sometimes herbs. Our favourite had mint, cinnamon, and sage. They serve it in tiny cups so that it doesn’t get cold while you’re drinking it. Apparently, it was an old tradition that when you received a guest, even if they were unknown to you, you had to provide them with food and drinks for 3 and 1/3 days before it was even acceptable to ask questions like “what is your name?” and “why are you here?”
After warming up with tea and admiring the views, Naev asked us if we wanted to continue on a hike to a different view. Again, we did not plan on a hike, but figured we might as well. He said it would be 2h. Spoiler alert - it was 6 hours and also mostly what I would call rock climbing. There were no steps save worn down areas in the rocks at parts, and I used my hands so much they were scraped. I fell at least 20 times while Joelle gracefully leapt up and over boulders in her jeans. However, I wouldn’t trade the experience for anything. It was absolutely gorgeous, and the people we met along the way were lovely. They were all Bedouins, and seemed to somehow be related to our guide. As is customary, they would immediately ask us where we’re from, say “Welcome to Jordan” and then offer us tea and snacks around a fire. I don’t think any single person didn’t give us some gift. Yea, coffee, pomegranates, pita and labneh, apples, necklaces, a bag, you name it. They are such kind people.
Our guide was saying the recent rains had washed some of the dirt/dust away which always uncovers new artifacts. He actually found two old coins in the dirt while we were hiking and gave them to us! I also bought a few from a Bedouin woman selling them. It seems absolutely wild to me that I now own a handful of ancient Roman/Nabithean coins thousands of years old.
He also took us through some of the “caves” (ancient tombs) that the locals still live in. Although they were banished in 1985, many of them still actually still live in and sleep in the ruins (with their goats/sheep/donkeys). They live very minimalist lives with very few possessions. Most of the inhabited “caves” had nothing in them except a small bag of clothes and a mattress. Our guide said he has slept in the treasury before, but had terrible nightmares. He vowed to never sleep there again, but got drunk and passed out and the same thing happened again! He also took us behind the gates (after walking across a sketchy steep mountainside) to sit in the Roman Amphitheatre. We were definitely not supposed to be there, so we had to duck down, but it was incredible.
Our “10 minute hike” that turned into 6 hours was amazing, but we were exhausted. We had to hurry back to the car though to get to our cooking class! An absolutely lovely woman named Amenah welcomed us into her home in the afternoon. She served us traditional Jordanian coffee (coffee made with cardamom) and dates - which were delicious. It is tradition that the person serving the coffee drinks first (to check the taste and temperature, and also to prove it’s not poisoned), then his/her parents, then everybody else. It is also served in small 1-2oz glasses like the tea. After that, she took us shopping for ingredients. We visited a fruit market, a chicken shop, and a meat shop (which is not the same as where you buy chicken). We watched this man butcher most of a goat, and it looked like a ton of work. He was sweating by the end of it. Joelle and I requested a stop at a bakery where we bought “a kilo of cookies” (which are mostly gone now). Amenah made me laugh. There was a line in the fruit market, and when we were leaving, she just picked up some dates, glanced at the line, and then said “I’m not paying for these” and left. She said she’d “pay next time”.
Amenah has 10 brothers and 3 sisters, and one of them is a doctor in town. She found out we worked in the hospital and took us by his clinic for a tour. It was really cool. He has a GP’s office, which is better equipped Athabaskan any clinic in Canada. They had monitors, IV’a, oxygen, you name it. Again, with flawless and over-the-top hospitality, the doctor offered us both juice that I’m 99% sure was from his own lunch.
Back at the house we started cooking. And by we, I mean Amenah, her neighbour Nour, her daughter Ayah, and her housekeeper Fatima. Joelle and I were pretty useless. Amenah told us that they “have Egyptians for heavy or strong work, like North Americans have Mexicans” 😳. We made a soup with vegetables, yogurt, and goat; a dish with rice, chicken, potatoes, carrots, and spices called Mendhi, and fresh salad. Amenah also made these pastries stuffed with goat cheese and olives and this dessert that reminded me of tres leches. It was cake mixed with a cream made of cheese, whipping cream, and sugar. The Mendhi is traditionally baked in the ground outside, but the ground was too wet, so we cooked in the oven, and she added some pieces of hot charcoal with olive oil to give the earthy taste. One of my favourite things we ate was this homemade guava jam with tahini. She said she normally eats it for breakfast but we wanted to try it! It sounds like a weird combo, but it was delicious.
After dessert, Amenah showed us home videos of her son’s wedding festivities. It was beautiful, and so touching to see how proud she was of her family. It was such a nice evening, and even though we are halfway across the world, it felt oddly familiar and just like home. To be sitting in the living room with a family watching old videos, singing, laughing, and of course, eating snacks. I’m so glad we met her and her family.
The next morning Joelle and I relatively slept in (until 0900). We had planned to hike in the back route to Petra, but our guide had to cancel the night before. We went in the front gate instead and hired a guide from
The visitor’s centre to take us to the Monastery. I got locked in a bathroom at one point and somebody came to help. I guess they could tell from my accent that I was not Jordanian. And even before addressing the fact that I was stuck, they asked me “where are you from? Welcome to Jordan” 😂.
I felt like we had a real authentic experience the day before, but this guide gave us more textbook history/explanations. He was also Bedouin, but from the town. It was interesting to see that same sights at a different time of day. The colours change depending on how the light hits the stone. We, of course, spent some time looking at the treasury, then explored the street of facades and royal tombs area. The interior of the caves are beautiful as well. They almost look painted, but it is just natural variations in the colours of the sandstone. The ceilings are often black from the soot of the fires people light inside when they are staying there. There was this feathered looking pattern in the rocks that we thought might be a fossil of a plant, but they are actually lichtenburg figures from the rock being struck by lightning!
After that, we hiked up to the monastery. You pass by some buildings that are freestanding (not carved into the rock). You can see they have a strip of wood running through it mid way up. This is apparently to give the structure some flexibility in case of earthquakes! It’s a good hike, about 1000 steps and directly vertical for the most part. The locals offer camels and donkeys to take you around/up if you want, but you couldn’t pay me enough to trust a donkey on those steep stairs. There are women/children who have tents selling souvenirs and drinks on the way up, and their sales tactics made me laugh. I think every single hour of the day is “happy hour”. I nearly died on the way up, but it was beautiful at the top. The Monastery is a room for funerals, not a monastery. This was another name given by locals. It’s bigger but less ornate. The columns are traditional Nabithean, not Corinthian.
We felt we needed/deserved a snack after that hike. This place at the top was selling mixed orange and pomegranate juice and this chicken shawarma that was actually delicious. After a snack, we looked around, took some photos, and then headed back down. Our guide knew all the photo ops, and was actually a pretty decent photographer. He even shoved a donkey out of the way for a pic, which was pretty risky in my opinion.
After another 7 hour day in Petra, we headed for a drink in a “cave bar” just outside the Petra gates, and picked out some souvenirs. Joelle is much better at haggling than I am. one of the men smiled at her and said “every man wants a woman like that for a wife” 😂
Dinner on the way out of Petra was at a local restaurant Amenah recommended. It was delicious! We had tabouleh, hummus, freshly baked pita, halloumi, samboussek, and knafeh (cheese topped with puff pastry soaked in rosewater syrup and pistachios) for dessert. Delicious - but we both ate to the point of feeling ill yet again. Probably unsurprising to anybody that knows us.
0 notes
saygeko · 3 years
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Over 400 years ago The Fae Realm
"Do not move." Sayge chuckled at the scold while sitting on the polished floor. "I will cut your eyelashes if you continue blinking, close your eyes." The features of her aunt faded into the darkness as she finally closed them the way she was told to. The sharp sound was all she focused on, the scissors chopping off the extra length that had bothered her for the last few weeks, poking her eyes every time and blocking her sight. Sayge would brush the annoyance to her temples, not bothered by the untidy look it added to her appearance. The steady hands of her aunt Jioka told a different story. The disorderly of the locks were unacceptable, she had to get rid of the chaos and bring the straight line above her niece's deep ponds she had for eyes. The hold of the elder's breath showed the importance of the matter.
"Have you heard? Neave brought shame to her clan after running away up to the mountains." The younger Fae hummed in agreement, not forgetting the past order given to her, and not a muscle moved. "Silly girl. Her mother cried for the shine of one full moon night, the next sunrise, Neave disappeared from their books. Her name, shall no one mention again." Sayge lips pursed slightly, and the mental reprimand prevented her from any other reaction. 
The last piece of hair was cut, and the silver scissors withdrawn from her face. Jioka permitted her to open the eyes again, and Sayge kept them low. "Rise your gaze, child." The freshly cut fringe helping her to hide the secret her eyes could naively share and not give a chance to deny it after.
"I have said rise your eyes, Sayge." Jioka's voice went one tone higher. She was her father's younger sister, the second child, known for her neatness, her love for knives, and an impeccable perception, Jioka could read into anyone. Unsure, Sayge lifted her gaze but avoided Jioka's, this upsetting the latter. The loud noise of metal slammed against wood startled Sayge and the small birds drinking from the running water of her aunt's fountain. The Fae wished she could fly away with them. "Speak. Do you know something else about Neave's escape?" It felt like all air left Sayge's lungs at once, but a thin amount let her made a sound.
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Neave was the youngest child of her mother's third mate. The clan of Zasa. Born one season after Sayge, with a beautiful smile and the head lost in the clouds, with no real interest in cultivation and only using her magic for the simple reasons, a Fae who was closer to nature than anyone, or so she claimed to be. A child of the forest.
"Sayge! Here!" The younger Fae in the water waved her arm in the direction of where Sayge sat on the thick root of a tree. Not bothered to jump into the lake yet. The cool wind and the shade were enough to keep her from the heat of the spring day. 
"I will swim when I wish to, not when commanded." She heard the loud laugh of the girl in response to her turn down. A splash of water made it rain over her. That afternoon Sayge had planned to cultivate with her cousins who were ahead of her in their magic. Her desire to unlock stages of her magic she still couldn't, pulled her from bed every morning. Little time she left for distractions, and when she did (more often than she liked to admit,) she would rather spend it with someone else, not with the loud girl. 
"Sweetheart, the water is lovely. Who are you trying to trick? Uh? You cannot lie to me. You love water, just like fish do." Naeve smiled, the widest smile Sayge had seen in her life, even her back molars were visible to anyone who took a look. 
"The one tricking the other here is you. You dragged me to the lake, wishing to share a secret with me, and all I have heard is nonsense. Quick, share now, or let me go back." She spoke in annoyance and laid back on the greenish trunk. Naeve's insistence that morning as early as the sky had a hint of light blue convinced Sayge to skip her cultivation for half a day.
"Oh dear, you have no idea! Not even a clue! I am in love." She let out her feelings and extended her arms to the sides, allowing the water to get a hold of her weight, her bright smile never leaving her innocent face. "I met him up the mountains the other day." Turning her head to Sayge, she gifted the other one more smile. "Love. You know about it, right? I know you do." Naeve pushed slightly further, waiting for a confirmation from her friend.
Sayge knew what Naeve was trying to hint into, and she rolled her eyes, admitting to it or not, would not take her back home sooner. "Up the mountains? That is so far away from here. Is he not from—?" In an instant, she came to the realization, and Sayge's mouth opened in disbelief. "Naeve, who is this creature you have fallen in love with?"
"He is a Harpy." She shared with a shy smile while still keeping her eyes up to the clouds. "I've been seeing him. He says he loves me too. We would get high up his Chichibu Birch tree to take off and fly to the sky. His Chichibu tree is the only remaining one in the realm, in all realms." She sighed in content, only to speak again. "He whispers sweet words to my ear, and the touch of his feathers makes me tickle." As if all the laughter shared so far was not enough, Naeve shared one more. She lifted her head from the water and looked up at Sayge, who looked at her with worry. 
If her friend had got lost in the forest and mingled with other species, it was nothing of her business. Sayge thought she should give Naeve a word of reason, but she did not, to hear stories of love from others was not the way her clan expected her to grow. "Does the Harpy think this love is good for you?" She asked, not really interested in the answer, but if she said nothing and brushed it off, there was no way she could go back to her cousins.
"He said I should let nature speak to me. To allow the wind to talk and find an answer to our situation where I feel safe." Naeve shook her head, and her soak hair moved along. "So I wait, I wait until I see him again, and wait for the forest to give an answer to my plea."
Sayge sat up, her whole body facing the girl in the water, legs hanging from the elevated root, almost touching the lake with her toes. "An answer from the forest..." She repeated and took a long breath, air filling her chest and letting her mind concentrate. Hands holding tightly from the tree, she extended one of her legs, her foot touching the water, closing her eyes, and Sayge tried to deliver the way she was taught, but so far had not accomplished. 
Eyes open, and everything was the same, the girl in the water and the one on the tree, nothing had changed. Sayge had the bitter aftertaste of failure in her mouth. She knew she should not be losing her time there instead of practicing with her clan. This one more proof of it.
"Oh, Sayge! Sayge!" The shouting of her name called her back to the lake, taking her away from her thoughts. "It's a leaf! From the Chichibu Birch!" Sayge looked down to her feet and saw it, the glistering magic coming from her. From the tip of her toes. She did it.
Synchronicity had bloomed in her. The way flowers bloom on the hottest day of spring.
"This is it! My path was revealed to me by the forest, by nature itself!" She girl swam her way to Sayge, who still sat perplexed in the root of the tree. She pulled of Sayge's leg and made her fall into the lake. Finally, in the water. "Come, my dear friend! I must go back home to prepare and then meet my Harpy." Sayge's arm was pulled, so harshly, it took her a moment to realize the water was up to her waist. 
Naeve's words spoke about going back home, and Sayge heard no more. She had hoped to come back for the longest time, and the magic still warming up her body felt better than the sun hitting the crown of her head.
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Jioka let go of a loud laugh, soon stopped by the back of her hand. "I do not know if to scold you or if to pat your cheek, child."
In between Sayge's eyebrows laid regret and accomplishment, and she had a hard time trying to choose which one to embrace. Her hard work paid off, but her first encounter with one of her clan's abilities was tainted with the fall of another. 
"My wish was to..." She had no words. No excuses. She wanted to go back to her cultivation from the moment she saw the lake, and her hurry made synchronicity and bad luck to hold hands.
"Naeve took a decision. The leaf could have been any other, but she already had her mind fixed." Jioka picked up the scissors from the wooden table by them and stood up to walk away. "Beliefs create realities, my child." She said as her figure disappeared in the hall, leaving Sayge by herself, sitting on the floor with the trimmed hair of her bangs scattered on her lap.
Only a few days had passed, but Sayge already missed Naeve's laugh.
Synchronicity is defined as the occurrence of meaningful coincidences that seem to have no cause; that is, the coincidences are acausal. Explains a relationship between two events which could not be explained by cause and effect.
Sayge is the cause and effect, perceived by the other as meaningful coincidences. Mere luck.
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well,,,that ending was disappointing
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moiraineswife · 2 years
E, N and W for Lan/Nynaeve/Moiraine pls :)
Hm, hm, hmmmmmm. More content for the SQUAD.
Prompt list here
Send me ships and letters for fluff replies!
Equal - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
Moiraine and Lan are mostly pretty passive/chill. Nynaeve helms this ship, so to speak. Occasionally Lan will step up to the helm and take the lead for a bit if there's an Event to be organised/gone to. Moiraine, for once in her damn existence, actually just let's this be the part of her life that's just relaxed. She just gets swept up with what her partners do/want and it just feels so nice and refreshing. There's no pressures or expectations for her, she can just enjoy it. Which isn't to say she isn't as committed/invested/loves them any less. It's just not something she gets all Moiraine about. Something she can just enjoy and not overthink (too much).
Nicknames - What do they call their s/o?
I don't actually think any of them are huge on nicknames/pet names? For all that I call her 'Mo' I don't think Moiraine would actually be a HUGE fan of that in canon? Lan is the only one who's actually allowed to call her that, and it's only in very quiet moments. It's kind of like an indicator that she needs to let go/chill out? If she's getting really stressy he'll just pull her into a gentle hug and murmur, 'It's alright, Mo' or something similar and that's her cue to switch off a bit and start working on calming down because she knows she's getting too involved/worked up about something. Will also accept 'Raine' from Nynaeve - generally when she's sleepy, or during sex.
Nynaeve gets 'Nyn' from both of her partners and is chill with that. Moiraine experiments with 'Naeve' and it's their thing.
Lan's name is very hard to shorten/do anything with Nyn definitely gets drunk and calls him 'Allan' at some point. This does not go down well. With Lan. Moiraine thinks it's hysterical. Perhaps she's a little drunk too.
Wild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
Nynaeve adopts a cat, technically for Moiraine, but she absolutely wants one, too. The pair of them dote over it. Moiraine has a Cat Voice. You know the one? When someone sees an adorable animal and the 'oh what a widdle fluffy BABY' voice emerges. Nynaeve is highkey shocked the first time she hears it while Lan just sits in the background pouting a bit and rolling his eyes because 'she always does this' 'Shut up, Lan.'
Lan is...Not a huge fan of the cat. Lan is allergic to the cat. Lan is told to suck it up. (Nynaeve creates some antihistamines for him/some weaves of air to clear him out, he's fine). The cat and Lan have a vaguely antagonistic relationship. It sleeps exclusively on his pillow. The one he has to sleep on at night. And he insists that it is 'insolent' (it is). His ladies do not believe him and refuse to hear a bad word spoken about their child.
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valancyjane · 3 years
So I’m doing a reread of Nusquam aliud est vertere and with every new costume of Mac’s my desire deepens for one of the many creative artists out here to do a full sketch book of each one of his costumes a long with Ruibby’s when she joins in. You did such a superb job describing each one in such intricate Detail, I know some one could really do them justice!
So really this ask is for your followers not specifically you, but at the same time wanted to again pay homage to your amazing writing skills. Don’t even get me started on all the little hints and foreshadowing you did early on that put even our JKR to shame. Soooooo good!
#macru #visualstorytelling #descriptivewritingatitsfines #masterofwords #paintingpictureswuthyourwords #dramiine #valancyjaneisamazing #naev #nett #nowhereelsetoturn
@hizqueen4life thank you so much!! I’m so honoured by your lovely & kind words.
I would be absolutely THRILLED for someone to sketch Mac & Ruibby’s elaborate costumes! I had such fun writing about them, it would be a dream come true to see your brilliant suggestion realized. I don’t think I have followers but I won’t stop wishing and hoping for it.
I’m overjoyed that you liked the story (and that you’re re-reading it!);  I can’t thank you enough for your generous praise and support. Much love to you always 💓🤗💓
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heavensarmy777-blog · 3 years
Games I Own List
Games I Own So Far
I may not be able to live stream all these games since some are not compatible with the systems I can live stream with. Also some are to high age rated for this channel so I will not play those also.
Steam Games and Online Games:
100% Orange Juice – Demo | AdVenture Capitalist |
Adventure Communist | AdventureQuest 3D |
All is Dust | Anno2070 | Antenna | Atulos Online |
Awkward Dimensions Redux |
Baldur’s Gate II: Enhanced Edition | Banished |
Bendy and the Ink Machine | Blameless |
Boring Man – Online Tactical Stickman Combat |
Brawlhalla | Castle Clicker | CAYNE | Cities: Skylines |
Claire | Clicker Guild | Clicker Heroes |
Color Symphony | Confess My Love |
Cosmo Osmo | Counter-Strike: Source |
Creativerse | Crusaders of the Lost Idols |
Cry of Fear | The Cubicle |
Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition |
The Desolate Hope | Destination Sol | Disturbed |
Dr. Langeskov, The Tiger, and The Terribly Cursed
Emerald: A Whirlwind Heist |
Don’t Starve | Don’t Starve Together |
Doorways: Old Prototype | Duelyst | Dwarfs F2P |
Electric Highways | Endless Sky | Epic Battle Fantasy 3 |
Epic Clicker Journey | Escape the Game: Intro |
Eternal Senia | Evoland | Evoland 2 | Fallout |
Fallout 2 | Fallout Shelter | Fallout Tactics |
Fingerbones | Firefall | First Person Lover |
Float Gallery VR | Forge of Gods (RPG) |
The Forgotten Ones | GameMaker Studio |
Garry’s Mod | Google Earth VR |
Guild Quest | Guns of Icarus Online |
Half Minute Hero: Super Mega Neo Climax Ultimate Boy |
Happy Wars | Harvest Seasons | Heavenstrike Rivals |
Hero Zero | Heroes of Havoc | Holyday City Reloaded |
Idling to Rule the Gods | The Huntsman: Winter’s Curse |
IKEA VR Pancake Kitchen | Infestation: The New Z |
Insanity Clicker | Jade Empire: Special Edition |
Learn To Fly 3 | Legionwood: Tale of the Two Swords |
Loading Screen Simulator |  
Lost Lands: A Hidden Object Adventure | Mad Father |
Mandagon | Manhole | Maplestory | Midas Gold Plus |
Minds Eyes | Missing Translation | Mobius Final Fantasy |
Moirai | Moonbase Alpha | mrshifty beta | My Lands |
Myst V | Myst: Masterpiece Edition | The NADI Project |
Naev | Neverwinter | No Time To Explain Remastered |
NVIDIA VR Funhouse | Office Space Idle Profits |
Off-Peak | The Old Tree | One Finger Death Punch |
Only If | Orake | The Panic Room |
Passing Pineview Forest |
Path of Exile | Pick Crafter | Picross Touch |
Pixel Puzzels Ulimate | The Plan | Portal | Portal 2 |
Princess Remedy in a World of Hurt | Quanero |
Ragnarok Clicker | Realm Grinder |
Realm of the Mad God | realMyst | Red Trigger |
Rexaura | Riven | The Room |
The Room Two | RPG MO |
RuneScape Idle Adventures | Sceal |
Scrap Garden – The Day Before | Serena |
The Settlers Online | Shadow Hunter |The Ship |
The Ship Single Player | Shop Heroes |
Sid Meier’s Civilization IV | Shakes & Fidget |
Shonen Idle Z | Shop Heroes |
Sid Meier’s Civilization IV: Beyond the Sword |
Sid Meier’s Civilization IV: Colonization |
Sid Meier’s Civilization IV: Warlords |
Sid Meier’s Civilization V | Simply Chess |
Soda Dungeon | Speech Trainer | Speed Runners |
Spelunx | Spooky’s Jump Scare Mansion |
Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic |
Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords |
Subnautica | Tabletop Simulator |
Tap Adventure: Time Travel | Tap Tap Infinity |
Tap Tap Legions – Eic battles within 5 seconds! |
The Bellows VR Demo | The Cubicle. |
The Desolate Hope | The Elder Scrolls Legends |
The Flaws of Gravity | The Forgotten Ones |
The Huntsman Winter’s Curse |
The Lab | The NADI Project | The Old Tree |
The Panic Room | The Plan | The Room |
The Room Two | The Settlers Online |
The VR Museum of Fine Art |
The Way of Life Free Edition | Time Clickers |
To The Moon | Torchlight II |
Transmissions: Element 120 | Transport Defender |
Trick & Treat | Trick & Treat – Visual Novel |
True or False | Twisted Worlds | Unturned |
Uru: Complete Chronicles | Vindictus |
Waltz of the Wizard | War Thunder | Warframe |
welcome to heaven | We Were Here | Windward |
World of Guns: Gun Disassembly |
XCOM: Enemy Unknown |
You Have 10 Seconds | You Have 10 Seconds 2 |
You Have to Win the Game | Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links |
Zombidle: REMONSTERED |                       
PlayStation One Games:
Alundra | Brave Fencer Musashi | Breath of Fire 3 |
Breath of Fire 4 | Bushido Blade |
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night | Chocobo Racing |
Chrono Cross | Darkstone | Dino Crisis | Dino Crisis 2 |
Einhander | Final Fantasy Anthology [FF5 and FF6] |
Final Fantasy Chronicles [FF4] (with) Chrono Trigger |  
Final Fantasy Origins [FF1 and FF2] |
Final Fantasy Tactics | Final Fantasy 7 |
Final Fantasy 8 | Final Fantasy 9 |
Front Mission 3 | Grandia |
Jade Cocoon Story of the Tamamayu | Legend of Mana |
Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete |
Mega Man Legends | Mega Man Legends 2 |
Parasite Eve | Parasite Eve 2 | Resident Evil 2 |
Saga Frontier | Saga Frontier 2 |
Sayuki: Journey West | Shadow Madness |
SimCity 2000 | Star Ocean The Second Story | Suikoden |
Suikoden 2 | The Legend Of Dragoon | Threads Of Fate |
Wild Arms | Wild Arms 2 | Vagrant Story | Xenogears |
Playstation Portable Games:
Dissidia Final Fantasy | Dissidia 012 duodecim Final Fantasy |
Final Fantasy 7 Crisis Core | Silent Hill Origins |
Star Ocean The First Departure | Star Ocean The Second Evolution |
Jeanne d’Arc | Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep |
Playstation Vita Games and PS TV compatible:
10 Second Ninja X | 99Vidas | A Virus Named TOM |
Actual Sunlight | Amnesia: Memories |
Another World 20th Annaversary | Azkend 2: The World Below |
Bard’s Gold | Bastion | Bombing Busters |
Brandish: The Dark Revenant | Breath of Fire IV |
Broken Sword 5 The Serpent’s Curse: Episode 1 |
Castlevania: SotN | Chrono Trigger | Chrono Cross |
Claire: Extended Cut | Code: Realize ~Guardian of Rebirth |
Counter Spy | Curses ‘N Chaos |
Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc |
Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair |
Day of the Tentacle Remastered | Dino Crisis |
Dino Crisis 2 | Dissidia 012[duodecim] Final Fantasy |
Don’t Die, Mr. Robot | Don’t Starve: Giant Edition |
Downwell | Dragon Fantasy Book I |
Dragon Fantasy Book II | Dragon Fin Soup |
Draw Slasher | Dungeon Punks |
Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires Free Alliances Version |
Entwined | Element4L | Final Fantasy Origins |
Final Fantasy Tactics |
Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions | Final Fantasy III |
Final Fantasy IV: The Complete Collection | Final Fantasy V |
Final Fantasy VI | Final Fantasy VII | Final Fantasy VIII |
Final Fantasy IX | forma.8 | Front Mission 3 | Furmins |
Helldivers | Hitman: Contracts HD |
Hitman: Blood Money HD |
Hitman 2: Silent Assassin HD | King Oddball |
Laser Disco Defenders | Legend of Dragoon |
Legend of Mana | Level 22 | Lumo | Mega Man Legends |
Mega Man Legends 2 | Monster Hunter Freedom Unite |
Nihilumbra | Ninja Senki DX |
No Heroes Allowed: No Puzzles Either! |
Nova-111 | Patapon 3 | Parasite Eve | Parasite Eve II |
Q*Bert Rebooted | Rainbow Moon | Resident Evil 2 |
Retro/Grade | Rogue Legacy | Saturday Morning RPG |
Severed | Sim City 2000 | Sky Force Anninersary |  
Shin Megami Tensei: Persona |
Persona 2: Eternal Punishment | Persona 4 Golden |
Ninja Senki DX | Pure Chess |
Severed | SPACE HULK | STARWHAL | Suikoden |
Suikoden II | Super Meat Boy | Tales of Hearts R |
The Legend of Dragoons | The Swindle | Titan Souls | TorqueL |
Type:Rider | Uncanny Valley | Vagrant Story | VVVVVV |
Wanted Corp. | Wild Arms | Wild Arms 2 | Whispering Willows |
Playstation Two Games:      
And A Movie: Final Fantasy VII Advent Children.
Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter | Castlevania: Curse of Darkness |
Castlevania: Lament of Innocence | Chaos Legion |
Dawn of Mana | Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII |
Dokapon Kingdom |
Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King |
Drakengard | Drakengard 2 | Gladius | Fatal Frame |
Fatal Frame 2: Crimson Butterfly |
Fatal Frame 3: The Tormented |
Final Fantasy X | Final Fantasy X-2 |
Final Fantasy XI Online Vana’Diel Collection 2008 |
Final Fantasy XII | Final Fantasy XII Collector’s Edition |  
Front Mission 4 |
Fullmetal Alchemist and the Broken Angel |
Fullmetal Alchemist 2 Curse of the Crimson Elixir |
Grandia 2 | Grandia Xtreme | Grandia 3 |
Kingdom Hearts | Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain of Memories |
Kingdom Hearts II | Legaia 2: Duel Saga |
Radiata Stories | Romancing Saga |
Samurai Legend Musashi |
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner |
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner 2 |
Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga |
Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga 2 |
Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne |
Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 |
Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4 |
Star Ocean: Till the End of Time | Suikoden Tactics |
The Bards Tale | The Bouncer |
The Bible Game | Unlimited Saga | Virtua Quest |
Valkyrie Profile 2 Silmeria | Xenosaga | Xenosaga 2 |
Xenosaga 3 | Yu-Gi-Oh Duelist of the Roses |
Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner |  
Playstation Three Games: PS1 Classics and PS2.
99Vidas |Ace Combat Infinity |  Alien Rage |
Anna – Extended Edition |
Another World - 20th Anniversary | Atomic Ninjas |
Batman Arkham Asylum | Batman Arkham City |
Best of Board Games | BioShock Infinite | BlazeRush |
Bleach: Soul Resurreccion | Blood Knights | Borderlands |
Borderlands 2 | Bound by Flame | Breath of Fire IV |
Castlevania Symphony of the Night | Chrono Cross |
Chrono Trigger | Counter Spy | Darkstalkers Resurrection |
Dark Souls | Dark Souls 2 | Datura |
Deadly Premonition: The Director’s Cut | Deadpool |
Demons Souls | Deus Ex: Human Revolution | Diablo 3 |
Diablo 3 Reaper Of Souls | Dino Crisis | Dino Crisis 2 |
Disgaea D2 A Brighter Darkness |
Disgaea 4 A Promise Unforgotten | Dishonored |
Don’t Starve: Giant Edition | Dragon Age: Origins |
Dragon Age II | Dragon Fantasy Book I |
Dragon Fantasy Book II | Dragon Fin Soup |
Dragon’s Crown | Drakengard 3 |
Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara |
Earth Defence Force 2025 | Eat Them! | echochrome |
Enchanted Arms | Entwined | Eternal Sonata |
Extreme Exorcism | Fallout 3 | Fallout New Vegas |
Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon | Fatal Frame |
Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly |
Fatal Frame III: The Tormented | Fat Princess |
Final Fantasy Tactics | Final Fantasy Origins |
Final Fantasy V | Final Fantasy VI | Final Fantasy VII |
Final Fantasy VIII | Final Fantasy IX |
Final Fantasy 10/10-2 HD Remaster | Final Fantasy 13 |
Final Fantasy 13-2 | Lightning Returns Final Fantasy 13 |
Final Fantasy 14 |  Front Mission 3 |
Front Mission Evolved | From Dust | Furmins |
Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix |
Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince |
Helldivers Democracy Strikes Back Edition |
Hitman: Blood Money HD | Hitman: Contracts HD |
Hitman 2: Silent Assassin HD |
Ico (with) Shadow of the Colossus | Iconoclasts |
In Space We Brawl | InviZimals: The Lost Kingdom | Journey |
Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 ReMIX | |
King Oddball | Legend of Dragoon |
Legend of Kay Anniversary | Legend of Mana |
Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2 | Mass Effect Trilogy |
Medal of Honor Warfighter |
Mega Man Legends | Mega Man Legends 2 |
Mighty No. 9 |
Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch | Nova-111 |
Okami HD | Papers, Please | Parasite Eve |
Parasite Eve II |
Persona 2: Eternal Punishment | Persona 4 ARENA |
Persona 4 Arena Ultimax |
Pier Solar and the Great Architects |
Port Royal 3 Pirates & Merchants | Q*Bert Rebooted |
Q.U.B.E: Director’s Cut | Ragnarok Odyssey ACE |
Rain | Rainbow Moon | Rayman 3 HD |
Red Dead Redemption | Resident Evil 2 | Resonance of Fate |
Retro/Grade | Risen 3: Titan Lords | Rogue Legacy |
Rune Factory: Tides of Destiny | Sacred 2 – Fallen Angel |
Sacred 3 | Savage Moon | Serious Sam 3: BFE |
Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga | Silent Hill |
SimCity 2000 | Siren | Sky Force Anniversary |
Sniper Elite V2 | Sniper: Ghost Warrior |
Sniper Ghost Warrior 2 |
Sonic’s Ultimate Genesis Collection |
South Park The Stick of Truth | Sparkle 2 | SSX |
Star Ocean The Last Hope – International | Starwhal |
Steins Gate | Steredenn: Classic | Super Motherload |
Suikoden | Suikoden II | Suikoden III | Suikoden IV |
Syberia | Syberia II | Tales of Graces f |
Tales of Symphonia Chronicles | Tales of Xillia |
Tales of Xillia 2 | The Book of Unwritten Tales 2 |
The Legend of Dragoons |
The Misadventures of Tron Bonne | The Swindle | Thief |
Titan Souls | Tokyo Jungle | Tomb Raider |
Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Future Soldier | Twisted Metal |
Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late | Vagrant Story |
Vandal Hearts: Flames of Judgment | Wild Arms |
Wild Arms 2 | White Knight Chronicles |
White Knight Chronicles 2 | XBlaze Lost: Memories |
Zombie Driver HD | Zone of the Enders HD Edition |
Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner HD Edition |
Xblaze Lost: Memories |
Playstation Four Games: PS2 on PS4 also        
10 Second Ninja X | 2064: Read Only Memories |
99Vidas | A King’s Tale: Final Fantasy XV |
ABSOLVER | Abyss Odyssey: Extended Dream Edition |
ABZÛ | Adr1ft | AdventurePop | AeternoBlade |
Amnesia Collection | Among The Sleep |
Another World - 20th Anniversary Edition |
Apex Legends | Armello | Assassin’s Creed Freedom Cry |
Azkend 2 | Bard’s Gold | Bastion | Batman The Telltale Series |
Batman Arkham Knight | Battle Ages | Battle Islands |
Battle Islands: Commanders | Beyond: Two Souls | Big City Stories |
Bioshock The Collection (with) Bioshock Infinite |
Bloodborne | Bombing Busters |
Borderlands: The Handsome Collection |
Bound | Call of Duty: Black Ops III |
Call of Dudy: Modern Warfare Remastered |
Catlateral Damage | Child of Light |
Chronicles of Teddy Exidus | Claire |
Clicker Heroes | Conan Exiles | Costume Quest 2 |
CounterSpy | Curses ‘N Chaos |
Cyber Danganronpa VR the Class Trial | Dark Cloud |
Dark Cloud 2 | Dark Souls III |
Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition |
Darksiders III | Day of the Tentacle Remastered |
Daylight | Dead by Daylight |
Dear Esther: Landmark Edition |
Death Tales | Destiny 2 | Detroit Become Human |
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided |
Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth |
DiRT Rally 2.0 | Disc Jam | Don’t Die Mr Robot |
Don’t Starve: Console Edition | Downwell |
Dragon Age: Inquisition |
Dragon Fantasy: The Black Tomb of Ice |
Dragon Fin Soup |
Dragon Quest Heroes: The World Tree’s Woe and the Blight Below |
Drawn to Death | Dungeon Punks | Dust: An Elysian Tail |
Erica | Entwined | Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture |
Extreme Exorcism | Fallout 4 | Fallout Shelter |
Final Fantasy Type-0 HD | Final Fantasy VII | Final Fantasy IX |
Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster |
Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age |
Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn | Final Fantasy XV |
Firewall Zero Hour | forma.8 | Fortnite | Foul Play |
Friday the 13th The Game | Furi | Game of Thrones |
Gauntlet | Goat Simulator | God of War III Remastered |
Gone Home: Console Edition | Grand Kingdom |
Gravity Rush 2 | Gunhouse | Guns Up! | Heavy Rain |
Helldivers | Here They Lie | Horizon Zero Dawn |
Horizon Chase Turbo | I am Bread | Iconoclasts |
In Space We Brawl | InFamous First Light |
InFamous Second Son | INSIDE | Invisible, Inc. Console Edition |
Ironclad Tactics | Jackal Assault (PSVR) | Journey |
Just Cause 3 | Killing Floor 2 | King Oddball |
Kingdom Hearts – HD 1.5 + 2.5 ReMIX |
Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter | Kingdom Hearts III |
Kitten Squad | Knack | Knowledge is Power |
Kung Fu Panda Showdown of Legendary Legends |
Laser Disco Defenders | Laser League | Let It Die |
Life Is Strange | Limbo | LittleBigPlanet 3 |
Lords of the Fallen | Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime |
Lumo | Mad Max | Mafia III | Magicka 2 |
Marvel’s Spider-Man | Mass Effect: Andromeda |
Metal Gear Solid V: Phantom Pain |
Middle-earth Shadow of Mordor Game of the Year Edition |
Mighty No. 9 | Minecraft | MLB The Show 19 |
Monster Energy Supercross – The Official | NBA2K20 |
Neverwinter | Ninja Senki DX |
Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom | Nioh | NOT A HERO |
Nova-111 | Odin Sphere Leifthrasir |
Okage: Shadow King | Omega Quintet |
Onrush | Outlast | Outlast 2 | Overcooked |
PAC-MAN Championship Edition 2 | Paragon |
Path of Exile | Pier Solar and the Great Architects |
Pirates: Treasure Hunters | Pneuma: Breath of Life |
Portal Knights | Psycho-Pass Mandatory Happiness |
Q*bert: Rebooted | Q.U.B.E Director’s Cut |
Qurare: Magic Library | Rainbow Moon | Ratchet & Clank |
Rayman Legends | Rebel Galaxy | Rec Room |
Resident Evil | RIGS Mechanized Combat | RiME |
Rise Of The Tomb Raider 20 Year Celebration |
Rocketbirds 2: Evolution | Rogue Aces | Rogue Galaxy |
Rogue Legacy | Saints Row: Gat out of Hell |
Saturday Morning RPG | Shadow Of The Colossus |
Skulls of the Shogun | Sky Force Anniversary |
Slender – The Arrival | Sniper Elite 3 Ultimate Edition |
Sniper Elite 4 | SOMA | Sonic Forces |
Sonic Mania | Space Overlords | Sparkle 2 |
Spelunker World | Star Ocean: Till The End Of Time |
Star Trek Online | StarBlood Arena | Starwhal |
Stories: The Path of Destinies |
Strike Vector EX | Submerged | Super Meat Boy |
Super Motherload | Surgeon Simulator |
Table Top Racing: World Tour | Tales of Zestiria |
Tearaway Unfolded | Terraria | That’s You! |
The Banner Saga | The Bridge | The Deadly Tower of Monsters |
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition |
The Flame in the Flood | The Last of Us Remastered |
The Sims 4 | The Surge | The Swindle |
The Tomorrow Children | The Vanishing of Ethan Carter |
The Witness | This War of Mine: The Little Ones |
Titan Souls | Titanfall 2 | TorqueL | Trackmania Turbo |
Transformers: Devastation | Transistor | Trials Fusion |
Tricky Towers | Tropico 5 | Type:Rider | Uncanny Valley |
Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End |
Uncharted: The Narhan Drake Collection | Until Dawn |
Until Dawn: Rush of Blood (PSVR) |
Valkyria Chronicles Remastered | VirZOOM Arcade |
Warframe | What Remains of Edith Finch | Whispering Willows |
Wild Arms 3 | Wipeout Omega Collection |
Worms Battlegrounds | XCOM 2 |
Yu-Gi-Oh! Legacy of the Duelist | Zen Pinball 2 |
Wii and Wii U Games:                                                                  
Breath of Fire | Breath of Fire 2 | Excitebike 64 |
Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water | Lost Reavers |
Lucadian Chronicles | Metroid | Metroid Fusion |
Nintendo Land | Super Mario 3D World |
Super Metroid | Swap Fire |
The Legend of Zelda |
Zelda II – The Adventure of Link |
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past |
The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time
The Legend Of Zelda: Majora’s Mask
The Legend of Zelda: The Windwaker |
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess |
The Legend Of Zelda: Skyward Sword
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild |
The Legend Of Zelda The Minish Cap |
Wii Sports Club |
Wii and Game Cube Games:
Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles | Luigi’s Mansion |
Super Mario Galaxy |
The Legend of Zelda: The Windwaker HD |
N64 Games:
Aidyn Chronicles: The First Mage |
Command & Conquer | Golden Eye 007 |
Mission Impossible | Quest 64 |
Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 2 | Top Gear Overdrive |
Top Gear Rally 2 | Wrestlemania 2000 |
Game Shark Pro
10 notes · View notes
drzxmlxnd · 3 years
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( tati gabrielle, 26 , female, she/her, witch, arch conduit -realm ) It’s been a while since we’ve seen ESMERAY BLACK. I hear they’re a WITCH and they reside on the NORTHSIDE. They’re known to frequent THE CATACOMBS OF THE UNDERWORLD (when they’re not busy being a LIBRARIAN AT THE LIBRARY OF THE DAMNED if applicable) and have made a place at 28 INDIGO LANE. Some may say they act ARTICULATE & ORGANIZED, while others claim they are MOODY & UNSTABLE . With that being said, they’ve found the State of Calamity.
tw: death. a lot of death. 
Esmeray Black was a pure ball of sunshine. She loved magic and everything about it, loved nature and inspired to be the first witch of the Black lineage to actually follow the path of light. She was happy as she grew up, watching her parents dote on her older sister, Neave to be the next Arch Conduit of Realms. There were times she would sit and watch her sister with a fascination before running off to do her own thing, determined to keep away from the dark magic that lingered in the halls of her house. Ray knew she could be better than that. 
She was eighteen when she moved out of that house and into a small apartment so she could free her wings and continue on this path she had set out for herself at a young age. It didn’t take long before she fell in love and eventually got pregnant. Scared and knowing she couldn’t go to her family, not wanting that child to be raised around what she had been, Esmeray gave birth and kept the secret to herself and the father. It was a boy who she named him Caspian and the moment he was placed in her arms she cried knowing that her world would forever revolve around the small crying baby in her arms. 
It was shortly after her son’s birth that her parents died in a car crash, causing Neave to step into the role that she was born to do. Watching from afar as her sister became the new Arch Conduit, she kept to herself, working at the library surrounding herself around books and teaching Caspian to read when she couldn’t get a sitter for the small child. She would sit and read books to him that she knew he wouldn’t understand but did so anyway. Picking out her favorite book, she hid in the corner of the library when no one else was there and read him books of fantasy; ones that tended to have themes of running away. 
When Caspin was not even five years old, Esmeray finally had enough money for them to move away from the city and start a new life somewhere knew. However, she never got her wish because before she could start packing the boy fell sick. Scared and alone, she rushed him to the hospital, unsure how to pay for it but knowing that she needed to save her son. The sickness was too far developed and there was no hope for Caspin. Taking him back to her small little apartment, she lied him down in his bed in hopes to keep him calm as she held his hand and watched the life leave him. Whatever light that was left in her was extinguished the moment her son died. 
It was sometime after her parents' death and Caspin’s that Esmeray discovered that she could contact the dead. Mediums weren’t unheard of and the witch had no real reason to use it just then. Finding ways to use her medium abilities for some extra coin, it was all she really did with it. It wasn’t until Caspin’s death that she dove into learning more, with a new aspiration in mind: she was going to become one of the six Necromancers so she could get her son back. Basically living at the library, she practiced her magic diving into the dark magic that was in her blood line finally and grabbing any book she could on necromancy. Lack of sleep and food wasn’t important as her search for knowledge and slowly her mind started to slip into something a bit more deranged than sane. 
It wasn’t until _____ that a fire broke out at her childhood home, thinking of nothing at first when she heard the news Esmeray was too busy with her books and contacting the dead alone in the library like always. Using a ouiji board - yes cliche but it worked - it didn’t hit her fully what had happened until her sister, Naeve answered her call. Breaking one of the few rules she had set for herself, she left the planchet on the board and ran out of the library and towards the house only to find it in ruins. Her family was gone. Her parents, her sister, her son…
and now she was to be Arch Conduit, the one thing she ran from her whole life. 
- gimme all the witch things. friends, enemies, tension. i need it all - i want her ex lover (Caspin’s father) at one point, i will put a WC in eventually  - people to use her to contact the dead? - maybe some friends? though lets be real she wont have many with how crazy allusive she has been lately -she has lived here here whole life gimme ANYTHING
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Review: Nevernight (The Nevernight Chronicle #1, Jay Kristoff)
Rating: ★★★★★/5
“‘Listen, girl,’ Aelius sniffed. ‘The books we love, they love us back. And just as we mark our places in the pages, those pages leave their marks on us. I can see it in you, sure as I see it in me. You’re a daughter of words. A girl with a story to tell.’” This was absolutely incredible. I am in awe of Jay's story-telling ability, his word-crafting, his imagination...literally every single thing about him basically. Mia Corvere watched her father swing at age ten. Watched her mother dragged to a hellhole of a prison, a fate worse than death, her baby brother at her side. She vowed then to become the best assassin she could, to avenge their deaths in any way possible - and that's how she finds herself, six years later, entering the Church of the Lady of Blessed Murder, set to train to become the deadliest Blade of all. However, the trials are only beginning for Mia and the other Acolytes, and in a world where murder is not only accepted, but encouraged, and taught, the path to Mia's revenge will be anything but smooth. This will probably just end up being one massive gush instead of a cohesive review, because I just can't believe how much I loved this. First of all, and always foremost in my mind, the characters. Mia is so wonderfully, darkly realistic. She has motivations that make sense, but she refuses to wallow, instead always choosing to grit her teeth and do everything with a ferocity that gives me chills. The cast of characters surrounding her is just so well-drawn and detailed too, from Tric to Ashlinn to Hush to the Shahiids to Naev, Adonai...literally everyone. They all have backstories. They all have a real roundness to them that makes them feel so utterly real. The world-building is absolutely fucking stellar too and deserves all of the attention alongside the characters inhabiting it. Jay has crafted this brutal, corrupt reality and, without overwhelming the reader at any point, fully drawn all of us into it. I feel like Godsgrave is real, and I feel like I would die living there because everyone has murder on the brain all the time. The Church is constantly likened to a murderous Hogwarts and really I can't think of any better description for it. We get these delicious scenes of life there, followed by these insane happenings that I could never predict, and it just feels so goddamn real. And Jay's writing style. Holy gods, his writing style. He always manages to be so INNOVATIVE. I knew going in that he wasn't afraid to play with format, but the footnotes still took me fully by surprise. Who writes fiction with footnotes?? The answer: Jay Kristoff, and he pulls it off brilliantly. Those footnotes give the story space to breathe, a moment for us as readers to collect ourselves in those quiet scenes and orient ourselves more fully in the world. I laughed out loud at numerous points from the details in these ("what noise do camels make when they run anyway") but they were also just so cool and refreshing and different. I just can't think of anything about this that I didn't like. Wonderful characters that tug on your heartstrings while also making you cackle with murderous glee, a world that is so dark and intricately crafted that it feels so real, some spiciness that comes out of left field and seriously leaves you wanting more, a dramatic tone that amps up so hard at the end that it leaves you breathless. No, this isn't YA, but my god, I'm so glad it isn't. I adored it. 
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vincentccart · 6 years
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The two weeks after commissions opening are always a madness! Reading too many good ideas, discussing and polishing the details, allocating the slots but also, at the same time, working on some sketches and painting the first piece... To be honest, it's a little overwhelming, but I love it too because it brings me inspiration, motivation and fun, hope you can feel that with this first commission!
Here's Dana Barrett, the character Sigourney Weaver played in Ghostbusters, turned into Zuul the Gatekeeper, in her iconic bright dress. I can't tell how much I love Ghostbusters, it's one of my favorite films ever. Oh, Zuulie ♥
-Commission Status update, Round 5:
15V-18. The Gatekeeper. Finished
17V-18. Ciera Oral POV. Sketched. Confirmed. Current in progress.
16V-18. Galatea. Sketched. Confirmed
18V-18. Naeve, Burger, Fries and Cum. Reserved.
19V-19. Sabrith & Tayelle. Reserved.
20V-18. Serenity, Cum hot-spring. Reserved.
21V-18. Jedun & Psylocke. Reserved.
(“Confirmed” means paid slot. “Reserved” means taken but not paid yet.)
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tastebyj · 3 years
9/8. 9/9, 9/10 2021
I’m writing earlier today and tried to catch up on those I missed in these few days. I told Chris I’d write my journal first before calling him because I noticed that no matter how early we start to talk seems like we ended up talking till 3 a.m. lol
Chris said he was busy babysitting that day. When I was a Pre-school student, the teacher asked us what’s our dream job in the future. I remember I wrote: be a Mom and a teacher lol I think I was too little to know there were more options for a job.
I need to admit that I am not sure if I can be a good mother in the future. I think I am a person who needs alone time but also understands being a parent means that you lose some sort of freedom. The other thing is about finance. I realized that it’s not easy to raise a child and how much money and effort you need to spend. Their lifetime value is the other thing I might worry about. I wish my kids could know how to live in brutal and harsh environments, but at the same time, I want to have a comfortable place since I work so hard and feel like I deserve it.
I never had such deep thoughts about having kids in my life, but I am glad that Chris brought it out and told me it’s better to think ahead before you have kids. I believe in the same way he is more mature than me. I am so happy to see him love kids and want to have a conversation about that, and surprisingly I didn’t feel odd or uncomfortable talking this to him. I believe if we can keeping communication, even we may not make the ultimate best decision, but we can still make the best decisions in our circumstances for them.
Chris mentioned the letters make up for that aspect of our communication, which I agreed and am happy that we are willing to spend time with each other no matter how busy we are. I know sometimes I hang up his call if I were in a meeting. Glad that he didn’t feel upset and knowing that I am just busy.
About perfection I briefly that day, I said perfect is not good because perfect is boring. I was thinking when we were told about “perfect”, most likely is defined by a small group of society or social media. When we chase on that kind of Perfect, meantime we forget what really makes us happy and what kinds of person and life we want, then you will attract people that love the way “perfect you” are instead of the ture you are.
The other thing is no one likes the perfect person in real life, someone can feel pain, happiness, and other emotions means you understand other people’s feelings better.
Hmm...Back to the definition of perfect, I will say for me you are just what I need now, so you are perfect to me.
Chris said that he was thinking if he died tomorrow he wouldn’t have any regrets for the most part. I would say I am the same, if there’s anything I’d like to change, that would be I don’t want to die at my fat moment. My weight was slowly creeping up. My arms were slowly getting meatier, my face a bit rounder, and my waist definitely bigger. I’d like to die after lost at least 5 kg. hahaha and my goal is to lose 10 pounds by next month. I’ll keep track of this and let you know if I succeed or not.
Lots of vendors gave me some gifts for Mid-Autumn Festival, I bring it back and my mom is very excited! I felt like in some way she is still pretty naeve, she said she really enjoy the feeling open the gift boxes. I think most people are the same. I don’t think I am crazy about gifts becuase I always know the cost and where I can find them. so writing or a letter is really the best gift to me.
I had an allergy this morning and took medicine. luckily it didn’t turn out too bad. Having a meeting with our biggest potential investor and things turns out pretty good! I think we will have a new restaurant together by next Jan.
Richie shared the coolest restaurant that he thinks right now is a restaurant called Alchemist. I’d love to check it out one day.
Richie also said he will pass the contact of his badminton coach to me today but I think he is just too busy so he didn’t do it haha
I really like my boyfriend show me the loofah he had in his yard. That’s very cute! looking forward to seeing him cook it! I also like the interactive Chris had with his grandpa. Both my grandpas and grandmas passed away before I went to the USA. And it did change our family sees things differently. I am happy to see Chis spending time with his family.
Three words of today:
tiring, content, satisfy
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123designsrq · 4 years
Growing up in a massive prolonged family, gatherings were not unusual and they might all middle across the kitchen. Kitchens have always held a special area in my memories, so designing the equal needs unique attention! The designs we bring to you nowadays are kitchens equipped to address some thing that comes their way! Minimal, modern, colorful, and elegant, we are sure these kitchen designs that become your interior design inspiration will healthy your vibe and inspire you to create your happy space! An open-plan kitchen is tough to merge with the relaxation of the residence whilst making it stand apart. This kitchen is a part of a house built by means of a high faculty sweetheart couple who have detailed their journey of designing their dream house on IG underneath the page @ahousewebuilt. The underlying theme for the duration of the interior is a aggregate of earthy tones with black highlights to create a focus. AERIN, Michael Aram, Ralph Lauren and Calvin Klein are the biggest interior brands in the world. They even give the interior design inspiration too. interior design inspiration
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open-plan kitchen
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A mix of teal and black accessory furniture with light wooden cabinets offers this kitchen an intriguing blend of retro yet contemporary feels. Designed by Madeleine, this kitchen is best for those who need the first-class of each worlds! This present day kitchen design through Edvinas Skiestenis is best for our present day homes! Matte black countertops, shelves, and shelves control to add a graceful city feel. Mysha of @remingtonavenue is an expert at the usage of a mixture of wood, metal, and also DIY-ing designs to create a harmonious layout! Each a part of her kitchen uses a combination of white and gold without making it brazenly female with using gold burnished steel lamps that balance the area. cutting-edge chrome-end Dark but fresh, that is precisely how I might describe this contrast crammed kitchen layout through Margaret Naeve Parker. The dark kitchen cabinets make the cutting-edge chrome-end appliances stand out, giving this kitchen a current look. I wouldn’t mind whipping up some breakfast in this beach-dealing with kitchen by means of Gicinque Cucine! Minimal cork stools and a timber kitchen counter are accompanied by using breathtaking views of the ocean. “We desired it to be open but connected,” the owner says. “We wanted residing to be downstairs and sound asleep to be upstairs.” Designer Eric Olsen designed a top notch room within the center connects to the kitchen, and a visitor suite wraps across the left side. And we can’t help however love the striking lamps that create a focus as well as a differentiation between the 2 spaces. Lori Clarke Design Man-cave meet kitchen! Leather, colors of copper, and heat accents replenish this kitchen design. That become the interior design inspiration through Lori Clarke Design. But the focus of this entire setup is the copper hood. That dominates the area while giving the modern kitchen a hint of the antique. Do you dare to blue? This kitchen is virtually inspiring us to move bluer! Designed by way of Evan Ljunghag, Joshua Coffie of Vigeo Construction. The use of blue tiles within the backsplash to create a assessment that makes your kitchen stand aside with ease. Sometimes we need to simply permit nature do the talking, or on this case. The beautiful wood countertop with its herbal curves should do the talking. PureHaven Homes designed this kitchen with a big timber platform. That acts as a separator in addition to a bar set up on this kitchen that feels best for any bachelor pad! Need the ideal appliances in your newly stimulated kitchen? Check out our collection of modern appliances that will help you unleash your inner chef! Read the full article
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harloweves · 4 years
Basic Information
Full Name: Harlow Naeve
Nickname(s): None
Age: 26
Date of Birth: April 11th, 1993
Hometown: Thorn Haven, Maine
Current Location: Thorn Haven, Maine
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Orientation: Bisexual
Occupation: Unemployed - Slave ; Previously herbalist.
Living Arrangements: Cells of Thorn Haven
Language(s) Spoken: English
Physical Appearance
Face Claim: Eiza Gonzalez
Hair Colour: Dark brown
Eye Colour: Hazel
Height: 5′4′’
Weight: 150 lbs
Build: Tone, lean muscular
Tattoos: One on her ribcage on the left side, a small bird.
Piercings: Ears
Clothing Style: Harlow typically favors jeans and crop tops during warmer weather and jeans and knit sweaters during colder weather. She’s most comfortable in a pair of sweat pants when she’s having a lazy day. Before being taken as a slave, she’d enjoy nights out and getting all dolled up in beautiful dresses.
Usual Expression: Resting. Bitch. Face.
Distinguishing Characteristics: Harlow’s hands are scarred from previous work and injuries out in the wild. She’s got a birthmark on her right hip, a misshapen oval the size of a quarter. Her left pinky is extended farther out than normal from breaking it one too many times.
Allergies: Nuts, Blueberries
Sleeping Habits: If she had her choice, she’d nap as often as possible. Harlow’s like a cat, she could happily sleep for twenty-two hours a day and then spend the rest being absolutely wild. She’s also someone who falls asleep relatively quickly.
Eating Habits: Harlow forgets to eat often whenever she’s working. She gets into the groove and loses her sense of time. Before she knows it, dinner has come around. Before being a slave, she was often reminded by her aid. When she does eat, she often picks the healthier options but can never say no to a bag of chips.
Exercise Habits: Running! Harlow loves to run. She’d always go out for morning jogs on the trails for at least two hours. More often than not, she goes shifted in her other form.
Emotional Stability: Harlow’s pretty stable, but she has a lot of insecurities and trust issues. For her, the world is gray but people keep wanting her to see it as black and white. She’s quick to anger and will sass you to oblivion if you give her the opportunity.
Sociability: When in a good mood and around people she likes, Harlow very sociable. She loves to spend time with people and have fun, a partier at one point in her life. At the same time though, she does need to retreat and have quiet time to herself.
Drug Use: None.
Alcohol Use: She enjoys wine whenever she gets the opportunity. But really, she enjoys moonshine. Which she may or may not have been making on her own.
Label: The Enduring
Positive Traits: Adventurous, resourceful, straight-forward, passionate
Negative Traits: Quick-tempered, sassy, sarcastic, blunt
Fears: Being alone, being confined
Hobbies: Herbalism, running, wine tasting, knitting (a secret)
Habits: Picking at her nails which she’s been trying to quit doing for eight years now, getting into arguments
Weather: Spring, particularly gentle warm days.
Colour: Green
Music: Harlow loves shitty pop music as much as she doesn’t want to admit it.
Movies: Action movies all the way. The more badass, the better.
Sport: R u n n i n g.
Beverage: Grapefruit juice.
Food: Pasta salad.
Animal: Ferrets.
Father: Harlow’s father raised her by himself, the two of them in their home out in the forest away from the main city. He kept to himself out of bad experiences in the city and getting himself into too much trouble in his younger years. Eventually he left Thorn Haven, needing something new in his life but Harlow couldn’t find it in herself to leave her childhood home.
Mother: Her mother left when Harlow was three years old. She’d never really been fit to be a mother, never really wanted everything that came with it. When Harlow was born, she’d made a promise to try and she’d given it her best effort. Leaving was a decision discussed and agreed upon.
Sibling(s): None, she’s an only child.
Children: None, but she wouldn’t mind some one day.
Pet(s): None, she had a ferret who was her little helper before she was taken.
Family’s Financial Status: Harlow grew up not wanting for anything but also aware that they couldn’t afford lavish things. She liked the simple life, but she certainly enjoys the expensive lifestyle whenever the opportunity presents itself.
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levi-kornelsen · 7 years
Little Nut
(A restructured Fairy Tale) Once there were two daughters of a wealthy family. Both were as pale as birchwood, and as beautiful and as prideful of their beauty as songbirds. Each of them strove to become yet more beautiful than the other, through all the arts they could put their hands to, and through all the deeds they thought might give them greater appeal.
The eldest thought that showing off wisdom and kindness would surely make her more loved, and so she cultivated her knowledge in the sacred grove near to the family lands, and was generous and fair to those seeking work in the enterprises of the family. And she became wise and kind, forgetting that it was only a pretence at the start, though she cared for her own beauty no less for all that. When the time came to choose a name, she named herself Naeve.
The younger thought that the air of the forbidden and the cloak of mystery would surely make her more enticing, and so she dared to go into deep crypts and cursed places, breaking seals without cause and learning what terrible things she might learn there. Hidden and isolated, she became arrogant and spiteful; when her naming day came, she called herself Valda.
Naeve sought to marry, and after a year of attendance at every dance and gather, had her choice of a thousand proposals. From these she chose the king of a neighbouring tribe. The people of that tribe celebrated, for she was known for her justice among her own - and because ever since she had made plain her desire to be courted, there had been hot competition among suitors, for she was known for her beauty.
Valda, who dwelled at that time in the bosom of a shattered ruin with the cursed spirit of that place, heard of this wedding, and was not pleased. Her ally the spirit, pleased by her spite, shared with her some power and bid her do with it as she would.
So it was that Valda attended Naeve on the wedding night, as the new husband and wife slept. From the shadows, Valda came to their bedside, and whispered a curse in the ear of her sister. You shall have a child right quick, she said, but only one in all your life. She shall share none of your beauty, and after she comes you will wither and die, and I shall become the beauty that all speak of. And with that, the younger sister left the elder, going back into the shadows from which she had come.
Naeve, who had wakened to the whisper and knew it for the curse it was, went in that same night to the sacred grove where she had studied so long. In terror and desperation, she begged of the wise and of the grove itself that they give her aid and break this curse. The wise had no help to offer, and when they consulted the spirit of the grove, it told them that the curse could not be broken.
But, the grove-spirit told them, it could bless the child with strengths all the same, to last through the time to come.
Could it, Naeve asked of the spirit, grant the child at least a little beauty as well?
At this, the grove was much amused, and answered back that it could grant that in plenty, but that the beauty of the child would share nothing in common with the beauty of her mother, just as the curse had said.
Let her have yours then, Naeve said; if my skin is pale as birch, let hers be as dark as walnut. If my eyes are the crystal pools that men praise, let her have eyes as green as your leaves. If I curve as the willow does in a hundred foolish poems, let her have the strength of oaks instead. If I am a trophy to be won, let her be a champion to win trophies of her own.
Hearing this, the spirit of the grove was no longer amused, but solemn, and said, it shall be so. And though Naeve did not know it, she had given her child another parent, for the grove gave much of itself to the child.
So it was; the girl was born nine months later, and all were amazed. Not least of those amazed was her father, who wondered if his wife had had another lover just before their time together. But this Naeve could not tell him, for she had kept all this a secret and had withered and died in childbed. And the wise would not tell him, for Naeve had sworn them to silence on these matters, so that she might at least have a few months of happiness.
The king called the girl Little Nut, that being good enough until she should be grown enough to choose her own name. He never ceased to wonder if she had another father in the world, but he resolved to raise her regardless, and loved her as a father should.
The secret that Naeve had kept, though, bore bitter fruit some years later. For none knew to fear when Valda made her return, all in pretence of travel in far places. Valda charmed the people with her mystery, and one of those she charmed was the widower king.
When Valda married the king and became queen, she played gently on the king's uncertainty. She cannot be your daughter, said Queen Valda; love her, of course, but remember that you are her caretaker, not her natural father. Perhaps a little distance would be wise? And if Naeve had made a mistake in keeping a secret, then Valda had made one too, in not seeking to discover what her elder had done about the curse. For it was through those whispers of making a little distance that Little Nut was sent to be educated, as her mother had been educated, in the sacred grove.
Even as they raised Little Nut and educated her, the wise did not break their vow of secrecy. But they did teach Little Nut all the ways to consult the spirit of the grove, which had made no such promise. The grove warned Little Nut to be wary of the new queen, and told her that when she had bested seven warriors in one day, it would tell her the whole of the story of her birth and the all the secrets it held. In this way, it hoped, it would set her on the course her mother had wanted.
To know the secrets of your own life is a powerful bolster to action. When she was thirteen, Little Nut bested five warriors in one day - not yet seven, but growing close. And the common folk began to say to one another, she will be a champion.
Queen Valda heard of this feat, and knew fear, for it meant that one day a mighty warrior might grow, and learn cause to hate her. So she sent a gift to Little Nut, as if from the king, of smoked meat and dried apples and hard cheese; the rations many champions carry when they travel. Little Nut thought this very fine, and ate of it - but it was terribly poisoned, and Little Nut fell sick of it. Had she not been born to the strength of the grove itself, she surely would have died.
For three years, Little Nut lay sick, breathing but otherwise not stirring, and the wise built a bier and lifted her onto it, and the grove itself mourned. In that same time, her aunt Queen Valda was busy, busy; the king died of being thrown by a horse that had never spooked before, and his guards were replaced, one by one, with grim soldiers in great masks.
And then one day, Queen Valda received word that the spirit of the grove was wakeful, and that it had taken on form as a hunter. Further, that in that form, it had found some other ally, and borrowed magic to cleanse the poison from Little Nut, and was returning home even then to wake her.
Queen Valda then saw the truth, that it must be the spirit of the grove that was responsible for the aspect and power of Little Nut. And if it were responsible, and if it cared enough to seek a remedy, then it might have further plans. So Queen Valda sent her elite guards to the grove, to finish what she had started with her poisoned gift. These elites went with speed, and cut down those of the wise who stood outside the grove. But they were not swift enough, for as they arrived, they saw the grove-spirit, in its form as a hunter, breathing life and power back into Little Nut.
It was then that Little Nut bested seven warriors in one day. It was then that she learned the secrets of her life. And it was then that she chose her name, and became Yrail. But when Yrail gathered the people and raised them to take the hall of the queen, they found it empty. The queen was not there to face them, or stand for justice; she had fled before their coming.
Yrail went then, into the wood, to hunt the queen her aunt, and bring her to account.
She had many adventures, and some of them I may tell you in time. She has brought justice to many of the cruel, and cast down many who were high, but never have I heard that she found out Valda from that day to this one.
But all this was not so long ago; for all that I know, she pursues her aunt even now.
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bookiemonsterph · 3 years
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Mia Corvere is only ten years old when she is given her first lesson in death. Destined to destroy empires, the child raised in shadows made a promise on the day she lost everything: to avenge herself on those that shattered her world. But the chance to strike against such powerful enemies will be fleeting, and Mia must become a weapon without equal. Before she seeks vengeance, she must seek training among the infamous assassins of the Red Church of Itreya. Inside the Church's halls, Mia must prove herself against the deadliest of opponents and survive the tutelage of murderers, liars and daemons at the heart of a murder cult. The Church is no ordinary school. But Mia is no ordinary student. The Red Church is no ordinary school, but Mia is no ordinary student. The shadows love her. And they drink her fear.
Title: Nevernight Series: The Nevernight Chronicles Author: Jay Kristoff ISBN: 0008179980 (ISBN13: 9780008179984) Pages:  463  pages (Paperback) Published:  June 19th 2017 by Harper Collins (first published August 9th 2016) Characters: Tric, Mia Corvere, Lord Cassius, Mister Kindly, Ashlin, Mercurio, Jessamine, Mother Drusilla, Shahiid Mouser, Shahiid Solis, Shahiid Aalea, Naev, Carlotta Valdi, Diamo, Weaver Marielle, Justicus Remus, Osrik, Speaker Adonai, Julius Scaeva, Francesco Duomo Genre: Young Adult, High Fantasy, Romance, Paranormal, Magic
I have a strict rule about reading: I have to read 100 pages of a book before I decide whether or not I’m going to finish it. Usually at that point I’ll finish it regardless because once I’ve sunk 100 pages into a book, I’d rather finish it and be able to claim I’ve read it (I’ve actually only DNF’d one book that I can remember). Maybe it’s not the best rule, but it’s how I operate. But let me tell you: Nevernight needed those one hundred freebie pages. If I’ve read another book that starts as badly, it’s been long enough that I don’t remember it. The opening chapter has some interesting things going on, stylistically, but after that… yikes. Mia and Tric, another important character, make their way across a dangerous desert to the Red Church, chased by monsters. You’d think running from monsters towards a murder church might be at least kind of interesting, but you would be wrong. It’s mind-numbingly boring. At that point in the novel, neither Mia nor Tric had done anything to get me to care about them as characters, and their repartee is not nearly as witty and charming as it’s evidently meant to be. The monster fights go on way too long and the narration doesn’t help it at all. More on the narration in a bit.
As I was reading this interminably long, interminably bad section, I complained to my friend that it was like Jay Kristoff’s editors had completely left him out to dry. Someone, I said, should have told this poor guy how many readers he was going to lose in this section. Then I figured it out. This is infodropping, I realized. We have to know about these monsters and this desert for the climax. I was right. Those stupid monsters do come back, and for the record, they’re not much better. I realize that they’re necessary for the plot, but I still think the editors needed to take Kristoff aside and say, this does not work. Rewrite it.
Back to the narration. It’s unique, for sure, and—I’m sure—base-breaking. Between Nevernight and Illuminae, it’s clear that Kristoff is a narratively skilled and innovative writer. Nevernight has a very strong narrative voice. An unnamed character who loves Mia tells the story directly to the readers, and tells it reverently, evoking religious phrases and imagery at every turn. There is also a liberal use of footnotes, which provide historical and cultural context for the fictional society. The footnotes pulled me out of the story. I couldn’t get into a rhythm because every time I did, I’d have to jump out and read multiple paragraphs about something that only peripherally affected Mia’s story. A few of them did provide important information, but enough of them were merely padding that my brain glazed over them a little as I was reading. As I’ve said, it took me a long time to care about Mia, and this was compounded by all the tangents. It’s not that I dislike tangents. Sometimes they can work really well. But when they interrupt a story that’s already limping along with something that brings it to a standstill, they’re not doing any favors. When I hit the middle of the book, they were more forgivable.
The book totally transforms when Mia and Tric reach the Red Church. Before they got there, I was desperate to get Nevernight over with. Once they arrive, so too did my interest. The challenges and trials posed to the acolytes gave the novel a structure it had been sorely lacking, and the new characters—particularly Ashlinn and to a lesser degree Hush, Jessamine, and Carlotta—changed up the dynamics for the better. Mia really only took form as a full character with the other acolytes. While lots of readers seem to really like Tric, I’m pretty neutral about him. He had a pretty blatant love interest vibe from the start. There were a few moments when it seemed like Mia wasn’t interested in him, and I was excited, but then they hooked up and my original impression was solidified. I’m not inherently against characters who are there primarily to be love interests. I can get very invested in well-told romantic storylines. But I never got Tric and Mia, and their lust-filled relationship didn’t interest me, especially considering how risky it was and how little either of them actually got out of it.
And there were a few minor things in Nevernight that bothered me. There’s a single line about Mister Kindly, Mia’s supernatural shadow sidekick, being angry when Mia sleeps peacefully enough that there’s no fear for him to feed on that fascinated me, but it never goes anywhere. The names for the assassination classes are hokey; a few of them kind of make sense, but calling poisons class “Truths” is kinda dumb. This is probably petty, but… when Mia had her appearance drastically and magically changed and is given much larger breasts, I couldn’t help thinking, this was definitely written by a dude. Sorry, but I can’t imagine a female writer giving her character a magical boob job, and especially not for assassin training. I mean, really? This poor girl went from being basically flat-chested to being apparently huge and never had any back pain? Sure.
The novel as a whole relentlessly juxtaposes the sacred and the vulgar. Mia wishes to become a disciple in a church devoted to shadow and darkness, where murder is sacred and the most relentless killers are lauded. The very first chapter of the novel intertwines scenes of Mia’s first real murder with her first sexual encounter, repeating phrases and changing only a word or two in order to align the two experiences as closely as possible. Repeatedly, violence and lust are woven together, and combined with the idea of murder-as-religion, the three ideas—sex, violence, and worship—become a kind of holy/unholy trinity. It’s fascinating, and when Kristoff keeps the uncomfortable balance, it works brilliantly. Unfortunately, the balance tips at the end. Most of Nevernight acknowledges, at least partially, that taking lives is generally considered immoral and that, therefore, a church dedicated to “Our Lady of Blessed Murder” is probably at least a little shady (pun mostly intended). The end doesn’t, though. I’ll put a spoilery paragraph at the very end of this if you want to read why the ending disappointed me.
The middle of Nevernight is very good. It has an interesting hierarchy filled with morally ambiguous power structures and characters. The beginning, though, is a chore, and the ending pulls off a dramatic twist… at the expense of the only character I actually, truly liked. The narrative voice is initially intriguing, but  it got old quickly and then I got numb to it and now can’t decide if I overall liked it or not. The same goes for the book itself. I enjoyed myself for probably around 65% of it, but was actively annoyed for a lot of the rest. I’m the rare reader who will come out of Nevernight lukewarm; I think the majority will run either very hot or very cold, because nearly everything about it is polarizing: the narration, the characters, the twist, the amount of sex and gore, the depiction of religion. I can see how every bit of it could be either adored or detested, and I’m surprised that I ended up stuck on the fence.
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