#I am so endeared to the frogs
blairelythere · 9 months
Cutual Fridge: The Final Update
So, here we are. 150 cute mutuals hanging out on my fridge. Some new, some old. A rainbow mosaic of gay pride, memes, and debauchery.
To think it all started with this singular dork in the heat of a shitposting fight:
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Then, there were two cuties.
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And from there, the little trend caught on.
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After this update here, I started to realize just how much I loved having my mutual's pfps on my fridge. All day I couldn't stop smiling at how silly and genuinely cute the whole thing was. Some of my favorite blogs were watching me make shitty sandwiches and drink too much coffee!
And it just kept growing.
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And the requests got funnier, and stranger, and more endearing.
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And here we are now, in its complete artistic glory.
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Sometimes, it's hard to bridge the disconnect between online life and real life. Seeing how many mutuals and new friends were willing to make that little leap and be part of my everyday routine means a lot to me, even if its something as simple as becoming a sticker on my fridge. This fun little experiment pulled me out of a bad rut I've been in for a few weeks. So, thank you, everyone. Thank you for making this hellsite such a lovely place for me.
I love you, little gays in my phone (and now on my fridge) 💛💛💛
@hooid @drowsy-siren @butch-manticore
@clarificationsw @sovereign-skyy @smorzinc @cynthjam @pestisly @alicethebard @tadbitsickchickwithadick
@maythecatgirl @dyke-pollinator @jennytheghostie @turnip0revoluti0n @chaos--themralds @terraowo @original-username42 @kira-serialfaggot @shaddy-bee @glitch-frog @k1nky-r0b0t-g1rl @willowo-luna @freyjabreadwitch @echo-dislocation @spectral-ash @wizardcunt @aetheryi @captainkranos @puppymiqwerty @smallkloon @skrullkii @thatmfpenguin @internet-toon @androgynousfox @errorlyn @possiblyjuno @girlboss-war-criminal @kinderedgeisc00t @ill-posed-problem @flumperdumper @good-girl-gock @therealhoodiewearer @vissadev @epicrainbows @ne0ndawn @blandandtasteless @kivanos @i-am-fucking-desperate @justsomespiders
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sea-lanterns · 3 months
oh i am happy to provide thoughts with courtesan Keqing and her child with the empress <3
picture me this: Keqing trying to read one of those nursery books that teach kids animal sounds, but the baby just keeps repeating the cat's meow even though they've moved on to other animals for a while now lol. Keqing just sighs and meows back at the baby and they start laughing and avsusbdush yk???
the empress walks in by this point and she's so confused bc why are her courtesan and child meowing at each other?? is the hairstyle affecting them????
-🐅 (fitting that my emoji's a feline lmao)
I can imagine the baby sitting on Keqing’s lap while she flips through a book in her hand, trying to make all sorts of funny animal noises that sound so out of character for the Yuheng. It’s super endearing though, as Keqing would be barking like a dog, snorting like a pig, making ribbit noises like a frog, etc. all while the Empress stares at the two with a loving look in her eyes.
Unfortunately for Keqing however, the baby seems quite stuck on cat noises. Keqing would be neighing like a horse and all the baby says is “meow!” And meow is all they ever say so Keqing just gives up at some point and begins meowing with her baby 😭😭
It’s so…funny to all the servants just walking by. Just the Yuheng and her baby (and the Empress because she joined in) meowing in the nursery and pretending to be cats <3
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mcdonaldsnumberone · 7 months
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with a certain biscuit-themed day settling upon him, kaiser wants to use it as an excuse to win a kiss from you. will pocky day end with your very own happy ending, or does kaiser need to prove himself further?
gender neutral reader
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Kaiser found life in Japan fascinating. This was one of the many perks of being a globally recognized soccer star like him: he got to travel the world and take in the different cultures it had to offer all while doing the very thing that got him onto this stage in the first place.
And boy, was he enjoying the time in Blue Lock. On the rare occasion that he got to go outside of the facility and spend some free time doing whatever he pleased, Kaiser made sure he got the full quintessential tourist experience. He ate a great deal of Japanese cuisine, tried out some hobbyist things, even somehow wound up in a maid cafe with the Bastard Munchen team, and reminisced on the everyday lives of the locals.
But one thing he found himself especially entranced by was all the different things he could exploit in order to get closer to you. If there was one thing Kaiser was, it was persistent in making sure he got what he wanted, and if that meant using every little weapon in his arsenal, then he was sure to play all of his cards out onto the figurative table.
You could only imagine his delight when he learned that a very special day in November was quickly approaching and soon to be upon him.
“Darling!” An all-too-familiar sickly sweet voice rang out against your eardrums, and a sharp wave of thorny annoyance shot down your spine. You had half a mind to bolt for the nearest exit, but the next few words stopped you dead in your tracks. “Don’t run away from me! I have something fun for us!”
Fun? That definitely couldn’t mean anything good. 
You mentally steeled yourself for another very irritating interaction with the smitten striker, equal parts exasperated by his over-the-top courtship and flattered that someone like him would try so hard to endear himself to you. Was his interest in you one of genuine romantic intent? Or did he want you as a plaything to toy with and then cast aside when he was done?
You had discern carefully whether or not Kaiser was a frog in the well or a true fairytale prince.
“What is it now, Kaiser?” You grumble unimpressed. His eager footsteps halted right next to you, and the blond took a quick second to catch his breath before shoving a box into your face.
“Ta-daaa!!” He announced, shaking it in front of you. “I learned about something interesting the other day, and I just had to do it with you. Surely you wouldn’t mind! Noa was always so insistent that I learn about Japanese culture while in Blue Lock, and boy, am I glad that I did my research!”
You practically swatted his hand his hand away, and you squinted your eyes to take a better look at the small box in front of you. The bright colors, vibrantly decorated biscuits on the box, the large decorative letters spelling out the words ‘POCKY’ in white old-fashioned text…
The realization hit you like a truck.
“Let’s play the pocky game together, darling,” Kaiser cooed, and he batted his eyelashes at you charmingly. “Isn’t that what you guys do for Pocky Day? The nice clerk at the convenience store told me all about it, and for the full immersion effect, I just have to try it with you!”
You’re less than impressed. You can see right through Kaiser’s little game as if it were made of glass. He wants a kiss from you, and playing the pocky game is the perfect opportunity to do so. 
You straighten your lips, making sure to give the boy the most stone-faced expression you could muster up. “What makes you think that I’d want to play the game with you? Ask someone else in the program. It’s not like I’m the only person around.”
Kaiser made a downtrodden face. “It’s not the same! The point of the game is to play it with someone you want to kiss! Do you really think I’d want to get a kiss from someone like Yoichi? Eugh, just thinking about it makes me want to brush my teeth-”
You bit back the temptation to tell him that the thought of kissing him makes you want to vomit too. It would be easy to turn him down and leave him standing in the dust, but you know all too well how persistent Kaiser could be. Knowing him, he’d probably tail after you like a magnet 24/7, begging and begging you with the biggest puppy eyes he can conjure up for you to just give in and kiss him let him have the proper cultural immersion he deserves! 
Or worse, he complains to Noa, who then tells Ego, and you end up in trouble for not catering to every whim the players might have.
“...Fine. Just once though. And if you mess up and break the pocky, I’m not letting you try again,” you resolved. In all honesty, it could be a lot worse. Despite Kaiser’s shithole of a personality, it wasn’t like he was outwardly mean to you nor would worming your way to his massive paycheck hurt your prospects in any way.
Kaiser lit up as if it were his birthday, and he grabbed your wrist. “To my room then! Oh, I promise I won’t let you down!”
You barely had time to regain your bearings before Kaiser basically throws you on top of his bed. His eyes sparkled with so much life that you would have thought that he had won the World Cup instead of playing the pocky game. You pushed yourself to the edge of his bed, swinging your feet over the mattress and sitting down placidly as the blond ripped the box open and procured a single piece of pocky.
“Ah, I’m so nervous…,” Kaiser admitted as he sat himself down right next to you. “I always daydreamed about what it would be like to kiss you, and to think that the answer would be right here all along! You have no clue the effect you have on me.”
“Uh- In technicality, you haven’t earned the kiss yet-,” you corrected him. 
“Whatever. We both know how this is going to end.” The blond expertly placed the biscuit end of the pocky in his mouth, carefully balancing it in between his pretty lips. He glanced up at you expectantly, and you let out a deep breath before moving your head so that your teeth caught on the chocolate end of the pocky.
‘Here goes nothing,’ you resigned internally.
Making sure not to break the delicate stick, you inched your mouth forward. Your teeth broke cleanly into a bit more of the pocky, and the sugary-sweet taste of pocky coated the inside of your cheeks. You’d forgotten how good little treats like this were; in between your responsibilities and being chased around by Kaiser, it wasn’t like you had much down time for yourself.
The German, on the other hand, was fully engrossed in the task at hand. You had fully expected him to get impatient and break the pocky prematurely, but just like how you were inching bit-by-bit forward on the pocky, he was making good progress as well. His handsome face was scrunched up slightly in concentration, focusing everything he had on the game so that he wouldn’t squander his precious chance to kiss his crush.
You had to give credit where credit was due. Kaiser was, in fact, a hard worker and a skilled athlete. When he put his mind on something, he was going to get it. As much of a pain in the butt as it was for you, you did have to respect that tough tenacity. 
Your lips closed around the next little bit of the biscuit. It tasted really good, enough to almost distract you from your situation. Kaiser’s face was so close to yours, and for the first time, you couldn’t help but notice all of the finer details on his face. He was always so horrendously vain, taking great pride in his hand-drawn red eyeliner, his two-toned hair, even his signature blue rose tattoo. But apart from all of his vanity, he was straight up a handsome man.
The tension between the two of you was at an all-time high, with both of you concentrating fully on the task at hand. You swore that he was stealing your breath away with every bite he took, and your heart fluttered. He was too good—was he actually going to win a kiss from you? It wasn’t like you had any complaints about giving him one silly kiss, but when he was this close, enough to make your cheeks heat up and your breath shake, it felt like your own mind was betraying you.
Another crunch only furthered the flustered thoughts in your brain. He was just a bite or two away, and when he glanced his azure eyes towards you, your head nearly went blank. He was a piece of shit, sure, but he was still pretty, and the intrusive thoughts practically yelling at you to simply take another bite and give in were almost deafening.
Kaiser took another bite, and that closed the distance between the two of you. You only had enough time to gasp and flicker your eyes up to his face, and before you knew it, the feeling of his plush lips on yours and his hands cupping your face was all you could register.
He kissed you.
A surprised, strangled cry bubbled up from the back of your throat before it died out. His cool fingers held your face in place, and you couldn’t help but melt into the touch a little. How could it be that his touches were so sweet when he was so prickly? The sugary taste of chocolate and biscuits lingered on the tip of your tongue, and when Kaiser sighed happily against your lips, all you wanted was for him to keep kissing you. 
His thumbs brushed across the apples of your cheeks. Mouths moving together, your heart hammered inside your chest. You knew that this wasn’t the first time that Kaiser somehow managed to stubbornly wiggle his way into your heart, and if the soft way he was kissing you was telling anything, it was that this wouldn’t be the last time either. He was kissing you like lovers would, so could you fault yourself for swooning and falling for him a little?
He pulled away before you could lean anymore forward, leaving you dazed and staring breathlessly into his eyes. The corners of his lips curled upwards into a snooty smirk. “...Looks like I did manage to win a kiss from you, darling. What do you think?”
“You’re insufferable, Kaiser,” you manage to eke out, wanting to turn away to hide your embarrassed face. Damn him and his charismatic ways! You wished he would disintegrate into nothingness right then and there. That would definitely solve so many of your problems.
He laughed heartily at your mousy comment. “What’s wrong? Cat got your tongue?”
Heat flooded your face, but you couldn’t bring yourself to answer him. It was way too easy for him to play games with your heart, and it didn’t help knowing that he was so sincere about winning you over too. You were determined to make him prove that he was worth your time, but with every little interaction like this, you had to admit that your determination was crumbling bit by bit.
You cursed both your internal weakness and him for being the smooth talker he was. He was simply waiting for the right moment to pounce, to make you his and put an end to this back-and-forth, to make you his beloved partner, someone for him to dote on endlessly and to be doted on in return. 
“Well, if you aren’t sure…,,” Kaiser grinned at you like a smug cat, his deft fingers diving into the box to bring out another piece of unbroken pocky, “...How about another round of the pocky game then?”
Surely, that was an offer you couldn’t bring yourself to refuse.
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If you want, can you please write something like tangerine and reader getting ready for bed together and then going to sleep? I always love to read tangerine fics before sleep so this would be perfect. If not it’s totally fine and thank you anyway!! Also I love your writing sm, definitely someone who’s posts Im always excited to see. 💌
I adore stuff like this!! AAA stop you’re making me blush🥹 thank you so so much! thank you for requesting, hope you like it💌
get ready for bed (tangerine x f!reader)
wc || 0.8k
warnings || none, just fluff & cursing
a/n || idk if it’s a british thing or a family thing, but ‘shouting’ is sometimes used as endearment, so any ‘yelling’ and swearing in this is purely out of love😭
masterlist + rules
“Oh my god! Come here.” You excitedly call out to your boyfriend.
“One bloody minute, I’m having a piss.” Tangerine replies from the ensuite bathroom. “Yeah?” He runs through to you standing by the bedroom window.
“Did you wash your hands?” Looking him up and down.
“Yeah.” He smiles.
“No, you didn’t. Go wash them.” You instruct, pushing him back into the bathroom.
“Alright, mum.” He groans while reluctantly washing them.
He returns showing you his now clean hands. “Better?”
“Yes, now come here.” You say, pulling his arm so he could be closer. “Look at that.” You point to the sky.
“What am I looking at?” His eyes darting around.
Holding the sides of his head, angling his face so he could see what you see. “The moon, look at it. Ain’t it nuts?” You smile.
“That’s the moon?” His eyes widen. “Fucking hell.”
“I know! And look, there’s Jupiter and there’s Saturn.” You point out on the glass.
“Fuck off! Really?” He says in almost disbelief.
“I know!”
“How do you know that?” He asks, looking to face you.
“Magic.” You smirk. “Bath or shower?” You ask.
“I want a bath.”
He groans at your request.
“Oh come on, you love them. You know you love the bubbles and candles.” You say almost like you’re trying to bride a child.
The sides of his moustache twitch up as he faintly smiles. “Fine.”
“Be a dear and run it for me, I’ll get some wine and grapes.” Kissing his cheek, rushing downstairs to the kitchen. Collecting two glasses and a chilled bottle from the fridge. Washing a couple bunches of grapes in a bowl before running back up the stairs.
When you enter the bathroom you see Tan’s sweet attempts at decorating. Smiling at his thoughtful actions, looking around the room. Eyes widening at the mirror. He had written ‘I love you’ in lipstick. “Uh- that was a Chanel lipstick.” You chuckle.
“I’ll buy you another one.”
“You’re very sweet.” You say, looking at the candles surrounding the rose petal bubble bath.
“Mi lady.” He jests, extending a hand to help you into the bath.
“Why thank you.” Placing your hand in his.
Shrugging off your dressing gowns, both stepping into the bath. “Fucking hell that’s hot.” He groans. Look at that, a broody contract killer fazed by some hot water.
“You baby.” You tease.
You had spent the forty or so minutes chatting and relaxing, helping each other wash before deciding to get out.
Tan got out first, wrapping a towel around his lower half before helping you out of the bath. Drying you off and leading you into the bedroom. Standing in your towels as you search through the dressers.
“Can we wear these?” You ask, holding matching frog pyjama bottoms.
“What about these?” He questions, pointing to another pair of matching pyjama bottoms. They were the ones you got him for Christmas, they were grey with tangerine illustrations printed all over them.
“Yes!” You gush. “Can I borrow this? Thanks.” Picking up one of his t-shirts, not giving him chance to answer. Helping each other dress.
You do your skincare while Tan dries his hair sitting at the edge bed. Once you’re finished, you sit in front of him on the floor, silently asking him to dry yours too. He doesn’t hesitate, gently combing through your hair before drying it.
When he finishes you thank him with a kiss.
Pumping some moisturiser onto your hands, you gently swipe some onto his face, patting around his eyes as you smile at each other.
Walking into the bathroom, rinsing your toothbrushes so that Tan could squeeze some toothpaste onto them. Brushing your teeth together as you mumbled an incoherent conversation.
“I’ll go lock up.” He says with a smile, kissing your forehead.
“Ooh! Get me water, would ya?” You ask cutely before he could get too far.
“Eh? Can’t hear you.” He says halfway down the stairs.
“Water.” You yell out from the bathroom, sitting on the toilet.
Finishing up in the bathroom, washing your hands before jumping into bed.
Snuggling yourself under the covers and kicking your feet under the duvet to warm it up. Your beautiful boyfriend returns with a smile and two bottles of water.
“You did hear me?” You warmly say.
“No? These are mine.” He jokes before throwing a bottle to you.
“Har har.” You sarcastically laugh. “But thank you.” Exhaling after taking a sip.
Tangerine slumps into bed bedside you, pulling you close under the covers. Using the remote he dims the bedside lamps. “You’re so pretty.” He said sweetly.
“Shut up.” You shy away, hiding a grin.
“You are.” Snuggling into you and kissing your forehead.
Rolling yourself over resting your back against his chest, kissing his arm sweetly as he pulls you closer into him.
“Goodnight, I love you.”
“Goodnight, I love you more.” Reaching his head around to kiss your cheek.
“Not possible.” You quietly say, snuggling his arm as you both drift off to sleep.
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someonexsomeone · 4 months
Bus Boy
Title: Bus Boy
Author: SomeonexSomeone
Word Count: 2.5k
Pairing: NonSorcerer!Megumi Fushiguro x np!Reader
Summary: There's a really cute guy on your bus ride.
Authors Note: completely inspired by Laufey's "Beautiful Stranger"! okay listen listen listen I know Laufeyfest is over but I love this song sm and I'm sad I didn't put it on the official list so like just think about this as a spin-off type deal okay?
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There's a really cute guy on your bus ride. Like, not just a fleeting, ‘eyes skimmed and appreciated and moved on’, but more of a ‘eyes skimmed, couldn’t comprehend what it saw, near whiplash to make sure I’m seeing what I’m seeing’ cute. He wasn’t looking at anyone near him, but the way he fluidly moved with the bus and the people around him made it clear he was more observant than his relaxed stance appeared. He was looking out the window, the sun shining just right on his face so every sharp angle was highlighted, his eyes sparkling as they watched the passing scenery. Eyelashes long enough to question if they were real or not barely fluttered as things whipped by, and didn’t move in any way to indicate he knew you were staring (which was impressive because you had been staring at him for just a tad bit too long at this point, and oh god, why won’t you look away? This has to be getting weird right?). His hair was dorky in an endearing way, spiked up in all directions, though it didn’t look like he had to use any product to get it that way. Effortless, just like the rest of him. 
You were rather reluctant to come all the way out to the countryside for your summer vacation. To be completely honest, you nearly burst into tears when your parents decided you would go help out your grandparents for the summer, needing to ship you away while they went to whatever new conference they needed to attend. Plans that had been in the works for months suddenly went down the drain, and there was nothing you could do about it. You loved your grandparents, you really did, and their adorable farm on the outskirts was often a great place to get away and relive old memories. But, to be honest, there hasn’t been anything fun to do down there in years. You were older now, nearly the age where you would set out on your own adventure with all the freedoms and restrictions adulthood provided, which meant that you were much too old to be digging around in muddy creeks to look for frogs, or dressing up in ridiculous outfits to entertain your grandparents’ many friends. Both of those memories forced a shiver up your spine. If they made you reenact The Princess and the Frog again…
That was what most of the bus ride had consisted of, reliving old memories and having to physically stop your face from contorting by squeezing your hands together, until just as you were pulling into the town center, the cutest guy you had ever seen sat right across from you without warning. Your long stare was interrupted by his very being, and the way the sun haloed his head almost made you question if you were witnessing a real encounter with an angel on Earth. To be fair, you were sleep-deprived, barely managing to hop on this bus before it left the train station, bag being hastily shoved back together when it popped open from the force of your desperate attempt to get aboard. A complete mess, for lack of a better description. And here was some guy at… 5:30 am (?!?) looking like he was one wardrobe change away from walking down the runway. He definitely caught your eye, to which you hastily looked away, trying as hard as you could to will the universe into help you this one time in making the cutest guy you’ve ever seen not remember the person who made a fool of themselves by ogling at him with drool dried to the side of their face. 
Now you think the universe listened a little too hard. Of all the things to really pay attention to, it had to be your wish to be forgotten by Bus Boy (Vehicle Man? Beautiful Stranger? Hot Farmer? Angel Guy? You had yet to come up with a good enough name to describe him), and not any of the other countless wishes you made before getting onto that fateful bus. You’re a little embarrassed to admit, but ever since that original meeting, you’ve been trying to get a second chance at a first impression. Any errand your grandparents needed to do, you were the first to volunteer. Grocery shopping, delivering or picking up from friends, even going as far as going back to the train station to pick up an emergency order, all to get a glimpse at your cute Bus Boy. It was even expected at this point, no one asking before dumping something in your hands with the shared bus pass placed on top. It was mortifying the teasing that came with it now, most of your family, and their friends, figuring someone was the reason why you were too excited to head into town, despite the many, many excuses you came up with to justify your actions (you were pretty proud of yourself for some of them, but, alas, your family is too romantic to want to believe anything else). 
In the least creepy way possible, and with a lot of trial and error (which is also definitely not creepy), you were starting to notice a pattern in his daily routine. He rode the bus at an ungodly hour in the morning, seeming to head from the larger town to the farmland on the outskirts, getting on long before you would and a handful of stops before you, which made it difficult to see him then. In the afternoons, it seemed like he was the same type of errand boy you were, whether by choice or not you weren’t sure, but he rarely carried anything with him and it was a completely random chance that you would see him. At night, or, really, around sunset, he would be on the bus headed back towards the town, seemingly going home. 
This seemingly random schedule, and the complete opposite nature of your bus routes, made it nearly as hard to avoid him as it was to see him. It seemed almost karma in nature the way he would always show up on days you weren’t feeling your best, just trying to get in and out or not bothering to put any effort into your appearance, and those instances where you were feeling great, on top of the world in confidence, he was nowhere to be seen. 
Which is, of course, how you ended up here, staring (gawking) at him on the hottest day of the year. This had to be the ultimate punishment, all that complaining from the beginning of summer and the secret wish you had that something, anything, would prevent you from being forced to the outskirts of civilization topped with the fact that you’re kinda sorta stalking this guy who, let’s be real, has no clue you exist. 
It was the most brutal day of your stay so far, being sent to your grandfather's close friend to help them move some things around. Easy enough, right? Wrong. It was only after you got there that they dared to tell you that they needed the entirety of their old shack emptied so they could tear it down to build a new one. Very exciting for them, a very mud-covered day for you. There wasn’t much you could do to salvage your clothes from the brunt of it, completely stiff from the dirt and grass and just years of grime that thrived in that neglected shed. One tumble involving a rusted bucket of mystery liquid destroyed your pants and shoes, and an accidental bump into a support beam sent a rain of rotten wood to really add to the whole experience. The couple was nice enough to send you back in some spare clothes so you wouldn’t dirty the bus with the worst of it, but you must have been a sight anyway because not a single person on the entire ride back had the decency to look subtly. The pants fit, thankfully, but they were bright pink and fuzzy, and the shirt was an old button-up that was nearly as ratty as the ruined clothes in the plastic bag by your foam sandal-covered feet.
To be honest, you were near tears, feeling pathetic.
And to make matters worse, Bus Boy, naturally, had to make an appearance and kill any happiness you hoped to find at the end of a grueling day. Sitting prettily, taking a break from the newspaper spread across his lap to watch the passing landscape, like some artist's wet dream. What were the odds that he was going to be on this stupid bus, far later than he ever did, passing all his usual stops, prolonging this horrible moment? You wanted to curl up into a ball, but there was also something healing about staring at this beautiful man that made breathing simultaneously easier and harder. 
Now that you were looking closer, you could tell something was a little…off. What it was, you weren’t completely sure, but his usual relaxed stance was a little stiff, kind of like he was getting ready to bolt the moment the door opened. Honestly, you were surprised every time the doors opened and he remained where he was, just as tense, if not more, as the minutes passed. 
Not that you were looking that closely, of course.
The one mission you had currently was to make it off the bus before he could get a good look at you. Not that you had any idea if he noticed you, before today or even right now, but the idea that maybe this could be your second first impression made you nearly jumpy as he looked. After that initial gawking session, you would only let your eyes pass briefly over his, just to make sure he wasn’t looking at you, before returning to look towards the front of the bus, willing it to go just a little faster. Of all the days to have Bus Boy ride past his usual stop, it had to be today. Your hands couldn’t sit still in your lap, one too many passes over your face has made it impossible to figure out if you just added more dirt or you were just that gross, and you had to force your leg to top bouncing because it kept nudging the bag at your feet, the crinkle of plastic booming in the nearly empty bus.
Then finally, finally, it pulled up to your stop. You were on your feet before the bus came to a complete halt, a rookie mistake as the doors always took a second longer to fully open, and, of course, Bus Boy had to be sitting right next to the exit. You bounced on the balls of your feet, the longest 4 seconds of your life. You couldn’t help it, casting one last look at the boy you had tried so hard to ignore all ride. And, to your horror, he was looking right back at you, stunning you into near rigor mortis. 
Cute? What was I thinking? This guy is gorgeous!
“I-” his soft voice started (of course he had to have a nice voice too, are you freaking kidding me-), but you didn’t look up, forcing your way through the door the second they were wide enough, calling out a thank you to the driver over your shoulder, practically sprinting down the hill to your temporary residence. You were absolutely mortified.
Megumi watched you bolt with wide eyes, a blush creeping up his cheeks. He slapped a hand over his mouth, hiding his expression from anyone who dared to look over at him. It was the only thing he could do to stop them from shaking.
It was how Yuuji and Nobara found him three stops later, his legs nearly jelly as they pushed himself off the bus and into the darkening evening. His tight grip on the wad of newspapers he brought was nearly humorous.
“Woah! What’s up with you?” Yuuji called, jogging up to meet him. He was carrying a bag bursting with snacks under his arm, bounding up to him in anticipation of the star gazing the three were going to do tonight. Nobara leisurely strolled up beside him, arms gently carrying a blanket Megumi recognized as Yuuji’s. Megumi shook his head once, twice, trying to snap himself out of the spell you had cast on him, instead taking a second look at the now obvious women’s bag his friend was carrying.
“What’s with the bag?”
“Oh! Nobara was complaining about her shoulder acting up again, so I offered to carry it for her.” Megumi side-eyed his other friend, who was skillfully dodging his gaze in favor of examining her nails. It’s more than three months now since Nobara injured her shoulder helping our Yuuji and his older brother Sukuna reinforce a collapsing wall in their house (she was excellent with a toolbox, though it was rare for her to do any of the actual dirty work), a minor injury that didn’t even have her hospitalized, but every once in a while her shoulder will mysteriously ‘act up’ and Yuuji, who was horrified that his friend was injured in any capacity helping him, immediately is at her beck and call. “Gojo and the rest say hi, by the way. We passed each other on my way out, and he wanted me to bring you this.” Megumi rolled his eyes at the condom deposited in his hand.
“What an idiot.”
“He really is. Did he seriously think you’d have the courage to ask even though you’ve been creeping on them all summer without a word?” Megumi swung out his elbow, but Nobara simply sidestepped, putting Yuuji between the two of them.
“Shut up.”
“What, was your beautiful angel even more breathtaking today that you couldn’t ask them to come?” Nobara teased. Yuuji laughed, jostling Megumi to match the goofy atmosphere. After all, it wasn’t every day that their cool and collected friend looked as vulnerable as he felt. 
Megumi hesitated, recalling immediately the adorable shyness you displayed today, something he hadn’t seen since that first night he saw you. Your face was covered in dirt, obviously exhausted, and in clothes that were definitely not yours. He easily remembered your flushed face as you made eye contact, the longest he’d had the pleasure to hold. He felt a pleasant shiver run up his spine.
“Yeah. Something like that,” he mumbled, his cheeks flaming bright pink. His companions didn’t give him a moment of peace, hounding him immediately for his more than obvious crush. Megumi rolled his eyes at them, chucking the unneeded (but not unwanted) condom in the trash as he ushered them to start their climb up the hill.
Next time, he thought, falling into step with his laughing friends. Next time, he’ll pluck up the courage to finally ask you to hang out outside your near-daily bus rides. And, while he’s at it, tell you just how beautiful you are.
masterlist  l  Laufeyfest masterlist
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starsmuse · 2 years
neverafter premiere night so here are some thoughts!
emily axford is truly godsent. the relationship she and ally have already crafted between ylfa and timothy, the way she plays this congested prepubescent girl, her backstory scene; god, the entirety of her backstory scene was SO good, though, i don’t know why i’m surprised. emily axford has never been anything shy of perfection and she won’t start now in a season where her ability to act really needs to shine through. also the fact that she’s playing a barbarian, i am so glad i guessed correctly because it’s going to be so fun to watch her play one especially with how they’ve set it up.
lou fucking wilson. i love everything about his character, his backstory which i LOVE that they left for last. this season seems to be one for double intros and he and zac are going to be incredible together i KNOW it. i made a few guesses as to who would be what class and NOTHING could have prepared me for him being a warlock to his stepmother, the way they’re interweaving the fairytales is brilliant i am truly so excited.
zac oyama… i love him with the entirety of my being but i couldn’t help but feel slightly underwhelmed with his backstory scene, like no way he’s just some random little cat that can speak? surely there’s more to him! i love the almost-brotherly relationship pib and pinocchio seem to have but i do have a theory i’ll run by you all: we all know in the disney retelling of cinderella, stepmother has a black cat named lucifer, i wonder if pib is another patron of pinocchio’s stepmother or maybe a familiar of hers sent to watch over pinocchio and ensure he isn’t messing things up. JUST A THOUGHT! if not, i’m genuinely very excited to get more backstory out of this character.
opening the show on siobhan’s introduction was obviously the way to go considering how beautifully she executed her scene. the briars… god, the briars. i have no issue with reading and listening to body horror and brennan painted a vivid word picture with his narration for her, it was all so good. i constantly complain about the intrepid heroes never having a ranger and they’ve finally got one and it’s the damsel princess, i absolutely adore that. i also love that rosamund still has that bit of naivety to her considering in her mind she’s still eighteen and she probably lived a pretty sheltered life all things considered. her simply knowing that there’s a prince out there looking for her and that he is her true love, i can’t wait to see what kind of spin brennan is going to put on this curse and inevitably what kind of curveball he’s going to throw siobhan/rosamund.
murph is playing this vapid and vain prince so well, but i cannot wait to see when he actually gets into this fighting that prince gerard seems to turn his nose up at. the scenes with princess elody were bordering on heartbreaking but still fully leaning into embarrassing on the prince’s part, i have an inkling as to why he’s regressing back into his frog form, as should most, but all in all i think this is going to be a pretty silly character, very cody-esque, one that i’m very excited to see and watch grow nonetheless. also, the whole exchange between prince gerard and princess rosamund, i hadn’t realized how little i’d seen murph and siobhan’s characters interact in previous seasons until i got a full and uninterrupted conversation between the two of them when their characters met and now it’s truly all i want to have them be silly little cousins fighting to protect each other.
finally, the person, the myth, the legend: ally beardsley. i hadn’t really though about how important mother goose would be to the plot as a whole until about a week before today because i know that mother goose is not only a writer of fairytales but the writer of the fairytales, so i really, really enjoyed a lot of timothy’s exposition and how much he cares for children—like ylfa—now that he’s lost his own. like i said before i am thoroughly endeared by the relationship ally and emily have already built between the two of them, and i cannot wait to watch it grow and i’m really excited to see what ally does with this character and where they go.
brennan hasn’t answered any of the questions that were asked about if this season is going to be similar to acoc in terms of lethality or if the pcs have created secondary characters, so i think it’s safe to say we should definitely be cautious considering there are no clerics in this party, but all in all i’m shaking with excitement and the thought of the rest of this season we’ve got like seventeen episodes to go and i think they’re going to be SO much fun.
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i wrote down all my thoughts episode by episode when i watched the new season. here they are. enjoy!
episode one
just from her intro priya is giving me courtney vibes
i love zee’s voice
ripper’s voice jumpscared me
LAUREN??? why does she have a baby voice
okay WHAT is going on between emma and chase
i love mk’s voice
wayne and raj are already annoying me
this cast is so bi
julia’s intro is so fucking funny
wait its been 15 years and chris and chef look the exact same??
this is actually pretty funny/witty
millie is so fucking funny just writing down everyone being dumb though i do wonder if ppl are gonna find her reserach and turn on her like courtney’s list [prediction: correct]
okay wayne is still annoying but wearing a cup on total drama is the smartest move anyone has ever made
“straight couples amiright?” to “straight couples are messed up” 10/10 gay writing for bowie right there
bowie!! finally a smart elimination!! sorry caleb
episode two
emma bowie friendship is everything
axel you are everything to me
that’s probably gonna get her eliminated though [prediction: correct]
this pirate music is so fun
are priya’s parents friends with sierra’s mom or something
chris drew a shark on his hand to remember to release the sharks (but fr that doesn’t seem like og chris he wouldn’t have forgotten. its the old age)
scary girl vs the frogs of death… scary girl is gonna win. idk how but she will
now zee or axel are gonna go home and i like them both :(
okay wayne and raj are getting less annoying and more endearing. surfer dudes vibes. also its cute how wayne calls raj rajy
okay that was kind of an awesome amputee reveal
sdlkfghjfdghjkfdls zee exploiting his disability to stay on the show. king.
NOOOOOOOO HOW DARE YOU CHOOSE RIPPER OVER AXEL. literally my least fav and my fav
yes!! bite him!!
episode three
nichelle as a flight attendant so cute!!
priya i love you. new favorite. millie as well their friendship is so cute
zee just out here lying. love that
raj bowie relationship??
wait nevermind
actually that’s so cute. wayne is just gonna be oblivious isn’t he [prediction: incorrect. extremely incorrect]
freckled intern is so cute
damien you are so smart and so dumb i love you
ripper really said sexism huh
scary girl is so one dimensional but so silly
there are bears living in the climbing wall????
chref married moment
mk i love you
new predicition priya is gonna prove herself to the team and do awesome but still not win and ripper is eliminated [prediction: incorrect]
mk you are so smart i love you
i love emma’s vengeance
raj you are having a gay awakening and i am HERE for it
new new prediction, damien will get himself voted out so he can leave
well he pretty much confirmed that as soon as i hit play again [prediction: correct?]
i gotta say i do appreciate the openly gay character not to be the pining one
oof yeah i kinda saw this coming with nichelle
“cringe” okay fair bowie
nichelle is having a fucking. existential crisis
goodbye nichelle :(
episode four
sdlkhgfjklsghfkdjs the arrow signs
chase is here to be awful huh
do they all have hydroflasks
millie and priya are so cute i love them
priya training millie is gonna be the death of this friendship, however [prediction: kinda correct?]
zee you are so dumb i love you
new prediction, scary girl is getting voted out for being scary [prediction: correct]
also why did chris announce her as lauren and then everyone’s called her scary girl
new prediction, mk is gonna win bc she’s good at stealing [prediction: kinda correct?]
since when is chef responsible
never mind he’s not
chref moment
okay wayne and raj have officially gone from annoying to endearing. i love them now
mk scarlett moment lmao
yeah this is for sure raj’s gay awakening
ripper’s voice actor sounds so familiar i gotta look him up
YOURE TELLING ME WAYNE FIGURED IT OUT BEFORE RAJ??? WAYNE??? I THOUGHT HED BE OBLIVIOUS THIS WHOLE TIME??? but fr that was so cute im actually impressed with how theyre writing this whole thing because yknow. its total drama
ripper. please leave.
nooooo scary girl. that was a great exit though. but millie why didn’t you vote with priya?? i know something’s up
“she took the skull?” “she took the skull” LMFAO
episode five
okay this priya millie thing is becoming a commando zoey arc [prediction: kinda correct?]
i love millie’s hair
damien is really campaigning against himself lmao. what if he wins that would be so fucking funny [prediction: incorrect]
nooooooo not the farting episode
animatronic raptors, im calling it [prediction: incorrect??]
what the FUCK is chase’s ass doing. horrifying
extreme bi zee moment
zee you are a genius i love you
wayne is so ready to be supportive this is so cute (im also shocked that they differentiated between gay and bi on fucking. total drama.)
them skating is so cute
mk’s tell all about the confessionals is gonna be shown as footage to make ppl maaaaaaaad [prediction: kinda correct?]
julia is a dawnkota baby
noooo justice for that raptor
holy shit damien. im actually starting to think you might win now [prediction: incorrect]
new prediction: bowie and raj are gonna have a thing and keep it a secret and mk is gonna find out and air it like with julia’s video and then wayne is gonna be upset raj never got the chance to tell him [prediction: incorrect]
so are they straight up not gonna explain the dinosaurs
episode six
sklhgjfkdshgfdjklshgjkflds chris yelling at the fans and chef reigning him in
millie and priya are gonna be the top wlw ship for this cast, they’ve gotta be
ripper sucks but “you cant slap a man with his own burrito” was fucking funny
why is the hairball thing more funny than gross
mk you are becoming icarus babygirl [prediction: kinda correct?]
emma. destroy this man.
priya. destroy this man.
millie and priya are SO FLIPPIN CUTE
when would chef ever say safety first on og total drama. this is dramarama chef in the total drama universe
get wrecked chase
bowie you are an icon i love you im so glad they didnt make you a pathetic guy
“its like im—“ like you’re what chris?? what?? 
also its so cute how wayne is waiting for raj to tell him on his own terms even though he knows????
prediction: zee doesn’t make it to the 10k bc his leg falls off and messes with priya’s calculations [prediction: mostly incorrect]
zee is out here lyingggggg i love him
“thats not how the laws of physics work” millie i love you
what the fuck is zee actually high
this episode is sooooooooo bowie/raj millie/priya
good fucking bye julia
nooooooo mk don’t let this happen i love her
bowie really said YEET
as he should that was smart
anyway bowie’s little “i got kissed” thing was very cute
wait… mk is an alenoah baby
episode seven
priya/millie gives me bridgney vibes tbh
wayne you are such a sweet ally i love you
its merge time!
is this foreshadowing for an emma/priya finale? that would slap and we’ve never had an f/f finale before. i feel like there’s too much setup for them to get voted off before then though [prediction: half correct, half incorrect]
ripper you are so dumb how did you make the merge. fuck you man
chase and emma are getting stuck together aren’t they. sigh. [prediction: incorrect]
this is skave all over again. julia get chase outta here
oh thank god i thought there was gonna be bowie/raj/wayne trouble over partners but that was easy. friendship babey!!
wayne trying to be so hard to be supportive is actually the best drawn out plot line this show has ever had because its so dang wholesome
julia’s voice sounds familiar too gotta look her up
the zee & ripper cassowary scene is giving major noah & owen komodo dragon scene vibes
emma’s dance is so cringe but i appreciate the enthusiasm
jesus christ emma and chase CANNOT get back together
julia when the fuck did you get smart
did she just stare in horror at her hand having 5 fingers instead of four. what.
wait fuck why didn’t i see it before. priya is a zoerra baby
they’re so gay i love them
ripper you better fucking not who are you heather with all the times youve escaped immunity?? watching you go down is gonna be SWEET
what is this the rapa phooey episode
oh millie…
this is the fucking stepbrothers getting wrecked by that kangaroo
okay i wish that confession was better but it was very sweet
oh zee. what is happening
and not even a goodbye with bowie :(
them singing was pretty funny though
episode eight
zee you’re so silly i love you
bowie you’re so gay i love you. also the mouthguard gift was incredibly geoff of raj
why is the food rainbow and what was that cooking sequence
julia is having a real heather moment huh
bowie you are so right to diss chase
this is really just brunch of disgustingness isn’t it
damn millie really just dipped
…that’s why the food was rainbow
at least its less disgusting than actual puke colors
bummed bowie’s out already though
zee is gonna win this he’s gotta [prediction: incorrect :( ]
julia don’t do my boy zee like this
are they having this wheel spin in the order of the rainbow
chase and emma. stop.
oh thank fucking god they did.
noooooo priya you trained for this
zee what do you mean you’ve never drank milk. zee. what.
noooooooo my boy
but actually its funny that MILK is the thing zee gets grossed out by because he knows nothing about it
…THEY HAVE TO  EAT. A FUCKING T A P E W O R M ???????????????
that is not chef. chef would not tell chris to not serve the tapeworm
fucking. lady and the tramp moment. get wrecked ripper
why did we have to end with THAT
if millie gets out and not ripper. i will SCREAM
episode nine
wait this alliance is awesome actually
zee my beloved
double alliance zee moment. please let this be what makes him win and not what gets him booted
no this is soooooo foreshadowing for zee getting booted [prediction: correct]
this is so fucking dramarama chef he’s got the unicorn drink and everything
the bears digging a grave lmaooooo
how many waterfall jumpscares can this show have
“why are you like this” best chef line
since when does chef care about the kids. what.
another fucking volcano. of course
leave his ass emma
and julia better not get immunity i stg
another bisexual zee moment. but buddy you are getting voted off for this :(
god damn it julia
chef chiding bowie was so funny
bowie why are you gunning for priya??
oh zee. buddy :(
slkjhfgdkjhgfdjksghfdkjslk zee pointing out the confessional nonsense
episode ten
priya with a bun!! so cute!!
carry me?? puppy eyes?? girlfriends. girlfriends.
okay im vibing with this challenge
everyone saying no to switching poles with chase is so funny he’s so lame
i love watching everyone slowly lose it
why is everyone so obsessed with letting priya read millie’s notebook. poor writing methinks
“skewer the children”
i would win this challenge. btw.
bowie’s gonna stir up drama isn’t he
THE PHONE please be usable
please dont let this be the end of priya and millie
emma punching everyone lmao
awww we still get raj/bowie
noooo priya
julia if you win immunity 3 times in a row. well that’s just poor writing
chase you are god awful
aww dancing emma
chase gets eliminated this episode bc everyone know how much he sucks calling it [prediction: correct]
what the fuck was that dive
nooo bowies gonna get millie out [prediction: technically correct? but much later on?]
i love chef chastising everyone 
why are there only 4 marshmallows 
noooooooooooooo emma why
they really said the final five is for the girls and gays 
episode eleven
PRIYA MILLIE GIRLFRIENDS this is such s5 gwourtney energy
evil julia behind the door lmao
bowie is right to be annoyed emma wtf
bowie does NOT get out like this. if its him or emma emma’s gotta go [prediction: correct]
okay i know its a selfie challenge but this is creative and fun i like it
elimination prediction: emma/millie, julia, priya v bowie finale [prediction: mostly correct]
smart move emma. also chris sending ppl stuff in a group chat for a challenge is so funny to me
emma don’t betray my boy bowie like this for your garbage bf
priya and millie ragging on julia we love to see it
wait numbers wise there’s gotta be a double elim. and if its priya and millie ill cry
emma please get eliminated now
emma you suck
please don’t let that pic of priya disqualify her
nooooooo priya and millie :( bowies gotta win this
julia just waltzing through the challenge lmao
noooooo bowie 
god dammit julia
wait nvm good on you for turning it against emma
only three marshmallows??
wait the immune person doesn’t get a marshmallow nvm
girl you are delusional 
episode twelve
millie is adorable
aww priyas pjs
shut julia downnnnn
bowies plan is actually so good 
julia bun!! cute!!
chef talking ab the monster lol
love all these two person confessionals
priya you absolute girlboss
stop throwing millie tokens!!
ooooooo bowie blowup
julia do NOT win this
awwwwwww millie
everything about this priya millie plot line is incredible 
uh oh that gift is the notebook
bowie you ICON
episode thirteen
awwwww millie
priya having a courtney moment
damien good choice
ripper rippppppppp
nooooooo axel. julia is unfortunate 
girl brought a CONTRACT
why is ripper lowkey helpful
NICHELLES FACE axel i love you
damien you’re so supportive i love you
bowie i love you
the popcorn lmao love the commentary 
awwww raj 
love the angry betrayed priya energy she’s like the new courtney
bowie that was COLD
wayne and raj crying awww
this really is season 3 finale 
what is this spongebob music while bowie talks about eating goat
new chef is just og chef
these milk drinking shots are horrible 
awww raj and bowie
i legit think this is my favorite season of total drama ever :’)
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calebwittebane · 6 months
my thoughts so far on the characters in scarlet.
koraidon is adorable. i cant believe miraidon is apparently more popular. miraidon has that robot dog toy from the early 00s appeal sure but koraidon is just soooo cute. chicken lizard creature. its SO goofy how its tail and its chest frills thingies turn into wheels but it still runs on its silly frog legs. love that. also im loving the skyrim terrain horse riding experience it provides i think thats exactly what pokemon was missing
i dont like clavell hes ugly and i dont think it was appropriate for him to comment on how well my stupid little uniform suits me right in front of my mother no less and i wish he would stop popping up because all he does is make me mildly uncomfortable
i was really expecting to like nemona a lot because shes cute as hell (despite her occasional disconcerting :-D smile) but shes so one-note its starting to get so old. maybe thatll change at some point but like. ok i get it we get it you like battles. we all do girl like this is pokemon im playing pokemon. that being said its so funny how much she wants my attention and like argues with arven about me like girl you just met me and my name is mozarella and im weird looking and my eyes dont have pupils and i dont really say anything and i dont know how to remove my stupid hat. i am flattered but what is it about me that appeals to you so, nemona? its not like i ever even helped her with anything at any point shes just been dragging me around nemonasplaining things to me. ok no i guess fair enough i get it
arven surprised me because at first i was super put off by him, although honestly that couldve been because his animations are SO scary like whyd they make him move like that and make those faces. either way i then saw him stumble around in the cafeteria with his enormous backpack, presumably in-universe he was like knocking shit off the tables with every move, and i found that endearing and relatable as i tend to do that too but without the backpack. and after that i hung around him a little and he turned into a fussy little housewife guywife babygirl like cooking for me and stuff like being like ohh omg of course i made extra for you you worked so hard today you gotta eat!! idk im really amused by this i like the guy and his huge clinically depressed dog
penny is so lame.
brassius frustrated me because hes likeable and cool looking but i tchruly hate it when media is like ok this character is an artist so lets make them say art and artistic and inspiration and artwork and all shit similar in every single sentence. this is offensive. we dont talk like this. as a member of the Big Art im greatly offended by this depiction.
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prongsmydeer · 1 year
Ayesha Liveblogs The Good Place S3
Michael personally intervening on behalf of all of his friends is SO SWEET. I love him
Honestly I am eating up Tahani’s fake Vogue interview, I love one (1) out-of-touch celebrity
“K, will you make me the happiest man in the world and agree to be my wife?” Jason proposing to every person he meets is also endearing in its own way. He’s so sincere about it LMAO
Patiently awaiting when he proposes to Chidi and Eleanor. Even Pillboi was not immune 
Honestly sneaking around and altering the mechanics of the universe that more powerful immortal beings are overseeing has worked in Michael’s favour so far, so why stop now?
Silly of them not to caption it, but pretty certain Chidi’s French dialogue exchange was, “T’es prêt, Chidi?” “Allez-y sans moi, je suis là.” “D’accord. À tout à l'heure.” (”Ready Chidi?” “Go on without me, I’m [almost] there.” “Alright. See you later.”)
Eleanor getting immediately defensive about being present for Chidi as if they have not been drawn together in like 800 separate universes:
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“Chidi, your brain is broken, you need to fix your brain.” Uzo said: Good friends tell you when you need therapy
“You just march into my office unannounced, tell me your brain is broken, and demand I drop everything and just put you in the university’s 3 million dollar MRI machine?” This is why Chidi and Eleanor are soulmates LMAO. Very goal-oriented 
“You’re so weird. Let’s go!” I like Simone even though I’m certain she’s not Australian
Hahahahahah Eleanor imagining everyone in every story as sexy explains a lot about how she operates. That and she has hot friends
“We torture like 30 billion humans. Why do you care so much about these four?” Glenn asks a very reasonable question
Hahahaha I wonder how they decide what things to describe as objectively terrible in this show. Is it one writer or is it by committee
“Goodness isn’t something that a person inherently has. It’s something that she achieves through her actions.” I love how in every abstract example they use ‘she’ instead of ‘he.’ Both because Eleanor is the main character and because it’s refreshing
“I can’t just do things like that.” Chidi confirming he has never made a move on anyone and has only been subject to his girlfriend’s moves
“I’ve been running simulations on what their kids would be like. One of them is hot enough to be on The Bachelor, and smart enough to never go on The Bachelor.” LMAO JANET 
Also Michael said: Team Cheleanor 4 eternity (me too)
Also also also: Janet finally embracing Michael as her dad for one (1) minute hahaha
Michael’s love and want to help his friends also being their downfall 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭:
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“I was never really that into her, no offense.” Eleanor immediately charming Tahani by not caring about her sister hahah
Tahani said: Uno reverse, I’m the Buddhist monk now, Jason
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Tahani turning her near death experience and subsequent moral crisis into a self-help book that makes her more rich and well-known than before. Honestly good for her, get ur money girl
“I want you thinking about dance 24/7. That means every day you think 20 thoughts about dance for seven minutes.” Jason’s dialogue continues to be as iconic on Earth as it was in the afterlife 
I love that we’re finally meeting Donkey Doug of the Sixty-Person-Dance-Crew-Boogie-Board-Moral-Relativism story:
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Fhfhkfhfkjhfkjfh all the people who walked out because they weren’t allowed to crime LOL
“When I’m with you, I feel like the sky’s the limit.” Pillboi is also a good friend, if not a good person kghjkghgj
“But I met new friends who helped me become a better... person.” I love Michael and Jason’s existential heart-to-hearts. I think he resonates with Eleanor and Jason most for obvious reasons
Also the hesitation for Michael to describe himself as a person HA
I also love the Side Arc of Michael making friends with Burt Hummel, the Doorman to Earth Who Loves Frogs:
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“We did it, Janet. We got away with it,” said Michael, in what I’m sure isn’t foreshadowing of this immediately biting them in the ass
I won’t lie to you, it wasn’t until the whip-it cannisters that I understood that a whip-it is a physical object and not an action, and apparently a more sophisticated equivalent of huffing glue. Who knew? Not me!
“Darling do you remember all the rules about what can and cannot be worn in an MRI?” Tahani calling Eleanor darling <3 Also take off the metal girl 
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(Drive-by commentary that Janet is hot—the uniform suits her!)
Janet and Michael are really struggling to deal with their mortal coil(s)
Firm believer that consensual sex between informed adults is morally neutral, but Tahani and Jason flirting does feel like infidelity lol (poor Janet)
“I’m sorry, but [not being friends] is just how it has to be.” IS THAT TRUE, CHIDI
Demon-All-Knowing-Personal-Assistant-Nicer-Demon standoff in the bathroom
“I got a solid eight minutes, not consecutively, but that’s fine. You’re barely even blurry.” I know it’s probably not in my best interests to strongly identify with Chidi but I strongly identify with Chidi
I’m very glad that Jason and Tahani didn’t drunkenly hook up but I do still view any of their flirting as an affront to Jason’s wife Janet LOL
“I’m asking you as a friend,” said Chidi, while simultaneously also not letting go of the belief that it’s unethical for them to be friends
“These four humans are all I care about in the universe.” MICHAEL ❤️
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I was certain Simone wasn’t Australian but it turns out that she’s British which kind of tracks accent-wise
“Good luck, Frog Man. I’m pulling for you.” HAHAHAHAHA Jeff (Burt Hummel) is a perfect addition to Michael’s incredible group of friends
They also all have in common a disregard for authority
“I’m sad to inform you I’m too stupid and ugly to be in the study and I’m going home to my mommy.” Michael’s schoolyard insults are something else
I do think Eleanor having to work an in-between job would help provide a sense of normal moral conditions for her. Morality does not exist in a vacuum of your closest homies, even if Janet and Michael want it to be so 
“If I’m going to the mall anyway, I might as well pick Jason up some jean shorts. The kind with the frayed edges, where you can see the pockets coming out of the bottom. So that he can study better.” Janet wanting to get her secret husband a Christmas present
Tahani hooking up with Larry Hemsworth who also has self-worth issues in relation to his more famous siblings hahahahha
“You and Jason, imagine that. Actually, I have.” Eleanor is truly attracted to ALL of her friends
“I gotta go barf one last time, and then I’ll be ready to study philosophy.” That sums up my university experience
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I know it’s just one little split-screen but Eleanor singing happy birthday (which she said she hated doing for coworkers) while Jason reads a philosophy book on his own time...... I love them
“I can’t wait til we move far away from the likes of you, and I can finally take her last name.” I’m kind of rooting for Larry Al-Jamil
“Feeling like your little team is the last thing standing between you and oblivion, and that at any moment, the universe could fold up around you and squeeze the last breath from your dying lungs.” Michael’s pep talks have gotten a lot more morose since the Sports Bar
“Let’s all stay here, and keep it going,” said Eleanor, in a moment of emotional vulnerability that she is definitely going to regret immediately
Eleanor smashing a cake out of caring about other people too much vs. her first smashing a cake out of caring about her self-preservation too much is really a full circle moment:
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“As humans evolved, the first big problem we had to overcome was ‘me vs. us.’ Learning to sacrifice a little individual freedom for the benefit of the group. You know, sharing food and resources so we don’t starve or get eaten by tigers, things like that. The next problem to overcome is ‘us vs. them.’ Trying to see other groups, different from ours, as our equals.” Ohhhhhh we’ve hit upon the moral underpinning of the season. Hello, our new Kierkegarde
“This is all we have, Janet. We have Chidi, and Eleanor, and Tahani and Jason and that is it.” Michael I think it’s time for you to make some new friends 
“Serious question? Should we kill them?” HAHAHAH MICHAEL. He said improvise adapt overcome baybeee
Once again the rules of the afterlife seem so unfair because they learned about it by accident and they’re just people who really love their friends
I love how absurd this show is. I 100% accept that time in the afterlife moves in a Jeremy Bearimy and that nothing never happens on Tuesdays and July
“Now that I know how it all ends, I just want to be virtuous for virtue’s sake.” Tahani takes down the concept of moral desserts in one single sentence:
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Also her skin is literally sparkling, everyone in this show is SO pretty
Honestly shocked it’s taken this long for Chidi to quote Nietzsche 
Chidi said: I heard you were calling everyone hot, I would like to submit my name for consideration:
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Also Chidi finally fulfilling the ‘surprisingly ripped’ prophecy with a full-length shot of himself shirtless LOL
“And then, a recommendation of how we feel the afterlife could be improved. And we turn ourselves in, we’ll give it to the judge. Hopefully she’ll read it. We failed, Janet. But maybe one day, someone else will succeed.” Michael having goals of improving the afterlife beyond his immediate circle of friends 😭💘😭💘😭💘😭💘 I LOVE ONE (1) DEMON
 The little nod to the young-person-older-person tech divide with Michael
“In America, everyone does what they want. Society did break down. It’s terrible, and it’s great!” HAHAHAHAH I know someone enjoyed writing that
Eleanor going on a whole adventure for this man’s wallet ❤️ That’s my girl
HAHAHHAA is the concept of getting into heaven the only thing between Chidi and knocking around mountains of junk food shirtless at a grocery store:
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Chidi’s boisterous “Hello!” after the morose groceries got me 
The cut between Chidi giving up his car and not really seeing anymore purpose to anything he does in life and Tahani and Jason joyfully chucking money to people is this meme:
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Also Jason offering money to the baby is PERFECT, I LOVE HIM
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“I could’ve gone to a real doctor, instead of pretending I was a big dog, so I could go to the vet.” Will someone save the United States of America
If Canada ever privatizes healthcare, I will have to move or die
It’s actually the mark of a good bank that they won’t just let Tahani impulsively transfer all her money, prevents financial abuse
“You’re a good person, Eleanor. I really hope my daughter turns out like you when she grows up.” ELEANOR 😭😭😭😭😭😭
“The actual ethical system that you should all follow is nihilism.” The meme was foreshadowing. I don’t know why I didn’t expect it become explicit, he is a moral philosophy professor
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Appreciate the immediate clarification it was platonic tho
I don’t blame Tahani for forgetting Larry Hemsworth because I also forgot Larry Hemsworth until he reappeared even though it was literally one episode ago they established their engagement kghkjghg 
All of them deciding to be better people for other people’s sake, including Janet and Michael, who are not people 💗 [CHIDI VOICE] SIMPLY PUT, WE ARE NOT IN THIS ALONE 
“Nathan Burlingame.” “Didn’t like you.” “Kylie Mansnard?” “Thought you were cool but intimidating.” “No way! I thought she was intimidating. That’s why I shoved her into that creek.” I love that we’re acknowledging Eleanor’s bisexuality outside of her friend group
Happy Pride Month to Eleanor, whose methods of showing affection are consistent
“I’ve done that to dozens of people, and all of them got over it.” “Actually, none of your exes have ever got over you.” “You’re damn right they didn’t.” Hee hee hee Eleanor 
“I’ve heard you mention your friend Pillboi many times, but I’ve not heard you mention your father once.” “What do you mean? I talk about Donkey Doug all the time.” WHAT!!!!!!!!!!! HONESTLY THIS HAS SHOCKED ME MOST IN THE SHOW SINCE THE REVEAL OF THE BAD PLACE
Jason’s Dad Donkey Doug 🤝 Eleanor’s Mum
Immediately hitting on their child’s partner when they meet
“That’s the first time that line has ever failed.” Jason touching his heart like he’s proud of her for not having sex with his dad LMAO:
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“Do you spray it on yourself, or do you drink it?” “You both it.” Someone give Pillboi an MBA
“More guys should be bi. It’s 2018. It’s like, get over yourselves.” HAHAHAH Eleanor, defeating internalized biphobia, one guy at a time
Michael 🤝 Chidi
Fixing all of their problems with reset buttons
Unequivocally, someone dumping me while giving me a puppy would be the best way to break up and I would forgive them immediately. Chidi has cracked the code:
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“You hooked us up with [redacted] channels every year since the third grade.” MAYBE DONKEY DOUG SHOULD BE IN JAIL
“What a weird creep. Why was I friends with him?” HAHAHA Tahani finally name drops someone who she dislikes and it’s Elon Musk, perfect
[Talk-To-The-Hand Gesture] “Ya dumped.” KHGHGKHGKJ this is what happens when you spend so much time with Eleanor. Also how did we get from puppies to this
“Hey, call me Donkey Dad.” Awwww. I don’t think prison would make Donkey Doug better but he definitely made the right call in taking the blame for the factory robbery
“My feelings have changed. I wish I could tell you why, but I can’t.” This is both honest and also alludes to the fact that Chidi can and will have feelings for Eleanor
Michael’s little [“you okay”] smile to Janet when Jason calls Tahani his wife ☹️☹️☹️☹️
Tahani’s immediately hostile expression on learning that one of Eleanor’s parents is alive and made Eleanor mourn them or no reason:
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Love this episode of Tahani and Eleanor confronting their family trauma head on
“Young lady, you will stop this nonsense, go to the PTA meeting and support your mother, I won’t hear another word about it.” AWWW MICHAEL TRYING OUT THE DAD VIBES
“All of your fears are mine now.” Lmao @ Kamilah sussing out the one thing that could disrupt Chidi’s pursuit of helping his friend
Michael The Eleanor’s Dad Friend and Torture Architect and Dave The Eleanor’s Stepdad and Regular Architect is sooooo cute. I love when Michael makes new friends
“Why can’t you accept that she might be living a good, honest life? That she’s an attentive partner and a good mom?” “Because I wanted that mom!” Wow this really is the sibling trauma ep 
 Michael referring to himself as Eleanor’s self-appointed father figure 😭❤️
 “They were wankers, weren’t they?” THIS IS SIBLING CULTURE!!!!
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Hahahaha Michael’s little suspicious side comments about human things like going to the bathroom kill me 
Also the fact that they have human bodies on Earth but no digestion LMAO
“I’m glad my mom has changed, but that doesn’t fix all the damage that she did to me.” A healthy and honest way to look at it ❤️
“I have no real ability to gauge physical attractiveness in humans.” Michael said: Don’t ever ask me if you looked hot again, Eleanor, it’s icky and I hated that
I love the Mirror Centaur, it’s both a good bit of self-reflection for Tahani and an expansion of the lore
Eleanor and Chidi’s love story is cute but I am threatened by title of the ep (The Worst Possible Use of Free Will)
“There’s no such thing as soulmates, you dingus.” OMG MICHAEL
“It’s a basic reality show playbook. Put a bunch of attractive young people in stressful situations, so they act like idiots and have sex with each other.” ELEANOR EXPLAINING HER FEELINGS AWAY WITH DETERMINISM AND REALITY TV
However, she makes some pretty good points lmao 
I love seeing what they write on these Split-Second Prop Boards LOL:
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“What if all YOUR choices are predetermined?” Eleanor said I see your 15-million-point-torture-plan, Michael and raise you one (1) frustrating woman who has studied a lot of philosophy and hates admitting to affection 
“Because if everything is determined and we have no free will, then all this stuff we’re doing to put more good into the world is pointless. And I want to believe that it matters.” MICHAEL ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ WE LOVE ONE (1) DEMON WHO LITERALLY UNDERSTANDS THE MECHANICS OF THE UNIVERSE AND STILL CHOOSES TO HAVE HIS OWN BELIEFS
Omg hey Vicky aka Real Eleanor, long time no see
I have no idea who they’ve cast as the model of Humanity’s Potential for the Good Place in Rural Canada but I am hoping and placing my bet that it’s William Daniels (Mr. Feeny of Boy Meets World)
Ggkhgjhgkjh all these reflections on how people help each other to become better, and Janet and Michael choose Doug Pisswater, Friend to Snails, as their new Jesus
I love when Jason and Chidi hang out. It teaches Chidi to chill out!! The lessons go both ways
“When is the right time to tell someone you were passionate lovers in an alternate timeline in the afterlife, but he doesn’t remember because technically none of that happened in this strand of the multiverse?” I feel like this is a better question for Eleanor to ask Janet than Tahani
Hee hee hee, Jason and Chidi bonding is soooo cute:
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Still kills me that Bambadjan is playing Bambadjan
“Screw this. Let’s fight.” YEAHHHHHHHH JANET, GET ‘EM
Honestly, for a show about morality, it has been surprisingly void of fight scenes until now
“Is it just me, or is Janet a straight-up hottie right now?” I gotta applaud Eleanor for her consistency
“I don’t want just any wasp nostrils, I want these wasp nostrils.” I guess Janet and Michael have inadvertently made their friends the most desirable people for the Bad Place because it’s been so hard to keep them in hell LOL
[Kicks Shawn through a portal] “I mean, why let the guy keep saying mean stuff?” Michael and Janet are an unbeatable duo
I love that they’re starting to actually interrogate the system itself:
Season 1: Something is wrong in the Good Place - we will learn about ethics to earn our place here
Season 2: We need to escape the Bad Place - we have learned enough to justify not being punished for moral failures we have made progress on
Season 3: We have escaped death, but now we need to decide what goodness in people actually means, and why we are even subscribing to this model to begin with
Incredibly impressed by D’Arcy Carden’s ability to embody each of the other four main characters. I wonder if they did this shot for shot with the other actors!!!
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“So, literally the entire universe is against you.” Poor four humans, caught in the middle of an interdimensional ethical struggle
“If I’m right, we will find proof that the Bad Place is tampering with the points system.” Call me crazy, but I think the underlying issue is the existence of a point system, and I hope there’s something beyond that scope that explains why the afterlife is so fucked up
“We’re in a void, in the body of a white lady--” “Not a lady.” I also love this consistency and Janet’s she-her-and-Not-a-Lady energy
“Let’s all say white people things. ‘Billy Joel.’ ‘I found it on Etsy.’ ‘There was nowhere to park.’ ‘Did you refill the Brita?’” HAHAHAHHAHAHA I also love that 3/4 of the people Janet is embodying are not white. I can’t imagine what I’d do if I died and woke up white. I don’t think I’d do well as a white person
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“Richard Moore of Sugar Land, Texas, hollowed out an eggplant and filled it with hot sauce and nickels.” I don’t know why this is so funny, but it is
Eleanor 🤝 Chidi 
Using philosophy lessons to explain away your feelings
“Just because you don’t remember doing something, doesn’t mean you didn’t do it. I have no idea how it happened, but there is definitely a tattoo on my butt that says, ‘Jasom.’” Jason’s philosophical commentary is both practical and true 
Michael is so mad for humanity not being allowed into the Good Place ❤️‍🩹
I’m now leaning towards the idea that there ISN’T a Good Place. Why haven’t we met anyone from there, expect that one person in that Mindy St. Clair video LOL
“I was just chillin’ being nothing, and then all of a sudden, I was.” Hahahah, Void Pillboi thinks, therefore he is 
“When was the last time someone got into the Good Place?” “The last time someone got into the Good Place was... 521 years ago.” !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The real question is how Jason-Janet and Eleanor-Janet managed to switch clothing without Chidi-Janet noticing LOL they’re all in one void
[In falsetto] “I’m Chidi, I’m Eleanor, I’m Arizona shrimp horny.” Every line on this show, but especially Jason’s, deserves an Emmy
I just looked it up and this show didn’t receive a SINGLE Emmy? Whack
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“If he’s not gonna to fix this, who is?” “You, Michael.” DEMON FRIEND GOING TO SAVE THE WORLD ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Chidi monologuing everything he knows about Eleanor to save her identity because who she is matters so much to him 🥺❤️🥺❤️🥺❤️
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GOOD FOR THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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“I need one of you to volunteer to do something outrageously insane that will either make you cease to exist or be really fun.” JASON JASON JASON
HAHAHAHAHAH the immediate follow-up in them realizing it didn’t actually give them any information by having Jason go up the mail tube first
“Holy forking shirtballs. We’re in the Good Place.” WOO, GO TEAM COCKROACH
“What kind of a messed-up place would turn away refugees.” SO many, Jason 
HAHAHAHAH Jason adding insane and bizarre details to their lies, but to be fair in a Good-Place-Accounting-Bad-Place trichotomy I guess it is somewhat believable to be chased by a Dracula with a bazooka
Awwwww now Chidi is comforting Eleanor about her Good Place crisis! You know what that is! Growth
I love Gwendolyn the Good Place Mailwoman With No Follow-Up Questions
“I feel bad that I sort of like, read her diary, and she doesn’t know.” Jason has his own moral code and it incudes minding ya business ❤️
“Why not have our first date four Oreos away from paradise?” Chidi DOES have a romantic bone in his non-corporeal body
“Every single Bad Place employee is a disgusting monster.” Awww, poor Michael
“Are all humans as attractive as you two [Tahani and Jason]?” [Chuckles] “No.” TRUE LMAO HOTTEST FRIENDS
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How is letting people be tortured for hundreds of years a morally neutral action? I just don’t believe that this version of the Good Place exists
“’There is only one time that is important, now. It is the only time when we have any power.’“ I love Chidi’s philosophy comments that are driven out of love from the people around him. I know he’s quoting Tolstoy but still
“You gotta try.” ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ ELEANOR SHELLSTROP, PHILOSOPHER
Eleanor using this as an immediate segue into sex HAHAHAHA
“There are so many unintended consequences to well-intentioned actions. Feels like a game you can’t win.” THAT’S WHAT I’VE BEEN SAYING
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“Any chance I can change real quick?” “No.” TIME TO SAVE THE UNIVERSE AS A SEXY MAILMAN, CHIDI
“Do you wanna try being boyfriend-girlfriend?” “I’m not a girl. But yes, I’d very much like to go on a date with you, somewhere, sometime.” JASONJANET IS BACK BAYBEEEEEEEEE 💘💘💘💘💘💘💘
“I never yelled at Big Noodle for being late again, because I knew hard it was for him to be there.” I LOVE philosophy lessons with Jason
Michael keeps saying if people don’t agree with him, they can kill him and his homies, as if he has not, at every turn, gotten his friends out of harm’s way every single time someone has wanted to get rid of them, and literally in the same episode said he would throw them into the next dimensional portal to keep trying. Michael said: My moral code is Janet’s ride-or-die protocol
“Also, I guess I’m Black, and they do not like Black ladies down there.” HOW CAN THE ALL-KNOWING JUDGE OF THE UNIVERSE NOT KNOW ABOUT RACISM AND MISOGYNOIR???
“Oh no, you are nobody’s problem, sweetheart.” Finally someone other than Eleanor appreciating Chidi for his looks hahahahah
Jason and Janet are so excellent at communicating their feelings. ALSO I LOVE JEALOUS JASON, RECIPROCITY:
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It has not been lost on me this whole time that Janet and Jason, and Chidi and Eleanor, have had to fall in love at least three separate times over three separate universes over three separate seasons. I can’t wait for them to get some time to actually BE in love, together, continuously
Also I hope Tahani finds someone she loves (though gunning for it not to be a white man though LOL)
“It’s going to be so amazing watching your four BFFs look so sad and betrayed and confused, as you, their reformed demon daddy, unleash a swarm of... penis-bees.” EVEN SADDER, THEIR REFORMED DEMON DADDY 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 MICHAEL!!!!!!!
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Michael experiencing his first panic attack in the very first step of the experiment lmao
HAHAHAHAHAHAH Eleanor immediately jumping in as architect. There were so many better ways to handle this. Just have Janet knock him out again 
“You’re like the Blake Bortles of whatever’s going on right now.” These is a very good compliment from Jason, he holds Eleanor in high esteem
I like that Simone’s back, and I hope she ends up as Tahani’s lover this time around, that’d be fun and a nice way to wrap up the couples
Chidi requesting for a mind-wipe to avoid his ex so he has to fall in love with Eleanor a fourth (FOUR HUNDREDTH) TIME OH MY GOD 
“This is a classic human situation. Your friends are going through something awful, and there’s nothing you can do about it.” Harsh but true
“Every time you see me get a stomach-ache, imagine I’m thinking of you.” “So, all the time.” 😭😭😭😭😭
Of this whole romantic montage of all of Eleanor and Chidi’s memories, it’s them on the boat together that got me. Eleanor being part of Chidi’s idea of a perfect day. Something something existing in each other’s comfort zone
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I did not expect for anything to make me tear up but Chidi’s voice breaking as he said he was going to miss Eleanor got me
“Time means nothing. Jeremy Bearimy, baby. We’ll get through this, and then you and I will chill out in the dot in the i forever.” Chidi is SO romantic now. That’s growth!!!!!!!!!!
Eleanor and Janet have truly been on the same romantic page this whole time. They have parallel journeys of love and loss
“In the words of the man that I love: I got you dog.” JANET 😭❤️ 
I really do love this show so much 
58 notes · View notes
princeofcyberpunk · 2 months
random scout characters ive collected as my personal favorite group of guys
Imoto Sayumi
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there is not a THING going on up there except that hairbow
Fukukawa Yoko
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we need more goth characters in this franchise that arent overtly "scary" or "halloween" themed. anyway apparently she hates wasting money so i automatically relate hell yeah frugal queen
Hoshihara Tsugumi
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APARENTLY SHE RUNS AWAY IF BOYS SAY THEY LIKE HER?? LMAO?? her dismayed expression is really everything to me
Fujieda Nunoka
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girl i am begging you to get brown contacts
Matsutani Kazuho
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apparently she wants to be a model but is worried about her appearance. alright thats another for the 'make them kaede's friend because they have no real lore and a tangential relation to fashion' pile
Yashiro Momoko
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she feeds the stray cats in her neighborhood how could i not love her
Kurashima Mao
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i am resisting the urge to make a "bLuE hAiReD wOkE fEmiNiSt" joke so hard rn anyways shes completely correct i can attest i am an urchin im very spiky
Shirasagi Akesumi
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all it says is that he's self-conscious about his apperence and while im inclined to say that makes him endearing the evil within me is saying "well yeah with a dumbass asymmetrical haircut like that you better be"
Chidori Yaena
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im gonna be so real i genuinely thought that she was a frog for a second anyway we need more inazuma eleven characters with bows on them
Rinnouji Raigo
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ok putting aside the fact that this man is a cyclist HIS DUB NAME IS AVID PEDDLER. his parents must fucking HATE HIM
Takama Ai
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im gonna be real i only like her because her design is scary what is WRONG with her
Kazamatsuri Sou
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he looks like those times in the Yo-Kai Watch canon where the Yo-Kai use those leaves to appear as humans. but like. if Ventoct did that
Hiraraki Raina
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she aparently loves american tv and orders DVDs from there of said shows. i am afraid of which ones she's referring to because last time i checked the only good thing on TV we export is cartoons
Reizei Rikihito
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his hair is cute and his name is fun to say what more could i ask for
Aragaki Rekkuu
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he looks like he'd be rivals with the previous guy and also kinda like he fell out of beyblade
and finally Shima Naemi
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SHE WANTS TO BE A DETECTIVE AND LOOKS LIKE SHES ABOUT TO CRY I LOVE HER we need to have a whole game about this girl stat
18 notes · View notes
ashesandhackles · 1 year
Philosopher's Stone reread notes
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This is originally done for TTB discord server rereads. Lot of these notes have ended up in my metas. So I am just going to put the extraneous notes that haven't appeared in stuff I have written.
Chapter 1, 2, 3,4,5
The flying motorbike is a recurring dream of his escape from Dursleys - and it is associated with Sirius and Hagrid.
Lot of exploration Harry and Dursleys is done in: Deconstructing Harry, Harry and the Dursleys
What a life changing moment it is for Harry that the moment Hagrid enters (which makes his bullies fearful). He removes the threat of the rifle from Vernon and the negates the feeling of Vernon as a threat and then proceeds to make delicious sausages.. There are so many associations of Hagrid with warmth and nurture.
Also Petunia's outburst about Lily indicates the more mischievous, rule bending streak in Lily - "came home with her pockets full of frog spawn and turning teacups into rats". We see an element of this in DH too - Petunia shrieking that Lily wasnt allowed, but Lily jumps off the swings anyway. The association of Lily with magic is a very happy, joyous thing. Frog spawn is also a Lily - Potions connection!
Since Harry feels safe with Hagrid, he is asking a lot more questions and allowing himself to be curious. It took him some time - because the first scene with Hagrid, there is almost a page gap between Harry asking "Who are you?" to "I am sorry, I still don't know who you are."
Harry not taking to Malfoy because of Dudley reminder (and this is how he assesses threats in environment). Malfoy going on about how Hagrid is a "savage" and asking for Harry's surname, what interesting ways to introduce social divisions.
Quidditch as a sport that holds social capital. Purebloods who have played it all their life vs Muggleborns who would just start to see what the sport is about (also endearing that Dean has a West Ham football poster up)
Also more characterization details for Lily and James: James gets a wand suited for transfiguration (pliable and powerful), and Lily gets a swishy wand that is good for charm work. I love how much themes of power surround James even in little details like this.
It is interesting that both James and Voldemort's wands are remarked as powerful ones here - while Lily a woman, get a wand that is good for Charms, that is seen as a "soft option" as per Augusta Longbottom, which McGonagall refutes in OOTP.
Wands are also expensive. It is also used for wizard's dominance over other creatures (which Griphook angrily tells the trio in DH). I see Snape's potion speech (also something Lily was good at) as another indication of wand magic as seen something inherently superior - he calls it "foolish wand waving" "silly incantations" as if to assert the superiority of Potions as a subject (because the general perception is otherwise).
@artemisia-black insight on wands and masculinity: Hegemonic masculinity (the ideal of masculinity that men within a given society attempt to aspire to and play masculine roles to emulate) is very context specific. In the literature by Connell (the scholar who proposed the idea based on their work looking at social power), wealth, dominance over women and non-gender conforming men, dominance over non-white men, and obligatory hetrosexuality are the key components. But in the wizarding world I hypothesise a different definition - magical power is one of the key traits of magical hegemonic masculinity. Particularly with the phallic symbol of the wand.
Chapter 6, 7
Harry takes the initiative Ron and Neville - he has the empathy for underdog. There is something about Ron and Neville's vulnerability that speaks to him. With the twins, they lead the way to set a dynamic for Harry.
With Hermione, she reminds him of an authority figure with her bossiness, so he doesn't talk to her unless she is directly addressing him. He has no model to talk to her. So this is very much something he is comfortable letting Ron take the lead. As his experience with authority figures are usually not good, it's a mixed thing where he can tell she is not a threat + but he also doesn't relate to her.
I was also very intrigued by how he offers Neville comfort and tries to distract Ron to comfort him (telling him that Scabbers whiskers may have turned yellow). I was thinking - who is he modelling this behaviour from? And it's Petunia. Petunia tries to distract Dudley when he is upset. (Also, Harry is a very observant kid. i was also interested in how he watches the Weasley family from his compartment)
Weasley family dynamics: Ron literally says nothing in the station scene, until he asks Molly to get off (from getting the spot of his nose). Fred, George, Ginny consistently talk and make themselves heard. Percy is already a bit removed - cos he is a prefect, but he also gets new robe (something twins comment on) and owl (something Ron comments on). Percy is rewarded by his mother in ways that makes other siblings notice. Ron, on the other hand, is the super accommodating middle child. There is a lot of care being made to point out all of his stuff is second hand.
"you don't want this. It's all dry. She doesn't have a lot of time" After a moment of complaint ("she always forgets I don't like corned beef"), Ron quickly contextualises it for Harry. He doesn't want Harry to think badly of Molly in any way, so he quickly explains. Loyalty is a such a strong defining trait for him.
Also I really like the glimpse of Ginny in the train chapter - she is a happy, indulged girl who cries and laughs easily. There is scope to develop her as the girl who stops crying easily after CoS (even though she does cry after CoS too)
Hermione: Hermione's reaction to her nervousness and insecurities is to double down on them. Her introduction speech is quite literally a "information information information I just hope it will be enough". She comes across as intimidating as a result xD Even in the Sorting hat scene, she babbles about what she read.
Harry immediately picks up on Snape's dislike of him from one look. Again, threat based mode activate.
Harry's anxiety about being sent back (there are at least 2 times in the chapter where he works himself into a panic about being sent back and not being chosen), and how he thinks back to time that no one would want Dudley to know they liked him is very clear allusion to his abandonment issues. This is important to how he handles conflict in interpersonal relationships in first few books.
The use of dream is interesting - I think it is both a fun literary device + speaks to Harry's intuition. The things that Harry associates as threats in this chapter all make an appearance - Draco, Snape. And curiously, Quirrel's turban and high cold laugh. Harry has similar dreams in POA where he can hear (but can't see) stag galloping in middle of a forest clearing.
Chapter 8, 9:
Harry once again becomes escape artist, throwing instructions in dangerous situation - "maybe we can lock in the troll" "confuse the troll" and when he sees anyone in trouble, he takes the lead action (running and grabbing troll by the neck because the troll started going after Ron - who did indeed try to confuse it)
Running and grabbing people by neck is Harry's go to move for bigger people, he did that to Vernon too in earlier chapters.
Also interesting note - Snape examines the troll and gives Harry a "piercing look". First indication of him trying leglimency? Harry immediately looks down in response.
also interesting: Parvati was heard telling Lavendar that Hermione was crying in the bathroom, and that Hermione asked to be left alone (points to Hermione's self-isolating tendencies). Once again, good insight into Hermione, Parvati and Lavender dynamics. It also makes like Parvati a lot more. It seems like she is the one who tried to reach out and got rebuffed. We get a version of this in HBP where she tries to make up to Hermione for laughing at her.
Chapter 10,11, 12, 13
Snape and Filch, the broTP of ages. The way he complains to Filch, "blasted thing. How are you supposed to pay attention to three heads at once?" XD and now I am curious about his dynamic with Filch. Do they hate on children together. "Stebbins is a fool" "Last week Mrs Norris caught him looking hangdog outside Fawcett's classroom. Lovesick beasts"
I had forgotten how protective the twins are with regard to Harry. When the broom is jinxed, the twins try to get Harry onto one of their brooms + and when they couldn't, they fly underneath him so that they can catch him when he falls. They display similar behavior in CoS where they both get angry at Wood for making Harry play against Rogue Bludger.
Ron and Hermione are in general so thoughtful. Ron mentions to Molly that Harry wasn't expecting any presents + he notices Harry's preoccupation with the mirror and just overall thinks it's a bad idea.
The detective element of Harry's character where he obsesses over a problem vs him obsessing over the mirror - I forgot the obsessive spells he has. It's more pronounced in HBP and DH.
Also he gets his father's cloak and he is unwilling to talk about it and share it. Interesting on how personal this entire experience is for Harry.
The first thing both twins and Ron notice is their lack of things. It doesn't even read like complaining, almost matter of fact, but that's the first thing they notice. "Harry's better than ours. She obviously makes more of an effort if you are not family". The twins notice these things and I wonder how much of their targeting of Percy is also bit of envy from receiving their mother's validation in a way they don't. "things you value, things our mother value is kinda stupid and we are cooler than that"
But frog marching of Percy also has an endearing light to it. Because they do it, and Percy follows after initial "i don't want" to "Christmas is time for family"
We see first indications of more deliberate manipulation by Hermione. She flatters Hagrid's ego and gets him to admit about which teachers also added protection for the stone. She did a smaller version of that with McGonagall 😂 used her good reputation to protect Harry and Ron and take the fall. Here she is precise with what she means to do
@bluethepineapple insight: Even here, she is already very aware of appearances and narrative and is willing to manipulate it for her purposes. It's something we see on a much grander scale with the DA and the Quibbler later on, but there are smaller instances of it here already. She's really a born politician lol.
Harry and Neville - Harry cheers him up by saying, "you are worth twelve of Malfoy" and Neville repeats it to Malfoy -" I am worth twelve of you". What a cutie 🥺 Neville really admires Harry's bravery and looks up to him, he says as much in DH.
Also, its wild that Harry sees James and Lily through Mirror of Erised first.
For last section of the book - Trio dynamics:
also love that Charlie has friends who are willing to do things for him illegally at moment's notice. "Who wouldn't risk jail for Charlie? The dude is that likable".
Neville really looks up to Harry. But when they were going to the forest, he is so scared, he grabs Harry's sleeve 🥺
I love the atmosphere of the entire forest section. There is an eerie beauty in what's written, and I love Harry is aware of being watched.
Hermione was so worried about Harry near the end of the chapter, she was running ahead of Hagrid to check on him. (this is when Harry comes back with Firenze) this is when it was established that Hermione was scared to go into the forest (and Hagrid addresses her gently), but the moment she knows Harry has been left alone by Malfoy, she panics and runs ahead. What a wonderful character detail.
The chapter also has the cloaked figure "slithering" - so it gives such strong associations.
Harry takes the lead (and goes headfirst everywhere). Takes the flute, offers to jump first and instructs - "if anything happens to me, don't follow."
Hermione the pyromaniac. Same bluebell flames against devil snare - the one she has in jar, and she also attacks Snape in Quidditch match with fire.
The Knight: Pointing to Ron's protective nature + loyalty.
Snape uses logic puzzle: another hint to his roots, things wizards aren't implied to be good at.
Death is a theme since early on - the books open with double murder, end with fight over elixir of life where the stone is destroyed.
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yeehawbvby · 3 months
Falling Away With You | Ch. 49
Sebastian x F!Reader and M. Rasmodius x F!Reader
Rating: Mature/Explicit
Chapter Summary: Time to use The Shrine(tm)
Author’s Note: n/a
Table of Contents + Work Summary
Check it out on ao3!
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Shane was right. I was about to cry. As soon as I stepped outside the tears started falling. I had planned to go grab some groceries from Pierre’s and visit Robin to ask a few questions about installing barns and whatnot, but instead I just went to Cindersap and wandered around until I could calm down enough to face anyone again. 
In the moment, assaulting a bootlicking Joja cog with some coffee and sass felt so freeing. Afterwards… I can’t help but think, why did I do that? I’ve never really snapped at anyone before, and the first time I do it’s a total stranger? Even if he is a dick, and even if maybe he did deserve it for whatever reason, I still can’t help but feel guilty.
Don’t even know if I’ll ever be able to face Morris again. I guess I won’t be visiting Sam there anymore.
As I pad through the crunchy fallen leaves, sniffling up a storm between sips of coffee due to the emotions and chilly air, I just try to focus on what’s ahead in an attempt to relax a bit. 
Like, Spirit’s Eve is gonna be a blast. I’ve got that going for me at least. I’ll have a chance to meet that shadow person Magnus is friends with too. I absentmindedly gain a little pep in my step as I remember that Seb’s and Magnus’ birthday are both in the coming months. I wonder if they’ll want to do anything special. 
I check my phone and see a wall of texts from Sam:
Sam > HEY. I snuck out for a bathroom break bc omg Sam > u were so real for that Sam > like holy crud. I’ve always wanted to give morris even a *little* bit of shit and u just did it ur first time meeting the guy
There are a few more messages, all exclaiming about how awesome he thinks I am. It’s just as endearing as it is embarrassing.
I quickly reply to lie and say it wasn’t a big deal and that it’s whatever and that I’m fine, not-lie to promise him we’ll hang out for real soon, and apologize for his lack of a coffee. I then decide to go to Magnus’ a bit early. Maybe he and Seb can distract my nerves, and if not I can at least fill them in on what happened.
I begin nearing Tony Remington Trash Bear. Haven’t seen this fella in ages. He notices me and sniffs in my direction while chewing today’s dish. Looks like a stuffed pumpkin… where does he get these things?
I wave at him, and wonder — now knowing he’s an elemental — if he can communicate with me. 
As far as I can tell, though, there’s not a single thought besides his next meal behind those eyes. Good for him, if true!
I slow down and try to speak to him, tentatively holding out my cup. “Uh… I don’t know if you understand me, but d-do you want some coffee?” He glimpses at the cup and I add, “I’ve had, like, half, and it’s cold now, but…” followed by a very meek shrug. 
Tony sniffs a little louder and turns away. 
“Oh. Sorry.” Guess he doesn’t like coffee.
I take a few more steps. He looks at me again. I stop again, and stare back for a moment before waving. 
He waves back oh my fucking god before turning back to his food.
Yoba, Spirits, whoever, what ever, please let this be a sign that today can turn up from here.
My pace becomes brisk as I try to make it to Magnus’ tower faster. I’ve gotta tell him and Seb that there’s a slim chance I actually can communicate with animals, even if they can’t communicate back in a way I can understand. 
I wonder if I can learn that. Like, animal-speaking potions or spells have to be a real thing, no?
And, like, with Cannoli, I assumed he could roughly get the gist of whatever I say because out bond. What if I’ve actually been talking to him in a way he can comprehend for months now?
…What if I can, like, translate frogs for Seb someday? 
Oh my fuck—
I feel giddy at the thought and do a little shimmy to work out my energy. I know if I start jogging in lieu that I’ll probably just trip on a fallen branch or acorn or something — the ground is too covered in leaves for me to see what’s beneath them, save for a few long weeds.
I make it to the tower quicker than I’d anticipated. Outside the door I stomp some mud off my boots, and while stepping in, I hear hushed speaking from the main room. I don’t say anything, not wanting to interrupt if something is important going on. Quietly so as to not disturb them, I remove my coat and shoes and pad through the doorway, sipping my sweet drink.
I stop in my tracks and nearly choke on the coffee at the view before me:
Magnus and Seb are facing each other, their bodies parallel to the side walls and nearest the far end of the cauldron. I can see some of Seb’s face and all of Magnus’. 
Seb got his ears pierced! The red studs — I guess they were safe to use, after all — are just barely visible from my view, resting above his gauges. Not sure about the other ear, but he has crossed industrials on this one as well now. 
Now, I can’t tell if his ears are pink from swelling or from blush, but it could be both, given how closely Magnus is observing him. Magnus’ hand is tilting Seb’s face up, and he’s heavily inspecting his piercings with a slight flush on his own cheeks, as well as rosy eyes. Only god knows if it’s because of the contact he’s engaging in, or because of how much cooler Seb looks with his new jewelry.
As Magnus tilts Seb the other way, I’m at first ready to assume that Seb did get a few piercings on his other ear too, until I see Magnus practically cupping the younger man’s face. His lips are slightly curled upward and moving but I can barely hear a word he’s saying. The only sound that registers in my ears is the smooth, bassy reverberation of his baritone voice. A breathy laugh comes from Seb in response. 
My heart stutters at the thought that they’re, like, gonna fucking kiss or something, until Magnus drop’s his hands, crossing them against his ribs. It’s only as Seb mimics the motion that I notice they’re both wearing black sweaters, both with their sleeves rolled to their elbows. 
A Sebastian cosplay convention.
SebbyCon… SebCon? SebastiCon???
No. Shut up.
I make my presence a little more known as I clear my throat and approach my partners, unable to contain the shit-eating grin plastered on my face. Magnus looks over and smiles wide at my presence, seemingly oblivious to how ~scandalous~ that interaction appeared. Seb turns to do the same, more focused on giving me his own silly, smug look.
Whoa. On the ear opposite from the one I had a slight view of, Seb has a triple helix now, as well as a fucking nose piercing, all alongside his red lobe piercing. I can’t hide how frickin’ stoked I am for these, god he pulls it all off so well!
Ignoring their hellos, I scurry closer, my eyes and smile wide as I place my cup on the counter nearby to take Seb’s face in my hands, basically doing the same thing Magnus just did. 
“Holy shit, dude!”
“You like ‘em?” he laughs.
I reposition Seb so he’s got no choice but to look directly at me. “I feel feral.”
“Oh my,” Magnus laughs while he observes us.
Still holding Seb’s face, I turn to look at and giggle with the elemental. 
Seb brings my attention back by placing a hand on mine and using the other to draw my face to his, dipping down for a quick smooch amidst his smiling. “You’re here early. I just showed up a few minutes ago.”
I nod, pressing my forehead to Seb’s chest and wrapping my arms around him. As he hugs back, I explain, “Rough day.”
Drawing nearer to place a hand against my spine, right above Seb’s hands, Magnus asks, “Did your plans to visit Samson fall through?”
I chuckle, muttering quietly about how formal and old he sounds, and give Seb an extra little squeeze before turning to hug Magnus. “No, I saw him,” I mutter as his arms envelop me. “I, uh,” I press my cheek to Magnus and to get a better view of Seb, “I poured coffee on his boss.”
“What?!” Magnus says, his voice sounding awfully incredulous, albeit amused. The shock is deserved, to be fair. Again. Never really done something like that.
Seb, as I had hoped and predicted, looks so goddamn proud of me. “Deliberately?” I nod. “Holy shit, you badass!”
“Y’know,” I observe, “people keep saying that, but I cried about it the second I stepped out of the store.”
Magnus’ hug tightens so I turn back to him, nuzzling my face into his torso as Seb asks, “Why’d you do it?”
“He was being a dick to Sam,” it’s hard to talk like this so I release myself, standing off to the side to form a little triangle between the three of us, “aaand he scolded me for having my own lil’ treat in the store with me.” I fidget my sleeves while nodding over to the coffee cup on the counter. “That was supposed to be for Sam, I was just holding it for him until Morris left, but…” I shrug.
“Oh yeah,” Seb agrees with Magnus, “the dude sucks. I never really see Sam on the clock anymore just to avoid him.”
“We’ve gotta get him out of there,” I mutter, making my way back to the coffee. I chug the rest before tossing it in the bin nearby. 
In the meantime, Seb counters, “Dude’s stuck. He’s not going anywhere anytime soon.”
“Mm,” Magnus simply hums. He barely knows who Sam is, this is probably uncomfy for him.
I meet the taller man’s eyes. “Shrine?”
“Of course.” 
Magnus and I start making our way across the room, but I stop when I notice that Seb isn’t following. I turn around and notice that he already has a book in hand. “You coming?”
“Nah,” he responds, seeming to search for a certain page in particular. “I’ll be fucking with some potions while you do that.”
“Boooo,” I pout. He tosses up a middle finger with a playful glare, and I throw the gesture right back. “If I don’t, like, die, I guess I’ll see you when I’m not a human anymore,” I add on.
“You better not die on me now.”
“No promises!” I announce as I make my way over to Magnus, who’s patiently waiting by the doorway.
His nose scrunches and brows furrow while he grins, as though he’s holding back a laugh, but I don’t mind the scrutiny; I’m too busy admiring the way his crow’s feet deepen, complementing the sparkle in his burgundy eyes.
Maybe it’s the spirits doing their thing again, but I can’t help but notice how happy and full of love I feel with Magnus and Seb around… how happy they seem with me, and even each other.  
Not to be a huge sap or anything, but life is so fucking beautiful, sometimes. 
“You won’t die, my heart,” he reassures me, breaking me from my train of thought.
As we make our way downstairs I ask half-jokingly, freeing myself from my stupor, “So I’ll just be horribly mangled if I don’t do things right?”
I look at Magnus. He’s chewing the inside of his cheek and avoiding my gaze.
Sighing, I nod. “Good to know.”
“You’re an incredible sorceress, dear. You’ll likely be just fine.”
“If I don’t fuck up, sure.” 
“It’ll be alright, I can almost guarantee it.” As we near the shrine, Magnus turns to me and walks backwards for a few steps, “Besides, just think of the results!” 
I experience a fucking war flashback as I remember him having a similar outlook on that potion he made me when we were in our early days of knowing each other. The one that had me keeled over in pain on the ground within seconds. 
“This feels familiar…” I mumble, hoping that the scene is projecting into his mind. Based on his lack of a response as he sifts through a tome, I’m assuming it didn’t work. 
When his attention is back on me, he nears my side, giving me a run-down as he magically highlights certain parts of the page he has open. I cozy myself into his side, nodding along while I try to keep up. Without halting, he wraps his corresponding arm around me, leaning into my touch.
He really is a wonderful teacher, but sometimes he goes so quickly. I get that it’s just the excitement fueling his speed though. More often than not he bears in mind that, although I fucking rock at this, apparently, it’s still kinda new to me.
After asking him to reiterate a few things — including what types of beings I can become with this thing, none of which include things with horns or tails, god damnit! — before I memorize the few lines of spell I’m to perform and step over to the center of the emblem on the floor.
Before I begin, I ask, “Wait, when you use this you like… hover, yeah?” Magnus nods. “Is it okay that I can’t do that? Do you think it’ll effect things?”
He chuckles and shakes his head, “You’ll be fine on your feet. Or your butt, or knees, or whatever you prefer, really.”
“Alright,” I sit on the ground, crossing my legs and resting my antsy hands against my thighs. “Here goes nothing.”
I don’t think I’ll ever feel comfortable reciting incantations in front of people, so I whisper it to myself, as I hear Magnus crossing the room — I assume to sit down and read or something, similarly to how I did during his transformation all that time ago — before patiently waiting for the process to take effect. 
Once I get the ball rolling, everything starts to feel weird. I feel tingly, mana exuding from every pore of my body. I keep my eyes shut so as to concentrate on the image of what I want to become more effectively, but can still see the faint illumination of an arcane light show through my closed lids. 
I’m not sure how much time passes like this. I wind up in sort of a trance-like state at some point; somewhere between being incredibly conscious of the weird sensations coursing through me, and oblivious to the fact that I even exist in my own body. It’s only whenever I stop feeling anything beyond the floor below my ass and my hands on my thighs that I realize the process must be done. 
I open my eyes slowly. They widen as I notice first the change in my clothes, then in skin color. It all looks eerily similar to what I’d racked my brain with, and I guess that’s the point, but it still startles me a bit.
I turn my palms up and around, admiring the dusty pink tint of my skin, and the way it almost shimmers with an otherworldly pearlescence under the dim glow of the basement’s lighting.
I take in the deep obsidian of my new pants — made of something soft and silky, with a high and cinched waist to counter the bagginess everywhere else — as I extend a leg outward, tracing the intricate details of the silver embroidery that climb the outer hems.
My top is also very loose, but tucked into the corset-like belt of my bottoms. It’s black; has a soft, sort of cottony in feel; and it’s void of any detail, aside from the wavy edges of its three-quarter sleeves. 
I reach my hands to my ears, which are now slightly longer and pointy, then slide my digits through my hair, which feels softer than ever. It’s thick, pin-straight, and long, reaching down to my lower back. I bring a section of it over my shoulder, observing the silvery gray it’s become.
My same earrings are in, at least from what I can feel. Similarly, my necklace from Welwick and ring from Magnus are safely on my person.
I didn’t expect the transformation to be this intense — I thought it would just change my colors around a bit, like how it did with Magnus. The clothes were wanted of course, but I didn’t think I could actually change them too. Was just feeling more hopeful about that than anything.
I finally look up and to my left in search of Magnus. He’s sitting on the couch, one leg crossed over the other and a tome abandoned next to his lap while he awe-struckedly rakes his eyes up and down my new form, leaning up from his relaxed position.
I shoot him a big grin and his eyes widen a bit, the faint smile he had prior not leaving his face. 
“The fangs were a lovely touch,” he quietly compliments.
Fangs?! “I didn’t even know I did those.” My gaze shifts to nothing in particular while I snarl a bit, tapping my tongue to my teeth. They’re situated like vampire fangs, which is lucky, considering I’m not sure I’d be safe if they’d filled my mouth. These babies are sharp.
I bring my attention back to my partner as he stands, and I meet him halfway. Still the same height as before, which is good. Won’t draw suspicion from anyone who lives around here. 
“Is it normal for the shrine to take creative liberties like that sometimes?”
“Eh,” he shrugs. “This seems to happen more with a user who lacks experience — but if it chooses to trust you, it’ll never be an unwelcome transformation.”
I look back at the thing, shrug, and turn back.
“You’re incredible, (y/n),” Magnus grins, tilting my face up by the chin. “Did you mean to do this with your sclera as well?”
Oh hell yeah, it worked! 
I answer triumphantly, “Damn right, I did.” It makes him giggle. Makes me giggle in turn. “What color are they now?” Did it work how I wanted it to?
Looking more at my eyes than into them, he mutters, “They match your trousers quite nicely,” Fuck yes, “and your irises are lavender.” Not what I was going for, but I’ll take it! “I must say, it’s strange to see you this way, but you’re ethereal nonetheless.”
“Think it’s too much for when I go to the above-ground event?”
He tilts his head and chews the inside of his cheek while he studies me, before ultimately shaking his head. “It simply looks like you’ve a knack for makeup.”
I begin playing with and staring at my new hair again. “Thank god, this is fucking sick.” I look back up at Magnus, fingers still fiddling with my tresses. I purse my lips, swaying a little as I shyly start,  “Do I have to change back to—“
He laughs, holding out a hand for me to take. “I assume you want to present your new form to Sebastian, yes?”
“Hell yeah, let’s go.”
I grab his hand and we make our way out of the room. Gazing at our inhuman skin tones locked together, I begin to feel a little self conscious. I’m probably overthinking, but I can’t stop the feeling from gnawing at me. 
“Uh…” I start, suddenly feeling kinda shy.
Magnus slows down a bit, seeming to sense my worries. That, or he read them already, but he hasn’t said anything so I can only assume he’s trying not to. 
“Do you… ever wish that I was an elemental too?” 
He slows us to a halt and I shift my vision to meet his own. The wizard looks as calm as ever, if not just a little more concerned than usual. “Of course not, my heart,” he turns to face me. “In fact, if you were one, the spirits may have never fated us together in the first place.”
That’s right, he did mention the whole soulmates thing being in favor of an elemental and human pairing. 
I nod, accepting the answer. I still feel a little weird knowing that maybe I’m more (or less, maybe?) attractive this way, but it’s not like I’m a whole new body shape or anything, so I try not to think much of it. There’s no point to it, this is only for special occasions, after all. 
“I love you,” he tacks on cheerily, as if to remind me.
Fucking dork.
“I love you too. Sorry.”
Magnus huffs out a laugh. “Why are you apologizing?!” 
“I dunno!” I join his chuckles, shaking my head. Never claimed that I’m not a dork too. “Just feels childish to ask you stuff like that, now that I’m thinking about it.”
“It’s only natural such an immense change in your appearance would cause some unease.”
“I guess…” 
He does have a point. It’s almost the same feeling as when you don’t wear as much makeup as usual, and someone comments on how sick and tired you look, regardless of your wellbeing; or when you gain or lose a noticeable amount of weight, and people make comments on how much “livelier” or “happier” or “better” you look, regardless of how good the change actually was for your health… 
Except I’m doing it to myself instead, like a dummy. 
And I haven’t even seen myself yet.
Magnus did nothing to indicate if he likes this change more or less than my original appearance. I’m sure Seb won’t either. He’ll probably just be excited to have a temporary elf girlfriend.
They both love me as I am.
I’ve gotta chill.
Okay. I’m good, I think. Enough spiraling.
I look up at Magnus, who’s patiently awaiting my next move. I wonder if he heard me get lost in my head for a moment there. If he did, he doesn’t say anything about it. I offer a soft smile which he reciprocates before giving my hand a squeeze. 
“Are you alright, my heart?”
“Yeah,” I nod, “let’s go.”
When Magnus and I arrive upstairs, we’re hit with a strong smell of marijuana. Seb rarely smokes here. Magnus banned cigarettes — dude hates the smell — but weed is fair game, so Seb brings it out sometimes if he’s extra stressed. Not often, but it does happen.
Must be going through it right now.
Rounding the corner, I see Seb leaning with his palms flat on the nearest countertop, with a tome opened in front of him. Around him are haphazardly placed vials and ingredients. A blunt is lazily hanging from his mouth, and the cauldron is draining behind him, as he mutters the words he reads under his breath with nearly closed lips. 
“You good?” 
Startled, Seb looks up. His eyes widen at my new appearance and the blunt falls from his mouth. He catches it before it can land anywhere though.
“Oof,” I add casually, “Nice save.”
“Nice, uh…” 
He pauses to stare for a moment, leaving the blunt hanging between two fingers like a cigarette. I gnaw my bottom lip and shift around on my feet. His intense scrutiny is flustering me.
“Hah.” Seb rubs his eyes with the digits of his free hand, then keeps them shut with his fingertips against his lids as he continues, “Can’t think of anything witty for a response.” 
His cheeks are obstructed by his large hand, but the tips of his ears are a little pink. I glimpse up at Magnus, who has a faint smile on his lips as he watches Seb’s struggle.
“I didn’t expect this, holy fuck,” the emo speaks up.
“Think it’s too much?” I shyly murmur, using my hair as a fidget again.
“God, no.” He looks up at Magnus. Then at me. Then at Magnus again, and back to me, before putting his attention back onto the book. Through a puff of smoke he mumbles, “I’ve never felt so lame in my life.”
Magnus is quick to try to halt Seb’s negative self-talk with a practical solution. “You’re more than welcome to give the shrine a whirl once you’re ready.”
“Yoba knows how long that’ll take.” Sebastian flicks the page below him. “Can’t even follow the directions laid out in front of me without messing something up.”
I nod towards Seb’s blunt, eyeing it as he puts it back between his lips. “Is that not helping as much as you wanted?” I wonder.
Seb sighs, shaking his head. “Nah, it’s helping plenty. I was ready to tear my fucking hair out before.”
“Is there anything I can assist with?” Magnus interjects.
Another head shake from Seb. “No, I wanna do this on my own.”
“At least allow me to speed this up for you,” the older wizard states more than he asks, heading to the cauldron. 
Seb turns back and nods. “Thanks, dude.” I catch how his eyes rake up and down Magnus’ body before he turns back to me and does the same. “God,” he whispers, his lashes fluttering as he subtly rolls his eyes back. Then, he rummages in the nearby cabinets for some more stuff. 
I snort. “Stressed ‘god,’ or…?” I trail off quietly.
Not sure how keen he is on Magnus knowing what gets him going, regardless of how sexually open we’ve been in conversation.
Seb tilts his head up and deadpans me. I waggle my eyebrows. He gets the gist. He nods.
“Both, then?” I confirm.
He sighs, producing a mortar and pestle. Then, he responds while he places some leaves into the thing and begins grinding ‘em down.
“Both, yeah.” 
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taiyyna · 2 years
I can't pick who I love more this season. Naive princess, waiting for a prince, who also somehow is the most competent person in a group right now? Ranger first level my ass. Old gay dude who cares for children and tell stories and do magic, but has no idea how to control the powerful gift he accidentally wished for? Just be more careful with what you wish for. Like, dude, you almost fucked it all up in the first episode with your "I wish the best for all children". Little puppet who got rid off his nose to hide his lies, but has the most loving heart, cause he is doing all this to protect his father? Also, it is fucking sad that only mother figure he knows is stepmom, who ate her own children. Btw, Brennan Lee Mulligan, you owe me therapist now. Little puss in boots, who is just a regular asshole cat with a sprinkle of fashion? I love him. No one is surprised, cause I am old cat lady in the making. Fucked up frog guy, who keeps saying staff like "war is for non-castle people" and "I'm handsome, so, everything is good", but somehow is still sweet and relatable? Also, he is not a full frog yet, which implies that his wife is alive and not completely over him. And, finally, endearing girl who just want some guidance and love and also is the most dangerous member of group? Yes, please! Can't wait to see how everything will turn out.
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mistyfoxxy · 2 years
Fluff to help with the heart breaking I did a lil earlier aksjskskdk. Sorry not sorry.
Willow twirled a strand of her hair as she stared up at the ceiling. Watching one of her hanging vines and flowers lightly away under the wind that entered her open balcony. It was feeling quite nice out today. Well tonight.
Her mind then drifted to the Emperors right hand man, the golden guard.
He was quite the… persona. He had saved her a few months back then came to check on her that night. She remembered thinking she was about to be arrested for something then the immediate shock at the fact that the GOLDEN GUARD, right hand man to the emperor himself, mysterious hero of the isles, came to check on her! And he stayed and even hung out for a while. He was quite a cocky one. But he seemed to be interested in things most kids her age was into. Surprised and even filled with child like wonder at certain things she assumed he had never seen before.
The golden guard was very hyper and cocky and well… he could be nice too. Then he could be bashful and childish too. Oh! He was verrrry nosy. That was definitely something to add to it. That guard acted as if he owned her bedroom as his own little kingdom or something when he came over.
Oh did she mention that? He had visited several times after. In fact, she’d even say he visited between two and three times a week. Making himself quite comfortable whenever he got there, whether he plopped down on her bed and started asking her a bunch of questions, oh! Or even the one time she walked in her room and found him SLEEPING on her bed, under the cover and everything. If her dads had come in that day, she’d have been grounded for weeks! Or he’d just walk in, take whatever snacks she was currently eating and steal a book off her shelf and start reading. She was very grateful now that she had never kept a diary.
Sometimes they even snuggle together and watch a movie as if it was the most normal thing in the world. The faces he’s make were hilarious or even endearing. He loved watching the sphere. He even admitted to having a stuffed frog once when he saw it.
She then noticed a shadow across the ceiling and smirked. Speak of the devil.
“Hello there citizen.” The guard in topic greeted as if he was there idly by chance.
She sat up and have her best ‘shocked’ expression she could muster. “Oh hello golden guard! What a surprise to see you here? What are doing? Oh! Don’t tell me! Am I being arrested?” Willow then placed a hand over head and one on her heart, feigning distress to counteract his joke.
The guard laughed and stepped into the room. “Not this time. Maybe if you keep making yourself so attractive to be around, then I’d have to start an investigation to see what kind of magic you’re using against me.”
Oh. Willow felt herself slightly blush at the blunt compliment, she’d even dare call it flirting if the guard didn’t seem so serious about it. “No magic. Just my awesome charm.” She prompted.
The guard nodded as if content with the answer and walked towards her bookshelf. The little red bird he called Flapjack, his palisman, then came out of his hood and made its way over to greet her and Clover. Her little bee buzzed excitedly as the two then dashed about the room.
“You do know there is a library in town, right Goldie?”
“Oh I know. I’ve already read just about all of them several times. You have a few I haven’t before.”
This was news to her. “All? As if, all 700 books in that library?” She asked perplexed.
“Well not all of them. I haven’t read the kid section since I was really little, so those don’t count. Besides some of them never really caught my interest.” He stated casually. He then seemed to settle for a choice in books and picked one up. He then made his way to the bed and plopped down beside her. “You have a really comfortable bed by the way. Sorry for… taking a nap the other day. My bed isn’t near as nice so I kind of just… passed out.” He stated sheepishly, tapping the metal that covered his face as if in thought.
“Oh it’s fine. As long as my dads don’t catch you, I won’t be grounded for like- life.”
“Grounded? Oh we won’t have that. I’ll have them arrested before they try to do that.” He claimed angrily. “Why would they even do that? You’re their daughter!”
Willow was taken aback. “W- what do you mean?”
“That punishment is uncalled for. You should put someone under ground if they’re not decease! And you’re a literal child! Ok not a child, you’re a perfectly aged young lady but that’s besides the point! Th-“
“Hey hey! Calm down, that not what that means.” She tried to assure him.
He tilted his head to the side, practically screaming he didn’t believe her.
“It just means that I won’t be able to have fun for a little while… like as a punishment for having a boy in my room.”
“Yeah.” She giggled.
“That makes more sense. They are really nice people.”
“They are.” She agreed happily. “Anyways, you hungry? I can grab something from the kitchen if you want.”
“Oh yes!” He replied excitedly. He then set his mask to the side and opened his book.
Willow swore she did a double take every time he took it off. This boy was gorgeous. Blonde wavy hair with a cowlick hanging in between his eyes. A good jaw line and hooked nose. A scar that tailed his cheek, no doubt from battle and lovely magenta eyes.
He had the most expressive faces too. They always had her smiling or laughing. Especially when he was embarrassed about something. And oh, when she made him blush! That was her favorite thing to do.
“You’re staring.” The guard purred as he smirked up at her.
She gasped then turn away and practically ran down the stairs. Titan why was she staring! She had seen him many times before! She went to the kitchen and grabbed a few rolls and blood jam out the fridge and walked back upstairs after grabbing a plate and some silverware.
“I didn’t know you were into romance novels, Willow.” The guard announced as soon as she shot the door behind her.
She looked up quizzically at him. Confused on what book he must have. “I’m not really. Why?”
He waved the book he had in the air. She recognized that cover. Oh titan.
She ran to him and reached for the book. Trying to swipe it quickly. He tugged it back. “Ah uh uh…” he teased.
“Don’t make me use vines to drag it down.”
“Oh Will! Humor me. It’s ok if you’re into cheesy little romance novels, I read them too you know. You just didn’t seem like the type-“
“It’s not mine!”
“I’m serious. See how old it is. It was an old friend of mine. She has some serious stuff in there too, so put it up. Now.” She reprimanded.
He frowned. His boyish charm wasn’t working on her. This seemed to be serious too. But he was still curious. “What… kind of stuff.”
“Hunterrrr.” She challenged, a small green spark lit in her eyes.
“Ok! I won’t read it until you take the stuff out. But I want to read the book anyways. It’s interesting!”
“It’s literally like any other romance book out there.”
“No! His name is Hunter! And hers is Rose. It’s almost like it was meant for me.”
Willow quirked an eyebrow at that. “Is there a particular girl named Rose or something in your life?” She asked, trying to sound as if she didn’t care. Cause she didn’t!
“Her name isn’t rose, but she sure acts like one. She beautiful, blossoming, green. Well her eyes are green. She doesn’t really wear a lot of red tho I think. But she can be quite fiesty.” He teased.
She blushed. Was he talking about her? “I’m sure we can find another copy. Just please put that one up. We’re not really friends anymore but… I still have respect for her privacy.”
The boy frowned. “Fine. But it’s your job to help me find another copy, let’s go.”
“Wait wh-eep!” All of a sudden, she was scooped up in the arms of the guard and he jumped off her balcony. JUMPED OFF HER BALCONY!
Suddenly flapjack was in the form of a staff, carrying the two effortlessly across the isles. She was seated snug in the arms of the guard, his mask now in place. (Otherwise she’d have seen his goofy smile and large blush.)
They passed over town and Willow looked up at him. “The book store is that way.” She told him.
“I know.” He stated smugly.
He must have had something else planned. “Hunter?”
“Don’t worry rose, I’m not gonna drop you.” He teased.
So she was the rose he was referring to. Her heart leapt at the thought and she couldn’t help the smile that reached her eyes now. She giggled and just held on tighter, hugging him even.
And boy was his heart racing now. It was enough that he had to hold her like this, but now she was practically snug against him. He felt like he couldn’t breathe. He was gonna have to take his mask off soon if his heart didn’t settle down.
Willow gasped at the excited buzz that was heard from Hunters shoulder. Apparently Clover had caught up and really enjoyed just being shotgun for once. She was hoping her little bee would make it to wherever they were going. The scenic view was breathtaking too.
“Oh! Ok. Close your eyes, we’re almost there I don’t want you to see yet!” Hunter reprimanded but she could hear the excitement in his voice.
She giggled. “Ok.”
She felt them lower down and reach the ground. She was once again scooped bridal style and slowly lowered to her feet. Her feet touch the ground and he helped her balance herself while not letting go of her hand. She smiled.
“You better not be peaking!”
“I’m not!” She laughed now.
He then pulled her somewhere, only the sound of Flapjack and Clover tweeting and buzzing could really be heard. Hunter muttered for her to stay right where she was, that he wasn’t going far, as he let go of her hand.
She then was left wondering as to what was going on. He hadn’t done anything like this before. She knew they had a mutual thing for each other but it had never been addressed, so it couldn’t be a date. Right?
“Alright. You can open your eyes now.” He spoke with a tone that seemed both excited and worried. Probably hoping she’d like the surprise.
And boy did she. It was beautiful! They were somewhere in the forest where the trees hung low. Flowers of many colors were everywhere. And it was just dim enough with the sun setting for the glow bugs to be shining. She gasped when she saw they small embroidered quilt on the ground. It was red and yellow and green, flowers and bees and one little red bird on. It represented them and there palisman no doubt. There was also another blanket that seemed similar, but not a perfect same. And some food too!
“Do… do you like it?” Hunter asked, eyes wide and doubtful.
All she could do was smile widely and fling herself at him. She wrapped him up in the tightest hug she could hater and sent them both to the ground. “I love it!”
Hunter grinned the most goofy smile ever. Very proud and happy and oh he couldn’t describe it!
They got up and walked over to the quilt and started to eat the foo food he had taken from the castle. He showed her the extra quilt he had made for her and loved every second of the compliments and smiles he received. Tonight was going great so far. Hunter thought.
One more thing to check off his list though.
He coughed purposely and rubbed the back of his neck. “Uhm Willow?”
“Do you. Uhm. Well. I know we’ve only known eachother for a few months… and I quite literally barged into your life. I- I know I’m nothing special and I’m not perfect! But uhm. I’d be really happy if… I was able to call you mine. If you’d be my girlfriend?”
Hunter didn’t dare look at the dark haired beauty. To afraid of what her expressions might be saying as he sat there in silence. He heard a small shuffle and felt her knee brush against his. He looked up as the most beautiful green eyes he’d ever seen. Ones that shine so bright theyd make ever emerald and peridot jealous.
She then leaned in and kissed his cheek. “I’d love nothing more.”
She nodded happily, a shy smile resting on her face.
He then jumped up excitedly and pulled her up with him and spun her around. She laughed like a melody and they somehow performed a little dance before settling in each others arms.
“I really really really like you.” Hunter breathed out. He rested his forehead against hers and brought a daring hand up to her face.
“I really really really reallllllly like you too, Hunter.” She hummed. She then stood on her tiptoes and gripped his shoulders for support before pressing her lips against his.
It was short but perfect. Hunter could easily say this had been the best day of his life. Willow couldn’t agree more.
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lilbittymonster · 1 month
I wish to see the character opinion bingo on Erenville!
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As far as I am concerned, Erenville belongs to @elizabethrobertajones she is the Erenville Understander Mutual and I am so invested in whatever the fuck is going on between him and Frog.
I think he's a great straight man against the absolute clownshoes of early Endwalker. He has a reserved, transactional respect for the WoL and gives a fuck about the other gleaners he works with and we love a union man. He also respects the creatures he works with and handles! Excellent character! Can Trust Him!
I am so so so excited that he is coming with us for Dawntrail and will be part of the main cast (hopefully). I appreciate that he gives zero fucks whatsoever about whatever politics is going on over in Tural and his dynamic with Wuk Lamat is incredibly endearing. I must know more.
From a blorbo standpoint Kitali appreciates having someone around who doesn't care that she's The Warrior Of Light, Saviour Of The World or whatever her title is now. She likes his dry sense of humour. She likes that he doesn't pry.
Thanks for the ask @maeljade
Character Opinion Bingo
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blue-tooth · 8 months
Are you talking/big enough where you could hold caine like your holding a frog and/or hamburger?
Normally, I am quite large in stature, so I can hold Caine as if he were a "frog and/or hamburger."
He is so cute and small like that... it's very endearing.
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