#I don’t think I ever imagined Asahi going into fashion
wonderwomanfantasy · 3 years
(some of) Karasuno with a chubby reader
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of corse bb I hope you enjoy~
-You cannot convince me he doesn’t like em chubby
-I know he likes Kiyoko but please consider: I perfer chubby partners and I love Kiyoko so my point stands
-it’s just more too love as far as he’s concerned 
-says shit like “it takes a real man to love a big partner” tho 
-there is not a day that goes by that tanaka doesn’t remind of every single wonderful quliaty you have 
-he’s the type to worship the ground you walk on. 
-He loves you so much literal heart eyes everytime he sees you
-calls you “gorgeous/Handsome” more often then your real name tbh
- a thigh man
- the second he sees those thick legs he’s a gonner 
- if you really want to kill him just wear shorts and boom he’s done
-Loves stretchmarks too, he doesn’t know why but he just... likes them
- if you are ever insecure about your stretchmarks He just shows you the ones on his legs and belly
-you are not aloud to feel insecure around him he simply will not have it
-Loves it when you lay on him too doesn’t care if you think you’ll be too heavy.
-He’s a tough guy he can handle it, also he wants to get crushed but shhh you didn’t hear that for me
-Imagine for a minute:
-Fashion designer Asahi designing special plus-sized fashion for you
-you are his muse
-his personal model HIS WHOLE DAMN WORLD
-Asahi is also strong as fuck He can chuck you across the room- if that’s something you’d want
-he is also a big guy himself so he can relate to a lot of you’re struggles
-This dude is so soft stg wouldn’t surprise me if he wrote you poetry. 
-bastard. I hate him
-100% chance he teases the fuck out of you
-if you are sensitive about you’re weight he’ll avoid it (he’s not a complete asshole) and tease you about how much you suck at video games instead. 
-His mother loves you by the way
-She is so excited to cook for you so you never leave his house hungry 
-She also hints that hopefully someone like you could convince Tsuki to put on some weight because he is skin and bones 
-lmao now you have something to tease him about
-and you know what? he needs a good dragging, give him hell. 
-He isn’t picky when it comes to partners
-tbh won’t understand why your weight makes you any different from other people
-once you asked him if he’d prefer to be with someone thin and he thought you were hinting that you two should break up and he flipped
-the answer is no by the way
-He like wants to be with you if you were thin he doesn’t think that would change 
-And he doesn’t want you to go changing on him 
-also he likes your belly it’s soft and he thinks it’s cute
-don’t fight me on this big bellies are excellent Kageyama is a man of taste. 
-you’re biggest hype man
-you always look so good weather you're dressed nice or in sweats and you know what? noya is going to say so!!!
-Sometimes when you come out in a new outfit he’ll just stare at you stunned
-that’s how you know you look really good. tbh it’s the only time he shuts up
-He likes it when you lay your head in his lap
-Noya will play with your hair and admire you
-if he’s feeling bold he’ll leand down and kiss your soft cheeks 
- He’s stay that way forever if you’d let him. 
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haikyunicorn · 4 years
halloween with kuroo, iwa, asahi and suga
@mer92​ asked “Hiiii I've just started to follow you! Would it be possible to request HC for Kuroo, Iwa, Asahi and Suga on a Halloween date with their S/O? like what kind of costumes will they wear if they will be wearing matching costumes... Or if they would go to Halloween parties or just stay home? Thank you if you decide to write it down! 😊”
Hi, lovely! Thank you for following and requesting<3 it was very fun writing this! this is less plot-filled than my other hcs, i hope that’s ok with you
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kuroo tetsurou
Kuroo likes Halloween
He’s not super hyped up about it, but he loves playing scary pranks on his friends and then using Halloween as an excuse :)
He tells Lev and Inuoka that the boy’s toilet on the 2nd floor is haunted and do they believe him?? Absolutely, yes. 
He doesn’t mind going on spooky dates, either!
In fact, he’ll drag you to watch a horror film or stay up all night exchanging scary stories
He would also probably take you and the team “ghost hunting” around the school after volleyball practice when it’s dark and no one’s around
Nerd boy with his nerd costumes
He doesn’t want to spend too much effort or money in a costume he’s only going to wear once this year, but he doesn’t want a lame costume, either
He’d love to get matching costumes with you!!
But all his suggestions will be either memey or nerdy costumes
The firsts that come to mind are the ‘woman screaming at cat’ (he’ll be the cat) or he’ll get you both matching t-shirts with the elements copper (Cu) and tellurium (Te) printed on them “so when we stand next to each other, everyone can see how CuTe we are”
He is also not opposed to character costumes like Rick and Morty or Hogwarts wizards/witches
Kuroo will go to a party with you and slip away for a while the second you both get there with no explanation and then very unsuspiciously hang around you all night
Later you find out he has signed you both up for the costume contest
The both of you are definitely not the best dressed ((read below: suga and his s/o)) but strut on the stage like it’s a fashion show
Or if you refuse to go up and participate because you were involuntarily signed up, Kuroo will still go up alone, pick up a microphone with a deadpan face and say “this is supposed to be a matching costume but there were some technical difficulties” you brought this on yourself, kuroo
Haunted houses and horror films are definitely his favourite things about Halloween!
I feel like Kuroo isn’t afraid of the ghosts and stuff, but he doesn’t handle being jumpscared well
When he gets shocked while in a haunted house or during a movie, he’ll yelp out a bunch of swears lmao
But he loves the temporary adrenaline rush and 10/10 will do it again
If you tease him and call him a scaredy cat, he’ll pout
And you can expect him trying to sneak up on you and scare you the next day
iwaizumi hajime
Iwa doesn’t care much for Halloween
He gets a little annoyed at all the Halloween-themed products that stores come out with because he thinks it’s just a marketing scheme to sell some overpriced shit (it is)
But if you want to go try out pumpkin desserts or visit a haunted house, he’ll indulge you just because he loves spending time with you no matter what you two end up doing
He’s usually not one to dress up for Halloween
The most he’s done is put on a t-shirt with a superhero logo on it 🙄
Oikawa has tried multiple years to get him in “matching best friend costumes” but Iwa has never once agreed
But if you pout a little a few weeks before Halloween, bribe him with some kisses, catch him in a good mood, he’ll say yes (make sure to say no takebacks)
Deciding on a costume consists of you giving suggestions and Iwa saying yes or no to them
He doesn’t want to do something very costume-y, he prefers to wear an outfit that can pass as a regular outfit but it’s based on a character from a movie or series
E.g. Kim and Ron from Kim Possible, Ash/Misty and Brock from Pokemon (Iwa would be perfect as Brock??? he’s already got the hair down fdkjs), Sandy and Danny from Grease (show off his arms yes)
Iwaizumi will go to a Halloween party because all his friends are going lol
Oikawa will be devastated when he sees Iwa wearing matching costumes with you and this is partly why he agreed to do it with you
He’ll keep you by his side or follow you around for most of the party because “the costume won’t make sense if he’s standing alone” or whatever sir just say you’re too shy to do it alone
If you want to stay home, he’s fine with it too
Whether you want to have a movie marathon, bake something, carve pumpkins, anything really, he’ll do it with you
Lowkey wants to watch scary films so he can “protect you” if you get scared
Like if you’re squeezing his arm during a scary scene he’ll be like “it’s not that scary, you wimp” but also he’s pulling you closer and putting his arm around you and his heart is fluttering-
so in conclusion: iwa is a simp for you
Bonus: one time you came over to his house and his mom showed you a picture of 6-year-old Iwaizumi dressed up as godzilla for Halloween💖
azumane asahi
Halloween isn't his favourite holiday for um.. personal reasons
Once October comes around, Asahi is already being tormented by some of his friends (it’s suga) scaring him
He doesn’t despise everything about Halloween, though - in fact, there are some things he really loves about Halloween
Like going to a pumpkin festival, baking sweet treats together, enjoying a walk in the park with the pretty autumn scenery, or choosing and DIY-ing costumes
Asahi loves the costume planning with you!!
The both of you will take days or even weeks in advance finding the perfect costume and figuring out how to make them
He definitely prefers the cute costumes over gory costumes
Some of the costume ideas are Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf, Cheshire Cat/Alice and the Mad Hatter/White Rabbit from Alice in Wonderland, or characters from the Wizard of Oz
i don’t know why all of these are from children’s fantasy stories im sorry-
You and Asahi will take turns going to each other’s houses after school or on weekends and working on your costumes together (It’s his favourite part (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ))
If he goes to a Halloween party, it’ll probably be a small gathering, such as a potluck with the Karasuno volleyball team
Everyone will be in awe of how cute you two look!!
If the team decides to switch off the lights and leave a flashlight on, gather around and tell spooky stories, he’ll want you next to him and you two will be holding onto each other
the first and second years are so jealous of their senpai and his cute s/o
Haunted houses are a no-no, sorry
Asahi doesn’t mind staying in either!
If you have a movie marathon, you guys binge Harry Potter or Studio Ghibli movies (they have magic so they’re Halloween movies right?)
Though if you’re a horror movie fanatic, he’ll try to watch a scary film with you
He will also have a lot of snacks! And the best hot chocolate you will ever have
I can also imagine Asahi doing your nails? And maybe he’ll let you do his nails too
You two make cute designs of little ghosts and pumpkins but don’t let each other see until it’s finished so it’s a surprise
You share lots of cuddles and kisses afterwards, and Asahi can’t wait to spend another sweet Halloween with you🥺🥰
Bonus: Kageyama showed up in his volleyball uniform and said his costume is a volleyball player :)?
sugawara koushi
Suga loves Halloween!!
It’s an excuse to have fun, cute dates under the guise of “keeping up the tradition”
Even before Halloween, he’ll take you on cafe dates to a different place each week to try out the pumpkin specials
You two will make jack-o-lanterns and then compare to see who did a better job, which could potentially end up in a tickle fight
This boy is going all out with the costumes!!
Maybe it’s the mom instincts, but he’s not settling on some cheap online/store-bought costume and he’ll DIY for both his s/o and himself
It’ll be an iconic couple and something very chic
Like you know Neil Patrick Harris and David Burtka‘s family halloween costumes? That’s the vibes you two have
Examples of your costumes include: Morticia & Gomez from The Addams Family, Jack and Sally from The Nightmare Before Christmas, Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask (plss)
You help each other put on each other’s costumes and make-up <333
Both of you will go to a halloween party, even if it’s just a few close friends gathering, and you two are gonna be the IT couple
your outfits and makeup will be on point all through the night and everyone will be so jealous💖
He’d probably take you trick or treating to a few houses for fun tbh HAHA
Your neighbours open up their front door to see.. Two grown ass children?? With costumes looking like they were professionally made??? Grinning and holding out their trick or treat bags?????
They’ll be so confused they end up giving you guys candy anyway
Suga is also a horror fanatic!
If you let him, he’ll drag you to a haunted house attraction
He’s the type to laugh at the scares :)
But he’ll hold your hand and let you cling to his arm if you’re scared, trying to reassure you
He’ll also arrange a horror movie marathon + sleepover!
After you get back, clean up and change into your comfiest pyjamas, Suga has already set up the living room
The couch is stacked with pillows and blankets, some of the lights are switched off, there’s a large bowl of popcorn and your trick-or-treat loot on the table and the movies are already queued on the TV 
If you’re not a big fan of horror movies, he’ll opt for less scary but still Halloween-themed movies like Corpse Bride, The Nightmare Before Christmas or Coraline (coraline’s kinda creepy but so good), or the “horror/thriller” movies that are just bad so you both can laugh at them
You and Suga snuggle under the blankets with pillows all around, munching on your snacks and watching the movies until you both fall asleep together
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thank you for reading! hope you enjoyed~
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What about uuuh....
Asahi, Saeko and uuuuuuh... Seijoh ?
(Idk I’m being extreme with Seijoh, those poor babies, but I’m curious about what u have to say)
Asahi: Shimizu mentioned him going bald ONCE and homeboy changed up his hair style for a whole season. Also he probably unironically did insta fashion promos in middle school. Also also if he ever did weed he’d defo have an anxiety attack. And I bet he cries on public transportation.
Saeko: has had her licence suspended like at least twice. Bottle blonde since high school, her scalp hates her. Unironically thinks body shots are sexy probably. Fell for a dude who bashed his head into metal lockers. She probably has liver spots if she’s up drinking till 5am.
Seijoh: acts like a boyband, is not a boyband. Every other major team gets a cool animal mascot (not counting dateko) but what do seijoh get? Plants. Literally everyone on the damn team probably has a crush on iwaizumi which isn’t really a roast except I don’t imagine iwaizumi gives a shit. Their two starting 1st years look like a turnip and an e-boy respectively
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mamichigo · 4 years
[Fic] stupor [asanoya]
@harbingerspeach: “could I PLEASE get an asanoya sickfic?”
Characters: Asahi, Nishinoya, background Karasuno Rating: G Word count: 1,936 Tags: Sickfic, Fluff, Established Relationship Summary: Asahi sits practice out due to a cold.
AO3 link
Asahi didn't mean to get to practice late. Really, he didn't.
But, well, there was a lot of convincing to do when the nurse didn't seem inclined to let him leave, at least not while his fever was still burning quite high. Even more so when Asahi had a persuasive power of zero on a normal day, worse yet with an unconvinced nurse staring down at him, eyes pointedly following the sway of his body. Asahi was sure that, if she had her way, Asahi would be strapped down to the bed, instead of walking to the gym.
He had to promise not to do any actual training no less than five times before she let him go.
Asahi could already imagine Coach's scolding, and Daichi's unforgiving scowl, if only because Asahi had forgotten to notify that he got a cold, or even because he had gotten one in the first place. He sighed, adjusting the mask on his face, fussing over it as he hovered at the entrance. He was absolutely not stalling, really, he was just making sure there was no chance he'd contaminate every single one of his teammates. No reason to make anyone else miserable as well.
Maybe it was his punishment for not just going in and getting over with it that, a minute later, his name rang on the court, squeaking shoes all coming to a halt at the same time a small body charged at him.
Oh, that's bad, Asahi absentmindedly thought, but had no brain power to rationalize that he should get out of the way. His limbs were too heavy for that to begin with.
Instead, as Nishinoya leaped straight into his arms, legs wrapping around his waist with unsurprising strength, all Asahi could do was open his arms wide to receive him. Then, a moment later, press his palm to the back of Nishinoya's head as his body collapsed like a particularly pathetic sack of potatoes.
His back hit the ground with a loud smack, knocking against his lungs and ripping a wheezy, high pitched sound from him. Asahi could feel his cold get at least ten times worse with each pained breath.
"Asahi-san?!" Nishinoya yelled, right in his face. "You sound like a dying animal, what's wrong?"
Asahi tried to conjure up a reply, but an even louder exhale of air was as all he got. Nishinoya's hovering got an even more worried aura to it.
"If you can understand me, blink your left eye. If not, blink with the right," Nishinoya instructed, gazing seriously into his eyes.
Asahi, still struggling to tilt his own brain back into the right position, blinked at him very slowly, with both eyes.
"Oh my god, he's dying," was Nishinoya's response as he sprung to his feet and ran calling out to Daichi.
As for Asahi himself, he was more inclined to just let the floor and the earth consume him, so he was fine lying right there.
Not that his plan would ever come to be, as it was interrupted by the arrival of his team. They walked closer until they made a circle around him and, from this angle, they looked more like shadows than actual people. Suddenly Asahi felt like he was about to be sacrificed in a religious ritual.
"I told you, he's already turning into a vegetable," Nishinoya said, pointing at him. "He's not even moving!"
Tanaka patted his shoulder in consolation while Nishinoya sniffled loudly. The team shuffled on their feet, unsure of what to do (some more than others--Tsukishima, for example, didn't seem particularly inclined to do anything to begin with).
"First of all, we should help him sit up first," Suga wisely advised. Everyone nodded in unison.
"And stop circling him like some weird gang, all of you," Daichi said next, prompting everyone to take several steps back.
Asahi wasn't in enough of a stupor not to realize that a hand being offered to him meant he should put some effort into not just lying on the floor, so he gratefully accepted the help, rising to his feet so he could wobble to the nearest wall. Nishinoya kept a hand on his back as he swayed all the way there.
"You look terrible," Kageyama commented as Asahi sat down, back to the wall.
"Kageyama!" Hinata chided.
"Well, he isn't wrong," Suga said next, raising his eyebrows at Asahi, though his voice was gentler than the usual one he'd use for picking at Asahi. But only slightly. "What happened to you?"
"Yeah, you seemed alright yesterday!" Nishinoya piped up from where he was half leaning against the wall.
"I guess it's just one of those cold that--" Asahi started, but had to stop when the scratchiness of his throat made him cough. He winced at the mucus that got stuck somewhere low in his throat. "Creeps up on you. I had to go to the nurse's office, sorry I didn't warn you guys earlier."
Coach, who had been quietly watching, finally spoke up: "You sure you shouldn't be heading home?"
Asahi shook his head. "There's no one at home this time of the day." He scratched at his cheek. "I thought I'd watch practice, then head back to the nurse's office."
Coach hummed. "I don't see why not," he said. "It's better than leaving you unsupervised. At least this way I can make sure you won't do anything stupid while you're sick."
"Please, have more faith in me…" Asahi replied, chuckling.
"Well, you can stay, just don't strain yourself or spread your cold to anyone else, got it?"
Asahi tapped the mask he was wearing, indicating that had been his plan all along.
"Alright, everyone else get to work!"
"Wait, Coach!" Nishinoya exclaimed, raising a hand as he did so. "Can I stay with Asahi-san, so I can keep an eye on him?"
"Well…." Coach glanced between the two of them, unsure.
"I'll train twice, no, ten times harder tomorrow to compensate!" Nishinoya declared, preening a little at Hinata's and Tanaka's chorus of "Noya-san, so cool!"
Coach didn't appear as moved by it, and he kept looking on with uncertainty. Asahi didn't want them to be worrying about his wellbeing, so he tried to convey that with a look, but only succeeded in making his eyes sting and water.
"Oh, what the hell, why not," Coach finally decided. "It's probably for the best anyways."
After a command from Coach, then Daichi, the team began sprinting away to do their exercises, most showing Asahi encouragement by giving a thumbs up or clapping whatever part of him they could reach first. Kageyama in particular bowed deeply as he said, "Get well soon" in a very polite tone, then shuffled away with an embarrassed face as Hinata teased him for it.
"You didn't need to stay back with me," Asahi quietly commented, knowing Nishinoya was listening. "You shouldn't miss practice for my sake."
"Well, I did it because I wanted to, so you can't stop me," Nishinoya promptly replied, settling down beside Asahi.
"I don't think I'd ever be able to stop you in the first place."
Nishinoya grinned at him, and Asahi did the same, though it was cut short by a new bout of coughing. Asahi sniffled through his clogged nose.
"I have to say, this kinda sucks," Asahi said.
"Just kinda?"
"It really sucks," he amended.
"Yeah, you totally look like hell." Nishinoya gave him an once-over. "Do your eyes hurt?"
Asahi made a face of surprise. "Yeah, how did you know?"
"They're super red, it wasn't exactly hard to guess. The good news is that I know just the thing to help," Nishinoya said, managing to sound very ominous. He also wriggled his fingers, for some reason. "Come here."
Asahi stared at the fingers with skepticism. "You don't make me feel safe with this."
"It's alright, so just come here!"
Asahi sighed, but shuffled closer all the same, turning so his body faced Nishinoya. When he reached a hand for Asahi's face, he closed his eyes on instinct, startling a bit when fingertips touched the back of his head.
"Keep your eyes like that for a moment," Nishinoya instructed.
"What for?" Asahi asked, voice wavering with fear.
No answer came, and before he could second-guess and lean out of the grip, Nishinoya pressed his thumbs to Asahi's eyelids, gentle enough not to dig into his eyes. Then, he moved the thumbs in circular motions, doing a quite peculiar massage. While the sensation was a little weird at first, it did a great job at soothing the stinging in his eyes, and even helped with some of the headache drilling at his brain.
Asahi felt himself slump, relaxing into the touch, not worrying what their teammates thought of the scene if they were seeing it (at least not for now). He was certain he could fall asleep like this, but Nishinoya chose the moment Asahi started nodding off to stop.
"Don't go falling asleep like that," Nishinoya said, snickering. "So, how was it?"
Asahi, feeling even groggier than before, though this time in a far more pleasant fashion, blinked blearily at him. It took him perhaps several seconds too long to realize the reason he couldn't see well was because his eyes had welled up with tears, thanks to the little massage.
He then remembered he was asked a question, and nodded. "It was really soothing, the pain actually feels a lot better. Thank you."
Nishinoya puffed up his chest."You can count on me for anything, on or off the court!" Then, a lot quieter but still audible: "As your libero and your boyfriend, I've got your back."
Their relationship was considerably recent (they had been dating for a little over three weeks now), and the reminder of it still managed to make Asahi's stomach do embarrassing leaps in response. 
"I know you do," he replied, as it was the simple truth.
Nishinoya seemed satisfied to leave it at that, and they both fell into silence as they brought their attention back to what was going on the court. Everyone was hard at work, while Asahi and Nishinoya watched, listening to their spirited shouts and the squeak of their shoes.
He knew he was supposed to pain attention, so at least he'd learn something from watching his teammates, but Asahi quickly found out that keeping his eyes open was an impossible quest at the moment. He held out for as long as he could, but sooner rather than later Asahi was lulled into a light doze, half listening to the sounds of practice going on around him.
He felt somewhat distantly as his head hit a solid barrier, but was simply glad to have something to lean on, keeping himself there without a second thought on it.
For an undefined amount of time, Asahi stayed in that position, with no changes heard or felt. Then, there was something at his temple, a little rough in texture but gentle in its touch. Asahi willed himself awake, turning to see Nishinoya's face close to his.
"What are you doing?" Asahi asked, brushing a finger where the kiss had been pressed to his head.
"Checking your temperature," Nishinoya deadpanned.
"Daichi is gonna scold us, Nishinoya."
"He doesn't mind."
Asahi glanced to where Daichi was standing with Suga, their backs very pointedly turned to them.
"Somehow, I don't believe you."
"Don't sweat the details." Nishinoya patted at his head, remembering to weaken it as to not worsen Asahi's muddled brain. "Sick guys should just go to sleep."
Asahi hummed and did just that.
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starlight-matrix · 5 years
Nabari no Ou 15th Anniversary!
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@nabaridays wrote up some prompts to celebrate the 15th anniversary of NnO and as it’s my favorite manga series of all time, I had to join the fun!
Unfortunately, I wasn’t aware of the prompts’ existence until we were about four or five days in, so instead of starting in the middle of the prompt list, I wrote all mine up in a Google Doc and decided to do a big masterpost in the day of the anniversary. And here it is! Beware for a lot of reading, this shit’s at 4.1k words.
- Catherine Lynne / catielynnelove.tumblr.com Fan of NnO since 2012 -
DAY 01 (Jun. 3rd) - Favorites
My favorite character has always been Miharu, though I do struggle to choose between him and Yoite. I have always been fascinated by his apathetic nature, the way he uses is as a shield while loving the people in his life so incredibly fiercely. He appears neutral and uncaring, but the moment you look beneath the surface, you recognize that he would give his life for those he loves in a heartbeat - and has shown this on multiple occasions.
I also love his development over the series. His apathetic facade slowly falls out of use after he meets Yoite, and he learns that feeling your emotions is important, that letting the people you love know when you’re happy or sad or pissed the fuck off is important.
In the first few chapters we as readers honestly can’t tell a whole heck of a lot from what we’re shown of Miharu. He’s plain, uninteresting, even to us (unless you’re the kind of person who automatically reads between the lines, but let’s face it, not a lot of people are). But by the end of the series, he’s such a vibrant and expressive character that I marvel at Kamatani’s ability to drastically a character’s personality in a way that feels so gradual and natural.
Another reason Miharu is my favorite character is because I tend to see parts of myself in him, as many people do with the characters they like most. I can understand and relate to his apathy in the beginning of the story. His memory of his parents deaths is so deeply traumatic and that the very fibre of his being (objectively, Shinra) locked the memory, and most of his childhood, away for years to come. Because at that time in his life, the pain of it all would’ve broken him.
(E/N: I now remember that Asahi actually erased Miharu’s memories of that event, but I think a good chunk of this will still make sense, and I’m lazy, so I’m not gonna edit it out. Enjoy.)
Emotions, especially ones he didn’t understand - or couldn’t understand, like his feelings toward his childhood that didn’t quite make sense because of his augmented memories - were simply so overwhelming that Miharu pretty much just went “lol don’t wanna deal with those so yEET now they’re gone” and locked them up in a box to be dealt with at a much, much later date. That speaks to me, as a person who has struggled with depression, and the fact that he finds a way to recover from this is very reassuring.
Overall, Miharu is a very complex and realistic character that undergoes more vivid character development than I’ve seen in almost any western media. I love him very much.
DAY 02 (Jun. 4th) - What got you into Nabari no Ou?
This is actually quite a funny story, so buckle up for a wild ride y’all!
When I was 12 years old (God, this sounds like the setup for an angsty villain backstory), my family had a housemate who liked anime. One day I came to beg for him to let me use his video game console to play Little Big Planet and he happened to be watching the second half of the anime - I distinctly remember the second Alya Academy episode being the first one I ever saw. It was my first anime experience outside of a Studio Ghibli film, and to this day remains close to my heart, even though the anime adaptation itself really… just… well, it sucked.
After I finished watching it with him, I went and found the first half of the series on Netflix (back when Netflix did the whole send-a-DVD-to-your-house thing) and watched the whole thing from episode one. And then very quickly became obsessed. I probably watched the anime four times in two months. I had every single one of the English VAs names memorized. I was dedicated.
Eventually I looked up the manga online, and HOO BOI, this is the point where my Nabari no Ou origin story becomes ridiculously hilarious (and stupid).
When I read the manga, I was disturbed by the idea of Kouichi being a villain-type character, as he had been one of my favorites when I watched the anime. And, at the time I was first reading the manga, the apparent “ending” from my perspective was the scene where Kouichi takes the newly-made hijutsu scroll from a bleeding, dying Thobari.
Looking back, I figure the website I was reading it on just didn’t have all the chapters, or perhaps I had happened to start reading while the manga was on hiatus, but at that age I didn’t know of or understand either of those concepts and accepted that sad scene as the end of the manga.
And as such, I wrote the manga off as terrible and ignored it for years.
Flash forward to about 2014, two or three years after writing the manga off as a Fat Mistake, I finally decided to give it another shot. And BY GOD did I cry reading it a second time. Whether it was the two years of maturity, my experiences during those two years, or simply the fact that I read the whole thing that time - I was sobbing in my desk chair over NnO.
It was the most beautiful story I’d ever read. Even now, after five more years of reading beautiful manga, Nabari no Ou remains my absolute favorite, and likely always will.
DAY 03 - What are your favorite scenes?
I’ve always had a soft spot for the Alya Academy arc, even back when all I’d shunned the manga and all I had to go off of was the inaccurate anime adaptation, simply because of how well the character relationships are shown during those sequences (this is one thing the anime did really well in my opinion, actually - Shijima’s verbal reflection on how humans connect to each other and how important those connections are is stunning). Not to mention the displays of how the characters care for one another regardless of what side of the war they’re technically on.
I’ve always loved Subaru as a character, too. I find her motivations to be very realistic and really quite understandable, and I love the little easter eggs in later chapters that imply the Kouga ninja are helping Miharu’s side of the fight even though they’re not visibly involved. The scores from the Alya Academy arc are especially chilling and memorable as well.
Another of my favorites are the chapters following Miharu and Yoite’s escape from the Kairoshuu and their travels afterward. They feel mundane and peaceful, yet blanketed with this layer of grief, like we’re all aware that at any moment their calm could be destroyed and lost forever.  
The scenes about Yoite’s gender were very special to me as a teen still learning about the LGBT spectrum and how different people could be, and the scene of Yoite bandaging Miharu’s aching feet? My heart literally swells every single time I think about it! It was so sweet and loving, my fragile fangirl heart does flips when I read over it.
DAY 04 (Jun. 6th) - Photos & Fashion
I like to think that Miharu keeps every photograph he’s taken and has them stored safely away in a box or chest or drawer. In my experience, people who have lost loved ones tend to treasure photographs, more than someone who hasn’t experienced loss might. A lot of times a photo is all someone has of someone they loved outside of a memory, and contrary to popular belief, if you don’t look at someone - physically or in a photo - for a long time, you do forget how they look.
Miharu has lost many people: his parents, Yoite, Kouichi and Shijima, even Shinra, in a way - so I imagine this observation would be doubly true of him. Especially if he has Yukimi as an example to go by - pretty sure that guy has kept every photograph he’s ever taken in his life!
(As far as fashion goes, I honestly think everyone’s fashion in NnO is horrendous, so...)
DAY 05 (Jun. 7th) - Favorite character design in the series?
Gosh, it’s hard to choose, I love so many of them! Gau is fascinating to me because I figure his hair must be difficult to draw, with all those little curls and cowlicks. Shijima’s too, with the way it frames her face and leaves just a tiny little opening for her eyes to peer out at you through.
But, as with most of these character-specific prompts, my answer will have to be Miharu. The idea that Asahi reshaped his face to look more like her own when she used Shinra to save him is very interesting, and the fact that Kamatani manages to draw Miharu in a way that both clearly shows their resemblance to one another and establishes Miharu as his own character with his own unique features and gestures and ways of carrying himself is incredible.
Miharu’s stance are also very telling to me as a reader: he often stands loosely, almost lazily, as if he really couldn’t care less about where he is and what they’re doing, which rings true for a good chunk of the story. It matches well with his (mostly) fake apathy and kind of makes him seem bland and boring as a character. But as the story progresses, he becomes more open, shows affection more easily. He’s quicker to stand up for his beliefs and the people he loves. All of this shows in the way he carries himself throughout later chapters.
DAY 06 (Jun. 8th) - Favorite location in the series?
The Shimizu estate, without a doubt.
The secluded area, the forest in every direction, the house itself - it’s all so beautiful to me. Ot gives me the feeling of rural Japan and more traditional Japanese living. Even after the house has burned away and all that’s left is a field full of Spider Lilies, there’s a kind of sober beauty lying over the place, made even more intense when Shirogamon stands watch over it.
DAY 07 (Jun. 9th) - Positive Influences
The thing that I preach about the most when I talk about NnO to others is the fact that the series has no absolutes. There is no true right or wrong, no clear villains nothing that actually puts our heroes above anyone else. Which, in a way, means that are really are no heroes in the story at all, which is a very rare and interesting way to tell a story.
The entire series deal with a greyscale in morality. There’s no bad vs. good or moral vs. immoral, just your own goals and people whose goals don’t match yours. Opinions and ambitions differ vastly even between people on the same side of the fight - Thobari and Raimei want to seal the Shinrabanshou, Kouichi wants to use it to defeat his immortality, Miharu even changes side on a few occasions - yet they all work together together to achieve their own very different ends.
Even those who can be coded as villain on the surface have something motivating them to do what they do, and more often than not, those motivations are understandable to the reader and actually have you sympathizing with the character. Hattori wanted to rid the world of the need for war. Subaru wanted to save the person she loved most in the world. Yamase wanted to win his family back (I think? It’s been a while).
Even Katarou and Kannuki, two characters who have practically nothing to redeem them, at least have motivations that are pretty damn realistic. Kannuki wanted to capitalize on Kouga’s Forbidden Art and use it to grow Alya Academy’s profit and power through the surface world. A Lot of people are like this in real life, and while you may not sympathize with him over it, it is a motivation that is true of our own world as well as the one in this story.
An Katarou, as far as I understand, is obsessed with Shinra herself, rather than the hijutsu and the power it holds. He manipulated hundreds of people and hundreds of situations to suit his own needs, then literally got himself killed - just to see her one last time. And… yeah, I don’t think anyone really sympathized with him, but hey, I can see what pushed him to do what he did.
To me, Katarou is symbolic of someone with an addiction - their mind is so clouded by a need for some specific thing that all other human aspects of that person just fall away, and they’ll do whatever it takes to get what they want.
I also appreciate how the characters handle their differences throughout the story. Their honesty with each other, the way they support each other even when they’re all heading in opposite direction. The Alya Academy arc (I really love this arc okay) especially shows this, in how the ninja from Banten and Kairoshuu - two very opposing factions - fight together against the Kouga without hesitation, despite the fact that in most other situations, they’d be fighting each other.
It’s a wonderful thing to promote: that even though people might have different opinions or goals, it doesn’t mean they have to hate each other.
DAY 08 (Jun. 10th) - Favorite Extra?
I am IN LOVE with the little between-chapter 4koma pieces, especially the ones from the Alya Academy arc (God, I’ve talked so much about this arc). Subaru fantasizing about Miharu being her little brother and making her birthday cake? Adorable. Miharu and Yoite getting stuck behind a bookshelf and terrifying an opponent by asking for help out? Hilarious.
I love that Kamatani put those in, both as a peek into happier aspects of the world he created, and as a way to add a bit of sun in between the much darker, much sadder chapters.
DAY 09 (Jun. 11th) - Headcanons
I’m not much of a headcanon person, to be honest, and especially not with this series. It feels off to me, to try and add to something that’s already so perfect. However, I do agree with a couple of headcanons I’ve seen - particularly the ones theorizing that Yukimi is aro-ace. It makes a lot of sense to me in how his character is portrayed when nearly every other character in the series has a romantic match, and as an ace person myself, more representation is always welcome.
DAY 10 (Jun. 12th) - Alternate Universe
I once started (and quickly abandoned out of shame) a very cringey, very out-of-character fanfic, in which the Nabari world didn’t exist and all the characters meet through natural means in the surface world. Other than that, however, I’ve not put much thought into Nabari no Ou AUs.
But something I would LOVE to see is a crossover between NnO and Shimanami Tasogare, as the two stores canonically take place in the same location - NnO being in Banten, a fictional town  based on the real town of Onomichi, and Shimanami Tasogare being confirmed to take place in plain old Onomichi itself. It’s been a while since I’ve read Shimanami Tasogare, but I remember the leader/owner of the little house the cast gathers in as giving me a distinctly Nabari-world vibe, and I think it would be interesting to see the NnO characters react to a community like the one presented in Shimanami Tasogare.
(And also perhaps have some romantic relationships and sexualities proven canon. Perhaps.)
DAY 11 (Jun. 13th) - Favorite song from the OST?
It’s a firm tie between the opening theme and the second ending theme. I have every song in the OST memorized after years of hearing them day in and day out, but those two themes always give me this tingling nostalgic feeling, like rereading a book from your childhood or finding a toy as an adult that you’d thought was lost forever. The animation and symbolism in those themes are also very telling of the series and the character’s connections to each other (a bit obviously, at times), and the lyrics are special to me in a way I can’t describe. They’re precious to me, and  to me experience of NnO as a whole, considering I started with the anime first (a bad idea).
DAY 12 (Jun. 14th) - Are there any songs that make you think of NnO?
“Neopolitan Dreams” by Lisa Mitchell ( X ) ( X )
I once watched a cute Raimei/Kouichi AMV set to this song listened to the lyrics, I understood how the author had put them together. I very much feel like the lyrics echo Raimei’s thoughts on how Kouichi starts to act in later chapters, becoming more and more distant until he almost appears to be an antagonist rather than one of the perceived heroes. The song also makes me think of Raimei’s stubbornness and pride, her unwillingness to accept option besides her own conclusions until she’s had the full story and nothing less.
I can never get their faces out of my head while listening to this song, which I guess means the song reminds me more of Raimei and Kouichi than NnO in general, but it still counts, right?
DAY 13 (Jun. 15th) - Food
I’ve never really thought too hard on it, but now that I am, it’s actually very interesting to note how different characters use food - the Rokujo Okonomiyaki shop, in particular - to their advantage.
Thobari uses his (implied, before the start of the overall plot) regular visits to try and get Miharu to believe him about the Shinrabanshou and the Nabari world. Thobari uses the close proximity to explain his motives to Miharu, who physically cannot leave the situation, lest the food burn to a damn crisp (and I figure Naoko wouldn’t be pleased if that happened every time Thobari came in). He also very clearly uses this to keep tabs on Miharu when outside of a school setting where Miharu has no choice to be in Thobari’s sight, and later, as a way to either catch up on what’s going on in the Nabari world or - as in several cases - simply demand answers from Miharu.
Raimei uses the shop as a way to get closer to Miharu. She charms her way into getting free food (and sometimes, free lodging as well) and I assume her thinking is probably something on the lines of “Free Food + Spend Time With Miharu = Information on Where Raikou Might Be.” Of course, this likely isn’t her motive in later chapters, because, well, character development.
Food is also an important bonding thing for Yoite and Yukimi. In a lot of the scenes where we see Yoite and Yukimi in their home, they’re eating together, and I always took it as a display of their familial relationship - cooking dinner for Yoite the way a dutiful older sibling would for their younger sibling - thoughI doubt either of them would admit they’re like brothers. The significance of lemonade should also be noted for this topic - I could go on for ages about it.
(But I won’t unless people ask me to, because this piece is long enough already!)
I don’t have much memory of this scene being as big a deal in the manga as it was in the anime - but I also haven’t seen either in a while, so I could be wrong - but the birthday cake scene from the latter half of the anime left an impact on me even back when I’d only seen the anime, and it was the first thing that came to mind when I saw the prompt was “food.” Gau’s pride in the cake he made and his determination to get any kind of praise out of Yoite is very touching, especially when you take into account that Yoite literally saved Gau’s life, and that Gau knows this, as well.
The Kairoshuu - particularly Yukimi, Raikou, Gau, and Kazuho - are all shown bonding on more than one occasion at Kazuho and her husband’s sushi shop, and there is significance to those occasions in the rather heavy conversations they have during those visits. And there’s also the time Miharu cooked okonomiyaki for all the main Kairoshuu member after he’d first joined their clan - similar to how a recently hired employee would bring cookies for their new boss.
Food has a lot of significance in Nabari no Ou, no matter where you look.
DAY 14 (Jun. 16th) - Favorite village, and thoughts on the Forbidden Arts?
As far as morals and motivations go, I would have to choose Banten, as their (or at least Thobari’s) main opinion is that the Shinrabanshou shouldn’t be used because it throws off the balance of the universe. I definitely understand this opinion, because a lot of things can go wrong if the wrong kind of person is making wishes to Shinra and having them granted.
Although, I think that if anyone were to use the ability in a way that leaves the balance of the world intact, it would be Miharu, and this is even shown in the series itself. He doesn’t have the kind of greed or anger that would taint a person’s motivations when making their wishes, he just wants to do what is best for others- especially Yoite. Yoite is important to him, and therefore Yoite’s wish is also important to Miharu. And, as we see in later chapters, Miharu puts granting Yoite’s wish above even his own happiness. I feel I would make a similar decision were I in his shoes.
(For aesthetic, though, I’d choose Fuuma. Their village is hidden and surrounded by forest and in that lovely traditional Japanese style, and their uniforms are great. If Saraba were Chief I’d join.)
DAY 15 (Jun. 17th) - Favorite minor/supporting character
Gau! Definitely Gau! Gosh I love him so much. He’s optimistic and tries his best to look for the best in situations and in people, and his smile is so freaking sunshiney, I bet he lights up rooms with it. He’s awkward and quirky and I can relate so hard. But he’s also strong? He stands up to other ninja even though he really doesn’t have the physical ability to defend himself or others. He puts his life in danger to tell Raimei the truth about her family immediately after swearing silence to Raikou, his boss, who could 100% kill him if he found out Gau had broken his promise. And I bet you Gau would’ve told Raikou about him telling Raimei as soon as he’d gone home, if the bullshit at the Shimizu property hadn’t gone down the way it did.
And speaking of that scene- he throws himself in front of Raikou’s katana to save the life of a girl he hadn’t known for more than a day, who had threatened to kill him, who was seeking to kill the person he treasured most in the world. Who does that?! Gau apparently. He literally gives his life for just the possibility that Raikou and Raimei can make up and be happy siblings again. He gives his life so that the person he loves can maybe reconcile with someone else they loved.
He makes a conscious effort to include Yoite in conversations in which he would otherwise be largely ignored, and while I doubt Yoite would care either way, it’s the thought that counts, right? And, at least in the anime (it’s been a while since I read the manga) he puts his life on the line to help Yoite and Miharu even though, as I said before, he can’t really defend himself all that well.
Basically, I’m in love with Gau and want him to be happy. Sweet baby!
DAY 16 (Jun. 18th) - Free Day
I don’t really have anything else to say but I’m posting all of these today (I was late for the original posting by like four days so I figured I’d write them all out and post them together) so I’ll count this as my day 16 entry! Thank you so much if you’ve read this far, I know it was probably daunting to look at this long as fucking post but I’m glad you took the time to read my personal reflection on NnO! This manga means a lot to me and it’s nice to discover other people who love it as much as I do (I’ve literally met two people in my entire life who’ve read it without me suggesting it).
Keep the love going y’all, I hope to see you again! And feel free to hit me up if you’d like to talk about NnO, I’d love to connect with other fans! Seeya owo
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cr0wprince · 4 years
It’s so interesting to read old Haikyuu fics and seeing what jobs people gave the characters.
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sturlsons · 7 years
jaywalkers FAQ + extras
(( spoilers! please don’t open this unless you’ve finished reading pt24 ))
HELLO. first of all, if you’ve made it this far, i want to say thank you for sticking with the kids right until the very end! thank you, thank you, thank you.
as always, my FANTASTIC team: teddy ( @soodyo ) and ksenya ( @fyolette ) without whom this would not have been a thing.
i’m going to ramble a bit about the series here, with some extras and questions like the packaging says! without further ado:
≫ jaywalkers tag // jaywalkers fanart tag (excluding teddy’s fantastic work which is in the main tag)
≫ my askbox if you have any more questions // my twitter // my instagram (locked but i’ll accept all requests!)
≫ previous FAQ post
≫ jaywalkers titles // all the songs i borrowed fic titles from, in order
≫ le petit ____ // a café playlist
≫ god of disc jockeying // a vertigo playlist
≫ raspberry muffins and existentialism // kuroo and tsukki
≫ one thousand three hundred and seventeen // akaashi and bokuto
≫ boxes // bokuto and kuroo
≫ jaywalking
≫ will you be writing more haikyuu!! fic? nope! jaywalkers was my present/contribution to the fandom, and while it’s been a fantastic ride, i won’t be writing anymore! you can now find me in my BTS sandbox.
≫ le petit ____? le petit writer-is-still-an-asshole.
≫ WHO IS Iwaizumi the Angry Review Guy’s EDITOR, DAMN IT. iwa-chan’s editor is The Dog Park. as in, Do Not Approach The Dog Park.
≫ Hinata the Hug Guy? happy as ever! the world always needs hugs; his career is flourishing. his scooter, not so much, but it was totally not kageyama and bobby pin’s fault, okay.
≫ OIKAWA? IWAIZUMI? they couldn’t do it. the condoms were rilakkuma. it set them back by five years in terms of getting their shit together, but they do eventually get their shit together. ushijima has to intervene; i’ll leave you to imagine how that happened.
≫ USHIJIMA? TENDOU? ushijima is very happily uninterested in romance and relationships. tendou clocks this after a few misguided attempts at wooing him. neither disheartened nor disappointed, he instead takes up an elective in literature and vows to become ushijima’s BFFL. it works.
≫ Gecko Tooru? Count Dracula? they continue to be worshipped; they are immortal.
≫ what is kuroo’s reaction to seeing bokuto’s project? they aren’t sure which one of them cried harder, but kuroo likes to think it’s bokuto and bokuto likes to humour kuroo.
≫ what are their careers? tsukki actually ends up landing that actuarial management job, but he also has a double master’s in economics because he’s greedy about education, which eventually leads to him being a visiting lecturer at universities. kuroo works his way up the ranks of a conglomerate to make a place in the executive suite. bokuto is an obnoxiously whimsical fashion photographer whom the industry hates and loves in equal amounts. akaashi is a simply terrifying and efficient engineer with a company the country probably can’t do without.
suga teaches dance, and daichi works at kuroo’s rival company, something he never shuts up about. yamaguchi stays in education the longest, ten years from the day he first started university. he opens up a small clinic of his own eventually, and yachi and gou do the interiors. kageyama and hinata go pro, because what else were they supposed to do, study?
oikawa earns the most out of all of them, which would be just fine if someone knew what the fuck he does for a living.
≫ does tsukki get his headphones back? nope! tsukki progresses to earphones, and kuroo keeps the headphones safe. in a velvet lined box in the bottom drawer of his study desk, first in his campus abode and then in every progressively larger apartment he and tsukki move into.
≫ brah they what OF COURSE THEY MOVE IN TOGETHER. in tsukki’s second year and kuroo’s final year of their bachelor’s degrees. it’s a splendid disaster at first, which is amazing because you’d think they’ve gotten used to each other’s habits by now, but no. kuroo uses approximately thirty hair products and tsukki’s tiny basic colour-protect shampoo bottle is lost among them, much to his chagrin. tsukki has the terrible habit of midnight snacking that personally offends kuroo, who follows a military regimen during the week so that he can drink his bodyweight in screwdrivers during the weekend. they both initially hate someone being in the same bed as them. but they work it out, they work it all out, because they’re kind of embarrassingly in love and refuse to do without each other.
≫ k,,  ur o tsu kk ki ,, same. what do u wanna know? ask me anything, i know everything about their lives.
they move in during their bachelor’s degree. kuroo graduates with a master’s in management and companies looking to recruit him before he even sends in his application. tsukki gets a chance to do a one-year master’s program abroad and hesitates to take it because he’s too attached to everyone and everything and he doesn’t want to take off just when he’s gotten everything together. it leads to the longest and worst fight he’s ever had with kuroo (sneering, screaming, sarcasm; everything that they’re so horribly ashamed of later), one that kuroo wins. when tsukki comes back, he thanks kuroo for forcing him to grow, and he gathers kuroo up in his arms, and he promises himself that he’ll never forget this lesson that he’s learned.
when tsukki moves out of his childhood home for good, there’s one final night when he and akiteru are sitting on opposite ends of the couch, watching a movie they both used to love as kids. halfway through, akiteru hunches over with his hands to his face, and tsukki sits quietly, still watching the screen. they’ve never had a single fight for all the wrong reasons, and they’ll never have a single one for all the right ones.
kuroo proposes when he’s twenty-seven and tsukki’s twenty-five. says “i love you so much that it changed my life. will you let me use the rest of it to tell you that every day?” and tsukki’s so busy hyperventilating that he doesn’t even say yes, something kuroo points out when tsukki indignantly sobs “why are you still on the floor? get up!” pay attention, tsukki, you’ll never get your doctorate this way.
(before that, kuroo stumbles through asking akiteru for tsukki’s hand, talking about how he’s been expecting this promotion and when he gets it— akiteru cuts in with a gentle “kuroo, as far as i am concerned, you had my approval six years ago.” so when kuroo gets that promotion, he calls akaashi up because they’re on the same sartorial wavelength, and bokuto is very offended at not being invited to ring-shopping.)
the wedding is fantastic. bokuto brings up the bubble butt video in his best man’s toast, kuroo cries his eyes out, tsukki laughs, there’s a raspberry muffin on a plate in front of the god-knows-how-many-tiered cake. even akaashi cries.
man, they love each other. kuroo the hotshot young managing director bakes tsukki dinosaur cookies in their high-end kitchen and brags about him at fancy business parties. tsukki calls him tetsu and carries him to the car when he falls asleep on the couch during poker night with the boys. no one lives as happily as they do, because no one’s happiness is as hard-earned.
≫ bo .. o k ku  a ka ? ? bokuto’s one of those genius photographers who makes it big all of a sudden because his talent is spotted. the problem is, he’s kind of too fucking dense to register his success (ever). one evening he brings home two mcdonald’s happy meals like “keiji, keiji, i scored a shoot with this one magazine”, and akaashi indulges him, smiles, takes a sip of his fanta, says “that’s nice. what magazine would that be?”
akaashi chokes on his fanta.
it’s not all rainbows and butterflies, though; bokuto earns a reputation for being a temperamental photographer, which, well, is entirely accurate. they recruit a personal assistant for him, this girl with a death glare and a high ponytail who takes exactly none of bokuto’s shit. (he never thought he’d meet someone even half as terrifying as akaashi, but life is always throwing new things his way.) he also has to deal with a shitton of temperamental models, whom he complains about when he puts on his reading glasses and balances his laptop on his knees in bed, waiting for akaashi to get in and listen.
bokuto still wears his polos but he also wears glasses now. adult, put-together, just as obnoxious as ever. akaashi’s definitely the more frightening one of the two with his blueprints and ironed shirts, but no one bokuto works with is ever willing to believe that his muse is an industrial engineer. (they are, however, very welling to believe that bokuto met said muse because he took over a thousand pictures of him. one thousand three hundred and seventeen, to be precise. that they are very willing to believe.)
no photographs bokuto takes of akaashi are ever released, despite everyone wanting to see. bokuto pronounces akaashi as the love of his life very publicly, and then spends the rest of his time making sure no one takes pictures of akaashi. vicious, protective, expensive clubs with VIP entries, glitter and glamour yet bokuto still stutters if akaashi says something cutting enough, and akaashi smiles to himself like yep, still got it.
going to the country house with kuroo and tsukki once a month is a ground rule. meeting up with the rest of the gang once a month is a ground rule. being efficient but ridiculous, silly but ambitious is a ground rule. living life to the fullest is a ground rule.
≫ ARE THEY ALL HAPPY? THEY’RE ALL HAPPY. daichi and suga get married first, followed by kuroo and tsukki. bokuto and akaashi don’t even consider it for the longest time; do it almost as an afterthought because the idea of rings is nice. kenma goes into research, iwaizumi goes into journalism, yachi goes into design.
shimizu is as beautiful as ever, michimiya is as whipped as ever. asahi and nishinoya never have more than that one dance at suga’s new year’s eve party, but nishinoya promises to always be ready to fight if someone ever upsets asahi. (himuro and izuki, on the other hand, have several existential crises when granrodeo breaks up and they go into different lines of music production, before they realise that not making music together doesn’t mean they can’t make music together.) gou and tanaka are constantly voted cutest couple wherever they go, and end up getting matching tattoos because no one informed them that’s too corny to be legal. saeko shows up at one point with a hot russian girlfriend, and bokuto gets another pitcher turned over his head for the trouble of asking if said russian girlfriend would like to come to one of his photoshoots. (it’s iced tea, which bokuto considers progress.)
they’re all happy. friends are forever if you reach out, the world is beautiful if you reach out. these kid always reach out. kuroo and tsukki always reach out.
THAT’S A WRAP, FOLKS. i will always be answering questions about jaywalkers, whether it’s headcanons or other extras or behind-the-scenes re: the writing process. like i said, just because this is where i stop telling the tale, it doesn’t mean that this world no longer exists! it always will, and you can revisit it whenever you want.
thank you for sticking with the kids, and with me as i improved! 2016 taught me a thing or two about writing, and i want to show what those things were in 2017, so i hope to see you around for my writing endeavours for the year.
thank you once again! see you.
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