#I don't care though
achaotichuman · 6 months
Stupid little headcanon.
When Tamlin gets overstimulated at balls or parties, he finds Lucien and gently tugs the back of his shirt. Lucien will abandon any conversation he's in the middle of to escort Tamlin out of the party, indiscreetly shooing away anyone that tries to stop and trap them in small talk.
Tamlin and Lucien then spend the night cuddling and reading together in Lucien's room.
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absolutelyzoned · 10 days
hair update #2 ??!?!
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its still darker in person, it looks more orange than it actually is on camera.,, ft my mcr shirt and pete wentz in my phone case 😍
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and i never actually posted it cause i forgot but here's the back of the jacket i painted (ot looks silly cause i was holdinf it weird but im not retaking anything im still in so much pain)
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couldntbedamned · 8 months
I think I'm the only one who never got romantic vibes from Loki and Sylvie. (Which is hilarious to me because characters fucking their alternate selves doesn't bother me thanks to all of the Star Trek fic I've read and because IT'S NOT POSSIBLE IN REALITY OH MY GOD QUIT MAKING SHIT UP TO BE OFFENDED OVER.
Like, Sylvie really has no concept of how to interact with others and while I do think she likes Loki and his company, the kiss struck me as her trying to distract Loki so she can get rid of him and then righteously commit murder.
I think Loki found her a kindred spirit, but not romantic styles.
Was Loki S1 terrible in terms of rep? Oh yes.
But the whole "Loki fell in love with himself" never played for me because to me nothing about it screamed romance.
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books-and-cookies · 11 months
time to now save up for flight and accomodation, because oh my FUCK edinburgh is expensiveeeee 🫠😂
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melon-cream-enmu · 8 months
Enmu refusing to cosleep with your newborn baby, he doesn't need sleep so nothing will happen, but the action of cosleeping for you and the baby would be dangerous so he discourages it in the ways that he can. Or human Enmu refusing to cosleep because it is dangerous, you may think you're aware but there's always the chance the baby could roll over and not be able breathe, or one of you could roll over and hurt the baby. He shakes his head. Crib sleeping only, until they're old enough to snuggle with mom and dad
Thinking about Enmu loving your baby SOOOO much. Holding your little ones face to his, snuggling the baby whenever they want, when you're breastfeeding the baby he wants to be holding you, his two loves. His eyes sparkle when your baby laughs, he loves you two so much
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fishygeek · 6 months
(screams) GOOD OMENS has officially been RENEWED for a THIRD season!!
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They like to be little shts together.
Leo: Mom
Venus: Tell me baby
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crossoverexe · 2 months
Around 6 years ago I started working at my current hellhole of a job. Recently it's come to my attention that by working in retail for 5 something years I've gathered a multitude of strange and wacky customer service stories. So here's number one.
It's the year 2017 and wide eyed 17 year old me has just started her second job ever. It's retail, I'm working the checkout system and I learn I'm actually really good at this bullshit. The fake smile. The pleasantries I don't really mean and the scanning every item as fast as humanly possible because YOU don't want to be here and neither do I. 3 hours. That's how long my shift was back then and BOY those 3 hours are certainly long enough for things to go Horribly wrong. My first day of the job someone kocked over one of those expensive bottles of whine. I can do nothing but watch as my customer's elbow knocks into the bottle and swipes it right off my counter onto the hard stone floor. It shatters upon impact and I feel the dread in my bones when my manager tells me to go get the mop.
It was my first time cleaning alcohol. It smells, there's Glass EVERYWHERE and by the time I was done it was about ready to pack up and go home. At Least I now knew where the mop was. I would need this knowledge for the coming years.
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sleepy-shutin · 2 years
once again, if you hate using parts language on yourself that is what we call a “you problem” and not the problem of people that use parts language. and if you make it the problem of people that use parts language i think you should imagine a world where you stopped talking and start behaving as if you live in that world
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gumpistol · 4 months
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me and @chronocide just a couple of weirdos
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nepthys-merenset · 7 months
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the many faces of zeus...another wasted sprite from this disaster of a story.
(and before y'all think i'm crazy, i only put the first two pictures in to show all of his sprites--not because i want to bone decrepit prisoner zeus.)
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twinhearted · 8 months
i don't think i've ever seen anyone invent an entirely new incarnation of the doctor and try to write a fake season around them. so i'm trying to do that, perhaps against my better judgment
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yourethebeeskneez · 2 years
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Alice @ literally everyone 
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couldntbedamned · 1 year
Taking my life into my own hands here but
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(this is not an attack. do you. always.)
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canadiankakashi · 2 years
behold! the worst thing I’ve edited up so far
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its so bad and I’m so tempted to make it my new profile picture
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coffeeandbatboys · 9 days
why are you still writing its not even good
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