#I expect it'll all be online around mid august
severeweatheralert · 11 months
The Long Way Home
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Tokyo's devolved into a post-apocalyptic hellscape and Val is facing memories she tried very, very hard to get away from. Chishiya is bored. And intrigued. He didn't think anyone could get away from memories like that. Every death game they play is somehow worse than the last. Before Val knows it, there's blood on her hands.
The Long Way Home is my ongoing Alice in Borderland multichapter fic. Read it on AO3 here. Warnings and image sources under the cut.
Warnings: Canon-typical violence; attempted sexual assault; (discussion of) past suicide attempt; minor (original) character death; blood and injury; fainting. Each chapter has a list of chapter-specific (minor) warnings when applicable!
Image sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
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