#I forgot to post this 2 days ago 😅
sweetescapeartist · 1 year
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Bandai, PLEASE! 🙏🙌
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I totally did not miss a day of disability awareness month because I accidentally skipped a day when scheduling my posts. And if you think I did... that's ableist...
Today's Disability Awareness Month post
Time blindness
What is it?
It's a complete inability to accurately measure time. That internal clock that says it's been 5 minutes? Yeah, that no works.
Cool. How can I know I have it? Because I don't really think anyone can accurately tell when 5 minutes have gone by
So a few years ago. I fell hard. Dislocated my shoulder. After a few days, I'm like "Yo. My shoulder been hurting too long after this bad fall. I should see my doctor about that". The doctor asked how long it had been. I told him 5 days... in my defense I really thought it had been 5 days... I texted my friend to confirm.... it had been 5 weeks...
Wow. That sucks. So like how do you manage that?
So like. I try to frame of reference based on what was going on around that time. Like "When did that truck randomly park in front of the house?" Well I remember being really worried about fireworks hitting it during 4th of July. So it's at least been that lot. And I know it wasn't there the week before because my friend would've definitely bitched about it being in the way. So that gives me a frame of reference of about 5 days.
So like you're talking about remembering time on past events. But you also mentioned being unable to tell when 5 minutes have gone by
Absolutely. Time blindness both impacts "I don't remember how long ago this event happened" as well as "I can't tell when 2 hours have gone by and I need my lunch break".
Another way I experience time blindness is meetings. I have a reminder at work that'll be like "meeting in 15 minutes". And I'll be actively trying to keep that in the front of my brain while I'm trying to get some last minute things done. Like "meeting in 15 minutes. Meeting in 15 minutes." Then next thing I know 2 hours have gone by 😅 and I'm like "when did that happen?"
Sounds like you're looking for an excuse to be lazy and inconsiderate of others time
No. There's actually ways you can manage your time blindness. I have an alarm for literally every. Single. Thing. In my life. I have an alarm when I should be taking lunch. When I need to go to bed. If I have a doctor appointment I'll have an alarm for when I need to make sure I have my paperwork (I aim for 2 days before). An alarm to make sure I have my insurance card (the day before). An alarm to start getting ready to leave. And an alarm to be heading out the door. Lots of alarms. Lots of reminders.
Sounds like you need a planner
See... time blindness is associated with ADHD... so that planner... do you want to see the pile of unused planners that I bought then completely forgot I had? If that planner isn't right in front of my nose as all times or screaming at me. I'll forget it exists. That's why I like alarms. They scream at me.
Cool. But I also have this thing where I can't tell how long a task will take
Fun fact. That is also time blindness. I'll be like "Cool. I'm just gonna wash the dishes real quick before I go. Should take 30 seconds..." *15 minutes later*
Time blindness makes it really hard to plan your day because you don't know how much time it'll take to do shit. One time I was like "I'll put this shelf together real quick after work". Real quick took 2 hours. How the fuck am I supposed to plan out my day if I can't figure out how long it'll take to wash dishes or put a shelf together?
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leslutdepointedulac · 3 months
*crashes through your door like big bird*
🗿 give us the rundown on how you got here! which was the first vc book you ever read? what made you decide to seek out vc fandom on tumblr?
Okay, buckle up ya'll because this is a decently long story.
So I would argue it actually started waaaayy back when I was a wee child, say about 6-7ish maybe. I would see the IWTV film on TV all the time and me being obsessed with vampires, I really wanted to watch it. Idk how I knew but somehow I had the knowledge that it was a very famous vampire story with queer characters and that it was supposed to be really good, so naturally I was like "I wanna watch that!" But my parents wouldn't let me because it's an 18 and I was a child (not that this stopped me fr begging them though lmao). This happened several times throughout my childhood and each time my parents would be like "No you're too young, you can watch it when you're older."
Skip to when I was around 15 I think, and I had this friend in school whose house I went to quite often. I was round for a sleepover one time and they told me there was this film with a banging soundtrack they wanted to show me. That film was QOTD. We watched it and I thought it was pretty decent (fyi I can't stand that film now, but the soundtrack still slaps. And Akasha! Aaliyah absolutely killed it!). When I went home the next day I told my parents what I had done at my friend's house, and that we had watched QOTD and they were like "Oh, the sequal to IWTV". Now bear in mind, I'd forgotten all about IWTV by this point and then it all came back to me and I was like "Omg no way!"
However, I still didn't watch IWTV and I forgot about it all over again. Until 2 years ago. I for the life of me cannot remember how or why I suddenly remembered it at the time, but I was chilling in bed and it came to me. So I found IWTV and watched it for the first time in my life (I was 19 at this point) and lemme tell you. It was worth waiting 19 years of my life. I loved it and thought how it was insane I'd only just now seen it, but better late than never.
Then I forgot about it again lmao. Until the 3rd November 2022. I remembered (again, idk how or why) that I had heard about an IWTV TV show so I found it and watched it and I thought "huh, that was pretty good. I like this!" And so I became obsessed.
Then I decided I wanted to read the books so in December of 2022 I bought IWTV, TVL and QOTD (it's all three in one book) and I started reading the series from the very beginning. I got even more obsessed and kept buying the series until I had them all and read through the whole thing.
In February on 2023 I joined tumblr for the VC fandom, because I had seen VCblr posts on Pinterest and thought it looked fun, so naturally I joined in.
And that more or less takes us up to now really lol. I'm still here and even more obsessed than ever. My obsession is primarily on the books since I read them. I kinda moved from the show to the books but I still have a deep appreciation for the show because that's what brought me here to the fandom in the first place. (And I still love the film too.)
I also recently, in the past couple of months, made friends with a group of people here in the fandom and I'm so glad to know them and be friends with them (including you, of course @hekateinhell 💖). I've been in many fandoms before this one, but this is the first one I've been so active in and the first one I've made friends in. I love ya'll, and I love talking to you all 🥰💕💕
Anyway, it's a long story as to how I got here 😅 It's like these vampires have always been in my life in one way or another.
Sorry this was such a ramble but yeah. There's practically my whole VC life story 😂
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zanazirafanfic · 4 months
WIP Whenever
I thought I posted this a few days ago, but I apparently forgot. Woops. 😅 I pushed all of my fics back for a week so I could take a little break, get myself reorganized, and make sure my plots were headed where I wanted them to (in regards to 25DCC especially.) Plus, I finally got a chance to start RDR1, and it's been amazing!
Anyway, here is the tentative list of what I'm working on for the next week or so. Everything is listed by planned date of publication. :)
2/15/24 - "Ruffling A Few Feathers" - Arthur has fun teasing Catboy!Micah using a treasure found during his travels. But as with everything in his life, there are unintended consequences.
2/16/24 - 25DCC, Ch.12 - "Tucking Them In" - 1910. Kieran comes home to Mary-Beth and their children after a long journey.
2/17/24 - Whumpcember Day 12 - "Touch-Starved" - Karen Jones grieves Sean's passing once the dust finally settles after the Braithwaite raid. H/C feat. Arthur Morgan.
2/20/24 - 25DCC, Ch. 13 - "Getting Anxious for Christmas" - 1910. John and Abigail receive a letter from Dutch and Hosea, and John makes a trip to Lone Wolf Stead to share it with his brothers. Once there he finds Arthur sick and being a terrible patient, and steps in to help before Charles finally decides to murder his husband.
2/21/24 - Whumpcember Day 13 - "Restraints" + Alt "Collapse" - The boys free Sean from Ike Skelding's band of bounty hunters. Unfortunately, he's in a little rougher shape than they thought.
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konniesreality · 11 months
Ok so here's my success story
Joined loablr 1½ yrs ago life was normal for me and I was comfortable in my circumstances so I never really applied it, I was always scared if changes so i just read posts after posts from a+p to void to states i overconsumed so much that I forgot what it truly was. I never truly persisted and i didn't even believed it. But then last April my worst luck hit and life started going downhill in every area i could imagine. I failed all my exams, gained weight and started hating myself, my friends left me I was completely outcasted and the worst part i had to keep all my despair to myself because I wasn't allowed to vent. My father lost his job and became super short tempered he'll scold me for everything and for my mum everyday the disappointment I saw in her eyes broke me. I was still skeptical of the law but this time I had nothing to lose...
So first i wanted to manifest my life without void because i had saw the void obsession and i knew if I would start now i too would be omw obsessed with it. So i decided to start loa from the basis.I first read Pink's doubt post i read it till i convinced myself that loa and void all were real. After that I compiled your how i manifest, su's loa basics post,Rosie's void doc and Raven's revision post. I then logge off Tumblr. I made a routine for myself taking inspiration from your post and Rosie's doc. And Raven's revision post made me confident that nothing was impossible.
Every morning I would affirm for void concept and self concept i didn't wanted to get obsessed with anything and struggle more by putting them on pedestal. When I had nothing to do I would vaunt while listening to baejin and Roy's subs. I logged off from every social platform and just completely focused on myself.It's like superrrrr hot here in summers so I would usually take naps in afternoons and that time I used for SATS. And at night I would do breathing exercises and would affirm to wake up in void state.
After 12-13 days i felt such a huge shift in my life like my dad started being super nice to me and mum was actually motivating me and taking me out on walks to cheer me up just like i visualised in SATS!!! This boosted my confidence so muchhhhh!!!! I was sure about my abilities my self concept was also amazing and I was manifesting small things here and there but i hadn't entered void till now. So i read Pink's post again and then Rosie's void doc this relaxed me and motivated me to keep persisting in my new story and the next night i entered the void state!!!!! It was so relaxing and calming and I felt so safe. It was just like how i thought it would be baby blue with sparkling stars everywhere!!!!! I felt so light and happy.... After staying for some time i affirmed for my desires stayed there for some more time and then came out.
Now the fun stuff i manifested
First— i woke up in my room!!!!! But in my old story i shared my room with my parents but here i was in my room that looked exactly like my Pinterest boards!!! Honestly I just laid there for 15-20 min i don't know why but i was crying??😅😅 I still don't understand it maybe because i always wanted a space for my own where i could just release all my emotions and always being surrounded by people i just learnt to swallow my emotions and remain stoic but on this day i just released myself i was so proud of me for sticking through and becoming the success story i wanted to be.okay...... not going too indepth in other things now otherwise it'll become a novel now😆
2) I was my desired weight and had my complete desired appearance. I felt so confident on seeing myself in the mirror.
3) My dad getting his job back and now having a big big promotion for the relentless work he did for the past 20 yrs.He is the senior of the guy who fired him on false charges hihi guess who got fired next😜😜
4) Passing all my exams with A+ and getting into my desired school it's a private school only for rich kids i always wanted to attend one so now I am attending it😎
5) Having amazing IQ and photograpjic memory.
6) We have an amazing house of ours now it is so big and beautiful 😻😻😻 it also has a big lawn outside.
7) Being the popular girl of my school those friends who ditched me are now begging to be in my group but you see I'm the popular girl and not the mean girl so they are not welcomed here 😎🤓😎
I manifested many many more desires and now I'm so so happy everyday is a blessing for me. And I just want to thank you and all the bloggers here you all are a ray of hope in our lives. I love you so much and will always remain thankful to you,Rosie, Pink,Sue and every other blogger who helped me. You all are amazing people and you all deserve the world.
Now I'm gonna deactivate from Tumblr so thank you again. We may don't know each other but you all have become an integral part of my life. I hope Tumblr good days return again and it get flooded with success stories again.
Nd all the bloggers here remain safe and happy and manifest positivity and goodness in their lives.
Sorry it became very long😅 but i hope Konnie you stay happy and healthy always and your blog is just filled with positivity you don't deserve these stupid haters. Thank you again for helping me...
Bye Konnie!
Anon I am so happy for you! I’m so happy I helped you, I’m so happy that you got everything you wanted love! Enjoy your life honey! 💗💗💗
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lavender-verse · 2 months
I hope it’s okay if I send a quick ficlet of secret husbands in your asks, you can ignore this ask if not, I just don’t have a spare account on here to post it to😅
I did, however, post the original version on Ao3 a couple days ago. This version is slightly edited for this ask(also G uses he/they in this) :)
The sound of pages turning and rustling echoed through the main room of town hall-the scratching of a pen joining on occasion. Scar, the beloved mayor, is reclined on his diamond throne looking over a contract. With a huff, he clips his pen to the clipboard and sets it against the thrones armrest. He leans back against the throne while gently rubbing his sore eyes, hips shifting forward at the adjustment.
A muffled groan accompanies the shift, vibrating Scars cock lightly and sending a shiver up his spine. Oh right, Scar almost forgot that he wasn’t alone-Mother Spore was here to keep him company.
See, Grian, or rather, Mother Spore walked right into town hall maybe 2 hours ago; Clearly coming straight from the resistance headquarters. He didn’t speak as he pulled the ribbon holding his mushroom cap, letting it fall to the floor, and trudged up the stairs of the diamond throne to kneel between the knees of the mayor. Scar saw the fatigued look on his beloved's face and set his paperwork aside to give Mother Spore a small kiss on the forehead. They made eye contact as he pulled away, Mother Spores hands settled near Scars crotch, brow slightly raised in a silent request. The mayor nodded with a small smile.
It only took a few seconds before Scars dick was down Mother Spores throat, nose just barely touching unruly pubes. Their eyes slid closed and their body slowly relaxed. Ah, so it was this sort of evening; one filled with the simple desire to be close and submit for a while without the need to reach any orgasms. Scar ran his fingers through Mother Spore's hair softly as he settled, and then returned to his paperwork for the next few hours.
At this point, Scar has finished his paperwork and figures it’s best to get both of them to bed, they’ve been here almost 3 hours after all. He taps Grians nose lightly in warning before he pulls out and stuffs his dick back into his pants. His husband slowly blinks up at Scar before pushing himself up into the mayors lap, legs tossed over the armrest. They nuzzle into Scars throat as he wraps his arms under Grian and stands.
The two travel through the nether and make it back to Scars home in the Magic Forest, barely stopping for Scar to toe his shoes off by the door. Once his shoes are off, Scar beelines to the bedroom. The moment he’s next to the bed, he lays Grian down gently before starting to remove the avian’s boots. As Scar is setting the boots in the closet, Grian wakes up slightly and rolls onto his side to observe his husband. His eyes are squinted as he watches Scar change out of his mayoral outfit, humming in appreciation when the man’s back is exposed. The mayor glances back at the sound with a small smile, preening a bit at the attention. Quickly he swaps his boxers for sweats and returns to Grian’s side.
Scar tugs lightly at one of the skirt ruffles, “Want some help out of that dress, dove?”
“Pleeeaase, it’s itchy,” Grian groans, flopping onto his front.
Within moments, Scar has every ribbon untied and is pulling fabric off of Grian’s body, leaving him in nothing but socks and boxers. Scar goes to hang the dress in the closet as Grian shucks off the socks with his feet, not even hesitating to burrow under the blankets of the bed.
When Scar returns to the bed, only the top of the blonde's head is visible under the blanket. The mayor chuckles as he climbs in next to Grian, immediately wrapping his arms around their waist and tucking his face into their hair while Grian nuzzle back into Scars neck. Safe. Warm.
I absolutely do not mind at all omg. holding them soso gentle 🥺 sometimes all they need is to be close to one another and wahhhhh the sleepy cuddles at the end I’m so soft
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petite-madame · 9 months
Thank you so much for your Sherlock art! I recently rekindled my obsession for John and Sherlock and every single fanart you make is like nourishment for me. 💖😌
Hi anon ^^
Thank you so much for your kind words about my Sherlock art! It's very kind of you. 💗
I recently rekindled my obsession for John and Sherlock
I did the same about a year ago. I can't even explain how and why it started again! I used to draw fan art about 7-8 years ago when the show was on air then nothing and then…it started again full force around June 2022. 😁
every single fanart you make is like nourishment for me.
Amazing! Just so you know, there's more "food" coming your way as I'm still drawing Sherlock art. There's a bit of everything and anything to be honest. John in Afghanistan, in Baker Street's living room, Sherlock wearing a kimono (small preview HERE). Anyway, I'm not working on any series like the one I did about Pining (Part 1 and Part 2) but much more on the inspiration of the moment. 😅
Speaking of artworks, there are two fan art I finished last November and I completely forgot to post them. 😳I should really do something about it (as there's nothing wrong with them, I just…forgot!!)
Thanks again and have a great day! 💗
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weebsinstash · 4 months
Hey would you mind tagging your hazbin hotel/helluva boss posts? You don't have to backtag of course, but your future ones possibly? Just wanted to ask, hope you have a great evening!
Yes, lmao, I should actually apologize because someone asked me to tag my hazvin posts like years ago and I just forgot to keep doing it and I'm probably spoiling people 💀 I can go back to tagging the series "hh" or "hb" as needed but I can go more specific if that's already blocked tags for something else or whatever
I promise I'm still gonna post about other things. Trust me I'm sure you guys have noticed my uh attention span lmao. We spent like 2 months in Miguel Hell and then the jingling keys of a new fixation drew me elsewhere 😅 but yeah its no sweat and thanks for being nice about it ^^
Oh gosh yeah especially because the finale is in two days! Don't wanna spoil the ending for anyone because I've been spoiled too many times myself ^^;
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acaplaya-musings · 3 months
Voiceplay Visuals: Dream On
Perhaps a bit of a shorter post than some of my recent/previous ones, but Voiceplay's video for Dream On is certainly far from dull, and the arrangement (a collaboration between Rob Dietz and Geoff) is absolutely killer!
The video for Dream On was released on the 9th of April, 2022, and features Omar Cardona, back again!
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Don't have a ton to say about outfits/costuming in this one (though shoutout to Geoff, who is credited with "costuming look", as well as co-direction and overall video (he's a polymath genius I swear)), but might as well "shine a spotlight" on everyone individually, since I don't expect to have a lot to say for this video otherwise, and the vocalists all start off by themselves in the video before "banding together".
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Hey Geoff isn't the only one with exposed shoulders for once! 😝
Cesar is, yet again, a style icon. And according to an interview he did with Mortius (that was simultaneously a reaction video for Dream On), the little "smoky eye"/eyeliner look he's got going on here was his idea! Love that for him!
(Also shoutout to Rick Underwood for yet again being a makeup whiz!)
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Actually wait I forgot, uncovered shoulders actually outnumber covered shoulders in this one!
(Also this was filmed in some old school I believe? I think maybe Cesar's old school or something?)
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There he is! <3
(Also love the fingerless gloves 👌)
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Random fun fact: I used this shot about a month ago (though for you reading this it'll be more like 2-2.5 months ago) as a pose/proportions reference!
(And peep the little white-grey streak of hair framing his face <3 )
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And of course I haven't forgotten about Layne! (No clue what he's wearing over his shirt, but my brain always thinks of a bulletproof vest, though that's obviously not correct)
(Also it's getting frankly a little embarassing now that back in my This Is Halloween post I was like "hey is that tattoo on Layne's wrist real? I've literally never seen it before", when apparently it has been visible at least a couple of times since, and I'm obviously not always as observant as I like to think I am 😅)
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Fun fact: apparently Omar and Cesar are good friends, stemming from the fact that they used to be roommates? And now one of them is a permanent Voiceplay member, and the other is a frequent Voiceplay collaborator? (And had sung with them before Cesar joined the group, even). What are the odds? Like how freaking close-knit is the singing/acapella community in Florida?
(Btw that is one hell of a mohawk, Cesar! Go off!)
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Group shot! (Also peep the book just behind Eli and Omar (that I only just noticed) - is that the same one Eli was holding/drawing in earlier?)
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(Cesar matching Geoff with the fingerless gloves!)
"So how many lines and textures do you want in your clothes for this one?" "Yes" (No seriously, there is a lot going on with the outfits in this one. I'm not judging or criticising, but I would hate to try and draw them!)
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Very brief but very cool distortion effect!
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Obligatory "he's so pretty" screencap 😁
Screw it, have another Geoff hair study!
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(I'm amassing a fair collection of these now, though I'm contemplating going and doing some more for older videos at some point so I can have a better visual representation of the main stages of growth, before it reached shoulder-length)
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Is Layne in the freaking boiler room or something? (I'm not super familiar with boiler rooms (not super common in Australia, that I know of), but that looks like that would be an example of one!)
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The "tenor trio" absolutely giving this performance their all! (As they always do, of course)
I'm doing this post on the same day (or well, night now) as the post I did for The Dragonborn Comes, so I'm still eagerly awaiting the video for Omar's newest collaboration with Voiceplay, and I can barely wait! It's gonna be amazing, I can feel it!
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burninlovebutler · 1 year
Hi Mel 😊
Do you know when we’re getting another chapter of ‘Forever Winter’ or ‘Just an Intern?’
Can’t wait, hope it’s soon!!❤️
hi anon! thanks for asking! 💓
honestly i've just hit a writing road block & a bunch of stuff in my personal life has kinda been a mess lately so, things are taking longer than i wanted them to
the next Forever Winter chapter (29 - Be My Mistake) was supposed to be up like 2 weeks ago but BUT
it WILL be up this week, maybe even tomorrow 💗
Just an Intern pt. 4 has proven kinda challenging tbh 😅 but she's def in the works and i hear you guys in my asks, i promise i'm working on it just be patient w me 🙏🏻
anyway imma get MUSHY bc when i started writing fanfic again in aug 2022 and i started posting forever winter online i never expected or thought that I would be getting messages like this.
writing was something i always did from very very young, id even write stories about my toys & stuff lol but i stopped writing when i stopped writing fanfic around 2016 and it has brought so much happiness back to me, i forgot how much i loved writing.
i know that my numbers & notes & shit on my stories aren't big compared to others but i never thought i'd even get any so they're special to me.
so, thank you very very much for any asks, comments, likes, reblogs, anything on any of my writings. the asks & comments specifically make my whole day. thank u for taking the time to read and/or interact. extra big thank you to the ones that read & love FW, as i know it is long & oc's aren't as loved on here lol love y'all 💗
(also i'm so happy to share that forever winter hit 3k on ao3 & almost 11k on wattpad 🥹🥹)
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whorekneecentral · 2 months
Babe I think u forgot to put the ‼️REQUESTS ARE CLOSED‼️notice on ur pinned post cuz u said reqs closed 2 days ago :)
(unless that was intended then ignore me😅)
I know, I have to update it lmao
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i-sveikata · 10 months
Hi! I first want to say that I really enjoy your work; I remember reading a Steve/Bucky fic of yours years ago and really liking it but I don't think I had a ao3 account at the time so I completely forgot about it. But yesterday while I was (desperately) searching for some more Vegas/Pete fanfic I stumbled upon IFTG and binge read it a full sitting (yes I have been completely unproductive today but I do not consider it a waste as I have enjoyed every minute I spent reading your fic)
Secondly, and sorry if this has already been asked or if these are inapt questions
(I'm more of a lurker when it comes to social platforms so I'm not sure how these things go)
, but I just wanted to know how you got into KinnPorshe and what are you thoughts on the show and it's various ships? I personally got into it a bit late (literally like 2 weeks ago) and was just curious about your experiences with the fandom and opinions and what not
I was also hoping you could recommend some Vegas/Pete stories that you enjoy (I'm always looking for more 😅)
Again love your stories, hope your having a good day.
Omg thanks so much anon that’s really sweet! Oh hahahhaha sounds like a productive day to me lol
Oh don’t be sorry! I would say I’m more of a lurker too in fandom tbh like I’ll still comment on fic I read and stuff but I’m normally more of a hermit coming out of my cave tossing a fic on ao3 and then running for it hahahahah so I understand!
Oh well I guess when that first trailer came out it was blowing up on tumblr and I watched it and was intrigued about it (plus I love the Australian/Thai actor and I knew he’d be in it too) and I guess I ended up just sort of vague keeping in the loop about it because so many people were excited. I think I watched it from when it first aired if I remember right? Or a least maybe an Ep or two after that? I kind of do this thing where I stalk all the gifs of a show on tumblr and if I find it interesting then I decide to watch it lol. But yeah I wasn’t hugely involved in the fandom from what I’ve heard a lot of it was on Twitter which I don’t use so I can’t really give much of an general update. All I can say is it was a really exciting time when that first trailer came out and everyone eventually got worried it might never come out when it took so long for them to give an airing date after it
I’ve actually gotten more of a fandom experience since I started writing this fic and people started coming over to tumblr to talk to me!! Which has honestly been really great and a fun way to dip myself into the fandom community for kp
I’m sorry I haven’t actually read that many!! I’ve got an old post where I’ve answered that before but I’ll come back to this ask later and link it for you
At this stage I am actively trying not to read other stuff in the fandom because I don’t really want to be low key influenced by any fic if that makes sense? Like in a fandom you eventually get fandom generated character traits or truths that start to trickle across everyone’s fics and for the moment I’m trying to avoid it.
Thanks so much hope You have a wonderful day too!!
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buckleydiazes · 11 months
Tagged by @bilestat & @buckleydiaz 🥰
 1. Were you named after anybody?
yeap, i was named after my mom's favorite aunt, though i do share a middle name with my own aunt and a nickname with one of my mom's favorite movie characters. oh fuck also forgot my first name came outta the bible lmao.
2. When was the last time you cried?
two days ago watching a sad ghost video 😅
3. Do you have kids?
no, but i have nieces and nephews which comes very close
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
what constitutes a lot? i dont think i use it as much as i used to
5. What sports do you play/have played?
me? play a sport? 😂
6. What's the first thing you notice about someone?
their disposition/mood usually
7. Eye color
green, though i was convinced growing up they were hazel
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
hello??? scary movies with happy endings erasure??? @ it 2017 i love u baby
9. Any special talents?
aside from being a pain in the ass? 🤔 most people would say poetry is my special talent. i'd like to say i'm a good storyteller too.
10. Where were you born?
new york! as an emergency in my home town hospital. in 2nd grade in a boys vs girls class competition i was the tie breaker against a boy named harold and the first person to write where they were born would win for their team. i got it but my teacher INSISTED i couldnt have been born there and gave the boys the win and prizes 😠 my dad set her straight the next week at the post office n she apologized to me 💅 still mad we didnt get that win though.
11. What are your hobbies?
ooh so many. reading, writing, hiking, coloring, video games, etc.
12. Do you have pets?
technically, i only truly own 1 dog, but we have 2 others dogs and 3 ferrets in the house. i love them all except my step dad's dog. 😒
13. How tall are you?
14. Your favorite subject in school?
it was probably english or math
15. Dream Job
owning a used book store and/or being a psychotherapist
tagging @wllbyers @lizzo @thyla @eddiebrock @softbromley @alexisrosemullens @sheisraging @unrulygingerlesbian @dindjarins @hawkaye @sorenserotonin
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willalove75 · 1 year
Two fics from me in one day?! Whaaaaaat?!
Truthfully I forgot I posted one already bc after I posted it I went straight into writing the second one and finished it much faster than I expected to, but oh well! You're welcome everyone😉
All jokes aside I did want to say I'm going to try and queue up some posts if I can get a few extras done, but my very best friend in the whole world (like this girl has been my best friend for over 20 years, I'm obsessed with her) is getting married and her bachelorette party is this coming weekend!
So I'll be traveling and celebrating from Thursday-Sunday and unless I can get a few things queued to fill the space, there's gonna be a lull in my posts! So let's say that's the real reason why I posted twice today😅😅
Usually work is quite boring (which is why I have so much time to write tbh) but it might pick up this week since I'll be out for two days. It's my goal to post once a day this week before I go but realistically I would like to get at least 2 posts out before I leave for the weekend.
So I'm not abandoning my fics, ya girl is just gonna be busyyy (s/o to the 6 weddings I have coming up this year🎉😅😂)
Guys I made this blog LESS THAN TWO MONTHS AGO. June 10th will be two months since I started this!!!! I'm averaging 100 followers a month?! That's INSANE.
Ik 200 followers isn't "a lot" in the grand scheme of social media, but 200 people liked my stories enough to follow me so they can see more of what I write?! Shut the fuck up that's insane
I say this every time so I'm sorry that I sound like a broken record but thank you all SO MUCH for all of your support and love.
Never, ever in a million years did I think any of this could happen to me. I never thought I'd get the courage to start writing fics and even more than that, if I did find the courage, I NEVER thought I would have so many amazing people consistently sharing/liking/reblogging/interacting/genuinely enjoying what I've written.
Seriously I am so goddamn grateful for every single one of you THANK YOU SO MUCH YOU GUYS ARE THE ACTUAL BEST💕💕
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thanatasia · 2 years
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Some more IG stories I did a while ago! I wanna a,let a separate post of any of the ones I have that feature other Ocs who belong to anyone on Tumblr as well.
1. Azra was a shy little girl but her Gran, Inaya helped bring her out of her shell. Gran Inaya is the one who taught Azra all there is to know about soothsaying. Azra’s backstory is sad- I forgot how sad she was as a childling until I began writing this down. Poor baby. The good thing is that she’s doing much better nowadays.
2. One day I have to draw the triple date because that 100% happened and you know there were laughs and fun expressions going on. When the shipping trinity is all in one place one would be blessed with good vibes lol. This particular piece is happening on that legendary triple date, EnchantedSandstorms is running fashionably late because they are the OG ship between myself and my friend Jack-Toons lol. Fleur is excited to finally meet Sammi because Kiel definitely brought them up to her when she passed by the Sifa shores. Razer is already acquainted with both Kiel and Sammi and is the one to thank for setting them up together (just don’t tell Fleur that his intentions weren’t to help Kiel find love)
I love them so so much!!!! Although I couldn’t draw the trinity together, all three ships are so happy and in love with their respective partners. It always shows on their faces. They all have my heart!!!! 💖
Razer and Sammi belong to my dear friend @jack-toons / @myfanartblogplusshippingtrash
3. The only thing killing this piece is that I assigned that shade of pink to Saffron and instead of me choosing a night sky I chose a pinky sunset lol. Poor baby is merging with the background 😅. Teaching Saffron how to fly is one of Fleur’s many treasured memories since becoming a mother. She also likes to occasionally dress Saffron in a matching outfit. Bless the OceanPetals family they are so sweet- all of the ship’s families are sweet!!
4. The reverse au has me in a choke hold and I am succumbing happily 😂 Reverse Takoda and Adora are fun because they are so different from their og counterparts that the OG’s would try hiding their faces. I’m still surprised that for the most part Taokda doesn’t have a sad childhood, or messed up parents/family members, or was bullied- the gentle lad escaped somehow lol. No one besides my friend knows the full length of Adora and Elkie’s childhood. We still need to see Reverse Elkie, she’s a gem lol
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asiadoesstuff · 8 months
I need help finding 2 more Images— 😅
Once again: These Images are Liminal Spaces! Though I’m not too sure if the 2nd one counts as a Liminal Space… But it appeared in a Liminal Space Video, so I guess it is! 😄
I saw someone using these Images for their TikTok, so I asked where they got it from in the Comments; And after going back-and-forth in Japanese for a whole day, they told me that they saved these images a long time ago, and forgot where they got them— 🥲
Once again: I’ll Post the Images here so someone can find it for me! 😁
This is the First Image:
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This is the 2nd Image:
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If anyone finds these Images, please tell me! 😄
Thank you! 😊
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