#I fucking can't
booigi-boi · 6 months
Sometimes I forget that this man is like in the top 3 of "most tragic Hatchetfield characters"
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Like no, this fucker does not deserve to be written like that, this bastard of a man does not deserve to die all the damn time and leave his younger bro to cry in their shared apartment every single night, wondering where the man he looks up to a lot has gone, not knowing he's never coming back, cause some other bastard decided he needed a blorbo!!
I refuse to believe that Theodore fucking Spankoffski is this much of a tragic character, when his whole character is just horny and dying!
F me fr man, the Langs made me care for a man I wish to stay whole towns away from if he was real
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thyandrawrites · 1 year
Had a sudden realization
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They're both theater kids
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Not Odysseus escaping a vengeful, rampaging cyclops just to turn around and say “btw here’s my full name and address, remember it”  
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evergreenalice · 9 months
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"there's one thing you must do. That's love."
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knightofleo · 1 year
Zelenogorsk, the Pallas’ Cat
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sirendeepity · 4 months
‼️HOFAS Ember&Randall bonus chapter spoilers ‼️
Once again, Cassian proves himself fucking useless AND picks Rhysand's side. Feyre took Nesta, so that's a small victory, bUT STILL !!! not even *after* the mating bond can that man stand by Nesta's side? Istg the cauldron should make gay mates because Cassian and Rhysand? Immaculate. After all, Cassian's head is so far up Rhys' ass he found his G post
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kittyisaddicted · 10 months
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“Alex […] draws his mouth up to a breath away from Henry’s. He hears Henry swallow. He wants to follow the sound down his throat. (p.133).“
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hoppyhopscotch1 · 4 months
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mopeytwat · 7 months
he's so gorgeous I'm gonna be sick how the fuck is he real oh my fucking god
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photographer fella :
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thiziri · 3 months
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When you're hot even if you're just chewing... 🥵
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riricitaa · 1 year
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You're telling me that they met and they spent time together WHILE LOOKING LIKE THIS?!!!!
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xxlea-nardoxx · 1 year
Imagine my disappointment, when I watched this scene in english for the first time and heard the word "bus".
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ladydraculena · 8 months
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My heart! I want him to have a happy childhood T_T
More Artworks on Insta: ladydraculena
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gerardwayismymum · 2 years
What frank thinks he is:
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What he really is:
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mistmarauder · 1 year
If there's one thing I can count on in this fandom, it's that every few episodes (like clockwork), people who don't get exactly what they want from an episode (canon Buddie specifically) will go out of their way to make the actors, creators, and half the fandom miserable.
And quite frankly, it's disgusting.
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So apparently the "Jesus was Palestinian" bullshit is doing its rounds again, continuing the proud tradition of that fucking pink infograph from May '21 that claimed "the first Christians were Palestinians". I'm not going to go over why this is a load of racist antisemitic a-historical crap, I've already done so in the past (one, two, three, four, though I do feel I could explain it better today... but I'm not gonna do that). But I do believe we need to talk about this a little more. Not about the content of the claims, which is so unbelievably easy to refute by reading literally the first paragraph of a couple of Wikipedia articles, but the reason for the existence of the claims themselves and their structure.
We have to ask ourselves why do people need Christianity in general and Jesus specifically to be tied to the Palestinian identity and what the hell does this have to do with the I/P conflict at all? Because, here's the thing; the topic is the I/P conflict, this is our framework. And yet while talking about a war currently being waged, about cease fires and humanitarian aid, about a massacre and hostages, about politics and ideologies, out of fucking nowhere one side of the debate just throws this claim - "yeah, well Jesus was Palestinian!" / "The first Christians were Palestinians!". You might ask yourself what the actual fuck are they talking about. I mean, I could throw random sentences too, it just wouldn't be a very effective conversation, would it? So why are they saying it now in this context?
Let's go back to that OG pink infograph, because I do think it's the most revealing. "The first Christians were Palestinians". This is an equation - x equals y, first Christians = Palestinians. First is important here, it speaks of precedence, of date. Christianity as a whole and Jesus in particular are an incredibly convenient thing to date historically. They are also very ancient. This is about establishing an ancient anchor to the Palestinian identity.
But the sentence isn't actually complete, is it? There's something missing from it. A silent part at the end of it - "the first Christians were Palestinians, as opposed to Jews". This is the context. This is, and always was, about denying the history of the Jewish people. It's literally an attempt at erasing Jewishness from history itself and replacing it with a New and Improved one that is Western-Leftist Approved.
This is the single saddest thing I've ever heard in my goddam life. What they're saying, what they're actually saying, is that the Palestinian plight, suffering and right for self determination only exist if their identity is ancient enough. Ideally - more ancient than that unbelievably annoying people who won't shut up about how ancient they are. What they're saying with their "post-colonial" rotten brains, with their cruelty and their absolute wickedness, is that suffering is only worth acknowledging and fighting if it neatly fits their "colonizer/colonized" dichotomy world view. Palestinians have no right in the leftist world unless: 1) their identity is ancient enough for them to join the oppressed club, 2) the Jews' identity isn't.
And it is just so unbelievably funny. Again, I'm not going to repeat the explanation of what "Palestina" actually is, you can read my previous posts about that. What I do have to say is just how unfathomably historically funny it is to me, not just as a Jewish woman but more importantly as an archaeologist of the Ancient Near East, that they would use a Jewish man preaching Jewish things to Jewish people in the remnants of the Jewish kingdom of Judea, almost a thousand years after its establishment, barley more than a century before its final destruction and the end of Jewish autonomy in their ancestral homeland for the next almost two millennia, to establish an ancient anchor for Palestinian identity.
And by the way, when I said that Jesus and Christianity are "very" ancient - I lied. I can't begin to explain to you how "new" that is to an archaeologist of the Ancient world. I literally haven't seen the other side of the zero in like a decade. So, on top of what I said in my previous posts, along with many other people online, the thing that is even more fucking funny is how every evidence we have for the origin of the word (just the word! not the identity! which didn't exist yet!!!!) "Palestina" positions it in the Greeks' hands around 500 BCE, which is still almost 500 years after the establishment of Judea. Can you do basic math?? Can you fucking do it???
You Westerners (and non-Westerners and Palestinians to be perfectly clear) want us so badly to be foreign invaders who stole precious lands from poor little woobified natives, but we're fucking not. You are incapable of holding more than one fucking thought in your tiny little rotten minds so you try to change history, to change reality itself to fit your warped perception of the world. You do that because you hate Jews, not because you give even a tiny little shit about Palestinians. Because you don't, and you prove that every single day with every single lie that comes out of your mouth.
We are at war for maybe more than a century at this point. They killed my people, they butchered them, they literally live on the ruins of my ancestors. But I care about them because I care about everyone in the world and I am capable of looking beyond my own rights (which fucking exist) and recognize that my enemies are just as human and deserving of life and joy and safety as me. I don't need them to be more ancient than me to recognize their grief, their suffering, their right for self determination, because apparently I have a fucking heart and a working brain, something I genuinely can no longer say about most of you.
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