#I have been very busy with my 14 kittens I'm so sorry to everyone for not doing things
And just unbroken, freedom escaped,
Of changing and of shifting shape
Of snares eluded, broken traps
The prison opening, the chain that snaps- J.R.R Tolkien 
This poem always makes me think of Artham 
P.S I’m sorry about the weird comments on “The Throne Warden’s Redemption, I had been up all night.
(oh gosh oh lands I’ve never gotten a submission before Idk how to do this hopefully this is fine xD)
That does have very Artham vibes. 👀 And it’s a Tolkien quote too! (rest of my response under the cut)
Don’t worry about the comments thing, sorry I never replied to them, I recently became mom to three kittens I personally went and rescued off the streets... and then the two little girls had babies so now I’m grandma to 11 more kittens. I’ve been very busy and a great many things I meant to do have fallen by the wayside. So sorry about that!
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taliesin-19 · 7 years
Hello again, What was the last picture you took with your phone? Have you ever been pulled over by a cop? What for? What have you always wanted? Did u ever get it? What was the last lie you told? Have u ever danced in the rain? What is your blood type(i'm A-)? Have u ever been in a car accident? What is your greatest strength and weakness? What is your perfect pizza? What question do u hate to answer? What is the answer to that question? How do u start a conversation? What cheers up? thx - C10
Hiya! I’m so sorry for this late response!! As always, it would be my pleasure to answer your questions :)
1. A picture of my car insurance lmao. Don’t ask…But before that it’s a picture of my kitty who takes up most of my album. 
2. Funny you mentioned cops…yes, I have. And recently. Twice in my whole life. Once for speeding (I was too busy changing the radio to notice), and once for backing into a parked car (to be fair, there were two kids running around and I was too focused on trying not to kill them as I was backing out). 
3. The perfect hot chocolate. And to publish my own book. 
4. No for both :(
5. Probably something to my niece or nephew. I like to make up stuff and see if they’ll believe me. It’s always funny when they go running to their parents to ask if it’s true lol
6. I think once just to say that I did haha. I’ve definitely run in the rain before. And walked around the entirety of Disney World’s Magic Kingdom (without a poncho or umbrella, might I add). I’m not much of rain person. I like it best when I’m at home with nothing to do but let the sound of it pelting against the windows soothe me to sleep. So poetic, I know. 
7. B + so we should never donate blood to each other!
8. When I was very, very little. I don’t remember it, but apparently we all had to go to the hospital. No one was hurt too bad though. I believe it was because of a truck, but don’t quote me on that. 
9. Greatest strength: Pretty good listener. Greatest weakness: my dancing skills. Also, i shut down emotionally when things get very hard. (that escalated, eh?)
10. Lots of vegetables. Like LOTS. No meat or fruit or whatever. 
11. “How would you describe yourself?” usually in the context of interviews or applications. 
12. Lol I actually had to answer this for a class I took on job search strategies. Here’s my answer: “I would say I’m someone who sees the potential for growth ineveryone. And I’m confident in my ability to be flexible and make adjustmentsto meet an individual’s particular needs in order to achieve that growth.”
Like what the fuck does that even mean?
13. “Oh, you like Harry Potter, too?”
14. My kitten, Harry Potter, videos of kittens, Doctor Who, singing and playing guitar. And of course, my friends.
Oh, and writing GYWM, obviously……………………hehe 
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