#I keep getting similar ads
pens-personal · 6 months
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Hey tumblr can I stop getting sponsored ads for violently bigoted t-shirt designs please? Please?
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sysig · 5 months
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Off to make mischief and terrible decisions for everyone (Patreon)
#Doodles#UT#Handplates#Gaster#Papyrus#Sans#Help they keep appearing#Where have I heard that one before lol#Genuinely! I wasn't expecting to keep drawing them but my pencil kept moving and they kept showing up on my paper!#Especially Gaster but the other two plenty as well#Got to employ a bit of my favourite coloured pencil ♪ I Will find a way to use my blue on nearly anything#Luckily for me they come prepackaged with blue magic so that was easy enough#Wiggly baby Papyrus does Not want to go >:( At least he's not being hurt :(#Some smoking Gaster ♪ I still quite enjoy drawing smoke honestly - fun to get to do so with a character who actually smokes haha#You can see I also added swoopy-swoops to his Lost Soul head - I like it much better for being such a small detail#I think it looks weird in black rather than white but against a white background-#Without them he feels....hmm something. Something old that I don't want#Not like the Classic Lost Soul head tho haha - similar but not quite the same!#I love his design ahh ♪ He's really so pretty but so much of that is in his details! Like the way he wears his clothes or holds his body#I'm always a sucker for that style of turtleneck as well haha ♫#Perhaps his turtleneck keeps the smoke in chest from escaping longer :0 Yet another reason to wear them!#Shot of the little family before things went Completely terrible - before the plates and all that#I'm rather pleased with his hand pose there actually :) Keep an eye on your kids Gaster you've only got the one eye to do so!#And then some silly ones lol - I am desperately curious if animated skeletons would have a hyoid bone#It's not as though hyoid bones are specific to humans! They're just A Type Of Bone! Surely skeletons would have All their bones right?#But in the human skeleton it's not resting against another bone it's just floating there tethered by muscle and sinew#Would it float? Would it rest inside the lower jaw? Would it attach to the neck vertebrae??#It'd probably get caught on his turtleneck a lot easier than like - getting it caught on his neck bones for example#They have a kind of fused canine-teeth-like structure as well they're like a weird set of tongue-teeth lol#It's just fun to imagine ♪ Similar to how the rest of the skeletal body like - magnetizes? to itself :)
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mutxnts · 1 year
don't call it a comeback, i been here for years
(flashing cw)
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devilishdelights · 3 days
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not gonna actualllyy give him a bunch of expressions....just bein silly making references. (look how organized my files look btw. dont look in them though) obv going with number 1... love when hes his true self- a grumpy old ass man
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baby boy :)
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realboutfatalfury · 5 months
finally finished zero escape 999
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#yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay#obviously spoilers so um yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////😺//////////////#///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////#AAAAH SO CRAZAYS...#kind of sucks i got the safe/letter ending before the other endings. if i got the ohers and then safe/letter ending i think it would've#been very crasy but i think i still experienced a similar effect going thru the safe/letter ending first it's like#woaaaah that's what they meant by that! crazyyyyyyyyy#i was sitting there going like ''I KNOW WHAT YOU AAAAAAAAAAAARE!!!!!!!!!!!!'' <- about ace#i wish i went through door 5 one last tiem i waaaaaaaaant to be with snakey... but i'm glad the last room in the true ending snakey is ther#me and my sister were going back and forth like ''oh maaaaaybe santa and june are zero in a way? idk lol''#''maybe seven is a cop? he knows lots of things a cop would know''#and well yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.............. smiiile#but when they did reveal those parts they like added more to what we thought and blew our minds yeah....#also me and my sister were like ''santa's sister definitely was in the nonary games! she maybe died there!''#''he keeps talking about temperature.. you think his sister died from getting burned?'' 😁.......... well.#we were game theorying!!!!#and the true ending was like it put everything in place awesomely!#i will say i was not expecting the hot mummy to be relevant... i thought she was just there.#and well yeah.....#same with the clover bookmark >_< i thought it was just a nice thing for clover but! it is relevant! blowing my mind maaaaaaan#i really like the ending ending... they let clover driiiiiive so awesome#also got an explanation on what happened to the bunnies... yeah eyah#yipeeee zero escaaaaaaaaaaaape i think if i continued 2 years ago i would cried my ass off. i haaaaaate blood and other stuff.#but i can handle it now yay
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toytulini · 1 month
i may not be able to open posts from my notes or messages or get more context on posts via looking at the notes, but at least i can make fucked up coffee properly now
#toy txt post#while i was away i began my journey into coffee snobbery. im doing my best. i have a lot to learn#i have a fancy hand grinder that all the ppl on reddit hemmedvand hawed andaid it would probably be somewhat#Acceptable for pour over coffee that I got for less than $100. i want you to understand the coffee grinder ppl are insane.#there are grinders for sale that cost like more than my car did brand new. these ppl are insane? i got a chemex pour over#and a glass stovetop gooseneck kettle cos i couldnt find an electric kettle that didnt have the metal touching the water. prolly cos it#would make them less energy efficient and defeat the purpose but i dont fuck w metal water vessels cos historically They Keep Betraying Me#by making my drinks taste like ass. i got some genetic fuckery going on ig. like the cilantro soap gene but its the metal makes water taste#like ass gene? idk. but i wanted a kettle that didnt have metal and i wanted that gooseneck pour so i found one on Amazon. surprisingly#hard to find? annoying. mostly bc every search engine is bad and kept showing me metal kettles anyway. i got a grinder i got a pour over i#got a kettle i got fancy beans from a local small business i started drinking it black. im going to unlock these flavors. i will get it#but also. im still a goblin. i put garlic powder in with the grounds and made garlic coffee. its interesting. it tastes like garlic. and#coffee. but actually the garlic is mostly an aftertaste?#so it feels very similar to drinking a cup of black coffee to accompany your garlic bread actually. the first time i made it i think it#underextracted the coffee tho. second time i extracted the coffee enough but i didnt like it as much? both times. fascinatingly#i did not get strong aromas! which was weird: i find both garlic and coffee have pretty strong scents already#i wouldve thought combining them would make it stronger? it was a little stronger while brewing the second time but smelled good to me#i find the flavor of it compelling enough that id like to try to refine it a bit more and see if i can make it good#ive come a long way since my first garlic coffee haha#(adding garlic salt to black coffee out of a keurig. dont reccomend this: garlic salt has too much salt and it overpowers everything.#could not get a garlic flavor without overpowering salt flavors. so it mostly tasted like seawater with a hint of coffee. garlic powder is#the way to go. anyway next i want to try it with a lighter roast. i was using medium roast#of a local brand that i would name for exposure but wont name lest it doxxes me haha#also want to try egg coffee sometimes? the vietnamese one. looks..intriguing. robusta beans scare me a little tho#anyway. if youre interested in interesting flavors i recc garlic coffee. it was intriguing. if i find a methodology i think tastes best#ill update yall#im also interested in other things. i want to experiment with spicy coffee. chili powder or cayenne#make the paprika dracula coffee haha#im also admittedly intrigued by butter coffee? as a flavor profile tho not for fad diet reasons.
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vanillaglitzz · 9 months
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i know everyone and their mother hates shun'eis design but looking at it literally kills me . 8975349 more thoughts about it in the tags
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dexaroth · 1 year
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put him in a situation to see if his designs works. it does i guess?
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donuts4evry1 · 1 year
Y'know what? They're pretty much exactly the same but I'll give you the benefit of a separate poll so they can duke it out seperately
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izzy-b-hands · 7 months
Memorial icon change to Tits Out Izzy. Would he appreciate it? Potentially, but he'd also still probably call me a twat for it (and I would be honoured 🖤❤️)
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jrueships · 11 months
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time for my honest onion on bron/AD...
i think they are very compatible like either way you view it, friendship or romantic relationship. Like they are on kyle/demar levels of compatibility in terms of opposites attracting. Lebron is driven and AD is deep. Lebron is willing to investigate and explore any of AD's unique passions (like gta rp) even if it's very new to him or he has to borrow a shitty mic from his streamer son to do it 😭. AD is willing to go the depths of Lebron's wants and desires by seeing him more than just the crown status he has. He doesn't want to please necessarily, but to just help in general because their relationship (whether platonic or romantic) revolves heavy mutuality. I think people can be too hard on Lebron/too judgemental because of him having the spotlight and all the issues that surround that, so whenever AD doesn't perform well.. people blow the thing up into a huge problem. And while that IS a problem... i think their relationship builds off of having problems tbh. Not big ones but like small ones that you can consider accomplishments when they're solved. Their relationship is built off of constant solving VIA investigating, helping, and just tending to other's needs. They REALLY get closer together by actually. Getting closer together. And to get closer.. they need a little problem first.
Problem has this whole negative attachment to it, especially to people who live more comfortable, less competitive lives, but it's different for people like Lebron who's faced more options to deem definitions toward. Their relationship works on workable problems. Not to be confused with a big.. actual actual disruptive problem. Lebron is a big solver who turns into a big feeler when something isn't solved right and AD is a big feeler who turns into a big solver when something doesn't feel right. They work well with each other because they work WELL with each other. They compensate not JUST bcs they're willing.. but because they both see it as a NEED. They're both 110% devoted (afterwards) to help out on a problem.
BUT..... the whole thing with little problems... can be a Little difficult tho. Sometimes. And it's not about having those little problems, because those are unavoidable and in both of their minds necessary for greater development...
it's maybe.. Not having any little problems. At least with the other. It's the problem of 'what more can we do?' That makes them antsy. If Lebron somehow started out with AD from the beginning as a sidekick (and not kyr*e first) .... like idk somehow they get on the same team sooner.. the relationship would still be good because it IS.. i just don't know how long it will be sometimes (both duration and depth). BCS LIKE. Lebron came off of a lot of issues during and after kyr*e. I'm not a big follower of bron, so I can't go into details, but I am an empathizer with him, even as an MJ fan. Lebron loved sticking with AD despite everyone making fun of him for being LeGM. That gave him a conflict he could easily conquer by showing out and connecting with AD, which in turn strengthens their relationship. But to start off on a cleaner slate..? With less issues to work with him on and in turn grow closer with him?
In my opinion, it's a relationship that works best the way it was found. If you take it out of the timeline too forward or backwards.. it'll still be compatible.. but it won't be. it won't have the OOMF, u know?
which leads me to say..... i think it's a relationship that really has to be like. A 2nd/3rd one. Like a trying again NOT WITH EACHOTHER but with the self. You can't just HAVE it.. and it'll be.. IT, you know? It's a strong relationship.. but it definitely NEEDS other factors that aren't exactly from the self to make it work even stronger BCS IT ALREADY IS STRONG FROM THE SELF... there IS a connection and an ability to make that connection even stronger.. it just needs an external enzyme to activate that. They can't exactly just activate that themselves with them alone. They need at least a little something else to push them into shared goals.
SO LIKE I MEAN!!! I LIKE IT ! I DO !!!!! But i think I like it a lot more as good friends bcs idk... I feel like you'll just get that more the more you try to adjust the timepieces and whatnot. Like yeah, they're super helpful to each other when pushed to be, but they're always kinda helpful to each other in general and the fact that they need a push that's forced to be outside just.. idk. It makes the friendship go from a lot less magical to me and more mechanical.. there's more reasons and definitions for it WHICH SOME PEOPLE DO LIKE!!!!! I definitely like being able to say more stuff about things!
But idk... im kind of a sap for things being sometimes just like... u know! They besties! They love each other! Besties!!!
The whole addition of the need cycle makes it go from besties!!! To woooah! Here's a reason for why that happened and if that reason wasn't there this would not be happening ! And it's not some cute elaborate romantical story from the heart.... it's cause and effect or cause and rebuttal. IDK MAN like it definitely WORKS. But like. Me, personally, VERYY personally, i love when things just sorta WORK and u can't really explain all the how's (bcs there's more than one. It's a whole jumbled story and more and more reasons for them to love/interact deeply with each other) but it just kinda.. WORKS !
If the people were even slightly different, like if ad wasn't the person he was.. it would not run like that. So they DO need that kind of specific relation between them to get that relationship specifically to survive below the surface.. so I CAN see the beauty in that tho!!! I just like seeing it better in something more platonic like a friendship tho... but i do understand the beauty of the working relationship and I think that's nice too :) !! It works great for them and especially lebron lol, maybe it's Him....
#will lebron ever escape the cycle of work???????#it looks like his zodiac says noooo !#im not the biggest fan of bron/kyrie#or any bigger ship in general#this spans across just the nba fandom.. ive always been a lover of rarepairs/random pairs#so it's similar to this where it's mainly just a personal thing and it doesnt necessarily mean it's suddenly so BAD#just bcs one particular person just so happens to not get that spark others may feel around it#BUT... i do think in order for this relationship to happen... it NEEDS other relationships to have happened before it#like bron/kyr*e#WHICH DOESNT MAKE IT HORRIBLE!!!!!!!! it's very realistic! but maybe a bit too? realistic?#like the relationship doesnt need to be based on trust..care..etc. it already has that. it needs to be based on the outside. the past#pg/kawhi is also a very heavy needs to consider the past ship... but it also has heavy internal needs that are brought into the equation#lebron and ad dont need that included bcs theyre the tools#bron/ad are like... two automechanics who need business first so they can start working in genuine tandem with the tools#that they already have and already know they work well with#pg/kawhi are like two automechanics that are like.. there isnt even a car from a customer in here yet but theres work being done#kawhis trying not to knock over all of pgs fishing pictures hes got on the bench along with his own weird items kawhi#has to understand first to work with. pg has to try and keep talking to kawhi over the sound of his strange lyricless music playing#pg needs his suit kept dustfree bcs itll tickle his nose and kawhi could care less abt that etc etc u know what i mean??#idk i feel like demar lol anyways tho thanks for asking anon!!! this was rlly fun!!#ted tumbunity things#i hope u get what i mean? idk if i do lol#lebron
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sweater-equestrian · 1 year
still pondering playing musical enclosures.
Crested Gecko > the other 2x2x2 with a foam background
pros: opens up the plain one for me to mod it, gives him a snazzy background, lets me use his fake plants in it to hide that I killed almost all the live plants, fixes the issue of "ahh what background do I use for the crested gecko??" and "what do i put in the empty tank?"
cons: tanks background was designed for dart frogs (got it second hand) and as such some ledges will not work for him. most still will. unclear how easy it will be for him to find food- hes had the same food dish holder for ten years. due to the foam background, his current magnet enrichment (including said food ledge) is useless.
new animal (likely mourning geckos) > unused 2x2x2 with foam background
pros: new funny little guy! can select a species that fits the background better. lets me start anew with more plants. would potentially be a gorgeous viv if allowed to go this route.
cons: mourning geckos clone and i dont want to be overrun. people online offer vague advice to solve that but it doesnt satisfy me / seems like I'll be overrun anyways. Not interested in dart frogs or buying another light and thermostat (considering it cost me $160 last time and I am PermaBroke and unemployed) for other gecko species.
obviously another consideration is that if the crestie moved to the one with a background, I could use the free tank for... whatever. At this point part of me is stressed by the idea of taking on more Animals tm, but the idea of using a tank for millies or beetles or just... a really lush plant viv (like those ikea cabinet conversions.... 🥰) is appealing. The only real downside there is if / when I get out of my mental illness slump... would I regret doing that instead of waiting off to get another gecko as originally planned? idk.
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zemnarihah · 1 year
ive obtained a guitar
#my mom had one that she said i could take. and for the longest time i was like no i should wait until ive been doing bass longer before#adding smth else. but then i was like. right now im rlly enjoying doing music and i have the time and the desire to do it. so like.#it seems silly to not. so i have it im gonna try and learn over the summer and see if i can keep up with both. and then when school starts#again if it comes down to splitting time between them ill have a few months in each of them almost like 7 on bass. and they're similar#enough to eachother that i think a lot of stuff will probably cross over right? idk i was looking into it and it seems like a lot of more#experienced players will play at least a little bit on the other as well. and i also saw an article that said learning the other will help#improve more on the first one as well#i mean the thing is. it is just for fun. but also i think it would be so cool if i could get to the point where i can make my own songs jus#to post on here or smth. i think that would be rlly fun but like if i never do. i still just like it and its fun so its fine if i suck#but ya im gonna do it if it ends up ruining everything i can just quit like whatever#the sad thing though is. its an acoustic waahhhh#if i keep going obviously i eventually am gonna get an electric bc i was trying to think of songs i could learn on acoustic and i literally#could not think of a single one i like. LMAO my parents had a copy of sheet music for stairway to heaven (i think my sister must've tried t#learn it at some point?) so i took that too. bc it was literally the only one they had besides a big book of mormon ones lol. so im gonna b#that guy that only plays stairway to heaven lolllllll
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ghost-writer143 · 2 years
If I were to… say…. Write a script or fanfiction basically rebooting monster high but doing it CORRECTLY Would y’all read it?
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scourge-sympathiser · 2 years
twirlz my hair heyy anybody got any good firegrey songz.. pref firestar POV but not required teehee
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toestalucia · 2 years
anyway tying into what i was talking about the other day, but while gran def still is very naive about believing in the good of ppl, they Are also realistic about it. theyre not about to let Person A who was a massive pain run around unattended, but thinking that "theres no way theyll change" is very difficult for them cuz they dont Want to believe that. there Are ppl they rly genuinely dislike (true king) but its all very (gestures vaguely)
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