#I mean I still wouldn't want Boris back
This Evening, in UK Politics - What Even is Happening?!
Suella Braverman, somehow an even more vile person than Priti Patel, has resigned because she sent an email from her personal account and also governments should be held accountable for their mistakes. Agreeing with Suella Braverman makes me feel dirty all over. Still, a stopped clock is right twice a day.
The fracking vote is being framed as a confidence vote.
There is a three-line whip. Any Tory MP not voting in line with the party will be removed from the parliamentary party and have to sit as an Independent MP.
The Chief Whip has resigned maybe.
It is no longer a confidence vote.
The deputy Chief Whips have also resigned?!
Jacob Rees Mogg and Thérèse Coffey are manhandling MPs into the lobby to vote?! There's an account of at least one MP crying as they did so.
Liz Truss was too busy arguing with Wendy Morton, the possibly-former Chief Whip to vote. On a vote with a three-line whip.
No Votes were recorded for 40 Tories, including not just the actual Prime Minister but also Boris Johnson (who has more important things to do than represent his constituents in parliament apparently), Nadine Dorries (no doubt wherever Boris is, hoping he notices her or something), David Davis, Greg Clark, Sir Iain Duncan Smith, Kwasi Kwarteng, Theresa May, Wendy Morton, Alok Sharma, Priti Patel, and Ben Wallace (who's actually in Washington D.C. on government business, so he gets a let). These are all party grandees, former Prime Minsters, former leaders of the party, and Nadine Dorries.
I mean, I'm assuming they're not going to withdraw the whip from the Prime Minister and members of her own cabinet (Alok Sharma in this case since Mr Wallace is abroad), although I'm willing to bet there are several Tories darkly hoping that someone will. That's one way to get rid of her!
Wendy Morton apparently has resigned.
Wouldn't it be amazing if she said, "No, I didn't resign and I've withdrawn the whip from Liz Truss!"
According to various sources and polls, if there was an election tomorrow, come Friday the SNP would be the official opposition, because the Tories would have fewer seats than the Scottish National Party and Labour would, obviously, be in power.
If Liz Truss had become Prime Minister and then done nothing whatsoever she would be doing better than she is now.
Let's have a look at some quotes!
“It’s a shambles and a disgrace. I think it is utterly appalling. I am livid,” veteran Tory MP Charles Walker told the BBC. “I hope all those people that put Liz Truss in Number 10, I hope it was worth it. I hope it was worth it for the ministerial red box, I hope it was worth it to sit around the Cabinet table, because the damage they have done to our party is extraordinary.”
Asked if the government can survive the night, one Tory MP replied: “I hope not.”
Labour MP, the shadow Scottish secretary Ian Murray, tweeted that he had "never seen scenes like it" in the voting lobby. He said he'd seen Business Secretary Jacob Rees-Mogg shouting at his colleagues, whips "screaming at Tories", and "dragging people in".
Alexander Stafford tweeted -  "Lots of rumours flying around tonight. This vote was never about fracking but about Labour trying to destabilise the country, and take control of Parliament." This is my favourite, because he's trying to blame the Opposition for this!
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 3 months
Dick waited until you were upstairs, listening intently to the sounds of kids and dogs being settled down for the night again. Taking a second to glance around.
A small bench with shoes around it. Coats and jackets on a coat rack. Helmets and knee pads in a basket next to the bench. It wasn't a pricy house. And it was old. But clean. And well-maintained. Some dog smell. Some kid smell. But it wasn't unpleasant. Just lived in. Homey.
Jason jerked his head toward the kitchen when he heard you open a door, telling Moxie to stay with Lee and tucking them both in. Making sure that he was still asleep. And he smiled a little- That boy could sleep through an earthquake. Unless breakfast was involved. As soon as Bacon hit a skillet he was downstairs and hell on wheels. The one he was worried about was Kylie. But hopefully, if you put Pepper in with her that little demon dog would put her back to sleep.
In the kitchen he took the keys to the shed from their hiding spot taped to the bottom of a drawer and exhaled slowly. He didn't WANT to look back. But if Dick was here, he'd asked everyone else. Because they always asked everyone else first.
"How old are the kids? I mean you've only been gone for-"
"They're her niece and nephew," Jason explained, shouldering the backdoor open. "She adopted them."
"Are you gonna-"
"How long has Bruce been gone this time?" Jason asked, deflecting. No prying. Jason was disowned and no one had reached out since- save for Alfred. And even then, Jason had been reluctant to share much. Not wanting to give Bruce anything to exploit.
"A few weeks," Dick answered following.
"And did anyone think to call any of the people he's fucking?"
"Talia hung up on us and Selina left me on read."
"What about-"
"Either off-world or not dealing with men right now."
"Good to know he's still a whore."
"He's old not dead," Dick snorted.
Jason lead Dick across the grass and unlocked the shed, exhaling internally. This was the compromise. He could keep this in the shed under lock and key. Away from the kids. And he understood. They'd been through enough. And now- well. Thinking about having a toddler running around it made even more sense. You had a point. You always had a point.
He flipped the lights on and Dick whistled, "Now this is the Unabomber setup I expected"
""I got wifi. I got electricity. I got guns. As long as Babs can let me into the mainframe I can know everything you all know." Jason ignored the dig. Or tried to. Arguing with Dick wouldn't get him out of here. And he wanted him to go. The sooner the better. Because he wanted to go Boris out of his spot and go to bed. Not because he was tired, not really. But because none of this felt real. And he wanted to Bury his face in the back of your neck and hold you until it felt normal.
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prototypelq · 4 months
Today, is the first day in 23 months when I finally heard some good news from within russia, about politics no less.
As you probably haven't heard, because this theme is being agressively ignored by all possible media, 15-17 march is the date of next presidential election in russia. If you have laughed after reading this statement, then congratulations, you pretty much know everything about it, hence why no media coverage. But there should be.
Ekaterina Shulman, who has a PhD in political sciences, who has been one of the most enlightening sources on all matters russian-politics and autocrasy-related, has been handedly calling the oncoming election an 'electoral event', meaning the current system will not allow any real election to take place (and it never really did), but will instead make an illusion of the 'winner' being fair.
(btw 'election' advertisements and notices have been going under the banner of the letter V, which you can consider fair since 'election' is 'выборы' in russian, so using the same letter makes sense, but we all know who this big letter references, don't we, same way as all the militarist zealots are uniting under letter Z)
Yesterday, she held a stream with Boris Nadezhdin, who is currently running for presidential candidate by trying to gather citizen votes.
The reason you should care about this, is that Nadezhdin is the only candidate, who is openly critical of Putin,
he has been the public voice of opposition for the russian autocracy for more than 20 years,
the stream he held with Ekaterina could be considered an extremely risky move, enough to send him to jail for this move alone, since she has been declared a foreign agent for a long time (current brand of quality for russians),
he has opened up multiple vote booths across the world, so that political refugees (which is exactly what all the russians abroad are) could safely vote, as the government has already considered denying them their constitutional right to do so,
and he has presented the plan for his presidential reign, starting with: releasing all the political prisoners and immediately starting peace talks with Ukraine.
If you think that those are just empty words, well, they might be, though I can only pity the person who would dedicate more than 20 years of their life on empty promises, especially ones that can easily get you imprisoned for life or killed. I am not joking.
The reason there is 'unanimous agreement' of russians and the media of russians regarding the Invasion of Ukraine and other political topics, is that the political filed in this forsaken country has been carefully curated and all unsactioned-by-Kremlin opposition immediately eliminated for longer than I have been alive.
I live with the weight of just living my life in this country being a daily contributor to committing war crimes in Ukraine, and inside Russia. The reason I'm writing this in english on tumblr, which, hey, lgbt is considered extremist propaganda and will get you in jail, and tumblr even markets itself as the most lgbt-friendly social site, is that there is no way to talk about this in russia. And each time, I browse the politics or russia tags here I see the same zealous aggression which russians are called terrorists for, directed back at all russians. I took it for a long time, because there was no way to dispute this claim, I felt and continue to feel shame for this forsaken country or being related to it, and because every day this country exists ukrainian and russian people are forced into the meatgrinder.
No more. or well, no more feeling shame over it, the guilt will remain long after even the end of the Invasion.
Boris Nadezhdin's (btw his surname almost literally translates to Hopeful) electoral booths have been having full rows of people wishing to sign a petition to make him electable for presidential run. People in Siberia stood in line in -40 C (granted, normal siberian weather, but still, you wouldn't want to be out and about for too long in that kind of cold, even when accustomed to it) to sign a petition for him. At the moment of writing he has reached around 70k, out of 100k needed to be legally allowed to petition for presidential run (sidenote: that number is astronomically high for a number of reasons, so him getting that close is a big win too)
(this video covers the current news of Nadezhdin's campaign pretty well, it also has hand-done english subs)
So yes. You're not allowed to call all russians terrorists any longer, untill they are proven Zealots. There are literally thousands of russian people voting against Putin's reign, they are donating money to this campaign to help it grow too.
In a country, which has never really been a free space to be able to discuss politics, much less actively participate in them or have an informed opinion on them, and which has spent decades curating political apathy in it's people, these events are WILD.
Granted, the possibility of Nadezhdin being allowed to actually run for president is astronomically small, the country is still an autocrasy. Still, participation this high is anything-politics related is phenominal, and I wish to celebrate that, whatever may come in the future.
Here are some additional russian sources available to english-speakers to learn more:
The Russian State of Mind, a brilliant lecture by Ekaterina Shulman, PhD in political science, updated with data from october 2023
Maxim Katz channel, he covers politics and subtitles his videos by hand in english, I've linked another video of his above
Meduza newsletter has an english department
Tamara Eidelman covers history, mythology and related topics, her lectures are fascinating to listen to and have english voiceover
Yuri Dud does interviews with english subs
Any content creator with the (obligatory) foreign agent (иностранный агент) warning is good to listen to. This means the author said something not to the current governmen'ts liking, or not Enough liking of russian system, so good for them for having an actual opinion.
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I have a really weird hyperfixation on The Mummy, but not the Boris Karloff or the Brendan Fraser versions, those would be completely acceptable movies to enjoy (and I do so enjoy them)
but I cannot stop thinking about The Mummy 2017 starring Tom Cruise and it's a problem
I love bad movies, I love them so much, I own so many b-grade horror flicks, old classic films with terrible acting and awful special effects, I love absolutely shit tier cgi, I love Ed Wood disasters, I love cult classic bad movies, I love really weird niche bad movies
but this one is like, such a special kind of bad movie, I can't really put my finger on exactly why though?? but I am damn well going to try, in this essay I will-
they fucked up from the get go by casting Tom Cruise, like this movie is sometimes deliberately goofy, but a lot of the time it takes itself very seriously, SO seriously, and I cannot physically take Tom Cruise seriously, he turns every single scene he is in into a joke by virtue of his mere presence
but when they have actual jokes, they are so not funny they cycle back around to being really fucking funny
I am watching this movie fucking whiff every god damn beat it tries to hit and it does it so beautifully it's a god damn marvel
Russel Crowe as Jekyll and Hyde??? I actually somehow missed the part where he introduced himself as Jekyll on my first watch, so the Hyde reveal was a true surprise to me and I was very genuinely disappointed on my second watch when I realised it was not supposed to be a surprise, because that was a really fun reveal
and Russel Crowe seemed to be having an absolute fucking whale of a time as Hyde, I loved every moment he was on screen with his stupid cockney accent, I would watch his movie, I know it would be bad, that's why I want it, because there is nothing quite like a bad movie with an actor still giving 110%
and the mummy character herself? she was supposed to be pharaoh and then her dad had a son with someone else and now this baby is jumping all up in her place like, okay baby murder might not be the coolest thing in the world but like, she's got ambition, she's getting shit done, she's hustlin' like go get it girl I'm rooting for you babe
also when she sucked the life out of some dude and turned him into a shrivelled husk my roommate said 'she could do that to me and I'd thank her' so she's got that going for her, like girl's a half rotten corpse wrapped in decaying bandages and she still slays
and then we have the completely ridiculous female rivalry??? like this mummy could kill this woman SO MANY TIMES and just doesn't???? for reasons?????? like she could literally kill her in an instant at any moment but no they gotta girl fight for a bit because Tom Cruise is at stake and why wouldn't two hot women fight over Tom Cruise right?? right????
nevermind the fact that he has been practically nothing but ✨The WooOOOOooorst✨ to her the WHOLE first act of the movie, oh and uh let's not forget the 'duh huh guy bad at sex' jokes that they just could not put down for a good chunk there (but wait! uh he's good at sex actually she's just being mean because he hurt her feewings)
like, this movie hits every fucking branch of the bad trope tree, this movie is playing bad trope bingo, it is collecting bad tropes like pokemon, it has to have them all
also a really bizarre ongoing American Werewolf in London reference?? it was not unwelcome, it was some of the best comedy in the movie (that is an easy bar to jump btw), the actor had some great wry line delivery, I enjoyed it
I think the biggest issue, and the reason I can't stop chewing on this magnum opus of garbage, is that it reminds me of the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, in several different ways
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen also happens to be another of my favourite bad movies, but it falls into the particular genre of bad movies, a fucking cool as shit concept, and some really cool as shit visuals, and some very cool as shit characters, but an absolute swing and a miss on the delivery
The Mummy 2017 starring Tom Cruise has That Vibe to me, there is some cool shit here, we know this because the previous version utilised that cool shit very very well, but this one was the only one who made the villain a woman pursuing a man, and not just any man, the ✨worst✨ man, you did not feel very sorry for this guy, honestly watching him go through the constant torment of being stalked by a bodacious supernatural babe who put a sexy little curse kiss on him was fun, he's a sopping wet little meow meow and I wanna see him thrown at a wall, and I get to see that several times, and it is a delight every time
in the previous movie the mummy went after really likeable characters, people who were just generally nice, a roguish scamp with a heart of gold, or just really hot, seriously that cast was beyond smoking what the fu
I did not like Tom Cruise as a character, and to be fair that was the point, he was supposed to have a redemption arc, the story and his sacrifice at the end were supposed to be about him becoming a better person
but he fucking doesn't??? it's like 'oh boo hoo I have made this great sacrifice and now I am a monster and I did it to save my lady love's life even though we had zero chemistry and I was just ✨The Worst✨ to her' and then he fucks off to go and do the exact same shit he was doing at the start of the movie, fucking around in the desert looking for boy adventures
it was a great ending and I loved it because it was so dumb and also he abandoned the woman he brought back to life to go fuck around with his bro who he also brought back to life, I love that for them, go have some boy adventures you madlads you sure didn't earn it but don't let that stop you, just heterosexually ride off into the sunset together it's fine, she is literally better off without you in every way you made the Correct Decision
and then there's these moments, moments that are treated like big moments, and could be really cool moments, but just don't fucking land
there's a part where Tom Cruise starts talking to the mummy in her own language (they got a psychic bond and shit which is it's own cool little thing we'll get back to that) and everyone is watching like 😮 oooh didn't know he could do that wow there really IS magic bond between them oooh, and it's like a Big Deal and Very Cool
but Tom Cruise just sounds like he's speaking gibberish with a mouth full of novocain???? it doesn't sound cool at all??? it sounds really goofy???? I half expected him to start drooling on himself
then there is the ending, leading lady dies, he completes the ritual to invite the god of death into his body (a fucking baller move honestly), he fights it for control as the mummy attempts to sway the beast inside him to her side, but when he sees his beloved laying dead he fights her off, using his newfound powers to defeat her, and then weeps over his lady love begging for her to wake up
and then as he lets the god inside him loose, a terrible monstrous visage takes him over as he bloodcurdlingly screams in her face WAKE UP!!! and the power within him that he doesn't understand and can barely control listens
she wakes, and sees him hiding in the shadows, unable to face her now that he has become something terrifying
at least that's what I think they thought the scene would be like, it was a little more like, some crappy flashback and speed up effects as he becomes the god of death, a really pathetic and uneventful 1 minute of him fighting for control, after which he has a really pathetic and uneventful 1 minute of fighting the mummy, and then as he screams for his lady love to wake up, we get a shot of some absolutely fucking god awful cgi and the most uninspired monster face I've ever seen
I mean, half seen, it was a very dark shot, in fact most of the movie is shot in the dark, a very blatant attempt to obscure the shithouse cgi
except in one scene where it kinda fucking slapped, where the mummy sucks the life out of some guys, and then reanimates their husky corpses as thralls, the way they stand like jerky unstable puppets being dragged to their feet by unseen strings was actually pretty fuckin' dope and the dark scene obscured the details in just the right amount to make their uncannily decrepit silhouettes appear super creepy
this is the only time that trick works, every other time I just want someone to turn on a fucking torch so I can actually see what the hell's going on
okay now let's get back to that psychic bond thing
our main character was chosen not because he was a descendant, or a reincarnation, or just Looked Real Pretty (although I think she did have the hots for him a leeetle bit which is like, girl raise your standards, it's Tom Cruise, he's about as sexually appealing as a wet potato, you can do better), he had absolutely zero in common with the mummy's original choice for this ritual, in fact that guy was not significant to the story at all, I think he was just some dude who was down for some ritual shenanigans 'cause a hot lady asked him (also he was hotter than Tom Cruise so this is a significant downgrade, I feel like if she had the opportunity to shop around a little she might have picked better)
so Tom Cruise wasn't chosen for any reason other than that he's the one who released her, and she sees this as her way of saying thank you, and I love that, it's real sweet, would love if I opened a door for someone and they repaid me by summoning a god of death into my body, that really shows they care you know?
she gives him a little hallucinatory kissy kiss and then manages to follow him everywhere, while also compelling him to follow her without him really knowing it, there is a very cool part where he's trying to drive away from her, but somehow ends up driving in a circle and falling right back into her clutches, that was cool, that had the potential to even be super fucking creepy, she can manipulate him without him even realising, it doesn't matter where he goes or what he does, he will always somehow find his way back to her, that's so good, I love that
and then back to the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen comparisons
The Mummy 2017 starring Tom Cruise established a concept of an organisation who hunt down, collect, and research supernatural phenomena, with a leader (Jekyll) who also has ulterior motives and is actually not really the good guy, this movie was also supposed to be part of a monster movie cinematic universe, so this really could have become like, the Universal Monster Movie equivalent of the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, and I would have watched the hell out of that, and I am crushed that this movie bombed so bad and ruined the whole plan
like could you imagine a whole series as bad as this movie? all culminating together as the most god awful Avengers style team up? fuuuck I want to live in that universe so bad
I think my fascination comes from this ungodly mix of real pure potential, those fleeting super fucking cool moments and concepts that, if given to literally any other actor, could have really been something, and the just pure insane failure to make literally anything in this plot successfully land a hit
somehow this movie felt like the completely dead and soulless corpse of a cheap party clown, while the ghost of something incredible flickered in its eyes
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bittermause · 5 months
End of Year Review 2023
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It is currently Christmas Eve-Eve at the time of this writing, which can mean only one thing; The End of Year Review for 2023. These past three years held a lot of significant changes and growth for me, most of which I likely wouldn't have experienced had I remained in that horrible part of the mid-west. Despite the mass 'rona pandemic and the constant mental health battles/challenges, 2020-2022 were very good to me and I consider them the best years of my life.
2023 is a welcoming addition to that train.
The first major reason were the goals I set at the end of 2022, all of which were achieved without fail (to a point);
I continued making animated shorts, but only produced 2. However, this was a good glow up year for The Boris Blobinski Show! I got to manage a smaller production team, consisting of my talented friends, and together we banged out a beautifully animated episode!
I got my contact lenses! However I haven't really worn them since I left the optometrist's office. I still intend on using these for when I go swimming or to the spa, but I can see why some people aren't crazy about this option.
I finally got my hair dyed, and it wound up being a vibrant cherry red. Had it done back in March, and most of my hair is still pretty red despite the roots coming in.
Been losing a small chunk of weight still, which means I was able to convert to smaller shirt and pants sizes.
I did a lot more exploring this year! I finally secured my Californian rite of passage by visiting In-N-Out burger, discovered a couple awesome local bakeries, and went to the movies for the first time in years. First major achievement was going to Universal for the first time ever and visiting Nintendo Land! The second biggest crowning achievement was the daytrip to The Ventura Harbor in April, where I got to board a small wildlife sea cruise and witness dolphins, whales, sea lions and seals.
I got back to working on comics again, and produced two short stories for a larger collective that is still in production. Second major reason were the events that weren't planned out of the gate, but were absolutely welcomed;
I saved enough money to get a new desktop PC built. My friend from Colorado flew down and spent the week with me, partially to help get the PC built to proper standards and to also spend some quality time together in person.
I started freeway driving practice mid-year; taking smaller steps to feel more comfortable driving in the faster/wider lanes without having my PTSD invoked. I have a long way to go, but even driving within a 5 mile radius is still worth celebrating, especially since I've actively avoided freeway driving for most of my life.
My best friend is finally coming to visit me at the end of December! I have not seen them in person since 2016, and it will be their first time visiting my apartment space as well.
As far as plans for 2024 go, here's what I have on the docket;
I will be going to an actual jury duty selection at the end of January for the first time. (Exciting, I know!) I'm curious to see what the process is like, but I hope I can dismiss myself from the proceedings. (Respectfully, of course.)
I plan on hosting another friend visit me around the Spring/Summer.
I will be working on a very ambitious episode of The Boris Blobinski show that will take up most of the first quarter of my year.
I will continue my weight loss regimen as I have started back in 2021. As of this writing I am now down to 186 lbs. This is actually pretty close to my first goal, but I want to continue this trend until I hit between 135-140.
I still want to do more local travel and discover new venues. I'm eyeballing Downtown Ventura and will likely add a few more intended places to my list.
Attend activity based events like Life Drawing and other art related functions. As an artist, it's important I find different means to shake the rust off of my skills, and as a human I need to start making efforts in social connections again.
Continue freeway driving practice to the point where I can actually go beyond 5 miles comfortably.
Continue working on my one shot comics, see if I can at least produce two more stories before building a website/platform to host them all.
Outside of Boris Blobinski, I want to be more active in the animation space again and make a few more originals outside of that project.
Lastly, I want to look into Toon Boom Harmony official Certification. I've worked with the program for over 10 years, both for traditional hand-drawn animation and character rigging, and I would love to have that piece of recognition. Hell, I am not against the idea of applying as an instructor if I can get that far!
Of course I don't think I'll be able to jump into everything as intended. I know 2024 will also be met with some unexpected surprises, but I'll gladly welcome them all the same. And lastly, before we pull the plug on this, I want to thank everyone involved in my life that has made 2023 a fantastic experience. You know who you are.
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inkabelledesigns · 7 months
Made-Up fic title: Look for the light
Oooh this has some great potential! Thank you Lucky!
My first instinct for this one is a Projectionist fic, since y'know, we have the literal light for him, but I also want it to get metaphorical with an inner light. Malice is walking around in the darkness, trying to harvest some hearts and parts for herself (I mean she had to do some things before Henry showed up, right?). She ends up in the lair of the Projectionist. There is ink straight up to your ankles, it's gross to slosh through and makes too much noise, no matter how quiet you try to be. And unfortunately, our angel attracts his attention and ends up running for her life, screaming. But that's not all she's attracted. The ink demon isn't done with her, he's still vengeful, upset she came out so well and all the more eager to rip that away from her, shred her little face even more than he already has. And the Projectionist, well, he doesn't like the ink demon being in his territory, and as we know, he's not afraid to fist fight him.
He sees Alice on the ground, struggling to crawl backwards away from this creature, and for just a sliver of a moment, he sees not Alice, but Susie deep down. Someone who was once a light in the studio. They were friends once. She made him laugh, she lit up the whole room with her energy. He sees there is some light again. And with that moment of clarity, he goes and fights off the ink demon. Perhaps this is an earlier cycle, before Henry came into the picture, and the Projectionist has something he didn't before. Perhaps the reel lodged in his shoulder is The End, and he banishes the demon away. And as the world fades and starts anew, flickering like a film reel, the angel that was once Susie Campbell looks at not the Projectionist, but Norman, and he smiles. "You're safe now angel. Try tah stay outta trouble, ya hear?" Alice is left crying when she wakes up in the cycle again, not sure why she's so heartbroken. Was it all just another nightmare, or was it real?
Alternatively, I think this works well for a BATDR fic with Henry, though my take is a bit unorthodox. Henry has gone through this cycle so many times, he knows that it is hopeless. It will never get better. And now that Wilson has entered the cycle with his Keepers and struck him down, terrorized its citizens in pursuit of control and vanquishing the ink demon, he is feeling more hopeless than ever. So instead of walking through the tunnel to get back to the surface, he stays in the depths of the ink, surrounded by voices who cry out in pain. He is numb. He can't do anything to save them, he just wants to rest. He can feel himself sinking deeper, fading away into nothing, no longer having to keep it all together.
But a voice calls out to him. It asks him questions. Asks him to please answer, please come back up. It's awfully dark and cold down there, he'll catch a cold if he stays too long. That gets him to chuckle a little. He asks the voice why it cares. And it answers back childishly, why wouldn't it? Getting a cold is no fun. They can't play if he's sick, and surely he would like to play, wouldn't he? Henry says he hasn't played anything in a long time, there is no time for games when he is fighting for his life. The voice says that the wolf would beg to differ. Henry has some recognition. The voice knows Boris, his Boris, the Boris who protected him. The Boris who was kind when the entire world was awful and cruel. The Boris who played cards with him in the safehouse. His Boris. His buddy. The voice reaches out. Henry follows. He follows their light until he reaches the surface. They're right, he has to keep going, he has to keep fighting. He has to try. If not for him, then for Boris. He makes it to the surface, and reformed from the ink, he sees the bright, golden eyes of a lost one with a big bow on her top. She introduces herself as Heidi. She and Boris are playing hide and seek. Would you please help her find him Henry? He's a little too good at hiding. And so they go off to find Boris. Henry's heart is touched by Heidi's playful nature, yearning to see his own daughter again back home. He is grateful for her light, she saved him when he needed it most.
Wanna send me a title and see what fanfic I would write with it? Come on over to my askbox!
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smileymoth · 5 months
@pikslasrce tagged me to post my top albums from this year :))
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senses fail - still searching // armor for sleep - what to do when you are dead // senses fail -let it enfold you hollywood undead - hotel kalifornia // boysnightout - make yourself sick // wilbur soot - your city gave me asthma alesana - the emptiness // bedwetters - meet the f@cking bedwetters // bring me the horizon - sempiternal
do not ask me how many times i've listened to these 9 albums idon't even know myself. it's way too much though. i couldn't put all 4 boysnightout albums here so i just stayed at 1 and put it in the very middle because they altered my brain chemistry <33
senses fail gets 2 albums because i didnt spend weeks only listening to those 2 albums for no reason... their lyrics mean sm to me i want to illustrate the albums or songs one day. this goes for both senses fail and boysnightout btw. AND armor for sleep. there's something about that specific album. i realised i really enjoy albums that tell a story. and the fact that i like themes of angst love blood betrayal etc etc is no surprise either. car underwater got played way too many times
i discovered bedwetters thanks to eurovision, they were one of the options for estonia and i ofc found their old and only album (they released a new one a few weeks ago tho) (i dont know why they have 2 spotify accounts. im not asking). i even got to see them live bc they gave a free concert during summer <33333333 i got a picture with the band too !!!!! so cool
the new hollywood undead album got me back into them so im back to being obsessed. i love my silly california guys :3 i've been keeping up with them since and i desperately need to draw them again, this time without their masks!!!! im very glad that i found alesana to be sooo palatable this year because ive tried to listen to them before when i was a teenager and it just... didn't click, even if i tired. so yeah i get to fix that mistake now.
in spring i had a moment where i listened to sempiternal on repeat on the cd player for multiple days straight and in the past month i've, again, been listening to bmth and specifically sempiternal again so it gets a special place, too.
wilbur is just there because i had jubilee line stuck in my head so so so so much and also it's the best study music ever. also wilbur why is i'm sorry boris so silent. i can barely hear it it makes me angry so i always skip it. and then bc its the end of the album it gives me some lmanburg flag cover-art song that i don't like
anyway here's a special mention to these 3 albums because 1) greeley estates - caveat emptor, i just discovered it this week and i am in love. also greeley estates has been in my radar for quite some time now and i find the singers voice to be very pleasant and interesting? the tone does sth for me 2) brand new - deja entendu, for being stuck in my head for a good week because the tommy gun song wouldn't leave my head since it came on shuffle from my saved mp3 list when net was down 3) just surrender - if these streets could talk, because again i was obsessing over this for like a good week before i forgot about it. good album. not available in serbia tho for some reason
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can you tell i love talking about music that i like. i know nothing about music it just makes me happy. :)
anyway i am tagging uhhhh @varteeny1234 and @complicatedsurgery and uhhh @cactusringed and uhhhh anyone else who wants + i'm not gona tag you, sly, because you only listen to alex g anyway <3
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what inspired you yto make fasist? did you anticipate the response he would get? why did you think he was a good idea
The outline of Fasist was simply just a caricature of british (and by extension every country that could be considered a superpower's) politics. Like he was just how I imagined people like Boris Johnson would be if they were allowed to speak the quiet part out loud with absolutely no repercussions, but he quickly turned into an example of a worst case scenario in Alternian society.
He's what you get when a what would ordinarily be a normal kid is born in a position of power. One that forces you to fight for your own survival and snuff out the chances of anyone else's. Since birth he's had to manage the delicate balance of being ruthless to survive, and to prove his worth in Alternia which is a planet that greatly values strength, whilst also maintaining some sort of brand, so if he were to win the heir race he wouldn't get mutinied immediately.
He originally was supposed to be closeted queer, but since then I have decided to change that to be up to reader's interpretation because I think the belief that all insanely queerphobic people are closeted queer is a harmful ideology. I decided it would be best to remove that from being a major part of his character and still keeping his malice. It is canon that he experimented with his gender and sexuality in the past, but whether he went back into the closet, or came to the conclusion he was neither of those things are up to you.
Ultimately this culminates in a mostly very ambiguous character in terms of how he actually feels about things especially with the current BREAD crisis. The only 2 parts of his real personality I've ever let slip is the most surface level parts of his character. He's selfish, and he's hedonistic.
I did fully anticipate the response he's gotten, as murder twinks are a very popular character archetype, and he's epitome of that being a wannabe dictator on top of it all.
As his actual role in the story, and why I think he was a good idea is the aforementioned him being the worst case scenario for Alternia, but I also think he holds some strange sort of middle ground when compared to other heirs, and also the BREAD crisis.
When it comes to heirs you have people like Writna and Fusoia that are good people, but I would argue wouldn't be good leaders for Alternia given the culture that surrounds it. Then you get people like Remora who is selfish and hedonistic like Fasist but that's the role that she plays. She's the stereotypical heir. Fasist himself is a man who (in his mind anyway) genuinely believes he is doing what's best for Alternia while also still following the guidelines for heirs in Alternian culture. A lot of his bs opinions he spouts aren't even his real opinions and he just says it uphold his brand. Alternia has a large population of rich douchebags and he appeals to them, while also being a funny meme guy that might appeal to other people for that reason. Think Elon Musk before he destroyed his own brand. When you think about it he's the best heir Alternia could have without any major societal changes.
Which leads to my point about BREAD. Currently we have 2 major factions in the BREAD conflict. BREAD who wants to destroy Alternia because they deem trolls to be uncivilized. PASTA who made a deal with BREAD that if they can “rehabilitate” trolls they get to live. Both of these factions are inherently wrong. BREAD wants genocide, whilst when you think about it PASTA wants colonialism. They're coming in here and shoving human values down Alternia's throat. I mean they're even sponsoring an entire revolution about it, and that's textbook colonialism. My point here is Fasist is actually probably a better candidate than either of those factions atm. If he wins simply nothing changes. I am by no means saying that the Alternian government is good, but I think revolution and major societal change should come from the inside, and untouched by any outside influence.
Fasist (upsettingly) as it stands is the he should win, so the other guys don't kind of person. Essentially what Democrats are in American politics. If a real genuine revolution loses then Fasist is the best bet. Which is the saddest thing ever when you think about it. I mean, Hope is fighting for a worse cause than fucking FASIST CISHET.
Okay that's my essay I'm gonna do real life things now.
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merearly · 4 months
This fiction is in remembrance of Alexei Navalny, the martyr.
Heaven On Earth
A bone-chilling wind pulled him back to reality. Alexei realized he was not in heaven but had woken up from a doze due to the cold. After prolonged sleep deprivation, his health was even more miserable than vegetables under freezing rain. He remembered that his most recent memory was of passing out unknowingly a few hours ago, while his cellmate was still struggling with his uncontrollable vocal cords. He tried to sleep on the cold, hard pillow, even though it made every vertebra in his neck painfully aware.
He began to observe his surroundings and realized he was on a vehicle. Where else could I go? he thought, nothing but from one purgatory to another. Was this his trial? Like Khodorkovsky, who spent ten years in prison, changing his perception of time. And what about himself? Had he changed anything... He was no longer afraid of the cold; he no longer needed sleep. The image of Khodorkovsky, a round-headed, sharp-nosed Jew sitting on the train, leaning over to him, saying, "This is not the end of the fight, but the beginning of the real struggle.”
Then Alexei remembered a New Year's Eve many years ago, when he was grabbed and spent the night in jail, surviving on thick socks passed in by a friend, before being dragged to court the next day. These horrific experiences were not unfamiliar to him, just the cold. He had returned from Germany after being poisoned, underwear poisoned, doused in green antiseptic – these trials were like the scars on a knight's face, the medals of valor for the brave, and his armor.
"Oh, today is Christmas." Alexei suddenly realized, hoping this wouldn't mean his team would have to work overtime during the holiday. He laughed to himself, remembering the summer he was transferred to IK-6, how his team panicked when they suddenly lost track of him.
What was the point of it all, what meaning did it all have? he asked himself again. The Slavs lived under the yoke of the Mongols for many years, under the reign of Ivan the Terrible and Stalin for many more years. If there was any difference between the present and history, it could be summed up in a joke: Nicholas I was Genghis Khan with a telegraph, Stalin was Genghis Khan with a telephone... There was never any difference, always anachronistic, always a failure. He certainly wouldn't dream "what if" dreams like a cowardly daydreamer: What if Yeltsin wasn't a damned drunk, what if Putin had fallen early in the metals case, what if the winds of freedom had swept the world. Building happiness in illusions is easy, but that wasn't his mission. The tsar tried hard not to crucify him with his own hands, and for this reason, martyrdom became his fate.
Cold, still cold. Moderate cold makes the mind clear, but excessive cold blurs the line between reality and delusion. He saw his tall friend, the eternal 55-year-old playboy, his soul floating in his prison cell, existing in a form of gas and consciousness. "My dear, I won't be able to attend your funeral, alas! Dear Sakharov Prize laureate... I was actually pondering your future, it's quite simple really, either like me or like Khodorkovsky." Nemtsov waved his hand, "You'll be joining me soon!"
"No, I must find the third way, someone has to finish it."
"I no longer care, ideals only attract the living. Sakharov, ah, Sakharov, I met Boris Yeltsin at Sakharov's funeral, he told someone he wanted a son, to pass on his name Boris. I told someone, I'm also Boris, he's missing a son, and I lacked a father, I felt a father-son bond in my relationship with Yeltsin. You see how much I cared back then. Now, much has changed, but not for the better, fortunately I'm already dead, I don't care anymore, the dead have no principles or mercy."
"Do you know what I'm most afraid of?" Navalny propped up his emaciated head with one hand, like a starved kangaroo. The ghost of Nemtsov raised an eyebrow, waiting for him to continue. "I'm afraid that one day I'll drink gin, numbly watching Putin's propaganda on TV, then shed regretful tears. Then I'd truly become a pitiable and despised beast." Tears rolled in his green eyes.
The ghost of Nemtsov wanted to embrace him but couldn't, he could only try to press his head close to him, "You won't, you won't. Do you know why? Because you're alive, you have humor, you are active thought itself, you are a new story, but they are just imitating the old czarist executioners; you are the story waiting to be told, while they are the forbidden words."
Suddenly, his illusion shattered. A prison guard grabbed his leg, dragging him off the prison van, pulling him along a dim concrete path, and locked him in IK-3, at this point Navalny did not know he would spend his last less than two months of life here. He was still prepared to repeat the request rejected by the previous prison; he wanted a balalaika, he wanted to tell his cellmates he was a black belt in taekwondo, it would be great to have a kangaroo, but in this minus 32-degree environment, he wasn't sure if that counted as animal abuse.
Alexei Navalny, he wasn't good-looking at all, the close set of his eyes, casting shadows in their sockets, made him seem more villainous, but anyway, it was all over, he had left the tsar's cruel Earthly heaven for the real Heaven. Peter Aven once wrote of Berezovsky's life: A man's life story cannot be great without tragedy. This also applied to Navalny's life.
It was an ordinary afternoon at first, the president sitting in front of the crowd with a microphone; the political prisoner walking near the Arctic Circle in winter, then he felt heart-piercing pain, he knocked on Nemtsov's door once again.
And this time, Boris opened the door.
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boriys · 1 year
@streetslost sent: ❛ why are you still here? ❜
It was purely a choice of Boris' to continue following the girl around after meeting her at the train yard. He could've easily gone back home if he wanted to, except he didn't want to because he knew what awaited him: an angry father who was extra violent when he drank heavily. It was safer to just wait it out and return home once his dad was away at work at the mines, as he'd done a few times in the past. The teen shrugged in answer to her question, batwing eyebrow lifting inquisitively.
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❝ Tch. What do you think? I like your company. ❞ Often, Boris was seeking the company of others because he greatly preferred it over being alone -- something he was forced to do too many times whenever he lived in isolated places. The outcome? He didn't have very high standards for who he would socialize with and would settle for anyone who would listen and give him the time of day. Cat had her reservations, sure, but he didn't get the vibe that she outright wanted him gone.
❝ I can't tell if you mean this like, you know, asking what is so great that I stick around for? Or if you mean it like is such big problem that I'm still here. Do you want me gone? ❞ Maybe she did and maybe she didn't. Whatever the case, a negative response wouldn't sway him much and he wasn't even bothering to wait for an answer to begin with. ❝ Say, did I tell you? My dad is going to be leaving a few days from now. It's just us, so you can stay at my place if you want to. ❞
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geareduptom · 1 year
CrimsonFate Mugman face marks
Ok so I am kinda in limbo with the au so I'm going to post a few things that I've been dying to share here while I struggle to learn how to make comics for the next decade maybe. But anyways If you wouldn't like Spoilers then please continue to scroll. However, Those of you who want to know these bits and pieces I've got settled can click the keep reading button ^^
Alrighty then.
So let me start by saying that Mugman in no way meant to harm Boris in the storyline, it was mainly an accident that happened when Mugmans powers in the story started to spill out.
Mugman has very strong and potent magic which is why it was sought after when he was little. To the point that Mugman started using magic unconsciously.
Which leads to Boris being captured by those who tried to capture Mugman. Sadly Mugman was never able to get an adult to help him look for Boris and he was in too much danger for them to stay in that town so they moved far away where Cuphead and Mugman's magic couldn't be controlled by others.
So when Mugman performed the Familiar Demon Spell and Boris came out. Boris was validly angry and vicious towards Mugman.
So when the council tries to capture and collect Boris, Mugman stops them since Boris had called him by name. Which was odd for a familiar demon.
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So Mickey and the Cup brothers talk to Boris who reminds Mugman of what happened when they were little. He also still holds a lot of resentment for being left alone with his kidnappers so that his magic could power machines.
This of course catches the attention of the council and since Mugman is trying to become a High Cross, they inform him that neglecting a demon comes with consequences no matter how old he was when the crime was committed.
There was also a mini-trial that was put together where the men who kidnapped Boris were brought in and got their just deserts, but Mugman's trial was right after.
And Mugman didn't listen to Mickey or Felix's advice to try and take the case to a higher reviewee. He confessed to being Guilty since nothing they did would change the fact he'd brought Boris into a dangerous situation and he got severely hurt.
This leads us to Mugmans Punishment.
The council leaves the punishment up to Boris.
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Boris in an odd turn of events doesn't go for the more brutal punishments but instead marks Mugman's cheeks with soul paint. This means no matter what form Mugman took in every life after this one he'd have the same markings on his face.
This surprises Mugman since he thought Boris would take his eyes cause... an eye for an eye as they say.
Boris does have a heart though and since Mugman confessed the past to everyone and even claimed guilty... there wasn't much more he could have wanted. Taking his eye wouldn't give him his old one back. Hurting Mugman wouldn't get back the years he'd spent.
So the 2 remain Familiars with each other and prove to be quite powerful. Enough to warrant them getting Mugman and Boris more teachers. ^^'
(If there is anything else you'd like to know about Crimson Fate don't be afraid to ask ^^)
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mayasdeluca · 1 year
A few takeaways from that live...
1-Merle saying that Natasha didn't reinstate Maya as Captain because she still had a lot to learn and then later Danielle saying how Sullivan only made her Captain because he didn't want to give it to Andi and Maya wasn't ready I think is bullshit. I think Maya was ready to be Captain and she thrived at it to the surprise of everyone who maybe thought she rose up the ranks too quickly (Lt. to Captain in 3 years). But when you're ready, you're ready. Kids skip grades all the time and sometimes 2 because they are beyond the grade suited for their age.
2-When they talked about the promo and said that it' was going to be such a great episode and there were heart wrenching and powerful performances...by Merle/Natasha, Jaina/Andi, and Barrett/Vic, I'm sorry what?! That episode should have been ALL about Maya and Carina. I don't need other performances cluttering up the screen over Maya being cared for and the aftermath to that.
3- I think Merle casually* spilled that Andi does get the Captain job (what episode are they filming now?) and that Maya sees Diane which we probably assumed because there is no way Maya would be cleared for duty after her accident if she didn't see Diane at least for a few sessions. Whether or not Maya embraces therapy is a different story.
*I say "casually" because she just said it and didn't make a big deal like gasping thinking she may have spilled like Danielle usually does or like her and Stefania did last week, she just continued talking like it was nothing and moved on.
Now on the personal side: So Boris is getting to direct next season (has he directed the show before?). I did not know Merle is so musical theater inclined and yes, I would love a musical episode especially if it mean Danielle can go back to her semi pop-star roots and sing again (since she keeps refusing to revisit that). And Merle talking about old school things and Danielle being like I was born in 88. I lol'd at that because I am of a certain age that remembers things like phone cards like Merle was describing.
Lots of great thoughts!
I totally agree about the convo re: Maya not being ready to be captain. I didn't get that vibe at all either. She was more than qualified and even if it's true that part of the reason she got the job is because Ripley & Sullivan didn't think Andy was ready for it, that doesn't mean that Maya also wasn't ready for it because she was well prepared and knew what she was doing. Just because the team decided not to respect her as captain initially doesn't make any of that not true. She proved she was a great captain all of Season 4 and more than capable of doing the job. Also Merle/Ross wasn't around then so I really wonder how much she actually knows about that whole history.
It's very frustrating that when Danielle will have other guests on lives or whatever, the topic of Marina/Maya tends to be avoided. I understand that Danielle probably doesn't want to make it about her and is always wanting to talk about the other person and supporting them and it's a lovely quality she has but...yeah. The promo was clearly mainly about Maya and what's going to happen with her but I guess they decided to talk about Ross' plot in the episode instead. It appears like there will be multiple storylines in the episode so we better just prepare for minimal screentime from now. It's obnoxious that they claim to be covering it in a big way though when it seems like they won't be. But I'm sure we will get more of the aftermath stuff in the episodes afterwards. I wouldn't be surprised if episode 8 is actually better for us than 7 at this point.
Okay I thought the same thing! But no one else seemed to be talking about/caught on so I didn't say anything lol but the way she so matter of factly said that Andy will be captain felt like it happened already? I mean we know she will be captain at some point because it's inevitable but she made it sound like it was already a lock. I think they're currently filming episode 13/14 but I'm curious about the search and rescue type call in episode 12 and that BTS pic because why is Ross also suited up? And is Beckett around? I guess we'll see. And yes the fact that Merle called Diane 'her therapist' in regards to Danielle seems like a good sign that we will be getting therapy scenes plural. At first I was worried Diane would be there just for Crisis One stuff based on BTS things but hopefully we get a decent amount of therapy scenes as well.
Boris hasn't directed the show before, no. I don't think he's directed any TV before, just a movie or two. A musical episode would definitely be interesting! I have mixed feelings about it because I feel like these writers just aren't capable of making it good lol and musical episodes come off as cringe most times to begin with so I don't know how it would go really but they definitely have the talent for it. They definitely had a fun dynamic throughout the live though with some funny moments!
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hislittleraincloud · 3 months
I keep reading through what I wrote (I have to re-read several times for flow once I place a scene) and getting to the Epilogue and saying to myself, "Holy fuck, I'm such an asshole."
I dunno what to do about it. I'm startin' to let my feels for them get in the way of raw storytelling. Not good. 😭
And 12 people versus 11 want me to keep it as is (my vote was there so I could see the results early).
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That's still practically even. I honestly thought y'all WOULD be soft, but now I'm the one who went soft (ha ha, NOT...not in the dirty way at least) on them, after writing more of them/letting the fic grow. I also want to keep it open in the future for some drabbles... but the Epilogue being what it is wouldn't change that (much). Some day when I'm not stuck on Afterburn, I'll want to write some Boris/Winnie as well...just for one of the ficwives who's read it already. 🫴🏼🎀✨
But anyway, a real status update besides the last one that showed I'm past 20K: I also need to make dividers. Yeah, I know, I don't HAVE to, but there are indicators in the text that show when scenes switch, or when Cairo speaks (her narration is the sex and sensuality). I can't use the emojis I've been using because they just won't show up on some non-mobile devices.
🌸🌿🪲 < -- beginning of scene/cut
🪲🌿🌸 < -- end of scene/cut
But then I've been using
✍🏼🌸🌿🪲 < -- Cairo starts narrating
🪲🌿🌸✍🏼 < -- End of Cairo's narration
It might be fine if it were being published here on T and mobile, but the emojis don't always show up on my laptop...which means they wouldn't show up on others' devices.
Perhaps aI [sic] should get my meticulous ass over to Copilot and make it design me something so I don't spend 10 hours in Photoshop doing something AI can do in 30 seconds...plus that's hours of writing time I'd lose...and I've already lost over 800 hours (4 hours a day up there, every fucking day, for three months here, three months there, six months plus I'm counting the Spring of last year too right before I published the first chapter of Satisfying Afterburn, because she needed me to watch the cat back then, too) of Writing Time thanks to that Cat Lady's gd bullshit. I don't want to lose any more.
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The Witcher S3 Ep4: The Invitation AKA I Was Definitely Not Prepared
There were moments where I had to fully pause the show and collect myself. Because I knew I only have 2 episodes left and there were a lot of things that hadn't happened yet. But I still wasn't expecting them to happen all at once or send me on that wild emotion rollercoaster
Is Emperor CreepyDad just like this with everyone? Just stolling into Cahir's room while he sleeps and eating his food. Boundaries dude.
Aww, Cahir actually cared about Fringilla? That's sweet. And misguided cus she didn't give two fucks about him
Also, Cahir's been back in the good graces for at least a day. Can't we get him some time to clean up? Greasy hair and a dust-stained shirt aren't exactly courtier attire...
Aww, poor dear is having a crisis of faith. You shut the fuck up with your shitty advice CreepyDad. He needs guidance and help
Excuse you Artorius. Yennefer is a gift and you should be grateful. What, pray tell, have you fucking done lately to fix anything, besides sit around moaning about it all with Stregobitch?
"No more secrets" is a tough, possibly impossible, ask.
Also I hate that it's still The Brotherhood when at least half of them are women. And this weird vote by banging, which is new?
You would know all about that, wouldn't you Geralt?
Those are some dramatic-ass invites. I respect it
She's right Yen. You are good at this stuff
Triss is right to mistrust, but I'm worried for her investigating
Triss and Istredd? Not a pair I would have thought (and I suppose technically it's pair the spares) but it actually makes a load of sense, romantically or otherwise. I'm here for it
That's an interesting theory. A wrong one most likely, but interesting. And might put you in the right direction at least
Ooh here we go. This is The Episode. I'm not sure I'm ready, but I'm so ready
Don't forget, Ciri's granddad was from Skellige. She knows the sea (I almost did)
Jaskier's little perched pose and expression. He is loving this, and subtly egging the pocket-sized princess on
Hold on, I gotta put everything down and prepare myself. The moment I've dreaded and been waiting for...
He comes with backup singers?! Why didn't we collectively think of that? Of course he does!
His troupe are all much prettier than him
Are we still doing this between the two of you, Yen? It's just very strange and bordering on petty in a way you aren't usually
Oh right. I forgot the Queen of Redania was assassinated by "Nilfgaard"
Of course you and Sabrina knock boots and get along. You're both egotistical bitches who I want to like (but at least in her case I just can't. You still have your chance)
Vengeance, not scorn. Justice and Vengeance are two sides of the same coin.
Aww. Proud Dad
As much as I know this is important, I really want to know what any of Vizimir's half-comments in the background mean/the context where they make any sense
Hah! Outplayed the spies, nicely done Yen
These dramatic fucks. I think the whole band is "Valdo Marx" like Bon Jovi. That's what I'm going to run with.
Maybe listen to the professionals next time, Boris
Looks like all that obstacle-coursing with Lambert and Coén paid off
What and who the fuck was that? Because I am going to personally fight them
They got what they wanted from her though, in a way. Ciri's location is "with Geralt"
"Be careful who you trust" she says in front of the snakiest witch they know 🙄 I thought you were supposed be smart, Triss
Oh Ciri, you and your moral compass
Fringilla looks good with this vibe and crowd. Happy and free works for her
How is the bartender not noticing this?
Why are boats the interesting part?
Aww bonding time! I love Jaskier and his goddaughter/niece mocking her parents. 😂
And that they've finally reunited, but I do kinda want to know what was actually said to lead to that "sag into a hug" moment
Oh Jaskier, surely someone warned you about playing games of luck or strategy against Cirilla of Cintra, an absolute shark in the streets of her youth
Aww. Jaskier 🥺 that was really sweet. And probably exactly what she needed to hear. And then topped with a lullaby? I can't
Radovid, what are you doing?
The fact that Jaskier knows he's not a fighter, but is fully ready to throw himself into danger to keep it from Ciri, even for an extra moment. And risk his prized possession as a weapon. 🥺💖
Oh. Oh! I didn't realize this would be in the same episode! Oh god! I'm not prepared for Emotions!
"The only good part of this mess was meeting you." Bitch you can't just say something so gut-punching like that.
🥺😭😍🥺 the gifs were nowhere near enough for this. I need it seared into my brain. The emotion in their voices, and in their eyes, the desperation and terror in their breaths. It's all...perfectly heartwrenching.
I believe now, more than ever, that this is going to hurt Jaskier in some way, and that is going to break me. I would almost rather the strike against the show for "Bury Your Gays" and killing the Princeling than have him betray Jaskier
Careful Dara, speaking up apparently is a good way to get permenantly silenced around here
She's not wrong Cahir...you have proven fairly unreliable
What's the mission? Why won't you tell us?
Reinforcements? Are Philippa and Dijkstra planning to attack the Conclave? And if it's taking their messenger 2 days to get there, how are they getting back by first dawn? Not that they're getting there at all now, but I want the deets of what the plan was so I can decide how stupid it might have been
I support Geralt's plan. We just stab the shit out of Stregobitch until he stops smirking, or wasting oxygen
What the hell is Philippa wearing? And Triss's hair...
Ooh I love these parallel pairs plotting. But it makes me think Stregobor also has a second. It might just be Artorius but...I have my doubts
What is Tissaia unsure of? Not the conclave she's been so passionately backing, right? But what else is there?
Yen looks gorgeous, and I like that it's drawing from Anya's heritage with her hair but I don't know if I actually like her outfit. It feels out of sync somehow
Holy cliffhanger Batman
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inkdemonapologist · 3 years
XD I appreciate all this theorizing, y'all are great. I guess my question is why would Sammy be a good candidate to be Boris? Because he plays instruments? -suspiciously eyes the banjo in the safehouse- I'm not sure if that's enough for me. That's my thing with the toons, some of the choices for who turns into what are weird, like why would Tom be Boris, other than to annoy him? What does Joey see there that could possibly guarantee him a desirable Boris? The angels I get, that makes sense, but if you really want a perfect Boris, besides Buddy, we'd need Henry to fill that void.
Think about it, Boris' portrayal in the cartoons shows him as being kind of careless in how he treats Bendy, a good parallel for Joey feeling betrayed since Henry left. When we get to the comics, Boris is always doing the right thing, be it becoming super or mentoring the triplets, and the big thing I noticed is that he goes along with Bendy's plans without question in the beginning, but he shifts the longer they go on to doing his own thing. That sounds like Henry to me, and given how Joey called Buddy "Henry" "by accident," I wouldn't be surprised if they have a lot in common that equates to being good Boris traits. At the very least, Henry gets along with Boris, and it's logical that he designed him given TIOL and his secret tape.
Either way, Joey really sucks at shape puzzles. You can't fit a square in the circle spot Drew!
“why would sammy be a good candidate for Boris?” I mean, I think you kinda have the answer in bringing up Tom -- he isn’t. Sammy has almost nothing in common with Boris, but… neither does Thomas*, yet Thomas turned out pRETTY SUCCESSFUL as far as looks go (better than Susie did her first time through!). Are we... completely sure that the souls have to be a good match, personality-wise? Is Joey sure of that, has Joey always been sure of that? Or does Joey just figure that as long as the transformation takes, the cartoon personality will take over and they’ll eventually behave correctly?
[some rambling about souls and Joey's intentions for henry and buddy under the cut]
It seems, from the way Joey starts talking to Buddy, that he expects Boris’ personality to be more dominant once he’s squared away in his new body, like that’s the way Joey thinks it’ll work, that he can just tempt him with food and he’ll chill out. So it’s not hard to imagine Sammy turning into this raving bendy-worshipping fool, and Joey deciding he’s useless in that form and they might as well overwrite him with something useful. IIRC, Joey even mentions that he was hoping to be able to use some of the souls from Sammy’s victims -- prior to Buddy, I don’t know if Joey was really looking for a Personality Match so much as Free Souls?
Joey also tells Buddy that he didn’t actually know what Buddy’s true purpose was until the very end. Take with a grain of salt since Joey said it, but like, that checks out with the way he describes his mindset in TIOL -- that he’s kind of following his instincts but he’s waiting for that spark when things click, and he doesn’t really have a plan until he finds what he’s Meant To Do, when he sees an opportunity and attributes it retroactively to being the reason he was here all along. I don’t get the impression that Buddy was initially intended to be Boris or chosen for it (After reading TIOL, I’m not even sure Buddy was meant to be like Henry…), I just think that moment where Buddy was gonna die, Joey saw his opportunity and just went for it.
The idea of Henry putting some of himself in Boris is cute, (thinks about “Boris was special, Alice was complicated” again) but, I dunno, I’m torn! Boris is still portrayed, like, positively after Henry leaves, so I think Joey would’ve HAD to have divorced Boris from Henry in his mind on some level in order to still feel really positive about Boris, even if it’s just “Boris is a better version who is loyal.” I’d believe that Henry would like, be a good Boris candidate, but looking around at Alice’s Big Lake O’ Borises, (or the fact that the hard-working Buddy was apparently a "perfect" match for the sorta lackadaisical wolf...) I’m not sure that’s a very high bar, lmao. And, like, in canon it’s sorta a moot point -- I’d find it hard to believe that Joey called Henry back just to run him through the machine and make a perfect toon. Like??? Why???? At this point??? And why go through all the BatIM rigamarole if he just wanted Another Boris? The studio is closed, what would he even DO with an additional perfect Boris???
* though I have also pondered the idea that Tom being a Boris when nothing about him seems like a good fit for a Boris is potentially evidence that Turning Them Into Cartoons wasn't Joey Drew's goal there, so, LOTS OF POSSIBLE DIRECTIONS TO GO, REALLY,
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angelamontoo · 2 years
Oh what the hell, thoughts and headcanons for You'll find out
• So I'm gonna be ragging on this poor film pretty hard, so let's start out positive and say that all of the bad guys in this are great-especially Professor Fenninger. I just really enjoy how despite what a silly film this is Peter, Bela and Boris take their roles as seriously as they would in a more dramatic film
• Considering I associate this film with the general theme of obnoxious vintage funnymen making dumb jokes about how spoopy Peter Lorre and similar actors who were typecast as horror guys are, Kay kyser is actually surprisingly enjoyable in this film. I mean I wouldn't be against some of his screen time being handed over to the bad guys or anything, but his reactions to the weirdness going on are actually pretty funny, especially with Aunt Margo at the beginning
• Speaking of, What's the deal with Aunt Margo when we first meet her? Just in the middle of a trance like that. Idk it's not like we don't see her in that state later in the film aswell or anything, but I feel like it would've worked better if she was acting normal till someone brought up the supernatural or Elmer and then she starts acting all weird maybe? Also did she wanna fuck Kay kyser?
• Yknow that Jim Carrey looking guy? Ish kebabble? I. Hate. Him. Soooooo much. It is unreal. He fills me with seething rage with every move he makes. I hate his stupid bowl cut, I hate his stupid dog, I hate that thing he does with his eyes. Stop fucking making that face you fuck! You are being confronted by the supernatural, show some godamn respect! Why did you survive!?
• Speaking of, if there was ever a film where im glad we don't actually see the bad guys die, is it ever this one, lemme tell you. Never have I wanted the villains to have faked their deaths and come back to triumph over the heros more
• Considering we never learn Professor Fenningers real name, I'm a big fan of him potentially being another character Peter Lorre played. I've suggested Gimpy and Cairo before, but maybe even Abbott? Ofc the problem with the Abbott theory is that he's from a pre-hays code film so his death is a lot more explicit and harder to write off as fake
• However, if he's not another Peter character, I HC Professors Fenningers real name to be Moritz Veidt. Just cause I like the way it sounds
• So we can all agree that Fenninger and Mainwaring are fucking right? My personal HC is that they're together and Saliano and Fenninger used to be an item and Saliano isn't over him. Either that or they're both his exes and Mainwaring has the distinction of being the one Fenninger is still kind of attracted to
• I'm a fan of the whole sequence when Ginny is singing 'I'd Know you anywhere' it's a lovely song, I like her voice and I enjoy the simple visuals of it cutting from her to the three villains. It's my favourite musical performance in the film and definitely my favourite scene focusing mainly on one of the nonvillain characters
• Can we talk about Janis finding out that Fenninger was the man creeping on her and Ginny getting changed and being like "Oh thank god, it was only you :)" like...bestie. Yeah, she doesn't know he was only checking to see if she's alive cause he wants her dead, but I don't care how much you think mysticism is bologna, you should not trust some guy you've never met before if the first interaction you two had was him climbing up your balcony and standing outside the transparent door of a room where you were changing just because you're hoping he'll callout your aunts medium for being a fraud
• I remember thinking what a casual that dude Kay Kyser had on his show was for not knowing "hi ho hi ho" was from snow-white since 'we all grew up with that film', then I remembered that dude was an adult when snow-white came out and I felt very strange thinking about just how old the film I was watching really was
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