#I mean mario is technically luigi's twin but like his older twin
inklyqueen · 1 year
Literally all the critics are so up in their egos
Also Spoiler warnings for the Mario movie because I'm crying and yk it's opening day I'm not that kind of bitch
I don't think many of them understand that they've got it made rn, and they've never experienced the world some of us are living in
And I don't mean it in a mental health sense or anything, I mean in an actual survival as an adult sense
I was literally surprised by how much I related to Mario specifically. He's the oldest. I'm the oldest of six (under a technicality, two of them are my dad's girlfriend's kids but yk). I'm sure his parents have preached that he needs to take care of and watch out for his younger brother (I'm assuming they're still twins in this universe, Mario was always the older twin in the games and other lore), and I've been preached that too. I'm the same way with my siblings as Mario is with Luigi. Throw trash at my sister, see that happens. "The more you fuck around, the more you're gonna find out." And at the end of the day, my parents will be only in my memories at some point, and all I'll have left is my siblings, granted if I never get married, have kids, etc (God willing I hope, not the point though) It seems to me that Mario is incredibly aware of that too, that one day they'll both be at an age where it's literally only him and Luigi and that they may literally be the only one the other has.
What also struck me was the set-up they showed with the boys. They still live with Mom and Dad, still in their childhood bedroom(s?), just trying to find their footing, I assume they want to be independent of their parents. They put their life savings into a commercial to get their company off the ground. I'm assuming they didn't have very much in the first place, especially from the speech their father gave about how "you can't just give up a steady job for a dream," and how Mario (at least specifically I'm assuming) can't hold down a job in the first place. How he's the one that's bringing Luigi down, as if Luigi can't make a decision for himself, and Mario's like his legal guardian or something. It very much seems to me that they've literally leaned on each other for almost everything more than their own parents, and that's screaming volumes for me.
I still live with my parents, and I get the same grief as well over how I haven't gotten it all figured out still. C*vid was zero help, I wasn't even a year out of high school when it hit, I was just starting college and things were not going very well. I'm just now figuring out my degree program, what I want, trying to get my career off the ground, and getting money back in the bank. I can't afford rent, God no, and I'm blessed to have a job that covers tuition now.
But it seems to me that critics don't understand that. For some reason they want this incredible fleshed-out character arc, plot and overreaching plot, Oscar and Emmy winning from day one piece, and besides the fact that this is technically intended for children, some of the ones I've read are literally making just under upper-to-upper class pay and lifestyles by being that judgemental. They don't have to worry about gas (or the electric bills if they have an electric car) in the tank or food on the table or making rent. One said that they "failed to give Mario a personality" (paraphrasing), when literally I'm seeing myself and my survival struggles in this short moustachioed plumber with older sibling anxiety.
Which, I'm pretty sure he's got a mild touch of GAD, or maybe that's me projecting. I'm not a licensed anything. Also added bonus points because I'm shorter than all of the siblings that are at an age to have actual height. One of my siblings is in high school rn and she's taller than me by a good eight inches. I'm six years older than her.
I'm literally out here doing the best I can with a $200 Insurance payment coming and $80 in the bank.
So yeah. Mario is a really good character.
So thankful for him.
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noelledeltarune · 5 months
so is ingo mario or is ingo luigi
everyone goes oh yeah ingo = mario and emmet = luigi because ingo and mario are the "older brothers" and emmet and luigi are the "younger brothers" which is so annoying to me because they are duos comprised of TWIN SIBLINGS and mario and luigi are fucking STAR BABIES so how is mario older anyways. and even if they weren't born from magic means and when talking about ingo and emmet just think like no one cares about being born 8 minutes earlier than someone else. you think "oh we share a birthday" not "i'm technically older than you" in a way that actually affects your perception of or relationship with the other person. it will NOT give you an older sibling complex i will literally attack people over this. also it's a separate problem but i swear being denoted "younger brother" is a get out of jail free card for people who love infantalizing these characters
but yeah luigi and ingo are literally united in Had Amnesia In Game Where Major Threat Was Hole In The Sky solidarity. and they're both very talkative (at least depending on iteration but luigi is 1000x more chatty and loud than mario). and they wear darker/cooler colours
one time i saw fanart of the M&L dream team box art with ingo and emmet where emmet was luigi and i had to sit there like remember when emmet said with his mouth that he doesnt like napping
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also when it comes to mario and emmet i just think about like how competitive they both are yknow. guys who are eager to compete and like fighting and WINNING and also state their name a lot. i am emmet 🤝 it's-a me, mario!
i also know i have said this before but i swear to god they put the same shit they put into mr. L into ingo's shtick when they were writing pla. like i just think about how ingo unknowingly directly quotes emmet and then says that saying those words fills him with power. and then i think about how mr. L built a robot in the shape of his face and calls it his brother and feels like he's invincible when he's fighting with it. and then i [explosion sfx]
yeah though obviously i wouldnt make any 1:1 comparisons because these are two different sets of characters but if i DID it would be mario -> emmet and luigi -> ingo. 100%. i am extremely adamant about this
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smashy-headcanons · 5 years
With Banjo in Smash can there be a Big Brother Club? There's a Mom group and a Dad Group. So far all the Big Brothers are Banjo with Tooty, Mario with Luigi, Ness with Tracey, Chrom with Lissa, MCorrin with Sakura, Elise, Leo and Takumi, Ludwig with the Koopalings and Bowser Junior (since he's the eldest) maybe Donkey Kong with Funky Kong and Pikachu with Pichu
They bond over ‘caring for their younger siblings’ solidarity.
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