#I’m going multifandom y’all
stephdrawsjohnlock · 4 months
Fandom Trumps Hate 2024!
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Looking for a scene drawn for your story? A piece to help inspire you to write a fic? A new icon? How about covers for your story with full print-ready Graphic Design service? Maybe a pinup, or some trading cards (up to 10)?? Maybe a gift for someone, or just your vision of a character(s) (up to 3 character sheets) for your AU?
Well, that’s just some of the stuff I’m willing to offer for this year’s @fandomtrumpshate​​ Charity Event! FTH is a WONDERFUL community project that supports amazing non-profits through donations for fanworks via  this wonderful annual event!
I am participating for my fifth year by offering 2 fanarts for y’all in either the BBC Sherlock or Good Omens fandoms, starting at 20$ for the non-profit of your choice!
Here are some past FTH pieces I’ve done, if you’re interested in seeing the scope of the work you would be getting from me:
GO - :FTH 2020 – Lagniappe for Big_Edies_Sun_Hat:
GO - :FTH 2020 BONUS – Réveillon for Big_Edies_Sun_Hat:
SH - :This Year: (FTH #1 for @discordantwords​​)
SH - :Burlesque Johnlock: (FTH #2 for @ohlooktheresabee​)
SH – :A Quiet Moment: (FTH #1 for @totallysilvergirl)
SH – :Against the Wall: (FTH #2 for @anarfea)
SH – :Let Me Come to You: (FTH #1 for  ShakespearelovedLadyMacbeth)
SH – :Couch Cuddle: (FTH #2 for @discordantwords)
SH – :More Every Minute: (FTH #3 for @totallysilvergirl)
And of course, you can browse all my art to see my range:
stephdrawsfanart on Instagram
@stephratte​​ (Primary Multifandom Art ​Blog)
stephratte on deviantART
I will draw any ship from any of the above fandoms. All my work is done as a hi-res 3000x3000 print-ready piece in Procreate. Traditional media (markers, India ink, and pencils) is also available if you prefer, done on illustration or marker paper at the paper’s size, with the option of acquiring the original if you choose. I will also do it at a requested size if you have a preferred format for something specific (like a book cover or a comic panel). Feel free to DM me if you have any questions.
The browsing begins on Feb. 26, and the bidding opens on March 1! I hope I once again get a chance to do a couple fantastic pieces for y’all!! I love doing this so much, so keep an eye out for my info post soon once it’s official!
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Izzy's Heavily Improvised Essay on Bambi 2
(to folks who follow me for other stuff, I apologize right ahead of time, just doing my "multifandom" name justice XD)
Okay y’all, bear with me, this was written in the heat of the moment and therefore I might go around in tangents. I’ve been dying to write this essay thingy for months actually, but I kept chickening out when I went to try and just do it. And it was also inspired by Wreckham’s own Bambi post that I saw a while ago, so uh... Yeah.
(also this mainly features my opinions, don't take them as facts >_<)
So, starting things off with this:
It shall be no secret that I’m an avid fan of the Bambi movies (more the second than the first, but we’ll get to that in a bit). 
It’s no surprise that visually speaking, Bambi is a spectacle from beginning to end, on top of having a beautiful soundtrack and a fascinating way of being the closest thing to an animated documentary with its environments.
However, it comes with the price of... Well, lacking a concrete plot. And by that I mean outside of just showcasing Bambi’s life from birth to adulthood. Not to say there’s no value in that, but I reckon it’s not the kind of movie lots of people nowadays would just want to watch multiple times in a row.
(plus considering how much of the novel’s plot they cut out when adapting it to the screens… That’s a can of worms for another day)
Yes, even I, the avid fan, will admit this flaw in the storytelling. And it’s a big reason why I maintain my statement on loving the second movie more than the first.
And oh where do I begin?
Namely how its plot is basically about the time that happened between Bambi’s Mother’s death and the scene with all those cheery singing birds — in other words, the period in which Bambi was raised by his father, the Great Prince of the Forest.
While animation’s changed significantly (given that, y’know, 64 years apart) and also different voice actors were hired for the characters (again, 64 years), I will come here and say that visually the movie did the original justice, and did it in spades!
Plot-wise? On one hand, there’s more dialogue and the humor is a bit more targeted for younger audiences, which in fairness will put off some who are more inclined towards the original.
On the other hand, the movie is also not afraid to explore some darker subjects, some indirectly (like the whole aspect of grief both for Bambi and his father and their respective ways of dealing with it), and some directly (such as the entire Deer Call scene).
And the fact that unlike the first movie, the characters here are more fleshed out, the main highlight of that is none other than the Great Prince himself; in the first movie he... Didn’t have nearly enough screentime or lines to justify his status as protector of the Forest, at best he was a minor character given too much importance, and at worst he was a living prop.
In the second? He’s the second main focus of the story, with a whole character development arc on how to be a father to Bambi despite his belief in tradition (aka the whole “the does care for the young” thing). In fact, I think I should dedicate this part of the essay on his character, shall we? Because years of rewatching the movie made me think a lot of things regarding him (which I don’t see many or even anyone talk enough about):
If we’re gonna think about it, we never really get to know the Great Prince too deeply prior to his mate’s death. Everything we do know about him personality-wise came afterwards, at a time when he had to look after Bambi while also looking after the Forest as a whole.
It’s incredibly easy to label him as a jerk and a deadbeat father when one fails to consider a few things:
1- His mate died, and given the timeframe, the Prince was unable to reach both her and Bambi in time before Man shot her; made worse when you remember that in the first movie he was able to save them both from Man. Literally, at the beginning of the second movie, one of the first expressions we see from him is sadness. Wouldn’t you think he was feeling not just grief, but guilt too?
2- He was left to raise his son alone, at one of the harshest points of wintertime, and only asked Friend Owl to find a doe because the owl offered some help in the first place; recalling the tradition thing, the Prince had no experience with children whatsoever, can you blame him for being baffled at the idea of him raising his son at first?
3- He’s the protector of a whole forest. That’s like, hundreds and hundreds of lives he’s dedicated to keep safe from Man at all times every single day, hundreds and hundreds of animals depending on him to not get shot. Even if he’s experienced at what he does, that’s still a huge pressure onto a single individual, and the fact that he can’t always save everyone every time Man is in the woods.
And a bonus: forget his status as the Great Prince of the Forest for a moment, and what do you have? A stag who lost his mate (whom he genuinely loved) and is left to raise their son entirely on his own.
If I were to guess, I’d say the Great Prince was far more serene prior to the tragedy; still a recluse, what with being the protector of the woods and then some, but less stern in general.
Everything we see of him before the completion of his character development, is him trying to make do with something that was out of his control and dealing with its consequences. (there’s a reason why ‘Parents as People’ is a trope, y’know)
Hell, it was all but stated that even before he became more open towards Bambi and embraced his role as a parent, he already cared about his son in his own way. I’m under the belief that he’s always been capable of raising him, all he needed was some time (and a bit of a nudge from Bambi himself at points).
Plus he was already regretting the whole “new mother to Bambi” plan and intending on calling it off by the time Friend Owl brought Mena, he only went through with it anyway because he thought he screwed things up with Bambi for good - btw I do not blame Bambi for being mad, poor guy’s spent most of the movie trying to impress his dad and taking every lesson to heart, only to find out about the arrangement at the worst time possible.
On another tangent, I feel like one aspect that’s often overlooked is how both Bambi and his father reacted to going through with the arrangement:
By the time Bambi was going to leave with Mena, he wasn’t even mad anymore, just downtrodden and upset that he wouldn’t get to see his friends as often, but otherwise resigned and accepting that it’s what he should be doing. Putting up a brave facade all the while, much like the Great Prince himself.
Same for the latter, he was trying to keep his regal facade up as well and insisting that “a Prince does sacrifices” - he was mostly talking about himself, having to give his son up so he’s raised by someone better than the Prince.
And let’s get one fact clear before heading to a main point in this essay: although Bambi did get mad at his father (down to even wishing his mother was there instead of him), he was far more upset at being separated from him and not getting to see him as often, and it’s made obvious he regretted yelling those words at his father.
Otherwise, Bambi wouldn’t have rushed back to nuzzle him goodbye, wouldn’t have thought of retaliating against Ronno when the latter taunted him about being “given away” due to his father “being ashamed of him”. And he certainly wouldn’t have run to another cliff to meet his dad after defeating the last of Man’s dogs.
In fact I more than believe that they would’ve reconciled on the spot as soon as they saw each other again, which was what likely gonna happen after Bambi saved Mena and got rid of all the dogs.
But then the cliff scene happened.
(aka one of my favorite scenes in the whole movie, and yes I will defend it right now)
Now, I can see why a good bunch of people hate that scene (namely the whole Disney Death thing), but allow me to say that it’s in the movie for a reason, and it’s not to trick the audience into thinking Bambi did die from the fall.
It’s to showcase the Great Prince’s character arc coming to fruition.
Remember when I said that the Prince did love Bambi in his own way despite not knowing anything about raising children? This is the scene where he finally realized just how much he did care all along, shedding away his “prince does/does not” mentality for good. Realizing that Bambi needed him as a father
There's so much that goes unsaid in the scene.
How the Prince’s voice nearly breaks when urging Bambi to get up, him saying “A Prince does not...” but never finishing it. What was he going to say? We don’t know, and that’s the point. Maybe even he didn’t know, maybe it was said out of reflex.
How he gets down and looks at his (seemingly) dead son before nuzzling him, keeping him as close as he could, and crying.
This all makes it more meaningful when Bambi does wake up and calls him Dad for the first time, showcasing how far their bond has gone and developed.
I believe, among other things, that the scene (and perhaps counting the dog chase as well) was also meant to be a mirror/parallel to the dream sequence from earlier in the movie. But that’s perhaps an essay for another day!
So, in conclusion… I swear I’m 100% normal about this movie, I totally did not spend days on end trying to make this improv essay as cohesive as possible-
[essay ends here, roll credits]
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killerandhealerqueen · 10 months
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Hi!  I’m Sass.  I'm 25 years old with a bachelors in Forensic Biology, a masters in Forensic Investigative Science, and a Ph.D. in Killer and Healer. Think of me as your friendly neighborhood forensic science expert!
This blog is a hodgepodge of everything that I love but mainly I post/talk about Killer and Healer (hence the username).  Hell, I practically run the Killer and Healer fandom here on tumblr and over on ao3 but that’s because these fucking idiots have gripped my heart and have refused to let go.  But this blog is multifandom, so you’ll find other dramas on here as well (and anything else that catches my fancy).
I do also liveblog a lot of the dramas that I watch, so if you like watching me scream and lose my fucking mind in posts, then this is definitely the blog for you.  Also, whenever I finish dramas, I always give my honest opinions of them at the end so you’ll know if the drama is worth watching (it’s how I’ve gotten a lot of my friends to watch shit).  Also, all dramas that I’ve finished and enjoyed will be on my Drama/Movie Masterlist with links to the dramas so y’all can enjoy them too!
I am also a writer and do headcanons.  I mainly write for Killer and Healer, but you can find what fandoms I write for here.  My ao3 is linked in my blog, but you can also find it here.  Writing is a big passion of mine, so you will probably see me talking about the random ideas that pop into my head every now and then or you will see me talking about new fic ideas.  Also, I’m currently working on probably the largest WIP ever, 恨君不似江楼月 | Killer and Healer.  It’s a rewrite of the drama Killer and Healer because the ending was bullshit and I took it upon myself to give us all the happy ending we (and the characters) fucking deserve. You can find my fic and headcanon masterlists here and here.
My ask box and DMs are always open if you want to talk about whatever, my blog is a safe space for everyone, and there is no judgement here.  HOWEVER, if you’re a TERF, queerphobic, a pedophile, or just a straight up asshole, you are not welcome here and I will not hesitate to fucking block your ass; do not try me
Don’t be afraid to tag me in things or mention me in stuff because I love seeing things and being included (and I will do my best to include you all in things).  It makes my day knowing that people think of me or have included me in things.
Have a nice day!
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jackerscracker · 5 months
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Hello! It appears I have a small group of followers now so I wanted to make this little info thing
- I am a minor
- I am trans masc, pansexual, and poly
- I go by he/him, ring/rings, void,voids, cloud/clouds pronouns
- You can call me Jacks, Jack or Sam
- I am both a traditional and digital art blog
- I do tag for sensitive and triggering things
- Multifandom poster (it’s mostly dsaf and Dialtown though)
- I am REALLY bad with words and expressing emotion and thoughts through text. If you make a text post and I heart it, it just means I found it either funny, I understand, or I’m sorry I’ll always be here for you. Just examples of course
- My ask box is pretty much open all the time unless said otherwise
- Don’t make suggestive asks
- Please don’t say anything suggestive and or NSFW when rebloging my stuff
- This blog isn’t devoted to anything in specifics, I just post whatever I’m fixated on
- If you ever try talking to me please don’t expect a reply, talking to new people scares me so please be patient. I will talk more once I know you better :)
- I’m perfectly fine with you mass liking/reblogging my stuff, it makes me happy to see that y’all enjoy my content
- My digital art is made on a iPhone 7 so don’t expect anything mind blowing
- I don’t care how old you are as long as you aren’t under 12, just don’t be weird
List of tags I use:
Jacks’s thoughts (random text post. Yes it’s grammatically incorrect on purpose)
Jacks serioused once (this is important not a joke)
Jacks lore drop (information about me)
Jacks speaks (inbox answers)
Jacks drafts (posts from draft box or random thing I found in it)
Jacks screams (me rambling about something)
Me pronouns page:
Please leave if you are:
- Basic dni list
I do not tolerate rudeness and hate in this blog and I can and will block you if needed
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muddyorbsblr · 1 year
monthly wrap-up :: may 2023
Welcome to smth I’m gonna try this month: a wrap-up! I’ll be giving you all a lil recap of the fics I’ve read & written over the last month and hopefully this will get me to actually chip away at my TBR and get y’all on some non-Loki/Tom stories that I occasionally do read 🫡
Everything under the cut
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Loki x Reader
Don't Be Shy by @lokisgoodgirl
The way that shy Loki being nervous about not satisfying Agent Y/N has me running around in circles in my living room I can't 🫠🫡
Hostile F*cks: Public Relations by @lokisgoodgirl
A perfect epilogue to this series that was a masterclass of holding your emotions hostage and giving the best payoff. And the fencing pants got a return cameo?? This had me giggling and squeeing and the second the fencing pants came out to play…running laps once again 🫠
An Interesting Theory by @infinitystoner
Completely obsessed with the dynamic between Loki & Reader in this piece. And the ending with Loki deciding that he needs more "data" to "confirm the hypothesis"? I see you, Mischief 😏🫠
The Prince is Dead by @lokisgoodgirl
The beginning had me all teary eyed and ready to fight; the end had me filled with hope and chortling at the tasteful dick joke. LGG really do be a master at holding our emotions hostage with a satisfying payoff at the end 🥹 I live in fear thinking what she could be capable of if she ups and decides to make a piece of just pure angst 😳👀
A Gentlemen's Agreement by @lokisgoodgirl
This had me having some good reminiscing moments of back when I was a Steve girly for a few months in 2015 and also deciding that Bucky's a second simp subject. Distant second, but a second nonetheless. The fact that there's even a second got me doing the Blinking Man at myself--
She is Beauty, She is Grace, She Will Stab You in the Face by @clandestineloki
The adorable dynamic between them when he caught her and saved her from tripping?? Her singing Hamilton without a care in the world? Their whole exchange in the jet after she offed 3 henchmen for hurting her mans?? I love them, your honor.
A Lesson on Behaving by @multifandom-worlds
Reader edging Loki and "suffering" the consequences? With a brief cameo from besties Nat & Wanda trying (and failing hilariously because Reader tried to go and get a snack) to hide her from said consequences? Sign me up and don't expect to be able to contact me for the next few hours because I need to recover from the smut 🥵🫠
Tom Hiddleston x Reader
Under Your Spell by @holdmytesseract
A Model AU where Reader's a photographer and she's been hired to do an underwear shoot for Calvin Klein…and Tom's tatted and pierced and--and--*melts on the spot* 🫠 Head empty all thots…that is all 😮‍💨
Bucky Barnes x Reader
shouldn't have gone by @imyourbratzdoll
This had me clutching at my heart going "why would he do this to Reader what the hell"…like no joke I needed a good few mins to start breathing right and not in the fun I just read toe curling smut way. I mean in the "If I try now I might start crying" way 🥲
Ari Levinson x Reader
Like a Broken Record by @howdoyousleep3
Ari with a plus size reader making her feel so empowered & beautiful in bed? The “I’m keeping you” vibe?! This had me 100% completely deceased when I read it while I was out doing groceries (bc y’all know me I should know better than to read smut in public but I never do and I might never will lol).
self-conscious ask by @imyourbratzdoll
This one hit me so close to home and honestly where can I get a boyfriend like this I would very much appreciate one 🥺💖
Give Me One More by @saiyanprincessswanie
This character + this trope = Ally dead in the water. Thank you and goodnight I am not available for comment at this time 🫡
Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Fall Kiss by @animnerd
Besties becoming lovers after months apart and having some fluffy wholesome fun on a pile of leaves before having their first kiss? Lemme melt in my spot real quick aaaaaa
Clark Kent/Superman x Reader
It Got Worse by @hannibals-favourite-meal
Clark being a soft lil simp for his fiance while her brother Bruce has a hilarious mix of "I'm happy their happy" and "Why did I ever set them up" is such an adorable dynamic and I need more 🥹
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Loki x Reader
rules of conduct: the checkout queue
Thomas Sharpe x Reader
the final Lady Sharpe part 2: a risky endeavor
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veinsfullofstars · 3 months
⭐ Welcome! ⭐
Henlo. Hope you’re doing well. Thanks for poppin’ by. I’m Veins, an art goblin on the internet with abnormal levels of anxiety and chronic video game brainrot, and this is my introduction post. Any updates or news on my end will be added here as well. I hope you’ll be patient with me and enjoy your visit!
(Last updated 04/20/24)
Who are you?
What an existentially upsetting question. Well, for the moment, I go by VeinsFullOfStars online, usually shortened to just Veins. I’m also toying around with Ivan or Yves, but Veins is the most preferable. Nice to meet you!
Wait, didn't you already have an account here? With the same username?
I did. I, uh, panic-deleted it in response to the data-scraping fiasco and regretted it almost immediately. As a result, you might see reblogs from the deactivated account still floating around. There is, unfortunately, nothing I can do about those unless the blogs that shared them take them down themselves (and, hey, if you happen to be one of those folks seeing this, I'd super appreciate it if you'd maybe remove the old reblog and replace it with the new one from here if you can). It's my mistake for overreacting, and now I just have to live with it. Sorry for any confusion.
What does your username mean? Where did it come from?
It’s an altered version of a pen name I used in my teen years. I’m too embarrassed to get into specifics, but just know that it comes from a place of very sincere cringe and leave it at that.
What are your preferred pronouns/gender?
Thanks for asking! I’m non-binary, and I use they/them pronouns.
How old are you?
Ancient (in my 30s).
What is your avatar supposed to be?
A goblin. Very smol, very nervous, very puntable.
What are you using this blog for?
Art, mostly. I like to draw digitally and sometimes make stuff with yarn. I've also been writing since I could hold a pencil (though I don’t have much finished, so art will be the main focus for now). Also, expect a lot of reblogs, shitposts, and/or silence between posts - I am a simple hobbyist with a lot of brain nonsense and IRL hurdles. I’ll do my best to post with some regularity, of course, but - again - I hope you’ll be patient with me if things go quiet from time to time.
What are your interests?
I love stories. I love characters. I love folks who can weave whole worlds with nothing but words on a page or color on a canvas. I grew up on fantasy novels, short horror stories, and late ‘90s/early ’00s animation. I learned to appreciate slice-of-life and slow-burn romance much later. Mythology and folklore also slaps, and I wonder sometimes if I should’ve majored in psychology instead of lib arts. My playlists are nothing but video game OSTs with a little heavy metal and j-rock sprinkled in for flavor. I sold my soul to Nintendo years ago, but sometimes I find indie darlings to fall in love with for a time. Dogs are adorable little menaces, and I love them all with my whole chest. Cats are okay, and I am allergic to them. (Does that answer the question? I think I lost track towards the end there…)
Any current hyperfixations?
Tons, but the biggest ones at the moment are Kirby, Hollow Knight, and Paper Mario. More nebulous interests include (in no particular order) Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky, Rain World, Stardew Valley, most Soulsborne titles, Hades, Darkest Dungeon, Good Omens, The Legend of Zelda, Undertale/Deltarune, OFF, The Binding of Isaac, Ace Attorney, Animal Crossing, The Magnus Archives, Sonic the Hedgehog, and countless more. When I say “multifandom,” I mean it, homie.
Do you have any other social media?
Just this and an AO3 account. So, if you see my name anywhere but these two places, it’s probably not me. For now, Tumblr will be the best place to keep up-to-date with my stuff. If anything changes, I’ll let y’all know here.
Do you have a list of tags you use on your posts?
I tag things obsessively, but I’ll try to sort out the most relevant/unique ones I use here:
#veins art - for any art I’ve made (chrono link)
#veins old art - for reposts of older art I made before moving to Tumblr (Note: these posts are here for archival purposes and may not reflect my current style/interests.)
#veins sketches - for any of my unrendered doodles/sketch dumps
#veins ocs - for art I’ve made featuring my original characters/stories
#veins fanart - for art I’ve made featuring characters from other IPs
#veins writes - for any written works I’ve made
#veins ships - for any posts (reblogs included) featuring romantic pairings; I will also try to include specific pairings as “#(blank) x (blank)” and/or any ship names
#veins rambles - for random thoughts/text posts
#veins in dream land - for any rambles/headcanons about the Kirby series specifically
#veins answers - for any of my responses to asks sent in (chrono link)
#veins reblogs - for anything I reblog, obviously
#kirbtober 2023 - for my Kirbtober 2023 art specifically (chrono link)
#childhood friends au - for art from my Kirby AU where Dedede and Meta Knight first met as kids (masterpost | chrono link)
#kintsugi au - for art from my Kirby AU centered around the Mirror World, the Wave 2 gang, and the Darkroach ship - warning: contains angst and some suggestive content (masterpost | chrono link)
I’ll update this with new tags if/when they pop up. Anything else will have generic tags to fit the context of the post. I also mark trigger warnings with tags like “#(blank) tw” if necessary.
What do you use to make your art?
For digital art, I use Clip Studio Paint and a Wacom Intuos Pro S drawing tablet (that I'm pretty sure I've had since high school). I don’t draw traditionally as much anymore, but, when I do, it’s usually just quick sketches with pencil and paper. For writing, I use TextEdit or whatever generic rich text editing software I can find. For crafting, I use yarn and plastic canvas.
What brushes do you use?
For sketching and linework, I generally use the Wick Pencil from the 8 Particle Pencil catalog made by saturns_day. For flats and rendering, I use the default CSP hard round brush, airbrush, and G-pen. For effects and extras (clouds, textures, sparkles, etc.), I use default effects brushes or whatever I can find from the CSP Asset Shop.
Can I share your work through reblogs? And are tags okay?
Of course! Reblogs are absolutely fine and always encouraged. I’m also fine with tags as well (though I ask that you not mark anything as a ship unless I’ve marked it as such on the original post - look for the tag #veins ships if you’re ever unsure).
Can I repost/use your work for my own personal/commercial use?
Absolutely not. While I am always in support of creators inspiring each other with our works and endeavors, that does not mean anyone should engage in art theft (intentional or otherwise). Under no circumstances may you repost, reupload, reproduce, copy, trace, modify, sell, use, tokenize, scrape/integrate into A*I, and/or otherwise claim as your own any of my art/written works. Never assume a piece of art shared online in yours for the taking - that is someone else’s hard work and passion, and you need to respect that.
Can I dub one of your comics?
As flattering as that would be, I worry about lack of credit or my work being stolen for others’ content, so I sadly have to say no.
Why is there a big watermark on your art?
The state of the internet today has made me extremely paranoid about things like art theft, bad-faith reposts, nonconsensual integration, etc., so I make sure to sign and WM anything original I post. I know it’s not exactly fun to look at (maybe even distracting or bad for engagement), but I’d rather be safe than sorry, so I guess I’ll just have to take that hit.
Do you have an askbox? Can we send in questions/comments/etc.?
Yes, the ask box is currently open, and I'm more than happy to receive any questions, comments, etc. you guys might have (even if it makes me a bit nervous, haha)! I just ask that you read the rules first before you submit anything.
Do you take requests/commissions/suggestions/collabs/etc.?
Sadly, I do not take art requests or suggestions unless I put out a specific call for them. I'm also not really in a position to take commissions either. Collabs I'm on the fence about - maybe with mutuals or folks I know personally.
Is this an inclusive space?
Of course! This queer little goblin accepts everyone under the LGBTQIA+ umbrella, along with folks of all shapes, sizes, backgrounds, disabilities, and colors. That said, there will be absolutely no tolerance for (inhale) racism, sexism, transphobia, queerphobia, xenophobia, misogyny/misandry, bigotry of any kind, ableism, p***philia, inc*st, selfc*st, z**philia, RPF, trolling behavior, self-promotion, the promotion of N*FTs or A*I art, or any otherwise harmful, toxic, or hurtful rhetoric. Anyone seen behaving as such will be blocked, reported, and forgotten. :)
Is this an all-ages space?
Hmm… I’m gonna have to say no. While I probably won’t be posting/sharing anything too lewd or graphic, I’m not opposed to things like swearing, angst, fluff bordering on suggestive, and discussions of mature subject matter (all of which I will make sure to tag with content warnings as necessary). Obviously, I can’t police everyone who wanders into this blog, especially since some people omit or lie about their ages online, so the best I can do is ask for good faith on your part. If you are under 18, interact at your own risk. The last thing I want is to make anyone (myself included) uncomfortable because there are kids in an adult-allocated space. Again, I hope you understand.
What is your stance on shipping?
The vernacular around pro- or anti-shipping confuses the hell out of me, so I’ll just try to explain my personal philosophy on it: I have ships I like, ones I’m indifferent to, and ones I won’t touch with a ten-foot pole. I only reblog (and tag) ship-related content I’m in support of, even if it’s not one of my personal favorites. Most importantly, I don’t bother others about their personal preferences. Anything I don’t like or don’t support, I simply do not engage with. Or, if it makes me too uncomfortable, I block outright. The same should apply to your experience as well - if you ever see ship stuff here that you don’t like, feel free to block the tags (look for specific pairings, ship names, and/or my personal tag #veins ships) or even the blog entirely. You are not obligated to like the things I like or engage with media you don’t enjoy. Respect for each other and curation of your personal online space is always key. Additionally, I 100% will not ship minors, blood relations, self x self, anything relating to b*stiality, or anything relating to RPF.
Are you okay?
No, not even a little bit... but fuck it, we keep going.
Why do you put a comma before the “and” in a sequence of three or more words?
You can take my Oxford comma away from me when I’m cold, dead, and rotting in the dirt.
Is there anything else?
Nah, I think we’re good for now. Thanks for taking the time to read all this. Hope it wasn’t too rambly or weird - just trying to cover all my bases. I hope you all have a lovely timezone out there, wherever you are. Be sure to wash your hands, wear your mask, and stay hydrated. Remember to be strong, be safe, and, for the love of dog, be kind. Peace!
-Veins (originally posted 08/07/23, reposted 02/29/24, updated as of 04/20/24)
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weedburglar · 4 months
Heeeeyyy y’all sorry I haven’t really been active but I just haven’t had the desire/motivation to post let alone get on tumblr
I’m going to be making my account a multifandom account. Of course I’d still post/reblog stuff about Matt and Trey but I’ve just been into more stuff lately and I’d love to be able to post about those on here
With that in mind I have updated my about me pinned on my account
I’d be happy if y’all stuck around too see the rest of what my blog becomes to be :)
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goddamnitdazai · 2 years
With twitter going down I’m probably going to archive this blog and start a new one with multifandom writing. When/if this happens I’ll let y’all know.
It’s been awhile but I’m still writing and deeply in my bsd brainrot plus other shows now.
I’ll drop an @ if I end up going through with it.
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gggoldfinch · 1 year
Hi yes obligatory personal update for those of you who follow me for Ghost content!!!:
I’m posting this as a preemptive apology, as Cemetery Gates chapter uploads will become sparse and/or cease for the time being. This is happening for several reasons, the primary of which being, I can feel myself losing motivation to continue writing it. I’ve learned the hard way not to force content when I’m no longer motivated to write for a specific work, so I’m not gonna risk fumbling something as dear to me (and many of you) as Cemetery Gates. It’s a shock I even got this far, considering there’s no definitive plot. Admittedly I also feel my hyperfixation focus shifting, as it usually does every 5-6 months after a seriously long period of fixation, like I’ve had with Ghost. It’s a cycle that I can predict now, which is slightly bizarre, but I’m getting off topic. This doesn’t mean I’m not still a diehard fan of Ghost/ won’t interact with your content anymore! I’m just not hyperfixated like I was in previous months, and may drop off in as active of engagement/ will start posting more multifandom geared things. Idk why I’m explaining this, y’all know how it works.
I’m also currently going through a very difficult time with school, so my emotional/ creative energy has kinda been rerouted, which sucks a lot (tldr: my school is going under and is currently bulldozing my department as a result, I’m actively losing staff support because the profs I’m very close to were fired, and I am fighting tooth and nail to graduate early and get the hell out of dodge). As a result of this my mental health has also been teetering on the edge of not great, so I’ve been taking comfort in older interests and fresh exciting things. Anyway— I say my creative energy has been “rerouted” and not “entirely depleted,” because I do feel some minuscule spark of creativity left, but it’s not focused on Cemetery Gates, unfortunately. Though, I don’t imagine I’d have a lot of time to write much of anything this semester either way, considering how loaded my academic schedule is.
Anyway, I just figured I’d update you all on where I’m at rn, and apologize to those of you who are readers of my darling little Cemetery Gates fic and were looking forward to more. I’m not saying this is the end of it—though if it were to be the end, I think I left it off on a fairly satisfactory note—just that it may be going on a little hiatus for now. At least until I get my juices flowing again, or until my brain decides to revert back into a hardcore Ghost hyperfixation again. Or, if it’s eons from now and the motivation never returned, then I’ll wash my hands of it and mark it finished. Such is the life of a fanfiction author I suppose.
Love y’all, thank you for the continued support— and as always, feel free to shoot me an ask about whatever!
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sc11vb · 7 months
Guess what …?!
You guessed it - Chapter Twelve of Home is Wherever I’m With You is up!!!! And YOU are going to read it, because YOU want to know what happens to Kaz and Inej in THE LATEST CHAPTER of MY fanfic!!!!
What are you waiting for????
See y’all there!!
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stephdrawsjohnlock · 1 year
Fandom Trumps Hate 2023
Tumblr media
Looking for a scene drawn for your story? A piece to help inspire you to write a fic? How about covers for your story with full print-ready Graphic Design service? Maybe a pinup, or some trading cards (up to 10)?? Maybe a gift for someone, or just your vision of a character(s) (up to 3 character sheets) for your AU?
Well, that’s just some of the stuff I’m willing to offer for this year’s @fandomtrumpshate​​ Charity Event! FTH is a WONDERFUL community project that supports amazing non-profits through donations for fanworks via  this wonderful annual event!
I am participating for my fourth year by offering 2 fanarts for y’all in either the BBC Sherlock, Good Omens, or Our Flag Means Death fandoms, starting at 25$ for the non-profit of your choice!
Here are some past FTH pieces I’ve done, if you’re interested in getting a custom art piece from me:
GO - :FTH 2020 – Lagniappe for Big_Edies_Sun_Hat:
GO - :FTH 2020 BONUS – Réveillon for Big_Edies_Sun_Hat:
SH - :This Year: (FTH #1 for @discordantwords​​)
SH - :Burlesque Johnlock: (FTH #2 for @ohlooktheresabee​)
SH – :A Quiet Moment: (FTH #1 for @totallysilvergirl)
SH – :Against the Wall: (FTH #2 for @anarfea)
And of course, you can browse all my art to see my range:
stephdrawsfanart on Instagram
@stephratte​​ (Primary Multifandom Art ​Blog)
stephratte on deviantART
I will draw any ship from any of the above fandoms. All my work is done as a hi-res 12x12 print-ready piece in CMYK or RGB in Procreate. Traditional media (markers, India ink, and pencils) is also available if you prefer, done on illustration or marker paper at the paper’s size, with the option of acquiring the original if you choose. I will also do it at a requested size if you have a preferred format for something specific. Feel free to DM me if you have any questions.
The browsing begins on Feb. 26, and the bidding opens on March 1! I hope I once again get a chance to do a couple fantastic pieces for y’all!! I love doing this so much, so keep an eye out for my info post soon once it’s official!
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meeowerzz · 2 years
sorry this’ll come off blunt/possibly pissy but just letting y’all know I’ll be more multifandom than anything for awhile.
I made my stance on everything pretty clear on twt (I don’t like dream, I haven’t in awhile and won’t wont ever in the future- do not associate me with that) but still a fan of other mcyts
like I don’t plan on leaving the fandom or anything I’m just gonna be a dorky guything who draws whatever and is a boober :thumbsup;,, just distancing myself for a bit from dsmp until I feel better ab everything then will go back to my blorbo posting.
tldr: fuck dream + is gonna geek out over homestuck for a bit until I am comfortable drawing dsmp characters again (benchtrio, tntduo, sbi etc)
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About Me
Hello all!  So I’ve gained a lot of new followers recently so I thought I would just sort of...give y’all a little break down about me.
Hi!  I’m Sass.  I’m 24 years old and I’m currently getting my master’s in Forensic Investigative Science.  Most people call me Sass but you’re allowed to call me whatever you want, honestly.  If you have a nickname you wanna give me, go for it.  I will hoard it like a dragon hoards gold
This blog is a hodgepodge of everything that I love but mainly I post/talk about Killer and Healer (hence the username).  Hell, I practically run the Killer and Healer fandom here on tumblr but that’s because these fucking idiots have gripped my heart and have refused to let go.  But this blog is multifandom, so you’ll find other dramas on here as well (and anything else that catches my fancy).
I do also liveblog a lot of the dramas that I watch, so if you like watching me scream and lose my fucking mind in posts, then this is definitely the blog for you.  Also, whenever I finish dramas, I always give my honest opinions of them at the end so you’ll know if the drama is worth watching (it’s how I’ve gotten a lot of my friends to watch shit).  Also, all dramas that I’ve finished and enjoyed will be on my Drama/Movie Masterlist with links to the dramas so y’all can enjoy them too!
I am also a writer and do headcanons.  I mainly write for Killer and Healer, but you can find what fandoms I write for over here.  My ao3 is linked in my blog, but you can find it here.  Writing is a big passion of mine, so you will probably see me talking about the random ideas that pop into my head every now and then or you will see me talking about new fic ideas.  Also, I’m currently working on probably the largest WIP ever, 恨君不似江楼月 | Killer and Healer.  It’s a rewrite of the drama Killer and Healer because the ending was bullshit and I took it upon myself to give us all the happy ending we (and the characters) fucking deserve. 
My ask box and DMs are always open if you want to talk about whatever, my blog is a safe space for everyone, and there is no judgement here.  HOWEVER, if you’re a TERF, queerphobic, a pedophile, or anything like that, you are not welcome here and I will not hesitate to fucking block your ass; do not try me
Don’t be afraid to tag me in things or mention me in stuff because I love seeing things and being included (and I will do my best to include you all in things).  It makes my day knowing that people think of me or have included me in things.
Also, if you see me on tumblr at like…bizarre ass times of the day, it’s because my sleep schedule is fucked (and has been pretty much since freshman year of high school) so I can’t properly sleep until like 1-2 am, which is not really healthy, but eh *shrugs* 
But yeah, that’s a little bit about me!  Enjoy my blog, welcome, and thank you for following!
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yeeyee123 · 1 year
Just posted chapter 5 of the loneliness in worth, my young Tim & Damian LoS AU! I think y’all are really going to enjoy this one, as we have a major special guest appearance!
“Tim competes in the tournament and wrestles with recent events.”
Thank you to everyone who has supported me and this fic thus far! The reception has been incredible and I’m having such a blast sharing this with you. We’re nearing the end!
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nickywhoisi · 2 years
Oh snap it’s Nick’s post!
So this has been a long time coming, and I know I should have done this EONS ago, but I decided that this blog needs a header post about me for everyone seeing me for the first time. I think the intro I had up there is actually rather...bad, not so helpful, a little sketch, and maybe even a little worrying to someone uninitiated. So I ought to fix that.
-My name is Nicholas, and I prefer to go by Nick, but Nicky has also happened and I don’t mind it too much, being in my username and all.
-I am nonbinary, they/them pronouns, and only that. I have a pretty sore spot about this, being misgendered irl all the time... and so I am pretty strict about getting pronouns right and picking one exclusively for myself. I just really want to distance myself from being forced into femininity that I can’t even begin to tell you I don’t have. I don’t know what’s wrong with people out there! I don’t understnd why they can’t stop looking at the exterior skin and know that there’s a real identity here.
-I am just about to be 30! Wowee! And I am smashed up so much from traumatic life experiences, I don’t feel a day over 2! How am I not dead?! Hooray eternal youth! ...Well, yeah, y’got me. I can’t even pretend that this is okay. I really am sometimes oscillating between frames of mind that do not reflect my age, if there is even a guideline for that. The truth is, I have never had healthy human relationships or “object constancy/permanence” to know what a stable person acting precisely like the age range they are is supposed to be like, and it’s been nearly 30 years. I don’t think I’ll ever get to know how to solve this problem. So what’s left? Just that I am a personchild who suffers way too many emotional and psychological traumas, and needs to be treated so meticulously careful, but has a real big heart and got a lot of sagely fandom wisdom and life experiences to share, to anyone who would care to listen. That’s why I’m so strangely knowledgeable, yet immature and unsure about things all at once. I can only hope that’s fine or that you at least understand what’s up with me, because I can’t change this...and believe me, I’ve been trying. Frankly, it’s the concept of change that got me into all this mess, SO DO NOT EVER BRING UP THE TOPIC OF CHANGE TO ME PLEASE AND THANK YOU. 8) My blog is part of the Eternal Domain of Inazuma, get it?
-I am a multifandom blog! I had no idea that I had to specify this until perusing other blogs! I just thought it became clear by post variety. See how weird and old fashioned I’ve become? I didn’t think it would happen to me, but here we are, and it will happen to you too! get ready for that one kiddums. In any case, here are all of the fandoms and series in general that I’m into, though I have already posted a lot of trains. Did I mention I’m on the autism spectrum+adhd? Maybe even a bit bpd/schizo? Yes, very fun.
-Sometimes I am ultra fun, in a good mood and approachable, but sometimes I go entirely in reverse, depending on my general mood or if something outside of tumblr has occurred. I am sorry. This will likely be hard to follow, and the last thing I want is to make enemies out of friends over any amount of misunderstandings, but following a healthy routine, knowing what I’m comfortable with at all times, and trusting other people understand and know the same thing, and then above all getting to experience behaviour that feels right, is very important to me. I will do my very best to announce my state of being ahead of time so y’all will know, and hopefully the transitions will be smooth. In a less-than-this situation, I can’t really know what to do beyond freaking out and maybe bailing, so...the bottom point may give you better help to know how to handle me. I’m so sorry...
-I am severely damaged goods, and become a neurotic mess when attempting social interaction of all kinds, even here, because I have suffered a giant terrible history of unhealthy relationships, and while I know who I am and where I stand on things, life insists on only bringing dangerous, unhealthy, unprocessably unstable types my way to make my ability to reach my goal that much harder. It’s almost getting too unbearable for words, and I have been thinking of quitting people altogether. But if I did that. I know I would never reach the life goal I’ve always wanted; of having a stable group of friends who stick with me lifelong. That’s all I want, what everyone else I look at from afar seems to have. Yet life insists that hatred stubs my toes over and over again, and each repetitive pattern of trying so hard, getting so close, only to reach a disquieting change and leaves me rejected and failing is too much to go through. I can’t tell who even wants me anymore, and this has eaten away at me for my entire life. I can no longer tell if there’s anyone in the world at all who cares that I exist and wants me to be alive and happy, wants to be my friend for real and then continue to be so, or if people hate me for knowing myself so well and demanding that I get my fair treatment that I was promised my entire life. I have had enough of being the tossed-away outsider of my own life, and I aim to collect. I don’t want to put in the effort anymore just for someone else to make me fail at having this very thing that I, as a human, was supposed to have eons ago to be healthy. I don’t want to keep trying to open up just to be made to feel like I should regret doing so...it’s sick, cruel unusual punishment that I have never deserved to go through. And if I’m bothering to stay alive instead of (still wondering if I should really) ending it all, I expect to not be made to go alone. I am sick to death of being forced, bottlenecked into failure that is not even mine to experience when I know, after wasting my entire youth learning about it, I did all the right things that are considered normal and rational, never once diverging from my path. (what I mean is, I could maybe count on my fingers the few times I was truly responsible for a failure in my life, but the longer list actually comes from other people just...being a roadblock on my path? Being the one to come up with some insane, arbitrary excuse to just put a stop to my trajectory? To abruptly end the progress I go to war everyday just to begin?! do you see why I am concaved under so many mental issues that I am eternally complaining? really hope somebody’s paying attention instead of just reading...!) I do not like being alone, and I’ve been crying everyday since I’ve been effectively thrown out from my own comfortable life and forced into...this super-nightmare isolation. I’m an extrovert with introvert needs. Can you believe I’m actually an extrovert first, even when all of my other traits point otherwise? So all of that is where I need your assistance. I am horrifically broken to the point where I’ve been conditioned that “help” is actually an opening for someone else to “harm” instead. This is actually what I’ve experienced more of than anything that is normally expected. It is insane. I need you to retrain me on what it means to healthily interact, to know if and who actually cares about me beyond myself, to relearn everything on how people are supposed to behave and carry themselves around one another. Because I am still, after all this time, needing to learn that from someone trustworthy. I am trying to reply on you to be my “teacher” in this way, but as fair warning, I am already expecting the worst; I expect failure, dismay, peril, trauma, the works. I beg you, find a way to prove all of this wrong.
-I have a vast variety of interests, way too many words to describe it all, far too little time to do so, and an unbelievable amount of raw passion driving my interests...into a canyon. *pixel explosion effect* You’ll have to wait with bated breath to see just what topics I like the most, what things I have to say the most about, and even the things I don’t like/have interest in I have a lot to say on. I’m basically an infodump truck. Get ready for that lol
Will continually update this post to add other tidbits to know about me, as it is getting a bit tiring to type out already, and I need to make a fandom post list too. So all in all, I ask for careful trepidation so things aren’t unpleasant, and I have a dangerous amount of issues that I am working hard to solve, but inbetween that, I want to come off as a very positive, dedicated, reliable, and more trusting individual for for you to hang out with, share in the entertainment, and have a great time with. I don’t want to be just another one of the unstables, I want to regain my past stability in fact. And above all, I simply HAVE to do my part to make the world a happy safe place like I’ve always wanted. I’ve spent too long ruminating on everything, especially how much it doesn’t seem like the world is at all happy or safe. But I keep seeing hints and glimmers of proof that it could be, and we only need to exemplify that ourselves. Put in the work and do, not wish. We need to become what we want. I want to be the proof that good and justice wins over all evil in reality. Looks like I always take one the way-too-hard challenges...but I didn’t say it was impossible. And that hero’s optimism isn’t just shallow hope to be broken later, either. It’s not fake pleasantry. If there really are evil villains in our reality, right now, in this absolutely insane time period, doing all sorts of evil things that we only learned about through our favourite series, then that can only mean...
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*Bursts Through the Doors Looking Like I Just Dug My Way out of My Own Grave* I LIVE!!!!
First off, let me apologize for the months of silence and the lack of filled requests. I’ve been going through some extreme burn out lately, and I’ve finally got the energy back to begin posting on here again, though I’ll be making some temporary changes.
Now I know this is going to make some people mad, but I’m not going to be doing Fate requests for a while. I made this a multifandom blog to try and keep myself from getting burnt out from writing for the same fandom over and over again, and the exact opposite of what I wanted ended up happening. The other fandoms I love writing for got ignored and my inbox got filled with nothing but Fate. So we’re putting those on pause for a bit. I’ve gotten screenshots of the requests so they’re going to be lost, they’re just going to be filled a lot later than anyone would like it.
Again, I know most of you are going to be mad about that. 99% of you follow me for Fate stuff.
I’ll be getting to answering the non-request stuff that’s been sitting in my inbox that is Fate related, since technically those were conversations and brainstorming sessions and not requests.
Also, I’ll be having a horror event going on during October. Through the entire month of October (and October only) I’ll be taking Yandere/Horror related requests. Things will be properly tagged, and I’ll also be using a unique tag for each of the posts so you can just block the event all together if you want. Figured I’d warn people now instead of just dropping in on y’all on October 1st.
Anyways, that’s all for the moment. I’m alive, and I’m doing fine in theory. 
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