#I’m gonna get a tatt of the cage gardens bad
zeebreezin · 20 days
A conversation I had earlier has left me thinking about Shaw & his growing affinity for the Great Game and like, why he’s ended up involved in it in the first place. Part of it comes from the link between studying languages and making/breaking codes & ciphers, but as for character motivations it’s actually one of the few times that Shaw isn’t doing things for like, all the wrong reasons imo. Shaw’s a fundamentally guilty character, not just because he ran away from his family to do all this in the Neath, but because he’s very aware that he has a significantly better life then he ever would’ve on the surface. All this knowledge, the security, the influence, the money, these are things he never could have dreamed of before. And so in order to mitigate some of that guilt, he plays the game for the marginalized, for the revolution, for change. He puts his money, his newfound skills, his newfound power, back into playing Black with the hope that somehow, someway, it will make things a little bit better for the people he left behind.
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chromatic-lamina · 4 years
law and robin brotp fanfic excerpt
Again, from a longer darker multi-chaptered piece, though the excerpt isn’t dark. The below is a T-rating at the most. The fic isn’t though, so I won’t link. This is a post-canon world where Luffy is the pirate king. Law is recovering at Robin’s from Doflamingo menace. Benn is a lawyer in this post-canon world. The content fairly light. The Franky joke is an ongoing thing throughout this story. This scene is set before the (platonic) lawbin I posted previously. Enjoy (but excuse the shitty graphics. Sorry).
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It was just as well she knew him so well. He smelled of grass, sun and the aftertaste of fear; the sting of anger, and the warmth of protection as the neighbour's two year old dog snuggled into the crook of his arm and rested his snout on his chest. 
The dog lifted his head and sneezed twice, spraying Robin with canine snot, before lowering his jaw flat onto Law again.
Robin was pushed up against Law's shoulder on the grass. He'd shambled her there as she'd stepped out to hang clothes on the line, deciding to do it herself rather than using her fruit. Now her fruit was busy though, sorting through the pegs, and colour-coding them to the garments. She should've just engaged it in the first place. The work ethic was overrated.
"He's sorry," Law said, scritching the pup's hard head.
Robin looked across at the dog, so at ease on the surgeon's chest, so unaware that there was anything wrong with sneezing all over her.
"No he's not."
Law smiled into the sun.
"And neither are you," she added.
Law loosened his jaw. He couldn't get too warm on this day. As much sun as he soaked up, he needed more.
"Comfortable there, Nico-ya?" He freed his arm from between them, the other loosely on the pup, and folded it around her shoulders. "You find my company distasteful?"
"What would Franky say?" she asked. Law's shirt had the faint scent of cigarettes. He smoked when he was stressed, otherwise he preferred rollies packed with leaf. A mild buzz. On occasion.
"Robo-ya and I are in an open relationship," Law murmured. "I don't think he'd mind."
Relief prickled through her like the lawn pushing against her blouse. He still had it. Could still joke, step beyond everything that the media, Doflamingo, his own psyche, damned him by.
"You gonna survive this one, Flevance?"
Law looked up at the sky. A clear beautiful blue, not a cloud in sight. He could be hopeful on days like this. Doflamingo was all about entrance and show. No clouds to lasso eased air flow. "Yeah." The dog let out a small growl as Law changed position. He patted its fur absently.
Robin's fruit hands finished hanging the clothes. She set them to work picking up fallen leaves. Dumped them in the garden bag against the fence. 
 She lifted her fingers to his warm hand draping her shoulder. Inked fingers slinked through her own. "He almost killed you, Law. Being poorly judged by the town when he's ensured you're a pariah seems light punishment."
He ran his thumb over the mound of her wrist. Didn't answer. Doflamingo had almost killed him.  He loosened his grip and sat up, looking down at his friend, her dark hair spread over the grass, a spare hand shielding her eyes from the sun.
"What're you doing lounging down there? Didn't you have work to do?"
Since Law was up the dog was too. He wandered with a far too enthusiastic swing of his tail to Robin and licked her cheek. She sprouted a few hands and held the pup's wriggly hips, the appendage shading her forehead dispersing.
"Don't break his ribs."
As if.
"Whaddya call that hold?"
"Soothing the savage beast." She calmed the dog and Law's lap looked as good as any bed to lie in. It clumsily tripped over and lay down again.
"Sleepy, little fella?" The surgeon flicked the ears, velvet like a tanned animal hide, between his fingers. The dog shook his head in a twitchy muddle.
Robin had seen him tease Bepo the same way.
"Guess I'll run," he said.
She sighed.
"Fight?" He didn't know why he was playing for Robin's approval. He glanced her way a second.
"You shouldn't have to."
"You have to ask?"
Law leaned backwards, his arms behind him. "I'm a doctor. Really hate taking life."
"Seems you're the only one who remembers that."
Law glanced disinterestedly at his upper arms. "Think it's the tatts that do it? Scream serial killer to you?"
"Murderous thug. Sewer rat. Something like that. Yeah."
"Thieving magpie?"
"You're giving magpies a bad name."
"True, they're beautiful birds." He straightened, ran his thumbnail across a bottom incisor. Liked to reassure himself of the thickness, the tactility of being. "Think I should change careers, assassin?"
"You want to be one or you insulting me?"
"Praising, Nico-ya. I only hang out with the best."
"We'll help, you know. Everyone will help."
"And then when Luffy lets them off with a pardon?"
"Don't talk with your mouthful."
Law removed his thumb, repeated himself. Wiped his hand on his jeans leg.
Ah yeah, maybe not everyone could be redeemed, she thought.
"Legal process?" Law asked.
"There's few better."
Clutched. Law only imagined that word when he removed hearts and when he'd seen Robin use the technique to break necks. Twinge. Was twinge a better word? Something below the sternum twinged. Benn's cigarette shroud, swaggering flintlock, and easy confidence. His skyrocket intellect. His confidence in Law. He'd been skirting the idea of contacting him.
"Shanks and Benn helped out before." Not that he wanted to drag himself through the cesspit of memory he'd fled to find protection.
Robin knew.  "Law."
"Mmm?" His back was sore. He tipped to his side, head on his elbow, spilling the dog onto the lawn again. It scratched at the ground and ambled next door, back home, tail lazily wagging. Law patted at the dust kicked onto his thigh.
"Remember at Punk Hazard, Caesar squeezing your heart and..."
"Hurt like a motherfucker."
"But you survived it. Pretty easily."
"Hah. You shoulda seen the after-party with Vergo. If Smoker hadn't returned it dunno how things would've gone."
"But you tackled all that, you did all that, your art installation, screwing with Smoker's crew, screwing with our crew, taking on Vergo, without a freaking heart. You sliced up those yeti monsters, got us out of that cage. And it was hollow in here." She tapped her own chest.
"You getting metaphorical on me?"
"You and Zoro are the gold medalists of ennui, we get that. But neither of you are lacking here." She thumped her chest again.
"Neither Zoro nor I are anywhere near as well-endowed." Law rolled onto his back again.
"Fool. You been hanging out with Sanji and Brook?"
"Those nosebleeds of his are fascinating." He placed his hand on his body and felt the steady ba-da-boom behind his bazoomless chest. "There are limits to my powers, but yeah, they're pretty awesome."
"Fight them. Whichever way. Nowadays it doesn't have to be blood and guts. Don't let them get away with it. 
"Call Benn."
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