pollyperks · 1 year
so luz went from the girl at school failing her classes with no friends, completely misunderstood by her teachers, other kids, her mom even, to the girl with friends for life (and an awesome girlfriend) who has half the people on the boiling isles show up for her quinceañera because turns out she's a hero and she's found the place she belongs and is understood and completely loved for who she is
willow went from miserable, bullied girl who didn't believe she could do anything right and tried to make herself so small to a natural team leader and complete girlboss (with a cute boyfriend) who just...oozes confidence in everything that she is, there is no way you can look at her and believe people once dared to call her half-a-witch and if anyone did now she could take them to the cleaners except she couldn't care less and the rest of the hexsquad would do it for her anyway
gus went from the kid who didn't think he could do anything right to a confident teacher who gets to show students his passion for the human realm (and he can pop in and out all the time which is the dream!) and being a prodigy is really a gift now, not something that sets him apart and makes him a target but instead an awesome teacher who can empathize with students having a hard time and is just plain cool on top of all that as he teaches them not to eat paperclips
amity went from one dimensional mean girl actually desperately trying to earn her parents' approval to wild, adventure seeking author who made up for who she was, cut ties with her emotionally abusive mother and terrible friends, has a close relationship with her dad now plus the best friends ever (byeeee boscha), and also has an awesome girlfriend as she travels all over the isles doing exactly what she wants with no one controlling her
and wow okay hunter went from the golden guard who obeyed belos' every order out of the insane desire to be needed and special without realizing if he messed up belos was literally growing his replacement because he was always just a copy of someone belos both hated but couldn't let go of haha that's dark to being just hunter who has guardians he doesn't have to flinch away from and tons of friends and he gets to carve palismen just how he wanted and his girlfriend could definitely bench press him and he'll always remember the first friend who ever found him (chose him!!) and saved his life in so many ways THE HEXSQUAD IS SO GOOD I JUST!!!!!!!
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scarstarved · 4 months
peak sibling behavior.
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Doctor Who + Reductress Headlines (9/?)
The Power of the Doctor trailer edition. I finally made myself watch and holy shit y’all, I’m not ready for this.
+ Bonus, in case you’re wondering how I’m feeling right now
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marthaskane · 1 year
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STARGIRL (2020-2022) ↳ Season Three
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themynock · 3 months
listening to the Firefly episodes next because I LOVE FIREFLY and then I'll finally get to evil campaign and then THAT'S IT I GUESS....
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bunnakit · 6 months
Bake Me Please is very quickly becoming one of my favorite currently airing shows and here's why (no one asked, I know.)
We have a lot of really, really heavy shows going on right now. Just for the ones I'm currently watching, Last Twilight is so packed with so many emotions while The Sign is throwing us into this deeply intriguing plot. Playboyy is chaos incarnate embroiled in a larger complex mystery and Pit Babe is... well, more mystery and some angst I suppose. Cooking Crush has a lot of goofy elements (I haven't seen ep 2 yet, today has been packed) and does offer some comedic relief but it does this with a certain high level of energy.
So what does Bake Me Please have to do with this?
Bake Me Please is soft, it's gentle and warm and not unlike having a warm comforting little pastry in the middle of an overwhelming schedule. It's a brief little reprieve from all these heavy emotions, thoughts, energy, chaos, etc. It's just a show showing you how people can be united through a mutual love of something, and how food is very often a mutual love that brings people together. Shin and Peach's romance might seem complicated but it's really not. They fall in love in a way that makes it look easy, like two pieces fitting together that were just waiting for each other. Peach's grandmother's love and passion for baking set them each on their paths early in life and those paths were almost assuredly always destined to cross.
I love Bake Me Please for the warm embrace it is at the end of a long week of heavy, hard hitting shows that leave me a little exhausted mentally and I really encourage everyone to give it a shot. Is it the best story in the world? No, it's fine. But it's gentle and beautiful (and ugh the food is so pretty, the cinematography is so good, and Shin, Peach, and Guy have my entire heart.)
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I can't even begin to explain how much I loved this series and how much it meant to me. I have been fond of TayNew since I started watching thai series and was beyond excited when they came back and a new series was announced. As happy as I was, I couldn't begin to imagine how perfect it would be. While I'm a fan I had my doubts too, it was a great challenge, but they proved me and a lot of people wrong. They literally did everything right, not only on the finale but through the whole run. Almost every scene felt spot on.
These three months saturdays with Cherry Magic were my comfort zone, made me cry with happiness, get chills, feel cosy, and seen. Made me remember kindness and growth exist and that all of us are capable of love and deserve to be loved, even if we feel small and invisible sometimes. And I'm grateful to all the crew for that, for making a series so well done all those messages were able to come across so beautifully.
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Indulge me if you will, but here are the things I'm thankful for about Crash Course in Romance/Ilta Scandal.
There are a lot reviews for this show about what could have worked and what they didn't get right. I will get to that since I'm only human but before all that, CCIR/Ilta Scandal team, thank you so much.
-Thank you for giving Jung Kyungho the lead that he has said is the closest to his heart which even his gf, Choi Sooyoung, have said. For giving him a character that showcased his range and his undeniable charm. He's been under the radar for far too long. Which I actually didn't realise because he steals the scene for whenever he is on in all the shows I've seen of him so far. He actually first caught my eye from that random cameo he has from the 1st episode of Crash Landing on You (is the title fate or just a Netflix marketing ploy?)
-Thank you for introducing me to Jeon Do Yeon. I'm not korean but I read that a lot of the actors/actresses in SoKor chose Jeon Do Yeon as their acting influence. She is a fire that won't be extinguished. She put a credibility and strength in Nam Haengseon's character that I cannot imagine anyone else playing her. But, she was also so good in her art that I could clearly see Nam Haengseon brought to life by how the writer/director intended it. I am definitely going to watch anything that she's on right now.
-Thank you for showcasing a love story between people who were middle-aged and are in a moment in their lives where they didn't think that they deserved any change. Who were used to how equally mundane and chaotic their lives were. I loved that while the title cards represented the whole theme of the episode, it was pretty much focused on the development of Chiyeol and Haengseon's relationship. It was playful and thematic but also had actually really good meanings behind them. Someday, I'll get to writing an analysis on the title cards.
-Thank you for also not highlighting Chiyeol's wealth as something to save Haengseon. Too many kdramas give this "hero" status to the wealthy characters. I love that Haengseon was who she was from beginning to the end. Fiercely simply beautiful. She didn't need saving but there were moments that she was stopped at sacrificing too much. She was the "hero" in the story. A three dimensional hero.
CCIR/Ilta Scandal has many flaws and I will get to it too but I love it so much that I know that even though I'm frustrated, I'm willing to overlook them (I can't get over my frustration over the no-mention of the dream kiss).
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bl-bam-beyond · 9 months
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Episode 10 The Finale
Jiang Chi (YANG I HSUAN) hurt himself slightly and Gu Bu Xia (HONG WEI ZHE) rushes home thinking the worse. But just a minor incident.
Jiang Chi assures Gu Bu Xia that his parents never care about his choices. And he won't start now. That he would never let him face them alone.
That he promises to always be by his side. Followed by a warm embrace. Parents or ghosts. They'll face it together.
@pose4photoml @lutawolf
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miss-allsundays · 2 years
My take on Takemichi and Mikey's relationship
+ why I feel like what we've seen from chapter 275 is the perfect ending to their story.
I know that many people have felt distraught/maybe disappointed with the new leaks, but I feel like Takemichi (possibly) dying by Mikey's hands, especially while trying to save him, perfectly summarizes their relationship as a whole: two people that very clearly love and care for one another (whether you view their bond as platonic or romantic it does not matter right now) and that at the same time can't be together because they destroy each other (both metaphorically and literally lol).
Right from the start, Mikey is introduced as some sort of rival for Takemichi, someone who is, at the very least, partially responsible for Hina's death; and although their relationship develops, Toman's 1st gen president still remains an obstacle to Hina's wellbeing and happiness, even if Takemichi has gotten much more hesitant on actually condemning his friend.
Mikey, instead, first approaches our protagonist because of the similarities between him and Shinichiro; then, of course, that develops into actual care for Takemichi, to the point where Manjiro trusts his friend enough to tell him about one of his biggest secrets, the dark impulses.
Throughout the course of the manga, this dynamic becomes more and more complicated: in the past timeline, we see the two teenagers only become closer and closer, and yet every time Takemichi travels to the future, the consequences of Mikey's curse become more and more evident.
What in the past is a simple friendship between two boys, in the future it shifts into a bond that makes both of them act irrationally and that causes pain for everyone involved in it: the main examples are Manila!Mikey, who kills every single one of their friends to gain Takemichi's attention, and the Bonten timeline, a future that the protagonist casts aside with “little” hesitance, despite it being the best outcome yet.
Their feelings for one another become very contradicting. 
Takemichi is well aware of the fact that, logically, Mikey is the problem, and yet he cannot bring himself to abandon him, no matter the cost: during the Bonten timeline, he should be happy and satisfied with the outcome, and yet, the fact that Mikey is not able to live a normal life with his friends stops the time-leaper from truly enjoying his “success”.
On the other hand, during that same future Mikey is doing the complete opposite: he goes to great lenghts to isolate himself from the others, deeming himself as almost a burden because of his dark impulses. And yet, it becomes clear that a part of him has never moved on from toman, and from all the people he cares for: he desperately wants to be alongside his friends, his family, and most of all, he wants to be saved from the curse that has been part of him for most of his life.
Mikey and Takemichi’s bond is a constant tug-of-war between selfishness and selflessness. 
Takemichi wants to save everyone, but most of all, he wants to save Mikey, which leads to decisions that might be considered selfish; Mikey instead, destroys all of his friendships because he does not want to hurt his loved ones furthermore, and yet he yearns for a savior, a hero.
And Takemichi is able to fulfill the role of the hero: his desire to save Mikey is so deep that it becomes detrimental towards not only those around him, but himself as well, resulting in his (again, possible, but not 100% certain) death.
Takemichi dying by Mikey’s hand is at the same time the best and worst outcome if we take all I’ve talked about into consideration: Mikey is saved from his impulses (which is something they both wanted), but it is at the price of Takemichi’s death.
In my humble opinion, this ending is genuinely the essence of their dynamic as a whole.
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trying to think about how far they've come without crying: impossible
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thalzad · 2 years
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it finally hit me that in two weeks, we’ll lose yaz and thirteen. i’m definitely feeling like yaz now
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tassybts · 1 year
Me going into 2023 with an unhealthy obsession with Moroccan football players, depressed poor grades and dreaming I'm going to marry Nayef Aguerd .
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cowboycannibalism · 7 months
finishing up the season at Spirit these next few weeks and I'm torn between missing my team and ready to see my regular coworkers everyday again
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lotus-soup-pot · 1 year
I can't believe that Never let me go already ended. It was beautiful to witness the growth of Nueng and Palm, the progress of their relationship, them overcoming obstacles, facing them, challenging them; to catch glimpse of Ben and Chopper's relationship, to see Chopper's struggles, to cry and grief with them, to feel happiness and joy seeing all of them be content and happy.
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monsterwithasweater · 2 months
Just finished Go-Onger and it might just be my new favorite Sentai.
Carranger, you've got some big shoes to fill!
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