verothexeno · 4 months
It's mah burfday today ✨🎉
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Time to go do the rounds and change my age in bio for all websites/socials I'm on. Yippeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
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copperbadge · 22 days
Still badgering away at The Chicken Salad War and I did not realize how delighted I was going to be by introducing semi-masc nonbinary Jes Deimos to gallant butch Ylias Lazaar. I don't quite know where their subplot is going to go if anywhere but I feel like it may be somewhere awesome.
"Mr. Lazaar," said a familiar voice, and she turned to see LeFevre at her elbow, looking pleased. "A great success for you, I think." 
"Seems to have gone all right, yeah," she agreed. "I heard you were going to crash."
"Alas, I could not -- I ended up invited," he said, grinning. 
"And you brought guests?"
"Ah, I didn't mean to bring the royal family down on your head so soon," he said, leaning in. "They are terrible gossips; I should have remembered when I told King Theophile that he would likely share the information. Still, His Grace Gerald is pleased you use his oil and His Grace Michaelis enjoyed the matbucha greatly."
"And you? No constructive criticism?" she asked. 
"Not tonight. I have never opened a restaurant myself, but I can understand this is your triumph! And in any case they are small quibbles. I will need to dine here more times before I speak," he replied. Someone tapped him on the arm, and he turned, then nodded at the person standing just behind him -- the one who'd been speaking with the old king a moment before. "Mr. Lazaar, may I present Ser Deimos, who came with His Grace. This is Mr. Lazaar, the chef of the hour. She/her," he added with a smile. 
Ser Deimos looked amused. "They/them," they said, holding out a hand. "We're honored to be able to attend -- I don't think we realized when Gerald told us he was going that it was your soft open." 
"It's my pleasure. Not everyone gets to feed the royal family on their first night," she replied, bowing over their hand. "And you're an ornament to any dining room." 
Deimos looked delighted. "Thank you, that's kind of you to say. If I'd known the food was going to be this good I'd have scared up a party. I have a lot of friends in from out of country at the moment."
"Well, we open reservations tomorrow morning -- but for the royal family, I can set aside a table," Ylias replied. 
"Don't, just yet," Deimos said, looking around. "I'm thinking more of a party. Could we rent the restaurant?"
"The whole restaurant?" Ylias asked, blinking. Simon looked smug. 
"If not, that's fine -- we'll take the offer of a table -- but my son's graduating next week, and we were thinking of a group dinner the night before. Simon here is catering the night of," they added. "It'll be twenty or thirty people, and some of them have been doubtful that Fons-Askaz could live up to New York, foodwise. Yes, I felt the same," they added, catching Ylias's expression. "The only thing Fons-Askaz can't offer that New York can is the pizza, and only because our Eddie hasn't got the time to open a pizza restaurant." 
"I hadn't..." Ylias fumbled slightly. "I'm sorry, we have a catering menu but I hadn't arranged any kind of contract for renting the space. It'd need to be a handshake deal and I couldn't quote a fee off the top of my head."
"Of course, I threw this at you with no warning. Here," they said, reaching into their pocket for a wallet and pulling out a card. "Email or phone is fine. If you can send me a proposal by Sunday, I can make a deposit on Monday. I'm comfortable with an informal deal as long as we have terms written out over email. If you don't feel ready, just let me know -- we'll definitely be back regardless." 
"I'll be in touch," Ylias managed. Deimos gave her a bow and a smile, and retreated to their table.
[Then, later]
As they left Plate & Press, full of good food and possibly slightly tipsy, Jes leaned against Michaelis's arm and said, "Holy shit."
He gave them an amused look. "Yes, the food was very good. Nice space, too. I can't remember the last time I had such a pleasant evening out."
"Well, yeah, but I meant the chef," they said. He glanced at them, frowning.
"The Lazaar fellow?"
"Lady, I think. Uncertain, actually. Butch, possibly. She/her but Simon called her Mr. Lazaar." 
"I noticed her, but I didn't see anything particularly unusual. Why?" 
"I love you to bits but you're hopeless," they said. "You really didn't think she was hot?"
"I don't form opinions about sex appeal, generally," he reminded them. "Present company excepted." 
"Well, she is hot in a very specific way -- like you, actually, sort of masculine and chivalrous -- and she called me an ornament to her dining room. I may have had a little moment." 
He laughed. "Oh dear, am I going to have to fight a chef for your favors?" 
"No, it's just nice to know I still got it." 
He kissed the side of their head, affectionate. "You're an ornament wherever you go, but I'll make a note to remind you of it more often. Seems she's making a stir -- Simon likes her also, I think. Sometime soon we're going to have to kick Gregory and Eddie out of the residence for an evening, and I think I'll recommend that place for dinner. Gregory loves Tunisian food and I think Eddie would find a lot to interest him."
"You just want to spend a whole evening cuddling babies," Jes said. 
"Joan and the twins all require the benefit of my wisdom on a regular basis," he said. There was a wolf-whistle directed at them from somewhere over their heads; some young wag, out on the second-floor balcony of a small hotel, clearly getting an early start on Pride. She waved a pink-and-blue flag in their direction. 
"You can't have him!" Jes called. 
"I was whistling at you!" the girl called back. 
"I'll take him," her friend offered from the chair next to her. 
Michaelis chuckled. "Drink some water, young ladies, or you'll be in no condition for the parade this weekend," he called. 
"Vodka's sixty percent water!" someone on another balcony shouted, and someone else yelled for everyone to keep it down, and the discussion went on without them. 
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mosneakers · 5 months
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Brick's Spooky Day party is in full swing. The atmosphere is alive with laughter and merriment and dancing under the full moon light. Occasional howls emanating from the thick woods of Moonwood Mill, and the deep pulsating beat of the eerie spooky-themed music, send waves of anxiety-induced nausea through Skye Darling's tummy. She considers leaving early.
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Selene dances entrancingly around the grassy field as if no one's watching, yet every movement is calculated to capture Lou's feral attention. Their eyes occasionally meet, and with each glance a magnetic pull intensifies. Lou, torn between the painful rumors of her involvement with Brick Darling, and the irresistible force pulling him closer, as if the moon itself is guiding him, decides to push aside his uncertainties and finally say something to her.
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Lou: Love the costume...
Selene: [Chuckles] Thanks. You make a pretty convincing pizza boy, yourself! I thought mine was a little on the nose, actually. Lou: Nah, it's perfect—it's very fitting, hah. Anyway, just wanted to say thanks for inviting us, by the way. Selene: Hey, thank Brick. It was all his idea. I just helped him set it all up. He's really trying to build bridges between the communities.
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Lou: [Nods gently] Right, I'll be sure to do that. Well whoever's idea it was, I'm glad I made it out, this is a nice party. Looks good. Selene: [Smiles] It's good to see you, Lou— Lou: —Good to see you too. Real good. You look happy. I'm glad you found someone to make you happy, Lenie.
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Selene: What? You mean Brick? [Laughs] No, I'm not -with- Brick. We just help each other out from time to time. But we're just friends. In fact, Brick's on a mission to find his fated mate, and I'm supposed to be his wing-wolf tonight, haha.
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Lou's eyes widen impulsively. A stifled, shaky exhale of relief slips passed his lips and and a broad grin appears as he tries to play it cool.
Lou: Oh! Cool, cool. Very cool. And how's that going?
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Meanwhile, on the other side of the empty grassy lot, Wolfegang approaches Brick with a curious grin. Wolfegang: Hey big guy. [Hearty pat on shoulder] Nice party. Brick: Ayy, thanks man! Glad you could make it. Your costume is siiick. You make a way better pizza guy than Lou's version. Wolfegang: [Blinks slowly] Thanks, brother. Hey, quick question. That young lady hanging out with your cousin... I don't believe I've had the honor of meeting her... Happen to know her name? Brick: Oh her? That's Janie. [Cocks eyebrow] Pretty, huh?
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Wolfegang: Pretty? Brick, please, my brother in Wolfhood... [clears throat] From the moment I caught but a glimpse of her eyes in pale moonlight, as she twirled with a carefree and insouciant charm, I found myself ensnared in an irresistible magnetic pull, a force from which I am yet to break free. Her scent alone has my head spinning. I simply cannot be any more clear, I have never encountered a woman like her in all of my years. Brick, my lupine comrade, forgive my directness, but I must inquire: Is she a romantic interest of yours? Your fated mate, perhaps?
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Brick: ... I don't know yet, dude. I haven't tested things out with her to get that "special feeling" everyone keeps talking about. Wolfegang: I would hate to step on your toes, friend, but I would be forever grateful to you, if you could introduce me to this enigmatic soul. Brick: [Laughter] Bro what? Why you so worried about stepping on my toes? I wore my work boots. But yeah dude, I can introduce you. You always this weird when you make a new friend?
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depressedgothgrl · 7 days
Stanford’s Princess
A mini-imagine based off the Movie ❝Challengers❞ .
[college!Art & college!Patrick x college!reader]
The California sun beat down on the Stanford tennis courts, its glare reflecting off the freshly painted lines and the sweat glistening on my skin. A crowd roared as I aced my opponent, the final point in a match I'd dominated from the first serve.
My name is [Y/N], and I'm what you might call the "it girl" of Stanford. Not in the vapid, social media influencer sense, but in the way that I excelled in every arena I entered. Tennis was just one of my many passions. Volleyball, badminton, basketball – I was a force to be reckoned with in every sport I touched. Even as a cheerleader, I was the one they threw in the air, the embodiment of the school's spirit.
My image was plastered everywhere – on billboards, posters, the university website. I was the face of Stanford athletics, a symbol of what hard work and dedication could achieve. But beneath the glossy exterior, I was just a girl trying to find her place in the world, balancing my love for sports with my academic pursuits and my desire for a normal social life.
That night, a party was thrown in my honor at one of the frat houses. It was a typical college bash – loud music, cheap beer, and sweaty bodies grinding against each other. I stood on the balcony, overlooking the chaos below, when I noticed two figures approaching me.
Art and Patrick. They were known as Fire and Ice, two of the best players of Stanford. I'd seen them around campus, their cocky grins and hot builds drawing attention wherever they went.
"Well, well, well," Art drawled, his eyes raking over my body in a way that made me feel both flattered and uncomfortable. "If it isn't the queen of Stanford herself."
Patrick smirked. "We just caught your tennis match. You were pretty impressive out there."
I raised an eyebrow. "Thanks. I try."
"So," Art said, leaning closer, his breath hot against my ear. "What's a girl like you doing at a party like this?"
I shrugged. "Same thing you are, I guess. Trying to have a good time."
The conversation flowed easily after that. We talked about sports, about our majors, about our dreams for the future. I found myself drawn to their confidence, their easygoing charm. And I could tell they were interested in me, their eyes lingering on my every move.
As the party started to wind down, Art and Patrick made their move.
"We're heading back to our room," Patrick said, his voice low and suggestive. "You should come with us."
I hesitated, unsure if I was ready to take things that far. But there was something about them, a spark of excitement that I couldn't deny.
"Fuck it," I said, a playful smile on my lips. "Why the hell not."
╰── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╯
The cool night air did little to soothe the knot tightening in my stomach as I followed Art and Patrick towards their dorm. Every step felt like a betrayal of the image I'd carefully cultivated, the "good girl" who excelled in everything without succumbing to the temptations of college life.
But tonight was different. Tonight, I wanted to be different. I wanted to shed the weight of expectations, to embrace the raw, unfiltered desires that simmered beneath the surface. I was tired of being perfect, of always doing the right thing. For once, I wanted to be reckless, to let go of control and see where the night took me.
The anticipation was intoxicating, a heady mix of fear and excitement. I knew what Art and Patrick wanted, and the thought of surrendering to them, of losing myself in their arms, sent a shiver down my spine. It was a dangerous game I was playing, but the potential reward was too tempting to resist.
We reached their room, a typical dorm space cluttered with sports memorabilia, textbooks, and empty pizza boxes. The air was thick with the scent of aftershave and stale beer. Art closed the door behind us, the click of the lock echoing in the sudden silence.
I felt a surge of adrenaline as I turned to face them, my heart pounding in my chest. This was it. The moment of truth. I could still back out, could still walk away with my reputation intact. But the desire burning within me was too strong to ignore.
Patrick stepped closer, his eyes dark with lust. "You sure about this, sweetheart?" he murmured, his voice rough against my ear.
I met his gaze, my own eyes filled with a newfound confidence. "Absolutely," I whispered. "I've never been more sure of anything in my life."
And with that, I took a step forward, into the unknown. Into the arms of the two men who were about to shatter my innocence and show me a world I'd only ever dreamed of.
✯ ━━━━━━ ✿ ✫ ✿ ━━━━━━ ✯
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iavenjqasdf · 5 months
👷‍♀️occupational hazards🐜
WorkerAnt, the world's app-first construction contracting platform, revolutionized the building-building industry. All you gotta do is just scroll through a couple of boring legal things on your phone and check some boxes and voila; you have everything you need to try and build a living with your own two hands! Who needs a fancy degree, or the hassle of going to a trade school? I certainly didn't!
They didn't even make me do a drug test, or ask why my name and sex didn't match what it still says on my license, so honestly it's like a win/win for everyone involved.
I did my paid training in like 20 minutes; I just needed to watch a few videos telling me where to go and what I’ll get fired for, plus one on how to use pronouns respectfully.
I already knew most of the stuff they were telling me, so I pretty much just got paid to relearn what the right things to call myself are for liability purposes. I usually do that for free!
Every day, all I gotta do is show up at the check-in location, get handed all my tools, and then I take my mandatory 30 minute lunch break in the app right as I wait in line for the elevator up to the job site, so I can focus on nothing but work for the next 12 hours. I don’t need to worry about food anyways, because they sometimes throw pizza parties for us, and there might be a few slices left when I come back down.
Most of the time work’s pretty boring; I'm just hammering some boards together or whatever. The whole building looks like it's basically already all built, so I'm not sure what all the things we're attaching and connecting to each other are supposed to do, and I don’t get paid enough to care.
But I can’t complain. It’s an honest job; I have tasks to accomplish and all the tools I need to accomplish them, as long as I don't fuck something up.
I'm very happy with this arrangement and it's all worked out really great for me so far.
It does get a bit lonely up there sometimes though.
There is my one coworker, Lana; I think she might also be trans, though it's kinda hard to tell under the hard hat goggles and respirator I always see her wearing. But she's always polite at me and doesn’t give me any trouble, and the bits of her voice I’ve heard that aren’t drowned over by power tools sound really nice.
Sometimes I think about it even when she's not around, which now that I think about it is kinda like stealing from the job site, and that’s a firable offense, so maybe I shouldn't be doing it.
She tends to work late like me, too. It takes us both longer than everyone else to finish all our tasks, but at least they pay us almost as much!
Tonight, it's New Year's Eve, and we're the only ones still up there; hammering stuff together, unable to look out at the empty city below, lit up and then abandoned for the season, because I'm being paid the minimum tipped wage to cut a 2x4 with a dinky little dollar store dremel, and we have to finish up before the sun sets, cause the cost of running the lights gets taken outta your pay.
And now my finger hurts too.
I look down, staring at the little squiggly meat piece of guy lying on the workbench, and after a minute I realize that oh shit, that used to be part of my right pinky.
So might the scarlet mist that now covers most of the walls and floor. I’m gonna have to get THAT painted over before the end of my shift, too.
First things first, though.
"Um, hey Lana?"
The whirring echoing from the other side of the room powers down. Lana pulls her plastic goggles over the rim of her hard hat, both now spritzed ever-so-gently with my crimson phalangemarrow. She looks only mildly concerned as she swims upstream along the spatter pattern.
One of the stickers on her hat catches the sunlight, holographic prism reflections dazzling my vision before my pattern recognition software kicks in-
Y-yeah, I know what that logo is. I’m too afraid to ask her if she does, too though. They make s*x t*ys, after all, and I think those are by definition Not Safe For Work.
Without saying a word she grabs my wrist, yanking my hand up to her face to examine it. Even under the visor, her eyes are red; bloodshot, and they scare me a little, so I try speaking up.
"Um, Lana, I think I need to go to the, uh. Hospital, place,"
I stare at her, dumbfounded for a second, before a pulse of pain reminds me of the severance’s urgency.
"W-well, to get it, like, reattached, y'know?"
She looks at the little meat squiggum lying sadly on the bench, letting go of my hand.
"Not really anything left to reattach."
Her voice is muffled by the respirator, but her expression is one of almost boredom. I feel bad for offending her, even though I’m not sure how I did it.
I try flexing a bit. OUCH! Bad idea. I pinch hard just below the cut, to try to keep more things from coming out of me. "W-well, we have to at least try…"
She eyes her own workstation impatiently, dying orange skyfire burning in the reflections of her eyes. A little spurt of blood squirts out of my pinky stump.
"Look, if you keep wasting time worrying about stupid little things like that, you’re not gonna last long here.”
What the fuck is she talking about?! I’m very badly hurt, and I need to go get it checked out right away. Tears well up in my eyes as I keep staring at where my finger now ends, just above the second knuckle.
I'll never get to pinky promise silly things to my little sister again; I’d only have a reminder of this loss, something permanently removed I could never get back.
I inhale a sniffle. "P-please, we gotta go. I don't wanna go around rounding up the number of fingers I have for the rest of my life."
She rolls her eyes, reshielding them with her goggles. "Would a round number make you feel better?"
My dremel's motor whines to life as she turns back to face me.
"For symmetry, y'know?"
Her tone concerns me.
She grabs my good hand, forcing it flat against the workbench. I try to pull free, but my knees are still a bit wobbly from the pain, and I don’t want to risk any sudden moves around the little spinning amputation death motor, so I can't try too hard.
“L-listen, I’m sorry for involving you. J-just let me go and I-I’ll just clock myself out, and get to the hospital on my own…” My hand grasps at her, trying to push her away, but all I succeed in doing is knocking her respirator loose, and I gasp as all the gouges and scars and other missing bits of her face come into focus at last.
I see her teeth click as her jaw clenches, bone trembling with the purest expression of rage. Her knuckles are white around the dremel.
"Long term, working here is gonna take a lot more of you than I’m gonna.”
“Oh, hold on, it got stuck.”
My vision doubles and quadruples, the room swimming around me as I try to keep myself from passing out. This is obviously a dream, and hey, I haven’t had one of these in a while, let’s just try to keep it going right hahahaha-
The spinny deathblade plants another gentle kiss against my fingerbone, tingling my entire skeleton with electromechanical sparks. I stare at a bead of sweat tracing down Lana's cheek as the blade grinds through at last with a spray of calcium white.
The whine fades as the disposable plastic motor inside the tool gets gummed up with mutilated chunks of gore. My mouth hangs open making a noise and I'm afraid it's probably kind of a pathetic one. The bottoms of my goggles are filling up with tears, but that means I’m doing a good job of keeping the crying contained inside, so there's a chance Lana might still think I'm cool.
“There you go. Eight plus two halves equals nine. Almost as many as before.”
“ohgodohgodohgodohgod-” I wish I had something more interesting to say.
“What? I thought you wanted a round number.”
She pauses for a moment, then wanders off into the neighboring room, leaving me standing there, trembling alone in the dark.
I think about trying to find my own way back to the elevator, but I’m afraid of tripping over a lead pipe or something on the ground and having to use my damaged limbs to break my fall and mangling them further, and I don’t wanna get my phone all bloody to use the flashlight either, so I stay put.
Fireworks burst off in the distance, prematurely celebrating the dawn of a big new thing. I try not to look down at my mutilated handflesh, instead insisting my gaze on the sunset bathing over the city.
It's a really nice view, and I don't know if I'll get to be up here to enjoy it ever again.
“Okay, here, I can fix everything.”
She's returned, and I can’t get away from her because I don’t want to say no, so I let her take my bleeding broken hands and lead me to the workbench again.
Behind her gore-spattered goggles, I can see her eyes are swimming with tears now too, like she doesn't know what the fuck she's doing either, but I don't even hate her for it, I don't think.
"Here, just hold onto me. I'll fix you."
She presses up close, close enough that I can feel a bit of her heat even through her jacket. She takes my unrecognizably mutilated hand in her own and strokes it softly.
The lead in my stomach sinks deeper when I see that she's holding a staple gun in her other.
I tighten my grip, spilling blood onto her palm.
She sweeps the remains of my amputated digits off the ledge with her boot, sending little chunks of meat tumbling into the glimmering city grid. Thankfully, the night is cold enough now that I can't feel much of my hands at all.
Staple gun didn't work out too good.
She fiddles with something on the side of her hard hat, and a light comes on. It's kind of dim, but it's better than nothing.
We walk past piles of unsawed boards, boxes of nails and wrenches and other tool things. Neither of us say anything to each other. Even more fireworks are whistling and exploding above the city in the distance but I'm not getting paid to care.
She stands beside me in the dusk-filled elevator. We descend slow, neither of us averting our gaze from the doors sealed tight in front of us.
“Um, Lana?”
“I don’t think I'm coming in to work tomorrow.”
“You’re not,” she states plainly. “Any injury sustained on the clock is grounds for termination, remember?”
“Oh, right…”
We’re quiet for a while. I don’t like the silence, the emptiness, so I try to fill it as always. “Um, I’m sorry for getting you involved…”
“It’s fine,” she lets out a quivering little sigh and turns to face me at last. “I don’t think they were gonna keep me on much longer, either way. I waste a lot of staples…”
I pick at a little crooked piece of metal worming its way through the layers of fat and muscle that once made up our entwined fingers, wondering how much more might need to be amputated by the time we get to a hospital, then a laugh catches in my throat, when I remember we no longer have health insurance.
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madiomens · 8 months
Just Pretend [n.s.]
Chapter Four
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Two hours, multiple bags of alcohol, and eight pizza boxes later Noah, Folio, and I were walking through the doors of the Airbnb. I was met with beer pong already set up, different sodas, and shot glasses on the kitchen island. Different bags of snacks were on the counter beside the oven and music was echoing around the house. I looked up at Noah and saw him already looking down at me with an amused look on his face.
"Welcome to party night." He said as we walked further into the house.
Folio was already excitedly setting out the pizza boxes and grabbing a red solo cup to write his name on once we made it into the kitchen with all of the alcohol, emptying the bags on to the counter beside the sodas. I recognized Bryan and Matt from their socials when they walked up to grab slices of pizza. Their eyes landed on me and they began making their way over to me, smiles on their faces.
"Hi, Maddie. I'm Bryan." Bryan introduced himself, holding his hand out for me to shake it.
"I'm Matt." Matt said, doing the same thing.
I smiled at them. "Nice to meet you guys."
"You ready for tonight?" Bryan said with a ghost of a grin on his face.
I sighed and looked around with a soft smile. "All Noah told me was that it can get quite wild." I said before meeting his eyes again, my own getting wide when I saw the mischievous grins on both his and Matt's faces. "What?"
Matt reached out to squeeze my shoulder. "I am so sorry for how well you are about to get to know all of us."
I laughed and squeezed his hand with my own. "I should be the one apologizing. Drunk Maddie talks a lot and loves everyone."
He laughed as Bryan leaned against the counter, peeking around to talk to me. "Sounds like you'll fit in perfectly." Bryan said.
I grinned at them as I grabbed a solo cup of my own. "Perfect." I said, writing my name on it. "Please tell me everyone does shots."
A loud WOO escaped Matt, causing me to jump and almost drop my cup. "You are speaking our language."
I laughed as he climbed onto the top of the island, cupping his hands around his mouth to yell at the group. "New girl asked if we do shots!" The entire group exclaimed in cheers as they started passing out plastic shot glasses and heading over to the liquor to fill them up.
 Noah grinned at me as I walked up to join his side, his tall figure towering over my 5'2 frame. "What's your alcohol of choice?" He asked me.
"Vodka or light rum." I said as I looked up at him.
His face contorted in disgust as he scrunched his nose up. "Vodka."
I laughed at him as I grabbed the bottle of Malibu I managed to snag at the store. "Not a fan?"
"Not at all." He said as he grabbed the Hennessy.
"Sounds like you're doing a shot of vodka with me later." I said, screwing the cap back on.
He huffed at me, doing the same to his bottle. "With the way Folio wants this night to go I'm sure I will do anything you ask of me."
He met my eyes, his own having a mischievous glint to them at his sentence. I chewed the inside of my lip to stifle the laugh that threatened to escape me. "If it goes the way I think it will I'm sure I will be in the same position."
He smirked and raised his pinky up. "Pinky swear?"
I chuckled and raised my own up to wrap around his. "Pinky swear." I said with a smile. "Shot time?"
He clapped his hands together. "Shot time!" He yelled over the music, causing the group to cheer again.
I looked at my glass to mentally prepare myself as the others came over to join us. "Do you guys clink it, dink it, and sink it?"
A shocked look appeared on their faces as Nicholas clapped Noah on the back. "She really is perfect."
I laughed at him as we all clinked our glasses together before tapping them on the counter and knocking them back. The burn of the room temperature liquor left a fiery trail down my throat, causing my nose to scrunch up as I set the glass onto the counter. I grabbed my solo cup and filled it with ice before pouring a glass of Sprite and chugging some of it.
Noah came up behind me to slide past, his body heat radiating off my back. He opened the freezer and put ice in his cup before he chugged whatever soda was in it. He looked down at me, a matching face of disgust at his own warm liquor. "Not a fan of room temp liquor either?" He questioned.
I shook my head side to side as I took another sip. "Not at all." I opened the Sprite to pour more into my cup, stopping about half way so I could top it off with my liquor. I squeezed past him to put the bottle in the freezer, placing my hand on his side to get by. "Want me to put yours in here too?"
He twisted to hand me his bottle. "Thank you."
I shut the freezer and walked back to the island to put a straw into my cup and take a gulp of the contents. I sighed contentedly at the flavor, the Malibu turning my Sprite fruity. "So, are we drinking to get drunk as fast as possible?"
"They aren't lying when the say you'll fit in perfectly." He said with a chuckle. "Our party nights always consist of getting drunk as fast as possible and still going the rest of the night."
I looked at him with my hand on my chest. "I'm going to love this group." 
He laughed and held his cup up to cheers mine, taking a gulp as I did the same. "Want to pair up for beer pong?"
"Only once I'm at least tipsy already. I play best drunk." I said with a chuckle as I took another sip. "Good thing I'm a lightweight and probably only need one more shot."
Noah's eyes got wide as he took another drink. "Damn, extra lightweight, huh?"
"Yet I can out drink grown men." I said with a smirk behind my glass.
He raised his eyebrows at me. "Want to make it a competition?"
I held my hand out for him to shake. "Always."
He grabbed my hand with his, swallowing my small one in his palm. "You're on." He said with a smirk of his own.
I leaned across the island to grab my shot glass, reaching around Noah to get my bottle out of the fridge. "Time to start." I said as I filled up the glass.
"Oh shit." He said, walking around the island to grab his glass and fill it up.
The group saw us getting ready for shots and joined us, holding their own glasses up to clink ours and take them once again. I set the glass on the counter as I took a drink out of my cup, the shot going straight to my head and making it fuzzy. 
I turned to look at Noah, my vision slightly slowing down. "Down the rest of your drink and I'll play with you."
He raised his brows. "Liquor makes you assertive, huh?" 
"Only if I know what I want." I said, drinking some of my drink.
He smirked at me and chugged the rest of his drink, holding eye contact as he did so. He set the cup down on the counter and wiped the little bit of liquid that escape off his bottom lip. "Game time." 
We filled our cups back up and made our way over to the table, Nicholas and Folio quickly joining the other side with their own cups in hand.
"You ready to go down, new girl?" Folio questioned, flexing his arms in the air.
"Not a chance." I said, turning to Noah. He raised his hand for me to high five and I slightly jumped to reach it, causing him to laugh.
Thirty minutes and many cuss words later Noah and I had one cup left to get, while Nicholas and Folio had three. The liquor was pumping through all of our bodies and the table was surrounded by the rest of the group cheering all of us on.
Noah walked behind me and placed his hands on my shoulders, massaging them as I stared down the last cup. "You got this, Maddie." He said, leaning down to talk in my ear.
Chills went down my body as I chewed on my lip, aiming the ping pong ball down the table. I took a deep breath and slowly let it out before sending the ball flying. It sunk straight into the last cup and the group burst into cheers. I turned to Noah with my arms in the air as I cheered with them, high fiving both of his hands. He leaned down and wrapped his arms around me before picking me up and fist pumping, spinning me in a circle as we celebrated.
"What was that about me going down, Folio?" I yelled over the sound of the room, causing Noah's laugh to vibrate against my chest.
"Beginner's luck!" He yelled back, chugging the rest of his drink.
I laughed as Noah set me back down, moving my finger in a circle in the air. "Another round of shots!" I yelled.
We all made our way to the kitchen to pour our shots, quickly downing them. The liquor was now just a faint burn in my throat as I was nearing my blackout level, my body warm and fuzzy. Noah walked up and draped his arm across my shoulders and I wrapped my own around his waist, pressing myself against his side.
He leaned down to talk into my ear as the music got louder and the group began singing along to the song that was playing. "You weren't lying when you said you play best drunk."
I turned my face to look at him, slightly jumping when I realized how close his was to mine. "Told you." I said with a grin. He lightly licked his bottom lip before biting onto it, causing my eyes to trail down to his mouth. My lips slightly parted as my eyes flicked back up to his, the same mischievous glint in them as earlier. I squinted my eyes at him. "You look like you're having dirty thoughts right now, mister tall man."
He raised his eyebrows before letting out a loud laugh, his head flying backwards. He brought his head back down to look at me with squinty eyes from smiling. "Mister tall man?"
"I'm drunk shut up." I said, smacking his chest. "Are you drunk? You better be."
His grin grew as he looked down at me. "I'm plastered."
"Good!" I said excitedly. "Because I want another shot and last I checked we have a competition going on."
He shook his head with a laugh as he followed me to grab our shot glasses. "You're going to be the death of me."
"The death of your peace of mind?" I questioned, stifling a laugh as I poured the clear liquor in my glass. His laugh echoed around me and I looked over at him to see him wiping tears from the corner of his eyes, causing me to begin to laugh along.
"I have not heard Noah laugh that loud in awhile." Folio said, walking up and smacking Noah's back.
"It's because I'm hilarious." I said as I screwed the cap onto my bottle.
Folio's eyes got wide. "Oh shit, she's drunk,"
I squinted my eyes at him as it was his turn to laugh at me while he grabbed a shot glass off the counter. Noah began to fill his glass up as well, shaking his head at us. "She might be more passionate about shots than you are, Folio."
Folio's head snapped towards me as he squinted his eyes. "You are not allowed to take my crown."
"Watch me." I said before tossing back my shot, swallowing it in one gulp.
"Hey! We're supposed to cheers it!" Folio whined.
I opened my bottle and filled up the glass again. "We can cheers this one."
"Yep, I'm dying tonight." Noah said as he watched me.
Folio punched the air as he ran around the island to grab his bottle of liquor, filling up his glass. "I love you, Maddie!"
I turned to sent him a wide grin. "I love you too!"
The rest of the group stumbled over to join in on the shots. I turned to Noah and handed him my glass, causing a confused look to appear on his face. I climbed into the barstool and onto the top of the granite counter, reaching down to take my glass back from him.
"Here is to an amazing night and an even better tour!" I shouted, causing the group to erupt into cheers before knocking back their shots.
Noah stood in front of me, laughter rocking his body as I began shouting lyrics to the song that was on with the others. I pointed down at him, pursing my lips. "Are you having a good night?"
He brought his hands up to rest on the backs of my ankles. "The best night I've had in a long time."
I grinned and set my shot glass down so I could place my hands on his shoulders. I held a pinky up to his face and wiggled it. "Pinky swear?"
He chuckled and brought his pinky up to wrap around mine. "Pinky swear."
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goldeneyedgirl · 6 months
TwiFicmas23 Day 3: Hybrid (The Party)
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Good evening! I might have spent today reading a very old draft and realizing that as bad as the draft is, there is potential there. I'm pretty excited, and hoping I can salvage some of it for a future day.
But today I humbly offer a new scene from the OG Hybrid. This particular scene comes from earlier in the fic - after Jasper tried to feed on Alice and the Cullens begrudgingly welcome Alice to join their lunch table, but you wouldn't call them friends yet. Plus Alice is still set on being a normal high schooler with normal experiences.
Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoy!
The party is exactly what I expected - eighty teenagers in a log house unsupervised. There’s a good mix of Res kids and town kids; and from the conversation that I overhear, it's not just Forks High students from town either - at least a few are from the hippie school which might explain the distinctive smell wafting from the den - and a few people who have definitely graduated. 
I feel awkward from the moment I arrive; after all, other than Angela and the Cullens, I don’t really hang out with many kids from school. I was so determined to have a normal experience and go to a high school party without vampires, I hadn’t really considered the reality of the situation. And the sheer amount of complete strangers here puts me on edge - it’s one thing to try and hang out like a normal teenager with my classmates and schoolmates. It’s an entirely different thing to be faced with a house full of random people when I don’t have anyone here to watch my back. The few parties I had attended in Chicago, I had gone to with one of my foster siblings, and no matter how much we disliked each other or what arguments we had, we always had each other’s back. 
And Cynthia was way too young to be dragged to a high school party - no matter how enthusiastically she would have attended this with me - so I was on my own. I could do this, I had been to parties before. Hell, I’d been a homeless middle schooler when I went to my first party, a rave in an abandoned warehouse. A house party was nothing to be nervous about. 
It’s easy enough to get a slice of pizza and a cup of what I know isn’t just a sugary sweet concoction of soda and juice. I smile and I talk - compliments for a girl in a bedazzled mini-dress, and another one with long pink and white hair; a couple of jokes for the guys manning the pizza boxes. I feel like I’m playing the part of a teenage girl at a party more than I feel like myself, but it’s something. I even manage to smile prettily and take a puff of a cigarette that I know isn’t tobacco and maybe have another drink and another until I’ve made party-friends with a group from Port Angeles who know a guy who knows a girl who got an invite or something. I feel a little more at ease with the alcohol in my system, and when the conversation turns to something I’m more familiar with.
In fact, I’m in the middle of explaining how we used to do our nails at my last foster home, when I’m rescued by a group of Forks High classmates; Mike Newtown is clearly their spokesperson as he unwelcomely grabs my arm. 
“Hey, we didn’t know you were here,” he says loudly; I can tell from the flush on his cheeks, he’s either helped himself to the beers piled into the bathtub down the hall or he’s been drinking the same punch as I have.
“I’ve been here a while,” I say, and decide that I’m not going to make a fuss that he’s glanced down at my chest right now. He can look twice, and then I start getting bitchy.
“We’re about… about to play a game. Connor’s setting up, come join us.”
There’s something about the way that Mike is pulling on my arm, and two of the girls he’s with are looking at me that makes me agree, quickly bidding the group I was talking to farewell. 
“You’re Alice, right?” One of the girls sidles up to me, sloshing her drink a little. “First party, huh? I’m Jennifer. A lot of these people crashed tonight. You gotta look out for each other.”
“Mrs Sawyer is gonna lose her shit when she sees this,” chortled the other girl, shoving a full cup at me. “Rob isn’t going to see the light of day until he’s like thirty after this.”
A boy I recognise from English - Austin - sidled up to us. “Rob’s in the den and he’s out. He’s not gonna have a clue what happened here. Told him to pace himself, but he never fuckin’ listens. Conner’s set up, let’s go.”
I take my seat at whatever dumb drinking game this is, and everyone seems eager to play. Jennifer and Samantha sit with me, but it doesn’t stop Mike Newton - who seems somewhat out of place here, without his usual group of friends - from clumsily flirting with me. I’ve had too much of the soda to appropriately call him out and make him stop, and my lukewarm disinterest seems to actually encourage him, though Jennifer swats at his hand when he attempts to casually touch my leg. 
It’s not the worst night or party I’ve been to. It’s hot and loud, but there aren’t any fights breaking out, and most of the illicit substances seem to be kept in the back rooms of the house. It’s amazing how time locked up in a mental hospital cured me of any interest in anything stronger than weed and whatever was in my drink; plus the last thing I wanted was to get that kind of reputation. 
But by midnight, I feel… sticky. I’m sweaty and my mouth tastes sour and sickly; my head is spinning and I’m too hot and I need to get out of this shitty house and away from these people who don’t even know who I am. Samatha and Jennifer have clearly decided to keep track of me, and there’s some obligation because I’m one of them, but they aren’t my friends and we probably won’t acknowledge this night ever again. Plus, a few of the hippie school guys have been watching me from the corner, and even through the haze of alcohol and weed, alarm bells are ringing - I can sense animosity from a mile away. 
I need to get out of here. 
It’s easy enough to excuse myself to the bathroom and then just leave through the laundry room door without anyone noticing. My head feels syrupy as I make it down the deck stairs and out into the night. 
It’s colder outside than I remember and the air is such a relief, I want to press my face to the ground. I wish I had some water, but I need to get home - I was supposed to get a ride from someone here, but I didn’t trust myself to ask the right person right now, and I don’t really want to wait around any longer.
Plus, it was only a ten minute drive from town to this house, I could easily walk it. I’d made Simon drop me off at the crossroad half a mile away, I knew the way home. 
Stumbling down the driveway, I let the noise and light of the party fade away behind me. The house was right up against the lake, and the drive wove through the forest from the main road - leaving me in the dark. But it was nice; a relief.  
It was a beautiful night, and I was enjoying the walk - it was even helping sober me up. 
At least, I was right up until about halfway, when I tripped over something and landed flat on my face in the gravel. That also indicated to me that I was… not quite as sobered up as I thought, because the pain felt very distant in that moment, like I was filing it away for later. 
I shouldn’t have had so much to drink when I knew it was spiked.  
Getting up was not a possibility. My ankle was sore, the world was spinning, my knees were burning, and the ground was nice and cool. The best I could manage was to half crawl to the side of the driveway and collapse in the long grass to wait for it to pass. I wasn’t sure if that was the night, my drunken state, or my inability to stand up, but I figured I could wait it out. I was comfy. 
It was a pretty night, with the clouds drifting across the sky. It’s pleasant enough that I just lie there, staring up at the moon and the stars, with my head swimming. It’s not as bad as the feeling I used to get in the hospital when they’d give us the drugs to make us sleep. That made me feel like I didn’t have control over my arms and legs, like I was stuck and trapped and at the whim of someone else. This is warmer, and I’m still in control; kind of like I’m dreaming but awake. It was nicer. I kind of understood why some kids had preferred alcohol to meds now. 
It’s just so peaceful, even if the damp is seeping through my top, that I lose track of the time. Dad had been worried letting me go, and made me swear I’d be home by one but I was nearly certain that I was going to miss that deadline. It was weird having a curfew - unless I was homeless, curfews at the hospital and in my foster homes had been more of the ‘in bed by nine, don’t even consider an alternative’ flavour. 
At a certain point, though, reality began to break through the peaceful little haze I had going on, and I remembered my phone in the little sling bag that had gallantly survived the entire night without getting lost. 
There were no cabs in Forks to my knowledge - and from what I had seen at school, there was a fifty-fifty chance they’d refuse to pick me up for one of three reasons: I was the daughter of the gay guys, I was the mysterious newcomer, or that I had been drinking at a high school party. After a few weeks in Forks, I’d found that the small-town judgment and prejudice were quieter than expected but it ran deep. 
Cynthia had programmed a bunch of useful numbers into my phone for me, so maybe that included a solution to the fact I was lying in the mud next to the driveway of a classmate’s house.  
Scrolling through my phone contacts, I wondered if I should just bite the bullet and call Dad or Simon, and own the fact that I was still a little bit high and still a little… okay, a lot drunk. I wouldn’t be the first ex-foster kid to come home drunk, and I wouldn’t be the last. But I also dreaded the look on my Dad’s face; that tired and disappointed one that looked like he had failed me and not the other way around. I wanted so much to be able to say that yeah, the party was fine, and have that been the end of it. I didn’t want the lecture, I didn’t want the embarrassment and I didn’t want…
I froze as I looked at my list of contacts. Five new numbers that I had certainly not programmed into my phone, and Cynthia certainly hadn’t added because if she knew and had these numbers, I was nearly positive that she would have sold them off to the highest bidder in the middle school cafeteria. 
How the fuck had the Cullens’ collective numbers ended up in my phone? Had I done it at one of our awkward lunches? That seemed unlikely, but my brain couldn’t completely rule that out as a possibility, especially when I was sleep-deprived or bogged down with homework. And why would Dr Cullen’s number be included if we’d exchanged numbers during lunch? As shitty as their high school act was, they at least knew that offering me Dr Cullen’s number would be fucking weird. 
Scowling, I selected the one member of the Cullens I would actually willingly talk to - well, the one member of the Cullens that I was quasi-certain wouldn’t immediately pass the phone off to any of the three members of the family I refused to speak to on principle. 
Emmett seemed cool, but I sensed weakness in him when it came to the will of Rosalie and tonight was not the night to test that theory out. 
If I hadn’t had so much punch, this would seem like a terrible idea. But if I hadn’t had so much punch, I’d be cheerfully walking myself home. Well, not cheerfully. But I’d be home in bed already, willing tonight to just go down in my personal history as mediocre and not worth repeating. 
“Hello?” The sound of Jasper’s voice sent a shiver down my spine and a spike of … reassurance? Like everything was okay or would be okay because he was so good at putting things… putting me… back together. 
Or he would be, in the future. I had seen it. 
“Why is your number in my phone?” In my head, it sounded indignant but even I could hear my words run together. Fuck. “I didn’t put it there.”
“…Alice?” The way he said my name… I thought I’d known what it would sound like after years of visions. But it was different in real life, better. He sounded confused and slightly startled, which was new. Normally when he said my name it was a polite greeting. In my visions, it was warmer and more intimate. 
“Yes, it’s Alice - do you and your family regularly inflict your phone numbers on unsus… unsusp… teenage girls that don’t know you stole their phones? You’re getting us all confused?”
“Alice are you… intoxicated?” He sounds incredulous. 
“Why does that matter?” I demanded. Jasper might be the love of my life, but he had not yet earned the privilege of commenting on my chosen activities, let alone get to police me. “For your information, there was a party at Rob Sawyer’s tonight and all the real teenagers went. You and your family need to be more convincing.”
“I can attest that not everyone went, because Bella is downstairs with Edward,” Jasper replied. 
“Well, her high school priorities are clearly different to mine,” I retorted; I was irritated that he was so calm and I couldn’t work out why. “I prefer to enjoy my youth. It’s fleeting, you know. One day she’ll look back and wonder why she spent so… so much time listening to her old man boyfriend play the piano when she could have been doing something fun… like going to a rave.” What was I saying? I hated raves. I liked getting dressed for them, because it was fun, but I hated how sweaty and crowded and smothering they were.
“Where are you, Alice?” Jasper sounds far too amused for my liking, and if he were here, I’d have smacked him. 
“I’m fine.” My back was actively wet now, and I was certain I was covered in mud. 
“Uh huh. Are you alone?”
“Yes.” There was a nearby frog I could hear, but nothing else. I was surprised - no one had left yet. Was it normal for Forks High parties to go on this long or did people stay over or what?
“You should call your parents, Alice. Get them to pick you up. Or Carlisle can if you’re worried,” Jasper says so kindly that all my indignation deflates like a balloon, and a ball of panic wells up in my chest. 
“No. You cannot tell my father about this,” I said. “You have to swear.”
“Alice, I think your parents would prefer you were home safe rather than alone and intoxicated,” Jasper said soothingly. 
“No. I don’t… they aren’t allowed to see this. I’m already too much trouble and messed up their lives, and I don’t want to disappoint them again,” I said, and felt tears well up in my eyes. “I must be costing them so much and they have to take me a bunch of places and watch me and every time I mess up or say something wrong, they get this look on their faces like they screwed up. It’s not. They didn’t have to take me into their home, not really, and I… I want to make it worth it for them.” I sniffled. 
There was silence on the other end of the phone. 
“Tell me where you are, Alice. I’ll drive you home.”
“Rob Sawyer’s house party. It’s on a dirt road.”
“That’s not… Don’t hang up, okay? I’m going to track your phone.”
“That sounds illegal, Jasper,” I said, wriggling around on the grass to get more comfortable. “How do you even do that?”
“It’s a long story. And yes, it is. But desperate times call for desperate measures.”
“I’m fine.” Kind of cold and muddy, and my knees and ankle were hurting in kind of a distant way, but the sweaty nausea had passed. I could easily fall asleep here. It wouldn’t even make the top ten worst places I’d slept in my life. 
“We’ll agree to disagree, Alice.” I could listen to Jasper say my name forever. “But I do have a question for you while we wait.”
“Why did you call me? I put all the numbers in your phone. Why me?”
I froze. He didn’t sound like he resented that I had chosen him; there was a note of something in his voice, something raw and real and even a little bit… not eager. But something. Maybe curiosity?
“Who else would I call? I hate doctors. Rosalie hates me. Edward doesn’t trust me and he reads minds. Emmett was a possibility, but he looks easily broken,” I said. 
“And Esme?” Jasper sounded disappointed. 
“I have a lot of mommy issues, let’s not unpack that box. I didn’t see her number there anyway.” I propped myself up on one arm. “You weren’t the last resort, Jasper. You were my first and only choice.”
“…Why?” Now I could hear the self-loathing in the boy’s voice. 
“Because I trust you,” I replied. “You’re the person I trust the most in the world. Or you will be one day.”
Silence again. “I don’t understand.”
“I’ve known about you for a long time,” I said, watching the clouds move across the sky. “You’re a protector, a planner. You love to read and learn but you loathe high school. You have a wicked sense of humour, and you just… fix everything. There’s nothing too terrible or silly or chaotic that you don’t make better. Just by being there, you’re making things perfect…” He was. I had years of dreams of laughing and talking together, of the way he would stroke my hair and wrap his arms around me. The way we’d lie together, him reading and me drawing or messing around on my phone. We were meant to be so happy. 
And it had to be said that he was… goddamn magnificent in bed. And like, I wasn’t entirely sure when he had died, but it was definitely in a ‘lie back and think of England’ era for women, so I felt like I should send a fruit basket or something to whichever ex-girlfriend had intervened because he was… outstanding. I’d only seen stuff like that over the last few years and it had been very enlightening on multiple levels. It had also been comforting that after every single thing that I’d lived through, I’d still be able to have that kind of intimacy with another person without all that fear and grief looming over me, and even enjoy it. 
If he gave me one single chance to be something, whatever he wanted, I’d be his ride-or-die forever. I knew how fiercely and completely we’d love each other, and I wanted that so badly. He’d been my best friend long before either of us had set foot in Forks, and I just needed him to take that leap of faith and trust me, the weird girl who knew too much, to capture that future that we both desperately wanted and needed. 
And I had no idea how I would convince Jasper of that. That I wouldn’t ask for this if it wasn’t something that I was so very certain we both wanted… 
The phone had gone quiet. 
“…What was I saying?” I yawned. 
“I hope I can live up to your expectations.” Jasper’s voice was softer now. “I’ve got your location, Alice, I’ll be there soon.”
“I’ll be waiting,” I said, as the phone line went dead. Awkwardly jamming my phone back into my sling bag, I closed my eyes for just a moment. Jasper was coming to get me and I’d go home, and everything would be okay.
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satans-helper · 7 months
Reaching for Stardust - Part XII
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Read Looking for Space here / Playlists / Read RFS on Wattpad
Word Count: ~3k
Warnings: none
A/N: I'm so sorry for the delay. I've been really sick for the past week with no end in sight and have been pretty useless as a result. I didn't want to fall behind in writing, but I also shouldn't leave this hanging any longer. Hope y'all are still enjoying <3
“We’re really cramming a ton of stuff into just a few months,” I said to Josh as he packed an overnight bag for another Detroit trip. “Halloween, these bachelor and bachelorette parties, Thanksgiving, Danny’s birthday, Christmas, bridal party, New Years, our wedding. When will it end?” Halloween had passed–blissfully, thankfully. We’d all gotten together for an old-school costume party which, thankfully, Kirsti had hosted. I’d been grateful to feel young again though my sister wasn’t much older than I was. Still, her friends were all the “real” adults I’d imagined myself being when I was a child, with big-people jobs, their own houses, new cars, kids and spouses. At least I was soon going to check one of those things off the list and Josh had his big-person job already. 
“Well, my love, it will never end,” Josh told me while he folded a pair of pants. “Life is a series of wonderful adventures, holidays and surprises.”
“It’s a lot,” I replied.
Josh looked at me and frowned a little. “Are you stressed? This is supposed to be a fun night for you. I want you to have fun.”
“No, no, I’m excited,” I insisted, which was the earnest truth. “A chill sleepover with the girls is honestly just what I want. I can’t even remember the last time any of us did that.”
The frown turned to a smile. “Are you going to gossip about all of us?”
“Yes, absolutely.”
The smile grew even brighter, Josh’s entire face lighting up. No matter the season, no matter how dark the sky became, he always had such a beautiful glow about him. “Good. What are you going to eat?”
“Junk food. Lots of it,” I said, reaching for a shirt that was lying on the bed to fold myself. “No bar food for us.”
“I already know I’m going to–” Josh paused, looking up as he waved his hand around, searching for a word. “Expand by the time our wedding arrives. Maybe that’s the real problem with all these excursions one after the other.”
“You’d look hot with a few extra pounds,” I assured him. “Don’t worry about it. But I really have to worry about fitting into that dress.”
“No worries for either of us. Not about that.” Josh waved his hand again flippantly, resuming packing his bag. “Unimportant.”
I sat down on the bed to watch him. “Fair enough. Not gonna worry about it,” I said, though the thought of abruptly not fitting into my wedding dress filled me with enough dread to promise myself that I’d take it easy on the Doritos and Little Debbie cakes later.
Josh, Jake, Sam and Danny commenced their bar crawl that night while I drove myself over to Jane’s to meet her, Bev and Kirsti for our sleepover. After I dropped my bag in the living room, I went into Jane’s cozy kitchen and saw that she’d taken a page from Jake’s book–instead of the bags and boxes of junk and comfort food lazily peppered around, she’d laid everything out in a contrasting, elegant way. 
“You are so cute,” I said, eyeing the Ho-Hos and Zebra Cakes that had been unwrapped and plated in an alternating pattern on a funky black and white curved platter. 
“Thank you,” Jane said with a smile, handing Bev a bag of pizza rolls, then she gave an exaggerated bow. “And welcome to your bachelorette party on a budget. It can still be kind of fancy, I think.”
Bev scooted past her to turn on the oven. “So we’ve got pizza rolls, mac and cheese bites which I’m gonna do in the air fryer, mozzarella sticks and Bagel Bites.” She gave me a mock-exasperated look. “Put on the sweatpants, girlies.”
I opened the freezer to peek. “Wow, two types of pizza snacks indeed. We really are living large tonight.”
“Where’s your sister?” Jane asked, unraveling champagne glasses from tissue paper. “She’s bringing the booze, right?”
“Jane, you didn’t need to buy those,” I said. “I’m pretty sure Kirsti could have brought glasses along with the champagne. So, yeah, she’s in charge of alcohol.”
Kirsti showed up right as the pizza rolls were coming out of the oven, coming to the rescue with two bottles of champagne, three bottles of wine and a 24-rack of seltzers. I laughed incredulously at her haul that was fit for maybe more like a sorority party.
“Well, it’s a party,” my sister stressed, handing off the huge box of seltzers to me. “And based on the amount of alcohol that was consumed during my Halloween party, I thought it was necessary.”
“Kirsti, you literally forced us all to do shots,” Bev noted, an amused smile on her face while she watched Kirsti unload all the alcohol into the fridge, minus the two bottles of champagne which she kept on the counter.
“Forced. Right,” Kirsti replied with a little scoff, shaking her head. “No, it’s totally fine. None of you threw up. That’s all I can ask for.”
I leaned back against the wall, crossing my arms, trying to rifle through memories. “Didn’t your coworker Ben throw up on the porch?”
Kirsti laughed. “He’s such an idiot.”
“We know the type,” Bev chirped. 
We eventually all settled onto the floor of Jane’s living room, which she’d covered with various throw blankets and pillows, with our glasses of champagne. Each of the girls had given me a separate toast–Kirsti had a long one, full of nothing but well wishes for Josh and I and one that I figured was a practice for her maid of honor speech. Bev tossed in her trademark humor and wit with her heartwarming adoration, of course reminding all of us of the troubled beginning Josh and I had had thanks to my own stubbornness. Jane’s might have been the sweetest of all though because her intrinsic sweetness rolled through every word and facial expression, a gentle light in her eyes while she spoke. All of it almost made me cry, but the tears subsided when Bev suddenly showered me with penis-shaped confetti.
“Congratulations, beautiful bride!” she said with a boisterous laugh, leaving me perplexed in the phallus-rain. 
“This–” I began, holding a palmful of it. “Where did you even get this? Do we have a sex shop here I’m unaware of?”
“I ordered it,” Bev told me with a smirk. “I ordered many things.”
“She even ordered–” Jane began, then Bev held a hand out to stop her.
“No! Don’t spoil the rest of the surprises,” she warned, then clinked my glass with hers. “Cheers, babe. I promise I won’t pull any of this shit at the wedding.”
“Appreciate it,” I told her. I was wondering what Josh and the boys were doing and hoping Sam hadn’t mirrored Bev’s actions with pussy confetti, but it seemed probable, especially if they’d spent even a minute talking since my birthday night.
The evening progressed easily with laidback drinking and fun, lighthearted games. But when we all started to get more and more tipsy, Bev proposed we play a “lie detector” game, which involved two of us taking turns facing one another, one asking a question and having to determine if the other’s answer was actually true. As the bride-to-be, I got in the hot seat first with Bev facing me, a devilish grin on her lips while she swirled the wine in her glass.
The nervous smirk on my own face was involuntary. “Do your worst,” I told her before taking a sip of my seltzer. 
“Okay,” Bev said slowly, looking up to the ceiling for a moment before she looked into my eyes, daring and definitely drunker than I was. “Did you think about breaking up with Josh when he told you about the SCAD interview?”
“Not for a second,” was my instant answer, the absolute truth. Bev’s nod solidified that.
“Yeah, I believe it,” she said, then brought the glass to her lips again. “Guess I gotta drink. I should’ve thought of something better.”
It was my turn with Jane next and there was one thing I was quite curious about, given how reserved she often was and how I’d seen the crush on Jake bloom in real time. “Did you really not sleep with Jake the night of my birthday?”
She laughed a little. “I really didn’t. We made out and stuff, but–”
“And stuff,” Bev echoed with a laugh of her own.
“I believe her,” I announced, taking a drink. “How’s anyone supposed to get an answer that’s actually a lie? I feel like we all know each other too well for that or we’re just not being mean enough or something.”
“It has to be really embarrassing,” Kirsti said. “And now I’m up.”
Bev was up against her, sitting cross-legged on a square pillow. Kirsti being in the hot seat did make me a little nervous. We hadn’t had a true heart to heart in a while–it was Josh who I shared everything with, who I always went to first about everything even if it was painful. Especially if it was painful, actually. And when Bev asked if Kirsti was upset about her younger sister getting married first, her face didn’t match her answer at all. 
The room became silent, tense and awkward. Bev looked at me sheepishly, bringing the wine glass closer to her body as if she could hide behind it. “Oh. Well–”
“It’s okay,” I said, but was it? My sister was entitled to her feelings and I thought I could understand, but I wish I’d talked to her about all of this so much more deeply before we got here. I didn’t want her to feel slighted by the universe or jealous of me or lesser than or anything negative at all. Suddenly my mind was spinning, and not from the alcohol. 
“I think we all imagine our lives working out differently than they actually end up,” Kirsti said, far more sober and able to speak distinctly than the rest of us. Except my buzz felt abruptly yanked into the atmosphere, leaving me drained with no good reason. 
“We’re all single and hot,” Bev said. “Nothing wrong with that.”
“No, of course not,” Kirsti said. She laughed softly and the familiar sound eased my fears a bit. “I’m just starting to feel really old.”
“You’re not,” Jane offered, always one of the most genuine, kind people out there no matter what level of intoxication she was at. “None of us are and you know what? I think we’re all gonna find our perfect matches one day even if it takes a little longer.” 
I was still quiet, trying to process as best I could with so much champagne, wine and hard seltzer in my system. Kirsti turned to me: “Seriously, it’s not a big deal. It’s not any deal. It just got me thinking.”
“It’s okay, really,” I said again, because it was. “I’d probably feel the same if I were you.”
We all moved past it easily enough, diving back into games, drinks and snacks until I felt stuffed to the gills. But I also felt like a cloud hung over the rest of the night, right over Kirsti and I. Why hadn’t I even considered her feelings about this until Bev asked? Why hadn’t we really talked? The kicker was, of course, that I was just bursting with a need to tell Josh all about this when I should have been talking to her. So when Bev and Jane crowded the bathroom to get ready for bed, I sat back down with my sister in the living room.
“I hate that you’ve been feeling this way,” I told her. “And I’m sorry that I didn’t talk to you about it before. I feel like I’ve done nothing but talk about myself and the wedding for so long now and that’s gotta be annoying as fuck.”
“It’s not annoying. This is what happens,” Kirsti assured me. “If it’s ever my turn, it’ll be the same thing.”
I shifted on the couch, still feeling like I couldn’t find the right words. “We’ve been drifting apart more and more. Suddenly I see that and I don’t like it.”
Kirsti’s expression hardened into protection mode: “Well, when I learned Josh wanted to take you away to a completely different state, I didn’t like that.”
I sighed. “Me either.”
“Listen–everything’s been building up to this thing. The wedding. That’s what’s supposed to happen. That’s what you want to happen, right?”
Kirsti leaned back against the arm of the couch. “So don’t worry about me. I’m a little jealous, that’s all. I feel like I’ve gotten nowhere in my own love life, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t either. It’s not like, the 1800s or whatever when the oldest has to get married first.”
“I know. But yeah, I get it,” I told her, suddenly exhausted and wishing we could rewind, just go back to the fun, silly games and forget we ever drifted apart at all. “It’s a lot for everyone to deal with, I think. But I really need you there, okay? I can’t do this without you.”
That got a little smile. It was what I needed. “You could. All you need is Josh.”
I shook my head. “Not true. I need all of you guys. Always. Forever.”
Bev appeared, carrying that tray of mini, pre-packaged cakes. “You did say something about a commune before. Maybe we should go for it.” 
“Josh would love that,” I said, my mind meandering back to my beloved boy. “At this point, I’m very open to it. We could all be one big, happy family.”
Jane came into the room and sat down on the floor below me. “They’re definitely drunk right now,” she said, holding her phone out to show me a text from Jake, which was just a picture, no text to provide any concrete context. It was him and Sam looming over the camera, Jake so close you could only see the top half of his face, Sam grinning next to him and holding a beer. It was adorable. I loved it. I could see that she did, too. 
Kirsti clapped her hands together and stood up. “Okay, let’s get this party going again. I didn’t mean to bring anyone down.” She pointed dramatically at each one of us, so lively, as if the alcohol had hit her out of nowhere. “I love all of you and this wedding is going to be amazing and no one is going to sleep yet..” 
I pulled out my own phone to see if Josh had texted me and indeed he had. He had sent me a picture of him and Danny, Danny’s arm slung over his shoulders as Josh slumped over a counter, a tall cocktail in front of his face. How lucky, I thought, to have found such magical, silly, wonderful people to share life with. 
When the rest of the surprises commenced, I was reminded again of that luck, drunk and growing more and more flushed and bewildered with each stupid but potentially useful gift I’d been given by my friends.
I dangled up a pair of fuzzy handcuffs that Jane had given to me, wrapped up so nicely in a sophisticated cream-colored box complete with a bow. “Really?”
“Oh come on. I feel like you guys would be into that,” she said, giggling, then addressed the other two girls. “Am I wrong?”
“Nah, not wrong,” Bev chimed in, pouring herself more wine. “Josh definitely seems like a bit of a sub.” I was not sober enough to pull up my defenses, and my silent and red-faced answer was testament to that. Bev started to laugh, pointing at me: “See! I’m totally right. Shit, you gotta give us some details now.”
I dropped the cuffs back into the box and placed the lid on top. “No, no details. You guys don’t deserve it.” As the noise of protest chimed around me, I ignored it and reached for a small pink bag. “This one better be good,” I said and, really, it was–a bottle of edible body oil and a bottle of peach-flavored lube. 
“There’s no excuse not to use those,” Kirsti said, trying to stifle laughter behind her drink, and I turned to stare at her, open-mouthed with so much surprise that my own older sister could be so raunchy like Bev and Jane. She let out a real laugh then. “Don’t look at me like that! You told me Josh just loves when you give him massages.”
Bev and Jane both broke out into laughter; I dropped the bottles back into the bag. “Okay, yes, he does,” I admitted. “His shoulders get tight, you know.” That just elicited more laughter so I moved onto the next bag, quickly revealing a pair of nipple clamps. I stared at them for a moment before covering my face with my hand, sighing heavily. “Ladies–are you serious?”
“I’m telling ya,” Bev said, leaning into Jane hard, gesturing to me with a very drunk hand that was holding that diabolical glass of wine. “Sub vibes. Tell me I’m wrong.” 
“We like it both ways,” I grumbled but when Bev looked way too satisfied with that not entirely accurate answer, I corrected myself. “No one is a sub or a dom! Jeez.” I huffed, shaking my head. “But you know what? I’m gonna ask Josh to try these for real.”
“He’s got a nice rack,” Kirsti said casually and with a little shrug.
Jane tilted her head and nodded in agreement; Bev raised her eyebrows at me, smirking: “See? I was right.”
Tagging: @jjwasneverhere @bizzielisteningtogreta @clairesjointshurt @sanguinebats @lightsofthe-living-gvf @starbuggie @sparrowofrhiannon
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a-chlolix-blog · 1 year
Scarabée and Kitty Claws AU
Evillustrator. The artistic companion.
The wonderful friendship between Alix and Nathaniel started years ago.
Younger Nathaniel, reaching for his coloring book: GIVE IT BACK, ALBERT!
Younger Albert, holding it even higher: Seriously? Coloring? What are you? a girl that likes pretty colors.
Younger Julien and Tristan: *laughs at Nathaniel*
Younger Alix, walking up to them: What's this about coloring's just for girls?
Younger Albert: Nate needs a girl to save- *gets hit by Alix's bag and falls to the floor*
Younger Nathaniel, shocked: ...
Younger Julien: Albert... are you okay?
Younger Albert, letting go of the coloring book, while crying: I'M TELLING THE TEACHER! *runs away with Julien and Tristan behind him*
Younger Nathaniel, picking up his coloring book: Thank you.
Younger Alix: No problem. I HATE bullies! Well, my dad's gonna be called after school. Better get to class.
Younger Nathaniel: *stops her from walking away* Wait! I'm Nathaniel.
Younger Alix: Alixandra. But my friends call me Alix.
Younger Nathaniel: C-can we be friends?
Younger Alix, smiling at him: Of course! Can you show me your coloring book? *picks up her bag and pulls her own coloring book out of it* I'll show you mine!
The two new friends then happily walked to class together.
~~~~~~~Present Day~~~~~~~
The whole Lady WiFi situation that happened two days ago was wild, but that wasn't gonna stop Alix from making sure Nathaniel has the best birthday ever!
💥Alix the Awesome🥇: Hey Birthday Boy! You ready for the best birthday EVER?!
🖋Nate the Artistic🎨: Knowing what you have planned, it'll probably be just as crazy as my Bar Mitzvah.
💥Alix the Awesome🥇: You say that as if you're NOT looking forward to it!
🖋Nate the Artistic🎨: Will you need extra help putting it together?
💥Alix the Awesome🥇: You know we're not gonna have you help set up your own party! You just gotta sit back and look pretty. I gotta take care of some LaCrosse stuff first. But after that, it's party time!
Nathaniel chuckles while putting his phone down.
He then looks at one of the many sketch books Alix got him for one of his birthdays and smiles.
After he's dressed for school, he quickly leaves his home.
Instead of thinking about the bullies and his awful father, Nathaniel's head was only filled with happy thoughts of his friends and the the Kubdel men having a fun party with him at The Louvre.
While Nathaniel walked to school, he saw Alix with Rose and Juleka and walked to school with them.
Alix: So ladies, are you two also looking forward to Nate's awesome party tonight?
Juleka: Yeah.
Rose: It's gonna be so wonderful!
Alix: Marinette's helping me and my dad out with the cake, so we KNOW it's gonna be awesome!
Nathaniel: If you keep all this planning up, you're gonna out due my Bar Mitzvah by a mile!
Juleka: We'll make sure there's LOTS of pizza too.
As the four of them walked towards the school steps, the Agreste limo pulls up.
Adrien then gets out of the limo and runs up to Chloé and Sabrina.
Sabrina then quickly notices Nathaniel walking with Alix Juleka and Rose.
Sabrina, shouting at him: Hey Nathaniel! Happy Birthday!
Nathaniel, surprised: Oh... Thanks!
As the the Sabrina and the two blondes walked into the school, Chloé was feeling quite surprised and curious.
Chloé: Today's Nathaniel's birthday...?
Sabrina: Oh yeah. Alix and the other Kubdels throw the best parties for him every year! I haven't been invited to one myself though...
Chloé, looking down: Yeah well... lack of party invites come with the "Mean Girl" rep. *thinks to herself* The Kubdels always DID throw the best parties.
Adrien: Hey! I'm sure everyone here will realize how dorky and sweet you two can be very soon!
This causes Chloé and Sabrina to laugh happily at Adrien's attempt to cheer them.
Adrien then gets a text on his spare phone.
🎭AK❓️: Hey Princey, how was your weekend?
Adrien chuckles before responding.
👑Princely Sunshine☀️: An absolute bore! But the whole Lady WiFi live stream made this week so eventful!
🎭AK❓️: It was insane! I can't believe Chloé actually got Scarabée's autograph though.
👑Princely Sunshine☀️: Is it really THAT surprising? Now Nate's gift? That's gonna be the biggest surprise of the year!
Alix chuckles at the response, which Nathaniel notices.
Nathaniel, noticing that she’s on her phone: Who are you texting?
Alix, quickly putting her phone away: Just making sure one of your MANY presents arrive, Birthday Boy!
The day went on as usually, but with everyone in the main class wishing Nathaniel a very happy birthday.
Nathaniel was having a very nice day.
While he waited for Alix to finish with her "LaCrosse Stuff", he was drawing himself as a superhero helping out both Scarabée and Kitty Claws.
Then three unfortunately familiar faces walked up to him.
Albert: Well well well! If it isn't the birthday boy!
Nathaniel: *ignores him and continues to draw*
Julien: Awww! Where's your pint-sized party planner?
Tristen: Did she finally come to her senses and ditch you?
When Nathaniel continues to ignore the trio, Tristen snatches his sketch pad away from him.
Tristen: Check it out! Nate here wants to be a superhero!
Nathaniel, quickly getting up: Give it back!
Albert: You? Helping out Scarabée and Kitty Claws!? Best joke I’ve heard all year!
Tristen: Not much you could do with a pen and sketchbook!
Julien: They’d have put off fighting villains to save you!
Julien: Do you really think you could fight alongside those two?! You need a strawberry shortcake to protect you!
Nathaniel: *snatches his sketch book back and runs away*
Albert, Julien, and Tristen: *laughs at him*
Nathaniel runs to the gym where he hears an unexpected conversation.
Alix: There's no way we can tell Nathaniel about this.
Adrien: Oh no, I totally agree with you!
Without being noticed or seen by the two, Nathaniel runs away.
Alix: It's SO expensive! Nate would cry hard and then refuse to accept the gift.
Adrien: That and my dad would LOSE IT if he found out that I got a gift like this for one of my classmates through social media. I could hear the lecture from him now...
Alix: Given that your old man's that much of a piece of shit, I can hear it too. It's sad though, I think Nate would be quite happy to get a gift from you. I'm sure if I explain the situation, he'll understand for sure!
Adrien, groaning: I wish I could go to the party!
Due to this misunderstanding, Nathaniel runs into the boy's bathroom and runs in an empty stall.
He even texted a certain someone for advice.
🖋Nate the Artistic🎨: Alix was talking with Adrien Agreste of all people about keeping a secret from me!
🎸Guitar Hero🩵: Are you sure that's the whole context? Did you stay to listen to more?
🖋Nate the Artistic🎨: No... but what else could "There's no why we can tell Nathaniel about this" mean?!
🎸Guitar Hero🩵: I don't know, but what I do know is jumping to the worst conclusions is a BAD idea. Ask her about it tonight, okay?
🖋Nate the Artistic🎨: I will
🎸Guitar Hero🩵: I gotta get back to work. Cheer up, Birthday Boy!
🖋Nate the Artistic🎨: I'll try, Lu.
While Nathaniel tried, he could not cheer up, he couldn't help but think upsetting thoughts.
"Could she wanna stop being friends?!"
"Was he who she was texting with when we walked in?!"
"Planning and throwing all these parties could be tiring..."
"Could Albert Julien and Tristen be right about her wanting to ditch me?!"
"Could she be tired of me not being able to handle my father by myself?! I need answers!"
Hawkmoth, sensing Nathaniel's emotions, sends an Akuma to Nathaniel and it lands in his stylus pen.
Hawkmoth: So many raw emotions that'll only be calmed by revenge and answers. I could give you the power you need for both. All I want are Scarabée and Kitty Claws' Miraculous!
Nathaniel: Okay, but I get to choose an extra power.
Hawkmoth: Of course, Evillustrator.
Albert, Julien, and Tristen were walking by the bathroom when Evillustrator kicks the door off its hinges and turns to face the irritating trio.
Tristen: Is that an Akuma?! So cool!
Evillustrator: You wanna see something even cooler?
Albert: Nathaniel?!
Evillustrator then quickly draws on his tablet and watches as Alix appears before him and the trio in a black and blue superhero suit while welding a scythe and wearing blazing roller blades on her feet.
Evillustrator, internally: My work. Deal with them until Scarabée and/or Kitty Claws show up to finish these jerks off.
Albert, Julien and Tristen: *runs away while screaming*
Evillustrator: Now to have a talk with the real Alix *walks towards the gym*
Chloé and Sabrina were on their phones when they saw "Alix" chasing the known annoying bully trio on blazing roller blades.
Sabrina: Was that Alix? Has she been akumatized?!
Chloé: Go hide! I'll go get Adrien!
Sabrina: Be careful, Chloé! *runs off*
After Chloé runs into a janitor's closet and closes the door, Plagg flies out of her purse.
Plagg: She's quite the fiery type, isn't she?
Chloé, sighing sweetly while blushing: You have no idea... *furiously shakes her head* Focus Chloé! Plagg, claws out!
Evillustrated!Alix had the three bullies cornered as she raises her scythe.
But before she could slice the three of them apart, Kitty Claws throws her baton at her head, which immediately got her attention.
Kitty Claws: I love the look. The scythe? Not so much.
Evillustrated!Alix then turns to her with a smile on her face.
Evillustrated!Alix, extremely excited: Kitty Claws! You're here! You can take care of these three jerks! *blows her a kiss before disappearing*
Tristen: Holy shit, it's Kitty Claws!
Julien: No way!
Albert: She's alot hotter in person!
Kitty Claws, obviously annoyed: I need answers, now!
While Kitty Claws questioned the trio, Evillustrator kicked the gymnasium doors to the floor, which got everyone's attention, including Alix and Adrien's.
Evillustrator: I am Evillustrator now! And I've got questions for you!
Alix: Adrien, run!
Adrien: What about you?!
Alix: I'll be fine!
Evillustrator: OH HE MUST BE SO SPECIAL!
Out of jealousy and anger, Evillustrator quickly draws a leaser gun which he quickly uses to shoot at Adrien.
He manages to dodge every shot fired at him.
Evillustrator, still shooting at him: WILL YOU JUST HOLD STILL?!
Adrien, still dodging: No thanks, I enjoy living!
Thinking fast, Alix grabs the heaviest gym bag and throws it at Evillustrator.
While he’s on the ground, she grabs Adrien by the wrist and runs out of the gymnasium.
~~~~~~~~Back with Kitty Claws & the bullies~~~~~~~
Kitty Claws: So an akumatized Nathaniel drew on a tablet and that Alix appeared and attacked you?
Albert, walking closer to her: Enough talk about that Nate-Loser! Let's talk about-
Alix, still holding Adrien's wrist while running closer to the four: KITTY CLAWS?! YOU'RE HERE!!
Alix stops running once she's close enough to Kitty Claws and the three bullies.
Adrien: Alix? Not that I'm ungrateful that you saved me back there but... my wrist hurts REALLY badly.
Alix, quickly let's go of him: Sorry man!
Albert: So you did get a better friend! We were right!
Alix, holds him up against the nearest wall: What the fuck did you just say?
Kitty Claws, internally: I have to stop her, but I REALLY don't want to... has Ally-Kins been working out? Keep it together Chloé! *speaks out loud while pulling Alix away from Albert* from what little info these three gave me, I can tell Nathaniel got akumatized and went after them.
Adrien: But he came after us too. He even shot a leaser gun at me!
Kitty Claws: But why would he target you two?! Damnit! I wish Scarabée were here. She’d have this figured out by now!
Alix, whispering: Kitty... *speaks louder* I will tell you what I know, but it HAS to be the two of us.
Adrien: Say no more! I'll see you tomorrow, Alix! *runs off*
Alix: We also need a place for these three *points at Albert Julien and Tristen* to hide.
Albert: What a second-
Kitty Claws: On it! *throws the three into a janitor's closet*
Alix: We also have to get away from Nate.
Kitty Claws: *picks her up bridal style and runs out of the school* Where to next, Petite-Pêche?
Alix, trying to not blush at the surprise nickname: A private place to talk.
Kitty Claws: I know a nice peaceful place.
~~~~~~~At Montmartre~~~~~~~
Alix: This isn't exactly private.
Kitty Claws: But it is nice and peaceful. Now start talking.
Alix: I think he overheard me talking to Adrien, but misunderstood what was being said completely given that he's been akumatized. I wanna clear this up with him, but it's too dangerous now.
Kitty Claws: I'll be here to protect you when you do clear all this up with him. *gently holds her hand*
Alix, unable to hide her blush: T-thanks *quickly looks away from her*
Kitty Claws, internally: It's the least I can do, Ally-Kins. *speaks out loud while holding up her baton* I'm gonna text Scarabée the situation, you figure out how you're gonna explain this to your friend.
Alix: You know... he probably found those three by now.
Kitty Claws: Yeah, but to be fair, they're quite annoying.
Alix, giggling: I hope I'm not annoying by taking up too much of your time.
Kitty Claws: Oh no, never! This is time well-spent.
Alix, turning to look at her, revealing her blushing face: Really?
Kitty Claws, turning away to hide her own blush: YEAH! I got plenty of information just from talking to you! *thinks to herself* My Petite-Pêche is too pretty!!!
Alix: Since we can't wait for Scarabée for long, let's go take care of this ourselves.
Kitty Claws: Yeah...
Alix, internally: I DO have to hide away and transform after all.
Kitty Claws: I did get abit of usual info from those three though. None of them heard him give the Evillustrated you an order. And considering that she disappeared the second she thought I was gonna be on his side, he most likely ordered to hold off the bullies until me or Itty-Bitty showed.
Alix: Great thinking, Kitty Claws! You're very smart on your own too. Never doubt that!
Kitty Claws, starting to blush again: Thank you, Petite-Pêche~
Back at the school, Albert Julien and Tristen got out of the janitor's closet and ran out of the school.
That doesn't stop Evillustrator from sending a scary monster his drew their way.
Evillustrator, internally: Avoid the dark my creation. And bring them back to me!
Evillustrator stood on top of the school and watched with a grin as the monsters chased the trio of bullies around.
While carrying Alix bridal style again, Kitty Claws lands on a building not far from the school.
Kitty Claws: This guy's doing some serious damage. Where is Scarabée?
Alix: I'm sure she's just held up... by something! I'll try to explain everything to Nate now!
Kitty Claws then jumps and lands in front of the school, making sure to hold Alix tightly.
Evillustrator quickly notices this and jumps on the school and lands in front of them.
Evillustrator: Kitty Claws! How kind of you to bring Alix back to me.
Kitty Claws, holding her even tighter: That is NOT what is happening!
Alix: Nate-
Evillustrator: The name's Evillustrator!
Alix: Evillustrator, what you heard me and Adrien talking about was a complete misunderstanding!
Evillustrator: If it IS a misunderstanding... what were you and him texting about earlier?
Alix, noticing a bunch of people were around them with their phones out: I can't tell you now but-
Evillustrator: Since when do you keep secrets from your friends, Alix? Since this school year started, you've been nothing but secretive! Does your family know? Do the others know?!
Alix: I don't wanna lie to you...
Evillustrator, crying: I DON'T WANT YOU TO LIE TO ME EITHER!
While managing to see through his tear filled eyes, Evillustrator draws a hole under Alix and Kitty Claws & watches the two fall through it before adding steel bars on their only way out of it.
Kitty Claws lands on her feet and catches Alix as she fell.
Hawkmoth: What are you doing?! Get Kitty Claws' Miraculous!
Evillustrator: I will. Once I'm sure that I have Scarabée as well. Besides, there's one more personal thing I gotta take care off as long as I have these powers. *draws a hover board into existence, gets on it and flies away*
Once they were absolutely sure that Evillustrator was gone, Alix and Kitty Claws were getting ready to escape.
Alix: Kitty Claws, extend your baton and use your cataclysm on the bars!
Kitty Claws: Great thinking, Petite-Pêche~ *pulls her close*
After following Alix's instructions, the two find themselves out of the hole while everyone around them cheered.
Alix: Great job, Kitty Cat.
Kitty Claws: I guess we make a great team as well.
This short moment between the two is interrupted by Kitty Claws' beeping ring.
Kitty Claws: As you can tell from the beeping ring, I gotta go. Go thing there's a cheese shop not that far from here.
Alix: I think you and Scarabée should take care of it from here.
Kitty Claws: You were a great help today, Alix.*runs off*
While everyone around the school watched Kitty Claws leave, Alix took the opportunity to hide away so she could transform.
Tikki, flying out of her hair: Are you okay?
Alix: *sighs* I will be once we save Nate. Tikki, spots on.
After quickly buying abit of camembert cheese, Kitty Claws leaves and hides before transforming back and feeds Plagg the cheese.
Plagg, with his mouth full: Were you just planning on flirting with your "Petite-Pêche" the whole time?
Chloé, blushing: Shut up and finish your damn cheese.
When Kitty Claws makes it back to where the Monster is, she sees Scarabée flinging the monster into the hole with her yo-yo.
Kitty Claws, running up to her: Itty-Bitty? You're here!
Scarabée: Sorry it took me so long, KC. Thanks to a girl named Alix, I'm up to speed on the situation.
Kitty Claws: Do you think Evillustrator went to the Louvre?
Scarabée: No, I thinking of some place more... personal. Just follow me.
~~~~~~~At the Kurtzberg Household~~~~~~~
Gerald, crying while tied up with a self-tightening rope: Please don't do this son, I love you!
Evillustrator: Wow, you must be REALLY scared. Now you know how I've felt for years!
Before Evillustrator could draw anything else, Scarabée and Kitty Claws kick down the door.
Evillustrator: Damnit! Did ALIX tell you about this?!
Kitty Claws: Hey she cares about you a whole lot! She just wanted to be there for you! You're lucky those three annoying boys were able to hide away!
Evillustrator: Why would you hide them? Why are you here to save HIM?! They’re the villains here! They deserve punishment!
Scarabée: Will you just listen, Nathaniel?!
Evillustrator: The name’s Evillustrator! The REAL hero of Paris!! You two are just more villains I must take down!
Scarabée, internally: Don’t worry Nate, we’ll save you.
While Scarabée shocked her head to calm down, she had to shake it off and use her Lucky Charm.
A slingshot and a bag of marbles fall into her hands.
Gerald: How is THAT gonna save-
Scarabée: You shut up! *looks at all the lights in the room & thinks to herself* Nate, you never could draw in the dark.
Kitty Claws: Just tell me what to do, Itty-Bitty!
Scarabée, readying the slingshot: Keep Evillustrator busy!
Evillustrator: I'd LOVE to see you try!
Evillustrator then draws another Evillustrated Alix into existence, but this one was dressed at a witch with a fiery staff.
Evillustrator, internally to the Evillustrated Alix: Destroy Scarabée and Kitty Claws while I destroy HIM!
Evillustrated!Alix: I WILL END YOU! *runs at Kitty Claws*
Kitty Claws: CATACLYSM! *cataclysms the fake and watches her turn to dust* Sorry Little Witch, you can't compare to the original.
Scarabée, shooting the last of the lights: Got'em all!
Evillustrator: Damnit! It's too dark!
Evillustrator then groans in pain as his hand that held his stylus pen.
Hawkmoth, as the mask appears on Evillustrator's face: I TOLD YOU TO GET KITTY CLAWS' MIRACULOUS WHEN YOU COULD!
Despite the house being quite dark now, Scarabée could tell that Evillustrator was in alot of pain.
Scarabée manages to find the stylus pen in the dark, break it in half, purify the butterfly, and use her Miraculous Cure to fix everything.
After Nathaniel turns back to normal, Kitty Claws pulls Scarabée into the usual quick selfie.
Then two then turn to face Nathaniel and Gerald.
They quickly noticed that Gerald was glaring at Nathaniel, as if he were waiting for the two heroines to leave them alone to do something.
Nathaniel refused to look him in the eye.
Scarabée: I was told by Alix to take Nathaniel to the Louvre.
Gerald: Wait a second-
Kitty Claws: Okay! See you around, Itty-Bitty!
Gerald: Can I talk to my boy alone for a quick-
Scarabée: Nope! Come on Nathaniel.
Nathaniel: O-okay.
Kitty Claws felt chills down her spine when Gerald put on a smile before walking into a bedroom she assumed was his.
Kitty Claws, internally: I know that shitty good parent act when I see it.
The two heroines left the house, Kitty Claws ran off before she could transform back.
Scarabée had enough time to drop Nathaniel off in front of the Louvre and swing away to transform back.
She then put on a pair of roller blades she had hidden close to the Louvre and starts skating.
Nathaniel, thinking to himself while staring at the Louvre entrance: I can't believe I actually considered her to be a bad friend. If anyone's a bad friend, it's me! She's probably so pissed with me right now... I wouldn't blame her.
Alix, skating closer while shouting: NATE!!!
Nathaniel, starting to cry: ALIX?!
Alix, tackling him to the ground in a tight hug: YOU'RE OKAY!!!
Nathaniel: Y-you're not mad?!
Alix: Why would I be mad?!
As the two got up, they noticed a very familiar face riding a bike towards them.
Alix and Nathaniel: Luka!
Luka, to Nathaniel: While I was on my break, I saw that you were an akumatized villain. Wanna tell me what happened?
Alix: We can talk about it after we're inside. I'm hungry and I doubt it you want me to take one of those pizzas from you.
Luka: Nate help! She's going feral!
Nathaniel, chuckling: Let's go inside.
Once the doors were opened, Alim Jalil and most of Alix and Nathaniel's classmates shout "Surprise! Happy Birthday, Nathaniel!"
Nathaniel cried tears of joy as he looked around.
Luka, ruffling Nathaniel's hair: Happy Birthday, Red!
Alix: Let me get out of these skates and then we can party!
Once Alix is in her room, she takes off her skates and grabs a neatly wrapped box.
After she goes back to the party the party, she immediately gives Nathaniel the box.
Nathaniel: What is this?
Alix: Hopefully something that'll clear up the misunderstanding from earlier...
Nathaniel opens it quickly, revealing a very expensive drawing kit that included a five thousand paged sketch book and hundreds of colored pencils.
Nathaniel, starting to cry: W-what...
Alix: Adrien got it for you. He wanted to give you something to thank you for getting him something for his birthday. We didn't wanna tell you because you'd feel bad about how expensive it is. There's also the fact that Adrien's shitty dad wants him to be just as stingy with money as he is... so if you DO post it on Social Media, don't mention his name.
After Jalil walked closer to them, Nathaniel gives him the gift to hold and hugs Alix as tightly as he could.
Nathaniel: I'm sorry I ever doubted you!
Alix: It's okay, Nate!
Jalil: Enough tears! Let's party!!
And for the rest of the night, they all partied as hard as they could.
For obvious reasons, Nathaniel stayed the night with The Kubdels.
Alim always had outfits in the boy's style and other stuff he needed to stay clean just in case he didn't wanna go home.
~~~~~~~The Next Day~~~~~~~
Alix Nathaniel and the others were in the Art Club when a new but familiar face walks in and up to Nathaniel.
???: Hey, Nathaniel right?
Nathaniel: Yeah, that’s me.
???: I heard about what happened yesterday with those guys from my class & wanted to make sure you were alright.
Nathaniel: Oh, I'm alot better now. You didn't have to worry!
???: It’s no problem at all. I’ve been having problems with them too.
Nathaniel: I’m Nathaniel Kurtzberg, but you already knew that.
Marc: Marc Anciel. *pulls out his phone and reads the message from his mom* I gotta go, see you around?
Nathaniel: Of course!
Alix smirks as she noticed Nathaniel's smitten smile as Marc left.
Alix: Looks like someone's got a crush!
Nathaniel: Speaking of crushes, can you explain THESE! *shows her pictures of her in Kitty Claws' arms on the ScaraBlog*
Alix, internally: DAMNIT ALYA!
Nathaniel, chuckling: I'm waiting!
Alix, chuckling as well: Don't hold your breath!
Not far from the Art Club, Chloé smiled happily as she also look at the Alix/Kitty Claws photos on the ScaraBlog while walking towards Sabrina.
Sabrina: What has you smiling so much?
Chloé, putting her phone in her purse: Just the fact that Adrien's being let out to go shopping with us!
Inspired by: @emdoddles @princess-of-the-corner @muggle-born-princess @dcschart @justanotherpersonsuniverse @symphonic-scream
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brightgnosis · 4 months
How are you feeling today? How are you feeling this month?
Today I'm feeling iffy.
I woke up with my Sciatic pinched so bad on both sides of my Hips that I couldn't stand up straight. So I've been hobbling around like an old hag all day. Also got hella nauseous after eating Pizza today, which hasn't sat great with me. On top of a few additional physical problems, it just hasn't been a great time.
Additionally, I'm having an annoyingly difficult time tracking down a core piece of information I need about a specific type of Incense I'm interested in trying out (making). I'm sure I'll find what I need eventually- and if not, screw it. There's always plenty of room for experimentation. But it's still annoying to try and track down in the meantime, y'know?
Mentally, though, I'm at least better than I've been the last couple days. I don't quite feel as much like an inflated balloon like I did yesterday. So keeping myself busy until my Mother In Law's birthday party tonight by researching Incense (now that my brain has enough power to actually focus on something) seems to be working out in regards to keeping my mental health in check. Which is great considering how much of a horror show it's been this month.
This is a hell of a month to check in on, in general, given being bedbound and everything (Baruch HaShem that seems to finally be over now), ha! Thank you 💜
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questions for grim questions for grim, grim loves questions questions for grim
what clothing item is a key part of your character design? what’s your ideal night out like? what are you like at a party? mountains, beach, forest, desert, or jungle? WORST fruit? who is your best friend, what are they like, why do you love them? what makes you laugh?
ooooh questions!!!!! yay!!!!!!!!! you know how much i love these. i will say i am quite flattered by your interest in my being. i'll do my best to give you some good, thorough answers
clothing item that is a key part of my character design is my lock necklace. if i dont wear it i feel ill. i will not feel like myself. i will feel significantly less swag and thats not good for me. its basically a small lock on a chain i wear around my neck. my dad gave it to me when i was a teenager, said only rockstars can wear shit like that. and i was like oh in that case
ideal night out is literally texting everyone "whats the moves tonight" then meeting up on a street corner and letting montreal unfold for us the way it does so beautifully every time. just walking around with my friends drinking a beer and laughing. talking. meeting characters on the street, letting them take you to your next adventure. but if im planning a night out, its usually going to be going to a show at some dingy venue and drinking at someones house beforehand, afterwards finishing the night off at a bar dancing or playing pool, then hit the diner or a pizza place. typical city slicker shit
im assuming by party you mean like....house party? so i'll answer that way. at a party theres two grim modes: either im aloof as fuck and finding ways to entertain myself that dont require human interaction (like going around and looking at whats in the bathroom cabinet, playing your instruments or chilling with the cat if there is one). usually in that mode if im not going off by myself im sitting on the couch watching everyone with a distant look in my eyes. off to neverland somewhere fr. the other mode is im standing in the middle of the room and actively working the crowd like a fuckin court jester. i really really like doing that and im really good at it. but i only do it if i think the people at the party are going to be receptive to it. nothing worse than a loud fuckin clown who cant read the room
mountains. mountains. i mean god i love the ocean. but mountains do it for me. i could cry
WORST FRUIT is......hm. i think there's nothing worse than a berry sold in a single plastic container at the grocery store in the middle of winter. like i tried eating some raspberries the other day and they were so fuckin sour and tasteless. i love fruits i dont think theres a worst fruit i think theres a worst time to eat certain fruits
oh my god noooo im gonna go on a tangent. my best friend's name is Chloë. We've known each other since we were twelve. she's the reason i'm changing for the better. she's the reason i'm making active changes in my relationships, ones that have me feeling a sense of belonging for the first time in my whole fuckin life. the love she's shown me is a key factor in why i don't isolate anymore. we've been friends and drifted and been friends again a couple of times and now our friendship has hit a new high. its like a breath of relief, to have her in my life. she taught me that love isn't supposed to be anxiety inducing, that receiving a text from your friend isnt supposed to make your heart jump to your throat. she taught me that friendship doesnt have to be this chaotic, symbiotic rollercoaster where you're always looking to get fucked up together or have secret animosity and resentment towards one another. it can be kind. it can be fun, at all times. it can be this natural pull between two people that just feels pleasant. she taught me that other people can love me for all that i am and that i dont have to hide the ugly mangled parts of myself to be loved. she encourages my very being every day. she embraces all of me and has a brilliant mind. she's so caring and attentive and so fuckin smart. emotionally intelligent. when we're together, we talk and talk and talk and philosophize ourselves into fuckin oblivion. our minds meld and elevate each other. she teaches my know-it-all ass things every time we talk. with Chloë, i can truly just be. we can be quiet together. i just feel the love emanating off her and its like.....oh i get it. friendship is the ultimate act of devotion.
and lastly well. everything makes me laugh. its all so funny
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grav1d · 6 months
I'd like a long, slow burn coming up to the night I roughly, loudly pound a baby into you. Teasing you for weeks about how huge you're going to get, pondering aloud if you'll conceive twins.
Finally, the night arrives. It just so happens that we're out with friends. We go to a local pizzeria and tap room. We trade knowing smiles back and forth all night, everyone around us not knowing that we're trying for a baby tonight. It's been our shared dream to have a huge family, and you gleefully agreed to my demands that you get pregnant for me every year. We had our fill of pizza, and you got a bit tipsy off of local brews. I love it, though, because you get handsy and horny and wet so easily.
Unfortunately, I still had to drive. I would have loved to have my hands all over you, too. When we left the party, you were already trying to grab at my thick cock straining against my jeans.
It was a long way down those winding country roads back to our house. In the meantime, you unzipped me and gave me the best road head I'd ever had. I loved feeling your warm, soft lips and your wet tongue on the thriving head if my shaft. The feeling if your warm, wet drool dripping down my length, feeling you struggle to fit your lips around my girth. Hearing you slurp and gag as you challenged yourself to take it all down your throat.
I almost wanted to pull over right there and either make you let me bust in your mouth, or drag you into the back seats and ream you out on the side of the road.
You whined when you had to pull off of me. I even almost crashed the car into the back wall of the garage I was so eager to get you to the bedroom. Alas, we never made it that far. With my cock still free and your panties left on the floor of the car, I immediately pinned you up against the door joining the kitchen to the garage the moment it closed. You gave a surprised but pleased yelp when I seized you and soun you around.
You obediently bent over just so, knowing your place and what's about to happen. All at once, I plunged my whole throbbing length into you with a wet, slick clap our your ass against my hips. You whales your pleasure into the rest of the dark house as I pulled almost all the way out, before slamming hard into you again. I felt myself bottoming out against your cervix. My fingers swiftly found your swollen clit, and delicately danced sound and rubbed it. My other hand still held fast to your wide hips, guiding you when you threw your big ass back against me.
It didn't take long for my breathing to become ragged, my grunts to get loud and guttural, and for me to whisper sweet nothings in your ear. "I'm gonna pound my big, fat babies into you tonight. Take my seed, Gloria. Get big n' pregnant for me. Show me you can be my good little breeding whore." I demand as I yank back on your hair and start pounding you harder and faster. "Take it. Take it! Give me a horde of big, strong sons!" You could do little more than mewl and howl before finally answering me as I'm about to cum in you. "Give it all to me! Make me huge! I want to bursting at the seams! Please, Arthur, baby! Please!" You screamed out an orgasm as I erupted inside you, pushing you hard into the door and pinning you there with my weight as I empty into your womb.
We shakily, sporadically twitch and move against each other as we came down from our high. I held you close in my arms, and you wrapped your arms around mine while I held you up. I kiss and nibble along your ear and your neck, murmuring my deep love and desire for you. Telling you how I could hardly wait to be a father, and I don't want anyone else to be the mother of our children. That you'd be so perfect for it, so sweet and kind and gentle. That you're an awesome wife who's so sexy. Your turn your head and smile brightly, warmly, your hand softly cupping my cheek. Eventually, I pull out and you moan at the emptiness.
"Come, my love. Let's get you pregnant somewhere more comfortable." I suggest, and you happily agree with a giggle and a smile. "Let's. I want to see how many times we can cum before we're too sore to move." There's a gleam in my eye, then. Challenge accepted. Let's make a baby, and have fun doing it.
That's how I'd knock you up.
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untitledinstinct · 1 year
Even with an entire xl pizza, 20 mins later I could still eat a little more...
If I didn't have to cook it.
Looks like the party tray size is my next goal?
I know for a fact I can do at least half.
I'm honestly getting a little frustrated with finding where that limit is. It's also gunna be Damm expensive at this point.
I want to get to a point where I can't get up, and keep eating a bit.
I lay on the sofa, half sitting up, but I want to at least really struggle.
I got as close as ever to there tonight. So that's a step forward. ♡
I'm proud of myself.
I've been fattening myself up nicely.
(Asks are open, anon available)
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dewitty1 · 1 year
Saturday Six (Stuff)
New Year's Eve Edition
I had a few goals (not resolutions) for 2022, which mostly consisted of doing better for myself. I think I sort of did OK. Except for going to bed early. Still need to work on that one.
No plans really for tonight. I've never been one to party on NYE or anything. It'll be pizza and a movie with the dude.(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
Looking back over my business over the last year, it wasn't that I was super busy really, but more that I had a lot of small jobs, and a few higher paying jobs, and one really humongous job. I'm just really grateful for all my customers.(•̀ᴗ•́)و ̑̑
I'm glad I stuck with my yoga practice, and that it's become part of my routine. I plan on working a bit harder at it this year, maybe adding at least one more day, due to my back issues.(ෆ ͒•∘̬• ͒)◞
Socks and Boots are now fully integrated into our lives and I think they're basically fully settled. Boots seems to be getting more comfortable each day. He was basically a feral cat so the strides he's making are remarkable. Socks is just the old man of the house. We bought KittyMeow home last week. I'll be getting some photos of her for posterity soon. I don't see myself bringing in another cat, but who knows what will happen. I never thought I'd get Reggie but he picked me.₍˄ุ.͡˳̫.˄ุ₎ฅ˒˒
Thank you all so, so much for being here and reading my nonsensical ramblings every week. I'm so grateful to have all of you! And so many of you for so long! I hope 2023 is good to all of us. Please have a safe and happy NYE, if you plan on doing the party thing. Happy New Year, friends!☆*・゜゚・*\(^O^)/*・゜゚・*☆
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anderson-residence · 2 years
Threads October
Thread tracking
If I forgot anything, let me know. Names and threads are not listed in any particular order. We all know I likely won't update this often so take it with a grain of salt. Will hopefully try for monthly at the least. This is more for me to know what threads I have than whose turn it is.
Also if it's your turn feel free to take your time. This is not to pressure or call out anything/one I'm just trying to stay organized for myself! 
If any of the links seem broken or lead to the wrong place let me know so i can try my best to correct it but no promises since it might just be tumblr being dumb.
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Ava and Landon keep running into each other from work, despite their different lines of work. A string of suspicious fires, an intriguing setup for both of them. As they keep meeting they get more comfortable together and as more mysterious fires pop up, they turn to allies trying to solve it all. But as they get closer to the truth, a new threat -something more personal- comes right for them. You're up to bat. I was last to reply. Start of thread | Last reply
Ava wishes Landon a happy birthday and offers to take him out for coffee. A mingling getting-to-know kind of thread. You're up to bat. I was last to reply. Start of thread | Last reply
Landon found Lana with a bloodied face. He helps clean her up. She is scared he is going to be mean just like Mama. Also what the hell kind of pill did she swallow? Tonight is a pizza party kind of night. You're up to bat. I was last to reply. Start of thread | Last reply
Sarah confronts Landon at his door and it gets nasty with Sarah arguing about how 'well' she treats Lana. She digs the hole deeper for herself as Landon is having none of it. You're up to bat. I was last to reply. Also I consider this taking place same day(ish) as the above Lana thread. Start of thread | Last reply
There's a special delivery for Landon. That's a very large box! This was not expected or planned. What is it? A... birth certificate for a 'Lana Wynter'...? Oh. And there's a kid inside it. She is very happy to meet you dad! I posted the starter so it's in your corner now. Start of thread | Last reply
Lana's school is having a family picnic day and Lana invited Landon to come visit her. Be sure to bring a lot of sunscreen. You're up to bat. I was last to reply. Start of thread | Last reply
The weekend is off to an interesting start as Lana spots Landon with blood on his face. What happened Mister? Did your Mama hit you too? Nothing a little bit of candy can't fix and distract for either of them I was last to reply  Start of thread | Last reply
Time for horror things. Lana keeps talking about a monster in their home where Landon sees none, Maybe the girl is just getting used to her new home or is afraid of the dark and imagining things. That's common for kids right? Then one night as they are getting home a figure stares out at them from their windows only to vanish before their eyes... I posted the starter so it's in your corner now. Start of thread | Last reply
It's time for a fall festival! There is a lot of fun to be had. fun treats, face painting, and a hayride. Landon treats Lana to a day out while also working on a story about the festival. There are a lot of twists and turns for the family this day as they encounter friends and monsters from the past. With an attempted kidnapping this fun day out turns into an all-risk situation.  I posted last. Start of thread | Last reply
Ava and Landon talk. They like doing it. Things might lead elsewhere. They enjoy each others company. I posted last. Start of thread | Last reply
Lana broke her arm and what better way to cheer her up than with some ice cream? Don't worry about all the concerning things she says about her arm or her 'Mama' I'm sure it's fine. I was last to reply so you're up to bat. Start of thread | Last reply
Lana is building a moon base with kinetic sand how fun! No mom she doesn't want to stop for dinner. Also, what's a good name for a moon base? I was last to reply so you're up to bat. Start of thread | Last reply
Boys have cooties and that's just gross. But it's okay that they don't want to play with a girl because Lana doesn't want to play with them either. Maybe someday. I was last to reply so you're up to bat. Start of thread | Last reply
Dinosaurs are badass! And because they are so badass of course she needs to have a dinosaur band aid on her skinned knee! I was last to reply so you're up to bat. Start of thread | Last reply
Sick days are no fun. Lana doesn't feel good. What could be wrong with her? Well, she just feels yucky like all over! And don't forget the fever that's not good but please don't give her any medicine. Medicine is yucky. I was last to reply so you're up to bat. Start of thread | Last reply
Lana is going to sue her classmate because he said 'so sue me'! Will you help miss Gen? What is she asking for? Gummy worm compensation of course. I was last to reply.  Start of thread | Last reply
Mayson is out and about once more. He hopes he won't need Gen's services someday even though some people say he will need a good lawyer oneday. What do they mean by that? Oh well I'm sure it's nothing why don't we get burgers instead? I replied last. Start of thread | Last reply
Lana steals but only when she's told to, mister! Most of the time she gives... by shoving lollipops into people's pockets. Beep beep I was last to reply. Start of thread | Last reply
It's horror time, something scratches at the windows and doors what could it be? A childish figure looms in the darkness I posted a start so now you're up to bat. Start of thread | Last reply
Can I ask you anything? Lana has a question for Eloise but her usual no hesitation attitude is changed she is quieter. What is this all about? And why does she ask to go somewhere more private to talk? Hmm. I replied last so tag you're it! Start of thread | Last reply
More question? Oh alright... Lana has a little notepad and pencil at the ready how cute. Is she a mini journalist in the making isn't she? What is it she wanted to ask again...? Oh, where do babies come from... huh. I replied last so tag you're it! Start of thread | Last reply
Will you sign my cast? Lana has a broken wrist and is going around collecting signatures on her cast to make her happier. Of course she wants her honorary brother and to be mother to sign it too!  I replied last so tag you're it! Start of thread | Last reply
Mayson is here! And he is rather curious! Did you ever pee in a cup? Do you have all your organs? And yes his name does have a 'Y' in it. Tag you're it boop! Start of thread | Last reply
What was that sound? A boy crying in a dark alley way.. what is going on? Is he lost? Niles knows where his home is but he can't go back let's leave it at that miss. You're up to bat beep beep Start of thread | Last reply
The toddler is into things! Naked, screaming, covered in hot sauce because of course she is. Good luck Elijah. Guess we can only go up from here, hopefully? After all, she can't be any more chaotic can she?  I replied last so tag you're it! Start of thread | Last reply
Lana is into things!.... Again. This time she is upset about how her sandwich was cut so she is taking matters into her own baby hands. Beep beep you're up to bat Start of thread | Last reply
An unexpected phone call helps the family find Lana if only Gavin could play as nice with grown-ups as he does little kids. You're up to bat. I was last to reply. Start of thread | Last reply
Lana and Mayson didn't make it, how can they carry on like this? But Niles and Simon will have to find a way their other kids are counting on them to get the family through. You're up to bat. I was last to reply. Start of thread | Last reply
A new little visitor, who is she and how will she play into the family? For now, they will have to wait until she is healed before she can come home. But where is home? Will their home be her forever home too? You're up to bat. I was last to reply. Start of thread | Last reply
What happened to Niles? He's gone and thrown his wedding ring away now he's taken off. It's not all his doing, is it? Is he too far gone or can he still be saved? And how does Mayson play into all of this? You're up to bat. I was last to reply. Start of thread | Last reply
Mayson should not be left with scissors. Android Mayson tried to remove his LED but ended up digging a pair of scissors into his temple instead. Crying and bleeding it's going to be a long night for the family. You're up to bat. I was last to reply. Start of thread | Last reply
Hank meets Hannah alone and scared, looking for help. He goes out of his way to comfort her and help her because how could he just step away from a poor kid in need? I replied last. Start of thread | Last reply
Lana is running a lemonade stand and offers a cup to Rockelle. It is my turn to reply (and it is in my queue) Start of thread | Last reply
Connor is concerned about Rockelle after she injured her foot in pursuit of a thief. It is my turn to reply (and it is in my queue) Start of thread | Last reply
Connor loves Rockelle. Just a sweet little moment between them. It is my turn to reply. It is in my drafts. Start of thread | Last reply
Cole wants strawberry ice cream for a treat if he eats all his veggies at dinner but no worries he will eat his veggies.... but only if they are covered in cheese. Your turn Start of thread | Last reply
Toddler Cole wants to take a bath in mud because it's fun and clean isn't any fun, only mud is fun! You're up to bat I replied last. Start of thread | last reply
Connor is worried about hurting Rockelle as well as his memories being corrupted. Your turn Start of thread | Last reply
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flavorlesscheeto · 2 years
Salty Kisses
Billy/Steve x Reader
Au: where Billy has progressed as a person in a positive light and Steves just season Steve on steroids
Tw: sexual activity
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Arms around her waist, honestly I had to go but I didn't want to leave her side. Something about her, I just didn't want to. "Bye kid." Flicking her forehead, she gasps and punched me in my arm. "Oh fuck off Billy. Drive safe okay." I nod, grabbing my jacket and leaving. Driving home, she's all I think about. I mean she's just a friend, we've been nothing more than just strictly friends. But when that fucking pretty boy Harrington gets her hopes up he just cancels and she sits all pretty on her stoop with a cute little pout. "Fucking hell Jamie."
Few weeks later while I'm working out someone knocks on the door, "MAX. GET THE DOOR." She stomps out the room muttering something while rolling her eyes, she opens it and closes the door behind her. I ig ore, it's probably Lucas or one of those other geek freaks. After 10-15 minutes a bit of concern sinks in deep, I quietly walk to the door but I hear them laughing, Daisy and Max. Having a girl talk, "So what's he like? No what does he smell like? Is his hair really that soft?" Daisy laughs and I crack the door eavesdropping while watching them talk from behind. "His hair feels amazing, he has a leathery hairspray cheap but good cologne scent to him." Max nods, are they talking about me? I mean my hair is pretty great. "I mean when he doesn't blow me off from Nancy, he's sweet uhm, hot very hot. Sarcastic, quite the charmer I must say. But I think I can see it going somewhere when Nancy goes back to Jonathan." She nods slowly chewing her lip thinking. So they weren't talking of me. Whatever, "Kid, party tonight. Go get dolled up I'll be there around 8." They jump and turn around. Daisy was braiding Max's hair, she smiles and looks like she's thinking about it. "6, because I want pizza." I raise an eyebrow sitting next to Max, tossing a finished cigarette onto the sidewalk. "Two hours for pizza?" "Noo, I just get ready fast." I nod, "True," she smiles, securing the braid with a hairtie. Max stands up and smiles thanking her and walking inside.
Getting ready I sit on my steps, my feet kicking as I wait for him to pull up, as he gets out. Smoking a cigarette, leaning against the passenger side of the car looking up at me. "Can you help me?" He nods, tossing the cancer stick and grabbing my ankles. Pushing them so I fall backwards from the tree. Moving fast he catches me. My hand connects with his face hard, "Don't you ever do that again you asshole." I walk away and get into the car, opening the door for me I smile and get in. A dark pit of nerves pang in my gut over and over. "He's probably going to show up with Nancy." He sits in his seat and revs the engine before pulling off not hearing what I murmur under my breath. Closing my eyes until we arrive at the party. We walk inside, sure enough they're dancing together. I get a drink and chug a few before walking over to him. Jonathan pulls Nancy's attention, Steve looks at them before spying me walking to him. He smiles, I feel Billy staring but nothing new. "What's up with your friend? He know I get to fuck you?" I shake my head, he dances behind me. His hand on my waist, fingers gently press more into my skin. Making me look at him, he kisses me. "Remember Daisy, nothing more than just friends with benefits for the other. I'm what he can never be to you." I slowly nod knowing I wanted more, even though he only had eyes for the elder Wheeler girl. I roll my eyes, "I need a drink." He lets me slip out of his grasp as I spotted Nancy making her way back to him. I see them talking and Jonathan leaving seeming upset, "Already getting back together. Wow, asshole." I whisper to myself, drinking a bit more. Walking in the hallway searching for the bathroom to be alone. I don't anyone but I feel myself pressed against the wall, hand around my throat. Tongue in my mouth, his hand on my inner thigh. His hand hooks on the back of my knee lifting it up to his waist. I kiss back because why the fuck not. Between kisses a familiar voice whispers to me, "You are so beautiful tonight kid. I just couldn't hold back anymore. He doesn't deserve your attention. But I do, I been here way before him." I just push my tongue in his mouth to shush his words, I don't need a lover, but maybe I want one. Desire doesn't lie. "Hargrove, Daisy? I knew you were sleeping with him behind my back." Steve scoffs and looks at us, "Gargle my fucking ball sack Harrington." His mother back entangled with mine. Our chests press together as he opens the restroom door, pushing us in. Slamming the door shut behind us, his mouth moves to my shoulder and chest. His hand gripping my throat, he whispers in my ear degrading words and slips his hand between my legs. Rubbing his thumb against my throbbing clit and feels the puddle of arousal in my panties. "All this for me huh Daisy?"
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