#I'll stop preaching now
hylianassassin · 1 year
More Scy babbling:
I still like the idea that Rauru is kind of Link's patron in a way. Ganon has Demise, Zelda has Hylia, but Link never really had a divine counterpart. I read Rauru as a reckless, free spirited sort of guy who tries his best to be wise, but sometimes his emotions do get the better of him. One thing is certain though, he has courage in droves. So yeah I like to think he's the final piece in the holy trifecta.
Not to mention that the Zonai themselves are so heavily associated with the Faron region and the spring of courage.
Feel free to disagree of course <3
Just more headcanons.
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definitelynotnia · 3 months
im sorry i have to rant im so fucking pissed
my exams end on 19th and I have to get rid of some books and buy some books which are quite pricy online so I had planned on going to college street on 20th and selling my books and buying the new ones at a cheap price and i was frankly really excited about it because all I get is a one day break to relax bcz i have to start studying for entrances from 21st so all I have is 20th and i wanted to spend it at college street and then get some food and basically have like a solo date kind of thing.
and i was so so excited about it i told my boyfriend about it like 500 times bcz i kept forgetting i've already mentioned it and it was literally on my mind a lott so i kept bringing it up and ik it seems like not a big deal cz i can just sit at home and chill too but i literally do not get to go outside my house. like- the last time i went out was new years eve and after that the only time i've gone out is to school or to give my boards that is it. my mother has some weird like problem wiht me going out like even if i tell her that i just want to go to our terrace for 5 minutes just to get some fresh air she won't even allow that she'll be all suspicious and like sTaNd In ThE bAlCOnY aNd TaKe FrEsH aIr like she herself doesnt leave the house (and blames it on me and my brother ???? when have we ever stopped you bro, she said I HaVe To Be HeRe To KeEp An EyE like im 18 i dont need to be watched 24/7 stop blaming me for choices you put upon yourself) and i just feel so suffocated ALL THE TIME i feel so overstimulated and im so sick of rotting on my bed and i dont want to wait for some birthday party or friends meet up to be able to leave my goddamn house i just wanted to go and have a fun day and get me some books thats it.
anyway so initially the plan was that my mom would go along but something came up so she wanted to postpone it to 21st and i didn't want to bcz i'd already be missing 3 days bcz of my boyfriends birthday, holi and my brothers birthday (all of which are important and i dont want to miss which makes me the villain apparently bcz i should "adjust" and cancel my "parties" instead of trying to stick to my plan bcz that makes me too demanding and selfish apparently) so i suggested that ukw why dont u go do ur thing which came up and i'll go to college street by myself...which is when the solo date idea came which i had really wanted all along but didnt bring up bcz i knew she'd say no but now there's a valid reason for me to go alone so like, its a pretty easy fix i can just go alone but noooo. First of all,
I've been to college street multiple times before so its not like its an unknown area to me
im going by metro which is quite safe
im going when there is stark daylight and i will return home much much before it gets dark and im literally 18
she never lets me go anywhere alone, not even take ubers alone if i want to get back from somewhere my bf has to come drop me everytime and then go backwards to his house which is so so so stupid and i never get to go out alone unless accompanied by family or by a male friend, so obv when i said i'll go to college street alone she refused to let that happen and started screaming about how 'if its so important to go on 20th bcz u dont want to miss a day of studying then cancel ur 'parties' and study then' and i was like no its not about missing a day its just that there's a very easy and logical fix to this problem which is i go alone and its not inconveniencing anyone so why cant i just do that but she will not listen to that bcz im 'adamant' and 'everything has to be according to me' bcz i found a viable solution to the problem. so instead of letting me just go she was literally ready to pay much more money and buy the books online, like.....why cant i just go bro??? (and she keeps telling me im a waste of her money bcz i will amount to nothing in life and my education was a failed investment or wtv so like now why are u wasting more money??? im literally trying to save the money that u 'waste' on me so just let me ???)
anyway i called my dad last night and told him and he was super ok with the idea he said its a good idea that i go alone and that he would speak to her but then today when i asked her if dad spoke to her she said yes, we'll go on 20th and i was like .....we? so apparently she CANCELLED her previously immovable thing for which she wanted me to cancel my 'parties', she cancelled that and agreed to go with me on 20th just so that i dont get to go alone- like ???????????????? what is ur problemmmm
so obv i was super annoyed and i went on a whole ass rant about how i literally struggle to even cross roads bcz i dont know shit about basic travelling bcz all my life ive been in a car and its a running joke with all my guy friends that i 'cannot navigate' and 'dont know any places' and obv??? if im never allowed to go anywhere then how tf will i know the places- the only places i know is bcz recently i've been paying a lot of attention and asking my dad stuff about what roads to take to reach certain places and when i go out with my friends i kind of try and learn a bit but thats it i've only ever gone alone completely alone to two places which is my beauty parlour thats 5 minutes away from my house and one bazaar one time that was 2 bus stops away, thats it. thats my extent of public travelling alone. and now im supposed to go to a whole new STATE for college and i cant even call myself an auto without struggling. and like- is this not a basic life skill??? like ok yeah its not rocket science and i will probably figure it out even if i start later in life but why not now? most of my guy friends literally go everywhere alone, why not me? and my dad agreed with all of this but my mom was just like "you'll be in the hostel only, no need to go out of the campus" like ARE YOU FOR REAL????????? and she's like "if u want to learn skills learn how to cook" like ok yes i will also learn how to cook for sure but i wont have a fucking kitchen in the hostel but somehow cooking is an urgent skill i should learn but going places by myself is unimportant bcz i should just never? leave? the? hostel?
anyway after much screaming and shouting my dad gave up and just cut the call bcz he doesnt want to get into an argument with my mother and my mother was being all suspicious like why do u hAvE tO gO aLoNe AlL oF a SuDdEn even though i literally explained why i want to do this alone but she doesnt think thats valid. so she refuses to let me go and i asked her for one reason why i shouldnt cz usuallt its always "no u have exam what if smthn happens" but now i literally dont even have exam so whats ur excuse now? streets will always be unsafe forever so "what if smthn happens" is not a reason to never let me go out without a man so just gimme one reason and she couldnt give me a single reason she just said "i said no, thats it".
and now she's gone off about how im useless and blah blah and "high maintainance" bcz i want books and "everyone else (some pishi's son) just studies online" and so the whole option of college street is apparently now cancelled and she's trying to set up a whole ass kindle account (half the books i need arent even available as ebooks) just because i wanted to go by myself.
#in our house kids dont stay outside past 6:30pm'' but now all of a sudden its fine for my brother to play#till 10:30 at night#she literally stopped me permanently from going down in the evenings since i was in class 7-8#this is why ive never had any friends outside of school bcz she wouldnt let me leave ths fucking house#and now that my brother is in class 7#he's allowed to be out playing with his friends till 10 freaking 30#he comes home an hour late sometimes...45 minutes and almost always at least 30 minutes late at NIGHT and she says nothing except like#one sentence#yeah im only the villain i only keep u locke#up in the house its all my fault#this is just so damn unfair#like literally insulting#im not a child what is her problem#what sort of fucking solution is 'never leave the hostel' like ok even if i do that what happens then??? after i graduate?#i'll be a 24 year old who doesnt know shit about going from one place to another without a man present]#and then this woman preaches how she 'always raises her son and daughter equally' like srsly shut the fuck up#my whole life i've been told abar late?''#and for me bcz i would come home 5-10 minutes late nd i did it maybe once or twice she made me completely stop going down to play#5-10 minutes late from 6:30 wherein he comes an hour late from 9 fucking 30#and this sounds so stupid bcz im an 18 year old now and i dont give a fuck abt how long i got to play but its just unfair dude#with me it was always smthn or the other either exams or she gets miraculously sick every time i want to go out to play#im not even kidding she did a whole “i have fever and ur going to leave me like this and go play?” on me one time bcz i was adamant abt goi#after months of not being able to go bcz of exam or smthn or the other#she did not have any fever it was fucking bullshit#and how am i supposed to help with ur imaginary fever anyway im literally 12#its so fucking annoying man and then if i say anything at all she'll go on a tirade about how#like YOU DO THOUGH??????? im sorry ur feelings are hurt bcz i said you do smthn that u LITERALLY DO#istg not even 2 days ago she was having a fight with my dad abt how he should teach my brother to learn how to cycle so that he can go buy#groceries#i can cycle
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sisterdivinium · 9 months
Me: tries to keep a mostly WN-related dash and for that reason only follows a little less than some 20 blogs
Also me: jeez why is my dashboard always so quiet
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even if you don't plan on getting medicated/seeing a specialist over it, being aware of your own neurodivergence and tentatively self-diagnosing can be a Really Good Thing
yes, there's something to be said about the community that may come with it, but I think the most important thing that comes from self-diagnosis is being able to understand your own reactions better
for example, I am 99% sure I have rejection-sensitive dysphoria and misophonia (frustrated to the point of tears at certain noises). I don't have a professional diagnosis for either of these, but just knowing that I have them helps a lot with my mindset
When I fail at something (even minorly), am told I've upset someone, or get gently criticized, all things that can trigger my RSD, I know the sudden rush of negativity that comes with it is something that will fade by the end of the day (or even in a few hours!)
Instead of dwelling on whatever happened, or trying to punish myself for it like I would do as a teenager, I now know it's just a Brain Chemistry thing and that I need to take a breather and maybe distract myself for a bit. Then I can go back and actually gain something from the event
And for misophonia, I now know to be aware of my aggravation levels when it comes to certain sounds, so that I can put on headphones or just completely remove myself before I end up overly distressed
These are just two, relatively small examples, but especially after seeing "tiktok diagnoses" and an onslaught of supposed faked disorders on the rise, I just wanted to throw in that self-diagnosis isn't always bad
Professional diagnosis can be necessary in some cases, and I'd definitely recommend seeking it out, but in cases where you just can't, it helps a lot to do some of your own research in order to better understand your own brain :)
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tvrningout-a · 1 year
lemme also say don't you dare water down your oc for canon bc if canon can have op characters, so can you <3 but also you can just have strong, talented characters! you can have weak, well-meaning characters! bitter, scrunkly characters and sweet cinnamon roll characters! don't squeeze your creativity into a box for the sake of what??? making a handful of people happy that your characters abides strictly to canon material? no thanks!
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khlur · 1 year
do they think i want to lag behind and be seen as unprofessional...does she think i want to be perceived as entitled and disrespectful.... no dickhead i'm clearly struggling n all my communication indicates that.....
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holdoncallfailed · 7 months
1996 dash simulator
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🍊 allpulpnojuice follow
guys i'm serious can we PLEASE leave the battle of britpop in 1995 where it belongs i am So Tired
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👽 skygazer81 follow
has anyone heard of this group heaven's gate? they seem kinda sus but their website is sick as hell
🔬 number1skeptic follow
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👑 princessdianastyle follow
i can't believe di and charles officially got divorced romance is DEAD
🇺🇸 itstheeconomystupid follow
ok royalist bootlicker
👑 princessdianastyle follow
oh so now the clinton/gore rpf shipper is going to preach to us?
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👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩 lesbianbartsimpson follow
i just saw the birdcage in theatres...tbh i don't love the queerbaiting. why would you cast two straight actors to play a gay couple...
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🫎 tabarnakonwood follow
society if québec had won its independence last year
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🪩 rhythmnation1814 follow
i swear if staff doesn't stop fucking around i'm going to permanently move to geocities.
#i'm just glad my PC can run netscape 2.0 #but the dial-up is so slow it's like barely worth it ugh maybe i'll just stop using the internet in general #it's not like i NEED it yk
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😎 Anonymous asked: Do you agree that if the glove does not fit, then we must acquit?
🚬 mall-rats answered: Bro I'm not getting baited into talking about the OJ trial again. Go troll someone else
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🧠 craneonme follow
can you GAYS stop posting frasier spoilers
☕️ cafenervosa follow
niles fucking DIES
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🍳 waterydomestic follow
does anyone else feel like the pavement fandom kind of sucks now?? i don't want to be an asshole but when cut your hair started playing on mtv all the time i knew it was over.
📻 philselwaysbaldhead follow
lol now you know how radiohead fans felt when fake plastic trees was on the clueless soundtrack
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🍔 kelandkenan follow
i've always loved the way they loved...
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#kel climbing thru kenan's window because he just HAS to see him even tho he's banned from the rockmore house #like i'm sorry but it's true love your honor
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🧸 thebeaniebabyenjoyer follow
whenever i see that someone's fursona is a gerbil i'm always like oh so you must be a pretty big richard gere fan
🕺🏻 scentofalpacino follow
hold on let me ask jeeves something
🕺🏻 scentofalpacino follow
yeah this is funny as hell
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rslashrats · 4 months
🪰 housefly734 Follow
just a reminder that flies rubbing their hands together =/= plotting a nasty scheme
🪰 r0tt1ngm3at Follow
🪰 crane-fly-wives Follow
^^ Boosting! I constantly get non-flies giving me death glares whenever I wash my hands in the restroom. Like, that's what you're supposed to do after going to the bathroom! Sorry for being hygienic I guess 🙄
🪰 diptera-doll Follow
Reasons why flies might be rubbing their hands together:
It's chilly out and they're trying to warm up
They just put hand sanitizer/lotion/hand cream on
They're rolling a ball of clay together
What you should do if you see a fly rubbing their hands together:
Leave them alone! It's none of your business
Hope this helped! :)
🪰 flyhlghh Follow
people also forget that hand-rubbing is a very common stim!! neurodivergent flies constantly get stigmatized for showing any traits of their neurodivergencies in public!! please don't forget that!!
🐝 iamrealflytrustme Follow
I dont know about you losers but i like to rub my hands together because i am planning the most heinous and villanous crimes in my head
🪰 crane-fly-wives Follow
Wow, most obvious troll I have ever seen in my life. Get a life, dude 🙄
🪰 compoundeyehaver Follow
> claims to be a real fly
> has bee as their profile pic
dude couldn even get the right insect for their shitty troll account LMFAOOOOO
🐝 iamrealflytrustme Follow
No i am real fly and i am plotting to land on someones pie rn and ruin it with all my real fly germs. rubbing my hands together as i do it too
🪰 crane-fly-wives Follow
Anyone wanna bet this guy is some amphibian from 4frog typing this nonsense from their lilypad right now? Just me? Okay-
🐝 iamrealflytrustme Follow
I am buzzing around people's ears now
🪰 crane-fly-wives Follow
Yep, that pretty much confirms my theory. The nerve of some non-flies, I swear 🙄
🪰 batsianmimc Follow
🪰 venus-fly-trap-hater Follow
this post is so real!! tysm babe for sending it to me 💞 ilyy
🪰 batsianmimc Follow
ILY too sugar cube 😘
🐝 iamrealflytrustme Follow
Can you guys stop kissing on this post its ruining my evil scheme planning
🪰 crane-fly-wives Follow
Can't believe this guy is still at it, honestly. @staff @tumblr Please take action against fake fly troll accounts such as these ones!
🐝 iamrealflytrustme Follow
Staff cant kill me i rubbed my hands on them too hard and they dieded sorry
🪰 crane-fly-wives Follow
🤣🤣🤣 Oh the excuses this fake is making, LOL! I haven't been this entertained since the Bombylius major discourse last year!
🪰 compoundeyehaver Follow
why are you still arguing with the troll instead of just blocking
🪰 crane-fly-wives Follow
Just think it's entertaining to see the lack of logic that bounces around in the brains of these non-flies sometimes 🤷‍♀️ Every response this so called "I am a real fly, trust me" user has given me has just made me crack up and flap my wings together.
🐝 iamrealflytrustme Follow
I am gonna rub my hands and plan more evil schemes involving you next
🪰 crane-fly-wives Follow
Heh, just try it, kid. Go on, I'll wait. 🥱
🦗 chirpingboy Follow
things are getting heated in the fly community
🪰 crane-fly-wives Follow
Of course a Grasshopper has the nerve to comment something insensitive on this post. Honestly, just mind your business 🙄
🦗 chirpingboy Follow
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🦗 hopping-along-the-bank Follow
Hey, you can't really preach for not discriminating against flies and then discriminate against a grasshopper, dude. Not cool.
🪰 crane-fly-wives Follow
I think I certainty can, with my past experiences of Grasshoppers always finding the ways to say the most uneducated and baseless takes on my previous posts and discussions. Plus, after the Fly-Grasshopper War of 247 BC (in which my ancestors fought in, mind you) and the consequences that followed it, I think I am well within my rights. But go ahead, frame me as the bad guy here. 🤣
🦗 hopping-along-the-bank Follow
Yeah, you say this and conveniently ignore the socio-economic struggles that grasshoppers have been facing for the past century, many of these issues which were spearheaded by fly conservative politicians in office at the time.
So, yeah, it is rather hypocritical for you to pull out these cards when grasshoppers have also been punished and gotten the short end of the stick throughout bug history.
🪰 crane-fly-wives Follow
The implication that all flies are responsible for a few greedy politicians is quite comical, really. 🥱 Not to mention that many Grasshopper politicians in Bugland and Bugtopia have also had histories of introducing laws that have severely affected communities majorly made up of Flies. But sure, keep arguing with me about this, buddy. I got all day 🤣
🐝 iamrealflytrustme Follow
I am still rubbing my hands and planing schemes btw
🪰 flythatlovestogethigh Follow
anyone smoke bug weed in this thread
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that isn't very holy of you :/
Yandere church boy x gn!reader
It came out shittier than I hoped for. Not proofread 🌺 I'll fix this when I have the time
Tw: religious themes, noncon mention, minor cult mention
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✝️ you had just arrived in the small town of morning star. Having been needing a break from the city life, you rented a one bedroom cabin close by. Planning on staying here for a month, you quickly headed towards your new home, very eager to start exploring the area
✝️ wandering around the town square, it seemed everyone knew eachother. A family like community perhaps? Maybe that's why they all kept staring at you as passed through, must not be use to new faces
✝️that was until a group of children approached, asking you to come play ball with them. You couldn't say no to their puppy dog eyes, and the adult's judgemental stares so you agreed. And it was fun surprisingly! You noticed none of the children had any phones.. or the grown up's for that matter
✝️your first week there you were unsettled, but you just pushed it off as the townsfolks strange behavior, Focusing on unpacking and enjoying your stsy. Until one of the school teachers, a kindergarten one, knocked on your door on a sunday
"hi there honey! On behalf of the people I'd like to sincerely apologize for the cold welcome. It's just been a hard year for all of us! So to make it up you, won't you come to church with us on this fine morning?"
✝️ whether or not you're religious yourself, she managed to convince you to come along. Chatting the whole walk there. Talking about her husband, her children. She mentioned something about having a son your age but you weren't really paying attention
✝️ walking through the grand double doors of the church house, she sat you on the front row with the pastors family, next to a young man. You were startled as she sat on the other side of you, leaning in to whisper In Your ear as she pointed at the pastor preaching
"that's my hubby right there. He's a handsome fella ain't he?"
✝️david looked at his mother in disbelief, he told her a few a times he found you attractive and now look at her! He could practically see the gears turning in her head. thankfully you seemed preoccupied thinking, so he did his best to seem normal while his poor heart beated 300 mph
✝️after the sermon, david turned to you and have you a sheepish smile
"hi.. my name's David, but you can call me dave.. its.. nice to meet you"
✝️you and David hit it off, unlike all the other people. He didn't constantly talk about praising god and forcing his religion down your throat. He was kind, understanding. Laughing at your jokes and nodding along to your words. He never met someone so.. ethereal
✝️growing up, he had a hard time believing in his small towns "god". Watching them cut up and sacrifice newcomers to their false idols, he felt sick to the pit of his stomach heading their screams. But he could definitely devote his cause to you...
✝️he trapped you in this shitty town when he asked you out on a little date a few days later. Unaware he drugged your food and dragging you into his home, waking up chained to a bed. You couldn't tell how long you've been there, but every time you'd try to escape he'd punish you in bed. Not letting you cum or overstimulating you to the point of tears. Why would you want to leave something that can make you feel so good?
✝️he grew up desensitized to blood and gore, so he's confused when you're screaming and crying. Why are you doing that? Don't you know that this is what happens to bad spouses? What do you mean you're not married either? ofcourse you are. Stop being so difficult...
✝️nobody blinks an eye when he strides into town with you on a collar and leash. And that's when you realized, you should have left earlier. Because the whole town was sick in the head. It wasn't like you could call for help because he fucking destroyed your electronics and the people don't even have phones. Something about wifi signals can brainwash you
✝️ he's whipped for you, that much you can obviously tell. but he's smarter than he looks. Eating dinner with his family is just painful,since all they talk about is God god god. It hurts your ears with how often they just Randomly start singing praises. It's bad enough they force you to watch their cult church activities...
✝️if you give in to his demands, he'll let you off the leash but you have to stay close by at all times. If you don't, he'll have to make his punishments a little more extreme. There's also a possibility he'll force you to help around the town. whether that be looking after the children or just running around doing errands. The shock bracelet on your ankle stops you from running into the woods..
✝️if you don't, well.. you wouldn't mind if you became permanently handicapped right?
"don't be so difficult sweetie.. just stay still and it'll cut right through okay?'
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lovingmattysposts · 6 months
Eastside Part 2
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P1 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 P11 P12 P13 P14 P15 P16 P17
summary: growing up in the outskirts of Boston wasn't really pretty. Life wasn't that great for most people, most people. You had Matt and no one fucked with you when Matt was standing by your side. The chief's daughter and the bad boy deliquent. A perfect love story?
warnings: suggestive, cursing, fighting
i love this series I hope yall can get into it
xoxo, autumn
“thoughts?” I smiled looking up at Matt as I slammed the locker closed. He just looked down at me and raised his eyebrows.
“You are ridiculous” he shook his head. I rolled my eyes. “No, I’m practical” I explained as I pushed off the lockers and turned to walk down the hallway. He followed after me throwing his backpack over his shoulder.
"We've been dating for almost six months, and now we have to pretend we aren't together?” he asked looking down at me. I sighed as I looked away from him, spotting a school officer looking at us. I stopped before grabbing Matt and pulling him down the hall.
"Y/n" He sighed looking down at me. "I'm not hiding, I do that shit enough as it is, i'm not doing that shit with you" He said shaking his head. I looked down feeling a pit in stomach. I knew where he was coming from, this wasn't a fair ask really.
"You can't even go to the Eastside, and you want to meet there every Friday?" He asked leaning back. I shrugged. "I don't know Matt. I find a way. Maybe a job?" I said shaking my head. He raised his eyebrows as he looked down at me.
"You're getting a job?" He asked. I shook my head. "No I'll say I got a job, maybe voulnteer work? That way he won't be suspiscious on the no-income part" I smiled. He shook his head smiling.
Matt was shoved slightly from behind and Chris appeared behind him wrapping one arm around his brother's shoulder. "Heard this one was off limits aye?" Chris said smiling down at me. I shook my head as I looked at him. Matt pushed him off of him.
"Do you need something?" He asked looking over at Chris. "Yeah" He breathed. "Nick said there was a mix-up with the packaging? I don't know, some bullshit. But he's on my ass about it, which means i'm on your ass about it because you were suppose to deliver it on Saturday" He said pointing into his chest.
My eyebrows furrowed as I looked between them. Matt looked at Chris and then to me. "I'll take care of it" He said looking towards Chris. Chris nodded. "Yeah you better" He said shaking his head and walking away. Matt sighed and looked down at me.
"What package?" I asked looking up at my boyfriend. He shook his head as he wrapped one arm around me shoulder as we walked down the hall. "Don't worry about it" He sighed looking forward. "Matt" I stopped. He sighed looking up.
"God, I'm gonna kill Chris" He mumbled as he placed a hand against his forehead. He stepped forward. "Listen if I thought you needed to worry about i would tell you, okay?" He said leaning down to me.
"Now get I've got to get to class, I love you" He said kissing my forehead and turning to walk down the hall. "Matthew!" I yelled as he walked away. He turned slightly as he walked.
"You made me come to the shit hole!" He yelled as he continued down the hall, earning some disapproving glanced from teachers. I smiled and shook my head as I turned away.
"So about the package Matt was suppose to deliver" I said slidding in next to Nick. He looked down at me and shook his head. "Y/n" he sighed. I pushed his shoudler.
"What was it?" I asked looking up at him. Nick looked around and then back down to me. "Does Matt know you're asking me about this?" he asked. I bit my lip and looked down. Nick shook his head scrolling back through his phone.
"Why is it some huge secret?" I asked pushing him. He glared over at me. "Y/n, this doesn't concern you. You shouldn't even know about this situation and you shouldn't even be brought into this" He said looking down at me. I rolled my eyes.
"Nick come on" I sighed. "You can preach about eastside this eastside that, but you're not from the eastside. You're the chief's daughter and I shouldn't even be talking to you about this" He narrowed his eyes at me. My confidence wavored slighlty.
"You know i'm basically Eastside blood Nick" I whispered. He shook his head. "But you're not" He said standing up from the table. I just looked up at me.
"And if Matt was smart he wouldn't even be assioating with you, but you've had that boy whipped since middle school and their's nothing I can do---and i get that. But family buisness is not your buisness, and you're overstepping whether you're Matt's girl or not" He said looking down at me. I glanced down at my lap.
"The only reason I treat you with a decent amount of respect is because of how much Matt does" He sighed shaking his head. "If it were up to me you wouldn't be in the picture, but i'm not getting in Matt's way and neither should you" He said before turning and walking away, leaving me annoyed and angry.
It's always eastside blood with him and Chris. They never look at me like one of them because we come from different parts of the town. It's ridicilous, but I get it. It's a thing that I have to deal with it.
Maybe I just shouldn't have asked.
"I'm taking you home right?" Matt said as we walked out of the school. I shook my head. "Grounded remember?" I sighed. Matt shook his head smiling. I stopped and looked at him. "Not sure my dad would be too happy if you pulled up to my house to drop me off" I smiled. He hummed leaning down and kissing me softly.
"Why does that make me want to do it more?" He smiled leaning back. I rolled my eyes. "You're trouble, Matthew" I sighed stepping back smiling. He shrugged. "You already knew that" He sang before turning on his heels and walking away. I turned and paused seeing Officer Petey standing by his car, staring at me.
I sighed as I walked slowly up to him.
"You're dad asked me to escort you home ms. y/l/n" Petey spoke as I walked up to him. I smiled sarcastically up at him. "How sweet of him" I sighed grabbing the door handle to his police car. He slammed it back shut. I looked up at him with narrowed eyes.
Officer Petey, my dad's partner. A family friend. He's been in my life as long as I could remember. He cared about me and I hated it. I wish he would stop pretending to be my second dad, I already have one and I definitely didn't need another.
"You know he told every cop in town to make sure you stay away from that boy right?" He breathed as he took off his sunglasses. I rolled my eyes. "Yeah I'm sure" I sighed looking up at him.
"I'm serious y/n. Those Sturniolo-"
"Those Sturniolo boys are no good. Yeah Petey i've heard it all before. Can I get in the car now?" I sighed shaking my head. He sighed before nodding and walking over to the other side of the car and getting in.
I looked out the window as he pulled out of the school.
"Your dad is just doing what he think is best for you, you know" He said, making me shake my eyes. "No one knows him like I do, everyone just looks at him like some criminal" I mumbled not looking over at him.
"He's been in the station more than a few times, y/n" He said looking over at me. I groaned throwing down my bag. "And that makes him a bad person?" I asked looking over at him. He raised his eyebrows.
"No, that makes him a criminal. A criminal with a not-so-clean record" He said back making me cross my arms. I looked down and cracked my fingers, I did that whenever I was stressed.
"Can you not tell him that you saw me with Matt today? He's been on my case and i'm already grounded. I don't want to hear anything else from him" I said quietly looking down at my lap. "Then maybe you shouldn't be hanging out with that boy and you wouldn't hear it from him" He sighed looking over at me. I just sighed and looked at the window.
"I won't tell him" He said making me look over at him. I smiled. "I don't want him asking me a million questions" He smiled slightly. I smiled and shook my head as we pulled up to my house. He put the car in park and I reached down and grabbed my bag.
"You're acting like I have no idea where your mind is at y/n" He said looking down at me. I closed my eyes sighing. I hated when adults did this. Pulling the whole 'I was a teenager once you know'.
"You love the boy" He stated. I looked up at him with narrowed eyes. "I'm just asking you to be careful. You're a good kid" He said softly. I shook my head before opening the door and slamming it shut without another word.
I walked into my house, throwing my bag onto the ground. I didn't even reach the stairs before I heard my dad calling my name. I sighed hanging my head, stepping down from the only step I managed to climb. I turned walking into the living room
My dad was sitting at the table with about three laptops open, staring down at them. "How was school?" He asked not looking up at me. I shrugged. "It sucked" I said crossing my arms. He smiled and shook his head. "You still mad at me?" He asked glancing up at me. I rolled my eyes and turned on my feet.
"I'm the one with your phone" He said making me pause and turn back towards him. "Officer Hale said he saw you two talking in the hall at school" He said closing one computer and looking up at me. I shrugged.
"So you're stalking me at school now?" I asked looking at him. He crossed his arms over his chest. "I've got eyes everywhere sweetheart" He smiled. I rolled my eyes. "I told you you couldn't see that boy anymore" He said dropping his smile. I swallowed looking down at my feet.
"I'm not, I told him it was over" I lied. He stood up walking over to me. "You told him it was over?" He asked looking down at me. I nodded looking up at him. He hummed.
"He's bad news, you were right" I sighed. He raised his eyebrows. "You could have lied a little better than that" He chuckled. I shook my head. "I'm not lying. We're over. Now can I go to my room? I'm going through a breakup" I said looking at him.
He stared down at me, as if were deciding if he was going to believe me or not.
"I thought about what you said and I agree. I need to get my shit together--"
"Language" He stated. I glared at him.
"I actually applied for this volunteer thing my school is hosting" I smiled up at him. He mummed. "Did you? And where is this volunteer thing? The Sturniolo's house?" He said walking into the kitchen. I scoffed.
"Dad, can you take my side for once? I'm trying to be better" I sighed shaking my head. He grabbed a coffee mug out of the cabnit and looked at me sighing. "Okay, what is it?" He asked grabbing the coffee pot.
"It's this animal shelter, they need more workers but they can’t afford to pay anyone” I explained. He hummed nodding his head. “Where is it?” He asked. I bit my lip and turned to the side. He looked up at me.
“The Eastside?” I said closing my eyes. He shook his head. “No, pick another one” he said shaking his head. “Dad” I whined looking at him. He lifted the cup of coffee up to his lips.
“I said no, that’s final” he said looking at me. I scoffed. “I’m almost 18 dad, don’t you think you’ve been a little hard on me lately? I’m trying to give back to the community. Sometimes I feel like I can never do anything good enough for you” I yelled at him.
He sighed looking down and walking up to me.
“When is it?” He asked softly. I smiled. “On Friday’s from 6-midnight” I explained. His eyes widened. “Midnight?” He asked. I shrugged. “They need someone to feed the dogs at night” I said. He sighed putting down his coffee.
“Okay, I trust you. But—“ he said holding up his finger. “You have to bring pepper spray with you. I don’t want you out there by yourself unarmed” he said reaching in his belt and handing me pepper spray. I looked down at it.
“Seriously?” I asked.
“Do you want to go or not?” He asked. I smiled before hugging him. “Thank you” I breathed. He chuckled and patted my back.
I winced as a branch cut my leg slightly. “Fuck” I said looking down at my leg. I reached up slightly knocking on the window trying not to focus on how cold I was.
A few seconds later the window opened slightly revealing my boyfriend. He raised his eyebrows as I smiled up at him.
“Sorry I don’t want any Girl Scout cookies” he said starting to close the window. “Matt” I said making him chuckle and open the window all the way and pulling me into his room.
I sighed as my feet landed on the ground.
“I thought I was suppose to be the one climbing through windows?” He asked looking over at me as he closed the window. I shrugged. “Thought I’d switch it up, keep you on your toes” I smiled walking up to him and kissing him softly.
“I missed you” I hummed. “You saw me this morning” he laughed. I rolled my eyes and frowned. He sighed and bent down picking me up and then throwing me on his bed, making me giggle. He smiled as he climbed over top of me and looked down, hovering over me.
"Hi" I smiled up at him, his blue eyes scanning my face. "Hi baby" He whispered before kissing me. He pulled away. "How'd you get out?" He asked mentioning my house. I shrugged. "My dad goes to bed early, thought I could come and suprise you" I said running my hands over his shoulder.
"So you just walked out?" He asked smiling down at me. I nodded. "That's my girl" he whispered before leaning down and connecting our lips this time slipping his tongue and running his hands up my body. I sighed from his cold fingertips against my body.
He reached down pushing hair out of my face as we kissed. I loved kissing him. It was one of my favorite pass times. Just his lips on mine, everyday, anywhere, anytime.
He pushed up my shirt slightly gripping my hips with his hands, slightly digging his nails into my skin. He bit down roughly on my lips.
Something was bothering him. I could tell from the way he was kissing me. Not that I didn't like the way he was kissing me or anything, I found it hot. But he only kissed me like this when he was stressed and had something on his mind. Before I had the chance to pull away, the door swung open making us pull apart and glance at his door.
Chris looked up and paused looking between us and his eyes landing on Matt. "Are you busy?" Chris asked looking at him. Matt looked from him to me, then back to his brother.
"Yeah Chris. I'm busy" He spat looking at him. Chris looked down at me and I felt my face go red. "I need to talk to you" He said looking at Matt. Matt just blinked at him.
"Can it wait?" He breathed glaring at him. Chris just stared at him with an expression I couldn't understand. He sighed hanging his head before rolling off of me. I sat up as he stood up and walked over to Chris. Chris's eyes on mine. I just looked at Matt.
"I'll be right back" He turned to me before walking out into the hallway with his brother
matt pov
I closed the door softly before pushing Chris back. He glared at me. "What the fuck was so urgent?" I asked glaring at him. He stepped forward, shaking his head. He placed his finger against my chest.
"Need I remind you the fuck up last weekend? Nick is this close to ripping your head off. The package needs to be delivered to Slim tonight" He said through gritted teeth. My eyes went wide and I sighed, placing my hand against my forehead.
"Fuck, I was just about to leave and then y/n-" I said looking at the door. Chris shook his head. "It's always y/n that y/n this, Matt get your head out of that girl's ass and wake up" He said harshly I glared at him. I grabbed his shirt.
"Don't talk about her like that" I said glaring at him. He pushed me off of him. "Dude" He said shaking his head. "You're losing focus. Is y/n becoming an issue?" He asked making me look down at my shoes.
"You know it's not smart to do what you're doing. One look from the wrong person and Slim or Landon know that you care about that girl and-" He said shaking his head. "I know I know" I sighed shaking my head.
"I know you love her, but you're putting her in danger been seen with her now" He sighed. I turned my head. "You agreed to do this, Matt" He stated, making me shake my head. "I know, I know" I said rubbing my face.
"I'll be more careful" I said looking at him. He raised his eyebrows. "I'm not breaking up with her if thats what you're suggesting. I love her" I said looking at him. He nodded. "I know you do, that's not what i'm saying" He said holding up his hands.
"I'll get the package out tonight. Next time, knock" I said before turning and walking back into my room. I sighed as I closed the door and tuned back to y/n who was sitting on my bed, her knees pressed to her chest looking at me.
I smiled.
Sometimes I thought she was too pure to be in a world like this. She's a badass, don't get my wrong. But the way she carries herself and the way she cares about things and the way she touches me--makes my head spin. I've never met a soul as pure as hers before, and there was nothing more I wanted to do that protect that. But from what I just agreed to, it was going to be a lot harder than before.
But I would dare anyone to try to even touch her.
"Hey, is everything okay?" She asked looking as I walked up to the bed. I smiled down at her, pressing my hand against her jaw and running my thumb across her chin. She smiled as I nodded.
"Yeah everything's fine" I whispered down at her. She smiled as she pulled my arm and pulled me back to her and connecting her lips to mine briefly. I almost melted back into the kiss before she pulled away.
"Now, tell me what's wrong" She stated, my face in her hands. I furrowed my eyebrows. "What?" I asked. She rolled her eyes sitting up. "You think I don't notice you kiss me differently when something's on your mind" She smiled pushing my hair back with her hand. I sighed. I had to get that under control.
"Nothing's bothering me" I sighed looking away from her. She rolled her eyes. "Nothing's bothering you?" She asked. I shook my head. Lie. "Then why aren't you looking at me?" He smiled, tilting her head into my view. I smiled and shook my head.
"You're impossible" I sighed leaning my head against her knee. She pushed me over before straddling my waist and ran her hands up my chest. I quite literally felt my dick twitch.
"If you aren't gonna tell me" She smiled leaning down kissing the base of my neck. I sighed leaning my head back. "Then let me help you destress" She whispered against my ear. I let out a hard breath.
It was close to impossible to say no to her, but if I didn't get that package out I wouldn't even have a dick to get hard. She leaned up and connected our lips kissing me slowly. She pushed up my shirt feeling my bare chest before her finger slip below the waist band of my pants. She kissed my jaw before snapping my underwear against my skin.
I sighed, slightly pushing her. "y/n/n" I sighed. She leaned up looking down at me with dark eyes. I could have busted at the sight, but i contained myself.
"What?" she tilted her head smiling. "I can't" I sighed. She frowned. "Why?" She asked running her hand over my growing bulge. "Y/n/n" I sighed leaning forwards slightly. She hummed before kissing me again. I kissed back for a second before grabbing her hips and throwing her next to me and stood up.
"I have to go" I said shaking my head. Her face dropped as she looked up at me. "What?" She asked her eyebrows furrowed. I sighed looking at the door.
Just imagine Chris or Nick literally chopping your dick off.
"I-I have to do something, I have to go" I explained poorly looking down. She sighed standing up. "Okay, then I'll go with you" She said looking at me.
"No" I said firmly looking at her. Her eyes widened and she dropped her hands from her hips. "Why not?" She asked walking over to me. I just looked down at her.
"I'll walk you home" I stated as she looked up at me. She just looked up at me in state of shock, before shaking her head and walking out of my door.
"Why did you bring a gun?" She asked looking down at her feet as we walked. "I didn't" I lied looking down at her. She just glanced up to me and then back down at her feet.
I made her upset.
I sighed closing my eyes, stopping her. She just looked up at me. "Y/n, stop" I sighed. She just looked up at me. "I'm sorry I didn't make you upset" I said placing my hand on her face, which she moved away from.
"Since when do we have secrets?" She asked looking up at me, crossing her arms over her chest. I closed my eyes. I hated hiding things from her I really did. If I could tell her I would, but I can't. Not if it means her saftey is a risk.
"We don't" I said looking at her. She just stared at me before turning on her feet and walking down the sidewalk. I sighed hanging my head. "I'm good from here, you can go fuck your other bitch now" She said as she walked.
I groaned putting my hands against my face. "Y/n" I said but she didn't turn around. I walked up to her before grabbing her arm. She looked at me with glossy eyes. I sighed.
"Y/n, If i could tell you I would. I promise. I just need you to trust me on this okay? I love you" I whispered looking down at her. "You come home with bruises all over your body and you have to do something at midnight that I can't come to? Matt come on" She said shaking her head.
"Can you just trust me?" I asked looking down at her. She looked away from me. "Matt-"
"Can you trust me?" I asked again looking down at her. She sighed. "Of course I trust you Matt" She said looking up at me. I smiled and pulled her against me in a hug. "But don't lie to me" She mumbled against my chest. I closed my eyes and kissed the top of her head.
oooo long chapter what yall think??
tag list: @rac00ns-are-c00l4 @miastromboli @secret-sturniolo @sturnsclutter @sturniolodreamz @paper-crab @chrisolivia4l @mwah0mwah @recklesssturniolo @ejswift @kitaysworld @meg-sturniolo @nickmillersn1gf @fr3shl0ve @adrianaturnedpretty @oversturn @ghostgurlswrld @flowerxbunnie @ilytrinsworld @lustfulslxt @kiarastromboli @gemofthenight @blahbel668 @haunted-headset @sturnybabes @bethsturn @d3adlyclassrat @sturnybabes @mattsbitch @chrisluvbot
404 notes · View notes
sanjisboyfie · 7 months
one piece smau: dating ace edition
— male reader <3 i love ace so much sorry it took so long to finish this pooks
— im a firm believer that ace definitely types hehehehe and actually does giggle in real life. he's such a giggler.
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liked by [l/n].ace, freeluffy, and 17k others
portgas.[name]: best part about dating ace?? his person(a)lity(rms) ❤️
tagged: [l/n].ace
[l/n].ace: damn id smash this fine mffff
-> portgas.[name]: im deleting this post u fucking narcissist
freeluffy: i still win our arm wrestles tho 🥱
roro.zoro: does [name] know he mispelt personality?
-> portgas.[name]: its something called a pun, zoro.
-> roro.zoro: well the delivery sucked i thought ur brain had an aneurysm
revo.sabo: BARRRFFFF this egotistical maniac didnt need this stroke to his ego [name]
-> portgas.[name]: trust me im regretting even dating ur silly ass brother rn
-> [l/n].ace: r u guys talking about me 🥺🥺🥺🥺
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liked by portgas.[name], m4rco.polo, and 19k others
[l/n].ace: pov ur on a date with me and watching me try not to vomit all the sushi i shoved into my mouth all over the table
tagged: portgas.[name]
portgas.[name]: why r u on dates w other ppl???
-> [l/n].ace: ITS A JOKE BABY PLS
-> portgas.[name]: mhm
m4rco.polo: damn this shit sounds disgusting id never go on a date w u again if i saw this tbh
[liked by portgas.[name], eee.izo, yammyato, and 100 others]
yamayamato: r u cheating on [name] ace?
-> yamayamato: yeah well i dont think its very funny :// u should be loyal in a relationship
-> portgas.[name]: yamato <333 u were always my favorite boy ugh i love u sm 🥰
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liked by portgas.[name], yamayamato, and 21k others
[l/n].ace: weekly me post bc i love me! (and my mans) 🤓😕
tagged: portgas.[name]
portgas.[name]: yeah im in there guys!!!
-> [l/n].ace: i love u hehehe u make me blush hehehehe
portgas.[name]: are u free tn? i'll take u out and treat u right ughhh
-> [l/n].ace: i got a date with my bf later tn, sorry not sorry !!!
revo.sabo: i need to mute you because i can't be seeing this shit when im in public
-> [l/n].ace: dont be ashamed that your brother is so hot wtf
revo.sabo: with all due respect, im already ashamed that hes my brother in general soooo
[liked by portgas.[name], eee.izo, and 200 others]
yamayamato: my arms are still bigger. get on my level ace HAHAHA
-> portgas.[name]: proof?
-> [l/n].ace: this is literally cheating, you're cheating on me right now. can you please stop cheating on me with yamato?
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liked by [l/n].ace, portgas.[name], and 15k others
m4rco.polo: god forbid these two do anything by themselves
tagged: [l/n].ace and portgas.[name]
[l/n].ace: ur just jealous ur not in love like we are
-> portgas.[name]: agreed bc how r u gonna be like 40 and still not get any play
-> m4rco.polo: 40?????
dni_nami: i loveee them (whenever they come over they ruin the entire house and im this close to murdering them both)
-> portgas.[name]: but nami 🥺🥺🥺
-> dni_nami: no.
eee.izo: its like ace is trying to become one with him or smth, so unsettling
-> [l/n].ace: weren't you the one preaching about young love a week ago?
-> eee.izo: and now im telling u to GROW UP ace, he's not going anywhere if u let go of him for two seconds
[liked by m4rco.polo, revo.sabo, and 90 others]
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liked by portgas.[name], freeluffy, revo.sabo, and 22k others
[l/n].ace: i love my snookums baby boy handsome pretty king to the moon and to saturn <3
tagged: portgas.[name]
portgas.[name]: ... i guess i love you too.
-> [l/n].ace: be more confident when u say it baby cakes
-> m4rco.polo: oh my god [name] break up with this fool already what the fuck is this
freeluffy: whats a snookums?
-> roro.zoro: don't ask luffy, you wouldn't want to know.
revo.sabo: awww what a cute post, if only ace were normal <3
[liked by eee.izo, m4rco.polo, and 100 others]
-> [l/n].ace: ????
-> portgas.[name]: im so glad we can agree on this sabo !!!
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liked by eee.izo, [l/n].ace, revo.sabo, and 22k others
portgas.[name]: rare sighting of a photo of ace with his shirt on, everyone celebrate in the comments !!!
tagged: [l/n].ace
portgas.[name]: dont get me wrong hes sexy both ways but im not trying to see his nipples every where i go
-> [l/n].ace: but babe you said u liked my titties 🥺🥺🥺
-> portgas.[name]: can you not do this rn.
revo.sabo: yayyy finally he stopped being a WHORE
-> portgas.[name]: at least he can be my whore, but still i agree
-> [l/n].ace: you're the most confusing man i know
-> [l/n].ace: i love u sm hehehehe
-> revo.sabo: the way ik his ass is blushing so hard rn and kicking his feet in the air
eee.izo: thank god for that, i was getting tired of seeing him shirtles sin every single post
m4rco.polo: finally !!!
portgas.[name]'s story:
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i love him A LOOOTTTTTTTT even though he's a lil freak
[l/n].ace replied to your story: when he posts you 😍😍 i love u too bby (even tho u literally cheat on me to my face with yamato but its wtv bc i love u enough to ignore it ❤️)
448 notes · View notes
ngl kinda curious what happens if mc gets shipped with one of the nobles more often than the kings instead?
You know the AO3 ship popularity chart? Let's say they did one of those for the "child of Solomon" fandom.
Mod Jjok: The most popular ship with Mc for this month is... Mc x Sitri! With over 20k words in the longest running fanfiction on the ship reaching peak popularity in the middle of the month!
Dantalian: Sitri? Isn't that his majesty Satan's blood bag?
Glasylabolas: It turns out he has a name.
Paimon: I think this must be mistakeeeeen. I just recently wrote in collaboration with Astaroth a 25k words fanfic about Mc x Satan
Eligos: Oh, I mass-reported that one. I would apologise about that, but demons can't lie
Paimon: You're so sillyyyyy
Paimon: You just lost cuteness session priveledgessss
Eligos: :'(
Eligos: It was for the greater good of Tartaros
Bimet: Very noble of you, Eligos
Dantalian: Bimet! You fucking bitch, where's my MC body pillow????
Eligos: @Dantalian please take this in private we don't vibe with this negative energy here
Dantalian: Speak for yourself, I vibe with it!
Gamigin: Guys, what happened????? I was asleep, it's like 5 AM in here.
Gamigin: HOLY FUCK
Gamigin: How did Sitri of all people win????
Paimon: I mean, he's not that baaaaaaad
Gamigin: 20k words isn't even that long! How?!
Gamigin: I think we all have to come together to break the two up
Gamigin: Sitri is a common enemy and we shall stop him!
Dantalian: I'm sharpening my knife as we speak.
Gamigin: His Majesty Lucifer said I'm not allowed to leave Paradise Lost :'(
Dantalian: And?
Gamigin: And ... what?
Dantalian: He's not your dad! Even if he was, you don't have to listen to him. Do you think I listen to everything his majesty Asmodeus tells me to do? No. He may be my dad and my king, but I am in control of my own future.
Glasylabolas: Preach brother, preach
Gamigin: But I don't want to go against Lucifer's orders
Dantalian: Pussy
Glasylabolas: Pussy
Dantalian: First! Suck it old man!
Gamigin: Wait, doesn't Paimon live in the same country as Sitri?????
Gamigin: @Paimon, dearest, could you please kill Sitri for us? At least tranquillise him or something. Make sure he doesn't move anymore.
Paimon: I'm not murdering Sitri over thisssss
Paimon: I'll just ask him if it's true he's dating Mccccc
Dantalian: I think we should vote on Sitri's fate
Glasylabolas: Absolutely. I am for democracy.
Dantalian: Knife or gun death?
Glasylabolas: I prefere knife. Gun's make everything messier. How am I supposed to get arroused by a pile of guts?
Dantalian: Ask Ronové or Phenix and they'll tell you
Dantalian: I once saw Ronové remove an angel's intenstines and fucking them
Eligos: That's why nobody wants to visit Abaddon.
Dantalian: In his defence, it was kind of hot
Glasylabolas: I can imagine
Glasylabolas: I should call Ronové again...
Dantalian: He charges for one night stands now cause Abaddon lost its health care recently
Gamigin: Yeah, Morax told me about how you started getting curious about his eye hole.
Dantalian: I don't even blame Ronové for that one. I'm also curious what happens if you cum down someone's eye socket.
Paimon: Ok guyssssss
Paimon: I talked with himmmm
Paimon: It turns out that he just had a lot of black tea recently and wrote 20k words in a dayyyyy
Paimon: And a lot of people read it because Asteroth recomended it on his bloggggg
Dantalian: ah, yeah, shipping
Dantalian: Asmodeus x Mc for the win
Eligos: In your dreams
Dantalian: Yes. I do dream about that often.
Dantalian: I don't even know why y'all care so much for Mc's sex life
Dantalian: Having sex with only one partner is boring
Gamigin: Keep your shitty opinions to yourself.
Dantalian: Only if you make me
Eligos: I'm going to mass report it
Gamigin: I already did <3
Sitri: All of you are so mean
[Mod Jjok stopped comments on this post]
219 notes · View notes
throwaway-yandere · 4 months
Ansy maybe I can send an idea about this. Maybe this yandere is turning into a zombie/monster, Reader sacrifices or willingly let's the yandere eat reader so the yandere wouldn't hurt others. Other idea, Yandere is a monster/cannibal and reader has a flesh that is very addicting to eat so yandere feels guilty for eating their darling but can't as darling tastes so delicious.
A/n: I'm actually currently writing the prompt I got earlier so here's some short ideas. also, what's up with me writing cannibalism fics for two older brothers with blue-white color schemes?? *shrug*. I'll go with the 2nd idea-ish (I'll tweak it again) in this one. First time doing headcanons so... I'll adios lol.
Content Tags: hello its yandere cannibalism lmao + Whodunit spoilers
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YANDERE CANNIBAL!SUNDAY who strangely takes too long to respond to his childhood friend's messages. You're starting to get worried that he's spending too much time inside the dreamscape. Although your race greatly differs from his- being an ordinary human resident and all- you heard numerous stories that Halovians tend to carnally seek glamorous feasts after hosting series of events.
YANDERE CANNIBAL!SUNDAY who finally replied to your recent message, telling you "DON'T COME, PLEASE." with bold capital letters. You can only raise an eyebrow, considering you're already on his front door with a fruit basket at hand. In hindsight, perhaps you should've considered giving him a heads-up beforehand instead of rudely announcing your visit. But you are genuinely worried for his overall wellbeing, especially given what happened to his sister.
And perhaps, you were also just looking for someone who could understand your grief as well. He wasn't the only one stripped of their family so suddenly. The thought of your friend starving himself had pushed your own sadness away in favor of sheer platonic worry. That was how strong your bond was.
YANDERE CANNIBAL!SUNDAY who shook, mortified at the knocks on his front door. As much as possible, he can't let you in. The current nightmare he calls "HUNGER" was an unforgiving beast. He leaned against the other side of the closed door, breathing heavily.
"(Y/n), n-now is not the time for a visit! Forgive me for this crudeness, but I shan't open the door at present." You hear him inhale shakily. "To have you see me like this undermines all the work I've put in our... friendship."
You sighed. "Alright, I'm sorry. But... can I please just leave this on your porch?"
"... I will not bar you from doing so..."
"Thank you."
YANDERE CANNIBAL!SUNDAY whose hands refused to stop trembling. You're so close. He can almost taste you behind that door. A chill runs down his spine as he noticed just how much his mouth was watering at the thought of taking a bite.
YANDERE CANNIBAL!SUNDAY who thought himself most detestable for his cravings. The Odes of Harmony preaches honesty among its many virtues, and he would drown himself for omitting the grim truth from you. THEY will not be happy with this relapse of his.
YANDERE CANNIBAL!SUNDAY who bit his thumb, drawing blood. THEY wouldn't endorse this behavior from a representative of the Family.
YANDERE CANNIBAL!SUNDAY who looked at his bleeding finger and laughed sorrowfully at the lingering question on his mind.
Whose blood was it? His... or THEIRS?
Sunday could never be at ease after committing this crime. A Halovian like himself would never allow their vision to be clouded in red, and it appears the devil had saw an opportunity to hurl at two birds with one stone. But that would be an inaccurate way to describe it. His wings had not been clipped; he had brutally torn it away himself.
Penacony's most shrewd man lied to the arrogant fool that evening. There were four murders in that timeframe. One was a stowaway, the other was his precious sister, and the last pair was both your father and mother.
THEIR vision of a happy future for you did not welcome HIM.
All he recalls now was their polite disapproval turned screams when he made an attempt to ask for their blessing. Sunday only realized what he had done the moment he had sunk his teeth down your mother's arm, noticing how your father was already but boney remains of himself.
This Halovian ancestry's secret... it served him no good.
Why was he born into this race and why wasn't he raised just like you?
"Watchmaker... How can I ever forgive myself for this...?"
How can he dare proclaim to mete out justice when he deserves to be served the same sentence? "Sunday" himself is a transgressor, unworthy of yielding Harmony's name.
What heathen he was, to partake in flesh and blood that was not for his stomach simply because they both smelled just like you. What heretic he was, to place anger and hunger above his better judgement.
What karma it was, to find out his sister has been killed in his moments of guilt.
What retribution it was, to face that what he had done to others, will be done unto him.
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mysicklove-main · 11 months
Uzui Tengen is known for his dramatics. You knew that when you first decided to marry him, and have grown used to it with the years. His flashy appearance and bold words don't even phase you now. That's just who he is and who you came to love.
Until he gets sick. The dramatics pick up to a whole level you've never thought could occur. Of course if other people saw him that we're not you, or his other wives, he would pretend to be fine, grinning and showing off. But he would never let his lovers off the hook like that, it would be not flashy at all.
“I think it's time I say my final goodbye.”
You roll your eyes, placing a damp towel on his forehead. He coughs, and honestly you can't tell if it's fake or not, but you hold out a cup for him to drink a water out of. When he doesn't move, you sigh and press it to his lips, watching with amusement at the way he gulps it down. “Your fever is bound to break soon, maybe if you stopped complaining and rest, you'll feel better.”
He glances at you when you pull the cup away, a small pout on his face. “Hurts so bad, I must be dying. I feel so weak," His voice is horse, and his body is unusually warm.
You can't help but want to dote on him at his words. He's got to be acting just a bit, but he truly does sound broken. But before you could comfort him he says, “Is this how you feel like all the time? This weak?”
You sigh, pinching your brows, but you can't help the smile that creeps on your face. He's so ridiculous, but at least he keeps you on your toes. In his sickly state or not. “Really?”
“Just joking. I know you aren't this weak.” You can see it in his eyes that he wants to boast about his strength again, but your watchful eyes shut it down. You adore how powerful your husband is, but you weren't Suma who fangirls every time he spoke about himself (Of course you did love that side of Suma as well, it was cute seeing her so excited).
You roll your eyes again but smile at him, and adjust the bedsheets, pulling them higher up on his chest. He let's out a throaty complaint, but doesn't fight it. “Hey, where are the others? Can't bare to see me this pathetic?”
“No, “god” of the dramatics.” He frowns at the mock nickname. “You scared the daylights out of Suma, who actually thinks you're going to die. Hinatsura is comforting her outside. And you know Makio, she isn't the one to be near when someone is sick.”
He hums, closing his eyes for the first time in the past hour with a content smile on his face. “So I get you all to myself, huh?”
You grin, puffing up his pillow again before sitting in the chair next to him. “Guess you can say that. Until your fever breaks at least.”
“Nurse Y/N,” He sighs, breathlessly with a grin on his face. His eyes are still shut and by the looks of it he is imagining something lewd.
You shut it down immediately. “No. I'm not a nurse. I'm an assassin.”
He ignores your words. “Why arent you wearing the cute outfit. I'm sickly, please treat me nurse!”
“I'm leaving,” You deadpan, but before you can stand up a hand flies to your wrist. He tilts his head toward you with a small apologetic smile. His cheeks are flushed from the fever and his neck is slightly beaded with sweat.
“Sorry. I'm done, I'm done, promise. Just stay with me? Honestly, I am a little scared about how week I feel." The tone of his voice is solemn, and his hands slightly tremble on your wrist. You grab onto it and set it back down on the bed, and grab the cloth to dab the beads of sweat on his neck.
It's been ages since he has gotten sick. The last time probably in his early teens, so you aren't too surprised he is uncomfortable, but it was surprising for him to admit something like this. “Scared” is not in his vocabulary, or at least he preaches.
So you take pity on him, and smile at him. “Of course, Lord Tengen. Close your eyes and rest, I'll be here when you wake up, promise.”
He glances at you for a final time, and closes his eyes. “Thanks, Nurse Y/N.”
You shake your head slowly, and take in his appearance. Even in his sweaty, weak state he wears his signature smug grin that you've grown to love. You can't be too mad at him.
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shini--chan · 2 months
Personal pet peeve of mine: Reading a yandere story with a historical setting with the yandere reducing the target of their obsession to just sitting around all day when they are not being subjected to "affections" and it being written that way for "historical accuracy".
I mean, yeah, there were gender roles in the past, but those gender roles didn't feature women being completely reduced to fleshlights with no other purpose. That was a job and it was called prostitute or concubine, and many women didn't do it willingly. Even high society women had a lot of tasks.
Being into historical re-enactment really showed me that it didn't matter if you were a man or a woman, or even just a child; you really didn't have much time to be idle. Asides, idlness was/is frowned upon in many religions and cultures.
C'mon, even the thing with societal norms is that a great part of society didn't adhere to them 'cause it just wasn't feasible. The attitude went along the lines of: "Nice morals you got there. We're just gonna throw a few out 'cause else we're not gonna survive. Mary, go get ye scythe now, the wheat's not gonna reap itself." And high society geneally didn't really practise what it preached because it was commonly too interested in debauchery.
People didn't get married for shits and giggles either. The single lifestyle only really worked when you either inheired a lot/had relatives paying for you or that you were living under your employers roof and all your worldy possessions fitted in one bag. Or you just lived with your family until you kicked the bucket. I mean, the armour and weapons a knight had were often provided by their liege lord and a priest's housing belonged to the Church.
Also, the trope of arranged marriages is a bit overused at this point. How about more stories about both parties hating each other's guts, or the woman loving the idea of marrying her intended but the man wanting to run for the hills? The woman baby-trapping the man perhaps? Because all of that existed to!
Don't get me started on fashion. Corset =/= patriarchy. You don't see the women in Jane Austen or Mary Shelley novels complaining about corsets and burning them, so let it rest. Really, that trope of corsets being a torture device comes from men making fun of woman's fashion and actresses with illfitting periode costumes. Corsets were more comfortable than stays and only really went out of fashion due to women needing more flexability due to bicycles. Ya really think ladies removed ribs, in a period where there weren't antibiotics and doctors went from cutting up corpses to treating patients without washing their hands inbetween? Common sense, where are you?
Asides, the clothing having to be chaste and covering certain parts applied to everybody. Breeches went out of fashion because people thought women would become arroused by men's exposed calves. Such standards didn't only apply to the Victorians, mind you.
I'll stop here, else this will be ten pages long. You also get the gist of it. Over and out.
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allthelovenina · 13 days
Birthday presents from Levi
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Levi Ackerman x reader
Genre: Fluff(?)
Warning: non
You know how in some cultures giving perfume as a gift is considered to bring seperation and bad luck for that relationship?
Idk how to explain this but Levi would definitely buy you an expensive perfume for your birthday. My man is clueless, okay? Until you receive the gift and of course you appriciate it. Then, by chance, he hears a random cadet talking to his friend about what he'll buy for his girlfriend. He never meant to eavesdrop but he couldn't help it, the brats were loud. So he hears the conversation between them.
"How about perfume? I'll buy her something fancy."
"Yeah do that, unless you don't actually want to bring that relationship to an end."
"What is that supposed to mean?"
"DoItt you know? It brings bad luck, seperation, even. She's already outta your league don't spit on your chance!"
Now, listen. Of course, he doesn't believe something as ridiculous and superstitious. But...being the overthinker he is, he just can't stop thinking about it.
What if you misunderstood him? Thinking he wants this relationship to end. What if something happens and you end up breaking up with him? After all, superstitions become common beliefs once something happens over and over, right? Or even worse, what if the bad luck the gift has brought, makes you end up dead in an expedition? He can't risk that.
His overthinking reaches its climax once he hears something breaking from your room as he was walking pass it . He rushes to you, only to find you with a piece of glass in your hand as the bottle of the perfume was already broken on the ground.
He takes you to the infirmary. Needless to say, he ignored you as you preached through the way 'Levi! It's fine. I'll ask Hange for a stitch!'.
A day passed a few stitches on your hand. You were in your office doing your paperwork when you heard a knock on the door.
"Come in." You said without taking away your eyes from the document in front of you.
"You can at least look at me, you know?"
You lifted your head and gave him a smile once you heard Levi. "Hello, Levi! What a sweet surprise."
"Tsk. Wait until you see the actual surprise."
You raised an eyebrow and looked at him with confusion. "Close your eyes." He ordered.
With suspicion in your eyes, you did as he asked. You could feel him doing something on your desk. "Now, open."
As you opened your eyes, you saw a little flower pot filled with soil on your desk. "Forget about the perfume. This is your present."
A big smile was now on your face "Wow thank you so much! But you have already gave me a gift. What's up with this one?"
"Apparently, perfumes weren't the best idea. Since...the fading scent causes a fading relationship so...I decided to give you something that grows instead of something that fades." He felt he was being cheesy. Almost embarrassed. "Anyways, water it every other day and leave it in sunlight."
He left so fast you couldn't say anything. Honestly, you didn't even have to. His gesture left no room for anything but appreciation.
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