#I'm THRILLED that it'll be out soon!
hpowellsmith · 2 years
NOBLESSE OBLIGE is due to launch August 25 - wishlist on Steam!
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Spark romance amid secrets in a crumbling mansion! What will you sacrifice for love? Can you trust your own heart?
Noblesse Oblige: a Crème de la Crème Adventure is a 137,000-word interactive Gothic romance novella, a standalone story in the Crème de la Crème universe.
On a windswept island, far from the mild shores of Westerlin, stands the estate that is your new home. You have been hired to work as a conversation partner for a lonely aristocrat. It is a profitable opportunity, and your impoverished upbringing and middling university education leave you few others.
But secrets lurk in every darkened corridor, and nothing is what it seems. Why does your young charge go wandering in the middle of the night, haunted and mourning? What is in the letters that the charming new secretary constantly writes? Why is your employer so intent on keeping outsiders from prying into the family’s business?
Attend grand balls, ride through fast-paced fox hunts, spend jovial evenings with the servants, teach diligent lessons to your charge, and observe - or take part in - this northern land’s religious rituals. Meanwhile, there are webs of deceit for you to unravel, and deep mysteries to explore. When you reach the end, will you bring justice to those who deserve it, or keep their secrets buried forever?
And, of course, there is love: midnight trysts, stolen moments, and sweet warmth amid the cold. Your job on this remote island has just begun: will you work hard for a secure future or abandon everything to follow your heart?
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quimichi · 4 months
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warnings: bad treatment towards reader (Riddles part), bad writing :3
summary: You meet their families
characters: Heartslabyul x F!Reader
word count:
a/n: I originally planned to do all in one part but I decided not to since it's so so much and I'm currently having a writers block but I wanna make you guys happy so-its in parts :(
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Riddle's mother is a strict woman, and she does not hide her dislike for you. She frowns the moment she sees you and crosses her arms. The situation is tense as she watches you, her gaze sharp and unblinking. She seems to be considering your motives with her son, but it is clear that she has a low opinion of you for some reason.
Riddle is nothing compared to her; he has no power, he's weak standing beside you. Yet, he stands proud, he loves you and no matter what his mother will say, his mind won't change. "Mother," he begins. She shoots a hard look at him. With that stare, she seems to say 'do. not. talk."
Riddle goes silent. He knows that if he does talk, it might ruin her approval...if that will ever happen. But you decided to speak up, nervously, "It's a pleasure to finally meet you! Riddle has told me so many lovely things of you!" you bow down, showcasing your respect. His mother's expression does not change. She seems to consider you for a while before speaking:
"Do you think yourself worthy of my son? Do you think you are a good match for him?"
It's clear that she is sizing you up, and her gaze is piercing.
"Yes." Riddle grabs your hand and gives it a tight squeeze. Showing you his support, no matter what he won't back out either, cause he knows whats coming. Your words only draw a frown from his mother. Her expression turns sour.
"I do not think you can give my son the life he deserves. You are too low class for a nobleman. It is clear why you would date him, but what do you have to offer us? It would disgrace his name and our family to wed a commoner. A magicless commoner!" She continues to size you up. She is relentless. Her frown only hardens with every passing moment.
"My son is a nobleman. He deserves a woman of nobility. Riddle dear, I know the perfect girl for you she-" "No!" His voice rings through the halls with booming thunder.
"How dare you," he shouts, his eyes like daggers. He looks as though every muscle is about to tense up so hard it'll burst. "She is good enough. She is worthy of my love. There is no one in this world who I will ever love and admire more! If you don't agree with this relationship then-!...Then I might just leave.
Riddle is standing protectively in front of you now. His heart is thrumming so hard he can feel each pulse. His last words were spoken unsure, timidly, but it's the truth.
"...Then do."
Trey's parents are thrilled to meet you. The moment they saw you at their doorstep, they took you into their family. They are gracious hosts, offering you food and drinks as soon as you step into the house. Everything is warm and welcoming. Not to mention the cake they baked for you!
The afternoon tea goes smoothly, with conversation flowing as easily as a river. "Again, thank you so much for the tea and cake! It was absolutely delicious!" "It was nothing," Trey's mother says as she refills your mug. She smiles warmly, keeping herself composed with effort. She has heard a lot about you, after all, and the impression she has received so far has been wonderful. Its hard for her to contain her pure excitement, she might explode. All her husband can do is calm her down with a hand on her shoulder, smiling both at you and his wife.
Trey doesn't dare say anything, his lips pressed shut in a smile as he watches from his place. He doesn't want to draw attention to himself, content to watch you and his parents interact.
"BROTHER!" You hear two voices yell from the hallway...seems his siblings arrived from school. Trey's young siblings finally make their grand entrance, their voices filling the room with an unexpected cacophony of excitement and joy. The scene is a chaotic one, but in a good way.
His younger brother runs up to you immediately, "Oh-Oh-! You're the pretty girl-!" Before you can question anything his sister also tunes in, "Ohhh-! She really does look as sweet as gum drops-!" "You two, shush immediately-! I'm so sorry-!" Trey's mother apologizes for the behavior of her youngest children, but you shake it off. How could you ever be upset about the honesty of those sweethearts. You definitely will have a word with Trey once you get back...
Cater never kept it a secret, how much he despises his sisters and mother sometimes. More than once he told you stories. But he has also told you that slowly, the relationship gets better...slowly.
Cater's mother is especially overbearing. She tries her best, but she seems almost incapable of not adding only their favorite sweets to the tablem. She is a bundle of nerves, and she often dotes on Cater. It's as if she finds comfort in treating him like a child, because he is so quiet and calm. Yeah, quite and calm, if only they knew who he truly was.
"Thank you so much for having me." a genuine smile sets on your lips as she pours tea into your cup. "We are so glad to have you," Cater's mother says with genuine warmth.
His sisters continue to prod you in both questions and comments, being too forceful and tactless at times. They think they're being endearing and curious, but don't quite realize that they're over stepping. Cater sits beside you, his eyes darting back and forth as the questions keep flowing. Hes annoyed, of course they will ask inappropriate questions and take the attention.
"Where was the first kiss?" "Ohhh my god did he use his tounge?" "Cater, your hair today looks frizzy." "You look cute but...that top with those jeans...i don't know. Cater you should really watch what your girlfriend wears!" "Yeah! Spend some money on her, damn." "Bad boyfriend."
The constant barrage of questions and comments from his sisters would make even the most stoic people wither. You are not one of those people - you are more patient than you ever realized. You smile through the barrage of words, answering most that you can, ignoring the rest. It hurts, some hurt. You get Cater now to 100%. Your calm demeanor and soft eyes would calm anyone's heart, but his sisters are a bit too persistent, their endless questioning seeming to have no end.
This goes on for some time, until Cater is visibly agitated. "Stop," he says under his breath. He is usually calm and collected, so it draws everyone's attention, even his mother's. "What?" One of his sisters finally asks, feigning innocence.
"Enough," he says simply, but his tone is enough to get them to back off.
He takes a few breaths before giving his mother and sisters a smile. The situation diffuses, but you can sense that he is annoyed. "I just wanted to introduce you to my girlfriend, we didnt came here for an interview. Her outfit is perfect, and I'm NOT a bad boyfriend! I know I'm not..."
Ace's older brother is charming, witty, and well-liked by everyone. He teases his little brother without any cruelty, making lighthearted jokes at his expense. He is very protective of Ace, he just wants his little brother to be happy. And obviously he wants him to behave in this relationship too.
"He has spoken of you a lot," the older brother comments, his tone teasing. His brother wiggles his eyebrows towards him,  "A bit too much, it seems," Ace says, keeping his voice low, but you hear the annoyance.
"I can't help but hear all about you whenever he's calling me... how much he cares for you, how he's so lucky to have you..." his brother's tone is good-natured. He's just having fun, and hes so glad his brother found true happiness. "Ohh, what else did you say?" Ace can hear the teasing in your voice, no way you're going into this too. "Shut up-!" "Oh, you know," the older brother laughs. "He says you are the sweetest, most beautiful being in the whole wide world. You're an angle with the patience you have for him. He would do anything for you without a second thought. He swears he has never loved another as he has you."
"What a mushy little guy my brother can be," his older brother says, sounding amused.
Ace is turning red. His voice comes out slightly strained, cracking. "I-! I NEVER-! Shut up I never said anything like that, that's way to sappy!" "Mhmmmm, sure bro, sure" His older brother smiles, genuinely.
"I've never seen him so happy," he says, "He's truly a good guy, he just has some rough edges. I'm glad someone like you took their time to get to know him...Take care of him for me."
His mother beams. "Oh! This is the one you've been telling me about? You've done well. She is a beauty!"
Deuce's face is tomato red. He is the picture of nervousness, his eyes darting about the room with his mouth clamped shut for fear that he will say too much or too little. His mother's enthusiastic and effusive approach is overwhelming him. He wants to sink into the floor, damning himself for telling his mother and grandmother about you so much. "We are so delighted to have you here. Please," his mother continues, offering you her seat. "Sit, sit! No need to stand around!"
She smiles widely at you as she gestures to a plush chair across from them. A low table separates you, and the three of you are arranged across from one another. Deuce's grandmother walks slowly behind his mother, bearing a tray of tea and pastries in her hands. Without a word, she sits down and quietly offers one of the small cakes to you.
She doesn't take her eyes away from you, smiling wide. You can't help but smile back at her, but before you can thank her she leans closer to Deuce mother. "Perfect aren't they? I knew someone wil eventually see that our Deuce is a catch." She wasn't as discreet as she thought she was, but you can only agree with her, Deuce is a catch.
"Thank you so much-!" "It's nothing, dear," she says, her voice soft as velvet. His mother breaks the silence, leaning forward in her seat. "Now then, tell us all about yourselves. We have heard plenty from our son, but we want to hear from you."
Deuce is paralyzed. He has nothing ready to say. His mouth is dry and his heart is pounding in his chest. Although he is more than happy both his most loved family members love you, he is still nervous. It's embarrassing! "Wait-!" His grandmother immediately stands up from her seat. She disappears and reappears with a thick photo album. She settles back down and opens it.
"Now, let me show you my handsome boy when he was young. I think this is a much better idea!"
Deuce's head falls back, someone kill him. His heart stops at the pictures of himself....fuck...he's naked....
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yanderambling · 1 year
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omg i’m thrilled that y’all like him so much!!! and these ideas were soso tasty ugh your minds~ i had a lot of fun with this, maybe too much if you look at the wc lol, so i hope y’all enjoy <3 ALSO continuity note: since Adrian is so popular, i won't carry major events through different stories unless requested, that way everyone can have their own version of his story! but i'll be keeping general facts about Adrian the same unless otherwise specified, like his parents being rich because i find it funny~ thank you and goodnight <3 (and yes i switched this gif with the last part shhhh it’s okay)
pairing: Masochist Puppyboy!Yandere(m) x Bully!Reader(gn)
words: ~ 4.6k
you can read the previous part here!
CW: 18+, NSFW, yandere behavior, stalking, bullying, physical/verbal abuse, BDSM themes, poor BDSM etiquette but neither party minds
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Adrian nearly choked when he heard his name read next to yours for the school project.
It took you a second to recognize his; you mostly just call him mutt. Once you realized, you loudly groaned at the prospect of spending the week with that pest.
Adrian couldn’t hear it over his racing heart.
As soon as class lets out, he's right at your side, yammering on about project materials and meeting arrangements and times and "we should really meet at one of our houses so we don't have to worry about distractions, I'm fine with coming to yours! It's closer to school anyway, right? It'll be more private- I just think it makes sense-"
You finally shut him up by making the executive decision that you’ll work at his house (you don’t need him shedding on your furniture, or potentially getting any personal ammunition against you; he is way too interested in being inside your home, and how does he know it’s closer to school?).
Adrian was crestfallen that he wouldn’t get to go in your house (and smell the pure you imbued in your furniture, and pretend he’s really your dog while you sit together- maybe in your bedroom!-, and snoop through your underwear drawer when you go to the bathroom, and snoop through your bathroom when he goes in right after you...), but he was still over the moon at the idea of having you in his space.
(He’ll just visit your window later tonight like usual, anyway- he'll still get high off that closeness alone. Win/win!)
Adrian doesn't think about anything else for the rest of the day, zoning through his classes and plastered to your side whenever he gets the chance, just alight with energy and anticipation and not shutting up about it- he's lucky there's too many witnesses for you to knock him quiet (oh, but he would feel so much luckier if you did).
You would totally bail on this project if you weren’t already failing this class, which is mostly on account of you bailing. You’re wondering if all those cut classes were worth having to work with this, but you’re not feeling hopeful.
The day seems to drag on forever for both of you, for vastly different reasons. By the time school lets out, Adrian is buzzing out of his skin and you're seconds away from ripping it off him.
As you two start the trek to his place, Adrian can't get over how surreal it feels to walk beside you. It's like you two are a couple, and you're walking him home for an after school study date!
He gets lost in the daydream easily, giving you a brief reprieve from his energy, and allowing you to absently notice his rapidly wagging tail almost propelling him down the sidewalk. You can't help but smirk a little at the image that conjures in your mind.
He's truly ridiculous, you can't really believe him sometimes. Doesn't that thing ever get tired? What does he think is gonna happen that's got him so damn excited? That he's gonna get in good with you somehow (hopefully) and you'll leave him alone? (never in his wildest dreams.)
Yeah, fat chance.
When Adrian stops at his house, you think he's joking. But then he walks right up the driveway of this random McMansion, motioning you along eagerly, and enters a security code before holding the door open for you with a clearly anticipatory smile.
...The fuck.
You did not count on Adrian’s family being loaded. He certainly doesn't dress or groom like it.
You consider berating him for not mentioning it, but decide against it for the risk of seeming stupid- to Adrian of all people. You do make a mental note for your future errand requests, though.
Adrian’s parents aren’t home, he tells you his mom is always traveling and his dad basically lives at his office. You’re relieved that you won’t have to put on a nice face for the folks, but there’s apparently still a live-in housekeeper that floats around (are you fucking kidding?) so you stay diligent.
Adrian suggests you two work in his room; you figure the further from watchful eyes, the better.
Despite it being his idea, Adrian can't help his giddy nervousness as you enter his room (he’d texted the housekeeper to make sure it was clean as soon as you decided to come over, lucky he keeps his souvenirs hidden away whenever he’s not admiring them).
The room is frankly ridiculous, easily twice the size of yours, a king bed in the corner, a desk and coffee table and two dressers, and yet adorned with piles of clothes and clutter and more genres of nerdy shit than you even knew existed.
"Yeah, okay, parts of this make sense."
Adrian cocks his head, opening his mouth to ask what you mean, when he suddenly chokes on air.
You've made a bee-line right to his desk, covered in books and papers for hobbies and school alike, but also holding a locked drawer at the very bottom in which he keeps his "school collection" (just discarded pencils with bitten erasers, torn up notebook paper he can still smell your hands on, old gym shorts you were probably gonna replace soon anyway, a bandaid here, a plastic fork there; nothing crazy).
He watches with bated breath as you sift through the contents of his desk, occasionally scoffing or chuckling at what you find. He lets out a sigh when you seem to grow bored, just for you to move on to his dresser and have his stomach doing somersaults all over again.
Maybe he should've asked the housekeeper to hide his stuff better and just braved the questions later...
You move throughout the room like you own it (you do, as far as the both of you are concerned), making little jabs at his various posters and figurines which make his whole body flush hot with pleasure because you're noticing things about him, but every other move you make sends his heart jumping into his throat in a completely different way.
It only takes a minute or two for the stress to get to him.
“Ah- hey! Uh, maybe we should- maybe we should start on the project, right?”
You bark a laugh and spin on your heel to face him, an incredulous half-grin pulling your lips and revealing a gut-twisting flash of teeth.
Oh, yeah, he much prefers those intense eyes boring into him.
He starts spluttering placations immediately. "No! Well, uhm, I didn't mean- you, you don't- have to- obviously, I mean, I don't- I wouldn't-"
You roll your eyes and shove past him, effectively cutting him off as you flop down onto his abominably soft mattress. "Right, yeah, whatever. Let's get one thing straight here, okay?"
Adrian nods, his whole being drawn to focus at your entrancingly commanding tone. Although, it's incredibly hard to focus on anything with the sight of you on his bed right in front of him; he's already planning how to avoid that area so it'll retain your scent longer, he wonders if he could cut that part of the duvet out and keep it in an airtight container, maybe the sheets under it too just to be safe...
"This is not a "we" situation, got it? I'm not lifting a damn finger for this bullshit, that's what you're there for." Adrian has a purpose to you! "I am only here to make sure you're actually doing it, which shouldn't be a problem because if we get anything less than an A, it's gonna be your ass."
As tempting as it is to see what punishment you would inflict upon him, Adrian really really really wants to please you- and he's pretty good at this subject anyway!
You then cross your arms and lean back just enough to look down your nose at him. "Got it?"
Adrian can't answer fast enough.
"Yes! Yes, that's perfect! Awesome, good- great!"
But then he doesn’t make a move. Ha.
He looks a little lost, standing in the middle of his own room, barely biting down a grin and wringing his hands as he seems to wait for another command.
Apparently, you’ve trained him well.
You scoff and let yourself fall onto your back as you pull out your phone (Adrian's gonna need a bigger airtight container).
"Well, go on then, we don't have all day."
Adrian scrambles to get to work. He quickly positions himself on the floor by the foot of the bed and pulls the coffee table closer, emptying his school bag carelessly onto the carpet.
You huff a laugh at the sight, all this money and the kid's parents couldn't buy him any class. Maybe sloppiness is an inherent trait, like his apparent passion for service- nobody with this much money should be such a pushover. And yet...
Adrian couldn’t be happier, sitting on the floor while you lounge across his bed and periodically weigh in with (mostly incorrect) corrections or snide remarks, an almost alarmingly wide grin settled on his face as his tail taps a steady rhythm against his carpet.
It’s not an unpleasant picture, you muse absently as you look up from your phone, it’s almost comforting to have your little puppy on the floor, cheerily working away for you while you laze about. It certainly beats doing the work yourself, or having to threaten a student with an actual spine to do it for you.
Still, it doesn't take long for you to get bored. Bored enough to notice your empty stomach, at least.
"I'm hungry."
Adrian's head shoots up from the book he was hunched over, ears raised at attention and eyes glittering with something you're not sure you care to identify.
He's on his feet in the next second, knocking his knees on the way up loud enough to startle you yet showing no signs of even noticing.
"I-I'll ask Len to make something!"
He darts out of the room before you can tell him what you want, but you trust he knows your moods and tastes well enough by this point to predict. (Oh, he does, and Len's not going to be making anything- they don't know all the special ingredients!)
The second he leaves, you decide to really cure your boredom by snooping around in earnest. Certainly this creep has something actually weird hidden in here, you just have to look in the right places.
You waste no time in sifting through his bookshelf (nerd shit), closet (nerd clothes, some dirty), a dresser (nerd clothes, mostly clean), under his bed (dirty clothes, nerd shit in boxes)- the door opens behind you.
“Wha-? Oh! Ah- Wh-what- what are you doing?”
You don’t even bother moving from your crouch, most of your upper body shoved under the bedstand while the rest of you... is not.
Adrian’s mouth is completely dry for several reasons.
“What’re you, blind? I’m snooping.”
Adrian slowly comes further into the room, hesitantly setting the serving tray on the low table. He can’t stop his voice from cracking as he stutters out,
“Uh- yeah, okay, yeah, but- um, would you maybe mind- um, not?”
You snicker, at least he has some manners. “Yeah, I do mind, actually. What’s the matter, mutt? Got something to hide?”
The answer is so immediate, so fervent, that it has you pulling up just to give him an unimpressed look. He stares back at you, eyes wide and frenzied.
“Jesus you’re a bad liar.”
Looking at him now, you can see sweat glistening on his face and his hands clenching by his side. His eyes dart toward the dresser you haven't checked yet.
You jump up from your position and stride across the room with purpose. You only make it a few steps before Adrian seems to materialize in front of you, making you stop short and almost yelp from shock.
“S-sorry! I’m sorry, I just-" he's waving his hands wildly, head ducked as his gaze rapidly flicks between your face and the floor, "You-you can’t- please, please don’t-”
“Okay, creep, I get the gist.”
You shove past him, and he wishes he could relish the firm pressure of your hands on him.
He whirls around and watches in horror as you approach the dresser. He needs to do something, he needs to stop you, but what can he do? You’ve clearly made up your mind, it’s not like it's his place to try and change it...
All he can do is watch, a high ringing in his ears and his body filling with static, while you meticulously sift through every drawer until his clothes are strewn about the floor and you're panting with frustration.
He's about to let himself take a breath when you suddenly squat down and stick your arm into the shallow space underneath. He nearly swallows his tongue when you let out a disbelieving huff and awkwardly slide out a long lockbox.
You look up at him triumphantly, eyes sparkling with glee, and he almost mirrors your smile just for how captivating it is.
"Open it."
You lean up toward him and cock your head, he has to stop himself from being drawn in by the magnetism of your narrowed eyes. “The fuck did you just say to me?"
"I'm sorry! I didn't- just, I can't-"
"Oh, I think you can. Or you're not gonna like what happens next."
That's where you're wrong, and it only really strengthens Adrian's extremely shaky resolve. He tries to keep the grin off his face as he habitually starts to picture the punishment you might give him; a cuff on the ears, a knee to the stomach, a punch in the face-
But you just roll your eyes and groan, no longer in the mood now that something more interesting has presented itself.
Instead, your gaze floats down to the flimsy looking combination lock on the box, then it fixes on some heavy-standed figurine you'd knocked off his bookshelf earlier.
Yeah, good enough.
Adrian barely has time to flinch before you're snatching it up and breaking the lock with a sound crack.
Then you're lifting the lid.
He starts to lunge forward, but your sharply raised hand halts him dead in his tracks.
It's too late anyway, judging by your wide eyes and slightly slack jaw (god how he wishes he could focus on the glorious curve of your open lips, or the way your perfect teeth peek over them, or how it might feel to have those teeth sunk into his skin-)
"What. The. Fuck."
"I-I can explain- It's not-!"
"I literally do not believe that you can."
Adrian's throat goes dry, he feels tears welling in his eyes. "I'm sorry- I'm sorry! I never meant- it's not like-"
You tune Adrian out as you focus on the stacks and stacks of photos arranged in the box before you. There even seem to be books underneath those, thick ones despite the shallowness of the container. You’d say there’s easily hundreds of pictures in here.
But, more concerning than the amount of photos… is their content.
They’re all you.
Undeniable, from every angle and range and setting you could imagine, it’s all you. There’s you at your spot with your friends, sitting in class, in the cafeteria, running errands in town, sneaking off to that private spot nobody else is supposed to know about, asleep in your bed- in dozens and dozens of iterations, like you could probably make a flip book of every scene.
It’s offensively redundant, honestly, a gross waste of paper. Maybe equally as concerning.
(Adrian needs to keep physical copies, and hard drives, and backup hard drives, and another box further under the dresser... What if something happens to his phone? What if he lost all his treasured photos forever? He doesn’t know what he’d do.)
"You're a bigger creep than I gave you credit for." You murmur, mostly to yourself.
Adrian never thought he'd feel anything but sheer joy from hearing that word leave your mouth. "N-no! It's not- it's not like that! I'm not- I don't-"
While Adrian's still blustering and working himself into a tizzy, you're just... processing.
It's oddly unsurprising, once you consider all the other factors together. Looking at it now, of course Adrian had more perverted reasons for complying to your cruelty, what else could he have been getting out of it? You guess you kinda always knew, on some level, but you never thought it would be like this.
But, since it is, you can't help but wonder just how far this perversion has gone, how far it will go...
This night has been boring enough that you're entitled to a little fun, right?
And besides, looking at him now- all wide eyed and droopy eared, his tail pulled between his legs and clutched in his trembling hands- Adrian actually looks a little bit... cute? In a pathetic, dirty stray caught in the rain type of way, of course.
The only real difference is that you'd be much kinder to the stray.
"Alright, shut it, stalker."
Adrian's mouth snaps closed, his tail trying to tuck further at your dangerously low voice.
"Obviously, this severe-" you flap a stack of photos at him, causing him to duck his head and whimper, "-invasion of my privacy can't go unpunished."
Adrian's eyes become impossibly bigger as they flash up to watch you stand. His ears suddenly perk, his tail tugs against his grip as it tries to hesitantly wag.
Jesus, he's shameless.
This is gonna be fun.
But first, a plan. You don't want Adrian getting too bold, so what better way to keep him in his place than by tying him there? Looking around his room, you don't have much to work with, but you're resourceful; a lace from his sneakers should do just fine (who keeps shoes in their room? what a creep).
"Alright. Sit."
Adrian is falling to his knees before his brain can process the words. When it does, he isn't quick enough to bite down on the high keen that builds in his throat.
You scoff, mentally scorning yourself for ignoring his shit for so long, then go to pull a lace. Adrian watches in rapt attention as you test its strength, your hands flexing so tantalizingly as you pull the string harshly several times over.
He holds his breath on instinct when your scrutinizing glare scans the room again.
"Okay, bed. Back to the headboard. Now."
Adrian scrambles up immediately, pulling some of the sheets off in his hurry, eager to obey before you change your mind.
You follow right after, kneeling up and leaning over him to tie his hands to the headboard above him. His dry throat click as he gulps.
You're so close, your heavenly scent filling his lungs like a sweet paralyzing vapor, he can feel the heat radiating from your skin despite the clothes between you, he could probably taste you if he just stuck out his tongue...
He whines as you yank the shoelace tight with a grunt before tying it off. You tug on his hands once more, forcing the string deeper into his skin, and your hum of satisfaction is drowned out by Adrian's low groan.
What a wonderful feeling, the sharp sting of the lace grounding him down like he needs to be; he can't help twisting and pulling until the burn intensifies, imagining it's your firm hands holding him so tightly...
"Jesus, freak, you're already getting into it?"
Adrian just whimpers, barely registering the question past your condescending tone as he continues to squirm.
You suddenly grab the front of his shirt and pull him forward until he's partially hovering off the mattress, the combined pressure of your knuckles under his chin and the shoestring grating his tender wrists pulls a breathy moan along with.
You lean in close, practically growling as you say, "Don't do my job for me, mutt."
You press a relatively fresh bruise on his arm just to see him twitch and bite his lip (it’s actually from a week ago, that’s how good he is at maintaining your marks for you!). It is pretty gratifying.
Almost as gratifying as the bulge you spot between his wantonly spread legs.
A breathless laugh punches out of you. It's oddly jarring to see, and you would later deny that it's slightly impressive, but it's not an entirely unpleasant sight.
"God, you're fucking pathetic. But you know that, don't you, you little creep?"
If your words weren't enough to have Adrian shaking out of his skin, you lean closer and nip his ear; he jerks back instinctively at the pain, which only makes its sting so much sweeter when you sink your teeth in and pull back.
He doesn’t bother trying to keep himself quiet.
“This isn’t even a punishment for you, is it? Is it, you fucking perv?”
Adrian is so far beyond saving face, he’s mostly beyond communication of any kind, so he just shakes his head fervently and grunts and hopes it’s good enough.
“Use your words, mutt.”
He gasps as you yank his throbbing ear, pulling his face closer to yours- oh dear god he can feel your hot breath against his cheeks, every detail of your perfect face so confident and dangerous and ethereal, your sparkling eyes look positively deadly and Adrian is ready to submit himself to their perils-
“Answer me," your sharp words make his lashes flutter, but he keeps his eyes wide open to stare at your taunting smile hanging just inches from his face, "are you getting off on this?”
He nods, he’s starting to get dizzy with all this nodding but he doesn't feel capable of much else, then you tug his hair back with the most glorious burn-
“Ah-Yes! Yes, I love- I love it, please- give me- more- please, I need- I need-“
He cuts off with a choked sound as your fingers slide up his throat and tighten, all too happy to oblige.
"That what you want? You happy now?" You taunt, your breath against the shell of his ear raising goosebumps all over his body.
He tries to nod against your grip, causing you to smirk and push further.
Oh god yes please-
Garbled moans fight their way from his throat as his eyes roll back in ecstasy, his straddled legs pressing tightly together as he thrashes desperately against the headboard, his whole body trembling and pushing up and up in search of contact- but you keep pulling away, putting more pressure on his neck to support yourself, bringing out the most pitiful little whimpers.
"Use your words, puppy."
Adrian chokes for reasons entirely unrelated to your hand on his neck. His tail, which had been beating a rapid tempo since you sat him down, starts flailing into overdrive.
It takes considerably more effort, but Adrian needs to please you- maybe you’ll even reward him!- so he coughs and gasps until he can force out,
"Y-Yes,” a strained cough, “Tha-agh-thank- you-"
A smile curls your lips unbidden. Such initiative! You let your fingers stroke over his throat as your hand presses in harder.
"There, that's a good boy."
Adrian's vision whites out.
He’s not even aware of the stream of whines and moans that force their way from beneath your fingers, he doesn't notice how his body squirms against the pressure of you on top of him, he couldn't tell the frantic thumping of his tail from that of his heart- all he can focus on is the red hot ecstasy filling every inch of him to bursting, the transcendent bliss of being so thoroughly claimed, so completely controlled, so wholly owned by you.
He's still hiccupping moans and thumping his tail when you withdraw your hand for fear of suffocating him, these needy little noises escaping his already bruising throat.
His head lolls back and his mouth falls open as you remain suspended above him, taking in your handiwork.
He’s so vulnerable, his entire body open and happily exposed to you, every muscle trembling in the aftershocks. His chest heaves as sweat and tears drip down onto his shirt, but he seems to pay no mind as his vacant eyes flutter up at you. He struggles to keep them open as a dopey grin spreads across his bitten lips, and you have to bite your own to stop from returning it.
Then, your eyes travel down to the steadily shrinking tent of his pants, now adorned with a dark wet stain- just like you expected.
You sit back on you heels, seemingly alerting Adrian to your absence as his hand flies up to grab his throat with a high whine- but you cut that shit off right away.
"Yeah, no, I'm not trying to catch a murder charge tonight, thanks. Besides," your eyes pointedly flick down between his spread legs, causing his face to heat up though he makes no move to close them, "it looks like you got more than your share- frankly, you should be grateful for anything I'm willing to give you."
Adrian's voice is hoarse when he tries to insist, "I am! I-" he cuts off with a heavy cough, which only has you wincing with guilt a little. "I'm- I'm grateful. I am!"
You don't doubt it, especially looking into those watery, red-rimmed puppydog eyes of his. However, you do like to be cruel, and you did just get a bunch of texts from some of your friends about this 'super crazy thing you don't wanna miss and you gotta get down here right now!', (and you're maybe feeling a little uncharacteristically giddy as you fully process your situation) so...
"Doesn't matter, I can't reward this insolence."
You untie the shoelace with a deft tug and slide off the bed without another word.
Adrian just barely stops himself from whining again, the sudden loss of the pressure around his wrists leaving him feeling untethered. He has to dig his nails into his hands as he watches you collect your things (the covered platter lay forgotten on the table, insult to injury), just to keep from reaching out for you.
He wants desperately to follow you, but he can't make his body move for how relaxed and heavy it feels, and he knows it would probably just upset you more anyway- and not in the good way.
“Oh, and Adrian?” You slap the doorframe as you hang off of it, and your use of his name has Adrian's groggy head springing up to face you instantly, ears high and eyes hopeful.
“Next time you want a picture of me, just ask. That way I can knock some sense into you right away.” You tap the frame again, a crooked grin fixing your lips before you push off.
“See ya tomorrow!”
Still too fuzzy to move, and in fresh shock from that almost-genuine smile, he can only listen forlornly as your steps grow fainter and fainter until the door shuts downstairs. Then, he's helpless to do anything beyond replay the events of the past ten minutes in obsessive detail in attempts to permanently document every single sensation you gave to him.
He only manages to move about a half hour later, when his phone buzzes with a text.
He slowly leans over the bed and lifts his phone from the floor, blinking blearily as he reads... your name. Attached to a ludicrously extravagant lunch order for tomorrow.
The phone drops from his fingers like lead.
His heart starts racing as he wracks his brain to recall when you put his number in your phone- then, his tail starts up again as he wonders if he'll be punished for already having yours in his (not for anything weird! he just likes to type out walls of text complimenting every part of you and telling you exactly the ways he wants you to destroy him and then deleting them- but maybe he'll send the next one).
It must mean something good if you want to keep in close contact with him, right? That must mean you aren't really mad at him, right? That must mean you like him, right? You still think he’s a good boy, right?
Another text lights up his phone. He scrambles to grab it back, hands shaking as he holds the screen close to his face.
[ur gnna b my bitch 4evr now]
A shaky giggle escapes him.
Those are easily the most beautiful words he’s ever read.
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thanks so much for reading! feel free to send a request <3
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miiyochi · 8 months
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feat. solomon x gn!mc | barbatos x gn!mc | simeon x gn!mc contents.  reader's body is not specified! , cockwarming, pet name usage! (my love), very soft u_u, exhib for sol if you squint, sub!mc, these guys are very touchy lol genre. headcanons/drabbles, smut words. 1367 note. I'm back !! sorry for disappearing for a while, got busy yada yada. have something that's surprisingly not JUST solomonzjzjzjz enjoy&lt;3
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solomon. 𖦹
Solomon is an asshole, plain and simple. He loves doing things that'll rile you up. He loves watching you squirm under his gaze in embarrassment. Adores it when his words and especially his actions make you so nervous. It's adorable to him. He makes a game out of it.
So it's no wonder he'd suggest something so lewd. Only something like this would come out of his perverse mind. Though, you guess you're not any better nor innocent since you agreed to it— the idea of doing something so indecent in public is thrilling.
Solomon had proposed an idea to take you to one of the more empty classrooms that only get used sometimes and are locked most of the time. Sol loves mischief. It was easy for him to sneak into these rooms without anyone noticing. You wouldn't be so nervous about it if it were that alone.
Instead, Solomon had proposed a "fun" game, have you sit on his cock while he teases you— if you can get through it without letting out any moans or whines, he'll fuck you nicely<3. You'd be lying if your insides didn't get all fluttery at the idea of Solomon pounding into you with his fingers shoved into your mouth, trying to keep you quiet; it was too much of a tempting offer to decline.
So here you are, sitting on the empty teacher's chair on Solomon's lap. His cock buried deep into you with no movement besides the occasional twitch of him inside you. Solomon's lips lightly ghosted over your skin as his cold hands traced over your body. Your shirt was unbuttoned, and your pants and underwear were discarded onto the floor.
Solomon kissed your chest, his mouth finding your nipples and lightly sucking on it while his hand played with the other. His hands massaged your inner thighs, occasionally stroking his fingers against your sex. All the while, you had to bite your lip and endure as much as possible without a single moan— it was a bit of a struggle; you couldn't exactly help but move and wiggle your hips a little against Sol, who just smiled and firmly held onto your hips to keep you straddled down. Your breathing was uneven and heavy; you kept pulling Solomon into kisses to keep yourself from making any real noise.
Solomon was getting a kick out of this. He enjoyed being so close to you and could feel all of you— how warm you were, how soft your skin was, your breath against his skin when you kissed him. God, he loved you so much it was taking everything in him to not take you right here and there. You were also testing his patience, but soon enough, it'll pay off for both of you. He leans in closer to kiss your temple before whispering,
"You're being so good for me, my love. I'll be sure to reward you, okay?"
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barbatos. 𖦹
Barbatos took pleasure in teasing you from time to time. With how much work he does daily, he forgets just how cute you look when you’re fidgeting under him.
Barbatos misses you dearly throughout the day. His only solace is knowing you’re waiting to come over to the castle in what seems to be the dead of night for the devildom. He’d come to the house of lamentation to escort you back himself, his hands never leaving the small of your back. Barbatos keeps you close. You can sense the longing and desire of him.
When you’re finally in the privacy of one of the extra bedrooms you frequent together, Barbatos offers to cuddle with you since that’s something you enjoy doing with him. Though. You had something a little different on your mind.
Hearing your idea, Barbatos simply chuckles to himself before saying,
“Oh, of course.” a pleasant smile forms on his lips, “I’ll take good care of you tonight, mc.”
Rarely does Barbatos ever find himself in such a sorry state. He was left in only his green button-up, with a few buttons undone. Barb's tie was discarded onto the floor; pants only tugged down to give enough room for you to sink onto his cock. Barbatos buried his face into the crook of your neck, leaving soft kisses as he trailed to your lips.
His hands gently caressed your bare skin. Barbatos was warm, comforting even– strange for a powerful demon such as himself. Yet, something about the care he poured into the moments he could be intimate with you was enough to overwhelm you. He’d whisper sweet words in your ear, telling you how much he missed your touch, scent, and everything about you. Your very being didn’t escape his mind once throughout his long day.
Barbatos is a man of restraint. He can easily contain his excitement, but Barbatos struggles a little in moments like these to keep himself from moving. He wants you to feel his adoration, his love, every part of him. Instead, his hands find your hips and pull you in even closer, as if trying to meld your bodies together into one being. You sigh out of pleasure when you feel him even deeper inside you.
When you press kisses all over his face, he lets you. When your hands help him out of his shirt, he lets you. When he feels you moving against him, trying to get any friction, he allows you. Barbatos can’t help the smile on his face, nor can he help that look of pure love blossoming in his eyes. Deep down, he knew sitting still like this was out of the question for you; he knew you good enough to know you’d crack eventually and silently beg for him.
Who is Barbatos to deny you? With a chaste kiss to the lips, Barbatos gently guides you onto your back, his hips finding rhythm against yours.
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Simeon 𖦹
Simeon’s nothing but a gentle lover. Every intimate moment shared with him is treated with delicacy on his part; he treats you like you’re the most precious thing he holds near and dear to his heart– which he does.
Simeon loves caring for you afterward; he’s attentive to your needs. Sometimes, though, he’ll take a little bit more time before he’ll break away from you to get you anything you might want. Water, snacks, a bath– anything really, but first, Simeon intends to hold you close.
Any ‘warming’ done with him is purely accidental and in the spur of the moment. It almost always happens right after the act itself. Simeon pulls you closer, having you lay on top of him while his arms wrap around you.
He presses kisses to the top of your head, small I love you slipping past his lips between each kiss. You can feel him have a semi inside you; he finds it quite embarrassing, but if you move and nudge him lightly, you may be able to incite him for another round.
If it’s not after, then it’s definitely during cuddling. Though you’ll mostly initiate that. All you have to do is whisper into Simeon’s ear,
“Simeon…I want to feel you. More of you, please?” with pleading eyes that Simeon could never resist.
Simeon likes facing you when cuddling, so doing this felt much more intimate than actually fucking (lol). Once he’s inside you, he becomes so bashful at it. He smiles a lot, kissing you a bunch.
The back of your hand, each knuckle, cheek kisses that’ll trail up to your forehead and down to your lips. Kiss him back, and you’ll hear the prettiest sighs and hums from him.
Play with his hair during this, too; if you want to see him melt, you feel incredibly soft despite what you’re doing. Any moment with Simeon will have you like this, but something about being so close to him makes your head spin.
It must be the same for Simeon because he can’t help but mutter words of sentimentality.
“being able to do something like this…especially with someone like you, I..” Simeon pauses before chuckling, his hand reaching up to caress your cheek. “mc, I love you dearly. That’s all I’m trying to say.”
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thank you for reading, rbs appreciated&lt;3    m.list
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pickingupmymercedes · 25 days
She's here and she's just like you - Lewis Hamilton
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Series: She's not here, but she'll be / She's here and she's ours / She's here and she's not only ours / She's here and she's just like you
Lots of fluff.
pairing: Dad!Lewis Hamilton x Reader!
wordcount: +1k
a/n: Some dad!Lewis fix. Because I think we could all use it.
As always, I'm open for feedback, come say hi!
The relentless growl of the engines echoed through the thinly insulated motorhome walls, a constant tremor that vibrated through the room and into your very bones. Even with the rhythmic whoosh of the white noise machine, sleep seemed a distant dream.
You glanced at your husband, a small, peaceful oasis amidst the chaos, with your daughter sleeping soundly in his chest, her tiny fingers clutching the soft fabric of his shirt. And as much as he tried to hold perfectly still, you could see the contrast to the storm brewing within Lewis, a frustrated frown etched onto his face.
The first day of practice for the Silverstone Grand Prix was over, and yet, the biggest challenge hadn't been mastering the legendary circuit. It had been the heart-wrenching scene that unfolded just before Lewis left for the track.
He'd approached y/d/n, his usual goofy grin replaced with a nervous smile. Clad in his fireproof suit, the helmet tucked under his arm, he knelt beside her in his driver’s room. "Hey there, champ," he said, his voice a touch too high-pitched, betraying his anxiety.
The little girl, in the midst of a few toys, looked up with wide, curious eyes. Lewis extended a gloved hand towards her, but instead of reaching for it, her face crumpled, and a wail erupted from her tiny body.
"No, Daddy! No go!" she cried, scrambling backwards as far as she could go.
Your heart ached for both of them. Lewis, his smile faltering, attempted a reassuring laugh. "It's okay, sweetheart. Daddy's just going to work, then I'll be back to see you soon." But the wails only intensified.
You rushed to her side, scooping her up and showering her face with comforting kisses. Lewis remained rooted to the spot, a helpless look on his face.
Finally, with a defeated sigh, he placed the helmet down and retreated towards the door "I'll see you later, sweetheart," he mumbled, his voice thick with disappointment. The door clicked shut behind him, leaving an unsettling silence.
Y/d/n continued to whimper for a few minutes, nuzzling into your chest as you rocked her gently, and you couldn't help the sense of helplessness that washed over you.
Lewis had built this dream in his head for years – his daughter in the paddock, his lucky charm by his side, cheering him on.
The reality, however, was a chorus of tears and protests whenever he approached her in his race gear.
As Lewis’ tiny copy finally drifted back to sleep you followed him as he put her on her crib, reaching out and touching Lewis's face as he stood up "Maybe she's just like you, and needs her time before going for it" you put gently, a small smile playing on your lips. He looked at you, a flicker of understanding crossing his features. "Maybe I was a bit too eager”
"You’re excited, that’s all" you comforted him, nudging him softly. A shared memory surfaced, a time capsule from a very different stage in your journey as parents.
The initial thrill of the pregnancy announcement had settled into a comfortable routine. Excitement simmered beneath the surface, punctuated by doctor appointments and the steady growth of your belly. One evening, as you sat curled up on the couch, a book open in your lap, a flicker of sadness crossed Lewis's face as he knelt beside you, his hand resting gently on your now-obvious bump.
"So, no kicks yet?" he asked, his voice laced with a barely concealed longing. You smiled sadly, shaking your head. "Just the usual fluttering" He forced a smile, but the disappointment in his eyes tugged at your heart.
"It'll come soon," you reassured him, taking his hand and placing it firmly on your stomach. "Just you wait." Days turned into weeks, and the feeling of anticipation that had initially fueled Lewis's excitement began to wane. He'd watch you lovingly rub your belly, a question lingering in his eyes. You knew what he was thinking – a silent plea to feel a part of this incredible journey unfolding within you.
One afternoon, you were curled up on the couch, a book open in your lap, when a strong flutter, very perceptible and even visible, danced across your abdomen. You gasped, eyes widening in surprise. Lewis, oblivious, was engrossed in a racing documentary on his phone. You nudged him, a breathless whisper escaping your lips. "Lewis, feel this!"
He looked up, a flicker of hope lighting his face as he turned towards you. Hesitantly, he placed his hand where you indicated. And then, another flutter, stronger this time, an unmistakable sensation against his palm. His face lit up as if a light had been switched on. A mix of wonder and pure joy washed over him. He leaned his head against your stomach, a wide grin splitting his face.
"There she is!" he whispered; his voice thick with emotion. In that moment, the invisible barrier that had separated him from his unborn child dissolved. He was no longer just a spectator, but an active participant in this incredible miracle, his tiny miracle.
From that day on, Lewis constant presence was also coupled with hours talking to the belly, singing silly songs, and showering it with gentle kisses. The frustration that had shadowed his eyes was replaced by an awestruck wonder. You watched the transformation with a heart overflowing with love as you could feel their bond blossoming even before her arrival.
The memory brought a lump to your throat. Lewis's initial struggle with feeling left out mirrored your own anxieties about being a good mother. You reached out and squeezed his hand, the unspoken words hanging heavy in the air. He met your gaze, a flicker of understanding passing between you. A silent promise – to include y/d/n, and create a space where she felt safe and loved, no matter how fast the world around them moved.
The next morning, the paddock buzzed with its usual frenetic pre-race energy. Mechanics scurried around the cars, engineers huddled over laptops, and the air thrummed with anticipation. But amidst the controlled chaos, a new dynamic unfolded.
The atmosphere in the Ferrari garage was a far cry from the usual pre-race tension. Lewis, clad in his race suit but with his helmet still off, knelt beside a makeshift chair fashioned from a mechanic's stool and a pile of soft cushions. There, sat the little girl, her curls framing wide, curious eyes as she clutched a miniature Guido toy car in her chubby hand.
"Alright, champ" Lewis began, his voice losing its usual racing-day edge and taking on a gentle, singsong quality. "This" he said, pointing to the steering wheel in front of him "is like the captain's wheel on a pirate ship! It helps Daddy steer the car really fast." Y/d/n giggled, tilting her head in thought as she compared her miniature car to the real one.
A young mechanic, usually focused on meticulously checking tire pressure, couldn't help but be drawn to the scene. He knelt down beside them, his face breaking into a wide smile. "Ciao, bella!" he said, offering her a small, brightly colored wrench. Y/d/n, momentarily captivated by the shiny object, reached out to take it, her tiny fingers wrapping clumsily around the handle.
"See, sweetheart?" Lewis explained, "This wrench is Luca's special tool, just like my steering wheel is mine. He uses it to make sure the car is all good and ready to go!" Intrigued, she held the wrench up close, inspecting it with a furrowed brow. The mechanic chuckled, gently tapping the wrench against her toy's tire as the girl’s eyes widened in delight.
One by one, other mechanics started to approach, their initial surprise at the unexpected visitor replaced by amusement and a touch of protective warmth. Another mechanic, usually with a gruff exterior, shyly offered the toddler a bright yellow Ferrari pin. "For your car, Principessa" he mumbled, his voice surprisingly gentle. She squealed with joy, carefully placing the pin on the back of her Guido, mimicking the pit crew on television.
And Lewis, his initial frustration from the little girl's first reaction, was completely forgotten, as he continued his explanation. He pointed to various buttons and switches on the steering wheel, describing their functions with exaggerated sound effects and silly voices. Y/d/n, completely captivated, bounced on her feet, occasionally reaching out to touch the buttons within her reach, eliciting playful warnings from Lewis.
The race flew by in a blur as you tried to contain a very excited toddler perched on her chair in the Ferrari garage. Her eyes, wide with wonder, darted between the mechanics and engineers, as if she could actually understand what was happening before her. Every pit stop, every tool change elicited a flurry of questions and excited babbling.
The final lap brought a collective roar of triumph from everyone, including the bouncing of curls on your daughter's head as she threw her little arms up and cheered with everyone else.
The sweetest victory though wasn't on the track. It was the sight that greeted Lewis in a secure corner of the garage as he made his way back from the podium. Away from the throngs of fans and potential collisions with bustling mechanics, held aloft by Fred Vasseur, was Y/d/n. Her face crinkled in a joyous smile, a tiny hand waving excitedly as the other held her Guido, now sporting the bright yellow Ferrari pin.
He pushed his way through the small group surrounding them, his heart overflowing. As he scooped her into his arms, her tiny body radiating pure joy, you could see his sight of relief. He may not have been able to feel all her kicks in the womb, but he wouldn't miss a single giggle, squeal, or smile from here on out.
"Hey there, champ" he whispered, nuzzling his nose against her cheek. The little girl, still buzzing from the excitement of the race, babbled excitedly, pointing at his podium trophy with a gummy grin. Lewis chuckled, his eyes glistening in the light "That's right, sweetheart," he said, his voice thick with emotion. "We did it together. You, me, momma, Guido and everyone else here. We’re a team."
TAGLIST - @saturnssunflower @xoscar03 @chocolatediplomatdreamerzonk @happy-golden-hour @vicurious28
@0710khj @thecubanator2 @neilakk @bigratbitchsworld @adriswrld
@fearfam69691 @cmleitora
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jaylaxies · 10 months
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PAIRING: nerd!jay × fem!reader
GENRE/CW: sub!jay, dom!reader, smut, fluff, unprotected sex, public sex, slight biting and marking, mentions of bullying, room sharing, kissing, handjob, mentions of sunghoon
WC: 8.1k (8169) words
SYNOPSIS: the annual debate competition was just around the corner and you were thrilled to meet your partner, who turned out to be park jongseong. from you studying together to him asking you how it feels to kiss someone, how would your relationship progress? especially when you offer to give him a demonstration, even more so when he asks if he could get a bit more.
WARNING: 18+ content, minors dni
A/N: hihi, angels! I'm back with another fic! i've re-edited this fic and i’m reposting as per the request of my anonnie! i hope y'all will enjoy this! :3 all likes, comments, reblogs and feedbacks are highly appreciated! it keeps me motivated! iloveyou all <3
“What have you done to her?” The principal sighed in distress, slightly turning his head, glancing at the girl who sat next to you with an expression filled with misery, a girl with a broken nose to be more precise.
“With all due respect, sir, she was bullying a student, which clearly goes against our school policies, and further, she tried to punch me when I asked her to stop. She had it coming,” you calmly explained the whole situation, fake politeness dripping off your tone.
The girl next to you screamed like a maniac after hearing your statement, flailing her arms and legs, claiming that you were the one who attacked her first. She never failed to show her spoiled-child behaviour in public.
“I request you to please check the surveillance camera of the corridor, it'll make it more clear to you, sir,” you faked your smile as Hana Lee, the bully, started crying, knowing that nothing could save her from the upcoming punishment now.
She was soon dismissed to go to the medical room, her wound bleeding, yet she didn’t show a sign to stop protesting.
“Miss Y/N, I understand that what Miss Lee did was wrong, but that does not give you any right to punch her.” He looked at you with an expression that clearly displayed disappointment.
“It was just self defense from my side, sir,” you said with wide eyes, plastering your most innocent face in front of him, wanting to leave his office as soon as possible.
He sighed, “you’re one of our top students, miss Y/N, and I appreciate you caring for the other students, but please refrain from using punches next time. You can leave now.”
You finally smiled in victory, muttering a ‘thank you’ before grabbing your bag and rushing out of the office.
As you got out of the office, a hand immediately grabbed your wrist, causing you to widen your eyes at the sudden gesture, your own hand curling its fingers to punch until you saw who it was.
He softly pulled you to the empty staircase area.
“I’m sorry,” he slowly whispered, he had a busted lip and red eyes, the sight made your heart hurt, a frown settling on your face.
“Jay! Oh my god! Does it hurt?” You asked, hand extending towards his face.
You barely knew the boy, in fact, your first ever proper interaction with him took place this morning.
“You shouldn’t have stepped up for me,” he sighed, eyes not meeting yours as he looked at his shoes, confused as to why you would help him.
“I don’t care what you say, I cannot stand bullying, Jay,” you simply told him, getting closer to see his wound, the wound caused by Hana.
Now, the question is: How did you reach here in the first place?
Let’s start by replaying the morning events.
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The yearly Inter-school English debate was two months away from now. Meaning, that you’ll soon know who your assigned partner is for this year’s competition would be.
Your English teacher had asked you to meet her, so you made your way towards the staff room. You greeted her as soon as you saw her, eyes soon moving to observe a guy with specs standing next to her.
“Y/N, c’mere! Meet Park Jay, he’ll be your partner for this year’s debate competition,” your teacher explained.
You smiled, extending your hand which he shyly took into his bigger ones, “nice to meet you, Jay.”
Your radiant smile caused Jay to crack a small smile of his own, “it’s really nice to meet you too,” he said.
Further, the teacher explained how your school won’t be the host for the debate this year, instead, the Busan branch will be the one to do so.
Conclusively, she informed you that all your expenses will be paid by the school, except for the extra souvenirs you would purchase there for yourself.
You listened to it all, giving small nods at the end of her sentences, your eyes also shifting to look at the guy standing next to you, his gaze focused on what your teacher was telling.
A hotel will be arranged and she will accompany you both for your two day trip to the competition.
“The topic will be provided to you both soon, I hope both of you will get along well, please don’t hesitate to ask for any sort of help from me,”Ms. Hwang smiled at you both and ensured that you were okay with this setting.
Park Jay. You knew him, of course you did. He’s always been exceptionally smart in studies, him being the only one in school who matched your own pace.
The only difference between you was his shy nature. Your nature screamed enthusiasm and boldness, hence, making friends came easily to you. You were one of the popular students, not to mention how you were good at academics too, which was also paired with your kind nature.
However, you didn’t know much about Jay, except for the fact that he was good at studies and closed off, with little to no friends at your school.
This piqued your curiosity.
After Ms. Hwang left, you turned to look at the shy boy, asking him if he’d be up to eat lunch with you, to get to know each other better.
His eyes slightly widened at your suggestion and you theorized it must be because he never eats with anyone else, which worried you as you thought you had crossed a line.
His small smile just after, ensured that it was not the case, “I’d love to,” he said, and you noted how sharp yet cute his smile was.
The whole student body was shocked to see Jay interacting with the popular girl herself, their eyes fixated on your table.
It wasn’t your concern though, you were enjoying having a simple conversation with him, asking him about his hobbies. He got excited that you were willing to talk to him, not forcing yourself like the other students did. And he tried his best not to show how excited he was.
He told you about his love for fashion, his smile growing at each word he spoke, you found his deep voice pretty as you paid attention to everything he had to tell and offer.
He stopped his sentence midway, looking at you as you stared at him with shiny eyes.
“I talk a lot, don’t I?” His shyness came back to him all of a sudden.
“No! I think that it’s really beautiful that you’re so passionate about something, I could hear you speak about it for hours,” you reassured him, reaching forward to hold his hand which was kept on the table.
He breathed out softly, gulping at the sight of your joined hands and your reassuring smile, his cheeks heating up and a sudden warmth spreading through his chest.
Just one conversation and he already wanted to trust you, to spend more time with you, to get to know you better.
He looked forward to it all.
You wanted the same, to get to know him better. Jay was cute effortlessly, and you were quick to notice that even slight proximity made him nervous to the point his ears got red.
You found it adorable, promising yourself to keep a check on him to make sure he doesn’t feel lonely at school anymore.
So, when you saw Hana cornering and punching him for not completing her homework, you knew you had to step in.
He watched how you pushed her away from him, standing as a barrier between them both. He noticed how you raised your voice at her, the demeanour completely changed from the sweet one which you had in the morning.
He noticed how you didn’t hesitate to block her punch, your own hand swiming to counter punch her instead with no regrets whatsoever.
He stood there in awe, he knew was thankful to you, however, he was too shocked to even form words.
You turned back to look at him, his lip bleeding and his bloodshot eyes made you worried and angry at the same time.
Before you could say anything to him, you were dragged to the principal's office.
Which brings you back here.
Jay silently cried in front of you, “you don’t deserve this,” you softly said with a sad frown before hugging him
His hands grabbed your waist as he softly weeped into your shoulder, your hand rubbing soothing circles on his back.
You weren’t sure how long Hana had been bullying him into doing his homework, but now, you had this sudden urge of wanting to protect him, your hands tightening around him.
He calmed down after a few minutes, body still holding on to you.
“Thank you,” he softly whispered, taking a step back, his eyes meeting yours for a second before he turned away, rushing to leave.
He did not stop when you called out his name, thrice.
You sighed, stuffing your hands in the jacket pocket before leaving for the next class.
The boy never left your mind no matter how hard you tried to concentrate on the lecture.
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The news had spread all around the school as the newest gossip. Some said that Jay was your new boyfriend, while some assumed you to be his bully. Nevertheless, no one bullied him after Hana got suspended for using violence in school.
Soon after, the theme for the debate was announced and Ms. Hwang had called you both to inform you about the same.
You observed his face, seeing him for the first time after that incident and you were glad to see that all his wounds were healed and didn’t leave any scars.
When he felt you looking at him, he turned to look at you, smiling softly to say hello.
After some minutes of general discussion with your teacher, she left you both alone as she had to grade other test papers.
You never brought up the topic of Hana again, only paying attention to the debate. Jay kept on glancing at you from time to time.
“Thank you,” he whispered shyly, passing you a bottle of your favourite drink, which made you tilt your head to look up at him, “I wasn’t sure what you liked so I asked Sora,” he rushed to speak, mentioning how he asked your best friend about it.
“You didn’t have to.” A smile graced your face at his sweet gesture.
He felt more confident talking to you now, and he even attempted to make silly jokes just to see you laugh, which you did, heartily at that.
Your hand grabbed his arm as you tried to support yourself while laughing. He found it beautiful and he wished to hear your laugh more often. Your hand felt soft on his arm, sending tingles to his stomach.
You hugged him softly before leaving, your sweet scent sending Jay into a state of frenzy, his ears turning red while his heartbeat felt faster than usual.
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Being teased was like a routine for you now, your friends did everything in their will to constantly remind you how 'soft' you have gone for that nerd kid.
“Your jealousy is showing,” you smirked at Sunghoon, who repeatedly mentioned Jay in each of your conversations.
“Of fucking course! You haven’t kissed me in weeks,” he retorted.
It had been a while since you ended your friends with benefits relationship with him, you just couldn’t do it anymore, it felt wrong to you, seeing how attached he was getting with your setting.
Yet still, you decided to humor him this time.
Laughing at his pouty face, you grabbed his chin as you kissed him, trapping him against the lockers and he eagerly kissed back, not caring if anyone saw you both.
The makeout session was short lived as the bell was quick to indicate the time for your next class, a groan leaving his mouth as he punched the locker, muttering how nothing works in his favour.
You left him there, a boyish smirk spreading on his face when you winked at him.
You were breathless, but then you realized why you had left this in the first place, the guilt seeping deep inside you, knowing that it would lead him on if your suspicions were right.
You’ll say no the next time, that’s what you decided, not paying attention to the lesson the entire class.
You didn’t like him, you just needed a distraction from a certain someone who invaded your mind at the most random times.
You weren’t going to use Sunghoon as a distraction anymore.
You couldn't.
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Jay met you at the library after school, for research purposes and collecting further information on your topic to be prepared as much as possible.
“Hey,” you smiled, hugging him, which had now become a usual thing for you two.
You noticed how he was a bit hesitant somehow, his arms not pulling you closer like they always used to.
Not paying much attention to it, you both got inside and searched for your respective books and topics, noting down all the information you needed. No words were exchanged for a long time, your focus solely on the text in front of you.
“How does it feel?” A whisper was heard from beside you.
“Excuse me?” You asked, looking up at Jay, confused at his unusual antics and sudden silence. “H–how does it feel to kiss someone?” He completed his sentence, not looking up at you while he kept fiddling with the hem of his uniform sleeve.
“Wait, you saw?” You asked him, eyes widening as you thought that he might have gotten the wrong impression.
You realized that he might have seen you kiss hoon earlier today, hence his question.
“Have you ever kissed anyone before, Jay?” You enquired slowly, not missing the way his eyes turned big for a second.
“N—no,” he whispered.
“Have you ever wanted to try it?” You softly asked.
Jay was probably the purest person you had ever met, the thought of corrupting him kept on swimming in your mind, the fact that he might want to try something with you made you smile.
“Will it be fine?” he hesitated again, “isn’t he your boyfriend?” He asked, referring to Sunghoon.
“What?” you almost shouted, apologizing once you got looks from the nearby students.
Maybe the library isn’t the best place for such conversations.
“He’s not my boyfriend, Jay. We’ve had something but it was not a relationship,” you revealed.
He listened to you with all his attention, a small smile on his face when you told him that you were single, which you didn’t fail to notice.
And he nodded, saying that he wants to try. His ears were red, which you found adorable.
“Of course, we’ll stop the moment you feel uncomfortable, yeah?” You assured him.
“But, here?” he kept on asking like a kid, his heartbeat beyond control as he tried not to seem too flustered.
You laughed, “we’re meeting at my place tomorrow, right? We can try it out then, if you’d be comfortable with that,” you suggested and he agreed shyly, nodding and looking down at his fingers.
You only looked at the pretty boy next to you, wondering how far he would want to go with you.
Jay was overwhelmed by the fact that you agreed to kiss him, he had been staring at your lips ever since he saw you kiss sunghoon in the morning, deeply wishing that it was him instead.
It was pretty strange of him to think this way, but he couldn’t stop, especially when he saw how you took control of the kiss, tilting Sunghoon’s head to the side and kissed him deeply.
You saw him looking dazed as you were about to leave, his actions being so cute, which left you wanting to fluster him more.
A cute yelp left his mouth as you softly pecked his cheek, tiptoeing to do so, before bidding him goodbye.
He blushed a lot in general, but you being around him took it to another level, you found it adorable to say the least, excited to see how he would behave tomorrow.
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The next day, Jay woke up early. He wanted to look perfect, to smell perfect, to be perfect for you. Not that he needed to do anything, yet he did some extra research for the debate and printed them out for you, to make up for the time you’d invest to kiss him today.
He paid more attention to his clothes, for this would be the first time you would see him without his usual uniform. He even devoted his time to do his hair, finally reaching your place at the exact time you had given him.
Releasing his breath and cussing once, he rang the doorbell.
You were quick to rush down to open the door, not wanting him to wait for long, chuckling when you saw how he rang the bell at the exact time you had given him.
His breathing hitched as he laid his eyes on you.
It was the first time he saw you looking this comfortable as you wore a soft and loose top along with sweatpants.
“Jay! Come in,” your enthusiastic voice dragged him out of his daydream as he nodded.
He followed you like a lost puppy, “are you home alone?” He couldn’t help but ask.
“Oh, yeah! My parents come home late,” you explained with a wink, “don’t worry, baby,” you said and he almost passed out with the nickname you had used.
You smirked at his state, making him sit on your bed.
“You look good,” you complimented seeing his attire and he muttered a small thank you, a shy smile spreading on his face.
He likes to be praised, you noticed.
Without much delay, you started scripting your research papers. Jay noted how you were always serious when it came to studies and the competition, he paid attention to the way you bit your lower lip while concentrating.
Some part of him wanted you to do the same to his lips, he waited patiently for you to remember your promise to kiss him but you never once brought it up, his mood turning sad.
Taking the matter into his own hands, he spoke up.
“Can we—” he took a deep breath as you stared at him with big doe eyes, urging him to continue.
“I—it’s nothing actually.” He backed away.
You laughed, “I didn’t peg you to be the impatient type,” you smirked, well knowing what he wanted.
Closing your laptop, you urged him to come near you, patting the space next to you.
“We’ll start off with a simple peck, yeah? Pinch me if you feel uncomfortable and I'll stop,” you told him and he shivered as you got closer to his face, gulping his anxiety down.
“May I?” You finally asked, searching his eyes.
“Y—yes,” he whispered, nodding.
Softly placing your hand on his cheek, your lips touched his lips in a short peck. They merely touched, yet it was enough for Jay to get butterflies, heart beating out of his chest at the sensation.
You leaned back to observe his reaction, he still had his eyes closed, a soft rosy glow spread on his cheeks.
Getting closer again, you grabbed his chin, tilting his head as you dived in to kiss him, longer this time, your lips moving in sync once he got the hang of it, low whine leaving his mouth, making you smile.
You wanted to play with him even more.
So, you gently bit on his lower lip, causing him to gasp, giving you enough opportunity to taste him.
It felt so right yet, forbidden somehow.
You had invaded all his senses, you pushed him down on the bed, his eyes looking at your every move as you made him lean against the head frame, you sat down on his lap and he cussed.
“Does it feel good?” You asked with a small, teasing smile.
“Fuck, y—yes it feels so good,” he whispered out.
“Yeah? So good that my good boy is using bad words now?” You teased.
“Please,” he whined, “sorry, I’ve never done this before and it just, it felt so good I couldn’t help it,” he rambled and you shut him up with a peck.
“Lord, you’re so adorable. It makes me want to ruin you,” you breathed out, brushing his hair away from his forehead, gripping his chin and running your thumb on his swollen lower lip.
His heartbeat sped up at your words again, head dizzy as he said, “please,” and you pulled him into a deep kiss for the second time.
Your fingers softly tugged on his hair, finally causing him to moan out loud, his pretty voice resounding all over the room.
You both pulled back from the kiss after a few minutes, breathing hard and deep to come back to your senses.
“How was it?” you asked him in a gentle voice, sitting down next to him, slightly worried if you had gone too far for his first time.
His stare on your face and silence only made it worse.
“Can we do that again?” He asked after a few seconds, trying not to sound too shameless, but he couldn’t help it, not when you had offered to kiss him so nicely.
He slowly pulled the hem of your top, and you understood, coming back to kiss him, your hand on his jaw, as he shifted his position for you to take full control.
He laid underneath you as his heart pounded harder than ever, he could only focus on how soft your lips felt against his mildly chapped ones, his eyes closed as he took in everything you were willing to offer.
The said practice of your debate ended with you making out with Jay, he didn’t wish to stop, not even after his lips were swollen, his eyes shining as he looked at you as if you were a goddess.
He had to excuse himself when his cock felt painfully hard, he was beyond embarrassed and you looked at him with hooded eyes, holding yourself back before it gets too much for him.
“Here’s the washroom,” you guided him, “let me know if you need help,” you said with a smirk.
“I—thank you,” he rushed to go inside.
You knew what he was going to do, and you wished it was you who’d be the one to please him instead, his voice wasn’t silent when he took your name, as he reached his orgasm inside the washroom.
You chuckled, wondering how he’d look while doing so into your hand. He left soon after, face red and hot.
It left him wanting more.
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The debate was a week away from now, and you both were well prepared for it yet, you kept on studying from your notes. That wasn’t your concern right now though, a certain nerd had occupied your mind from the past few days.
You found it adorable how he would request you to kiss him in the empty classroom, his room, or any place where you both were alone, he wanted you guys to be alone together.
You were corrupting him, and truth being told, you wanted to corrupt him even more.
Jay had always been attractive, his knowledge was a plus point to it all. You absolutely loved his shy demeanor, no matter how comfortable you both got with each other, he could not help but blush around you.
Meanwhile, Jay was confused. He had never had girl problems before, so why did it feel so different when it came to you? Even more so when you were so good to him.
He loved how you took care of him in the most minimum way possible, you made him feel like he mattered, giving him motivational speeches (and your kisses were a cherry on top).
He knew it really well that the other students wanted to date you, or they wanted to be closer to you. Why wouldn’t they? You were perfect in their eyes, but this did not stop Jay from wanting more. He wanted you to claim him yours. You were beyond perfect in his eyes.
But he wondered if you’d ever be willing to like him back, to be with someone like him. Kissing was one thing, maybe you did it just to make him happy, but more?
He could only wish.
“All participants from the same school will be given one room to share, will it be okay for you both?” Ms. Hwang informed you both, also asking for your comfort.
Jay stiffened, he was sure to lose control if left alone with you at night.
“It’s alright for me ma’am,” you smiled.
“Yeah, for me too,” Jay shakily let out.
He wanted this, he finally decided, he’d even go as far as confessing his feelings for you.
“Alright then, I’ll see you tomorrow morning, right?” Ms. Hwang confirmed as you both nodded, you had to leave early tomorrow for the competition.
As you walked back home with Jay, saying that you’d drop him off, you spoke, “are you sure that you’ll be comfortable?” you asked as your fingers were interlocked with his, giving him butterflies.
“You’ll take care of me right?” He asked in a low whisper, suddenly stopping and looking at you.
He definitely meant more than the normal care but you were willing to give him anything.
“I will,” you promised with a smile, “I’ll take care of my pretty boy,” you said before pecking his lips and leaving him blushing on the sidewalk.
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The next morning, he didn’t have to wake up, for, he didn’t get to sleep. That’s how excited he had been, the fact that you were going to be in the same room as him at night made him blush.
His excitement only grew when he saw you at the station wearing a skirt, it was short lived as Sunghoon came into view, holding your hand, holding your luggage with his other hand.
Jay frowned at the sight.
Sunghoon looked like your boyfriend with this setting, he did not like it a bit.
You spotted Jay in a second, smiling and hugging him without thinking much, it was not returned though.
You bit down your smile, making him jealous seemed like a great idea to you, knowing well how adorable and needy he is.
Naturally, Hoon got a cheek kiss as a goodbye while Jay had a frown plastered on his face, almost like a pout.
Your teacher came to the station soon, informing you that her seat is not near you both and telling you her seat number so you can approach her for anything you’d need.
You nodded and thanked her before getting into the train, which arrived right on time.
You sat down next to him on the express train, which gave you two hours to spend with him.
“What’s wrong?” You innocently asked him, your hand resting on his thick thigh.
“N—nothing.” His breath hitched as your hand neared his upper thighs.
You softly massaged that region, “you’ll be a good boy and tell me, won’t you?”
He shivered with the tone you had used, your hands making him feel weak in the knees.
He rushed to keep his backpack on his lap to hide his private area in case something went wrong.
He whined your name as quietly as possible, “tell me what's wrong, baby?” you asked again.
He grabbed your hand, staring at you with doe eyes as he placed it high up on his thigh, near to his hardening cock.
“Not so fast,” you said as you moved your hand away, “you’re not getting anything until you tell me what’s bothering you,” you urged him.
“I was jealous,” he whispered, red adorning his face.
“Yeah? Go on,” you hummed, softly brushing your fingers in his hardened and clothed member.
The thrill of you touching him in public only made his cock hard.
“You kissed Sunghoon,” he whined, placing his head on your shoulder, trying to calm himself from the pleasure he was receiving.
“Yes I did, and what about it?” You sped up, placing your hand on his cock, thankful that he had covered himself using the bag, so that others won’t be able to see you both.
It caused him to squirm in his seat.
“I—I wanted it too,” he struggled to form words.
“Being needy, are we now?” you chuckled as he softly moaned into your neck.
“What more do you want, pretty boy?” You asked, pleasuring him.
“Your kisses, y—your touch and—ah! You,” he barely spoke.
“That’s my good boy.”
You continued your actions for a few minutes, allowing him to release his mess without you having to touch him directly.
You looked at him in awe, you wanted him to be yours. Your baby boy.
“You did so well, baby,” you cooed at his teary face, kissing him swiftly.
“Go and clean up in the washroom, yeah?” You said and he nodded, somehow making his way towards the room.
He was clingy the entire ride, and it made you smile as you gave him all your attention.
“Did you like it?” you questioned.
He bit his lip, “yes, I did,” his answer was short as he was shying away again.
“How cute,” you said, “get me a list of things you like, yeah?” you requested him just before getting off at your destination.
The whole ride to the hotel was silent as your teacher was with you both, Jay still couldn’t think straight, his mind going back to when you touched him and how devastatingly good it felt.
“Here’s your room key, you are both free till tomorrow, so you can roam around a bit but be careful! Don’t forget to meet me at the same place at 11 am sharp with your proper attire on tomorrow,” Ms. Hwang commanded and you both nodded, leaving her to settle in her room.
After washing up and changing into comfortable clothes, you both sat down side by side at 9 pm. You noticed him writing something, but didn’t ask what it was, only looking at his face which had a cute pout, an expression he held whenever he was focused.
You settled down and scrolled through your messages on the phone to pass your time, even though deep inside, you wanted to spend time with Jay.
He soon came up to you, calling your name softly as you looked up at him.
He gently placed a note in your palm.
“I made the list,” he said, referring to the time you asked him to make a list of the things he liked back on the train.
You raised your brows, “come here,” you patted the place next to you before you grabbed his chin, making his heartbeat rise again.
“Let’s see now.” Holding the note in your other hand, you started reading, “degradation and praise kink? Oh, so you want to be called a dumb slut now?” you saw him nod and shiver, enjoying the way you called him a slut.
You wanted to ruin him.
“Choking? Who would have thought that our president ‘good boy’ would be into such filthy stuff,” your hand traveled from his chin to his neck, putting in a bit of pressure just enough for it to feel pleasurable.
Jay whined at the constricted feeling yet his eyes never left your face.
“You wanna be tied up? Cuffed even? And used as I wish?” Your eyes widened after reading his fantasies, the list amusing you beyond words.
You knew that Jay was willing to try stuff but you never expected it to be this wild, you loved it and you bit your lips as you looked his way.
“Please?” He requested you, eyes innocent.
“What do you want me to do, baby boy?” you finally asked as he gulped, coming closer to whisper something in your ear.
“Want you to touch me, please.”
“Like this?” You pulled him closer by the neck, your hand traveling down from his torso to his lower abdomen, and you noticed how he shivered with your touch.
“I—yes,” he let out desperately.
Switching to a better position, you got close to him, almost sitting on his lap as your fingers further trailed up to his mouth.
He was quick to part his lips, taking them in and sucking on your two digits, your head tilting as you noticed how devoted his look was, tongue swirling around your fingers.
“How cute,” you commented, amused with the boy, the same boy who you thought was innocent, however, that wasn’t the case.
All he wanted to do was to please you, and he wanted you to call him yours.
Your other hand rested on his thigh, soon going up and resting on his hard on, causing him to moan around your fingers.
“My needy pup, do you want me to take care of you?” You asked, loving how he reacted to your touch.
As you softly touched him through his sweatpants, he unconsciously jerked his hips forward, suppressing a moan.
“Let me hear it, I need your answer,” you slowed down your actions, causing him to whine.
“Yes! I w—want that so much,” he said out loud, as you took your fingers out of his mouth, wrapping them around his throat.
“Good, now, don’t move, and don’t you dare suppress your pretty noises, am I clear?” you asked for confirmation.
He nodded swiftly as you removed his pants.
His hard member came into view, thick and veiny, begging to be touched. Jay bit back his moans as you teased his tip with your thumb, your fingers wrapping around his length before you bent down to softly swirl your tongue on it, your eyes never leaving his.
“Fuck,” he cursed out loud as you took him in your mouth.
“Good boys don’t use bad language, do they?” You said slapping his dick. Your slender fingers gripped his neck again, this time capturing him in a passionate kiss.
“Y—yes,” he whispered against your lips.
“Open your mouth,” you ordered and he complied, you spat in his mouth, observing how it traveled down his tongue, “swallow it.”
And he did, opening his mouth again to show you the same, causing you to smirk.
“Such a good slut for me.” You kissed him as he whimpered at the degradation coming out of your sweet mouth.
He also whined at the lack of your attention to his cock.
He was needy, and you loved it. You had wanted to take care of him from the very start, seeing the boy in front of you, all naked, you wondered how he’d look full of your lipstick marks, which you’ll leave on his sweet hickeys.
You slowly started stroking his cock again, taking him in your mouth whilst massaging his balls. His breathing got heavier by each second, face red and voice shaky as he took your name sweetly.
Tears stained his rosy cheeks due to the immense pleasure he received, it was unlike ever before, his hands never felt this good, this perfect.
What made it better was the fact that it was you who was touching him, who was making him go crazy.
He liked you so much.
You felt him twitching and you got down to take him in your mouth before saying, “cum in my mouth baby boy,” and he did, moaning your name in the process as you hungrily gulped everything he had to offer.
You got up with a small smile on your face, seeing how he had closed his eyes, lip bitten and his chest heaving up and down.
You softly cupped his face, his eyes opening with your gentle touch.
“How are you feeling?” You asked him with a small smile, thumb caressing his cheek.
“Euphoric,” your laughter bloomed at his answer, a shy smile on his face, “can we do more?” He asked.
Your eyes softened at how vulnerable he looked at the given moment, and you knew if you’d do more, then you’ll probably won’t ever let go of him.
You kissed his forehead, “win that debate with me tomorrow and I’ll give you your victory gift, alright?”
He whined, not wanting to wait till tomorrow, but agreed nevertheless.
“C’mere, let’s get you cleaned up.” You took him to the bathroom, asking him to stay still as you cleaned him up, ensuring that he felt okay and you laughed whenever he felt ticklish at your touch.
“Can we cuddle at least?” He asked before sleeping, he loved being close to you. He had given you most of his firsts without any hesitation, and he was willing to give you even more. You grinned and took him in your arms, you both drifting off to dreamland soon.
Jay’s heartbeat clearly out of control as he only got closer to you, taking in your scent and watching you sleep, softly saying.
“I wanna be yours.”
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The next morning was in a frenzy as you both tried to cramp up last minute information before your awaited debate.
Jay kept shying around after last night, and you had to pull him back and ask him to look into your eyes, making him laugh.
You couldn't help but notice how hot Jay looked in a black blazer, wondering if it was the same guy who begged you to touch him last night.
More importantly, you were also aware of that one girl who kept staring at Jay as you waited for your turn at the big auditorium where the competition was being held.
She was just behind you in the line, meaning, she might be your rival team for the final round, where you had reached with ease, courtesy of Jay.
Not being able to handle her constant stares and shy whispering about Jay, you rolled your eyes as you turned to him, calling out his name.
He turned to look at you, his face looked so innocent it made you want to smile, that’s the exact second you decided to peck him, tips of his ears turning red instantly
“W—what was that for?” He asked wide eyed, checking if someone saw you both.
“Just a good luck kiss for my baby,” you spoke loud enough for the girl to hear. A satisfactory smirk rested on your face as you saw her frown from the corner of your eyes.
Your turn came by soon, you listed out all the cons about the given subtopic with Jay smoothly.
However, you got stuck at the doubt round where the judges had to ask you questions, it was smooth until that one last question came up, which you had no idea how to answer.
You looked at Jay with worried eyes, but he kept his composure, remembering that particular piece of information from that one morning he made extra notes before going to your place, which he answered with full confidence, earning applause from the seated judges, and also you, a proud smile adorned your face.
You were sent back to the waiting area where you gushed about how cool Jay looked while answering with such confidence.
“It’s nothing,” he said, trying to act as if his ears weren’t turning red at your compliment.
“You’ll always be my shy baby,” you gently laughed.
He adorably rested his head on your shoulder as you praised him for being so intelligent while waiting for the result declaration.
“Now, for the most awaited first position, congratulations to ms. L/N and Mr. Park, from the Decelis Academy, Seoul!” The announcer declared.
You hugged him with joy, taking his hands in yours as you went on stage to accept the trophy, your teacher cheering and clicking pictures of you both from the audience seat.
Jay was overjoyed, somewhat because of winning the competition, but mostly for the reward that awaited him tonight. You both hugged again and got your trophy, Ms. Hwang treated you to dinner afterwards, being proud of you both and informing your principal at once.
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Now that you were alone in your hotel room, without any distractions, you could easily see through Jay and how he was trying his best not to mention the reward you had promised you’d give him.
You smirked.
“My baby is so smart, shouldn’t he be rewarded now?” You asked, getting closer to him as he gulped down his nervousness.
“Please,” he breathed out.
“Please what, baby? Use your big words to tell me how you wish to be rewarded?” you encouraged him.
“Please, I want you,” he whimpered.
Your hands wandered around his torso, unbuttoning him one by one just to test his patience. He started helping you unbutton him, but you stopped him grabbing his cheeks.
“Did I give you permission to do anything?” You asked sharply while he shook his head, saying no.
“Be a good boy for me, yeah?” He nodded as your lips captured him into a deep kiss, your fingers gripped his hair while he held on to your waist, low hums and grunts were heard as you started grinding on him.
“Fuck me, please!” He cried out loud,
“Undress me,” you ordered.
He shakily took off your white blouse, leaving you in your lace bra, his eyes fixated on your body, and how pretty you looked in lace.
“Can I touch you?” He asked for your permission, you nodded.
He removed the remaining of your clothes and softly trailed his fingers down your body, as if trying to memorize you. Holding his hand, you guided him towards your wet pussy.
“Prep me, baby,” you instructed him as he hesitantly touched your core, spreading your juices in a circular motion.
He observed how you bit down on your lips and closed your eyes. Getting further validation from you, he pushed in a finger, slowly pumping it, he soon added another digit, his fingers curling inside of you sending you into bliss.
You felt your high nearing, “fuck, Jay I want to cum on your cock,” you said switching your positions so that you were straddling him, he cried out loud as your wet cunt came in contact with his throbbing dick.
“Moan louder, babyboy, tell everyone who the winner is tonight,” you said against his lips.
That let him loose, lewd sounds filled up the room.
“Louder,” you encouraged him, finally letting him enter inside you.
Your walls clenched around his thick member, adjusting to his size. You looked at him for permission.
“Please, you can move,” he allowed you.
Without wasting much of a second, you started riding him, your tits bouncing up and down in the process.
Jay couldn’t think straight anymore, his mind was corrupted by you, small dumb mumbles leaving his mouth and he loved how you were being equally soft and rough with him, considering it was his first time.
“Moan louder before I stop,” you threatened him, finally causing him extra stimulation when you clenched around him.
The pleasure was enough for his tears to run free, his cheeks blotchy with red speckles all over, and he moaned, just like you had wanted him to.
“Good boy,” you kept muttering, loving his sweet and needy voice.
“Let me cum, please?” He asked for your permission.
That is when you got off him.
“Not so fast, baby,” you replied with a peck on his lips.
Harsh whimpers left his mouth as you slowly stroked his leaking dick for the next few minutes.
“Please,” he begged after he couldn’t take it anymore, his dick twitching with how close he was.
“Impatient slut,” you slid into him again, your walls contracting around him, it was too much for him to take in.
You fastened your pace, “I’m about to—” he cried.
“Hold it in,” you warned, loved how he closed his eyes shut.
It was so fun teasing him.
You decided to be a bit gentle with him now that he was close, just like you.
“Cum inside me, love,” you encouraged
With a few more bounces, and his thrusts from below, he muttered a string of curses, emptying inside of you as you reached your high just a moment later.
You cupped his cheeks, not getting up but looking deep into his eyes.
“You did so well, I’ll arrange a nice hot bath for you to relax, yeah?” you softly caressed his cheeks.
He weakly nodded, still high from the activities done minutes back. Soon, you helped him into the tub, sitting on his lap as you softly washed his hair for him while he stared at you with stars in his eyes.
“What’s it?” you quietly asked, a small smile on your face.
“Thank you,” he pecked you, this time with adoration, catching you off guard as your heartbeat rose.
“I did nothing,” you smiled at him as he returned it.
You traced his red bruises, applying lotion to them and giving him a massage as well. Jay was thankful to say the least, eyes on your face.
“You’re staring,” you noted.
“You’re pretty,” he said, lowering his eyes as he did so.
“God, you’re so cute.” You kissed him softly, a shy smile gracing his face as you wrapped him in a towel.
“Come on, let’s sleep,” you patted the space near you.
“Can we cuddle?” he excitedly asked and you brightly nodded, taking him into your arms.
The room was silent, however, it felt comfortable, especially when you could feel Jay’s warmth in your arms.
“Y/N?” He called out your name.
You hummed, “yeah?”
“What are we?” he asked as he sat up to look at you.
“What do you mean?” you asked, also sitting up.
“I—what’s our relationship?” he gulped as he asked that, not sounding too confident, wondering if he’d be rejected.
“What do you want us to be?” you questioned, raising your brows.
Being with Jay was like a rollercoaster, you had grown a liking to him, more than you would like to admit.
His demure ways made you adore him, but he never hesitated to put a brave front for you and those cute efforts of his made you fall for him even more.
“I want us to be more than just friends,” he admitted.
You had bewitched Jay since the day you first talked to him, and the feeling only grew. He looked forward to spending time with you and soon it turned into yearning. He wanted to hold you in his arms and call you his, not wanting to share you with anyone else (ahem, Sunghoon), the phase might have been of only two months, but that was enough for him to fall for you.
“What’s more than friends?” you teased.
He pouted without even trying to, wondering if you were trying to ignore the topic because you didn’t want him, but seeing his expression, you frowned.
“Be my boyfriend,” you suddenly blurted out, not regretting it after.
Jay’s eyes widened comically, “w—what?”
You took a deep breath and laughed lightly, “Jay, baby, you’re so precious to me. Fuck! I like you so much, please be mine?” you expectantly stared at him.
His lips turned upwards and into the biggest smile you had ever seen on his face as he leaned forward and kissed you wordlessly, conveying his answer through it.
The kiss was deep and meaningful, “yes! yes, yes!” he squealed as you kissed him again.
“Hey, boyfriend,” you smiled.
“Hey, girlfriend,” he spoke with confidence, melting your heart as you pulled him down and into a hug which soon turned into a cuddling session.
Both of you fell asleep with smiles on your faces, your arms holding him tight.
Even after the competition, he couldn’t help but miss you every second of his day, texting you constantly, calling you at night just to stare at you during the two day holidays you had gotten.
The next time you met was after the competition was three days later at the school.
Jay saw Sunghoon approaching you, but he was faster as he stood in front of you, causing your eyes to widen at his sudden entry.
“Hi, baby,” he cooly said before placing a kiss on your lips.
You laughed at his childish behaviour as you see Sunghoon fuming from a distance.
“Getting protective, are we now?” you raised your eyebrow.
“You’re mine,” he tried to sound authoritative, but his voice came out in a whine.
“I’m yours,” you laughed, kissing him softly.
Safe to say, Sunghoon left after the little show Jay had put up and soon, the whole school knew about you two dating, half of them crying about how wrong the pairing is, you couldn’t care less though.
Jay was everything you needed and more, and you were going to cherish him for the rest of your life.
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beatrixstonehill2 · 4 months
"Ugh, why oh why did my family have to move down south? This is absolutely out of hand. I mean, I knew it would be bad, and I warned them but they both seemed more than thrilled for their petite Liberal daughter to have a taste of what they really wanted for me deep down. I played on the volleyball team back home in Connecticut and loved it, so naturally as soon as I started University here I signed up and oh my god. It's immediate how much everyone down here wants you to become some hucow trad wife with a forty-five IQ. I've been here just one year and my first doctor's appointment went a little something like:
Them: "Hi, how many kids have you had so far?"
Me: "None, I'm only twenty."
Them, frantically writing a half dozen prescriptions: "That's horrible, we'll get you squared away. We'll start you off with fertility drugs, aphrodisiacs, pain pills--the good stuff, so you can take whatever the frat boys dish out. And IQ-lowering drugs."
Come to find out under my insurance, mandated by the state, I'm obligated to take all this stuff under legal penalty. I've heard I wouldn't go to jail, just a girls' correction camp where I'd be conditioned into love becoming a breeder. I couldn't believe any of it at first, but I adjusted..... knowing I'd be a horny, overly fertile mess with an IQ that shrank by the day....... I went from a 163 to an 84. But my doctor is unhappy and wants me to halve it asap.
I started playing volleyball and it clearly wasn't a sport down here, just a spectacle for male titillation. One team would be 'shirts' and the other would be 'skins'. The 'shirts' team would play with a tied off wet T-shirt, no bottoms, and the 'skins' would play topless in a super short schoolgirl skirt. In women's college sports, the winning team would be injected on the spot with breast-growth drugs, super potent, as a handicap of sorts. Punishing us for having athletic ability, same went for gymnasts or girls that ran track. They'd all be injected if they won. Most of us were absurdly pregnant. We all had huge boobs, fat asses, so horny we could hardly focus, bouncing and posing for the mostly male spectators. Doing fun things like groping ourselves when we score, or pissing ourselves in front of everyone as we rub our bellies sexily.
I gave birth during a game, still playing while in labor with quintuplets. I looked ready to explode and everyone joked that they hoped I would burst. Well, I'm not sure if they were joking, to be honest..... But as you can see my team did exceptionally well, thanks in large part to me, who actually came from a background playing the game seriously. The growing belly, bouncing udders, and shrinking IQ barely interrupted my focus..... Only problem is we're growing so fast and doing so well we're all starting to struggle with just how big our boobs are getting. I'm already two months pregnant again...... And we just won our first game yesterday. If I could feel pain I bet my back would hurt.....
The girls keep saying we're gonna have boobs so massive our backs break, and they say it like it's no big deal. Not to worry, we just need to meet good men who can take care of us once we're basically just a gigantic pair of breasts that can give birth, little more. They even naughtily say our bodies will be numb from getting paralyzed, so guys can do whatever they want to us and we won't even feel it. Guess all the pain meds are getting us ready to have a set of proper back-breaking tits. I even giggle and join in, knowing it's so disgusting and misogynistic...... I chat with my new friends, smoking, our pussies full of cum, our IQs turning to slush, breasts growing cartoonishly big, dripping milk constantly..... I tell them how fun it'll be watching my future husband do whatever he wants with me, having his way with my body, getting out all of his anger and frustration of my colossal breasts, each weighing more than me... maybe each weighing double what I do. And they all couldn't agree more with me. Maybe.... I'm starting to like living down here. How silly I was..... ever thinking I'd be more than pair of tits and a womb...."
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oncomingnight · 11 months
yandere! Scientist
Hello everyone, thank you so much for all of your support on my previous stories. I was extremely excited about writing this specific piece because it's sort of based on movie that's set to come out real soon. I hope you enjoy and feel free to send requests/speak to me in my ask box.
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You met Seán while you were both freshmen in highschool. you noticed he was relatively quieter than everybody else in the classroom. He was the most knowledgeable student in that damned classroom, he was just stealthy about it. The two of you really got to know each other when you were selected as partners, selected based on the similarity of your scores, percentages and your ability to learn certain subjects.
Even after the project was finished and graded, the two of you still kept speaking to each other. The reason for that was because he was absolutely and undeniably in love with you. It took awhile for it to click into your head that he was attracted to you, but when you finally realized, you couldn't be more ecstatic.
He confessed to you at the beginning of your sophomore year. Whilst you were putting some of your belongings into your locker, he showed up behind you with blood red roses in his hand, along with a comically large basket of gifts. A tea-stained letter was nestled into the folds of one of the roses, inside of it was him expressing just how happy you've made him for the past year. How he wants your love reserved for him and him alone.
"Hello, Y/n, I'm sorry to have caught you off guard. You don't have to say anything until after I'm done talking but I have to tell you now because it'll do no good to either of us to just have this rot within me. You've been the subject of my love and utter adoration for...oh, dear...it's been so long I've now forgotten. But, I'll have you believe that I have never and will never forget how sublime you make me feel. Every time I think of you, I can't help but smile and think of our potential future together. Y/n, I wish so desperately to take care of you, touch you, kiss you, to hear my name on your lips for the rest of time, only if you'll let me. Now I'm ready, what do you think?"
You were absolutely stunned to hear such profound declarations of love fall from his lips, even more so when the declarations were about you.
You stood there with your bouquet of prickly roses, woven basket full of all you took joy in. You opened your dry mouth and said, "I can't believe you said all that about me. All of this is so beautiful, Seán. So, what do I think? I'm not sure what I think but I know I want to be your girlfriend."
After high school, he immediately got down on one knee to ask you if you'd be forever his woman. His wife. Of course, your answer was a tearful 'yes' as you blubbered about how much you loved him and about how so happy you were.
Highschool sweethearts!
You've always known about his appreciation for science and his interest to pursue a career in that topic. You can only imagine just how thrilled he was when he got a position in a government facility with the job he's always fought for. He picked you up and swirled you around, causing you to become temporarily dizzy as you giggled at his enthusiasm. Seán doused your hot and flustered cheeks with kisses as he smiled at your precious laugh.
He was so glad he'd managed to get a PhD and job in something that would make him enough money to take care of the both of you, but, mostly you. He was so appreciative to you for staying with him for all these years, always his perfect girl, always so supportive, always giving him beyond helpful ideas + advice. You were perfect.
Eventually, the world was struck with a variety of struggles, mainly caused by powerful political figures that simply did not agree with each other. Many people were caught in the crossfire, protests began being organized, riots ensuing right outside of government buildings. What followed all of these events? Well, the only reasonable answer. War.
Because of this, your husband was called into office and put into a group of other physics scientists. They claimed they needed a defense weapon in case of everyone being put into a harmful and treacherous situation. Seán was made the head man of the project.
This worried you to the fullest extent, maybe you were being dramatic but your husband's position in the project could make him a direct target. When you shared your thoughts with him he couldn't help but give you a small endearing smile.
"you've always been a worrisome woman, haven't you? Nothing will happen to you or to us. I'll make sure of it, I'm benefiting them by building this damned thing, they wouldn't dare let anything disrupt our life, m'kay?"
"Seán, I'm not worried about me. I'm worried about you. Yes, you're benefiting them which is exactly why you'd be in danger."
"I can take care of myself, mo mhuirnín dílis. You've witnessed it, no? Don't worry yourself any longer."
Now, you may be wondering what he's talkin' about. Well, don't worry I'll tell you.
Seán had taken you with him to visit the small fishing town he had grown up in. After eating a delicious meal with your in-laws, Seán was invited by some old friends to go out and drink at an old and creaky pub. They have been asking to meet you and this was a chance for him to show you off to everyone in town, so, he accepted.
The night remained still and calm, despite the occasional roar of laughter that would occur at the table. It was fun, you were so glad Seán took you out to see where he was gifted with life.
But then
As you headed towards the friendly barmaid to make an order of crisps for everyone seated at the table. As you waited to be handed your order, a ragged young man that looked incredibly haggard for his age due to all of the alcohol approached you. You were sure he was just going to request assistance in catching a cab as he looked far too intoxicated to do it on his own. But no. He just wanted some action.
He pushed himself onto you with his flirtatious words but after you rejected him, you had angered him to an extreme point. He gripped your arm hard enough to bruise and spoke into your face with a horrid stench on his tongue.
"Now why won't you just shut your little mouth and please a man, hm?" He grinned maliciously.
Suddenly, you saw a quick flash of a fist show in your vision, not expecting it to be Seán punching the man with all the force he had in his slim yet firm body. All it took was one hit for the man to be on the ground, passed out. Yet, Seán didn't stop there and he wouldn't have stopped if his friend hadn't yanked him off the man. He was slamming his knuckles onto the man's pale face until it was almost fully covered in a crimson red.
You'd never seen him act in such a rabid way but you weren't angry at him. He was just protecting you. In an extremely visceral and self incriminating way. He didn't care, he's done far worse in defense of you but those were things he'd done in secret.
You were already far aware of how protective he could get and how emotional he was when it came to you. Someone could say something harmful about you and he'd mutter under his breath in anger, digging his nails into the palm of his hands, and eventually kiss your forehead before leaving the house to go do what he knew needed to be done.
When the two of you were intimate he'd cry at times while expressing his incredibly deep affection for you. He loved seeing you like this, furrowed brows, flushed cheeks, your huffs and puffs when he teased you. "I'd kill for you, y-you know that, yeah? Oh, A mhuirnín, I'd do anything for you. Absolutely anything."
There comes a lot of stress with his job, at times he'd return from work and burrow his head into your tummy, wrapping his firm arms around your waist. No matter how many times he messages you during work, no matter how many times he re-reads the letter you left him in his lunch, no matter how many times he calls you, he'll always yearn for your touch.
You lift his face from your stomach and remove his glasses, ruffling his dark curls after doing so. Your thumb gently swipes over his cheek, before leaning in and giving him a deep kiss. He melts into your touch and gives you a love-drunk smile.
His perfect girl.
The both of you would go on the loveliest getaway trips when he was able to take a break from work. You'd go to a restaurant and he'd hold your chin as he gently fed you pieces from the pasta you'd ordered, giving you time to chew and swallow.
When in clothing stores, he'd wait outside of the changing room on a cushioned seat, waiting to see his wife's lovely face and figure. He would never let you look at the price tags as that would discourage you from buying what you'd like, he didn't want that.
Seán has a habit of overworking himself to sketch out the building plans for the project he was assigned, he needed it to be perfect. This could change the future and if there even was a possibility that there'd be a future. You'd walk into his office, seeing his hooked nose being beautifully lit by the candle on his desk. He took a sip of his Bushmills whiskey before turning to look at you with eyes full of admiration. "You have to eat something, surely you know that. Plus, I made it so you have to eat it or else I'll get upset."
He's obviously very well known in the science world, I mean, his creation will determine the outcome of society. He's bound to get some recognition. People have come to be obsessed with the relationship the two of you have and the story of your love. Every photograph people see of the two of you, Seán is turned towards you with the most love sick look of them all. In photographs where he's alone, he may as well be the most stoic man in the world.
People would post slideshows of the two of you together and caption it with something along the lines of:
'me and him'
Others in the comments would practically point and laugh at the person with responses of:
'you wish.' 'y'all aren't that important ' 'try again' 'interesting 🧐.' 'Can you be serious...?'
This man is the most serious man in the entire universe when he's at work and surrounded with his partners. But, when he's alone with you? He's nuzzling his cheek into your chest, kissing all over you, kissing your hand, hugging you from behind, THE WHOLE NINE YARDS.
Seán is the type of husband to pick up your coffee + bakery order to wake you up with, leaves you gifts and notes to find around the house, takes you to the most wonderful places anyone could ever go to.
He's so glad he made someone like you his wife.
Forever :).
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ciaraswritings · 10 months
I feel like AT the restaurant they go to, Batmom goes into labor. She feels her first contraction, then spills her water on herself from the shock of it. Bruce does not believe her and they bicker about it with Y/N going “would I REALLY lie about this!?” And her husband gives her a look. Then she starts debating if it was gas or a contraction, or what have you.
It isn’t till Alfred comes back from the bathroom that the rush would start.
Batprank (Pt. 2)
Disclaimer: I do not own DC or their settings. This is certainly not canon.
Warnings & Topics: Very light argument, pregnancy, pranking, contractions, labor, delivery, newborn, parents holding newborn. 18+. If these are sensitive topics for you, go ahead and skip this one.
Word Count: 2K words
Summary: Batmom!reader goes into labor at her favorite restaurant and gives birth to her baby with her husband close by in Wayne Manor.
Author's Note: You guys crack me up, great part two idea, anon. It's pretty light-hearted at first, but towards the end of the story, I included a birth scene. I've never gotten to have a home birth, so I apologize if there were inaccuracies. Let me know if you want a part three. Thank you for all the incredible support, and I hope you enjoy.
Part One
Warm August sun tickled my nose as I stepped out of the car, taking a little more time than I was comfortable admitting, caused by nearly nine months of pregnancy's effect on my stomach. Not that I was complaining. I  was thrilled to be having Bruce's baby. It fulfilled the desire to be a mother that I'd had for years, and to be having a child with the love of my life? A fairytale come true. Even if we couldn't agree on baby names, even when I pulled labor pranks on my husband, even when I was being bombarded with concern by all our family members, especially our children. Earlier in the afternoon I had played a tremendous joke on all our family members, except for the all-knowing Alfred, pretending to have gone into labor. It was very convincing, and somehow we wound up at my favorite diner in the process of driving to the hospital. 
I joined my husband in the empty restaurant. It was three o'clock, the last customers of the lunch rush were slowly shuffling out the door, and it looked like the dinner rush had not yet made an appearance. I smiled at him as I intertwined my fingers with his, sliding into the booth next to him where he waited for the takeout order he had just put in.
"You could've waited in the car, it'll be ready soon," he pressed a kiss to my cheek and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. I smiled, practically melting into his embrace, laying my hand on my stomach. 
"That's okay, I kinda wanted water while we wait for it." I gave my husband a quick look. 
"Heh, and I'm guessing you need me to get that for you?"
"Obviously, you got me pregnant, now you get to take care of me." I slid out of the booth to allow him access to the soda fountain, tapping my foot in mock impatience. 
"You scared me to death with that prank of yours earlier, don't push it," he chuckled, rising and pressing a kiss to my cheek before going to retrieve my water. 
I rolled my eyes at him, sitting back down in the booth, still with a playful smile on my face. "I love you, Bruce."
"Uh-huh." He set the cup of water on the table in front of me before leaning down to place a loving kiss on my lips. As I returned the kiss, our order number was called from the front counter. "I'll be right back."
"Okay," I smiled and turned to the water cup in front of me, sipping from it and relaxing against the faux leather seat. I drummed my fingers against my stomach and thought about our unborn daughter, just as I had every day for the last six months. How happy Bruce would look when he held her for the first time. How her little fingers and toes would look. How excited Alfred and the kids would be to hear that she was finally born. It'd been a long and interesting journey for all of us, and it would soon come to its end. 
The realization that the kids were still at home in a state of panic hit me harder than a cold pool on a hot summer day. "Shit," I muttered, pulling out my phone and quickly dialing Stephanie's number. She was the most likely to answer, I knew, and I was right.
"Hello?!" The excited squeal made me pull the phone away from my ear for a moment. 
"Hello, Stephanie, I just wanted to let you all know... could you put the call on speaker, please?" 
“Yeah! Okay, there you go, tell us what’s happening!” Stephanie’s excitement was pouring through the speaker of my phone like water. 
“Mom? Mom, what’s going on?!” I could hear Jason’s voice, much more awake than when we had left the manor to rush to the hospital.
“I figured I needed to let you guys all know that my going into labor was a-” at that very moment I felt it, a long, drawn-out and yet sharp pain moving through my lower abdomen. It stunned me nearly into silence, accidentally spilling half of the contents of my water cup onto my lap. It almost felt like the horrible menstrual cramps that I hadn’t felt for such a long time.
“Mom? It was a what?” Tim’s voice broke through the pause. 
“Oh, not a prank, not a prank, not a prank!” I groaned as the pain rippled through my lower stomach. Not that it was unmanageable, it was just so surprising and… a tiny bit terrifying. No, it was very terrifying. The due date wasn’t for two more weeks, I didn’t expect this, I hadn’t mentally prepared, this was truly scary.
“Not a prank?” It was Tim again. “What do you mean, we know that.” 
“I didn’t mean anything!” I took two deep breaths as the sharp pain faded into a dull throb, then almost disappeared. “Just… forget I said anything! We’ll give you an update soon, love you lots, bye,” I ended the call before the curious group on the other end could get another word in. 
As I set down the phone on the table with a thud, my husband arrived by my side with a plastic bag. “Are you ready to… what’s wrong?” He set it down, kneeling to inspect my tense face.
“I… I think I just got a contraction,” I whispered, looking over to him. 
Bruce looked from my face, to the spilled water in my lap, then back to my face before standing. “Nice try, honey, let’s get going.”
“No! No, I mean it!” I looked up at him, grabbing his hand with mine in a death grip. “I’m not kidding this time. I’m not. You have to believe me.”
My husband looked at me for a moment before kneeling next to me again. “(Y/N), are you being serious? You know the story of the boy who cried wolf, don’t you?”
“Would I really lie about this, Bruce?!” I looked down at my stomach and pressed my fingers to the underside. “I swear, I felt it, I felt a contraction!” 
My statement was met with a look of doubt. “(Y/N), we’re two weeks away from the due date, I’m sure it was just… gas or discomfort, it couldn’t have been a contraction.” 
I returned his look with a withering glance. “Bruce Wayne, I swear, that was not gas. I think I’d know the difference.” 
“Honey, you can’t be having contractions yet…” Bruce’s confidence was starting to crack. He gave my stomach a worried look. 
“Oh yes I can, you know that babies can come anytime they choose.”
“Was that the only one?”
“Yeah, that was the only one.”
“Then… it was probably just…” 
“Master Bruce, Madam (Y/N), we had better start moving if we want to miss the rush hour,” Alfred’s calm voice broke through Bruce’s thought. He had stepped into the restaurant in search of us, given that we were ordering takeout, not dining in.
“Alfred! Alfred, I think I got a contraction, we have to call the midwife right now.” I stood, using the table for support. My husband handed off the plastic bag of food to Alfred, catching my arm to assist me. 
“Will we be heading home or to the hospital, sir?” Alfred quirked an eyebrow towards Bruce, just as skeptical as he was. 
“We’ll… let’s call the midwife in the car and go from there.” Bruce looked at me, starting to believe my words.
“Yes, let’s… just get her on the phone, please.” 
A few minutes later, we were heading back to the manor. The midwife had advised me to remain in a comfortable space to monitor my contractions on my own, to see if it was really gas, false labor, or the real thing. The original plan was to give birth in the manor, unless something unexpected (such as my water breaking before my due date) occurred. The midwife and her birth team assured me that they were just a phone call away, and with that in mind, we started driving back towards the manor. 
Bruce did everything to make sure I was comfortable, in the car and back in our bedroom once we had arrived home. The kids crowded around me at first, until a growl and firm command from Bruce sent them all back to their rooms. I was resting in our large, plush bed, my hand resting on my stomach, when the next contraction made its way through my body, then the next, then the next, still minutes apart, but becoming more and more consistent. Now that Bruce was convinced that I was actually going into labor, he was the most attentive husband on earth, holding me close with one arm and keeping his other hand on my stomach. 
“I knew this was going to happen, but… I didn’t think that it’d happen so soon,” I looked up at him, trying to relax after a contraction had passed. 
“I didn’t think so either,” he replied, massaging the side of my tummy. “But, you are the strongest person I know. If anyone can do this, it’s you.”
The pain was alleviated through his massages and gentle words. “Thank you, I’m so glad you’re here.” 
“I’m not going anywhere.” 
Labor was long and longer. Since it was my first baby, the risk was higher, but we wanted to prevent any danger of kidnapping or switched babies, especially since Bruce was in such a spotlight. I found myself in different positions as the night dragged on, the midwife’s reassuring words and Bruce’s concerned yet comforting presence carrying me through the delivery of our baby. Even when I felt for a moment that I couldn’t go on, my husband’s kisses to my shoulder and forehead kept me from giving up. Not that I really had a choice, of course. And yet that one moment was worth it all. 
I’ll never forget the moment the tiny, crying baby was put on my chest, as the midwife maneuvered me from my birthing position to lay on my back. I was so exhausted, I didn’t even register for a moment what was happening, until I was sprawling against the pillows and my newborn daughter was on my skin, her whimpering, suckling noises were music to my ears. Holding her close, I closed my eyes in relief, nearly unaware of what was going on around me. After a moment, I opened my eyes and looked up at the man who had supported me from beginning to end. “Bruce, we did it.” 
“Yes, you did it, I knew you could.” He was looking at the tiny human in my arms with a sort of awe. 
I smiled, my thumbs stroking her back, though she was still covered in fluids. I was half mindful of the midwife asking Bruce to cut the umbilical cord, most of my focus was spent on examining my daughter’s tiny fingers that moved so slowly, as if they were trying to figure out this new environment.
Seeing the love of my life hold our child for the first time was as perfect and pure as I knew it would be. Once she was wiped clean and wrapped in a cloth, Bruce was able to hold her to his own chest, staring down at her with the same awe that hadn’t left his face. I could see her eyes were open, and she was staring up at him. In this wonderful moment, I knew that it had all been worth it, and that she would never have to be alone, that he was always going to be right there for her.
Bruce finally placed her back in my arms, and I held the little bundle of moving arms and legs close again, looking up at him with a smile and a quirked eyebrow. “I told you it wasn’t a prank.” 
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oddballwriter · 5 months
Puppy Love
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Summary: Jake asks if you want a puppy, you think he's joking, but now you and the boys actually have a puppy.
Warnings: Nothing really. Just a little blurb about you and the boys getting a fur baby. 
Author’s Snip: My and my family recently got two puppies, pugs, and idk I just thought of this.
Notes: I believe and support "adopt, don't shop". Always make sure you do research and look into where you get your pets if you want one to make sure you aren't buying from mills. Also, please look into rescues and fosters too, they deserve a chance at getting happy homes. Okay my PSA is over. 
I’ll shut up now. Enjoy! And don’t be afraid to request.
Word Count: 758
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When Jake asked you "Do you want a puppy?", you thought it was a joke, and you laughed, but when he looked up at you from his phone on his place on the couch you felt like maybe it wasn't. "Are you serious?" you question.
Jake turns his phone so that you can see the screen, revealing a picture of a large litter of what looked to be cocker spaniel puppies. "I know this guy. His girl's dog got out and got knocked up." Jake explained, "She popped out ten puppies and they want them out.". You look at the picture for a bit longer, maybe looking a little too softly at the litter since Jake asked if you want one.
"I don't know." you say, "What are the others thinking?" you ask. Judging off the smile Jake does, Marc and Steven have no idea about this. "Who cares. It's a puppy. Everyone likes puppies." Jake shrugs. "They won't be a puppy forever, Jake. And we live in a flat," you attempt to list off. Jake rolls his eyes, "I know. These dogs aren't that big though. It'll do fine. There are parks around, we can walk it around one of them." he explains. You think about it for a moment, not too sure what to say. Jake also picks up on that and says "Think about it.".
"I'll think about it and we tell the others about it." you say.
Marc wasn't too thrilled, but he also didn't really oppose it either. "It's a lot of work. We have to train it. And pay for vets and food and all that." and so on which Marc seemed to not like the sound of. "You were able to pay rent for a flat and a storage unit, Steven has a million books and trinkets, and Jake owns a bunch of cars. We all can sacrifice some money for them." you mention, and Marc acknowledged your point. "Okay. I'll think about it." he said.
Steven seemed more open, more focused on having the idea of having another pet than the price tag attached that had Marc on the fence. "It would be nice. Have a new addition. After all, the Gus' doesn't really do much other than swim around." is what he said about the idea. "We'd have to get one that's very calm though. So that we don't get a complaint about barking." he commented in a mutter.
And with that, and Marc letting up and going with the idea, you and Jake drove to his friend's place to meet the pups. On the way there Jake said to keep yourself together and not show any emotion because "He might want to get rid of them as quick as he can, but I'm sure he wants to make some good money while doing it.". It wasn't easy, but you managed to do good when interacting with them to see which one you wanted.
Going off of what each one of you wanted in your potential future dog you managed to find one that was more interested in sniffing and laying down on you than playing and running around like the rest of their siblings.
"That one doesn't do too much. He just lays around and chews on a toy every once in a while. The most I've seen him do is whine when he wants food and bite his siblings if they're trampling him." the guy says, "Good if you want something that just lays down with you." he remarks.
After some more talk, you decided that he was the one that you would take home. After Jake paid and the guy making a comment about getting the puppy fixed as soon as possible, the rest of the day was a long trip to the pet store to get everything he needed. Kibble, bowls, a bed, a collar, pads, a few toys, the whole lot. By the end of it, Jake's car was full of stuff and his pockets less full than when he left.
"You owe us, beba." Jake smirked nudging you playfully. "Jake. Not in front of the baby." you scold back in the same humor making him laugh.
"So," Jake said, "What are we naming him?" he asked. You look at the little thing in your arms and think for a moment. "Jake Jr." you joke. Jake laughs and says no, and the joke goes on with suggesting Steven Jr. and Marc Jr. until you shrug and settle on figuring that out some other time.
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madhatterbri · 2 months
New Deal | HOOK
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Summary: Y/N's friend betrays her to the Senerchia family.
Author's Note: @99hook Thanks for everything, boo. When we finally meet, I won't throw your ass into the ocean. ❤️😂 When is that next part coming out?
Tag List: @plentyoffandoms @theworldofotps @multi-fandom-things730
Pure fiction ❤️
"They won't give us an extension, you know. The Senerchias. They said they've been too lenient with us and don't want people to think they are getting soft," your friend whispered from behind the counter that was once her family's restaurant. Almost everything was sold to try and pay off their debts, but they couldn't come up with the money.
"Why are you whispering?" You asked with the same soft tone. With no customers around, it wasn't like anyone could hear. She nodded towards a corner of the room. A camera was pointed at them. The look of fear in her eyes made you realize one thing. The Senerchias had the place bugged.
The Senerchias were known all throughout New York. They helped the community by giving out money to those who needed it. They expected to be paid back by the agreed upon deadline. What many didn't know was the extremes they would go to get paid back.
"I hear the boss is an ass, but maybe you could talk to his son. You went to school with him. Maybe things will be different," you spoke hopefully. You knew the answer the moment she frowned at you.
"Tyler was the one that told us they were coming sometime this week. He didn't seem too thrilled to see me, either. I guess he won't be coming to the high school reunion. I'm wondering if I'll even make it," she gulped.
A car's headlights shined through the windows. The lights turned off as soon as the car shut off. Your friend gulped yet smiled at you. She took out her phone from her pocket. Her mouth dropped open when an idea popped in her head.
"Do you mind letting them in? I just have to go out back and make a quick phone call to my uncle to let him know they are here," she spoke. "It'll take like a few seconds,"
You nodded, and your friend hugged you tightly. She told you thank you and slipped out the back door. Two men appeared at the front door. One was bald with a snake tattooed over his right ear. He was bigger than the other one and appeared to be the muscles of the group. The second man was balding. He seemed more like the talker of the two. Both men wore suits with gold chains. The man with the snake tattoo was shaking the handle impatiently to be let in.
"Coming!" You called out, trying to sound confident. Your legs felt like jello as you made your way towards the door. Nothing could be heard except for the loud pounding in your heart. You opened the door wide enough to let them in.
"Look at this, Enzo. This dude let his niece take the hit. That's some punk shit," the man with the snake tattoo scowled.
"No one wants to mess with the boss. Man probably hiding somewhere shaking like a leaf," Enzo chuckled and rolled his eyes.
"I'm not the niece. She stepped out back to call her uncle to let him know you were here," you informed them and pointed to the back door.
"Just go check it out, Cobra. Ty gave them clear instructions yesterday," Enzo shooed the other away. Cobra grumbled about how this better not be a trick as he walked towards the back.
He opened the wooden back door and stepped out. A blast of the cold night air filled the restaurant. Seconds ticked away. It felt like an eternity of waiting for the man to come back. When he did, your friend was nowhere to be found.
"Either you are making up the story or your friend crossed ya, which is it?" Cobra asked roughly and slammed the door behind him.
"I'm not lying. She said she was going to step out to call her uncle. I've been friends with her since middle school. I believed her," you whispered the last part. A sudden realization hit on how stupid that must sound to them. They probably didn't trust many people.
Cobra nodded towards Enzo at the front door. In one quick movement, the man grabbed your wrist tightly. The force made your teeth clench and hiss. You were sure he was going to leave a bruise.
"You are coming with us," Enzo instructed and led you towards the waiting car. A man sat in the driver seat, tapping his fingers against the steering wheel.
"I'm not the niece," you begged and tried to remove his grasp from your wrist.
"And my misses made roast tonight, and I ain't letting it get cold," Cobra announced and opened the back door while running to the other side. The man sat in the back seat. Your captor shoved you in the car before sitting next to you. You now sat between the two men involved in your kidnapping.
"We will make it easy for you," Cobra smiled and pulled out a gun. You gasped and looked at him with fear in your eyes. He placed the barrel to your head. "Play a stupid game, and you'll win a stupid prize, capiche?"
"And please don't do anything stupid," Enzo sighed and looked down at his suit. "These are quite expensive, and I'm banned in all of the dry cleaning shops in New York and New Jersey,"
Your mouth opened to speak, yet nothing came out. Tears quickly pooled in your eyes. You closed your eyes and nodded quickly.
"They get softer every year," Cobra grumbled and rolled his eyes.
The car ride was not as expected. The driver hummed a lively tune, much to the annoyance of the two men sitting with you. You tried to keep quiet. Mentally remembering anything and everything just in case you were able to escape.
The car ride ended by some old abandoned buildings. Broken glass littered the floor, and graffiti riddled the buildings. A limousine, clearly out of place given the area, was parked. The driver stopped the car and stepped out. He leaned against the car and started to smoke. Enzo was the next to vacate the vehicle. Cobra followed and dragged you out.
A tall man with brown hair stepped out of the waiting limousine. He wore a suit similar to the ones that the other men wore. A gold chain with a cross hung from his neck. He took a few steps towards them and crossed his arms. Something was clearly wrong.
"Here she is, Ty," Enzo announced. "Where do you want us to put her for that ransom video to uncle?"
Tyler moved as if looking around you to see someone else. He had a scowl on his face. A vein popped out to show his annoyance at his men. He wanted to send Anthony, Dante, and Darius for the job, but his dear old dad insisted these fools.
"This isn't the right girl," he spoke calmly, yet his words were drenched in anger. His nostrils flared. "I gave you a picture of the girl. Get rid of this one somewhere and get me the right one,"
Tyler started walking back to the limousine. He muttered under his breath about the incompetence of others.
"Done," Cobra shrugged and pulled out his gun. The barrel was once again pressed to your body. You felt the cold ring of the metal against your temple.
"Wait, wait, wait!" You begged and threw your hands up. "I'll help you get her,"
Tyler stopped and turned to look at you. He mulled your words over before entertaining your idea. Hell, you were even shocked that you would help them. Then again your friend deserved it.
"Pretty dangerous proposition you are making today. Making a deal with the mafia. Are you sure you are up for it?"
"She betrayed me. She and I hang out all the time. I can just come up with a lie," you assured him.
"Forget the girl. Give me the uncle, and I will let you live, deal?" He asked and reached out his hand to you. You stared at his hand briefly. You wondered how many lives it had taken before.
"Deal," you answered and shook his hand. For someone so rough they were surprisingly soft.
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misc-obeyme · 8 months
Once again, I got to choose the prompt this time! I chose "hot chocolate" from my autumn themed back up list 'cause it sounded so cozy lol. I really wanted to write a scene with Levi that was set somewhere other than his room or MC's room, so this is what I ended up with. Just a short but sweet lil scene. Also I definitely made up some details I'm sure you'll be able to tell immediately which ones lol.
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GN!MC x Leviathan
Warnings: none!
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You stood just inside the door to the House of Lamentation, wrapping a purple scarf around Levi's neck. He frowned at you, clearly not at all pleased with how the situation was going.
"I don't see why we have to go to a cafe for hot chocolate when we can make some here," he grumbled as you tucked the scarf into his jacket.
"Don't you think it'll be nice to get out of the house for a bit?" you asked, smiling happily.
Levi shuddered. "I'm an otaku, MC! Why would you ever think I would like getting out of the house?"
You laughed, completely unbothered by his complaints. "It's a good excuse to wear this adorable scarf of yours. You hardly ever wear it and it looks so good on you!"
Levi groaned. "Why do I have to wear it anyway? You sound like Asmo."
"You have to wear it because it's cold outside," you said.
"Just another reason to stay home!" Levi declared, tugging on the scarf like he was going to unwrap it.
You grabbed his hand, which distracted him and made him blush. "Come on, let's go!"
You pulled him out of the front door, down to the street. You kept your hand clasped in his, threading your fingers together. You were rewarded by the deepening color of the blush on his cheeks.
Levi mostly stopped protesting now that you were already outside. He let you lead him down the street, holding onto your hand like a lifeline.
When you finally reached the cafe you had in mind, you were pleased to see that there wasn't much of a line. You felt Levi squeeze your hand hard. You smiled at him, pulling him close as you went inside and got in line.
You pulled Levi along as you got to the counter. "Three Ruri-chan special hot chocolates, please," you said to the demon taking orders.
Levi looked from you to the barista and back again. "What?"
The barista simply nodded, took your money and name, and told you it would be out soon.
You tugged Levi over to a table and sat down. You didn't want to let go of him, so you just held his hand across the table.
"I'm surprised you didn't already know about it," you said to Levi, grinning happily at him. "This cafe is doing a collaboration with the studio that makes Hana Ruri. They got the recipe for the hot chocolate they show in episode 15 of season 8."
Levi tugged down on his scarf so he could speak more freely. "The hot chocolate that Ruri-chan and Azuki-tan drink after they defeated the snowman from space?!"
You laughed, but before you could respond, the barista called your name. You let go of Levi's hand, patting it before getting up to grab the drinks.
You came back shortly, putting the drinks on the table.
Levi exclaimed excitedly. "These mugs!"
"They're limited edition souvenir mugs," you said. "You get to keep them."
Levi looked up at you, his eyes a little teary. "So that's why you ordered three."
"One to keep, one to display, and one to use," you said.
Levi put his hands over his face in an attempt to hide his blush. "M-MC… why didn't you tell me this was why you wanted to come here?"
You reached across the table to pull one of his hands away. "I wanted it to be a surprise! Now hurry up and drink some of this before it gets cold!"
Levi picked up one of the mugs, reluctantly letting go of your hand to do so, and sipped at the chocolatey liquid. You were thrilled to see the smile spread across his face as he closed his eyes happily. "Just imagine. This is what Ruri-chan experienced after the harrowing battle with the space snowman…"
You took one of the mugs and sipped your own. The hot chocolate was actually really good. By then it had cooled off enough that it was the perfect temperature, a delicious sweetness that filled you with warmth. Even so, it wasn't as sweet as the emotions you saw in Levi's eyes when he finally opened them again.
"Thank you, MC," he said quietly, a shy smile on his face now.
You smiled. "I'm just happy you're enjoying it. I guess it was worth leaving the house for, huh?"
Levi groaned and put down his mug. "I'll never complain about leaving the house with you again!"
You laughed.
Later on, when you had walked home with a little bag that carried the souvenir mugs, the two of you washed them carefully.
You were about to leave one in the kitchen and bring the other two upstairs, but Levi took one of them out of your hands. He placed it on the shelf next to the one he was going to be using.
"What are you doing?" you asked.
Levi blushed. "That one is yours." He lifted the one in his hand. "I can display this one."
You cocked your head. "But-"
"I would just pack it away anyway," Levi interrupted you before you could protest. "I'd rather you use it."
You smiled, reaching out to grab his jacket and tug him closer to you. You leaned in to kiss him and his arms circled around you, one hand still holding on to the third mug.
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flufftober | kinktober | masterlist | Thank you for reading!
taglist: @anxious-chick @t0tallycoolname @libidinous-weeb
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intzue · 10 months
Hello! Could we have a second part of inkigayo with Heizou and Wanderer, then? I loved what you wrote, it's so creative and your writing is very pleasing! 😄
INKIGAYO! (2) genre: romance, fluff, tinge of crack(?) pairing/s: 6reeze (Wanderer & Heizou) x gn!idol!reader summary: In where 4nemo's new editions lose a bet and have to give you, their fellow idol, their number in the form of an inkigayo sandwich!
a/n: Sorry for the delay! I didn't expect to have this req so soon oml TT TT you guys consume content FAST like omg don't stop over a hundred notes in only a few days I'm so kinikilig sainyo ( 〃▽〃) (no proofread TT TT)
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It had only been a month since Heizou and Scara had been accepted as new members of 4NEMO. They've considered re-naming theirselves as 6REEZE until the realization of not having the budget to do so.
With their appearance, their fanbase had gotten as active as ever. Already spurring fanpages, edits, fanfiction and all kinds of demands for more content.
Now with the upcoming inkigayo in a few days, they were quick to notify their fanbase of this, assuring everyone that their new editions would be showing up, serving them the meal they have been pleading for.
And so they were, standing in place with one's phone propped on a tripod a good distance away from them. The last dance before they would head out for lunch.
"Hey," Venti spoke up, earning curious glances from those beside him, a hum from the rest infront.
"You guys up for a bet?" Mischief laced his tone as his members groaned at the suggestion.
"Gods, never again." "Come on dude.."
"What? Come on! It'll be fun, right newbies?" He looks at Heizou and Scara expectantly, smiling.
The pair looks at eachother in a "why not" or "what could go wrong" manner, "both" taking it as a friendly competition before taking on Venti's offer.
"Just don't mess up.." He grins deviously before music began to blare from the room's speakers.
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He grimaces when they point out his mistake in the choreography. It would've been subtle to the audience. Yet, easy to spot for their previous main dancer.
Admittedly, the sub vocalist is quite competitive, stubborn in a way. But it wasn't anything new or of much struggle for 4NEMO. Most had expected him to be more in tune with Xiao. Though to their surprise, he most especially got along with Kazuha despite their contrasting personalities. Could it have been from Scara taking over his role as their sub vocalist.
"You poor thing.. Goodluck." Aether cooes in a jokingly sympathetic tone as he pats Scara on the back, earning a confused glare.
Sighing exasperatedly, he crosses his arms on his chest, shifting his hips to the side slightly.
"What're you up to.." He asks Venti who had an annoyingly smug grin on his lips, oh so punchable.
Even more punchable when he explained his consequence for messing up. Given that they talked about their "celebrity crushes" when getting to know the two, he used it to his advantage.
He grumbles under his breath as he slips his handwritten number, wrapped in it's own thin plastic in between the sandwhich before putting it back in it's bag, zipped sealed.
🎎— Scara fiddles with the sandwich in his hands as he impatiently waits for your arrival, leg bouncing as time passed. He wondered if you were even coming.
He wasn't all thrilled with this, neither was he going to back down from it.
It hadn't been that long since your last interaction with him anyway, you happened to pass by 4NEMO on break and congratulate him and Heizou, along as warn them about the havoc that the original four would cause.
He swallows the lump in his throat when he sees you enter the venue, happily conversing with Bennett, TVT DREAM's leader and overall one of the youngest idols in the agency.
He stands up from his seat, grabbing everyone from his table's attention when he walked over to you with confidence, albeit a bit nervous.
"(Name)!" He calls out. Unsure of how else to greet you, he smiles awkwardly, handing you the sandwich with a shaky, maybe a bit sweaty hand.
In confusion, you take the sandwich from Scara with a smile, about to greet him before he walked away without further explanation.
HEIZOU! 101% not biased
He sighs, disappointed with his performance as he did notice his own mistake in the choreography.
Watching the footage, it was hard not to miss as he had blended it almost perfectly with the actual choreo, Kazuha was most definitely impressed.
"I'm convinced you two are related at this point." Venti jokes. Though they had to agree, there was a resemblance between the two, friendly demeanor along with the ability to think in the moment, replacing forgotten steps in the matter of seconds. They truly picked the right person for the job.
Unsure of your tastes, he buys a sandwich he hopes is exceptional for you, slipping his number in the bag lazily.
🔎— Heizou taps his finger against the table, eyes attentively scanning over the idols in the venue in search of you.
The situation didn't visibly faze the boy. He had just simply thought of every possible conversation starter in hopes of being able to talk with you outside work.
It wasn't that long until he caught glimpse of you, sitting alongside and chatting with TVT DREAM's visual, Xingqiu. Your conversation didn't appear to be anything professional or of significance. He knows that the young man with you was new to such duties of an idol, perhaps you were coaching him?
Shaking off his thoughts, he watched as Xingqiu stood from his seat, bowing in what seemed to be a thanks, smiling down at you lightly. Perfect
Clearing his throat, Heizou stands up, grasping the sandwich in his hands with a firm sense of gentleness as he walked over to you; which you noticed, giving him a smile as you watched him making his way towards you.
"Hey." He was now standing infront of you, waving friendlily as he smiles at you.
"Here," He slides the sandwhich on the table towards you, that you stilled with your hand.
"May I.. sit with you?"
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melis-writes · 5 months
Blood Money (Tony Montana x Reader Multichapter, 18+ Smut) Chapter 3 – An Eye For An Eye.
Chapter 2 / Read on AO3 / Chapter Masterlist.
18+, explicit smut read.
“Your new boyfriend is in Miami." / “I’m here for Tony Montana.”
Tony's fiery gaze burned into the back of your mind but your name etched on his heart from the very moment he knew who you were. Keeping you on his mind like prayer, Tony wastes no time in attempting to squeeze himself out of every interrogation at the Cuban migrant camp he and Manny are detained in. Like a power move claiming he knows you, Tony's beckoning you to meet him once more in your hometown with bold claims striking the attention of your father–one of the most notorious, wealthy businessmen of Miami–with one claim being that of love.
[AUTHOR'S NOTE]: Oh my goodness, a LONG time coming and the chapter update is finally here at last!! 😭💀 I'm thrilled to update this fic again and share it with the Tony girlies! Battling writer's block and life getting super busy was a chore but I. AM. BACK and writing! And yet I must break everyone's heart again by saying this update of Blood Money officially marks my temporary hiatus of Al fics outside of The Godfather universe. 💔 I will now solely be working on my Godfather fanfics until I'm finished so I have ample time and opportunity to write more consistently and update fics even more often than I ever have. I'm definitely not abandoning this fic and I will finish it someday soon! For now, let's dive back into Tony and Celeste's story!! 🥺🤞🏻
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With a taste for success and dollar bills, Tony Montana’s drug empire grew in vast wealth, power and influence by your side as the kingpin’s lover. From sharing an intimate history in Cuba, you and Manny Ribera were the only ones to believe and support Tony from rags to riches. Embroiled in the same lifestyle and sharing enemies, you and Tony come to build your empire and world together with the threat of it collapsing from the inside. As partnership turns to betrayal and thrill to danger, you find yourself in-between ultimatums and sacrifices for the man you love.
'I'm always in the right, man. Always am.' The shit-eating grin over Tony's face spreads equal amounts of tension and frustration throughout the interrogation room; keeping the officers on edge for word back from your family knowing Tony could potentially be a protected individual under the Navarro family while thinking at the very same time that Tony could be bullshitting everyone just to waste their time.
Tony sits all too comfortably in front of the officers with his arms crossed, all the more amused watching them huff quietly to themselves and glower back at Tony every few minutes.
"So--" Tony attempts to start a lively conversation on his behalf.
"You shut the fuck up, Montana," the first cop points his finger at Tony. "Don't say a fuckin' word."
"We're not playing with you," the second cop scowls. 
"Alright, man. Alright," Tony shrugs his shoulders loosely, "sheesh. I keep quiet when people talk on the phone, like Mama taught me, okay?"
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Letting out another shaky sigh of irritation, the officers exchange a glance amongst one another, knowing well enough that if they've bothered the Navarro family for no good reason, it'll result in a guaranteed suspension without pay and likely following up with getting fired. 
Then again, there's always the possibility that it could be Tony finding himself in hot water with the Navarros due to his cockiness and stupidity, and if that means having Tony out of the refugee camp and no longer able to be a nuisance, then it'll be both a best case scenario and a relief for the officers involved. Still, it's all too much to consider at once.
"Tell the supervisor," the first cop mumbles, "he needs to know what's going on."
"Will do," the other sighs, taking a seat back at his desk to grab out his notepad.
Ignoring Tony outright, the first cop moves his stool over to the telephone by the desk and sits next to it before beginning to dial the Navarro family reception line.
'By heart?' Tony's eyes flicker with interest, noticing how the officer has your family's number memorized by heart—rendering him surprised and amused at the same time. 
'So they know her,' Tony thinks to himself. 'She not a nobody. She a somebody. I got her name on the line for me. Just for me.' 
This means more to Tony than you can already know, even if all you'll ever do is show up to spit on his face and blame him for wasting your time. The satisfaction alone is everything for him.
Both officers continue to ignore Tony and avoid making any sort of eye contact with him; murmuring ushered words to one another and pressing through more numbers on the telephone as it rings.
Only mere moments after does Tony notice how tense the officer on the telephone gets by the way his muscles jerk up in response to the telephone being answered by a monotone-voiced, middle-aged man speaking out.
"Navarro residence."
The very individual answering the phone would be your father's advisor and right-hand man, Gabriel.
"Cuban Detention Center, Officer Frank speaking," the cop says politely, clearing his throat. "May we please speak to Mr. Navarro?"
There's a short pause on the other end of the line. "Do you have a request or appointment booked in advance?"
"No," Officer Frank answers quietly. "Um, ahem—this is in relation to immigration and detention. There's a gentleman here claiming he was requested by name from a potential--" Frank scowls over at Tony. "Sponsor." 
Gabriel's tone of voice grows considerably agitated. "I trust you have a good reason for wishing to bother Mr. Navarro. You will not hear it from me."
"Greatly appreciated," Officer Frank awkwardly replies as Gabriel begins to transfer the call to your father's personal telephone.
Fully aware of the telephone conversation ongoing with Gabriel, your father—Darren Navarro--is two stories up in his penthouse—still in his Versace morning robe, smoking a Cuban cigar.
His first words to Officer Frank once the line transfer is, "You better have a good reason for reaching my personal number, Frank."
"Oh yes sir, o-of course," Frank stammers. "I apologize, sir. I didn't mean to interrupt your day, but this is urgent."
"So you say so," your father is unmoved by the sudden sense of urgency. "I suppose it is coming from the immigration and refugee department. I've sponsored nobody, so what is all of this?"
Officer Frank's skin drains of color as he nervously exchanges a glance with his colleague, glumly shaking his head. "Um, sir, there was a mention of your daughter's name by a Cuban migrant."
Your father raises a brow, leaning back on his velvet chaise. Your last trip to Cuba and mentions of "Tony Montana" and "Manny Ribera" easily come to Darren's mind. 
"Interesting," Darren muses. "And what is this individual's name?"
"Tony Montana," Tony speaks up loud and clear, grinning. "And with my best friend, Manny Ribera."
"Shut the fuck up!" The second cop hisses, almost jumping out from behind his desk to hit Tony.
Darren's all very well aware Tony is in the same room and must know who he is by now, having heard everything. 
"Uh huh," your father chuckles. "I see."
"Sorry, sir. I'm so sorry," Frank scoffs, swallowing hard.
"Stop your whining," Darren rolls his eyes. "I heard the man loud and clear. This is no request for me but for my daughter then."
"The migrant claims to know Celeste Navarro personally, sir." Frank clears his throat.
"Yes, he does. That much is true," your father nods.
"May we speak to Celeste, sir?"
"No need," Darren brushes off the request, glancing towards his bedroom door. "Celeste will soon be on her way to greet both gentlemen personally.
"This man--" Frank begins, but is abruptly cut off and corrected by your father.
"Men," your father clarifies, refusing to exclude Manny. "There are two of them after all, so Celeste will see both. She knows both of them, do I make myself clear?"
"Yes, sir."
"Good," Darren blows out the smoke from his cigar around him, resting his cigar between his fingers as he admires the afternoon light glistening over his gold rings and jewelry. "Treat these men well. I'm aware of the reputation your detention center has and its demands. 'Gentle' is not in your vocabulary so be respectful. These are friends of the Navarro family and I expect them to be treated as such."
"Yes, sir..." Mortified, the officers stare in shock at a smirking Tony before your father hangs up on them.
Giving a drawn-out sigh, you roll your eyes in annoyance at the back cover of the gossip magazine you’ve been reading; already questioning why you bother with the tabloids just to entertain you.
Flipping back to the front cover of a bikini model on Miami beach, you rest your chin over your fist, wearing a flowing, pastel pink satin nightgown—laying on your stomach and dangling your feet, attempting to beat boredom.
Frank Sinatra’s “All By Myself” plays softly on your white and gold decorated record player, a compliment to the similar colors lavishly decorated over your bedroom.
Practically the size of a house’s first floor, your bedroom itself spans 1,500 square feet and is fit for a princess, covered in various shades of pink with a glimmering diamond chandelier above you.
The very king-size bed you lounge upon is adorned with a bubble-gum pink cashmere and quilt duvet and six silk encased pillows, a polar bear throw in the center of your bedroom upon the marble floors striking attention to the wall fixtures and architecture of the bedroom taking inspiration from the Palace of Versailles.
You furrow your brows in annoyance at the magazine in your hands, only to have your thought suddenly interrupted by the sound of your father knocking on your door.
You peek up in interest, brushing a curtain of your hair back. “Come in.”
“Hi, darling,” your father enters your room with a warm smile—holding a glass of iced rum in one hand and concealing something in his fist with the other. “Didn’t think I’d be giving you good news so quick, eh?”
Chuckling, your father opens his fist and lightly tosses your car keys over to you.
Reaching your arm out, you snatch the car keys mid-air—staring at your father in confusion. “Huh? What do you mean?”
“Your new boyfriend is in Miami,” your father says with a laugh. “Immigration services at the Cuban refugee camp called me just earlier.”
“Huh,” you blink, rubbing your temple as your memory recollects, hitting you all at once.
“I never say goodbye either. I say you’re gonna remember these faces—my face.”
‘Tony Montana.’ Your face flushes red as you clear your throat, glancing up at your father. “They called you?”
“Mhmm,” your father nods, taking a small sip from his drink. “Quick to it, I’ll give them that. I don’t think that Tony of yours has been there for very long from the sounds of it. They wanted to reach you, actually.”
“Makes sense of course,” you slide aside your magazine, sitting up in bed. “Great…”
“What do you think?” Your father raises a brow.
“I’m not thinking of anything,” you give your head a shake.
“No? You sure you don’t owe this Tony and his friend a favor or two?”
“I don’t owe anyone anything,” you roll your eyes out of frustration. “But for Tony,” you clutch your car keys, “if he wants to see me, I’ll go see him. I’ll see him, but I don’t know what I can do for him.”
“Is this really someone worth wriggling out of months worth of paperwork and getting into the front of the line? ‘Cause I’ll let you decide that,” your father shrugs. 
Getting off of your bed, you eye your purse from across the bedroom. “I think I’ve already made my decision.”
“I’m sure you made the right one,” your father turns back on his heel.
“Is Tony waiting for me right now?” You head over to your walk-in closet.
“He is,” your father confirms, placing his hand over your doorknob to close the door behind him. “And I think you’re the only person he wants to see right now.”
‘Tony Montana…’ You let out a soft sigh, leaning your head back against your car’s headrest. ‘Again and so soon.’ With great effort, you push aside the fluttering feeling in your heart every time Tony’s name and face cross your mind; clearing your throat and putting your Armani sunglasses on.
Starting up your Mercedes-Benz 380SL Convertible and pulling out of your estate’s parking lot carefully, you focus on nothing but getting directly to immigration services—able to collect your thoughts.
Letting the warm summer breeze flow through your hair as you step on the gas, determined to know just why Tony’s got your name mixed up with the law.
You may not have taken the rugged, cocky stranger very seriously back in Cuba but you’d be lying to yourself right now if you said you weren’t a little intimidated by Tony’s timing.
‘Didn’t think my name would cross your lips so soon either… Full of surprises.’ 
Tony knows he can sit and wait in the interrogation room for an eternity to come so as long as it’s promised you’ll show up—riding off on the idea of seeing you again like a lingering high.
Driving through the streets of Miami, you tap your French tip manicure against your steering wheel patiently through every red light.
Your eyes flicker over beach-bound tourists making their way over the crosswalks, noting the impatient drivers on the other side of the intersection honking at each other and tossing cigarettes out the window; the scent of body odor and beer not far from the beach itself.
Giving your head a shake, you scrunch your nose in disgust and drive off—not far from reaching the secluded immigration center from downtown.
You arrive a little over ten minutes later, driving into the clearance section with the rest of the other drivers waiting their turn to speak with an officer at the booth and be admitted. 
Resting your arm on the windowpane of your car, you peek your head out of the window just enough for your face to be seen, and just as you expected, you’re recognized by an officer at a booth opposite from you almost instantaneously. 
‘Uh huh.’ Noticing the officer blocking the path of the upcoming car who was next in line, you slowly drive up as he gestures for you to follow.
“How is that fucking fair?!” You hear a honk and shout of irritation from the other driver, simply ignoring him and continuing to cautiously drive up.
“Blow it out your ass, buddy,” the officer rolls his eyes.
Parking your car, you glance up at the officer who only gives you a brief nod and lets you through without a single word; just one of the many perks of being the daughter of one of Miami’s most notorious businessmen.
“Alright,” you mutter under your breath as you approach the guarded parking lot, seeing another officer heading directly your way. ‘Let’s see what this is really all about.’
Taking off your sunglasses, you make eye contact with the officer who furrows his brows at you in confusion; more than likely wondering how you got in so quickly and just who you are to be taking priority over anyone else.
“And who might you be?” The officer asks smugly.
“I think you know who I am,” you reply back coyly. “I’m here for Tony Montana.”
As smug and prideful as he can be, Tony slouches in his seat with his arms crossed and completely relaxed as if he’s the one arranging the interrogation rather than being interrogated. 
As apparent as the officers make it seem to Tony how thoroughly pissed, exhausted, and anxious they are dealing with him, Tony reflects it with his nonchalant attitude on purpose.
“You think you’re taking some sort of vacation, Montana?” Officer Frank scowls.
 “Sure, man,” Tony shrugs his shoulders loosely. “I think my vacation is on the way.”
Ignoring the immigration officer who escorts you inside the facility as some mock bodyguard, you make your way towards the entrance of the interrogation offices where the officer gestured you to, making note of the maximum-security gates and barbed wire high walls.
Giving a small huff of annoyance and adjusting your hair, you approach a narrow hallway inside the next building and set your sunglasses on your head.
“This way, please,” the officer guiding you murmurs and politely steps in front of you.
Unphased and hardly listening, you follow the officer until you both reach an interrogation door marked “11B”.
You maintain your distance from both the officer and the door as the officer leans over and quickly knocks on the door not to ask to come in but to signal his entrance.
A wide, playful grin spreads over Tony’s face as he turns his head back to face the door—absolutely thrilled to see it about to open in front of him.
Fear simmers back into the officers the moment they spot a feminine silhouette behind the tinted glass of the door, instantly remembering now more than ever that their jobs are on the line.
Pushing open the door, the officer guiding you inside steps in first and out of your way—clearing his throat to speak out, “Miss Celeste Navarro is here, sir.”
‘Celeste Navarro…’ Seeing you before him once more, Tony’s pupils widen as a strong surge of attraction hits him—coursing through his veins.
Tony’s muscles tighten and he feels the heat of arousal trickling inside of him as he locks eyes with you, stunned and utterly admiring every inch of your figure.
Attempting to look at you with more humility than defeat or nervousness, the officers are put off by your very presence and can say or do nothing as you cross your arms; expectant and domineering before everyone else.
You’re the only spot of color in the otherwise dull room filled with grey uniforms and sweaty men; dressed in an Armani, pastel pink, cropped tweed blazer, a matching mini skirt, a white chiffon Calvin Klein blouse with a bow at your collar and four-inch glossy nude pumps. 
“There she is, she’s the one,” Tony smirks at you—breaking the momentary silence in the room.
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“Ahem,” Officer Frank clears his throat, beginning to sit upright in his seat. “You know this man, miss?”
“Do I?” You raise a brow, unamused. “It feels like I’ve known him my whole life.”
“Yes, baby,” Tony mutters to himself inaudibly. ‘Come to me. You’re here now.’
“Miss Navarro,” the other officer begins to speak up awkwardly, “apologies if this is an intrusive question however this man claims to know you and—”
”And she’s my fiancée, as I was telling you. Okay, man?” Tony interrupts, rolling his eyes. “Can I have some privacy with my fiancée, man?”
‘Fiancee? What the hell is he talking about?’ Struck into shock by Tony’s words, you hold your posture and expression, but you know where Tony’s coming from and just why he’s deciding to play this game with you now.
“Yes, so what?” You snap back, noticing the playful twinkle in Tony’s eyes. “It’s true, he is my fiancée.”
‘Tony… I hope you know what you’re doing. I swear… Now is not the time to put on a show.’ 
The officers stare at each other in utter discomfort, remaining silent. 
“But I don’t recall that being anyone’s business except mine,” you narrow your eyes at them, taking a step forward to Tony.
Tony takes your soft hand in his, caressing his thumb over the back of your hand softly. “See?”
“Well,” Officer Frank swallows hard, “if that’s the case—”
Your eyes snap open in shock as Tony leans up in his seat, suddenly cupping both of your cheeks and immediately pulling you into a crushing, deep kiss.
‘Oh!’ Your lips collide over his and your eyes flutter shut in response, feeling the warmth of his tongue teasing the tip of yours in loving passion without a care—ensnared in the moment of having you as his fiancée with no intentions of letting go. 
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mirai-e-jump · 5 months
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UTB (Up to Boy) Magazine, February 2024 Issue (Vol.334) ft. Hirakawa Yuzuki Interview and Photo Shoot (translation below)
Publication: December 22, 2023
Immovable Upside
Currently appearing in "Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger," the currently airing Super Sentai series, actor Hirakawa Yuzuki-san makes her second appearance in our magazine. She's changed her hair, having it cut into a shorter style, as she presents her pure and mature duality, which has become even more transparent.
-We've been rushing through the year-
"You've cut your hair short, and your look is totally different from the last time we saw you. Personally, how do you feel about your current short hairstyle?"
Hirakawa: Before I started acting, I always kept it short, so it somehow feels nostalgic. I cut it because of my role, but I thought it was abit of a waste since it's been that long for about 5 years (laughs). Still, I think it'll be fine since it grows quickly.
"Starting from episode 27, the second chapter of King-Ohger is set two years later. We think the change in hairstyle made it easier for you to make changes in your performance."
Hirakawa: That's true. I think I'm able to show more strength. I think that after two years, they're more aware and prepared as a king, and that they have a greater sense of responsibility.
"Now that the story has progressed considerably, are there any memorable moments from the episodes that have been broadcast so far?"
Hirakawa: In episode 25, the sense of distance between Rita and their retainer Morfonia, or rather, the values of their relationship have become much closer. It was a time where Rita gathered the courage to take another step forward on their own, so that episode left quite an impression on me. From there, the way they interacted with Morfonia changed completely, so I think it was a turning point for them. Also, in episode 38, they reveal the face they've been hiding up until that point, and showed all kinds of facial expressions as an "idol," so I hope you enjoyed it.
"It's already aired, so if you haven't seen it yet, please catch up and watch it…..! By the time this magazine comes out, filming for the final episode will be underway, right?"
Hirakawa: In about another month or so……"We've got such a long time before it starts!," is what I thought, but only for a moment. I think it was more instantaneous after the Summer film ended. Until then, we weren't used to filming, and everyone was in a state of just trying to figure things out. The cast members have been good friends since the beginning, but since we spent alot of time together, including during the regional promotional campaigns for the Summer film, we became even closer, and that time really flew by.
"For those who view things similarly, the "loss" seems to be intense."
Hirakawa: It might be because me and the rest of the cast are starting to become aware of the end, or maybe it's because some fans are also like, "It's coming to an end….?" I still go out to dinner with all the cast members after filming, so I think we'll still probably see each other again ever when it's over. We've been together for a year and we've gotten to know each other very well, so when I imagine the end of filming, I feel incredibly sad.
"As a fan, I'm going to miss seeing everyone's friendly conversations on Toei Channel very much……Now, 2023 will soon come to an end, looking back, what kind of year was it?"
Hirakawa: We've really been rushing through the year. I've been working hard during the filming of King-Ohger in order to make it better and to help myself grow. I was able to experience many things this year, as there were quite a few jobs that came about as a result of King-Ohger, and it was the most thrilling year for me as a performer. Of course, there were many things I worried about, but I think it was also an extravagant year, filled with many happy and frustrating experiences.
"What kind of year do you want 2024 to be?"
Hirakawa: I think I'll be apart of King-Ohger until the first half of the year, when we perform at G-Rosso, but after that, I'll have to move forward on my own. I'd like to "polish" my inner self and become a more appealing person. As for my work, I'll do my best to continue to appear in productions without taking any breaks inbetween.
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johnslittlespoon · 3 months
hi!!! thoughts on the other boys treating bucky like a dog too—ruffling his hair, calling him good boy jokingly, making comparisons to meatball, patting his stomach/neck/etc, scrubbing his cheeks, being generally touchy feely and fond—and then theres buck to the side being ragingly possessive?
a genuine joy going through your bucksquared brainrot ilu pls get some sleep thank u <3
also!! gsd bucky x black cat buck is GOLDEN but!! consider this: gsd bucky x doberman buck hmmm
john would adore the attention, he thrives off of physical affection, we always see how touchy he is with the others. to know he can walk up to any of the boys and nudge his forehead against their shoulder and get his hair pet in return, or even just get a fond shove and an "oh, you dog"– he'd love it.
but a rare jealous/possessive gale? insane. it makes his heart warm, watching john interact with the boys, knowing that other people see how golden he is too. but there's also this feeling in the pit of his stomach that sneaks up on him, and he doesn't know what it is, adamant on ignoring the tiny voice in his head that whispers mine.
because that's silly, john's his best friend, he doesn't belong to him. why would he want him to? and yet he does want; he wants when he hears 'buck and bucky', always spoken one after the other; he wants when him and john are sitting in a corner of the pub, watching the others court pretty girls, pretending their thighs aren't pressed a little too close; he wants when they're crammed into the cockpit of a plane in the evening, watching the sun go down, sharing a flask.
it eats him up inside from the moment it hits him, like he's seeing john in a whole new light. he doesn't say anything, too afraid to ruin what they have, but he lets himself lean into john's affectionate tendencies more than he usually does. and he's thrilled when john keeps coming back to him, suddenly seeking him out over anyone else as soon as gale's given him this sorta green light, always glued to gale, and he wonders if maybe john's felt the same and they're both too scared to cross that line.
and so they both toe it, pushing and pulling, and one day one of them will step over it and it'll be like breathing for the first time, but until then they're just happy to hang all over each other. buck and bucky.
[a genuine joy writing these, i'm so glad you like them, lots of love!! i am sleeping (sorta) i promise jSDJKG. also i adore gsd bucky x doberman buck, that works so well! black cat buck is great personality–wise but i feel like it's missing a little something when it comes to how he cares for his friends, doberman fills that gap. all the dog coded boys. <3]
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