#I'm not okan
bluethesheep-w · 2 months
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The hug <3
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smuganya · 1 year
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allastoredeer · 13 days
I'm just wanna to say I'm with that anon who's tired of seeing radioapple ship turning into Okane ga Nai manga
I don't even search radioapple anymore only appleradio but alas more people start to treat it as just another tag for their radioapple content 🙃
Okay, so, I'll be honest. I, too, use radioapple and appleradio interchangeable, and that is because I've never saw a difference between the two. Like, mentally, my brain does not differentiate them.
In all the many years I've been in fandom, this is the first time I've seen people separate who bottoms and who tops based on the placement of the names. I've literally never see that in any other of my fandom pairings.
I ship spideypool (Spider-Man/Deadpool), for example, and their ship name has always been spideypool. It's never separated into spideypool or poolspidey based on who was topping and who was bottoming. Same with BobaDin (Boba Fett/Din Djarin). I've never seen anyone refer to that pairing as DinBoba, and I've read many fics of the both of them topping and bottoming.
I'm being so serious when I say that being in the Hazbin fandom is the first time I've ever heard of it. The first time I read a post about it went 🤨 <- like that is the face I made. That was my exact expression.
I find people's hang up on the distinction kind of silly, BUT, as someone who doesn't like seeing top!Alastor content, I'm also kind of like...ya know...maybe ya'll are onto something. Maybe differentiating the two isn't such a bad idea.
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tangomagnolija · 3 months
I'm almost afraid to ask. But.
Human trafficking yaoi? 🧐
OJ KWIATUSZKU NASLODSZY IM SO GLAD I GET TO TELL YOU THIS its Okane ga Nai (i think it translates to I have got no money??) and it is the source of this beautiful cover:
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it also has an anime with the same art style.
AND THE FUCKING STORY OF IT IS.. WELL. The small guy is an university student whose cousin sells him in an auction to ??? settle some debts ??? and the small guy is bought by the business guy for like a bunch of money. I think the small guy also gets like money whenever they fuck? I have never read it, just a review of it in a polish anime magazine like 15 years ago and it clearly stuck with me like dont get me wrong i love dark themes and such but this is just arguably do funny why does the small guy look so frail and feminine why is the business guy a dorito WHY DID HE GET TRAFFICKED BY HIS COUSIN
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the-loststone · 8 months
Safir Reactions from 1x06
I binged Safir last night up to the latest episode (getting back into dizis and now I'm back to being that basic b*tch who stays up until 2:30 am watching a dizi) and I have some thoughts! (SPOILERS!)
First, I am loving the drama already. It is so melo!! I have loved the lead actor (Ilhan Sen) and actress (Ozge Yagiz) and had seen their previous works and enjoyed their acting immensely. I am so happy these two beauties are in a drama together. Their chemistry is amazing and they do a wonderful job. Not only are they wonderful together, and I absolutely ship them, but they have great chemistry with the rest of the cast.
So let's get into it:
Plot (so far):
At the moment, the plot is really good. We have our female lead (Feraye) who was in a long committed relationship with the SML (Yaman Gulsoy). As she is the daughter of servants for the Gulsoy family, they kept their relationship hidden from his family, although all her friends and some of her family knew about their relationship. Feraye's story is very reminiscent of cinderella. She has the evil step-mother and evil-step sister. Yaman, and his younger brother Okan get into some trouble and the evil stepmother witnesses it and uses it to blackmail Yaman and Okan. She orders Yaman to immediately marry her own daughter (Aleyna) who has had a long time crush on Yaman (and doesn't know about his relationship with her step-sister). Yaman, in a panic, does so. Feraye, heartbroken and confused (because Yaman was in love with her one day and they were talking about marriage, but the next day tells her he married her sister and actually loves Aleyna instead of sitting down and explaining anything to her, he ruthlessly breaks her heart) attempts suicide by arson. Now, in the midst of all this chaos, the eldest Gulsoy son returns home (Ates) and he finds her in the burning vineyard and saves her life. At the hospital, they learn that she was pregnant. Over the course of figuring out what to do, Ates proposes to her, hoping to save her from breaking her beloved father's heart and also hoping to avoid being forced to marry someone of his (evil) grandfather's choosing. Win-win. Ates is very charismatic. He is sweet and caring for Feraye, and to the audience, there is definitely the appearance that he knows more than he lets on. Yaman, now married and a horrible husband, is distraught with jealousy and lets out his toxic behavior. He stalks, harasses, vilifies, and abuses Feraye. Instead of doing anything logical, he acts selfishly and with lack of foresight. He proposes to run away with Feraye and keep her as a mistress and abandon his current wife (who is also her sister - even if it is a terrible sister). He continues to pressure her to the extent that she decides to do away with marrying Ates, who she appreciates for his kindness and generosity but at this point is definitely not in love with, and run away. Her friend promised to bring money so they could leave for Istanbul together where she can live in hiding and have her baby. Unfortunately, her friend went to Ates' mother for money saying that Feraye would leave Ates for 2 million dollars. Ates learns of this (from his mother's boasting about how she was right) and soon after Yaman learns of it as well.
There's also some business shenanigans going on with the family being bankrupt and hiding it from Ates (although again, this kid seems like he knows more than we think) and Okan going crazy.
Characters (so far):
Feraye: Feraye so far is a mix bag, I pity her and admire her, but can also be a bit frustrated with her. In the beginning, when we meet her, she is very in love with Yaman. From her point of view, he cheated on her and abandoned her for her sister. Completely heartbroken, she agrees to marry his brother who proposes a logical solution to her problems, which comes with the massive hiccup of having her in close proximity to her toxic ex. Feraye exhibits typical behavior for someone being overwhelmed with feeling and super hormonal, is understandably distraught. Some of her behavior is frustrating to the some viewers who can't understand why she still loves this obviously crazy individual, however as it is literally only a couple weeks since they broke up in such a confusing way, I'm not too surpised by her emotional behavior. Ates can only protect her so much, and she doesn't tell him his brother is the father of her child (although I suspect he knows). She doesn't really waiver though. Everytime Yaman harasses her she does try to avoid him and push him away believing she can not trust him and not willing to hear his excuses. However, the trailer for episode 1x07 may have her waiver on this when Yaman gets into an accident. Nevertheless, I do feel a lot of pity for her as she is the main victim of Yaman, her stepmother, and Okan's behavior. No matter what happens in the future, I don't see her ever being able to trust Yaman again, whether or not she gets with Ates.
Ates: Ates is by far my favorite character. Where a lot of characters in the show are led by their emotions, he is very cool and calm. A lot of his backstory is still unknown. So far, we know is very upfront about a lot. He doesn't like being lied to, which is unfortunately what everyone in his family is doing to him, and hates being out of control. I wouldn't be surprised if he was a sociopath, honestly, and with so much unknown about him,the writers may even make him into a villain, but to be honest, I would still be on his side because even if he is a mastermind manipulator, I am loving his character so much. He left for the US years earlier and is just returning now. He is trying to bond with his family again and though they started out okay, by becoming engaged to Feraye it has strained those bonds. However, Ates doesn't waiver. He doesn't hide his feelings. Unlike Yaman who hid his relationship with Feraye because he worried that she would not be accepted, Ates is very upfront (and I will admit it is likely because he needed to speed up the process so that he can believably be passed as the father of her child). He doesn't hide his relationship and does everything by the book. He has a demeanor that makes people fear his reaction if he is angry. Honestly the way people keep f*cking around, I can't wait to see what happens when he rains down fire on them like his behavior suggests he can do if he is pushed far enough. I'm looking forward to seeing him be a guy that teaches Feraye to trust again.
Yaman: The other end of our love triangle is a little b*tch. But honestly, I will admit that in the beginning, I did pity him. He obviously loves Feraye and seemed like a sweet boyfriend (although some of the latest flashbacks do show some signs of red flags tbh). He is a good older brother, protecting Okan and that is the reason for his trouble, not anything he did. So I can understand his frustration. He didn't deliberately do anything wrong in the beginning. Honestly, if this was a different story, I can see how the story would have him as the main lead and end-game for Feraye (which I really hope doesn't happen) -- and some people seem to continue to ship them despite his very obvious red flag behavior. See, my sympathy is not limitless. I think that once you shit the bed you can have second chances, but you can't have more chances than you deserve, especially when you're not actually trying to fix anything beyond yelling that you deserve a chance. Yaman, after breaking up with his girlfriend (brutally), marrying her sister, refusing to explain anything (even in vague terms), he then regrets. Which okay, yeah, I get it. Totally understandable that he panicked and after having done everything, he now tries to return to normal. But he just never does anything logically. After failing to talk to Feraye, who also very understandably doesn't want to hear his excuses, he doesn't try to have a civilized conversation with Ates. He doesn't do anything but continuously harass Feraye and refuses to take accountability for how the relationship ending was his fault. When he believes that she cheated on him with his brother during their relationship, he becomes the epitome of TOXIC. It's not a good look. And while some viewers may be able to stomach it and it can echo other male lead's 'passion' for their female leads, it is really just a good showing of how many red flags people ignore in excuse for 'true love.' Not a fan. It's really just toxic love, selfish love, obsession. I'm not saying his feelings aren't valid. But how he displays them is wrong. I also think his behavior towards Aleyna is disgusting, no matter how much I dislike her. What's distressing is that I understand him, I understand why he is acting this way, but I don't excuse it.
Cemile (evil-stepmother): Ugh the absolute worst! I honestly hate her. She is the one that started all of this and her motivations are extremely mercenary. She says she wants to do everything for her daughter, and I do believe she loves her daughter, but she is not the brightest woman. Blackmailing a guy into marrying your daughter isn't going to make her happy. She's going to be in a loveless marriage where she'll be a pushover because of unrequited love. She's a really stupid, jealous and selfish woman and I just really want to see what her comeuppance will be.
Okan: Okan is the youngest Gulsoy and by far the dumbest. He's easily led, doesn't have many braincells and is rather spineless. Now, he's the baby of the family, and so his family very obviously babies him a bit. In the beginning, the trouble is basically pushed way out of proportion of what it should have been because of his stupidity and panic. His actions lead to massive consequences for those around him and he is aware that he's dug a grave he's not going to be able to get himself out of and instead of lying in it himself, he's basically digging graves for everyone around him. Already, he's had a psychotic break from all the lies he's telling, pressured by his family and his fear. I'm not going to lie, Ates is doing a really good job guilt tripping him (whether or not he knows he's being lied to by Okan or not, it's really fun to watch) and it's a treat. The poor kid is out of his mind. Despite his guilt towards Ates, he's firmly on Yaman's side, feeling more guilty to Yaman for being the reason his relationship is in turmoil (broken). But like I said with Yaman, while I can understand his actions, I can't excuse them.
Aleyna: Aleyna is the most oblivious character. She is the one who knows absolutely nothing, living in a fairytale world where she's the main character. She's led by her wants and desires and has a remarkable lack of self-awareness. She knows when she's not wanted but she goes anyway, she knows when she's annoying but she acts out anyway, she knows when she's being treated badly but she excuses it anyway. In a lot of aspects, she's a pitiful person, and I don't like the way Yaman treats her, but she had a lot of power to walk away from that treatment because that relationship was based entirely on her imagination. She's just a spoiled child. Whether she gains any depth later on is to be seen.
Concluding notes:
I just really enjoy where this show is going. Waiting a week for updates is exhausting. I really hope it continues to do well. It's excellently directed and written so far, so hopefully they can keep up the good work. Now, with most dramas, after the first 9-12 episodes it falls into the trap of exhausted story lines, so while I expect it to happen again to this one, I'm enjoying the ride while it's good. And if it doesn't happen, I'll be pleasantly surprised.
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lurkingteapot · 8 months
Kimi ni wa todokanai. 君には届かない。 Ep 3
This show continues to just hit all the right notes for me. Shall we?
of course they're talking about food, and now I want baozi/nikuman
poor Yamato, so popular with everyone except the one he wants (?)
Hosaka has SO cottoned on, I'm living for this. they're so perceptive on this show!
Right, he has a little brother
wait, is Kakeru from Kansai?? "Okan" "awahen" … or is this just him being funny? he doesn't sound at ALL like a Kansai kid otherwise.
oh god Yamato is going to see, right, and think Kakeru lied? please no.
oh man, I want one of those pancakes
Mikoto and Yamato actually look like siblings, I love it. something about their manner or expression.
I've seen more convincing spit takes, but this was still a fun scene
adsfasdfdasf I LOVE Mikoto, she's amazing
called ittttt
so much for logical/pragmatic XD
oh, we're self-aware now??
oh these straight-from-the-manga shots never fail to get me
I love that that's his reaction to this. not "wtf are you doing," not "I don't want this," just … someone's gonna see. not here.
fasdfasdfasdf that mum, I love her
I really, really like this show and I think I need to actually get the manga for this if it stays at this level
38/100 wtf are you DOING, Kakeru
HOSAKA best boy!!!!
Yamato … 
I love Hosaka, my goodness
the theme song of this SLAPS
REALISATIONS!!! they both know
next stop: school trip to Kyoto??? aaaah
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yoursghostly · 9 months
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I had watched Rebelde in semi one sitting and now I'm sleep-deprived and procrastinating thinking about Luka and Okane dynamics.
The way Luka had no qualms to approach other people to use them or go after what he wants. And the way he had seen singing Okane, and decided to do nothing. He just seemingly immediately gave up on his attraction. No step towards him out of his own initiative. No scheming. Nada. Nothing.
Seemed like other side of his knee-jerk reaction to someone approaching him - making sure they would regret it. Making sure he wouldn't regret it?
And then there is Okane. Pushing other people buttons and then smiling at them as if admiring the result. More or less gleefully curious, difficult to offend, not stopping on the surface level of harsh words. ( such a ExTP?)
Match made in a trashy high school drama. Is it bad that I liked Luka sharing his revenge plan with him and being backstabbing/ plotting partners? They could be a power couple of scheming world.
Ahh, and Okane on one turn being such a chaotic bi , and on the other gifting things that Luka mentioned in passing once, and ready to dish it out for anyone crossing Luka. Feelings.
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Guys I--
I think I found straight yaoi
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Look at those giant hands. LOOK AT THEM.
Here's Okane Ga Nai for comparison:
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You see the similarities, right? Right?? How the hell did this 00s looking motherfucker break into a 2023 hetero manhwa???
I decided to check it out and literally the second panel is booty-out furious fucking, culminating in the chick telling Dorito-Faced Bad Touch Sempai that she hates him. Peak shitty yaoi experience, I'm telling ya.
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lukane matching icons
(i know i'm late and all, i keep making mental notes to watch it and then forget.)
anyway, season 2 is such a mess that luka and okane's relationship is the only thing keeping me sane.
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maoam · 1 year
sometimes i think many sn fans just replicate okane ga nai
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Anon I'm kinda laughing because I was just thinking how whenever I see "sasunaru" written I think of like the 2000s when people were drawing them, not exactly THIS big difference but it was pretty much like the Naruto with huge eyes and delicate face (and the personality like this blond guy we see above, fragile and moe) and Sasuke being drawn like your average seme from the yaois back then. Basically just molding them into the current yaoi trope trend. It was so bad, like you just couldn't find good content. Like I just couldn't force Sasuke and Naruto into those roles because that's not how Kishimoto wrote them.
Can't forget the 13-16 year olds making jokes about "Sasuke r*ping Naruto xDDD" which was common at the time with yaoi ships, sigh.
But yes, even now the portrayals are often bad. As I have said many times Naruto is the opposite of Kishimoto's punkish and messy troublemaker in many women's portrayals, girly, soft, or "sassy" in some instagram girl way lol. And Sasuke is just... guy who wants to fuck raw or something, and I guess worship Naruto. Boring and ooc.
I'm sure SOME people who write "sasunaru" don't even think about seme/uke or top/bottom stuffs or yaoi or preference or certain kind of portrayal of the ship, but it's really hard for me to shake off the word's connection with that type of content. The fetishized ooc portrayal that's pure yaoi meant for straight girls and has nothing to do with m/m love. I also avoid using narusasu because I just don't want people to start whining about that. So I just write Naruto/Sasuke most of the time, except when tagging because then I use all the tags.
Btw I think it's more that Okane ga nai was written in the late 2000s, so it just followed the typical yaoi trend at the time... just like SN.
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augustsvnguides · 4 months
Full Service CG Unlocking Tips
Hi. This is not a step-by-step guide, but more of a collection of tips on unlocking specific CGs in the game Full Service by Herculion. On my journey to unlocking all CGs, I found it very difficult to find guides for all of them in one place, and even when I found some guides, some of them didn't work. So I decided to compile this based on what worked on my multiple playthroughs. Hope it helps!
Note that this game has so many different routes, so you might unlock CGs through different steps than how I did. These are just the ones that worked for me when I unlocked all the CGs.
If you have other tips, please feel free to share them. Others might find them helpful.
Also, I compiled this late at night, and I'm kinda sleepy, so if there are errors, I apologize in advance. Also, please let me know so that I can correct them. Thanks!
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These CGs will automatically be unlocked on the first day.
These are Sota's first massage CGs.
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These are Remi's first massage CGs.
These are Kovit's first massage CGs.
These are Rald's first massage CGs.
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Automatically unlocks.
Sota's first full service massage CGs.
Remi's first full service massage CGs.
Kovit's first full service massage CGs.
Rald's first full service massage CGs.
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Part of Rald's first full service massage CGs.
Automatically unlocks.
Sota's hot springs CGs.
Remi's hot springs CGs.
Part of Kovit's hot springs CGs.
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Part of Kovit's hot springs CGs.
Rald's hot springs CGs.
Lenga's hot springs CGs.
Automatically unlocks.
Sota's festival CGs.
*Note for the festival CGs*
I was told that you need to have gone on at least 2 dates with the character to unlock the CGs, but in my playthrough, I had to go on 3 dates. I'm not sure if it had to do with the number of dates itself or how high the affection is (heart colour from giving gifts and interacting with the character). What worked for me was going on 3 dates, so that's what I would suggest doing.
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Remi's festival CGs.
*Note for the festival CGs*
I was told that you need to have gone on at least 2 dates with the character to unlock the CGs, but in my playthrough, I had to go on 3 dates. I'm not sure if it had to do with the number of dates itself or how high the affection is (heart colour from giving gifts and interacting with the character). What worked for me was going on 3 dates, so that's what I would suggest doing.
Kovit's festival CGs.
*Note for the festival CGs*
I was told that you need to have gone on at least 2 dates with the character to unlock the CGs, but in my playthrough, I had to go on 3 dates. I'm not sure if it had to do with the number of dates itself or how high the affection is (heart colour from giving gifts and interacting with the character). What worked for me was going on 3 dates, so that's what I would suggest doing.
Rald's festival CGs.
*Note for the festival CGs*
I was told that you need to have gone on at least 2 dates with the character to unlock the CGs, but in my playthrough, I had to go on 3 dates. I'm not sure if it had to do with the number of dates itself or how high the affection is (heart colour from giving gifts and interacting with the character). What worked for me was going on 3 dates, so that's what I would suggest doing.
Automatically unlocks. Part of first full service CGs with Oki & Okan.
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Automatically unlocks. Part of first full service CGs with Oki & Okan.
Sota's theme day (costume day) CGs.
Remi's theme day (costume day) CGs.
Part of Kovit's theme day (costume day) CGs.
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Part of Kovit's theme day (costume day) CGs.
Rald's theme day (costume day) CGs.
Lenga's theme day (costume day) CGs.
Part of Oki & Okan's 's theme day (costume day) CGs.
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Part of Oki & Okan's theme day (costume day) CGs.
Automatically unlocks.
Sota's beach day CGs.
*Note for the beach day CGs*
Again, like the festival CGs, I'm not sure if you need to have gone on 3 dates or if you only need to have red hearts to unlock the beach day CGs, but what worked for me was having gone on 3 or 4 dates and having their hearts at red. For the special Oki & Okan beach day CGs, what worked for me was having a high relationship with them (red hearts and a few dates). You first interact with them on Day 29, so start giving them gifts and going on dates with them from then.
Remi's beach day CGs.
*Note for the beach day CGs*
Again, like the festival CGs, I'm not sure if you need to have gone on 3 dates or if you only need to have red hearts to unlock the beach day CGs, but what worked for me was having gone on 3 or 4 dates and having their hearts at red. For the special Oki & Okan beach day CGs, what worked for me was having a high relationship with them (red hearts and a few dates). You first interact with them on Day 29, so start giving them gifts and going on dates with them from then.
Kovit's beach day CGs.
*Note for the beach day CGs*
Again, like the festival CGs, I'm not sure if you need to have gone on 3 dates or if you only need to have red hearts to unlock the beach day CGs, but what worked for me was having gone on 3 or 4 dates and having their hearts at red. For the special Oki & Okan beach day CGs, what worked for me was having a high relationship with them (red hearts and a few dates). You first interact with them on Day 29, so start giving them gifts and going on dates with them from then.
Part of Rald's beach day CGs.
*Note for the beach day CGs*
Again, like the festival CGs, I'm not sure if you need to have gone on 3 dates or if you only need to have red hearts to unlock the beach day CGs, but what worked for me was having gone on 3 or 4 dates and having their hearts at red. For the special Oki & Okan beach day CGs, what worked for me was having a high relationship with them (red hearts and a few dates). You first interact with them on Day 29, so start giving them gifts and going on dates with them from then.
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Part of Rald's beach day CGs.
*Note for the beach day CGs*
Again, like the festival CGs, I'm not sure if you need to have gone on 3 dates or if you only need to have red hearts to unlock the beach day CGs, but what worked for me was having gone on 3 or 4 dates and having their hearts at red. For the special Oki & Okan beach day CGs, what worked for me was having a high relationship with them (red hearts and a few dates). You first interact with them on Day 29, so start giving them gifts and going on dates with them from then.
Lenga's beach day CGs.
*Note for the beach day CGs*
Again, like the festival CGs, I'm not sure if you need to have gone on 3 dates or if you only need to have red hearts to unlock the beach day CGs, but what worked for me was having gone on 3 or 4 dates and having their hearts at red. For the special Oki & Okan beach day CGs, what worked for me was having a high relationship with them (red hearts and a few dates). You first interact with them on Day 29, so start giving them gifts and going on dates with them from then.
Okan's beach day CGs.
*Note for the beach day CGs*
Again, like the festival CGs, I'm not sure if you need to have gone on 3 dates or if you only need to have red hearts to unlock the beach day CGs, but what worked for me was having gone on 3 or 4 dates and having their hearts at red. For the special Oki & Okan beach day CGs, what worked for me was having a high relationship with them (red hearts and a few dates). You first interact with them on Day 29, so start giving them gifts and going on dates with them from then.
Oki's beach day CGs.
*Note for the beach day CGs*
Again, like the festival CGs, I'm not sure if you need to have gone on 3 dates or if you only need to have red hearts to unlock the beach day CGs, but what worked for me was having gone on 3 or 4 dates and having their hearts at red. For the special Oki & Okan beach day CGs, what worked for me was having a high relationship with them (red hearts and a few dates). You first interact with them on Day 29, so start giving them gifts and going on dates with them from then.
Part of Oki & Okan's beach day CGs.
*Note for the beach day CGs*
Again, like the festival CGs, I'm not sure if you need to have gone on 3 dates or if you only need to have red hearts to unlock the beach day CGs, but what worked for me was having gone on 3 or 4 dates and having their hearts at red. For the special Oki & Okan beach day CGs, what worked for me was having a high relationship with them (red hearts and a few dates). You first interact with them on Day 29, so start giving them gifts and going on dates with them from then.
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Part of Oki & Okan's beach day CGs.
*Note for the beach day CGs*
Again, like the festival CGs, I'm not sure if you need to have gone on 3 dates or if you only need to have red hearts to unlock the beach day CGs, but what worked for me was having gone on 3 or 4 dates and having their hearts at red. For the special Oki & Okan beach day CGs, what worked for me was having a high relationship with them (red hearts and a few dates). You first interact with them on Day 29, so start giving them gifts and going on dates with them from then.
Sota's Party at Rald's CGs.
*Note for Party at Rald's CGs*
You need to invite the character before the party. Like the beach event, make sure you have a high relationship with the character you're inviting. In my playthrough, I've gone on several dates and my heart indicator is red.
Remi's Party at Rald's CGs.
*Note for Party at Rald's CGs*
You need to invite the character before the party. Like the beach event, make sure you have a high relationship with the character you're inviting. In my playthrough, I've gone on several dates and my heart indicator is red.
Kovit's Party at Rald's CGs.
*Note for Party at Rald's CGs*
You need to invite the character before the party. Like the beach event, make sure you have a high relationship with the character you're inviting. In my playthrough, I've gone on several dates and my heart indicator is red.
Rald's Party at Rald's CGs.
*Note for Party at Rald's CGs*
You need to invite the character before the party. Like the beach event, make sure you have a high relationship with the character you're inviting. In my playthrough, I've gone on several dates and my heart indicator is red.
Lenga's Party at Rald's CGs.
*Note for Party at Rald's CGs*
You need to invite the character before the party. Like the beach event, make sure you have a high relationship with the character you're inviting. In my playthrough, I've gone on several dates and my heart indicator is red.
Part of Okan's Party at Rald's CGs.
*Note for Party at Rald's CGs*
You need to invite the character before the party. Like the beach event, make sure you have a high relationship with the character you're inviting. In my playthrough, I've gone on several dates and my heart indicator is red.
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Part of Okan's Party at Rald's CGs.
*Note for Party at Rald's CGs*
You need to invite the character before the party. Like the beach event, make sure you have a high relationship with the character you're inviting. In my playthrough, I've gone on several dates and my heart indicator is red.
Oki's Party at Rald's CGs.
*Note for Party at Rald's CGs*
You need to invite the character before the party. Like the beach event, make sure you have a high relationship with the character you're inviting. In my playthrough, I've gone on several dates and my heart indicator is red.
Automatically unlocks.
Sota's Day 57 full service CGs.
Remi's Day 57 full service CGs.
Part of Kovit's Day 57 full service CGs.
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Part of Kovit's Day 57 full service CGs.
Rald's Day 57 full service CGs.
Lenga's Day 57 full service CGs.
Oki & Okan's Day 57 full service CGs.
Automatically unlocks.
Unlocks if you chose "No don't get distracted" on Day 59 when Hisami is presented with the choice.
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Unlocks if you chose "No don't get distracted" on Day 59 when Hisami is presented with the choice, and you have a high enough relationship with Oki & Okan. Note, I added having a high relationship with Oki & Okan (in my playthrough, red hearts and multiple dates) because they will stop Hisami from taking you.
Hisami's "bad ending" CGs. I had a hard time getting these CGs to appear even on multiple playthroughs, but I finally managed to get these by doing a very specific set of steps:
Do a complete playthrough of the game first. You won't be able to unlock these CGs on your first playthrough.
Don't go on any dates or give gifts to other characters.
Refuse full service sex scenes. Automatic, unskippable sex scenes don't count since the game automatically plays those out (an example would be the first time you have sex with Oki & Okan on Day 29).
Don't invite anyone to Rald's party.
Make sure that you don't have a high relationship with Oki & Okan, otherwise, they'll save you from Hisami, and you won't unlock these CGs.
On Day 57, choose the twins to give you a massage. Ask them about Master on the first choice. Then tell them you're worried on the second choice.
On Day 59, choose "don't get distracted" when Hisami is prompted with the choice.
Just keep sleeping until Day 64, and these CGs will unlock then.
Hisami's "perfect ending" CG. To get this, the steps are pretty similar to the previous 3 CGs with just a few differences. Here are the steps that worked for me:
Do a complete playthrough of the game first. You won't be able to unlock these CGs on your first playthrough.
Don't go on any dates or give gifts to other characters.
Refuse full service sex scenes. Automatic, unskippable sex scenes don't count since the game automatically plays those out (an example would be the first time you have sex with Oki & Okan on Day 29).
Don't invite anyone to Rald's party.
On Day 57, choose the twins to give you a massage. Ask them about Master on the first choice. Then tell them you're worried on the second choice.
On Day 59, choose "have I been wrong" when Hisami is prompted with the choice and it will automatically unlock the CG.
Sota's "bad ending" CG. In my playthrough, I got this by going through the whole game without going on the third date with any characters (max 2 dates only) except for Oki & Okan. You need to go on all 5 dates (or maybe just have red hearts) for both Oki & Okan to stop Hisami from taking you. Then on the last day, you can talk to the character and unlock their "bad ending". Tip: save when you get on the last day and just reload and choose another character to unlock all "bad ending" CGs.
Sota's "good ending" CGs. To get this, go on at least 3 dates but not the 5th date (sex date). Also make sure that you have a high enough relationship with Oki & Okan (in my playthrough, I've gone to all 5 dates and my heart indicator is red with both of them) so that they'll save you from Hisami. Then on the last day, you can talk to the character and unlock their "good ending". Tip: save when you get on the last day and just reload and choose another character to unlock all "good ending" CGs.
Remi's "bad ending" CG. In my playthrough, I got this by going through the whole game without going on the third date with any characters (max 2 dates only) except for Oki & Okan. You need to go on all 5 dates (or maybe just have red hearts) for both Oki & Okan to stop Hisami from taking you. Then on the last day, you can talk to the character and unlock their "bad ending". Tip: save when you get on the last day and just reload and choose another character to unlock all "bad ending" CGs.
Part of Remi's "good ending" CGs. To get this, go on at least 3 dates but not the 5th date (sex date). Also make sure that you have a high enough relationship with Oki & Okan (in my playthrough, I've gone to all 5 dates and my heart indicator is red with both of them) so that they'll save you from Hisami. Then on the last day, you can talk to the character and unlock their "good ending". Tip: save when you get on the last day and just reload and choose another character to unlock all "good ending" CGs.
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Part of Remi's "good ending" CGs. To get this, go on at least 3 dates but not the 5th date (sex date). Also make sure that you have a high enough relationship with Oki & Okan (in my playthrough, I've gone to all 5 dates and my heart indicator is red with both of them) so that they'll save you from Hisami. Then on the last day, you can talk to the character and unlock their "good ending". Tip: save when you get on the last day and just reload and choose another character to unlock all "good ending" CGs.
Kovit's "bad ending" CG. In my playthrough, I got this by going through the whole game without going on the third date with any characters (max 2 dates only) except for Oki & Okan. You need to go on all 5 dates (or maybe just have red hearts) for both Oki & Okan to stop Hisami from taking you. Then on the last day, you can talk to the character and unlock their "bad ending". Tip: save when you get on the last day and just reload and choose another character to unlock all "bad ending" CGs.
Kovit's "good ending" CGs. To get this, go on at least 3 dates but not the 5th date (sex date). Also make sure that you have a high enough relationship with Oki & Okan (in my playthrough, I've gone to all 5 dates and my heart indicator is red with both of them) so that they'll save you from Hisami. Then on the last day, you can talk to the character and unlock their "good ending". Tip: save when you get on the last day and just reload and choose another character to unlock all "good ending" CGs.
Rald's "bad ending" CG. In my playthrough, I got this by going through the whole game without going on the third date with any characters (max 2 dates only) except for Oki & Okan. You need to go on all 5 dates (or maybe just have red hearts) for both Oki & Okan to stop Hisami from taking you. Then on the last day, you can talk to the character and unlock their "bad ending". Tip: save when you get on the last day and just reload and choose another character to unlock all "bad ending" CGs.
Rald's "good ending" CGs. To get this, go on at least 3 dates but not the 5th date (sex date). Also make sure that you have a high enough relationship with Oki & Okan (in my playthrough, I've gone to all 5 dates and my heart indicator is red with both of them) so that they'll save you from Hisami. Then on the last day, you can talk to the character and unlock their "good ending". Tip: save when you get on the last day and just reload and choose another character to unlock all "good ending" CGs.
Lenga's "bad ending" CG. In my playthrough, I got this by going through the whole game without going on the third date with any characters (max 2 dates only) except for Oki & Okan. You need to go on all 5 dates (or maybe just have red hearts) for both Oki & Okan to stop Hisami from taking you. Then on the last day, you can talk to the character and unlock their "bad ending". Tip: save when you get on the last day and just reload and choose another character to unlock all "bad ending" CGs.
Part of Lenga's "good ending" CGs. To get this, go on at least 3 dates but not the 5th date (sex date). Also make sure that you have a high enough relationship with Oki & Okan (in my playthrough, I've gone to all 5 dates and my heart indicator is red with both of them) so that they'll save you from Hisami. Then on the last day, you can talk to the character and unlock their "good ending". Tip: save when you get on the last day and just reload and choose another character to unlock all "good ending" CGs.
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Part of Lenga's "good ending" CGs. To get this, go on at least 3 dates but not the 5th date (sex date). Also make sure that you have a high enough relationship with Oki & Okan (in my playthrough, I've gone to all 5 dates and my heart indicator is red with both of them) so that they'll save you from Hisami. Then on the last day, you can talk to the character and unlock their "good ending". Tip: save when you get on the last day and just reload and choose another character to unlock all "good ending" CGs.
Okan's "good ending" CG. I got these CGs because I went on 5 dates with Okan and his heart meter is red. Based on my playthrough, you need these to stop Hisami from taking you and unlocking this and the "good ending" CGs.
Oki's "good ending" CG. I got these CGs because I went on 5 dates with Oki and his heart meter is red. Based on my playthrough, you need these to stop Hisami from taking you and unlocking this and the "good ending" CGs.
Oki & Okan's "good ending" CG. Same with their individual "good ending" CGs.
Sota's 5th date CGs.
Remi's 2nd date CG.
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Remi's dates CGs. Sorry, I can't remember which date CG #1 is from, but I'm pretty sure CGs 3-5 are from his 5th date.
Kovit's 5th date CGs. These are in the hospital after he got shot.
I could be wrong, but I believe this is Rald's 2nd date CG.
Rald's 5th date CGs.
Lenga's 2nd date CG.
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Lenga's 5th date CGs.
Okan's 5th date CGs. (I'm not completely sure if CG #3 is from his 5th date or an earlier one. Either way, you'll unlock it on your way to the 5th date).
Oki's 5th date CGs.
These CGs get unlocked after doing your first full playthrough of the game and starting a new game. A new intro will play out and these CGs will be unlocked. I can't remember if CG #11 appears during the intro or later in the story, but it automatically unlocks, so you'll be guaranteed to get it.
Part of Sota's "perfect ending" CGs. To get this, go on all 5 dates (5th date is the sex date). Also make sure that you have a high enough relationship with Oki & Okan (in my playthrough, I've gone to all 5 dates and my heart indicator is red with both of them) so that they'll save you from Hisami. Unlock these by going to the Extras menu and click on the kachapon figurines, then select which character's perfect ending story you wanna unlock.
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Part of Sota's "perfect ending" CGs. To get this, go on all 5 dates (5th date is the sex date). Also make sure that you have a high enough relationship with Oki & Okan (in my playthrough, I've gone to all 5 dates and my heart indicator is red with both of them) so that they'll save you from Hisami. Unlock these by going to the Extras menu and click on the kachapon figurines, then select which character's perfect ending story you wanna unlock.
Remi's "perfect ending" CGs. To get this, go on all 5 dates (5th date is the sex date). Also make sure that you have a high enough relationship with Oki & Okan (in my playthrough, I've gone to all 5 dates and my heart indicator is red with both of them) so that they'll save you from Hisami. Unlock these by going to the Extras menu and click on the kachapon figurines, then select which character's perfect ending story you wanna unlock.
Kovit's "perfect ending" CGs. To get this, go on all 5 dates (5th date is the sex date). Also make sure that you have a high enough relationship with Oki & Okan (in my playthrough, I've gone to all 5 dates and my heart indicator is red with both of them) so that they'll save you from Hisami. Unlock these by going to the Extras menu and click on the kachapon figurines, then select which character's perfect ending story you wanna unlock.
Rald's "perfect ending" CGs. To get this, go on all 5 dates (5th date is the sex date). Also make sure that you have a high enough relationship with Oki & Okan (in my playthrough, I've gone to all 5 dates and my heart indicator is red with both of them) so that they'll save you from Hisami. Unlock these by going to the Extras menu and click on the kachapon figurines, then select which character's perfect ending story you wanna unlock.
Part of Lenga's "perfect ending" CGs. To get this, go on all 5 dates (5th date is the sex date). Also make sure that you have a high enough relationship with Oki & Okan (in my playthrough, I've gone to all 5 dates and my heart indicator is red with both of them) so that they'll save you from Hisami. Unlock these by going to the Extras menu and click on the kachapon figurines, then select which character's perfect ending story you wanna unlock.
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Part of Lenga's "perfect ending" CGs. To get this, go on all 5 dates (5th date is the sex date). Also make sure that you have a high enough relationship with Oki & Okan (in my playthrough, I've gone to all 5 dates and my heart indicator is red with both of them) so that they'll save you from Hisami. Unlock these by going to the Extras menu and click on the kachapon figurines, then select which character's perfect ending story you wanna unlock.
Oki's "perfect ending" CGs. To get this, go on all 5 dates (5th date is the sex date). Unlock these by going to the Extras menu and click on the kachapon figurines, then select which character's perfect ending story you wanna unlock.
Okan's "perfect ending" CGs. To get this, go on all 5 dates (5th date is the sex date). Unlock these by going to the Extras menu and click on the kachapon figurines, then select which character's perfect ending story you wanna unlock.
Chef Haruo's (cafe) CG. As with the other NPC CGs, you unlock this by talking to them and by having a high relationship with a romanceable character that is linked to them. For Chef Haruo, it's Rald. For the most part of the game, they'll only respond with one-liners but will eventually have a longer conversation with you. When that happens, you'll know that you've unlocked the CG. It won't appear on-screen, but will automatically appear unlocked in the CG gallery.
Surfer dude's (beach) CG. As with the other NPC CGs, you unlock this by talking to them and by having a high relationship with a romanceable character that is linked to them. For the surfer dude, it's Okan. For the most part of the game, they'll only respond with one-liners but will eventually have a longer conversation with you. When that happens, you'll know that you've unlocked the CG. It won't appear on-screen, but will automatically appear unlocked in the CG gallery.
Mechanic's (garage) CG. As with the other NPC CGs, you unlock this by talking to them and by having a high relationship with a romanceable character that is linked to them. For the mechanic, it's Oki. For the most part of the game, they'll only respond with one-liners but will eventually have a longer conversation with you. When that happens, you'll know that you've unlocked the CG. It won't appear on-screen, but will automatically appear unlocked in the CG gallery.
Hunter's (shop owner at Central City) CG. As with the other NPC CGs, you unlock this by talking to them and by having a high relationship with a romanceable character that is linked to them. For Hunter, it's Kovit. For the most part of the game, they'll only respond with one-liners but will eventually have a longer conversation with you. When that happens, you'll know that you've unlocked the CG. It won't appear on-screen, but will automatically appear unlocked in the CG gallery.
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Guy at Central Park's CG. As with the other NPC CGs, you unlock this by talking to them and by having a high relationship with a romanceable character that is linked to them. For this guy, it's Remi. For the most part of the game, they'll only respond with one-liners but will eventually have a longer conversation with you. When that happens, you'll know that you've unlocked the CG. It won't appear on-screen, but will automatically appear unlocked in the CG gallery.
Pro Keoni's (M. Wood Uni) CG. As with the other NPC CGs, you unlock this by talking to them and by having a high relationship with a romanceable character that is linked to them. For Prof Keoni, it's Sota. For the most part of the game, they'll only respond with one-liners but will eventually have a longer conversation with you. When that happens, you'll know that you've unlocked the CG. It won't appear on-screen, but will automatically appear unlocked in the CG gallery.
Evan's (bookstore clerk) CG. As with the other NPC CGs, you unlock this by talking to them and by having a high relationship with a romanceable character that is linked to them. For Evan, it's Lenga. For the most part of the game, they'll only respond with one-liners but will eventually have a longer conversation with you. When that happens, you'll know that you've unlocked the CG. It won't appear on-screen, but will automatically appear unlocked in the CG gallery.
John's (guy in the hospital with bandages) CG. John is a curious case. You still have to keep talking to him, but I don't know if you need to have a high relationship with anyone in particular like the others. Either way, once you have a long conversation with him, the CG will unlock in the gallery.
I honestly don't know how these get unlocked, but these are threesome CGs. If I'm guessing, these CGs get unlocked if you have a high relation (maybe 5 dates and red hearts) with at least 2 characters. For example, in CG #5, it shows a threesome between Tomoki, Rald, and Kovit, so I'm assuming you need a high relationship (again, maybe 5 dates and red hearts) with both of them to unlock these CGs.
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Like CGs #5-12 on PAGE 21, I honestly don't know how these get unlocked, but these are threesome CGs. If I'm guessing, these CGs get unlocked if you have a high relation (maybe 5 dates and red hearts) with at least 2 characters.
If I'm not mistaken, these are from the Dr. Ken DLC. These CGs get unlocked on the 5th date.
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12.31.23 Sunday
8:30 am
This village is very synchronize on okane or money... Once you bought something from a store here it is a big news up like an ET or TMZ or a showbiz talk of Tita Fermin.... People from here are paparazzi's... They thought I have so many money this is just loan from "Tala"... Get and try to loan in "Tala"...
This Uncle Jun seems double checking me on money, I just bought a coffee in the store on Ate Cha's store. I need to thrift... He went back here and trying to find his coins money but it sounds like he is double-checking me on money. I still need to buy John his canned goods... For 2 days more... He is just recovering from diarrhea..
I still need to keep money and job and I wanna leave Cavite in a lil while... I still wanna have nose perfection.
This village and somewhere there, once I bought something how much is my money? How much is my money paper that I used?
8:42 am
The gang of Uncle DD is here now...
9:50 am
Here we go again coz it is New Year!
Will cook chicken adobo ...
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10:41 am
My chef skills are still here...
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My chicken tempura...
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11:12 am
My special adobo thanks Krizzy!
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Unli chicken for 500! Done!
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12:57 noon
I don't wanna spend new year with biological mother, they will just damage my peace!
They will just damage my image and for what???
1:16 pm
This adoptive mother sounds like pakang-kang not a mother kind...
Analyze angels her ways of texting is the way of pakang-kang not a mother kind...
I'm not replying, I have high intellectual mind!
Pakang-kang I pity my adoptive mother... Pakang-kang means a low prostitute kind!
Low prostitute kind is my adoptive mother!
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1:42 pm
Group of rituals... I don't want my relatives to go here... Grow up!!! They are not helping me at all!
3:52 pm
Happy New Year! Sponsored by Uncle DD.
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4:40 pm
My new year's resolution to do intermittent fasting and get a regularization in Conduent, hopefully and will smoothen my down there and bleach my butt to attract rightful men in the future...
I will focus on my vajayjay will try to do brazilian if I can... I will try to have some muscle down there... Someone just told me a mature woman, if you got some muscle down there and if you smoothen it will attract mature men.
I reaally wanna transfer in Manila, if I can...
6:32 pm
My fake biological mother is here... It seems real!
I want people to like me as me... I don't need them coz I want to get a man who will prioritize me than my family. Though, I feel insecure on my friends on a ritual having a good harmony in their family.
I feel bitterish! I don't like a man who will wanted to boot lick my fake biological mother... In a way she is funny coz she is putting a heaviness on her children that they are busy now working in a call center, for them there will be no idle moment!
7:13 pm
This fake as well Uncle Jun, in a hurry as well in the bathroom....I was bathing and he is in a hurry knocking me...I don't like them....I was always priority here... Immature act!
He shouted at me hurry up coz they will all go here, it is just 7pm, it is still early!
7:22 pm
Ang aga2x ng mga ngaratz na toh ah!
This warts are early here, I need to blow dry my hair angels....
Ngarat 1 the lead ngaratz!
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Any gossip on Bald Bull? Is he as violent as the press says?
*BZZT* -Camera flicks on-
"Okan? Can you hear me?" "Evet, sanırım"
"Excellent, Hello my friend! Been a while, hm?" "Yes, it has...this take long?" "Not at all, an anonymous inquiry has just popped in for you. Is that okay?"
"...Hmph, fine...what they ask?" "They would like to know if you're really as violent as the press makes you out to be?"
"You mean YOUR press?"
"Uh-uh, don't blame me, I'm not in charge of the times, only interviews!"
"Hm, sure"
"...So what have you to say about that?" "What else is there for Bull TO say? *sigh* Tamam evet, oldukça agresifim, I am aggressive...B-BUT I CAN CONTROL IT MAJORITY OF TIME! Bald Bull is not same person as Okan Calvradi..."
"Who IS Okan then? What makes him different to Bald Bull?"
"Bald Bull is persona, a channel of my anger and rage towards things that happened...in one character! I still don't like press, b-but I am not heartless or violent like they say...Okan likes to...to sit in fields and play with the bulls, or look after nieces and nephews! Or spend time with lady-" "Okan, you have a lady? When did that happen?" "*chuckles* A while ago, you on maternity leave so you don't know" "Haha! Fair enough" "But yeah, Bull is aggressive, Okan is not...respect my boundaries and I will respect you...maybe" "Seems reasonable, Thank you for your time, Okan!" "No problem, and say good luck to Sefi for me!" "I will, Merci!" -feed cuts out-
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my thoughts on different rebelde characters
so my opinion on jana is a bit confusing. i don't dislike her unlike a lot of people in the fandom - tbh i like all characters in rebelde except for gus, sebas, kuri and anita - but her character arc in both seasons 1 and 2 revolved around her wanting to show people that she's not who they want her to be but... she fails to show us how she really is. i think she really is the 'basic' person she seems to be and the writers forgot to give her a personality apart from not wanting to seem basic
i just want to let everyone (aka me and my 0 tumblr followers) know that i never gave up hope in him. he was doing stupid things but i knew esteban from season 1 was still in there somewhere. when he told everyone gus was a murderer i was happy because i never gave up on him. and then he killed gus. so, the thing is, i don't like gus. obviously. but couldn't gus have been arrested or something instead? my boy esteban has to deal with having murdered someone now (possible season 3 plot) but all he said was 'wow i'm so happy i managed to make it to graduation with my friends i abandoned and treated like shit but hey who cares :D'. like... idk. esteban from s1e1 would be very disappointed.
i obviously didn't like him at the beginning. but when he helped sin nombre/rebelde in s1e8 i was so happy. he's sarcastic and hurts everyone's feelings but he's still luka and doesn't deserve any of the things that happened to him (🖕 marcelo and gus). he had some really good character development and is still an asshole but i love him anyway <3
mj is so sweet and didn't deserve anything sebas put her through. i don't really know what to say about her character apart from that she stayed nice and respectful no matter what happened. she always helped others. like at the battle of the bands when she helped sebas. she didn't do that to abandon her friends but to help sebas because she felt sorry for him. (he didn't deserve that but that's a completely different topic) she wanted to stay friends with rebelde even after she joined sebas's friendship group (except for jana but that wasn't mj's fault)
andi is so cute <3 she's the reason i carried on watching rebelde and even though dixon's knocked her out of the number one spot of my fav rebelde characters i still love her <3 she deserves so much better than what happened in season 2 and i want her season 1 self back. like, how does someone manage to be this soft and cute and adorable but somehow also so badass?? i guess that's a question only andi agosti knows the answer too
i love him sm <3 he can do no wrong. i love that he always wants to help people. and the way he looks at everyone, especially mj. his eyes say everything. from the moment he first saw her sing, you could see he was in love with her (not me though because i thought he was okane and would date luka so i never considered him and mj as a possibility until he tried to kiss her in s1e6. oops.) i just want him to be happy. also, i still think the funniest thing to happen in rebelde was that at the end of s1 everyone was sharing their secrets: luka and esteban that they were half-brothers, mj that she'd lied to her parents, andi that she was dating emilia and dixon that he'd lied and said he was poor because he thought no-one would take him seriously as a rapper if they knew he was rich. it was just so random. and his birth name is guillermo. no offense to anyone with that name, it's not a bad name, i just think it's so funny that that's his name. like, that's dixon. not guillermo.
anyway, in conclusion, i love them all <3
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neswina · 8 months
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Promt: 10 - “It's alright, I'm here now“ / “Está bien, ahora estoy contigo”
Fandom: Safir
Ship: AtFer (Ateş Gülsoy / Feraye Yilmaz)
Audiencia: T
TW: palabrotas
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La llegada a casa fue menos traumática de lo que en un principio pensaron. Gülfem, la madre de Ateş, los saludó fríamente y se encerró en su cuarto, no había rastro de Yaman y a Aleyna se la notaba triste, Okan fue el único que pareció alegrarse de que volvieran a casa.
—Tengo que contaros algo. —Okan les habló bajito cuando les dio un abrazo de oso a los dos—. Os espero en el jardín. —Vale… —Había despertado la curiosidad de su hermano.
El abuelo no estaba, así que decidieron ir a su cuarto a descansar para cambiarse de ropa y descansar un poco.
—Mi luz de luna, que ganas de tenerte a solas. —Ateş abrazó a su mujer y le dio un beso en la frente. —La verdad es que sí, tenía ganas de abrazarte fuerte. —Cosa que hizo mientras hablaba—. Esto va a ser muy difícil. —¿Lo de actuar como antes de la luna de miel? —Él la miró con afecto—. Será complicado, pero será diferente. Ahora actuamos como uno solo. —No sé si podré resistir no estar pegada a ti. Eres como un imán, me atraes irremediablemente. —Feraye sonrió. —Para mí, en cambio, es facilísimo porque solo tengo que hacer lo que siempre hacía: mimarte. Por cierto, hablando de mimos, —Ateş se separó de su mujer—, tenemos que pensar cuando decir que estás embarazada, se va a empezar a notar ya. —¿Qué tal la semana que viene? Hará un mes que empezó la luna de miel, y supongo que la gente no se ponga “nerviosa” hasta el nacimiento, tendremos unos meses relativamente tranquilos. —Me parece bien. ¿Vas a ver a Hazal? —Sí, ¿quieres venir? —Feraye aprovechó, que ya estaba libre del abrazo, para terminar de abrocharse las zapatillas. —No, mejor os dejo solas para que os pongáis al día. Vamos a ver qué nos quiere decir Okan antes de irnos. —¿Vas a la empresa? —La chica vio como su marido asentía— ¿Me dejas de camino? —Encantado.
Se dieron un par de achuchones y bajaron al encuentro de Okan, que parecía nervioso y preocupado.
—¿Estás bien hermano? —Ateş le dio un abrazo y le indicó que se sentara en una de las sillas del jardín. —Sí, sí… —No lo dijo con mucho convencimiento. —¿Qué ha pasado, Okan? —Feraye fue más directa. —Hay un rumor fuerte en la casa, que no sé de dónde ha salido, dicen que estás embarazada. —¿Y como lo han sabido tan pronto? —Ateş estaba relajado, no iba a negar la verdad—. Los únicos que lo sabíamos éramos Feraye y yo… Y Cemile. —El chico puso mala cara. —Seguramente haya sido ella, nos vamos unos días y ya ha soltado la noticia. —Feraye estaba frustrada. —¿Voy a ser tío? —Okan, en cambio, era todo ilusión. —Sí, vas a ser tío. Pero no grites, que no lo queríamos decir hasta la semana que viene. —Hermano, que esto es un notición, tienes que dejar que lo grite. —Por favor, Okan, —Feraye le riñó—, para ya. Que no es momento para celebrar nada. Todavía. —Miró cómplice a Ateş. —¡Que ilusión! ¡Que voy a ser tío! —A Okan solo le faltaba que le salieran corazones por los ojos de la alegría. —Bueno, por lo menos sabemos que nuestro hijo va a tener un tío que lo va a querer. —Ateş sonreía y le dio una palmada a su hermano en la espalda. —Va a ser mi sobrino consentido, o consentida. ¿Aún no lo sabéis? —No, ni queremos saberlo. Nos da exactamente igual con tal de que esté sano. —Feraye se tocó el vientre con amor. —Perfecto. Me parece genial. —Okan quería gritar de felicidad, pero se conformó con alzar los puñitos disimuladamente. —¿Querías decirnos algo más? —Ateş se disponía a levantarse. —Bueno sí, no sabemos dónde está Yaman desde que os fuisteis de luna de miel… —¿No ha dado señales de vida? —Feraye se extrañó y miró a su marido preocupada—. Vino a vernos la segunda noche que pasamos de vacaciones y no fue agradable, creeme. —Si no llego a tiempo no se lo que hubiera pasado, Yaman estaba fuera de sí. Se quería llevar a Feraye por la fuerza y como ella se resistió, intentó agredirla. —Ateş cerró los puños de la rabia al recordarlo. —Pero, qué… Lo último que supe de él fue hace un par de semanas, un amigo en común me dijo que lo vio en Izmir en un bar. Fui hasta allí, con Aleyna y Hazal, y no lo encontramos. —¿Le habéis preguntado a Damla? Igual ella sabe dónde está. —Feraye lo preguntó sin mucho convencimiento. —Pues Damla lleva dos semanas en casa de sus padres en Estambul. Así que no creo que… —Los padres de Damla viven en Ankara. —la chica se inclinó en la silla hacia delante. —Llamé a Damla y es lo que me dijo que estaba en Estambul, en casa de sus padres. —Okan estaba perplejo. —¿Pero no se lo dijiste a Hazal? ¡Ella sabe de dónde son sus padres! —Sólo le dije que Damla estaba con sus padres y lo dejamos estar. —Okan se dio un golpe en la frente por lo tonto que había sido—. Es probable que esté con Yaman, ¿no? —Bastante, según el historial de Damla. —Ateş ya se había quedado de pie —. ¿Os podéis encargar tu y Hazal de encontrar a Yaman? No quiero que se descontrole. —Voy a casa de Hazal, vamos Okan, esto hay que solucionarlo ya. Tiene que dejar de comportarse como un… —Como un imbécil, no te cortes, Feraye, es lo que es. Y más cosas. No diré que no me he alegrado de no verle la cara, solo lo siento por Aleyna. No se merece tener un marido así. —Ateş le dio un abrazo y la chica se dejó hacer. —Ateş… —Lo miró avergonzada. —Okan sabe que vamos a ser padres, que más da que nos vea abrazados. —Sonrió a su hermano. —Una duda, que me ha surgido así, de la nada, ¿lo sabes todo, todo? —Todo, Okan, todo. Incluido que tú fuiste encubridor de la relación de estos dos, cuando eran novios. —Bueno, yo… —No te preocupes, como ya le he dicho a ella, el pasado es pasado y pasado queda. Ahora nos espera un futuro prometedor.
Ateş se quedó callado cuando vio pasar por el jardín a Cemile.
—Id a ver a Hazal, yo voy a hablar con Cemile. —Ateş, por favor no la pongas furiosa, no sabes lo que puede llegar a hacer. —Está bien, ahora estoy contigo y no puede hacerte nada, ni a tu padre y ni a tu familia en general. Eres una Gülsoy. —Ateş le dio un beso en la frente— Ve y pasa una tarde agradable con Hazal. —Vamos, Feraye. Será mejor que le dejemos hacer, sabe lo que hace.
Los cuñados salieron juntos de la casa, dejando a Ateş caminando al encuentro de Cemile.
—Buenos días, Señor Ateş, espero que la luna de miel haya ido bien. —Ha sido un sueño, gracias Cemile. Mira, una cosa, me ha llegado la “noticia” de que alguien anda diciendo que Feraye está embarazada, y solo se me ocurre una persona que lo haya podido decir. Porque solo lo sabemos tres personas. Y dos no estábamos aquí, así que ya me dirás. —Pues yo no he sido, señor. —La señora agachó la cabeza sumisa—. Le prometí que no haría nada que le perjudicase, ni a usted, ni a Feraye. De verdad, —Volvió a subir la cabeza y le miró a los ojos—, de mi boca no ha salido ni una palabra. Pero creo saber quien ha extendido el rumor… —¿Quién? —Ateş levantó una ceja, escéptico. —Su madre.
La conversación terminó ahí, y Ateş se fue de la casa pensando por qué demonios su madre extendería un rumor así, solo por fastidiar. Lo único que se le ocurría, es que lo ha hecho para mancillar el honor de su mujer, para que pareciese un hijo fuera del matrimonio… No iba desencaminada, la verdad, pero al chico no le gustaba nada que trataran de manchar el nombre de su mujer solo por joder y por no considerarla digna de él y de su familia, sobre todo que no fuera digna de ser su nuera.
No le quedaba más remedio que hablar con ella más tarde.
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