#I'm sad because Azi is amazing
cannibalhellhound · 1 month
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I had this sketch and finally got to finish it
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I love David Tennant in every shape or form but I love long hair and the color is just 🤌🏼✨
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depressed-fanperson · 8 months
Ok so here is my theories for Good Omens season 3
☑️More Angel Crowley flashbacks (possibly his status/name as an angel unveiled[and here are my theories on that])
☑️ “Love of My Life” by Queen as Crowley proceeds to, as Castiel put it, “I found a liquor shop. I drank it.”
☑️ Aziraphale fumbling around kinda in heaven. Like he’s just kinda really awkward up there and doesn’t really know how to do things or he just changes things to have like a couch or something idk
☑️ Muriel in the bookshop (not really a theory so much as a hope) Also Muriel finally changes her clothes (I will cry if she’s still in that all white uniform even I have limits)
☑️ Crowley going to Nina and saying “Give me Death”
☑️ The Bentley acting sad/this AMAZING post
☑️ Another kiss? Maybe? Hopefully?
☑️ a happy ending
☑️ 1941 (and possibly even more apology dances) Edit: ok so I saw this post that made me realize that 1941 was the Nazi scene and that’s probably why Aziraphale did the apology dance after the whole zombie thing but I still believe that Aziraphale is gonna do an apology dance in season 3 I feel it in my rib cage
☑️ this post by @ineffable-cliffhangers
☑️ I really wanna know what Neil Gaiman was talking about in this post
☑️ I am desperately hoping for this post by @feathered-serpents to happen
☑️ scenes with Aziraphale in Heaven that make you cringe with second hand embarrassment(not in a negative way more in a ‘you’re amazing and I treasure you but please don’t do that’ way)
☑️ ok but you know how Aziraphale does a super accurate drawing of Gabriel? What if he does a bunch of drawings of Crowley in heaven because he misses him so much
☑️ In season 1 we see a lot of Earth (obviously) and In season 2 we see plenty of Hell, but only a sneak peak of Heaven, so we’re definitely going to see more of Heaven, especially with Aziraphale being supreme Archangel there’s finally a reason to.
☑️what happened in Edinburgh when Crowley went to Hell?
☑️Aziraphale claims to have fooled Nefertiti, and mentions several times all the magic classes he’s been to, so maybe more history of Aziraphale and magic?
☑️ Aziraphale actually TELLING or Crowley somehow finding out that Aziraphale loves his eyes.
☑️14th Century???
☑Another reference to that 'lovely Chinese fellow' who ended up 6 feet under. I feel it in my bones.
☑️In the Shakespeare scene Crowley mentions that they’ve done the Arrangement “dozens of times before.”, so probably something in between then.
☑️God is gonna come back for narration God will come back I know she will because in s2 they were figuratively leaving the Garden and now that Azi is going back (😢) we will see more of her.
☑️Roof top scene, I swear to god there better be a roof top scene
☑️The big plane, with Jesus, and the security agents/angels; the 2nd coming. This is basically confirmed lol but I have a strong feeling that one of the Christian Big 3 will be there. (God, Jesus, Satan)
☑️In the scene where they're talking about guns and Aziraphale said that they "lends weight to a moral argument; I think.", and then Crowley snickers. He's laughing when Aziraphale says 'moral argument' and mutters it under his breath and starts walking away and Aziraphale is slightly annoyed/embarrassed and I'm sry I've started reading into everything I feel like it might have some sort of connection.
I’m going to save this and maybe add to it as time goes on then come back and fill in any checks that were right. If I’m basing any of these theories on incorrect facts or you’re confused on some of them please tell me and I’d be happy to make the corrections and further explain:).
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snek-eyes · 5 months
Hi Vee! 🤗 I hope you had a wonderful few days! I'm back with more meta questions 🤭 I hope that's okay, if not, just ignore me pls 😅 I've seen some people say Aziraphale isn't empathetic, some say Crowley isn't empathetic, but I think both of them have a LOT of empathy. They just show it very differently, and I think the perfect example is the Edinburgh minisode. Azi is caught in his Heavenly indoctrination a lot of times, like when he thinks body snatching is bad before actually thinking about it in a more complex matter instead of just black and white and as soon as ge does, he's suddenly all in favour of it and what made him change his mind is his empathy. With Crowley, he seems very cool and suave on the surface but he always acts and helps and protects, like with Elspeth; he didn't just save her from suic*de but he actively changed her situation as much as he could (he couldn't bring Wee Morag back for her because it wasn't in his power so he chose the next best thing he could change which was her poverty) to give her a reason to live, too. Or when he talks to Job and Sitis - you wrote an amazing meta about that already but I think the gist of it was that he sees the big picture which is that he needs to find the kids in order to save them and knows he will save them and that they'll all be fine. I think they both possess a great deal of empathy but express it in different ways which I think actually mirror their love languages: Crowley acts on his empathy, he does what he can to help people but isn't vocal about it, and Azi is vocal about it but he sometimes needs a nudge from Crowley to see the big, complex picture for that. Whats's your view on the matter? I'd love to hear your thoughts! 😁🤍
- 💫
Aziraphale (and Crowley) vs Empathy
Hey there! This was really interesting to think about!
So from my understanding (and if you're someone that has a better one, please feel free to chime in!), empathy is the ability to understand someone else's emotions, whether intellectually or by sympathetically feeling them yourself. But lacking empathy doesn't necessarily mean that you can't care about people, it just means that you don't exactly understand their emotions.
I'm saying this because after thinking about it, I actually don't think Aziraphale is very empathetic. Despite the fact that he does care a whole lot! Aziraphale is a protector, from Adam & Eve to Job's kids to that one nameless child Dalrymple couldn't save to Wee Morag, etc etc, we see him acting against what he Should be doing because he cares so damn much. But it seems to be because he has a strong moral code and believes that the alternative to acting is an injustice, more than he is putting himself in anyone's shoes and thinking about how they might be feeling. It's the difference between "I care that this sad thing is happening to you" and "I care because I can tell you are sad."
Like in the Edinburgh flashback, when he realizes what happened to the child, he's devastated because it's a tragedy that a child died, horrifically, and that all that's left of them on this earth can be contained in a bottle. His previous moral rule that digging up bodies is a sin because it's just wrong is overwritten because he's been shown an actual tangible consequence.
It would explain a lot about the number of times, especially in s2, when he either does not recognize how upset Crowley is, or if he does, he doesn't get why or take it seriously.
Saying things like "Still a demon?" or "I haven't seen you since, the flood?" without realizing why Crowley might find those upsetting and not friendly banter material.
While he doesn't seem to pick up on Crowley's bad mood in Uz, by Rome it seems like he has learned to at least see it, if not understand it. Regardless, he's still making a go at cheering Crowley up.
Aziraphale doesn't get why changing the Bentley is personally upsetting to Crowley, until Crowley connects it to something equally relevant for Aziraphale: Selling his books.
This also made something click for me wrt his scene with Maggie when she suddenly starts crying about striking out with Nina. He is completely at a loss as to why all these details are upsetting her, right up until she mentions being in love. He understands love, aww! But, crucially, his initial reaction is more "Oh, being in love is wonderful!" than "Oh, I see that must be hard for you." And he responds by wanting to solve her problem, he doesn't get that she's probably just looking for advice from an older queer to help her feel better about it, more than an actual solution.
The scene that kicks off the modern day where Maggie is upset about not being able to pay her rent. Aziraphale doesn't really engage with the fact that she's breaking down in front of him, he's doing whatever he can to placate her so he can just leave with his records.
Alright, let's get to the final fifteen because this would explain something that's always caught me. During Crowley's confession, Aziraphale looks SO confused as to why Crowley is getting upset. Aziraphale is coming at this from what he sees as a logical perspective, and Crowley is making an emotional plea. Aziraphale straight up does not understand how the two halves of this argument are connected.
When Crowley says he understands better than Aziraphale, it's like he's saying he has the intellectual high ground, and that's why Aziraphale decides they've reached an impasse.
Again, this isn't a knock on Aziraphale at all, it's just how he sees the world.
Meanwhile Crowley... I'm honestly not sure how to read Crowley on this.
He'll either project his own trauma onto other people or possibly recognize shades of it in their circumstances at the drop of a hat (the goats, the plants, lonely Muriel in heaven, the scene in S1 when he's hanging off his throne and goes from lamenting about how his fall was unfair right into to calling out God because testing the humans to destruction is unfair)
He is pretty good at knowing how people are going to react when he does his demonic mischief, although that might just be a logical extrapolation from experience.
On the other hand, he seems very confused when people go against his expectations (Jane Austen, Maggie and Nina not wanting help).
He seems to have a good handle on how Aziraphale feels in most situations, although Aziraphale's need to protect people is a huge blind spot he does not understand. So maybe that's just years and years of studying him and trying to understand. "Just enough of a bastard to be worth knowing," after all.
While he understands Elspeth's circumstances, he's not exactly, comforting? to her? When Morag is like "tell me that's not what I think it is" he immediately throws her under the bus in favor of chaos ("8D oh it most certainly is"). And when Aziraphale melts the body, he doesn't even look at Elspeth who's freaking out, his eyes are entirely on Aziraphale.
What do other people think?
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eriexplosion · 22 days
Getting my finale predictions in before it airs.
Things I'm reasonably sure will happen:
Zillo Beast attack (obviously)
Emerie redemptive death (I don't want this to happen but I feel like she's got a lot to make up for and not much time)
I still don't think we're getting main character deaths, for a variety of factors (a big one being that Omega is worried about getting people killed and so more of her family dying to save her from a situation she put herself in would just validate that)
Continuation of that, Omega will demonstrate her character growth and play a big role in saving one of the batch, probably through some last minute connection with the force
Still think Tech is CX-2 we spent too much time on him this season for him to be irrelevant and no one else will have equal impact on the whole batch, especially Omega. Bringing him back will finally unite the batch and through that get them to a point where they can finally win something. This also pulls together the theme we've touched on this season that people can change no matter how far gone.
Things I just suspect/want:
Crosshair knows Tech is CX-2 and that's what he's been so cagey about. We know about the torture on Tantiss, we know they tried to turn him into a CX, but he still feels like he's holding something big back.
Couple other theories on CX-Tech: has all his limbs but his eyes are cybernetic having been damaged by his goggles, Phee brings back the line "better late than dead" because it feels like one just written to be a callback
Hemlock will survive the batch but all his research will be destroyed so he actually ends up killed by Palpatine for failing him in one last creepy appearance
Rampart betrays the batch and gets one last amazing scream in when the Zillo beast eats him. (Alternate possibility: he survives but is trapped alone on Wayland. In the distance we hear the Beasts. Maybe the Empire will bother to rescue him in 30 rotations. But probably not.)
The Commandos feel abnormally loyal to Hemlock so I'm curious if they're still chipped in some way - if they are, then maybe if they're unchipped they could start reforming Rex's resistance cell?
The batch helps to establish the path with the first people helped by it being our four force sensitive kids, which let's them leave soldiering behind while still actively resisting the Empire
Omega is given the choice to train in the force but actively decides that she would rather stay with her family, giving her a smaller and quieter future but one very in line with her character.
My biggest reason for having a pretty hopeful outlook is that a story needs both high and low points - we've definitely had MAJOR low points, especially in both the previous finales, but we've never really had a big win. Just little ones, small successes along the way but never anything that compares to the losses. If we get another big loss then the story stays flat, nothing ever Peaks and every single season ends on the same tone of loss. Three seasons of slogging towards a sad ending is a hell of a hard sell, especially since it doesn't really show Omega's growth.
She lost Kamino and Crosshair (again) in Return to Kamino. AZI sacrificed himself for her and only survived at all because someone else stepped in. She lost Tech in Plan 99, sacrificing himself for her again and she can't do anything about it.
So season three, do we really need to see her lose again? This time actively because of a choice she made? Does that show us anything about her growth? Or would her being Key to successfully not only getting everyone out alive (remember they're only there right now because of her) but in being able to bring Tech home and, for the first time all series, make their family whole?
This season has been sad, but it's also been about healing the scars of past seasons. Just look at Crosshair's arc. And CX-Tech brings us up to the biggest scar, the one that we've made no progress on healing, the one thing keeping them from being complete. If I'm wrong I'm wrong, but there's simply too much pointing to it for me to think anything else.
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im-no-jedi · 9 months
Let’s get some fun recommendations goin around here! What’s a piece of clone content (art, fic, etc) that has stuck with you as being notably excellent? Tag it in your answer so we can all find some new fun to read! If you want, of course; feel free to ignore! 💕
🤩 oh what a fun idea!! I would LOVE to gush about some really cool artists, thank you 😁
I'll start with @shyranno, whose art I absolutely adore. her style is so clean and expressive and colorful, and she makes amazing comics. the TBB Downtime series is exactly my kinda Clone content, filled with lots of fluff and feels. the "baby" batch ones are my favorite, but I'm also fond of this one where Tech gets teased from not being able to grow a beard 😜
another artist I really love is @zaana! she also draws a lot of really sweet and funny moments with TBB, and I'm super fond of her more sketchy style of drawing. she's got a "Crosshair defects the Empire" AU about Cross rejoining TBB sometime during season 2 that I love soooooo much. honestly, all her stuff with Crosshair (especially the ones with Omega) is top tier. although I think my top favorite is this one with Hunter and Crosshair (which @questforgalas also wrote an amazing oneshot about!); it's so simple but so sweet, and I automatically love any wholesome content between these two 🥰
then there's @lightspringrain, who makes beautiful portraits of TBB. I've been wanting to buy some of her prints (and will absolutely do so once I have the money!!) because they are seriously gorgeous. her "Crown" series is the best, it's so lovely! and she does an amazing job capturing the style of the show! to no one's surprise, my favorites are the Hunter and Omega moon crowns. the Hunter one is legit one of my favorite art piece ever; it's been my lockscreen on my phone ever since I saw it 💙
someone I recently started following is @thattoothpick! after seeing her "TBB Happy on Pabu" comics, I had to see more. the best way I can describe her style is "soft". everything is just so soft; the lines, the colors, all of it. it just makes me happy 😊 I have two favorite pieces; the first is this one about Hunter and Crosshair from the Pabu series. literally made me cry. I need this to happen SO badly 🥺 and then this one that I refer to as "the Sad Batch"... oh man. also had me crying (but also simping for obvious reasons LOL) 😭
now for a big one. I can easily say my favorite SW related artist of all time is @lornaka. her art... holy crap y'all. it's so freaking good. she makes everything from simple portraits to stunning dynamic pieces, and I'm obsessed with all of it. she even was featured during SW Celebration last year!! she's that good!! \o/ I have a few favorites of hers. which obviously includes the TBB poster she made for Celebration. still sad I couldn't get my own copy of it 💔 then there's this... lovely portrait of Hunter from behind. oh Lordy 🥵 and finally, my top favorite is actually this simple portrait of Hunter. I had it as my lockscreen for a LONG time. it's just... so good. the colors, the stars, his expression... I'm still obsessed 😍
finally, I can't talk about amazing artists without mentioning my sister @jam-n-ham. her art account is @joyjababanoid. y'all. please just scroll through her TBB art, you will not regret it. I've always adored her cartoony and expressive style, and it makes for hilarious Clone content LOL. she did a bunch of drawings for Inktober last year, solely focused around TBB. she's also done some comics that I've had a part in helping her develop (specifically the Padme pin-up art and the AZI going on a mission). but my absolute favorite is by far the Valentines collection. y'aaaaaaaall. I had the Hunter one as my phone background for over a year haha. she knows how to personally get to me, let's just say that 🥵
oh, and one last thing I wanna mention is that the one thing these folks all have in common, aside from being fantastic artists, is that I love how each of them draw my bae. seriously, y'all draw Hunter so good, and I'm smooching each of your different versions of him 🥰😘
thanks for letting me gush about some cool people!! everyone show them some much deserved love please!! 💙💙💙
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somelokivariant · 9 months
An analysis on ineffable parallels and scene use
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Crowley’s expression says the same thing in both scenes, but with completely different moods.
His Aziraphale, don’t do this (hopeful, I can still show you: let me bother) and his Aziraphale, don't do this (there's no point, my last breath: why bother)
Crowley in the first shot: Seems more annoyed than heartbroken towards Aziraphale. Maybe even disappointed.
He just wants his angel, and if he were to actually talk, I bet there’d be a “Please, come back, let’s talk this out.” He believes he can still convince Azi to ditch and run away with him. He understands Azi is turning him down, but maybe there’s still hope for the two of them. For now, “This bastard (>:|) won’t listen.” 
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The exasperated head tilt. “Why are you saying this angel? Look at what you’re doing.”  Crowley doesn't quite understand why Azirahale is so insistent on heaven. So he thinks he can still save him. He can still get him out. If only he would cooperate. 
Crowley in the second shot:
First off, he’s absolutely devastated, heart broken, but let's put that aside.
Crowley is sort of having a “woke’ moment. An epiphany. I hate to call it childish, but he lost his childish hope. He realizes right here Aziraphale’s situation. He’s really understanding right now that Aziraphale won’t leave heaven. (Could he be thinking he’s not good enough for Azi to stay? That’s for another day). I see Crowley seeing the grasp heaven still has on him. “This bastard (<3) can’t listen.” 
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That little look to the side, and the eyebrow twitch? Even the little sigh. The sad look away. The judging “eugh”.  That’s a “He’s gone. It’s heaven.”  (David Tennant’s fucking amazing)
There is no hope left in this man. He looks empty. He poured everything he ha left into that kiss. Maybe there isn’t hope for Azi, maybe he can’t be saved. This is the end. “Don’t bother,” and he walks out. There is nothing left here. 
Crowley won’t abandon his angel, but at the moment, the trauma of heaven and the heartbreak of losing Aziraphale is too much for him.
Let me also mention lighting. In the first scene, it's very cool toned, they're outside, It’s bright, and open, they're in public. The setting has a lighter, airy feel to it. And as a viewer it implies a climax, or an issue to be solved. There is room to move from this point. 
In the second scene, it’s warmer, they're in the bookshop, it’s more cozy sort of. They have a more private setting. Things are settled/settling. It's the kind of scene that is the end, maybe a fade to black, a roll credits. It feels more resolved than the previous peak. Similar to Crowley's hope, and his acceptance. 
Also, Every stage direction is the same: Aziraphale delivers his "I forgive you" and then we switch to Crowley's reaction. There is only difference in that they are on opposite sides of the screen.
As for Aziraphale:
The first “I forgive you” is (like the lighting) open. His whole heart is on his sleeve. Let me tell you these comfortable words, because it is what we know, it’s how i'm showing you my love. Take it?
And the second is flat. There's so much emotion there, but it comes out in a melh way, because of how Azi processes it. I totes believe he almost says "I love you" but backs out. He instead chooses his signature line, because its more familiar (comfortable). His heart is crushed, lying there in a puddle. Let me tell you these comfortable words, because I want to show you that I’m still me and you’re still you, I have nothing else for you. Take it.
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Look at this expression right here. Hey crowley! My words <3. They're open, bright, and hopeful. 
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This one, almost spiteful. Crowley, my words. Why would you do this to me. 
In Aziraphale’s delivery, Crowley's reaction and scene set up, what is the same on paper, becomes two scenes with entirely different meanings.
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tobywholovescrowley · 10 months
Good omens2 spoilers!
I am utterly destroyed of the ending. And I am mad, and sad, but no matter how much I cry, I have to admit, it was beautiful. It was a whole rollercoaster. The whole season was building the happiness up, just to ruin it in the end, The actors, Michael and David did such a good job, and of course everyone else. Even tho I feel the need to ask a k-pop fan to find Neils house, I have to say he is lovely, and the whole thing turned out amazing. We've been fed with some many things, for example Gabriel and Beelzebub being canon? More genderfluid Crowley? ("You're a nice lad." "I'm not either") Very possible Arcangel (Raphael) Crowley??? Why would he have acess to Gabriels files? He must have had a high rank, but it would make sense for him to be Arcangel. The Bentley being soo cute?? Crowley *feeling* what happens in the car? INEFFIABLE DANCING?!!? Aziraphale was giggling and kicking his feet as he asked him to dance, it was adorable. The kiss.. well that was something. The whole season I was stressing they may have taken it out because of the spoiler, just for it not being a romantic kiss, but a sad kiss. But it was still amazing. Crowley opening up infront of Aziraphale just like that?!
He was so brave. Also Azi did look disgusted, but also not disgusted there. He's not homophobic, but when it comes to himself, he cannot love Crowley, he's an angel and he must stay an angel, he must be perfect. Or well he thinks so. I do belive he loves Crowley just as much as Crowley loves him, but like Nina he is not ready. I cannot hate Aziraphale, and please, no one hate Aziraphale. He was basically forced into the whole thing, it was a suprise for him, but of course it was not right of him to cast Crowley away, when he has been there for him all the time. I love them so much, I was sobbing for a good 30 minutes, then went out for a smoke to relieve the stress. The metatron can go fuck himself, especially because he manipulated Aziraphale into thinking hes very important now, then later he will be casted away like Crowley, Gabriel, and Job.
But apart from Sadness, it was amazing. amazingly sad, but happy too. Please do not hate the Actors, characters, or directors for how the end was, it is okay of course to joke about hating them. Everyone calm down, and cry. Season 3 will be even better.
(thank you for reading! Take care^^)
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lightning-flight · 9 months
5, 10, 15, 20, 25
5. What do you think of your source's fandom?
For the most part, I like it. I do get a bit frustrated at times over how *extremely* popular "x Reader" fics are. We've never been in a fandom with this enormous amount of it before, and it's, well, a bit frustrating since they're not my cup of tea and there's almost zero fics for the pairings I *do* care about.
I also think Soldier Boy apologists are fucking exhausting. - Klara
I really like it. People post amazing fan art and great meta. I don't like that it's gotten practically overrun by fans of the AMC show these days, because I absolutely loathe the show. But we've gotten into adaptions while not giving a damn about the original material quite a few times through the years, so we understand them at the same time. - Andrei
10. Do you like being compared to your source?
No. I find it exhausting when people assume I must be a n/azi. - Klara
I don't know if anyone's ever compared me to canon Armand, but they're free to. He's a character created by Anne Rice. I'm a headmate in someone else's head. Of course we'll be different. - Andrei
15. What other role, if any, do you have in the system?
We don't do system roles in these parts 😤
20. Do you ever get homesick? If yes, what do you do to deal with it?
I don't. - Klara
Not really. Do I sometimes feel mildly terrified to think about the fact that the body I'm in is growing older every day, and that we have maybe 40 to 60-if-we're-lucky years left? Yes, absolutely. But seeing how this world is turning out, I'm also glad to not be immortal here. Not sure I'd want to live in the post-apocalyptic hellscape Earth is rapidly becoming. - Andrei
25. How do you feel about doubles?
Sad that the ones I've met in servers seem more or less uninterested in even fronting 😭 - Klara
The one double I've seen is an Armand+Lestat kin who is against proshipping despite consuming books from The Problematic Content Series and kinning two characters who canonically have been in "bad" relationships. I'd love to encounter a double that's actually worth interacting with instead of being a raging hypocrite. - Andrei
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bigmammallama5 · 3 years
I would pay. Endless amounts of money to watch a superhero show with Azie as the executive producer. She is so incredible I'm just. This ep after all the other seasons of horribleness was so bittersweet because on the one hand you have amazing writing and acting, and on the other you feel sad for the supergirl that could have been if people like Azie we're writing the whole time. Eternal love to our queen Azie Tesfai
That's my bittersweet takeaway as well. It's so obvious how much care she put into her writing-not that the other writers don't, just that I feel they've either gotten complacent or they've written themselves into a formula for baby's-first-feminism show. I hope this opportunity opens more doors for her because if the cw is good at one thing, it's helping provide opportunities for their actors to branch out. The cw's sound design (in most if not all of their shows lmao) set off headaches for me but I believe I'll be going back to watch Azie's episode just like I do the first season. We've truly been robbed of quality and a meaningful show the past couple years.
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Some thoughts about Crosshair and Omega.
Warning: The Bad Batch Ep. 16 spoilers below!!
God, I just love their relationship. While I do adores the other members wholesome relationship with her, Crosshair just hits different with me. Mainly because I'm a sucker for "disgruntled grumpy man growing fond of this sunshine little child, who always tries to bring out the very best of him" trope. The child who gives him hope. And I truly believes, Omega is going to be his hope.
While I do agreed that Crosshair was cold towards Omega, albeit this is due to the chip in his head, he however, was not outrightly and directly, unkind towards her. Well, not until this episode. But even then, it's nothing extreme.
There's a few subtle moments where I caught him letting his guard down/being soft, in his own way I guess, towards Omega, even if it was only a brief moment. Not just in this latest episode, but also back from episode 1.
But also, funny enough, this latest episode also marks the first time he ever acts unkind, directly, towards her. Even so, you can still see his guilt right after.
Let's start.
1. When Omega was struggling to lift the metal debris that was crushing Crosshair, AZ was rambling about his current situation to him (perhaps he was just trying to comfort him?). And of course, understandably, my man here is not having it. He angrily tells AZ to get the debris off of him. But oddly enough, he doesn't direct his anger/frustration towards Omega too. He doesn't even look at her. Not even a petty jab or insults, which he has no problem doing that with the other members (especially Hunter).
It's almost as if he was angry at AZ for not helping her enough, letting her do the work alone, like "wtf are you doing??? just help the kid already??"
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2. Right after the door was open and they were flooded out of there, look what he did here when he gets up. (shitty quality because im still pumped and don't have the focus to create a proper gifs sorry)
like "wait is she okay? oh she's okay."
3. When they were running, Omega suddenly stops. She was distraught from seeing the destruction from around her. And lookie here. He also stops. Ooh what's that expression on his face? He looks worried. Funny. You would've thought he'd be annoyed by her for stopping in the middle of a goddamn destruction. But nope.
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4. The parallel of her saving AZ from falling after being hit by a debris vs Echo hanging on Crosshair after, also, being hit by a falling debris.
Omega, literally reaching out for AZ.
Crosshair, determinedly, with all his might, hanging on to that metal, to ensure both, him and Echo, doesn't fall.
(no picture because shit happens so fast i couldn't snap it properly.)
5. While the others were running to get to 'a space that's more secure', Omega, being the sweetheart that she is, noticed her brother not moving. (a parallel to before, when she stops, everyone else also stop. but when it's Crosshair, everyone else keeps moving. wonder if there's an underlying meaning to that.)
And she stops.
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God, this really got me thinking. What was he thinking? Did he stop because of the same reason like Omega before? Or... was he considering to.. stay and die? He was contemplating what Hunter said to him
"If you want to stay and die, that's your call."
But then, Omega stoods there. Looking at him. With so much.. hope. And sadness. It's like she could tell, and hoping, begging, that he won't do that.
Whatever it is that got him moving again, he was sure that it must be her.
6. Look how cute.
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7. This face.
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8. *after being trapped again*
"This is what happens when you let a kid calls the shot." *sneered at Omega*
Crosshair, I love you. But Im about to grab you by your skinny neck for sayin shit like this. Because LOOK AT HER FACE fucking hell.
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And yet again, despite what happened, Omega STILL tries to connect with him (again, parallel to episode 1). And would you look at that face. Such.. sorrow. He was clutching his head before Omega shows up.(and there ya go, his chip is definitely still there). And when Omega goes to sit with him, he immediately turn away from her, hiding his pain (and, perhaps, shame?). And then, comes his defense mechanism. Unlike in episode 1, this time, he is quick to tell her to go away.
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Omega: "I wanted to believe it was the inhibitor chip that made you like this. But.. I was wrong."
If you look closely, trust me. You would've seen there, for a brief seconds, he looks shattered by what she said. This kid, who saves his life, who looks at him with so much hope.... Is now giving up on him too. When she walks away from him... the way he stares at her... *sobs*
Also, funny that he didn't correct her when she was talking about the chip. If he really doesn't have it anymore, why didn't he corrects her?
9. This. THIS! is the highlight for me. Because he REALLY doesn't have to, if he truly does dislike Omega so much. He could've just let Hunter go. But noooo. He CHOSE to save her himself. I doubt he did that for AZ.
Nah. He was doing it for HER.
Also, no one could see her below the sea. Except for him, of course, due to his exceptional eyesight.
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10. Finally, we have this... fucking heartbreaking moment between them.
Crosshair has made up his mind. He chose to not go with them.
As Omega was about to leave, she stops. She turned around.
Crosshair: "What?"
Omega: "Thank you for saving AZI."
Noticed she doesn't include herself in this. Why? Is it because she really believes Crosshair hate her that much? That he only did that for AZI?
Omega: "You're still their brother, Crosshair. You're my brother too."
Omega's love for Crosshair will never not amazed me. And I'm sure Crosshair feels the same. He had hurt this kid far too many time, and there she is. Fearlessly tells him, that she still believes in him. She believes that he will come home one day. They all do. Even if they don't say it.
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And he might believes it too. Because of her.
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jamies-overalls · 3 years
Thoughts, typed out during tonight's finale:
- Alex threatening to kill Lex twice in the first five minutes is a solid mood. Kinda cool to see her angry/aggressive side again, been awhile since we've seen her like that.
- Also I love Nyxly. Honestly, I really do. She's such a fascinating villain.
- Alex and Kelly's scene in the weapons room... Ugh, my HEART. Do they need more trauma? No. But Chyler and Azie are such amazing actors that I love watching it.
- *cries about Brainy and Nia*
- That's twice now I've noticed Nia checking in with Alex in the background. It's just such a sweet little detail. I love background stuff like that.
- Alex what're you doing girl (or is this part of the totem's test? Unclear because now it's a commercial break so idk)
- Every time Alex calls Esme her daughter, I cry a little bit.
- Alex, you're wrong. Kara, you're also wrong. Neither of this can do this alone.
- But like... If Lex did give Esme back, wouldn't he then no longer have the Love totem and therefore not have the Allstone?
- Lillian is a goddamn icon.
- Kara you absolutely DUMMY.
- Lillian nooooooooooo
- "You'd think in another life I'd be a Kryptonian." "Only in the movies." I CAN'T.
- Eliza Danvers with a fucking shotgun hell yes
- Cat Grant being Cat Grant gives me joy
- Alex and Eliza's moment 🥺
- Kelly calling Alex her "agent if chaos" oh how I love them.
- I'm crying and there's still 15 minutes left oh god
- Cat Grant being the catalyst for Kara deciding what she wants? We're coming full circle, bitches.
- Kara, you did good, girl. Thank you for the last six years.
And now I'm fully trying not to like actually sob. Because it's done and I'm sad.
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