#I'm sorry XD
jarognieva · 6 months
Byrgenwerth pizza
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ebbing-terror · 1 month
Mahito: "Wow, Jun! That jacket looks so cunty on you! You're absolutely serving!"
Junpei: "Never say those words to me again..."
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teecupangel · 1 year
Submitted by @saberamane​
So I’ve seen a lot of meme’s recently basically saying how, of the Frye twins, Evie is the actual assassin and Jacob is the idiot, comic relief brother? And like, sure, Jacob can be a bit dense, but he’s still an assassin.
However, it did get me thinking about a plot idea that would start off really funny and kinda light-hearted that would dip briefly into angst before sky rocketing to happy endings for everyone.
So time-travel happens, of course, only Desmond isn’t alone. He wakes up with some british guy with him. And it isn’t Shaun. (Jacob, or course.)
Jacob, with the last thing he remembers being getting drunk with some rooks, thinks he’s dreaming himself in Renaissance Italy.
So Desmond of course plans to save the Auditore family, Jacob goes along with it because what else is he gonna do in his dream?
Because he thinks he’s dreaming, Jacob does act like a bit of an idiot. Desmond is sneaking around, quietly taking out guards while Uberto talks, planning on interrupting Uberto once the enemies have been thinned.
Jacob, walks right on up to the scaffolding, doing the whole ‘oh shut up’ bit before slicing Uberto’s throat right there, infront of a huge crowd.
Rodrigo gets a kukri thrown into the back of his head as he tries to flee.
Giovanni and Federico are both like 0o0.
Desmond is (-‸ლ)
Desmond and Jacob follow the Auditore to Monteriggioni.
Jacob, still thinking this is a long elaborate dream, flirts shamelessly with Federico, who is very confused but also…flattered?
At some point, Jacob falls into bed with Federico. And upon waking, realizes that…maybe this isn’t a dream? His bum kinda hurts, and he never wakes up still in the dream when it’s a sex dream…
Jacob freaking out, enacting the angst saga.
He goes to Desmond, because Desmond was there when Jacob woke up. So, he must have an idea whats going on? Surely he didn’t get to Italy from London while drunk??
And how has he been speaking italian?
Desmond’s response? Isu BS…Probably.
Jacob, realizing it’s not a dream, goes 'oh shit…I slept with a dude? for real? it’s not a dream anymore??’
Jacob acting really weird around Federico for a bit, unintentionally hurting Federico’s feelings.
Ezio gets involved, because Federico has been acting really sad, and Jacob is avoiding him now.
Desmond helps Ezio talk sense into Jacob, 'it’s ok to like dudes, Jacob. I like dudes too. And so does Ezio.’
And Ezio be like…'I do? oh. I do…’
Jacob reconciles his feelings and makes up with Federico.
(Bonus, clay being transported with them as well would add a lot of extra comedy, because he’s already a snarky asshole who has died and really doesn’t have time for this…and he would probably be best buds with Jacob and Federico, they’d definitely be the type to go clubbing together, and drag a reluctant Desmond along.)
Addition from teecup:
Adding Clay would mean that their dynamic would be something like this:
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Between a man who thinks he’s dreaming and a man given the power to finally take control of his life and the life of others, Desmond’s chill personality may look like a heaven sent.
Perhaps you’d even have a scene where Clay just tells Desmond:
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So when Ezio comes to Desmond asking for help with Jacob and they finally cornered Jacob who is having his bidisaster awakening, Desmond finally thinks “This is it. This is my punchline.”
AND he just outright states everybody else’s dirty laundry with a serene smile.
It starts nice.
Desmond: There’s nothing wrong with liking men, Jacob… I happen to like dudes too. And so does Leonardo.
Ezio: Wait, he does???
Desmond: And if Ezio just gets his head out of his ass, he’d see that he happens to like Leonardo too.
Ezio: Wait, I… do…? Oooohhhh…
Desmond: Not to mention, Giovanni and Lorenzo are definitely banging.
Ezio: What.
Desmond: And Cesare definitely got fucked by his second in command.
Ezio: What???
Desmond: And La Volpe and Mach-
Ezio: OKAY! That’s enough, Desmond! (covers Desmond’s mouth) What he means to say is that there is nothing wrong with being attracted to men. Right?
Desmond: (muffled sounds that Ezio swore is about his uncle)
Ezio: Right, Desmond!?
Desmond: ……… (nods)
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fcdcdmcmories · 3 months
❝ You know, it’s funny how often a person’s sharp tongue can end up cutting their own throat. ❞ (Irulan/Chani)
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".. YOU MATTER TO HIM. IT IS AS CLEAR AS DAY." she would not have this. the girl had been dragged into a life that she did not want, yes, but .. it didn't mean that she would have to suffer or tolerate anyone's disrespect. she would not. she was a princess, she was the daughter of the emperor and now the wife of the new one and .. no matter how much respect she wished to have for the other? this would not do. if they were all to co-exist here? if the muad'dib was to find a way home for them? THERE WOULD NEED TO BE SOME KIND OF RULES PUT INTO PLACE. "but i am his wife and i ruled by his side for longer than you can even imagine. i will not tolerate whatever you think that this is. remember that .. much like you? I DID NOT CHOOSE TO BE IN THIS POSITION. were it not for me accepting to be his bride .. my father would have been slain in front of my eyes. i wouldn't have it." wasn't he the only family that she had left? yes, he was.
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These two Warsaw photos haunt me XD
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sorkos · 9 days
(flirting meme) Decides to be silly as he finger guns Sorkos with a smile. "You're looking great today, is it a special day or just for me?" Lowers his hands regretting this decision instantly as the smile vanished. "That was stupid, felt like joking around and regret everything now."
The tiefling is taken back at first, unsure how exactly to react or what to say in response as the other shoots him a finger gun and makes his comment. He would have squirmed if not for the other squirming first, at which point Sorkos gave him a devilish grin narrowing his eyes almost evilly and made his attempt to playfully tease the other in return. "Just for you my dear! Looks like its your special day!" There was no sincerity in what he was saying, only an attempt at playful banter giving the other back what they had originally gave out.
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glitternightingale · 2 years
Bully: "You won't get away from me this time, chameleon boy. Now you're gonna pay!"
*Camilo is held down and gasping for air but still can't help but grin nastily*
Camilo: "My uncle served ten years in prison, ya know? And he wouldn't mind going back for beating your ass!"
*The bully shifts uneasily and yelps in fear when he hears a honk from the school gate*
*There's a scrawny man getting off a flowery tandem bike and holding up a box of homemade lunch, waving at Camilo*
Bruno: "Hey, kid! Hop on!" :D
Camilo, to the bully: "Nevermind."
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experiment14-12 · 1 month
The characters are from my other blogs, @the-machines and @sanalune-forest.
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heterochromatica · 3 months
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Anonymous asked: "I think your boyfriend's really cute."
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"You wanna fucking go, grey-face?!"
At this point he's just so done with people disrespecting his boyfriend for what he really is: a god damn hero who deserves the world and who has done everything in his power to prove that he's a hero. He's his hero and Shoto won't tolerate anyone hating on him anymore or flirting with him in this case.
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minusgangtime · 3 months
Hyper boi! :D
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-mod Shelby
(NINE?! :O)
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hxhhasmysoul · 5 months
I just read your meta that compare Gojou with Killua on how the later is a much more better character than the former. Okay, I love Hunter x Hunter, and Killua is in my top 10 fav animanga characters ever (Gojou included of course) but really....
To quote from someone who said it just perfectly :
"Remember when Gojo’s older brother and Dad tried to manipulate him into leaving Geto and focusing on his duties instead? That was so interesting. Also, when Gojo hesitated to fight against stronger enemies because his philosophy (more like his brother’s but whatever) was to flee at the first difficulty. I loved the part where Gojo decided to step away from Geto to truly find himself because the codependency had gotten so strong that it hurt them both.
Another thing they have in common is that they’re both “sponges”. Remember how his emotions so often were a mirror of Geto’s. When Geto was depressed he got depressed too! Cause their story is totally about how toxic a friendship can become when you’re constantly together, see your best friend as your saviour and have so much empathy that you feel his grief hundredfold. It’s not about solitude at all. Gojo’s story is totally about being gaslighted (or is it gaslit? Omg) and manipulated by the people who raised him and learning to grow independent from their influences. It’s not about grief or loneliness or the burden that comes with absolute power. It’s not about changing the system to shield his students from the things his best friend experienced.
OF COURSE KILLUA IS MORE EMPATHETIC BUT THAT ISN’T NECESSARILY A GOOD THING FOR HIM. He was so empathetic and devoted that it hurt him. He put being a good friend before his own needs and payed the price of it. Almost ended up resenting Gon in the end. Almost. Almost. Only almost."
I'm not sure if we're agreeing or disagreeing XD
Well, I mean we're at least agreeing that the characters and their stories are very different XD
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bencastiel · 1 year
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suna1suna1 · 6 months
Ngl I kinda forgot today was Wednesday. I don't think I'll be doing WIP Wednesday this week bc tomorrow is Thanksgiving in the US. I'll be bringing it back next week though!
I got super wrapped up in a personal project for the past few days so I forgot to keep working on Sweets and Secrets anyway.
I have oc's running amok in my brain and they won't go away lmao
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hacked-by-jake · 2 years
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alva-gunderson · 10 months
I'm going to wait till the end of my work, so I can get back to annoying everyone I can with you know what
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dropthedemiurge · 7 months
i suddenly have a small wave of new followers who don't feel like bots for some reason
.... is that reddit x tumblr humanization post making rounds on this hellsite again?xD
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