#I'm wiping away tears as I type that was PERFECT
redrobin-detective · 8 months
Its 8:30 in the morning and I'm already crying over a cartoon miniseries. Y'all have watched me lose my mind for a few weeks over Fionna and Cake and I'm sorry for that but, it just hit me. The audience is children who grew up with stories of magic and mystery and adventure and go to their 20s/30s and realized the world isn't all princesses and vampires and chaos deities. But people, normal depressed lonely people can find their own purpose and happiness if they're willing to go on their adventure of self discovery.
The series is, at once, about the characters of Adventure Time but also the fans who watched Adventure Time in a weird, meta, kindly way. Just like Adventure Time.
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selfishdoll · 8 months
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❛ ..SO, SO MUCH.❜
I need you bad I can't take this pain | Boy I'm 'bout to go insane ⁺ 𓂋 𓈒 ♡ NEED U BAD.
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ཐིཋྀ ⊹ 𓈒 SUMMARY.
you thought you were fine breaking up with your highschool sweetheart & avoiding him for a year. when, in actuality, you were not.
angst (tiny amount), jaded reader (at first) exes to lovers, y’all were highschool sweethearts fr, tattoo artist! choso & college student reader (both 21+), “i missed you” type sex, choso being a sweetheart & very understanding, reconciling, multiple orgasms, oral sex (fem receiving ofc he’s a munch), soft dom choso, pet names & praise, excuse the amount of plot i got carried away, etc.
ཐིཋྀ ⊹ 𓈒 NOTE.
jasmine sullivan & yoci carrying most of my plot ideas. this took way too long omg. also, excuse any typos or grammar mistakes as this wasn’t proofread. also this is 4k+ words so yeah.
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How did relationships work? How did love work? Relinquishing a part of yourself to someone, expecting them to cherish and take care of it; doing the same for them. It was something you found silly, maybe even a little arrogant. You’ve seen too many woman in your life give a part— even their entire selves to their partners, only for the relationship to fall apart. Cheating, lies, simply drifting away from one another; so many excuses, so many reasons on why you avoided relationships like the plague.
Until you met him, Kamo Choso.
You remember clearly as if it was yesterday. Freshman year, he was seated in the back of your shared English class. Boredly looking ahead as if he didn’t want to be there. He looked rugged, maybe even a little depressed; overall, you didn’t see yourself becoming friends.. let alone lovers.
Oh, how wrong you were.
Choso had somehow slipped into your life through your beloved shared friend Yuki Tsukumo. From then on things fell into place. You don’t know when or why you started falling for him.
Was it because he was so caring to his younger brother Yuji? Or maybe how sweet he was to you? Always asking if you were okay, always by your side when things got tough, always encouraging you..
You fell, and you fell hard. But Choso fell much harder.
To him, you were perfection. Carefully crafted with zero flaws. He wanted to get on his knees and thank your mother personally for creating you. That’s how much you meant to him.
The moment these thoughts entered his mind he acted fast, declaring his feelings for you sophomore year of highschool. Not even letting himself linger for a month. He wanted, no, needed you as his. And to his happiness, you returned the feelings. From that day, highschool was nothing more then a bliss-filled blur.
You two became known for your loving relationship, many believing you two would marry after highschool. It was silly, you two were teenagers— yet the thought did make you smile. Everything was just.. perfect. There was nothing more you could ask for.
Until, talk of the future entered the bond you two had.
You wanted to become a nurse, planning to attend a college that had an excellent reputation for its program. While Choso wished to become a tattoo artist in your city. One wanted to stay, and one wanted to go. Choso declared he could handle a long-distance relationship, but you couldn’t. As selfish as it was, you simply couldn’t bare the thought of being away from him for so long. What if he strayed? What if you did? You couldn’t bare it at all— something you tearfully confessed to him the week before you moved onto campus.
You vividly remember the scene, it burned into your mind with no chance of escaping. How Choso stood silently, patiently; listening to your concerns and worries— expressionless when you apologized and ended the relationship. And what did he do? He approached you, carefully wiping away your tears as he’s done for you before.
“Take care of yourself.. okay?” He spoke, taking your cheek in a gentle grasp and leaning down; kissing your forehead— sealing the deal.
That chapter in your life was over. You weren’t with Choso anymore, mind focused on your studies and nothing more. A relationship would drag you down anyway.. you didn’t need him.. you didn’t miss him.
“Shit..” You hissed softly, quickly pulling the wand away from your eye, blinking rapidly. It was your own fault; rushing to put mascara on. You should have better time management skills given you were in college and all— but no. Here you were, fighting against time while attempting to finish getting yourself ready for a block party. You hadn’t a clue who was throwing it, only told — or more like forced — to attend by Yuki.
You jolted in your seat when a loud honk come from outside your house, moving around your vanity to peer outside; spotting Yuki’s familiar car. You breathed softly, standing from your chair and fixing your attire. You wore a cute white ring halter top, along with blue jean shorts and black wedge sandals. Gathering your phone, keys, and purse; the gold chain around your ankle jingled as you exited your bedroom and soon house, locking the door behind you.
Yuki rolled down her window, grinning at you as you walked down your driveway. “Uber for (Y/N)?”
You playfully rolled your eyes at her shenanigans, opening the passenger side door and entering, shutting it behind you. You buckled up after placing your things down, sinking into the chair. “Thanks for picking me up.”
“No problem, I just wanted to see your face firsthand when I tell you Choso would be there.” The words came out of her so nonchalantly, messing with her radio for a moment all while you stared at her blankly.
You reached for your door, but the woman was much faster; locking and starting up the car. You whipped around to glare at her, “Tsukumo! You told me he would be working.”
“Guess the client cancelled..” She mused, taking the car out of park and beginning to drive away from your house. Yuki side glanced, catching your annoyed expression which caused her to sigh, rolling her eyes. “Look, there’s gonna be quite a few people there— maybe you two won’t speak.” She shrugged, raising her eyebrows in hopes you would relax. You only sucked your teeth, leaning into the car door.
An entire year, you’ve two been away from each other. Contact dwindling into nothing after the second month of college. You two were simply busy leading different lives, you told yourself.
But again, it didn’t matter it’s not like you, missed him anyways.
The rest of the car ride was filled with random radio music and brief chatter, Yuki catching you up on things. You had avoided coming back for any holidays, knowing it would be too much for you. Luckily, she was more than happy to tell you about all the dirt she had on your shared friends.
She soon slowed infront of an unfamiliar house, putting the car into park and soon shutting it off. You glanced around, feeling your anxiety lift when you realized you didn’t see Choso’s car. Good, you could somehow melt into the crowd without him noticing you.
Silently you grabbed your phone deciding to leave your purse and charger in the glove compartment, you exited the car and shut the door behind you. Following Yuki up the driveway, porch, and into the house; music quickly overtook you, with the sweet smell of the grill and alcohol. Some people were resting in the living room or crowding the dining room table, but most were in the backyard playing football, or simply shooting the shit.
You glanced around, eyes twinkling at the familiar faces and waltzing up to them. Laughter and hugs ensued, catching up on things given you haven’t seen each other in about a year.
Your arm was locked around Shoko’s waist, talking about nonsense whilst watching Gojo and Geto play beer pong. Or more like Gojo mocking his best friend for missing such an easy shot.
It was nice seeing everyone like this, the stress of seeing your highschool sweetheart leaving rather quickly. For now you were swept away in nostalgia, enjoying being around the people you cared for.
A cup in hand, you recalled the time you walked in on your dorm mate having sex, cheeks burning from the permanent smile etched onto your features. One that faltered the moment excited voices called out to the pink-haired male entering the backyard.
“You’re finally here, Yuji!” Nobara grinned at her close friend, walking over to him; Megumi close behind. The young man apologized, talking about traffic or what not. You weren’t too concerned about that, given your eyes settled on the person walking in behind him.
Anxiety spilled into you, heart thumping against your chest as you took him in, your ex— Kamo Choso. Nothing much had changed about him, still as rugged and handsome as ever; dressed in a simple black compression shirt and baggy pants. It seemed he decided to forgo his usual hairstyle, the black tresses resting on his shoulders in a messy fashion. One that suited him perfectly.
Your breath hitched, watching his eyes zone in on your instantly. You didn’t wait for a reaction, quickly turning away and busying yourself with your phone. Your eyes did lift a little however when the man passed you, the familiar cologne burning your nostrils and causing your stomach to stir. Before you could even think you were lifting yourself from the chair and waltzing back into the house.
Luckily no one noticed or either failed to comment on your disappearance.
You found yourself heading over to the kitchen, grasping ahold of the silver fridge door and opening it; eyes scanning for some water. You murmured to yourself while continuing to look, attempting to ignore the harsh beating of your heart. You sighed the moment you finally found one, grasping it from its place on the shelf and standing up, closing the door.
Taking the cap off you lifted the bottle to your lipgloss stained lips, taking a few sips whilst leaning against the counter— relishing in the cold beverage. Your eyes closed in thought, attempting to map out a perfect plan on how to avoid Choso.
The backyard was a medium size, yet he was bound to be around Yuji. So, as long as you avoided him, Nobara, and Megumi— you could avoid Choso too! It was foolproof and perfect, nearly bringing a smile to your face.
Leaning up you pulled the bottle from your lips, twisting the cap back on and lifting yourself from the counter, turning and freezing. Breaching the threshold of the kitchen was Choso in all his glory, face turning from talking to someone to stare in front of him, eyes landing on you.
A brief silence entered the kitchen, simply taking the other in. Finally, Choso was the first to speak; “Hey, (Y/N).”
“Hey..” You spoke, annoyed by how small you sounded. You watched as he opened the fridge, grabbing a water bottle and shutting it closed. The man leaned against the wall beside the kitchen’s opening, opening the bottle.
You glanced around, noticing there were no many exits. You were trapped.
“How’s college?”
“Huh—“ Your head snapped back to the man, spotting his raised eyebrows, awaiting your answer. You nervously licked your lips, leaning back against the counter. “It’s uh.. been good. Classes are a little hard but, ya know.” You shrugged, feeling a heat crawl from your cheeks to the back of your ears. You dragged your gaze from the ground to him, “How’s tattooing? I heard you got your own booth, congrats.”
Choso nodded slowly, a lazy smile pulling his lips. “Yeah, thanks.” He mused softly, placing the cap back onto his water bottle. “Clientele has been good. Been going to tattoo parties and special events.. and things.”
“That’s good.” You forced a little smile, gaze faltering the moment his eyes landed on you. You felt the way they carried down your form, a familar gaze, one that always made you feel far too warm.
Another silence entered the room, both of you refusing to speak.. or leave. You told yourself time and time again you hadn’t missed Choso, that you were done; stuck on the path you’ve chosen. Yet here you were, anxiously waiting for something, anything to happen. You just.. couldn’t let go.
You gripped the bottle you held, eyes drifting back to him, zoning in on the bracelet he wore. It had red and black beads, ones all to familar to you. Starboy, was the words etched onto seven of them. You knew this, given you had your own pink and white charm bracelet labeled Stargirl.
“You still wear that?” The words left you before you could think, Choso blinking from his thoughts and glancing at his wrist. The man breathed softly, nodding soon after. “Yeah. I do.”
Choso went silent, leaning his head back against the wall as his eyes turned up to the ceiling. Finally he shrugged, “I don’t know.” He spoke lowly, causing you to bite your lip. Feelings you had pushed to the back of your mind began to flood within you, flashes of memories you had kept locked away following after.
You turned, rapidly blinking to eliminate the tears threatening to tread down your face. You were kidding yourself for months, thinking you hadn’t missed him. Thinking you were better then the woman in your life, able to cut a man off without a second thought. Yet your heart betrayed you in the most painful way, wanting nothing more to leap into his arms and cry.
His cologne became stronger, a gentle, familiar hand hesitantly being placed onto the one that held your bottle. Your eyes drifted to his face, spotting the concerned look he wore. That was enough for you, tears spilling and traveling down your dark brown cheeks, mouth opening but unable to speak.
But Choso knew what you wanted to say, knew how you felt. The man gently grabbed the bottle from your hand, placing it off to the side whilst his arm wrapped around your waist, pulling you into his chest. He ignored the wet feeling that tainted his shirt, resting his chin onto your head all while continuing to hold you. Choso breathed as your shaky hands reached around, grasping his shirt as your buried your face deeper into his chest.
“I’m so sorry Choso..” You managed to whimper out, sniffling shortly after. The words escaped you again, delving into a soft mantra that caused the man to pull you even closer, softly shushing and soothing you. You stood there in his arms, feeling every bit of resolve melt away.
You missed Choso so much, it hurt. The pain rendering your whole body limp, using him for stability.
It took a moment to calm yourself down, soon pulling away, warming as the man reached over to wipe your tears. Just like he did a year ago and so many years prior.
“Why are you apologizing?.. You don’t have to—“
“I didn’t compromise. I was so stuck on myself, running at the first sign of conflict.” You spoke softly, leaning into his palm the moment held your cheek. “I want to try again.. I want to be with you again, Choso. You don’t know how much I missed you.”
The words had barely left you before his lips were covering your own, taking your breath away easily. The familiar, wonderful feeling took over your mind, hands sliding up to wrap around his neck; fingers curling into his messy hair. The moment his tongue swiped across your bottom lip you were parting them, pressing your body into him as a needy sigh escaped you. His hands traveled to the underside of your thighs, lifting you up and placing you on the counter— all while continuing the kiss.
Your legs opened wide, locking around him the moment he stepped between them. The kiss deepened, his hands resting on your ass as soft moans and hisses entering the atmosphere. Sooner then you hoped the kiss ended, pulling away as soft pants fanned on each other’s skin.
“I missed you too.. so, so much.” Choso murmured softly, gripping your plush form as if you would disappear in thin air. No other words followed, the man capturing your lips with such intensity you were tugging at his tresses. Languidly moving his lips, leaving you breathless, threatening to devour you. Your legs tightened around his form, feeling hot beneath your clothes.
His name fell from your lips in a soft whimper, pulling back and resting your head against the cabinet— gasping the moment his lips attached to your neck. Your eyebrows knitted close together, biting your lip as his teeth gently grazed your skin. “Choso, Choso.. not here— we can’t..”
While his lips didn’t stop he listened to your warning, sliding his hands underneath you and lifting you off the counter. You tightened your arms around his neck, face hot with embarrassment as he walked you from the kitchen and towards the back of the house— everyone luckily none the wiser given they were all in the backyard now.
Moving towards a random bedroom he opened the door, shutting and locking it behind him. Waltzing over to the bed he sat down, placing in you in his lap all while his lips continued to press gentle kisses against your neck, collarbone, and throat. Your hands traveled, finding the edge of his shirt and tugging on it, feeling his hands fall from your body to his shirt— peeling it off for you. Tracing his skin, feeling his sculpted sink in the moment your feathery touches reached low— gasped as Choso gently bit your neck, pushing to lay you down on the soft blankets.
“Missed this.. missed your touch, smell, how you taste..” His words drifted, catching onto the the edge of your shirt and slowly pulling off your body. Choso breathed, taking in your naked chest, leaning down. The cool, silver chain he wore tickled your skin as his lips ghosted your chest, a warm hand grabbing your breast to gently squeeze.
You gasped as his tongue glided across your areola and slowly hardening nipple, feeling his free hand flicking the button on your shorts, entering them shortly after. Choso began to suck on your hardened bud, all while his fingers breached your panties, two fingers slowly circling your clit. Your legs rose, hips rising into his touch as your head leaned back against the mattress. Soft breaths of pleasure escaped you, gripping his hair as your eyes were pinched closed.
“You missed this, pretty girl? Missed how easily I could drive you crazy from just my fingers?..” He questioned softly, fingers lowering to push into you, hissing at the way your walls clung to his digits all while his thumb busied itself, rubbing tight circles onto your hard button.
You nodded, clinging onto him as his fingers thrusted and scissored inside of you. “Yes.. fuck— yes.. Missed this so much, Choso.” You gasped, whimpers escaping you as another finger came to stretch you. Wet muffled squelches carried with each thrust and curl into your pussy, bruised lips parted as melodic moans escaped you.
The man hummed softly in enjoyment, leaning down to capture your lips in a sweet kiss. Sweeter, softer then the way he was ruining you with his fingers, pushing against your gummy walls affectively leading you closer and closer to your orgasm. You whimpered in his mouth, nails dragging from his hair to his arm, feeling the muscles tense with each movement of his hand.
You legs tightened around him, pulling back to gasp, throwing a hand over your mouth the moment you came— muffling the moan that escaped you. Your mess soiled his fingers and your panties, legs shaking as you felt him slowly withdraw his fingers. You breathed into your palm, barely registering his hands latching onto your shorts and peeling them off your body, panties following.
There, his hands slid to the inside of your thighs, pushing them open to reveal the price between them. Choso moaned softly from the sight, hands rising to place his thumbs onto your soaked folds, spreading them. “So messy, princess.” The man teased softly, reaching to press his thumb against your sensitive clit, grinning at the way you whined.
“Choso, please..” You breathed, watching as his body lowered, breath hitching the moment his cool breath fanned across your wet cunt. You whimpered as his thick tongue dragged a stripe up to your clit, the tip circling the button. Your legs threatened to close, causing the man to pull you closer, legs stretched out and resting on his shoulders. Your fingers curled into his hair, crying out the moment his lips wrapped around your clit, sucking and running the flat of his tongue against it.
The man pulled back for a moment, hands sliding under your ass and gripping the warm globes, lifting you a little just to smother himself in your pussy. His tongue moved wickedly, gliding up and down your slit before dipping into your warm entrance, thrusting and curling against your walls.
Your fingers clung to his hair, free hand placed against your mouth as you bit your palm, covering the desperate moans that escaped you. Your hips moved, grinding into his face as little tears built within your eyes. Slurping and lapping, enjoying every single drop that dripped from your pussy, moans escaping him. His hips ground into the blankets, chasing your orgasm with such intensity.
Your stomach clenched, arching up off the bed as a muffled swear escaped you, creaming all over his face, feeling his hands tightened as he licked you clean. Your limp body fell back against the blankets, breathing heavily as your legs shook. Soon enough he released you, rising from his spot between your legs and dragging his hands from your ass to your thighs, soothing the warm flesh.
Pushing forward he leaned over your body, hand carrying to your throat and gently grabbing it, pressing his wet lips against your own; you softly moaning at your taste. Slowly, the two of you continued to kiss, his other hand drifting to his sweats to push down his body, boxers following.
Choso pulled away, placing his forehead against your own, sliding his cock between your slit— rubbing against you slowly. Your fingers locked around his wrist, desperate pleas escaping you as your hips rose, searching for more. The man gave a breathy chuckle, smoothing his thumb against your throat. “Needy aren’t we?” The man mused, leaning to kiss between your eyes, hearing you whine.
“Need you, Choso..”
“You need me so bad, put it in yourself.” The man spoke, watching you bashfully blink at him, grinning as you attempted to shy away from his gaze. His hand rose, grabbing your wrist and carrying it between the two of you. Your much smaller hand wrapped around his cock, a hiss escaping his lips from the touch. “Go on, princess..” Choso breathed, gripping the sheets beside him as your hips rose, adjusting to line him up with your entrance before slowly sinking inside.
You never got accustomed to how Choso stretched you— not the first time and definitely not now. Your lips parted, soft moans escaping you as your hips continued to slowly rise. A choked cry escaped you however the moment he flicked his hips forward, burying himself deep inside. “Ch—choso! You..” You whimpered, walls pulsing around his heavy length, feeling him kiss your cheeks.
“Guess I’m just as needy as you baby.” Choso spoke, lip twitching into a subtle smirk. He rose, releasing your throat and resting on his hutches. Hands found the back of your knees, a steady grip as he slowly pushed them down to your chest, watching you breath sharply. Pulling his hips back until the tip was inside, Choso thrusted forward, taking in the way your body jumped and the prettiest moan escaped you.
His rhythm stared quickly, hips snapping back and forth, reaching deep inside; pushing against a spot that caused you to see stars. Your fingers balled up the sheets underneath you, moans escaping you. You had long forgotten the party going on outside, long forgotten the fact you two were separated for an entire year— your mind only focused on how his cock so easily ruined you, toes curling and anklet jingling with each thrust.
The man leaned down, folding you even more as he pressed a hand against the bed, the other curling in your hair, lifting you into a messy kiss. Tongues curling, teeth bumping into each other, eating up the other’s moans as pleasure consumed you. His chain tickled your heated skin, dragging across each time he rutted into you.
“Fuck..” Choso gasped, pulling back to breath, hand moving to gently grabbing your cheeks. “Keep your eyes right here, princess.. that’s it.. look so pretty like this.” He spoke, feeling you clench with each praise that left his mouth.
You felt so damn good, hugging him close; sucking him in each time he pulled back. Your arousal dripped down his length, a sticky ring forming at the base of his cock. Just when your hand rose to cover your mouth again, Choso was snatching your wrist, pressing it against the bed.
“No, no— waited far too fucking long to have you covering your mouth.” He hissed harshly, intertwining your fingers as he buried himself deeper, hitting your cervix.
The pain was quickly washed away with pleasure, eyes rolling to the back of your head as you came around his cock— a high pitched cry escaping your throat. Tears trickled down your cheeks, other hand falling to his waist to push, and whine; the overstimulation becoming too much.
All for Choso to simply shake his head, pace quickening as he drilled you into the bed. “Know you got another in you.. come on (Y/N).”
You whimpered, head pressed into the blankets as sobs escaped you. “Cho—Choso! Hah.. Can..can’t think, fuck!”
“Then don’t.” The man chuckled in a breathy tone, leaning close as his lips ghosted your lips. “Let me fuck everything out of your mind except for how good I’m making you feel..” A groan escaped him shortly after, eyes glossing over as he felt himself getting close.
Thrusts became desperate, the two of you dissolving into pathetic fits of moans and whines, hands moving across the other’s skin to grip and mark up. Just when you felt your mind going blank you shook, convulsing as you came all over his cock again.
Choso was close behind, burying himself deep and coming; eyes pinched close as he gripped you tightly. His hips stilled, heavy pants escaping the two of you.
The man pulled out shortly after, rolling off your body and falling to your side. Choso didn’t leave you alone long, reaching for your waist and pulling you into his side, turning to place a feverish kiss to his forehead.
A blissful silence covered the silence, simply enjoying the other’s company and warm bodies. Soon though, you rose up slowly, ignoring the aching of your body as your hand found his cheek. “I love you, Choso.”
He smiled at you, thumb caressing your skin as he kissed you gently— mumbling the same on your lips. Moments passed before you two pulled away, you snuggling in his neck arm strewn across his body.
Until.. you blinked, glancing around the room. “Wait.. whose room is this?”
“It’s a guest room.” He murmured back, chuckling softly after. “Gojo might be a little pissed if he finds out about this.”
You shook your head a little, sighing softly. “Choso..”
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i23kazu · 8 months
characters. neuvillette & wriothesley x gn!reader genre. romantic fluff. an. preparing for my new school term............ thoughts n prayers peace n love | please reblog!! im getting back into writing and reblogs with tags and comments will make me want to write more :D
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neuvillette, who watches you almost work yourself to the brink of tears because of your exams...
he doesn't... exactly know how to react. should he leave you alone? should he ask you to go to bed? was this even normal, in the first place?
after watching the circles under your eyes get more and more defined, he makes up his mind.
"my dear, please, for your own health's sake... go to sleep. i promise that things will be better for you when you wake up refreshed."
but this won't do! your paper needs to be turned in tomorrow night, and you've barely written the first 1000 words. it's not alright.
you want to cry.
neuvillette notices it, though. he sits down next to you, not saying a word.
"i'm stressed, neuvillette." you mumble, looking down at your laptop.
"i know that. but i can assure you that you're not going to get anything done when you're in such a state. i hate to see your sunshine get dulled, my dove – i promise, that when we wake up, i'll work with you." he smiles so sweetly, you want to burst into tears right then and there.
okay, maybe you did burst into tears right then and there.
he gathers you in his arms, wiping your tears away with his thumb. his voice is sweet and compassionate, his words contrasting his being – "i don't know what to say." turns into something that was exactly what you needed.
for a person who doesn't understand the complexity of human emotions and how they work ... neuvillette cares for you in a way that's wonderful.
"alright, alright, i'll go to bed. you promise you'll work with me tomorrow?" you sleepily whine, rubbing the remnants of your tears away from your eyes and closing your laptop.
"i promise, my dear."
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wriothesley, who stares at you staring at your laptop. he's convinced that you haven't moved from that position in... maybe an hour?
were you even alive at this point?
"can you please just stop working and get to bed already?" wriothesley sighs.
"but i can't! it's due tomorrow. and i'm literally, like, about halfway through." you rub your eyes.
wriothesley wants to roll his eyes goodnaturedly at you. but he doesn't. he loves you too much for that, especially when you're too exhausted to comprehend anything else.
"alright, fine. but i'll stay here with you. would you like tea?" he runs his fingers through his hair, getting up from his position.
wriothesley doesn't wait for you to say anything – he knows what you want. he breaks out the selection of teas he kept in his office, going through each one to see which had caffeine and which doesn't.
he eventually returns to your working area, a pot of tea in one hand and two cups precariously stacked on top of one another. it's steaming hot, and he sets it down gently.
it's quiet and peaceful. there's nothing but the low hum of wriothesley humming a calming tune, and the sound of you typing away.
the tea doesn't seem to be working, though? your eyes grow heavier and your head seems to find its place on his shoulder. you swear, there's a soft hint of a smile on wriothesley's face.
his smile seems almost like a smirk.
and then it clicks.
"you planned this all along." you pout, rubbing your eyes tiredly. the tea that was chosen wasn't caffeinated, and his sweet humming... it was the perfect mix to lull you to sleep.
"of course i did. go to sleep, (y/n)." he chuckles, saving your essay and closing your laptop for you.
okay, maybe sleep did sound good ... especially if he carried you back to bed later.
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taglist: @tiredsleep @loptido @raincxtter @chichikoi @ladyadii @soulsanta @sheiiths @genshinparty @eowinthetraveler @moonbyunniee @legitnoi @lemontum @manager-of-the-pudding-bank @starz222 @ilyuu @cherry-colored-petals @mondaymelon @tartaglia-apologist @soleillunne @m1shapanda @aimynx @smokipoki @adeptuscharm @diorlumx @vennnnn-diagram @ryuryuryuyurboat @yuminako @st0pthatsgay @aqualesha @sixtynintharchon @supernova25 @kunikuda-simp @starglitterz (send ask/comment to be added to taglist)
reblogs w/ tags & comments help me lots !!! if you liked this, please consider dropping me a follow as well :-) they all go a long way!
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chaoticloving · 1 year
idk if you write smut so if you’re uncomfortable totally ignore this!!! but!!! imagine y/n and recently fiance!harry and him fingering you with his ring finger talking abt marriage and shit 🫣🫣
future husband
Harry styles x reader (masterlist)
summary: Harry proposes and it leads to sex
warnings: smut
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Harry's ring obsession started when he was in his early twenties.
He rarely wore any type of a jewelry or anything flamboyant when he was younger. He painted his nails on occasion, something to relax himself with or whenever Y/n was doing hers, but nothing too grand.
But a simple silver chain given by his one and only changed that.
He started getting a little more into jewelry, necklaces, earrings, and his favorite, rings. He liked the intricate designs that rings ment; they could be loud and a stable piece, or they could be a subtle addition to the outfit.
They could also symbolize love.
After dating Y/n for three months, he knew he was certain that he wanted to stay forever with her, he just didn't allow himself to think of marriage this early into a relationship--at least not until his mother asked when he was going to propose after meeting her around their six-moth anniversary.
Finally though, after just under two years, he popped the question. He got a beautiful engagement ring, a band with beautiful engravings throughout, and of course, a huge fucking rock.
"Harry." Y/n sniffled, seeing Harry on his knee, ring in hand. "Of course, yes!"
A lovely proposal in a quiet and quant cottage away from civilization was perfect and exactly what they needed, not only for their privacy but for the ability to have sex in the middle of the woods. Harry bought this property not too long ago and waited for the right moment to take Y/n there, a proposal seemed like the best time.
The kissing of course led to more, how could it not? Harry was always a passionate lover, always eager to please, so it was honestly no surprise when the soft kiss turned more sensual.
"Fuck, I'm so glad you finally asked." Y/n mumbled softly as their lips kept touching, coming back for more. "Can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you as my husband."
Harry moved onto her neck, biting softly as he went down. "It's all I've ever wanted." He groaned as Y/n's hand trailed down to his pants, she teased him slightly, earning a moan from him. "And to please you again. Lay down."
Y/n made herself comfortable on the blue and white picnic blanket. Harry moved the basket and wine bottles out of the way. He pulled flipped her dress up, revealing her lacy set on panties.
"Planning to seduce me today?" He asked with a raised brow.
"I had a hunch you might be asking me to marry you." She shrugged her shoulders, biting her lip to hide, poorly, a cheeky smile.
"How?" Harry gasped, his fingers tracing the band of her underwear. "It was top secret!"
"Oh come on, H." She giggled, her hand coming up to stroke his cheek. "You take me on a surprise getaway, no one around, to a cottage that is darling... It's the most romantic thing you have ever done."
Harry blushed. The midday sun gleaming perfectly on his skin, twinkling his green eyes and highlighting the freckles that scattered his slightly tanned skin. Y/n couldn't help but feel so lucky. This beautiful man, inside and out, is now her fiancé; she started to tear up, which, of course, caused Harry to tear up as well.
"No don't start baby." She told him. "We need to focus so we can have sex. No tears now."
She wiped her tears then Harry's. "You started it." He mumbled, smiling as he finally pulled her panties down. "We just love each other too much."
"I guess so-" Y/n gasped as Harry entered a figure into her. The familiar feeling was welcomed as the subtle feeling of pleasure began to buble up inside of her. "Fuck that feels so good."
Harry was leaning half on and half off of her, his right hand fingering. her while his other held him up so he could kiss by her ear.
"Don't get one of your rings stuck in me." She warned, looking sternly at her love. Harry shook his head and kissed her softly.
"I would never."
Harry had on a simple band, one similar to the new one adorned on Y/n's finger. He figured while he was buying the engagement ring he could buy a matching one for himself.
"I can't wait to marry you." He spoke softly, creating a new hickey just under her ear lobe. "Gonna wanna fuck you again when I see you in that dress, don't know if I could wait till the honeymoon."
He added a finger, adding to the pleasure.
"And seeing you with that ring...It's going to be as sexy as your lingerie. Just knowing you're mine and I'm the only one that can ever see you like this."
"Fuck, H. Gonna come."
"I'm the only one who will get to see my wife like this. And everyone will know I can only to this do you...I'm the only one capable." Harry's words were possessive yet reassuring, the constant validation that he was the only one for her pushed her over the edge, leaving a gasp from her mouth.
"Har I need you inside." She yanked him fully on-top of her, unbuttoning his pants and pulling them down after Harry quickly pulled his fingers out of her, but not before a little taste.
He helped her strip himself, knowing she is just as possessive as him but just doesn't always vocalize it, but her actions speak louder than her lack of words.
Harry entered Y/n, the euphoric feeling washing over him as he let out a loud moan, mentally thanking himself for buying the isolated land. "Feel so good."
"You stretch me out so much." She gasped. "My future husband."
Harry thrusted, a reflex from her words in her sexy, faint, voice. "Don't say that or else I'm going to come in less then a minute." He paused, staring into his loves eyes. "Want to impress my future wife."
"You impress me every day. Every time I see you I have something new I love about you." Y/n leaned in a kissed him, it was mainly teeth, but still perfect nonetheless. "Today it's your cock."
Harry stopped thrusting briefly. "You mean it hasn't impressed your before today?"
"It's the first time I've been impress by my fiancé's cock, I was already impressed when he was my boyfriend." She assured. Harry rolled his eyes and got back to thrusting, moving his ring finger down to her core and rubbing soft circles on her clit, making her jolt slightly.
"I'm gonna cum again, H."
"Me too."
They both moaned as they climaxed at the same time. Harry collapsed onto Y/n's chest, arms exhausted from keeping himself up. They stayed like that for no more then five minutes, Harry's cock softening inside of her as they relaxed.
"I can't believe you're going to be my wife." Harry thought out loud. "Never thought I'd work up the courage."
"Why? You knew I'd say yes."
"I dunno, just all the what-if's got inside my head. You know how that is." Harry mumbled, nuzzling his face into the side of her neck. He kissed over her blooming hickeys too, soft contrast between his sexual and romantic desire for her.
"Well your next biggest concern is finding were to go for our honeymoon." Y/n said. "Might have to go all over."
"I'll pay for every penny of it."
"Most defiantly. You know I have expensive taste." Y/n joked. "The wedding is going to cost half a fortune on its own."
Harry smiled, kissing her cheek then her lips. "I'd spend all the money in the world to make you happy. I'd go broke to see you smile."
"Stop, you're going to make me cry again." She whispered, tears starting to form.
"I'll just kiss them away, my love." He sighed. "It's my job as your future husband."
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selineram3421 · 7 months
*has a little idea* I've gotta listen to brain commands.
First Day
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Alastor and Child Reader
Warning! ⚠
⚠ implied murder, mention of kidnapping, mention of heart attack, shake of head=no, fake crying lol, italic red=Alastor's thoughts ⚠
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Alastor didn't understand why some demons worried over the little children that ran amuck in Hell.
That is until he adopted one himself.
Small, wide eyed, and frail looking. Of course he'd worry after a glance. But after seeing the pile of dead bodies beneath their feet, it seemed like there wasn't too much to worry about.
So all he had to do was teach them how to make others fear them. Especially after the whole kidnapping fiasco with Valentino.
And what better timing than their first day of school.
You were playing around in the hotel.
Most of it was following Husk around and scaring the other hotel guests. But then Charlie told Alastor the number of complaints from guests about you and your pranks.
"They are absolutely harmless! What's a little scare going to do?", the deer demon said.
"Someone had a heart attack.", Vaggie piped in.
"Nuh-uh!", you popped up out of nowhere, making the two females jump in surprise. "That frog demon croaked! He's just mad that I made him make a funny sound."
The blonde sighs before holding out a flyer to the red dressed demon.
"Look, I know you're just having fun but not all demons think its funny.", she tells you before looking at Alastor. "There's a school for demon children not too far from the hotel, maybe they can meet demons their age and make friends?"
After dinner you and Alastor sat down on the couch in the hotel room and read through the flyer.
"I don't want to go.", you pouted.
"Don't worry my little terror, we'll think of something.", he booped your nose. "Perhaps we can use this as training!"
"Training?", you repeated.
"Yes! We'll use this as an opportunity!", Alastor said as he stood from the couch, turning to hold out a hand for you to take. "Come little one, there's much I have to teach you."
"Remember what I taught you little one!", Alastor says, fixing their coat. "Anything can be a weapon..."
"With enough force and creativity!", they said confidently.
"Correct!", his smile brightened. "Now, let's go show the ladies that you are a proper demon with manners so they feel bad for sending you out. Remember to look sad."
"Hmhmm!", the nod again before taking a deep breath, putting on their sad face and looking down at the floor.
"Perfect.", he approved before leading them by the hand down to the lobby.
Both of the girls were waiting by the entrance doors to say their goodbyes to the little demon.
"We are ready!", Alastor announces.
"Hey! We got them a-", Charlie starts before noticing the little demon's sad face. "..lunch box."
Vaggie squints at them but doesn't say anything.
Though the Radio Demon can see that his little one's sad face is affecting her as well, the moth demon clenching her fists.
"Now, what do we say mon petit?", the deer demon pats their back.
"I'm..", they say but don't look up yet. "I'm sorry for being bad and I'll go to school so..", finally they look up at the girls with little tears starting to well up. "Please don't be mad anymore."
Charlie is obviously affected the most and looks over at her partner, receiving a shake of the head from the white haired demon in response.
The princess takes a breath before handing over the lunch box to the little demon. "Its only for a little bit, alright?"
"Ok..", they say, still keeping up with the act before turning to face him. "Bye Alastor."
"It won't be for long, don't worry.", he 'reassures' them. "I'll pick you up when school is out."
They nod before hugging his side.
He pats them on the head before waving them goodbye as they walk out of the hotel and to the school bus.
Bidding the ladies adieu, Alastor lets his smile widen after turning away from the two, wondering how his little demon will cause chaos.
I can't wait to hear all about it~
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*wipes away tears after typing out the fake crying* I was that child huh.
~Seline, the person.
Part 2
@willowaudreykeyes @kiraisastay @c4rved-pumpk1n @stolas-thebirb @scary-noodlesblog @naelys-the-aster @ducky-died-inside @biromanticboba @+?
ML for Alastor🎙
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avatar-anna · 5 months
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"I feel so...hollow," you said, your voice breaking on the last word. "But—But like my feelings are so heavy they could drown me at the same time. I don't—I don't know when it started, but I can't remember how to be happy without waiting to be punished for it later."
Tears were tracking stains down your cheeks like small rivers, leaking out of your eyes faster than you could stop them. Not that you tried to, anyway, even that seemed exhausting. One thing you could do was avoid Harry's gaze. You felt it like a severe burn as he practically begged you to look at him, but you just couldn't. Not while you were so vulnerable. You felt stripped bare, even more so than the number of times the two of you had been intimate.
"Don't," you said, nearly leaping out of your skin when he rested a hand on your shoulder. You looked up at him then, saw the pain in his eyes at your rejection of his touch. But you couldn't handle it. Your soul felt raw as you said things you never thought you would out loud. "Please don't, I can't—"
Harry seemed to understand as he nodded and took a step back, but the concerned furrow of his brow remained, his fingers curling awkwardly at his sides. He'd always been the type to communicate through touch—a squeeze on the shoulder, a tip of your chin, a gentle nose nudge on your cheek, a hand never far away from your person. You knew that he craved touch to comfort people, and yet he stayed put. For that you were thankful, and it helped you find your words again.
"I don't know what's wrong with me," you said, almost too quietly for anything but your thoughts to hear. "I—I don't know why I'm feeling like this, or how I got here, I—I just feel like I'm stuck in this emptiness."
Saying all of that made you want to run and hide. Harry didn't need to know all this, how wrecked you really were inside. No one did. He was just someone who happened to be around when you were at your worst. Normally you were able to keep a lid on your darkest thoughts, but he'd come over when you were in the thick of it, and you couldn't exactly hide how you felt when you were crying uncontrollably for virtually no reason other than it was a Tuesday afternoon and life suddenly felt like one big chore.
Maybe it was the holiday, seeing everyone so happy, hearing songs about falling in love and kissing under mistletoes and commercials that said, "The perfect gift for that someone special!" Being surrounded by so much cheer only left you feeling more hollowed out, more lost than you'd ever thought you'd become.
"Y/n, why—why didn't you say something sooner?"
"Like what?" you laughed bitterly. "That I cry at the drop of a hat and can't handle light teasing from my friends? That I haven't felt right for weeks and getting out of bed feels like a chore? We—That's not who we are to each other. I—I have no one."
The words clanged around, grasping onto your heartstrings and convincing you it was true. You had friends and family, but when the darkness reared its ugly head, you always felt hopelessly and inescapably alone. Words deserted you when you needed them most, leaving you to smile and pinch your skin, trying your best not to cry in line at the grocery store or while sitting at your desk at work. It was all too much, too much to handle, and yet you didn't want anyone else but you to share that load, the weight of your inexplicable despair.
"Do you honestly think that?" Harry asked. You couldn't even dignify him with an answer. It had been humiliating to say it once, let alone look him in the eye and say it again. So you just shrugged and wiped your cheek. "You're my friend, Y/n, and I care about you. I'm sorry if I haven't done enough to make you know that."
"It's not just you, H," you sniffled, feeling bad for making Harry uncomfortable. It wasn't his job to make you feel better. Your problems were yours to bear alone. They always had been. "I don't—I don't know how to do this."
"Do what, love?"
Despite the discomfort of having shared so much, Harry's gentle voice felt like a warm blanket over your shoulders. It made you finally look up to meet his eye. You were surprised to see so much emotion held in them, but you didn't shy away from it like you thought you would. It helped fill that hollow ache a little, made you feel a little less alone.
"I don't know how to deal with this any other way," you said, trying to explain. "I don't...I hate sharing this stuff with people. It makes my skin crawl."
Your body felt heavy, your soul weary, as if no amount of shed tears or leaning on shoulders would ever ebb the emptiness that was taking over you. But you didn't want the pity. You didn't want anyone to worry or look at you differently because of how sensitive you tended to be sometimes. To deal with the myriad of moods that swung on a pendulum day to day, sometimes moment to moment. The pressure of feeling like you should reach out and ask for help was almost worse than the emptiness and despair.
"This is a good start," Harry said, inching just a tiny bit closer. "I just don't want you to think you can't talk to me. You can, Y/n, and I'll listen, or give you space, or help you find professional help, or do whatever it takes to make you smile. Just let me be here for you."
The notion didn't sit well with you at first. It wasn't how you dealt with things, though clearly your methods weren't working. That didn't make letting Harry in any less scary, or any easier. But Harry was still here. You'd broken down, shared just how broken you really were, and he was still here, asking to be someone for you to confide in.
Harry had been your friend for a long time. You ran in the same circles and saw each other often enough that you'd consider him to be someone you were close to. It wasn't until your arrangement that you got to know him more. You'd never had a friends with benefits situation before, but you never imagined it to be so easy. Rules had been sketched out, boundaries were made and kept, and things between you just seemed to work. Even when you didn't see each other for a week or two at a time, there was no awkwardness.
There was no jealousy at parties or possessiveness; you were exclusive, but okay with the idea of ending things should either of you meet someone you wanted to explore a relationship with. You and Harry just clicked—two friends who happened to sleep with each other, companions who could hold conversations about their jobs amicably, yet knew every inch of each other's bodies intimately. And now Harry was offering something more, something different.
Nodding, you said, "Thank you."
Harry gave you a small grin, then tentatively reached a hand out to wipe away a stray tear. You let him, not feeling like a startled animal anymore. You knew part of you should've felt embarrassed that Harry had caught you in such a state, that you'd let him see how broken and hurting you were on the inside, and maybe a small part of you did, but you mostly just felt like a weight had lifted off your chest.
"Can I get you anything? Maybe a cup of tea?" he asked, leading you over to your kitchen counter as if it was his home, not yours.
You let him, content to watch him move around your kitchen as if it was his own. He'd been over to your place enough times to know his way around and know how you took your tea.
Sitting in silence, you watched as Harry took a mug that looked like a gingerbread man and one that had a textured, cable-knit sweater design from your cabinet and fixed up two cups of tea. His shoulders flexed beneath his loose shirt, dark brown curls curving every which way at the nape of his neck. The familiarity of this moment was comforting after such an emotionally taxing and foreign afternoon. Harry was here as often as your busy schedules would allow, or you were at his place, neither of you concerned with how much time you spent together.
Though today you hadn't expecting to see him, hence the emotional breakdown. You didn't really plan those kinds of things, but you'd been feeling more down than usual and had been seeing Harry less and less recently as a result. Every text about a next meet-up, whether that was to get lunch or have sex or anything in between, had been rebuffed quickly and kindly. Today he'd shown up out of the blue.
"Yeah?" he said, his back still to you.
"Why did you come over today? Y—You didn't text like you normally do."
Harry looked over his shoulder briefly, a small smile playing at his lips. "We hadn't seen each other in a while," he said breezily. "Which is fine, I know we're both busy, but I just had this distinct feeling you were avoiding me."
"I'm sorry," you said, finding it easier to say it when his back was to you. "I don't mean to do that."
"I know," Harry said, that same gentle and easy tone in his voice. "I've always known you're squirrelly about feelings."
You huffed at his choice of words, trying to focus on his humor rather than the fact that he seemed to know you better than you thought he did. You appreciated that he didn't state the obvious, which was that you went way past "squirrelly." The last hour had been emotionally taxing, and you appreciated that Harry offered you a modicum of normalcy.
"Thank you for checking up on me," you said. "You're a good friend, H."
Perhaps better than I deserve, was what you didn't say, because you knew he would scold you for even thinking it.
"Well, my visit wasn't totally innocent," Harry teased as he finally came over with two steaming mugs of tea, yours done just right. There was a faint blush on his cheeks, but didn't say anything more than that.
Raising your brows, you said, "Ah. You couldn't find anyone to watch Hallmark Christmas movies with you, could you?"
Harry chuckled into his mug, taking the excuse you both knew was a lie and ran with it. "Yeah, that's exactly it. I knew you'd understand."
"I wouldn't say to no a cheesy Christmas movie."
"Promise me you'll tell me when you're feeling like this again," Harry said a while later.
You could tell Harry was trying to hide his eagerness to pull you into your room and fire up your TV. His eyes scanned over you briefly, as if he was trying to assess where you were at mentally. It would be hard to see that stare, to know Harry had seen you at your lowest and would constantly be gauging if you were on the verge of another breakdown. But the thought didn't irritate you the way you thought it would. You were surprised to feel a little relieved that you weren't the only one taking care of you, at least for the time being.
You were huddled under a mountain of blankets together. Twinkly lights in your bedroom casting a warm light over you both. You'd meant to put them up earlier in the month, but hadn't made yourself get around to it, the small task falling to the wayside the same way a lot of your everyday chores did. Harry took one look at the forgotten box of lights and got to work, even going as far as putting a looped video of a roaring fireplace in his phone and setting it up next to your television. It was a little silly, and a tad over the top, but you appreciated it all the same, the lengths he was going to ease the ache in your chest as best he could.
He was practically on top of you now, but unlike the events of today, that was something you were used to. Harry liked to sprawl out, specifically with you underneath him—leg over your waist, arm tucked across you to keep you close, face buried in your neck or chin resting on top of your head. He insisted on draping himself over you like a blanket, even before you started sleeping together.
"I don't want to bother you—"
"Bother me, Y/n," Harry said, his voice gravelly as he gently turned your face to meet his gaze. "I'm not doing my job as your friend if I'm only with you when things are easy or—or good. You're not alone, okay? As long as I'm in your life, I'm in it. Good and bad."
"I'll try."
You tried to blink back tears, a little surprised you had any left to shed. Your face was undeniably puffy and a little dry, and you were tired in a different way than you had been the last few weeks. But these were different tears from earlier. A different emotion took over you as you nodded.
That seemed to satisfy Harry. He kissed your forehead, and you closed your eyes against it, allowing yourself to believe everything he'd said to you today.
You weren't magically fixed, that crushing weight was still waiting for you like a monster under your bed, but you weren't alone. Harry had turned the lights on, showing you that perhaps there was no shame in letting someone see the worst parts of you. Because he was still there, promising to hold your hand and help you until you felt whole again.
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baby-tini · 1 month
Dabi with a daddy kink.
Oh, and this man would fuck you in public. Not even like, "fuck in a public bathroom," would bend you over in a restaurant with everyone watching and do it.
A/N- I just want to start this off with.. why the hell are you so right?!?! He absolutely is the type of man to do some shit like this~ 😩 I hope you like it...
CW- smut, daddy kink, public sex
The first time it happened, it was an accident and you swear by that, really you do. It was in the heat of the moment, his cock was just so deep and your brain was fuzzy, everything seemed so high and cloudy. His hand was so warm and big around your neck, lithe fingers calloused and squeezing just right. Your voice coming out garbled and squeaky, tongue limp and wet, hanging out so pretty for him. So soft and warm on his thumb as he slips it in to keep you quiet for him.
He freezes when he hears it at first, cerulean eyes shooting to your own, burning hotter than hades flames. Dilated pupils leaking uncertainty as they flicker from your irises to your lips, thumb sitting pretty wrapped in plush skin. But you give yourself away when your eyes get all wide and anxious, at that point you know, that he knows what you said. That little gargled whine of "Daddy" was real, it came from you, and fuck, the repeated spews of "sorry, 'm so sorry Touya", "didn't mean it, just so good Touya." Leave him light-headed, heart pounding against his chest, pupils dilated on a high he didn't know was achievable. There's a quick, tighter squeeze around your throat before his hand pulls away to wipe the tears off your cheeks, hands moving wet hair off sticky wet skin.
"Shhh, it's okay, calm down pretty baby, I'm right here, yeah? I'm right here, I'm not going anywhere. But I need you to say it again princess, say it again for Daddy, please?" You try to say it again, you really do, for Touya, but it comes out choked, you don't mean for it too, it gets caught in your throat when his wet thumb presses down on your sticky clit. Rubbing rough circles into the little pearl, getting leaky juices on the floor when it drips off his cock, smearing on your thighs. "Try again baby, need to hear it again, you sound so pretty, hm?" Too much. It's too fucking much, his voice is raspy and cracking, warm breath panting in you ear, pleading with you.
He gets faster in his pace, cock twitching inside it's warm confinement as his balls slap against your ass. Heavy and full, ready and willing to give you everything you need. But it's too hot and stuffy in the dirty alley-way, people walking by and laughing. Parts of different conversations bouncing off your ears as your eyes roll back. The first spurt of warm cum he fucks into your cunt, has you keeling and pleading with him, voice raising in pitch as your nails dig into un-burned skin, blood starting to leak and gather under your nails.
"Daddy please, too much please, I can't, please I swear I can't, 'm too full," his hips stutter while hitting against your own. His abs clench, body tensing in full from the euphoria. Head thrown back as his eyes clench tight, white canines biting deep into your neck, pulling away soaked in crimson as deep imprints burn in their wake. The pain leaves a dopamine rush in your brain, ears buzzing from the overstimulation of everything.
"There you go baby, there you go, 'm so proud of you, so fuckin' proud, good girl." It's all so warm. His hands burning as electric eyes stare you down and whisper praise into your ear. Warm, wet tongue licking up ruby from your throat- smearing it onto un-flawed perfect skin. The full shock that wracks through your body when you cum for him makes you feel faint, legs like jelly and thighs strained from being wrapped around his waist for so long. The cobble from the cold, stone wall leaving nasty imprints on the backs of your thighs and arms. But it's all so worth it, worth it for Dabi, worth it for Touya.. worth it for Daddy.
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lovdlydaz · 14 days
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artist!choso x black!afab!reader
your boyfriend has a tendency to go over the top when it comes to you, so when you express your insecurities, he makes sure to let you know how perfect you are in his eyes.
warnings: chubby reader, supportive boyfriend choso, modern au (no curses/sorcerers), angst to fluff to smut, cunniligus, p in v, unprotected sex (trying for a baby), "draw me like one of your french girls" type shit, shit tons of praise, creampie, pet names, soft dom choso, very subby reader, just a lot of soft sex and affirmation enjoy
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it all started when you asked your boyfriend to go get some healthier foods from the grocery store that you had seen on social media. he was vaguely confused since he knew that both you and him didn't really eat healthy, which was fine for him but not for you. while he had a very fast metabolism and also worked out 5 times a week, you barely lifted a finger and would stay home to cook and clean since your work was at home and on a computer.
so, when you started to gain a few pounds over a couple of weeks you realized you needed to do something about it, so you did. whenever choso would go to the gym you would follow him, doing your own little couple workouts and feeling great right after. then you would stop at a restaurant to grab some food before heading home and watching your boyfriend paint while you did work across the room.
after a few more weeks of working out and eating a bit more healthier, you didn't see results at all. yes you felt lighter and you internally were healthier, your body didn't show any ounce of getting smaller. you still had fat around your hips, small rolls that were only visible when you arched, flabby arms and thicker thighs than normal. and while your thighs and arms had more definition now, the fat didn't go away no matter what you did.
so it started to get to a point where you went into bad eating habits, like eating once out of the day and even that meal was only a few hundred calories. by then, that's when your body started to get smaller, since you let it digest the fat instead of the food you were ingesting. choso didn't like how much thought you were putting into your body, since regardless of how you looked he would still love you anyways.
one day, the man you loved more than anything in the world sat you down for a whole-hearted meaning regarding your physical and mental health. he reached out for your hand and looked you dead in the eyes, his own pink ones staring deep into your chocolate brown ones.
"why did you sit me down? is there something you wanna talk about?" you asked, acting oblivious to the fact that you knew exactly what he wanted to talk about. and it was you. "baby, i know something's wrong. you haven't been acting yourself lately, being cautious about what you eat and going to work out with me when you had work to do. is there something you wanna tell me?" he inquired, making you drop your head and small tears form in the corner of your eyes.
"...do you think i'm fat?" your soft voice mumbled, causing his eyes to widen and his face looked taken aback. "...what?" he muttered alongside you. your face picked itself up and there were tears threatening to leave your eyes as you stared at him. "babe, i've gained over 10 pounds in the last month, i've gone up a shirt size and two pants sizes, i've gained fat around my stomach and hips, and i can't even get into bed without feeling like shit because my stomach pokes out more than it ever has. and i'm not even pregnant..." your voice trailed off since tears were falling down your face, causing your beloved partner to wipe them off of your face for you.
choso pressed a small kiss to the top of your head, your crying always upset him and this just absolutely broke his heart. he had never noticed you feeling this way, all those hints from you wanting to get healthier foods to you barely leaving your built-in office because you were afraid to eat. he felt like the worse boyfriend in the world for not noticing sooner, but none of this was his fault. "b-baby..." he couldn't even form words, your sobs had grown even louder from the silence he gave. all he could do was cradle you in his arms, letting you cry out all the frustration he knew you needed to.
his arms were comforting, soft and hard with a mix of muscle and fat, you felt like he was your personal teddy bear. he was always able to give you the hugs you needed and treat you like a princess when he knew you needed it. so, when you felt him wrap his arms around you to let you cry into them, it was so soothing for you. you cried for maybe about a minute until it subsided to soft sniffles and coughs. he rubbed the small of your back the whole time, letting you get nice and comfortable before you wanted to speak.
it took a few minutes but you finally started up at him, mouth quivering just a little as your glossy eyes looked into his softer pink eyes. choso looked back down at you, just staring into those lovely brown eyes he adored since the first time you two had met. his mouth opened, then it closed, then it opened again, and words started to flow out.
"princess, listen to me. you are perfect in every way, shape or form. no matter how much weight you gain or how much you lose, i will love you regardless of your body. i didn't fall in love with you off of pure looks alone, i fell in love with you because we were made for each other," he spoke, grabbing your delicate face with his rough and gentle hands. "we are like peanut butter and jelly," he continued, "syrup on pancakes, ham and cheese sandwiches, we just... click. you are mine and i am yours, nothing will ever change that. you understand love?" he asked you, looking back to see your tears had started back up, but they were happy tears.
you hugged your lover and nodded your head, which he didn't like. so, he softly pulled you away, a hand on your hip while another against your cheek. "words honey, they don't have to be perfect." he sweetly demanded, making you gulp and open your mouth. "i-i... i understand babe. thank you... so much." you smiled, making him kiss the top of your head once more, which elicited a giggle out of you. but, the praise wasn't over just yet.
now that he had calmed you down, he connected your lips, which you immediately melted into. not caring about what the world thought or what the voices were telling you, you had choso, and that's what mattered right now. it was sweet and sensual, conveying all the inter-meaningful and complex emotions the both of you shared within each other, for each other. it was a kiss that signified your love for one another, and it was just that.
until it wasn't.
after the sentimental moments dribbled away, there came the sexual. you started to softly whine as your boyfriend pressed deeper into your lips, pushing your body against the couch the two of you were on right against the armrest. it was comfortable and actually helped your back a little, but his weight was pressing down on you and you weren't that strong. you could handle it however, since he knew how much to hold up so that he wouldn't crush you. his lips were so rough yet had a smoothness to them that was oddly satisfying. you couldn't put your finger on it, it just felt right.
choso pulled away after a couple of seconds, needing to breathe but he didn't connect your lips back. instead, he dropped lower to your jaw, kissing it tenderly making your body tense with arousal. you could feel your heat start to throb from the way your boyfriend touched you, just like he loved you. and he did. "beautiful baby, wonderful girl," he panted, kissing going past your collarbone now and to the clothed part of your chest. he raised your shirt over your head to pull it off, going to your covered tits and massaging them.
"such a perfect body, would be such a great mama," he murmured, fondling the breast tissue in his large hands. you let out soft noises at this, feeling every emotion rise within you due to the pure fact that his words were reaching everywhere but your brain. you believed he loved you but you didn't believe your body was perfect, but he did, and with pride.
his hands traveled lower to your tummy, knowing that you were sucking in so he gave it a soft tap, which caused you to free your stomach. watching all the fat that your belly had gathered made his cock immediately stand up, it was so hot how much you had gained. and, quite frankly, it weighed your body out perfectly, now you were busty in every place and choso would have to fight every man off because he knew how dangerous you were now.
he softly played with the flesh, going a little too close to your womanhood, but he knew exactly what he was doing. that's why he didn't stop, he just kept going. he wanted you to realize how beautiful you were, how god sent your existence was to him and how fucking in love he was. so, he kept going with no intention of stopping. "such a pretty belly, great for holding my kids," he groaned, starting to slowly hump against the couch because of how much he was turned on by you and your body. he was too entranced by you, every action he did showed just that.
he kissed and marked your pudge, causing soft gasps and whimpers to escape you. you were drenching in your panties right now, which choso could see a perfect outline of your pussy lips from where he was. the only reason you weren't wearing shorts was because your shorts felt too suffocating on your thighs, so you wore one of choso's shirts to cover your ass and thighs. which obviously didn't work, since the shirt was now discarded on the floor.
it took him a while to stop, but once he did, he went back to your breasts and unhooked your bra from behind. he let the article of clothing hit the floor before he grabbed one heavy teat, kneading the flesh with his jagged fingertips while you couldn't keep down your noises. you were melting from his touch, everything about him was making you turn into jelly just from his presence alone. no other man could make you feel how choso made you feel, emotionally and physically. he made you feel things that not even god could comprehend, these feelings were so complex and for one person and one person only.
his mouth latched onto your unoccupied tit, sucking and licking the sensitive nub as his other hand pinched and rubbed the other. your nipples were very sensitive so of course this made you even more wet, causing your back to arch into his touch and your throbbing clit to rub against your panties, making you moan out into the air. he could only get harder from here, which caused a wet spot to appear in his underwear. he didn't care though, at least you were both wet together.
"such big tits, good for my babies," he moaned this time, groaning and wincing as he got as much of nothing as he could out of your tit. he would be sucking all the milk out of them when you got pregnant, he couldn't wait for that. he was so obsessed with the idea of getting you pregnant right now, your body was perfect for his children and he wanted you to know that. you would be a wonderful mother and you were both ready for kids, being together since high school and never separating. he wanted you, he wanted to have a family with you, and now was the perfect time.
once choso finished with your chest he moved down to the place you wanted him to, but he completely avoided it to go to your thicker thighs. he kissed and licked all over them, moaning as he did so. "such long and plump thighs, perfect for sittin' on me," he huffed, kissing and marking your legs as he went down. once he finished he moved back up to your heat, kissing the outside of it and licking your clit through your underwear. "such a pretty little pussy, and just for me," he gruffed, using his teeth to tear apart the barrier between his mouth and your cunt, discarding it onto the floor.
after that, he went to town. he grabbed your thighs and held them as he dove nose first into your cunt, licking and sucking around your labia and moving from your clit to your hole. you let out a surprised moan at the fact that he went so fast and ate you like a starved man, which was turning you on even more. he could taste your fluids rushing on his tongue and all he could do was whine and hump the couch, your taste putting him in a trance that he never wanted to get away from. he wanted to taste you on his tongue forever, and he made that obvious in everything he did.
he made it his duty to make sure that you understood that you could feel every bit of his love through how aggressive and hard he was eating you out. he knew that he was going hard but that's what made it fun, that's what made you realize how good of a man your boyfriend was. now you wish he was your husband, but that will change very soon. his messy work on your pussy had you reeling and keening, he knew exactly how to please you and it made you feel so good knowing that he cared this much.
"mm, choso, baby, 'm close," you cooed, grabbing his head and pushing it more into your vagina. he obviously didn't oblige, getting as much of you as he could on his tongue. you came undone a few seconds after that, crying out his name as you covered his face with your fluids. he was surprised how he didn't cream his pants right then and there, but he didn't, which meant he was going to fill you up with all his kin.
he slurped and licked everything he could, some falling around his chin and down his neck. he could feel how you clenched your thighs around him too as you came, which got him even more excited. you were too much for this man, he couldn't contain himself when he was around you. so, after a few minutes of drinking up your juices he freed himself from your grasp, panting like a dog as he stared at you through lustful eyes. his gaze was like a hungry wolf to a poor sheep, you being the sheep in this scenario. he wanted to devour every bit of you, never let you go until all the meat was consumed off your bones.
though, he needed some help as well.
choso grabbed you by under your armpits and picked you up like it was nothing, ultimately making you gasp and blush at the sheer shock of your boyfriend carrying you around like a ragdoll despite your added weight. that made you curl up in his arms as he carried you to your shared bedroom, laying you down on the bed and going to slide off his soaked boxers. his cock sprang out of its prison and hit above his belly button, making you gulp. no matter how much you had taken his cock, the size still shocked you every time. now it was getting serious.
he crawled onto the bed and in between your legs, hooking them up on his shoulders and lining his tip with your quaking hole. you realized how much weight he was actually putting on his shoulders so you tried to move your legs, but he stopped you by holding your calves tightly. "babe, your legs weigh so much less than what i squat. you're not gonna hurt me," he smiled, you about to respond until he shoved his full length deep inside you, your noises sounding like music to his ears.
the thrusts were slow, deep, appreciative of your tight walls and gushing pussy. he would lean down and kiss your lips, softly massaging your skin as his cockhead kept kissing the tip of your cervix. "such a tight fuckin' pussy, my pussy, holdin' my kids," he groaned into the kiss, you responding with a strained noise as he thrusted particularly deep inside you. you loved the dirty talk, it was so good and it had you clenching around him once again. he sucked in his lips at this, wincing and holding back a groan of pleasure.
after a minute of this however, he started to drive inside you a bit faster. you of course didn't complain, you were starting to get close to your 2nd orgasm. choso wasn't close however, despite how much pre-cum was leaking inside you. he wanted to make you cum so many times, splash your insides white with his seed and make you a mother of his children. so, a rough finger pad went to your clit, rubbing it to the speed of his thrusts, which slowly increased with time.
the noise that escaped you was pitiful, making choso's mind churn with thoughts of wanting to just impregnate you so deep that you would be pregnant with triplets, quadruplets even. he looked down at your face, god you were beautiful. lashes fluttering, thick long braids splayed all over the pillow, chocolate brown skin covered in a thin layer of sweat from the pure sex you two were having. he loved how hot you looked like this, your loud moans echoing throughout the room fueling him to go faster.
choso kept your legs up as his heavy balls slammed against your ass, the claps getting louder and louder with each thrust. they were soft yet so aggressive, like something had possessed him to just give it to you dirty. but, you didn't have a single ounce of a complaint, he always did you so right because he knew just how to please you, no other man could.
you were getting closer by the second, his rough thrusts and his fast rubs on your clit were sending you higher and higher. he knew this so he kept going, giving it to you exactly how you wanted it. he praises never stopped though, he kept making you feel good, physically and mentally.
"god, such a good pussy, and just f'me." "such a pretty girl with pretty moans, would make a good mother of my kids." "good girl baby... just keep going back on me like that."
his lips never stopped moving, which was very rare during sex. he wasn't very talkative but he was very vocal, voicing to you every noise you made him express due to you and your wonderful body. it turned you on even more, how much he was talking to you and how good he could talk to you. it had you clenching around him harder, throwing your head back and creaming his cock for the second time that night. he bit his lip and rocked his hips through your orgasm, making your noises grow and grow until they died down.
you didn't even notice choso stall inside you until his cum started to pour into you, thick creamy globs pumping inside you for almost a minute. he groaned and leaned down, panting into your neck as he finished in you. "godddd baby, pussy milkin' me dry, fuck," he moaned, you holding his back and marking it with your nails as he finished.
after your session was finished (it took all night) you were held in his arms, none of you asleep as your company was enough to keep you awake. however, your boyfriend got a little sneaky idea, so he sat up with you in his arms and looked down at you. "babe, come with me to my art room," he said, not letting you decide as he picked you up, walking over to the art room that was all the way near the garage and into the room next to the garage door.
he sat you down on a chair he had in the room, it was covered in dried paint but it was also covered by a clean towel. he went over to his potter lathe and cleaned it off with a piece of leftover wood he had from a previous project of his. you were confused as to why he was currently setting up his wheel but you didn't question it, you learned that the first year you two were together. also, heads up, but you were both naked and he didn't have anything to wipe his hands off with. but, he had a sink in the room as well, since it was an old bathroom before he revamped it but kept the sink.
he grabbed some clay from on his shelf that he had let sit for almost a week, using his strength to slice it up and smash together. he continued this until he had the perfect amount/consistency, looking back at you with a sweaty face. "baby, can you spread your legs just a little? for this next piece i want it to be inspired by you and how good you look with my kin spilling out of you," he remarked oh so nonchalantly, making you blush extremely but you obliged nonetheless. he smiled and started up his lathe, wetting the clay just a little first before starting to sculpt.
it took a good few hours to get every meticulous crease, every indent and every curve on your gorgeous body and you didn't have to do much but just sit there. the chair had a back so you were fairly comfortable, so you fell asleep in a little under thirty minutes. that was more than enough for him to be able to manipulate your body and turn you every which way he oh so desired.
the piece was done in under three hours to get your exact body shape, the clay in your exact shade of skin tone and he had to carefully take it off the wheel before getting a blow dryer and drying it manually. after it dried he got his little knife and cut all the pieces to get every detail of your body as an exact replica. while you were asleep, he softly grabbed your body to see what he was missing, getting every piece down until it was completed.
when he had finished, it was over five hours worth of work he had done just for you. he would keep this replica of you in his office as a reminder of you, a reminder of how beautiful you were to him and how your body was even better. he let the clay dry as he washed his hands off, drying them with a towel he had left in here before picking you up, carrying you to your shared bed.
he laid you down and laid down right next to you, cradling you in his arms before falling asleep, safe and sound.
"choso, why the fuck is there a replica of me in your art room with your cum comin' out of me?"
"it was a surprise, you weren't supposed to know..."
"surprise for who?"
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© gg 2023. dividers were made by me. do not steal, use, or repost my work without my consent. reblogging/interaction is welcomed.
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nox140497 · 4 months
A Midnight Crisis
Prompt: No
Request: No
Summery: Colby has a panic attack late one night.
Prompt Number: None
Pairings: Colby Brock x Female Reader
Prompt List
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Colby shut his laptop with more force than intended and rubbed his tired eyes. It was past 2am, and he was no closer to finishing the script for his next video.
Glancing around the dimly lit editing room, stacks of notes and camera equipment stared back at him, each item representing hours of work ahead. The never-ending to-do list seemed to stretch into infinity as pressure and perfectionism gnawed away at his sanity.
A tapping at the door pulled Colby from his spiraling thoughts. "Sweetheart, come to bed," said his girlfriend Y/N softly. "You've been at it for hours."
Colby nodded wearily and followed her downstairs. As they curled up under the blankets, Y/N gently stroked his damp hair. "What's keeping you up?" she asked softly.
Colby took a shaky breath. "I just feel so behind. If I don't post at least twice a week, the algorithm will bury me. And the comments..." His voice cracked. "People are always criticising - the lighting, my jokes, who I film with, everything. I try so hard, but it's never enough."
Y/N pulled him closer. "You work like three men already. No one achieves perfection, at least of all in a few hours each time."
Colby knew she was right, but the churning anxiety refused to subside. What if his viewers lost interest? Sponsors pulled funding? It had happened to bigger creators - he wasn't immune.
"I'll never sleep at this rate," he sighed. Reluctantly climbing out of bed, Colby headed back to his prison of screens and cables. Y/N followed, concern etched on her face.
Back in the office, Colby began rewriting his script frantically, deleting and retyping sentences over and over as familiar panic started clawing its way up his throat. What if he picked the wrong topic? Messed up the comedic timing? He typed so fast his hands began to cramp.
A stabbing pain in his chest made Colby gasp for air. Black spots danced before his eyes as the walls closed in, trapping him under the crushing expectation to perform.
Suddenly, strong arms wrapped around him from behind. "Colby, you need to breathe," urged Y/N calmly. She took his trembling hand and placed it on her chest. "In and out, slowly. I've got you."
Colby fought to match her even breaths as crushing anxiety morphed into racking sobs. "I'm losing control," he cried into Y/N's shoulder. "What if I can't do this anymore?"
"Shh, it's okay," soothed Y/N gently. "Come, let's get some air."
Walking unsteadily through the silent house, Colby slowly began to regain control of his breathing in the cool night. Y/N never let go of his hand, grounding him through the lingering panic.
On the back porch, they sat close together, watching the stars. An uneasy silence stretched between them as Colby gathered the courage to speak.
"I'm scared this will break me," he admitted shakily. "I pour everything into videos only to be constantly worried if it's decent enough. It's not making me happy anymore - it's destroying me." A single tear rolled down his cheek.
Y/N gently wiped it away and took his face in her hands. "You are so much more than the metrics or comments say. I see how talented and kind you are every day. This channel was supposed to be fun, so please don't let it ruin your health or us."
Her earnest eyes conveyed nothing but compassion. All the resentful feelings Colby harbored towards himself began to melt away under Y/N's unconditional love and support.
As the first light of dawn broke over the trees, Colby finally felt some of the crushing weight lift. Exhausted but calmer, he leaned into Y/N's shoulder, grateful beyond words that she saw his true worth, not defined by meaningless views or numbers on a screen. This was only the beginning of getting his life back on track, but with her by his side, Colby believed things could get better.
A week had passed since Colby's panic attack, and he was beginning to feel more like himself again. Taking time completely away from YouTube at Y/N's suggestion had brought unexpected relief.
Without daily stresses to focus on, Colby rediscovered long-lost interests like photography and gardening. He spent afternoons going for hikes with Y/N, marvelling at nature's beauty through fresh eyes. Their home filled with snapshot memories from each outing, captured joyfully on film.
With structure and rest, Colby's anxiety gradually released its grip. For the first time in months he slept well, free from dreams about botched collabs or unkind comments. Y/N watched him awaken each day looking more energised, reminding her gently of the importance to maintain this lifestyle.
One sunny afternoon found Colby immersed in tending roses along the fence border. As he trimmed away wilted blooms, flashes of memories surfaced - cramming scripts at 3am, editing well into dawn, forgetting to eat or take breaks. Exhausted, sore hands moved on auto-pilot to create a never-ending stream of content.
His downward spiral had been gradual yet forceful, spurred on by perfectionism and fear of slipping in the algorithm. But Y/N's care dragged Colby kicking and screaming from that dark routine, revealing how lonely the path of overwork had become. A cold shudder passed over him at the realisation of how close he came to burning out completely.
Wiping sweat from his brow, Colby's gaze fell upon Y/N watching tenderly from the porch. Her bright smile warmed his soul, reminding him that life held more meaningful things than views or trends. Carrying the gardening tools inside, Colby collapsed on the couch beside her with a happy sigh.
"Feeling better?" she asked, handing him a cool drink. Colby nodded gratefully. "I'm amazed at the difference a week makes. Things seem clearer now."
He stretched comfortably, thoughts drifting back over stressful nights locked away working endlessly to please abstract metrics, while neglecting real connection. That loneliness had almost swallowed him whole.
"Thank you for pulling me back from the edge," Colby told Y/N earnestly, taking her hands. "I lost sight of what really matters, but you've given me a new perspective."
Y/N leaned in for a lingering kiss. "I'm just glad to have you here, happy and healthy. Promise me you won't let it get that bad again?" Smiling, Colby promised to always communicate how he felt from now on, never bottle things up until breaking point.
That evening, the couple discussed potential strategies for Colby to maintain wellbeing going forward. Setting stricter schedules with enforced breaks, delegating tasks, limiting social media use - simple changes aimed at sustainably managing pressure and burnout prevention.
Colby knew regaining control would take diligent effort. But with Y/N by his side, nothing felt impossible anymore. Her patience and reassurance instilled a calm confidence in his ability to return renewed, without sacrificing mental wellness. The following week, Colby finally felt ready to resume video making.
Armed with new perspective and healthier habits, Colby crafted a short update video explaining his break to concerned viewers. Speaking candidly about mental health awareness and balance, he saw more supportive comments roll in than ever before. The positive reinforcement served to cement Colby's resolution to prioritise fulfillment through diverse passions instead of basing self-worth on one metric's fluctuations alone.
Weeks turned to months of sustainable creativity. True to his word, Colby kept communication lines open with Y/N, never hesitating to discuss feelings or setbacks. With her encouragement he joined local photography groups and took on freelance opportunities to spread creative wings beyond YouTube alone.
Most importantly, Colby learned to be kind to himself through both triumphs and failures. Looking back on a time when anxiety nearly took control of his life, he was profoundly grateful for Y/N's unconditional love and support. It was this care that gave him strength to overcome adversity and regain balance, emerging healthier and happier than ever before.
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rosebudfics · 5 months
hii ♡ may i request for a severus x f!reader where she isn't feeling her best about her body (if u're uncomfy with that it could be any other reason!) so she cuddles on sev's lap and he comforts her, but then it turns into riding and lots of praising ? 🥰 thank u so much in advance if u can do it !! <3
You're beautiful, don't forget that
Husband!Snape x Wife! Reader
Warnings: self doubt, swearing, reader is self conscious of her body (I tried my best to make the body type varied so it wasn't too specific), face riding, p in v riding, slight overstimulation, let me know if I missed anything <3
A/N: i am OBSESSED with this idea. I love it so so much!! Hope i did it justice
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You were having a horrible day. You were tired, and on top of that you caught yourself staring in the mirror too long. The more you stared, the more imperfect features appeared. One eye was slightly more droopy than the other, your nose looked too big/small, you couldn't look down without a double chin showing, you were starting to get smile lines and wrinkles, your stomach had that annoying pudge/shallow look, and so many other things.
Why couldn't you just have a perfect body? You couldn't help but feel like your husband, Severus, would start not being physically attracted to you. You knew he loved you, but where would the spark be if he didn't love your body just as much?
You vision started to blur as you felt tears start to appear, but you jumped and quickly wiped away your tears when you heard a knock on the bathroom door. "Are you alright in there?" You heard Severus speak softly.
"Y-yes, I'm fine just give me a second!" You cringed at the voice crack, and cleared your throat, wiping away any excess tears. Severus frowned to himself when he heard your voice, but waited until you opened the door. You opened the door and did your best to smile up at him, and leaned up, kissing him gently.
"Hello, darling," You then wrapped your arms around him, hiding your face in his chest.
Severus smiled gently, holding you as he stroked your hair. But then he furrowed his brows. "Love, are you sure you're okay..? You can tell me if something has upset you,"
You stayed quiet for a moment, before whispering so quiet that he had barely caught it. "Do you still find me attractive..?"
"What kind of silly question is that?" He pulled away slightly and grabbed your chin, making you look up at him. Severus then saw the tears welling up in your eyes. "Y/N, you are the most beautiful person I have ever laid eyes upon. How could you think so lowly of yourself?" He was mad at himself for not showing you how much he found you attractive, sexy, just beautiful in every way.
You let out a soft sob. "I-I'm sorry, I've just... I don't feel pretty. There's so many things that are wrong with my face, I just don't understand why I can't be like all the other women. I-I-" You were cut off by Severus kissing you as he caressed your cheek.
"Y/N, my love, I know what that can feel like... trust me I do." He then suddenly picked you up, bringing you over to the bed and he rested your head in his lap so you were looking up at him. "But I need you to know that you are beautiful, inside and out. Everything about you. Your eyes, your face, your body.." He ran his hands down your arms.
You just stared up at him, amazed that you could find such a man as wonderful as him. What did you ever do to deserve him?
"Do you understand now? That you are stunning?" Severus asked, softly caressing your face with his finger tips. You nodded, lips parted slightly before you grabbed his hand and kissed his palm.
"I love you so much, Sev..." You whispered, leaning your face into his hand. He smiled. "I love you too."
You both sat like that for a while, enjoying each other's touch, before you climbed up to sit in his lap properly. You wrapped your arms around his neck, and you started to kiss him softly. You felt Severus place his hands on your hips, kissing you back passionately.
You started to gently rut your hips against him, and you heard a low groan from him. You smirk slightly, and start to rut more.
"Please.. let me see you without these," Severus whispered lowly as he pulls on the waist band of your pants, as if he had never seen you naked before. Even though this definitely wasn't your guys's first time, he never failed to make your stomach do a back flip.
You stood up off of him, and started to strip until you were just in panties. You waited until he had removed his own clothes before straddling him again. Severus gripped your waist. "Look at those pretty hips... so beautiful, so perfect for me.." He whispered in your ear before kissing your jaw.
You let out a shaky breath, feeling your core getting hotter by the minute. "Can I take these off..?" He asked, tugging at your panties. You responded with a nod, and he slowly pulled them down off your legs and threw them with the rest of your clothes. You felt him then run his fingers from your clit to the bottom of your slit, earning a soft moan from you.
He smirked before laying down more on the bed, and pulling you over so your core was directly above his face. You gripped the headboard as you blushed, looking down at him. Severus then pulled you down, and he started to lick your slit. You let out a loud moan, squeezing your eyes shut as you felt his nose nudge against your clit.
You reached down and gently gripped his head, before you started to rock your hips slightly into his face. He grabbed your thighs, pushing you down further into his mouth. He licked and sucked, and started to rub a thumb on your clit as he pushed his tongue inside of you. You let out a gasp, followed by stuttered moans.
Severus rubbed his thumb faster, causing your thighs to shake and clench around his head. You didn't want to hurt him so you did your best to not crush him. "S-sorry.. f-fuck!" You groaned.
He pulled away for a second, thumb still working your clit. "Don't ever apologise love, if I were to die I would love to go out that way.. getting crushed by these wonderful thighs on yours," He smirked, and shoved his tongue back into you.
You giggled, but were interrupted by a loud moan when you felt a knot forming in your stomach. You were gasping for breath as you arched your back, gripping the headboard until your knuckles turned white. You then felt that knot snap, and you let out a cry of pleasure as your thighs shook, followed by soft whimpers as you calmed down.
Severus had swallowed everything, before tapping your thigh so you could let him get up. You fell back onto his stomach, legs weak due to the intense orgasm you just had. You leaned back, and felt something poking your low back. Your eyes widened slightly but you smirked.
"We can't forget about you, can we?" You said, before shuffling back so he could sit up as he chuckled. He gestured that you would sit in his lap, and you obliged, wrapping your legs around his waist. He reached around, running his fingers through your slit to gather your juices, and rubbed his cock in them.
"Ready?" He whispered, rubbing your back with his free hand. You nodded, and he pushed himself inside, letting out a guttural moan. You whimpered and rested your forehead on his shoulder, still feeling slightly overstimulated due to your recent orgasm.
He let you adjust, before grabbing your hips and softly lifting you up and down. You were letting out little gasps and whines, digging your fingernails in his forearm when he sped up. "F-fuck... You're perfect. perfect for me, perfect in every way.." Severus whispered in your ear as he bounced you up and down on his cock.
You didn't realise it, but tears started to well in your eyes again from gratefulness, and it didn't take you long before you started to clench around him due to overwhelming feelings.
He let out a loud groan. "If you keep clenching like that.. I-I'm gonna.. gonna-" Severus went silent, then let out a loud groan, moaning as he released inside of you, and the feeling of it caused you to reach your second climax, and you let out a squeal, biting down on your tongue to try not to be so loud.
You both sat like that for a moment, heavily breathing and calming down from the high. You kissed his cheek, wrapping your arms around him as you sighed in content. He traced his hands along your hips as he whispered, "You're beautiful.. don't forget that."
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effetsecndaires · 11 months
— 𝐭𝐨𝐤𝐲𝐨 𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐞/𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮.
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INCLUDES | kazutora hanemiya, ken 'draken' ryuguji
NOTE | kazutora's isn't exactly accurate to the request but I got carried away and I didn't feel like scrapping what i'd already written. sorry about that but I hope you enjoy it anyway!
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'Do you actually like me?'
Kazutora's heart sank when he heard those words come out of your mouth.
He moved to sit next to you on the couch, keeping a reasonable distance. Seeing you wipe away your tears tugged at his heartstrings and at this moment, he really wished he knew how to handle situations like this.
"I-Why would you say that? of course I like you." he stammered almost defensively, feeling helpless. You sniffled, trying to keep your voice steady.
"I just...I can't shake this feeling that you might not really... like me as much as I like you. You seem so distant sometimes, and it just..." you sighed, "It makes me wonder."
Kazutora let out a soft sigh, his own eyes starting to well up a bit. He did like you. He liked you so much. But he's never been the type to talk about his feelings and shower his partner with thoughtful gifts and praise to make them feel loved. He wishes he knew how to do it, but that is still something he has to work on.
"I've...I've never been good at this kinda stuff, you know? Showing emotions and all..." He nervously scratched the back of his head, avoiding eye contact with you. Then he leant forward to rest his forearms on his knees, fidgeting. "But of course, I like you. I really do." he looked like he wanted to say something else, but nothing came out.
You finally looked up from your lap to look at him, your eyes softening at the sight. His legs were bouncing nervously and you could see the struggle in his eyes as his mind raced, trying to find the right words.
Gently, you reached out and placed your hand on top of his, the touch causing him to flinch slightly. But instead of pulling away, you gave his hand a reassuring squeeze. Kazutora swallowed before trying to speak again.
"I... I like you so much," he said your name with a softness that made your heart soar. The vulnerability in his voice was unmistakable, only adding to the sincerity of his words. His leg kept bouncing as he continued. "I just... I just don't know if I deserve someone like you." he paused. "The things I've done, I—"
"The past stays in the past, Kazutora." you interrupted. "We all have done things we regret, but that doesn't mean we can't change and grow. Nobody is perfect, and I don't expect you to be. I love you for who you are now, not the Kazutora you were years ago." you whispered, brushing some hair away from his beautiful eyes which you've come to love so much. "All I want is for you to let me in."
Kazutora's gaze softened as he looked into your eyes, feeling the weight of your words and the sincerity behind them.
"I'm just so afraid of hurting you. Of messing things up."
Your hand gently cupped his cheek, and you smiled reassuringly. "You won't. You haven't so far." You leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to his temple. "I'm the one who doesn't deserve you, you know?" you chuckled softly, swiftly wiping a tear from your cheek. "It's still hard for me to grasp that the Kazutora Hanemiya has picked me, out of all people."
Kazutora let out a soft chuckle. Then the room fell silent for a moment, neither of you speaking. Before it could become awkward, Kazutora turned so he could face you properly, his hands cupping your cheek to press a soft lingering kiss to your lips, his voice barely above a whisper as he spoke;
"I'm sorry for making you feel like your feelings weren't reciprocated. I love you too, sweetheart. More than you know."
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"You're Draken and I'm just... I'm just me."
Draken pulled you closer to his chest, letting your tears soak the fabric of his uniform.
"You're not 'just you,'" he whispered, his voice filled with tenderness "You are so much more than you give yourself credit for. You're the best friend and the best partner anyone could ask for. The way you care for others, the way you listen without judgment... anyone would want to have someone like you in their life." he said, pressing a sweet kiss to your forehead. "Myself included."
You looked up at him, eyes still glistening with tears. His thumb brushed a tear away from your cheek, his touch gentle and comforting. You let his words sink in, feeling a mixture of emotions swirling within you. Part of you wanted to believe him, to embrace the idea that you were worthy of his love. But another part of you still struggled with self-doubt and insecurity.
When you saw what the girls at your school looked like, you couldn't help but wonder why Draken picked you out of all people. Almost as if he was reading your mind, Draken continued, sighing softly as another tear escaped the corner of your eye.
"I fell in love with the person you are, with your quirks, your strengths, and your vulnerabilities. There's no one I'd rather be with." he said, playfully poking the tip of your nose before pressing a gentle kiss to it. He knew Mikey and the gang would tease him endlessly for being so soft with you if they were here. But who cares? He meant every word he said.
You chuckled and nodded, inhaling deeply before hiding your face in his chest, feeling so grateful to have such a loving boyfriend by your side. As you nestled into his embrace, he gently caressed your back, whispering softly: "You're all I want. Don't ever doubt it."
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themultifanshipper · 5 days
ok hi hello i have a little bit of a switch up ask for u 👉👈 could u mayhaps do a lil oscar thing that's just stupid cute angst where the reader is having some self esteem issues and oscar notices bc he's staying with lando in monaco after the race and them + some friends are planning on going out to what happens to be readers favorite club or bar but reader isn't feeling it. oscar immediately cancels and stays at landos n just. comfort fluffy bullshit please i beg <3
also pls flood my inbox with thots/requests bc i will be flying home from seoul tomorrow and i need shit to do on the plane pls and thank u
Made it a bit smutty at the end bc that’s what I do, yanno?
Warnings: bit of angst, lil bit of fluff, smut at the end, friends to lovers type shenanigans.
You were excited at first, going out to your favorite club, with your favourite boys, in your favourite city.
You and Oscar were staying at Lando’s flat in Monaco, excitedly getting ready to go out when everything started to go wrong, bit by bit.
Your hair wasn’t laying how you liked it and it frustrated the hell out of you. It had been fine all week and now suddenly, on the night you knew there would probably be cameras around, it was being a bitch.
Then there was the outfit. Oscar had picked it out for you, and it was truly gorgeous, but you weren’t convinced you would do it justice, especially if your damn hair was going to be a catastrophe, along with your skin that had suddenly decided to become oily as fuck.
Then there was the sight of your body as you passed the mirror. It wasn’t ugly by any stretch of the imagination, but you had eaten a big meal earlier so you felt a bit bloated, your mind exaggerating the barely-there bulge that Oscar insisted nobody (including him) would notice. But you weren’t a skinny, hairless, bronze goddess of a model, like most of the women they frequented, and you knew the media would pick you to pieces if you didn’t look perfect for the cameras.
So you started to spiral, and locked yourself in the bathroom.
You had no idea how much time passed until Oscar inevitably came knocking.
“I can’t go out Oscar!” You called out in a shaky voice.
Worried, he tried to open the door and found it locked so he knocked on the door harder.
“What’s wrong, sweetheart?”
Oscar started panicking slightly and he tried the door again, with no luck.
“It’s too much for me, Osc. Everything is shit! My hair is shit, my body sucks, everyone’s gonna laugh at me because I don’t fit in with you lot” Your voice cracked as tears started clouding your vision.
“Please open the door, I'm sure everything's fine! I don’t kno-“  he was interrupted by Lando coming around the corner.
“Mate, they’re waiting for us at the club. How long you gonna be?”
“Uhhm…” Oscar said, unhelpfully.
“I’m not going Lando!” You called through the door.
Lando lifted an eyebrow at Oscar in confusion.
“You go, we’ll catch up.”
Lando nodded and sauntered off, leaving Oscar on his own in dead silence. After a while you asked, “Is he gone?” as you got up from where you’d been sitting on the floor and approached the door to listen out for any movement.
“Yeah, please open the door now, it’s just me” Oscar said softly.
You did so and he gasped at the sight of you.
“Sweatheart, you look amazing!” He took your face in his hands, thumbs wiping away the tears “Your eyes are a bit puffy, sure, but your hair looks fine! And that bangin’ bod of yours in that? I knew it would look stunning on you!” He wrapped his arms around you and you giggled wetly into his neck.
“You’re just saying that.”
“I’m really not. You look like a wet dream come true!”
“Awww, Osc. Don’t go sappy on me.”
He laughed as the hug ended, a bit too early for your liking, and you just stood there smiling at each other like idiots.
You broke the tension with a sigh and picked your phone up to check the time.
“I don’t want to go out Osc, I’m really not feeling it tonight.”
“No problem, I’ll stay in with you”
“You don’t have to-”
“But I want to”
“Osc, you got p2, you need to go out and cele-“
He didn’t let you finish as he kissed you gently to shut you up, and when you got over your initial shock, you deepened the kiss, his hand came up to cup the back of your head and the other slid around your waist, pulling you closer as the kiss got more passionate.
You separated, eventually needing air, and panted into each other’s mouths.
“That’s better than a p2, baby. I’ve waited a long time to do that.”
“I love you, Osc”
You were both sat on the sofa, drinking a glass of probably very expensive wine you found in Lando’s pantry, still in your fancy clothes (although fancy for Oscar meant a white shirt and black jeans), chatting about how the two of you had been dancing around each other for years.
He grinned and squeezed you tightly as he kissed your forehead “God, I love you too sweetheart.”
Oscar put his empty glass down on the table. “You know, just because we’re staying in doesn’t mean we can’t have some fun” His hand wandered up your arm, to your neck, tucking your hair behind your ear.
“Oh yeah? What did you have in mind then?” You asked
“Dunno” His expression remained neutral, but his voice betrayed his amusement. “We could take our clothes off and see how we go from there?”
You giggled, putting your own glass down and shuffling closer to him “Sounds like a plan.”
You all but ripped each other’s clothes off in your haste to get naked. He gently prised your legs apart as he sucked two of his fingers into his mouth, getting them wet before testing the waters and sinking one inside you.
You both groaned, you because he could reach deeper than you ever could on your own, him because you were so hot and wet and tight.
It didn’t take long to get to three fingers, stretching you out before he withdrew completely and lined himself up, rubbing his cock through your folds a few times to get it nice and wet.
When he slid into you, it felt like coming home after a long day, like this is where he belonged. He stayed like that for a minute, hips still and head in the crook of your neck, as he tried to concentrate on not coming immediately.
When he was ready, he leaned up to kiss you and mumbled “I love you, so much” against your lips, before pulling out a bit and then giving an experimental thrust, which drove you both wild. He was so thick, his cock stretching you in the most delicious way, that you whined at every movement, his hips quickly picking up speed.
You could only cling on to him as the pleasure was almost too much, your orgasm building too fast, making you tighten around his cock as he drove it deeper and deeper into you.
You tried to convey something to him, but the only thing that came out was a pathetic whimper.
He got the message anyway, a hand slinking down to rub messy circles into your clit, sending you hurtling over the edge as your vision blacked out.
“That’s it, sweetheart. Come on my cock, fuck-” and with that he reached his own end, pumping you full of him, as he gently ground his hips into yours, bringing you down slowly, the two of you complete bliss.
Let’s just say, after that day, Lando had to replace his now stained sofa, and he never let you both stay at his place again.
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Idk either guys, it just happened :)
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archangeldyke-all · 6 months
I’ve been having some body image issues lately and I was wondering if you could do a chubby reader with Sevika and maybe reader has been kinda distant with Sevika cause of the whispers she hears about their relationship? And Sevika is like “oh hell no” and fucks reader until she’s crying about how beautiful she is :)
first of all: a million kisses for you anon, body image issues suck so fucking bad and i hope this helps alleviate some of the anxiety that comes with them <3
men and minors dni
sevika loves chubby girls.
it's something about the softness. sevika has to keep her body in prime condition for her job so she's nothing but firm muscle. but fat girls? the way their thighs spread when they sit, the flap of their biceps when they wave, the tiny little roll of fat under their chins and padding their cheeks-- sevika's obsessed.
and then she meets you.
you're the girl of her dreams. you're sweet, you're funny, you're always looking out for sevika, and before she even knows what's happening she's fallen in love with you.
at first she's kinda pissed. how could somebody worm their way into her heart so easily? she tries her best to keep it guarded, to keep people away, but you're just so fucking perfect-- patient when sevika's snippy, concerned when she's quiet, always gently playing with the ends of her hair and listening with a focused expression when she's bitching-- that you slide past all her defenses with ease.
it doesn't help that you're her exact type. it doesn't help that sevika gets lightheaded when you wear a tank top or shorts. it certianly doesn't help that each time she makes you smile, your chubby cheeks pull up so tantalizingly, begging for her to reach forward and pinch them (or kiss them.) and when you stretch, and sevika gets a peek of your belly? she almost passes out.
so it takes her a while to finally work up the nerve to ask you out, but once she gets you (after nervously stuttering out a love confession and then presenting you with a bouquet of your favorite flowers) she doesn't let go.
she gets you moved in with her as soon as you'll let her.
she's got a ring picked out for when you finally bring up marriage.
you quickly become the most important thing in her life.
which is why she's so quick to notice when you're acting weird.
it's been about a week now. a week of you being a little quieter than usual and dodging her kisses. a week of you layering up in baggy clothes. a week of you denying yourself seconds at dinner, and not indulging in your usual before bed treat.
she's getting worried.
so when she comes home and finds you crying in the bathroom, still wet from the shower and wrapped up in a towel, she panics.
"what's wrong?!" she asks, rushing to your side, reaching her arms up to wrap you in a hug. you duck out of her grasp and her heart breaks. "baby, what's going on?" she asks.
"nothing." you say between sniffles. sevika scoffs.
"it's not nothing, honey, you've been acting weird all week." she says. "i'm worried about you." she admits quietly. this breaks you.
you're suddenly collapsing to the floor, curling up in a tiny ball as you cry. "'m-m sorry sev." you wail, miserably. sevika's baffled as she crouches down to pull you into her arms.
for a while, she just sits with her back against the sink cupboards as you cry in her arms. she kisses your head, rubs your back, and lets you tire yourself out. once you get your breathing under control she gently pinches your chin to tilt your head up, so she can look you in the eyes.
"talk to me, baby." she pleads as she wipes away your tears.
"i don't-- sevika, i'm not good enough for you." you whisper. sevika blinks, then laughs.
"what the fuck are you talking about!?" she exclaims. you bite your lip to keep from bursting into tears again, and sevika's laughter ceases as she cups your face in her hands. "baby, you're the best thing that's ever happened to me. what-- where is this coming from?"
you gnaw on your lip as you struggle to get the words out. "you don't think i'm ugly?" you whisper. sevika blinks.
"like... like i'm too big?" you ask.
sevika's heart breaks again and she pulls you to her chest. "what the fuck?" she asks. you nuzzle into her shoulder. "baby, what the fuck?" she asks again.
"i don't-- you've got this perfect fucking body and i'm not-- i'm not like that. i'm all soft and squishy and jiggly and-- it doesn't make sense!" you say.
"what doesn't make sense?" she asks, feeling like she's going insane. hasn't she made it clear to you how fucking sexy and desirable and delicious she finds you?
"that you are with me!" you say, gesturing to your body with a look of disgust.
something like anger starts to bubble up in sevika's stomach.
"who put this in your head?" she asks. you blink.
"what?" you say.
"who-- did someone say something to you?" she asks. you blink again.
"no." you lie. sevika scoffs.
"who?!" she demands. you shrug.
"i dunno. we-- we were at the last drop a few days ago and..." you trail off and look away from sevika. "i heard someone laughing about you and me. something like 'what the fuck's sevika doing with a girl like that?' and... it just got me thinking. i know what i look like sevika, i'm not a model. you are though, or you could be. don't... don't you wanna be with someone like that?" you ask shakily.
sevika can't decide if she should march down to the bar and sniff out whatever shithead decided to talk shit about you or smack you upside the head for thinking something so stupid.
she decides to do neither. neither would help you right now. she puts her vengeance on hold and presses a long, firm kiss to your head, before slowly rising from the ground.
when she's up, she leans down and scoops you up in her arms.
you squeak.
"remember the first time i did this to you?" she asks as she peppers your face with kisses. you curl into her chest. "you were certain i wouldn't be able to lift you. and then i did. shoulda seen your face, you were smiling all big and goofy-- that image is burned in my mind y'know." she says as she starts carrying you to the bedroom. you chuckle against her chest. at the sound, sevika's heart skips a beat. "remember how i fucked you after?" she asks with a little rasp in her voice. "pinned you against the wall-- had you so fuckin' wet you were makin' a puddle." she says, gently setting you back down onto the ground.
she pulls the towel away from your body, and when your hands come up to hide your stomach and tits, she gently smacks them away. her hands find your hips, drawing gentle circles into your plush skin.
"you... you are the most gorgeous, sexiest, most important person in the world to me." she whispers. you shudder.
"i'm not--"
"you are." she says firmly. "let me prove it to you?" she asks. you gulp.
"wh-- how?" you ask. she smirks and turns you around in her grip, your back pressed to her chest, your front facing the standing mirror in your room. you look away from your reflection immediately and sevika pinches you. "ow!" you say. sevika chuckles and begins pressing kisses up your neck.
"fuckin' look at you." she whispers. you move your head back to face the mirror, but avoid your own eyes, looking at sevika instead. she allows it, for now. "i can't-- your body is like all i ever think about." she says. "it's kinda a problem. used to be so focused in meetings and dinners, and now i find myself zoning out and thinking about your hips." she says. "love these hips. look." she encourages. your eyes flick down to your wide hips, where sevika's hands are clawing into your flesh. "look how soft they are. so fuckin' nice to hold. perfect place to rest my hands, baby, 'specially when i'm fuckin' you." she whispers.
a shiver runs down your spine and sevika smirks.
one of her hands trails up to fondle your stomach, tracing the stretch marks that decorate it with a gentle finger.
"your stomach, fuck." she grunts. behind you, she starts grinding her crotch against your ass, genuinely worked up from the two and a half minutes of fondling she's done so far. "love biting it." she whispers, tracing one of her faded bite bruises left on your flesh. "the way it rolls and jiggles when you ride me?" she whispers. "makes me crazy." you whimper as she claws at your belly, pulling you closer to her chest.
her free hand wanders up to fondle your tits as the hand on your stomach slowly creeps downward toward your cunt.
she doesn't touch, instead she holds eye contact with you in the mirror until you adjust your stance and give her hand room to cup your pussy.
she grins as she slides her hand down, both of you gasping when her hand meets your wet cunt. "look at your body." she commands. you gulp, and slowly trail your eyes down your body.
with sevika's hands on you, and her chin hooked over your shoulder, all the imperfections you were overwhelmed by before just... disappear. it's just you, just the body you've always had, the body sevika's always loved, the body that's carried you through every hard time in your life. you sigh and relax into sevika's hold, and she smiles.
"see how pretty you are?" she whispers as she starts working her hand against your cunt. "awe, look at your thighs twitching." she coos. "love those fuckin' thighs, wanna suffocate between 'em." she says. you half-laugh half-moan as she dips the tip of her finger inside you.
"m-more." you whimper. sevika chuckles.
"say somethin' nice about yourself first."
"sev!" you whine. she giggles and bites your shoulder.
"i'll go first. i love your arms. so soft, but still so strong. there's nothin' i love more than coming home and having you wrap me up in a hug. makes me feel so safe." she says reverantly as the hand between your legs teases you.
her words take your breath away. you tear your eyes away from where you were studying your plump arms to look at sevika in the mirror. she coos when she notices the tears welling in your eyes.
"your turn." she whispers. "anything. just give me one thing you like about yourself and i'll give you my fingers the way you need 'em." she promises.
"i-i guess... i like my ass?" you try. sevika grins, sinks her finger inside you, and attacks your neck with biting kisses.
"fuckin' love your ass." she agrees as she starts fucking you with her finger. you whimper. "watchin' it jiggle when i got you in doggy-- shit." she whispers as her grinds against your ass get harsher. "tell me more." she demands.
"i like-- like that i can stay warmer when it's cold." you say. sevika chuckles and shoves another finger inside you.
"love cuddlin' with you." she moans. "another."
she's basically fucking your ass now, humping against you and grunting in your ear.
"m-m-my cheeks." you whimper as sevika brushes against your g-spot. "fuck, sev, right there." you whine.
your eyes are trained on sevika's hand between your thighs, occasionally trailing up to watch as her free hand wanders up and down your sides.
"fuckin' love your cheeks. kissin' 'em and pinchin' 'em and cummin' all over 'em when you're on your knees for me." you shudder, your hand reaching up to claw at sevika's neck. "y'close?" she grunts. you nod, biting your lip. "look at yourself, baby." she whispers. "look how fuckin' perfect you are. look how your body moves, fuck look at those perfect little rolls. fuck-- you're gonna make me cum." she grunts as she continues humping your ass. you shiver at the confession.
"r-really?" you ask. sevika bites her lip and nods.
"can't control myself around you." she grunts as she continues groping and pinching your soft body.
a tear rolls down your cheek and sevika coos, reaching up to wipe it away, then gripping your chin and forcing you to look in the mirror.
"look at you when you cum. want you to see how pretty you are." she grunts.
the words do something to you, and in an instant you're falling apart on her fingers, cumming and gasping and trying your best to keep your eyes open, but failing when they roll into the back of your head.
"fuckin' good girl." sevika grunts. "just like that. see how perfect you are? fuck, you got no idea how much i love you. how much i love this fuckin' body. shit, baby, i'm gonna-- fuck!" she grunts as she shudders against your back and cums on your ass. you whimper and tug her hair, and she hisses, jolting in your hold.
for a few seconds, the two of you just catch your breath. when you open your eyes again, the first thing you see is sevika's loving eyes looking back at you in the mirror.
"goddess." she whispers. you sigh, a few spare tears leaking out of your eyes. sevika gently removes her fingers from your cunt, then pops them in her mouth, sucking them clean. she moans. with her free hand, she wipes away your tears. when she's done, she presses one firm kiss to your cheek, before spinning you back around in her arms so you're face to face.
"i love you." she whispers. "you're the most beautiful woman in the world." she says. "you love me?" she asks.
"what? of course!" you stutter out. sevika smirks.
"then quit worryin' about what anyone else thinks. all you gotta worry about is what i think, and i think you're perfect." she says. "and i'm gonna kill the fuckers who made you feel otherwise." she mutters under her breath. you chuckle, then lean forward to kiss her.
sevika melts against your lips, and you melt into her arms.
"next time you're feelin' like this about yourself you gotta tell me, okay?" she whispers. "i'll fuck it outta you again." she promises. you giggle and nod.
"okay." you say. "i love you." you whisper. "thank you for taking care of me."
"baby, takin' care of you is my favorite thing in the world. i just don't like seein' you cry." she says. she leans in to kiss you again, and pulls away to press your foreheads against each other. "i love you, too, by the way. in case it wasn't obvious."
you giggle then tug on her hair. "c'mon. we got a week of no sex to make up for." you say, pushing sevika toward your bed. she grins.
"you're the best." she chuckles.
@lesbeaniegreenie @fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @ellabslut @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity @love-sugarr @chuucanchuucan @222danielaa @badbye666 @femme-historian
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kiskisur · 10 months
ᝰ.ᐟ I'm scared.
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req: May i request lyney agnst like argument type of agsnt 🙏🏼🙏🏼 !!
warnings: angst with no comfort, gn!reader x lyney, no specific pronouns just "you"!
note: honestly? I love angst. A LOT so writing this hurt and made my mood so much better 🤭🤭🤭
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You and Lyney were the couple everyone admired, known for your impeccable harmony in both public and private. But even the most seemingly perfect relationships can unravel in the face of unexpected challenges.
On an ordinary day, a trivial issue about you talking to your manager ignited an argument that spiraled out of control. Lyney's intuition picked up on the tension, and a once-loving conversation turned into a bitter clash of perspectives.
As the disagreement escalated, the emotions that had been buried emerged with a vengeance. Lyney's violet eyes, usually so understanding, now held a mixture of frustration and hurt. Your connection, once a source of strength, now seemed fragile and strained.
The argument took its toll, leaving both of you emotionally drained and distant. In this alternate reality, there was no heartwarming resolution, no laughter to break the tension. Instead, the sadness lingered, casting a shadow over your once-perfect relationship.
Lyney's harsh words reverberated in the air, hitting you like a punch to the gut. "Why did I even date you?" his voice carried a mixture of anger and disappointment, and it felt like a dagger through your heart.
Tears welled up in your eyes, blurring your vision. His words stung deeply, and the tear-shaped mark on his cheek seemed to mirror the pain inside you. The person you trusted the most had just questioned your entire relationship.
Your chest tightened, and you struggled to breathe as the weight of his words settled in. How did you go from being the couple everyone admired to this? The laughter and love you once shared felt like distant memories in the face of this hurtful argument.
You wiped away a tear, your vision clearing just enough to see the hurt in Lyney's violet eyes. It was a pain you never wanted to be the cause of, especially not from someone who had been your rock. The room seemed to close in around you, the walls echoing the shattered state of your connection.
The words hung in the air, heavy and suffocating.
ᝰ.ᐟ it feels like you don't care.
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leggerefiore · 7 months
How would the Pokémon Villain react if they dreamed that their plans were working but their partner died and then they weke up and their partner asked them what they dreamed but they didn't know anything about their plans?
anon, I know its a minor typo but I'm fighting back the urge to Ask Which Villain.
cw: angst, temporary death of reader (its just a dream), a lot of men crying inside but with comfort
characters: Lysandre, Maxie, Archie, Cyrus, Volo
☕️ His heart raced as he watched the Ultimate Weapon absorb the energy it needed. Everything was going according to plan. Scientists and grunts were dead silent, unsure how to process all of what was to come or stricken silent in supposed excitement. Lysandre's preservation of beauty was soon to follow. A world without ugly things… His fists clenched. It felt surreal to consider how everything that he had dreamed of would soon come to fruition. Yet, how he still wished it need not come to these extremes. The terror above the HQ was now irrelevant to him.
☕️ That was until his admins began to alert him to an issue on the lowest floor. Someone had apparently broken into the legendary pokemon's room. They had somehow overpowered all his admins. Marching down to the lowest level, he entered the room to see the cocoon glowing with light. He froze at who stood before the awakening legendary. Who had let you even make it down to this level? The dark and flying type awoke from its slumber with a bright light swelling across the room. He shielded himself from it. However, when the light died down, the sight that laid before him was sickening.
☕️ You laid on the floor in a strange position, completely unmoving. The legendary let out a bellow. Lysandre nearly collapsed to his knees as he felt tears burn his eyes. He dared to approach your body and attempt to shake you awake. Your chest did not rise. Your face was frozen in terror. There were many sacrifices he was more than prepared to make for his beautiful world. You were not one of them. His gaze harshly shifted to the legendary. If the tales of resurrection were true, then perhaps there was still a way alongside gaining his perfect world.
☕️ He prepared himself to force Yveltal back into its slumber but could barely react when its body began to glow an ominous crimson. He barely had time to realise it was charging an attack. Something strange came over him as he leaned over your body, convinced that this was an attempt to destroy your body and prevent his new plans from happening. An eerie red beam of light sprung forth from the legendary, and he could register nothing further in his mind.
☕️ He awoke up suddenly, rising up from the couch in a groggy state. An evening sun hung outside of the window, illuminating the city of Lumiose outside in a peaceful scene. His heart pounded in his chest. The smell of coffee hung around the room as a door creaked open. Turning his head, he spied you entering the living room with a tray. A small cup of coffee and a sweet pastry laid on it. He felt himself calming down instantly. All was well. A dream, of course. That had just been a horrible dream.
☕️ You sat down the tray on the coffee table and rushed over to his side. Your hand pressing to his cheeks relaxed him immensely. His hand came over yours. The idea of losing you… A truly beautiful being in this world… It felt as if a knife was driven into his heart. “My love,” your voice was music to his ears, “Are you alright? You're crying!” Your thumb came to wipe away his tears. Lysandre felt you were too good for him. That is why you were not allowed to know the more grizzly details of his plans.
☕️ “I had a bad dream,” he gave a basic explanation, not wanting to further explore the details. You sat beside him on the couch, gently leaning against his arm. He brought his other to grab the hot coffee from the tray. Quietly drinking a bit, the bitter yet oddly nutty flavour of the beverage calmed his nerves. “Ah, this is wonderful, darling,” he complimented you, “I feel much better now.” You smiled sweetly at him. Such a sight needed to be preserved. Nothing would take it from him.
🪨 There was nothing but excitement racing through Maxie's mind as he held up the Red Orb towards the petrified Continent pokemon. The way it resonated with super ancient pokemon to awaken it from its ceaseless slumber left him feeling something after the constant back and forth that child who had insisted on getting in his way. They fell back at his side, while the magma oddly swirled around the pokemon as it regained its colours after countless centuries of slumber. Maxie could finally bring about more land for humanity's continued growth.
🪨 He almost forgot about another in the cave, still with him and the child. Archie and Tabitha both ran out after he made it clear he was not backing down from his intentions. Groudon unexpectedly shifted the magma around it to escape to the surface from the Seafloor Cavern. It spewed the molten rock forward where you stood much too close to the ledge. Your screams barely registered alongside that of the child. Maxie did not know whether to cover his own eyes or those of the child.
🪨 It was then that his communicator began to ring out with concerns about the horrifying drought that Groudon summoned forth. The child had fled the cave after the grizzly sight of what happened to you. The concerns from Tabitha before he acted rang out in his head as he gazed at your body. His admin had brought you here to try to stop him. He did not wish to leave you here, yet he needed to act. A shaky breath left him as he departed from the cavern back to the surface.
🪨 His horror grew worse at the intense heat that swelled over Hoenn from the burning sky above. Groudon truly had brought forth the power to dispel the oceans, but he quickly realised that would mean the end for all life on earth. Your life was only the first of many that would come. He realised where Groudon was going and rushed away with the other two men to try to fix this. Except as they attempted to move away, the sun only got hotter and hotter, and he could feel the strength being ripped out of him by the sudden loss of his partner and the harsh heat. It was not long until he collapsed to the ground. Yet, suddenly, the ground unexpectedly opened a fissure beneath him. His name being yelled by both Archie and Tabitha rang in his ears as he fell to whatever depths were to come.
🪨 He jolted awake in his bed, heavy breaths entering and leaving his lungs. The clock on the nightstand showed an early morning hour. Had that all been a dream? It had felt so real. The smell of burning flesh stinging his nostrils still. Before he could process anything more from the nightmare, something to the side of him shifted. His head whipped around to see you pressing yourself up and rubbing at your eyes. A yawn came from you. More relief crashed onto him. You were alive and well.
🪨 You hand pressing to his upper arm to press yourself up. For a moment, you just looked at him in mild confusion before your expression shifted. You suddenly reached a hand to wipe away tears from his face. Had he been crying? “What's wrong, Maxie?” you fretted over him quietly, stirring up more. Your hand brushed a few red strands out from his face as his mind rushed about how to reply. His nightmare felt too surreal to describe to you.
🪨 “... I had a nightmare,” Maxie mumbled out after a while. His hand grabbed your own as he felt the skin there silently. You were alive and well. He had yet to awaken Groudon. “I'm sorry for waking you up,” he apologised as you leaned forward to press a kiss to his temple. Ease and calmness began to wash over him. Maybe… Maybe he should discuss this more with Tabitha rather than running head first. You would definitely be kept away no matter what.
💧 Nothing could quite beat the high he felt as he held the Blue Orb high in the air within the walls of the cavern. Shelly and Maxie may have run out in whatever panic had taken over them, but he knew this had to work. A paradise for pokemon was just about to come. He could control Kyogre. Archie knew he could. The water around the sleeping pokemon swirled as the dull colouration from its slumber faded back to its dark blue. The oceans would be protected, and pokemon would flourish.
💧 Yet, as it awoken, he felt himself panic as it escaped the cave. His communicator went crazy as reports poured in about the sheer intensity of the downpour that had been summoned. He could barely believe his eyes when he came to the surface to see what was unfolding. Much to his horror, it was as described. And even worse, somehow you had ended up standing with the other two people. Yet, before he could say a word to question anything, a large wave overtook the shallow part of the sea they stood on.
💧 The ocean swallowed you whole before him, almost like it was targetted. Shelly tried to reach for you as the water pulled you away but fell just out of reach. He rushed over to dive into the waters to pull you out himself, but there was no time as you sank further and further. His lungs met their capacity as he was forced to resurface with a heavy heart. The water made him feel ill as it surrounded him. Shelly and Maxie forced him back onto the shallow area as he stared into the depths of the water. It was not possible. He refused to accept that this had happened.
💧 A scream echoed out from Maxie as another wave came crashing over. This one is bigger than the last. Archie tried everything to escape the force of the water, yet even he knew how next to impossible it was. It became more and more difficult to struggle as he realised that he had doomed the world. The flooding would not stop. Nothing could survive. The darkness of the ocean became an eerie reminder of what he had done as everything began to slip away from him.
💧 Archie shot awake at his desk, staring at the laptop sitting there in confusion. Reports from his scientists and Shelly were still open as he rose up from the slumped over position he was in. What time was it? Apparently, midafternoon, according to his clock. He yawned. Getting up, he wandered over to the other side of his room to see you laying in bed on your phone. Were you bored? He would prefer that to whatever he had just witnessed.
💧 Your attention shifted from the phone to him as you spied your boyfriend and had awoken from his impromptu nap. At first, you smiled, but it quickly fell as you threw off the blanket to rush over to him. Both your hands cupped his face, brushing against his beard. Archie was confused until you moved one of your hands to wipe away something. “Archie?” you spoke his name softly, “Are you okay?” Was he crying? He felt more upset by the fact that he had worried you now.
💧 “I'm fine, Luvdisc,” he reassured you and pulled your hands away from his face. Instead, he squeezed you into a tight hug. What a nightmare. His beloved ocean took away his lover from him. It would never happen in reality. That was what he wanted to believe. Archie pressed a kiss to your forehead, making you laugh as his beard tickled you. “You can swim, right?” he asked, “If you can't, I'm teaching ya right now.” He would make sure you were safe and prepared for anything.
☄️ If he dared to allow himself a moment of expression of his feelings, he would say the pure elation ran through him as the deity of time and the deity of space were restrained before him by the grasp of the Red Chain. They struggled desperately to free themselves, but it was fruitless. His will was something immovable; his dream just in his grasp. A perfect, obedient world was soon to be recreated from this world that was corrupted by foolishness of spirit. He ignored whatever discussion his commanders had fallen into behind him.
☄️ Yet, his moment wad ripped from him as a being of shadow began to emerge from the ground beneath him. Its ominous glowing eyes filled with rage as it came forth. An attack was directed at him, clearly wishing to stop him from completing his plans. He braced himself, more than ready to take whatever the odd being would hit him with. It never came, however. His body crashed against the stone beneath him as someone shoved him out of the way. Cyrus's body felt like lead when he realised who it was.
☄️ Your body was consumed by the shadowy being before his eyes. One moment, you were there, but in the next, nothing remained of either of you. He heard a sound echoing throughout the annals of Spear Pillar. For a moment, he wondered what it was. That was until Mars rushed over to check on him. He then realised it was him. A scream had worn his throat raw. The blue-haired man stared at where you once were in a trace. He stumbled over and fell to his knees. His fist pounded against the stone. Why had you done that? What foolish emotions had taken over your mind to make you act in such a manner?!
☄️ Another scream echoed out through the area, but he found himself too disoriented from everything to figure out whether it was Mars or Jupiter who had screamed. What he did notice was a shadow growing over him. He raised his head up to see the shadowy form staring down at him again, clearly aware it missed its target. Rage swirled within Cyrus from his interrupted plans and the loss of you. Within a moment, he, too, joined you into whatever hellish realm the being was linked to. His pursuit of perfection was gone.
☄️ Cyrus shot awake from the awful dream as he pushed back the blanket that was on top of me. The room was dim as he shifted to sit on the couch. His head turned to the kitchen where light bled out from. Getting up, he felt himself rush into the room. You stood there in the bright scene, watching as your Rotom possessed the toaster oven on the counter. He felt relief crash onto him like a boulder. The foolish weakness he allowed himself stood before him, unharmed and laughing.
☄️ Your head turned to him with a bright grin. It fell almost instantly, however. You rushed over to him and gently latched onto his arm. “Cy…?” your voice was soft, “Are you okay?” Your free hand rose to cup his cheek. He felt your thumb wipe away tears that had apparently formed under his eyes. Cyrus felt weak. The feeling twisted within him disgustingly. Memories of youth uncomfortably springing forth. Even Rotom had floated over to check on him. His perfect world… He needed to be careful. No errors would be made, nor would anything go unaccounted for. Your lips softly pecked his cheek.
☄️ “… Just an unfortunate dream, is all,” he replied after forcing down the dread that wished so desperately to consume him. Cyrus would not let it. He needed to be the example of his world. His spirit had to be suppressed once more. For now, however, he would allow himself to bathe in your gentle affection. A place to refresh his mind. You did not know anything about his plans, after all. You would never have any reason to appear at Spear Pillar.
⭐️ It should have been a moment of pure glory and ecstasy for the descendant of the ancient Sinnoh people. He had called forth the creator of all – The true Alpha Pokemon itself. Its glorious form, something that was placed beyond his words as he stared at the deity in wonder. How much of his youth had he lost to his growing obsession with the shining pokemon before him now? He swallowed as it landed before him, forced out by Giratina and its plates, all gathered together at the Temple of Sinnoh. His curiosity was quenched, but now came his perfect world. Volo could weep with joy.
⭐️ Yet, the moment of glory was destroyed in an instant. The harsh green eyes of the god turned past him. He was nothing before it. Instead, its gaze was trained onto the unconscious person laid carefully on the floor of the temple. You had tried to foolishly stop him, but he easily proved to defeat you. Your team fell to his own, and a quick hypnosis from his Spiritomb had you in your current state. He wondered if Arceus was debating how its chosen hero had been so easily defeated. Before he could further process it, light began to gather above you.
⭐️ His heart stopped as countless shots of light rained down upon your defenceless body. The scent of iron was heavy in the air, and you lay eerily still. A cry came from Arceus. Volo screamed. His throat felt raw as he rushed to your side. This was not possible. Arceus would not attack its chosen one. Why? His breath hitched. The answer was plainly obvious. It was you he had come to care about in this world and no other. A final way to punish the blond for his sins and desire to become a deity. Tears poured from his eyes as he held your lifeless body to his own.
⭐️ His gaze returned to the deity to find it now gone. Rage boiled inside him. No. He refused to accept this. You had been used as a form to mock and harm him. He would never obey a cruel god who allowed people to suffer. Just as he began to call for Giratina, something felt strange. He fell to his knees as he saw the ball of light swelling above his head. As it began to rain down, he felt his anger swell into a strong, resentful curse.
⭐️ He startled awake as you sat over him, looking at him with a worried expression. The smell of the crisp air of the morning stung his nose as he saw the flap of the tent open. A light snow had descended upon the highlands. He let out a soft breath. A nightmare. Not his first, and likely not his last. Your touch soothed away his fears. The feeling honestly inspired more dread than the nightmare had. Volo truly was attached to you. What this would mean long-term was beyond him.
⭐️ Your voice was soft as you spoke to him, “… You were crying, Volo.” His mouth went dryer somehow. He brought his hand to wipe away his tears. Shame boiled in his chest. The idea of showing such bold vulnerability to you terrified him, yet it had happened against his will. Somehow, he felt even more that Arceus was mocking him. You pulled him into your warm embrace, gently combing a hand through his freed golden locks. His shoulders relaxed.
⭐️ “It was nothing,” Volo finally replied after a few moments, “Just a dream.” Reality would be different, after all. He would subjugate Arceus's power as his own and create the world he wished to see. His exposed eye met yours. No harm would ever befall you there, not at his side and under his protection. You did not seem entirely convinced by his words but left it alone.
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paradiseprincesss · 16 days
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eternal sunshine - jonathan crane x reader
note: vaguely follows the plot of eternal sunshine of the spotless mind but mainly the music video for we cant be friends (wait for your love) by ariana grande. yay got my 4th fic inspired by eternal sunshine (the album) out hehe.
summary: after you leave the love of your life, you find it almost impossible to let him go. however, there's a new medical procedure that can be done to erase ones memories of a person permanently. out of pain and suffering, you make the conscious choice to forget about jonathan, even if it breaks your heart to let go of all the good memories along with the bad.
word count: 6k (um, i wrote this all today in one sitting lol am i okay?)
warnings: angst, breakups, loving relationship turned toxic, jonathan being secretive about his alter ego lol, letting go of love
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with shaky breaths and trembling hands, you looked at the waiver in front of you that was clipped to the clipboard. bringing the pen down to the bottom of the paper, you hesitated for a moment. all you had to do was sign your name - and it would be done, all your memories of him gone, just like that.
for just a moment, you shut your eyes as tears threatened to fall once more, but you open them and swiftly drag the pen across the black line on the paper, signing your name.
"i'm done filling out the form." you say to the receptionist, who was sitting behind the front desk typing away aimlessly.
"perfect," she says, not looking away from her computer, "just leave it here and i'll hand it to dr. davis when he calls you in."
you nod, putting the clipboard on the front desk and go right back to sitting down in the chair of the waiting room, fidgeting with your hands nervously.
you were currently sitting in the office of "brighter days inc." they'd created a new medical advancement through technology which allowed people to have their memories wiped for whatever reason they pleased. traumatic event? consider it gone. shitty year? forget about it. awful, heartbreaking, gut-wrenching, and brutally painful breakup? gone.
i mean, that's why you were here after all - to forget your breakup with your ex-boyfriend, jonathan crane. it was destined to end from the beginning, it would have never worked out but you endlessly hoped that it did. it didn't, obviously, but that made it all the more painful and hard to forget.
you and jonathan were together for nearly four years before things ended, and ended badly at that. no, there was no screaming arguments or slamming of doors as one walked out on the other at the end of your relationship, quite the opposite, actually. the end of your time together was gut-wrenchingly painful, it was gentle and full of what could've been. it was mutually agreed upon, but you wished it wasn't. everyday you wished you could turn back time with the snap of your fingers.
because you'd do anything to forget him.
you'd broken up a few months ago, but time didn't heal you. if anything, time made it worse as it gave you, well, time, to let it all sink in. everyday things got harder, memories became more vivid, and you felt like the fragments of the fantasy of what could've been were haunting you daily.
your name being called snapped you out of your anxious thoughts, and you look up to see an older man, who appeared to be a doctor, standing in the doorway with your clipboard in hand. this must've been the renown doctor jason davis.
"we're ready for you," he said, skimming through the papers, "this way, please."
getting up, you followed him into a clinical looking room, and single chair stood in the centre of it. dr. davis directed you to the chair, and you sat down a little awkwardly, unsure of what to do.
"just relax," he says softly, his clinical team setting various machines up around you, "you're in great hands, don't worry."
you take a deep breath in, and try your best to calm yourself down. it was suddenly getting a little harder to breathe, but that was just nerves, right?
"are these all the items?" a nurse asked you, to which you nod. "that should be every single one, yeah." you tell her, and she starts to unpack the big, cardboard box you'd brought in a week prior.
you see, to have your memories completely and utterly erased of a certain person, you had to bring in all the objects you owned that associated the memory of them to you. whether it was clutter, jewelry, knick-knacks - anything that was associated with the person - it had to be brought with you.
peeking at the box, the artifacts that lay inside caused your heart to break a little. but, that was soon going to be in the past and you'd finally be able to just let go.
while one nurse was fumbling around with some wires and iv fluid bags, another was taking your hand softly and clipping a pulse oximeter to it so that they could monitor your heart rate. she noticed your trembling hands and looked at you with sympathy, "i know," she said softly, "you're going to be okay."
you look away from her with teary eyes as dr. davis and his team completed setting up the room. after everything was prepared, dr. davis turned to you.
"alright, we're all set up," he explained, "the process of erasing your memories should take no more than about thirty minutes, since you have a lot of memories to go through."
he grabbed two little sticky pads, and stuck them to the side of your temples. a faint beeping sound could be heard in the background. "okay, i'm going to need you to lay back for me." he instructed, and you did as you were told. as you laid back, a nurse got an iv started on you, but you didn't care as your anxiety was fuelling you.
"how are you feeling?" dr. davis asked.
"i-i think i'm okay, just a little nervous." you replied with a shaky voice, and he nods as he listens to you.
"and that's completely normal. we're going to start the process of erasing your memories now. remember - deep breaths." he says softly, and you feel an aching pain in your forehead. closing your eyes, you deep breathe to try and focus on your breathes instead of the headache as a bright light flashed before you.
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you open your eyes to see you were in a small, quaint, restaurant with ambient lighting. the smell of your favourite pasta passes through your senses, and you take a look around - it seemed that you were somehow revisiting old memories inside your own mind. you glance at the other people dining in the restaurant, but nobody seems to notice you nor do they see you. that makes sense, you thought, this is sort of like a dream.
walking around the room, your eyes land on yourself. yes, you saw yourself. you saw yourself laughing and giggling at a table for two, with none other than jonathan sitting across from you. the both of you were smiling and laughing, a bottle of wine in an ice bucket sat on the table.
you felt your emotions start flooding back, and you had to bite down on your lip to stop yourself from crying again. the two of you looked so happy. if only you could have that back for just a split second once more.
walking over in the direction of the table, you sit at an empty booth that was directly beside it. you watch intently, the memories and traces of your old life playing out in front of your eyes. you'd remembered this particular date, as it was a hard one to forget; it was jonathan's first date with you.
you watched as he took your hand in his, and laughed with you about some stupid joke you made, the two of you sharing your favourite white wine over dinner. even though your heart was shattering in this very moment, you smiled through the pain. you smiled at the thought of once being this happy with him. you kept having to remind yourself that this was the past - it wasn't real anymore, and soon, it would be forever lost.
"i feel like i've known you for a lifetime." the old version of you drunkenly giggled, and jonathan laughed along. "i feel the same way." he told you, and you could see the way your eyes used to light up when he spoke to you.
you watched as the two of you talked as if you were old friends, and eventually jonathan had paid the bill, the both of you getting ready to leave. you knew what came next - your first kiss together. it happened when the two of you left the restaurant, as you were wrapped up in his jacket because it was cold out, and eventually, he pulled you into a soft kiss.
following the two people out, you walk down the road for a few seconds with them, until they both stop. the old version of yourself looks at him with confusion, and...it never came - the kiss never came. you look at yourself and jonathan, confusion washing over you. suddenly, within a blink of an eye, he was gone - but you still stood there and someone else was by your side.
"god, it's so cold out!" you say, and instead of jonathan standing by you, it was your best friend.
"i know, but i had so much fun catching up with you over dinner and wine!" your best friend says to you as she hails down a cab. "we have to do this again soon! i hate that our work schedules never align anymore."
the old version of you agrees as your best friends waves goodbye to you and gets into her cab. you watch yourself scroll through your phone outside the restaurant, seemingly ordering an uber, which arrives shortly.
before you could do anything else, your vision fades into darkness.
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"hey," a voice echoes, "hey, are you okay?"
fluttering your eyes open, you see a nurse looking down at you. you blink a few times as your eyes adjust to where you were, and you realize your back in the clinical room.
"are you feeling okay?" the nurse asked you softly once more, and you nod.
"yeah, i just feel a little foggy." you respond.
"that's normal, let me know if you feel any sudden dizziness or vertigo, anything like that." she informs you as she rummaged through the old box of things you brought.
she takes something out of the box, and holds it out in front of you. it was a wine red mini dress, and you take a good look at it. "do you remember where this is from?" she asks you, and you nod.
of course you remember! it was from that one time you went out to dinner with your best friend, and the two of you spent the entire night giggling and catching up.
"yeah, of course," you tell her confidently, "it's from the night me and my best friend caught up after weeks of not seeing each other, but now we see each other weekly." you told the nurse with pride, as you adored your best friend dearly.
"and you don't remember..." she paused, taking a look at your file, "someone named jonathan crane being there with you?"
you shook your head no, as you didn't remember him being there. you tried to recollect the memory as best as you could, but jonathan definitely wasn't there - it was your best friend who spent that night with you, not jonathan.
now that you were thinking about it, you couldn't seem to remember how the two of you met, or the first date you'd gone on with each other. perhaps this whole memory wiping thing was as good as they say.
"okay, good." the nurse says, and she turns to doctor davis, who throws the dress into a large plastic bag. "we've successfully altered the memory in her mind." she tells dr. davis, who hums in acknowledgement.
what memory? you wondered. the only memory you had of that night was with your best friend, why on earth would jonathan be there? the same nurse came over to your side again, and instructed you to lay back down instead of sitting up, and you did as you were told. the same bright light consumed your vision as you closed your eyes and took in a few more deep breaths.
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you opened your eyes, and suddenly you were standing in you and jonathans old shared apartment, and there were birthday decorations everywhere. the dining table had a huge bouquet of red roses on it, and there were bags from all your favourite designer stores littered around the room.
you instantly recognized this memory - it was your birthday. the last birthday you'd spend with jonathan, actually. you heard your own laughter coming from the kitchen, and you made your way into there. the sight was overwhelming, triggering you as you watched yourself laugh while jonathan held you from behind, kissing down your neck as you held a bowl of cake better in your hands.
"jonathan, stop!" you squealed, laughter erupting from the both of you, "you're going to get the cake batter everywhere!"
"i don't care, i just need you that badly." he laughs softly, turning you around pulling you into a deep kiss. you place the bowl of cake batter down and wrap your arms around his neck.
he pulls away and you smile lovingly at him, "happy birthday, darling. i love you." he says, and you could see how happy you looked. god, you were so in love him, and that never changed. not even now.
"i love you too, honey." you said back to him, and as you watched the old version of yourself live in the now dead memories, you choked back a sob.
"i'm going to spoil you every birthday," he tells you, "get you everything you want. anything for my beautiful girl."
"jonathan, please-" you start to say, but he cuts you off.
"no, i mean it, darling. i've been working lots recently, and i know you hate it when we spend time apart because of my job. i want to make it up to you in every way possible, i don't know where i'd be without you." he says to you softly, kissing you once more.
you remembered when he said that to you - back when he was still the same man you'd fallen in love with. you blamed his work, amongst other, things for the way things ended between you and him. within the last year of your relationship, he had started to work progressively later every night, and at first it was just thirty minutes to an hour late. slowly, it became two hours, then three, then it would become overnight. sometimes, you wouldn't even see him for days.
you'd call, text, spam his phone but he'd never answer. you didn't know what he was doing, but he'd never tell you. he couldn't tell you that you were falling for only one half of him, and that his other half was so evil and so ugly. he couldn't bring himself to tell you that he was the scarecrow, terrorizing all of gotham and fear-gassing the innocent civillians of the city.
you still remembered the day you confronted him about it; the day it all came crashing down and everything came to a halt.
you sighed, walking right out of the kitchen to process everything as you were getting overwhelmed with your own emotions. you could hear laughter, both yours and his, from the kitchen, but it suddenly went quiet. too quiet.
curiously, you walked back into the kitchen, but on your way there, you noticed that the luxurious gifts were gone. the roses were still there, but everything else disappeared. you looked at the shelves on the walls and on top of the fire place, and the framed photos of you and jonathan were different - changed. no longer was jonathan in the photos, but instead, your friends and family.
making your way back into the kitchen, you heard giggling again, but it just from you - no trace of jonathan. looking at yourself, you still had the bowl of cake batter in your hands, and some even got on your face, but now instead of giggling with jonathan, you were giggling with your dog who was barking at you and wagging it's tail.
your dog leaped against your leg, pawing at you, wanting you to pet it more, but you laughed and shook your head at the little dachshund. "you're going to make me spill the cake batter!" you giggled at the adorable puppy.
the sight made you smile, and you felt excited to return home to your dog after your memory wiping was done today. you'd gotten him right before you started college, and he'd been your fur baby since. smiling, you let out a content sigh, and your vision faded out to darkness once more.
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as you opened your eyes, you heard the beeping of a heart monitor faintly. you looked to your left to see dr. davis standing and reading over your file in his hands, but he noticed you had awoken.
"ah, hello," he said cheerily, "are you alright?"
"m'fine, i feel okay." you say to him, and he smiles. "great, i've got some questions for you." he says to you.
a nurse hands him something from the box, and he holds up a framed photo of you and your dog with a birthday cake that had candles on it in the background. "what do you remember about this picture?" he asks, and you smile.
"that was my most recent birthday," you explained, "i remember going out with my friends during the night, but for the earlier hours of the day leading up to it, i baked a cake for fun and spent time with my dog. my friends came over to get ready at mine with me, and they took the photo."
"excellent," dr. davis said with a smile, "and what do you remember about jonathan crane now?"
"he...was my boyfriend. i-i don't remember how we met or...much about him, but my heart hurts when i think of him." you say quietly, and he nods.
"that'll stop soon, just lay back again and focus on deep breathing." he explained, and you repeated the same actions - closing your eyes, you took in a deep breath, and the white light welcomed you back once more.
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"where have you been?!" your voice echoed, and you open your eyes to see yourself with a distraught expression, and jonathan looking at you with an irritated expression - he looked exhausted.
the two of you were in your living room having one of the worst fights of your relationship - now this was a painful memory you'd like to forget.
"you're acting crazy, you know that?" he scoffed at you, and you watched yourself break down in tears as he silently watched.
this was the night you had confronted him about his frequent and long absences, you were just worried about him, that's all. however, jonathan did not take to this nicely. he immediately got defensive, and he started yelling at you about how he felt you were accusing him of things, and he made you feel like you were crazy.
"i'm crazy?" you exasperated, "i'm crazy? you're the one who's gone for days at a time, no call, no texts, no nothing!"
"what do you want me to do, huh? i have work to do. i'm so sorry that i'm working to support us both and pay for your college tuition." he sneered, his voice dripping with sarcasm.
"i never asked you to," you sob, "i told you i could get a loan or work - i told you!"
"you- this is exactly why i avoid coming home." he says coldly, and you watched yourself go silent, tears streaming down your face.
"what?" you whisper, and he scoffs.
"don't act all surprised," he says to you, "you can't expect me to want to come home to my overbearing, psychotic, crazy girlfriend after a hard day of work."
you still remember the way he made you feel when he said those words - insignificant, useless, and crazy. perhaps he was right, maybe you were too much, too emotional and unpredictable. however, as you watched yourself argue with him, you knew that wasn't true. you were never the problem; in fact, you gave him everything - all your love, and in return, he left you empty after you spent years building a life with him.
that was the moment you knew that the so called "love" between you and him was long gone, and now it was replaced with something much uglier - something hateful. you knew there was no going back after he had said that to you, and you knew he could see the pain he had caused you. as you looked over at jonathan, you saw that he looked like he was filled with regret.
unfortunately for jonathan, feeling regretful didn't take away any of the pain and the damage he had caused with his words - with his actions. the room was silent and you watched the two of you stare at each other, but this time you didn't feel the urge to cry; perhaps because this was when the pin dropped for you that even though you had countless loving, happy memories with him, the destructive, dark memories would always overshadow the sunny ones.
in this very moment, you remembered giving up - clocking out emotionally. you both knew that you couldn't change him; he was a man too stubborn for his own good. the echoes of your love and laughter could be heard faintly in the background, but the scene in front of you brought you back to reality. this was the reality, not the false memories you had convinced yourself were so real.
he sighed finally, and spoke softly as you sat and watched both him and the old version of yourself stare at each other. "i'm sorry," he explained, "that was wrong - that was a lie, i didn't mean-"
"we both know i can't change you, jonathan." you whisper, cutting him off, and he looks at you with a scoff.
"what the hell that does mean?" he says - there he went again, with his belittling.
"you know what it means," you tell him, "it means this will never work because i keep growing, changing for the better without you. you're still the same, you won't better yourself for us when i've given everything to make this work."
he started at you silently, listening to your words as he let them sink in. "maybe you're right," he says after a few moments of silence, "i don't think this is working anymore."
"i love you." you whisper, and he walked up to you with a sigh, wrapping you in his arms as you cried. "i love you, too." he says softly, kissing the top of your head, but you took in a sharp breathe before speaking and clutching onto the diamond necklace around your neck, the one that he'd gotten you years ago.
"and because i love you so much, i have to let you go."
you sighed at your owns words, as it was the truth, but soon a voice from beside you on the couch startled you. as you looked to the right of yourself, a good friend of yours sat there.
"wow," she says, "that's deep."
confused, you looked back at yourself and noticed jonathan was now gone. instead, it was just your dog and your friend there with you, and you appeared to be holding a poetry book in your hands - no tears, no obvious exhaustion; just a smile on your pretty face.
"right?" you say to her, "you should totally read this book, it has some really good poems in it. that one was sad though, and i don't know if that's like, your style, but i'd highly recommend it." you plop down on the couch beside her, and your dog jumps up to join the two of you, cuddling you on your lap.
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you were jolted awake, breathing heavily, and you open your eyes in a panic. for a moment, it had felt like you were drowning. a nurse rushes over to your side immediately, and dr. davis peers at you from over his shoulder.
"breathe," the nurse says softly, "it's okay- you're okay. deep breathes, hun."
you nod anxiously, and do as your told. you try to remember what you had just seen, but it wasn't coming back to you - all you could remember was reading some sappy poetry to your friend while cuddling your dog. you weren't sure why the thought of that made your chest tight, but it did. the more you thought about the now altered memory (not that you could remember it was altered), the more it brought you a strange sense comfort.
things were different, unbeknownst to you, and that was comforting. the nurse held a small, diamond necklace up to you. it was gorgeous and it had a sparkling rock that shone brightly under the light. "do you remember this?" she asks softly, and you nod.
"yeah, someone gave it to me but i don't remember..." you trailed off, and you felt the sudden urge to cry. the tears silently streamed down your cheeks, and the nurse soothingly ran her hand up and down your back, trying her best to calm you down.
"hey, you're okay, you're going to be okay." she says to you soothingly, and you take deep breaths in and out.
"i-i still remember," you sob, "i still remember him, please-" you start to cry uncontrollably, and the nurse ushers dr. davis over, and he calls your name out softly.
"it's a lot, i know. deep breaths, just keep breathing. you're doing great." he reminded you, to which you nod - but you weren't listening. the way the memories played over and over like a broken record in your mind was unbearable - how could it be that you were wiping your memories and yet you still couldn't fully forget him?
well, maybe you didn't really want to forget him. perhaps, you just wanted to erase all the rainy days that dampened your relationship and keep only the bright, happy ones so that you could remember what it was like; but now it was too late.
you could only remember fragments of him, but that was still enough to break your heart all over again. sure, you'd forgotten a majority of who he was, but isn't that the most painful part? knowing that erasing all the bad will also erase all the good - all the love you had for each other.
one of the nurses took the last item out of the box - a plush, light brown teddy bear with a bow adorning the top of it's right ear. as soon as you saw it, you started to breakdown in the chair - it was too painful for you. the nurse brought the teddy over to you, and you clung onto it tightly.
"not this one, please," you sobbed, "i-i can't, please, i don't want to get rid of this memory."
your heart was being minced at the thought of doing so - but it was the last piece of the puzzle that was you and jonathan crane. it just happened to be the most important memory to you. this was the teddy he gave to you when he told you that he loved you for the first time. he'd gifted it along with with that gorgeous, tiffany diamond necklace for your three-month anniversary. the gesture was huge, and you still remember the way it made you feel.
"you have to let go," the nurse urged you, "you have to."
"i don't want to let him go, i-i can't-" you choked back another sob, "it hurts so much."
but before you could protest any longer, the white light flashed before you again.
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this was the last major memory you had of him.
you opened your eyes to see jonathan standing with a small, blue tiffany bag, roses, and the same teddy bear in his hands while you looked up at him, happy tears glistening in your eyes. as you watched yourself from a distance, you shook your head and cried - no, sobbed, as you observed the scene unfolding in front of you.
if you forgot this memory, you'd forget him completely. there would be no you and him - just you and the echoes of a past you didn't know existed anymore.
"i love you, my darling." he said softly, putting the various gifts down on the dining table as he wrapped his arms around you, holding you tightly with the intention of never letting you go.
"i love you more, jonathan." you whisper, letting him hold you close - feeling like time had stopped and it was just the two of you.
ah, young love. if only you could have this for just one more minute and turn back the hands of time.
you sobbed, watching the way you two used to be before everything went up in flames, and you could've sworn you heard your heart shattering like fragile glass in the stillness.
"please," you whispered to yourself, tears overflowing, "i hope you never forget me."
you weren't sure why you'd said that - it's not like he could hear you. maybe you said it for your own comfort, to try and convince yourself that he cared about you at some point, and maybe, just maybe - he even loved you back then, too.
well, jonathan did love you, even if now you doubted he ever did, he definitely did. he loved you with his whole heart, and it crushed him to let you go. it ruined him to watch you walk away from what you two used to have, and if he could go back in time, he'd change it all -because fate betrayed the two of you. it was supposed to be you and him for life, he thought you two were endgame.
as you closed your eyes to wipe your tears away, you opened them to see a different picture painted in front of you. of course, jonathan was now gone, and it was just you. alone. you stood there in your now lifeless apartment, all memories of jonathan and you together seizing to exist, but you looked happy.
the blue, tiffany bag was gone, and so were the roses - but the teddy bear was still there. you watch yourself hold onto the little, plush bear and call someone on your phone.
"hey, sorry for calling out of the blue," you said to someone on the other line, "but thanks for the teddy bear, dad. it reminds me of my childhood."
and now you felt like crying...again. you looked happy, and weirdly enough, you looked younger and less stressed. you appeared to be much healthier, glowing even. as you caught a glimpse of the new you, you sighed, the darkness consuming you once again.
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"you're all done." dr. davis's voice woke you up, and you opened your eyes feeling extremely groggy and hazy.
"huh?" you slur, confused and now a little dizzy, "i feel dizzy."
"okay, lay back and stay still for a moment," he instructed, "d'you need some water?"
"no," you say, yawning, "i want to go home."
the nurses and dr. davis all chuckled at that, and he nodded. "you're best friend is in the waiting room, she's driving you home. do you feel well enough to walk there or do you want another few minutes to rest?"
"i can walk." you say sleepily, and a nurse helps you up and escorts you back to the waiting room, where you see your best friend waiting for you with a smile.
"there she is!" she says cheerfully, "c'mon, let's get you home."
she helps you into her car, and laughs at how drowsy you looked. the drive home was uneventful - you sort of fell asleep for the majority of the ride, but once you were home, you thanked her as she helped you into bed.
"you have to rest," she giggled, "you look so funny. you look so hungover right now."
"stooooooop." you groan with a smile, and she laughs while tucking you into bed.
"how do you feel?" she asks, raising a brow, and the question makes you groan again.
"like shit," you huff, "i feel really hungover, no joke."
"do you remember what you did today?" she asks, and you shake your head.
"um, a doctors appointment or something, right? didn't i get surgery or something?" you ask groggily, and she nods.
"yeah..." she says softly, "something like that."
as soon as she left, you dozed off peacefully. you didn't dream of anything that night, but you swore you'd never had a better sleep in your life. the next morning, you woke up feeling refreshed despite barely remembering the day before.
getting up, you shower and got yourself ready for the day. you did your hair nicely as well as your makeup, and threw on a cute outfit. it was a gorgeous, summer day, and all you were craving right now was an iced coffee from your favourite place.
grabbing your purse and leashing up your puppy, you stroll out of the house with your dog by your side and enjoy the sun. you suddenly felt at ease for some reason, but you weren't too sure why. it almost felt like all of your stress had melted away during last nights sleep. you didn't question it - maybe you really had just slept all your stresses away.
walking quietly with your dog, you reached your favourite cafe. it was a pet-friendly cafe (which is another reason why you loved it, duh), and you got your iced coffee. you scrolled through your phone while waiting, and went through your emails and messages. taking your iced coffee from the barista, you left the cafe as your pup trailed behind you.
once you got home, you cooked up some breakfast and cuddled your dog on the couch. you put on a new netflix series and enjoyed your quiet, peaceful morning. after breakfast, you ran some errands as you were low or fully out of a bunch of different groceries you usually kept stocked up, and as far as the day went - it was quiet but lovely. something about it felt different, perhaps you just weren't used to a day where everything felt so stress free.
sure, you worked a part time job and you attended college too, but those were just things you were obligated to do. in your free time, you had amazing friends, a wonderful family, your dog, and...that was all. as you were winding down for the evening, your dog sat across from you on the couch, dozing off peacefully, but you heard your phone start to ring.
your dog woke up, barking from the sudden noise, but you hushed your pup and went to go answer your phone. it was only around six pm, so you'd figured that perhaps one of your friends was calling since you told everyone you were getting some sort of medical treatment done.
however, when you looked at the caller display, the name read: J. CRANE.
you furrowed your brows for a moment, unsure as to who that was and why they were calling you, but you pick up anyways.
"hello?" you answer, holding the phone up to your ear.
the person on the other end says your name almost breathlessly, "i-i didn't think you'd answer. i'm sorry for calling randomly, but-" the man pauses, and you don't say anything. his voice sounded so familiar but you couldn't recognize it fully. "i'm sorry. i was hoping we could talk."
"...who is this?" you ask softly as you glance at the photo framed above your fireplace. the photo was of you and your dog on your birthday last year, but for some reason it just...reminded you of this unknown caller in the strangest way - you weren't even sure why.
"what?" he says after a moment, "it's jonathan."
"jonathan?" you ask.
"jonathan crane." he replies, and you stayed quiet for a monent. your chest felt strangely tight, but again, you didn't know why. you just figured it was some random, wrong number caller - but if it was a wrong number, how would they have known your name?
"i'm sorry," you say with a sigh, your hands trembling slightly, "i think you have the wrong number."
and with that, you hung up and tossed your phone off to the side of your couch, and an odd feeling of deja-vu washed over you as you look outside of your living room window. so close and yet so far, so uncomfortable but so comforting at the same time.
you and him were just two people who's shadows stood in a parallel plane, two different endings to the same heartbreaking story.
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