copepodkisser5000 · 3 months
Sure, you've thought about owning a plushie of your f/o (if you don't have one already!)... now think about them owning a plushie of you!
You can't sleep without snuggling up to them? Well neither can they!
Imagine you make them a plushie of yourself for them to keep, if you're the type for crafts, and you give it to them for the times when you're separated. They message you saying how much better they sleep with at least a version of you to hold, even if it's not the real thing.
Maybe instead... you find out they already have one of you! Which they made themselves! No matter how good or bad the likeness is of you, you're certain they made it out of love, of course! <3 Perhaps you're impressed with their hidden talent of being able to sew. Perhaps you ask them to make themselves too, so you can play with the dolls of you both (✿◠‿◠)
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sn0wbat · 6 months
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well what family doesn't keep a secret vampire family member hidden deep in in the basement /s
EDIT: Rest of the comic is now under the cut!
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spider-man-2o99 · 1 year
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^^^ #1 most autistic (spider-)man on th whole entire planet earth of all time ever who scampers and skitters and scuttles all about
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Really curious to know where in the heck people got this "Caine is an old man" thing from
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yappacadaver · 2 days
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taking him to the gym so he can pose cutely for pictures 💕
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absolutemimery · 5 months
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and if I said I was cringe
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bones-of-a-rabbit · 2 years
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Mad as a March hare is what you are!- sun probably idk
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rewatching buffy and i really don’t like joyce summers. don’t know if you can tell.
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cobalt-punk · 7 months
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Aware of Krista's history with Nicky, Maelstrom does their best to not make it known of their crush on him to keep the peace...especially the plushie they made to snuggle at night.
Colored up a little doodle done earlier tonight. I wanted to try drawing @calithecretin's OC for a bit now. She's freakin' adorable!
Also, practicing drawing in perspectives...still working on it. :T
Krista belongs to calithecretin. Maelstrom belongs to me.
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kirigaya-art · 1 year
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anton-rasputin · 3 months
Silly asexual creatures trying to communicate
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He kissed him (on cheek!)
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josephsaturn · 2 years
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kids say the darndest things
eyyy, this is the first comic i've ever made n posted!!!
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redbootsindoriath · 2 years
This is my last scheduled content post before my hiatus.  I thought to make a proper goodbye I’d share your favorite thing (Third Age Finrod) and my favorite thing (Beleg and Túrin).
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I wonder how long it took for him to remember to tell Galadriel that he was back in Middle Earth.
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I finally had a chance to take photos in the Beleg costume I’ve been working on for over a year.  It’s not quite finished but I decided enough of it was ready for a photoshoot.  And shush, I know Túrin is supposed to have black hair, but I don’t know anyone who is taller than me and has black hair (and has read the Silmarillion), so I figured the lighter hair could slide since my Túrin here is tall and has read the Silm.  (In hindsight, I suppose we could have tried to find a wig...but whatever.  He grew his hair out for this photoshoot and a wig would have meant he wasted all that time and effort.)  While we’re being picky about hair though, I wish mine had been a bit longer at the time we were taking the photos because even after like two years of growing it out this is all I’ve got.
Anyway, enough about the pictures.  I know I’ve already said this multiple times, but one more time won’t hurt: thanks to all of you so much for your support throughout my time on Tumblr, and thanks for understanding my desire to take a break.  Throughout my whole time here you’ve been so much more encouraging and positive than I could ever have expected or hoped (there are over 700 of you now, which is about 100 times what I anticipated when I started out), and because of that it truly was hard for me to make the decision to take this break.  I’m going to miss you while I’m gone, and I look forward to the times I come back to post a surprise drawing or two.  As I’ve mentioned before, I won’t be deleting the blog, especially since I cautiously hope to maybe come back to Tumblr long-term again someday and it would be much easier if I’m returning to a blog with content and followers and a familiar URL and etc.  So yeah, if any of you decide to stick around you’ll know if/when that happens.
By the way, I was feeling a bit annoyed that you can’t see much of the detail in the outfits in that photo, so here’s a more clear shot.  It’s not as dramatic as the other one but it’s a better reference.
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light-miracles · 2 years
I honestly cried when they called Velma lesbian. I've been shipping Shelma my whole life; it's so stupid but now I feel like empty, them saying my favorite ship is impossible and homophobic lol :(
Here's a tip: it's not. Because to no one's surprise in that movie not only Velms' sexuality gets rebooted but her whole personality too. She was 2 seconds away from salivating over that girl. She behaved like the horniest dudebro you can think of. Absolutely unVelma like. That's not Velma.
So they couldn't change the sexuality without changing the whole personality and that says a lot. Because Velma isn't Johnny Bravo.
Shelma is canon in some comics, got an amazing episode in Be Cool and great moments in Shaggy and Scooby: Detectives. Stick to your stuff. This new movie is evidently not made for classic fans of the franchise.
This sucks because a bisexual Velms (without HAVING TO CHANGE Velms' personality) wouldn't have been a bad idea. Because the Lesbian Velma take isn't a new headcanon, yeah, but do you know how did it start in the classic fandom? Enterely based on her looks. She wasn't pretty or submissive, so she "obviously couldn't get a man so she's gay".
I can't possibly think of anything more homophobic than that.
We've had Velma fighting clichés for decades. Showing that your sexuality isn't a personality. Showing to small girls, like I was, that even if you weren't the prettiest or the nicest you were as deserving of love and friendship like Daphne. That feeling confident is something born beyond your looks. And that that confidence is your better tool when you wanna ask, in this case, a guy, out.
I am bisexual, yet all my friends in the Scooby Doo fandom are straight and we all agree in one thing: Velma being straight was groundbreaking. She was the antithesis of a cliché. She made little girls feel confidence in their looks. Nothing about Scooby Doo ever needed to be updated. Not the characters personalities. Not their looks. Their sexualities even less.
(Because don't think for a single moment Warner cares about gay people. This is, as always, just marketing so they can sell a movie)
Well, time to read Shelma and Frelma fics again! Or rewatch one of my favorite shows.
(I recommends Be Cool, it's hilarious)
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cyutezy · 1 year
I can't take the name Theodore seriously 😭
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teartra · 2 years
—Alistair and Gavin’s edition—
Does it ever drive you crazy
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Just how fast the night changes
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People who ship Alistair and Gavin since AOUV be like
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This is where it all started
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