#If I do not post tommorow: assume I have died
surr3al1sm · 28 days
Guys I watched the previews and will now be sharing my thoughts alongside sitty ass screenshots I took, also this probably won't be explained well but when are my posts ever explained well.
Okay first of all, I'm going to be looking at what we're all looking at right now: Murder on the Dancefloor. Starting with that this is an actual banger song choice and I am pleased that it is coming to the game even if it is under... those implications. I really do hope that they're not going down that path and like idk maybe the song starts out with this. Then young Night Swan realises that she's infinetly hotter than the Traveller and just dips. Or maybe she's just using him for his magic idk.
Looking at scene 2 first. Their dance is like just any other duo dance in the game, you could put any two coaches in it and like it wouldn't mean anything. What they're doing after is intresting to me.
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Right here the Traveler is showing young Night Swan a portal. Now based on the fact she looks at it, it might be the first portal she's ever seen for all we know. I imagine that the Traveler did probably teach her how to make portals. I really do hope that they just had a mentor/student relationship where the student turns against the mentor and goes evil. Yk that trope, please ubisoft have it be that. I would also take a second to look at the portal because the first image is the portal in MotD and the second is a few of the portals in RYB
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The colour doesn't seem to matter with the Traveler as his portals are notibly multicoloured (but I will point out that it's the same colour as Night Swans portals) but the big difference is the shape. In RYB the Travelers portals are recktangles and they open through a very streamlined triangle shape. The portal in MotD is circular and irregular, also it opens differently. Which tells me that in MotD the Traveler is also very young and maybe doesn't really have great control of his magic yet. Meaning they might be sztudents under the same master but the Traveler has just learned portals faster. Over all I think this scene is pretty innocent and indicates that they had like a friend(ly) to rival relationship.
However the problem child is the first little scene we get, and I'm not talking about this.
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This just seems like a normal handshake to me. Their hands arent glowing, indicating that no baby making is happening (and if there is, dear GOD let it be Cygnus and not Jack). What I want to look at is how the scene starts. Because hello?? Why is this overlooked??
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Why are you two waltzing? Now I know that waltz doesn't have to mean it's romantic, and trust I am hoping it doesn't. BUT what. Why? Respectfully fuck off Ubisoft. This better not fucking mean what I think it means. Istg I will come to Paris and throw hands.
Ignoring that, I could be wrong on every account and I'm just going to wait until the maps have officially been released to I can watch them and figure out what is going on. For now we must simply pray that if they do end up together and procreating that the result of that was our beloved steampunk boy and not Jack. Please don't ruin our ship for us Just Dance, for it is all we have.
ANYWAYS, that aside I am so fucking excited for Darkest Hour. Night Swan looks so good and the map be looking hella cool.
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Well, another long one. If you've made it this far, thank you for listening. I would like to take a second to highlight this wonderful comment left on the youtube video as it had me laughing after taking these screenshots
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literaphobe · 4 years
What's your most chaotic interaction from tumblr? Like rate dumb things that has happened or something jkshceks
oh my god get ready because this took me looking through my asks back until early 2017. i got whiplash reliving some of these. narrowed many moments down to the best ones. behold some of my most chaotic/dumb interactions on tumblr, from most recent to least:
‘not to be an asshole but could you stop making content’ incredible. came for my entire life. for $8,000 i will stop. 8/10
‘why can’t adora be white? :( don’t us white lesbians deserve representation too? :(’ i wanted to die when i got this ask. i still am in disbelief over the fact that this happened. 9/10
‘read your fic - you’re gay’ yeah i got clocked for being gay. what the fuck :( exposed :( 7/10
‘can you flirt in the dms i’m too single for this shit’ getting scolded by anons for allegedly flirting.... yeah call me out! 7/10
‘i have reported you to the secret service for talking about assassinating trump btw’ was anon messing w me? did they want me to be scared? who knows. im not even american. 6.5/10
‘fyi i took a screenshot of one of your posts. ten minutes later my house burnt down so now a screenshot of your post is next to pictures of my house in flames’ 9.5/10. it was definitely my fault. im so sorry i caused your house to burn anon i take full responsibility. u didn’t even blame me for the fire but u should have 
‘how dare u say straights aren’t allowed in the b99 fandom. its 2019 fandoms should be inclusive and welcoming of people regardless of their sexuality????’ 9/10. still cannot believe till this day that i was accused of oppressing the straights 
‘jake is straight you can die mad about it 😘‘ 9/10. amazing. love it when straight people send me death threats for headcanoning characters as bi
 ‘how do you pronounce your name i’ve been saying it as mice hell’ 9.5/10. absolutely incredible that anon thought my incredibly common name michelle was pronounced like this
‘An hour or two? LOL NO. I browse tumblr barely for 15-20 minutes. Of which I have exactly 90 seconds to go through your blog and read dcau chapter if there are responses of new one. Which I do in hardly 45 seconds. So, I actually just skim through the chapter and absorb more than others who read it like twice/thrice. Also, I am writing this long ass ask because my girlfriend is making me wait in my car and wasting our precious time we'd be spending on our date instead. YIKES.’ 9.5/10. ok for context. i uploaded a 15k chapter for a fic and in the tags i told people to be prepared because the chapter might take them like an hour or two to read. and this anon was pissed off that i would dare assume they would take such a long time to read my fic. also they had to tell me why they took the time to send me that ask in the first place. it is so fucking funny
‘Fuck can't wait. You told Monday, now you're telling Tuesday tommorow you'll say Wednesday? Bitch.😠‘ 7/10 i told people i would post my fic on monday but then i delayed it and this anon called me a bitch. this ask is hilarious 
‘Not just to Andy but also every other stranger. Nobody should let you near them if they are uncomfortable. You are bisexual that means everyone should know that you are an equal Potential Threat to all females with all the harassing going on. Being bisexual has its own advantages and disadvantages. You too fall into the category of creepy males creeppin out other females.‘ 8.5/10. i said ‘i want to hug andy samberg’ once and anon decided i was a predator. like yes this is so biphobic but also the way they treated me like a dangerous threat for wanting to hug a celebrity is so funny
‘i just got home from getting kidnapped for 5 days (lol long story) but seeing that you updated your fic definitely helped!’ 10/10. probably the most iconic ask i have ever gotten. also anon was serious and came back in a second ask to explain a little bit more about what happened. i hope they are living a safe happy life now 
‘not to burst your fandom bubble but my child’s middle name was in honor of my father not b99′ remember when chelsea peretti roasted me for making an inaccurate joke about how the middle name of hers and jordan peele’s child was ‘gino’ because it was like the boy version of gina? remember how she slapped me in the face and i completely deserved it for making a stupid joke? my shitposts have definitely been the death of me. will i stop? no. 10/10
‘cocaine girl do not die in that earthquake’ okay so. cocaine girl was one of the funniest commenters i have ever had the pleasure of knowing on my most popular fic. one day in her comment she said ‘there’s an earthquake happening rn hope i don’t die sskksksks’ and then she vanished. she didn’t comment for several chapters. i was super fucking worried you guys i thought she died or didn’t like my fic anymore. according to my memory she came back like weeks later in my comment section like ‘lmao yeah something hit my head during the earthquake and i was in the hospital for five days im ok now tho’ 10/10
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phoenixdaneko · 4 years
Amnesia. (Amnesiac Nix Story (Possible AU?))
@jackalclot here it be, your daily dose of angst
Today had been a normal day, a day like any other.
Emphasis on had.
Phoenix Grim, a hero in training, was walking towards her dorm at UA, after she had headed back to Aizawa's house, having dinner with her dads and her younger sister Eri. She had left around 8, and as she walked, the sky got darker and darker. She wasn't worried, she had her provisional hero license, so she could use her quirks if needed.
However, she never made it back to her dorm that night.
At first, her friends assumed she had stayed the night with her father, as she mentioned it offhandedly to them that she was going to visit him.
Except she wasn't in class the next day.
And then a day turned into a week. A week turned into two. Two weeks turned into a month, and there was no sign of the girl. Aizawa was looking more stressed, Mic was less peppy, Bakugou and Kirishima seemed drained, Shouto and Hitoshi were even quieter than normal, and even Izuku couldn't find the energy to be hopeful.
There was no sign of the girl. Her phone had been found in Hosu, completely destroyed. The only hope for a lead, gone. Underground heros were searching during their patrols, hoping for anything that could help. But hope could only get a person so far.
Another week had passed, and everyone's hope was dwindling.
Bakugou walked out of the school alone, heading back towards the dorms after he had stayed late to train, hoping the intense workout would distract him from the fact that one of his best friends could be dead.
As he neared the dorms, he stopped in his tracks. There was someone, or something laying there. Friend or foe was unknown, he had to be smart about this. Pulling his phone out, he dialed Aizawa Sensei. After the summer camp incident, she was there too, he'd been given his teachers number.
"Bakugou... What is it?" The tired males voice rang through the speakers, concerned, as the usually independent student had contacted him.
"As much as I hate asking for help, there's something laying right in the entrance to the dorms. I don't know what it is, but it looks humanoid." He spoke, making sure to keep his eye on the thing.
"Alright. Go back inside the school, I'll handle it." The blonde made a noise of agreement and walked back to the school as he hung up the phone.
Aizawa walked outside to the dorms, capture weapon at the ready, but as he got closer to the lump, his hands frantically flew to his pockets, dialing 119¹. As the line connected, he carefully rolled the lump onto their back.
Blood stained her skin, winding through her hair and soaking her clothes. He could barely recognize his adoptive daughter's face through all the injuries and blood.
"Emergency services, what's your emergency?" The voice crackled through his phone, startling him out of his inspection.
"I-- I need an ambulance to- to UA, please. My- My daughter is, she's, she's bleeding out, she's unconscious, I-- I don't know how bad her injuries are...!" He frantically spoke, crisis training failing him as he stared at the child he raised for 11 years.
"Alright sir, an ambulance is on its way. Can I get your name please?" The operator spoke calmly, typing in the background.
"Aizawa... Aizawa Shota." He spoke, not noticing the rain that began to pelt his skin until his clothes plastered against him, hair falling down around his face.
"Alright sir, I need you to stay on the line until the ambulance arrives, can you do that?" The operator's voice was soft, and Aizawa nodded before remembering he was on the phone.
"Y-yes, I can. I-- I can see the lights." He spoke, picking the broken girl up, sprinting towards the gates, phone crashing against the concrete.
"Sir..? Sir?"
Tired eyes slowly opened to blinding white. For a second, Phoenix thought she had died. Blinking, the room came into focus around her. She turned her head to the side slowly as her hand twitched, and she slowly, painfully lifted her arm, pressing the call nurse button, her arm falling back to her side.
Nurses soon rushed in, shocked to see the girl awake. They quickly got to work on sitting her up comfortably in bed, one nurse helping her drink a cup of water.
"Alright, honey, you've got a visitor, but remember, no talking." The nurse reviewed her rules for the third time, and the girl nodded tiredly. Finally, she let the visitor in, and a tear slipped from her eye as she saw him.
"Nix. You're ok. You're alive." The normally serious, stoic Eraserhead rushed over, gently gathering her in a hug before pulling away.
"Do you know who I am? They said you... You lost your memory. Parts of it." The girl stared at him, and he began to think she had forgotten him.
But slowly, shakily, she lifted up her hands, doing the sign language for dad. He smiled, squeezing her hands gently.
"Good. Are you hungry? You haven't been awake to eat anything..." The male spoke softly, and the girl nodded.
"Alright, let me ask for a wheelchair." He patted her head, walking to the hall, flagging down a nurse, who quickly brought him a wheelchair. He helped the girl in with help from the nurse, and wheeled her out of her room. She still had an IV attached, hanging from a post attached to the wheelchair. She let her eyes wander as she was pushed through the halls, cold air brushing against her mostly bare legs.
Her injuries had been horrible. A fractured ankle, 3 broken ribs and multiple bruised organs, lacerations across her whole body, and a previously infected stitch pattern across her cheeks and lips. The stitch pattern was now just a series of indents across the lower half of her face.
The worst injury, however, was the handprint branded into her throat. Unknown if it was her hand or another that inflicted the burn, the mark was a sight.
As they arrived in the cafeteria, she came back to her present situation. Aizawa brung her a tray of food, setting it on the table in front of her.
The female took a bite, looking to Aizawa slowly.
'Why can't I speak?' She signed out slowly, and Aizawa winced.
"Your throat had... Severe damage. If you try to speak, you might end up tearing your vocal cords completely." He spoke softly, refusing to meet the girls gaze.
The girl huffed, tapping the table and signing again. 'Can I leave? Go back to... U...'. Her hands faltered as she struggled to remember the name of her school.
"UA. And yes... You can leave tomorrow as long as your tests today go well." He spoke, gently squeezing the dejected girls hand.
She slowly nodded, slowly signing again. 'Are Papa and Eri alright?' The black haired man nodded, worried as to why she felt the need to ask.
She smiled slightly, wincing as the motion pulled at the healing wounds in her face, and the smile quickly dropped.
After she had painstakingly eaten, Aizawa brought her back to her room, pushing her hair back from her face as she laid on her bed.
"I'll be back to pick you up tommorow morning." He spoke softly, patting the girl's head, squeezing her hand gently before being called to leave.
The girl felt her eyes drift closed, and she hoped this night would go quick.
The next day, the girl was walking, with the help of crutches and a metal brace on her fractured ankle. Walking next to Aizawa, she climbed into his car with his help, pushing her crutches next to her on the floor. He climbed into the drivers seat, quickly driving towards UA.
As they approached the school, the girl stared outside, grabbing her crutches as they parked, waiting as Aizawa opened the door and took her crutches, slowly getting out.
The two walked into the school, and the two approached 1-A's classroom. Aizawa slid the door open, and the girl hobbled in.
The class was silent as she waved, and then they weren't.
¹- 119 is the emergency services number in Japan.
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