#another long post boys
surr3al1sm · 22 days
Guys I watched the previews and will now be sharing my thoughts alongside sitty ass screenshots I took, also this probably won't be explained well but when are my posts ever explained well.
Okay first of all, I'm going to be looking at what we're all looking at right now: Murder on the Dancefloor. Starting with that this is an actual banger song choice and I am pleased that it is coming to the game even if it is under... those implications. I really do hope that they're not going down that path and like idk maybe the song starts out with this. Then young Night Swan realises that she's infinetly hotter than the Traveller and just dips. Or maybe she's just using him for his magic idk.
Looking at scene 2 first. Their dance is like just any other duo dance in the game, you could put any two coaches in it and like it wouldn't mean anything. What they're doing after is intresting to me.
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Right here the Traveler is showing young Night Swan a portal. Now based on the fact she looks at it, it might be the first portal she's ever seen for all we know. I imagine that the Traveler did probably teach her how to make portals. I really do hope that they just had a mentor/student relationship where the student turns against the mentor and goes evil. Yk that trope, please ubisoft have it be that. I would also take a second to look at the portal because the first image is the portal in MotD and the second is a few of the portals in RYB
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The colour doesn't seem to matter with the Traveler as his portals are notibly multicoloured (but I will point out that it's the same colour as Night Swans portals) but the big difference is the shape. In RYB the Travelers portals are recktangles and they open through a very streamlined triangle shape. The portal in MotD is circular and irregular, also it opens differently. Which tells me that in MotD the Traveler is also very young and maybe doesn't really have great control of his magic yet. Meaning they might be sztudents under the same master but the Traveler has just learned portals faster. Over all I think this scene is pretty innocent and indicates that they had like a friend(ly) to rival relationship.
However the problem child is the first little scene we get, and I'm not talking about this.
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This just seems like a normal handshake to me. Their hands arent glowing, indicating that no baby making is happening (and if there is, dear GOD let it be Cygnus and not Jack). What I want to look at is how the scene starts. Because hello?? Why is this overlooked??
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Why are you two waltzing? Now I know that waltz doesn't have to mean it's romantic, and trust I am hoping it doesn't. BUT what. Why? Respectfully fuck off Ubisoft. This better not fucking mean what I think it means. Istg I will come to Paris and throw hands.
Ignoring that, I could be wrong on every account and I'm just going to wait until the maps have officially been released to I can watch them and figure out what is going on. For now we must simply pray that if they do end up together and procreating that the result of that was our beloved steampunk boy and not Jack. Please don't ruin our ship for us Just Dance, for it is all we have.
ANYWAYS, that aside I am so fucking excited for Darkest Hour. Night Swan looks so good and the map be looking hella cool.
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Well, another long one. If you've made it this far, thank you for listening. I would like to take a second to highlight this wonderful comment left on the youtube video as it had me laughing after taking these screenshots
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canon-gabriel-quotes · 2 months
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[Yes this is a reference to that one superman pic]
*sniff sniff* Is-is that a boy I smell?
*sniff sniff* Mmh yes, I smell it! Boy Smell!
I smell a boy!
Ah! what is a boy doing here?!
Oh my gosh. What am I gonna do? There's a boy here!
I'm freaking out so much!
Calm down, calm down! Calm down and take a nice deep breath.
*sniff sniff* Mmph it smells so good. I love boy smell so much!
It makes me feel so amazing~
I'm getting tingles all over from the delicious boy scent!
Audio source
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mintymx · 1 year
North Blue Boys? More like North Blue Nerds >:)
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never change, man !
#phantom of the paradise#potp#swan potp#nightmaretheater#65 layers and about 24 hours . Eeeyyuppp#Look into my beautiful mind boy#Its a bit unusual to what i usually draw#but i had to push a specific look for this piece#hopefully you all are picking up on the corperate look . the advertisment look#Sneeze. Anyways my point is industry destroys creative people. This includes swan#I feel like phrases like these ; how he was put on a pedistal…. it lead him to be Like That#as awful as he is he desperately needed help#it might seem like vanity on the surface#but i think its… more than that#long story short: we need to destroy the beauty industry. the skincare industry. the anti-aging industry#It ruined his psyche forever and he cant let go of the ideal version of himself he will never truly be again#i dont think he can at this point. hes in too deep and hes suffering for it no matter how much he feels hes fixed his problems#he cant accept a version of himself that isnt that perfect young man. because he never confronted his problems. he just ran away#anyways . Hi swath *punches him**kicks him*#i dont care if nobody gets me lalalalla my truths and headcanons are awesome forever and i live in my own reality lallaallal#sorry i think im gonna be posting about swan alot for a few months hes making me sick#i wass gonna post this earlier but my internet was real bad#*lays down in my pile of pillows* eat up boys. haha#sidenote: drawing white blond people is horrifiying. Boy your skin and hair are the same color. Introduce some contrast to yourself. Please#adding on: its inportant to note this focuses on him looking st himself in the mirror alot on purpouse#to remind himself what he ‘’’’really’’’’ looks like#the 4 middle pannels all represent that too . u have to be in my brain ri get this#sorry for unleashijg another swan essay in my tags. will happen again lol
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saltseashark · 7 months
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famblies (found or otherwise)
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howlonomy · 2 months
Can we see more of the characters in Swap Monster!Clover au?
Like Starlo and Marlet?
Marlet has be called 'New Moon' or something like that as acowboy frfr
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i actually really really like how these came out AGJDS
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starberry-cupcake · 5 months
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losing my mind at this exchange between Kenshi Yonezu and Masaki Suda on working with Hayao Miyazaki in The Boy and the Heron, both of them were in shambles (this part, the whole conversation)
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bluerasbunny · 3 months
hey man
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forlix · 23 days
i don’t know what the fuck to think or feel. heart feeling so heavy
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blood-orange-juice · 3 months
Ok, Childe as a wuxia/xianxia trope. It's honestly a bit embarrassing how well this fits.
(blame @a-yarn-of-purple-prose for this post and if anyone here is a wuxia fan feel free to correct me, I'm new to the genre)
Wuxia is a Chinese martial arts fantasy genre you are all familiar with. An adjacent genre is called xianxia, "immortal heroes", it ramps all the fantasy elements up to eleven and skews tropes a bit (we'll get back to that).
A common trope is some kind of unorthodox school/sect or technique, allowing to achieve greater power without the usual decades of training. It could be straight-out evil or just revolving around chaos.
Such a martial school is usually called an evil/demonic sect (sect is more like a clan in that setting, not the modern concept of sect) and their techniques tend to drive practitioners to insanity. Either because they are inherently corrupting or because getting too much power without growing as a person is really not the best thing for your mental health. They are also often cast from hp points.
And then there's the archetype of a demonic sect heir. The best pupil or simply someone who has inherited a lost art. Proud, always greedy for more strength, often noble in some weird way.
*points to our calamity of a boy*
Common elements of such stories include:
Falling into some weird realm or meeting a weird person who teaches the hero a Forbidden Technique
Learning a technique too quickly through some sort of magic/alchemy/memory manipulation
Some people are so singular in their pursuit they become insane (走火入魔)
Ambition bad, loyalty and family good
Conflicting loyalties, generally a conflict between a chosen path and personal weaknesses/attachments (could be both ego and familal love, and this is more of a xianxia trope)
Fits like a horoscope so far but wait.
There's a very interesting case of Korean murim genre (their version of wuxia) where sects are less varied (I recommend this post for a basic introduction) and we get three paths:
Justice/Righteous/Orthodox/Light — theoretically they keep the Evil Faction at bay, and protect innocent people, but usually are corrupt to the core
Evil/Unorthodox/Dark — these try gaining as much power as possible and attempt ruling the whole world
Demonic Cult — usually dont take part in evil and justice battles, follow their own code of conduct based on their religion, value strength above all else.
(I'm sure there's a similar distinction in wuxia too, I just can't find it in the deluge of lore)
"Demonic" is closer to "pagan" or "heathen" than Christian idea of demonic here, their beliefs are often based on Zoroastrianism and worshipping a sacred flame. Do you remember all the Persian themes used for Khaenri'ah? And Surtalogi being the flame on Surtr's sword in Norse mythology. I also had the impression that Genshin gnostic references are based on the Zoroastrian-flavoured branch of Gnosticism.
In murim the trope of demonic sect heir is called "heavenly demon" (I believe, a more correct translation would be "supreme heathen"), they are utterly badass, live for the glory of battle, seem more like forces of nature and follow a very strict honour code often conflicting with normal human ethics.
(do I need to spell it out)
TvTropes also says this about Korean stories:
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(do I need to spell it out pt.2)
I'm not sure why a Chinese studio would focus on the Korean version of this trope but I'm sure something like this exists in China as well or maybe there's a popular manhwa that inspired authors.
Xianxia extends the fantastic element further, focusing on Taoist concepts and practices and adding all kinds of magical realms (celestial, demonic, etc) and magical beings and making immortality achievable. I still need to read more about it but if I understand that right, demonic heir trope turns into a demon prince in this case. An actual visitor from the demon realm or a practitioner who achieved immortality through dubious means.
These are fae-coded in a way very similar to Childe and have a certain nonchalance towards things most humans would consider traumatic. They are simply not bothered by them, having a different set of morals or faring from a realm that is much worse.
Our boy isn't that (he's still very much human) but he's aesthetically coded like one, same as Scaramouche is yokai-coded, despite not being a yokai.
So. When people say Childe's arc is a reference to Journey to the West, it's not entirely untrue, JttW is the classic of xianxia genre and Childe does belong to the same genre. He, however, is not Sun Wukong but a different, darker trope.
This also explains why he has that "shonen anime protag but not quite" vibe. Shonen was heavily influenced by wuxia but this trope never quite made it to anime or maybe never became popular enough. It's not a deconstruction, it's a different story. Or perhaps a deconstruction of that different story.
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cantdealwiththisnow · 2 months
Part 1 - Appreciation post for all the TFP universe Autobot mugshot cameos (known and unknown) in RID2015 3x25 (even if the context is that they've been OUSTED against their will)
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stressfulsloth · 9 months
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"This--" she points to herself. "Has taken her place. It will devour you, Harry. I will eat your mind."
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shmothman · 10 months
Stuck Like Glue
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Pairing: Vash the Stampede/Reader Rating: Explicit (18+ only) Words: 8057 Read on AO3
Summary: Vash has always been a little bit more than you bargained for… but that’s just part of his charm.
He loves you. The thought strikes you anew, and tears prick at your eyes as he mouths at your feverish skin, desire pooling stronger and stronger in your gut. He loves you, and the way he’s holding you, kissing you, shows it; the way his voice trembles, eager and terrified and hopeful and lust-stricken. How can you prove just how much you love him in return? How can you tell him how long you’ve wanted this, wanted him?
A shaky sigh falls past your lips as he leans you back and buries his face in your chest, teeth brushing your skin, hands clutching you tight around the middle like he’ll never get this chance again—and you know him well enough to know that’s truly how he feels; grieving you even with his tongue against your heaving chest. He’s grieved you since the day he met you.
You don’t want him to grieve tonight.
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ava-does-dumbassery · 8 months
Egyptian pharaoh names but I’ve turned them into ancient cat names
1. Tutankhbastet (Tutankhamun)
This is the most obvious name on this list because literally all I’ve done is change out the name of one god for another god. I’m not doing that for any of the others I promise.
King Tutankhamun is the one pharaoh everybody knows about, which is ironic since his birth name literally means “the living (ankh) image (tut) of the Hidden One (Amun).” (“Tut” can also be translated as “likeness” or “statue.”)
Amun was the Egyptian god of, uh… stuff (he’s hidden. His whole deal is that he’s hidden). Bastet was the Egyptian cat goddess. Sometimes she was portrayed as a lady with a cat head, but sometimes she was just a cat. If you switch Amun’s name out for Bastet’s, it becomes “the living (ankh) image (tut) of the Cat Goddess (Bastet).” Truly, a name that only the most dignified and elegant cats deserve.
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Transliteration: twt-anx-bAstt
You could also say it “Tutankhbast” if you prefer.
2. Hatmiushepsyu (Hatshepsut)
Hatshepsut’s name means “the foremost (hat) of noblewomen (shepsut),” and it turned out to be really good name for her, since she became pharaoh and all. If you want to change it to “foremost of noble cats” it becomes Hat-miu-shepsyu, “miu” meaning “cats” and shepsyu meaning “noble.”
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Transliteration: HAt-miww-Spsyw
3. Nedjestiti (Nefertiti)
I am aware that calling Nefertiti a pharaoh is controversial since there’s a chance that Neferneferuaten might have been her daughter and not her. But finding names of pharaohs that you can do this to and are also popular enough to be recognized is hard so shush.
Nefertiti was supposedly the most beautiful woman in the ancient world (although we can’t confirm that because Nefertiti and all the other ancient women are now dead). Her name fits this, because it means “the beautiful one (nefert) has come (iti).”
“Nedjes” is a word meaning “small,” so changing the name to Nedjest-iti makes it mean “the small one has come.”
This is a good name, because if your cat is bad then you can use it in a derogatory sense to call them a penniless little beggar. Unfortunately, it only really works for girl cats, because the masculine version is “Nedjesiu,” which loses the pun quite a bit.
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Transliteration: nDst-ii.ti
4. Miumer (Narmer)
Narmer was the first pharaoh to rule over all of Egypt, and like other early pharaohs the only name used for himself was his Horus name instead of his throne name or birth name. (You know that TS Elliot poem about how cats have a bunch of different types of names? Pharaohs are like that too). Because Narmer was his Horus name, it was written inside an enclosure called a serekh instead of a cartouche.
The name itself means something like “striking (mer) catfish (nar)” or “fierce (mer) catfish (nar).” To change it to “striking cat” or “fierce cat,” you need to change nar to miu: Miu-mer. (Yeah the English translations of this one are stronger wordplay than the Egyptian versions, sorry.)
If your cat is a girl then the name should be Miutmer instead.
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Transliteration: miw-mr
5. Bitokris (Netiqerti/“Nitokris”)
Queen Nitokris was either a cunning murderess, whose name lurks in the shadows of history… or she was a 3,000 year old transcription error. The only potential record we have of her name in hieroglyphs is the name of a pharaoh called “Netiqerti” on the Turin kings list. This could be Nitokris, or it could be a mistake made by a scribe while trying to copy the name of the name of another, completely different pharaoh.
If Netiqerti is Nitokris, then her name means “Neith (Net, a goddess) is excellent (iqerti).” Bit-iqerti/Bitokris would mean “honey (bit) is excellent (iqerti).”
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Transliteration: bit-iqr.ti
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pangyham · 4 months
been thinking about the liyue gang and how id draw their physical builds so here are some thoughts i had for xy cy and gm in particular
- xingqiu, unsurprisingly, would be quite lanky. i like to think he has broad-ish shoulders, like a thin athlete's build? hes a long boy to me haha, long face, neck, limbs, fingers etc, so naturally hes stands (comparatively) tall at 5'6" or 5'7"
i like to think hes most physically attractive one and has that handsome princely and boyish charm to him because it adds a lot to his fuckass duality LOL
- chongyun is a lot like xiao imo! short stature but with muscular arms. he seems nimble and flexible because of his normal attack animations (which bears a lot of similarities to xiao's actually! this + the fact that chongyun's normal attacks create gusts of wind further reinforces my hc that xiao trains him). sometimes i watch high energy choreography vids on youtube and some dancers look incredibly light on their feet, almost like their body is inherently bouncy? and i imagine chongyun to have that agility to him. chongyun has a delicate face and aura and i let that bleed into my hcs for his fighting style and physical capabilities hahaha. hes kind of like a cat who's deceptively strong. as for height.. just a few inches taller than xiao, so perceptibly short at 5'4"
- ga ming my new beloved. pretty much similar to chongyun but more muscular and stronger just because he wields his claymore with ease. theres a noticeable weight different between cy and his claymore the way he lugs it up after he swings (or even other claymore users like razor who, on his last hit, bounces from impact). meanwhile ga ming literally slams his to the ground LOL. i love his movements though hes very swift and expressive and radiant.. if cy has delicate movements then ga ming's is fierce and (charmingly!) assertive
ga ming is wonderfully charismatic though, i know hes not well known in liyue harbor yet, but he seems like the type to gain a reputation from his friendliness. how could no one adore him hahaha. 5'5" for height! just between xy and xq
#tangy talks genshin#chongyun gets analyzed most my bad#this was super fun though#while thoughtful ; genshin chara designs will always look distinctly gacha and flashy so a lot of the designs kinda blur together in my hea#this is why i really like looking into their animations particuarly their normal attacks#i think it conveys their personalities really well! it's always something to look forward to when new characters release#i gravitate towards swords polearms and claymores most though because i like the act of swinging and slashing hah. it also requires a lot o#body movement and reflects a lot of irl martial arts fencing and other combat techniques#sword users are always really fun to watch because theyre inherently graceful hahah. i will admit it gets kinda repetitive#i think my favorite NA animation has to be albedo's.. very simple clean and refined. he stands elegantly and puts his arm behind his back o#his 2nd attack which ive been transfixed by since be first came out in 2020 LOL. i love albebo#wow these tags are long as hell#but anyway i actually have more thoughts on xq's physical appearance but its just me rambling about how i think hes funny as fuck#im a proponent of dashingly pretty princely xingqiu not necessarily because i want to bestow upon him desirable traits#but because i think its funny knowing hes just a bit of a loser under all that#hes well known (mr worldwide one might say) and the heir to a prestigious guild and chivalrous talented and prolific#but he writes self insert novels hates carrots had bad handwriting sings really bad#hes just a teenage boy#as always i will 100% have more to say about chongyun but ill save that for another post#ga ming on the other hand.. i dont have anything substantial to say but hes super fun to think about#hes such a likable character#wow these tags are LONG as fuck ill stop now.
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🎵 Ignus Nilsen Waltz
I've decided to change outfits for this. This is going to alter some of the dialogue we've already heard.
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ECHO MAKER - "He should know the meeting starts at 22.00 *sharp*." His companion looks up at you and squints.
VISUAL CALCULUS [Medium: Success] - His eyes are tracing an invisible line back and forth from your jacket to his companion.
ECHO MAKER - "Hey, Steban. Isn't that *your* jacket?"
DRAMA [Medium: Success] - What a coincidence! You two have the *same* jacket. What are the odds?
LOGIC [Medium: Success] - Based on the prevalence of white Saramirizian suits in Martinaise? Extremely low.
STEBAN, THE STUDENT COMMUNIST - "It certainly *looks* like my jacket, Ulixes. Where did you get that, gendarme?"
I just found it… in a room."
"Must be a coincidence. I see these jackets all the time."
"This jacket is RCM property. It's been confiscated as part of an ongoing investigation."
STEBAN, THE STUDENT COMMUNIST - "Unlikely. That's real Saramirizian twill. Only old Saramirizian communists and drug smugglers wear those anymore..."
"See, Uli? It's just like Mazov wrote. How does it go again?"
ECHO MAKER - "'Those committed to the rights of property are those most apt to violate them'." His companion nods emphatically.
CONCEPTUALIZATION [Medium: Success] - Just a minute. Steban... Ulixes... *why* do those names ring the faintest of bells?
LOGIC [Medium: Success] - Probably because they're the real names of 'Nasteb' and 'Exilus', the authors of that so-called essay about TipTop Tournée you read...
CONCEPTUALIZATION - You should get to the bottom of this, when you have the chance.
STEBAN, THE STUDENT COMMUNIST - "I assumed it was Maurice who broke into my room, to play a trick on me. I didn't think I'd *actually* been raided by the RCM!"
EMPATHY [Easy: Success] - There is surprise in his voice, naturally, but is that a note of *excitement* you also detect?
"So, do you want your jacket *back*?"
"Listen, comrade, it's not what it looks like..."
"Why do you sound *excited* to be raided by the RCM?"
STEBAN, THE STUDENT COMMUNIST - "Oh, gendarme, because this is perfect..."
He turns to his companion. "Can you imagine the look on Maurice's face when he finds out the RCM has been kicking my door down?"
ECHO MAKER - "He'll shit himself! Positively."
STEBAN, THE STUDENT COMMUNIST - "And now they've shown up *in force* to break up our meeting!" He rubs his hands together excitedly.
KIM KITSURAGI - The lieutenant sighs. "Something tells me these young men are not very experienced with law enforcement."
"Hold on, we're not here to *break up* your meeting. We want to *join* your meeting!"
STEBAN, THE STUDENT COMMUNIST - "The RCM wants to join us?" A quizzical expression...
KIM KITSURAGI - "My partner, of course, is acting in a strictly *personal capacity*, not as an official representative of the RCM."
STEBAN, THE STUDENT COMMUNIST - "Interesting. Does that mean you've done the reading?"
DRAMA [Impossible: Failure] - Uh oh. No one said anything about *reading*. You'll just have to wing this one.
And we're back.
4. (Whisper.) "Kim, did *you* do the reading?"
KIM KITSURAGI - "No, detective. The only reading I've been doing is right here..." The lieutenant holds up his little blue notebook.
ESPRIT DE CORPS [Easy: Success] - He seems to be wagging the notebook at you, as though he suspects you may have forgotten why you're here.
KIM KITSURAGI - "I have not had time to seek out pretentious communist book clubs, nor have I done their 'reading'."
ECHO MAKER - "It doesn't sound like they've done the reading, Steban."
STEBAN, THE STUDENT COMMUNIST - "Well, this is getting awkward. I'm not sure what you were expecting to find here then..."
EMPATHY [Easy: Success] - There's profound consternation in his voice. You suspect it's about something bigger than your not having done the reading.
ECHO MAKER - "Maybe they can explain themselves."
"What *exactly* are you two doing here?"
"What were you doing with those matchboxes just now?"
"Do I *know* you two from somewhere?"
"That's enough for tonight. Will you still be here if I have more questions?" [Leave.]
STEBAN, THE STUDENT COMMUNIST - "In the most general sense, I would say we're cultivating revolutionary consciousness."
ECHO MAKER - "Yes, that's probably the best way to describe it."
STEBAN, THE STUDENT COMMUNIST - "But more specifically, we're running a reading group, the most rigorous and theoretically advanced materialist reading group in Martinaise."
ECHO MAKER - "Comrade Steban is a great discussion leader. One of the best at the university."
LOGIC [Medium: Success] - It's obvious they take this 'group' of theirs extremely seriously. Whatever you do, *don't* compare it to a common book club.
HALF LIGHT [Medium: Success] - *YAWWWWN!* Can you imagine anything duller than a bunch of binoclards yanking each others' knobs?
"Is this where I can square off in *theory combat*?"
"Sounds like a place for intense intellectual engagement. Exactly my kind of jam."
"Sounds just like a regular book club."
"Sounds like a yank-fest for binos."
STEBAN, THE STUDENT COMMUNIST - "We have been known to get into some *spirited* debates. But it's always in service of our larger intellectual and ideological project."
ECHO MAKER - "Precisely. We're not interested in senseless parroting. We like to read *critically*."
STEBAN, THE STUDENT COMMUNIST - "Within the contours of Mazovian historical materialism, of course."
"I didn't realise they taught radical Mazovian theory in the universities."
"Okay, so what does your reading group actually *read*?"
"I think I get the idea. Let me ask about something else."
ECHO MAKER - "Ha! As though you can call that pablum *teaching*."
STEBAN, THE STUDENT COMMUNIST - "One thing you learn quickly at university is that you're not going to find a real education in any lecture hall or discussion seminar."
ECHO MAKER - "We're post-attendance, basically."
STEBAN, THE STUDENT COMMUNIST - "Exactly. The only worthwhile part of the so-called École normale de Revachol is the library. That's where we've made our greatest critical strides."
2. “Kim, can we arrest these kids for truancy?”
KIM KITSURAGI - "They’re not primary school delinquents, they’re university students. Attendance isn't compulsory. Besides, we’re not the skip squad."
ENCYCLOPEDIA [Medium: Success] - The Counter-Truancy Task Force (or 'skip squad') is the division of the RCM that drives around in wagons looking for delinquent minors. It's generally considered a punitive assignment for under-performing officers.
3. "Okay, so what does your reading group actually *read*?"
STEBAN, THE STUDENT COMMUNIST - "We study all the foundational texts of Mazovian theory, of course. Just last week we finished the second volume of Puncher and Wattmann's 'Innocence of Capital'..."
ECHO MAKER - "Truly extraordinary."
STEBAN, THE STUDENT COMMUNIST - "And before that we spent six weeks on 'State and Plasm'..."
VOLITION [Formidable: Success] - This is fine. You can handle a list. In fact, you find the tedium strangely soothing.
+1 Morale
STEBAN, THE STUDENT COMMUNIST - "We've also read Wertmüller's 'The Mega-Structure of History,' and before that, 'Reál and Reality'..."
CONCEPTUALIZATION [Medium: Success] - Communist theorists love puns, in case that wasn't obvious.
Level up!
ECHO MAKER - "Abelard's 'Un Pays Infernal'..."
STEBAN, THE STUDENT COMMUNIST - "The original Fizdale translation, not that watered-down revisionist garbage."
DRAMA [Medium: Success] - These two deserve the Order of Honour for Bullshitting. There's no way they've actually *read* all this stuff.
ECHO MAKER - "Obviously." He snorts.
STEBAN, THE STUDENT COMMUNIST - "But, of course, our *special emphasis* is on the theories of Ignus Nilsen and his followers, especially the infra-materialists."
"Wait, who are these *infra-materialists*?"
"I know who Kras Mazov is, but who is this 'Ignus Nilsen' guy?"
STEBAN, THE STUDENT COMMUNIST - "You're not familiar with them? It's... pretty advanced stuff. You may not be ready for it yet, gendarme." The two young men exchange skeptical side-glances.
"Okay, but then who's this 'Ignus Nilsen' guy?"
STEBAN, THE STUDENT COMMUNIST - "Only Kras Mazov's most trusted lieutenant, the Evangelist of the Revolution, and the founding father of the People's Republic of Samara."
ENCYCLOPEDIA [Legendary: Failure] - It's hard to overstate how unimpressed he is that you've never heard of this world-historical individual.
STEBAN, THE STUDENT COMMUNIST - "He *also* happens to be the greatest communist theorist after Mazov himself. It was Nilsen who first postulated the existence of ideological plasm, which forms the basis of infra-materialist theory."
The young man sighs. His companion looks about furtively.
2. "Did this reading group have anything to do with the lynching?"
STEBAN, THE STUDENT COMMUNIST - "Lynching? No. We're not an *operational* cell."
ECHO MAKER - "We think of ourselves as more of an intellectual vanguard."
"Okay, but what's your group's stance on the lynching?"
"Is your reading group affiliated with the Union somehow?"
"*Are* there any operational communists in Martinaise?" (Proceed.)
STEBAN, THE STUDENT COMMUNIST - "Our stance? What, does he want to know if the SRV has established a party line on lynchings in Martinaise?" The two young men look at one another.
ENCYCLOPEDIA [Medium: Success] - The SRV refers to the People's Republic of Samara. Established as a socialist utopia by survivors of the Revolution, it has since degenerated into a bureaucratic workers' state under the decades-long rule of President Sapormat 'Sport' Knezhinisky.
ECHO MAKER - "Though historically speaking, the SRV *has supported* direct action against right-wing paramilitary squads, especially when they're doing the Indotribes' dirty work."
STEBAN, THE STUDENT COMMUNIST - "Good point. So as a provisional matter, I can say we support it."
SAVOIR FAIRE [Challenging: Failure] - Are they being sarcastic? You feel like you're caught in some elaborate joke labyrinth, but it's impossible to see your way through.
EMPATHY [Easy: Success] - It's always that way. Beneath the crust of irony there's a molten sincerity that threatens to erupt forth... You may witness it yet.
2. "Is your reading group affiliated with the Union somehow?"
STEBAN, THE STUDENT COMMUNIST - "No, we're an independent organisation," he says proudly. "We acknowledge and respect the Union's efforts, but our interests are more theoretical than Mr. Claire's."
DRAMA [Medium: Success] - He speaks the truth.
3. "So what's your stance on crime in general?"
STEBAN, THE STUDENT COMMUNIST - "That's easy: Crime is simply the inevitable expression of the injustice and incoherence embedded within capitalism itself."
"It's a symptom, in other words. Not a cause." He waves his hand as though this is all there is to say on the subject of crime.
ECHO MAKER - His companion can barely suppress a yawn.
4. "*Are* there any operational communists in Martinaise?" (Proceed.)
STEBAN, THE STUDENT COMMUNIST - "No, unfortunately. The communards were hunted down and killed nearly to a man. All that's left of them are bones and old rifles."
"Right. They all got shot in the head, just like the anarchists."
"Well, that's too bad."
STEBAN, THE STUDENT COMMUNIST - "The Insulindian Deluge wiped out an entire generation of communists. Afterward, they were all bulldozed into mass graves." The young man looks slightly queasy at the thought.
ECHO MAKER - His friend, though, seems oddly unmoved.
HALF LIGHT [Medium: Success] - On the contrary, he appears to be *savouring* the thought of so many people shot in the head, regardless of their beliefs.
EMPATHY [Easy: Success] - Mark it, there's something sinister in that one.
STEBAN, THE STUDENT COMMUNIST - A moment of silence. They're waiting for you to speak.
3. "Where is the rest of the reading group?"
STEBAN, THE STUDENT COMMUNIST - "What do you mean? This *is* the reading group..."
"So there's just two of you?"
"Shouldn't a group have, like, more people in it?"
"Two's all you need. Me and Kim are the same way." (Turn to Kim.)
KIM KITSURAGI - "Kim and *I*..." the lieutenant mutters under his breath. He scribbles something in his notebook but adds nothing else.
STEBAN, THE STUDENT COMMUNIST - "We're in something of a rebuilding phase."
ECHO MAKER - "Some of our former comrades didn't have the *ideological fortitude* our work demands."
"Okay, but what happened to them?"
"I've heard enough. Let's talk about something else."
STEBAN, THE STUDENT COMMUNIST - "Intellectual attrition is maybe the best way to describe it. Felix said he couldn't keep up with the reading on top of his classwork. And Zuzanna wanted to read texts *other than* Mazovian theory. Like novels, if you can believe it..."
CONCEPTUALIZATION [Medium: Success] - Imagine, the audacity of wanting to read a novel in a reading group!
"Novels, unbelievable." (Shake your head.)
"Maybe you just haven't found the right group yet?"
ECHO MAKER - "See? Even a gendarme gets it."
STEBAN, THE STUDENT COMMUNIST - "We've tried recruiting new members, but unfortunately the *current intellectual climate* is pretty hostile to infra-materialist thought. These days, if you're on the left, the ascendent schools are the Gottwaldians and the Econoclards."
ECHO MAKER - "Don't forget about Maurice and the turnips."
STEBAN, THE STUDENT COMMUNIST - He sighs. "Right, then there was the whole 'turnip' debacle."
RHETORIC - Whatever this turnip business is about, one thing *is* perfectly clear: These young students have a much deeper understanding of communism than you do...
You could learn a thing or two from them, if you can convince them you're one of them.
"What's so bad about the Gottwaldians?"
"Who are the Econoclards?"
"What about Cindy, is she part of the group?"
"Did you say something about *turnips*?"
"I've heard enough. Let's talk about something else."
STEBAN, THE STUDENT COMMUNIST - "They're the most depressing school of communism. They love writing long books with a patina of Mazovian theory to cover up their cheap psychologising."
ECHO MAKER - "A gang of cheap psychologists and intellectual midgets." His companion sneers. "Typical Gottwalders, in other words."
STEBAN, THE STUDENT COMMUNIST - "It's okay for Uli to say that because his dad is from Gottwald."
"What's so depressing about their theories?"
"What's so bad about psychologising?"
STEBAN, THE STUDENT COMMUNIST - "The Gottwald School believe that intellectuals as a class are incapable of sparking revolutionary change, so all they can do is *critique* capitalism from inside itself."
LOGIC [Medium: Success] - In other words, they have lost faith in their own relevance.
STEBAN, THE STUDENT COMMUNIST - "That's why they spend all their time smoking cigarettes and writing long works of criticism that make you want to commit suicide."
"That sounds miserable."
"Sounds rewarding, actually."
STEBAN, THE STUDENT COMMUNIST - "It *is* miserable. That's probably why they're always committing suicide."
2. "What's so bad about psychologising?"
STEBAN, THE STUDENT COMMUNIST - "Do you think all the problems in the world can be reduced to repressed sexual urges?"
LOGIC [Medium: Success] - No, of course not. That's reductive in the extreme.
ELECTROCHEMISTRY [Medium: Success] - One-thousand percent, yes.
"Probably not."
"Speaking from experience, definitely."
STEBAN, THE STUDENT COMMUNIST - "Well, there you have it. You're not a Gottwaldian, then."
"You see, the Gottwald School look like communists, they talk like communists, but scratch the patina and you'll see beneath that they're just depressed liberals who've read too many books."
2. "Okay, but what about the Econoclards?"
STEBAN, THE STUDENT COMMUNIST - "For starters, they love talking about *beans*."
"What's wrong with beans? I like beans."
"No beans for me. Can't stand the stuff."
STEBAN, THE STUDENT COMMUNIST - "That's right. Econoclards are *obsessed* with beans. They love thinking about beans, they love counting beans, but most of all, they love building models to predict how many beans there'll be *in the future*."
ENCYCLOPEDIA [Medium: Success] - Nota bene: 'Econoclard' is an extra-pejorative form of the already pejorative name 'Mazovian Economists', a moderate school of Mazovianism, which advocates a gradual transition to communism through carefully managed economic modernisation rather than violent social revolution.
STEBAN, THE STUDENT COMMUNIST - "They're by far the most bean-centric school of communism."
EMPATHY [Easy: Success] - Ah yes, the much maligned bean counters, ensconced in their think-tanks and highrises, believing they can save the world through a series of incremental, assiduously technocratic reforms...
"I don't get it. Are the beans a *metaphor*?"
"But isn't it good to know how many beans there are?"
"What's wrong with making progress through moderate economic reforms?"
ECHO MAKER - "If only! They've got all the beans accounted for in their asset sheets, their quarterly budgets, their future projections. But for some reason there are never enough beans to go around, so we've just got to cut our bean rations in half..."
STEBAN, THE STUDENT COMMUNIST - "... and next thing you know there are *budget cuts*, so now we've got to cut the bean rations in half *again*..."
"You see, Econoclards claim to be communists, but in reality they're just liberals with hard-ons for spreadsheets."
3. "And what about the liberals? Are they liberals, too?"
STEBAN, THE STUDENT COMMUNIST - "Of course not. The only people who actually call themselves liberals are mouth-foaming reactionaries."
ECHO MAKER - "Basically indistinguishable from fascists. You'd need an x-ray machine to tell the difference."
4. "What about Cindy, is she part of the group?"
STEBAN, THE STUDENT COMMUNIST - "Cindy is... how to describe her *role*..."
ECHO MAKER - "... something of an ideological auxiliary, perhaps."
STEBAN, THE STUDENT COMMUNIST - "Yes, that's exactly how I would put it. And naturally we support her radical counter-liberal aesthetics."
ECHO MAKER - "But she refuses to submit an essay, so we can't call her a member of the group *per se*."
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STEBAN, THE STUDENT COMMUNIST - "That doesn't stop her from using the room for studio space, of course."
5. "Did you say something about *turnips*?"
STEBAN, THE STUDENT COMMUNIST - Another sigh. “It's an unfortunate story. You see, our ex-comrade Maurice is something of an economist...”
ECHO MAKER - “He’s studying macro- *and* micro-economics.”
KIM KITSURAGI - "Wow, a *real* intellectual, it sounds like." The lieutenant arches his eyebrows.
STEBAN, THE STUDENT COMMUNIST - “Right, so a few weeks ago we were discussing the extra-physical capabilities of the revolutionary state, and Maurice said... what were his exact words, Ulixes?"
ECHO MAKER - "It was unbelievable. He said, 'Turnips don't care if they're grown by communists, moralists, or welkin. They grow just the same'."
STEBAN, THE STUDENT COMMUNIST - "Basically, he was rejecting the whole foundation of infra-materialist theory."
LOGIC [Medium: Success] - What is this *infra-materialist* business they keep blathering about? You've never heard of anything like it.
"Remind me what infra-materialist theory says about turnips again?"
Just go along with it.
STEBAN, THE STUDENT COMMUNIST - "Simply that *under suitably revolutionary conditions* crop yields naturally increase relative to non-revolutionary crops. Which Maurice somehow has the gall to deny."
ECHO MAKER - "Zuzanna said that he has been hanging out with some non-communists lately."
STEBAN, THE STUDENT COMMUNIST - "For us the question boiled down to: 'If you don't even accept the basic ideas of Nilsen and infra-materialist theory, why are you in the reading group?'"
"I totally understand."
"I don't understand at all."
"So you expelled Maurice from the reading group over an argument about turnips?"
STEBAN, THE STUDENT COMMUNIST - "Exactly. What educated person could believe that turnips grow at the same rate under capitalism *and* communism?"
ECHO MAKER - "It's a sad reflection on our educational institutions."
"So you expelled Maurice from the reading group over an argument about turnips?"
STEBAN, THE STUDENT COMMUNIST - "Well, it wasn't so much that he was expelled..."
ECHO MAKER - "He just quit coming. We haven't seen him around for weeks."
6. "I've heard enough. Let's talk about something else."
STEBAN, THE STUDENT COMMUNIST - "Go ahead." The young man gives you a half-smile. His companion sniffs.
4. "What were you doing with those matchboxes just now?"
STEBAN, THE STUDENT COMMUNIST - The young man frowns at the little pile of boxes on the floor.
"Nothing, just messing around until the meeting started."
INTERFACING [Easy: Success] - They're watching those matchboxes awfully intently for two guys who are just 'messing around.'
It's almost as though they were trying to create the most unstable structure they could...
LOGIC [Medium: Success] - With predictable results.
5. "Do I *know* you two from somewhere?"
STEBAN, THE STUDENT COMMUNIST - "I don't think so." The young man gives you a curious look. "Unless you've been hanging around the Cultural Studies faculty at the École Normale de Revachol..."
ECHO MAKER - "Perhaps he subscribes to 'La Fumée'."
EMPATHY [Easy: Success] - That's sarcasm. He does not expect you to subscribe to radical communist periodicals.
(Show them 'La Fumée'.) "Wait, *you* guys wrote for *this*?"
STEBAN, THE STUDENT COMMUNIST - "*You've* read our article?" For the first time since you've met the young man, words seem to desert him...
ECHO MAKER - "That I did not expect." His companion is blushing now, a sheepish grin on his face.
STEBAN, THE STUDENT COMMUNIST - "Well, don't keep us on tenterhooks! What did you think of the essay?"
EMPATHY [Easy: Success] - The delicate egos on these boys! Even though you're just some cop they're desperate for your approval.
CONCEPTUALIZATION [Medium: Success] - Hey! You're not just 'some cop', you've got highly developed critical faculties! Now's your chance to show them off.
"It was a good article. You should keep developing your ideas."
If we'd read the article *after* becoming the Art Cop, we might have had some more profound things to say.
STEBAN, THE STUDENT COMMUNIST - "Well, of course that's just an *initial foray* into the subject. We're hoping to return to it for a more substantial treatment next term..."
"In any case, I'm glad our piece found its audience. That's always the hope with these things, you know."
+5 XP
6. "Is the reading group accepting new members?"
STEBAN, THE STUDENT COMMUNIST - "We typically only accept new members once per semester. There's this whole *process*, with essays and presentations on assigned topics..." The young man turns to his companion.
"But given that we have some extra seating at the moment, I guess we could be convinced to expedite an application or two."
ECHO MAKER - "Steban, you can't be serious... for these gendarmes?"
STEBAN, THE STUDENT COMMUNIST - "I am serious. As materialists we've got to adapt to conditions as they are. Besides, he'll still need to pass the *interview portion* of the entrance process..." He turns back to you.
"... assuming he's even still interested, that is."
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We can improve our chances on this Composure check, so let's back out of the conversation first.
7. "That's enough for tonight. Will you still be here if I have more questions?" [Leave.]
STEBAN, THE STUDENT COMMUNIST - "Sure, we're here most every night." He shrugs. "Maybe we'll catch you again."
ECHO MAKER - "Sleep well, gendarme."
We can use this as an opportunity to look around the room.
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Try not to think about the cracks spidering out across the floor...
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"The communards didn't commit *enough* atrocities."
A rickety easel, surrounded by pots of gouache.
Cindy's, no doubt.
Could it be the *phasmid*? No, probably not.
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This one says: "NO WAR BUT CLASS WAR!"
"Kind of chilly tonight, Uli."
"Don't worry, I'm sure your jacket will turn up."
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This poster reads: "Under the cobblestones, communism!"
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Mmmm, coffee...
At the bottom of the pot, an isle of black sludge rises from a shadowy sea.
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+1 Endurance: Safety first. -1 Reaction Speed: Impossible to miss.
A ludicrously reflective safety vest like those favoured by construction and road repair crews. Comes with a replaceable battery back. Makes you feel like a deep sea anemone.
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STEBAN, THE STUDENT COMMUNIST - "The gendarme returns." The young man turns to you. "What do you need?"
4. "I'm guessing these pots of gouache belong to Cindy?"
You have to be Art Cop to recognize the paint as gouache.
STEBAN, THE STUDENT COMMUNIST - He sighs. "Yeah, it's hers. She just sort of... moved it all in a few months ago."
ECHO MAKER - "She said if she's going to make truly radical art, she needs a suitably radical workspace."
STEBAN, THE STUDENT COMMUNIST - "And I don't think she could afford rent at an actual studio."
"Do you like her art?"
"Now I'm wondering, what's the deal with this place?"
"Okay, let's move on."
STEBAN, THE STUDENT COMMUNIST - "Oh, sure. It's definitely *interesting*, I would say..."
"Hmmm, I guess you could call her latest stuff a sort of *counter-bourgeois calligraphy*. She's got a real taste for radical slogans."
ECHO MAKER - "It's too bad she hasn't developed the theoretical foundation to do truly radical work."
STEBAN, THE STUDENT COMMUNIST - "I think she'll get there, though. She's still looking for a subject equal to her ambitions."
2. "Now I'm wondering, what's the deal with this place?"
STEBAN, THE STUDENT COMMUNIST - "'The deal'? At a fundamental level I guess you could call it the shattered bones of a dream crushed by capital."
LOGIC [Challenging : Success] - A feeble and hopelessly mixed metaphor.
ECHO MAKER - "That's really good, Steban. You should save that for an essay."
STEBAN, THE STUDENT COMMUNIST - "Thanks, Uli. When the idea is sound the words just sort of flow."
CONCEPTUALIZATION [Medium: Success] - Yes, now keep developing the idea.
"Actually, I think that's a mixed metaphor."
"If this place is the shattered bones, that must make us the bone weevils."
"I heard these used to be luxury apartments. Million reál views, that sort of thing."
STEBAN, THE STUDENT COMMUNIST - "Mmm, yeah that's not bad."
ECHO MAKER - "Not as good as Steban's original idea, though."
3. "I heard these used to be luxury apartments. Million reál views, that sort of thing."
STEBAN, THE STUDENT COMMUNIST - "That could be." He nods. "It would explain some of the more ornate detailing. But we're speaking in world-historical terms here. What this place *represents*, not what it merely *was*."
ECHO MAKER - His friend yawns, evidently bored by literal reality.
3. "Okay, let's move on."
STEBAN, THE STUDENT COMMUNIST - "Go ahead." The young man gives you a half-smile. His companion sniffs.
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7. [Composure - Impossible 17] Convince them you belong in the reading group.
+4 Somewhat bookish toad.
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COMPOSURE [Impossible: Failure] - Is it getting warm in here? There seems to be a little pool of sweat forming in the depression of your lower back.
"Definitely not sweating, no sir. (Dab the sweat with your shirt.)"
It's because I don't do well in interviews.
COMPOSURE - Excellent work, now there's a dark handprint on the back of your shirt. Everyone will be able to see the evidence of your overactive sweat glands.
2. It's because I don't do well in interviews.
COMPOSURE - No, you're terrible at them. The thought of everyone looking at you, judging you, makes you want to heave, frankly...
-1 Morale
3. Why am I getting so worked up? They're just a couple of kids!
COMPOSURE - Let's be frank, they're probably way smarter than you. You bet they've read more books than you can even name...
RHETORIC [Medium: Success] - Of course, if you're nervous it wouldn't hurt to read another book or two.
COMPOSURE - The hardest part will just be working up the nerve to ask without soiling yourself.
STEBAN, THE STUDENT COMMUNIST - "Everything alright, gendarme? You look a little green about the gills..."
8. [Leave.]
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