#Im actually fatter than when i left
beast-of-gluttony · 11 months
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Finally home after the longest car ride ever. Time to stuff myself full of as many Wendys nuggets as I can
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temis-de-leon · 3 days
When Greed is too much
Characters: Mammon x gn!MC
Main Masterlist
M. Anon: good day, tennis. im an anon who lurks around your work. i find your work fascinating and I hope you may make a small oneshot for me. can you make a mammon x reader fanfiction? the pronounce doesn't matter. and the fanfiction could be about mammon and reader sneaking out frequently because mammon likes to gamble and they get caught one day and mammon took all of the blame for himself. i think it would be a good idea for a oneshot. but putting that aside, I adore your work. i like how you describe everything and your headcanons are interesting. i hope you can keep uploading. sending platonic loves.
A/N: I got a little distracted and made Mammon feel guilty af instead of taking the blame, I'm sorry, I hope you like it anyways <3 A little reference right at the end
Mammon had a complicated relationship with money.
He loved it too much to hate it and he needed it enough to forgive the danger it brought within. He would inlay it under his skin if he could, if Lucifer let him, making him shine under the lights like a kaleidoscope.
Cold metal between his fangs to check its authenticity, smooth paper sliding through his fingers, hard plastic shaping his wallet. Jewellery, clothes, his car. He had them because he needed it in any way, shape or form, like water to fish, riches to him. A bottomless pit that got bigger and bigger the more he threw in.
His fingers were longer and thinner than his brothers’ and more than once he had wondered if his sin had modified his body to easily indulge in it. He was also the fastest runner when he needed to and he could turn his words to honey if the situation required it. An opportunist thief, even if he disliked the term.
And he knew stealing wasn’t okay, but no amount of Lucifer’s punishments would stop him from doing so. He could manage hanging upside down for hours on end and, even when the lectures were painfully boring and made him want to die, sitting in the same position for as long as his brother decided was something he could live through. Lotan, or rather the flood it implied, was a bothersome threat and, although terrifying, the witches wouldn’t seriously hurt him unless Lucifer knew he could take it.
Still, constantly going through that was annoying, so he went to the next best thing, a place where condemned souls like him got together and did what pleasured him the most: bring money to the table. The wheel of fortune laid deep in his chest; sometimes he deceived himself, others, he was right.
Fortunately for his ego, his dignity and his integrity, Mammon had found his perfect lucky charm. Human shape and devoted to him, every time MC joined him in his escapades, his wallet came back home fatter than when they left. It was refreshing and addicting and it didn’t take him too long to actually need MC’s presence each time he left the house to gamble.
At first it was just once or twice every week and a half, then at least once a week, then three times a week, then every night. He would invite them to his room, taking advantage of the alibi their relationship offered, hang out and fool around until every single one of his brothers was asleep and then sneak out through the garage door.
It was a fun, bonding time between them. Holding hands while running from one corner of the town to another, pockets heavier and heavier as the night went by and clothes reeking of the cigars, alcohol and perfume of those who pushed them around amidst the chaos of the casino.
Mammon lived for all of that, especially now that MC was by his side, watching him thrive and win, over and over and over again. In their eyes, he succeeded and he was the one to carry the golden medal. Not his brothers, not their friends, him.
Eventually, he did what he did best and pushed his luck.
After an outstanding winning streak, they finally got to the night when everything went astray, losing every bet and every game, eventually finding themselves deep in debt with the casino and a bunch of furious patrons and, although begrudgingly, admitting that a period of restraint was long overdue.
And then they got home.
“When will you learn?” Lucifer said for the hundredth time while tightening the rope around his torso and trapping his hands behind his back.
“C’mon! It wasn’t that bad!”
He tried to smile to downplay the situation, but it came out wobbly and his fear was too obvious for his brother to ignore. Lucifer grinned with malice, eyes darkening in evil enjoyment before bending down to tie Mammon’s ankles together, slow in his movements and his words.
“Do you truly think this would’ve ended well? We both know you’re an idiot, but the limits you’re willing to cross outstand me. Bringing MC into this? Really? You moronic dimwit… I thought you would be the last to put them in danger. Alas, I was wrong”
“I’ve never put them in danger”
His immediate response brought Lucifer back to his feet, both of them now serious and locking eyes with each other. Mammon felt the rough edges of the rope scraping his skin, uncomfortably keeping him in place under his brother’s infuriated gaze.
“Taking them out of the house for hours every night, making them play games against lowlife demons and risking their safety for a few coins, what is that to you if not jeopardizing their life?”
“A few coins? We made ourselves rich!”
“Is that what bothers you about what I just said?”
“I’m telling you they were safe with me!”
Lucifer sighed, shaking his head in disappointment and going around Mammon. A noise coming from behind filled him with dread and he didn’t have time to beg for more time before something pulled his feet to the side and his body hit the carpeted floor. It barely softened the fall and soon his pained groans reached every corner of the staircase.
“You truly never learn”
“I’ll do it! I’ll learn! Please don’t leave me here! You can’t abandon your baby brother here, can’t you? It was an honest mistake!”
After securing the rope around one of the beams from the ceiling, the eldest took a few steps down and looked at him from above. His voice was low, hopeless, and Mammon found that more hurtful than the strong grip around his limbs or the pounding on his head.
“You’re lucky MC’s heart shines brighter than mine” Lucifer said, leaving him speechless “One of these days you will go too far and I’m not sure who will be there to catch you”
“Rest well, Mammon” he continued to go down the stairs, not bothering to look at him anymore. He spoke one last time before disappearing completely. “And think about what I said, will you?”
Lucifer’s footsteps merged into the night, the lights turned off and, suddenly, Mammon found himself alone.
He was still wearing the clothes he’d chosen to go to the casino hours ago, jewellery dangling over his face and DDD threatening to fall out of his pocket. The screen lightened up, showing MC’s name, and the desperation to answer the call made him squirm enough to ultimately make the phone fall to the bottom of the stairs. He grimaced at the cracking sound.
Asmo would say it was karma for being a scumbag and he didn’t know if he should start believing that.
He wasn’t a scumbag, was he? MC was fine! Not a scratch in their pretty face to complain about and every bit of their outfit still in place and making them look even better. They had been smiling when they finally got to the garage door, shallowly breathing while they checked him out in search of any type of damage.
They were fine.
They had been smiling because they’d been having fun. Or was it out of relief? Heart beating in fear, terrified about him and the punishment that awaited them both once Lucifer found them.
Mammon craned his neck, looking at the remains of his DDD with a sting in his throat. Why did MC call him? Were they mad at him? Did they have enough? The thought of actually putting them in danger for a piece of metal, easily ripped paper or soon to be frozen plastic made his hear stop in panic.
He was a fast runner, an immortal demon with wings. It was easy for him to flee and leave his troubles behind, but MC didn’t have the same advantages. They were a human, flesh and soul in close proximity, easy to eat and forget.
A gasp escaped him at the image of his partner being tore apart and he shook his head trying to chase it away, but it was no use. He closed his eyes and it was there, like an omen or a reminder, Lucifer’s words roaring in his mind.
His name got louder and louder until It finally sounded right next to his ear. A hand cupped his neck and MC’s worried face appeared in his line of vision, but the remorse didn’t let him feel relief.
“Are you okay? Let me get you down. I got out as soon as I could, but I’m sure Lucifer knows I’m here anyways. What a way to end the night…”
He huffed at their whispers, his heart breaking piece by piece. Looking at MC and the way they carefully untied the knots, he knew Lucifer was right. The dumb human was too good for him and didn’t want to acknowledge it, choosing instead to stick by his side each day until it would be too late.
“I’m sorry” he finally said in a broken voice.
“For what, dummy?”
“I put you in danger”
MC chuckled, kissing his jaw before freeing his arms and watching the rope fall down. Mammon leaned forward until he touched his feet, noticing his body burning while he worked the knots that creased the leather in his boots.
“How did you put me in danger?” they asked with a hint of humour in their voice “As far as I know, I went with you willingly and we had a bad night. It was bound to happen after winning that much money”
“But they almost attacked us…”
“We got out of there just in time” MC interrupted him, then frowned and put their hands on their hips. “Did Lucifer said something to you?”
The lie was obvious and MC licked their teeth in poorly contained fury. Seconds later, Mammon finally set himself free and swung on the rope to reach the banister. Once he settled and stood straight, MC rushed to hug him. Both of them stayed silent and basking in the comfort that surrounded them.
He didn’t know what to say. He wanted to beg them not to reprimand Lucifer and he wanted to thank them for freeing him and staying with him beyond what he definitely deserved, but no words came out and forcing them would make him cry; and doing that in front of MC would definitely kill him faster than Lucifer could ever do.
In the end, none of them said anything, instead clinging to each other like their lives depended on it. Slowly, as if they were handling a wounded animal, MC grabbed his hands and lead him towards their room.
What did that human movie say?
He’d die for them. He’d kill for them. Either way, what bliss.
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burning-fcols · 9 months
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Angel do you lower your prices for customers you find cute or that you’re attracted to?
「 ☆ 」 Leaning against the side of a decrepit building, illuminated by the harsh burning of a streetlight, Angel takes a drag from the last cigarette on him. Blowing red smoke into the air, it mingles with the crimson glow of the moon before fading into nothing. Sparing nothing more than a glance out at the darkness surrounding him, he then raises his gaze back up to the sky. Even at this satan-forsaken hour, he feels eyes trained on him… Good. That means he ought to get a bite soon. Either that or he’ll be washing blood off later because someone decided to take a risk they shouldn’t.
But hopefully he gets paying customers instead of purely creeps.
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❝ Sometimes… but I try not ta do it too often. ❞ Flicking away the cigarette, he sucks in a disappointed breath. He had hoped it would last longer into the night. ❝ Val’s prices ain’t exactly cheap an’ that can make it hard ta find customa’s on my own. Which I guess is th’ point. ❞ Normally told where to go and WHO to fuck, Angel’s problems only surface when he’s let loose on the streets. Used as retribution, it’s always a balancing act when it comes to finding customers. Needing to toe the line between not disrespecting Val’s prices while offering some leeway so he can actually stand a chance of making the quota. Besides, if he’s too lenient when it comes to prices, people start to think he’s a cheap lay.
It’s bad for his image.
Usually he doesn’t have to lower prices too much, having developed an eye for picking out the schmucks with wallets fatter than they should be. When you’ve been thrown onto the side of the road as often as he has, you figure out the best places to seek business… and you become adept at chasing off the other whores attempting to do the same. But occasionally, when the time left gets too slim for comfort or Angel is trying to grab some personal cash without Valentino catching wind, he’ll have to swallow his pride and let some of the poorer fucks have a chance. While looks aren’t a concern, he has to admit it DOES make it easier to do.
❝ So, if th’ stars align an’ I happen ta’ find a John who isn’t a total eye-sore… Yeah, I’ll throw ‘im a bone so he can give me his. But I’m not goin’ around jus’ givin’ people discounts ‘cause they’re cute. I got more sense than that. ❞ 「 ☆ 」
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but-it-was-fine · 2 years
Still haven’t really left my bed today. It’s almost 4 pm,. I think I went to the bathroom once. My roommate left food out in the kitchen for me to eat. I went to get it at least. I haven’t eaten it. I want to. I genuinely want to. Its only crackers and some dip, but i need the energy. I need to feed myself at least enough to not feel so sick to my stomach that i gag throughout the entire day. I need to have energy to be able to get out of bed and clean and work on things and make my life better. I can’t. I just can’t and I don’t actually want to. I want to function but I just do not want to consume anything. I want to get better but I just don’t. I want to starve and wither away to nothing. Wither away to something that’s worth anything at least. I’m still overweight. I know I am. My life partner said I looked around 135. That’s so disappointing. That hurts so much. Especially because I know it’s bullshit anyway. It just feels like I’ve been gaining. My thighs touch. They have been touching, but I can’t accept that I’ve lost literally any weight until I am a different body type entirely. I’m 5’4”. The most I’ve ever weighed was .. 156? 158 maybe. I didn’t keep track. It was the worst I’ve ever felt about my body. Obviously. The weight looked fucked disgusting on me. It still looks disgusting. That was in.... oh god. Maybe a year ago. Maybe several months ago. The last time I weighed myself was definitely over a couple months ago. I think I was 148? Maybe lower. I don’t know. I’m hoping I lost at least 10 pounds overall. I’m hoping the most that I’m 20 pounds lighter or more but. I just know that’s not the case. I know I’m going to step on the scale and it’s going to give me 148 or more realistically 160. I would have liked to keep track for progress purposes, I just couldn’t stand keeping track for so long just so that I could absolutely certain of my failure. Back when I would I weigh myself Regularly I only gained more and more. Never lost anything to my memory. After I stopped weighing myself I just gained more. I don’t usually think of myself as overweight. I literally am. Im sure still am. If I’m anything more than 147 I will put a fucking bullet in my head. If I’m 135 right now I’m still putting a bullet in my head this weight that I’m at is so ugly on me and if I’m 135 that means I was 20 pounds heavier and uglier. That I was fatter than this. I can’t even handle this right now I’m so ashamed. I’m too mortified to even believe that I was at that weight and just walked around looking like that. Please god someone shoot me. I would pay as much as I needed to get someone to take me out of my misery. I would pay anything for the ability to get out of this without the guilt weighing me down so heavily that I can’t accomplish it. I guess tumblr is my diary now.
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rynzii-419 · 3 years
c!Quackity canonically has a fat ass + why that fact actually has some narrative importance for his character
Yeah I’m making a whole post about the surprisingly controversial size of Quackity’s ass, just, stick with me here. also heads up im gonna stop sayin “c!” and just saying the names but just know im only talking abt characters lol
Anyway. First of all, let’s discuss the opposite belief: Quackity is a flatty patty. It was a running joke on the smp, and it was started by Schlatt the day after they won the election. The days before when they had planned their joint presidency, Schlatt had established that Quackity’s whole value and purpose in the cabinet was for him to be pretty and have a fat ass. Now, do we really trust Schlatt’s judgement? The man was a drunk and just plain abusive. I’m not entirely sure if the other members of the Manburg cabinet joined in, but I know that if they did it wasn’t nearly as often as Schlatt, so he was definitely the spearhead of the “flat ass q” truthers. But, even Schlatt contradicted himself from time to time. He said multiple times, including his death scene, that Quackity and his “fat ass” left him, even though he later said “flatty patty” as his last words. Basically, tldr, i think Schlatt’s opinion is irrelevant and he contradicts himself too much to be taken seriously.
Alternatively, there are multiple scenes of Wilbur being caught staring at Q’s ass, anywhere between the very beginning of the elections all the way to Niki’s birthday party. Once when building the White House, once during the stream “we must get voters”, once when Tommy and Q told him about Plan Ass, and honestly probably a few more times that i just don’t remember right now. I trust him a bit more because hes fruity because he had no reason to make Quackity, his rival, feel better about his body. Plus, they even thought his ass was a solid enough plan to actually try out.
Now for why it matters narratively.
Schlatt changed Quackity and I think we all know that. He belittled Quackity all the time and I believe a lot of the way he thinks is built off of that now. I think he has been put down by people like Schlatt (and even Techno just by not treating him as a real threat) so much that he now has this concept that everyone looks at him that way, like hes worthless and can’t do anything right because all he’s good for is his looks.
I feel like a very important part of this is that he actually does look the way Schlatt initially said he did, but Schlatt then made him think that was what he should put all his worth into and used that information to hurt Q and emphasize that Schlatt was the leader and Quackity was nothing. And obviously, Schlatt calling Quackity stuff like flatty patty did hurt him a lot, because what if it was true? What if Schlatt was right and he was worthless now? It really pissed him off to hear it (and still does it seems) and in that first stream he immediately got to work on a workout thing that would make him have a fatter ass and kept calling Schlatt over to see if he approved or if he was proud. It was fucked up honestly.
Now he’s trying to work past that. He’s trying to be the big powerful guy who can do whatever he wants. We can see that a lot in how he always tries to prove that he could defeat Techno (someone he has a serious grudge against) and can crush Dream’s spirit. Mf has always been obsessed with power, the only difference is that now he has better weapons, armor, and a country of his own. Maybe that’s why he sounded so smug sending Wilbur away. He really thought “thats right, im better than Wilbur, this is my country and its stronger and better and it doesn’t need you.” Plus now he’s seeing that Wilbur respects him as an opponent, so he’s just as addicted to this rivalry as Wilbur is.
Long story short:
1. A few months ago I was drawing Quackity and thought “wait do i give him a fat ass or no” and ever since, I’ve cared about the answer to that question way too much.
2. I’m incapable of writing analysis without ending it with a small touch of tntduo
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ledamemangociana · 3 years
this is not a happy post
apologies in advance, especially to anyone who followed me coz of my various gifsets; i know this kind of thing isn’t what you’re here for. 
i’m unfortunately prone to a venting a lot and lengthily when my depression, anxiety and self-esteem issues get the better of me. most of the time, im feels-vomiting on my twitter, mostly coz i havent used my tumblr quite as regularly as i used to 6, maybe 7 years ago. i’m mostly doing this here now coz i feel like i need the writing momentum to not be stilted by having to click the “add new tweet” button over and over again.
so. i’m turning 35 two weeks from now. and it is getting to me, possibly because of the situation that the pandemic has kept me in for the past year and a half, maybe because 35 feels like a milestone adult age, maybe because turning 35 means 40 is right around the corner. and the closer my 35th birthday is, the more i’m plagued by thoughts of where i am now, where i’m probably supposed to be as an adult, where i wanted to be, and the thought that i’m just never gonna be good enough to not be who and where i am now.
in feb 2020, i started my new job as the digital marketing manager for a pair of upscale hotels, the biggest deal of a job i’ve ever gotten since i started working in late 2011, and the biggest paycheck i’ve ever signed on for too. for the first time in a long time, possibly in forever, the few big dreams i had ever had for myself seemed to be attainable; it felt like they could become goals. a solo trip to japan, getting a place for myself instead of living in the family condo, growing my collections, maybe having an actual social life, those kinds of things seemed within reach.
and then, literally a month into my new job, the country went into lockdown, and legitimately has never come out of it. my work situation changed drastically, to the point where i ran up both of my credit card bills before the year was over (i literally only just got one of them fully paid off last week, and only because my sister was a HUGE help), and i was living off the limited family funds and relying on dad to take care of me. i had a freelance client for a handful of months, only for them to drop me without word at the end of our contract, leaving me without a chunk of the only funds i was making on my own for a while. i’m now working sporadically at my regular job, with a significant cut to my paid hours and therefore my paycheck, but the tasks list just seems to grow longer with each task that i check off of it, leaving me overworked and underpaid (but of course,i know im not alone or special in this, some people have it far worse than me and i’m grateful that i even have a regular work schedule, even if it does look the way it does). im 260 lbs., wearing size 22 or 24 clothes, somewhat sickly and prone to constant painful gout attacks that make it difficult for me to walk, living in a condo unit owned by family because they’re letting me live here, making only a third of the salary i normally should at work without the panemic, subsisting on junk food and softdrinks (it’s an addiction) because much of my money leaves my wallet and goes to paying bills and loans as soon as the money comes in, alone, unloved, unlovable, as prone to hyperfixation as i’ve ever been, and putting up with constantly re-attaching bromides and instax pics that keep falling off of my recently completed anime wall.
i’m 34 years old. i’m turning 35 in two weeks.
you know who else is 34/35 this year? the local barangay captain, a member of the local govnerment unit, who was one of my classmates in grade school and high school. a few years ago, i had seen a tarp across the street advertising her local work-out and yoga classes.
i’ve always hated the question “where do you see yourself 5 years from now/10 years from now/in the future?” because i’ve never been able to truthfully answer it, even when i wasnt an emotionally unstable mess (which was all the way back in elementary). i close my eyes and try to imagine it, and nothing ever comes up. i’d like to think i have an active enough imagination to have been able to write fanfic a lot back in the day, so you know it’s bad when i can’t even imagine a lofty future for myself. at this point in my life, i can’t even say “just simply alive” because i truly don’t know if i will be, i don’t see it. that’s fatalistic, maybe, but i really have never been able to imagine myself living to 40, let alone past that. anything i want for myself remain dreams, things i dont deserve because im not thin, pretty, smart, cultured, skilled. and the closer i get to 40, the less of that already non-existent future i see. 
and it’s just depressing, you know. like. it’s already so hard being depressed about and hating myself WITHOUT this added thought of “you are only growing older and fatter and are headed literally nowhere and everyone your age is far more responsible and mature than you could even dream you’d ever be” mixed in there too. maybe this is just me beating myself up and being my own harshest bully, but what’s stopping me from believing that i deserve this bullying of myself by myself, lmao. 
i dread every birthday. i stopped dreaming things for myself a long time ago. these are all things i just know i can’t and won’t ever live up to, because i’m just this useless sack of potatoes rotting away in the corner of some barn while everyone else is finding some use for themselves and able to make lemonade out of their own lemons, and stuff like that. and yet knowing i’ll never be those things or have those things makes me sad. for someone with a laundry list of negative things about myself i’ve just learned to accept so i can somehow function, having that list sure does make me sad. and it probably shouldn’t, if im so resigned to all of this, but maybe that’s just what happens when you hate yourself - there will always be a reason for you to hate yourself.
oh, and i think i’m coming down with carpal tunnel in my left hand. great.
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bodyswapmischief · 4 years
The Cabin Boy
(Spring Break Pirates 10 of 14)
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So, it finally, happened. Today, I woke up and was 305lbs. This fucking spell has more than double my weight. I started out as small sexy young twink, barely reaching 120 pounds. Now, I'm this big fat hairy middle aged man. Mr. Black as been more forceful in his feedings, I think he's getting close to his end game.
As, for me, I fucking struggling to find away out of this situation. After what happen to Will, I knew I had to be more careful. So, I been acting friendly towards Mr. Black and his little snitch Eric. I've been pretending that my mental state has been greatly affected by the boat. Acting like a dumb, sex, and food crazed fatass has let me fly under the radar. And, given me a lot of time spent in Mr. Black's quarters.
So, I've been spending a lot more time with the book. And, I was right it's more than a ledger ... it's a spell book. But, I can't acess it. I see the words. But, when I try to read a spell everything gets jumbled. In one of the pages, I was finally able to read a meditative breathing exercise. I've been doing that and it's been improving my mental state and making me less prone to the mental enchantment. That doesn't mean my body is not getting fatter.
All this weight is still affecting me. I still crave food a lot. I'm heavier and slower. It takes a lot of energy to do anything. I keep telling myself, I need to hurry before it's too late. And, I fear that time is coming soon.
Oh, Fuck!
Mr ... mr ... Black. I'm in your room because ... because ... I need you. I need you to fill me up. Are you ready to feed me, again? Your big fat pig is hungry. I need to be filled. And, I need your dick in my ass. I'm craving being filled from both sides. Yes, I'm your obedient hog. Where's the food, master? I'm not hiding anything. I just want to serve you.
No, no, no. There's no need to search around. Stop! ... wasting time and feed me. Im craving it. Fuck! Okay ... okay you caught me. I was looking at your book. I hate what you did to me. I need to change back. So, what are you going to do to punish me?
What!? Your impressed by me. You didn't expect any of this? I'm more proof something is going wrong with your plan? Ugh ... fuck what are you doing to me!? Ooooow!! It fucking hurts! St.. st... stop!
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What!? I'm me again. You changed me back. Wait no! Not exactly. I look like myself but, it feels different. It feels tainted. Almost unnatural.
What the fuck are you talking about!? You turned our bodies into ash? Then how am I back in my body? The book is filled with death magic. And, only those with blood on their hands can read it, to it's full potential.
You used a resurrection spell on me. You burn up a soul in order to give me my body back. Wait? What soul? You fuckin killed Will!? No, he's still on the island. Then who? Those five rings? You didn't have them before. Why are four of them glowing? Wait ... no ... the harem. You have there souls to power the last few spells in your plan. Who the fuck did you kill!
No! Not Leo! You fuckin monster! Why are you doing this? Why did you change me back? You messed up? Some things are not going how you planned? So, you needed extra souls to fix your mistakes, taking a few loses to ensure success.
Those losses happen to be my friends, you asshole. You need my help, to finish your plan. What's in it for me? You'll teach me your magic. I would be your apprentice. With two necromancers we would be stronger together. Your right, I have been spending a lot of time with the book. It has been calling to me. Okay... okay I'll do it. What is it you need me to do anyways? Kill the first mate. Tonight?
If, I do this ... you need to restore what's left of the harem. Yes, I know there original bodies are gone. I meant restore them to the bodies they were just in. Can you do that? Yes, okay good. I'll come find you when the deed is done.
There, back into my room. I should be safe for now. I don't know if I'm being played or if Mr. Black is dumb enough to actually trust me. What game is he playing now. I can't believe Leo, is gone. But, the weird part is my emotions seem dampened. I kinda feel less human. I guess it makes senses. I am the product of necromancy, now thanks to Mr. Black's spell. I know I should feel devastated but, I'm just focused on achieving my plan and making sure Mr. Black loses everything. It won't be hard, I can smell the desperation coming off him. He's scared. I can see it in his eyes he messed up bad. And, he's doesn't want to get punished.
Are my eyes playing trick on me. I'm starting to see siegel's. They are all over the boat. Am, I seeing the enchantment, placed on the boat. I guess having necromancy casted on you counts as having blood on your hands.
What a pity, if Mr. Black wasn't such a lying, manipulative l, weasel we could have worked together. But, it looks like I don't need him after all. Now, let's see ... how am I going to end him.
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AU Miss Rose is actually Trish's real mother and is just as spoiled, fat, and pampered as her daughter if not a bit moreso. Given the fact her every need is taken care of by her round the clock staff of servant's though despite the fact she's just a bigger fatter version of her daughter she's very kind, sweet, and rather smart given how she's in charge of several massive companies all catered to help people of her girth or smaller.
"BWOOOUUURRRRRRRRPPPPP~. Bruna! Be a dear and fetch the cook for me will you? All this paper work is making me hungry..." Mrs. Rose Una called to her right hand woman after a mighty belch exited her lips. Coming from a wealthy family and inheriting her husband's estate after his passing it was no surprise Rose turned out as overweight and spoiled as she did. The aristocratic woman never had to lift a finger for most of her life as her needs were cared for by her loyal staff. Not to say she wasn't a hard worker, running multiple business aswell as a criminal underground is hard work, but it is certainly made easier when you have round the clock service like Rose does. She couldn't remember the last time she walked, her lard covered body was nearly 5,000 pounds and she had long since lost her mobility.
"Of course right away Madam Una." Rose's most trusted adviser Bruna said with a respectful bow making the black haired woman's body jiggle as she tried to bend over.
"Bruna dear how many times do I have to remind you to drop the formalities? You've been my closest friend for years! You can call me Rose if you want." Rose said from behind her desk as she crained her fat neck up from her paperwork. "Say how about you tell the cook to double my portions for today. You're looking thinner than a rail! What say you join me for my second dinner?" The generous mob boss offered. Most of Rose's staff were overweight due to her insistence they join her in her meals but Bruna was a special case. Since she spends the most time with Rose she's subjected to the most of her boss' titanic meals.
"As you wish...Rose." Bruna said softly before waddling out the room. Her gigantic ass cheeks wobbling with every step the pudgy capo took, that along with her rather form fitting white suit left little to the imagination.
~15 minutes later~
"BWOOORRRRRP~... Excuse me Rose that was unbecoming of me. I apologize." Bruna said in her usually gentle but stoic voice as she wiped pasta sauce from her mouth.
"What are you sorry for? That was a good one! Here let me try." The spoiled princess of passione said with a laugh as she jostled her mammoth belly up and down to stir up some gas. Unfortunately it came out the wrong end as Rose ripped a massive fart filling her office with her stench, Bruna didn't mind in fact she her face turned beat red from her boss' outburst and quickly followed it up with a fart of her own.
"PHLLFFRRRRRRT~.... how was that?" Bruna asked loosening up a little as she and her boss traded bouts of flatulence and gas back and forth.
"Not to bad! How about we get another course from the cooks? I could go for thirds." Rose asked giving Bruna a look she just couldn't say no to.
"Well im not...~growl~ Well maybe just one more." Bruna said blushing at the noises her stomach was making. Some how she was still hungry after eating so much, it seems her boss has made her appetite grow along with her waistline.
"Perfect! I'll call and have them make some more Pizza for us. Ooh I wonder if they can dip it in chocolate!" The obese boss said as she frantically pressed the button to summon the staff. Bruna just chuckled at her boss' antics content to spend the rest of the day eating and talking with her favorite spoiled princess.
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pangtasias-atelier · 4 years
How about this: Felix has been eating cake very often, everyone has told him, he can't stop. He'll grow bigger and will realize that no matter how much he trains he cannot recover his figure, on the contrary everything gets worse. Someone will tell him it's out of control. Felix will refuse. Sudenly he feels is about to burst and BOOM. It was a dream. He had fallen asleep without finishing his cake. He will move it away in anger "Im NOT out of control" After a few minutes, he will eat it. Ty~ :3
This one got really long omg. And after shortening down the ideas I had for the other Blue Lions’ interactions lol
But! Another one I’m happy how it came out. Now I just wish I actually bettered myself and took like actual writing lessons but eh, focusing on other stuff right now.(Still wanna make sure I’m not fucking up and mixing tenses tho)
This was really fun to write, so I hope you enjoy!! Especially since you’ve made a bunch of good FE fats for us and thank you for that!~
Felix doesn't know how it started, maybe it was a spell, new ingredients, a better chef, but it was something. Anything. Anything but his own fault.
All of a sudden his innate disdain for cake was replaced with a wanton need for it. Everyday, he needed some of it to satisfy his insatiable cravings for it. 
And despite the signs all pointing to a clearly obvious problem, Felix was the only one who refused to see it. Even as a bit of pudge began to form on his thin body.
The first had been Annette. 
On a visit to House Fraldarius, the day had been spent in relative uneventfulness, the day consumed with talks about their territories. It was upon dinner that the mood had changed.
Unable to control her expression, the puzzlement displayed on her face on a visit to House Fraldarius is evident to Felix, his features tightening in a scowl.
"Just say whatever it is your thinking instead of keeping it to yourself like those mindless gossipers," Felix spits out, already scowling.
"I'm surprised to see you of all people eating cake, Felix," Annette smiles at him. 
Felix responds with a scowl, his grip tightening. His slice of cake sits nearly finished, Felix almost devouring it entirely if it hadn't been for Annette interrupting him.
"You always hated the stuff,"
"Well, opinions change," Unwilling to deal with any comments over his shameful new preference for the decadent sweets, Felix simply stands up and walks away with his plate in hand.
It takes a couple of hours when he's cooled down from the conversation for him to leave his room. Unfortunately, despite the cover of night, he encounters Annette in the training grounds.
Casting a simple wind spell, the rush of air still flows faster than it should, both of their clothes willowing in the rapid gusts. 
Felix catches the glint of metal against the wall, Crusher resting. Deciding to head back, Annette turns around, face neutral. Caught, Felix sighs, resulting with his hand on his hip.
"I overreacted, what else do you want me to say?"
"An apology would be a nice start," Closing her tome, Annette wipes the sweat off her forehead, her hair disheveled. Grabbing Crusher, Felix forces himself to not visibly react at the way she easily grabs it and carries it.
"Sure, I'm sorry for whatever I did," Felix grumbles. Crossing his arms on his chest and resting on the heels of his feet, Felix makes out the way Annette's eyes quickly drift down this time before they don't, Annette making sure to be less obvious. 
“Don’t let it get out of control,” Annette offers, smiling.
Felix doesn't ask her what else she wants to say this time, biting his tongue back and blushing.
The second had been Ingrid.
The embarrassment of Annette noticing his slight paunch apparently hadn't been enough shame for Felix, his constant devouring of cake only worsening.
The small bump for a stomach grew into a large swell, clothes needing an upsizing by his tailors. His flat, sightly defined chest filled out with small flabby bumps. Yet it was his lower half that grew larger in proportion. His thighs became swaddled with a generous portion of overlapping fat, his graceful movements now slower and clunkier. The rise of his ass was a reminder to his size, his sizeable asset jostling about with each hefty waddle. 
Annoyed with having a visitor so soon again, Ingrid's usual calm disposition was relatively easy to deal with. As long as he didn't raise his own temper, her's wouldn't rise either. 
Except Ingrid had no sense of calmness, immediately going to fretting over Felix.
Felix who had been so agile and active. Felix who hated cake. Felix who had been 
"You do know you have a problem, right?" Ingrid asks over dinner, her eyes on Felix's plate of food, the portion much larger than before. The clanking of his fork on his plate only prompts Ingrid to speak more. “Of course you don’t,” Ingrid sighs. “You’re too busy criticising others and their issues that you don’t even see your own,”
“I don’t have a problem,” Felix leans back into his chair before he feels the heft of his own body resting on him, Felix sitting upright once again. Yet even in that position he feels the way his stomach seeps onto his thighs. 
“Really Felix?” Ingrid frowns, pushing her hair to the side. 
“I can work it off,” Felix gives in, only partially.
“Then you would have already,” Ingrid fights back. “It’s getting out of control,”
Yet no matter how much further she goes, Felix refuses to admit his issue. And so by the time Ingrid’s entourage and ride arrives, she finds it far better to simply leave and free herself of Felix’s own stubbornness than to deal with even more back and forth arguments.
Nothing learned, Felix pays no heed to Ingrid’s words, cake far more important. Any kind he could get his greedy hands on would do. Chocolate, vanilla, strawberry shortcake, cheesecake, lemon, regardless of the flavour, Felix felt the need to devour it all the same. 
His sense of time lessening, the only truly memorable moments was when he was stuffing himself with the delicious sweet contents of cake.
His waistline suffering for it, his own remarks of training off the extra abundant inches off his waist never came. Soon, walking became more difficult, chairs became too weak, doors too narrow, clothes too revealing. To Felix, everything else had an issue except himself. Even as he continued to grow fatter and fatter.
Most likely through Ingrid’s meddling, soon other former members of the Blue Lions came to check up on him. 
The third had been Mercedes. 
Her charitable nature and nice sensibility had led to her coddling him on her first day, Mercedes even baking a cake for Felix. That had apparently been a test, Felix failing it when he finished it in one sitting. Her kind coddling was only met with more detest on Felix’s end. 
Felix undeniably fat, his poorly fitting outfit was only more cause of concern on Mercedes’ end. Instead he had merely  thanked her for the cake before waddling away, his shelf of an ass wobbling behind him all the while.
The fourth and fifth had been Ashe and Dedue together.
The two specializing in cooking, Ashe’s own successful inn clearly showed on his short frame, Ashe containing a paunch. Dedue was the same as ever, his figure massively built and stacked.
Whereas Ashe was at most chubby, Felix was obese, his titanic rolls swaddling his body, his cheeks marring his own scowl and softening it. And instead of hedding both of their concerns, all Felix had were retorts to Ashe’s own size. 
The two didn’t remain long, Felix targeting both Ashe and Dedue for Ashe’s newfound weight alongside both no longer having the patience meant Felix had been free of their torment. 
Some dedication to his training grounds, and he’ll easily work off the extra weight is what Felix clings on to.
But those days never arrive, Felix happily gorging himself on cake and nothing but cake.
The sixth had been Dimitri.
Finally able to take the chance to get away from his own dealings as King of Fhirdiad, Dimitri instead had to deal with an annoyed Felix. Only a week after Ashe and Dedue’s visit, Felix had overall been the same out of shape angry person. 
Dimitri a passionate person, his scathing remarks had been the only ones to get Felix to shut up and listen. Pointing out Felix’s need for three chairs at the table, if he even bothered to walk instead of eating in his room, the way his body was inundated with rolls making even the simplest of tasks a chore for him to pull off, his increasing appetite that only would worsen with time. Dimitri had actually even made Felix use his training grounds for the first time since Felix could even see past his mountain, roll riddled gut. 
The pathetic speed Felix swung his sword only made Dimitri worry more, Felix struggling to even get a proper grip with his bingo wingo arms pressing against the side of his moobs. Felix’s complaints and asks for a break were ignored by Dimitri, forcing his friend to keep going. 
By the time Dimitri had left the next day, he left with hopes for Felix, Felix grumbling yet thankful for talking sense into him.
Except after a couple days, Felix’s own inability to control his appetite left him giving up, Felix merely reverting back to his gluttonous lazy self.
The seventh and last had been Sylvain.
Felix so far gone in his ravenous ways, the last vestiges of his own mobility was apparent. Sylvain had whistled upon sighting Felix, eyes wide open, unable to believe it himself. 
Where Dimitri embarrassed Felix to help him, Sylvain had done the opposite. Ridiculing Felix, Sylvain did it with the intention of putting him down. 
Grabbing Felix and forcing him to walk, Felix sweating and waddling by his side while he heaved and puffed all the while in between curses, Sylvain would tire him out only to leave him alone, Felix falling down to the floor with a resounding crash and staying there. Forcing him to sit on a single chair instead of the necessary four so he’d crush yet another piece of furniture. Pushing him into too narrow doorways only to leave him stuck inside, Felix too fat and wide to get through or push himself out. Barraging Felix’s entire body with powerful slaps to make his engorged body shake as if an earthquake had just occured.
Sylvain’s cruel methods had only reinforced the subconscious idea in Felix’s brain of why even bother. Unfortunately for Felix, Sylvain had stayed the longest, a month of disparaging remarks and acts endured by Felix. Sylvain had even left without a word, disappearing in the night.
Unwilling to act and far too fat to do so, Felix’s only companion was the increasing amounts of cake he devoured each day. The ability to one day quit and lose all of his weight always in the back of his mind, said day never came, Felix reaching immobility before he even had time to consider the possibility. Not that he ever would consider it, Felix too stubborn to think he’d let himself go this far. 
A feeding tube in his room, Felix hadn;t even remembered asking for such a thing, his mind in a constant haze of cake. Barely a couple hours after lunch, Felix was already on his fifth meal. Each lasting an hour, he only paused intermittently for a few minutes, his hunger quickly coming back. 
Bed completely covered in his own rolls, Felix can feel all his weight press down on him from lying on his back. Only able to stare at his tube and the ceiling, wiggling his fingers and toes are the only other things for him to do besides eating or sleeping. His ass encapsulating the bed and reaching the floor, Felix pays it no mind, focusing instead on guzzling the cake flavored whatever, Felix even uncaring about what it is he’s devouring. 
Reaching a full state, Felix mumbles past the tube, his incoherent words a jumble. Expecting the tube to turn off, it remains on, filling his stomach with a torrent of cake. Increasing his complaints, the only response is his feeding tube picking up in speed, Felix gurgling as he;s forced to devour it all. Chugging it, Felix feels himself expanding.
Stomach rising in the air and cascading all around like melted vanilla ice cream, his breasts flow and sink back down towards his face, his numerous neck rolls meeting them head on. His thighs become even more dimpled, the couch sized appendages forced even wider to accommodate the rapidly filling thighs as they grow larger and wider. His ass pushes him high in the air, Felix groaning as his large room becomes even more cramped, his now blob like body filling it.
His feeding continues, Felix groans, his eyes half lidded as he continues to guzzle. His stomach stiff, the stuffed state of it feels oddly relaxing, Felix giving in to the tube. Suckling it, Felix complains as his body finally reaches the edge of his room, fat reaching from corner to corner. Huffing,the cramped and compressed nature of it makes him complain. Body seemingly one large blob with no definition, joints seemingly improbable, the walls begin to crack and tumble as Felix grows ever fatter,his eyes even hard to keep open with so much fat clinging to his body. The floor even cracking underneath him, it takes no time for the whole area to explode, Felix’s body rushing out like a dam breaking.
Jolting up in his chair, Felix hisses as he hits his arm against his table. 
Alone in his room, Felix heaves as he checks himself. Nightclothes on, a simple pair of shorts and a shirt, the moon high in the sky notifies him of it being night. Grabbing his stomach, Felix grimaces as his hand wraps around a sliver of pudge. Sniffing, the aroma of strawberry assaults his nose. Turning to the table, Felix spots the remnants of a slice, a couple of forkfuls left. 
Sighing upon realizing it was all a dream despite the vividness, Felix leans back into his chair. Glaring at the cake, Felix stands up. Bones aching, he stretches, humming as they crack. The warm covers of his bed calling and reaching out to him, Felix takes a couple of steps. His stomach growling, the hunger calls and reaches out to im as well. Glancing at the bed, then the cake, and then finally his stomach, Felix frowns. Grabbing the plate, he swiftly devours the remains of the cake.
“I’m not out of control,” He grumbles to himself.
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xumos-hoe · 5 years
Oh boi, where do I begin... this request is somewhat inspired by Gavin's post about having to train more and loose some weight cause he gained some. Now I just want to see MCs reaction to the bois gaining some tummy fat. I DEMAND SOME SQUISHING ACTION!!!!!!!!!!! But I also kind of want to see MC gaining a lil tummy chub, getting spooned and getting her belly squished :3 sorry for the big request but I find chub so adorable!!!!!!!!
MC/MLQC crew gaining chub
Victor (Him gaining chub)
Victor was fucking sculpted by Michaelangelo himself
With abs like that, you could scrub urself clean with em😤
Alas, he was struggling through a difficult project at LFG, so he hardly had time to maintain that godly physique
One evening, the two of you decided to celebrate the conclusion of the project with a private bath in his jacuzzi cus rich people tingz
You were laying against his chest, swirling your finger through the water as Victor held you close, arms propped on either edge of the tub with a warm towel over his eyes.
When you shifted into a more comfortable position, you felt it.
long gone was the rock hard abdomen muscles—now, he felt a little squishy.
Victor didn’t notice the discovery you had just made, but you were intrigued...
So you carefully poked his stomach one more time, marveling as your finger sunk a little into the chub. In fact, looking at him like this, his obliques weren’t so defined anymore.
Victor made a small sound from behind you, almost a sigh, but didn’t move. So you squished his tummy again and giggled.
Suddenly, he peeled away the towel from his eyes and peered down at you unimpressed.
“What in the world are you doing?”
“Victor! Look!” You poked his tummy again, “you’re getting chubbier!”
Maybe it was the hot water but Victor’s face turned an uncharacteristic shade of red as he watched you, stunned speechless. But he didn’t say a word, so you kept on poking his torso.
“You might need to get back into the gym...These love-handles aren’t gonna solve themselves.” You giggled before softly pinching his sides.
Suddenly, Victor gripped your wrist tightly and narrowed his eyes dangerously.
“Getting a little bold, are we?”
His free hand traveled up the plane of your stomach before cupping your breasts. His lips were at your ear, murmuring as he began massaging it.
“Two can play at that game...”
(MC gaining chub)
You were in a heated make out session that was about to turn into more.
Victor’s lips traveled away from your own, down the pulse at your neck, and to the bare plane of you stomach.
He broke away, smiling mischeviously to himself before peering up.
“Perhaps I’ve been feeding you a little too much.”
Your cheeks turned pink when you realized what he was referring to—your tummy, that had gotten a lot squisher recently...
You couldn’t help but scoot away shyly, pulling down your shirt and mumbling a quick response. “Maybe I did gain some weight...”
Victor moved back up, kissing up your neck to your lips, keeping a steady hand at your tummy rubbing gentle circles.
He broke away and pinched your stomach, smiling as you yelped. “Don’t say a word against it. I, for one, think it’s very cute.”
Lucien (Him gaining chub)
Lucien’s also built like a Greek god tbh
But he can lose it very quickly if not maintained.
You were watching him one morning, lingering in bed, as he stripped to get ready for work.
What caught your eyes was the wayyy less visible musculature of his abdomen. A little bit of a tummy had formed there instead (must be because he spends his entire life in that lab)
You smiled to yourself and crawled over, sneaking a hand around his side before lightly tapping it. “What happened here, professor?”
Lucien’s movements paused as he stared into the mirror, noticing what you were referring to before smiling.
“You don’t mind it?”
“Of course I don’t mind!” You pinched this time, giggling when he visibly flinched. “It’s cute on you.”
Lucien’s hands clasped your own over his tummy, squeezing softly. “It won’t be here for long. As soon as I finish this current research project, I’ll be getting back into the gym.”
You frowned, “at least keep it here for a little longer. I wanna try blowing raspberries!”
(MC gaining chub)
You were on your period again, dying on the couch as another wave of cramps crashed over you.
You were sitting between Lucien’s legs as he rubbed your tummy slowly, sneaking in the occasional peck to comfort you.
The body warmer wasn’t doing much, in fact, Lucien’s hands were somehow even more comforting. As the pain began waning, the rubbing turned into a small poke.
“You’re chubbier than before.” He stifled a small laugh, squishing gently.
Although he had only meant it as a joke, you on the other hand, blushed furiously before pulling away.
“You’re calling me fat, aren’t you?”
Lucien was taken aback by your response, but he pulled you back into his arms immediately, hushing quietly by your ear. You whimpered as another wave of cramps began.
“Quiet now...you’re in pain so take it easy.” When his hand went back to rubbing, he snuck in a few squishes before leaning to kiss your cheek. “And I like how soft you are, it feels more comforting...”
He chuckled before adding, “you’re even cuter this way.”
Kiro (Him gaining chub)
Savin would beat this kid with a shoe before he ever gained weight💀
But Kiro had taken a small hiatus from performing and went back to enjoying his early adult life.
During a cuddle session one night, you were bigspooning Kiro as he munched on a bag of chips.
You noticed he felt a little heavier and softer than before, so without a word, you lifted up his shirt and began laughing.
Kiro looked up at you, confused. “Why’re you laughing?”
You responded by giving his tummy a small squish. “I didn’t know you gained all this so quickly!”
Kiro paused before laughing, squishing his own stomach. “Maybe I let loose a little too much...”
You slapped the beat of one of his songs on the plane of his stomach, giggling uncontrollably as you marveled at the unfamiliar chub.
Kiro joined the giggling and started humming the tune, slapping along.
(MC gaining chub)
You were trying on a new bikini, frowning as you poked your tummy in the mirror. “Kiro? Do I look any fatter to you?”
Kiro was on his phone, lounging in bed when he looked up and whistled. “Beautiful as always, Miss Chips!”
You cringed as you poked your tummy. “But my stomach looks like it’s gotten a little bigger. See?”
You walked over to him, frowning and gesturing to the little mound of chub that had formed there.
Before Kiro could responded, he pulled you onto the bed in a flash, tickling your sides immediately till you were giggling uncontrollably beneath him.
“You manage to get cuter everyday, you know that?” Kiro grinned wide and lowered his head to blow a raspberry as his tickling intensified.
You tried to pull away, but your limbs felt like jelly from all the laughter.
all the kiss marks he left on your stomach made you forget about your original worry in no time.
Gavin (Him gaining chub)
Gavin works out eVeryday
His job basically depends on him working out
But jfc he paid attention to eVerythingggg. You’ve never met a man who pointed out the smallest changes in his physique more than Gavin.
He knew his body was a masterpiece and it HAD to stay that way.
But one evening, he emerged from the shower, frowning as he kept a tight grip on the towel around his hips.
You were lounging in bed, taking immediate notice of your seemingly upset boyfriend.
“What’s up with you?”
“I’m fine...” Gavin called back, walking over to the mirror before frowning some more. He paused before quietly adding, “Actually MC...”
You hummed to let him know you were listening.
“It seems like I’ve gained a little bit of weight, doesn’t it?”
You mouth fell to the mf ground when you heard that.
Gained??? weight??? Gavin what???
“If you mean with more muscle, then yeah.”
Gavin scoffed and turned towards you. “I’m not joking—maybe I’ve been slacking off with training too much...”
He went back to scrutinizing his reflection in the mirror, running a slow hand down his abdomen before wincing.
You rose from the bed, exasperated, as you walked over and wrapped your arms around his torso. “C’mon Gav, don’t be so hard on yourself.”
“MC, there’s a very strict physique I gotta maintain.”
Your arm around his waist reached a little lower and tapped his abs.
“Hmm...maybe they are getting a little squishier...”
Of course you were shitting around, but he didn’t take it that way...
He froze beneath your touch before pulling away immediately to get dressed. “I won’t be back for a few hours—gotta get to the gym before it closes.”
(MC gaining chub)
I think Gavin loves the chub and extra fluff.
So when you were modeling a few tops for him at home, he whistled lowly and ushered you closer.
You walked over, a little confused, before feeling his arms wrap around your waist loosely as he laid his head against your tummy, sighing contentedly. “You’re as soft as you look.”
Your entire face flushed nervously as strands of his hair began tickling up the plane of your tummy. You felt self-consciousa and tried to back away, but his grip only tightened.
“You can’t wear this shirt out.” He mumbled, pressing his lips right above your naval. “This is for my eyes only.”
He free hand squished your side, grinning as you shyed away. After a few moments of silent admiration, he pulled you beside his body, spooning you from behind as he spread a trail of kisses around your shoulder.
“How did I get so lucky with a cutie like you?”
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uwujaes · 5 years
ceo! jaehyun
Tumblr media
prompt: ceo jaehyun who is soft for reader
genre: fluff
yall met as boss and employee (jaehyun's the boss if this isn't clear yet)
ok but HOW yall met was pretty........ eventful
basically your department plays rock paper scissors to decide who buys coffee for the day
so after ordering drinks at the cafe downstairs, you were waiting to collect them
when you saw 12 drinks getting packed, you walked to the counter to collect them
but at the same time, this really tall dude in a suit walked over at the same time asdfghjkl
both of yall took the same bag of drinks and looked at each other sHockEd
"these are my drinks"
"no these are mine, i ordered them first"
soOoOoO yall had this 5 minute debate over who these drinks belonged to
but then the barista realised they forgot one of ur orders bc yall ordered the exact same thing
so technically the drinks belonged to both of yall and well embarrassment sets in bc ur 5 min debate with him is now irrelevant lololol
u swear both of u blushed big time but aljdhdhfksk wtv moving on
both of y'all get ur drinks and part ways
back in the office, u gave out the drinks
ur colleague who set next to you asked why u took so long
"ugh it's a long story skjddhdbhd basically i fought with someone over these drinks but it turned out that it wasnt our fault bc the barista forgot one of our orders"
just then, someone walked in to greet everyone
everyone in ur department and stood
u didn't know what was going on but u followed suit
BUTBUTBUT u looked at the person who just walked in and—
"good morning everyone! i bought coffee for u bc i wanted to thank everyone for ur hard work"
u whispered to colleague "who is this?"
ur colleague looked at u "bRoo r u serious that's our ceo, jung jaehyun"
right then ur manager said "y/n (as he said that he pointed to u) has already gotten us coffee but thank you for the coffee, guess we are ready for ot today!"
jaehyun looked at u and u swore he smiled a little
after that he just left to go back to his office
at night, everyone in ur department left for home already or maybe the club bc it's a friday and the night is young
everyone but u
u had lots of work to do bc u joined the company recently and had to juggle learning the ropes here and actual work
u were finishing up and looked at the time
it was literally almost 12am
"are u not going home tonight?"
u turned to look at who asked that and when u realised who it was, u instinctively stood up to greet the person
"i-im leaving s-soon"
jaehyun laughed a bit and said "why are u stuttering? is it bc u realised im ur boss?"
and then u realised yeah right why were u stuttering? besides it's after work hours now so technically he isn't ur boss anymore
"im just, idk i guess? i mean ur my boss im ur employee and how we met earlier wasn't exactly the best situation for me to meet my boss for the first time"
jaehyun walked towards u and sat on ur table
"but im not ur boss now it's been 5 hours since work times ended"
"also im.. sorry about earlier. even though it was none of our fault but u know? i didnt know what to say when i realised it wasnt our fault"
wow what a gentleman Hhsbxhdjjd
"me too im sorry about earlier, it was awkward right?"
the silence was deafening, both of u didn't know what to say
right before u were gonna ask why was he still in the office, he asked
"truth is.. i waited till u got off work and was intending to take u to dinner as an apology for what happened in the morning"
"oh... sure i havent had dinner yet anyways"
throughout dinner yall talked and oddly it wasnt awkward at all???
in fact yall enjoyed urselves so much that u didnt realise that it was alr 4am
u were tired but u didnt want the night to end; u didnt want to stop talking to ur new found friend
when jaehyun realised u were almost on the verge of sleeping face on the table, he said
"y/n i think that u shld go home now, it's 4am. come on ill drive u back"
that late night dinner was just the first of the many late night dinners u had with jaehyun
fast forward 1 year
u are wayyy closer to jaehyun than u were 1 year ago
in the office, u respected that he was ur boss and knew ur place
but outside of work, u saw him as a friend who would listen to ur complains of the crowdedness of the morning bus to work, how the barista messed up ur order and just things u would tell ur best friends
likewise for jaehyun, he did not show any sense of biasness for u in the office
and outside of work, he showed his child-like side and sometimes complained about the problems he was facing at work
one day, he was over at ur house (again) probably sleeping over bc he complains that his house is TOO FAR
when yall were eating dinner, he suddenly asked a question/topic yall hv (surprisingly) never talked about before
"do u hv a boyfriend?"
"no why?"
"was just wondering.. but why?"
"too busy yaknow? and idk where to find guys i literally hv no guy friends. well i mean except u"
u notice that jaehyun's ears started to get really red but u brush that off bc it was hot
"y/n, u know... ur like my best friend right?"
"yup and ur mine too why? did u need confirmation on that HAHAHAHA"
"i love u"
nothing big or complicating, just a simple 'i love u'
"i love u in THAT way, y/n. i really do and its driving me insane"
ngl u were shocked but
u thought of all the times he:
waited for u till ur done with work to make sure that u do not skip ur meals
listened to ur drunk-talk and constant rambles about life
took care of u when u were drunk
the countless times he encouraged and reaffirmed u when u felt like u were the ugliest person on earth
most of all, u remembered how he never fails to put a smile on ur face whenever ur with him
then, u realised it was really that simple too — u were in love with jaehyun the way he was with u
"it's ok if u dont feel the same way. it's just that... all the times u compare urself to other girls and how u say ur uglier, fatter, worse than them... it hurts me when u say that.. just wanted to let u know that ur very attractive in my eyes and it's a pity for whoever misses that"
he gave his dimply smile to mask all signs of anxiety but u could see through it all
u walked over to his side of the table
and gave him!!!! a big bear hug!!!!!!!!!
"i love u in that way too silly"
when yall pulled away, he planted a kiss on ur forehead
"so tonight's our day 1 right?"
239 notes · View notes
amiandthechaos · 6 years
8th Year Group Chat
so i started wrting this the other day when i was a bit drunk and it’s silly and very long so forgive me
draco: okay so i created this chat because we need to talk about the elephant in the room
wayne has left the chat
pansy: what’s an elephant
blaise: are you kidding
ron: it’s like a hippogriff but with no wings or beak or claws and it’s fatter and it has a trunk
hermione: that’s the worst description of an elephant i’ve ever heard
theo: how many have you heard?
hermione: shut up
draco: it’s a muggle expression pansy for fuck’s sake
lavender: spit it out malfoy
millicent: lav love, draco doesn’t spit, he likes to swallow
draco: SHUT UP
dean: LOL
seamus: POWNED!
hermione: it’s supposed to be “pwned” which it’s actually supposed to be “owned” which doesn’t meake any sense to me? why would they own you when they insult you?
daphne: oh my god
ernie: are you sure you didn’t add me by accident? this seems like a slytherdor thing
hermione: ?
pansy: slytherdor?
padma: that’s what the rest of us call it when your houses get chummy
susan: which happens more than you’d think
blaise: we do not get “chummy” with the gryffindors
seamus: we hate each other so?
anthony: yeah, you “hate” each other so much you forget everyone else exists
hannah: last weekend, who were the only ones playing truth or dare until seven am after everyone else had gone to sleep?
hermione: ...
padma: malfoy, parkinson, zabini, bullstrode, potter, weasley, granger, finnigan, and brown
millicent: not true. me and lav went to bed WAY before all those losers
ron: hey!
ernie: they can’t help it, they have to impress each other every chance they get
dean: no we don’t!
theo:...yes we do. our houses are completely disfunctional and codependent
seamus: get bent, nott
theo: make me
seamus: is that a dare?
theo: see what i mean?
hermione: someone read the psychology books i suggested
blaise: yeah, thanks a fuckton granger, now he won’t stop analyzing everything we do
draco: everyone SHUT THE FUCK UP im trying to talk about something here!
theo: you should really work those anger issues
terry: is this about the dirty dishes in the sink because if so i agree, we need to talk about it
draco: no
neville: hey everyone!
gregory: i didn’t leave those dishes!
ron: literally no one said it was you
justin: had anyone finished slughorn’s essay? i could use the help
mandy: you can borrow mine tomorrow, but i should warn you that i did it at 3am and can’t remember if it’s good or bad
lisa: *sigh* hurry up and tell us, some of us have things to do
draco: right
draco: we all have to share a common room now, which means we need some ground rules so we can get along
pansy: we have ground rules, granger made that very clear in the first official 8th year weekly assembly
pavarti: yeah, we all signed the contract
draco: but i think we need to add a new rule
michael: couldn’t you just have brought it up during the next weekly meeting?
draco: no, corner, i fucking couldn’t because this is urgent and needs to be said now
tracey: daphne, did you borrow my mascara again?
susan: you could have just texted granger about the new rule
theo: or, you just need to be the center of attention
ron: it’s definitely that
hermione: malfoy, would you just tell us already?
terry: i’d like to add a clause that enforces the ‘keeping the dishes clean’ rule
hermione: noted
terry has left the chat
draco: people shouldn’t be able to walk around on their underpants in the common area
lisa: ?
daphne: oh my god
lavender: who does that?
seamus: i was extremely drunk and it only happened once!
dean: and i think everyone appreciated it
millicent: *gags*
ernie: weren’t you the one who convinced finnigan to remove his trousers?
millicent: ... why do you always remember everything?
draco: are you all fucking blind? this is about potter!
mandy has left the chat
neville: haha, good one malfoy
anthony: may i ask if this entire chat is an april fools joke of some kind?
blaise: draco’s entire life is a joke
gregory: *high five*
susan: malfoy, some of us have things to do
draco: for the past few days every time I go down in the mornings to make tea, potter's there without any trousers on!
pavarti: are you trying to tell us he was... naked?
draco: what?! no of course not!
rom: what's the big deal, we've all seen harry naked in the showers after a game
blaise: i must certainty haven't
lisa: neither have i
ron: well the ones who play quidditch have
hermione: i don't play quidditch and i've seen harry nude
pansy: that's because you're a pervert
neville: hermione's not a pervert!
theo: right, she's just secure in her sexuality and actually mature
padma: this is why no one likes you
blaise: yeah, because everybody loves ravenclaws
tracey: more like ravenpuffs
gregory: good one!
tracey: thanks greg
susan: malfoy i've seen harry every morning this week and never once was he naked
draco: he was in his underpants like the common room was some kind of french bouyeristic cabaret!
daphne: oh my god
daphne has left the chat
seamus: that... sounds amazing
seamus: can we do that?
pansy: no
lisa: no
ernie: no
millicent: if it's only the girls, yes
dean: don't worry babe, we'll do it in the gryffindor dormitories
neville: no
hermione: malfoy, harry wasn't in his underpants, he was wearing shorts
draco: what's the difference
anthony: are you kidding
anthony has left the chat
hannah: shorts go over your underpants
draco: but i could see his legs
tracey: so?
susan: so close your eyes for merlin's sake stop bugging everyone about it
padma: wow nott is right, malfoy has some serious anger issues
theo: oh, now you like me, patil?
padma: no
neville: that was kind of rude
ernie: see? slytherin and gryffindor always stick up for each other
michael: wait, harry isn't on this chat
draco: that's because we need to discuss this without him
susan: he's literally the only person that really needs to be in here
susan has left the chat
hermione: malfoy, we can't forbid people wearing shorts
draco: this is UNACCEPTABLE
draco: what's next? am i going to be forced to see potter shirtless just because it's hot outside?
hermione: ... i don't think so?
draco: are you saying he wouldn't do that?
draco: there's no risk of that happening?
justin: i need help with my dada homework, does anyone know where harry is? i don't care if he's wearing shorts
pansy: he's probably haunting draco's dreams
hermione: harry's sitting next to me
draco: WHAT
pavarti: oh plot twist
draco: has he been reading all of this?
hermione: no, though i did ask him if he's been walking around in his underwear which he found strange
ernie: topics of discussion for next ravenpuff meeting; new slogan, playlists for studying, and how to deal with slytherdor's sarcastic passive aggression
ernie: whoops wrong chat
seamus: ha-ha very funny macmillan
michael: they are secretly very worried that we do have meetings because they know we'd rule them if we wanted to
tracey: michael please, you would look prettier with your mouth shut
hannah: and all slytherins would look prettier with a hufflepuff on their arm but go off I guess
theo: a slytherpuff couple would have an interesting compatibility profile
blaise: then why don't you date one
theo: jealous?
dean: uh oh, trouble in paradise
dean: looks like we continue to be the best same-house couple @seamus
theo: shut it or i'll murder you in your sleep
draco: who has anger issues now?
blaise: that's my bf
ron: oi, I'm trying to see if I can defeat everyone in our year at chess, who haven't I played with?
justin has left the chat
ron: was it something i said?
millicent: you haven’t played me weasley, but that’s because i’ll destroy you
ron: you’re ON
lavender: i can’t decide if my ex and my current lover competing against each other is hot or creepy
pansy: hot
hannah: hot
lisa: hot
neville: a little creepy
draco: so how are we going to solve this potter thing? I think we all agree it's a BIG and rather disgusting problem
lisa: *eye roll*
padma: oh don't worry malfoy, we are all working very hard to ensure this gets sorted asap
draco: really?
draco: I mean... good.
draco: I think getting full access to potter's wardrobe would help
ron: i agree, i think malfoy deserves a place inside harry's closet
blaise: and vice versa
draco: what are you talking about potter's got terrible taste
lisa: and annoying too, he's got a taste for some terrible and annoying things
draco: exactly
hannah: wow you were right pansy, it's truly unbelievable
neville: and harry's even worse sometimes
dean: ugh yes, so frustrating
draco: what are you nitwits talking about?
ernie: oh, nothing really
ernie: except that we've been having another chat without you trying to work out a solution to this stupid problem
draco: what?
pavarti: @everybody NOW
lisa, millicent, lavender, ernie, blaise, michael, dean, seamus, hannah, tracey, pavarti, and neville and have left the chat
draco: WHAT
padma has added harry to the chat
padma: good luck malfoy!
padma has left the chat
gregory: oh shit are we doing this now?
gregory has left the chat
hermione: harry, malfoy here thought it was time you two had a private chat
pansy: and he thinks you've got nice legs
draco: PANSY
hermione: yes that too
hermione and pansy have left the chat
harry: what
ron: sorry mate
ron has left the chat
draco: ...
harry: so...
harry: I heard you have a problem with my shorts
draco: i do
draco: they're bloody distracting
harry: okay
harry: maybe if you weren't such a prick you'd be able to mind your own business
draco: shut up potter
draco: wanna go to the lake this weekend?
harry: ...okay?
draco: it's gonna be a hot day
draco: so
draco: just saying you should dress accordingly
harry: :)
theo: it's interesting that our year has a higher than average amount of non-heterosexual people. potter, what would you say has defined your sexuality the most? a) epigenetics, b) environment, c) upbringing
harry: what the fuck
draco: theo, fuck off
theo has left the chat
draco: :)
344 notes · View notes
txicgf · 3 years
it's weird... somehow im both the worst and best ive ever been, it is ... definitely an experience.
because of the deep existential crisis that's been going on since may, and the eating disorder , ive forced myself into healthy habits, fuck, i've lost fifty pounds - im not the lapdog of a girl who isn't interested, in fact i have something good going on im NOT fucking up for once - but at the same time i know if it didn't work out and we were still friends I'd be completely fine. im somehow completely secure in myself --- im working on trying to stop performing for everyone and myself all the time, i deleted more than half my social media (everything except Twitter+here+snap[notifs off at all times tho]+YouTube), i don't really give a shit about any of the people i used to be so preoccupied with worrying about, and i sure as hell don't give a shit about what about me is cringe. im just happy as i am y'know? and sure ,,,, the eating disorder stuff ISNT the best, but honestly it's my form of loving myself right now, every day in a calorie deficit big enough I'm getting closer to the person that little me would have wanted to grow up into. i don't care what i have to do, i just want to be someone i WANT to be, instead of who i am now. i know maybe that isnt the right reason, and most of me taking care of myself now is partially (if not mostly) born out of self loathing. but i don't have the energy to sit around crying about how meaningless it all is, if im going to die at 30 or 130, i can't afford to waste how little time i do have by letting my own pain stop me. and honestly, if i am gonna kill myself soon, i wanna at least enjoy what little time i got left right? and all of this has culminated into. things being good. im happy, i have energy , im not as preoccupied with the world and i spend about 80 billion hours a day (yes that's math) watching gossip girl, and once i finish gossip girl and my new anime im going to go to either pretty little liars or vampire diaries.
what I'm TRYINF to say is that im okay, and im secure in myself despite being so ,,,,, not .
which leads to the 'im the worst I've ever been', aka my anxiety won't shut the fuck up, i have disordered eating patterns, 45% of my thoughts throughout the day are just about my own death or how the world is going to end and my paranoia is at an all time high, as well as the fact that because im so much more secure in myself I'm a lot more insecure just in other ways, and i sound like a nasty bitch naturally because i have a little more confidence, but at the same time absolutely none and actually LESS than before. I've lost all this weight and yet i feel fatter than when i started. and amber tells me to stop all this ed stuff sometime but genuinely i don't want to nor can i. i hate to say it but the thing that IS keeping me together rn i think is my disordered eating. counting calories kind of is my comfort and THAT im embarrassed about.
maybe im not more secure in myself i just don't feel as strongly about other things because i know i'll be okay as long as im losing weight ,,,
idk. it's like im secure in who i am, for the most part - in the sense of what i like, my past actions and how i feel about others and the world around me, just not....... how i look or sound or act or come off to others.
i wish i could disappear in that sense, and that need for anonymity is really driving me to work on myself too i think. forget and be forgotten by the people I've caused trouble for. just move on with my life and be nothing more than a faint memory you can't pinpoint exactly (but it's at the tip of your tongue). if i am just 1 in 8 billion people, and a LOT LOT LOT more people over literally the entirety of existence? i don't even really exist, to be honest. my experience is,,,,, just my experience.
i get that that's literally such a dumb and obvious concept but,,,, it's weird. and emotional for me , to admit my existence is just mine i guess. my life, that i can do whatever i want to cater to my happiness, because i don't have any other one left and im not going to be remembered - why not exploit the shit out of it and stop wasting the only story i can tell myself when i die, whenever that is?
bur at the same time, all of these thoughts fucking terrify me? it's so lonely being a person, even lonelier than it is being a kid. i have to get used to my own head some day, im just lucky enough to be so self centered I like the sound of my own thoughts ...
i don't know... my whole body is screaming at me all the time that something is wrong, im deep into eating disorder and my empathy is still out of wack and even the slightest emotion from anything makes me cry, and i know im still performing in some way but. im performing for myself,,, ykno ? no one else anymore. im really, really tired of performing for everyone i come across, and i think im happy away from those feelings.
i never knew just living for yourself would be okay, but im doing it. even if it's partially out of self hate and fear lmao, im just happy to just exist right where i am, and work on myself.
if im gonna kill myself at 27, i at least should put up a fight right?
when Mitski said :
'I work better under a deadline
I pick an age when I'm gonna disappear
Till then I can try again
Until then I can try again'
i felt that shit so hard. god.
0 notes
soft-sweater-viking · 3 years
theres one single time when how disgusting i look really hits me
its when i try to take nudes or se spicy pics for my wifey
i always feel so confident when i start because what could go wrong? shes attracted to me
and then comes literally everything about my body
the abnormal amount of body hair
the insanely uneven boobs
the rolls of fat that just look worse and worse even as i lose weight
the fat by my armpits
my horrid acne problem
my dandruff thats gotten so bad it spread to my face
the cellulite
the inverted nipples
the tried corpse like look on my face
the double chin
my inability to look hot in any shape or form
my inability to smile right
my fingers being fatter than i always believed them to be
no position makes any of them flattering
none of me looks good and my only chance to fix it is through plastic surgery probably
im probably as far from my wifes actual type as i could possibly be
and im left with another sleepless night shaking and crying in bed because im terrified of how shell react when she sees me in person for the first time
what even will i do when she inevitably leaves me? shes my everything
im so scared that no matter what i do ill never be enough
and i hate feeling this way
i wish i could just finally be okay with how i look
i wish i could just finally get over this and not lose sleep over my crippling fear of being dumped
is she even actually attracted to me?
she likes my thighs because shes into them and she likes my tits because duh boobies good
theres nothing else to me that she could possibly like
i mean what is there to like? im just a pile of mistakes shaped into something vaguely human and thrown onto the world
0 notes
T-Shirt Quotes
Official Website: T-Shirt Quotes
• A clothing company is making T-shirts inspired by Bernie Sanders with messages like ‘Feel the Bern.’ They were gonna make them for Lincoln Chafee too, but no one wants to wear a shirt that says ‘Feel the Chafee.’ – Jimmy Fallon • Alice was scrutinizing my boring jeans-and-a-T-shirt outfit in a way that made me self-conscious. Probably plotting another makeover. I sighed. My indifferent attitude to fashion was a constant thorn in her side. If I’d allow it, she’d love to dress me everyday―perhaps several times a day―like some oversized three-dimensional paper doll. – Stephenie Meyer • All fashion brands are about looking good. Being Human is also about doing good. And you can do good by the simple act of slipping into a t-shirt or a pair of jeans. – Salman Khan • All of my life, actually, I had a real strong relationship with God, but I was always in the closet about it. The only distance out of the closet I really want to come there is having my tattoo or wearing my t-shirt. – Sinead O’Connor • All true wisdom is found on T-shirts. – Abraham Lincoln • And of course there is nothing better than wearing the same T-shirt for days and not brushing my hair for weeks. – Daria Werbowy • And, the sets that they built are just so beautiful. It’s like going to a completely foreign country and experiencing a new culture that you’ve never seen before, especially at Camelot. It’s just so magical. Personally, it’s just so much more interesting than wearing jeans and a t-shirt, and walking around somebody else’s house. – Tamsin Egerton • Anormal day looks like, you know, shower, put on the same jeans, the same tattered Gucci loafers I got at the thrift store, white socks, and my t-shirt and my very beat-up Helmut Lang blazer. Im in the exact same outfit every day. – Natasha Lyonne • Antarctica, one of the things that was so remarkable about it was that the ice itself is a kind of pure geometry, so say, for example, if I was facing someone wearing I don’t know, a Joy Division t-shirt with the mountains on it or something like that. – DJ Spooky • At home, a T-shirt and something loose like harem pants would do. If I’m stepping out, a pair of blue jeans and a white tee are just fine. – Genelia D’Souza • At the beginning of my career I was going through a really weird phase of dressing in boys clothes. I would only wear one American Apparel T-shirt and shorts and brogues the whole year round. Not the same T-shirt, obviously, but one style of American Apparel T-shirt. I think I was going through a tomboy stage. – Florence Welch (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push();
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• Been there, done that, got the T-shirt. – Steig Larsson • Being a good Hans Haacke student, part of his influence on me is that there’s no difference between a gallery show and a film – or even an ad and a T-shirt-in terms of cultural legitimacy. They’re just different contexts in which to have some sort of communication. – Mike Mills • Britney Spears became my talisman. I became obsessed with wearing Britney T-shirts. I felt it would bring me luck. And it did. – Madonna Ciccone • But in some ways, I’m like an old woman – lived it, seen it, done it, been there, have the T-shirt. – Drew Barrymore Cassandra Clare • Christian stretched out beside her and pulled her close. ʺBut for what itʹs worth, I think youʹd be a great queen too, Princess Dragomir.ʺ ʺYouʹre going to get dirty,ʺ she warned. ʺAlready am. Oh, you mean from your clothes?ʺ He wrapped his arms around her, heedless of her damp and muddy state. ʺI spent most of my childhood hiding in a dusty attic and own exactly one dress shirt. You really think I care about this T-shirt?ʺ – Richelle Mead • Come on, Ella. Sleep green.’ Ignoring him, I got into bed wearing a T-shirt and boxer shorts printed with penguins. I reached over to the nightstand and flipped off the lamp. A moment of silence, and then I heard a lecherous murmur. ‘I like your penguins. – Lisa Kleypas • Dammit, Michael, get out of my room, you pervert!” Could you even be a pervert if you were dead? She supposed you could, if you had a working body half the time. “I swear, I’m going to start taking my clothes off!” The cold spot stayed resolutely put until she got the hem of her T-shirt all the way up to her bra line, and then faded away. “Chicken,” she said, and paced the room, back and forth. – Rachel Caine • Elegance is always in style for men. There are all different kinds of elegance. It can be silk, it can be a T-shirt. – Donatella Versace • Europe has memories, America has t-shirts. – Jean-Luc Godard • Even though I’m resting I’m accomplishing something by sewing that shirt that I’ve been meaning to sew for weeks. And it’s relaxing. It’s so very meditative and quiet and enjoyable. But at least I’m producing something. I’m being productive in some way. I have a very hard time being completely idle. – Evangeline Lilly • Every band sells t-shirts and plays certain auditoriums, but I’m sick of being like everyone else, because I’m not. – Justin Vernon • First there was a young guy sitting in front of television in a T-shirt drinking beer with his mother, then there was an older fatter person sitting in front of television in a T-shirt drinking beer with his mother. – William S. Burroughs • For Christmas one year I bought my son a BB gun. He bought me a t-shirt with a bulls eye on the back. – Rodney Dangerfield • Forget trendy designer labels. Jeans, a sweater or a t-shirt worn under a jacket that seems welded to you. When it’s just right, when you don’t see the effort, it’s irresistible. – Emmanuelle Alt • From the season I did the butterfly faux tattoos on the models on the runway, every collection we do has to have a butterfly t-shirt or trim or print. People come to me for butterflies! – Anna Sui • Generally speaking, I’m a jeans, T-shirt and boots man but I do own an Armani suit, which gets a regular outing. It’s nothing fancy – just a classic, well-cut suit with clean lines and beautiful tailoring. It’s timeless and you can mix and match it with anything to dress up or dress down. – Matthew Rhys • Green business is not about tie-dyed T-shirts. It’s about transforming the industrial system itself into one that looks at all the connections. – Paul Hawken • He also knows what king of protein I like, what T-shirts I like, how I like my dry cleaning to be done. He also knows how I like my stuff folded and put away into drawers. – The Miz • He’d changed since the last summer. Instead of Bermuda shorts and a T-shirt, he wore a button-down shirt, khaki pants, and leather loafers. His sandy hair, which used to be so unruly, was now clipped short. He look like an evil male model, showing off what the fashionable college-age villain was wearing to Harvard this year. – Rick Riordan • Here’s a newsflash from the only High Preistess you have left at this dang school: Zoey isn’t dead. And believe me, I know dead. I’ve been there, done that, and got the frickin’ T-shirt.” – Stevie Rae – P. C. Cast • I also was a huge ‘Dukes of Hazzard’ fan. I used to have T-shirts that said ‘Dierks of Hazzard’ custom-made.- Dierks Bentley • I always find it difficult to dress in between seasons, but I quite like putting T-shirts on with a vest over the top and another layer so you can peel them back as the day goes on. – Poppy Delevingne • I am inspired by anything beautiful. Sometime it’s a pair of eyes or flowing gorgeous hair, other times it’s the sky or a sunset. I’ve been inspired by supple skin or the texture of a soft shirt. – Nadine Velazquez • I am of the generation of segregation. Black Lives Matter is post. I said today, and I will say all the time, “If Nina [Simone] were here, she’d have her Black Lives Matter [T-shirt] on.” I think they’re great kids. They don’t need me or anybody else to tell them what to do. – Nikki Giovanni • I borrowed this from Kyle. My other shirt was pretty filthy.” “Wow, you’re wearing each other’s clothes now. That’s, like, best friend stuff.” “Feeling left out?” said Kyle. “I suppose you want to borrow a black T-shirt too.” “As long as everyone’s wearing their own pants.” “I see have come in on a fascinating moment in the conversation.” Eric poked his head through the curtain. – Cassandra Clare • I could get a T-shirt that says ‘All in for Week 4 of the Preseason.’ That’s not quite as catchy, and I don’t have an endorsement deal with an apparel company. Maybe someone will sign me now. I don’t make enough money to get fined. Maybe I’ll get a deal with some off-brand or something that sells at Walmart or something. – Kirk Cousins • I didn’t really play dress up when I was a kid, and I’m really T-shirt and jeans-y. – Ellen Page • I do California casual a little bit better than really small European cut, tight apparel But I can rock some Gucci when I need to. I say this as I’m wearing Adidas sweatpants and a ten-year-old Chrome Hearts T-shirt. – Carson Daly • I do not mean to suggest for a moment that all it takes to be a top executive is a custom-tailored European suit. You also need the correct shirt and tie. – Dave Barry • I do think there is a completely different notion to glamour today. I think modern glamour is more effortless, easy, and real. Moreover, I think it’s about constantly challenging classical ideas by bringing in unexpected and different elements; for example a long, elegant evening skirt paired with a simple t-shirt on the red carpet. I think this approach is the future. – Roksanda Ilincic • I don’t believe in cancer walks. Well, I believe in them because they exist but I’d rather just give money straight up and save my Saturday afternoon. I can make my own t-shirt, that’s not incentive. Plus I don’t think cancer responds to how far people walk. I don’t think cancer’s sitting at home, ‘What? How many people walked how far? How many people walked how far wearing the same shirt? That’s crazy! I’m out of here!’ Remission. – Hannibal Buress • I don’t want to be carried out of a club wearing a tie-dye T-shirt and a cap on the wrong way around when I am 70, but I would like to settle down a bit. Maybe with a partner. – Rupert Everett • I even like when girls wear printed Minnie Mouse T-shirts with a cool ball gown skirt, or a ripped up pair of jeans – it’s all about how you style it. – Christian Siriano • I feel like I need to start wearing a T-shirt saying ‘This is not a photo opportunity’. People are so lovely but you do find that when you’re out you spend 40% of your time posing for photographs. – Chris O’Dowd • I go from a full working day to making sure I am home for dinner with my kids. I couldn’t do that in a 10cm mini skirt but I am not going to resort to sweatpants and an old t-shirt. – Donatella Versace • I go outside, and I’m wearing a funky T-shirt and my hair is dirty, and people say, ‘What’s wrong with her? She needs to invest in a hairbrush.’ – Kristen Stewart • I got into music by happenchance and luck and wearing a t-shirt with “I hate Pink Floyd” on it. The irony has never failed to amuse me ever since because I didn’t hate Pink Floyd at all! And yet you have an entire range of people out there believing that the best thing you can do in life is to hate Pink Floyd. Come on, It’s because it’s the world I live in! – John Lydon • I hate formal stuff. I love looking like a doll and all that stuff and playing dress up, but when I’m home, sweat pants, t-shirt. When I’m in the studio, sweat pants, t-shirt. – Nicki Minaj • I hate ready-made suits, button-down collars, and sports shirts. – Bobby Fischer • I hate short hair on men – the ‘real’ man is something I don’t know. My dad was always playing with hairbands, making rings, while the women were wearing jeans, white T-shirts and Converse. That was the uniform at home. – Lou Doillon • I have a few girlfriends, but nearly all my friends are guys. I don’t think I ever wore girl clothes. I wore baggy jeans, baggy T-shirts, sweaters, just to avoid the looks that everyone gives you when you’re a young female in the world. – Katharine Isabelle • I have always loved sneakers and sweaters, and I wear a lot of them. And a good t-shirt or a pair of jeans can make you feel so good. – Garance Dore • I have always loved sneakers and sweaters, and I wear a lot of them. And a good t-shirt or a pair of jeans can make you feel so good. And then I love great coats, and I pay a lot of attention to them and own a lot of them. I think a great piece of outerwear can really make you stand out. – Garance Dore • I have been doing merch’ since I was 15 and in bands when I was a teenager – silk-screening shirts, making the emulsion in my mom’s closet I converted into a dark room, through college. That’s essentially how us bands survived was selling homemade t-shirts. – Steve Aoki • I have so much freedom to put whatever I want on a t-shirt, and it’s cool because I get a lot of fan feedback so I like to see what kids like to wear and I like to use some of their ideas to make t-shirts. – Jack Barakat • I have to be honest, I am a true jeans and t-shirt girl. – Emmanuelle Chriqui • I have to wear a new T-shirt every night. I throw them into the audience. One day I’m going to go around the world and reclaim all my T-shirts – Damon Albarn • I know dead. I’ve been there, done that and got the freakin’ T-shirt. – P. C. Cast • I know that’s an endorsement I’ve been waiting for,” Skye added. “Perfectly adequate in bed. They should make that into a T-shirt – Susan Mallery • I like fashion because it’s sort of my job, so I’m into it when I have to be. But when I’m not working, I wear jeans and T-shirts. I go to vintage stores all the time to find funky T-shirts. – Kristen Stewart • I like guys who wear nice clothes, nice jeans, nice trainers – I hate skinny jeans and those T-shirts that are really low-cut. – Georgia Salpa • I like rock and roll t-shirts, tight jeans, and sneakers or boots. Really just laid back, sort of rock and roll. I’m a sneaker person. I don’t really like to wear high heels. I’m always really paranoid when I’m on stage playing guitar that I’m going to trip over one of the cords when I’m prancing around so I have on wedges or shoes that are not too high. – Orianthi • I live in jeans and own a lot of them. I’m much more comfortable in trousers and T-shirts, and I don’t often wear dresses. – Hayley Mills • I love challenging the notion that, in order to be a tech founder, you have to be holed up in a dark room wearing a T-shirt and baggy jeans. – Kevin Systrom • I love jeans, T-shirts, boots, and tennis shoes. – Ashley Benson • I love shopping; I’m a jeans and a T-shirt kind of girl, but I go classy when I dress up – with a little bit of sexy. – Adrianne Palicki • I love sportswear in my own weird way. Fashion is such a personal journey for me. I’m much more of a girl that’s a T-shirt, legging, layering kind of thing, and outerwear. – Vera Wang • I might not wear chains or I may just wear a watch or I may not wear any jewelry at all or I may just go all out on an outfit or just rock some basic s*** just a pair of jeans, a t-shirt and ones. But, I still standout more than a lot of people in the room so I can’t really describe it but I know from the outside looking in people can explain better than I can. – Lil Herb • I myself identify as a recovering Blockhead. You’d be surprised how many twenty- and thirty-something hipster chicks have the NKOTB skeleton in their closet, albeit artfully concealed by stacks of Ksubi skinny jeans and ironic Judas Priest T-shirts. – Diablo Cody • I noticed that difference early on, like if you were successful in rock ‘n’ roll, that was a really bad thing, you almost had to hide it. You had these guys selling 200 million records with dirty T-shirts on. I was like, ‘Come on, man. Come on. We know you’re successful.’ Hip-hop is more about attaining wealth. People respect success. They respect big. They don’t even have to like your music. If you’re big enough, people are drawn to you. – Jay-Z • I really like the idea of being utilitarian. My dream is to edit down my wardrobe and be very Japanese, where you have one rolling rack and it’s like your four T-shirts, your five dresses, your two pairs of jeans. – Erin Wasson • I remember from when I use to be a dancer, there is an expression among dancers, I had a T-shirt that said: SHUT UP AND DANCE. – Christopher Walken • I remember getting a Phoenix Suns T-shirt. I had that Phoenix Suns T-shirt forever. It’s the funny things you remember as a kid, but it was a blast. – Jonathan Lipnicki • I remember going foraging for breakfast in St. Louis once. I saw this one girl sitting in front of the venue, and she made this pink T-shirt with a big heart in the middle of it and a misty picture of our guitarist Mark [Potter]. She was so embarrassed when she saw me. And I was trying desperately not to laugh. – Guy Garvey • I remember watching Mike [Michael Jordan]. I remember him having a royal blue blazer and all black t-shirt and he came out of a blue Corvette. That was dope to us. We were like, ‘Yo, Michael killed today.’ He didn’t even talk to the media and walked straight into the arena. Everyday’s like Mike. – Iman Shumpert • I sat up in bed. My T-shirt was soaking wet. My pillow was wet. My hair was wet. And my room was sticky and humid. – Kami Garcia • I saw a transvestite wearing a T-shirt that said ‘Guess’. – Demetri Martin • I saw School of Rock, and I was like, why haven’t I worked with Richard Linklater already? Then by the time I got him I was like, I’m really pissed off I feel like you owe me some retroactive swag. He gave me the 10-year anniversary “Dazed and Confused” T-shirt, which I still wear with relish. – Robert Downey, Jr. • I simply adore ‘The Simpsons.’ I go to bed in a ‘Simpsons’ T-shirt. – Steven Spielberg • I stop writing the poem to fold the clothes. No matter who lives or who dies, I’m still a woman. I’ll always have plenty to do. I bring the arms of his shirt together. Nothing can stop our tenderness. I’ll get back to the poem. I’ll get back to being a woman. But for now there’s a shirt, a giant shirt in my hands, and somewhere a small girl standing next to her mother watching to see how it’s done. – Tess Gallagher • I tend not to wear ties very often. I’m usually in old stuff: Hermes or Marc Jacobs boots and jeans and a T-shirt and a leather jacket or a jean jacket. – Nate Berkus • I think for a lot of people, bowling is sort of a joke. But I love it, and it means a lot to me, so any chance to help promote it or celebrate it or not make the hackiest jokes – ‘Bowlers are like plumbers and they wear the craziest shirts!’ – I’m way into. – Chris Hardwick • I think somebody like Wes [Anderson] has a very good sense of style and is original. I think my sense of style got a little bit better after I was exposed to you guys at Valentino. Because I’m just in Hawaii and Malibu; it’s just kind of T-shirts and surfing-type stuff. – Owen Wilson • I think someone’s biggest competition is themselves. I stand out as a ‘fashion’ designer and not to be confused with, (people who call themselves ‘clothing’ designers, who just print designs or logos on pre-existing t-shirts), because what I have created is custom fashions that are a personal extension of myself and my personality. It’s pretty unique since there is only one of me. – Ashley Purdy • I think the first thing we need to talk about is you not running around in tight T-shirts and yoga pants.” “Fine. I’ll stop doing that as soon as you shave.” Jack ran his hand along his jaw and grinned. “You like the scruff, huh?” Did she ever. – Julie James • I think the worst professional advice I’ve received… I feel I’ve been lucky in that I’ve gotten a lot of wonderful guidance, but I remember – and I would never do this to someone – I remember going into a manager’s office, the manager I had in New York, and this was way back when. And she said to me, immediately, “You should never wear striped T-shirts. You look much bigger than you are.” – June Diane Raphael • I think there’s a percentage [of the audience] that don’t realize, that don’t know that [standup] is how everything began. We planned it, we work hard, rehearsals to get this. It’s more of a … it’s not just coming in there in a T-shirt and holding a microphone. – Tim Allen • I think we were promoting New Moon just as I was finishing The Runaways, and I remember going to Comic-Con with a Minor Threat T-shirt on. I was really happy and excited to be there, but I was so defensive and crazy. – Kristen Stewart • I used to wear sleeveless T-shirts all the time on court, but now I’ve got a brand new look – I’ve moved on to polo shirts. Sleeveless T-shirts give you real freedom of movement and they keep you cooler in matches, but I just thought it was time for a change. – Rafael Nadal • I want to prove that he’s wrong – he’s wearing a t-shirt that says he won the last two fights. – Manny Pacquiao • I want young people to be able to buy into what I design. When I was young, I wanted to buy designer brands even if all I could afford was the cheapest wallet, the cheapest pen, the cheapest T-shirt because I wanted to be a part of it. – Nicola Formichetti • I wanted to go on the red carpet with a baseball cap, t-shirt, and jeans. And I still do. Because that’s really who I am. – Missy Peregrym • I wanted to start a menswear line of slim-fitting, luxury cashmere jumpers in a range of great colors. I know these jumpers will become season-less staples in my own wardrobe. Cashmere and silk printed scarves and hand-beaded T-shirts compliment the line and form a solid foundation for the collection to grow next season. – Matthew Williamson • I was in New York last Christmas – it’s snowing; there’s a guy in a t-shirt. I’m like, ‘Dude, aren’t you cold?’ ‘No, I’m from New York. I don’t get cold.’ Just ’cause you’re from a cold place doesn’t mean you’re genetically predisposed to not feeling cold. You’re not a penguin. I was like, ‘In fact, sir, you’re Puerto Rican, so if anything, you should be more cold. – Iliza Shlesinger • I was so involved in my boy-rhythms that I never came to grips with the fact that I was a girl. I was twelve years old when my mother took me inside and said, “You can’t be outside wrestling without a T-shirt on.” It was a trauma. – Patti Smith • I watched him pull his t-shirt over his head. I could put hin on replay doing that and watch it all day. – Tammara Webber • I wear jeans and a T-shirt sometimes. I just like clothes – since the first time I can remember, like age ten or eleven; I was just obsessed with music and clothes. Just like a lot of people in England from my generation. – Paul Weller • I wear my Peggy Fleming T-shirt when I go to sleep every night before I compete, and for the past four years, it’s brought me incredible good luck. – Sarah Hughes • I would never talk to a girl in a bar, like a pick-up thing. But I could talk to anyone if they wore a t-shirt of a band I like. – Craig Finn • If I ever wear a Chelsea shirt, you have permission to kill me. – Cesc Fabregas • If I haven’t put that on a T-shirt, I’m going to. Actually, I really don’t want to write anything that can’t be put on a T-shirt. Actually I’d like to write only on T-shirts. Actually, I’d like to write whole novels on T-shirts. So you guys could say, ‘I’m wearing chapter 8 of Lestat’s new book, that’s my favorite; oh I see you’re wearing chapter 6- – Anne Rice • If I was left to my own devices, you would see about ten T-shirts in rotation with maybe a few nice pairs of jeans – but I also like to look good. I like feeling really well put together, I just don’t have the aptitude and the knowledge to do that. – Daniel Radcliffe • If I were Osama, and the United States government were actually looking for me, I’d be clean-shaven by now, crewcutted, wearing jeans and a ZZ Top T-shirt, and living in a nice little house in Lincoln, Nebraska. – L. Neil Smith • If life hands you lemons,keep them. Because, hey, free lemons.-T-Shirt – Darynda Jones • If you have a counterculture band, you put a name on it, you call them beatniks, and you can sell something – books or bebop. Or you label them as hippies and you can sell tie-dyed T-shirts. – Jim Jarmusch • If you two were going to be that obvious about it, why didn’t you guys come down in your Team Daniel and Team Miles T-shirts?” “We should order those,” Shelby said. “Mine’s in the laundry,” Arriane said. – Lauren Kate • If you want to write what the world is about, you have to write details…real life is in the dishes. Real life is pushing strollers up the street, folding T-shirts, the alarm clock going off early and you dropping into bed exhausted every night. That’s real life. – Anna Quindlen • If you’re a man and you have big tits, don’t wear a tight T-shirt, okay? It confuses the children! – Dennis Miller • If you’ve got a bloodstain on your T-shirt, maybe dirty laundry isn’t your biggest problem. – Jerry Seinfeld • I’ll look through ‘Us Weekly’ and I’ll see a picture of Brad Pitt and Jennifer Anniston. And I’m like, ‘Wow, they just… they look so good. Even if they’re like just wearing jeans and a t-shirt, they still look great.’ – Moby • I’ll wear little dresses for a look and then it’ll become only shorts for a while or only t-shirts for a while. So I go through different phases but I combine different things. I don’t like things that draw too much attention. It’s usually just things that complement me and aren’t too loud. – Odeya Rush • Ill-fitted T-shirts stretched over a gut are my pet hate. And if the colour’s faded – ugh. – Joanne Froggatt • I’m a jeans and T-shirt kind of girl. – Cameron Diaz • I’m a jeans and t-shirt type of girl. – Nicole Richie • I’m a T-shirt-and-jeans-with-combat-boots guy. And if I don’t have to shave, I don’t. – Gabriel Macht • I’m a T-shirt-and-Levi’s type of a guy. – Norman Reedus • I’m a T-shirts, sweatpants and jeans kind of gal, I dress really simply and comfortably. – Sutton Foster • I’m an athlete, so I can dress down with the best of them. I can throw on t-shirts and sweats with the best of them. – Dwyane Wade • I’m into classic games like Donkey Kong, and also collect vintage tour t-shirts – everything from Olivia Newton-John to Duran Duran. I’ve got a Chicago one worth $100. – Michael Rosenbaum • I’m just saying, ‘Hey, throw me a bone. How about a smile, cute t-shirt? Look at me.’ Nothing – unless it’s a turn to their friends to go, ‘Hey, why is that weird guy looking at us?’ – Marc Maron • I’m most comfortable in T-shirts, but they have to have some style to them. – Giada De Laurentiis • I’m not going to be able to make things that I can call Kanye West just by making T-shirts. – Kanye West • I’m not interested in thinking up the name of a band and a logo and all that. Been there, done that, sold a million T-shirts. – Sebastian Bach • I’m pretty low-key; you’ll often find me in jeans, a T-shirt and sweatshirt. – Olivia Wilde • I’m quite tactile, so I like fabrics that feel good. I try to avoid fabrics that crease – especially with my son. When you have a child, that’s important. A great pair of a jeans, a t-shirt and some loafers, that’s what I always wear. – Miranda Kerr • I’m really more of a jeans and T-shirt kind of a girl. – Katharine McPhee • I’m the one person who wears the words ‘hustle, loyalty, respect’ on my T-shirts and merchandise. My audience is children. It’s very flattering to see a kid wear your T-shirt; it’s even more flattering to have a dad come up to you and say, ‘I watch you with my kid. Keep doing what you’re doing. You’re a role model for my son.’ – John Cena • I’m tight with Zack Ryder so I’ve had a Zack Ryder t-shirt for quite some time. – Josh Mathews • I’m usually all about the tight jeans and little T-shirt, but sometimes I want to put on a black, sequined dress and be a freaking girl – Britney Spears • Imagine what our culture would be like if Americans sold ideas, words, and books with the same creativity we use to sell designer jeans, shampoo, and rock stars. Why, we might end up with people whos attention span for the printed word is longer than the time it takes to read a T-shirt. – Jim Trelease • In 2056, I think you’ll be able to buy T-shirts on which are printed equations describing the unified laws of our universe. – Max Tegmark • In a relationship, it’s so important that a man knows how much you physically desire him. When he wears that shirt that makes him look sexy, tell him he’s sexy! If he wears a cologne you like, say “I can’t resist that smell on you”. – Matthew Hussey • In retrospect, I think a lot of ’80s fashion shoots are the ones that look the most modern. The fitness-based ones that are really minimal. It’s clean, healthy, t-shirt, beach hair… it’s athleisure. – Christy Turlington • Is it to be imagined … that women were made for no other purpose than to fabricate sweetmeats and gingerbread, construct shirts, darn stockings, and become mothers of possible presidents? Assuredly not. Should the women of America ever discover what their power might be, and compare it with what it is, much improvement might be hoped for. – Frances Trollope • It seems women are expected to be so much more than men, which means we have to work that much harder. We’re the ones under the microscope. We’re expected to sound perfect. We’re expected to look perfect all the time. We’re expected to be style-setters, whereas the boys roll onto the stage in their jeans, T-shirts and baseball caps. – Carrie Underwood • It sounds like something on a very trite T-shirt, but life is what happens. – Nigella Lawson • It’s an honour to wear the shirt and the badge, and to be part of such an illustrious club is gonna be exciting, and putting that shirt on will be pretty special. Well, my message to Chelsea fans is that I can promise that I’ll work hard and give my all for this club. Hopefully we can build up a good relationship over the next few years. And I’m just excited to be part of this whole club and organisation and bringing as much success to it as possible. – Asmir Begovic • It’s true, I don’t like the whole cutoff-shorts-and-T-shirt look, but I think you can look fantastic in casual clothes. – Catherine Zeta-Jones • I’ve always been someone who’s extremely relaxed in my everyday life. I’m not the girl who can wear awful seven-inch heels all night. I keep it simple – I consider myself to be a jeans and T-shirt kind of girl who just accessorizes a lot. – Nicole Richie • Jay-Z’s a guy that wears the Che Guevara t-shirt and he doesn’t realize Che Guevara was a racist. Che Guevara was a murderer and a killer. So look, he’s an entertainer, obviously. He’s not in the middle of any public discourse here. But I think it’s important to point out when people take stances like this that are absurd. – Marco Rubio • Jesus said that they will know we are Christians – not by our bumper stickers and T-shirts – but by our love. – Shane Claiborne • Kate Moss. She looks good in anything. She would look good in one of your t-shirts, in her t-shirt, in a man’s suit, in a huge gown. She looks amazing naked. She even makes nude look stylish. That, to me, is a style icon. She could put a barrel on and it would be some sort of statement. – Justin Timberlake • Let us find the dam snack bar, Zoe said. “We should eat while we can.” Grover cracked a smile. “The dam snack bar?” Zoe blinked. “Yes. What is funny?” “Nothing,” Grover said, trying to keep a straight face. “I could use some dam French fries.” Even Thalia smiled at that. “And I need to use the dam restroom.”… I started cracking up, and Thalia and Grover joined in, while Zoe just looked at us “I do not understand.” “I want to use the dam water fountain,” Grover said. “And…” Thalia tried to catch her breath. “I want to buy a dam T-shirt.” – Rick Riordan • Looking at the elementary schoolers in their colorful T-shirts from various day camps, Percy felt a twinge of sadness. He should be at Camp Half-Blood right now, settling into his cabin for the summer, teaching sword-fighting lessons in the arena, playing pranks on the other counselors. These kids had no idea just how crazy a summer camp could be. – Rick Riordan • Men always look smart in a well-fitted, tailored suit. Conversely, they can be incredibly handsome in jeans combined with a cashmere jumper or a beaten-up leather jacket or even just a cotton T-shirt. – Tamara Mellon • Modernized by tin roofs and T-shirts, Third World poverty is no longer picturesque. – Mason Cooley • Most nights I end up wearing a wife beater T-shirt and boxers. – Jessica Alba • My dad has totally taken my Cat Stevens T-shirt, but it’s OK; I have his Black Flag one, and that’s amazing. – Zoe Kravitz • My daughter made me a Jerry Springer-watching kit, with crackers, Cheez Whiz, polyester stretch pants and a T-shirt with two fat women fighting over a skinny guy. – Roseanne Barr • My label is just “good farming”, which isn’t something you can put on a t-shirt. – Wendell Berry • My style during the day is very casual – boyfriend jeans, T-shirts, Converse, Uggs, whatever. At night, I love heels and thigh-highs, I like something fresh and new, and I’m not afraid to push the envelope. – Katie Cassidy • My style when I was 17 was very low-key with jeans, T-shirts, and Converse. I was signed to a major record label by then, so I had stylists helping me. – Michelle Branch • My uniform is sweatpants, so crusted over with dried paint that they’re as hard as a table. I wear T-shirts that are also covered in paint, and Crocs. – Caio Fonseca • My wildest tipping point moment came when I was introduced to Clint Eastwood. He was sitting there, typical Clint Eastwood, wearing a white T-shirt and jeans, holding a Budweiser. He looks at me and says, “I watch your show from time to time.” I just stopped. I was like, “I can’t even think about that. I’m not even sure if I’m happy about that.” – Chris Harrison • NASA has to approve whatever we wear, so there are clothes to choose from, like space shorts – we wear those a lot – and NASA T-shirts. – Sally Ride • Never knock on death’s door. Ring the doorbell then run. He totally hates that. – T-shirt – Darynda Jones • Next thing you know she’ll be on the bus and selling T-shirts in the parking lot, showing off her boobs to get in the stage door.” “At least she has boobs to show,” Jess said. “I have boobs,” Chloe said, pointing to her chest. “Just because they’re not weighing me down doesn’t mean they’re not substantial.” “Okay, B cup,” Jess said, taking a sip of her drink. “I have boobs!” Chloe said again, a bit too loudly–she’d already had a couple of minibottles at the Spot. “My boobs are great, goddammit. You know that? They’re fantastic! My boobs are amazing. – Sarah Dessen • Nothing sucks more than that moment during an argument when you realize you’re wrong. -T-Shirt – Darynda Jones • Oh my God, you’re serious. Honey, I am a six time Women’s Champion, if you get into the ring with me it will not be for a Lingerie Pillow Fight, it will not be to shoot t-shirts. If you get into the ring with me I will end your career just like that. Are you sure that’s what you want? – Trish Stratus • Oh yeah, the heartbreak diet…. Been there, done that, bought the T-shirt. – Alexandra Potter • On a daily basis, jeans and t-shirt is still sexy, but it doesn’t look like you’re trying too hard. – Tila Tequila • On the board was a list of words and phrases which her mother considered not suitable for use in college T-shirt design. She had been asked about them so often that in the end she had started a blacklist of banned words to which everyone could refer. Every time someone thought of a new one, she unflinchingly wrote it down… Rose read through the list, and turned back to her letter. These are the words I learned to spell in Mummy’s art class today, she wrote, and sighed a little as she began the tedious job of copying from the board. – Hilary McKay • On the morning in question, she wore white shorts and a pink T-shirt that featured a green dragon breathing a fire of orange glitter. It is difficult to explain how awesome I found this T-shirt at the time. – John Green • One of my favorite facts about Jason [Benjamin] is that he collects shirts from tattoo parlors. He has a bunch of tattoo parlor T-shirts, but no tattoos. And then he wears, like, vans and jeans. My boyfriend said he looks like a modern Bruce Springsteen, which is a pretty high compliment. – Lena Dunham • One of the coolest things to me about going to a show is you look over, and the guy next to you is sitting there drinking a beer and he’s wearing a Donkeys t-shirt. And you’re like, “Dude, I love The Donkeys.” – Craig Finn • One time, the homie Venus[-X] read me; we were on the phone and she was like, “Girl, you keep wearing jeans and t-shirts at your shows, but the music doesn’t give that.” I was like, “You’re right, I need to be the person that I am at school, making dance and choreography. I should think about the whole performance.” That’s when I put the 1 in my name and started dressing for the occasion. – Le1f • Only Jace, Clary thought, could look cool in pajama bottoms and an old T-shirt, but he pulled it off, probably through sheer force of will. -pg. 329- – Cassandra Clare • Piper rushed to get dressed. By the time she got up on deck, the others had already gathered—all hastily dressed except for Coach Hedge, who had pulled the night watch. Frank’s Vancouver Winter Olympics shirt was inside out. Percy wore pajama pants and a bronze breastplate, which was an interesting fashion statement. Hazel’s hair was all blown to one side as though she’d walked through a cyclone; and Leo had accidentally set himself on fire. His T-shirt was in charred tatters. His arms were smoking. – Rick Riordan • Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev can no longer attend concerts by his favorite group Deep Purple without having to fear that the musicians will wear T-shirts with Pussy Riot written on them. – Alexei Navalny • ‘Princess’ is a good word, as is ‘girlish’, ‘pixie-like’ and all these other things. I personally find it a bit boring, it’s all been done before. The amount of times you read reviews of bands and it’s an all-girl four-piece, and they talk about what the women are wearing… you’ll never read a review that’s like: “Male singer Thom Yorke, who was dressed in a white t-shirt and jeans…” You would never read that about a man. – Lauren Mayberry • Rae burned me. She has matches or something. Look, look…” Tori pulled down the collar of her T-shirt. “Leave your cloths on, Tori,” Simon said, raising his hands to his eyes. “Please. – Kelley Armstrong • Rowdy, hopped-up college kids pass us in an endless, noisy blur like they’re being mass produced or squeezed out of a tube – guys skulking in their T-shirts and cargo shorts, girls in low-slung jeans and flip-flops, pimples and breasts and tattoos and lipstick and legs and bra straps, and cigarettes; a colorful, sexy melange. I feel old and tired and I just want to be them again, want to be young and stupid, filled with angst and attitude and unbridled lust. Can I have a do-over, please? I swear to God I’ll make a real go of it this time. – Jonathan Tropper • Rule number one of anime,” Simon said. He sat propped up against a pile of pillows at the foot of his bed, a bag of potato chips in one hand and the TV remote in the other. He was wearing a black T-shirt that said I BLOGGED YOUR MOM and a pair of jeans that were ripped in one knee. “Never screw with a blind monk. • Sailing is the closest I can get to nature – it’s adrenaline, fear, a constant challenge and learning experience, an adventure into the unknown. And of course there is nothing better than wearing the same T-shirt for days and not brushing my hair for weeks. – Daria Werbowy • Sejal had not thought of her home, or of India as a whole, as cool. She was dimly aware, however, of a white Westerner habit of wearing other cultures like T-shirts—the sticker bindis on club kids, sindoor in the hair of an unmarried pop star, Hindi characters inked carelessly on tight tank tops and pale flesh. She knew Americans liked to flash a little Indian or Japanese or African. They were always looking for a little pepper to put in their dish. – Adam Rex • Shirt collars are very important to me. Putting a very soft shirt collar with a formal suit doesn’t work for me at all. – Ozwald Boateng • Shrugging out of the damaged shirt, Jake said roughly, “I still dream about you.” “I have nightmares about you.” I dragged my T-shirt over my head, threw it aside. – Josh Lanyon • So how was Christmas for you guys? Did you all get lots of nice black t-shirts? – Gerard Way • So, what did you get for me?” Angeline paused for a beat. “Jeans.” “What?” croaked Artemis. “And a T-shirt. – Eoin Colfer • Sometimes I feel like putting on a blazer with just a T-shirt. – Big Sean • Sometimes I’m so tired, I look down at what I’m wearing, and if it’s comfortable enough to sleep in, I don’t even make it into my pajamas. I’m looking down, and I’m like, ‘T-shirt and stretchy pants? Yup, that’s fine. It’s pajama-y, good night.’ – Rebecca Romijn • Speaking of stage freight. I was terrified! It was in NOLA at an all ages show. I was wearing Jeans, a Van Halen t-shirt, and a bandana on my neck. Once I gripped that microphone stand, I did not let go! I plugged my microphone into a guitar FX pedal. Then at the end of the a Black Sabbath song we were covering, I hit the guitar pedal. It was horrific! – Phil Anselmo • Start your own revolution, cut out the middleman In a perfect world we’d all sing in tune But this is reality so give me some room So join the struggle while you may The Revolution is just a t-shirt away – Billy Bragg • Tailored jackets with jeans is a great look for all ages. Dress up with a heel and pretty shirt, or just wear a smart T-shirt under the jacket. – Twiggy • The Army, as usual, are without pay; and a great part of the soldiery without shirts; and though the patience of them is equally threadbare, the States seem perfectly indifferent to their cries. – George Washington • The average age in the U.S. is now thirty-three, whereas Mexico gets younger and younger, retreats deeper and deeper into adolescence. Mexico is fifteen. Mexico is wearing a Hard Rock Cafe T-shirt and wandering around Tijuana looking for a job, for a date, for something to put on her face to take care of the acne. – Richard Rodriguez • The Beatles exist apart from my Self. I am not really Beatle George. Beatle George is like a suit or shirt that I once wore on occasion and until the end of my life people may see that shirt and mistake it for me. – George Harrison • The biggest enemy of an artist is apathy… A kid gets killed by the police and I buy a T-shirt and before I can wear that one, there’s another kid (killed) and I’m running out of closet space. – Dave Chappelle • The comma, if it’s left out, sometimes can be a problem. There’s a slogan on a T-shirt going around that “Let’s Eat, Grandma,” and “Let’s Eat Grandma.” – Mary Norris • The Confederate flag is one of those things that should only be seen on t-shirts, belt buckles and bumper stickers to help the rest of us identify the worst people in the world. – John Oliver • The door opened, and we were met by a fifty-something man with a grizzled blond beard. He was wearing Bermuda shorts and a Lynyrd Skynyrd T-shirt. Also, he had an eye patch. “This is incredible,” I heard Adrian murmur. “Beyond my wildest dreams. – Richelle Mead • The last time I wore an animal hide; but this time I settled for this.” Eric had been wearing a long trench coat. Now he threw it off dramatically, and I could only stand and stare. Normally, Eric was a blue-jeans-and-T-shirt kind of guy. Tonight, he wore a pink tank top and Lycra leggings[…]They were pink and aqua, like the swirls down the side of Jason’s truck. – Charlaine Harris • The paparazzi were outside the theatre every single night, but we came up with a cunning ruse. I would wear the same outfit every time – a different T-shirt underneath, but I’d wear the same jacket and zip it up so they couldn’t see what I was wearing underneath, and the same hat. So they could take pictures for six months, but it would look like the same day, so they became unpublishable. Which was hilarious, because there’s nothing better than seeing paparazzi getting really frustrated. – Daniel Radcliffe • The photoshoot glitz and TV studio make-up isn’t the real me. I spend most days at home in Bristol in jeans and a T-shirt running around after the kids or shopping in the Co-op. – Carol Vorderman • The police never find it as funny as you do.-T-Shirt – Darynda Jones • The way I see it, life is a jelly doughnut. You don’t really know what it’s about until you bite into it. And then, just when you decided it’s good, you drop a big glob of jelly on your best T-shirt. – Janet Evanovich • The weirdest moments for me are in Los Angeles when I go to a mall that I’ve shopped at since I was 12, and now there’s like, massive pictures of our faces everywhere, at my local coffee shops now there’s these billboards of people wearing the T-shirts and stuff. It’s very strange, but it’s really exciting. – Lily Collins • The world expected girls to pluck and primp and put on heels. Meanwhile, boys dressed in rumpled T-shirts and baggy pants and misplace their combs, and yet you were suppose to fall at their feet? Unacceptable. – Libba Bray • The worst is when men try too hard, because it’s not very masculine. Your outfit has to look like ‘Oh, I just grabbed that.’ Not too calculated. Jeans, a t-shirt: the simpler the better. – Eva Green • Theatrically, you are aware of every part of you in acting; every component of your surroundings, including the clothes you wear. Eh…in voiceover, shorts and a t-shirt and badaboom…done. – Atticus Shaffer • There are times when you need to step back and realize that movie studios today are not necessarily the same things that they were many years ago. Many movie studios are international conglomerates now. They own everything from theme parks to toy companies to T-shirt companies to video companies. There’s a lot of different wheels to be greased. – Michael Uslan • There comes a moment when you know you just aren’t going to do anything esle productive for the rest of the day.-T-Shirt – Darynda Jones • There’s this unspoken thing that you have to wear a tux and some kind of nice dress. There are all these ethical rules, but I’m sure if you came to the Oscars in ripped jeans and a t-shirt they wouldn’t throw you out. You would just look like a fool. – Glen Hansard • This is very much part of my style, I work a lot on the back ¬ – I love the back of clothes for men. I love even T-shirts printed behind. I think, “Why do you want to show only the front?” – Riccardo Tisci • T-shirt and jeans style now is where I’m at. Maybe a little rock ‘n’ roll T-shirt and jeans. – Josh Hutcherson • T-shirts and long pants make me easier to find in a crowd, but also easy to disappear in a crowd because if I am wearing this and suddenly I am not, it’s like a Harry Potter invisibility cloak. – Kevin Smith • T-shirts create a sense of “We”. Food says, “We don’t mind spending money on you.” – Andy Stanley • Two primary ways to keep volunteers motivated – Food and T-shirts. – Andy Stanley • Usually you’d do the summer scenes in the winter. So you’re out there with a T-shirt and hope nobody sees your air that you’re breathing out. We put ice cubes in our mouth to stop that from happening. – Jamie Farr • Vaclav Havel was a really popular leader. He couldn’t believe that he was really there. I mean, he still dressed in black T-shirts and jeans and was very kind of ’60s. And he began to realize the seriousness of it. And he knew how to strategize. And he had a very keen political sense, but he didn’t want to be like the old communist leaders. – Judy Woodruff • Very quietly, I heard a voice in my ear.It said, in a weird, cheesy, right-out-of-one-of-my-mother’s-novels way, “Ah. Wemeet again.” I turned my head, just slightly, and right there, practically on top of me, was theguy from the car dealership. He was wearing a red Mountain Fresh Detergent T-shirt – not just fresh: mountain fresh! – it proclaimed, and was smiling at me. “Oh,God,” I said. “No, it’s Dexter. – Sarah Dessen • Virtually the second I get home, I change into my “home” clothes – yoga pants and a T-shirt. – Karen Walker • Was I wearing my ‘I’m done with my virginity, please get rid of it for me’ T-shirt? – Rachel Vincent • We always need to have a smart black blazer in our closets. It’s just a nice clean way to dress up even something as simple as jeans and a t-shirt. And something I always have in my closet, I always have a vintage headscarf with me, to tie around my bag or protect my hair from the sun, it depends but I always find a use for it. – Nicole Richie • We don’t have any changes in the movie [Pineapple Express] and so picking the right outfit was fairly important. So I wasn’t a fan of the Guatemalan pants, but I was convinced that I should wear that. Then the T-shirt is a special creation by David Gordon Green. It’s a kitten sitting in a shark’s mouth, but he’s happy about it. – Seth Rogen • We having nothing to fear but fear itself. That, and maybe getting mugged by someone wearing a “No Fear” t-shirt. – Lev L. Spiro • We stink more of the world than we stink of sack cloth and ashes. A lot of contemporary churches today would feel more at home in a movie house rather than in a house of prayer, more afraid of holy living than of sinning, know more about money than magnifying Christ in our bodies. It is so compromised that holiness and living a sin-free life is heresy to the modern church. The modern church is, quite simply, just the world with a Christian T-shirt on! – Nicky Cruz • We want to keep extending our brand into different places, into movies and soundtracks and our music will live on through licensing and our brand lives on through merchandise and new generations will get to wear our clothing and our T-shirts and stuff that’s associated with us. – Nikki Sixx • We’re the ones causing global warming. In fact, what we ought to be saying is population growth is a major cause of it, so I hope to have a T-shirt out very, very soon: Stop global warming, use condoms. – Mechai Viravaidya • What exactly did you find in Atlanta?” Frank unzipped his backpack and started bringing out souvenirs. “Some peach preserves. A couple of T-shirts. A snow globe. And, um, these not-really-Chinese handcuffs.” Annabeth forced herself to stay calm. “How about you start from the top—of the story, not the backpack. – Rick Riordan • What I’ve always loved to do is build a brand that’s so cool that you want to wear their T-shirt. – Lee Clow • What was Dionysus going to go? Send him back to his hellish isolation? He’d been there, done that, and had the Ozzy T-shirt to prove it.’ (Styxx) – Sherrilyn Kenyon • What, are you like Buffy or something? A vampire slayer?” I wish. “No, but my sister is. And my boyfriend’s a vampire so I know a lot about their kind.” Jayden shrinks back from me, wide-eyed. “No, no. He’s one of the good ones. Not all vampires are evil,” I assure him. “So…you’re dating…Edward Cullen.” “Sure, if you have to relate it all to a Stephenie Meyer book,” I grudgingly agree. “But don’t say that to Magnus’s face. He’s a card-carrying member of Team Jacob. Even has the T-shirt. – Mari Mancusi • When a pastor continually makes light of the character of our Lord by speaking in scatological tones about the Son of Man’s bodily functions in incarnation or wearing T-Shirts that rather mock the King of Righteousness rather than glorify Him, then something is terribly awry. – Steve Camp • When I dress up, I have to have a lot of help. I was in a T-shirt until a few minutes ago. – Kristen Stewart • When I say ‘Clean water was only served to the fairer skin,’ what I’m saying is we’re making product with chitlins. T-shirts! That’s the most we can make. – Kanye West • When I see hipsters wearing Mao hats or Lenin T-shirts, I’m grateful. It’s like truth-in-labeling. For now I know you are: Woefully ignorant, morally stunted, purposively asinine, or all three. – Jonah Goldberg • When I started in the league, I went to a tailor and told him I wanted long t-shirts. But they were like, “You know, you don’t know what the trend is.” I was like, “Look dog, I don’t care about trends or your fashion sense. If I’m going to pay you money, this is where the shirt is going to end.” – Iman Shumpert • When I was fourteen and first started going out, I always wanted to be the opposite of everyone else. So I would go to the club in a polo T-shirt and pants and sneakers and a hat on backward, just so I would not be dressed like other girls. – Rihanna • When I’m wandering around the Himalayas, most of the people that I see are Westerners from Germany, California, or the Netherlands, who are wearing sandals, Indian smocks, and are in search of enlightenment, antiquity, peace, and all the things they can’t get in the west. Most of the people they meet are Nepali villagers in Lee jeans, Reeboks, and Madonna T-shirts who are looking for the paradise that they associate with Los Angeles – a paradise of material prosperity and abundance. – Pico Iyer • When our mothers are alive and healthy, they do extraordinary things… like the mothers of Plaza de Mayo, who marched in Argentinean plazas, defying the military junta dictatorship and demanding the whereabouts of their abducted children… or the Liberian mothers who faced down civil war armed only with T-shirts and courage. – Liya Kebede • Whenever I go to Germany I find that my readers have T-shirts with my book covers printed on them. They come to all the events, they have gifts and they come with their families. They are always very open to sharing their personal stories. – Cecelia Ahern • Willow nestled against him. He smoothed her long hair down the back of her T-shirt, feeling its softness. In a few moments she fell asleep again, her breathing warm and regular against his chest. Alex kissed her head, his arms tightening around her. As he drifted back to sleep himself, he saw a brief flash of the thousands of angels streaming in, but right then it seemed distant, almost unimportant. The only thing that mattered was that he was lying in a bed holding Willow, their bare legs entwined. It was all he wanted to do for the rest of his life. – L.A. Weatherly • With the first kid, you micromanage it, making sure there’s no hair out of place when it goes off to school. But by the third kid, it’s more like, “Oh, you want to wear a splatter-painted, Hard Rock Café T-shirt for seven days in a row and not brush your hair? Go for it. Be who you want to be.” – Annie E. Clark • Women show off their personality and character through accessories more than with low-cut shirts and skirts with huge slits. – Sarah Lafleur • Worldwide, most people dress more casually these days, don’t they? They have done for the last 20 or 30 years, I suppose. So, every place that I go to, the majority of people really wear jeans, trainers, T-shirt – everybody seems to dress more for comfort. Whereas, even in my lifetime, even up to the early-’70s, there was still that thing of dressing up. – Paul Weller • You can be the chicest thing in the world in a T-shirt and jeans – it’s up to you. – Karl Lagerfeld • You can’t fix stupid, but you can numb it was a 2 by 4.–T-SHIRT • You can’t take life for granted. I am lucky to have everything I’ve ever wanted. I’ve got a beautiful wife, a job I’ve always dreamed of…and my face on my own t-shirts. – Kevin Harvick • You could have the best suit in the world, but if you haven’t got the right shirt and tie with it you could look like a bag of rubbish. I think the shirt is the most important thing – you need a nice collar with it so that you can make it look good. – Jamie Redknapp • You do know it cost money to put a t-shirt on your back? You do know it cost money have a house? You do know it cost money to eat? Get money, don’t let these people fool you. – DJ Khaled • You know, being in a rock band, you can’t overdo the costume changes too much because everyone thinks, oh, that’s not a real rock band. Look how many times he changes costumes. That’s not rock. Rock’s about going on in a T-shirt and staying in it and getting it all dirty. But that’s not really my approach. – Mick Jagger • You might be a redneck if your favorite T-shirt is offensive in thirteen states. – Jeff Foxworthy • You should’ve gone to China, you know, ’cause I hear they give away babies like free iPods. You know, they pretty much just put them in those t-shirt guns and shoot them out at sporting events. – Ellen Page • You wouldn’t know a clue if it danced in front of you with a T-Shirt that read ‘I’m a clue – Eoin Colfer • Your best T-shirt should be like your bed, it just feels like you are home when you are in it. – Ashton Kutcher • You’re nothing but an apple, a silly t-shirt, a catchphrase and a stupid haircut. – Randy Orton • You’ve never told me about your love life, Scarlett. You’re a very pretty girl. You must have a boy shacked up somewhere for your personal delights. I’d bet it’s a booky one, overtones of Harry Potter and a lot of black T-shirts.- Maureen Johnson
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equitiesstocks · 5 years
T-Shirt Quotes
Official Website: T-Shirt Quotes
• A clothing company is making T-shirts inspired by Bernie Sanders with messages like ‘Feel the Bern.’ They were gonna make them for Lincoln Chafee too, but no one wants to wear a shirt that says ‘Feel the Chafee.’ – Jimmy Fallon • Alice was scrutinizing my boring jeans-and-a-T-shirt outfit in a way that made me self-conscious. Probably plotting another makeover. I sighed. My indifferent attitude to fashion was a constant thorn in her side. If I’d allow it, she’d love to dress me everyday―perhaps several times a day―like some oversized three-dimensional paper doll. – Stephenie Meyer • All fashion brands are about looking good. Being Human is also about doing good. And you can do good by the simple act of slipping into a t-shirt or a pair of jeans. – Salman Khan • All of my life, actually, I had a real strong relationship with God, but I was always in the closet about it. The only distance out of the closet I really want to come there is having my tattoo or wearing my t-shirt. – Sinead O’Connor • All true wisdom is found on T-shirts. – Abraham Lincoln • And of course there is nothing better than wearing the same T-shirt for days and not brushing my hair for weeks. – Daria Werbowy • And, the sets that they built are just so beautiful. It’s like going to a completely foreign country and experiencing a new culture that you’ve never seen before, especially at Camelot. It’s just so magical. Personally, it’s just so much more interesting than wearing jeans and a t-shirt, and walking around somebody else’s house. – Tamsin Egerton • Anormal day looks like, you know, shower, put on the same jeans, the same tattered Gucci loafers I got at the thrift store, white socks, and my t-shirt and my very beat-up Helmut Lang blazer. Im in the exact same outfit every day. – Natasha Lyonne • Antarctica, one of the things that was so remarkable about it was that the ice itself is a kind of pure geometry, so say, for example, if I was facing someone wearing I don’t know, a Joy Division t-shirt with the mountains on it or something like that. – DJ Spooky • At home, a T-shirt and something loose like harem pants would do. If I’m stepping out, a pair of blue jeans and a white tee are just fine. – Genelia D’Souza • At the beginning of my career I was going through a really weird phase of dressing in boys clothes. I would only wear one American Apparel T-shirt and shorts and brogues the whole year round. Not the same T-shirt, obviously, but one style of American Apparel T-shirt. I think I was going through a tomboy stage. – Florence Welch (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push();
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'Shirt', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '68', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_shirt').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_shirt img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); );
• Been there, done that, got the T-shirt. – Steig Larsson • Being a good Hans Haacke student, part of his influence on me is that there’s no difference between a gallery show and a film – or even an ad and a T-shirt-in terms of cultural legitimacy. They’re just different contexts in which to have some sort of communication. – Mike Mills • Britney Spears became my talisman. I became obsessed with wearing Britney T-shirts. I felt it would bring me luck. And it did. – Madonna Ciccone • But in some ways, I’m like an old woman – lived it, seen it, done it, been there, have the T-shirt. – Drew Barrymore Cassandra Clare • Christian stretched out beside her and pulled her close. ʺBut for what itʹs worth, I think youʹd be a great queen too, Princess Dragomir.ʺ ʺYouʹre going to get dirty,ʺ she warned. ʺAlready am. Oh, you mean from your clothes?ʺ He wrapped his arms around her, heedless of her damp and muddy state. ʺI spent most of my childhood hiding in a dusty attic and own exactly one dress shirt. You really think I care about this T-shirt?ʺ – Richelle Mead • Come on, Ella. Sleep green.’ Ignoring him, I got into bed wearing a T-shirt and boxer shorts printed with penguins. I reached over to the nightstand and flipped off the lamp. A moment of silence, and then I heard a lecherous murmur. ‘I like your penguins. – Lisa Kleypas • Dammit, Michael, get out of my room, you pervert!” Could you even be a pervert if you were dead? She supposed you could, if you had a working body half the time. “I swear, I’m going to start taking my clothes off!” The cold spot stayed resolutely put until she got the hem of her T-shirt all the way up to her bra line, and then faded away. “Chicken,” she said, and paced the room, back and forth. – Rachel Caine • Elegance is always in style for men. There are all different kinds of elegance. It can be silk, it can be a T-shirt. – Donatella Versace • Europe has memories, America has t-shirts. – Jean-Luc Godard • Even though I’m resting I’m accomplishing something by sewing that shirt that I’ve been meaning to sew for weeks. And it’s relaxing. It’s so very meditative and quiet and enjoyable. But at least I’m producing something. I’m being productive in some way. I have a very hard time being completely idle. – Evangeline Lilly • Every band sells t-shirts and plays certain auditoriums, but I’m sick of being like everyone else, because I’m not. – Justin Vernon • First there was a young guy sitting in front of television in a T-shirt drinking beer with his mother, then there was an older fatter person sitting in front of television in a T-shirt drinking beer with his mother. – William S. Burroughs • For Christmas one year I bought my son a BB gun. He bought me a t-shirt with a bulls eye on the back. – Rodney Dangerfield • Forget trendy designer labels. Jeans, a sweater or a t-shirt worn under a jacket that seems welded to you. When it’s just right, when you don’t see the effort, it’s irresistible. – Emmanuelle Alt • From the season I did the butterfly faux tattoos on the models on the runway, every collection we do has to have a butterfly t-shirt or trim or print. People come to me for butterflies! – Anna Sui • Generally speaking, I’m a jeans, T-shirt and boots man but I do own an Armani suit, which gets a regular outing. It’s nothing fancy – just a classic, well-cut suit with clean lines and beautiful tailoring. It’s timeless and you can mix and match it with anything to dress up or dress down. – Matthew Rhys • Green business is not about tie-dyed T-shirts. It’s about transforming the industrial system itself into one that looks at all the connections. – Paul Hawken • He also knows what king of protein I like, what T-shirts I like, how I like my dry cleaning to be done. He also knows how I like my stuff folded and put away into drawers. – The Miz • He’d changed since the last summer. Instead of Bermuda shorts and a T-shirt, he wore a button-down shirt, khaki pants, and leather loafers. His sandy hair, which used to be so unruly, was now clipped short. He look like an evil male model, showing off what the fashionable college-age villain was wearing to Harvard this year. – Rick Riordan • Here’s a newsflash from the only High Preistess you have left at this dang school: Zoey isn’t dead. And believe me, I know dead. I’ve been there, done that, and got the frickin’ T-shirt.” – Stevie Rae – P. C. Cast • I also was a huge ‘Dukes of Hazzard’ fan. I used to have T-shirts that said ‘Dierks of Hazzard’ custom-made.- Dierks Bentley • I always find it difficult to dress in between seasons, but I quite like putting T-shirts on with a vest over the top and another layer so you can peel them back as the day goes on. – Poppy Delevingne • I am inspired by anything beautiful. Sometime it’s a pair of eyes or flowing gorgeous hair, other times it’s the sky or a sunset. I’ve been inspired by supple skin or the texture of a soft shirt. – Nadine Velazquez • I am of the generation of segregation. Black Lives Matter is post. I said today, and I will say all the time, “If Nina [Simone] were here, she’d have her Black Lives Matter [T-shirt] on.” I think they’re great kids. They don’t need me or anybody else to tell them what to do. – Nikki Giovanni • I borrowed this from Kyle. My other shirt was pretty filthy.” “Wow, you’re wearing each other’s clothes now. That’s, like, best friend stuff.” “Feeling left out?” said Kyle. “I suppose you want to borrow a black T-shirt too.” “As long as everyone’s wearing their own pants.” “I see have come in on a fascinating moment in the conversation.” Eric poked his head through the curtain. – Cassandra Clare • I could get a T-shirt that says ‘All in for Week 4 of the Preseason.’ That’s not quite as catchy, and I don’t have an endorsement deal with an apparel company. Maybe someone will sign me now. I don’t make enough money to get fined. Maybe I’ll get a deal with some off-brand or something that sells at Walmart or something. – Kirk Cousins • I didn’t really play dress up when I was a kid, and I’m really T-shirt and jeans-y. – Ellen Page • I do California casual a little bit better than really small European cut, tight apparel But I can rock some Gucci when I need to. I say this as I’m wearing Adidas sweatpants and a ten-year-old Chrome Hearts T-shirt. – Carson Daly • I do not mean to suggest for a moment that all it takes to be a top executive is a custom-tailored European suit. You also need the correct shirt and tie. – Dave Barry • I do think there is a completely different notion to glamour today. I think modern glamour is more effortless, easy, and real. Moreover, I think it’s about constantly challenging classical ideas by bringing in unexpected and different elements; for example a long, elegant evening skirt paired with a simple t-shirt on the red carpet. I think this approach is the future. – Roksanda Ilincic • I don’t believe in cancer walks. Well, I believe in them because they exist but I’d rather just give money straight up and save my Saturday afternoon. I can make my own t-shirt, that’s not incentive. Plus I don’t think cancer responds to how far people walk. I don’t think cancer’s sitting at home, ‘What? How many people walked how far? How many people walked how far wearing the same shirt? That’s crazy! I’m out of here!’ Remission. – Hannibal Buress • I don’t want to be carried out of a club wearing a tie-dye T-shirt and a cap on the wrong way around when I am 70, but I would like to settle down a bit. Maybe with a partner. – Rupert Everett • I even like when girls wear printed Minnie Mouse T-shirts with a cool ball gown skirt, or a ripped up pair of jeans – it’s all about how you style it. – Christian Siriano • I feel like I need to start wearing a T-shirt saying ‘This is not a photo opportunity’. People are so lovely but you do find that when you’re out you spend 40% of your time posing for photographs. – Chris O’Dowd • I go from a full working day to making sure I am home for dinner with my kids. I couldn’t do that in a 10cm mini skirt but I am not going to resort to sweatpants and an old t-shirt. – Donatella Versace • I go outside, and I’m wearing a funky T-shirt and my hair is dirty, and people say, ‘What’s wrong with her? She needs to invest in a hairbrush.’ – Kristen Stewart • I got into music by happenchance and luck and wearing a t-shirt with “I hate Pink Floyd” on it. The irony has never failed to amuse me ever since because I didn’t hate Pink Floyd at all! And yet you have an entire range of people out there believing that the best thing you can do in life is to hate Pink Floyd. Come on, It’s because it’s the world I live in! – John Lydon • I hate formal stuff. I love looking like a doll and all that stuff and playing dress up, but when I’m home, sweat pants, t-shirt. When I’m in the studio, sweat pants, t-shirt. – Nicki Minaj • I hate ready-made suits, button-down collars, and sports shirts. – Bobby Fischer • I hate short hair on men – the ‘real’ man is something I don’t know. My dad was always playing with hairbands, making rings, while the women were wearing jeans, white T-shirts and Converse. That was the uniform at home. – Lou Doillon • I have a few girlfriends, but nearly all my friends are guys. I don’t think I ever wore girl clothes. I wore baggy jeans, baggy T-shirts, sweaters, just to avoid the looks that everyone gives you when you’re a young female in the world. – Katharine Isabelle • I have always loved sneakers and sweaters, and I wear a lot of them. And a good t-shirt or a pair of jeans can make you feel so good. – Garance Dore • I have always loved sneakers and sweaters, and I wear a lot of them. And a good t-shirt or a pair of jeans can make you feel so good. And then I love great coats, and I pay a lot of attention to them and own a lot of them. I think a great piece of outerwear can really make you stand out. – Garance Dore • I have been doing merch’ since I was 15 and in bands when I was a teenager – silk-screening shirts, making the emulsion in my mom’s closet I converted into a dark room, through college. That’s essentially how us bands survived was selling homemade t-shirts. – Steve Aoki • I have so much freedom to put whatever I want on a t-shirt, and it’s cool because I get a lot of fan feedback so I like to see what kids like to wear and I like to use some of their ideas to make t-shirts. – Jack Barakat • I have to be honest, I am a true jeans and t-shirt girl. – Emmanuelle Chriqui • I have to wear a new T-shirt every night. I throw them into the audience. One day I’m going to go around the world and reclaim all my T-shirts – Damon Albarn • I know dead. I’ve been there, done that and got the freakin’ T-shirt. – P. C. Cast • I know that’s an endorsement I’ve been waiting for,” Skye added. “Perfectly adequate in bed. They should make that into a T-shirt – Susan Mallery • I like fashion because it’s sort of my job, so I’m into it when I have to be. But when I’m not working, I wear jeans and T-shirts. I go to vintage stores all the time to find funky T-shirts. – Kristen Stewart • I like guys who wear nice clothes, nice jeans, nice trainers – I hate skinny jeans and those T-shirts that are really low-cut. – Georgia Salpa • I like rock and roll t-shirts, tight jeans, and sneakers or boots. Really just laid back, sort of rock and roll. I’m a sneaker person. I don’t really like to wear high heels. I’m always really paranoid when I’m on stage playing guitar that I’m going to trip over one of the cords when I’m prancing around so I have on wedges or shoes that are not too high. – Orianthi • I live in jeans and own a lot of them. I’m much more comfortable in trousers and T-shirts, and I don’t often wear dresses. – Hayley Mills • I love challenging the notion that, in order to be a tech founder, you have to be holed up in a dark room wearing a T-shirt and baggy jeans. – Kevin Systrom • I love jeans, T-shirts, boots, and tennis shoes. – Ashley Benson • I love shopping; I’m a jeans and a T-shirt kind of girl, but I go classy when I dress up – with a little bit of sexy. – Adrianne Palicki • I love sportswear in my own weird way. Fashion is such a personal journey for me. I’m much more of a girl that’s a T-shirt, legging, layering kind of thing, and outerwear. – Vera Wang • I might not wear chains or I may just wear a watch or I may not wear any jewelry at all or I may just go all out on an outfit or just rock some basic s*** just a pair of jeans, a t-shirt and ones. But, I still standout more than a lot of people in the room so I can’t really describe it but I know from the outside looking in people can explain better than I can. – Lil Herb • I myself identify as a recovering Blockhead. You’d be surprised how many twenty- and thirty-something hipster chicks have the NKOTB skeleton in their closet, albeit artfully concealed by stacks of Ksubi skinny jeans and ironic Judas Priest T-shirts. – Diablo Cody • I noticed that difference early on, like if you were successful in rock ‘n’ roll, that was a really bad thing, you almost had to hide it. You had these guys selling 200 million records with dirty T-shirts on. I was like, ‘Come on, man. Come on. We know you’re successful.’ Hip-hop is more about attaining wealth. People respect success. They respect big. They don’t even have to like your music. If you’re big enough, people are drawn to you. – Jay-Z • I really like the idea of being utilitarian. My dream is to edit down my wardrobe and be very Japanese, where you have one rolling rack and it’s like your four T-shirts, your five dresses, your two pairs of jeans. – Erin Wasson • I remember from when I use to be a dancer, there is an expression among dancers, I had a T-shirt that said: SHUT UP AND DANCE. – Christopher Walken • I remember getting a Phoenix Suns T-shirt. I had that Phoenix Suns T-shirt forever. It’s the funny things you remember as a kid, but it was a blast. – Jonathan Lipnicki • I remember going foraging for breakfast in St. Louis once. I saw this one girl sitting in front of the venue, and she made this pink T-shirt with a big heart in the middle of it and a misty picture of our guitarist Mark [Potter]. She was so embarrassed when she saw me. And I was trying desperately not to laugh. – Guy Garvey • I remember watching Mike [Michael Jordan]. I remember him having a royal blue blazer and all black t-shirt and he came out of a blue Corvette. That was dope to us. We were like, ‘Yo, Michael killed today.’ He didn’t even talk to the media and walked straight into the arena. Everyday’s like Mike. – Iman Shumpert • I sat up in bed. My T-shirt was soaking wet. My pillow was wet. My hair was wet. And my room was sticky and humid. – Kami Garcia • I saw a transvestite wearing a T-shirt that said ‘Guess’. – Demetri Martin • I saw School of Rock, and I was like, why haven’t I worked with Richard Linklater already? Then by the time I got him I was like, I’m really pissed off I feel like you owe me some retroactive swag. He gave me the 10-year anniversary “Dazed and Confused” T-shirt, which I still wear with relish. – Robert Downey, Jr. • I simply adore ‘The Simpsons.’ I go to bed in a ‘Simpsons’ T-shirt. – Steven Spielberg • I stop writing the poem to fold the clothes. No matter who lives or who dies, I’m still a woman. I’ll always have plenty to do. I bring the arms of his shirt together. Nothing can stop our tenderness. I’ll get back to the poem. I’ll get back to being a woman. But for now there’s a shirt, a giant shirt in my hands, and somewhere a small girl standing next to her mother watching to see how it’s done. – Tess Gallagher • I tend not to wear ties very often. I’m usually in old stuff: Hermes or Marc Jacobs boots and jeans and a T-shirt and a leather jacket or a jean jacket. – Nate Berkus • I think for a lot of people, bowling is sort of a joke. But I love it, and it means a lot to me, so any chance to help promote it or celebrate it or not make the hackiest jokes – ‘Bowlers are like plumbers and they wear the craziest shirts!’ – I’m way into. – Chris Hardwick • I think somebody like Wes [Anderson] has a very good sense of style and is original. I think my sense of style got a little bit better after I was exposed to you guys at Valentino. Because I’m just in Hawaii and Malibu; it’s just kind of T-shirts and surfing-type stuff. – Owen Wilson • I think someone’s biggest competition is themselves. I stand out as a ‘fashion’ designer and not to be confused with, (people who call themselves ‘clothing’ designers, who just print designs or logos on pre-existing t-shirts), because what I have created is custom fashions that are a personal extension of myself and my personality. It’s pretty unique since there is only one of me. – Ashley Purdy • I think the first thing we need to talk about is you not running around in tight T-shirts and yoga pants.” “Fine. I’ll stop doing that as soon as you shave.” Jack ran his hand along his jaw and grinned. “You like the scruff, huh?” Did she ever. – Julie James • I think the worst professional advice I’ve received… I feel I’ve been lucky in that I’ve gotten a lot of wonderful guidance, but I remember – and I would never do this to someone – I remember going into a manager’s office, the manager I had in New York, and this was way back when. And she said to me, immediately, “You should never wear striped T-shirts. You look much bigger than you are.” – June Diane Raphael • I think there’s a percentage [of the audience] that don’t realize, that don’t know that [standup] is how everything began. We planned it, we work hard, rehearsals to get this. It’s more of a … it’s not just coming in there in a T-shirt and holding a microphone. – Tim Allen • I think we were promoting New Moon just as I was finishing The Runaways, and I remember going to Comic-Con with a Minor Threat T-shirt on. I was really happy and excited to be there, but I was so defensive and crazy. – Kristen Stewart • I used to wear sleeveless T-shirts all the time on court, but now I’ve got a brand new look – I’ve moved on to polo shirts. Sleeveless T-shirts give you real freedom of movement and they keep you cooler in matches, but I just thought it was time for a change. – Rafael Nadal • I want to prove that he’s wrong – he’s wearing a t-shirt that says he won the last two fights. – Manny Pacquiao • I want young people to be able to buy into what I design. When I was young, I wanted to buy designer brands even if all I could afford was the cheapest wallet, the cheapest pen, the cheapest T-shirt because I wanted to be a part of it. – Nicola Formichetti • I wanted to go on the red carpet with a baseball cap, t-shirt, and jeans. And I still do. Because that’s really who I am. – Missy Peregrym • I wanted to start a menswear line of slim-fitting, luxury cashmere jumpers in a range of great colors. I know these jumpers will become season-less staples in my own wardrobe. Cashmere and silk printed scarves and hand-beaded T-shirts compliment the line and form a solid foundation for the collection to grow next season. – Matthew Williamson • I was in New York last Christmas – it’s snowing; there’s a guy in a t-shirt. I’m like, ‘Dude, aren’t you cold?’ ‘No, I’m from New York. I don’t get cold.’ Just ’cause you’re from a cold place doesn’t mean you’re genetically predisposed to not feeling cold. You’re not a penguin. I was like, ‘In fact, sir, you’re Puerto Rican, so if anything, you should be more cold. – Iliza Shlesinger • I was so involved in my boy-rhythms that I never came to grips with the fact that I was a girl. I was twelve years old when my mother took me inside and said, “You can’t be outside wrestling without a T-shirt on.” It was a trauma. – Patti Smith • I watched him pull his t-shirt over his head. I could put hin on replay doing that and watch it all day. – Tammara Webber • I wear jeans and a T-shirt sometimes. I just like clothes – since the first time I can remember, like age ten or eleven; I was just obsessed with music and clothes. Just like a lot of people in England from my generation. – Paul Weller • I wear my Peggy Fleming T-shirt when I go to sleep every night before I compete, and for the past four years, it’s brought me incredible good luck. – Sarah Hughes • I would never talk to a girl in a bar, like a pick-up thing. But I could talk to anyone if they wore a t-shirt of a band I like. – Craig Finn • If I ever wear a Chelsea shirt, you have permission to kill me. – Cesc Fabregas • If I haven’t put that on a T-shirt, I’m going to. Actually, I really don’t want to write anything that can’t be put on a T-shirt. Actually I’d like to write only on T-shirts. Actually, I’d like to write whole novels on T-shirts. So you guys could say, ‘I’m wearing chapter 8 of Lestat’s new book, that’s my favorite; oh I see you’re wearing chapter 6- – Anne Rice • If I was left to my own devices, you would see about ten T-shirts in rotation with maybe a few nice pairs of jeans – but I also like to look good. I like feeling really well put together, I just don’t have the aptitude and the knowledge to do that. – Daniel Radcliffe • If I were Osama, and the United States government were actually looking for me, I’d be clean-shaven by now, crewcutted, wearing jeans and a ZZ Top T-shirt, and living in a nice little house in Lincoln, Nebraska. – L. Neil Smith • If life hands you lemons,keep them. Because, hey, free lemons.-T-Shirt – Darynda Jones • If you have a counterculture band, you put a name on it, you call them beatniks, and you can sell something – books or bebop. Or you label them as hippies and you can sell tie-dyed T-shirts. – Jim Jarmusch • If you two were going to be that obvious about it, why didn’t you guys come down in your Team Daniel and Team Miles T-shirts?” “We should order those,” Shelby said. “Mine’s in the laundry,” Arriane said. – Lauren Kate • If you want to write what the world is about, you have to write details…real life is in the dishes. Real life is pushing strollers up the street, folding T-shirts, the alarm clock going off early and you dropping into bed exhausted every night. That’s real life. – Anna Quindlen • If you’re a man and you have big tits, don’t wear a tight T-shirt, okay? It confuses the children! – Dennis Miller • If you’ve got a bloodstain on your T-shirt, maybe dirty laundry isn’t your biggest problem. – Jerry Seinfeld • I’ll look through ‘Us Weekly’ and I’ll see a picture of Brad Pitt and Jennifer Anniston. And I’m like, ‘Wow, they just… they look so good. Even if they’re like just wearing jeans and a t-shirt, they still look great.’ – Moby • I’ll wear little dresses for a look and then it’ll become only shorts for a while or only t-shirts for a while. So I go through different phases but I combine different things. I don’t like things that draw too much attention. It’s usually just things that complement me and aren’t too loud. – Odeya Rush • Ill-fitted T-shirts stretched over a gut are my pet hate. And if the colour’s faded – ugh. – Joanne Froggatt • I’m a jeans and T-shirt kind of girl. – Cameron Diaz • I’m a jeans and t-shirt type of girl. – Nicole Richie • I’m a T-shirt-and-jeans-with-combat-boots guy. And if I don’t have to shave, I don’t. – Gabriel Macht • I’m a T-shirt-and-Levi’s type of a guy. – Norman Reedus • I’m a T-shirts, sweatpants and jeans kind of gal, I dress really simply and comfortably. – Sutton Foster • I’m an athlete, so I can dress down with the best of them. I can throw on t-shirts and sweats with the best of them. – Dwyane Wade • I’m into classic games like Donkey Kong, and also collect vintage tour t-shirts – everything from Olivia Newton-John to Duran Duran. I’ve got a Chicago one worth $100. – Michael Rosenbaum • I’m just saying, ‘Hey, throw me a bone. How about a smile, cute t-shirt? Look at me.’ Nothing – unless it’s a turn to their friends to go, ‘Hey, why is that weird guy looking at us?’ – Marc Maron • I’m most comfortable in T-shirts, but they have to have some style to them. – Giada De Laurentiis • I’m not going to be able to make things that I can call Kanye West just by making T-shirts. – Kanye West • I’m not interested in thinking up the name of a band and a logo and all that. Been there, done that, sold a million T-shirts. – Sebastian Bach • I’m pretty low-key; you’ll often find me in jeans, a T-shirt and sweatshirt. – Olivia Wilde • I’m quite tactile, so I like fabrics that feel good. I try to avoid fabrics that crease – especially with my son. When you have a child, that’s important. A great pair of a jeans, a t-shirt and some loafers, that’s what I always wear. – Miranda Kerr • I’m really more of a jeans and T-shirt kind of a girl. – Katharine McPhee • I’m the one person who wears the words ‘hustle, loyalty, respect’ on my T-shirts and merchandise. My audience is children. It’s very flattering to see a kid wear your T-shirt; it’s even more flattering to have a dad come up to you and say, ‘I watch you with my kid. Keep doing what you’re doing. You’re a role model for my son.’ – John Cena • I’m tight with Zack Ryder so I’ve had a Zack Ryder t-shirt for quite some time. – Josh Mathews • I’m usually all about the tight jeans and little T-shirt, but sometimes I want to put on a black, sequined dress and be a freaking girl – Britney Spears • Imagine what our culture would be like if Americans sold ideas, words, and books with the same creativity we use to sell designer jeans, shampoo, and rock stars. Why, we might end up with people whos attention span for the printed word is longer than the time it takes to read a T-shirt. – Jim Trelease • In 2056, I think you’ll be able to buy T-shirts on which are printed equations describing the unified laws of our universe. – Max Tegmark • In a relationship, it’s so important that a man knows how much you physically desire him. When he wears that shirt that makes him look sexy, tell him he’s sexy! If he wears a cologne you like, say “I can’t resist that smell on you”. – Matthew Hussey • In retrospect, I think a lot of ’80s fashion shoots are the ones that look the most modern. The fitness-based ones that are really minimal. It’s clean, healthy, t-shirt, beach hair… it’s athleisure. – Christy Turlington • Is it to be imagined … that women were made for no other purpose than to fabricate sweetmeats and gingerbread, construct shirts, darn stockings, and become mothers of possible presidents? Assuredly not. Should the women of America ever discover what their power might be, and compare it with what it is, much improvement might be hoped for. – Frances Trollope • It seems women are expected to be so much more than men, which means we have to work that much harder. We’re the ones under the microscope. We’re expected to sound perfect. We’re expected to look perfect all the time. We’re expected to be style-setters, whereas the boys roll onto the stage in their jeans, T-shirts and baseball caps. – Carrie Underwood • It sounds like something on a very trite T-shirt, but life is what happens. – Nigella Lawson • It’s an honour to wear the shirt and the badge, and to be part of such an illustrious club is gonna be exciting, and putting that shirt on will be pretty special. Well, my message to Chelsea fans is that I can promise that I’ll work hard and give my all for this club. Hopefully we can build up a good relationship over the next few years. And I’m just excited to be part of this whole club and organisation and bringing as much success to it as possible. – Asmir Begovic • It’s true, I don’t like the whole cutoff-shorts-and-T-shirt look, but I think you can look fantastic in casual clothes. – Catherine Zeta-Jones • I’ve always been someone who’s extremely relaxed in my everyday life. I’m not the girl who can wear awful seven-inch heels all night. I keep it simple – I consider myself to be a jeans and T-shirt kind of girl who just accessorizes a lot. – Nicole Richie • Jay-Z’s a guy that wears the Che Guevara t-shirt and he doesn’t realize Che Guevara was a racist. Che Guevara was a murderer and a killer. So look, he’s an entertainer, obviously. He’s not in the middle of any public discourse here. But I think it’s important to point out when people take stances like this that are absurd. – Marco Rubio • Jesus said that they will know we are Christians – not by our bumper stickers and T-shirts – but by our love. – Shane Claiborne • Kate Moss. She looks good in anything. She would look good in one of your t-shirts, in her t-shirt, in a man’s suit, in a huge gown. She looks amazing naked. She even makes nude look stylish. That, to me, is a style icon. She could put a barrel on and it would be some sort of statement. – Justin Timberlake • Let us find the dam snack bar, Zoe said. “We should eat while we can.” Grover cracked a smile. “The dam snack bar?” Zoe blinked. “Yes. What is funny?” “Nothing,” Grover said, trying to keep a straight face. “I could use some dam French fries.” Even Thalia smiled at that. “And I need to use the dam restroom.”… I started cracking up, and Thalia and Grover joined in, while Zoe just looked at us “I do not understand.” “I want to use the dam water fountain,” Grover said. “And…” Thalia tried to catch her breath. “I want to buy a dam T-shirt.” – Rick Riordan • Looking at the elementary schoolers in their colorful T-shirts from various day camps, Percy felt a twinge of sadness. He should be at Camp Half-Blood right now, settling into his cabin for the summer, teaching sword-fighting lessons in the arena, playing pranks on the other counselors. These kids had no idea just how crazy a summer camp could be. – Rick Riordan • Men always look smart in a well-fitted, tailored suit. Conversely, they can be incredibly handsome in jeans combined with a cashmere jumper or a beaten-up leather jacket or even just a cotton T-shirt. – Tamara Mellon • Modernized by tin roofs and T-shirts, Third World poverty is no longer picturesque. – Mason Cooley • Most nights I end up wearing a wife beater T-shirt and boxers. – Jessica Alba • My dad has totally taken my Cat Stevens T-shirt, but it’s OK; I have his Black Flag one, and that’s amazing. – Zoe Kravitz • My daughter made me a Jerry Springer-watching kit, with crackers, Cheez Whiz, polyester stretch pants and a T-shirt with two fat women fighting over a skinny guy. – Roseanne Barr • My label is just “good farming”, which isn’t something you can put on a t-shirt. – Wendell Berry • My style during the day is very casual – boyfriend jeans, T-shirts, Converse, Uggs, whatever. At night, I love heels and thigh-highs, I like something fresh and new, and I’m not afraid to push the envelope. – Katie Cassidy • My style when I was 17 was very low-key with jeans, T-shirts, and Converse. I was signed to a major record label by then, so I had stylists helping me. – Michelle Branch • My uniform is sweatpants, so crusted over with dried paint that they’re as hard as a table. I wear T-shirts that are also covered in paint, and Crocs. – Caio Fonseca • My wildest tipping point moment came when I was introduced to Clint Eastwood. He was sitting there, typical Clint Eastwood, wearing a white T-shirt and jeans, holding a Budweiser. He looks at me and says, “I watch your show from time to time.” I just stopped. I was like, “I can’t even think about that. I’m not even sure if I’m happy about that.” – Chris Harrison • NASA has to approve whatever we wear, so there are clothes to choose from, like space shorts – we wear those a lot – and NASA T-shirts. – Sally Ride • Never knock on death’s door. Ring the doorbell then run. He totally hates that. – T-shirt – Darynda Jones • Next thing you know she’ll be on the bus and selling T-shirts in the parking lot, showing off her boobs to get in the stage door.” “At least she has boobs to show,” Jess said. “I have boobs,” Chloe said, pointing to her chest. “Just because they’re not weighing me down doesn’t mean they’re not substantial.” “Okay, B cup,” Jess said, taking a sip of her drink. “I have boobs!” Chloe said again, a bit too loudly–she’d already had a couple of minibottles at the Spot. “My boobs are great, goddammit. You know that? They’re fantastic! My boobs are amazing. – Sarah Dessen • Nothing sucks more than that moment during an argument when you realize you’re wrong. -T-Shirt – Darynda Jones • Oh my God, you’re serious. Honey, I am a six time Women’s Champion, if you get into the ring with me it will not be for a Lingerie Pillow Fight, it will not be to shoot t-shirts. If you get into the ring with me I will end your career just like that. Are you sure that’s what you want? – Trish Stratus • Oh yeah, the heartbreak diet…. Been there, done that, bought the T-shirt. – Alexandra Potter • On a daily basis, jeans and t-shirt is still sexy, but it doesn’t look like you’re trying too hard. – Tila Tequila • On the board was a list of words and phrases which her mother considered not suitable for use in college T-shirt design. She had been asked about them so often that in the end she had started a blacklist of banned words to which everyone could refer. Every time someone thought of a new one, she unflinchingly wrote it down… Rose read through the list, and turned back to her letter. These are the words I learned to spell in Mummy’s art class today, she wrote, and sighed a little as she began the tedious job of copying from the board. – Hilary McKay • On the morning in question, she wore white shorts and a pink T-shirt that featured a green dragon breathing a fire of orange glitter. It is difficult to explain how awesome I found this T-shirt at the time. – John Green • One of my favorite facts about Jason [Benjamin] is that he collects shirts from tattoo parlors. He has a bunch of tattoo parlor T-shirts, but no tattoos. And then he wears, like, vans and jeans. My boyfriend said he looks like a modern Bruce Springsteen, which is a pretty high compliment. – Lena Dunham • One of the coolest things to me about going to a show is you look over, and the guy next to you is sitting there drinking a beer and he’s wearing a Donkeys t-shirt. And you’re like, “Dude, I love The Donkeys.” – Craig Finn • One time, the homie Venus[-X] read me; we were on the phone and she was like, “Girl, you keep wearing jeans and t-shirts at your shows, but the music doesn’t give that.” I was like, “You’re right, I need to be the person that I am at school, making dance and choreography. I should think about the whole performance.” That’s when I put the 1 in my name and started dressing for the occasion. – Le1f • Only Jace, Clary thought, could look cool in pajama bottoms and an old T-shirt, but he pulled it off, probably through sheer force of will. -pg. 329- – Cassandra Clare • Piper rushed to get dressed. By the time she got up on deck, the others had already gathered—all hastily dressed except for Coach Hedge, who had pulled the night watch. Frank’s Vancouver Winter Olympics shirt was inside out. Percy wore pajama pants and a bronze breastplate, which was an interesting fashion statement. Hazel’s hair was all blown to one side as though she’d walked through a cyclone; and Leo had accidentally set himself on fire. His T-shirt was in charred tatters. His arms were smoking. – Rick Riordan • Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev can no longer attend concerts by his favorite group Deep Purple without having to fear that the musicians will wear T-shirts with Pussy Riot written on them. – Alexei Navalny • ‘Princess’ is a good word, as is ‘girlish’, ‘pixie-like’ and all these other things. I personally find it a bit boring, it’s all been done before. The amount of times you read reviews of bands and it’s an all-girl four-piece, and they talk about what the women are wearing… you’ll never read a review that’s like: “Male singer Thom Yorke, who was dressed in a white t-shirt and jeans…” You would never read that about a man. – Lauren Mayberry • Rae burned me. She has matches or something. Look, look…” Tori pulled down the collar of her T-shirt. “Leave your cloths on, Tori,” Simon said, raising his hands to his eyes. “Please. – Kelley Armstrong • Rowdy, hopped-up college kids pass us in an endless, noisy blur like they’re being mass produced or squeezed out of a tube – guys skulking in their T-shirts and cargo shorts, girls in low-slung jeans and flip-flops, pimples and breasts and tattoos and lipstick and legs and bra straps, and cigarettes; a colorful, sexy melange. I feel old and tired and I just want to be them again, want to be young and stupid, filled with angst and attitude and unbridled lust. Can I have a do-over, please? I swear to God I’ll make a real go of it this time. – Jonathan Tropper • Rule number one of anime,” Simon said. He sat propped up against a pile of pillows at the foot of his bed, a bag of potato chips in one hand and the TV remote in the other. He was wearing a black T-shirt that said I BLOGGED YOUR MOM and a pair of jeans that were ripped in one knee. “Never screw with a blind monk. • Sailing is the closest I can get to nature – it’s adrenaline, fear, a constant challenge and learning experience, an adventure into the unknown. And of course there is nothing better than wearing the same T-shirt for days and not brushing my hair for weeks. – Daria Werbowy • Sejal had not thought of her home, or of India as a whole, as cool. She was dimly aware, however, of a white Westerner habit of wearing other cultures like T-shirts—the sticker bindis on club kids, sindoor in the hair of an unmarried pop star, Hindi characters inked carelessly on tight tank tops and pale flesh. She knew Americans liked to flash a little Indian or Japanese or African. They were always looking for a little pepper to put in their dish. – Adam Rex • Shirt collars are very important to me. Putting a very soft shirt collar with a formal suit doesn’t work for me at all. – Ozwald Boateng • Shrugging out of the damaged shirt, Jake said roughly, “I still dream about you.” “I have nightmares about you.” I dragged my T-shirt over my head, threw it aside. – Josh Lanyon • So how was Christmas for you guys? Did you all get lots of nice black t-shirts? – Gerard Way • So, what did you get for me?” Angeline paused for a beat. “Jeans.” “What?” croaked Artemis. “And a T-shirt. – Eoin Colfer • Sometimes I feel like putting on a blazer with just a T-shirt. – Big Sean • Sometimes I’m so tired, I look down at what I’m wearing, and if it’s comfortable enough to sleep in, I don’t even make it into my pajamas. I’m looking down, and I’m like, ‘T-shirt and stretchy pants? Yup, that’s fine. It’s pajama-y, good night.’ – Rebecca Romijn • Speaking of stage freight. I was terrified! It was in NOLA at an all ages show. I was wearing Jeans, a Van Halen t-shirt, and a bandana on my neck. Once I gripped that microphone stand, I did not let go! I plugged my microphone into a guitar FX pedal. Then at the end of the a Black Sabbath song we were covering, I hit the guitar pedal. It was horrific! – Phil Anselmo • Start your own revolution, cut out the middleman In a perfect world we’d all sing in tune But this is reality so give me some room So join the struggle while you may The Revolution is just a t-shirt away – Billy Bragg • Tailored jackets with jeans is a great look for all ages. Dress up with a heel and pretty shirt, or just wear a smart T-shirt under the jacket. – Twiggy • The Army, as usual, are without pay; and a great part of the soldiery without shirts; and though the patience of them is equally threadbare, the States seem perfectly indifferent to their cries. – George Washington • The average age in the U.S. is now thirty-three, whereas Mexico gets younger and younger, retreats deeper and deeper into adolescence. Mexico is fifteen. Mexico is wearing a Hard Rock Cafe T-shirt and wandering around Tijuana looking for a job, for a date, for something to put on her face to take care of the acne. – Richard Rodriguez • The Beatles exist apart from my Self. I am not really Beatle George. Beatle George is like a suit or shirt that I once wore on occasion and until the end of my life people may see that shirt and mistake it for me. – George Harrison • The biggest enemy of an artist is apathy… A kid gets killed by the police and I buy a T-shirt and before I can wear that one, there’s another kid (killed) and I’m running out of closet space. – Dave Chappelle • The comma, if it’s left out, sometimes can be a problem. There’s a slogan on a T-shirt going around that “Let’s Eat, Grandma,” and “Let’s Eat Grandma.” – Mary Norris • The Confederate flag is one of those things that should only be seen on t-shirts, belt buckles and bumper stickers to help the rest of us identify the worst people in the world. – John Oliver • The door opened, and we were met by a fifty-something man with a grizzled blond beard. He was wearing Bermuda shorts and a Lynyrd Skynyrd T-shirt. Also, he had an eye patch. “This is incredible,” I heard Adrian murmur. “Beyond my wildest dreams. – Richelle Mead • The last time I wore an animal hide; but this time I settled for this.” Eric had been wearing a long trench coat. Now he threw it off dramatically, and I could only stand and stare. Normally, Eric was a blue-jeans-and-T-shirt kind of guy. Tonight, he wore a pink tank top and Lycra leggings[…]They were pink and aqua, like the swirls down the side of Jason’s truck. – Charlaine Harris • The paparazzi were outside the theatre every single night, but we came up with a cunning ruse. I would wear the same outfit every time – a different T-shirt underneath, but I’d wear the same jacket and zip it up so they couldn’t see what I was wearing underneath, and the same hat. So they could take pictures for six months, but it would look like the same day, so they became unpublishable. Which was hilarious, because there’s nothing better than seeing paparazzi getting really frustrated. – Daniel Radcliffe • The photoshoot glitz and TV studio make-up isn’t the real me. I spend most days at home in Bristol in jeans and a T-shirt running around after the kids or shopping in the Co-op. – Carol Vorderman • The police never find it as funny as you do.-T-Shirt – Darynda Jones • The way I see it, life is a jelly doughnut. You don’t really know what it’s about until you bite into it. And then, just when you decided it’s good, you drop a big glob of jelly on your best T-shirt. – Janet Evanovich • The weirdest moments for me are in Los Angeles when I go to a mall that I’ve shopped at since I was 12, and now there’s like, massive pictures of our faces everywhere, at my local coffee shops now there’s these billboards of people wearing the T-shirts and stuff. It’s very strange, but it’s really exciting. – Lily Collins • The world expected girls to pluck and primp and put on heels. Meanwhile, boys dressed in rumpled T-shirts and baggy pants and misplace their combs, and yet you were suppose to fall at their feet? Unacceptable. – Libba Bray • The worst is when men try too hard, because it’s not very masculine. Your outfit has to look like ‘Oh, I just grabbed that.’ Not too calculated. Jeans, a t-shirt: the simpler the better. – Eva Green • Theatrically, you are aware of every part of you in acting; every component of your surroundings, including the clothes you wear. Eh…in voiceover, shorts and a t-shirt and badaboom…done. – Atticus Shaffer • There are times when you need to step back and realize that movie studios today are not necessarily the same things that they were many years ago. Many movie studios are international conglomerates now. They own everything from theme parks to toy companies to T-shirt companies to video companies. There’s a lot of different wheels to be greased. – Michael Uslan • There comes a moment when you know you just aren’t going to do anything esle productive for the rest of the day.-T-Shirt – Darynda Jones • There’s this unspoken thing that you have to wear a tux and some kind of nice dress. There are all these ethical rules, but I’m sure if you came to the Oscars in ripped jeans and a t-shirt they wouldn’t throw you out. You would just look like a fool. – Glen Hansard • This is very much part of my style, I work a lot on the back ¬ – I love the back of clothes for men. I love even T-shirts printed behind. I think, “Why do you want to show only the front?” – Riccardo Tisci • T-shirt and jeans style now is where I’m at. Maybe a little rock ‘n’ roll T-shirt and jeans. – Josh Hutcherson • T-shirts and long pants make me easier to find in a crowd, but also easy to disappear in a crowd because if I am wearing this and suddenly I am not, it’s like a Harry Potter invisibility cloak. – Kevin Smith • T-shirts create a sense of “We”. Food says, “We don’t mind spending money on you.” – Andy Stanley • Two primary ways to keep volunteers motivated – Food and T-shirts. – Andy Stanley • Usually you’d do the summer scenes in the winter. So you’re out there with a T-shirt and hope nobody sees your air that you’re breathing out. We put ice cubes in our mouth to stop that from happening. – Jamie Farr • Vaclav Havel was a really popular leader. He couldn’t believe that he was really there. I mean, he still dressed in black T-shirts and jeans and was very kind of ’60s. And he began to realize the seriousness of it. And he knew how to strategize. And he had a very keen political sense, but he didn’t want to be like the old communist leaders. – Judy Woodruff • Very quietly, I heard a voice in my ear.It said, in a weird, cheesy, right-out-of-one-of-my-mother’s-novels way, “Ah. Wemeet again.” I turned my head, just slightly, and right there, practically on top of me, was theguy from the car dealership. He was wearing a red Mountain Fresh Detergent T-shirt – not just fresh: mountain fresh! – it proclaimed, and was smiling at me. “Oh,God,” I said. “No, it’s Dexter. – Sarah Dessen • Virtually the second I get home, I change into my “home” clothes – yoga pants and a T-shirt. – Karen Walker • Was I wearing my ‘I’m done with my virginity, please get rid of it for me’ T-shirt? – Rachel Vincent • We always need to have a smart black blazer in our closets. It’s just a nice clean way to dress up even something as simple as jeans and a t-shirt. And something I always have in my closet, I always have a vintage headscarf with me, to tie around my bag or protect my hair from the sun, it depends but I always find a use for it. – Nicole Richie • We don’t have any changes in the movie [Pineapple Express] and so picking the right outfit was fairly important. So I wasn’t a fan of the Guatemalan pants, but I was convinced that I should wear that. Then the T-shirt is a special creation by David Gordon Green. It’s a kitten sitting in a shark’s mouth, but he’s happy about it. – Seth Rogen • We having nothing to fear but fear itself. That, and maybe getting mugged by someone wearing a “No Fear” t-shirt. – Lev L. Spiro • We stink more of the world than we stink of sack cloth and ashes. A lot of contemporary churches today would feel more at home in a movie house rather than in a house of prayer, more afraid of holy living than of sinning, know more about money than magnifying Christ in our bodies. It is so compromised that holiness and living a sin-free life is heresy to the modern church. The modern church is, quite simply, just the world with a Christian T-shirt on! – Nicky Cruz • We want to keep extending our brand into different places, into movies and soundtracks and our music will live on through licensing and our brand lives on through merchandise and new generations will get to wear our clothing and our T-shirts and stuff that’s associated with us. – Nikki Sixx • We’re the ones causing global warming. In fact, what we ought to be saying is population growth is a major cause of it, so I hope to have a T-shirt out very, very soon: Stop global warming, use condoms. – Mechai Viravaidya • What exactly did you find in Atlanta?” Frank unzipped his backpack and started bringing out souvenirs. “Some peach preserves. A couple of T-shirts. A snow globe. And, um, these not-really-Chinese handcuffs.” Annabeth forced herself to stay calm. “How about you start from the top—of the story, not the backpack. – Rick Riordan • What I’ve always loved to do is build a brand that’s so cool that you want to wear their T-shirt. – Lee Clow • What was Dionysus going to go? Send him back to his hellish isolation? He’d been there, done that, and had the Ozzy T-shirt to prove it.’ (Styxx) – Sherrilyn Kenyon • What, are you like Buffy or something? A vampire slayer?” I wish. “No, but my sister is. And my boyfriend’s a vampire so I know a lot about their kind.” Jayden shrinks back from me, wide-eyed. “No, no. He’s one of the good ones. Not all vampires are evil,” I assure him. “So…you’re dating…Edward Cullen.” “Sure, if you have to relate it all to a Stephenie Meyer book,” I grudgingly agree. “But don’t say that to Magnus’s face. He’s a card-carrying member of Team Jacob. Even has the T-shirt. – Mari Mancusi • When a pastor continually makes light of the character of our Lord by speaking in scatological tones about the Son of Man’s bodily functions in incarnation or wearing T-Shirts that rather mock the King of Righteousness rather than glorify Him, then something is terribly awry. – Steve Camp • When I dress up, I have to have a lot of help. I was in a T-shirt until a few minutes ago. – Kristen Stewart • When I say ‘Clean water was only served to the fairer skin,’ what I’m saying is we’re making product with chitlins. T-shirts! That’s the most we can make. – Kanye West • When I see hipsters wearing Mao hats or Lenin T-shirts, I’m grateful. It’s like truth-in-labeling. For now I know you are: Woefully ignorant, morally stunted, purposively asinine, or all three. – Jonah Goldberg • When I started in the league, I went to a tailor and told him I wanted long t-shirts. But they were like, “You know, you don’t know what the trend is.” I was like, “Look dog, I don’t care about trends or your fashion sense. If I’m going to pay you money, this is where the shirt is going to end.” – Iman Shumpert • When I was fourteen and first started going out, I always wanted to be the opposite of everyone else. So I would go to the club in a polo T-shirt and pants and sneakers and a hat on backward, just so I would not be dressed like other girls. – Rihanna • When I’m wandering around the Himalayas, most of the people that I see are Westerners from Germany, California, or the Netherlands, who are wearing sandals, Indian smocks, and are in search of enlightenment, antiquity, peace, and all the things they can’t get in the west. Most of the people they meet are Nepali villagers in Lee jeans, Reeboks, and Madonna T-shirts who are looking for the paradise that they associate with Los Angeles – a paradise of material prosperity and abundance. – Pico Iyer • When our mothers are alive and healthy, they do extraordinary things… like the mothers of Plaza de Mayo, who marched in Argentinean plazas, defying the military junta dictatorship and demanding the whereabouts of their abducted children… or the Liberian mothers who faced down civil war armed only with T-shirts and courage. – Liya Kebede • Whenever I go to Germany I find that my readers have T-shirts with my book covers printed on them. They come to all the events, they have gifts and they come with their families. They are always very open to sharing their personal stories. – Cecelia Ahern • Willow nestled against him. He smoothed her long hair down the back of her T-shirt, feeling its softness. In a few moments she fell asleep again, her breathing warm and regular against his chest. Alex kissed her head, his arms tightening around her. As he drifted back to sleep himself, he saw a brief flash of the thousands of angels streaming in, but right then it seemed distant, almost unimportant. The only thing that mattered was that he was lying in a bed holding Willow, their bare legs entwined. It was all he wanted to do for the rest of his life. – L.A. Weatherly • With the first kid, you micromanage it, making sure there’s no hair out of place when it goes off to school. But by the third kid, it’s more like, “Oh, you want to wear a splatter-painted, Hard Rock Café T-shirt for seven days in a row and not brush your hair? Go for it. Be who you want to be.” – Annie E. Clark • Women show off their personality and character through accessories more than with low-cut shirts and skirts with huge slits. – Sarah Lafleur • Worldwide, most people dress more casually these days, don’t they? They have done for the last 20 or 30 years, I suppose. So, every place that I go to, the majority of people really wear jeans, trainers, T-shirt – everybody seems to dress more for comfort. Whereas, even in my lifetime, even up to the early-’70s, there was still that thing of dressing up. – Paul Weller • You can be the chicest thing in the world in a T-shirt and jeans – it’s up to you. – Karl Lagerfeld • You can’t fix stupid, but you can numb it was a 2 by 4.–T-SHIRT • You can’t take life for granted. I am lucky to have everything I’ve ever wanted. I’ve got a beautiful wife, a job I’ve always dreamed of…and my face on my own t-shirts. – Kevin Harvick • You could have the best suit in the world, but if you haven’t got the right shirt and tie with it you could look like a bag of rubbish. I think the shirt is the most important thing – you need a nice collar with it so that you can make it look good. – Jamie Redknapp • You do know it cost money to put a t-shirt on your back? You do know it cost money have a house? You do know it cost money to eat? Get money, don’t let these people fool you. – DJ Khaled • You know, being in a rock band, you can’t overdo the costume changes too much because everyone thinks, oh, that’s not a real rock band. Look how many times he changes costumes. That’s not rock. Rock’s about going on in a T-shirt and staying in it and getting it all dirty. But that’s not really my approach. – Mick Jagger • You might be a redneck if your favorite T-shirt is offensive in thirteen states. – Jeff Foxworthy • You should’ve gone to China, you know, ’cause I hear they give away babies like free iPods. You know, they pretty much just put them in those t-shirt guns and shoot them out at sporting events. – Ellen Page • You wouldn’t know a clue if it danced in front of you with a T-Shirt that read ‘I’m a clue – Eoin Colfer • Your best T-shirt should be like your bed, it just feels like you are home when you are in it. – Ashton Kutcher • You’re nothing but an apple, a silly t-shirt, a catchphrase and a stupid haircut. – Randy Orton • You’ve never told me about your love life, Scarlett. You’re a very pretty girl. You must have a boy shacked up somewhere for your personal delights. I’d bet it’s a booky one, overtones of Harry Potter and a lot of black T-shirts.- Maureen Johnson
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