#Immortal Jaskier
0dde11eth · 4 months
Jaskier: I'm actually immortal
Geralt: Then why do you always scream so much when you're in danger?
Jaskier: Never said I wasn't dramatic
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atror173 · 2 months
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1 part/ ?
i reeeally loves immoral Jaskier (vampire mostly)
i also know that vampires in witcher's world aren't working like this, but forget about it
there are another parts:
Time Before
Part 0
and a colorful piece cuz i love this dramatic look
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my poor baby 🥺
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headcanonthings · 1 year
Lambert: Based on statistical evidence, I think the Bard is immortal.
Geralt: Why?
Lambert: He hasn't died yet
Eskel: That's... that's not how it works
Lambert: Have you seen the shit that bastard does? That bastard just won't die
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Prompt 34
Jaskier is a succubus/incubus (Cause some sources say it's based on the entity's gender, and some say the name is based on the gender of the people they have sex with, so if he's a succubus or if he's an incubus is up to you, darling <3) Jaskier hasn't told Geralt of this, of course. He'd rather not add another thing to Geralt's seemingly endless list of things he hates about Jaskier. Jaskier jumps from bed to bed in towns, because he physically feeds on the passion of his little midnight trysts he has with lonely unsatisfied women in town. He'd go for men too, but doesn't need more mobs chasing him out of town and annoying Geralt. Geralt finally snaps at him one night, fed up with getting chased out of three fucking towns in a row. And the worst part isn't even the fact they keep getting thrown out. It's when Jaskier comes to him, ruffled, kiss-bruised, and reeking of sex he had with someone else. Jaskier, scared of Geralt leaving him behind, promises that he'll volunteer to have a dry-spell. No more cuckolding husbands for Jaskier, no sirree! However, being a succubus/incubus means that the longer he goes without some passion, the more weak he gets, and he starts to fall ill. Geralt grows increasingly worried. One night at camp, Geralt kisses Jaskier's forehead when Jaskier is asleep and he watches as color visibly returns to Jaskier's face, and Geralt's medallion hums. Geralt is now suspicious Jaskier has been cursed. Jaskier returns to looking peaky by the next morning. That is, until Geralt drags him into a hug on a hunch, and sure enough, Jaskier looks better. The more romantic the gesture, the more it seems to help Jaskier. Jaskier finally confesses what he is, bawling and sure that Geralt will banish him at the least and kill him at the most. Geralt is horrified, and hugs his friend close, promising he'd never do either. (BECAUSE THE MOUNTAIN BREAKUP SHOULD'VE NEVER LEFT THE WRITING ROOM) Geralt offers to have sex, wanting Jaskier to be healthy again, but Jaskier doesn't want the only time he gets to sleep with the love of his life to be when Geralt doesn't even love him back. He says as such, and Geralt stumbles his way through confessing that Jaskier's feelings are requited, and Geralt loves him too.
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bardcore-jaskier · 1 year
♡My immortal Jaskier headcanons♡
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So here are my headcanons, because I refuse to believe that our ball of sunshine has an expiration date...
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So, I know Lauren said that Jaskier not aging in the show was just a filming mistake, something they simply forgot to do and on a completely logical level I am fully aware that in canon Jaskier is completely human, 100%. And I also know that they're not gonna change it, no matter how much some of us may wish they did (Although why not? They already strayed so far from the books and made so many changes, might as well go the extra mile)
Realistic-ish headcanons:
- Jaskier is part elf, perhaps quarter elf like Yennefer, it is an entirely justifiable headcanon, theoretically, Jaskier's human father could have married a half elf commoner woman (who may or may not have had the pointy tips on her ears cut off with a knife to avoid human prejudice)
- Jaskier has a fae ancestor, somewhere many many generations back in his ancestry, so his entire family is suspiciously long lived but nobody cares because Lettenhove isn't politically important and therefore doesn't catch the attention of the prejudiced Nobles farther up the royal court chain.
- Jaskier unintentionally drinks the same elixir mages/sorcerers drink to prolong their life. I read that chaos wielders don't have naturally long lifespans, they semi-regularly drink an elixir with mandrake roots in it to slow the aging process. According to Witcher Wiki, you can only buy mandrake root in Lindenvale and my headcanon is that Jaskier experiments with many different tea blends to see which one is more effective for soothing his throat after singing. So at the age of 29-30, he wanders into Lindenvale and buys some dried mandrake to make a tea, after one sip he felt more rejuvenated than ever and since that day, mandrake root tea has become his number one go-to, he drinks it as often as he can.
More fanfic centric, less canon possible headcanons:
- Jaskier is a Dryad. (Yayyy trans Jaskier headcanon) Since Lettenhove is so tiny, it isn't even on the Witcher continent map, but a simple Google search says that it is Located somewhere in Kerack. Kerack borders with Brokilon, so it's kind of a nifty little loophole for fanfic writers to use and place Lettenhove somewhere near the forests where Dryads live.
And while most Dryads treat any man that enters their realm as a mere sperm donor, Witcher Wiki does also mention that some Dryads can form emotional relationships and fall in love with humans and/or elves, but in the end, all Dryad born offspring is AFAB. So imagine this, Jaskier's father falls in love with a Dryad, she falls in love with him, they have Jaskier, Jaskier notices early on that he feels like a boy and his rich Viscount father hires a mage to help Jaskier transition early.
- Jaskier is a higher vampire, higher vampires are a HIGHLY secretive society, even in canon, part of the reason why even Witchers have so little information about them is because they prefer to hide in plain sight and are ridiculously good at it. Jaskier doesn't age, has no self-preservation instincts, doesn't buy a horse and yet still keeps up with Geralt on foot for 20 years. Jaskier's personality isn't fake, he doesn't act like someone else, it's all him, but his clumsiness is a little bit of an act, he also purposefully avoids physical fights, it comes across as fear of getting hurt but in reality it's because he's afraid of appearing too strong and exposing himself. Lettenhove doesn't appear on maps, because it doesn't exist legally, it's just a castle hidden in the woods, a safe place for higher vampires, kinda like Kaer Morhen is for Witchers, Jaskier's parents just happen to be the ones who run it.
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Geralt hasn't stuck around a human for this long before, so at first he thinks nothing of it when Jaskier comes back to him year after year, looking just the same. And when he doesn't die even after he must've passed sixty in age, Geralt chalks it up to the fact that any human would live past the expected when protected by a Witcher. He does get a little suspicious when Jaskier still looks the same after a century on the path together.
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spilledbutter · 1 year
Have we considered immortal Jaskier because of his songs. Jaskier who doesn’t age as long as people sing his songs. I think he deserves some magic, just for fun
jaskier derives his essence (his youth) from people singing his songs. it's like making an offering at an altar every time someone says "anyway here's toss a coin!" it's literally like drinking from the fountain of youth every time someone sings her sweet kiss or the golden one or whoreson prison blues in a tavern. he gets a little zing!!! every time this happens, like drinking a fuckin energy drink. his songs give him different energy depending on the ~*~flavor~*~ of song. all the young bardlings at the academy under his tutelage are fueling him into a super saiyan as they learn his many compositions.
his lute is his weapon and he has a little bird follow him around like a familiar. he is literally immortal snow white with fucking animals and dwarves and humans and witchers and whatever the fuck else swayed under his spell every time he opens his mouth.
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whittlewitchypoo · 1 year
Geralt takes a surprisingly long time to notice the more unnatural parts of his companion. He’s always seen Jask as annoying but strangely commendable, both obnoxious and calming at once. Geralt doesn’t remember how old he is, just that he’s watched his few human friends grow old and wither and if he’s lucky, he’s been able to know where they were buried. He knows he should of notice how Jask doesn’t really age, his hair grows and his body scars, but his eyes are always bright and his skin smooth. It’s not until he’s talking to Yen about him that she wonders allowed how he’s still so young and if he made some kind of deal to keep his youth that he realises that, by Geralts estimate, Jaskier should be in his later eighties by then. He manages to recall that the bard had once claimed to of had an elven ancestor and that could be the cause, but it’s hard to focus on that when an overwhelming realisation hits him. The only reason he had never fully let Jask in, why he never let himself devote what life he could to the man, was because he assumed he would die long before Geralt. The fact that he could of wasted years of his life not spending time loving and praising the man who reminded him that his heart still beat… luckily for him, Jask was willing to wait.
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islenthatur · 1 year
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“Look at what’s happened to us Julek, we’ve become such a sorry state that even in war we are afraid.” It was clear disgust in the other’s eyes as Jaskier wiped the blood and gore from his eyes to view the man before him.
It was his face, his voice, but the eyes were not the eyes he had seen for a very, very long time.
“This is what I am now,” He chokes back, trying to keep the bile down.
The man - Julian - scoffed. “You. Yes, it is you Jaskier who is a feeble-minded man that allows those he loves to walk all over us, who flees when those he calls friends be slaughtered around him. It was our job to slaughter, to protect…”
“WELL I GOT TIRED OF IT!” Jaskier screamed, the power of his words ripping from the very depths of his soul. "I got tired of the scorn, the hate and the violence! It made me sick, sick to my stomach with how I was… how we were.”
A snarl tore from Julian’s throat as he stormed forward and grabbed Jaskier by the lapels of the coat, wilted buttercups being left in his wake, fanning out like fingers towards the frozen soldiers around them. “We were made for war, to fight!”
“But we were born from love… there is no love in death and violence.” Jaskier whispered back viciously, flinching as Julian laughed and dropped him, his slitted eyes glinting in the firelight.
The laugh continued as he sneered. “You forgot then.”
“What did I forget?”
A sharp smile tugged at Julian’s lips. “We fight because we love. Now get up Jaskier and Fight… our friends don’t need you… our friends need Julian of Kerack, the Fae Witcher of the Bears. NOW GET UP!”
In a blink Jaskier’s world trembled, the words piercing through him and shaking away the curse that held his human form. Memories upon memories pouring upon him like a tidal wave that left him immobilized and invigorated… Julian was right… here he can no longer be Jaskier the Humble Bard… no…
A feral snarl ripped free from his throat, the war raging around him unhindered again as he dodge the sword going for his throat, his hand and body moving on instinct, snapping the human’s arm with ease and twisting to toss it away to move to the next.
Yes… Julian of Kerack was indeed needed…
And oh was he pissed…
@0dde11eth what ya think?
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So I just finished re-reading A Hoard of Witchers by Quine on ao3 (because of the new chapter😌) and I was listening to some hozier and the stars aligned.
"Give your heart and soul to charity
'Cause the rest of you
The best of you
Honey, belongs to me"
Bro, read that fic and tell me Jaskier wouldn't write that for his witchers
Anyways here's the link, happy reading
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legend-of-zelda-fan · 2 years
Need help finding a tumblr post
So it’s in the Witcher fandom and it’s a short story. Basically jaskier cannot die and just revived. But every time he revived he is young, around 18.
So after the mountain incident, he goes to live the rest of his life near the coast. At this point he is a middle aged man. Gerald comes looking for him and apologized to him. He want jaskier to accompany him on his quests again but jaskier is an old man now.
Gerald says that he is willing to stay with jaskier until his mortal days are done. But jaskier says that if he really wants him to go back on the road with him, he would need to kill him. Jaskier gives him a knife and after some time the pair walks away from the village and jaskier looking young again.
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0dde11eth · 5 months
Immortal jaskier concept:
He is immediately resurrected every time he dies.
And a rule at oxenfurt is every time a student dies the whole class gets automatic A
Jaskier ABUSES that rule.
After all he's going to be the first master of all seven of the liberal arts
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atror173 · 2 months
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2 part / ?
canon event for this au when Jaskier loses his lute
I think Geralt should fix it
Part 1
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headcanonthings · 2 years
Jaskier: I’m sick and tired of being called 'mortal' like, you don’t know that. Neither do I. I have never died even ONCE. Nothing has been proven yet. Stop making assumptions. It's rude.
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New Immortal!Jaskier theory for y'all! He obviously doesn't age, like normal. But, if he is grievously injured, he could die, but he is never grievously injured. Something miraculous always happens to save him, just like the sword stopping inches from his face in Blood Origin. Of course Yennefer saved him from fire fucker, if that hadn't happened then a beam might have fallen on fire fucker's head or something
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bardcore-jaskier · 1 year
♡ My thoughts on Yennskier + headcanons ♡
(Edited post)
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- What makes this whole thing so funny and exciting to me is that Yennefer used to think that Jaskier was just some annoying sing songy twit before. While Jaskier's dramatic arse used to consider Yennefer an enemy until she saved him from Rience XD XD XD
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- I adored the everliving FUCK out of their scenes together in season 2! Their dynamic is so fucking good! AAAAAAAAAHHH!!!!
- Yennskier, the ship we didn't know we needed, but definitely deserved! Their chemistry is so fucking perfect and their dynamic works so well!
- Personally I think that this ship is actually, currently, THE healthiest and most wholesome one of all my Jaskier ships! At least as of season 2! (Even if Geraskier remains as my OTP)
- In Oxenfurt, when Jaskier and Yennefer got to know eachother better without Geralt's presence to distract them both, ever since they saw the real, raw and vulnerable sides of eachother and became friends, I couldn't help but notice how absolutely toothrottingly perfect they are together!
- Legit, and I kid you not! I can't picture Yennefer and Jaskier having anything other than that deep kind of connection where you know that you are loved, appreciated and adored, despite all your flaws. The kind of love where you know you're not alone, that this person is your family and will always have your back no matter what.
- Yennefer, despite being one of the most powerful sorceresses on the entire continent, treats Jaskier as an equal by the time Ciri gets possessed. (Bro, like even Geralt doesn't do that! Jaskier is his friend, sure, but I've never seen Geralt treating him as an equal.)
- Yennefer and Jaskier have a mutual respect for eachother, they trust eachother, they enjoy eachother's company. All of those things are A CRUCIAL part of having a solid foundation to build a honest, sturdy, long-lasting and happy relationship upon.
- From compatibility POV, they work together a lot better than Geralt and Yennefer did. With Jaskier, there are no djinn related consent issues, there wouldn't be any communication issues and he would probably be a positive influence on Yennefer's mental health.
- Whereas her relationship with Geralt was quite frankly chaotic, explosive, sometimes even toxic. It was built upon a shaky foundation of lust, djinn magic and exchanged favors. Like c'mon, their time together as an on-and-off couple mostly consisted of having kinky unicorn sex, trauma dumping, dealing with magical, gorey and insanely dangerous situations, then talking about said situations until they have a fight! Leaving eachother every time in the end because they can't seem to make it work long-term. They're incompatible because in canon, the only thing that finally made them stick together for good, was an orphaned girl in need of protection. It's not right, kind of like parents who are postponing their divorce until their daughter grows up :/
- Jaskier on the other hand, despite his magic-less ordinary humanity has a hilariously witty, optimistic, stupidly brave, highly empathetic, loyal and supportive personality. Yennefer would have an understanding partner who loves her, cherishes her, acceptc her for who she is without judgement nor pity. A partner who would make it his life's mission to help her see the good things this world has to offer, to make her happy because she deserves it!
- Damn it all, they both have been through enough, they both deserve a break. They actually GET eachother. I can already feel a drabble forming in my brain, set a week or so after the whole Voleth Mier shebang, Jaskier is struggling with PTSD and nightmares about Rience, Yennefer is struggling with guilt and shame because she put Ciri in danger. So while Geralt is too busy with Ciri's training to be there for Jaskier and he feels too betrayed to be in Yennefer's company, neither Yen nor Jask have anyone to turn to in Kaer Morhen, except eachother. Three months confined to a witcher keep together? Now that is a LOT of time to spend with someone you can be openly vulnerable around, bond with, heal and share joy with, unexpectedly falling in love....
- Yennefer too is an extremely good match for Jaskier, it's almost uncanny how much she completes him! Jaskier would finally have an understanding and loving partner who truly saw him when others didn't bother. And Yennefer liked what she saw, the familiar face of a simple human bard who offered kindness and compassion to strangers even if it could kill him. She saw courage, honesty, forgiveness and so much good, a collection of rare qualities she had never thought could exist within one single person all at once. After Voleth Mier, all that goodness was given to her so freely, it is still being given to her everyday, so she knows a treasure when it looks her right in the eyes with such easy warmth. She would make it her life's mission to cling onto him with everything she's got, to love and cherish him the way he deserves, to protect the only person she deems worthy of holding her heart!
- They have a lot in common too. From both having a knack for fashion, both being mischievous little shits at heart and both having high standards when it comes to personal hygiene. To also having similar tastes in both alcohol, humor, luxury and entertainment.....if Yennefer's kinky orgy party and Jaskier's reputation as the biggest slut on the continent is anything to go by.
- Speaking of sex, both of them having a high libido and exceptional skills in bed aside, they're fucking GORGEOUS people! Why wouldn't they find eachother attractive?
- Yennefer is basically a Goddess, beauty personified! She is elegant and breathtaking, everyone knows it.
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- However, since a majority of the Witcher fandom usually dismisses Jaskier in favor of simping for Geralt, I can, I must and I WILL gush about how pretty Jaskier is! Cuz clearly some of them bitches be blind, Yennefer is one lucky witch!
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- Jaskier is like only 1,5 inches shorter than his grouchy snowman friend. Meaning he is tall as all hell and he definitely isn't lacking in the muscle department either, that bard is jacked yo. His voice is soothing and his vocabulary is extensive enough to make the most experienced of whores blush from pillow talk. He has VERY soft looking hair and he has one of the most angelic fucking faces I've ever seen. His eyes are the clearest shade of blue and his expressions + mannerisms are absolutely adorable! Ok, I'm done gushing, onto the next point....
- Unlike Jaskier, I don't think I have a dummy thick enough of a vocabulary to express how much dopamine Yennskier fanfics give me, more specifically when their husband and wife act from Oxenfurt becomes an inside joke for them, leaving the rest of Kaer Morhen's inhabitants confused as fuck.
- Geralt getting a bit jealous? His brothers wondering when that could have happened? Ciri feeling bamboozled as well?
- It's all shits and giggles until somebody giggles and shits. It won't take long until their inside joke is no longer a joke. They already bicker like a married couple anyway XD
- I can not help but also headcanon Jaskier as not fully human. It would be sad if he up and died on his dear immortal wife. I don't necessarily picture him having chaos or other powers in this scenario, but when I do, I think that they would discover them together on accident.
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