#Indian ceramide night cream
All About Ceramides in Skincare: Benefits & Product Recommendations
Hey, Beauties! Like me too you must be always wondering what the secret weapon is to get healthy and hydrated skin. Let me reveal the truth: they are hidden in your favourite moisturizer – ceramides! Ceramides sound fancy, but are superstars in the skincare world. Today, we’re learning deeply to know all things about ceramides. In addition, we are also sharing some of the Best Ceramide Skincare…
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jeannotceuticals8 · 10 months
Best Anti-Wrinkle Creams To Maintain A Younger-Looking Skin Forever — Yes, It’s Possible!
Even though we would want to think that getting older makes us better, we are aware of some skin changes we may want to address as we age. Even if many medical procedures and spa services are accessible, there's no reason we can't treat ourselves (and our skin) with anti-ageing creams from the convenience of our homes. 
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However, we recognise that not all anti-ageing creams are made equally and that online shopping for skincare products can be very intimidating, given the vast selection of options available, especially on sites like Amazon. We asked numerous skincare professionals to give us detailed views and information on everything linked to these exceptional products to streamline this procedure and aid you in navigating the crowded anti ageing creams in India.
Organic Harvest Juvenescence Anti-Ageing Cream
A special mixture of organic soybean and honeysuckle extracts is used to formulate the Organic Harvest Juvenescence Anti-Ageing cream. This potent mixture is intended to offer beneficial effects for skin care. The cream has a thick, creamy consistency that penetrates quickly into the skin, improving its capacity to improve dermal texture and fend off early indications of ageing.
To stop photoaging, this organic best anti aging night cream provides a solid line of defence against the negative effects of prolonged sun exposure. Furthermore, it successfully treats difficulties with dryness by deeply nourishing and hydrating the skin. Additionally, the cream has calming effects that reduce inflammation, resulting in a soft and refreshed complexion. This remarkable commodity costs 1995 Indian Rupees.
Retinol Correxion Deep Wrinkle Night Cream
It would be negligent if RoC's traditional Retinol Correxion products were left off a wrinkle creams list. This anti-ageing lotion has received high praise and is unquestionably our top choice. It has cemented its position as a fan favourite because of its reasonable price point, amazing ingredient list, and an astounding number of over 12,000 5-star ratings on Amazon.
Retinol, a potent component known for its ability to improve the skin's appearance and texture, makes RoC's Retinol Correxion lotion stand out. You might wake up to significant benefits because this anti aging facial kit works magic as you sleep. Users have seen a noticeable decrease in the look of crow's feet, under-eye wrinkles, and deep lines over 12 weeks.
A-Passioni Retinol Anti-Wrinkle Cream
This wildly popular anti-ageing cream is a great option for anyone considering upgrading their retinol skincare regimen. Given that it has one of the highest concentrations of retinol on the market—an astonishing 1.0%—it appeals to those looking for a powerful formulation. This considerable sum guarantees a strong and successful treatment to fend off the effects of ageing.
Furthermore, this special lotion does more than just include retinol. It uses a triple-peptide blend's advantages, further enhancing its anti-ageing capabilities. Peptides are well known for their capacity to increase the creation of collagen, enhance skin suppleness, and lessen the visibility of fine lines and wrinkles. Utilising retinol's potency and the synergy of these three peptides, this cream gives your skin the regeneration it craves and provides an amazing anti-ageing boost.
PM Facial Moisturizing Lotion
This inexpensive anti-ageing product is a top pick for your evening skincare routine with anti aging serums. It may not have the opulent packaging of its more expensive competitors, but its impressive ingredient list is where it shines. Three crucial ceramides are included in this cream's formulation because they efficiently reinforce and nourish your skin, encouraging a plump and firm appearance. Hyaluronic acid, which is also included in this product, deeply hydrates your skin and makes it firmer and more supple when you're ready to hit the snooze button.
Sound Sleep Cocoon
You're not alone if you're excitedly looking for a reliable method to reduce those irritating fine lines and wrinkles by morning significantly!
I'd like to tell you about this amazing anti-ageing product. Its distinctive gel-cream texture tenderly envelops your skin all night, forming a nourishing barrier. But don't be fooled by its light texture; this wrinkle cream is a real powerhouse, packed with various skin-loving ingredients that work wonders. The potent combination of vitamin C, tamarind seed extract, and various other carefully chosen skincare gems is at the core of this product. Vitamin C actively works to rejuvenate and revitalise your complexion, thereby minimising the visibility of fine lines and wrinkles. Vitamin C is known for its collagen-boosting and brightening qualities and is used in the best anti aging serums. Using tamarind seed extract adds a calming touch, giving your skin a pleasant sensation and assisting in improving the texture of your skin overall.
Dermal Repair Cream
Look no further if you're looking for a thorough and incredibly powerful moisturising treatment to upgrade your skincare regimen; this remarkable product merits a prominent place on your bathroom shelf as soon as possible. First and foremost, hyaluronic acid in this recipe guarantees ideal hydration by drawing and holding onto moisture in the skin. Your complexion feels intensely hydrated, plump, and radiant, and the look of fine lines and wrinkles has improved noticeably.
But this cream's abilities go beyond hydration, as well. Vitamin C, well-known for its brightening and antioxidant effects, is added to the mixture to offer even more transforming potential. This powerful substance successfully treats dullness, discolouration, uneven skin tone, and other facial flaws, revealing a more youthful, luminous complexion that glows naturally.
CoQ10 Quick Gel Brightening Moisture
Considering how we survived without this DHC anti-ageing wonder lotion is amazing. This extraordinary gel cream, which is enriched with the potent and age-defying coenzyme Q10, is nothing less than a game-changer. Due to its quick absorption capabilities, powerful ingredients are instantly transferred to your skin and start working magic to slow the signs of ageing.
Coenzyme Q10, the main attraction, is an absolute powerhouse in skin care. It effectively fights free radicals and aids in shielding your skin from environmental stressors thanks to its high antioxidant content. Additionally, it encourages elasticity, giving your complexion a firm and toned appearance—a clear indication of its age-defying properties. 
In conclusion, caring for your skin and combating the effects of ageing don't have to be difficult or limited to medical procedures. With so many anti ageing creams in India, you may indulge yourself while getting noticeable effects from the convenience of your home. You may confidently traverse the world of anti-ageing creams and find the ideal solution suited to your needs by getting advice from skincare professionals and being aware of the wide range of alternatives. 
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the-empress-7 · 3 years
" "I've tried a lot of good products like neutrogena, re'equil and yet none of that has helped so far. I have even used coconut oil for about a year " I am assuming you are Indian. Use the neutrogena acne face wash with 2% salicylic acid (BHA) follow with Nivea cream ( white dabba in summer blue one in winter) it has ceramides that will hydrate and fix the skin barrier. Do this at night at least one hour before bed. Most skincare gets on pillow coz people apply and then sleep."
Yes I am, it feels great that there are other Indians here 😍😘
Thanks for the tip btw
All the best!
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werealljustwinginit · 3 years
Tell us about what skincare ingredients and products you love!
Okay, so I LOVE TALKING SKINCARE. This is a huge topic for me and I often write up a blog post once a year where i recommend skin care products. So here is this year’s recommendation! An insanelyyyyy long and detailed post nobody asked for!! HERE WE GO: 
I am a long time skincare advocate...before it really blew up and people started really getting to know more about their products and ingredients. I’ve just always had very acne-prone skin so I’ve had to pay attention to what products and ingredients I was using and how their formulas worked for me. As a result, over the years I tried A SHIT TON of products. Many expensive, fancy, high end, etc. But now I have my skincare routine down to a much more manageable and quality ingredient list. Obviously everyone’s skin is different...but this is what I use on a regular basis these days:
- Krave Beauty’s Great Barrier Relief Serum: Honestly, this is THE SHIT. My favorite moisturizing serum to really help balance your skins hydration barrier and stay hydrated. It’s thicker and almost feels like a moisturizer. It’s so great.  - The Ordinary’s Niacinamide 10% + Zinc 1% Drops: Niacinamide is an amazing ingredient for your skin and can help a tremendous amount with clearing the skin, resurfacing, fading scars, and more. This really does a good job helping with my acne, so i really recommend to anyone. And I am pretty sure it’s like $5 cause it’s from the ordinary.
- CeraVe Moisturizing Cream: It’s a very cheap drug store moisturizer that has good, clean ingredients. After using fancy moisturizers for years, I finally gave into my dermatologist’s recommended lotion. LOL. They do have a lotion that is lighter, but my skin tends to be dryer, especially in the winter so I use the cream not the lotion. It’s thicker. (For high end junkies--it’s like comparing Drunk Elephant’s LaLa Retro to their Protini cream). I also sometimes throw in drops of a marula oil into this cream if I am really dry. Make myself a little face smoothie. 
Eye/Lip Creams:
- Mario Badescu Ceramide Herbal Eye Cream: Now honestly, I still haven’t found my perfect eye cream yet...but I have used this one for a few years now. It moisturizes well and is cheap to buy. It’s probs not the most effective but at least I am moisturizing my eye area. One day I will take on more eye creams that target certain things, but that is one day when I have money to spend lmao. -Glossier Bubblewrap Lip/Eye Cream: This is a very unique moisturizing product that is meant for sensitive skin like your eye area and lips. It does say it plumps a bit, which I don’t ever feel a plumping effect, but I do love to use it on my lips. It’s so moisturizing and is kind of like using a primer before you apply chapstick or lipstick. 
- Glossier Solution: The OG chemical exfoliant I tried and loved. These types of products aren’t great for everyone, and may have to be used less or more depending on skin type, but as an acne-prone human, I love a chemical exfoliant. This works and lasts a long while.
- Krave Beauty’s Kale-Lalu_AHA: Another chemical exfoliant. I recently tried this one because I do believe Krave Beauty uses better ingredients than Glossier Skin typically does (no shade tho). They were close in price, so I made the switch and have enjoyed the results so far. The packaging is also beautiful.
- Dr. Brant Microdermabrasion Exfoliant: This is NOT a chemical peel, this has aluminum oxyde crystals in it to polish the skin like a normal exfoliant would. It also has a lot of ingredients that help renew and refresh the skin while exfoliating. Now this product is HELLA expensive...I only have it because I once bought it for way cheaper when I had a subscription box. I don’t know if I would spend the full $80 bucks on it, but your skin does feel smooth.
- Tatcha The Deep Polish: This is an enzyme powder that you mix with water and exfoliate fro there. It is from when I used to buy the highest end products in hopes it would help my skin. It is pricey, but again does leave your skin feeling soft. So I rotate it in from time to time.
- The Ordinary’s AHA 30% BHA 2% Peeling Solution: AKA THE BLOOD MASK. Now hugely popular on social media, the “blood mask” is a chemical mask that peels off dead skin and essentially works to eliminate the top layers of your skin and begin rejuvenating a fresher layer for softer, healthier, plumper skin. I do this once a week and it is way cheap. I can compare it to Drunk Elephant’s Sukari Babyfacial and it definitely beats that expensive version.
- Glow Recipe’s Avocado Melt Sleeping Mask: This is an overnight moisturizing mask that you simply wash off in the morning. It really helps lock in moisture and feels nice on the skin. I use this when I am feeling really dry. 
- Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay Mask: This one you have to mix the dry clay mixture with water and apple cider vinegar to create a goo that you can then let dry on your face. It may be intense for some, but I find it really helps dry out my acne spots and reduce redness in my skin. It’s always a fun one to do with other people too because you do have to prepare it. Good sleepover activity. 
- GlamGlow Bubble Sheet Mask:  This one is honestly more so used for when I am traveling and want to keep a mask on hand or when I am having a fun girls night or something. It’s a bubble mask--so to me that just means fun. I typically avoid sheet masks (unless I am traveling) because I think you end up throwing a way a lot of product you are paying for. But this one is fun, it’s cute, it’s different. I don’t notice a huge change in my skin tbh, but it is a fun activity for girls night. 
Honorable Mention/Random Products:
- Youth to the People’s Kale and Green Tea Superfood Cleanser: I stayed away from this one for a long time because it’s expensive and I could rationalize buying such an expensive cleanser, but I got a gift card to Sephora and finally decided to try it. And ya know what?? I guess I am fancy now because I really love it. It does not overly strip your skin at all, and for the first time in my life I really know what that means. It’s so great, it smells so good. Ugh. Can’t get enough of this bougie bitch of a face wash.
- The Inkey List Retinol Cream: A recent purchase, but I have enjoyed seeing the results. Everyone imo should be using an eye cream and a retinol. This is a nice introduction to retinol, so I recommend to those looking for one.
- Glossier Mint Balm Dot Com Chapstick: THIS AGAIN--IS THE SHIT. Many will say they would never spend more than two bucks but one tube of their’s is seven bucks and it is WORTH IT. I buy the three pack once a year and i’m good. This is the best chapstick you will literally ever use. Fucking buy it. If I could tell you only three products that are a must from this list this would be one of them. (the other two would be great barrier relief and the kale cleanser)
- Laneige Lip Sleeping Mask: I like this lip mask, it’s not needed everynight, but I do like to use a lip exfoliant (made or buy one, whatever) and then use this to really retextures my lips. 
- Bag Balm: Now this is a very unusual product to recommend lmaooo. Originally, bag balm is used for chapped cow udders on farms--which is how I discovered it. Farmers eventually noticed that it helped your skin retain moisture and repair cracked skin in their hands. So now it is known as a good thick ass cream for hands and feet. Now this shit is again--used on cows originally, so the formula feels thick and greasy. I like putting it on at night and letting it soak in for a while as I lay on my phone. It really works--I swear to you. 
- Sagely CBD Cream: I use their relief and recovery crea which smells like lavender and has a cooling effect when applied to the skin (kinda like biofreeze or icyhot would). This is only a 50mg CBD lotion, but I do like it. 
- Mad Ritual CBD Muscle Recovery Balm: Now this is thick and definitely a balm, not a cream. It is much higher strength though, so I break it out when needed and a little goes a long way. This one is 200mg of CBD. 
- Mario Badescu Drying Lotion: This drying lotion is now so popular but has been a staple of mine for at least a decade now. You leave it on over night and it really does dry up and reduce zit size. Helps a lot. There must be a reason why super models are told to use this shit before a runway show. 
- Tatcha The Essence: Essences are a new and kind of weird thing, kinda like priming the skin to allow for better absorption of a product. Now this product I received as a Christmas gift one year, but I am pretty sure it’s like $100...breaking the bank as always, tatcha. Anyway, it does allow for better absorption of products and feels light and refreshing on the skin. One bottle has lasted me two years now. I don’t know if I would recommend it, but I do use it somewhat regularly and it does make you feel like a bougie bitch. 
AND THAT IS THE END. Sorry that was soooo long. But like I said, I do a write up once a year of my skincare products anyway. So there you guys have it!! If you have any questions at all about your skin or skincare routine , honestly hit me up. Over the years I have slowly has friends come to me. Once I collect all of the I will have all of the infinity stones lmao. 
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gosignature · 4 years
Best Skin Clinic in Coimbatore skin care For Men Signature18 Clinic Is a Skin, Hair, Cosmetology and Child Care Clinic Founded in an Attempt to Add  Value to Our Client’s Confidence and Happiness by Finding a Solution to Their Problems Through Our Passion for Skin and Child Health Best Skin Clinic in Coimbatore basic skin care Men Asian men are more prone to Pigmentation and Tanning. Added to that a lot of problems related to shaving like bumps and uneven skin texture is something most men suffer from. Here are some simple yet important tips that allow men to have a fresh looking and bright skin all the time!! here are some tips from the best skin  clinic in Coimbatore   1.Cleanse using a foaming cleanser with salicylic acid for oily skin or gel cleansers with glycolic acid for dry skin. 2.While shaving use electric razors or trimmers to avoid bumps and folliculitis. 3.Make sure to wear an SPF of 30 every day as Indian men are prone for pigmentation and tanning. 4.Moisturise with creams containing lipid or ceramides to repair your skin. best skin  clinic in Coimbatore   advance skin care for men 1. Opt for serums containing antioxidants like vitamin C and brightening molecules like arbutin or kojic acid to ensure A youthful skin tone and texture. 2.Night creams with retinol will be a game changer for your skin if you are already following the cleansing moisturising and SPF ritual. 3.Choose procedures like micro needling or PRP that boost your skin and tighten the skin pores. 4.Grooming equals self-love. Use lasers to remove unwanted hairs from ears, upper back ,chest areas and beard shaping. know more https://signature18clinic.com/
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derma-essentia · 4 years
What Does Vitamin C Serum Do for Skin?
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People using Vitamin C Serum are proof of better and healthier skin compare to others of their same age, environment. See people’s review
The human body works on vitamins, minerals, and energy that we get from food and beverages. Do we get all that we need?
We can get all the vitamins that our daily routine doesn't include. By taking the advantages of vitamins c from serum that can do a lot more than just boosting your defenses. Do you know the skin care benefits of Vitamin C Serum?
Can vitamin C make you whiter?
As we grow our skin starts changing in terms of color and appearance. But there's a difference between wishing to get your young skin back with the same grace and wishing to get from dark black to British white skin.
Whitening skin products are another name of a mixture of chemical bleach. That will tear apart your natural skin and bleach your original skin tone. 
You are special the way you look; Getting your younger young skin back with the same grace is not hard and chemical. It just requires removing all pollutants from your skin.
One of the most culprits of the aging method is the sun. UV harm results in loose skin, wrinkles, fine lines, and uneven skin tone. You already recognize that you simply ought to use sun blocker whenever you’ll be outside for half hour or additional. However, your sun harm hindrance shouldn’t stop there.
By using a Vitamin C Serum on Face for men and women with benefits of healing skin for the simplest results. UV radiation causes an erophilic stress to your skin and may manufacture damaging free radicals. Best Vitamin C serum counteracts this by neutralizing those free radicals. This minimizes sun harm.
The study has shown "The topical application of vitamin C “shows promise as a Broad Spectrum Photo Protean."
Don’t stop exploitation your sun blocker. However, boost your defenses with Best Face Serum containing Vitamin C Serum Hyaluronic Acid by Derma Essentia for Indian Men and Women.
Does vitamin C reduce melanin production?
As you age, your skin produces less and fewer albuminoid. That’s dangerous news since albuminoid is that the basic building block of skin. albuminoid and scleroprotein compose the framework of your skin, keeping it taut, elastic, and strong. 
As you step by step have fewer and fewer of those proteins, your skin starts to sag and wrinkle. Face Serum for men and women with Vitamin C and Hyaluronic Acid will facilitate stabilize and build albuminoid molecules. 
And a few studies indicate that vitamin C might even facilitate improve the standard of that albuminoid. The result's younger skin and additional albuminoid, when you age.
Check out the blog -  Vitamin C Serum Benefits: Rejuvenate Your Beautiful Skin
Does vitamin C help to get rid of uneven skin tone?
Years of skin harm - from the sun, bacteria, and associate degreed different factors - tends to go away you with an uneven skin tone. Uneven dark spots are definite signs of aging. 
However, Vitamin C Serum for Skin will facilitate stop and reverse these. Use the simplest face bodily fluid for men with vitamin C to scale back the inflammation that contributes to associate degree uneven skin tone. 
Though you have already got skin harm, consistent use of a bodily fluid with Best Vitamin C Serum will step by step balance your skin tone and improve your look.
What vitamins will help with dry skin?
Dry skin is usually rough and flaky. Plus, it's rather more doubtless to develop wrinkles. Lack of wet may be a major explanation for uninteresting, wrinkled skin. 
However, Vitamin C Serum for Skin will facilitate. How?
Research hers studied the consequences of a 3-month daily program of Vitamin C Serum and its effects on participants’ skin. At the top of this era, “topical vitamin C provided objective and subjective improvement in image broken facial skin.”  
The analysis team additionally noted that “clinical assessment incontestable important improvement with active treatment bigger than an impact for fine wrinkling, tactile roughness” and different factors.
How can I add vitamin C to my skin care routine?
Already have a solid skin care routine? Add a Serum for men and women with Vitamin C and Hyaluronic Acid and for even higher results. This is often an important part of a whole opposing aging routine for men. 
How will it work
Each night before bed, cleanse your face with the simplest face wash for men. Then, apply Best Vitamin C Serum. Permit it to soak in, penetrating the deepest layers of your skin. That’s wherever it'll promote albuminoid production and have the simplest effects.
Once your skin has dried, apply associate degree opposing aging cream for men to lock in wet and enhance your results.
You can’t travel back in time to the times once you had younger skin. however, you'll be able to considerably curtail - and even reverse - some components of the aging method because of the skin care edges of vitamin C.
The FAQ's
Que 1. How does vitamin c serum smell on face
Ans. It could be a common thought that vitamin could be smell like medicine on our face or like a hospital, but it's not true. It has a pleasant aromatic fragrance.
Que 2. Can we add a few drops of Vit E in it and apply on skin as ascorbic acid might be a bit harsh on sensitive skin??
Ans. Yes, you can add a few drops of Vitamin E while applying Vitamin C Serum.
Two age-reducing vitamins ~ C and E. Vitamins are a powerful antioxidant, they may be offering their benefits through effects that are very distinct from antioxidation. Taking vitamins C and E help keep your cardiovascular system healthy by reducing the amount of harmful buildup on the walls of your arteries.
Que 3. Can one use this in pregnancy?
Ans. No, I would not recommend using it in pregnancy. Please consult a dermatologist before using it.
Que 5. I have dry skin, should I use vitamin c serum on the face?
Ans. Our body is made up of water and to maintain beautiful skin it’s important to make it moist. Vitamin C Serum is Best for that.
Helps the skin retain moisture by skin grow ceramide protection which helps retain moisture. Dermatologist recommends Niacinamide if you have eczema or mature skin.
Yes, it can be used on dry skin.
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saundaryasansar · 5 years
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#drsheths #antipollutionduo Another skincare product today.. Brand- Dr. Sheths Again proud to say...an Indian brand with products for ukated specially for Indian skin and that too from trusted team of cosmetologists. Obviously an harmless composition sans chemicals. I have been using their peel and mask since long and pretty impressed so the new launch was a must try... 1. Anti pollution Day Serum Simple glass bottle dropper packaging. 30 ml for 950. Basically meant to protect, calm and repair against harmful effects of radiation and pollutants. Thick transparent gel which becomes a task to extract with dropper at times. Should have been a pump. Easily spreads and absorbed in damp skin. I usually layer it after my serum. This won't replace any of your routine products like moisturiser, cream or serum but an addition to boost your sunscreen. Of course helps in skin repair as I could feel this in past few days. 2. Cica & Ceramide Repair serum- Again simple glass bottle with pump. 30 ml for 950. Thick white cream which has nice mild fragrance just to fade soon. Is meant basically for skin repair overnight. Actives like squalene, niacinamide, hemp and marula oil not only repairs but helps brightens skin too. Can layer with your night routine Products. Just add gap for absorption. It is again an addition but replacement for any of your night creams or serums. A booster to repair your skin. I am yet to observe its effects but not side effects so far on my combi acne prone skin. Will post a detailed review after few more weeks of observation. #indianbeautyproducts #indianskincareproducts #indianskincare #indianskincareblogger #productreview #productrecommendations (at Indore, India) https://www.instagram.com/p/B05KdW9lfLU/?igshid=vx7obenzutva
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kolkatas · 7 years
current skincare routine
Problems I want to address:
acne - hormonal & stress
acne scarring
texture (mostly closed comedones)
How I’m addressing them:
hormonal acne (long term)
birth control pills
stress acne (long term)
drinking 6-8 cups of water daily
practicing mindfulness through meditation & journaling
aiming for 8 hours of sleep a night (ha!)
avoiding too much salt and sugar
spot treatments for acne (short term)
sulfur & camphor spot treatment 
tea tree oil (important: must use diluted)
zinc oxide spot treatment
hydrocolloid bandages 
acne scarring
daily sunscreen
vitamin C serum
AHA - glycolic acid
BHA - salicylic acid
everything (besides the sunscreen) in the acne scarring section will directly improve skin texture
hyaluronic acid
honey & royal jelly (also good for acne)
Current routine: (these links are not affiliated, the links for prescription products will lead to info pages)
CeraVe foaming cleanser
Aczone (prescription topical antibiotic for acne) 
CeraVe moisturizing cream
Biore aqua rich sunscreen
Skinfood rose makeup remover
CeraVe foaming cleanser 
Witch Hazel 
Vitamin C serum
Cosrx BHA
tretinoin (prescription topical retinoid for acne)
*****IMPORTANT NOTE: do NOT use all of these actives at the same time, your skin needs to build a tolerance to them! Introduce everything one at a time, and if you start any prescription acne medication, cut them all out and reintroduce them slowly *****
Rose water (just get a bottle of this for $2 at your local Indian grocers lol) - I use this as a facial mist before & after moisturizer
Hada labo lotion
CeraVe moisturizing cream
Spot Treatments
tea tree oil - can usually buy at your local grocery store
mario badescu drying lotion & buffering lotion - these are expensive so look out for sales at your local beauty supply stores!
hydrocolloid bandages - they sell these as acne patches, however they’re just cuts of hydrocolloid dressing - it’s much more economical to buy the bandages instead and cut them yourself! They’re sold in pharmacies as blister bandages
these are the spot treatments that play well with my skin - if they aren’t cutting it for you look into benzoyl peroxide gel. note that if you have sensitive skin it might be too irritating - you can also try a lower percentage
i also put a little extra BHA or Aczone on any problem areas during my routine when I need to
straight up honey makes a wonderful mask! (if you’re sensitive to sticky textures avoid this one) - the link isn’t  to a product, but more info about the benefits
bentonite clay & apple cider vinegar is amazing for controlling oil!
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auurlifescience · 4 years
Nowadays, the change in environment we live in had many adverse effects on our body and mind. One of the many problems that we encounter is sensitive skin but do we know about it? How can you tell if you have it? What could you doonce you identify sensitive skin? What skincare ingredients sensitive skin type should use? Do you know about a botanicalherb Cicaa.k.a. Centella Asiatica which has been used forcenturies in traditional Chinese medicine and over the years its popularity spread in the field of skincare product? Lets learn more about sensitive skin and in what ways Cica could help to rejuvenate your skin.
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There are a few core skin-type terms that are used frequently in the skincare world — namely, oily,combination, dry, acne-prone, and sensitive skin. That last one,sensitive skin, is one of those phrases that you hear about all the time, and you might even think you have it, but you’re probably not sure what causes it in the first place or how to properly care for it.
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Sensitive skin is skin that is more reactive type of skin. Sensitive skin is caused by nerve endings in the top layer of skin becoming irritated. This irritation of nerve endings occurs when the natural skin-barrier is weakened or broken down due to triggers.
The potential trigger elements include — wind, sun, heat, or cold — or by topical products. Other potential triggers may be hormones, lack of sleep, and even air pollution. When exposed to one of these triggering elements, sensitive skin may burn or sting, turn red, or otherwise feel very uncomfortable. Sensitive skin is generally more reactive to soaps, detergents, dyes, and fragrances in topical products, and using the wrong ones can result in itchiness, dryness, and reddening too. It could also lead to many underlying skin condition, such as eczema or rosacea, or an allergy, or all three as per the experts.
Apart from these, there are also exits different levels of sensitive skin. For example, there are some people where we can isolate one ingredient or environmental factor — like sweat or hot water — that bothers them and then there are some people where most skin-care products and environmental factors bother their skin.”
According to studies, sensitive skin can generally be divided up into four main types: naturally sensitive, environmentally sensitive, reactive, and thin.
Natural Sensitivity: This one is genetic, and it can be linked to inflammatory skin conditions like eczema, rosacea, and psoriasis.
Environmental Sensitivity: As its name implies, this type of sensitivity is triggered by your environment. Sun exposure, cigarette smoke, air pollution— anything your skin comes into contact with might send it into a stinging, irritated frenzy.
Reactive Sensitivity: This type of skin becomes red and inflamed by skin-care products, resulting in very red, warm and irritated skin and often patients will notice papules or pustules forming where the irritant was placed.
Thin Skin Sensitivity: As we age, our skin naturally becomes thinner, and thinner skin is easier to irritate.
Cica also known as Centella Asiatica, Gotukola, Indian pennywort, or spade leaf  an ancient healing plant is making a comeback in the modern science of preventing skin aging. Centella Asiatica is a botanical herb that grows in temperate and tropical swampy areas in many different parts of the world, including India, Sri Lanka, China, South Africa, Mexico, and others.
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Centella asiatica or Cica is rich in amino acids, beta carotene, fatty acids,and numerous potent phytochemicals, including Vitamins C, A, B1, and B2.What do all these do? Well, together elements have the ability to stimulate collagen production because they are packed with antioxidants,which give skin an antimicrobial boost and provide anti-inflammatorybenefits, so, if you’re looking to firm, repair, or soothe skin, or even combat breakouts, these ingredients can be effective.
Cica extracts have been found to calm inflammation, speed wound healing, stimulate new cell growth, build collagen, and improve blood circulation resulting to improved and stronger skin-barrier. In traditional medicine, Centella Asiatica has also been used as a skin remedy for a variety of skin ailments, from the mildest ones all the way upto leprosy. It is also said to have a revitalizing effect on the nerves and brain cells and to help with emotional disorders.
The main active constituents of Cica are saponins known as asiaticosides, which are unique to the plant have soothing and healing properties, and anecdotally.
Studies and preliminary research shows, Cica has some incredible benefits to the skin, especially of those with sensitive skin.
It seems as though there are two ways in which Cica extract isbeneficial to those with sensitive skin that can be red, inflamed,irritated, or itchy. The first are the astringent properties of the tannins, which help fight inflammation to reduce swelling, and control itching and pain. According to the reports, using productswith Centella or Cica extract reduced the visible signs of sensitivityin their skin significantly and has also helped with other symptomslike itching or burning.
The second way, in which Cica is beneficial to those with sensitiveskin, is through healing and regeneration. This happens thanks to the asiaticosides in the centella asiatica extract — especially made cassoside, which is often synthesized from centella asiaticaand used on its own. Made cassoside seems to have a re generating effect on compromised skin, which can help speed up the healing of damage caused by irritation or inflammation.
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Cica extract contains a lot of flavonoids, which are the same kindsof antioxidants found in green tea. As antioxidants, flavonoids canhelp neutralize the free radical damage caused by the sun and pollution exposure, leading to more rapid cell death. The result of this damage is known as extrinsic aging, meaning signs of aging caused by environmental factors rather than genetics. Centellaasiatica is a great ingredient for helping to stave off signs of aging,especially if you have sensitive skin.
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According to the experts, it is always advised to look out for the products that has the ability to maintain and nourish our natural skin-barrier. The products which contains ingredients such as glycerine, hyaluronic acid,and shea butter are humectants and emollients that draw and seal inmoisture, and ceramides and fatty acids will replenish your lipid bilayer.
Scientists and researchers at Priveda combined these super beneficial &rejuvenating properties of Cica with nourishing properties of shea butter,aloe vera, coconut water powder, glycerine, hyaluronic acid etc. to create CICA NIGHT CREAM.
AUUR LIFESCIENCE PRIVATE LIMITED is an e-Commerce company and oneof the leading manufacturer and supplier of health and personal careproducts based on ancient ayurvedic practices and modern scientificresearch under the brand name Priveda.
Privada’s mission is to deliver safe, natural and high-quality products to the customers for a better & healthier tomorrow
Cica Night Cream by Priveda, is a lightweight and easy to use cream which dissolves luxuriously with the skin because of the high moisturizing effect of the cream. Cica along with natural or ayurvedic ingredients like shea butter, coconut water powder, aloe vera etc. effortlessly works tomake up for the loss of skin nutrients and effectively restores skin’snatural protective barrier. This luxurious creme seamlessly envelops the skin, nurtures and repairs it while you sleep to promote a silky-smoothskin texture by morning. It visibly improves the skin texture making its moother and softer, while helping it fight against any environmental aggressors.
The presence of vitamin B3 and Vitamin C ensures enough supplements are provided for skin health removing radical damages overnight on application. Aloe Vera present in the night cream also heals the skin and makes it soft
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Due to the presence of Cica a.k.a. Centella Asiatica, this night cream is ideal for removing pigmentation, fine lines, wrinkles and other signs of aging by treating the excess dead skin in our body. Along with repairing the dead skin, the cream also rejuvenates the skin for the next day. There are many nutrients like Glycerine, hyaluronic acid etc. in the product with protects and heals the skin.
Most of the anti-aging creams contains retinol which might have harmful effects on the skin like flakiness, dryness and even some breakouts. Cica is a natural source of anti-aging ingredients along with moisturizing & healing effects keeping skin good and proactive to the environmental conditions.
Priveda with its Cica Night Cream makes it easier to for the people who are looking out for a ‘miracle’ ingredients for their skin type.
Hurry up and choose the new botanical way of treating your skin with Rejuvenating Cica Night Cream by Priveda.
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Our skin doesn’t act the same at night as it does during the day. During the day, our skin plays a defensive role, protecting itself from UV rays, pollution, weather conditions and bacterial growth. When we’re asleep, the skin is also active, working to repair the damage caused during the day and regenerating itself.
Before going to bed at night, first remove all the makeup from the skin, cleanse and scrubbed it then apply the night cream. Apply the cream to your entire face, with the exception of your eyelids and eye contour area to avoid them swelling up.
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the-empress-7 · 3 years
"I've tried a lot of good products like neutrogena, re'equil and yet none of that has helped so far. I have even used coconut oil for about a year " I am assuming you are Indian. Use the neutrogena acne face wash with 2% salicylic acid (BHA) follow with Nivea cream ( white dabba in summer blue one in winter) it has ceramides that will hydrate and fix the skin barrier. Do this at night at least one hour before bed. Most skincare gets on pillow coz people apply and then sleep.
Thank you!
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