#Information Hub
webslingerx · 6 months
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A independent, crossover friendly, mutuals exclusive and selective roleplay blog for Spider-Man/Peter Parker based solely on the Insomniac game series and with slight canon divergent themes present! Blog is officially Medium/Low activity! NSFW themes MAY occur! Blog is 18+ only! Blog IS multi-ship! Underage blogs and ageless blogs will be blocked swiftly! Any and all information can be found below! ⬇️
Established 1-2-2024❤️
Rules and general information
All tags and cw tags Pinterest board Promo post Shipping call Important blog connections Verses interaction post permanent starter call
Other blogs: @tunedradio (Hazbin Hotel/Alastor)
*Header is completely mine | promo pictures were created for me by: @hauntedreality 💙 personals may follow and like posts but PLEASE don’t reblog anything of mine such as asks or threads.
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memento-mortuorum · 1 year
Information Hub
Desperate to survive, and hellbent on vengeance, a mortally wounded Dr. William Birkin injects himself with the fruits of his dedicated-- nay obsessive labor. The G virus was flawed however, while healing his injuries as expected, it quickly began to mutate out of control as the virus began to take over both his body and mind... Survival was not something thought possible, but at great cost the impossible can be achieved...
8 years later, William works alongside Rebecca Chambers as a fellow researcher, seeking to unlock the secrets of the recently discovered uroboros virus coming in from Africa. While the higher ups aren’t particularly thrilled about having William remotely anywhere near a virology lab, let alone out of prison, they’re well aware he’s likely the only man who has any chance of helping them with a breakthrough.
This Au primarily focuses on William Birkin and the hypothetical thought ‘what if Birkin had somehow managed to survive the G virus?’. While set primarily between the 4th and 5th Resident Evil games, prior events both before and during the Raccoon City infection may be explored. Similarly, other characters and their relations, such as Hunk and Kevin Ryman, may also be explored.
More information including tags and character information can be found under the ‘keep reading’.
#Memento-Mortuorum - Blog tag, functions primarily so others can find it by using the tumblr search.
#Unlikely Survival Au - Au tag, this is the tag that content relating to the au will be tagged under.
#My Creation - The art tag! This is where artwork goes.
#Radio Noise - Ooc / mun speaking tag, generally used for misc. posts in which I may begin to just ramble about things whether it be updates, off topic chatter, or headcanon word vomit.
#Incoming Transmission - the ask tag, this tag will be used whenever an ask is answered.
#Character Profiles; [ character name ] - A tag used specifically for various posts involving a characters profile; headcanons, and various other tidbits of information. In play, it would look something like #Character Profiles; Rebecca Chambers.
#Resident Evil - Tag merely identifying what fandom / media the content relates to. Self explanatory, but here because somebody is ultimately going to ask.
Character Tags - Character tags will be used to identify and track various characters. All character tags will be labeled as the characters name; I.E anything involving Leon would be tagged using the tag #Leon S. Kennedy, William under #William Birkin, Hunk under #Hunk, etc. There may be small exceptions to this when dealing to specific groups of characters like the various USS squads in which case they’ll be tagged under something akin to #USS Alpha Team.
Other tags may be needed over time should the need arise.
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“well I don’t read/watch the news bc they arent objective and have a clear agenda” as opposed to where. where can you get pure, unbiased news from. unsourced posts on tumblr? infographics on instagram? highschoolers on twitter? facebook? tiktok? be serious.
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paranormeow7 · 2 months
in the midst of getting all of our news and opinions and information in general from social media so many people online have forgotten that it’s the wild fucking west and literally anyone can just lie and say they’re a doctor and that drinking bleach is good for you. I’ve been seeing so fucking many warning posts along the lines of “sometimes people online lie!! reminder that people online can pretend to be someone else and spread false information!!” like yeah I thought this was common knowledge. we as a society need to realize that the internet is not always a reliable source of information, and that the people on here hide behind a shroud of anonymity, allowing them to genuinely be anyone. do not trust xxboyslutxx on TikTok with how to treat your crippling acid reflux or lose 10 pounds or whatever. check your sources or read a book at your local library
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onemillionfurries · 7 months
discord should have a limit on how many people can join a server, and that limit should be super low at like 30.
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idrellegames · 2 years
i know you mentioned certain criteria to check on our ep 2 file before going into ep 3 in the future after the update, do you have a link to that post/could I DM asking?? 😅
Patch notes are available at the bottom of Wayfarer's itch page! It's the best place to get the full overview. This is the one you're looking for, but you may also want to bookmark the dev log page (which will list all of them).
The most important notes regarding continuity and saves are also available in-game from the main menu or the bottom of the credits page:
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bcdwclves · 1 year
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"I entertained a small number of working gals when I was still alive, though they were mainly used for information gathering, and in exchange, they'd be given a little bit extra on the side for all the work they did for me."
"If you want to split hairs, you could feasibly have called me a Sugar Daddy. The entertainment business was miiiighty competitive back then."
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irregodless · 1 year
nintendo really said were going to give you nothing 💚💖
money now please
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twiceasmanysunbeams · 2 years
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The Deadpan Snarker exists to deflate pomposity, point out the unlikelihood of certain plans, and deliver funny lines. Typically a Deadpan Snarker is the most cynical supporting character. In most cases, it is implied that the snarker would make a good leader, strategist, or consultant given their ability to instantly see the flaws in a constructed plan. More often than not, their innate snarkiness is the only thing preventing the other characters from comprehending this for themselves. In other cases, the Deadpan Snarker resorts to sarcasm because they're the Only Sane (Wo)man.
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twelverriver · 11 months
Is it necessary to watch all the mission impossible movies or could someone just start with the first one Rebecca's in?
HI ANON GREAT QUESTION !!! i personally started with rogue nation, the first one she's in and i had no problems understanding anything. also starting with rogue nation is a great idea because in my expert opinion it is the best mission movie so you immediately get the best of the best!! and she's soo gorgeous and badass and amazing in it oh my god !!! so yeah, it is totally fine to start with mi5, rogue nation !!
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pygmalionist · 7 months
discord is an abhorrent platform to have any significant amount of information on. even if you have pinned posts or utilize the forums part of community servers, nobody reads them and asks the same questions ad nauseum. its horrible. im never doing that again
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happywitch416 · 1 year
My kiddo wanted me to paint his nails, red because its his favorite color. I had a choice, warn him ahead of time that people can be absolute assholes about boys wearing nail polish or let him figure that out on his own.
I told him.
He got the most offended look and said "but, mama, I dont give a shit?"
I have never been more proud in my life, possibly, and it did my gothpunk heart good.
It's definitely a good day for Moose-isms because he got home from school with "my head hurts and I want god to die".
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antstarion · 2 years
nate i am begging u to stop reblogging from me with apocalypse tags. b e g g i n g
but all your posts are apocamarc core or apocalypse core, I can't help it🥺
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faerociousbeast · 1 year
oh hey i wasnt paying attention thr first time but im rereading the prologue and blonde and blue actually interact a fair bit
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oh2e · 2 years
I was suddenly struck by the question of language - it's frequently stated that the Irish language never recovered from the Famine but Dr James Barry - having left Cork City around 1804 - wouldn't have been impacted by that.
Aidan Doyle wrote a fascinating piece on Language and Literacy in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries (published by Cambridge University in 2018). Simply put, his general belief was that everyone bar the very highest and lowest parts of society were bilingual, and even if people couldn't speak both languages they could often understand them. Most people who could read and write did so in English with little being written Irish though what was, was eagerly read much to the disappointment of the Church who were pushing only the Bible.
Dr Barry could write in English before leaving for the UK as demonstrated by the letter he wrote to James Barry RA on behalf of his mother. The Bulkeleys also came from Cork City where a large number of boats docked which suggests that they would have been more likely to know English anyway. But did he know Irish? Is there anything to suggest he didn't?
Several people described Barry as being "Scotch" in appearance and temperament. I wonder if this was at all impacted by his accent or dialect - did Barry improve his English while in Edinburgh and therefore pick up a Scottish accent and turn of phrase? Or did people mistake his Cork accent and Irish for a Scottish one and Gaelic? Did he even know Irish, coming from a family in Cork City where Irish would be less used? I like to think that he did.
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lunod · 2 years
Ngl I kinda hate the homogenous nature of tech now. Site culture used to be a pretty big thing, and sites used to all look different from each other. You picked sites to be on not just for the community but for the drastically different functionalities the site offered from other sites. Now everything has pretty much the same functionalities and site culture has less to do with actual culture and more to do with the platform's method of communication (video vs txt primarily). Phones used to have very different UI depending on the brand AND model and now it all runs together and you mainly choose based on ??????? brand name preference I guess. It just feels disingenuous and obviously caters toward making as much money from as many people as possible.
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