#Islamabad to Doha
paulpingminho · 10 months
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hassam111 · 2 years
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Love your life & care yourself 😊 #photography #photooftheday #model #life #love #instagood #doha #qatar #uae #pakistan #nepal #islamabad (at Mall of Qatar) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgCNlzdMVC5/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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worldglobalatlaswiki · 2 months
¿Cuántos países hay en Asia?
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Si hablamos de países, solo hay 48 países y sus capitales están en Asia. Las naciones Unidas consideran solo 48 países en Asia basado en cultura política, región de origen y su capital.
A continuación, te mostramos la lista de los países y capitales de Asia con su población, ordenados por orden alfabético:
Afganistan (Kabul): 38.930.000
Arabia Saudita (Riad): 34.810.000
Armenia (Ereván): 2.963.000
Azerbaiyán (Bakú): 10.110.000
Bangladés (Daca): 164.700.000
Baréin (Manama): 1.702.000
Birmania/Myanmar (Naipyidó): 54.410.000
Brunéi (Bandar Seri Begawan): 437.483
Bután (Timbu): 771.612
Camboya (Nom Pen): 16.720.000
Catar (Doha): 2.881.000
China (Pekín): 1.403.500.365
Corea del Norte (Pionyang): 25.780.000
Corea del Sur (Seúl): 51.780.000
Emiratos Árabes Unidos (Abu Dabi): 9.890.000
Filipinas (Manila): 109.600.000
Georgia (Tiflis): 3.714.000
India (Nueva Delhi): 1.380.000.000
Indonesia (Yakarta): 273.500.000
Irak (Bagdad): 40.220.000
Irán (Teherán): 83.990.000
Israel (Jerusalén): 9.217.000
Japón (Tokio): 125.800.000
Jordania (Amán): 10.171.480
Kazajistán (Astaná): 18.750.000
Kirguistán (Biskek): 6.592.000
Kuwait (Kuwait): 4.271.000
Laos (Vientián): 7.276.000
Líbano (Beirut): 6.825.000
Malasia (Kuala Lumpur): 32.370.000
Maldivas (Malé): 540.542
Monglolia (Ulán Bator): 1.564.000
Nepal (Katmandú): 29.140.000
Omán (Mascate): 5.107.000
Pakistán (Islamabad): 220.900.000
Chipre (Nicosia):1.260.138
Singapur (Singapur): 5.686.000
Siria (Damasco): 17.500.000
Sri Lanka (Sri Jayawardenapura Kotte): 21.920.000
Tailandia (Bangkok): 69.800.000
Taiwán (Taipéi): 23.570.000
Tayikistán (Dusambé): 9.538.000
Timor Oriental (Dili): 1.318.000
Turquía (Ankara): 84.340.000
Turkmenistán (Asjabad): 6.031.000
Uzbekistán (Taskent): 34.230.000
Vietnam (Hanói): 97.340.000
Yemen (Saná): 29.830.000
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Les 6 continents du monde sont :
L' Afrique
L' Amérique
L' Asie
L' Europe
L' Océanie
L' Antartique.
Afrique du Sud: *Pretoria
Algérie: *Alger
Angola: *Luanda
Bénin: *Porto-Novo
Botswana: *Gaborone
Burkina Faso: *Ouagadougou
Burundi: *Bujumbura
Cameroun: *Yaoundé
Cap-Vert: *Praia
Comores: *Moroni
Congo: *Brazzaville
Côte d'Ivoire: *Yamoussoukro
Djibouti: *Djibouti
Egypte: *Le Caire
Erythrée: *Asmara
Ethiopie: *Addis-Abeba
Gabon: *Libreville
Gambie: *Banjul
Ghana: *Accra
Guinée: *Conakry
Guinée équatoriale *Malabo
Guinée-Bissau: *Bissau
Île Maurice: *Port Louis
Kenya: *Nairobi
Lesotho: *Maseru
Liberia: *Monrovia
Libye: *Tripoli
Madagascar: *Antananarivo
Malawi: *Lilongwe
Mali: *Bamako
Maroc: *Rabat
Mauritanie: *Nouakchott
Mozambique: *Maputo
Namibie: *Windhoek
Niger: *Niamey
Nigeria: *Abuja
Ouganda: *Kampala
République Centrafricaine: *Bangui
République Démocratique du Congo: *Kinshasa
Rwanda: *Kigali
São Tomé et Príncipe: *São Tomé
Sénégal: *Dakar
Seychelles: *Victoria
Sierra Leone: *Freetown
Somalie: *Mogadiscio
Soudan: *Khartoum
Soudan du Sud: *Djouba
Swaziland: *Mbabane
Tanzanie: Dodoma
Tchad: *N'Djamena
Togo: *Lomé
Tunisie: *Tunis
Zambie: *Lusaka
Zimbabwe: *Harare
Antigua-et-Barbuda *Saint John's
Argentine *Buenos Aires
Bahamas *Nassau
Barbade *Bridgetown
Belize *Belmopan
Bolivie *Sucre
Brésil *Brasilia
Canada *Ottawa
Chili *Santiago
Colombie *Bogota
Costa Rica *San José
Cuba *La Havane
Dominique *Roseau
Equateur *Quito
Etats-Unis *Washington
Grenade *Saint George's
Guatemala *Guatemala
Guyana *Georgetown
Haïti *Port-au-Prince
Honduras *Tegucigalpa
Jamaïque *Kingston
Mexique *Mexico
Nicaragua *Managua
Panama *Panama
Paraguay *Asunción
Pérou *Lima
République Dominicaine *Saint-Domingue
Saint-Kitts-et-Nevis *Basseterre
Saint-Vincent-et-les-Grenadines *Kingstown
Sainte-Lucie *Castries
Salvador *San Salvador
Suriname *Paramaribo
Trinité-et-Tobago *Port of Spain
Uruguay *Montevideo
Venezuela *Caracas
Afghanistan *Kaboul
Arabie Saoudite *Riyad
Arménie *Erevan
Azerbaïdjan *Bakou
Bahreïn *Manama
Bangladesh *Dacca
Bhoutan *Thimbu
Birmanie *Naypyidaw
Brunei Bandar Seri *Begawan
Cambodge *Phnom Penh
Chine *Pékin
Corée du Nord *Pyongyang
Corée du Sud *Séoul
Emirats Arabes Unis *Abu Dhabi
Géorgie *Tbilissi
Inde *New Delhi
Indonésie *Jakarta
Irak *Bagdad
Iran *Téhéran
Israël *Jérusalem
Japon *Tokyo
Jordanie *Amman
Kazakhstan *Astana
Kirghizistan *Bichkek
Koweït *Koweït
Laos *Vientiane
Liban *Beyrouth
Malaisie *Kuala Lumpur
Maldives *Malé
Mongolie *Oulan-Bator
Népal *Katmandou
Oman *Mascate
Ouzbékistan *Tachkent
Pakistan *Islamabad
Palestine *Jérusalem-Est
Philippines Manille
Qatar *Doha
Singapour *Singapour
Sri Lanka Sri ayawardenapura
Syrie *Damas
Tadjikistan *Douchanbe
Taïwan *Taipei*
Timor-Oriental *Dili
Thaïlande *Bangkok
Turkménistan *Achgabat
Turquie *Ankara
Viêt Nam *Hanoï
Yémen *Sanaa
Albanie *Tirana
Albanie * Tirana
Allemagne *Berlin
Andorre *Andorre-la-Vieille
Autriche *Vienne
Belgique *Bruxelles
Biélorussie *Minsk
Bosnie-Herzégovine *Sarajevo
Bulgarie *Sofia
Chypre *Nicosie
Croatie *Zagreb
Danemark *Copenhague
Espagne *Madrid
Estonie *Tallinn
Finlande *Helsinki
France *Paris
Grèce *Athènes
Hongrie *Budapest
Irlande *Dublin
Islande *Reykjavik
Italie *Rome
Kosovo *Pristina
Lettonie *Riga
Liechtenstein *Vaduz
Lituanie *Vilnius
Luxembourg *Luxembourg
Macédoine *Skopje
Malte *La Valette
Moldavie *Chisinau
Monaco *Monaco
Monténégro *Podgorica
Norvège *Oslo
Pays-Bas *Amsterdam
Pologne *Varsovie
Portugal *Lisbonne
République Tchèque *Prague
Roumanie *Bucarest
Royaume-Uni *Londres
Russie *Moscou
Saint-Marin *Saint-Marin
Serbie *Belgrade
Slovaquie *Bratislava
Slovénie *Ljubljana
Suède *Stockholm
Suisse *Berne
Ukraine *Kiev
Vatican *Vatican
Australie *Canberra
Fidji *Suva
Kiribati *Tarawa
Marshall *Majuro
Micronésie *Palikir
Nauru *Yaren
Nouvelle-Zélande *Wellington
Palaos *Melekeok
Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée *Port Moresby
Salomon *Honiara
Samoa *Apia
Tonga *Nukualofa
Tuvalu *Fanafuti
Vanuatu *Port-Vila
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negirahul9090 · 1 year
Here is a list of country names along with their capitals:
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Country    -   capital
Afghanistan - Kabul
Albania - Tirana
Algeria - Algiers
Andorra - Andorra la Vella
Angola - Luanda
Antigua and Barbuda - St. John's
Argentina - Buenos Aires
Armenia - Yerevan
Australia - Canberra
Austria - Vienna
Azerbaijan - Baku
Bahamas - Nassau
Bahrain - Manama
Bangladesh - Dhaka
Barbados - Bridgetown
Belarus - Minsk
Belgium - Brussels
Belize - Belmopan
Benin - Porto-Novo
Bhutan - Thimphu
Bolivia - La Paz (administrative capital), Sucre (constitutional capital)
Bosnia and Herzegovina - Sarajevo
Botswana - Gaborone
Brazil - Brasília
Brunei - Bandar Seri Begawan
Bulgaria - Sofia
Burkina Faso - Ouagadougou
Burundi - Bujumbura
Cabo Verde - Praia
Cambodia - Phnom Penh
Cameroon - Yaoundé
Canada - Ottawa
Central African Republic - Bangui
Chad - N'Djamena
Chile - Santiago
China - Beijing
Colombia - Bogotá
Comoros - Moroni
Congo (Democratic Republic of the) - Kinshasa
Congo (Republic of the) - Brazzaville
Costa Rica - San José
Croatia - Zagreb
Cuba - Havana
Cyprus - Nicosia
Czech Republic - Prague
Denmark - Copenhagen
Djibouti - Djibouti
Dominica - Roseau
Dominican Republic - Santo Domingo
East Timor - Dili
Ecuador - Quito
Egypt - Cairo
El Salvador - San Salvador
Equatorial Guinea - Malabo
Eritrea - Asmara
Estonia - Tallinn
Eswatini - Mbabane (administrative), Lobamba (royal and legislative)
Ethiopia - Addis Ababa
Fiji - Suva
Finland - Helsinki
France - Paris
Gabon - Libreville
Gambia - Banjul
Georgia - Tbilisi
Germany - Berlin
Ghana - Accra
Greece - Athens
Grenada - St. George's
Guatemala - Guatemala City
Guinea - Conakry
Guinea-Bissau - Bissau
Guyana - Georgetown
Haiti - Port-au-Prince
Honduras - Tegucigalpa
Hungary - Budapest
Iceland - Reykjavik
India - New Delhi
Indonesia - Jakarta
Iran - Tehran
Iraq - Baghdad
Ireland - Dublin
Israel - Jerusalem
Italy - Rome
Jamaica - Kingston
Japan - Tokyo
Jordan - Amman
Kazakhstan - Nur-Sultan
Kenya - Nairobi
Kiribati - South Tarawa
Korea (North) - Pyongyang
Korea (South) - Seoul
Kosovo - Pristina
Kuwait - Kuwait City
Kyrgyzstan - Bishkek
Laos - Vientiane
Latvia - Riga
Lebanon - Beirut
Lesotho - Maseru
Liberia - Monrovia
Libya - Tripoli
Liechtenstein - Vaduz
Lithuania - Vilnius
Luxembourg - Luxembourg City
Madagascar - Antananarivo
Malawi - Lilongwe
Malaysia - Kuala Lumpur
Maldives - Male
Mali - Bamako
Malta - Valletta
Marshall Islands - Majuro
Mauritania - Nouakchott
Mauritius - Port Louis
Mexico - Mexico City
Micronesia - Palikir
Moldova - Chisinau
Monaco - Monaco
Mongolia - Ulaanbaatar
Montenegro - Podgorica
Morocco - Rabat
Mozambique - Maputo
Myanmar (Burma) - Naypyidaw
Namibia - Windhoek
Nauru - Yaren
Nepal - Kathmandu
Netherlands - Amsterdam (capital), The Hague (seat of government)
New Zealand - Wellington
Nicaragua - Managua
Niger - Niamey
Nigeria - Abuja
North Macedonia - Skopje
Norway - Oslo
Oman - Muscat
Pakistan - Islamabad
Palau - Ngerulmud
Panama - Panama City
Papua New Guinea - Port Moresby
Paraguay - Asunción
Peru - Lima
Philippines - Manila
Poland - Warsaw
Portugal - Lisbon
Qatar - Doha
Romania - Bucharest
Russia - Moscow
Rwanda - Kigali
Saint Kitts and Nevis - Basseterre
Saint Lucia - Castries
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines - Kingstown
Samoa - Apia
San Marino - San Marino
Sao Tome and Principe - Sao Tome
Saudi Arabia - Riyadh
Senegal - Dakar
Serbia - Belgrade
Seychelles - Victoria
Sierra Leone - Freetown
Singapore - Singapore
Slovakia - Bratislava
Slovenia - Ljubljana
Solomon Islands - Honiara
Somalia - Mogadishu
South Africa - Pretoria (administrative), Cape Town (legislative), Bloemfontein (judicial)
South Sudan - Juba
Spain - Madrid
Sri Lanka - Colombo (executive), Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte (legislative)
Sudan - Khartoum
Suriname - Paramaribo
Sweden - Stockholm
Switzerland - Bern
Syria - Damascus
Taiwan - Taipei
Tajikistan - Dushanbe
Tanzania - Dodoma
Thailand - Bangkok
Togo - Lomé
Tonga - Nuku'alofa
Trinidad and Tobago - Port of Spain
Tunisia - Tunis
Turkey - Ankara
Turkmenistan - Ashgabat
Tuvalu - Funafuti
Uganda - Kampala
Ukraine - Kyiv
United Arab Emirates - Abu Dhabi
United Kingdom - London
United States - Washington, D.C.
Uruguay - Montevideo
Uzbekistan - Tashkent
Vanuatu - Port Vila
Vatican City - Vatican City
Venezuela - Caracas
Vietnam - Hanoi
Yemen - Sana'a
Zambia - Lusaka
Zimbabwe - Harare
Abkhazia - Sukhumi
Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh) - Stepanakert
Cook Islands - Avarua
Kosovo - Pristina
Niue - Alofi
Northern Cyprus - North Nicosia
Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic - El Aaiún
Somaliland - Hargeisa
South Ossetia - Tskhinvali
Transnistria - Tiraspol
Catalonia - Barcelona
Kurdistan - Erbil
Scotland - Edinburgh
Tibet - Lhasa
West Papua - Manokwari
Please note that the status and recognition of some of these regions may vary, and they may not be universally recognized as independent countries or have widespread international recognition.
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5gdiginews · 25 days
Under Secretary Bass Travel to Qatar and Pakistan - United States Department of State
Acting Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs John Bass will visit Qatar and Pakistan on April 26-30. In Doha, Qatar, he will meet with senior government officials from Qatar and other diplomatic missions to discuss support for Afghanistan and shared security interests in the region. In Islamabad, Pakistan, Under Secretary Bass will meet with senior Pakistani government officials to…
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theitinerantchap · 6 months
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realtor4pak · 1 year
Blue World City Balloting Got Delayed
In this video, we have shared information about Blue world city Islamabad. Blue World City Balloting Got Delayed | Ramzan Ballot Updates | Low-Cost Plots on Installments
#realtor4pak #blueworldcity #waterfront #waterfrontdistrict #waterfrontblock  #GeneralBlock #OverseasBlock #AwamiBlock #islamabad #bhimber #balloting #Shoaibakhtar #brettlee #shanewatson #sureshraina #shahidafridi #mohammadhafeez #misbahulhaq #shoaibakhtarenclave
Blue World City administration has recently introduced a new residential block in the society, namely Shoaib Akhtar Enclave, in an event in Doha, Qatar, in the presence of various successful realtors and famous sports personalities. Blue World City Shoaib Akhtar Enclave will feature world-class amenities, sports facilities, and a vast dedicated commercial sector. You can book your desired Shoaib Akhtar Enclave villas of 6 Marla, 8 Marla, 1 Kanal, and 2 Kanal on affordable payment plans. So, take advantage of this golden investment opportunity to reap maximum profits.
Blue World City, the flagship project of BGC-IGC Consortium, is a Pak China Friendly City. Adjacent to the Lahore-Islamabad Motorway (M2), on the CPEC route, at a 20-minute drive from New Islamabad International Airport, Blue World City is Pakistan’s first-ever world-class tourist destination within an international standard master-planned lifestyle community.
Blue World City has many sectors / blocks / districts as listed below: ✅ General Block ✅ Overseas Block ✅ Sports Valley ✅ Waterfront District ✅ Hollywood Block ✅ Awami Block ✅ Awami Residential Complex ✅ Blue Hills Country Farms ✅ Blue World Trade Center ✅ Blue Town with Smart City Features ________________________________________________________________________ ABOUT REALTOR4PAK - REAL ESTATE CONSULTANTS IN ISLAMABAD:
REALTOR4PAK care for their clients, after day and night struggle, REALTOR4PAK produces the informative video for their viewers and clients.
We understand that real estate investment in Pakistan is one of the major decisions in life, which one would ever make. So, we care about it. Therefore, REALTOR4PAK considers providing the best real estate consultancy services to our honorable clients.
Realtor4pak Offers Following Real Estate Projects: ✅ Blue World City ✅ Kingdom Valley Islamabad ✅ Park View City ✅ 7 Wonder City ✅ Khyber City Burhan ✅ Capital Smart City ✅ + Many More
Realtor4pak working for different categories in different areas, you can plan your investment for following categories;
✅ Plots ✅ Flats ✅ Shops ✅ Apartment ✅ Farm houses ✅ Villas ✅ Residential & Commercial Plots ✅ + Many more ________________________________________________________________________ FOR BOOKING AND MORE DETAILS, CONTACT US ON THE GIVEN NUMBER OR CONNECT WITH US ON SOCIAL MEDIA:
✅ ISLAMABAD CONTACT: Sulman Yousaf | CEO Realtor4pak Call or WhatsApp: +92-346-4201552 Office Address: Rizwan Center, 1st Floor, Blue Area, Islamabad
✅ KHARIAN OFFICE CONTACT: Hamza Yousaf | Real Estate Advisor / Consultant Call or WhatsApp: +92-301-8108662 / +92-349-4999904
✅ BHIMBER AZAD KASHMIR CONTACT: Hamza Yousaf | Real Estate Advisor / Consultant Call or WhatsApp: +92-301-8108662 / +92-349-4999904 Office Address: Ward # 3, Near Ibrahim Mosque, DC Office Road Bhimber Azad Kashmir
FOR COMPLAINTS EMAIL AT: Email Us: [email protected] _________________________________________________________________________ DON’T FORGET TO FOLLOW US: Instagram: https://instagram.com/realtor4pak/ Facebook: https://facebook.com/realtor4pak/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/realtor4pak/ LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/realtor4pak/ ________________________________________________________________________ DISCLAIMER: This video contains reliable information advocated by "REALTOR4PAK" however, it cannot be guaranteed as accurate in terms of opinion, investment, and planning. The buyer should verify the information by himself before taking any action. This video is for information/education purpose (only based on personal opinion) and cannot be substituted for any advice.
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spitonews · 1 year
Indias Passenger Plane Leaves For Doha After medical Emergency Landing At JIAP
ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News – 13th Mar, 2023 ) :A passenger plane of India made a ‘medical emergency’ landing at the Jinnah International Airport (JIAP) Karachi at 0012 hours on Monday and left for its destination, Doha (Qatar), after around a four-hour stopover. The pilot of a Doha-bound Air Indigo flight, which took off from Delhi, was 16 nautical miles east of Panjgur…
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paulpingminho · 10 months
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jmwilson1 · 1 year
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Arrived in Islamabad. Exhausted but this kind gentleman with the magnificent headdress, my seat mate from Doha to Islamabad, explained everything I need to know about visiting Pakistan 🇵🇰. (at New Islamabad International Airport) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnpvDmFpy89/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ssdmaurice · 1 year
+27640409447 BUY PURE 99% SSD CHEMICAL SOLUTION&ACTIVATION POWDER+27640409447 IN DUBAI, RIYADH, AMMAN, ISLAMABAD JAKARTA, , ABU DHABI, ANKARA, NUR-SULTAN, BAGHDAD, BAKU, BANGKOK, BEIJING, BEIRUT, BISHKEK, DAMASCUS, DHAKA, DOHA, HANOI, JERUSALEM, KABUL, KATHMANDU, KUALA LUMPUR, KUWAIT CITY, MALE, MANILA, MOSCOW, MUSCAT, NEW DELHI, PHNOM PENH, PYONGYANG, SANAA, SEOUL, SINGAPORE, TAIPEI, TASHKENT, TBILLISI, TEHRAN, TOKYO, ULAANBAATAR, YEREVAN, VIENTIANE, THIMPHU, NAYPYIDAW, LHASA, DUSHANBE, DILI, COLOMBO, BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN, ASHGABAT. BLACK CLEANING SOLUTION%ACTIVATION POWDER, TEMPERATURE CONTROLLERS ACTIVATION POWDER, BLACK CURRENCY CLEANING MACHINE, BLACK CURRENCY CLEANING, BLACK CLEANING AGENT, CURRENCY CLEANING SOLUTION FOR SALE, GENUINE CURRENCY CLEANING SOLUTIONS, LABORATORY&PARTNERSHIP, CLEANING BLACK CURRENCY FOR COMPANIES BUY PURE 99% SSD CHEMICAL SOLUTION IN Kuwait, Bahrain Cyprus, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Israel, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, Oman, Yemen. BUY PURE 99% SSD CHEMICAL SOLUTION&ACTIVATION POWDER China, India, Indonesia, , Bangladesh, Japan, Philippines, Vietnam, Iran, Thailand, Myanmar, South Korea, Uzbekistan, Malaysia, Yemen, Nepal, North Korea, Sri Lanka, Kazakhstan, Cambodia, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, Israel, Laos, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, , Georgia, Mongolia, Armenia, Timor-Leste, Cyprus, Bhutan, Maldive, Brunei. This is solution for anti-breeze bank notes, designed to remove excess coated substance. This universal solution work better when combine with activation powder. You will be amazed by the power and rapidity of this solution. It is capable of cleaning notes currency with breeze capacity SSD Solution is the main chemical used in cleaning stained and coated currency. It is mainly found in 1 litre, 1,5litre and two litre metal insulated containers. it is necessary to keep it in such SSD Solution is a milky white liquid chemical Compound used in the cleaning and delivproducts to buyers destinations afte notes, ta conhulishemical compound can be enhanced by adding other catalyst oxides and can be diluted with paste to increase its pool of cleaning, to increase the number of bills you are to clean. We lead the industry in cleaning bank stained currency. We have great Automatic laser V-Q 375 Machines to do the large cleaning and delivery of products to buyers destinations after a consultation fee Countries like, American, united kingdom, Europe, Africa, Middle east And Many More. Black currency cleaning machine suppliers, Full Automatic Curency Cleaning Machine For All Ction fee Countries like, American, united kingdom, Europe, Africa, Middle east And Many More. Black currency cleaning machine suppliers, Full Automatic Curency Cleaning Machine For All Currencies, black money cleaning machine for sale, money cleaning machine price, black dollar cleaning machine for sale, black dollar cleaning machine in india, how to clean black money with vitamin c, how to wash black money, black dollar cleaning chemical formula, Activation powder & ssd solution, Blacrrency, stain adefan d bcleanine ssd chemical solution laboratory contact or call directly on we supply the latest automatic ssd, universal chemicals, activating powders and specialize in cleaning all types of defaced notes, black notes Black currency cleaning material, We sell this Solution used to clean all type of black and any color currency, stain and defaced bank notes with any others equipment being bad. Our technicians are highly qualified and are always ready to handle the cleaning perfectly. Our Chemical is 100% pure. Black currency cleaning chemical We clean all currencies like the Euro, USD, GBP and many other currencies.+27640409447 We are the major SSD solution suppliers in South, Central and North America, Europe and Oceania for black dollar cleaning, black money cleaning chemicals. We have in stock, 100% concentrated SSD solution for sale and our SSD solution price is affordable based on company rates. We are renowned as a worldwide certified manufacturer for SSD solution chemical for sale purposes that provides a quality cleaning solution. We are the largest provider of cleaning chemical solutions which are used for black dollar cleaning chemicals recommended by all the qualified and skilled technicians in cleaning black money Call/Whatsapp: +27640409447 Email [email protected]
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Adelaide TA32
Auckland TA30 TA34
Brisbane TA22 TA28 TA30
Cairns TA42
Christchurch TA36
Melbourne TA2 TA10 TA18 TA24
Nadi TA40
Perth TA8 TA14 TA16
Sydney TA4 TA12 TA20 TA26
Fukuoka TA152 TA156 BD850
Hakodate BD836
Komatsu TA158
Nagoya TA172
Okayama BD814
Okinawa BD830 BD832
Osaka TA118 TA120 TA122 BD810 BD818
Sapporo TA160 BD834 BD890 BD892
Sendai TA128 BD854
Tokyo Haneda TA134 TA136 BD816
Tokyo Narita TA112 TA138 BD800 BD802 BD808 BD898
Busan TA116
Jeju BD812
Seoul Gimpo TA102 TA104 TA110
Seoul Incheon TA100 TA106 TA108 BD840 BD842 BD848 BD896
Beijing Capital TA900 TA902 TA906
Chengdu TA942
Chongqing TA914 TA916
Fuzhou BD174
Guangzhou TA950 BD100
Hangzhou BD188
Hong Kong TA974 TA982 TA992 TA994 TA996 TA998 BD178
Macau BD104
Nanjing BD180
Shanghai Pudong TA926 TA930 TA936 TA948 TA956 TA958 TA988
Shenzhen TA946
Taichung BD172
Taipei TA976 TA978 BD196 BD198
Tianjin BD138
Wuhan BD120
Xiamen TA968
Zhengzhou BD116
Bali TA738 TA744
Bangkok TA746 TA748 TA750 TA752 TA754 TA764
Cebu TA796
Colombo TA744
Da Nang TA768 TA770
Hanoi TA718 TA758
Ho Chi Minh City TA756 TA760 TA762
Jakarta TA750 TA756 TA758 TA764 TA768
Kuala Lumpur TA704 TA708 TA714 TA716 TA730 TA734
Manila TA736 TA738 TA742
Penang TA726 TA732
Phnom Penh TA740 TA778 TA782
Phuket TA776 TA790 TA792 TA794 TA796 TA798
Siem Reap TA784 TA786
Surabaya TA722 TA726 TA728
Ahmedabad TA604
Bengaluru TA608 TA610 TA612
Chennai TA624 TA626 TA628
Colombo TA660 TA662
Dhaka TA644 TA646
Hyderabad TA670 TA672
Islamabad TA678
Kathmandu TA640 TA642
Kochi TA634 TA636
Kolkata TA616
Lahore TA664
Maldives TA630 TA632 TA638
Mumbai TA620 TA622
New Delhi TA602 TA606
Abidjan TA434
Accra TA498
Abu Dhabi TA456
Addis Ababa TA470 TA472
Amman TA414
Bahrain TA476
Cape Town TA468 TA478
Casablanca TA412
Dakar TA408
Dammam TA422
Dar Es Salaam TA484
Doha TA454
Dubai TA494
Jeddah TA496
Johannesburg TA466 TA482
Kilimanjaro Zanzibar TA420
Kuwait TA402
Lagos TA428
Nairobi TA442
Seychelles TA430
Tel Aviv TA488 TA498
Amsterdam TA224 TA230 TA244
Athens TA282 TA290
Barcelona TA278 TA288
Brussels TA204
Copenhagen TA252
Frankfurt TA208 TA226
Istanbul TA292
London TA212 TA218 TA220 TA222
Manchester TA202 TA216
Milan TA256 TA278
Moscow TA262 TA264
Munich TA228
Paris Charles de Gaulle TA232 TA234 TA236
Rome TA266
Stockholm TA260
Vienna TA248 TA254
Zürich TA246 TA274
Atlanta TA804 TA846
Boston TA812 TA838
Chicago TA802 TA806 TA808
Dallas/ Fort Worth TA860
Denver TA842
Detroit TA874
Honolulu TA832 TA834
Houston TA852 TA862 TA868
Los Angeles TA880 TA882 TA884 TA898
Miami TA896
New York TA824 TA826
Newark TA822
San Francisco TA850 TA870 TA872 TA892
Seattle TA828 TA858
Washington DC TA856 TA866
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globalcourant · 2 years
Qatar plans $3B investment in Pakistan as PM Sharif visits Doha
Qatar plans $3B investment in Pakistan as PM Sharif visits Doha
The latest boost came in talks between Qatar’s emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani and Pakistan’s Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif in Doha, as Islamabad tries to shore up its finances in a bid to avoid a default. Qatar Investment Authority aims to invest $3 bln in Pakistan. (AA) The Qatar Investment Authority aims to invest $3 billion in Pakistan, Qatar’s Emiri Diwan has said, lending support to…
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imamsfate-blog · 2 years
Pakistan could provide troops for Qatar World Cup security
Pakistan could provide troops for Qatar World Cup security
Pakistan’s information minister says cabinet has approved draft agreement ahead of PM Sharif’s visit to Doha. Pakistan’s cabinet has approved a draft agreement that allows the government to provide troops for security at the FIFA World Cup in Qatar later this year. A summary outlining the agreement, to be signed between Doha and Islamabad, was approved by the cabinet on Monday, Pakistan’s…
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theeurasianpost · 2 years
PM Shahbaz Sharif to visit Qatar for more LNG supplies
PM Shahbaz Sharif to visit Qatar for more LNG supplies
In this 2014 file photo, Shahbaz Sharif, who was chief minister of Punjab then, is meeting Amir of Qatar Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani. -APP/file ISLAMABAD: After the visit of the army chief to Doha, Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif will soon visit Qatar for relief in LNG supply amid rising price of the product in the global market. The higher military authorities earlier played a…
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