#Jackie Tyler scarred for life
It's not Christmas until someone gets almost murdered by a Christmas tree
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eddysocs · 7 months
It’s Not Right That You Left (Jackie Tyler x OC)
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Summary: Frankie broke a very important promise. Can she make Jackie understand that it was a necessary evil?
Word Count: 553
Warnings: Angst with a hopeful ending, broken promises, loss of trust
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"You were gone. Just vanished. And I was still here, waiting like I always do. You said you wouldn’t leave me, that you’d never leave me. But you did." Here, Jackie's voice broke, and Frankie could see the tears welling up in her eyes. All she wanted to do was rush over and brush them away with her thumb. But she couldn’t, not after what she’d done. She’d made Jackie a promise the night Rose left with the Doctor. They always left her behind, but not Frankie. She swore she wouldn’t.
"I’m so sorry, Jackie. Where I went, I—" Frankie paused, feeling her own eyes begin to form tears. She hastily wiped them away with the back of her hand before continuing. "I couldn’t take you. It was something I needed to resolve on my own. If I had brought you with me, I wouldn’t have been able to protect you."
"And that was your call, was it? Leave poor old Jackie Tyler behind while you go traipsing off to get yourself killed. You didn’t even tell me you’d be gone. And you promised you’d never leave. Guess the only question is, how can I ever trust you again?"
The words hurt Frankie more than she cared to admit. While she may have returned with hardly a scratch on her by the grace of some unknown god, she’d left enough emotional scars for them both by going in the first place. "So you won’t travel with me anymore?"
Jackie made like she was going to reply, but as soon as she opened her mouth, she realized she didn’t know how to answer. Sure, she was pissed at Frankie, and hurt that she’d gone and betrayed her trust, but could she really give it all up and return to her old life? Nothing was that black and white anymore, not since Frankie and the Doctor and this whole time travel business.
"I don’t know," Jackie finally settled on. "I can’t just forget everything we’ve done, everywhere we’ve been. I wouldn’t want to either." A silence grew between them for several moments. "Why couldn’t you just tell me you had to leave? I suppose I’d have understood," Jackie offered.
"I can’t tell you everything, not right now. I thought if I told you, you’d find some way to convince me to take you and believe me when I tell you I could not take that risk."
"What was so bloody dangerous then?"
"An old enemy. He knew I’d been hiding on earth, and I kept waiting for the day he’d come for me. Then Rose brought me around to the flat and I met you. I wasn’t scared of him coming after me, but I was terrified of what he might do to you to get to me. I’m sorry, I should have handled it differently. "Can you find it in your heart to forgive me someday?"
"Can’t promise it’ll be overnight, but yeah, I think I can get past it if you give me a little time."
"You mean it?" Frankie felt like her hearts would both burst. She feared she’d ruined everything. But she was going to fight like hell to get Jackie's trust back since she was giving her the chance to. She’d make it right. She’d make it all right again.
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Forever Tag: @arrthurpendragon, @baubeautyandthegeek, @foxesandmagic, @carmens-garden, @bossyladies, @getawaycardotmp3, @misshiraethsworld, @kmc1989, @curious-kittens-ocs, @fanficanatic-tw
Frankie Wright: @mrsfullbuster500, @freshmoneyalmondathlete, @fxnfandxmmp4, @sweetchaosv
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kayleefanjak · 3 years
It's hard to get far in Fandom without questions of love and sex coming up.
I mean, sure, shipping characters and waiting for a slow burn to pay off can be fun.
Ordinarily I prefer fanfic on the Gen category, or Ace-variant affections.
Since I've been watching Doctor Who, that's of course where I've been thinking about relationships, companionship, love.
I've seen a lot of Meta about 9 and PTSD, being scarred from the War. I can see that in the show - Doctor Who is pretty good at bringing it straight out in Text. (Glee kept so much in sub-text.)
I'd say it's obvious that the Doctor cares about all of his companions. It looks to me like Jackie taught (reminded?) him of his responsibility to watch out for them, to bring them back safe.
I think that sense of responsibility and obligation, it looks a lot like love. You can see it early on with Martha Jones, when he saves her from the star. Taking risks, risking his life to keep his Companion safe.
The text is clear that Martha fancied the Doctor, and he was still dwelling on Rose. So rescuing Martha, saving her life... yes, it is a kind of love. Just, not the romantic kind.
Which brings us back to Rose Tyler. I don't hate her, and by the time of Bad Wolf, she demonstrated a heroism worthy of respect.
Nine, several times, calls humans "stupid apes". The last time, to Rose in Father's Day.
So... I don't think 9 thinks of humans, sexually. I do think he's half in love with Rose after Bad Wolf / by the time he becomes Ten.
And the Rose/Ten relationship does deepen.
Ten is more attracted to humans. Mostly, I think, through their minds. Madame de Pompadour. I could see him doing more than snogging /dancing with her.
The Rose situation, though, is complicated by Mickey. At least through Pete's world.
I, personally, don't ship Rose & Ten as physical, sexual lovers. Not before she's lost. (You do you - ship as you like.) I do think they were heading in that direction.
Martha... again, she had a mind. And, as doctor-in-training, she helped him to remember "bedside manner". To care about humanity, respecting bodies. (Contrast Nine's attitude regarding the Gelth. He didn't understand the human concerns.)
I would call Human Nature / Family of Blood one turning point in Ten's love life. The realization that he can still love, even after Rose.
And then, Silence in the Library / Forest of Books. I don't think he had ever considered a relationship like his & River's could even be possible, what with the Time Lords gone.
But River knows his name. Rose didn't. River gives him a future to look forward to. And, again, I'd say he's half in love with her by the time Forest of Books ends. Intrigued by the mystery, and more.
I think it's Rziver that helps keep Ten in his universe. That allows him to give TenToo to Rose, and let them become a married, consummated couple.
(You do you. My headcanon doesn't see Ten consummating his love for Rose before then.)
And then he goes and marries. Marries Queen Elizabeth I. The text makes it clear that they... did. Both what he tells Ood Sigma,, and what Liz 10 says to Eleven. My best guess is, he loved her intellect.
Eleven, though, shows a lot of squeamishness around human kissing. Even when River first kisses him.
It'll be interesting to watch that develop. She implies, in the Library, that they do.
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bioodorange · 4 years
|| Eyeless Jack Headcanons Part 2 ||
Please enjoy, and check out my pinned post!
Jack went to school at Massachusetts University
As a human Jack had dark brown hair and brown eyes
He's native American
As a child he needed braces and thought it'd be a good idea to take them out, on his own, using pliers
In college most of his time was spent listening to music on a Walkman
The "incident" happened in March of 2012
His birthday is April 23rd, 1990
He was 22 when he became a demon
Jeff, who was 23 when they met, brags that in a way he is older then Jack
Jack considers his best friend Seedeater
There's not many people he's "close" with out of the pastas
He enjoys when the proxies stop by the hospital, it's usually entertaining
Even though he can't see, Jacks handwriting is spot on
His full name is Jackson Tyler Hemerson
His dad is from England
Calling him Jackie unlocks rage mode
Otome dating games scare him
The only human food he can consume is vinegar
When hunting people, he secretly hopes their a fighter
He likes when they run
Breaks about 4 scalpels a week with his huge fuckin hands
Teeth are similar to a sharks, about three uneven rows
Listens to Jazz and Rap music, old school stuff
The only form of modern thing he enjoys are movies
He likes hallmark movies because they're simple and easy to imagine in his head
When he meets someone new, he will wait until they pass out or fall asleep to rub their face and see what they look like
Enjoys the taste of ghost peppers and will occasionally eat them even if they make him sick (he's like the guy who swishes ice cream in his mouth and spits it out so no calories)
Before he turned he was a bit of a hermit
He stayed inside for the most part and lived on campus
His family moved alot growing up so he was used to living small
Did have a shit ton of cash from his minimalist life style
In college he got a group of friends before Jenny and enjoyed setting of firework's, attending drive up movies fun things like that
If hadn't died he would have become a doctor
After working in hospital for a few years he began to wonder about his past
Relying on Ben he pulled up records of his old students, article's of what happened, and listened to news clips
He began internet stalking his classmates and even seeking out the ones he'd known in real life
Then he learned Jenny had survived
Just barely, but she wasn't it'll alive
The woman was thirty nine, half blind and living in a mental institution across the country
That was Jacks new mission
Hunting her down took weeks, snatching her up with getting caught was difficult
And none of it was worth it
The woman was so disoriented, so scarred that nothing he could have done would hurt her
Jack snapped her neck and left her body in the woods to rot
Dozens of bodies turned up-both human and animal, all mutilated and missing organs
For the first time in years the monster had used his hands to kill
From then on he wasn't the same
He was on edge, irritable and hungry
Hungry for something he couldn't have
And then a girl came along
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createherself · 4 years
tell us your favourite quotes from your character. give us an idea of who they are by five things they’ve said. then tag your friends.
“The end of the Earth. It's gone. We were too busy saving ourselves. No one saw it go. All those years, all that history, and no one was even looking. It's just -”
“But, it's like, think about it, though. Christmas. 1860. Happens once, just once and it's gone, it's finished, it'll never happen again. Except for you. You can go back and see days that are dead and gone a hundred thousand sunsets ago. No wonder you never stay still.“
DOCTOR: There's always been a way out. ROSE: Then why don't we use it? DOCTOR: Because I can't guarantee your daughter will be safe. JACKIE: Don't you dare. Whatever it is, don't you dare. DOCTOR: That's the thing. If I don't dare, everyone dies. ROSE: Do it. DOCTOR: You don't even know what it is. You'd just let me? ROSE: Yeah.
DALEK: I can feel so many ideas. So much darkness. Rose, give me orders. Order me to die. ROSE: I can't do that. DALEK: This is not life. This is sickness. I shall not be like you. Order my destruction! Obey! Obey! Obey! ROSE: Do it.
“I looked into the Tardis, and the Tardis looked into me. I am the Bad Wolf. I create myself. I take the words, I scatter them in time and space. A message to lead myself here. / I want you safe. My Doctor. Protected from the false god / You are tiny. I can see the whole of time and space. Every single atom of your existence, and I divide them. Everything must come to dust. All things. Everything dies. The Time War ends. How can I let go of this? I bring life. / But I can. The sun and the moon, the day and night. But why do they hurt? I can see everything. All that is, all that was, all that ever could be...”
BONUS ROUND! quotes from the same episodes or quotes that just couldn’t make the cut
“She saved the world. A servant girl. No one will ever know.“
ROSE: Hello. Are you in pain? My name's Rose Tyler. I've got a friend, he can help. He's called the Doctor. What's your name? DALEK: Yes. ROSE: What? DALEK: I am in pain. They torture me, but still they fear me. Do you fear me? ROSE: No. DALEK: I am dying. ROSE: No, we can help.
DOCTOR: Get out of the way. Rose, get out of the way now! ROSE: No. I won't let you do this. DOCTOR: That thing killed hundreds of people. ROSE: It's not the one pointing the gun at me.
“So come on. The world doesn't end because the Doctor dances.“
ROSE: We just stopped off. We need to refuel. The thing is, Cardiff's got this rift running through the middle of the city. It's invisible, but it's like an earthquake fault between different dimensions. DOCTOR: The rift was healed back in 1869. ROSE: Thanks to a girl named Gwyneth, because these creatures called the Gelth, they were using the rift as a gateway but she saved the world and closed it. JACK: But closing a rift always leaves a scar, and that scar generates energy, harmless to the human race DOCTOR: But perfect for the Tardis, so just park it here for a couple of days right on top of the scar and JACK: Open up the engines, soak up the radiation. ROSE: Like filling her up with petrol and off we go! JACK: Into time! DOCTOR + ROSE + JACK: And space!
tagged by: @forgttntime tagging: anyone who wants to do it, really
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smallgayblanket · 5 years
New/revised/whatever- List of stuff
Egos (Marks/Jacks) that I have written for or at least actually have thought about HCS/other universes for:  (Just some brief rambles about them, please don't hesitate to ask about them :3)
  -Anti,   Two takes really, I like him soft, like him mean, hes just fun to write, plenty of different ways to spin why he acts out, what he is and all that. My current fav way to portray him is a missing piece of Seans soul, which means hes unstable as a ‘person’ (cough, not really a human but not, not human either.)  And how he has static filled blue eyes but usually hides them with the scary emerald green...
-Jameson,  I will always stand by this kinda universe i created with a friend aages ao that Shawn took away Jamesons voice when being puppeteered by an awful ink creature that shares his body.  Giving Jameson a lovely fear of knives, some scars, and some very damaged vocals..
-Crank, Oh my fucking boi, a near dead human spliced with a bunch of robot parts..human skin tangled with wires and a heart incased in metal..hes a right mess, a voice in his head that makes him feel all sorts of bad.. He tries his best..he cries oil,  I hardly get to write  him but I love him.
-Blank, another big fav oi, black hollow eyes..a tendency to faint... My Hc involves him having been in an accident that almost killed him, leaving him with a very rare heart condition. He also has an aura which..kinda ties into him having a few abilities and stuff. 
-Nes.. He started off as my own kinda Ethan ego, basically Ethan who was mistreated and really lost his marbles..hes great for the real twisted messed up kinda stuff, so dependant on others, a minor murderer, and has been eyed off by a certain ice cream driver for quite some time...
-Were eth,  Okay granted this was literally just kinda an idea that..Eth became a were wolf boi, fangs, tail, ears. Hes just a fun lil pupper
-Eden. Succubus Ethan basically, but well, he again kinda turned into his own thing separate from Ethan. He's got a tail and wings, and hes a lovely lithe thing. He doesnt dare do things without consent, just gets a bit touchy-feely when hes gone without any energy for too long. Very wide stunning saphire eyes. 
- Jackie  Oh my lad..Buff, trans, adorable, sweet. I always love tinkering around with how/what powers he has tbh..and like- I’ve always had the hc that his eyes are lilac?? or gold. Depending on things.. and he works either at a comic book store, a gym, or at the counter of a gas station. Gives the best hugs. Also I love AUS where hes a phoniex because of uhm?? Big fucking red wings??? YES.
-Hen, Getting his accent right is tough but other than that I love writing about the tired doctor living off coffee and ignoring himself in favor of others. 
-Chase The fucking best dad, sunshine lad. Running a vlogging channel and doing his best while combatting depression..I hc him to have chronic fatigue so he has to push himself extra hard. but He does well in trying to get better and look after himself and only slips up like any other helpless human. Very fun to write. 
- Robbie.   Sof.t zombie lad. Drown in a sweater. Stutters and is v quiet. Slow with speech. Struggles to see sometimes. Loves soft textures.Loves attention. Overall soft fucking lad.
-KOTS, To mean known as Simon. Actually v smart, big brain, very scattered n shy and nervous and squirrelish. Loves books n plants, loves nature. Red is his best colour. Warm sweaters and nuzzling and cuddling up. I always get torn between him being a hybrid of human/squirrel or just a lovely soft guy. 
-Yan ! My fem nb/trans gal! They’ll kick ass with their katana, have the hots for Bim, and looove Japanese culture and stuff. Very adorable. Loves pink. 10/10 love to write. 
-Technically I do have a muse for Mark, or..idea? I’m thinking about shoving it into my own oc/thing..but basically he got tortured n abused by Authy so hes not quite like the real life markimoo..just a nervous mess whose dealing with his traumas..
-Bing, Skater lad, yellow/orange eyes, sunflower vibes. Tries his best, clumsy as fuck, great for a laugh when hes not cowering under google. 
-Edward iplier,  Gah my doctor lad.. I have a hc that he Lost arm. In fire..or by dark n wilf.  He has heterochromia too!! One cho ceye one blue one. He is a fucking nerd (Minor adhd lets be honest) He fucking loves space and science and space/science related lights. He has a bat plus with spacey wings. He likes reading, likes being clean and is quite a quiet indulger in food which has left him with a big of a softer figure. Super gentle nature..nothing like the arrogant portrayal we got in some videos. 
-Angus   I love this man!!! Part Aussie, part irish, a whole lot of gruff old dad with a soft spot for nice people and animals, has his own big place, next to a large ass forest. Loads of scars. Loves boots and cameo coloured clothing. A lovely guy when you get past the rough edges. 
Aand onto all my ocs as of writing this (cause you name well know I be writing new ones like..all the time.) 
OC’S (My original characters!)
-Jessy, Cowboy-   Choker with gold bell. Lil ears/horns. Spots. Shy but sweet. Hands and feet different colour to rest of skin. Kinda  fur ish feeling rather then just straight-up skin.  Pear shaped figure. Shy lad. Likes to take lots of naps, anxious easily but a big people pleaser too. 
-Ailan and Keros. Moth n butterfly boi.  (Literally just made up with a friend, just a random soft pair of lads tbh nothing too fleshed or spesh)
- Louie - Followed by a dark being/creature/spirit... Yet to determine what else about him, but hes got brown hair, pointed ears and looks lovely in green.
-Quinton  A Hybrid of Demon and Angel otherwise called a Guardian. Quirky, Pan as shit, great dress sense. Extremely calm. Can see auras. Lovely black feathered wings. Bright blue hair.  Kind smile. Works at a little coffee shop in his spare time.
-Ori  Very pure angel boy, previously owned and not very well treated by a god, came crashing down to earth with no memories but his wings intact. Some help him. 
-Lumi  Ghost boy! Died years ago under awful circumstances..now lingers around on earth, sometimes meeting humans who happen to be able to feel or see his presence, he has the ability to make himself solid for short periods of time. 
- Lucio Witchy..dragon soul something or other- Deaf.Paralyzed? In the arms??They might use alot of energy trying to hover around instead of having to use a chair..(I mean how many witches do you see with chairs??).. Although they could not have use of their arms instead, like..paralyzed from the shoulder down- they still have them but theyre effectively useless and easily sore.. (which might make magic really hard, cause theyd have to master it again without their hand gestures.)
- Eztli, Bit of a prick. Basically got cursed to have really weird blood that replished and rejuvinated too fast/too much by a witch he angered. So he turned the curse into a good thing and basically goes out offering himself as a human blood bag for vamps willing to pay in info, items, cash or uh..other services..  
- Gallio Photographer, has hypocalcemia. Haven't really done much else with him tbh.
-Aomi Warlock/witch in training. Downright awful at it. Young and lives in a nice lil cottage outside of the village he was abandoned in.
- Lucas A moonstone gem perma-fusion, he kinda has SPD/DID but he doesn't, cause..hes two gems that became one but not fully. Leaving him to be a bit of a mess and not as strong as other moonstones. 
- Kiyan. A little assistant android!! Created to assist, he can make portals!, He works at a post office. Hes under surveillance by the company that made him and isnt yet aware of many human customs/emotions.. 
- Alex  A very confused, overly optimist Alien who doesn’t know what they are. Come from the planet Eutychia, 4'3. They fucking glow. You know  Kilowatt from space chimps? think that. But hair n freckles and more human and just as  bubbly and energetic. 
-Locus  Mer/Fish boi!  Transparent fins, glowy patches, plays harp + loves music.
-Lir  A Tiny Octopus/Human hybrid lad. Makes little burble and trill noises. Quite harmless. Needs a home. 
Benji (Strawberry shortcake boi- Cursed tape /bandages. Demi half god.? One eye. Uses notes. To communicate but also sign. Really. Good sweets maker)
 Small bois (A collection of tinys because G/T is fucking great okay?)
- Tobias. Literally Made of hair gel. cleary, adorable, aaand Eats soap..amoung other non food items he probably should not ingest but does..
- Hinto  Guy made of foam slime. Very chill n laid back.
- Glowstick bubs. (Alo/aloke -  Green and blue  +  Siro - Yellow n pink.  + Mavi (Vi) Red and silver. + Roxy (Ro) - Orange and  purple )  They’re a cross between glowsticks and lava lamps and its epic- asides the fact they have like.half a brain cell each. Lots of sleeping n lazign around.
- Theo  A tiny ink creature.  A clever little lad, who likes to drawn and write n paint in ink and leave cheeky little black splotches everywhere. A very good writer companion tho. 
- JellyBubs! A collection of tiny sentient jelly babies, hungry lads will raid your cupboards. 
-Miel A tiny little bee boy! Loves flowers <3 
Apocolyse Squad:
The planet Keres,  Left uninhabitable after the invasion that ruined the air and killed almost the entire race.
Sameal o’Ceirin (Being of smoke- partly blind.)
Mallory Thomas (Part cat. Vet, partner to Sam who ends up dying in the canon of their story)
Hamrish Benat  (Hayden. 4 eyes, soft tongue. PTSD. extra tiny heart in wrist. Quite fem/soft. Likes soap cutting vids and stuffed toys/teddies.)
Joshua who cares (An asshole. Staight up. He dies. Fuck him. He sucks ass.)
Andy peters (Strong, kind. Kinda like Tyler shied. Big, tol, but actually pretty soft.)
Adrian  Géarán  (Tail, fire abilities, likes to make little robots. Very weak n has a couple of disabilities that leave him tired n such, which aint great for his esteem or his team when the apoc hits.)
Wyatt ???? ?????????????????
Pace- Nerdy. Finds a cat. Observer for the aliens. Is immune to black goop. 
Four - buff. Scary. Deadly. 
Apocolypse Squad Part 2  Small lads who dont derese to be in danger: 
  -Apep, Naga boi  Legs mutate into a cool tail. Hisses, fangs. Adorable loves the sun. bout 20 years old. 
Chris. Camp leader! Biig dad type, redhead, buff, likes gardening and camping, very outdoorsy. Little awkward but great.
Small child Talise- nickname tails? ..   Blind and slightly traumatized by the car crash that killed his mother and ended up with glass in his eyes, very sensitive to noise n textures.     Ends up mutating tails.  6 v young n smol  blocks n colourin
Shirin Parvis. Crystal boi .. trained solider/ royalty.  Tried to warn people before the apoc hit and failed. Now tries to protect the small group of surviors he stumpbles across. 
 Zephaniah, mutation turns him into a  Chameleon basically, just.. a human one. He  Prefers Zeph. Big gamey Nerd-  gets a pet gecko.  16. Quiet. Loves Lazar skirmish and lazers. 
Moyachi, Cactus boi!! Plant bab. Loves water and has clear/lime green tinted aloe/herbal helpful blood. Spikes up at defense from bad people 18/ 19   likes drawing. Pretty grumpy and needs a break.
Colin, nicknames: Coco,  Lady bug lad, who is baby trans  mutation resulted in a weird Red/Orange skin condition basically.  Can predict weather v accurately.       Ballet/dance, 14   Likes cooking. 
Hotaru , Firefly bby  - Glowy bub with antenna,  possibly mutates wings.. Sassy and tired. Turns nocturnal as the apoc progressed. Also becomes Colins first love <3
Zeno  A Siren of sorts.  DC/ hip hopper/   Lost his arm in apoc.  He loooves music alot. Very purple aesthetic and checkerboards.
Liren Pichi, deaf peaches n cream aesthetic boi- Nickname Pichi.  He is alone during the apoc, sneaks aboard and ship and goes missing..
Neighbours AU:
They all live on the homeworld, Ermioni.
Blake Aglaia  A human with a gift of being able to put emotions into glass balls.. Red head, quite fem, but gay, sweet, but not mousy. 
Lynx ?? An alien and human, the alien somewhat resides inside its host but they coexist. Sometimes goes feral.  Alien half likes to go by Perse  (Percy)  They have cool looking saliva- viens that run down their arms that are pretty cool- sharper nails/claws. Tendrils. Large ol mouth. Lots of pointy ass teef. Lynx likes to train,go to gym, and kick ass. Big ass butch energy.
Demon fam:
Hyacinth  A six-armed demon with serious parent energy. Big gardener, his body grows flowers depending on his moods/strength of emotions. Purple neck length hair. Great at comfort and cooking. 
Rhys  A Demon with a great curiosity about humans has a sibling, Feri.  Rhys is a big nerd, but very hard to get to know. Not great with emotions, comes across a tad distant and cold without always meaning too. Loves candles and lots of autumn aesthetic. 
Anthos, AKa Ant. Rhys and Hy’s accidentally created/summoned a toddler.. and hes fucking adorable. 
Vato - V   Hy has another bub later on who's more purpley blue with red curled horns and 4 arms.. No tail.. 4 eyes. V cute and inquisitive. Less noisy and wreckless than Ant. 
Douglas Connelly  A regular chubby human bean! Learning to become a chef. He loves food, loves cooking and also loves dancing. Hes a big guy, big cudddler, but a little shy and akward at times. 
Donovan Amores  Real fricking cool and smokin hot Bartender with a love for dogs. Dougs roommate. Has glowing fuckin orbs- donates his heart to a fucking god is smooth as fuck, background heavily Spanish, moved when young.
Haris Alaksim Real name (lost in translation, Huitzilopochtli God of sun and war) ) - A god whom Dono is very close with and donates his heart two one every 3 years during the day of the highest sun. He is a god / Mouros.    Donovan refers to him as “Dios gentil”  or “ Viejo colibrí sabio”   (“El viejo colibrí sabio es un dios gentil” (The old wise hummingbird is a gentle god.)
Donovans Family
Rem (Looks after magical creatures- Cane is from Haris)
Oscar  (Not sure what trinket or power but He’s just a casual store worker w/ good arms. Surprisingly good with knives- perhaps has one from Haris?)
Nicole  (His only sister Makes clothes..possibly got some ability to do with seasons..?  Perhaps earrings or a bracelet from Haris)
Javi  (Makes jam, cute boy, wears cloaks. Maybe has a cute little jar necklace or magic jar??)
Luca (Trans bookkeeper- Talks to Haris most often and likes to ask questions..Has precious books...Possibly a special pen..) 
Forest bois!!
Cypress The soul of the forest - Mentor of Rem. Very calm, very wise. Kinda like master oogway type. 
Unicorn boi, Hes rare, missing a chunk of his horn. Dont hurt him. He doesnt even have a name.
Fyn. Mushroom boy. Protects a gate. Lost his twin during a human-caused fire. Very mad about it. 
Fie. Bat boy. Loves fruit. 
Moh. Fairy/incubus hybrid.  
Tucker. Bunny boi, Best friends with Ainsley. Got some like, punk vibes about him, piercings n such. Not as soft as one would expect but still nice at heart.
Ainsley. Fawn boi, clums, shy, round glasses,  Looks smart but doesn't always know stuff. Very unsure of self. 
Experiment AU: 
Izekiel Iris A being of Paint. Hes made of paint. He has trauma from being experimented on. Slightly depressed. Loves art, loved creating. also regresses to try to deal with said PTSD.  Hard to get to know at first. 
Matty  (Matthew Libelle)   An experiment, part human, part lizard, part dragon. Much smol.  Hes fucking baby and i adore him alot please do ask anything and everything about him. 
Cult bois:
-Nero Aakil   (Means Genius/Orange blossom)   Orange bub  - Leader. Smart. Telepathic link with all cult members.  V corrupted…  (Parents were rich and ignorant)
-Mao Cerise   Pink - Ditzy, Looks after their ‘little bird’ (aka Jey) 
-Jey Michael Cherubim   Fallen angel -  Corrupted..desaturating and weak.. Was summoned by the cult and captured as a trophy. 
-Jaden Hirav  Looks after a garden of plants both harmless and some not for master. Previously Neros old pet..His  The family was alright but he was moreso raised by like his mum and bro. He was kidnapped from his garden and never seen again. The cult ritual to initiate him into the group failed and he was spliced with plants making him near useless to the cult.
-Rowan maverick - Now known as  Rogue- Red. Lost their tongue. Does Not follow orders to the T but gets their job done.   Has another voice/god/soul looking out for them… Very assassin ready, very perceptive. Wants to get out the cult but knows theyre too far in.. Cool glowy words in the air because they don't have their tongue. Possibly only lives of medication and vitamin pills..possible OD? Possible addiction. They struggle alot with it. 
P - Pax -  God who watches over Rowan. Was killed by the Master but their spirt lives on.
Cato.   Purple - Another smart one.. Possible Wiccan?  Sadist. Mean. Tall.  Scary. Abuse. Twisted. Loves being in the cult. Eventually wants to host Masters soul.. 
Gin Short for Ginger but the real name is Xanthe.  Blind. Also another assassin like Rogue but more obedient.  Doesn't talk often out of fear. 
Benjamin Brandy  (Benji. B) is Gins friend, Gin is trying not to get him involved in the cult but was too late as B had previously already been cursed and dealt with mythical beings..
 Silver bub. Demir. A demon summoned by the cult to complete the collection. Wants out, very stressed.  
Adopted AU: (This is like a mess of some of the boys but younger and in a different timeline to their universes smushed together intoa kinda cute school/adoption au idea.)
Matthew is smol autistic, malnourished and heavily abused both mentally and physically, leading to selective mutism and being a small fragile easily tired bab.  He loves hanging in the library once he gets used to going to some schooling. Gets tutored by Chris? Goes to camp and helps around n has fun..
Jaden, loves the school garden, and likes science class. His family is alright, However he ends up mostly raised by his sister? Or brother? 
Iz is the lil art bab, also in foster care of a big family, not so much abused but semi neglected. Quiet.
Nero is the gifted nerdy child..Parents ignorant. They love history and fictional books and reading and learning.
Benji is the slightly older kid whos possibly maybe a little behind or delayed or..something, they help out with other kids as a buddy? They like to do cooking classes.
So this Au was like..the Septic tank births all the egos.
Angus first- He has..some kinda strength I imagine/..
Then Anti, Hen, Jackie. Marv. 
Chase -  He kills himself because of Glitch- also falls in the tank a second time and ends up with odd powers. 
Glitch Starts off as very bad and misunderstood. Turns out they were just highly unstable and required medical treatment.  Their real name is Arius and they cant stomach solid foods all the time. Mostly a liquid diet. They have glitchy fits/static seizures. Very unpleasant. Can enter tech, and its not so great, can get trapped. Can absorb certain amounts of electricity because of this they Got hit by  ightning once and has epic lighting scars!! Up arms..some on neck. All over his chest and back. 
Septic clone AU
Sean giving up bits of soul to make clones ends up in coma
Experiments and torture and odd shit with the egos ensues??
Minecraft AU??  
Yeah i had weird ideas for a cute minecraft gang of minecrafters who had accidents involving getting merged/recded with other creatures traits ect. 
Vail.  -Vex / Human
Snow golom hybrid? Or Blaze?
Slimey boi
Panda lad.
Pokebabs au
Mainly for Matty, Iz and Blank.. were they have pokemon forms and when bonded with a human long enough can evolved into human forms?? 
Horned AU  (With Troiseh/Glitch-in-the-static)
Shiro  -Prince lad  (This is their lad :3)
Junji - Battery..whump/slave/lost prince 
Isao Asuka -  Shiros Royal Guard 
Alien AU
Hami if he were..alien instead of being a human in an apoc basically. 
Angel AU stuff: 
Good omens inspired boi
Leo Halvar   Part..humany..demon..Cambion are according to google "In late European mythology and literature, a cambion is the offspring of an incubus, succubus, or another demon with a human, or of an incubus and succubus"
Ryan  Hot archangel guy: One wing, demon hunter thing.. Good kinda reforming from a less nice lifestyle previously. 
Mute angel possibly demon idk- -   Latif? Emmet? Evan? 
Long fringe shy boy-  Cael / Lox
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grizzledyoungimpact · 6 years
For: @bruiserwrites Characters: Jack Gallagher/Pete Dunne Verse: Mafia Quote: They call you the last dragon.
He could hear everything but dare not open his eyes. Detective Jack Gallagher could remember what had led to this moment, even though his head was pounding. Jack had been poking around the seemingly abandoned warehouse, trying to discover what the trio who called themselves The British Strong Style were up to. The entire department wanted to stop the trio, who had been arrested several times. The issue was the street gang hand ties with the Barrett crime family, which meant people were afraid to actually press charges.
Jack Gallagher was not afraid of any of the three members.
The youngest was a man named Tyler Bate, and out of the three, he was the one with the shortest criminal record. Tyler had committed his first case of theft when he was 13, a pick-pocketing, and he had evolved into breaking and entering for robbery. He was also one of Barrett's gentlemen of the evening, usually only to get information for Barrett. The oldest was Ben Webb, whose list of crimes were mostly non-violent. He mostly dabbled in fraud and money laundering, but on occasion, he did act as hired muscle. Neither of the other twos wrap sheets was near as long as their leader Pete Dunne's. Pete was violent, having acted as a bare-knuckle boxer almost his entire life. He was not above harming others to get whatever he wanted, and that included murder. Of the three, Pete was the smuggest about what he had done.
It was Pete that Jack was most worried to open his eyes and see before him, so naturally, as Jack's eyes adjusted to the dim light of the warehouse, it was Pete who he happened to see first. "Oi, look who's bloody awake now," the harsh voice of the criminal rang out, letting Jack know that the other two were nearby. His head pounded for a moment, Jack wasn't sure if he had been punched or if he had taken a crowbar across the face. "You think we didn't anticipate you comin' by, mate?"
Jack groaned in response, trying to shake the feeling of cobwebs from his head. "I never anticipated that the three of you would be waiting for me. Thought I was being cautious when I tailed you."
The laugh that Jack received in response boiled his blood. Not only did they have him tied up, but they were mocking him? It was low, and it was about to get a whole lot lower. "You? Trailing us? Oh Jackie boy, you are filled with a humorous wit," came the taunting laugh of Ben Webb, though Jack couldn't see him. In fact, other than boxes and one long table surrounded by what looked to be folding chairs, Jack could only see Pete Dunne. He was smaller than Jack had expected for someone who's wrap sheet was filled with violent crimes. HIs face wasn't flawless, but even in it's scarred state, he was quite handsome. "We've been trailing you for much, much longer."
"Tailing me?" questioned Jack, struggling to try and get his arms free. He supposed there were worse ways to be restrained than sitting in a chair, arms locked behind his back. Last month an officer by the name of Mark Andrews had been kept by a psychopath formed detective named Eddie Dennis in a makeshift coffin. "What have you been tailing me for?"
"They call you the last dragon," came a much younger sounding voice, also from somewhere behind him. He assumed this one was Tyler, though he could not see his face.
"The last dragon? This isn't a children's story. I am very much a real officer of the law and you three are very much in trouble," Jack grunted.
Pete let out a sharp bark of a laugh, "No, no. You misunderstand exactly what the lad means. You are a dragon. A creature so rare it's mythical. An untainted, clean cop in a city filled with those who do nothing more than serve their own needs. Why do you think we never serve any real time? Everyone from judge to jury is on the payroll."
Jack took a deep breath. He had suspected one or two dirty cops in the extremely small Birmingham police force, but to hear that he was one of the only clean cops on the force was disheartening. "So what is it you plan on doing? Killing me?"
Footsteps sounded across the floor as both Ben and Tyler came from around him to stand. Jack immediately noticed how they stood behind Pete as if waiting for a command. Ben smirked and twirled the end of his mustache, leaning against one of the concrete posts supporting the ceiling. "Kill you? If we wanted to kill you, Pete would have put the bullet in your skull instead of just a punch."
Pete smirked, pulling up one of the folding chairs to sit across from Jack. Cold blue eyes met with Jack's own blue for a moment before he spoke, "Why? Why remain a good bobby when you know that the rest of the force is dirty?"
"It's not about the rest of the force. It's about me and my morals," Jack began, his eyes never leaving Pete's. "I can't sleep at night knowing scum like you three rule Birmingham with an iron fist."
"Scum?" Pete hissed, standing up and throwing the chair aside with a loud clatter. "Birmingham was trash before we lads took control! I lived in this hell hole all my life and the working class lads like me were stomped all over. We've helped the needy, the forgotten. What good have you lads on the force ever done?"
Jack couldn't exactly argue the fact, even if he didn't appreciate the motives. As a native of Birmingham himself, and not much older than Pete, he remembered not being able to live comfortably thanks to those in power. Anyone could see thanks to Pete, Ben, and Tyler the town was thriving comfortably. He also knew that the cops had not done much, even if they were in the pockets of the three. "I don't know what you're driving at Dunne, but I won't be turning away from my morals."
"No one is asking you to turn against your morals. In fact, it's your morals that I admire," smirked Pete as he crouched back in front of Jack. "I want a man like you to help me get the town to the shape it should be in. Use those morals and we can work hand in hand."
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abandonedsince2021 · 3 years
the fact that this isn’t even all of it.. someone plz take my wifi away after 12am
stella: so what’s the relationship between you two?
sydney: she’s my best friend. like if i killed someone she’s the person i would call for help to get rid of the body
jackie: we actually have done that before, it’s buried in the woods
stella: creative
marianne: what are those dead bodies doing there?
stella: honestly? not much
kim: what are those dead bodies doing there?
alistair: honestly? not much
stella: allow me to serenade you
marnie: okay, but first, let me put in earplugs
alice: aaron c’mon
frank: she won’t even notice you’re gone
aaron: no, i told her i wouldn’t
frank: she won’t notice you’re gone! what happened to bros before…
alice: …
aaron: …
frank: … my sister
(decorating a christmas tree)
joanne: and… we’re done!
marnie: we just need one final touch
joanne: what?
marianne: please don’t do it, marnie
marianne: don’t… please-
marnie, lifting stella: star. goes. on. TOP.
stella: i don’t do relationships anymore
marnie walks in
stella: shit.
saskia: hey alice have you seen-
saskia: i have only said “i love you” to two people in my entire life
saskia: alice,
saskia: and alice wearing my shirt
marianne loses stella in a hoard of zombies
marianne: finally
stella: babe (derogatory)
marnie: babe (derogatory)
baby: what does derogatory even mean?
marianne: i’ve learned not to question them
kim: where’s the candy stash gone?
baby: i haven’t had any since last week
stella and alistair, riding one skateboard between them: KIDS where’d you get those TWIZZLERS we want MORE
marianne: kids that’s a wolf it will kill you if you keep trying to pet it
kim & baby: d o g g y
marianne: you’re losing blood fast, what’s your type
stella: uhh, tall and scary, green eyes, huge badass
marianne: i meant your blood type
stella, looking down: red :(
baby: can i have a soda?
stella: i dunno, what did your mum say?
baby: she said no
stella: then why are you asking me?
baby: because she isn’t the boss of you
stella: this is a trap this is a trap th-
alice: what do i do if our relationship just doesn’t work out?
brady: just talk it out!
lena: burn her
bette: stab her
kenny: shoot her
cara: this is why i don’t trust yall.
trixie: oh come on sydney doesn’t know any words worse than crap
jackie: i think she’s been having a masterclass with stella
sydney in the distance: SHIT THE BATH
stella watching from afar: you’re doing great sweetie
sydney: can i have some cake?
stella: what’s the rule?
sydney, sighing: no cake after dinner
stella: no, that’s jackies rule. my rule is that you have to bring me a slice too :)
tyler: we literally haven’t caused trouble in weeks!
marianne: what about the flamethrower incident?
stella: we don’t talk about the flamethrower incident!
alice: alright, but-
saskia: holy shit
alice: are you sure you love me? because maybe you just misunderstood your feelings for me
saskia: oh my god alice it’s 3 in the morning
alice: ..and?
saskia: we’re married..
alice: uhum
saskia: for three years..
alice: i still don’t see your point and you haven’t answered me yet
mickey, as zombies are coming: don’t worry
alice: about a thing
mickey: cause every little thing
alice, killing zombies: is gonna be alright
aaron: i can’t believe you married her
saskia: i can’t believe you’re going to marry her
hanna: trixie, while i’m gone, you’re in charge
trixie: okay :)
hanna, whispering: sydney, you’re secretly in charge
sydney: obviously :)
kim: We need to distract these guys
baby: Leave it to me
baby: Centaurs have six limbs and are therefore insects. Discuss.
*Stella, marianne and charlotte Immediately begin arguing*
kim, watching in horror: Oh this. I don’t like this. I don't like this at all.
marianne, walking into her house: Hello, people who do not live here.
stella: Hey.
charlotte: Hi.
hazel: Hello.
johnny: Hey!
marianne: I gave you the key to my place for emergencies only!
stella: We were out of Doritos.
stella: Who the fuck added me to a fucking group chat?
charlotte: >:O language
baby: Yeah watch your fucking language
johnny: 'The fuck word'.
hazel: Are you stupid? You guys use the f word all the time
charlotte: Oh my god she censored it
johnny: Say fuck, hazel.
stella: Do it, hazel. Say fuck.
callum: Would you guys be there for me if I was going through something?
marianne: Nope, absolutely not.
hazel: I hope it sucks, whatever you're going through.
johnny: I hope it emotionally scars you for the rest of your life.
charlotte I hope you reach out to me so I can ignore you.
stella: I can't wait to go to your funeral, knowing I could've changed that outcome.
stella: Time for plan G.
marianne: Don’t you mean plan B?
stella: No, we tried plan B a long time ago. I had to skip over plan C due to technical difficulties.
charlotte: What about plan D?
stella: Plan D was that desperate disguise attempt half an hour ago.
baby: What about plan E?
stella: I’m hoping not to use it. alistair dies in plan E.
kim: I like plan E.
alistair: Where's stella, charlotte, and baby?
marianne: They're playing hide and seek.
alistair: Where?
marianne: I don't think you get how this game works.
stella: Bye marnie! Bye charlotte! Bye baby! Bye alistair! Bye marnie!
marianne: You said ‘bye marianne’ twice.
stella: I like marnie :)
Charlotte: You really put aside everything and came all this way for me? How did you even get here so fast?
hazel: Several traffic violations.
marianne: Three counts of resisting arrest.
johnny: Roughly thirteen cans of energy drinks.
stella: Also, that’s not our car.
stella: I’ve done a lot of dumb stuff.
hazel: I witnessed the dumb stuff.
charlotte: I recorded the dumb stuff.
johnny: I joined in on the dumb stuff.
jacob: We’ve been conducting an ongoing study to see what russell will and will not eat.
louise: Grass? Yes!
jacob: Moss? Yes!!
louise Leaves? Ohh, yes!
jacob: Shoelaces? Strange but true!
louise: Worms? Sometimes!
jacob: Rocks? Usually nah.
louise: Twigs? Usually!
jacob: louise's cooking? Inconclusive!
Belle: How did you… test this?
louise: You just hand him stuff and say ‘eat this’ and if he eats it, he eats it.
belle: ... I don’t know how to feel about this.
Marianne: stella isn’t answering her phone
marnie: I’ll call
marianne: charlotte and I have both tried six times each, what makes you thi-
stella: Hello?
marianne, banging on the door: stella! open up!
stella: Well, it all started when I was a kid...
charlotte: No, she meant-
baby: Let them finish.
stella: You lying, cheating, piece of shit!
marianne: Oh yeah? You’re the idiot who thinks you can get away with everything you do. WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLD
stella: I’m leaving you, and I’M TAKING CHARLOTTE WITH ME
baby, picking up the monopoly board: I think we’re gonna stop playing now.
stella: I just ended a four year relationship.
charlotte: Oh, I’m so sorry. Are you okay?
stella: Hm? Oh yeah, I’m fine. It wasn’t my relationship.
*marianne and patrick fighting from across the room*
baby: Yo is stella sleeping or dead?
marianne: Hopefully dead, I hated her guts.
charlotte: Yeah, so did I.
stella: Okay first of all, fuck you-
Marianne: I currently have 7 empty notebooks and I have no clue what to put in them. Suggestions?
stella: Put spaghetti in it.
marianne: I'm currently taking suggestions from literally anyone but you.
johnny: Put spaghetti in it.
marianne: I'm currently taking suggestions from anyone but you two.
charlotte: Put spaghetti in it.
marianne: I'm no longer taking suggestions.
stella: I told marianne her ears flush when she lies.
charlotte: Why?
stella: Look.
stella: Hey marianne! Do you love us?
marianne, covering her ears: No.
charlotte: Why are you on the floor?
stella: I'm depressed.
stella: Also I was stabbed, can you get marianne, please?
*stella and charlotte sitting in jail together*
charlotte: So who should we call?
stella: I’d call marianne, but I feel safer in jail
jackie: WHY. why did you give sydney a KNIFE?!
Stella: I’m sorry. she said she felt unsafe.
jackie: Now I feel unsafe!
stella: I’m sorry.
stella: ... would you like a knife?
stella: Who thinks I can fit 15 marshmallows in my mouth?
marianne: You’re a hazard to society
charlotte: And a coward. DO TWENTY.
0 notes
Infinite TARDIS prompt 1: Bunny
► Bunny - Ninth Doctor/Rose Tyler. ► @infiniteTARDISprompts (bunny, April's fool/Easter) prompts fulfilment. ► DW Verse, General audience. ► 2,146 words. ► AO3.
“What are you doing?” Rose looked up at the boy by her side. He was tall and dark. He was the bully of the school she was told but they weren’t in school and he had never hurt her. Today, he was wearing jeans full of holes with boots and a leather jacket on a washed-out T-shirt. He was a bit older than her, maybe ten when she was just five. They happened to live in the same district, her with her mother, him… Well, no one knew. He was impressive, threatening, and she didn’t know what to do. Should she run away before he turned her into his new victim? She wasn’t afraid of him. All her friends were but she found him rather cute with his big ears, weird nose and blue eyes. She smiled at him instead of running and his brow furrowed more. He wondered if she was mocking him or something. But she was nice. “Mummy said Easter Bunny has come. I’m looking for him.” He snorted, “That’s bullshit.” “Why do you say so?” Her smile was gone now. His words were too hard for a little girl with so many dreams in her head. He was having a complete disillusion vision of life but he wasn’t force to share it with everyone. “She’s making an April’s fool on you. Easter Bunny never existed.” “That’s not true!” She was crying now. She was just another victim of his cruelty. She turned around and started running away from him. On her way, she met someone disguised as a bunny with a basket full of eggs. Her tears were forgotten, she had found the Easter Bunny. She followed him to have her chocolates. Her mother had promised she would if she found him. She was very happy. She would run home to show her her price.
Jackie was worried. She had asked Rose to go and check at the door if the Easter Bunny wasn’t around so she could hide the sweets she had bought for her in the flat. She ran outside when she realised that Rose had wandered off, unaware of the danger waiting in every corner of the Estates. She found her looking for the damn bunny outside and before she could reach her daughter, she was stopped by one of the neighbours who told her she shouldn’t let her daughter wander alone in the district. As if Jackie didn’t know that! She kept glancing at Rose who was speaking with one of those young gangsters. By the time she got rid of that neighbour, Rose was gone again and her panic rose in her chest. She chased the young boy and quickly caught his arm. He shot her a dirty look but she calmed him down immediately. “Easy, boy. You’ve been talking to my daughter. Where has she gone?” “Oh, that’s you the foolish mother teaching bullshits to her kid?” “What is that supposed to mean?” “Bunny Easter? I bet she’s believing in Father Christmas and Tooth Fairy too. She’ll never be a normal girl if you fill her mind with crap.” “Listen you little Dumbo,” she said, threatening, pulling on one of his ears, “that’s not because your youth was destroyed for some reasons that you gotta do the same to every kid around you. Is that clear?” She pulled harder on his ear when he didn’t answer. “Is that clear?” “Yes!” “Where has she gone?” “That way!” He pointed the way Rose had left with the bunny man. “She followed the bunny guy!” “She better be unharmed or else…” The message was crystal clear. She let go of the boy and ran in the direction he had shown her, hoping nothing had happened to her lovely daughter. She would never get over it if something was to happen to her precious little cupcake.
Rose was still following the bunny man who didn’t seem to have noticed her. She wasn’t looking around her, too focused on the Easter Bunny, or she would have seen that she wasn’t in the Estates anymore. It was darker and it stunk. It was no place for an innocent little girl. She just wanted her chocolates and she was getting in troubles. Her mother would probably be angry at her for going so far away from home alone. She had done it once a few months ago – looking for Father Christmas – and Jackie had been so worried that she had kept her home for weeks. She was only taking her to school and Rose couldn’t get out to play with her friends. But she never learnt and she was doing it again. The bunny man finally turned around and faced her. Rose stepped back when she saw it was just a normal man disguised as a rabbit and that man looked scary with his dark red eyes, missing teeth and scar on his cheek. Her smile was definitely gone now. She would rather face the bully of her district again than stay here. She looked around her but didn’t recognise her surroundings. She was scared now and she wanted to cry but she put a brave face on. “Why you following me?” “For my sweets.” Bunny man was confused. Easter was above his worries at the moment. He was too drunk to remember what it was and he was just playing the game his friends had started: wandering around town in a bunny disguise. It was just a stupid challenge. So why would this girl follow him in that part of town? This wasn’t a place for her to be. She pointed the eggs in the basket. “You Easter Bunny. Easter Bunny gives sweets to kids.” “It’s not for kids.” Rose wasn’t pleased with that answer. She kicked the man’s leg and ran away. He called her names and ran after her to punish her. She squealed when he caught her arm and tried to defend herself against the bad guy but he was holding her tight, so tight it was hurting her, and tears were rolling down her cheeks as she struggled to free herself. She was terrified now and she could feel the danger. She peed on herself with how scared she was. Suddenly, he let go of her, surprised by the sudden weight that jumped on his back. Rose fell to the ground, scratching her hands and knees in the process. She realised the boy had followed her and was getting himself in danger to save her from the bunny man. He bit his shoulder, causing the man to let out a loud groan and throw the basket away. All the eggs rolled on the ground as the boy was shaken off. He jumped to the ground and grabbed Rose’s hand. He pulled her up and gave her a grin as the bunny man slipped on one of the eggs. “Run!” he shouted. He didn’t give her any time to protest and dragged her away from this dark place. He knew that part of town since he was exploring it a lot to avoid staying at home. They were almost back at the Estates when Rose stumbled and fell again. The boy wasn’t as terrible as everyone was saying since he helped her on his back and carried her to her mother. Jackie was relieved to see her again. She picked her up and held her tight against her. “Oh Rose, what di I tell you about wandering off?” “I’m sorry, mummy. I’ve seen the bunny.” The boy snorted again. If the girl wasn’t told so many bullshits, she wouldn’t be in troubles. But he kept that comment for himself and started going away. He had done his good deed of the day. He wouldn’t be thanked or congratulated by anyone for this. He didn’t need them all to do that anyway. Rose was telling her mother how she had been saved by him and, even if she was mad at him, Jackie thanked him for saving her little girl. Every adult out there in the Estates knew his story, how he was abused by his father at home. A very unhappy kid getting revenge on others but he wasn’t that bad in the end. “Would you like to come and celebrate Easter with us?” The boy turned around, astonished. That was the first time someone made a nice offer to him in the neighbourhood. He considered refusing but decided to accept it and see what it was like to spend some time in a lovely family he had just helped…
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chasingthecosmos · 4 years
Two Words to Keep
Fandom: Doctor Who Rating: T Pairing: The Doctor/Rose Tyler, Tenth Doctor/Rose Tyler Chapters: 14/16 Read on AO3 here.
“This new body was all about words, but in that moment, the Doctor found himself struggling to find the right ones to say. He knew already that there were really only five that he absolutely needed to tell her - five words that would change their lives forever.”
A (sort of) season re-write centering around the Doctor’s touch telepathy and the many inconvenient ways that it gets between him and his companion, Rose Tyler. This work is based around Season 2 and the Tenth Doctor. It’s a sequel to “A Hand to Hold”, but can also be read as a stand-alone. This is NOT going to be a Doomsday fix-it fic, but there will be a separate Journey’s End fix-it sometime in the future.
Chapter Fourteen: Fear Her
The Doctor and Rose never did end up having any sort of formal wedding ceremony (despite Jackie's many protests) - it simply wasn't something that either of them cared much about The Doctor did, however (under threat of incurring Jackie's wrath), make sure to center their next few adventures around planet Earth (plus or minus a few years from the present, depending on the TARDIS's fickle whims).
However, instead of getting front-row seats to the thirtieth Olympiad, as he had planned, they ended up with a bunch of missing children posters and a neighborhood filled with terrified people, where the Doctor suddenly found himself in the unique and dangerous position of both fearing the young, ominous Chloe Webber, and fearing for her.
The sheer, empty loneliness in the young girl's mind cut the Doctor deep and nearly stopped his breath as he gently sorted through the surface of her memories and quickly routed out the truth of what was going on. He watched with broken hearts as the Isolus within Chloe used her to draw its family in bright, vivid red for all to see. He could empathize with the creature's deep sense of loss - the Isolus had lost millions of brothers and sisters, while he, himself, had lost billions. He could only hope that perhaps he would be able to do better for the small, fledgling alien than he had for his own people ...
Much later - after the Doctor had been forced to spend an inordinate amount of time trapped in the strange, imagination realm of a child, only to be pulled back into reality by his brilliant, beautiful bondmate a few hours later - the Doctor happily rejoiced for all of the lost things that had been found. Chloe Webber was back to a normal life with her mum, the Isolus had been reunited with its brothers and sisters, and he, himself, had Rose's mind solidly linked with his own once more, filling all of the empty spaces between his thoughts with love and peace and devotion.
The night was soured, however, by the twisting timelines that the Doctor couldn't seem to blink out of his eyes no matter how hard he tried. Even Rose's ever-present, confident optimism wasn't enough to ease his fears - not this time.
"Doctor, what did you mean by 'there's a storm approaching'?" she asked tentatively as they walked hand-in-hand back to the TARDIS under the colorful lights of the fireworks.
The Doctor sighed as he opened to door to his ship for her and fought to put all that he could see in the timelines into words. When he finally gave up on the endeavor, he settled for sending her an isolated mental snapshot of the great turmoil that he could sense up ahead (though he pointedly decided to leave out the great gap in their own timelines that seemed to loom just before them - he wasn't ready to admit that even to himself).
Rose's brow furrowed as she pondered over the image that he had revealed to her. The Doctor could sense her confused awe as she fought to make sense of the glowing gold threads of time. "Is this what you see all the time?" she finally asked, flashing him a weighted look out of the corner of her eye as he moved forward towards the familiar comfort of the TARDIS controls.
The Doctor shrugged noncommittally and murmured, "More or less, yeah."
"How do you even make sense of it all?" Rose sighed, shaking her head as she moved up to stand at his side. "There's just ... so much there."
The Doctor breathed a small huff of laughter as he shook his head at her in response. If he were still trying to push her away and keep her at arm's length, he might have casually reminded her of his "superior biology" or poked fun at her own species' lack of evolution, but they were both well past that - so instead he filled her mind with a wave of gentle affection and let her knew that he would never get tired of the way that she so easily asked questions and looked at the universe with such a sense of awe and wonder.
However, Rose didn't smile up at him or telepathically answer his mental touch the way that he was expecting her to. Instead, she simply stared down hard at the TARDIS controls and began to reach out and timidly test the bond between them.
"Rose?" the Doctor asked softly, his own brows drawing together as he watched her curiously.
"Doctor, have you ... have you been married before?" she finally asked, her gaze meeting his hesitantly, as though she had to force herself to do it.
The Doctor immediately felt everything inside of him tense the way that it usually did when he was going up against some sort of dangerous alien threat. His first instinct, of course, was to fall back into their old patterns of skirting around the truth and lie to her, but he knew that it was pointless to keep secrets from Rose - not anymore - and it would likely only hurt her even more.
So when he finally settled on the truth, the Doctor attempted to keep it as simple and factual as possible - just like his first marriage had been.
"Yes," he replied tersely as he met her gaze with steely resolve, "back on Gallifrey. It wasn't my choice, but marriages there rarely are. It was political in nature, nothing more than a title, really."
Rose nodded understanding and lowered her eyes, not quite managing to hide her insecure doubts from him in time before they snuck through across the bond.
The Doctor smiled down sadly at his perfect, amazing human girl who never really was very good at judging her own worth. Without hesitation, he pulled her closer with one arm wrapped loosely around her waist as he leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss to her right temple.
None of that matters, though, Rose, he insisted silently as he buried his nose in her hair and revealed to her the well of love that he carried within him - all o fit exclusively and rightfully hers. This is what true marriage is, he reminded her, gently caressing the bond between them. And I've never shared this with anyone else (And never will, his own traitorous hearts added as an afterthought).
Rose sighed as she turned slightly into him, but she only brought one hand up to finger the lapels of his jacket instead of throwing both arms around him the way that he had wanted her to.
What about your kids? she asked silently.
Gone. With everyone else, the Doctor replied ruefully, his old hurt quietly aching like a big lump of scar tissue within his mind.
Rose did hug him, then - her arms finally winding up around his shoulders as she pressed hard kisses against his jaw and neck. Her own thoughts ached to know the depth and pain of his loss and his precious, amazing human girl wished desperately that she could somehow put it all back to rights for him again.
You're all that I need now, Rose, he insisted gratefully as he wrapped his own arms tightly around her middle and allowed himself the satisfaction of sinking deep into his bondmate's mind. And you're more than enough, he added as her thoughts turned towards insecurity once more and she began to doubt her own ability to fill such a giant, gaping wound.
"I'm not letting you go," Rose insisted quietly, her voice coming out muffled against his shoulder as she squeezed her arms tightly around him. "Whatever it was that you saw in those timelines, it doesn't matter. Nothing is going to tear us apart." I won't let it, she thought stubbornly.
The Doctor breathed out a small sigh as he buried his nose in her neck and silently begged, just this once, to be proven wrong.
0 notes
tabloidtoc · 4 years
Globe, November 11
Cover: Michelle Obama slapped with divorce papers by Barack Obama 
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Page 2: Up Front & Personal -- Jonah Hill, Gwen Stefani, Andy Cohen 
Page 3: Scot Fuller, Liv Tyler, Trisha Yearwood 
Page 4: Helen Hunt haunted after horrific crash, stressed-out mom Eva Mendes gets a break by hiding from her children 
Page 5: Scarred Kim Basinger is scared of marriage, Jackie Onassis was a scheming tightwad 
Page 6: Elton John’s nonstop life in the limelight and touring schedule drove husband David Furnish to the bottle and rehab, Gwyneth Paltrow is too thin trying to compete with ex Chris Martin’s much younger girlfriend Dakota Johnson 
Page 7: Britney Spears is in danger of going bald because her hair has had way too many dye jobs 
Page 8: Kate Middleton pregnant with twins 
Page 9: Steve Harvey’s stepdaughter Lori has been busted for smashing her Mercedes SUV into a parked car then fleeing on foot 
Page 10: Tragic Pope John Paul I was whacked by the mob 
Page 12: Celebrity Buzz -- Tom Jones, Michael Douglas will be on vacation when dad Kirk Douglas celebrates his 103rd birthday, Jennifer Aniston disses action flicks and longs for the good old days of Meg Ryan, Sarah Hyland and Wells Adams celebrated two years together, Christina Aguilera has ex-husband Jordan Bratman’s name tattooed on her body and has no intention of getting it removed, Linda Thompson would prefer her grandkid call her by a stripper name
Page 13: Laurence Fishburne, Amanda Bynes, Frances McDormand 
Page 14: Cardi B got a massive eight-carat diamond ring from husband Offset, Gordon Ramsay’s daughter Tilly is dating Luciano D’Acampo the son of fellow TV chef Gino D’Acampo, Fashion Verdict -- La Toya Jackson, Lucy Liu, Natalie Portman, Jane Krakowski, Jean Smart 
Page 16: Cover Story -- Barack Obama slaps Michelle Obama with divorce demand 
Page 19: 10 Things You Don’t Know About Kristen Bell, Danielle Fishel guilty because her breast milk made son Adler sick, Linda Hamilton lost so much weight preparing for Terminator: Dark Fate that the producers had to build her a butt 
Page 24: Sammy “The Bull” Gravano was ready to rub out mob boss John Gotti after the Teflon Don double-crossed him with plans to rat him out to the authorities 
Page 25: Nude pictures trauma devastates Demi Lovato, Marie Osmond confessed she was sexually abused as a girl and became so disgusted with men she believed she was gay 
Page 26: Madonna overdoes on plastic surgery, Sting spices up love life in nudie clubs 
Page 30: Loretta Lynn takes a turn for the worse, hotel boots too-loud Gretchen Wilson’s party at 3 a.m. 
Page 32: Health Report 
Page 38: Real Life 
Page 40: Mel B stalked by ex-husband in dreams 
Page 44: Straight Talk -- Justin Bieber just can’t stop being an arrogant thoughtless jerk 
Page 45: Vin Diesel and Jason Statham’s bad blood boils over as jealous hunks feud for Furious franchise megabucks 
Page 47: Hollywood Flashback -- M*A*S*H* the movie 
0 notes
tenthdxctxr · 7 years
So, after reading an AMAZINGLY detailed analysis on Tenth, I decided to contribute and do the same! So, here’s my take on him (under the cut I mean)
Born from love
When we first meet the Tenth Doctor it’s just after a crucial juncture in the overall characterization, particularly the defining guilt that he’s been carrying in his Ninth incarnation about destroying Gallifrey for the sake of all creation. Nine had finally absolved himself from the mass murder he (thought) he committed by choosing to be a coward, and not to kill so many lives again. It was at this point he absorbed the Time Vortex from Rose, to save her life, and regenerated. It’s said that the Tenth Doctor was born out of love, and I believe that’s true. The Doctor did love Rose, and it was her love and care for him which directly aided him in recovering from the hardened, vengeful soul he had grown into because of the Time War. It was her love and her humanity that changed his worldview on the human race, from “stupid apes” (Nine) to people “full of potential” (Ten). And it’s this very love the also defines him. Tenth is very vulnerable and malleable by the people he cares about. Rose made him human, and that trend would continue with each companion he meets until that very vulnerability opens his heart so much that it is hurt almost irreversibly after he loses everyone he loves at “Journey’s End.”
Forged from pain and his responsibility 
After losing Rose in Doomsday, he realizes keenly the consequences to his lifestyle and in a very real sense grows up after losing her. He’s more responsible but grows somewhat reckless with his life, an exaggerated selflessness born out of a subconscious, impulsive desire to end the life that had grown painful because of the loss of his Rose. But the Doctor has a responsibility, to live. He tells the Face of Boe that they both have to live precisely because they are the last of their kinds. It’s in honour of his people, to keep their name and heritage alive through the universe, to enable the intelligence and abilities that race allows to help others, to infamously “interfere” with the worlds below that Time Lords thought so abase.
This sense of responsibility extends not only to himself but to circumstances and people around him. If a person gets close to him, as a companion or just a team member, he takes it personally if that person is hurt. The way he screams after losing Frank in “Daleks in Manhattan” always strikes me, because Frank is someone the Doctor barely knows, and yet Solomon, Frank’s friend, is more afraid and willing to leave Frank to die to save the rest of them. The Doctor is shocked and clearly unnerved. In “Voyage of the Damned,” he takes the survivors of the Titanic under his wing, specifically one woman whom he makes pointed effort to comfort in the midst of her grief. Related to this sentiment is one of the Tenth Doctor’s common refrains, “I promise.” If he says that to someone, it means the Doctor is putting himself on a contract to do everything in his power to help that person. “Girl in the Fireplace” has him recklessly put aside his own identity and relationships to save the life of a woman who trusts him and who he has promised to help. He tries to reassure Jackie Tyler that he will get them safe in “Doomsday” and gives the same reassuring promise to the people in the starship Titanic, to Donna against the Sontarans, to Jackson Lake and to many others. It’s somehow as if willing himself to another’s protection he guards himself against that impulse in his Time Lord nature to let things go and run away, to stop caring or become indifferent to the plight of life. It’s as if by chalking up a promise to someone, he disciplines himself into becoming more human and even more morally responsible.
But The Doctor values life. All life, villain and friend alike or even just creatures just out to survive, inadvertently harming others in its innocent goal. He sees life as incredible, brilliant, and he’s always in awe of the world.  He wants to understand a creature before he condemns it, and as often as he can, he gives any villain a choice, one chance to turn from their ways and go free (“Partners in Crime,” “Poison Sky”). The Doctor has killed so often and already has so much blood on his hands that he wants no more, even if he must kill. He’s a pacifist who hates weapons, and takes great pride that his sonic screwdriver “doesn’t kill, doesn’t wound, doesn’t maim”
The humanity and heroism of ten
The Doctor holds himself to a VERY high moral standard, one intensified by circumstances, the epic scale of his choices, his own Time Lord nature, the natural authority he holds himself to. But it’s not unlike a statement from the man who plays the Doctor: “I’m a good person, I hope. But I’m never as good as I want to be, never as nice as I want to be, never as generous as I want to be” (David Tennant). He’s tempted to relish in danger (“Tooth and Claw”, “Planet of the Dead,” and as Donna points out to him in “Runaway Bride”), to reach for more power than what is good for him, mostly to enable him to help others (“Waters of Mars,” “School Reunion”). He’s a genius and he throws that idea around, and yet his core is very humble, very human. Humility’s a complex subject and one with many facets. It’s not the denial of one’s abilities but an honest admittance to the limitations of one’s talents and intelligence. Arrogance has a person believe too much about himself, while humility is honest. Humility is not demanding a reward for action but giving credit where credit is due. It’s not putting one’s own life above another’s, it’s not putting one’s own impulses and pleasures above the needs and happiness of others. It’s about believing in a principle over a pleasure, it’s about knowing where one’s limits are in the world and keeping them. Humility is about learning from others, it’s about admitting to one’s faults and trying to be a better person. It’s about NOT abusing one’s power, but rather, raising others up and seeing past oneself to the wonder and importance of things beyond you. The Doctor has all these and more.
And yet... The Doctor’s humility is in some ways, unquantifiable. One sees it in his lifestyle. The constant refrain in his life is GIVING, giving up his home, his happiness, HIS LOVE, and ultimately his life for the better of others and the world. He gives up Rose, the love of his life, to an unreachable world where he knows she would be happier. He lets his friends go to better lives, lives apart from him because he knows that ultimately, he scars them and they are better without him. At the end of his life, he made his very last acts towards them ones of GIVING: he saved Mickey and Martha’s life, he saved the life of Sarah Jane’s son, he gave lonely Jack a friend, he gave Sylvia a message from her late husband, he gave Donna a comfortable financial future, he asked if Joan Redford lived a happy life. He gives up his innocence for the better of the world — the Time War and Pompeii. He would and did become the guilty one in order to save the universe. He’s willing to do something that would harm him emotionally or physically for others’ benefit. “Smith and Jones,” “Evolution of the Daleks,” “Family of Blood,” “Fires of Pompeii,” “Poison Sky,” “End of Time” all find him willing to lose his life to protect the innocent.
TL;DR: The Doctor grew from rejecting anyone in his life (“Rose”) to admitting tearfully that he desperately needed someone to keep him from the demons in his soul (“End of Time”). He went from a playful adventurer gallivanting the world with the love of his life to a man plagued with loss and guilt, and yet capable still of hope, optimism, heroism and most of all, love. He’s a hero who gives the best of himself to others and asks for nothing in return.
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createherself · 6 years
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NAME:  rose marion tyler NICKNAME(S):  bad wolf, the moment, marion wolfe (and @medquien​ claims rosa amore so) AGE:  verse dependent. let’s just say 19 SPECIES:  verse dependent. let’s say human.
✧  *  PERSONAL .
MORALITY:  lawful  /  neutral /  chaotic  /   good /  neutral  /  evil  /  true RELIGIOUS BELIEF:  n  /  a. SINS:  greed  /  gluttony  /  sloth  /  lust  /  pride  /  envy  /  wrath VIRTUES:   chastity  /  charity  /  diligence   /  humility  / kindness  /  patience  /  justice PRIMARY GOALS IN LIFE:  to have the best chips ever made. it’s buried under all that finding a sense of purpose, seeing as much as the universe as she can, and what not but it’s mostly the chip thing. LANGUAGES KNOWN:  french. enough spanish and italian to pick up a guy, not enough to hold an in depth conversation. SECRETS:  well if she told you, it wouldn’t be a secret. SAVVIES: verse dependent but she gives great manicures in every single one.
BUILD:  scrawny  /  bony  /  slender  /  fit  /  athletic  /  curvy  /  herculean  /  pudgy  /  average HEIGHT:  5′10″ WEIGHT:  150  lbs. SCARS / BIRTHMARKS:  none. ABILITIES / POWERS:  
verse dependent, read up
FOOD:  chips. DRINK:  a simple coke, thanks PIZZA TOPPING: meat lover’s COLOR:  pink. MUSIC GENRE:  rockin the pop from 05. BOOK GENRE:  who the hell reads anymore it’s all about twitter, mate. MOVIE GENRE:  comedy (romcoms are nice too). SEASON:  fall.
✧  *  FUN STUFF.
SINGS IN THE SHOWER: yeah and she does it purposefully off key. LIKES BAD PUNS:  she’s done.png with bad puns CURSE WORDS:  her favorite word is definitely “fuck”. and it’s all jackie tyler’s fault.
tagged by:  @unaerthly tagging: if you’re reading this do it
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Part 10
Player: Tyler Seguin – Dallas Stars
Prompt:  Part 10 of the Give Us a Chance story with Tyler Seguin. I was going to end it here but I couldn’t let go. So the story will continue! We are going to follow the reader and Tyler through their lives of being newlyweds. You already know it won’t come easy.
Mentions: None.
Warnings: Angst & SMUT. (smut is signaled by ***) 
Preview: You sat on the balcony sipping the hot coffee and watching view on the lake. It was a beautiful September morning. You and Tyler decided to have the wedding right before the regular season began, that way you could move to Dallas right after
Characters:. 1445 words.
Find the rest of the story on the masterlist here. 
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1 year later…
You couldn’t believe it was here. You sat looking in the mirror. It was six am, all your bridesmaids still asleep. It had been a long road but you and Tyler rode it together. Between Physical Therapy, Tyler going back to Dallas and Wedding planning, the year had been exhausting.
But it all was about to pay off.
You smiled as you ordered breakfast, tying your white satin robe around your body.
The smell of breakfast arriving helped awaken the sleeping beauties sprawled all over the hotel room.
You sat on the balcony sipping the hot coffee and watching view on the lake. It was a beautiful September morning. You and Tyler decided to have the wedding right before the regular season began, that way you could move to Dallas right after.
Candace walked onto the balcony holding a plate of toast and her own cup of coffee.  
“You ready?” She smiled taking a bite from her toast.
“More than ever.”
“No cold feet right? I know I’m your bridesmaid but he is my brother.” She chuckled.
“My feet are very warm. Plus, I can’t run very fast anymore anyway.” You giggled glancing at your bare leg, running you fingers across your scar.
“You guys have come a long way.” She noted
“That we have.” You took another sip from your coffee, a smile spreading as the warm liquid hit your lips.
“Let’s get you ready and you married already!”
The peaceful morning turned on you quickly. The flowers were late, the cake had been dropped, and it had begun to rain. You were trying your hardest not to panic but every time someone walked into the room your heart dropped into your stomach.
Everyone was rushing around the room trying to get things done. You could feel the anxiety rushing through you. You walked calmly into the bathroom and locked the door. You slid down the door already in your dress. You didn’t care that you were in your dress, hair, and makeup done sitting on the floor of a hotel bathroom, you needed a moment.
You didn’t realize that your moment turned into quite a few moments until someone knocked on the bathroom door.
“Y/N? You okay?” You heard Jackie try.
“I’m okay.” You tried your voice cracking. You didn’t even know when you started crying.
“You want to come out love?”
“Not yet, I’m not ready.” You choked out. You heard footsteps and the hotel room door close. You sighed leaning your head against the door again.
“HoneyBee.” The familiar voice pulled you from your thoughts.
“Tyler…” you scrambled to your feet.
“You’re not changing your mind on me, are you? All your boxes are in Dallas already love. I won’t send you your stuff back.” He tried.
You rolled your eyes. “It’s not you…”
“I can hear you rolling your eyes. What’s wrong?”
“Everything.” You chuckle sarcastically. “The cake, The flowers, It’s raining, and who knows what else has happened between the time I’ve been in here.”
“Babe, I am sure it’s all going to be fine. Just open the door honeybee.” He pleaded jiggling the door handle.
“I can’t! I’m already ready, you can’t see me! We don’t need any worse omens!”
“Will you shut it about the bad omens. Just crack the door and stick your hand out you little psychopath.”
You unlocked the door and stuck your hand out. You felt Tyler gently wrap his fingers around yours.
“Y/N, I love you and no matter what happens today, I could careless as long as you become Mrs. Seguin by the end of the day. I want you to be my wife even if you are a little psychopath. Make my days less dull I guess.”
You giggled. “You love my psychopathic tendencies.”
“It’s one of the main reasons I’m marrying you. You feel better? Can we get married now?”
“I guess…” you giggled.
“You sound so excited you know.”
“Will you get out so I can finish getting ready?”
“That’s my girl.”
It’s almost midnight, the reception had been empty for about a half hour but You and Tyler are still in the middle of the dance floor swaying to whatever song Tyler has begun humming.
“They are going to kick us out of our own wedding pretty soon.”
“I guess we should go upstairs then Mr. Seguin.”
Tyler nodded taking your hand and leading you to the doorway. You are officially Mrs. Seguin and it just doesn’t feel real. After everything that has happened, you can’t believe you actually have reached this point.
You reach the room and Tyler pulls the key card from his jacket. He opens the door and glances at you with a smirk.
“What?” you question but before you could walk into the room Tyler had scooped you up and placed you over his shoulder.
“We said no wedding clichés!” you shouted hitting Tyler’s back softly as he walked into the room.
“This isn’t a cliché. I did it my own way” Tyler chuckled and threw you on the bed.
“Couldn’t wait could you?” you chirp with a smirk.
“I have the rest of my life with you really”
“This is quite true.”
He nods slipping from his jacket as you shake off your heels.
“Are you as hungry as I am?” he asks suddenly.
“Thank goodness you said that.”
“All that money for food and we didn’t even get to enjoy it.”
You laugh looking through the room service menu. “Burgers Mr. Seguin?
“Burgers Mrs. Seguin.” He states placing a kiss to your lips before turning to untie his dress shoes.
You order you both burgers placing the phone down once you are finished. They say it will be over an hour.
“That’s more than enough time you know” he quips wiggling his eyebrows.
He presses into you sweeping your falling hair to the side. He kisses along your neck and shoulder.
“Unbutton my dress please?” you ask.
Tyler nods starting to unbutton the buttons that run down the small of your back all the way down to below your butt. He takes his time, his hot breath hitting the back of your neck driving you crazy.
He finally finishes and you allow the dress to slip to the floor.
“Damn Y/n, You’re so beautiful.”
“If I had a quarter for everything you said that tonight I would be quite rich right about now.”
Tyler rolled his eyes helping you step from your dress. He once again picks you up and throws you onto your bed. He grabs your waist and you giggle as he crawls over you, placing kisses down your stomach.
He has your back arching off the mattress in mere moments. You have your hands tangled in his hair as he uses his tongue and fingers to drive you mental. He drives you over and over the edge until it seems like you lose your voice.
You take a few deep breaths to Tyler’s amusement. You push him towards the bed, straddling him to give him a turn.
It doesn’t take you long to get your hands into his pants and you soon have your fingers wrapped around his member. You start pumping him long and slow as you pepper kisses to his neck. You bring him to the edge and then slowly press into him, placing your hands on his chest as you ride him.
You both are still tangled together when there is a knock on the door. You slip into Tyler’s dress shirt and button most of the buttons. Tyler slips on his dress pants and gets your food.
You both sit in bed enjoying the greasy food.
“So how does it feel to be married to me?” He asks taking a bite from his burger.
“The same as it felt to be dating and engaged to you?” You giggle taking a French fry.
“Now you’re just a pain in the ass with my last name huh?” he chuckles
“Y/N Seguin…”
“I had the best day,” he sighs after a moment. “It was perfect.”
“It was. I mean, except—”
“Don’t ruin this with an except you little psychopath.”
“No, buts,” he says putting a French fry in your mouth.
You spend the rest of the night kissing lazily and enjoying your time as Mr. & Mrs. Seguin
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ccwandco · 5 years
Sunday, June 30th, 2019 - 3:06 AM
So I ate a lot of calories today. And I didn’t exactly track them. I feel like the Tyler, The Creator meme where he says “so that was a fucking lie” because I keep saying I’m going to eat healthy but then I don’t. Life with an eating disorder, I guess. I’m going to try to eat only fruits this week, if I can. I know that could be an empty promise, but at least it’s a promise. Another lie was me trying to “go to bed earlier”. Hell, I even have to be up in 3 hours and I’m here, typing this and watching YouTube. Why is it so hard for me to go to bed? Maybe I’ll try melatonin again. Not tonight though. I’m going to church early in the morning with dad. Yep, the performance is tomorrow (today technically). It’s fucking here. It really isn’t such a big deal since I’ve performed before, and for probably larger audiences, but I’m still just nervous. I kept messing up my songs today and getting frustrated. It’s also hard for me to remember the lyrics to International. Hopefully my dad will allow me to have my phone with me. I can’t see why he wouldn’t. I’m also just nervous to see everyone at church again. Like I’ve said before, I haven’t seen them in a FAT minute. Not sure if I going to wear makeup at all either. I didn’t today, and it felt really good. Well, all I can really hope for is that the churchgoers give me LOTS of money and they aren’t too annoying. And of course, that my performance goes as perfect as possible. Let’s do the healthy thing this week! Gotta force that ED out of me!
TMM: annoyed by my ED
Acne: fading scars...left cheek is great!
New Music: She’s Thunderstorms by Arctic Monkeys
New Word: N/A
Last Song Listened to on Spotify: Wonderin’ Ways by the Lemon Twigs
Current Events: a couple days old but I just saw that dumb Subway commercial on the H3 podcast
Last Google Search: “hyde & jackie”
Last Text Sent: “I’m going to bed right now” : Braydin
Last YouTube Video Watched: (currently watching) Unfiltered: ‘It was harder to come out as more right-wing than as trans’
Instagram Followers: 168
POTD: Nobody
Highlights: not finishing my food at BE, talking about rock operas with mom (mainly Go to School lol), managing to sneak my way around the kitchen, not going to the YMCA because I’m lazy, watching Hyde & Jackie shit, dancing in my room
Lowlights: getting sick and uncomfortable at Bob Evans/not finishing my food (even though that’s kind of good for my ED), eating WAY too much, HOT WEATHER, getting frustrated with my guitar playing/being nervous for tomorrow (today!)
Overall Score: 6.9/10, mmmm
Yesterday’s Goal Accomplished?: halfway
0 notes
Regenerate Nine Month: Bunny
Volume: 1.
Number of parts: 30/?.
Pairings: Human!Ninth Doctor/Rose Tyler.
Synopsis: "He was tall and dark. He was the bully of the school she was told but they weren’t in school and he had never hurt her. Today, he was wearing jeans full of holes with boots and a leather jacket on a washed-out T-shirt. He was a bit older than her, maybe ten when she was just five."
A/N: Ninth month of the year means month of the Ninth Doctor and so I've decided to repost all the one-shots I've written about the him, whether they are DW verse or not to celebrate this fantastic Doctor.
“A hero is somebody who is selfless, who is generous in spirit, who just tries to give back as much as possible and help people. A hero to me is someone who saves people and who really cares.” - Debi Mazar.
“What are you doing?”
  Rose looked up at the boy by her side. He was tall and dark. He was the bully of the school she was told but they weren’t in school and he had never hurt her. Today, he was wearing jeans full of holes with boots and a leather jacket on a washed-out T-shirt. He was a bit older than her, maybe ten when she was just five. They happened to live in the same district, her with her mother, him… Well, no one knew. He was impressive, threatening, and she didn’t know what to do. Should she run away before he turned her into his new victim? She wasn’t afraid of him. All her friends were but she found him rather cute with his big ears, weird nose and blue eyes. She smiled at him instead of running and his brow furrowed more. He wondered if she was mocking him or something. But she was nice.
  “Mummy said Easter Bunny has come. I’m looking for him.”
He snorted, “That’s bullshit.”
“Why do you say so?”
  Her smile was gone now. His words were too hard for a little girl with so many dreams in her head. He was having a complete disillusion vision of life but he wasn’t force to share it with everyone.
  “She’s making an April’s fool on you. Easter Bunny never existed.”
“That’s not true!”
  She was crying now. She was just another victim of his cruelty. She turned around and started running away from him. On her way, she met someone disguised as a bunny with a basket full of eggs. Her tears were forgotten, she had found the Easter Bunny. She followed him to have her chocolates. Her mother had promised she would if she found him. She was very happy. She would run home to show her her price.
  Jackie was worried. She had asked Rose to go and check at the door if the Easter Bunny wasn’t around so she could hide the sweets she had bought for her in the flat. She ran outside when she realised that Rose had wandered off, unaware of the danger waiting in every corner of the Estates. She found her looking for the damn bunny outside and before she could reach her daughter, she was stopped by one of the neighbours who told her she shouldn’t let her daughter wander alone in the district. As if Jackie didn’t know that! She kept glancing at Rose who was speaking with one of those young gangsters. By the time she got rid of that neighbour, Rose was gone again and her panic rose in her chest. She chased the young boy and quickly caught his arm. He shot her a dirty look but she calmed him down immediately.
  “Easy, boy. You’ve been talking to my daughter. Where has she gone?”
“Oh, that’s you the foolish mother teaching bullshits to her kid?”
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“Bunny Easter? I bet she’s believing in Father Christmas and Tooth Fairy too. She’ll never be a normal girl if you fill her mind with crap.”
“Listen you little Dumbo,” she said, threatening, pulling on one of his ears, “that’s not because your youth was destroyed for some reasons that you gotta do the same to every kid around you. Is that clear?” She pulled harder on his ear when he didn’t answer. “Is that clear?”
“Where has she gone?”
“That way!” He pointed the way Rose had left with the bunny man. “She followed the bunny guy!”
“She better be unharmed or else…”
  The message was crystal clear. She let go of the boy and ran in the direction he had shown her, hoping nothing had happened to her lovely daughter. She would never get over it if something was to happen to her precious little cupcake.
  Rose was still following the bunny man who didn’t seem to have noticed her. She wasn’t looking around her, too focused on the Easter Bunny, or she would have seen that she wasn’t in the Estates anymore. It was darker and it stunk. It was no place for an innocent little girl. She just wanted her chocolates and she was getting in troubles. Her mother would probably be angry at her for going so far away from home alone. She had done it once a few months ago – looking for Father Christmas – and Jackie had been so worried that she had kept her home for weeks. She was only taking her to school and Rose couldn’t get out to play with her friends. But she never learnt and she was doing it again.
The bunny man finally turned around and faced her. Rose stepped back when she saw it was just a normal man disguised as a rabbit and that man looked scary with his dark red eyes, missing teeth and scar on his cheek. Her smile was definitely gone now. She would rather face the bully of her district again than stay here. She looked around her but didn’t recognise her surroundings. She was scared now and she wanted to cry but she put a brave face on.
  “Why you following me?”
“For my sweets.”
  Bunny man was confused. Easter was above his worries at the moment. He was too drunk to remember what it was and he was just playing the game his friends had started: wandering around town in a bunny disguise. It was just a stupid challenge. So why would this girl follow him in that part of town? This wasn’t a place for her to be. She pointed the eggs in the basket.
  “You Easter Bunny. Easter Bunny gives sweets to kids.”
“It’s not for kids.”
  Rose wasn’t pleased with that answer. She kicked the man’s leg and ran away. He called her names and ran after her to punish her. She squealed when he caught her arm and tried to defend herself against the bad guy but he was holding her tight, so tight it was hurting her, and tears were rolling down her cheeks as she struggled to free herself. She was terrified now and she could feel the danger. She peed on herself with how scared she was.
Suddenly, he let go of her, surprised by the sudden weight that jumped on his back. Rose fell to the ground, scratching her hands and knees in the process. She realised the boy had followed her and was getting himself in danger to save her from the bunny man. He bit his shoulder, causing the man to let out a loud groan and throw the basket away. All the eggs rolled on the ground as the boy was shaken off. He jumped to the ground and grabbed Rose’s hand. He pulled her up and gave her a grin as the bunny man slipped on one of the eggs.
  “Run!” he shouted.
  He didn’t give her any time to protest and dragged her away from this dark place. He knew that part of town since he was exploring it a lot to avoid staying at home. They were almost back at the Estates when Rose stumbled and fell again. The boy wasn’t as terrible as everyone was saying since he helped her on his back and carried her to her mother. Jackie was relieved to see her again. She picked her up and held her tight against her.
  “Oh Rose, what di I tell you about wandering off?”
“I’m sorry, mummy. I’ve seen the bunny.”
  The boy snorted again. If the girl wasn’t told so many bullshits, she wouldn’t be in troubles. But he kept that comment for himself and started going away. He had done his good deed of the day. He wouldn’t be thanked or congratulated by anyone for this. He didn’t need them all to do that anyway. Rose was telling her mother how she had been saved by him and, even if she was mad at him, Jackie thanked him for saving her little girl. Every adult out there in the Estates knew his story, how he was abused by his father at home. A very unhappy kid getting revenge on others but he wasn’t that bad in the end.
  “Would you like to come and celebrate Easter with us?”
  The boy turned around, astonished. That was the first time someone made a nice offer to him in the neighbourhood. He considered refusing but decided to accept it and see what it was like to spend some time in a lovely family he had just helped…
Chronicles of a better man © | 2016 - 2018 | Tous droits réservés.
In the next shot:
Rose Tyler was an angel who had fallen on Earth. That’s how everyone was describing her when they were asked to. Starting with her parents. They were calling her just that, their little angel, their beautiful miracle. It wasn’t for nothing of course. There was a whole story behind that nickname they were giving her. They could have called her Angel, but they wanted something more unique and had kept the idea as a lovely nickname. They had chosen the name Rose because of her bright pink cheeks. Rose meant ‘pink’ in French. She was their pink and yellow daughter, all in blonde hair and pink cheeks. A beautiful name for a beautiful little girl who brought love and hope in the life of her parents. She also brought some magic, but that was something they weren’t meant to find out immediately.
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