#James x Orla
willsilvertongue · 2 years
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↳ Day 4: Favourite dynamic
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Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for ErinxJames. Super cute. But something about JamesxOrla just has me in a chokehold
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derrygirlstrash · 2 years
Erin and Orla might’ve both had crushes on James it’s just that Orla never repressed it because they never saw a problem with it and so was able to just let it pass and get over it while Erin repressed it, it blossomed against her will because she kept denying it until it was impossible to any more and well, we know what happened next.
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lansangprincess · 12 days
The Orla x James potential was so fking beautiful and so fking wasted
As someone that still desires romance but most romantic social norms seem useless to me, I desperately wanted to see Orla's actions actually being recognized as with romantic intent. Everybody else would think the way she would behave was weird and not at all romantic, but James would understand and be so fking smitten. Like because of her sensory issues they wouldn't be intimate in ways that most people are intimate but they would express closeness and affection that is so uniquely their own. I also always imagined that Orla would make James feel so free to be himself. Given his issues with his parents, James was constantly trying to find love and acceptance from other people even if that meant changing for them or having his boundaries violated but Orla would never have those same expectations. Those two would've just been so happy to live in a whole world of their own that wasn't defined by society's expectations
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beacheswhereartthou · 2 years
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The number of times i saw this scene😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭🤌
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harrietmjones · 2 years
[From this post]
Haven’t been sent a fandom, just wanting to do this Derry Girls one for myself. 💚
The character I least understand: Out of the main lot, I guess it would be Michelle.
Interactions I enjoyed the most: Any combo between the group, though I enjoy Orla and James. Also when anyone gets caught by Uncle Colm.
The character who scares me the most: There’s no one really but I guess, Tina O'Connell.
The character who is mostly like me: Clare (tiny bit of Orla).
Hottest looks character: Father Peter I guess (sans ponytail)?
One thing I dislike about my fave character: They don’t come separately, so I’d say the occasional genuine negative feelings and reactions towards one another that the group have had.
One thing I like about my hated character: Jenny Joyce knows herself as a person, at least in my eyes.
A quote or scene that haunts me: Sean’s death.
A death that left me indifferent: There wasn’t one, as far as I can think. They all made me feel something. Actually Aunt Bridie I’d say.
A character I wish died but didn’t: There’s no one, can’t pick.
My ship that never sailed: It did kind of sail but I guess in terms of what we see in the show, I’d say Erin and James.
Other fandoms I’ve done:
The Marvelous Mrs Maisel
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fanaticbitchhh · 5 months
aye, gag me with a spoon will ye?
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james maguire x fem!quinn!reader
warnings: fluff, mentions of blood
notes: this was so rushed but i wanted to get something out for james because we're lackin' james appreciation on this app !!
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it was early in the morning, well 11 am but still early for y/n. she was packed and ready to go to portnoo with the rest of the derry girls, and james of course.
her and james have been dating a little over 6 months now, they couldnt be happier. they had awesome friends, well michelle was still a bit of a bitch towards james but he could deal, and he had the most perfect girlfriend he could ask for.
y/n headed downstairs, excited to see her boyfriend as she heard his voice from the living room. she wore relatively comfortable clothes, a pair of james' sweatpants and his hoodie did her just fine.
as she bounded towards james, she failed to notice the tent in her way and she tripped over it. she was absolutely mortified and felt blood trickling from her nose at the impact from the floor.
"oh god, y/n, are you okay?" james panicked, rushing to her side.
"aye dont worry yourself jamie, im fine. just excited to see you is all" she smiled to the worried boy infront of her.
"c'mon, lets get you cleaned up." he said, taking her hand and leading her up to the bathroom.
she reluctantly sat on the counter, waiting for james to do whatever he was to do so she could kiss him without blood going all over him. eventually, james ripped off a bit of toilet roll and shoved it under her nose to catch the blood.
they sat there for a few minutes, admiring eachother with lovesick smiles on their faces before james pulled the tissue away.
"you're alright, yeah?" james asked, kissing her forehead.
she hopped off the counter and stood by the door way.
"with you here, im always okay." she smiled, booping his nose softly.
he blushed and laughed a bit, he always got shy when she flirted with him, or did anything remotely romantic. it was foreign to him, he was so used to michelle always saying he'd never find love that when he actually did, it was hard to accept it.
he kissed her softly, smiles playing on both their faces as they did so.
"i love you jamie" she smiles as they break away.
"i love you too y/n/n, more than you know." he smiles back.
"aye, gag me with a spoon will ye?"
the two jump away from eachother.
"michelle!" they exclaim as she chuckles almost like a witch.
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2008hondacivic · 11 months
I’ve seen a few posts about how the Derry Girls would act in a Yellowjackets situation (love) but I also think it would be funny to just. add them to the Yellowjackets cast. like they were just inexplicably on the plane too. anyway here are my thoughts on the matter:
Erin and Michelle would fight over Travis
The Derry Girls, as Catholics, would be very on board with Lottie and Laura Lee’s whole deal. They would be the first to believe that Lottie is a bonafide girlprophet
Ben would try to help James understand that it’s okay to be gay and James would be like right, thanks, but I’m not gay
Sister Michael, if she was there, would take the rifle from Travis during the hunting competition and inexplicably be the best shot out of the group
Clare would be absolutely losing it over how much rations they have left. just a constant state of panic. she would be even less helpful than Jackie
Erin would be her annoying tryhard self. She’d go with Tai on her expedition for rescue and try to take over leadership. The expedition goes even worse than it does in canon
Erin would really admire Tai and she’d try to emulate her. She pretends to sleepwalk and have an “Other Erin” when she finds out about Tai’s sleepwalking. She is publicly shamed by Michelle when Michelle catches her smearing dirt on her mouth to pretend she also sleep-eats dirt
Like the JV Yellowjackets, Michelle would have no qualms about cannibalism
Clare would be extremely opposed to drawing cards and would be aggressively hyperventilating and crying until someone other than her is chosen. then she goes back on her word that cannibalism is inherently unethical and is all aboard the cannibal train. Michelle calls her out for this. (Well, I just think that because the wilderness chose, Michelle…)
Orla and Misty and Crystal would be friends and Mari would consider murdering them all because they’re much more annoying than just Crystal/Misty. Orla would not really care that Misty broke the flight recorder.
let’s be real, none of the Derry Girls are making it to rescue, but if they did Erin would be immediately publishing her journals. They’d be back for not even a day and she would have that book deal. They wouldn’t even need the likes of Jessica Roberts and other media outlets to snoop around. The Derry Girls would be calling networks themselves to get on talk shows.
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kenstewydyke · 7 months
in season 3's prom episode of derry girls, it was clear that the dynamics between the mothers when they were in high school were replicated in the next generation too. The four women attended the prom with Diedre's cousin accompanying her (and then all of them). So we have four girls and a male cousin of one of them which is just like the Derry girls' situation. And Rob was openly gay. Doesn't this hint at James being gay/queer too ?
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dirtyslag96 · 1 month
Idiots in love-James Maguire
Pairing: James Maguire/fem!reader
Rating: PG-16
Words: 1,331 words
Warnings: Fluff, Lying, Curse words, use of Y/N, love interests being idiots in love and oblivious to eachothers love for the other, not proof read
Synopsis: You notice James subtly trying to get your attention and you're not sure why, so you try to find out as you perhaps started developing feelings for the Brit. you're sure of one thing, and that no matter how hard you had tried to lie, he will find out.
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a/n: based on prompt #1018 from this list (“Shut up, I’m trying to confess my love to you.”) ". requested by @themallonbisexualmess , also I would appreciate some tips since I'm still new to writing fics, also dialogue between the five will be characterised by the colour, Y/N, Orla, Erin, James, Michelle, Clare
The first day you met James you considered him quite odd, not only because he was English but also he was attending an all girls school and was somehow Michelle Mallon's cousin.
All six of you were sat at Erin and Orla's house after school playing board games when suddenly the home telephone rings.
"would someone go get that its making me deaf for Christ's sake", said Erin.
"Gerry make yourself useful would ya", announced Joe, clearly annoyed by Erin's father.
Gerry looked confused but nevertheless walked over to answer, "Hello?, Yeah she's right here", a couple of seconds later, "I'll let her know"
"Y/N, your parents want you back home in 10 minutes"
"Oh, isn't it a bit early? did they tell you why?", you were confused since it was still 9 o'clock and your parents usually have you curfew by 12.
"No, would you like a ride home?", you never understood why Joe hated Erin's dad so much considering he was the most thoughtful and caring one of all your parents.
"For fuck's sake Y/N did you do something?", Michelle alway commented on everything happening.
"Yeah its a bit weird"
"James, how many times have I told you we do not care"
Seeing James' dissapointed face made you even sadder you were leaving early, though you never understood why your mood also often depended on his. Perhaps you had feelings for him? no, you wouldn't believe it even if you did.
"I'll be on my way then, see you tomorrow", involuntarily you felt yourself looking at James. "Thank you Gerry I would appreciate it if you got me a ride home"
"Bye Y/N!", all of them shouted.
"Finally being useful for once", you heard Joe snicker as you left out the door.
The next day, you had told Clare about it, she said that you definitely have some feelings for him, since you trusted Clare's judgement you've started noticing that James mostly starts conversations directly to you. Clare also had pointed out that when the Ukrainian girl showed up hitting on James, that you had been more closed off and easily exasperated than usual.
The six of you were suspended since Michelle and James had broken the statue "The Child of Prague", while arguing so you all had agreed to meet up at Erin's place for the week. Your mix of emotions towards James had led you to unintentionally start avoiding him, surprisingly Michelle and Clare had been subtly trying push you two together. You speculated that Clare must've told Michelle or that they had also felt a drift between you and James.
Orla pulled out a board game that had the six of you pair up into three teams of two, to decide who would be paired together you all wrote your names at placed it in a random jar that Erin found in the kitchen.
"Orla and...", Clare!", Erin said as she was the one who pulled out the names.
"Interesting..", muttered Orla as Clare took in a loud sigh.
"Y/N and..", "James!", was the universe really fucking with you? you look at him, seeing his happy face made you feel things you never expected to feel for James, then you attempted to avert his gaze but soon enough you looked up to his disappointed and baffled face to why you were trying to avoid him.
Michelle noticed the tension between you two so she broke the deafening silence, "So that leaves me n' you Erin, this is rank".
"Start without me I don't feel well I feel like throwing up, I'll be up in the bathroom", in truth you wanted to be as far away from James as you can so you practically dash upstairs to Erin's toilet. The rest of the five looked quite baffled since nothing seemed wrong with you but you have been acting rather weird these past few days.
You heard a pair of footsteps coming up the stairs and you assumed someone had come up looking for you, you heard a knock on the door, you were praying it wasn't him. But then again you heard knocking again and a voice, James' voice "Y/N are you okay in there?".
You had two options either lie and say you were sick or...
"Y/N!", his voice yet again heard, interrupts your train of thoughts, so you slowly walk over to the bathroom door and open it.
"oh.. hey you said you weren't feeling well so I came up here to check on you but you seem fine right now", right now you couldn't have felt any better since he came up here concerned, the way his hair was ruffled yet tidy, the way his accent affected his words, and his voice.
You remained quiet for a long time, "uh-i guess I didnt need to throw up after all", you said as you tried to push past him to get out of the small bathroom that could have suffocated both of you with the amount of tension in the air.
To your surprise he shifted quickly, blocking you and closing the door acting like a shield. "what-"
"no, I don't get it you've been avoiding me! why? did I do something wrong for fuck's sake Michelle even noticed! she asked if I annoyed you but I would never do it on purpose just please tell what is going on!", his outburst surprised since usually he was quiet and self preserved.
"there's nothing wrong James I don't know where you're getting that idea from"
slowly he stepped forward before he spoke, "you are lying, I can tell-"
"I-, what? this is ridiculous James let me out of here!"
Unbeknownst to the both of you, the rest of the group followed James upstairs and are now listening to your conversation through the door.
"No! not until you tell me what's wrong, have I upset you, , I notice everything about you don't you get it Y/N- ?", his face nearly made you crumble, you felt bad for irritating him as much as you are right know but you are not confessing why you have been avoiding him.
"for crying out loud, no James you haven't upset me in any way shape or form, this is stupid-", you were both cutting each other off, he was not letting you lie, while you were trying not to let him catch on to your feelings.
"Would you shut up, I have been trying to confess my emotions of love to you all week, and you have been simply ignoring that do you know how hurt I felt thinking I had upset you or something!”
You were in genuine shock and you were sure you heard a few gasps from outside the door.
"Do you actually feel that way James? because if so then so do I.."
Like magnets, you both came forward pressing your lips together, you felt him smile. Next thing you know the rest of the girls opened the door and saw both of you, they yelled and talked over eachother at the same time
"OH FINALLY!", exclaimed Clare,
"The form of human art always so interesting", Orla muttered as always,
"Congrats?!", Erin was quite unsure of what to say since she found two of her best friends kissing in her bathroom.
"FINALLY! you two took a long time figuring each other's feelings I was tortured by James talking about you all the time, and Clare the poor girl had to endure you talking about James!", you assumed Michelle would hate the idea of one other bestfriends and her cousin being together.
"What the fuck!", you both yelled while slamming the bathroom door closed and hearing giggles not the other end, you and James looked at each other and started laughing.
"You two get back out here I'm still not a hundred percent on the pair of you, but just because I approve doesn't mean you can start fucking"
"Yeah please not inside of my bathroom either!"
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Kisses Taste Like Candy
Part 1
Part 2
-Orla McCool x Michelle Mallon
-Didn’t proof read it so I’m sure it’s not the greatest
-I have never lived in Ireland or even pretended to so I’m not so good at the slang part
Summary: Jenny Joyce is Evil and it doesn’t get better during summer home from university. What’s the worst that could happen during spin the bottle.
“You can’t be serious!” I said.
“Come on Michelle it’s just a wee peck you don’t even have to do anything.” Claire whispered. Since college she has grown a bit of a spine it seems must be the college girls.
“It’s Orla for christs sake!” I said glancing at the girl in question she was focused on something else entirely already bored with the game they had just started playing. Whoever said spin the bottle would be fun lied.
“Is it because she’s a girl?” Claire asked me with a flash of hurt in her eyes.
“No, I’ve been to college parties Claire I’ve probably kissed more girls than you’ve even looked at.” I said.
“But you both went to an all girls catholic school.” James pointed out.
“A rides a ride James.” I said blushing a bit.
“So then what’s the problem?” Erin asked.
“Is someone backing down?” Jenny Joyce taunted. She had already came out on top in this game not only avoiding all of the girls but managing to get to make out with the hottest man to ever step foot in Derry.
“I’m not backing down I just don’t think it’s fair to Orla is all.” I explained. Jenny smirked her wicked smirk and looked to Orla who was busy taking the ends of her hair and individually separating the section strand by strand almost as if she was counting them.
“She gets a pass doesn’t she?” James asked.
“Yeah, she does.” Erin smiled.
“It’s not a pass though.” Claire said remembering the rules.
“That’s correct Claire, Michelle can pass but she would have to take whoever it lands on next and the person who goes after her has to take Orla.” Aisling said with a sad look on her face. She had only gotten nicer being away from Jenny and her influence but she was still the loyal puppet to the superior girl. I looked next to me as Orla tuned back into the game.
“Oi I’ve got no problem with making out with her, she’s a ride.” The male to my left said. I shot glare at James who earlier had decided to make me sit next to the absolute dickhead who was currently staring at Orla in a way that would make even the brightest girls feel uncomfortable.
“Sorry what did I miss?” Orla asked as she looked at everyone staring at her. She turned red from the attention. I had to admit the dance classes she had been taking were paying off, she chose to stay in Derry and work at the local animal shelter after school.
“You were picked for spin the bottle and Michelle passed on you.” Jenny said harshly. Orla didn’t understand though.
“I thought we were playing tag.” She frowned.
“Tonsil tag.” Jenny Joyce said with a snicker.
“I don’t have my tonsils anymore Jenny, your da took em.” Orla scrunched her eyebrows in confusion. The ballbag next to me stood up and walked over to Orla grabbing her arm hoisting her up.
“Hey! Wait!” I said as I saw Orlas look of confusion once she stood facing him. He had already put his hand on her face.
“You already passed.” The guy said holding Orla possessively.
“I didn’t officially, I just hesitated.” I said nervously standing up quickly to take his place. Typically we didnt have to stand for this stupid game but the fucker had to make it a big deal.
“Go on then Michelle.” Jenny said. I glared at her as the asshole petted Orla’s head and then winked at me and sat back down. I stood in front of the taller girl.
“You alright Michelle?” She smiled at me as she looked less uncomfortable with a familiar face in front of her.
“I’m alright Orla.” I said.
“Enough of the small talk.” Jenny said with her arms crossed.
“I’m gonna kiss you now Orla is that ok?” I asked silently hoping she’d say no.
“Alright Michelle.” She said. I leaned in and placed my hand on her cheek looking carefully in her eyes for any sign that she changed her mind. She closed her eyes as my lips were mere millimeters from hers. I rolled my eyes and just went for it connecting our closed lips in a very innocent kiss. She had lip gloss on. I could smell the little alcohol she had drank mixing with the cotton candy flavored lip smacker she insisted on applying anytime she could, the smell was intoxicating. Her lips were soft and warm. I felt her jaw open slightly and on instinct deepened the kiss a bit quickly going from a quick peck to full snog. I could taste the lip gloss now mixing with the lingering taste of Tequila on my own tongue. I was addicted. I came back into my brain for a minute when I realized that Orla wasn’t participating as much as I was. I pulled away quickly and breathed heavy as if I just ran a marathon. Orla’s brown eyes were staring back at me. I put my hand to my lips covering the evidence as best I could. Orla’s face was flushed. I began to panic, how could I have done that with one of my best friends, the sweetest and most innocent of us all. I felt the sharp sting of tears in my eyes as I ran out of the room. I heard James calling after me but I kept running until I couldn’t breathe anymore and noticed I had ran all the way to finnoulas. I bent over and clutched my sides as I fought to get air to stay in my lungs.
“Stupid Michelle! How could you do that! She’s never gonna speak to you again!” I yelled at myself. I tried to dissect every second of the kiss. The smell the taste the feelings, everything. I panicked more when I realized that I actually really liked kissing Orla and I found myself wishing I could do it again. I almost started running again but a small voice stopped me.
“Michelle, are you alright?” Orla asked as I stood up straight still struggling to breathe properly.
“I’m sorry Orla. I shouldn’t have agreed to kiss you, that wasn’t fair to you. I should’ve just said we should leave.” I apologized.
“Michelle.” She started but I cut her off.
“And I’m sorry I stuck my tongue in your mouth, that was uncalled for and I totally understand if you never want to speak to me ever again.” I said with tears in my eyes now. She opened her mouth to speak but I couldn’t stop.
“You are one of my best friends Orla and I’ve gone and messed that up just because Jenny Joyce is an evil cunt.” I said with tears blurring my eyes until Orla was just a smudge in front of me. Before she could say anything I heard more footsteps approaching quickly. I saw it was the other girls and James.
“Is everything alright?” James asked noticing I was crying. He knew I wasn’t one to cry over just anything. I shook my head. I didn’t dare look at Orla who was still trying to get a word in while Erin, Claire, and James fussed over me.
“I’m gonna take her home.” I heard James say as he put his arm around me and walked us towards our house which wasn’t too far away.
“Wait..” I heard Orla say but Erin had pulled her in the other direction.
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Derry Girls as the Marauders Era
James Potter - Erin Quinn
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Sirius Black - Michelle Mallon
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Remus Lupin - Orla McCool
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Regulus Black - Clare Devlin
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Peter Pettigrew - James Maguire
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justsomesapphicbimbo · 2 months
This is a formal announcement to inform anyone concerned that I have officially unlocked a brand new obssesion!
So naturally I'll post about them and only them for the next 913746 hours!
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derrygirlstrash · 1 year
I’m surprised no one’s solution to the debate between James/Erin vs. James/Orla is the scenario of a poly v type situation where Orla just sorta decides on their own that if Erin and they can share everything else then why not share James and Erin just sorta throws up her hands and goes “FINE.” about the whole thing. James doesn’t get a say but also has no follow up questions about it and just figured that something like this would happen with the girls, he’s used to just being thrown over their shoulders and hauled off where he needs to go so fine, guess he has two partners now. Worse things have happened, he supposes.
I wouldn’t be the one to write it, I’m just surprised no one went “Orla makes them share everything else so sharing boyfriends isn’t terribly out of the realm of possibility.”
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lansangprincess · 12 days
if ure a jerin shipper or just a general anti-jorla person then pls stop clogging the james x orla tag like leave us alone 😀
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beacheswhereartthou · 2 years
As soon as i saw james come down w that expression i knew imma lose my shit because NO PLEASE IT WAS ALWAYS ORLA AND JAMES FOR ME!!!!! I like erin a lot but from the very start I’ve shipped james and orla so bad and to see him and erin kiss gosh I’ve never shrieked so bad. Please make S3 part 2 w james and orla ending up together
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