#Jim Garrison
screenbeanz · 4 months
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hitchell-mope · 1 year
Decent movie. I’m still 90% sure it’s mostly codswallop. But still. Decent movie
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josefksays · 2 years
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thenewdemocratus · 1 year
Helmer Reenberg: House Minority Leader Gerald Ford & NO District Attorney Jim Garrison (1967)
. Source:The FreeState Gerald Ford was already the House Minority Leader by the time these interviews were done. And was put on the Warren Commission by President Lyndon Johnson because he was trusted by Congressional Democrats and Republicans and seen as a responsible intelligent Republican. Who would seek the truth and not try to score political points from the investigation. But looking back…
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Y’know what, I don’t remember which book it was, but shoutout to that one book on the Kennedy assassination I read that went on like a 5 page ramble about the fact that the author didn’t think LHO was a straight man.
Like, no other author on the JFK assassination I’ve read has ever mentioned the possibility that LHO may have been anything other than a heterosexual man. And then this guy dedicates like. A chunk of his book to it. And with like…the flimsiest evidence as well. One bit was just like “oh yeah he had some mannerisms that other presumably gay men had.”
Absolutely wild. Genuinely. No idea what that was about.
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orchids-library · 19 days
Key: 🤕- Sick Fic, 💌-Fluff, ❤️‍🩹-Hurt/Comfort, 💔- Angst, 🖤- Dark Fic, 🔪- Gore/Death, 🔞-MDNI, 🩸-Blood/Injury, 🩶-Hurt/No comfort, 🩹-Trauma, 🔗- Yandere/Possessive
Here's a compiled list of all the fics I love and their respective authors. Follow the key for categories, all the authors have their own warnings and tags on their work, mine are just for categorization purposes, read their tags and read at your own risk.
*note*- Key icon tags are a link to the original post, be sure to give it some love! The other link is the reblog in the library and my commentary (If you want to read that I guess 😂)
*still adding to this list!*
Cillian Murphy + Characters
Cillian Murphy
Under the Weather by @cillianmesoftlyyy 💌🤕
Kiss and Make up by @garrison-girl-08 💌
The Last Dance by @garrison-girl-08 💌
Robert Fischer
It's Time To Go by @hllywdwhre 💔💔💔💔
Spoiled by Robert Fischer by @darlingsfandom 💌
Hidden Scars by @a-nemoiia 💔
Tommy Shelby
Best Man by @garrison-girl-08 💌
The Debt by @zablife 🖤🔪🩸
Daddy's Princess by @garrison-girl-08 💌🤕
A Familiar Pain by @beastofburdenxo 🤕💌
Jonathan Crane
Those Little Things by @mothhball 💌
If There's No End by @mothhball 🖤🔪 🔞 🩶🩸
❝𝙚𝙘𝙝𝙤𝙚𝙨 𝙤𝙛 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙣𝙖𝙢𝙚 𝙞𝙣𝙨𝙞𝙙𝙚 𝙢𝙮 𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙙❞ — 𝐉𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐂𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐞 by @saintmuses 🖤🔞
Nothing's Gonna Hurt You Baby by @cillianhead 💔❤️‍🩹💌
William Killick
Drabble: William fakes a PTSD nightmare by @pinguwrites 🩹🔗
Jim ( The Delinquent Season)
CPR by @paradiseprincesss 💌
How the therapists react to your "worst" symptoms - Headcanons by @godspeedviper 🩸❤️‍🩹🤕💌
How the doctors handle your sick days by @godspeedviper 🤕💌
How they’d deal with a student with exam stress: Cillian Characters by @aphroditeslover11 💌
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strawberijasper · 3 months
Paladin redesigns
So... my friend @adaphyl and I have been working on a Voltron rewrite because canon Voltron? Eughdghf god awful, we all know. But it's ok, it's not real it can't hurt us.
We've been working through the cast and redesigning characters. I'm posting the paladin redesigns first just because my Altean redesigns need a bit more explanation... there's a lot of lore and I just don't got it in me rn.
I say these are the paladin redesigns but I did also include Keith's dad for reasons, we called him Jim. Anyways here are my redesigns as well as some notes on our rewrites of the characters (I will go more into this at a later date, but for now just some important notes).
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He's trans ftm, wears a binder. He needs to be wrestled out of said binder because he will wear it for too long. He is on hrt but has been off of it for a while cause space.
Keith is itty bitty, we made him 5'5.
He has more non-human features, the stripes on his arms are Galran markings, as well as the "freckles" on his face. He does get more Galran features in the future (will be in a future post).
Shiro's son.
He's autistic because I say so (I'm projecting but also honestly none of them are neurotypical lets be real).
Lance is amab and nonbinary, goes by he/they.
Fuckboy with a heart of gold but like... genuinely. He comes off as a fuckboy to many people but he truly is just a silly little guy. Canon Lance but far better.
He's average height, 5'10.
He wears friendship bracelets made by his nieces and nephews, and always has hair ties on him for anyone who needs one. The anklet is from his mother.
Shark tooth necklace is because it's his favorite animal (and because sharks are MY favorite and I'm projecting).
Transmasc genderfluid, uses they/them pronouns primarily but is fine with any.
Pidge is still the shortest, around 4'11 iirc.
Pidge is aroace because I say so, romance and sex repulsed they do not give a shit about any of it.
Their hoodie was originally Matt's, they stole it in order to sneak into the Garrison and decided to just keep it. Pidge misses their brother.
Pidge wears a binder and is very good about not wearing it for too long. They set a timer for how long they should wear it and will take it off as soon as they can, as well as set reminders for break days. They are on top of this shit.
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Hunk has tattoos (not pictured, we're working on designing them). We wanted to really represent Hunk's culture and because he's Samoan we wanted to give him some traditional Samoan tattoos as a treat.
He's everyone's bestie/big brother actually and I love him can you tell I love him?
iirc he's around 6'0 tall.
Paints his nails the voltron colors, one finger for each member. His thumbs are painted yellow so he can point to himself.
Shiro is a trans man, he has had top surgery and is also on hrt.
Shiro is Keith's stepdad... kind of. Kind of stepdad kind of adopted dad. Simply dad.
Shiro is also around 6'0, shorter by Hunk by an inch.
Oh he also has a tongue piercing hehe haha.
Jim (Keith's bio dad):
Jim is Jim.
No but really, he was in fact a firefighter, we are keeping that. He dies in a fire and Keith now wears his dog tag.
He may have held hands with Shiro at some point :3c
There isn't much to say about him (I simply don't remember everything) but just know I love him.
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zef-zef · 6 months
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John Coltrane Quartet
Soprano Saxophone - John Coltrane Drum - Elvin Jones Bass - Jimmy Garrison Piano - Mccoy Tyner
source: theguardian 📸: Jim Marshall Photography LLC
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reality-detective · 10 months
Allow me to take you back into history a little bit, a small Rabbit 🐇 Hole 🕳️ into JFK's assassination. The untold part after the shooting. 👇
Remember... Dr. Charles Crenshaw mentioned there was absolute mayhem at the hospital.
The other thing he mentions in this You Tube clip: 👇
Jackie walked up to JFK’s body and kissed him on the Great toe. Then she walked around to his right side and put her ring on his little finger.
I’ve also read that she took his ring.
Was this just a normal reaction after someone dies? Or was this too some type of a ritual/symbolic gesture?
Could it have been a marker for her to identify which body was Tippet’s and which was JFK’s?
(Hence the mayhem or confusion as described by Crenshaw).
Jackie went to 3 colleges/ Universities (George Washington, Georgetown, Vassar)...colleges that were either associated with MK Ultra, Jesuits, or witches/covens.
I’m going to leave all options on the table.
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At 1:00 pm...30 minutes after JFK was shot, Kennedy’s Press Secretary...Malcom Kilduff not only announced to the world that Kennedy was dead, but he also (correctly) showed the direction of the bullet travelled in regards to Kennedy’s head wound.
Kilduff was acting press secretary for the trip because the main White House press secretary, Pierre Salinger, was traveling to Japan with six members of the Cabinet... for a joint meeting with the Japanese Cabinet.
☝️Pocket that paragraph. This may come up if I dive into everything further “X”, but also the strange phenomena of differing time lines/time travel/ the Mandela Effect. 👇
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Moving on with our timeline...
At approximately 1:10-1:15pm Dallas Police Officer JD Tippit was driving east on East 10th street. He pulled alongside a man...most believed to be Oswald.
Tippett was ordered to be on the lookout for Oswald.
The man walked over to Tippit’s car...they exchanged words.
Officer Tippit got out of the car, at which time the man (thought to be Oswald) pulled out a gun and fired 5 shots in succession.
2 bullets to the chest
1 bullet to the right temple
1 in the stomach
1 completely missed
JD Tippett was pronounced dead at the Methodist Hospital at 1:25. Note...he was pronounced dead at the Methodist Hospital.
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Remember... Lee Harvey Oswald had a Doppelgänger. Some say he possibly had 4 or 5 body doubles or look-allies.
Did it appear that JD Tippett was a second patsy? 👇
Police later arrested Oswald at the Texas Theater. They accused him of killing JD Tippett.
Jim Garrison did not believe Oswald killed Tippett. The timelines put out by the Warren Commission didn’t match for one thing.
Who did kill Tippett? At this point it won’t be our focus. But I’ve read that it could have also been Roscoe White or G Gordon Liddy.
G stands for George.
A lot of “George’s” were part of the plot. 👇
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Why was JD Tippett killed and seemingly a purposeful piece of this grand scheme? Could it have been because of his appearance? JD Tippet looked so much like the President that people often commented about it. Fellow policemen would often kid him about it, calling him “Mister President” and “JFK.” 👇
The bullets were removed from Tippett’s body. He was then moved from the Methodist Hospital to Parkland Hospital... Where JFK’s body was also.
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While the media circus was distracted on the Casket of JFK, they completely missed the ambulance that was transporting JD Tippet’s body to AF2... The plane that usually flies the Vice President. 👇
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JFK’s body was then transported to Loveland Airfield.
The story goes that the people aboard AF1 were told to go forward...so that they could witness the swearing in of LBJ.
Supposedly that was just a ruse so that Jackie would leave her husband’s body, and the cover-up plot could continue.
Once she was away from his coffin, JFK’s body was taken and placed aboard AF2...where JD Tippett’s corpse was also. 👇
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Who was waiting aboard AF2 to be with the corpses?
John Melvin Liggett.
Liggett was a CIA agent. He was also a funeral director, and one of the best reconstructive surgeons and embalmers in the business at the time.
Why this guy? 🤔
There is a lot to this story that NOBODY knows, it's a twisted dive. If I can I will add another update later. It seems like every time I dive into these History Lessons I discover they lied to us with just about everything. 🤔
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theshelbyclan · 2 years
“Turn that fucking gramophone down, you are going to deafen us all”
Lol 😂
“Turn down that gramophone, you’re going to deafen us all!” Polly bellowed from the kitchen.
Their aunt didn’t really mean it. Yes, it was loud, but they were all celebrating; the boys had come back, unharmed, from France. Nothing could stop their joy now.
As soon as they’d stepped off the train, Teddy had jumped up into Tommy’s arms. He’d been the first to get off, with a far-off look on his face, like his eyes were still adjusting to the light after the tunnels and trenches. John came second and Polly had noticed the almost manic grin plastered on his face. And then Arthur came, holding a massive gramophone in his arms.
They called it a welcome-home present, but Polly saw it for what it was: it was a let’s-pretend-France-wasn’t-hell-but-really-just-an-innocent-holiday kind of present. But it did the trick; the little kids were dancing in the front room to this god-awful music and the boys revelled in being back home.
“What is this, Tommy?” Teddy asked, “They don’t sing these songs at the Garrison.”
“They do in Paris, sweetheart,” he pointed at her with his cigarette still in hand, “and they call it ‘Jazz’.”
“At the brothels, they all danced to this,” Arthur remembered, sharing a smile with John, “Do you remember that maid, John-boy?”
Polly shot them a stern look, “Not in front of the kids.”
“What maid?” Teddy asked at once.
“Just a girl,” John waved a hand, “Our friend Jim liked her a lot.”
“Where’s Jim now? Is he with the girl?” she innocently wanted to know.
“No,” Tommy’s face fell and he remembered and remembered everything all at once, “No, Jim didn’t make it home.”
Jazz was all fine and good, ecstatic even, forcibly joyous, but the dark edge to it was never far off. It was the flip side of war, the last frantic dance before death and the manic efforts to just forget, even if it was just for a second.
But Tommy watched as his youngest siblings danced to it again and realised they didn’t have that. To them it was just music and a party. “Turn it down!” His aunt shouted again, but Tommy knew she didn’t mean it.
Send me the first sentence and I’ll write the next ‘five’!
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littlefandomfairy · 1 month
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🩷 (fluff) 🍆 (smut) 😈 (angst) 🩹 (hurt/comfort)
fic rec masterlist
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🧟‍♀️ Jim (28 Days Later)
all the time in what's left of the world by @self-proclaimed-heretic 🩷
morning light (series) by @kiss-me-cill-me 🩷🍆
in our perfect present tense by @pedropascallme 🩷🍆
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🌊 Matthew Joy (In The Heart Of The Sea)
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i told you i'd come back right? by @dracuno 🩷🩹
🍀 Cillian Murphy (AU)
five minutes peace by @garrison-girl-08 🩷🩹
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dustydahorse · 1 year
Moi QCard Playlist reveal!
QCard Playlist: ‘Tea and Stars’ by DustyDaHorse
Seasons (Rival,Cadmium, Harley Bird) The yearning between Q and Jean-Luc, and about the loss of Q in Jean-Luc’s life
Your Love ‘Deja Vu’(Glass Animals) Q’s infatuation of Jean-Luc and his humanity (and sexy-ness)
Make Me Feel (Janelle Monae) Jean-Luc’s attraction with a creature as great as Q
E.T. (Katy Perry) Must I say more?
California Dreamin’ (Freischwimmer) come on, it was in Season 2 of Picard, must I say more?
Mary On A Cross (Ghost) Does Jean-Luc one day join Q? How does that play out?
Green Green Grass (George Ezra) The bois do be silly and whimsical together!
Moonlight Shadow (W&W, Groove Coverage) What if Jean-Luc died and Q could do nothing? What if the opposite happens? 
Castle on the Hill (Ed Sheeran) Jean-Luc’s childhood blending with where he is now
By Our Side (Elektronomia Fatki, Sofuu) Q will care for Jean-Luc, no matter where he is
Walk Thru Fire (Vicetone) The lengths Q will go thru for Jean-Luc, and visa versa
House of Memories (Panic! At The Disco) Longing, revenge, retaliation...
Astronaut (Joe Brooks) Jean-Luc is a astronaut, Q a god...
Climb Higher (Pink Zebra, Benji Jackson) Q uplifting Jean-Luc, letting him know his potential
Kaleidoscope (A Great Big World) Q is wonderful and magical in Jean-Luc’s eyes
On My Way (Sheppard) going thru the motions of life
Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! ‘A Man After Midnight’ (ABBA) Longing, those longs nights Jean-Luc is without Q
In My Head (Jason Derulo) Q wants to do so much to and for Jean-Luc, but he needs to keep it to himself
Slow Down (Jim Yosef, Shiah Maisel) Jean-Luc constantly falls to something... stabbings, the Borg, torture, death... can Q help give him a break?
Bad Romance (Lady Gaga or Jay Smith) Enemies to Lovers lmao
Everything (Sunset Neon) 80s vibes and Jean-Luc being everything for Q
Give Me Everything (Pitbull, Ne-Yo) Jean-Luc should just give himself to Q, Q will treat him right!
Snow On The Beach ‘More Lana Del Rey’ (Taylor Swift, Lana Del Rey) Sapphic au QCard! It’s weird but fucking beautiful
Karma (Taylor Swift, Ice Spice) Q is karma, and Q is Jean-Luc’s boyfriend
Just Getting Started (Jim Yosef, Shiah Maisel) Q can show Jean-Luc so much more if he just let go
Won’t Look Back (BEAUZ, MOMO Soundz) Vacation? Break up? You decide!
Deer In The Headlights (Owl City) Q just can’t figure out how to seduce this bald ass captain!!
Kiss You (One Direction) Q just wants to kiss Jean-Luc
Left and Right (Charlie Puth, Jung Kook, BTS) Jean-Luc feels Q’s presence EVERYWHERE!
Replay (lyaz) Q’s always there for Jean-Luc, and the other way around
Ecstasy ‘Apple of My Eye’ (Strawberry Switchblade) Q’s in loooovvvveee~~~
It Ain’t Me (Kygo, Selena Gomez) Jean-Luc loves Q, but doesn’t want to deal with his chaotic bs all the time (until he does)
Just Give Me A Reason (P!nk, Nate Ruess) will they? won’t they? oh the longing, the miscommunications
Lay All Your Love On Me (ABBA) come onnnnnn
We Found Love (Rihanna, Calvin Harris) a human and a Q in space, soo strange, sooooo pretty
SNAP (Rosa Linn) another one of those, come on! You know why! *snap*?
Uptown Girl (Billy Joel) Why can’t Q impress Jean-Luc? He’s sooo prissy!
Discord (The Living Tombstone) YOU KNOW WHYYYYY
A Sky Full of Stars (Coldplay) Q is Jean-Luc’s guiding star
My Universe (Coldplay, BTS) Jean-Luc is Q’s entire universe
Love (Garrison Ulrich, John Kenza) Q needs to admit to Jean-Luc that he loves him
The Power Of Love (Huey Lewis & The News) hehehehe another self explanatory one
One Foot (WALK THE MOON) exploring the galaxy, together
C’est La Vie (B*Witched) Say you will, say you won’t...
Goodbye Yellow Brick Road (Elton John) trauma changes you, and changes relationships
Shooting Star (Owl City) space motifs, and the two looking to each other
Maybe in The Morning (Raynes) can the two of them just be honest with each other?
May be added:
Camel By Camel (Sandy Marton) archaeologist and sexy Jean-Luc... 
GUY.EXE (Superfruit) Q’s the perrrfffeccct man for Jean-Luc (sort of)
Jean-Luc Picard (Sexy Finger Champs) YOU SHOULD KNOW WHYYYY
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hitchell-mope · 1 year
Huh. At least something good came out of that whole mess
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gothicprep · 12 days
it’s not actually funny because jim garrison bears a lot of responsibility for the specific “this person is connected to this person who’s connected to this person’s cousin” conspiracy climate of today, but it’s hilarious how he just said “all these six men are gay, which is suspicious” in his jfk book
“five gay men is a party, six is a plot” - jim garrison, probably
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On my birthday, 12/20/2022, my hometown was hit by a 6.4 earthquake and hundreds of aftershocks. Immedietely after, it was hit by a 4+ magnitude. A few days later, it was hit by another earthquake, above a 5.0
My parents home was destroyed after the second earthquake. My childhood home is going to be bulldozed and totally gone soon.
My parents are both elementary school teachers, and are struggling financially after these disasters, and now they have to find a whole new home.
If you cant donate, please share. It would mean the world to me.
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President Biden is right to call out the “MAGA Republicans,” but he’s still having the wrong conversation about the greatest threat to democracy.
It’s white supremacy.
Without it, there would be no “MAGA Republicans.” Those devoted to Donald Trump, who would sooner leave this nation in ashes than uphold democracy’s promises, are only the latest manifestation of the racist malignancies embedded in this nation’s foundation.
The same forces that sustained and justified slavery for nearly 250 years and sabotaged Reconstruction thread through the Jim Crow era. It flowed in the veins of the white men who snatched Emmett Till from his bed in Mississippi in 1955 as well as the white police officers who lied and falsified evidence for the no-knock warrant that led them to Breonna Taylor’s door as she slept in her Louisville apartment in 2020.
And it exhales in the shrill whine of the defeated man who incited thousands of white insurrectionists in a violent attempt to overthrow the 2020 presidential election. That centuries-old brew of racism, grievance, and entitlement continues to roil and undermine the nation.
More than a century before MAGA Republicans, there were the Red Shirts, White Leagues, and Ku Klux Klan terrorizing and massacring Black people and their allies across the postwar South. For them, the Civil War never ended; it simply moved to new fronts.
“With them, the end sanctifies the means, however desperate and bloody; and that end is first, midst, last, and always, ‘A WHITE MAN’S GOVERNMENT’ — tantamount to the old slaveholding oligarchic supremacy,” William Lloyd Garrison, the Boston abolitionist, wrote in an 1875 letter to the Boston Journal.
Not a single word needs to be altered to capture the current climate. The Proud Boys and Oath Keepers are nothing more than rebranded Red Shirts and White Leagues. And Garrison’s descriptions also apply to Trump’s acolytes whether they’re on school boards, in Congress, or on the Supreme Court.
In coining the term “MAGA Republicans,” the Biden administration has taken great pains to distinguish the hardcore Trumpists from the rest of the party. During his speech last week about threats to democracy, Biden said, “Not every Republican, not even the majority of Republicans, are MAGA Republicans. Not every Republican embraces their extreme ideology.”
But he added: “There’s no question that the Republican Party today is dominated, driven, and intimidated by Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans. And that is a threat to this country.”
I am not as generous as the President. If there are Republicans opposed to their party’s full embrace of Trumpism, most have remained awfully quiet about it. During both Trump impeachments, there were stories about Republicans who privately wanted Trump held accountable. But they voted publicly to save his hide and, by extension, their own political futures.
Some Republicans may disapprove of Trump as their party’s brand ambassador, but there’s been no mass repudiation. After four catastrophic years, Trumpism should have been soundly rejected in 2020; instead, even though Trump lost, millions more voted for him that year than in 2016. Clearly, Republicans were focused not on the messenger but the messaging, such as swarming the Supreme Court with Federalist Society-approved conservatives who all ultimately voted this year to overturn Roe v. Wade.
Trump gave Republicans what they wanted. That earned their silent loyalty and showed their enmity for democracy. They may not like Trump, but his vision for America matches their own and permits them to rest easy in the comfort of lies about “election integrity” and banning “divisive” books in schools.
But in Biden’s willingness to separate comparatively "reasonable Republicans" from “MAGA Republicans,” he absolves them. And that allows them to look elsewhere for answers to the sorry state of the nation instead of inward at their own complicity. In times of crisis, saying and doing nothing is disgraceful yet that’s the path that “good” Republicans have chosen as democracy falters. It’s a reminder that not every white supremacist wears a white hood — or a red MAGA cap.
Never let it be forgotten that an American President felt compelled to give a televised speech because, as Biden said, “equality and democracy are under assault,” by fellow Americans. “We do ourselves no favor to pretend otherwise,” he said.
We also do ourselves no favors pretending that Trump is the sole architect of a treacherous moment many bloody centuries in the making. To save democracy, it’s not enough to cut off “MAGA Republicans” like a diseased branch. White supremacy itself, the soil from which Trump and MAGA grew, must be uprooted.
After Biden’s speech, some journalists and pundits complained that the President went too far in his condemnation of MAGA Republicans. I would argue that until Biden calls out white supremacy as democracy’s biggest enemy, the President still hasn’t gone far enough.
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