#Just wanna cover my bases
northstarscowboyhat · 1 month
I apologize if you answered this already, I can't find if you did. How much does Starlo and Ceroba know about Clover's past in the Lucky Clover AU? I ask cause it is implied his past wasn't exactly the best before the underground. Like do they know alot of it, or is it more of a, "less our kid talks about, the better" kind of deal?
No worries! I don't mind any questions!
As I had it, Clover is very secretive about their past on the surface before they fell into the Underground. They don't like to talk about their previous home, or their previous family, but it's pretty easy for the adults in their life to pick up on the fact that they didn't come from a happy, loving household. Starlo and Ceroba are especially perceptive of this, as any parental gestures or actions by then are treated with surprise from Clover, as if they didn't know that actually, parents are supposed to love and support you no matter what.
They try and gently encourage Clover to talk about their past, but Clover remains pretty secretive. I imagine the truth comes out in tiny bits and pieces as Clover gradually becomes more comfortable sharing their past. They still prefer not to talk much about it, but by the time they're a young adult, Ceroba and Starlo have the general gist; Clover came from a very unstable and unloving household with an abusive father and a mother who passed away when they were at a young age.
Neither of them push Clover to talk about it unless the situation absolutely calls for it or Clover themself wants to talk about it. They don't need to know all the details to reassure Clover that they'll always have loving parents with the two of them.
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maomango-doodle · 10 months
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Playing around with the color wheel WEEE
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cliban · 6 months
the AMOUNT of times i have seen a cool blogger today and then gone to their blog to follow them only to be confronted with an honestly weird amount of dismissal/outright hatred for trans men, transmasculine people, and/or butches is actually insane
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threegunbrainrot · 1 year
i dont have any trigun mutuals so i'm just gonna ramble my thoughts into the infinite void of tumblr. and im sure others have touched on this same topic but
it almost seems like vash is getting softer with every new installment of trigun? like incredibly consistently and incredibly specifically.
let me explain.
i'll start with tristamp and work backwards; the tristamp vash we all know and love there is incredibly adverse to violence.
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more often than not he ACTIVELY refuses to fight and just WON'T draw his gun. this post loosely counted the amount of bullets that he shot throughout all of season 1, and almost ALL of them (like to an insane degree) were dished out against knives, who vash knew was strong enough to take the hit.
the few times vash does draw his gun against a human in tristamp, it's as a blunt force weapon (against the badlads gang and livio, for example) or to disarm others/save someone with ricochet (like shooting the punisher before wolfwood can kill livio).
he just doesn't shoot people. at ALL.
then if we look at 98 trigun, things change drastically.
here, vash isn't afraid to hurt people a little if it means more will be saved in the end. of course he never kills, but he actually shoots people here. not only that...
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he holds a casual, sarcastic conversation while pointing his weapon at people.
he constantly shoots at limbs to immobilize people, fires warning shots extremely close to peoples' vitals, and performs several very insane trick shots throughout the show to wound those with armor.
tristamp vash wouldn't even draw, but 98 struts around firing warning shots into the sky and singing about bloodshed for intimidation! i'm not sure there's a single episode where he doesn't shoot someone at least once.
...so what about trimax, then?
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he is so. shockingly. violent.
of course he never kills. of course he's still trying to save people, but there's this anger in him that i was completely taken off-guard by reading for the first time.
tristamp vash is so soft he's painful to watch. 98 vash makes a heartbreaking effort to be as silly and nonthreatening as possible, constantly making himself out to be the fool. but trimax?
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he's... literally grief-stricken and out for revenge. explicit revenge. he's angry and he's hurt and he lays his intentions out so clearly. he's making THREATS.
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hunting legato. HUNTING him.
it's not even a matter of drawing his weapon anymore. he does it constantly, and fires just as much. never to kill, but he doesn't joke around the way 98 vash does. the most he'll offer is a sunny smile to reassure others and nothing more.
i'm not that far into the manga, either. i'm sure there's countless more (and probably better) panels to convey this side of trimax vash, but i suppose it also says something that i've found so many panels depicting this so early on.
but the progression of vash's personality is fascinating regardless.
from a tortured, angry loner desperately trying to cling to his morals for rem's sake
to an equally devastated man who devotes himself so completely to acting the role of the fool
and finally to the sad, chronically depressed shell of a person in tristamp who refuses to so much as draw his weapon.
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void-bitten-ghost · 1 month
Angel laughs a lot during sex.
I don't mean when he's on the job. He's a professional, and the last thing any of his John's tend to want him doing is laughing. The clientele he has... they'd rather he be sobbing or gagging or not be making any noise at all.
But when he's with Husk it's giggles galore. He scoffs. He chuckles. He's so fucking expressive and Husk fucking Loves It. When Angel gets a bee in his bonnet and wants to ride him? He makes a fucking meal out of it. Only when he's close to his limit, thighs trembling and every set of arms grasping at something, the sheets, the headboard, Husk, only then do the giggles stop, replaced by the most gorgeous, devastating determination to get them both there at the same time
He's never been the praying sort, but it's in those moments Husk thinks he sees heaven in his Angel. Sees a glimmer of the divine when Angel whispers his name, curling around him with a desperate cry into his chest and-- and--
Jesus, I think I need to sleep
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avianhasnodignity · 3 months
i find it hilarious that chilchuck was so embarrassed that he didn't know why his wife left him that he just said he cheated on her instead of admitting he didn't know why she left. truly a man of all time
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captainharlock · 11 months
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collection of my "ashera is dunban's daughter" content that i'm not too shy to share bc its funny. there will be much more in the future
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Hello, about the babs post:
You asked if there was a post in specific and I believe I know which one people were talking about, unfortunately as hard as I tried I couldn't find it. Tumblr search is ass, as you must know. If Tumblr decides to be nice and put the post on my dash I'll send you the link.
I do remember very clearly that the post was about Jason "bullying" his family into taking care of themselves. Barbara's section of the post said Jason would take the wheels off her wheelchair when she goes too long without taking a break.
The rest of the post was not very worth remembering, but I do remember this because I got a bit uncomfortable at the concept of anyone, especially Jason, he would never, taking apart someone's mobility aid being treated as a joke. That's never ever okay, glad I wasn't the only one who thought that.
I actually found it, or at least a portion of it. the post states:
“love love love the idea of jason bullying his siblings into taking care of themselves. for example. taking the wheels off of babs wheelchair when she won't rest.”
There may be more, i don’t know but this is what i could find.
This is upsetting as it’s literally taking away someone’s autonomy. that’s not an okay thing to do to anyone literally ever, especially not someone with a disability. This person didn’t seem to understand how big of a deal that would be and was being ignorant in saying this and ignorance is a fucking rampant problem when it comes to conversations abt disabilites and characters with disabilities. Be better than that.
However, they already took it down, they apologized and said that they know now, and that they won’t be saying anything like that again. I don’t believe this person had cruel intentions when making this post. The reblogs of that post are still up by default and that’s not something they can fix but they did delete the post.
Apparently people have been sending them death threats which is very uncool. While it isn’t anyone’s job to educate you but yourself, we should still be trying to guide people in the right direction- or at the very least, not sending death threats. We should be trying to learn from each other rather than threatening each other.
tldr: it was ignorant and ableist, but they took the post down and apologized. p.s: don’t send death threats 2 people, we’re all human and we’re all learning.
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genderfluidsgetguns · 2 months
me, swirling grape juice in a wine glass: "Yeah...I'll hate myself in the morning."
"For unrelated reasons, but still."
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ask-the-bone-boys · 6 months
ATBB's Future
Hiiii y'all, its uh. been a minute huh
Now that it's been a bit over a year since I put this blog on hiatus, a loootta stuff has happened and changed and i've been doing a loootttta thinking!
Looking back on it, like really really looking, my biggest reason for the hiatus was that at some point the blog just kinda became more of a chore than something I wanted to work on for fun. Ask blogs are a lot of work, even when you're just using talking portraits rather than drawing out every individual answer, and with how much ask culture on tumblr has died out over the years there just wasn't really enough payoff to make it feel worthwhile to keep burning myself out.
I think it's a really good thing I stopped it when I did, because having to deal with all that in my senior year of high school would have been a nightmare. I've actually just finished up my first semester of college now, and there's no way in hell I would've been able to keep up at any rate! With all of this in mind, I've gained a newer perspective about how to approach things going forward.
I'm still really attached to this story. With how much time I've spent thinking about it and developing it in my head, I can't let it go, even if the blog isn't really working out anymore. I keep thinking of different ways I could fix the decisions I made early on, as well as the super cool directions I could take it in in the future, and I just. I GOTTA.
So, I've decided to reboot it entirely as a fic series!
This means that, unfortunately, there won't be nearly as much artwork to accompany it, but it's far more likely for the story to actually progress! Writing is way less draining for me and once I get going I can do it much quicker than art anyway, even though I do still sorta wish I had the spoons to just turn it into a full-blown webcomic instead haha
This DOES mean that updates won't be nearly as linear as they were here, seeing as right now I've mostly been working on backstory fics that took place before the blog's main story, but that can at least give you guys more context for how the characters interact with each other! I'll also state that while I do write faster than I draw, I still do it a hell of a lot less, so updates will still probably be pretty infrequent. But at least they'll happen at all, right?
As for the state of this blog itself, obviously I'm going to leave it up! I still love looking back on the old interactions you guys had with my characters and your reactions to certain plot points (your reactions to Fluff tagging along with the rest of the group were my favorite by far) and I think it would actually kill me to erase them. I'll be posting the fic updates here too, just like I did for Self Hatred!
And even if it's not going to be an ask blog anymore, because of how much I still miss that kind of interaction with you guys, I think I want to do a sort of "last hurrah" event, to finally send off the asking format with some good vibes.
You see, there's a character I made up around this time of year two years ago. He's a pretty cool guy, but he doesn't actually show up until a specific turning point later in the story. I've been excited for you guys to talk to him since the day I made him, but a little bummed lately that you may not ever get the chance. I still need to get a lot of stuff prepared, so I'm not quite ready to announce or start anything just yet, but there's a reason I waited until my winter break to start thinking about this seriously.
I think you guys would really like to meet him.
But anyway, that's about all I wanted to say for now! This is a very long post already so it's time I start wrapping it up. As always, thank you all so much for sticking with me, even though I really haven't been consistent through the years. I hope this change doesn't come as too much of a disappointment, and that you'll keep sticking around for the reboot!
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ryssbelle · 8 months
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by far the coolest piece I've done so far, Day 6 of Linktober and Inktober: Mask and Golden
click for better quality
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sweetie-peaches · 7 months
For shapeshifter tubbo(I’m propaganding) i wonder if changing hybrid features is a gradual thing or a sudden shift
Because if it’s sudden I can just imagine
*appears in the tundra*
*poof, fluffy hybrid features*
And everyone looking over to see Tubbo now just a fluffy tundra rodent. And everyone on team blue is just like “that’s normal, I guess”
But also, a gradual thing
Tubbo complaining all day about a horrible headache. It gets to the point where it feels like his head is physically splitting open, he reaches up to his head, bringing his hand down and seeing it absolutely coated in blood, blood dripping down his face (head injuries bleed a LOT, I could only imagine how much horns coming in would bleed)
He runs to bad and asks him to look at his head, thinking he’s like bleeding out or something. Bad makes an aw’ing sound and goes like “oh your horns are growing in!”
Eventually he’s just like “fuck it, whatever”
(Also! As The feathers he grew from spending so long with phil fall out with their worsening relationship. He decides they’re taking Too Damn Long, and starts to scratch and tear at them, leaving small scars along his back and arms from ripping them out.
Eventually, if he and Phil ever forgive each other, and heal. He starts complaining about itching in his arms and back AGAIN, only to see little pin feathers poking out from his skin)
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One Piece #789 (vol. 78)
I'm using all my restrain not to upload the whole issue. This is my jam.
(Also I love Zoro's reaction. As usual, he shows his faith in Luffy by going "you fucking better beat the tar out of the big bad!" It reminds me of him going "If he couldn't do at least that [take down 50k enemies with his SK haki] then I should be captain". Like, the crew has a lot of faith in Luffy, but Zoro in particular is always kinda demanding that he live up to it, while everyone else takes it as a given. Not that he doesn't as well, really, I think this is just his way of expressing his faith without being too vulnerable about it. He's wrong in the head, and I love him for it.)
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Kind of wanted to wait until I had a nice finished ref for everybody, but I didn’t want to leave everyone waiting too long so here’s some art as a teaser for the HLVRAI-inspired story I’m working on! (Thank you to the ~29 people who voted in my poll!💕)
Under the break are the ref sheets for Mitch and Bax.
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I’m sure the Benrey and Gordon fans would care most about the HLVRAI-inspired story because of these two. There are 3 other characters that I still need to draw refs for tho (Tex, Mill, and Laís).
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Bonus doodle…
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spiritofjustice · 3 months
Last Rites of the Rebel Killer
Summary: When Ga'ran is finally deposed, Nahyuta is faced with a new life of freedom. Kept busy with all of the work he must continue as prosecutor, as prince regent, and as a monk, he stays focused on the future and what lies in store for Khura'in. However, after an assassination attempt throws his life out of order, Nahyuta can do nothing but dwell on his mistakes. The past comes creeping in, and he can't stop Pandora's box once it's opened.
There's always something to atone for.
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences Archive Warnings: N/A Category: Gen Fandom: Ace Attorney Characters: Nahyuta Sahdmadhi | Apollo Justice | Datz Are'bal | Ga'ran Sigatar Khura'in | Amara Sigatar Khura'in | Rayfa Padma Khura'in | The Judge | The Holy Mother and Lady Kee'ra (in a sense) | Original Characters Chapters: 4/4 Additional Tags: Character Study | Trauma | Mental Health Issues | Mental Breakdown | Religious Guilt | Implied/Referenced Self-Harm | Self-Hatred | Suicidal Thoughts | Mild Transphobia | Blood and Injury | Canon-Typical Violence | Past Character Death | Post-Spirit of Justice | Spirit of Justice Spoilers | Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence | Canon divergence as in 'Nahyuta's actions have actual consequences' lol | Trans Nahyuta Sahdmadhi | Nahyuta Sahdmadhi has a mental breakdown Words: 21,293 Notes: I am insane about Nahyuta Sahdmadhi. I just got into the AJ trilogy a couple weeks ago and I could not get the ghosts out of my brain until this was written, so here it is. The fruit of my labor, etc etc. This was originally a large-scale one-shot, but decided to break it up into four parts for readability.
Heed the tag warnings. It's nothing super graphic when it comes to violence or transphobia (in fact the transphobia is very mild, and occurs only once in chapter 2), but there's a lot of dwelling on self-harm and suicide ideation. Nothing that actually happens, though.
As always, thanks for reading.
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wakinguponsaturday · 6 months
I'm gonna be a hater for a moment and say that I wish they hadn't made it so a "good" PC could recruit Minthara by knocking her out. Having recruited her on my "evil" playthrough, she's one of the best written characters in the game (when her dialogues actually trigger) and her VA's performance is fantastic. I'm not alone in having said the evil route is pretty bare bones relative to the good choices, and Minthara was one of the few things it had going for it. And I do want more people to experience that!
But you can do that by just. Thinking up an evil PC. Dark Urge is already pretty well set up for this if you're not great at conceptualizing original characters. The evil route is again already gutted, and this just makes the gameplay even more unbalanced. Your actions should have consequences - hence why raiding the grove has Karlach and Wyll leave your party. That's great, I love that moral fortitude on their part! And similarly, siding against Minthara locked you out of having her as a companion.
I know fully that this does not matter, and that other people are approaching the game differently. Hell, I'll probably knock Minthara out to recruit her on my next playthrough because I've adored having her around. (Though how I'll manage to gain approval with her as a goody two shoes, I don't know. The worldviews are pretty diametrically opposed.) But I think that it was a reasonable and well thought out decision to keep Minthara locked to that one choice at the onset. It didn't need to change. And playing as a morally grey or evil character, in a game whose moral greyness was already sparse, suffers more for it.
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