#Kabru is my favorite character after Mithrun
dunmeshistash · 22 days
do you have any thoughts about Kabru kissing Rin as a way to make her notice they're in a illusion? why would he go with that lmao, at first I was like "oh they're a couple! she recognized her bf's kiss and understood the situation, how cute!" but they're not a couple, Rin has a crush on him ofc but he sees her kinda like a sister canonically. why Kabru with all his understanding of humans and all that would make the poor girl think she was being kissed by a fucking giant fish at first 😭
maybe in the anime it's more clear? I finished the manga already but I'm a little behind on the episodes
It's exactly because he understands that he did that!
That was the first time we saw how powerful Kabru can be, because his great understanding of his teammates allowed him to recognize them thru the Illusion.
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He did this because he knows her, he says himself it's "the best non violent way to stop a mage from casting a spell" like, he could knock her out or use force to cover her mouth but he wanted to shock her into stopping so she wouldn't get hurt.
He thinks of her a sister but she isn't actually his sister and he for sure knows she's in love with him.
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He even teases her after while apologizing. She also knows Kabru tho so she doesn't take the kiss seriously either, she probably knows he didn't mean anything by it. (I think it's kinda sweet she still likes him even tho she has seen past his charms. His whole party kinda understand him past the surface charm and know how he acts and still stick with him I love them.)
Kabru understands people but he also uses people, so it's not so strange he did something that was uncomfortable for Rinsha because it was what he deemed the best way to deal with the situation if you ask me. He loves people but he's also a nuanced character like the others that does questionable things, in the grand scheme of things making Rin kiss a fish wasn't so bad tho.
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skunkes · 4 months
just FYI at some level compulsions can be within the mind. like "i need to think about this to make sure there's nothing wrong with it/this isn't true/what ocd is telling me isn't true" can be considered a compulsion even though its completely taking place in the head. also i just finished chap 62 of dunmeshi and i want to cry thinking of how loved mithrun is by the canaries and kabru. (i'm disabled also and this is insane to me and i love mithrun so fucking much) ok that's all i wanted to say
ya! Ive heard about Pure O i have lots of main distressing thots i ruminate abt ^_^ its a suspicion ive had for a while + an observation others have made but that's all it'll ever be i think
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its one i kept rereading for various reasons, before moving on, during my ongoing reread...really really good... rly good further fleshing out on kabru as well, and really fun storytelling thru character personality!! i love mithrun so muck also....
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kustas · 6 days
What are your thoughts on Milsiril? I'm glad that Ryoko Kui made Kabru verbally express that he has never once dreamed of going back to her, but I feel like the fandom is somewhat dismissive of her behavior and Kabru's feelings
I don't really have any particular thoughts about her! I like how well integrated she is in the story - we see her from Mithrun's POV both before and after being dungeon lord, from Kabru's, and slightly her interactions with the other elves. I have been avoiding much of the fandom especially surrounding Kabru so I really don't know what the general take is on her. Feels to me she's very much a background character who's not developed enough to stand alone, she's only interesting in the greater context of her relationships with other more important characters.
Her treatment of Kabru as seen in the bonus material was real interesting, I don't think I've seen this sort of "parental" (BIG quotes) relationship explored in manga before. Adoption and non-nuclear familial relationships are something I really like seeing explored in stories (if my favorite characters I post about here weren't enough of an indicator lol. per my URL moment), and it's interesting to see a toxic example of it.
While I can't comment on it myself as it's not something I've lived or know people who have lived, the comment sections on reposts of the bonus material has shown me a lot of people bitterly relate to how she pushes Kabru from his roots. I can't know if exploring this experience was intentional from the author, but in the context of fantasy, talking about culture vs adoption vs family life is, in my opinion, a topic with a lot of layers to explore as the genre of settings Dunmesh takes inspiration from has a lot of issues with tackling culture, often making no difference between culture, origin and "race". While the manga doesn't distance even less itself from those tropes, it's less dumb about it than a lot of settings I see.
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001 dungeon meshi or 002 susahao :3
i sense a long post so this goes under a cut
| dunmeshi |
Favorite character: I can't choose for my mental health. sorry. I love them all too much
Least Favorite character: ughgh Toshiro. next question
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): ooh...5? Okay so Farcille, Labru (it's not a must-have for me but I like it romantically or platonically), Laios x monsters, Chilchuck's messy relationship with his (ex)-wife, and lastly. Cithis x me
Character I find most attractive: goddd there are so many hot people in this manga and I'm aroace. it depends on the day but top contenders in no particular order are Kabru, Marcille, Laios, Cithis (see above), and Falin. and we can't not love Kui sensei for giving us the Senshi fanservice the world needed.
Character I would marry: I would marry no one but...objectively speaking? OF COURSE Senshi
Character I would be best friends with: Chilchuck !!
A random thought: The moment where Mithrun cries because "even vegetable scraps have their uses" made me feel like I'd been revived from the dead. dunmeshi is so good.
An unpopular opinion: hmm I don't really know?
My canon OTP: canonically no one like. "ends up together" in the super official sense and I'm happy with that! however farcille can count...i think anyways. it's not even coding it's plain as day
Non-canon OTP: like i said, any ship qualifies !
Most badass character: Senshi, because truly what is more badass than caring for the dungeon ecosystem and your friends' health and wellbeing by cooking them a balanced diet out of monsters. all with a single cooking pot too
Pairing I am not a fan of: Izutsumi x anyone. that girl doesn't want a romantic interest nor does she need one <3
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): ...no one? I'm gonna finish my reread soon but I highly doubt I'll find one that I'll think was screwed up
Favourite friendship: The whole party warmed my heart. that hug healed me. ALSO honorary mention to Mithrun and Kabru because again the feeling of being restored and learning to feel again is so real. honorary honorary mention to Izutsumi and the rest of the party because that is the cutest thing I have ever seen in my life
when or if I started shipping it: "when I fall under your intense gaze..." I very nearly pointed at the screen and went "YOU'RE BISEXUAL!!"
my thoughts: they invented sapphism actually
What makes me happy about them: I love how Haori does not fucking hesitate to keep flirting with Ryutaro upon finding out that he is in fact Susato. what a queen
What makes me sad about them: the fact that their reunion in-game occurs when Susato is coming back, rushed, on what she assumes to be a family tragedy; and what she finds instead is Haori having been through a horrifically traumatizing event in her absence. both of these girls trying their best to study and have careers in Meiji Japan. the world makes it so fucking difficult for them.
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: it's not so much a specific thing done in fanfic as like, an overarching trend that people tend to fluffify them a ton. i get it they're cute and lighthearted but they're also sixteen-year-olds in a world that is unfair to them. that being said, i also don't like the idea of making them 'tragic' for the drama of it all. let them be happy, but also give them depth basically!
Things I look for in fanfic: i don't read a ton of dgs fic these days but i look for good Haori background and characterization
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Gina, Maria...and that applies to either of them lol
My happily ever after for them: marriage marriage fraud (I can't take credit for this idea, since I first heard it from Seven ofc! but it's so real to me)
[ask game]
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Character thang: mithrun! And falin:3 if u want
GRINS just doing mithrun for now might rb this later and add on falin thoughts....
favorite thing about them
honestly just his whole arc being a pretty blatant abuse/depression metaphor combined with like. some of the most realistic disabled writing ive seen in fantasy. like i remember reading dunmeshi for the first time and pogging about seeing a character with ptosis because i NEVER see that shit outside of my own ocs and also some of the stuff discussed about him like. having a weird sense of direction (which is partially bc of dungeon lord business but also iirc he is stated to have weird walking/gesture patterns so!) and not really being aware of his own energy or triggers.... like it hits very close to home for me as a chronically fatigued guy with bad balance and bad eyesight and its just really nice to see someone like me portrayed in like. a way which doesnt exaggerate mithrun's disability as laughable or tragic in a very unsympathetic way. like the way the canaries accommodate him and the way his arc finishes up (+ the little chats he has with marcille....) i think its very sweet very comforting. ive just been very into him recently after like. coming to terms with being abused by an ex and going through the whole rollercoaster of emotions that comes with that. like. ughhh. i saw this thread recently and it keeps swimming around in my mind. its good
least favorite thing about them
i guess like the dude's bigotry but considering other chapters in the adventurer's bibble he seems to be self aware of it? its kind of an unexplored facet of him altogether.... and at the same time i think it informs a lot of like. the inherent supremacist ideas elf culture harbors.
favorite line
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reiterating what i said when i answered these qs with kabru. i think they both have a very funny dynamic that i wouldnt even necessarily describe as platonic or friendly theyre just very good inverse masks of one another.... makes for entertaining scenes in a way i really respect
also as i mentioned i think him and marcille getting to know one another post-story and talking out dungeon lord feelings is nice....
i think he has more important things to worry about
him and kabru. as i said i think its funnier if theyre just two blokes forced to talk to each other. they wouldve never conversed willingly and that makes so many of their discussions interesting....
random headcanon
i think im just too picky about the anime LOL but im not too fond of the voice hes been given based on the previews. they did that breathy anime twink shit to him. i think he sounds like he smokes 20 cigarettes a day personally
unpopular opinion
i think the fact i dont like yaoi with him in it is unpopular enough i feel. oh uh i also think like. the few scenes where he shows off like. genuine bursts of aggression and violence are really fucking interesting and everyones far too keen on dismissing him as like. A Numb Mindless Boytoy like hey. think about this dude for a second as like an individual please.
song i associate with them
SIGH i have so much to say about this one. thats for another day though
favorite picture of them
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sketches here are forever lodged in my mind theyre cutes. i like his shitty little ponytail here LOL
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bumblepuppy · 5 months
1, 5, 8, 12, and 23 for Mithrun + the character ask game!! ^_^
1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
Give me a character design with a prominent facial/eye injury and I'm immediately in love, lol. Apart from that, I love tragic characters brought down from their own hubris, and I love that he's a character who is continuing on after his downfall, even if he's a shell of his former self.
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
Uugh so many... but I think I'd have to go with 'Rabbit Heart' by Florence and the Machine because I always think of him when I listen to it (also because I slapped the lyrics onto one of my drawings of him):
This is a gift, it comes with a price Who is the lamb and who is the knife? Midas is king and he holds me so tight And turns me to gold in the sunlight
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
Not despise, but I kind of get a little 'ehh' when people read the end of his arc as characters asking him 'have you tried not having depression?' and that curing his depression. As a fellow sadbrain, I think there's a huge difference between 'try not being sad!' and 'maybe try approaching your issues from this angle?', which is how I read it. It's people telling him that they care about him and that he's still nice to have around despite being empty, which is nice! They love him.
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
After the series, he's trying to explore his ability to desire, which mostly results in him trying to get Kabru to visit and enjoy nice meals with him. He does not quite understand why he desires this, but he might as well act upon this new feeling.
23. Favorite picture of this character?
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It's my lockscreen... this picture heals me so much... I saw a man so beautiful I started crying... thank u ms kui....
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monstertidbits · 3 years
kabru and mithrun !!
yess ill do kabru to keep it short cuz i got another mithrun ask :)
First impression: he was my favorite character before even starting dungeon meshi. i swear i saw him and i was like "that's the love of my life" (and yes i did get excited to see a main dark skinned character), he was one of the main reasons i started reading dungeon meshi... like i heard its good the art seemed cool and there was kabru and kabru was what pushed me to read. i had to check when exactly he's gonna appear for the first time and reading the first few chapters i was like "just x chapters left til i meet kabru :)"
Impression now: okay unfortunately i was wrong and laios ended up being the favorite but kabru is a very close second (or third with mithrun lol). i love him he can do no wrong in my eyes hes the best of them all he deserves happiness and success in life hes the actual hero of the story and i love it every time he gets the focus, hes so funny and so very much the best.
Favorite moment: chapters 61-62, i love his relationship with mithrun and these chapters are some of my top favorites in the entire manga, it's always fun to reread them. one specific favorite moment is this he is just so sexy
Idea for a story: anything about his past and future is a good idea for a story... like little kabru being a big brother figure to the other orphans milsiril adopted or smth 🥺
Unpopular opinion: if you hate him you are so stupid you are a waste of breath
Favorite relationship: his relationship with mithrun :) i can talk about them a lot but i just think theyre funny and cute and like, im almost 100% sure theyre gonna become important allies of each other after dungeon meshi ends and i love that. mithrun's sorta friend whom he trusts and listens to <3
Favorite headcanon: i cant think of a favorite but i never thought of kabru's relationships with the other orphans until now and given how nice he was to rin im sure he was very caring and sweet towards his other adopted siblings... baby kabru suddenly having other family members and little brothers and sisters and being a role model to some of the kids yes yes yes
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monstertidbits · 3 years
what are your favorite dungeon meshi characters and #moments
heheheheheehahahahaha im gonna talk a lot okay thank you so much
i love this entire cast so most of them get their turn being Today's Favorite, but laios is probably my #1 fave. he's just... after the very first chapters i was like "what? how is he such a fun and sweet character???!!" bc before actually getting into dunmesh i saw some of the characters and already guessed who will be the favorites but laios... just never stood out, so it really surprised me how good he was, and now i cant stop thinking about him ever 🤦‍♀️ my other Very Super close favorites are mithrun and kabru. mithrun is just... everything and i loved kabru so much before even reading all he had to do was exist lol, theyre also my favorite duo in the series. i also rlly love all of laios' party so much they are too important to me, falin has a very special place in my heart (yes her being laios' sister means i also think abt her all the time) plus the canaries, shuro's party (minus shuro himself😑), THISTLE, everyoneeeeee..... ugh i love them so so much.
(it feels like this is too long already im so sorry.) as for moments... i talk abt chapter 49 every time im asked this so this one aside, i love laios and shuro's fight so much. it makes me angry but i love it. i also really love the entirety of chapter 40 it was such a funny chapter!! another moment i love tons is chil cussing laios out in different languages i just felt this one so hard and its hilarious. and i also love chapters 1-39 and 41-48 and 50-72 a lot!!! truly tons of fave moments in this manga :)
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