#Katniss is traumatized
claireclaymore · 6 months
"Katniss did so little for Peeta"
What the hell!!!
She wanted die for him! Kill for him! Accepted be the Mockingjay to save him!
When he came back brainwashed and hating her, the girl was literally suicidal! And when he got better, a single conversation with him made her get out of her depressive state and start living again!
How this is little?!!!
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danyllura · 7 months
The “prims name was the only name in the bowl” theory is ludicrous for a million reasons. But what gets me is WHO is deciding that pregames Katniss is leading a rebellion. That girl was so socially inept it’s not even funny. She thinks everyone either looks down at her, pities her, likes her cause of prim, likes her cause of her dad, and if none of those are an option she just doesn’t think. Madge sat with her everyday at lunch and she never pieces together that theyre friends. Unless it’s about trading squirrels I don’t think that girl spoke to anyone in the district that wasn’t prim or Gale, let alone someone with the influence to mark her as a potential rebel leader. And even if she did, I’m meant to believe someone saw that social disaster and thought “she could lead the rebellion”
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brimay · 4 months
Sometimes I feel normal and then I remember that Peeta is canonically the only person Katniss found truly attractive. And she married him.
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It's the year of our lord 2024 and people are still out here complaining Katniss isn't doing enough for Peeta. Katniss "I will die for you" Everdeen isn't. Doing. Enough.
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we have lost the plot. the plot has been lost. the plot is long GONE.
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muskoxen · 6 days
Katniss: “So I go ahead and tell [Prim] about Peeta, his deterioration on-screen, and how I think they must be killing him at this very moment…there’s this piercing sort of pain where my heart is. Maybe I’m even having a heart attack, but it doesn’t seem worth mentioning.
“…The pain over my heart returns, and from it I imagine tiny fissures spreading out into my body. Through my torso, down my arms and legs, over my face, leaving it crisscrossed with cracks. One good jolt of a bunker missile and I could shatter into strange, razor-sharp shards.”
Also Katniss: I’m not in love with Peeta what are you talking about I’m just constantly worried about him and thinking about him and the idea that he’s hurt and maybe dying makes me also feel like I’m maybe dying.
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hungryhungrygames · 1 year
i think the funniest part in the entirety of the hunger games trilogy is during cf when katniss convinces herself she likes gale romantically cause she feels like she is the reason why he got whipped
and then like a page later she says like “i wish peeta was in my bed because i cant sleep without the comfort of his arms” and she has to literally REMIND HERSELF SHE ISNT SUPPOSE TO THINK LIKE THAT CAUSE SHE CHOSE GALE 
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2ctheocean · 1 year
So I just finished re-reading the hunger games trilogy and I feel the need to respond to the claim that "Katniss never wanted kids so she shouldn't have had them". That is factually incorrect. I'm all for female protags never having children, but to label Katniss that way is fundementally misunderstanding her trauma and the healing that has occured in her having children.
Children are not the only way to thrive. Obviously. You can be just as happy childless (if not more so) as someone with a house full of kids. But Katniss, despite her gruff, traumatized exterior, has always had a nurtuering side (as seen by any given interaction she has with anyone younger than 12). That's partially the Eldest Daughter Effect, sure. But there's no reason to suspect she wouldn't want kids in a world where it was safe to have them. We shouldn't make having kids the default option, but we can suspect she would want them based on how much she values family and her personality. If the world was safe.
But the world is not safe.
So, Katniss never allowed herself to want children.
She doesn't even think about allowing herself to want children. Instead, in Catching Fire, she instead imagines a world where Peeta's child could live and grow up safe. She does not picture herself as the mother, because A) She's planning to give her life for his in the arena and B)She knows the second she starts picturing that image, she will yearn for it. And then the capital will rip it away from her.
This is supported in the epilogue, where she describes her overwhelming fear that she will have her daughter ripped away from her when she feels her growing inside her.
For obvious reasons, she closed off the consideration for being a parent while she was very young. She spent so much or her childhood, even before the hunger games, being traumatized by the world. Not just by the yearly reaping and by watching the games, but by extreme hunger. Having children is almost a selfish decision in her eyes, because of the hellish life she's led. She doesn't want to put her children through that. So she takes the choice off the table and decides its not an option. She won't even risk having a husband for fear of having them, why she's never even considered having a boyfriend or a lover.
In short, Katniss recognizes that the world is not safe. That, even if she is the best mother in the world, she cannot protect her children from the capital, from the games or from the world, so having them is something she simply won't consider, because the facts of her world make it the obvious choice. A lot of people who want kids in this reality, where we can largely protect our children, would make the same choice in her world. Gale even voices this mindset, but the idea that things can be any different is so ridicoulous and impossible to Katniss that she cannot allow herself even that. She's too traumaitized to even consider a better world, too hyperixated on the survivial of herself and those she loves that are already here.
But in the epilogue, she's healing. She can focus on other things now. She can enjoy things again. She's not scrambling to survive day to day. She doesn't need to hunt, she does it because she likes it. Slowly, she allows herself to feel safe.
She has bad days, and even describes being afraid of loosing what she has, highlighting that healing is not linear. But she's healed enough to the point that she feels safe enough to want things. Possibilities that she's never considered, never allowed herself to consider, are avaliable. She can finally allow herself to want children.
Because the world is finally safe enough for them to grow up in, and Katniss finally feels safe in that world. She acknowledges that it won't feel like that every day, that it doesn't, because healing is not linear and she'll always have good days and bad. But her healing has reached a point where she finally feels safe enough to want more than survival for herself and the people she already has. She wants to thrive.
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thefabelmans2022 · 1 year
i am always thinking about the katniss and haymitch parallels like.......they both grew up in the seam. they were both reaped at 16, and by then both had no father, a single mother, and a younger sibling. it's not a stretch to imagine that haymitch felt the same responsibility to take care of his family that katniss did. he must've taken tesserae at least once. maybe he even picked up his knife skills from hunting or butchering animals to feed his family, just like she did. he tells katniss there used to be more whippings in district 12 - and that the person caring for the wounded was her mother - maybe he was breaking the rules just as frequently as she was. they were both rebels from the beginning. he survived his games by using the capitol's forcefield to rob them of a true final confrontation, she used the nightlock to rob them of a victor. they were both 16 years old.
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deanpinterester · 3 months
i know this is A Reach and possibly nitpicky but i think the prettification of the hunger games movies can be seen even in the small matter of katniss's hairstyle. what's described as a simple and practical braid in the books is now a fancy diagonal over-the-shoulder dutch braid in the movies (a braid that is neither functional when the purpose is to get your long hair out of the way, nor very quick/easy to do on yourself), and added to that is the fact that katniss has bangs, once again something that is very impractical when you consider that katniss hunts for a living and those loose hairs would not only be visually obstructive but would also get caught in the bowstring and yanked like hell every time she shoots. in the training sequence of catching fire you can literally see that the bangs are in her eyes. there's a reason olympic archers always have their hair tied up and tucked out of the way. if she were to have a dutch/french braid, the point of that would literally BE to get those shorter hairs out of the way. but since this is a hollywood movie of course they have to make their star have pretty hair that frames her face just so
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transrevolutions · 7 months
one thing about me is that I am a gale hawthorne defender. as in defending him from both the fandom and the narrative itself.
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rowan-guerrins · 3 months
people on tiktok well on all social media sites actually will loudly critique the fact some people (especially those who only watched the movies) “didn’t get the point of the hunger games” and then turn around and say gale is the worst person in the universe and treat him like he’s a monster, and that all these traits are innate characteristics completely isolated from the circumstances in which he lived and the people around him. like girlie i think maybe YOU didn’t get the point here either.
#obviously this isn’t to say you need to or were “supposed to” like gale#there are a lot of good reasons to criticize him. esp wrt his sense of entitlement to katniss.#but he’s not supposed to be a Villain™️#like he’s a poor traumatized (brown coded) boy whose very valid anger was used to groom him into a perfect soldier.#kind of almost like it’s a critique on the militarization of young boys. esp those who are underprivileged.#which doesn’t excuse his actions & it doesn’t mean you have to like him#but it’s enraging when people act like he is a heartless monster who is unredeemable or whatever. like. oh that’s not….#bonus points if they babygirlify cato and clove (and marvel and glimmer) and cry about how they’re just kids#+ “they were only the way they are bc of the capitol 🥺”.#like yes it’s a big point that they were kids groomed to be child soldiers because the capitol pressured and “rewarded” career districts#to churn out child soldiers and whatnot. but that. ok.#truly just how do you hold the belief that to an extent excuses them or at least makes them sympathetic—#—but then not extend that empathy to gale. side eye.#esp bc a lot of the stuff is taking potshots at gale to uplift peeta/everlark.#like. uh! okay!#obligatory disclaimer i don’t actually like gale. however i am at my limit on weird and bad and inconsistent takes on him.#yeah he sucks. almost like that’s because he was horrifically oppressed by the captiol + then was groomed to be the ideal soldier by coin.#crazy how that’s the point.#and AGAIN. doesn’t EXCUSE what he does. but it’s important to acknowledge bc it v much contextualizes who and what he is and does.#the hunger games#gale hawthorne#i don’t think i need to tag this in the anti tag but lmk
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plenaurum · 7 months
i love thg bc the way i interpret the books and the characters changed as i grew up…when i first read the books at 11 years old, i didn’t like katniss. i thought she was too mean, too angry, too ‘dramatic’.
but now at 22, 11 years later, i love katniss. i love her compassion. i love her strength. i love her weakness. i love her anger. i love that haymitch had a hard time selling her to the capitol bc she was so ‘unlikeable’, so prickly and closed off. i love that she does what she wants, fuck the rules. i love unlikeable women!
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currently thinking about how if johanna had managed to make it to the capitol finnick might have still been alive
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stilldancewithyou · 6 months
so I read The Ballad of Songbird and Snakes at least a year ago and I just saw the movie today. And I have a crazy theory that I want to share because I haven't seen anyone else talk about it. My immediate first thought when I finished the book and at the end of the movie was wait...Lucy Gray almost definitely survived and probably made it to District 13. What if she is President Coin? She's the same age as Snow so she'd 100% still be alive when Katniss goes to the Hunger Games. Also Snow and Coin HATE each other and Coin was super desperate to take Snow down, I always kinda thought it was weird in Mockingjay how it was almost like they knew each other because they seemed to have such personal vendettas against each other, the way they hated each other felt a little too personal. And towards the end of Mockingjay, after the rebels take the president's mansion, Katniss finds Snow in the rose greenhouse and he tells her not to trust Coin and that Coin won't hesitate to betray her. And then in district 13 everything is gray, everyone wears gray and there is no singing and dancing, which Katniss points out and thinks is super odd.
Idk I also just really like the idea that the last thing Lucy Gray told Snow was that she was going to get Katniss and (if she is Coin) she DOES get Katniss when she rescues her from the arena in Catching Fire. Also remember Snow died because he was laughing so hard he choked on his blood after Katniss killed Coin instead of executing him (also the fact that she wanted to have him executed in from everybody, just like the hanging tree!!!), I always thought it was so bizarre because why was it that funny to him? It makes sense if she was Lucy Gray. When Katniss killed her instead, Snow won- HE convinced Katniss to do it, HE killed Coin (and he convinced someone who was definitely somehow connected to the Covey, after she tried killing him in the woods outside 12 just like how his father died!!!!!). He finally won the battle between him and Lucy Gray. No wonder he laughed so much. Snow lands on top.
I rest my case.
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thatrandomblogsays · 5 months
Rereading the hunger games:
Yeah I’m so excited
*three pages later*
My god, how much trauma is in this exposition???
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