#gale slander
peetapiepita · 1 year
Suzanne Collins, the queen of symbolism.
Here's just another example:
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Gale is good with snares. It's how he survived and kept his family alive.
But it's also a symbolism for his biggest flaw: he's unnecessarily manipulative in his relationship with Katniss and he's too comfortable with the strategy of trapping people.
He's essentially trying to trap Katniss the whole time he's forcing a romantic relationship with her. He sees people as his preys. That's just so cold-hearted and clashes with Katniss' morals too hard.
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Peeta is good at controlling fire. He's a baker, he occasionally gets burnt. Katniss said that he had some burn scars before the Capitol got rid of them after the first games.
It's a symbolism for his relationship with Katniss. He can control her fire and initiate fire in her (cue the beach scene,) but he's not exempt from the burns. He gets burnt by her, not intentional on her part, but it happens.
But Peeta is built to endure the physical and emotional burns, he's strong inside and out. An average person would probably give up after certain events between them, but Peeta never shied away from the fire, he faces it.
The best part? She even uses the same word to describe these two skills they have. I think these are also some of the only times she used this word. Genius move.
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bodega-catto · 1 year
Pros of reading the hunger games books: Katniss and Peeta. Their development. Their overcoming of doom and fear, their everlasting hope and love and desire for each other’s presence. Katniss’ finally finding happiness and fulfilling her beautiful nurturing nature. Peeta’s easygoing personality, his struggle after being tortured and changed. His eternal love and choosing of Katniss.
Cons: Gale Hawthorne.
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hungryhungrygames · 1 year
in cf when katniss is planning on running away from distrct 12, when she tells gale, he is fully ready to run away with her, until she mentions that peeta would also be coming. and then he decides that he wouldn’t want to if he was coming
when katniss tells peeta, even when he knows that gale would also come, he is still COMPLETELY FINE WITH IT BECAUSE HE KNOWS THAT GALE IS IN DANGER AND THAT KATNISS CARES ABOUT HIM
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thesweetnessofspring · 11 months
I struggle to see the appeal of Katniss and Gale as a couple and it's not just because I ship Everlark deep to my core. I am capable of loving a ship and seeing why someone ships one of those characters with someone else, even if I hate that other ship.
It's because, frankly, Katniss and Gale are boring together. There doesn't seem to be any of the classic romance tropes going on between them. And this, probably more than anything else, is why Everthorne shippers are so few and far between these days because people will ship just about anything as long as it's not boring. Toxic, illegal, annoying, problematic--this will not sway shippers. But boredom will.
Katniss and Gale fight with each other but it's not even "sexy" fighting/bickering. It's boring fighting where you just feel mad at Gale after, but not that great push-and-pull those good antagonistic romantic couples have. It's just push-push-push-push.
They're supposed to be friends, but I can only think of one instance where they share a joke with each other. Their friendship is dull and based solely on "we both need food for our families." That's built a lot of knowledge about one another, but reading the series it's hard to find even genuine moments of friendship between them. Not where one is looking out for or helping the other (I'll never deny they do that), but where it's like, yeah, I can see that they like hanging out with each other because they like the other's company. At least from Katniss's perspective, Gale's company is familiar and known, which is its appeal. But if they were meeting for the first time at 16 and 18 without all the history between them, I cannot for the life of me see them wanting to hang out.
They have no physical chemistry. Katniss's descriptions of her physical contact with Gale are flat at best and uncomfortable at worst. So it's not even like, wow, but their make-out scenes are so hot!
They have no cute or romantic or sexy exchanges with each other. Maybe the one they have after his whipping could be construed as romantic? But Katniss drops that so fast and over three books they have one line each that's just sorta cute. I have seen rarepairs built on more.
Idk, ship and let ship, I just find this one so entirely lacking anything to make it shippable.
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loungemermaid · 10 months
Sorry yeah, I had to take your boyfriend away to further the plot. Unfortunately he is going to go through hell while he’s gone, yeah. No, sorry, he’s never going to be exactly the same. Oh it will permanently damage a piece of him and he’ll never get it back. Oh but hey, you know that annoying best friend that keeps trying to force you into a relationship? You can still have him around! Yeah! You’ll like that, won’t you?
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fantasybuff96 · 6 months
Gale stans confuse me so much. Like out of every single character in The Hunger Games books and movies you pick to stan…. Gale is your choice?
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lanadel-heyyy · 8 months
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pt 6
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starrrbakerrr · 1 year
I’m trying to treat and think about Gale with more nuance but he’s just so irritating, in general, but especially when it comes to Katniss. I’m rereading the “it’s like kissing someone who’s drunk” part and it’s like his default setting is whiny (“something selfish” ... “I don’t stand a chance if he doesn’t get better” bffr you don’t stand a chance if he does).
And it really bothers me when he tells Katniss that the moment he realized he liked her romantically was when Darius was flirting with her at the Hob. He said he “minded” when what should have minded was that a 20 something year old was trying to kiss your 15 year old friend. 😑
And the way Katniss was just… not into the kiss. At least I think in this moment Gale realized that she’ll never love him in the way he wants.
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waywardangel-wilds · 1 year
*Gale watching the reaping of the 74th Annual Hunger Games*
Gale: Hmm, how do I make this all about me?
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peetapiepita · 1 month
When Katniss tries to convince herself that Gale is her best friend while she doesn't enjoy his company anymore. I'm like, girl...
The most carefree she's been in Catching Fire is when Gale is bedridden with injuries and she doesn't even see him anymore. She can finally enjoy Peeta's company without worrying about Gale guilt-tripping her.
Katniss, Peeta has been your best friend since halfway through Catching Fire. Finnick was your second best friend when Peeta got kidnapped; Johanna was your second best friend when Peeta got hijacked. The person who gives you anxiety because they constantly guilt-trip you is NOT your best friend.
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capric0rnie · 1 year
gale defenders need to take into consideration the fact that i don’t dislike gale bc i blame him entirely for prim’s death or bc he’s the loser of the “love triangle.” i dislike gale bc he is really fucking annoying
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hungryhungrygames · 1 year
i think the funniest part in the entirety of the hunger games trilogy is during cf when katniss convinces herself she likes gale romantically cause she feels like she is the reason why he got whipped
and then like a page later she says like “i wish peeta was in my bed because i cant sleep without the comfort of his arms” and she has to literally REMIND HERSELF SHE ISNT SUPPOSE TO THINK LIKE THAT CAUSE SHE CHOSE GALE 
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bodega-catto · 1 year
I know this has been said already but I really admire how Suzanne Collins had the opportunity to milk the hunger games to the very end by making books about all the PoVs and even movies about other games but she knew that would cheapen the message she was trying to convey and she respected her characters and own writing enough to stick to it till the very end. You are an amazing woman miss Collins. It should have been Gale not Finnick but you are such an inspo.
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railmerosalie · 1 year
Rereading Mockingjay
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nick-nacker · 9 months
“I don’t have high standards”
Peeta Mellark risked his life to make sure Katniss was okay. He would kill himself if it meant Katniss was okay. He knew the whole love thing was fake and he still held on for hope. He volunteered to go back into the area just to make sure Katniss made it out, it didn’t matter if he never would. He burnt the bread on purpose to give it to her, despite knowing he would get hit by his mother. He was brainwashed by the government into thinking Katniss was a monster. Despite all of the thoughts in his head, he still changed and fell in love with Katniss all over again. He married her and had kids despite all of this.
Grrrr i want Peeta
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My entire Durge playthrough makes me sick.
Durge: Hey Gale do you ever have violent thoughts about brutally mauling people with your teeth and using their blood to draw circles in the ground
Gale: Well, I suppose we all feel like that from time to time!
Durge: ...yeah I'm never telling you anything ever again.
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