#Kim Namjoon imagine
dreamescapeswriting · 3 months
Melodic Rivalry ~ KNJ
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GENRE: Enemies to lovers, implied sexual interaction, surprise pregnancy, hiding pregnancy trope, angst, soft ending [Didn't include smut as it's an anon and I don't know your age, so it's implied that they have sex xx]
PAIRING: Namjoon x Fem!Reader
⤜Copyright: © DreamEscapesWriting - March 2024
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You stared down at the magazine with a disgusted look on your face, a photo of you and Namjoon on the cover with giant smiles on your faces as you sat together but the shot wasn't real. The two of you could never sit still long enough for a photo to be taken so the magazine had to photoshop the two of you together to fit the story that they had written and published.
All about how you and Namjoon were the perfect team, both of you had undeniable talent and worked well together in the studio. Namjoon was a musician with the knack of composing soul-stringing melodies, his talent knew no bounds and his music had the oer to move even the most stoic of souls. You were a producer with an unparalleled ear for sound, with the ability to transform raw talent into polished masterpieces and despite working well together in the music industry that was where everything stopped.
The two of you were like oil and water - constantly at odds with each other. Your egos clashed, your opinions collided, and your tempers flared at the slightest provocation. Working together was fraught with tension, each session devolving into a battle of wills and creative differences but each time the music came out brilliantly. 
As you got to the studio door you pushed it open and found it dimly lit, the only light coming from a soft glow of a mixing console. Namjoon sat at his piano, his fingers dancing across the keys getting lost in whatever he was composing so you stood at the soundboard, your arms folded across your chest as you stared at him. He was supposed to be working on something more upbeat, not another love ballad he was no doubt writing.
"Oh, how touching. Another one of your generic love ballads, I presume?" You asked sarcastically, ignoring the glare that Namjoon shot your way, his jaw tight as he stared down at the keys.
"If you have something to say, Yn, say it. Otherwise, keep your critiques to yourself." He said through gritted teeth.
"Typical. Can't handle a little criticism, can you?" You rolled your eyes at him.
"Criticism? All you do is tear down everything I create! You have no respect for my talent!"
"Respect? Please. You're the one who waltzes in here with your inflated ego and expects everyone to bow down to you."
The tension in the room was thick with unresolved animosity but you stared at one another, your eyes twitching.
"For someone who claims to hate my music so much, you spend a lot of time listening to it." You stared at him, shaking your head and scoffing a little. Of course, you listened to it, you had to because it was your job.
"That's because it's my job, you arrogant prick!" You cried out, your anger way past your boiling point now but Namjoon just stood up and took a step closer to you, his gaze burning with intensity.
"Is that the only reason?" He asked softly, your breath caught in your throat, your resolve weakening with each passing moment.
"Of course not." You whispered, your voice barely coming out. Your eyes locked, a silent understanding passing between you. And in that moment, the world fell away, leaving only the two of you in the quiet sanctuary of the studio.
Without a word, Namjoon closed the distance between you, his hand reaching out to gently cup your cheek. And then, in a rush of pent-up emotion, your lips met in a searing kiss—a collision of desire and frustration that sent shockwaves through you both.
For a moment, you were lost in each other, your bickering and resentment fading into the background as you surrendered to the undeniable chemistry that had always lingered between you.
But as quickly as it had begun, the moment passed, leaving you breathless and uncertain. You stepped away from him, your fingertips gently touching your lips as you stared at him.
"We shouldn't have done that." Your voice trembled a little as you looked up at Namjoon, his eyes were blazing.
"Why not? We both know there's something between us." He stares down at you.
"This... this is madness. We can't stand each other." You whimpered, shaking your head at him, Namjoon stepped closer to you though, his voice dropping as he stared down at you,
"Maybe that's because we're so alike. Two stubborn souls fighting against the inevitable." You determined to hate him, to push him away from you crumbled, your walls tumbling down in the face of Namjoon's unwavering honesty.
"We can't even stand to look at one another." You mumbled at him, it was true. The two of you could barely go ten minutes without a fight breaking out. The kiss had been a one-off, the passion and sparks you'd felt were nothing more than a static shock or something.
"Stop fighting it, are you scared?" He smirked at you and you hated him for it. You wanted to wipe that smug look off his face,
"No," You scoffed at him, rolling your eyes as you tried to ignore the way your heart was thumping for him, the way your palms were sweating. 
"Everyone knows we should be together, we should just embrace it," Namjoon smirked, your eyes meeting as you bit down on your lip. You had your reservations, the two of you bickered like an old married couple and you weren't sure it was healthy.
"Stop overthinking it," He whined before your lips met once more, the tentative kiss turning quickly into a fiery passion neither of you could deny. Your arms wrapped around the back of his neck as finally that pent-up tension and longer erupted into a raw and unbridled kiss. 
"I've wanted to do that for so long." Namjoon rushed out, his voice husky as you worked on unbuttoning the shirt he was wearing,
"Me too." You breathed out, kissing him deeply as he carefully took you over to the sofa, both of your clothes being strewn around the room as the kiss between you heated up once again.
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Ever since that night in the studio with Namjoon, you did everything within your power to avoid him, you started working from home, switching to another group to work with not being able to face him but today had been inevitable, you had to go into work because of a meeting with Hannah, your manager and also one of your best friends.
The two of you had shared one night of unbelievable passion but when you woke up the next morning he was gone, his clothes were gone and there was a note on his desk asking you to lock up when you were dressed. Since there you'd not even received a text asking how you were, or even a call and you hated him more for it.
I've wanted this for so long.
Had been such bullshit, something he was saying just so that he could get laid, anger bubbled inside of you until you snapped the pencil you were holding.
"You okay? You look unwell," Hannah said as she gently rubbed your back, you were feeling a little under the weather but you put it down to the fact that you were going to have to face Namjoon sometime soon.
"Just a little queasy, that's all." You said with a forced smile, trying to brush it off but Hannah narrowed her eyes at you and exchanged a look with John, one of your other work friends.
"You've been feeling off for a while now, maybe take some holiday days." He suggested with a furrowed brow. It wasn't like you to get sick which was a little concerning for all of them.
"Yeah, maybe you're right." You muttered weakly, slowly standing up from the desk as your stomach churned with anxiety and a sinking feeling settling in the pit of your stomach.
"Yn?" Hannah called out but you sat back down in the chair, your bin between your legs as you threw up the contents of your stomach again.
"Here, drink this," John said as he slid you over a glass of water, Hannah was running to her desk and rummaging through it all.
"Hans? What are you looking for?" You mumbled, wiping your mouth with a tissue and staring at her as she walked back over to you.
She was the only person other than you and Namjoon that knew what happened in that studio 6 weeks ago and John frowned at the blue box.
"Take it," She told you plainly, John sent her a puzzled look with confusion written across his face.
"I...I can't...It'll make it all real," You'd had your suspicions that it was true but you figured if you ignored it long enough and denied it then it couldn't be real.
"Take it, we'll be here for you, no matter what," Hannah told you as John nodded, helping you stand up as they all walked you toward the women's toilets.
Those three minutes you were supposed to wait for the test felt like three hours, each second ticking by tortuously slowly as you, John and Hannah stared around the small office waiting for it to tell you the truth.
"Time," John said as his watch began to beep, your hand linked with Hannah's and you stared down at the pink stick, tears brimming inside of your eyes.
"I'm pregnant." Your voice trembled and instantly you were engulfed in a hug from your two favourite people.
"Work from home until we figure something out," Hannah told you, running her hands over your cheeks and wiping away the tears.
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It had been almost five months since discovering you were pregnant and you'd done everything you could to hide it from Namjoon. If he had done everything to get you to leave him alone after your night together then you weren't going to tell him about the kid but the weight of hiding it was crushing you. 
You paced around your office, a mix of fear and uncertainty raging inside of you as you waited for John to hurry back with the next stack of assignments you needed to work through. 
"Everything is there, I'm sorry I promise next time I'll bring them to you. I'm just swamped." John said as he gave you a bag, you nodded quickly kissing his cheek and making a dart out of the door. You needed to get out of the building before anyone could spot you and the news got back to Namjoon.
Lost in your thoughts as you walked through the halls, you nearly collided with someone as you rounded a corner. You slowly looked up and whimpered finding Jungkook standing there,
"Hey! Sorry! Are you alright?" He frowned staring at you,
"You look like you've seen a ghost." He laughed nervously but you just shook your head at him,
"I'm fine, just a bit...distracted." You said with a forced smile but Jungkook's browns knotted together as he slowly looked down at you, his eyes lingering on your swollen belly/
"Is everything okay? You look like you're about to pop.." He laughed softly and your heart raced, panic bubbling up inside of you as you struggled to come up with an explanation. Jungkook had seen you those seven months back coming out of Namjoon's studio with a freshly "fucked" look on your face.
"Yeah, everything's good. Just...tired, that's all." You said hesitantly, smiling weakly as he stared down at you.
"It's his...right?" He waited for you to say something but you didn't even want to admit it to yourself, admitting it to Namjoon's bandmember was going to be damn near impossible,
"Jungkook." You pleaded, shaking your head at him as if asking him to stop all of this.
"Yn, is it his?" You stared at him, your stomach churning with anxiety as you tried to think of something to say but your mind was racing at a million words a second. 
"Please, Jungkook, you can't tell Namjoon. He can't know about the baby." Jungkook's eyes widened in surprise as he stared at you. Everyone knew how badly Namjoon wanted to be a father and hiding something like this from him would no doubt kill him.
"Why didn't you tell him? He has a right to know." He didn't mean for it to come out as harsh as it did, he knew you were pregnant and in a delicate place right now but Namjoon deserved to know he was going to have a kid.
"He lost that right when he made it clear that night meant nothing to him like he claimed it did." You grumbled, pulling your coat over to cover your bump to make sure no one else was likely to see you.
"Yn," Jungkook said slowly but you held your hand up,
"Don't make excuses for him Jungkook. He fucking used me." Your voice trembled as tears welled up in your eyes, the weight of everything finally causing you to crack.
"You can't hide this from him forever. He has a right to know."
"Just let me figure things out first." You mumbled, begging him as he stared down at you.
"Fine." He stared at you as you nodded, slowly walking away from him as you felt an impending doom hanging over you, threatening to shatter everything you'd built to protect yourself. 
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After you left Jungkook stood outside of Namjoon's studio, his heart heavy with the weight of the truth he was about to reveal. As much as he wanted to keep your secret he didn't want to do that to his friend and he knew there was more to the story than Namjoon ignoring you after a night together. 
"Joonie, we need to talk." He said as he walked into the studio, Namjoon frowned at him but nodded for the youngest member to sit down.
"What's up?" He asked him slowly as Jungkook's throat tightened, his head muddled trying to find the right way to say it.
"It's about Yn." Namjoon's hand on his pen tightened,
"What about her?" He asked, animosity laced in his voice as he thought about you.
"She wanted to come crawling back to us? I don't want her working with us anymore." He grumbled out, Jungkook eyed him up as he stared at him wondering what had gone so terribly wrong between the two of you.
"She's not welcome here anymore."
"Why?" There was going to be no more dancing around the topic and not mentioning your name as if you were Voldemort.
"She knows what she did wrong." He hissed making Jungkook frown. It seemed the two of you believed the other was in the wrong.
"What did she do, Hyung?"
"She slept with me when she had a boyfriend waiting for her at home." Jungkook knew you were single, you'd devoted every single second of your life to music.
"Boyfriend? Noona doesn't have a boyfriend." 
"So who was John? He was texting her all night, asking where she was and when she was going to go back to him because he was waiting for her back home." None of that made sense,
"John is one of her co-workers, he works with TXT," Jungkook told him before realisation began to register with Namjoon who the man had been.
"So...W...What did you want to talk to me about?" Jungkook sighed a little.
"She's pregnant, Namjoon. Seven months along." Namjoon's world came to a crashing halt as he stared at him, his mind reeling in disbelief and confusion.
"How?" He asked shocked, Jungkook hesitated, his gaze filled with sympathy as he watched everything hit Namjoon.
"You know how." He said softly but Namjoon just stared at the floor. The truth hits him like a ton of bricks, everything falls into place. Your sudden avoidance, working from home and refusing to be their producer anymore. It was all making sense now.
"She's carrying my child," He whispered as Jungkook sighed a little.
"She asked me not to tell you but you needed to know," Namjoon nodded at him, barely acknowledging him as he slowly got up and made his way out of the studio.
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Before he knew what was happening Namjoon was outside your place and knocking on the door. He knew it was going to be hard to talk to you about all of this since so much time had passed but it was time to face the truth.
"We have to talk." Namjoon said as soon as you opened the door to him, your chest aching with seeing him standing there. You knew Jungkook wouldn't have been able to keep his mouth shut so you'd been preparing for him.
"What about?" You stared at him as he took in a deep breath,
"About the baby," His eyes were filled with something you'd never seen from him before, he looked so vulnerable. 
"What about the baby?" You asked, stepping to the side and letting him into your apartment. 
"I want to be a part of their life, Yn. I want to be there for them, to watch them grow up, to be their father." Your breath caught in your throat at his words,
"Why? You practically kicked me out the night after we had sex so why all of a sudden do you care?"
"I thought you had a boyfriend! Okay? I saw a text from John and I thought-"
"That I was whoring myself out to everyone so you just decided to give me the cold shoulder?" You snapped angrily at him, you couldn't believe he would do something like this.
"You're the one hiding my child from me!" He grumbled at you and you sighed, rubbing the bridge of your nose.
"This is why we can't do it together. We fight all the time, we just scream at each other." You mumbled, sitting down on the sofa and feeling completely defeated. 
"Can you look at me and tell me that when this baby comes it'll work out between us?" You didn't want to keep his kid from him but you also were scared of everything that was coming,
"But I love you, okay? Fuck, I've loved you for so long and I just never show it right." You stared at him in complete shock.
"I love you and I love our baby. I may not have been ready to admit it before, but now...now I can't imagine life without you."
"But-" You barely had a chance to object before Namjoon continued.
"The last seven months without getting to see you have been torture. I miss the jabs you used to say, I miss seeing you...Please."
"We've both made mistakes, Yn. But that doesn't mean we can't try and make things right. For the sake of our child, and for the sake of our love." Tears built inside of your eyes as you struggled to process everything.
"I want to believe you, I do...but...But I'm scared. Scared of getting hurt, scared of losing you again." You finally admit, your tears free falling as you finally let yourself admit you loved him back, that you were hopelessly in love with him.
"I won't let that happen, Yn, I promise you. Just give me a chance to prove it to you and show you how much you mean to me."
"I love you too," You whispered to him, your heart racing as he smiled down at you.
"We can try." You told him as he hugged you close to him,
"Tell me everything I've missed? D-Do you have photos?" You nodded at him, slowly taking him through to your bedroom to get the album you'd already started making of your ultrasounds.
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A soft glow filled the cosy living room as you and Namjoon sat together on the couch, your laughter mingling with the sound of your son's joyful giggles. It had been a year since that fateful night when Namjoon had shown up on your doorstep, and in that time, your lives had changed in ways you could have never imagined.
Your son toddled around the room with boundless energy, his chubby cheeks flushed with excitement as he chased after his favourite toy. Namjoon watched him with a smile, his heart swelling with pride at the sight of his little boy.
"Look at him go, babe. He's getting so big." He said with a giant grin on his face, you smiled as you stared at him, your eyes shining with love as she reached out to ruffle his hair.
"He's growing up so fast. I can't believe he's already a year old." You whined, you hated that it was going too quickly. You wanted him to stay young forever. 
"I'm so grateful for you, Yn. For him. For everything." Namjoon said as he kissed your head softly. Your heart swelled with emotion at his words, your eyes shining with unshed tears as you reached out to take his hand in yours.
"And I'm grateful for you, Namjoon. For giving us a second chance, for never giving up on us." Your voice shook a little and he kissed you softly.
In that moment, as you sat together in the warmth of your shared love, you knew that they had found something truly special—a love that had weathered the storms of doubt and uncertainty, emerging stronger and more resilient than ever before.
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@chiisaiblog@sw33tnight@kaitieskidmore97@laylasbunbunny@tinyoonsblog@whitefoxgirl@katnisspeetaprim@acciocriativity@choisoorin@heyjiminnie@btsiguess-kpop@halesandy@gothic4under4lord@soulphoenix1618@aerastus@jin-from-the-block@lenfilms@elizaschuyler18@piratequeen-impact @Namgiswifey@delulu18@xyahrinx@katsukis1wife@anthropologymajorkpopmultistan@blairscott@4-chan-inpadella@swga-ficrecs@niktwazny303@armystay89@myyouthdonut@xakx@kittymaryam-thebrowniefairy@kpopmenace143@loveforred@b1nn1e-1s-cut3@elissasimp @royallyjjk @parkjennykim @piercedddriver
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bts-0t-7 · 3 months
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Here is the Namjoon Collection!! Just a few of my favourites. I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I do!
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Dom daddy Joon, @joonsmagicshop (Namjoon/Reader Jungkook/Reader, daddy kink, masturbation)
Caramel, @casuallyimagining (fluff, angst, slice of life)
Oh, Honey!, @yoongiofmine (Fluff, angst, so much smut, strangers to lovers, sugar daddy au.)
What's left of us, @yoongiofmine (fluff, angst, smut, non idol au, exes au.)
Out of the woods, @angelicyoongie (fluff, angst, slight smut, wolf hybrid namjoon x human f!reader)
There's gonna be no take two, @sopebubbles (Idol!Kim Namjoon x reader, angst)
Reckless, @vyduan (angst, idolverse, friends to lovers, slow burn, canon compliant)
Drunk in love, @joon4eva (one-shot ; friends-to-lovers au)
Gift Wrapping, @btsqualityy (fluff, slice of life)
We have time, @souryoong (boyfriend!namjoon x reader, smut)
Prohibido, @personasintro (brother's best friend au, fluff, angst smut)
Bellisima, @personasintro (parents au, fluff, smut)
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7brownsuga7 · 4 months
Namjoon boyfriend headcanon ♡
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He’ll let you sit in on his studio sessions. Wanting to hear your input on his creations, and sometimes just vibing to random music.
Will guide you down the streets with his hand on your lower back. And he refuses to allow you to walk by the road
I can see him reading you one of the books he’s reading while you lay in bed, his words and voice lulling you to sleep.
Will take off guard pictures of you.
His camera roll is filled with candid picture and videos of you. And he will randomly show them to his friends/family.
Great boyfriend etiquette
Can’t help but to think about the future. He’s so excited to have you in his life that he just can’t help but to think about what the future holds. He constantly finds himself daydreaming, and even casually brings it up with you.
He’s very passionate and wears his heart on his sleeve.
He takes relationships seriously and doesn’t have time for petty arguments, he wants to make it work and hates arguing, even though he kind of escalates it by always needing to be right. When you guys have an argument he will want to properly talk it out and will take your feelings into consideration. If you guys are arguing he will be really hurt. He’ll be in his head a lot and will be deeply affected. Walks to clear his head, venting to close friends, etc.
Love notes!!! You’ll randomly find love letters in random places. Just his way of letting you know how much he loves you and how much you mean to him.
Cute little dates. Like museum trips and park dates. Painting in the park and little picnics and bike rides. He wants to do so much with you and can’t help but to get excited and plan multiple trips/outings/dates
As much as he’ll be caring for you and catering for you, you’ll be doing the same. We all know how clumsy he can be, and we’ve seen him cook (him cooking that ramen on in the soop s2 had me cackling) + he likes to be babied but won’t admit it!
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joon4eva · 9 months
just the tip? — kim namjoon.
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genre: established relationship au.
summary: you and namjoon are left alone together for a little too long. or: in your childhood home, you learn just how much is really "just the tip" with namjoon.
word count. 3,994 words.
warnings. semi-public sex, namjoon doesn't need much convincing, oral sex (m. receiving) unprotected sex but reader is on birth control, creampie, namjoon takes oc's underwear.
note: happy early bday to our leader who keeps me sane and motivates me to keep living everyday. here is some horny fluff word vomit inspired by all the content we've been getting of namjoon looking delicious in his buzzcut lately. i couldn't resist. pics above are from @rkivsfe ♡
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Namjoon seemed plucked straight from the pages of a classic romance, a perfect gentleman in every sense.
Throughout the day, your parents had been gracious hosts at their house, and Namjoon had gracefully navigated each conversation, his charismatic charm and impeccable manners in full display. 
Yet, it wasn't the refined qualities occupying your mind; rather, it was his freshly buzzed hair and the allure of his domesticated moments – like when he insisted on helping your mother – that made your heart race, feverish heat flooding your core at the thought of creating a home with him someday.
The both of you had never really properly broached the topic of children, especially since you were on birth control. While you had only been dating for two years, discussions of having children had stayed respectfully on the back burner; the decision to wait until marriage, or at least until life was less hectic, appeared sensible to both of you. 
For now, life as it was felt fulfilling.
But lately, as you watched Namjoon tenderly cradle a friend's baby or playfully chase nieces and nephews at family gatherings, you began to see the appeal of having a family with Namjoon. It was hard not to want it sometimes. 
It took every ounce of restraint not to lunge at him right there, an insatiable hunger bubbling within, barely contained. 
And when the rest of your family continued to mingle in the backyard, that was the moment you decided it was time to make your move. 
Namjoon's eyes narrowed perceptively, instantly detecting the undercurrent of mischief in your stride. 
Your smile, wide and radiant, was Oscar-worthy enough to mask your ulterior motives from everyone else; however, Namjoon could see right through your seemingly innocent offer of showing him a 'tour' of your childhood bedroom.
Determinedly, you grasped his arm firmly and practically dragged him up the staircase of your parents’ house and up to your old room located at the far end of the second-floor hallway.
To his credit, Namjoon nearly fell for your act. 
He attentively followed along while you animatedly led him around the room; pointing out the remnants of your teenage years evident in the faded posters of pop bands adorning the walls, a meticulously arranged collection of Studio Ghibli figurines that adorned shelves, and a colorful assortment of plush toys scattered about.
Golden sunlight pours through the window, playing on the sparkle in your eyes as your sundress embraces every curve. Beneath Namjoon’s clothes, a nagging ache intensifies, matched by the growing warmth and strain in his pants as he admires your radiance.
Slowly, time seemed to suspend itself, while the walls in your room appeared to close in on you both. Soon enough, you found yourselves standing face-to-face, completely absorbed by each other's presence.
“You okay?” you ask in a hushed tone.
Namjoon's eyes sparkle with mischief, his eyes shamelessly lingering on your figure. The corners of his mouth turn up in a cheeky grin.
"I know what you’re thinking." 
Brows knitting together, you blink in feigned innocence. "I don't know what you're talking about," you murmur, eyes evading his as your arms cross protectively.
“Oh, of course. You were just so eager to show me your room,” he states matter-of-factly. 
Namjoon’s grin grows wider as he confidently strides closer, hands casually tucked in his pockets. “Nothing more to it, right baby?” 
What a fucking tease.
Warmth creeps up your cheeks as nervous laughter bubbles up, eyes avoiding his penetrating stare – Namjoon always had an uncanny ability to read you like an open book.
It was something that instantly made heat bloom between your thighs.  And when he was looking at you like that, it was impossible to hide anything from him. 
He tilts his head and studies you with an arched brow. “You have that look.”
“What look?”
“The bedroom eyes. I’ve seen it before.”
“I do not!” you manage to choke out, the words nearly vanishing from your throat.
Namjoon just chuckles, disarmingly smug. “Hm. If you say so.”
Within moments, you uncross your arms and navigate the remaining distance, your hands coming up to explore the contours of his body – fingertips slipping under his shirt, feeling the muscles tensing in his back before coming around and daintily migrating northward across his chest.
Namjoon leans down, claiming your lips with a fleeting kiss. "We probably shouldn't," he breathes out softly against your parted lips.
"Hmmm," you pout. "And why not?"
Not waiting for an answer, your lips continue their exploration – slowly moving from his lips, tracing the angles of his jaw, and dancing between gentle nibbles and fervent suction.
Beneath his shirt, your fingers tease his chest, leaving light scratches before brushing against his sensitive nipples.
It only took seconds before you could feel how hard and ready Namjoon was, as his skin burned hotter beneath your touch and his breaths grew shallow.
Trying to suppress a groan and maintain some level of composure, Namjoon bites down on his lip and whispers your name with an unsteady voice. 
"Your family is literally downstairs."
“They’re actually outside.”
Smiling mischievously, you return your attention to him by licking a slow stripe from his neck to the sensitive spot just below his ear – a place you’ve discovered he particularly enjoys being teased.
“I can’t promise I’ll want to stop at just kissing,” he warns with equal parts desperation and plea – a last attempt at cracking your resolve as his hands reflexively grip your waist in a manner both possessive and protective.
“And what?” you breathe out, each word soft and slow, a challenge in disguise. “Where would you want to stop?”
“I won’t.” 
Softening your gaze, you allow your lips to ghost over his. “Then don't hold back,” you whisper, pressing a tender kiss to the corner of his mouth.
His heated gaze flickers across every inch of you – taking in your expression, the way your body presses against his. You couldn't resist further taunting him. 
Your hands slide down his chest and towards the belt loops of his jeans, giving them a playful tug before swiftly moving to unbutton them.
It’s at this moment that Namjoon seems to snap out of his haze.
His lust-addled stupor evaporates like lifting fog, replaced by a rush of clarity where the lines between right and wrong become difficult to blur.
Suddenly decisive, he intercepts your wandering hands with a firm but gentle hold. 
“____. No.”
“I’ll be quiet,” you promise him, a sultry smirk playing on your lips, both tempting and dangerous.
“Baby. We are not fucking in your parents’ house—especially in broad daylight.”
"Oh, Joonie…" you sigh lovingly, pressing a tender and lingering kiss to the small mole just below his lip.
"Always such a gentleman. Holding my hand, praising me in front of my parents, even charming my mom... You don’t wanna fool around with me here?" 
Namjoon's mouth opens as if to protest further, but any words that threaten to come out are swallowed up by a groan that he struggles to stifle at the sensation of you swiftly tugging down his jeans and boxers, just enough for you to wrap your warm, tight hand around his thick length.  
"You’re…s-seriously out of your mind. We…we really shouldn't," he manages to utter, each word strained by the effort he puts into maintaining control – his dark eyes burning with barely restrained desire.
You pause your movements and look into his eyes. "We can make it quick. I promise I'll be quiet."
But you knew Namjoon had always preferred taking things slow, savoring every moment, especially during sex with you. He was never really a fan of rushing, and you learned along the way he was big on foreplay. 
Yet seeing you present yourself before him like a priceless treasure, accompanied by batting those alluring, pleading eyes at him, Namjoon can't help but consider going against his instincts for once – if only for five fleeting minutes.
“I knew you didn’t want to bring me up here just to—Fuck, hold on. Wait,” he stammers, suddenly remembering, “I– I don’t have any condoms. Well, I didn’t bring any, for obvious reasons.”
An awkward silence settles between you two as the unspoken question lingers, and you gaze into his eyes, searching for an answer.
His eyes widen just a fraction when he realizes what you’re silently asking. 
“God, are you…—? No," he says firmly. "Absolutely not."
"But I've been on birth control for years!" you whine.
Namjoon closes his eyes briefly and exhales sharply, tension radiating from his clenched jaw.
“Babe,” he utters with a heavy sigh.
"Namjoon," your voice is barely audible as you breathe the plea into the curve of his neck, the warm air causing a shiver of desire to course through him. 
Your thumb glides across the tip of his cock, smearing the glistening pearl of pre-cum that gathers from the tip.
Your lips begin to trail gentle kisses along the length of his throat, all while teasingly drawing the tip of your fingers up and down his shaft.
Namjoon's breath catches in response to your touch, gasping as he involuntarily thrusts upwards to meet your hand.
“What about ‘just the tip’?” you whisper. “Isn’t that something that guys like to do?”
“Well… I-I’m paranoid and we should be careful,” he stammers out. “It only takes one time, you know. Can’t this wait until we get home?” 
Noticing his faltering resolve, your lip catches between your teeth to suppress a sly grin. Wordlessly, you slowly sink to your knees in front of him. 
He watches transfixed as your tongue traces a slow path up the engorged vein of his cock, pausing to swirl around the head before taking him fully into your warm mouth.
Namjoon emits a soft groan - hands delicately cradling your jaw - while your cheeks hollow and your head begins to bob rhythmically, dewy eyes peeking out from beneath your lashes to watch him.
His head falls back and his eyes squeeze shut, fighting to restrain a moan as desire shoots through him like wildfire, fuelling your own craving for him even more fervently. 
You could sense him teetering on the edge, his self-restraint waning with each moment until, in one deft motion, he withdraws from your mouth just enough to stagger back, hoisting you up by your arms and steering you backwards until the mattress edge halts against your knees and topples you onto it. 
“You’re fucking shameless, you know that?” he pants, scrambling to shove his pants further down and stepping between your legs, holding his hard cock and leaning over you.
Below him, you giggle and hurriedly push your dress up, sliding your panties down and kicking them aside.
Grabbing your wrists, he pulls them over your head and pins them there.
And as his body aligns with yours – his strong chest firm against your breasts, his crotch deliciously nestled between your thighs – every last drop of doubt vanishes from both of your minds. 
Under the sultry gaze of his darkened eyes, he grips your face, his large hands cupping your delicate cheeks, thumbs tenderly caressing the soft skin. 
Your mouths meet urgently; his lips hungrily pressing against yours to lick and tug at your bottom lip, expertly swallowing every stifled sound that begs release.
"Joon," you murmur tenderly against his parted lips, pausing between kisses. "Touch me, please."
Your honeyed pleas don't go unanswered; Namjoon's hands swiftly comply with your demand, gently pulling down the elastic neckline of your dress far enough to let your breasts spring free. 
"Such a tease, wearing this," Namjoon grunts, grabbing a fistful of your dress, "fuck."
His eyes darken at the sight before him: your dress invitingly pooled at your waist, thighs parted and slightly glistening from your arousal visible even to him. It was nearly impossible for him to deny you anything at all when you pleaded with that breathy, needy tone.
His lips move with purpose, trailing a series of warm, sweet kisses across your collarbone, down to the valley between your breasts – lingering just long enough to elicit a breathy gasp before grazing your stiff nipples with feather-light nips. 
You struggle to bite back any gasping moans – honoring the promise you hastily made earlier – with only the softest sighs escaping your pursed lips.
“Feels good?" Namjoon murmurs softly, his hand navigating the space between your bodies to trace delicate circles around your throbbing clit.
"God, you're soaking wet already and I've hardly touched you."
Desperately trying to maintain silence, you find your hips moving instinctually in rhythm with the sinfully slow motions of his long fingers. They gather your slickness, teasingly near your dripping entrance with one finger before returning upward to trace unhurried, deliberate circles on your clit again with two fingers. 
“Wanna come first?”
Your bottom lip captured between your teeth, you shake your head.
"Can we… Can you pull out?" breathlessly escapes from your lips.
He groans your name gently, punctuating his words with a delicate nip on your jawline. "What happened to 'just the tip'?"
"I changed my mind," you whine weakly, stifling a frustrated groan when his fingers stop their movements.
Namjoon's chuckle against your skin is light and teasing. "My greedy girl,” he coos affectionately against your lips before pressing a lingering kiss on the corner of your mouth. 
“Wonder what your parents would think if they knew that right now, their precious daughter was up here with me, legs spread wide and begging for me like this? Hmmm?" 
His dirty words make you choke on a barely suppressed moan, but you do nothing to discourage him.
He doesn't pull his fingers away from your aching core – instead, he bends down to lick them clean before gently pressing them back inside of you.
“Please, just please, can we…” your voice falters as it dissolves into unintelligible murmurs, desperate for relief, desperate for him to fill you up the way you want. 
"So needy," Namjoon chuckles softly at your struggle for coherence; swiftly replacing his fingers with the head of his cock. 
"You’re sure about this?" he whispers hoarsely, the feel of him nudging at your entrance sending already rioting butterflies into overdrive.
Your hands instinctively slide over the firm contours of his backside, urging him closer as your hips rock against his. “Wanna feel you. All of you,” you softly mewl in his ear.
A primal growl emerges from Namjoon’s throat before he nips lightly at the tender flesh of your neck. “So filthy.”
Namjoon finally pushes inside of you, inch by torturous inch, until he’s buried to the hilt inside of you, slowly filling and stretching you in a way that makes your legs shudder and lock around his waist. 
His hips still, giving you time to get adjusted, or perhaps in an attempt to try to steady himself. 
He nuzzles into your neck, spreading his warm breath all over the soft skin there, nudging aside the fabric of your dress to press a kiss to your bare shoulder.
Your arms come up to wrap around his neck, fingers dancing across his freshly trimmed head, massaging and scratching softly at his scalp.
Your hips slightly roll to guide him deeper, enticing him to start moving. 
It's sheer, unadulterated bliss as he pumps into you, filling you up in perfect harmony with your own unsteady breaths.  
It feels even better than you thought – so warm and wet and snug around him, nothing has ever felt as good in your life. 
Out of all the things you and Namjoon have tried, this was something that you just haven’t done. 
And now you know you were ruined.
Ruined for using a condom ever again with this man. Your pulse is pounding so hard against your ears that it seems impossible to focus on anything else at this moment but him and how good it feels to have him bare inside of you. 
"You feel so fucking good, baby," Namjoon breathes hotly against the column of your throat. "So tight around me."
He’s fucking into you agonizingly slow and deep; his movements are deliberate and unhurried, each deep, slow stroke filling the air with your muffled moans and the wet sounds of your slick bodies every time his hips snap up against yours.
His hand entwines with yours, palm-to-palm above your head, while his other arm holds you closer by the thigh curled around his waist.
Enveloped in a sensuous fog where your senses blur and bend, you feel him gradually quicken his pace, each thrust growing more intense.
Namjoon nuzzles his face into your neck, soft moans vibrating against your skin. 
Teasingly, his pulsating shaft glides out completely – slow, torturously slow – pausing just before thrusting back in; filling you completely, his tip applying pressure to a hidden sweet cluster of nerves within you that ignites an uncontrollable tightening around him.
An unfamiliar sound escapes from your throat – a strange mixture of a whimper and his name – and he gasps before laughter takes over. His hand comes up to quickly muffle your sounds.
"Babe," he warns between giggles and gasps for air. "You promised you'd be quiet." 
“But—” your weak rebuttal trails off as warmth spreads across your face and tears gather at the corners of your eyes. “B-but it’s just so… F-feels… so…”
"Shhh, I know," he whispers tenderly against your mouth.
Namjoon’s hand trails from the curve of your thigh to weave through your hair, tightening at the back of your head and pulling you into another heated, sloppy kiss. 
“Doing so well for me,” Namjoon whispers between kisses. “Taking it all.” More kisses. Rougher and wetter. “S-so pretty… so fucking pretty wrapped around me like this.” 
With each impassioned stroke, you cling to him; muffled moans of his name escaping between breathless kisses as waves of warmth wash over you. 
"Want you to come... come inside, Joon, please," you softly plead.
Ardor begins to strain at every seam, your sweet plea threatening to shatter Namjoon's restraint, nearly sending him over the edge.
“Yeah? You close, baby?”
Your eyelids grow heavy, closing tightly as your head fervently bobs in agreement, words failing you.
To this, Namjoon plunges into you with a growl. His cock kisses your g-spot, again and again – and his face is a canvas of pure ecstasy as he thrusts forcefully, his hips colliding with yours while he drives himself even deeper, almost as if he was working to etch himself into your very being. 
Your teeth press into his shoulder to muffle your sobs, while your hands frantically wander— sliding under his shirt to rake at the damp skin of his back or bunching at the wrinkled sheets, desperately searching for something to ground you as he pounds into you, each powerful motion stealing more breath from your lungs. It’s a drawn-out, slow rolling orgasm that he drags out of you.
He fucks you through your climax; deep, steady thrusts that makes your legs quiver and your eyes lose focus as they roll back. 
A low, guttural moan suddenly escapes him as warmth begins to flood every nook and cranny within you, occupying and filling every gap.
The pulsating of the thick vein lining the underside of his cock throbs with each burst of his release, while your own walls tenderly constrict around him.
Your vision is consumed by whiteness as your eyes clench shut from the sheer force of shared euphoria, your mind wonderfully blank.
And then, stillness. 
He stays buried inside you, his large frame forming a protective shield around your body, like a giant blanket swaddling you both.
His nose gently nestles against the side of your neck, as the rhythmic rise and fall of his chest comes to match yours, slowly and peacefully. Your legs are still wrapped snugly around his waist, your hand tracing slow, lethargic circles on his back beneath his shirt.
“Holy shit,” you breathe in elation, “we should do that more often.”
Namjoon huffs out a laugh. Carefully shifting his weight, he hovers above you, hands on either side of your shoulders. “That good?”
“Yeah,” you exhale with a grin. “Really good.” “Really good,” he echoes with a laughter that dances at the edges of his eyes and alights the depths of his dimples.
And you laugh, too, delightfully dizzy and slightly sticky with perspiration as the sun spills through the window's gaps, rays of golden syrup bathing you in warmth.
Namjoon presses a fleeting but tender kiss to your mouth and gently pulls out of you, leaving a lingering emptiness and a sweet ache in your core that lingers.
His eyes curiously wander down to the apex of your thighs and you watch as his hand wanders down to pry your legs apart, his fingertips holding them open as he watches the warm, viscous fluid of his cum slowly form a trail from your entrance. He traces a gentle finger through the slick aftermath, a satisfied hum resonating as your body shudders with blissful oversensitivity. 
In this proximity, he bends down to place a tender kiss on the side of your jaw, with words that now flow like honey. “Think we could make that a priority,” he murmurs.
He follows up with another feathery kiss directly upon your lips - an almost chastely innocent smile dancing across his features, almost sinfully ironic.
You find yourself grinning in response to his obvious overture before letting your hand wander lower on his back.
Slowly, deliberately, almost flirtatiously, it reaches and gropes his rear end. "So would you be open to round two then?" you tease playfully as your fingers pinch just enough for him to know you're serious.
Namjoon’s immediate reaction is priceless – a jolt forward accompanied by an adorably indignant yelp as he tries (and fails) to hide his surprise at your boldness. All he can do is shake his head at you in disbelief before giving in once more to laughter. 
Eventually regaining some composure, he chides you gently by flicking your forehead with one finger, mimicking chastisement but betraying nothing but affection. You feign complete agony with a comically exaggerated moan and grip to your forehead, earning another round of laughter from Namjoon.
“Jesus, baby,” he says, exhaling a heavy breath, forcing a laugh. “You’re going to kill me.”
He shifts to a seated position on the mattress next to you before standing up, his back straight and his movements curiously graceful for someone so tall.
Your gaze follows him, transfixed as he grasps the edges of his boxers and jeans, lifting them back over his lean hips. 
You have to internally curse at how his shirt clings to him like a second skin, accentuating his broad form as he calmly fastens each button, the muscles in his biceps rippling subtly in the process.
This simple act (an undoubtedly mundane and ordinary action) transforms into a hypnotizing display just by virtue of it being Namjoon. 
Shifting your position slightly, you slide the straps of your dress back into place, readjusting the elastic neckline to cover your chest.
Propped up on your elbows, your eyes dart around for your missing panties.
Namjoon seems to be almost telepathic in this moment, glancing over and catching your eye.
Realizing what you're searching for, a playful smirk forms on his lips.
He bends down to retrieve your underwear from its hiding spot on the floor and rather cheekily shoves it into his pocket instead of handing it to you.
Feigning irritation, you huff as he saunters victoriously across the room towards the bedroom door with his stolen trophy secured in his pocket. 
“Namjoon,” you protest, now sitting up completely. “I need those!”
"You can have them back later," he calls over his shoulder as he begins opening the door. 
The curve of his lips breaking into a gentle smile as he adds, "Let's go home. And don't worry, love - I'll keep these safe for you."
As if to emphasize his point, he gives the pocket safeguarding your panties a delicate pat - one last playful jest before disappearing beyond the doorway.
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uarmymoonlight · 5 months
after the afterparty
pairing: nerd!namjoon X ex-mean girl!reader 
genre: frenemies (? sorta) to lovers, rivals to lovers, college!au, one-shot, angsty, smut,
summary: after a night of partying with your (now ex-)classmates, namjoon finds you alone in the kitchen and unspoken feelings and desires come rushing to the surface 
warnings: NOT PROOFREAD, reader’s a bit of an asshole, namjoon kinda idolizes her, lots of untold backstory for the #angst, tit/nipple play, biting (lightly)
words: a little over 4.8k
taglist: @kyglover @luaspersona
crossposted on AO3: here.
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image by @/chimigraphic on twitter
You finally take a deep breath of the cold night air. Eyes closed, beer in hand, hip leaned in against the kitchen counter. Another deep breath. 
This night took a real toll on you: 2 hours of pre-game plus 4 of partying and an unbelievable  2 and a half more of after-partying, all in the name of socialization and redemption. But it’s over now. 
You let the silence embrace and erase you. The outdoor lights paint the room with a faint blue and the only sound is a car passing by and the sink leaking. It’s just you there. The rest have gone to bed –  their own or someone else’s - or back to their own airbnbs. But, as tired as you are, you stay there in the kitchen. This last moment of silence before you leave this place for good. And these long nearly 9 hours of today won’t matter. The people at the party won’t matter. Not even that award-stealing, headache-inducing, infuriating, dimpled assh–
A noise stops your thoughts. You turn to your right to see Namjoon kneeling down to catch the water bottle he’d dropped.
“Hey”, he licks his lips “I...I thought everyone else was gone or sleeping.” 
“So did I.” 
A beat of silence goes by and then another, a longer one. You could almost laugh at the silence that sets between the two of you. Had this happened a while back, you would’ve already told him to fuck off and probably insulted him somehow. Then again, had this been back then, he would’ve been vexing you endlessly by refusing to let the silence just be, doing that nervous back-and-forth on his heels he used to do all the time and talking your ear off. 
This isn’t back then, however. So now, you’re just looking at each other. 
Alright. You said you’d change your attitude, didn’t you? Here’s a test for you to prove you did. Your chance to do something to Namjoon you’ve never done before: be nice. 
He scoffs, incredulous.
“You’re congratulating me?”
You can’t say you’re surprised he asked. There was a time you’d rather have eaten your own two feet before ever complimenting Namjoon to his face, a time you’d have done anything to not stay in the same room as him. Let alone just the two of you together. 
“Well, I did tell you I would, when you deserved it” you remind him “You won the academic decathlon, graduated top of the class, and you got the girl. You deserve it now, so there you go: congratulations.” you raise your glass slightly to him. 
He hesitates. 
“I got a girl.” 
You wait for him to elaborate. He doesn’t. You keep staring at him with those piercing eyes of yours. He hates them. Hates how much he’s always been so aware of them. Hates how much he’s always been so desperate to understand the emotions behind them. But, most of all, he hates how beautiful he finds them, how much they make him feel so on the spotlight, so special. 
He watches you open and close your mouth. Once. Twice. You’re speechless? Now here’s one for the history books, he thinks. You’re probably debating whether you should ask him or not about what he meant by that. And God, he hopes you do. He wants you to ask him, he so desperately does. He needs you to want to know what he means. He needs this opening to tell you exactly why Seulgi isn’t the girl, he needs this one chance to tell you what he’s been holding in for so long, the feelings that are always on the tip of his tongue. 
Namjoon waits for you to ask. But you don’t. You look away. 
You can’t ask him, because that question leads to things you’ve already shut the door of, a long time ago. And he should know better than to try and get it out of you. But he’s Namjoon. Namjoon, always the hopeful idealist, always wearing his heart on his sleeve. And you, always the scoffing pessimist, the egotistical cold bitch. So, you take the coward’s route and when you look back at him all you say is:
“I’m leaving tomorrow.” So there’s no point in talking about any of this, is what you don’t say.
“I know.” 
Again, neither of you talk for a while. In silence, you simply look at each other. The air between you is tense with something neither could name exactly. Namjoon breaks the silence this time. 
“Dance with me?” he extends his left hand to you. 
“There’s no music.”
He shrugs and insists “Dance with me.”
You look at his still stretched hand towards you and it’s almost a perfect flashback of that one night so many nights ago. When he had also reached out for you, in ways more than just physical. When Namjoon had laid out so much of himself for you and all you did was spit it back at him. 
“You owe me this one”, he says. Maybe he’s an ass for insisting on this, but God knows you actually do owe him at least this one. You do, and you know it. “You didn’t even talk to me at my party earlier”, he adds. 
And it’s just another time that you realize he really is a much better person than you are for using the party as leverage, and not…Well, everything else you’ve done. It’s something you’re not sure you would’ve done for him. 
You softly put down your beer on the counter, looking at it while you do so. Anything to not look at him just yet. You need those extra few seconds to…You don’t know what for. To prepare? To breathe? It isn’t to think, surely. Maybe that’s it. You need to not think about what you’re going to do. When the can touches the counter, you spin it a couple times, staring at the label. 
With your peripheral vision, you can see Namjoon’s offering hand still out. Again, you remember another moment, a long time ago, when he offered his hand too. You had refused it. God, you suck at this not thinking thing. Andnd you suck at not being a coward.
You finally peel away from the counter and walk quietly to namjoon. You stare at his hand and, taking your time, you slide yours in it. Feeling every inch of his skin until both of your hands are completely touching, and when that happens, you feel a breath you didn’t realize you were holding come out. You feel a bit pathetic for it. The worst part is you hear Namjoon doing the same thing. 
Namjoon is smart, you know that. You and everyone who saw him beat you at everything academic-related year after year after year. He’s smart. But he’s not truly smart. If he were truly smart, you think, he’d pull away right now. If he were, he’d turn his back away from you for good. 
He doesn’t. He slides his hand from yours to your elbow, caressing your forearm on his way and pulls you in. His fingers on his right hand brush against you, starting with your fingers and going up until he settles it on your waist, pulling you in even more. Not letting go of your elbow, he places your hand on his chest and you complete the action by sliding both your arms around his neck. 
You still haven’t looked in his eyes, focusing on his shirt. Actually, his chest. You’d rather not think about that.
You feel his presence all around you, feel him on your skin even though very few parts of you are really touching the other. You feel his head close to yours, your feet almost touching. The two of you stand locked in place.
“Yes?” His voice is little more than a breath. 
You hear him scoff lightly and get brave enough to glance at him through your eyelashes. Only a shadow of a smile rests on his lips, so his famous dimples are nowhere in sight. 
As he begins to lead you, that quivering bravery you felt moments ago vanishes. You go back to staring at his shirt while embarrassingly hoping you don’t step on his toes. You'd count your steps, instead of just hoping you're doing it right. That is if you knew how to do that. Shouldn't there be music in order to properly count the steps? Isn't that how it works? You count by following the beat of the song, right? But, then again, there's supposed to be music when you dance regardless of the counting. God, what a stupid idea. Why did you agree to this anyway?
Namjoon pulls you even closer, joining your chests and your thighs together as you draw in a surprised breath and let out a sigh. Now, your nose brushes against his lips. 
Ah, right. That is why.
You really can't do this not-thinking thing. Product of years over worrying about your social status and over analyzing every interaction you had to make sure you came out on top. It’s actually a lot of hard work being the main top bitch in the area.
Briefly, you wonder what people would think if they saw you right now in his arms. You wonder what Namjoon thinks of this whole scene. 
And what an interesting scene it is: the dim lights covering you like a blanket while you quietly embrace, a dance that is little more than just swaying softly to a soundtrack of whispers and wind. You can see your pale reflections on the window. The image akin to that of ghost lovers lost to time, only united by the sound of emptiness when time is frozen. Maybe is because of that image of emptiness and stillness, and because you already decided to leave that you tell him:
"I'm sorry.” It's said so softly, so hopelessly, that Namjoon nearly misses it.
There’s so much he could say to that and yet…He puts a hand on your chin and pulls you away just enough to look at your face. With your eyebrows frowning and your beautiful eyes wide scanning him, you look as scared as Namjoon feels. Namjoon traces your face with his thumb: eyebrow to temple to cheek to your lips. This last caress makes your lips part a little, enough for only a thread of air to pass, and eyes flutter. 
There’s so much he could say, but there's only one thing he wants. 
Your lips touch in a strong kiss. A kiss that is like that first leap of courage into a cold pool. You know the water will be cold at first, but you also know that if you don't jump, you'll never get into the pool. And just like in a pool, neither of you breathe for a while. Just like in a pool, Namjoon is terrified of that first splash of water, scared you'll push him away. 
The kiss ends and you catch your breaths. Not for long, though. You grab the lapel of his jacket to pull him in again and relock your lips. Now, you make sure it's a proper kiss, you take your time learning how to kiss him and how you two fit. After a swirl of your tongue, you feel his hand on your lower back put more pressure and pin you closer. Your legs open slightly and he puts one of his legs a little in between yours, his crotch rubbing against yours as you kiss. As you sink your finger deeper into his jacket, Namjoon firmly grabs the back of your neck and presses his hold. The shivers all over your body and your moan encourage him. 
A surprised gasp leaves you when Namjoon, with one hand grabbing your neck and the other around your waist, moves you until your back is against a wall. The cold surface touching your back provides a small break from the hot and heavy air between you and him. A small part of you - the part that isn’t busy kissing him - is a little shocked at how strong he got. When you first met him, he was all height and bones. You’d heard he’d started going to the gym some semesters ago, but you sorta refused to really acknowledge it and, when your eyes and body acknowledged that independently, your brain made a conscious choice to ignore it. At the moment, you don’t have much brainpower to make any choice besides making out with him. 
Namjoon likes to think he's self aware enough to not be an arrogant prick, but he can't stop the feeling of pride taking over him as you touch him with such clear appreciation of his new physique. He responds to it with his own devotion, intoxicated by your trademark perfume, the same lingering scent that would always tempt him whenever you left a room. 
You feel his toned chest and your hands travel along his strong shoulders. And you feel a bit stupid, a bit clichè, because you put your hands on his upper arms and squeeze his biceps. Kinda like in those stupid movies where the sweet bimbo cheerleader fakes coyness as she fawns over the totally not humble quarterback’s muscles. Okay, so, yeah, maybe it’s a bit eye-rolling worthy, but God! his biceps! If his biceps weren’t enough…his thighs! His thighs are huge and strong and you think you’re not really ashamed of how you gladly let him put one of them between your legs. Also, you don’t care that you two are unabashedly dry humping each other, like two horny inexperienced teenagers. Well, suppose that goes with the cheerleader-quarterback thing. Besides, Namjoon certainly doesn’t seem to mind, guiding and motivating your movements by stroking your ass. 
Jesus, dry humping someone should not feel this good. You keep going, more, more and more, feeling yourself get wetter with each move, feeling Namjoon get harder each time you feel his dick brushing against your lower belly. He lifts your leg and repositions himself at a better angle so it isn’t just the friction that’s doing it for you, but the hard pressure of his dick too making you nearly lose your mind in need of him - and he's barely touched you. How come you're affected by him like this? 
You open your eyes to see him leaving messy kisses along your skin, making his way down your neck past your collarbones. When he reaches your cleavage he makes it a point to maintain eye contact and lazily kisses the space between your breasts. Again, Namjoon isn't particularly conceited, still, he shows a boastful smirk at your eyes rolling back in pleasure. He continues his way down your body, his hands trailing its contours and feeling the soft silk of your dress he wished you weren’t wearing. 
To him, you’re beautiful like a queen: proud, imposing, and powerful. You’ve always been. He thinks it’s your sharp, intelligent eyes, your intent look, but it’s also your straight and confident posture. Looking at you at the moment, though he can still see that spark of intelligence, your eyes are heavy-lidded. Your posture is not insecure, it’s solicitous, fully ready to give in to him. But you’re still you and because you’re still you that there’s still a hint of royal impatience in the way you press yourself against his body, demanding more out of him. 
The vision of him going down past your belly button makes you take a breath and arch your back in anticipation. You'd sooner kill yourself before saying you felt butterflies in your stomach, but you do feel something. It takes all your little sense of self control to not grab his hair and lead him straight to where you want him. You don’t have a chance to actually do this since he’s already dipping even lower, eyeing you with malice and desire and nearly driving you crazy with need. You feel your nipples harden when he strokes your folds through your panties with his thumb before pushing the clothing aside. 
“Namjoon”, you moan. 
He lets out a low growling sound at that and begins exploring your pussy. Fingers and tongue take turns touching and tasting you. His fingers open and stretch you while his mouth sucks on your clit. You think you mumble something along the lines of “yes” and “there” a few times. Your fingers curl in response and your hips move following his rhythm. He licks and sucks and tastes and touches and strokes and you feel yourself closer to cumming with each movement. 
Once more, you catch a glimpse of yourselves in a window. The sight is one of pure depravation. You see how dishelved you look, your lips swollen from the kisses and hair an entangled mess on your head, dress hiked up as one of your legs is proped up on Namjoon’s shoulder, a hand of his squeezing your thigh.You’re a bit impressed at how he’s still at it, when your last few hook-ups seemed to want to eat you out as quickly as possible only to say they did it. You’ve never really seen a man who seems so happy to eat pussy like Namjoon. You watch your reflection for a little bit longer while he continues edging you.
Enough. You need all of him now.
“Namjoon”, you say breathlessly. It was a command, but your mind can only think about his tongue on your pussy. You try again. You forcefully pull his head back “Namjoon.” 
He hisses a bit due to the force of you pulling his hair. 
“Yes, Your Highness?” you squint your eyes in annoyance hearing the mocking nickname he gave you so long ago. You hated the nickname, because you knew it wasn’t a compliment, just a veiled insult of his. However, hearing it while he’s on his knees for you…not bad, you think, not bad at all. Especially when his already deep voice sounds deeper and raspy, the words coming out with a drawl.
“Bedroom. Now.”
He’s up in a second, leading you upstairs. The way up is confusing and chaotic, with the two of you nearly running but barely letting go of each other, hot and lewd kisses exchanged while you walk. You have no idea how Namjoon finds the right door. He stops kissing you only to open the bedroom’s door, which you quickly shut behind you. He tries to put you against it, but you flip him and press him to the door instead. 
For a moment, you only look at him. Spreading your hands on his muscular chest, you listen to your heavy breathing. 
You kiss him again. You put your lips on his neck and take your time there, busying your hands with taking off his jacket and then unbottuning his shirt. When you finish, you stroke his bulge through his pants. Namjoon lets out a hungry hiss that has you rubbing your thighs together. The point of stroking him was to tease Namjoon, you wanted to see if you could get him so worked up as he’d done to you. Unfortunately for you, you find out that that’s a double edged sword and it’s sharper end is pointed towards you, because the more you touch him the more you feel yourself get hotter. Having him in your hand only makes your mouth water. 
There’s only one thing you can think of right now. You pull his member out of his pants, stroking the full length once before you turn him and push him down on the bed. Namjoon watches you crawl onto the bed and fully take off his pants and underwear. It’s not slow and sweet or careful. Every motion of yours is aggressive and fast, eyes gleaming with a hungry determination Namjoon is sure is mirrored in his own eyes. You’re beautiful, so so beautiful. On all fours over him like a fucking lioness ready for her meal. Just looking at you like this makes him even harder. 
Maybe the gentlemanly thing would be to stop and tell  you there’s no need to repay the favor of earlier. But, well, maybe Namjoon isn’t a gentleman, after all. And he’d surely never deny you of anything, not when you so clearly want him. The idea of you wanting him just a fraction of how much he wants you is the best feeling in the world. Or rather, the second best. Because the first is definitely the feeling of your mouth on him. 
You take his full length in your mouth, coating his dick with your saliva. Namjoon watches as you alternate between teasing kitten licks on his cockhead and properly sucking him off, your hands griping the base of his cock. God, you’re not simply beautiful, you’re gorgeous. He fights against the urge to roll back in his eyes in order to watch you going down on him. Your hair is thrown around, some of it tickling his thigh while your head keeps bobbing up and down, your makeup is smeared and your dress is a crumpled mess. And you’re gorgeous.
You make eye contact with him with your lips still wrapped around him and he thinks he’s gonna die. Or cum. Probably both. Maybe it’s his dick talking, but he thinks he’d die happy right now. 
“Tell me what you like”, you tell him. 
The immediate blurted out answer shocks you a bit. You scoff. 
“You really can’t keep it in.”
In the split second you don’t move, Namjoon starts to deflate. He ruined everything. He waits for you to get up and leave. 
You don’t. 
You lean forwards and kiss him. The kiss is nothing more than just the press of your lips together. You ignore the still lingering doubt in Namjoon’s eyes. Reaching past him, you go through the drawers on the nightstand. As you look for condoms, your tits are hanging above Namjoon’s head and he peppers kisses on them. After a few seconds, you get the condom out the drawer. 
Namjoon tries taking it out of your hands.
“Give me, I can do it.”
“No”, you stop him. “It’s fine.”
You kiss him lightly on the cheek. Namjoon has to stop for a bit. You’d never been so…soft with him before. Not even in those few months long ago when you had been something akin to friends. 
Not wasting any time, you put the condom on his cock. You quickly take your panties off and guide his lenght to where you want it. You two stare at each other as you sink yourself on his cock. Moaning at how he stretches you out. You love how full he makes you feel. He’s so big, his cock makes you feel so good. Having him in your mouth was one thing, having him inside you was heavenly. You place a hand on Namjoon’s chest. 
“Lay down.”
Because you personally believe feminism is about having a buff hot nerdy guy under you while you get yourself off. 
Head on the pillows, he watches you move your hips, leading him in a slow sensual rhythm. Moaning, your head rolls back in pleasure, mouth open to help you breathe better. The two of you pick up the pace, you bouncing on his cock a little then reverting back to grinding. 
“Y/N, your dress. Please.”
Understanding what he means, you pull your dress above your head and toss it to the side. With both hands holding your hips, he only gives your tits a dazed glare. He keeps watching when you take your own hand and play with your tits. Namjoon growls and thrusts his hips upwards harder when you lick two of your fingers and use them to play with your nipples, caressing and pinching them, your palms massaging the rest of the soft flesh. 
“Like that?” 
The raspiness of your voice, that sparkle of meanness in your eyes, that one raised eyebrow on your face…it’s all almost too much for Namjoon. You are gorgeuous. And he’s so impossibly hard. 
The word almost doesn’t come out. You shake your head and giggle at him. Only you. Only you could be bouncing on a guy’s cock, suck him off, have him eat you out, and, with just a little giggle, make the guy blush. Still, if feels so good to make you laugh. Even if it’s at him. So good. 
Almost beats being inside of you. Almost.
Namjoon flips you and lays you down on the bed. Immediately after you hit the mattress, he’s already on you, mouth licking and sucking on you tit. His pace gets faster, more franctic, more desperate. Hitting deeper and deeper. When he hits a sweet spot, you moan louder. 
“Yeah, there. More. More. Yes. Yeah,” you repeat the words like a mantra. 
“So beautiful”, he tells you. “Almost there, baby.”
God, the pet name. “Can’t take it anymore”, you say.
“Yeah, you can, baby. You can take it all.”
He knows you can. You - open wide for him, hair spread on the pillows like a halo, nipples hardened for him, pussy clenching around him - can take it. You are the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen. 
On top of you, Namjoon looks like a fucking beast, in the best way possible. Eyebrows furrowed and barring his teeth, his honey skin sprinkled with sweat. A drop of it slips from his forehead and falls on your cheek and you finally cum. Moaning his name over and over. He put his mouth again on your tit, gritting your nipple between his front teeth. With a final moan out of you, Namjoon empties himself inside the condom. 
For a few seconds, you don’t move, just listen to each other breathing. Namjoon feels himself getting softer inside you and, on the back of his mind, he dreads the moment he pulls out from you. Dreads the moment you realise whatever you were doing was over, and so was your business with him. 
Still, he can’t stay inside you forever. He pulls out. 
He busies himself with taking the condom off him and throwing it away while he notices you get tissues from the nightstand to clean yourself up. He mentally kicks himself for not doing it for you, but then again, maybe you don’t want him doing this for you. That’s another kind of intimacy you haven’t given him the greenlight to do. Your voice breaks him out of his thoughts. 
“Where’s the bathroom?” 
You put your dress back on and his heart aches. “First door to the right. Hey, uh - “ he begins before you leave “I’ll go get water. Do you want some?” 
You shake your head and leave the room. 
Silently, he puts his underwear and pants back on and goes to the kitchen, trying all the way down to not think of you. 
He stays a little bit longer than needed in the kitchen. Even after everything, he still can’t feel sure of anything with you. There’s still that ugly feeling of inadequacy whispering in his head that he shouldn’t get his hopes up. Tonight was just a fluke. 
Namjoon goes back to the bedroom expecting you to not be there anymore. He imagines you jumping out of the bathroom window to escape him or sneaking off through the roof. If he wasn’t busy feeling sorry for what you two could’ve been, he’d probably laugh at the scenarios he made up. 
When he opens the bedroom door, though, he finds you there. Curled up under the sheets on one side of the bed. Your eyes are closed and your face is serene. He hesitates. 
“You’re not gonna sleep?” 
You ask without opening your eyes. Namjoon doesn’t answer, but he climbs onto bed behind you. He doesn’t touch you, but he’s close enough that you feel his warmth beside you and his breathing on your neck. 
A while of silence goes by. He’s not sure if you’re already asleep. However, there’s one more thing he needs to say to you, even if you don’t hear it. Something he was too much of a coward to say before.
You open your eyes. You’re careful to make no move to alert him you’re still up. 
You think about his request. Stay. Part of you wants to, part of you - a very small and recent part of you that is hopeful, a part that is only there because Namjoon coaxed it out of you - says you could stay. Stay. You could stay with him. Stay in his bed. In this city. Stay… 
Like you said, though, that is a very small part of you. The biggest one is a coward. 
When Namjoon wakes up to an empty side of the bed the next day, he instantly knows what happened. 
You left. 
author’s note: my first attempt at writing smut (at least full on smut, star to finish), hope it doesn’t suck :DDDD  any and all feedback/comments are appreciated
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coupsie-daisies · 1 month
Kinktober '23: Threesome | Kim Namjoon and Kim Seokjin
Pairing: Husband!Kim Namjoon x Wife!Fem!Reader x Kim Seokjin
Genre: Smut (minors DO NOT interact), established relationship
Summary: Namjoon isn't one for sharing, but Seokjin is his best friend, and there's a lot of things he'd consider trying out with Jin by his side
WC: 4.3k
Warnings: homoeroticism, pet names (Princess, pretty/pretty girl), threesome, multiple orgasms, light cum play/cum eating, fingering, oral (Fem receiving), creampie, heavy subspace implications, Reader passes out, light aftercare
A/N: Yall this is a bit rocky but I love it, best of luck. If you like it, please consider reblogging and checking out my links below. Appreciate your reading, and I hope you enjoy!
Tags: @dragonofthenorth0726 // @wooyussy // @burningupp-replies // @bunnypig18 // @decaffedthoughts // @brownieracha // @ferrethyun // @snow-pegasus // @wonuqrtz // @mixling-blog // @wonwooz1
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Kinktober Masterlist
Kofi and Commissions
This fanfiction is property of @/coupsie-daisies, reposting on any other platform is prohibited
You hated Namjoon's damn work events. They were boring, and stuffy, and the drinks weren't as strong as they should have been if they were going to taste so awful. You sipped your champagne anyway, hand tucked carefully into the crook of his elbow while he talked to...well, you couldn't remember their names, but they were some higher ups that Namjoon was keen on impressing. So you stood next to him, and you giggled at their ridiculous anecdotes, and you played up being the pretty little wife that he so deserved to show off. That was something that you could never tire of.
When the conversation finally ended, you slumped against him, chin propped on his shoulder and a pout sitting pretty on your lips.
"Joonie, why do you hate me?" You asked him. He laughed, his dimples showing and his eyes curving into crescents. He had that lovesick look that he saved just for you, and you basked in the sunshiney feel of it.
"If I hated you, I would have made you do all the talking." He argued back, tipping your chin up to press a chaste kiss to your lips. One that you desperately wished would linger, but you knew better. Not when you were surrounded by his coworkers and bosses and so subject to judgment. Namjoon wasn't one for PDA, preferring to keep his worshiping of you behind closed doors where he could make sure he was showing you sufficient adoration.
"Well if it isn't my favorite lovebirds." A smooth voice wrapped around the two of you, and you looked up, your heart leaping into your throat at the sight in front of you. Seokjin was one of Namjoon's closest friends, he'd been a groomsman at your wedding, and you'd gotten reasonably close with him over your years with Namjoon. They had been friends since college, now working at the same company, though in different departments. You had to admit that seeing him was always one of the highlights of these dreaded parties.
"Jin, wondered where you were at." Namjoon grinned, the two pulling each other into a quick embrace before Jin did the same with you, pressing a polite kiss to your cheek that made you go warm.
"Socializing. It's what we're being forced to be here for, right?" He laughed, taking a swig from whatever was in his glass. You nodded, making note of the fact that he seemed to want to get out of there just as much as the two of you did. "Are you two having fun?"
You hummed noncommittally, smoothing out the orchid fabric of your dress against your thighs. It was the best you had, especially when you didn't want to blatantly say no. This most definitely was not the sort of thing that you'd consider fun, but you appreciated the invitation extended to you, and you definitely appreciated seeing the boys get all dressed up.
Namjoon looked like sin on legs, brown-blonde hair pushed back neatly and his damned turtleneck hugging his chest and sculpting his waist, all covered in a dark purple blazer that you'd been wanting to take off of him since the moment he'd put it on. And Jin standing opposite him, looking neat as ever in his steel gray button down stretching across the endless planes of his shoulders and his black tie looking like it was begging to be tugged on, his jacket presumably left on a hanger in the front closets.
"She's been asking to go home since we got here." Namjoon answered, large hand settling on your waist and pulling you close to his side. The proximity, and the warm, dark scent of his cologne did nothing for the pool of warmth swirling in your lower stomach. Damn your mind and its ability to wander so freely. You wondered how hard it would be to get Namjoon to take you into the bathroom of this overpriced venue and take care of your growing problem.
"How could you want to go home? Free drinks, and you get to show off that pretty dress. You do look beautiful by the way." Jin leaned closer as he laid out his compliment, voice as smooth and light as his fingers were as they dragged down your bare arm. You shivered, a tiny gasp slipping from your mouth followed by a hardly convincing clearing of your throat.
"You're too nice, Jinnie. You look amazing yourself." You said, reaching out to smooth his shirt. Namjoon chuckled, low and dangerous and you knew he saw exactly what you were doing. He wasn't the sharing type, but he knew well enough about your little attraction to his best friend, and he knew that Jin had his eyes on you too. He wasn't the sharing type, but it was you, and it was Seokjin, and he couldn't imagine anything being more appealing.
His hands traveled to your hips, pulling you close to his front and looking up at his older friend. His eyes were dark, hands warm even through the fabric of your dress. You weren't sure if they exchanged words at all, or if they just spoke with their eyes, but it was hardly another few minutes before Namjoon was suggesting the three of you be on your way before it got too terribly late.
You whined, breath coming out ragged and your eyes squeezing shut. With your body trapped between the two of them, you felt like you could hardly move, Namjoon's hands pulling you back against him, his lips on your neck while Jin's long fingers slid into your hair, guiding your head back so his lips could descend against yours, plush and hungry and tasting like champagne and peach chapstick. Your lips parted against him, the tiniest noise being swallowed by him as his tongue dipped to explore the new terrain.
His kisses weren't like Namjoon's, Joon was much slower with his, taking his time to savor the feeling and reveling in how easy it was to get you worked up and desperate for him. His mouth against your neck was the same way, tongue dragging lazily against your jugular and nipping at the skin there until a tiny mark bloomed under his lips. You wiggled, pressing your ass back against the growing bulge in his pants, trying to draw him in, urging him to touch you more, to make you feel good.
Jin pulled away from you, and you chased his lips, only for him to gently tug you back with a small tut. Namjoon looked up at him, still working over your delicate skin. Jin stood in front of you, still looking so goddamn put together except for his spit slicked, swollen lips that were curling into a self-satisfied little grin.
"Waited so long to see you like this, pretty girl." He hummed, carefully undoing his tie and tossing it in the general direction of your bedside stand. You reached up, brushing his hands out of the way to make quick work of the buttons on his shirt. And then it was falling away, sliding off his shoulders and leaving him so bare and so goddamn pretty in front of you. You reach out, hands exploring his toned chest, skating up his broad shoulders where you dug your nails in and dragged them back down just to hear the way his breath hitched. And it did hitch, just like you'd always imagined, and the warmth pooled heavily in your stomach.
"Enough of that," Namjoon said, pulling you away from his best friend and sliding the zip on the back of your dress until the fabric began to pool. He guided it off of you, and Jin held a hand out to help you step out of the puddle of fabric. With you standing there, braless and wearing only the tiniest silk pair of panties that left hardly anything to the imagination, you felt so entirely vulnerable, and so desperately wanted that you couldn't help but bloom under the attention. Your nipples prickled in the cool air, growing hard and desperate for attention. Namjoon nudged you towards the bed, firm but gentle in his touch just like always, and then he was taking Jin's tie, winding it carefully around your wrists and knotting them together.
Jin let out a dark laugh, one of awe and lust and pure amusement as you sat there, propped against the numerous pillows that decorated the bed, and looking up at the two of them so innocently.
"We should entertain our guest first, right angel? It's only fair," Namjoon hummed, his fingers sliding down to tweak your nipples. You jolted lightly, chest pressing towards his hands and you nodded.
"Please. Wanna take such good care of him. Promise I'll be perfect for you, Jinnie, I swear." You said, voice like velvet and lips curling into an irresistible smile. Jin palmed himself through his dress pants, his cock aching already just from the feeling of your mouth against his and the way you laid yourself out for him.
He undid the button on his pants, kicking them off to climb onto the bed with you in only his boxer briefs, his length straining the fabric and his precum leaving a wet spot on the front as he leaked into them. You batted your eyelashes at him, spreading your thighs and letting himself crawl between them like he belonged there. He leaned down, lips finding yours again, and the only sound in the room being the sound of your lips smacking against each other desperately and Namjoon's belt coming undone, his clothes sliding off and landing dully against the carpet.
The bed dipped next to you as Namjoon sat on his knees there, his hand stroking along your bare side, kneading against the plush of your thighs as you and Jin kissed until eventually Jin was pulling away, his mouth being replaced by Namjoon's much softer kisses, and his hands busying themselves with pushing your soaked panties aside. Jin thumbed at your clit, rubbing slow circles against it and coaxing even more arousal out of you. Your legs twitched shut, stopped by his hips and easily spread again, one of his hands on your knee, Namjoon pulling at your opposite thigh to open you up for them. It was almost intimidating how well they worked together without a word of communication passing between them.
Jin's fingers returned to your core, dipping between your folds to slide through your wetness, then back up to pass back and forth over your aching clit. You needed more, a desperate emptiness growing between your legs. You squirmed, gasping out a tiny plea into the kiss that Namjoon was still guiding you through. Jin hummed, his fingers speeding up against your clit until your hips were rocking to meet his movements. His touch was hot, burning and yet somehow not igniting you as a whole and you wanted to wail with need.
"Jin, please," You gasped out, head falling back and forcing Namjoon's mouth to detach from yours and drag down the slope of your jaw.
"Please what?" Jin practically cooed, and you huffed, giving your hips a wiggle to emphasize your displeasure at his teasing, but it didn't do anything to wipe the proud look off his face. "Use your words, babygirl."
"Please, want your fingers in me." You answered, too far gone already to worry about how you sounded. You heard Namjoon groan, shifting so he was laying alongside you, his hips pressing desperately into your thigh as Jin eagerly fulfilled your wish. He sunk one long finger into you, curling it slowly and searching until he found the spongy spot at the top of your walls, drawing out a gasping moan from you. "There,"
"So bossy, aren't we," He hummed, but he gave you what you asked for, pulling out and sliding a second finger into you before grinding his fingertips firmly against the spot. You arched harshly, nails digging into the flesh of your palms as the waves of pleasure started to take over, rippling through your lower body and raising your body temperature by a good few degrees. You turned your head, burying your face as deep into the pillow as you could as Jin sped up, his thumb flicking and swirling around your clit being almost too much to handle. However, Joon was having none of your hiding, gripping your chin firmly and turning it so your sounds weren't muffled.
"Wanna hear you. Gotta make sure Jin hyung knows how good he makes you feel. Not polite to hide from him." He cooed in your ear, and you shakily hummed a reply. He tutted, sliding his hand up, pinching at your nipple on the way, giving your throat a barely there squeeze, before he settled on sliding two of his fingers into your mouth, tugging your jaw open and forcing out all the sounds you'd been holding back.
Jin groaned, his fingers faltering for a moment before finding their rhythm again, fucking into you and pressing into the spot that had you gushing around his fingers.
"Close," You said, though the word came out slurred and nearly indistinguishable, but you were sure that they understood with the way you writhed between them, your thighs shaking and squeezing around Jin's hips, and your walls pulsing and clenching around his fingers. But if they did, neither of them said anything, just letting you release on his hand, a broken cry filling the room as the tension building in your body snapped and sent you careening into pleasure untethered.
Jin slowed his movements then, letting you breathe and adjust as your muscles relaxed and you melted against the bed. He brought his hand up to his mouth, making a show of sucking his fingers clean and looking entirely too pleased with himself when your pussy clenched around nothing and a tiny whimper slipped out of your mouth.
"Feel good, babygirl?" He asked gently, stroking along your thigh and very kindly not pointing out the way that your body tensed and flexed and fluttered under his touch. You nodded, still basking in the afterglow of your long awaited orgasm. Then his shit eating grin was back and he squeezed your thighs. "Good, guess you don't need another then,"
He was teasing, you knew he was, but that didn't stop your eyes from going wide and your lips from curling into a little pout. Namjoon tried not to laugh, which led to you turning your pout and puppy dog eyes combo back on him.
"Don't be mean, hyung," He said, pecking your lips. "She's wanted your cock since she met you, you can't tease her like that." He said. You nodded along, too far gone to be embarrassed by the confession you were confirming.
"Want it so bad, Jinnie, please. Wanna feel you inside me. Want you to make me dumb." You rambled on, your tied hands flexing and clenching between your breasts as you looked up at him. He groaned, reaching down to rub at his aching cock, still confined and straining to get out.
"How can I say no when you ask so pretty," He cooed, pushing his boxers down enough to free his cock, his length rivaling Namjoon's, though not as thick and with a pretty curve to it. He tapped the tip of his cock against your dripping folds, easily sliding between then to tease you and chuckling at the desperate way your hips canted up against his, chasing the friction.
You didn't have to beg again, because beneath all the teasing, he was just as desperate as you were. He pressed into you slow and steady, feeling your walls eagerly open up around his cock, sucking him in deeper. He fought off a groan, eyes fluttering shut as he basked in the feeling. It wasn't like Seokjin didn't get laid, he had people falling at his feet, but this was better than any pussy he'd had before, maybe just because it was yours.
You purred at the pressure of being full, and Namjoon pressed closer to you, his mouth running up and down your shoulder before dipping low enough to catch your nipple in his mouth. Your breath came out stuttered and shaky and you tugged at your binds, desperate to touch one of them and ground yourself. But Namjoon brought his hand up, gripping your wrists and guiding them above your head and out of his way gently.
You gave in, opting instead to clench around Seokjin's cock and admire the way his grip on your thighs tightened. Then he pulled back, leaving you with a glaring emptiness inside of you before he was thrusting back into you firmly. He didn't pick up his pace fast, seemingly contented to roll his hips slowly, the friction setting you alight all over again.
"Faster," You begged, blinking up at him. "Need more, need you to use me."
The words made his pace falter, his hips slamming forward just a little harder and then staying there a moment longer. You could see it in the clench of his jaw that he wanted that too, so you whined his name, high and long, more a frustrated huff than anything, and watched his hesitation fade away.
"Say it again," He demanded, his hips moving faster, his cock sliding deeper into you and grazing exactly where you wanted him. "Say my name, princess."
You obeyed, letting strings of his names flutter off your tongue, long and sweet and whiny enough to have Namjoon rutting against your hip. You almost could have forgotten that he was there if it weren't for the wet warmth of his mouth on your tits, worshipping them as he always did and adding just a little more to the overwhelming pleasure you were being washed in.
"Jinnie, please," You nearly sobbed, squirming so hard that Namjoon had to hook his leg over yours to keep the friction against his barely covered cock, and Jin pushed the other up, spreading you open and fucking into you harder, chasing the sound of your voice curling around his name.
Namjoon's hand slid down, pressing between you and Jin's body to strum at your clit, harsh, messy movements that were immediately overwhelming to your senses.
"Can't," You nearly sobbed, body trying to thrash against the two men but immediately being overpowered.
"You can." Namjoon cooed sweetly. "Can cum as many times as we want, I know you can. Just gotta let go. You wanna do that, wanna cum on his dick?"
His words clouded your mind and any doubts holding your body back. You came hard enough to make your vision fade black, your sobs and moans sounding so distant to your own ears that you weren't entirely sure if you'd made a sound at all. But once you were coming down, you noted the emptiness between your thighs, blinking to find Jin stroking himself, brows furrowed together and his lips pressed tight before he came, painting the inside of your thighs with his seed.
You hummed, not entirely back in your body but absolutely delighted to see how pretty he looked when he finished, to have him mark you with his pleasure. Namjoon sat up then, untying your hands and rubbing at your wrists, worried about how hard you'd been tugging on them.
"Joonie," You mumbled, looking up at him through heavy eyelids. He turned back to you immediately, always so attentive. "Want you to cum too. Want you to feel good."
"Baby," He half laughed, and Jin didn't answer, too busy scooping his cum onto his fingers from your plush thighs.
"Please? Want you to fuck me too. Been good, you promised you'd fuck me after your dumb party if I was good." You huffed, pulling at Seokjin's wrist to bring his hand to your mouth, dutifully cleaning his seed off of his skin. He stared at you in awe, then looked at your husband who was watching you with dark eyes.
"Greedy," He huffed. You just giggled, watching him strip his underwear off and setting his painfully hard cock free. He took Seokjin's spot which the older of the two willingly gave. He leaned down, dragging his tongue over your inner thigh to clean off the rest of his hyung's cum before leaning forward, slotting his mouth over your sensitive cunt and lapping up your juices.
You writhed, hands finding purchase in his hair as he ate you out slow and steady, lapping between your folds and swallowing down your juices. You hummed, letting him suck at your clit the way that you loved. He knew you inside and out, knew exactly how to make you feel good.
Jin had sat down beside you, his fingers stroking your hair and brushing against your cheek as Namjoon ate you up and brought you back to your high. This one was intense, but less sharp, the orgasm washing over you like crashing waves that pulled you under instead of electric shocks. Namjoon was gracious, using his tongue to gently work you through it before pulling back and lining up with your weeping hole.
"You sure you want another one, pretty? Don't wanna hurt you," He hummed, hands rubbing grounding strokes along your sides and back down to your hips. You nodded.
"Want it. Need you. Don't care if it hurts, need you to take me." You said, voice airy and lost in the pleasure in a way he recognized. He hummed his agreement, giving in easier than he'd really planned to.
He guided himself into you on sheer muscle memory. The new experience of having Seokjin fill you up was amazing, but nothing could beat the absolute familiarity of Namjoon's cock splitting you open. He wasn't as long as Jin, but he girth was enough to have tears pricking at your eyes, aided by the oversensitivity of your previous three orgasms.
You reached down, fingers catching with Namjoon's and tangling together as if searching for a lifeline. He gave it to you, holding your hand and letting you adjust to his size before setting a steady pace, folding your legs out of the way and spreading you open.
He caught his bottom lip between his teeth, his free hand coming up to push through his hair, loosening it from the gel he'd used and letting a few locks fall around his face. He looked ethereal, so consumed by the feeling of your walls around him, so tight and warm like you'd been molded just for his cock.
"So pretty," He hummed, reaching up to brush the few overstimulated tears starting to fall from your eyes. "Take me so well, don't you? Doing so good for both of us."
Seokjin took his place, stroking your cheek and pressing chaste kisses to your parted lips. You melted against the bed, losing all ability to think, or doing much of anything besides let Namjoon take care of you. He was hitting the spot that turned you to a whiny mess, one hand still holding onto yours, and the other one rubbing at your clit while he pounded into you.
His words were fading straight to the back of your mind, washing over you and dragging you deeper into your floaty mindset. You could barely process what he was saying, but you didn't mind, not with Seokjin's praise going in the other ear, his voice muffled against the skin of your neck. You were surrounded, held so close that you couldn't move if you wanted to.
Then you were tipping over the edge again, your orgasm tinged with pain as he chased his own pleasure. It only took a few more thrusts into you before he fell with you. He pumped his load into you with a broken growl, his head falling low as he chased the feeling, pushing through as many thrusts as possible, trying to ride you both through the pleasure before it became too much.
It took a good few minutes for you to come back to consciousness, long enough for Namjoon to pull out of you and grab a rag to clean you up while Jin held you close, pressing kisses to your head. You blinked slowly, registering the ache between your thighs and thee tenseness in your muscles.
"Welcome back, princess," Seokjin said with a grin. You smiled back, though a bit groggily. Then Namjoon was back, kissing your cheek.
"Feeling okay? You were out for a minute there," He said, hands pressed against your sides in the grounding way that you always needed. You nodded slowly.
"Good. I'm good." You said, registering that everything had really happened and hadn't been another one of your overdeveloped fantasies. "Stay?"
You turned to Jin, your hand seeking his. You didn't know what this meant for the three of you now, and you couldn't comprehend figuring it out now, but you desperately wanted him to stay so you could figure it out come morning.
Jin opened his mouth to argue, not sure if that was something that was really acceptable, but Namjoon repeated your word a little more firmly.
"Stay. You can sleep in here, or the guest room is open." He said, finishing cleaning you up for the time being. Jin looked at you, at your sleepy, pleading eyes, then at Namjoon's with his sincere expression.
"Okay. Yeah, I'll stay." He agreed, and then you were curling into him like it was where he belonged, wrapping around him and nuzzling into his shoulder."Thank you for this," You mumbled, and before he could even turn the sentiment back on you, you were asleep in his arms. With your weight against him, and Namjoon turning off the lights to join the two of you, Jin wondered if maybe this was right where he belonged.
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abloomingperiod · 7 months
cute | kim namjoon
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"i needa ask for a favor", your head pokes from the corner of the bathroom door, your voice catching namjoon's attention and those 6 words being enough for him to subtly close his book without even marking the page he was in - to which you notice with a small side grin.
always looking out for you.
"yes?" he mentions for you to go on, side grin slowly appearing as he refrains from resting his back against de bedframe and sits on the edge of the bed.
"you can't judge me and if you do i'll take it to heart and force myself out of love for you", you words get all mixed with the quick pace they leave your mouth, namjoon chuckling at your frantic state. cute, he thinks to himself.
"not really my style. continue?", he smiles at you, though you don't miss the small raise of his eyebrow.
you sigh making your way closer to him. tempting ass smile, you think to yourself. "my back's been killing me due to my office chair..." you recall as you touch you lower back, immediately feeling the sting that lingers since your old-ass chair broke while you were sat on it. you blame your pain on it, even though your little to nonexistent stretching and exercising routine doesn't really help your case.
"hum..." namjoon only nods, and your hand find his hair, softly going through his locks and pulling a deep sigh from him as he closes his eyes.
"and there's a few things i've been finding impossible to do without feeling an awful pang in it..." you stall with your words as namjoon's hand travel to your thigh, softly pulling your body closer until his cheek rests on your stomach, sharp-shaped eyes still closed.
"poor baby..." he mumbles, soft chuckle leaving his throat and fingers caressing the back of your knee. you don't say a thing, so he opens his eyes and gazes up at you. "want me to take you to the hospital?" he asks in a more caring tone.
"no, it's okay. i'm already taking the medicine provided by the company nursery." you respond with a side grin at his attentive question. "but i do need a little help..." you trail off, and namjoon notices.
"and that would be..." he encourages you, eyes still dancing around you face. cute, he thinks to himself.
you sigh, looking everywhere but his face and quietly says, "...i need help shaving."
namjoon knows his girlfriend. he knows your lips are always bruised due to constant anxiety-induced pulling. he knows you get easily in your head with your own uncertainties, and he knows you've got a few pet peeves he has to hold back from frowning when you expose them.
and right now, he fails at the latter - to which he'll scold himself in his head for, later.
eyebrows frowned, nose scrunched-up and teeth-showing smile takes place on his face as a light chuckle leaves his throat.
"that's- that's it?" he asks, hand frozen in the back of your knee. you nod, already narrowing your eyes at his building reaction.
"jesus, woman", namjoons exhales, face burying into your clothed belly and warming a spot with his giggles. "i was almost thinking you wanted help burying a corpse or something."
you raise and eyebrow at him, slightly judging his response. "why, you wouldn't help?”
"i'd have two shovels by now" he says in a mocking serious tone, gazing up. you fight against the curling up pulling in the side of your lips. "baby, why would you act like that for such a thing?"
"i don't know- don't look at me like i'm from the victorian era or something. it's just not something i would ask anyone."
"am i anyone?" he asks, chin up and eyebrows expectantly raised as his two hands caresses the back of your knees.
"thought so" he answers matter-of-factly, "sure, why not."
"really?" you ask him, and although namjoon loves your dearly, he feels the need to blink once, twice, thrice at you hoping you would remember what he just said mere seconds ago. so cute, he thinks.
"sweetheart", he starts, smile already showing at his lips and right hand drawing patterns on your left one "i would shave your whole head off with a tiny little razor if you asked me to."
you scrunch you whole face at his somewhat adorable example, and slowly fades into a whipped, smiling expression. "would ya?"
"in a heartbeat." he shoots you a cheeky wink, lips against your knuckles.
"okay, then..." you tell him, taking both his cheeks into your palms and drawing circles in its puffy skin.
"wanna do it now?" he asks you.
"you seem very willing to do it", you point out, amused at his questioning.
"well... i will get to see you naked..."
you scoff loudly at him. unbelievable, you think to yourself as you retort, "to SHAVE me!"
"a win is a win, baby" he dramatically objects in a low tone, causing you to cringe and thrash in his hold.
"oh god, please shut up" you plead.
"i'm just messing with you, baby" namjoon softly tells you, face burying in your tummy and nibbling cautiously at it. "now?"
you nod at him, small 'uhum' enough to make him motion you to the side and get on his feet.
"c'mon, my girlfriend with the back of a granny needs me" his arms find your waist, motioning both of you to the bathroom.
you slap his forearm lightly, a giggly 'very funny' leaving your lips. you roll your eyes, but don't even try and hide the smile that spread across your face. your chest blossoming from every word, touch and smile he gives you throughout the mundane nature of the moment.
as you enter the bathroom, namjoon can't help but catch your figures in the mirror. both of you smiling, your face once turned to his, finds the reflection and watches him. smile wide and hair slightly damp in the ends, probably from an early attempt to shave by yourself. you got a white tank top and pink pajama shorts on. doe eyes watch him and he grins at you. embrace tightening around your waist and lips leaving kiss after kiss over your cheek, neck and shoulders. you giggle and shiver at his touches, and namjoon feels his heart stumbling all over the damn floor.
his eyes find yours again, and his smile mirrors your wide one. "so damn cute", he says more to himself than you, but he catches your scrunched nose and big grin at his remark.
so much from the cutest human alive.
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taeandpuppies · 6 months
What your cameraroll looks like if you're dating Kim Namjoon
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itssunshinetoday · 3 days
𐙚 imagine!going on a trip with Namjoon
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My Miracle
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It's the most wonderful time of year
Synopsis : Christmas was her favourite time of year. The music, the lights, the decorations, the baking. All of it. Now it holds one of her worst memories. Can true love bring her love back for Christmas?
Pairing : Kim Namjoon x Reader, Kim Seokjin x Reader
Warnings : This au is going to be a lot fluffier than my previous ones, but that being said there will still be mature subject matter such as : swearing, drinking, pregnancy, break ups, heartbreak, and more. Reader's discretion is advised.
Release : December 1, 2023
Taglist : OPEN
Let the story begin
Girls | Guys
0. Love In December
1. Oopsie Poopsie
2. Girls Night
3. Matching Outfits
4. WWE For Maid Of Honor
5. Grumpy Cat
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dreamescapeswriting · 5 months
Home Movie ~ KNJ
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⤜GENRE: fluffy, established relationships, marrying one another, cute, Namjoon being a nervous husband to be, the boys being chaotic 
⤜PAIRING: Namjoon x fem!Reader
⤜Copyright: © DreamEscapesWriting - January 2024
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Bright lights were burning your eyes so much that you could feel them drying up, how did Namjoon do this all the time? The lights were brutal enough but then there was the added extra heat coming from the cameras in the room, you could have sworn you'd started to sweat some weight off your body.
Your hands were clammy and you did your best to rub them on your jeans and try to shove off the anxiety that was building up but it was hard when there were four cameras on you and a whole room full of people staring you dead in the face. When you'd been told to come to work earlier than usual this morning you hadn't expected to be in a room full of cameras. You instantly worried that HYBE had discovered what you and the boys had done in Vegas but no one knew. Everyone swore to take it to the grave that day until Namjoon could come up with a way to tell his boss.
"Relax, I promise everything will be okay," Namjoon whispered, running his hand over yours causing it to free mid-rub on your thigh and you let out a shaky breath. The whole morning he'd been trying to convince you that they had no idea, that this was probably just a routine they wanted to do with you. With Namjoon at your side, you usually felt as though you could do anything in the world, that nothing was impossible as long as you had him there with you but right now it didn't feel that way.
Sure, he eased off some of the anxiety but it was still there, biting and chewing away at you piece by piece as the interviewer - Brenda - finally sat down across from you with a bright smile. She'd been with the boys for almost two years now, filming everything they were doing as well as interviewing them for the documentary series that they were making. 
"Don't look so nervous, this is just a little interview for the series," She said with a shrug of her shoulders as if it was the most normal thing in the world.
"What?" Your voice cracked a little from how dry it was, you hadn't realised how thirsty you were until you went to speak. Why were you suddenly being interviewed for it? The boys were the sole focus of the show and sure staff members were going to be featured but most of their faces were going to be blurred for the most part and none of them had been interviewed. Maybe it was because you'd been with them for so long but you knew staff that had been there from the start that hadn't been interviewed yet. Something felt off about all of this.
"Well, we have to get the inside scoop, Mr Bang, agreed for us to do this." She smiled at you both before getting her papers together and making sure everyone in the room was ready but Namjoon was frowning now.
At first, he thought it was going to be a routine shoot, that they would ask you about your time with the boys - since they'd all mentioned you so much in their own interviews - but now something was chewing inside of him letting him know that something about this wasn't normal.
"To what are you referring?" Namjoon arched an eyebrow, holding your hand and putting a stop to your leg that was now bouncing up and down on the spot. The air turned thick as Brenda turned to you both with a pleasant grin on her face, 
"Your marriage." And just like that your heart throbbed against your chest and she giggled a little at the shocked expression that you and Namjoon were showing. 
"Tell us everything that wasn't recorded, who's idea was it?" Brenda questioned as the cameras started to roll and all you could think about was all of the different ways you were going to kill Jungkook for filming the wedding in the first place.
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"You want to do what?" Seokjin stared at his leader in complete and utter shock. Namjoon was normally the one who was usually level-headed, the rule follower in everything but this came as a shock to everyone. You giggled from beside Namjoon, buzzing with excitement as you bounced a little on the spot, just rocking back and forth from your heel to the ball of your feet.
"We're going to elope," Namjoon told them all again. When Namjoon first suggested the idea you'd been unsure about it, you'd been engaged for almost a year though and you knew that no matter how much you planned nothing was ever going to get done until you just did it. And being in Vegas was the perfect opportunity, there was no one to stop you - besides the guards but the boys knew how to slip them after years of being together with them.
"In the middle of the night? Is yn pregnant?" Seokjin questioned, giving you a small glance and smiling weakly, he knew the two of you wanted to get married but in Vegas? It all seemed too sudden, and he worried that there was something wrong, were you both just rushing because you were merely sick of waiting or was there something else going on?
"I WANNA BE THE GODFATHER!" Two voices rang out from the other side of the room, sending Jimin and Taehyung into a bickering match back and forth with each other.
"Not pregnant, not for a long while yet." You laughed and shook your head, sitting down beside Jin who was staring at you a little unsure of this whole thing. Normally he would want to back you both 100% but he needed to make sure you were both very okay with this.
"You know what it'll mean if someone catches us? Or if it gets out." He directed this at you, the only reason your relationship had been such a huge secret was because you were afraid of the attention that would no doubt come along with it but you were ready for it.
"We'll cross the bridge when we come to it." You stated with a genuine smile, that you were ready and you knew it. There was no more waiting for the right time, was it a rush? Sure. But were you only going it because you were sick of waiting? No. You were truly in love with Namjoon and couldn't wait any longer to be married for the rest of your life. Tonight was going to be the start to the rest of your lives together and you couldn't wait to get started on that.
"I think it's a good idea. You guys have waited too long for this." Yoongi was behind you both, he'd been with you on planning for months now. The two of you had been discussing everything you'd wanted but it all seemed pointless when all you wanted was a marriage. No big fancy party, no big church. All you wanted as you, Namjoon and the boys to bear witness to your marriage since they'd been there throughout your whole relationship.
"We could record it all!" Jungkook suddenly yelled from behind you, everyone turning to look at him, including JImin and Taehyung who had stopped bickering at one another.
"What? Why?" Namjoon frowned, Jungkook held up the camera that one of the documentary members had left behind and he smirked. He'd been dying to use these cameras for almost a year now and it was finally he shot to do it and record something good with it.
"It'll be like a home movie." You liked the idea of it, getting to watch the wedding back when you were so old you could barely remember what day of the week you were on.
"I guess it would be cute to look back on one day." You giggled as Jungkook smirked, checking to make sure the camera was fully charged. 
"And we can all rent suits!" Taehyung yelled out to Jin who seemed to be smirking now, getting more and more on board as time ticked by.
"And I need to find a dress," You sounded a little defeated, you knew you didn't want anything majorly fancy but a white dress of some sort was a must.
"And flowers," Yoongi added, Hoseok was already googling where you could find everything you were going to need.
"And a chapel." Jin finally said with a smile, he could see how much you wanted this. You squealed a little giving him a huge hug and snuggling into him. Jin was like a brother to you, you weren't going to elope without his blessing, it was strange but over the years you'd grown so close with them all that it was like they were your own family members.
"Good thing we're in Vegas, the city of loveeeeee," Jimin dragged out the word and you all groaned and shook your head at him,
"That's Paris," Yoongi chortled at him, shaking his head before Hoseok smirked. He'd already found the perfect place where you could get everything you needed all in one spot.
"There's a chapel down the street, it's a five-minute walk. It has flower, Dress and Suit rentals." He told everyone, glancing back down at his phone and reading for a few seconds before laughing to himself.
"Oh and if you want Elvis can marry you."
"I think we want a priest," You said to him, giggling a little at the thought of an Elvis impersonator marrying you both together.
"Let's go. Yn can go to her room and let the staff know we've all gone to sleep. We'll meet at the chapel, okay? No running because it'll wake everyone up." Hoseok told everyone and suddenly it felt as though your wedding was turning into a mission from a mission-impossible movie and you couldn't hide your excitement.
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Everyone was at the chapel and ready, you were hidden behind a changing screen as you didn't want Namjoon to see you. Even though it wasn't like a Church wedding you still didn't want him to see you in the dress that you'd picked out just yet.
"You're sure you weren't followed?" He quizzed Jimin and Taehyung who had been the last ones to arrive.
"Sure as sure can be," Taehyung smirked, the two of them had made sure to leave the TV playing softly in the background to make it seem as though someone was still awake inside of the room but for the most part no one was going to go in and check of them.
"You know I'm the best man right?" Jimin said as he did his bow tie up, staring at Taehyung who scoffed loudly at him. Lori - one of the men who seemed to work inside of the chapel turned to look at them, aiming the camera in their direction since Jungkook had tasked him with being their cameraman for the night. 
"I think you'll find that I'M the best man, right Joonie?" Taehyung turned to look at your husband, who had already left the area and gone to wait at the altar. 
"Yn, tell him that I'm Namjoon's best man," Jimin begged, you rolled your eyes a little. If it wasn't them arguing over who the godfather to your non-existent child was it was going to be this, letting out a heavy sigh you came out from behind the screen and they were still bickering back and forth. It looked like something out of a cartoon as they argued with one another.
"Jimin, you can be my best man and Tae can be Joonies. How about that?" You put your hands on your hips, after years of dealing with them you knew how to handle their little bicker matches. The boys turned in sync to look at you, their squabbling with one another ending as soon as they saw you and let out small gasps.
"Yn, you look beautiful." Your whole body heated from Taehyung's completment and you smiled shyly looking down at the dress. It wasn't anything extravagant since this was a chapel in Vegas but it was your favourite one on the rack. It was an elegant white knee-length dress, that hung just off your shoulders and had some lace detailing on the front, with a veil to match.
"You think he'll like it?" You were a little unsure if your husband-to-be was going to like it.
"I don't think Namjoon will care, you could walk down the aisle in sweats, three-day-old hair and not brush your teeth all day and he'd still marry you." Jimin laughed a little making you giggle, Namjoon had always told you that he'd marry you in his underwear as long as he got to marry you that was all that he cared about.
The door to the left side of you burst open and Jungkook walked out wearing a bright pink suit, holding a bouquet and a basket full of what looked like rose petals. Your hand flew over to cover your mouth to prevent you from laughing,
"Never fear! Flower boy is here!" He cried out, beaming at you as he handed you the bouquet of fake roses and chuckling to himself.
"I couldn't find a flower girl dress so the closet thing was this pink suit," He spun around once more and smirked at Lori who was holding back a laugh as he recorded everything for you. 
"You were going to put on a dress?" Jimin laughed a little as Jungkook nodded, he saw nothing wrong with it, it wouldn't have been the first time he'd worn a dress and it probably wasn't going to be the last.
"Yeah, why not? I want to give this wedding my all." He yelled out with a giant laugh afterward making you giggle a little before kissing his cheek softly.
"Thank you, flower boy." You whispered before the doors to the chapel opened, you caught a glimpse of Namjoon who appeared to be looking a lot more nervous than you were right now. Was he having second guesses about this?
"Taehyung you can go and stand with Namjoon, Jimin stand on Yn's side and we'll join you soon," Yoongi told them both as you smiled at Jin who appeared to be tearing up at the sight of you, Lori came closer with the camera so he could get a good shot.
"You look great," Jin choked out making you whine at him, your eyes were starting to well up and you knew if she started crying now you weren't going to stop.
"You're going to set me off," You moaned, reaching out and wiping the tears that had slipped down his face with your hands but Yoongi handed you a tissue.
"I came prepared." He winked, shaking his head as you threw your arms around the two of them and started to whimper a little in their arms.
"You'll both walk me down, right? I need you both there." You sniffled a little pulling back and looking at them as they smiled warmly down at you.
"We wouldn't have it any other way," Jin whispered before nodding for Lori to go into the other room and capture some footage of Namjoon.
"How's Joonie?" You laughed, wiping the tears that had slowly escaped your eyes and Jin chortled to himself,
"Nervous but Hoseok's got him." You nodded a little and took in a deep breath when you heard the music beginning to start, it was almost time and your nerves were starting to show now.
"Jungkook, you'll go first when the singer starts to sing and we'll follow," Yoongi instructed as you looked ahead of you, you were finally going to marry the love of your life.
Inside the other room Namjoon was sweating so much he knew he wasn't going to be able to return the suit he rented and he could feel himself beginning to shake, he was more nervous than he thought he was going to be.
"You're going to marry her and everything will be okay," Hoseok told him, the music playing softly as the singer waited for the all-clear that everything was a go.
"I know, but what if she regrets this later in life."
"Then you can renew your vows with a huge wedding," Hoseok smirked, nodding at the singer and not giving Namjoon a chance to talk himself out of this. 
The doors at the end of the room opened and Jungkook came through first, throwing the petals onto the floor making Namjoon chuckle to himself but when you came through it was like the air was sucked out of his lungs. 
Though it was impossible Namjoon could have sworn there was a spotlight on you, lighting you up rather than letting him see anyone or anything else in the room. His eyes stared deep into your soul, burning holes into your head as you walked toward him with the biggest grin on your face.
"Hell future Mrs Kim." He winked as you reached him, your whole body burning at the name.
"You take good care of her, or we'll kill you." Jin teased before kissing your left cheek, Yoongi kissing your right and both of them left to go and stand at the side of you. 
"You ready?" Namjoon whispered as he took your hand in his, all of your nerves melting away as you held onto your future husband's hand.
"More than ever."
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"It was a spur-of-the-moment thing? That's quite romantic." Brenda had a few tears running down her cheeks and she quickly wiped them away and you smiled up at Namjoon. After telling your wedding story you felt a little less nervous about it all, HYBE knew and you hadn't been fired for your actions yet that must have been a good sign.
"That's all we really needed from you. We're going to cut in bits of the wedding video and make sure the fans see everything." Brenda explained and you nodded a little. You were still nervous about it all being out in the open to the public but you knew Namjoon would never let anything bad happen to you, nor would he let any bad-mouthing happen or if it did he'd say something and no one wanted to be told off by Namjoon.
The camera crew were packing everything away as you and Namjoon headed out into the hall to see the boys waiting for you, all of them looking more guilty than the last.
"Who tattled?" You folded your arms over your chest and waited for one of them to admit it but none of them did.
"I won't bake this Christmas if you don't tell me," As soon as the threat left your mouth they all began talking over one another, getting so loud that you couldn't tell who was speaking anymore and what they were even saying.
"Jungkook did it." Yoongi finally said as everyone fell into silence.
"They found the camera footage, actually. Don't throw me under the bus when you were the one who went to Bang PD without him even knowing." Jungkook breathed out before you turned to Yoongi who was now blushing bright red,
"I thought he knew, I figured if they had the footage he knew about it..." You bit your lip a little, you could never stay mad at any of them, besides it was all going to be okay as long as you weren't going to get fired.
"Mr and Mrs Kim, may I speak with you." Bang PD's voice came from behind you and you slowly turned to see him, his expression completely unreadable and you followed closely behind him as he went to an empty office.
"I hear congratulations are in order," He stared at you both and you bowed your head a little.
"Thank you, Sir, I know-" You tried to say sorry to even excuse your behaviour but he held his hand up for you to stop and you bit down on your lip,
"Please, let me finish." You nodded and he took out an envelope from his back pocket and handed it to Namjoon.
"I would normally chastise you for disobeying rules...both of you," You were ready for the envelope to be something letting you know you were being let go but he nodded for Namjoon to open it.
"A week away?" Namjoon frowned looking at the tickets and back at his boss who was now smiling warmly at the pair of you,
"Hawaii, it's a good honeymoon spot and you're less likely to get noticed while we handle the media here."
"We can't accept this,"
"You can, I expect you back in a week to continue working for me but until then you're on official leave, go and celebrate your wedding with a proper honeymoon...Even if it is late." He winked at you both before you both bowed deeply to him and he left you both alone.
"A honeymoon does sound nice." You giggled, looking at him as he blushed and nodded.
"Let's go back, I'll pick you up," Namjoon said as he pulled you into the hall and began walking toward the elevators.
"Hey, this means we can move in together and I don't have to keep sneaking in and out of the house anymore!" You cried out, laughing together as you both began to plan your future together. One without hiding. 
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l0mljeonjungkook · 2 years
Lost & Found | knj x reader
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➤ Summary - eight years beside him were nothing but a roller coaster ride. Being a single mother wasn't easy, but your best friend, Kim Namjoon made your way smooth. You never knew you felt something for him until you read his diary, which you weren't supposed to read ever. What will you do, if not only you but Hyeon, your baby, and your best friend Namjoon, wants the same, what you desired for so long?
➤ Pairing - Namjoon x reader
➤ Genre - fluff, smut, angst
➤ Warnings - 18+ unprotected sex, grinding, lovemaking, explicit sex, confessions, hickeys +more.
➤ Word count - 9.6k+
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"When are you getting spliced?" you questioned him while wiping off Hyeon's face daubed with the ice cream all over his mouth.
"y/n why do you ask the exact question every dinner night!! besides I'm better off alone." He pointed at you with the chopsticks in his hand.
"What? I have a license to interrogate, a license called best friends since uh--", you count on your fingertips and Hyeon laughs at you catching a glimpse of you amounting to something on your fingertips, "since seven years, yaah!! after all, you're diving into the 28th year of your life, Mr. Kim!!" You chuckle a pure sham chuckle.
"Hyeon, tell your mom, to concentrate on her food." He instructs Hyeon, who's heartily licking his fingers overlaid with ice cream yet his almond-shaped hazel eyes, are shaded with a craving for more ice cream, and mischievous eyes spot chocolate ice cream on the table.
"Hyeon is bored with mom and you", you both crack up.
You look back at the man sitting opposite you, "No, but seriously, when are you jumping on to propose Ji-a, enough of coffee dates now! I want you to start a family", you didn't ask, you implored, however, honestly you don't understand why.
"Coffee dates?? Are you-- insane? Coffee dates?? I never really got into such dates with her, if you ask me!! Who the hell told you so?" He blurted but instantly looked at Hyeon as if the kid heard his shoot voice and shut his eyes, "I'm sorry y/n, I didn't mean to shout out loud at you. Just to be transparent with you I'm currently not seeing anyone nor will see anyone in the future. And if you got your answer then let's leave, I'll drop you two."
You honestly don't get, why he gets so pissed off with your question.
"No, Hyeon needs more ice creams"
"Baby, no--"
"Which flavor my angel wants?" He questioned Hyeon, with fondness in his eyes.
"Chocolate one"
Barely a minute ago he was ready to drop you two home but isn't it obvious, that his love for Hyeon is out of the world?
"Why do you get so painfully angry about your marriage"
"Cause I don't want to!!!"
"She's a nice--"
"Mom mom--"
"Yes baby", you wiped his face again.
"Mom I want you to get married to my friend" he announced, eyes on his ice cream.
You chuckled, looking at the man sitting opposite of you, "friend?"
"Yaa mom, Namjoon, he's good mom, then I'll tell everyone that my friend is my dad too." He giggles, and you both can only ignore him.
This question caught you off-guard. It startled you but it wasn't unfamiliar. You have been subjected to this question by none other than you, yourself. It didn't amaze you that much but what shook you was - the man himself in front of you.
It's been five days to be precise, since the last dinner on Saturday night you haven't heard from him. It's the sixth day, Friday morning, you couldn't sleep the entire night, questions eating your inner soul because Namjoon your best friend for 8 years, phones you every morning before you drop Hyeon to school and whether you said no to him for conceivably thousands of time, that you'll drop your kid to school, he still expects perhaps one day you'll let him, but latterly he ain't called you once. And you vow to yourself if today too he won't, you'll despite everything.
Kim Namjoon, where will you inaugurate him? There's only a beginning point, and you could purely start word-for-word about him but no final page for his efforts, love, respect, and support for you, it's something you have been subjected to a lot of instances where his efforts, love, care, and support for you only increased tripartite. There's only an open door in your heart for him but closed when he carved his room in there, and now he's been living there for 8 years.
How you two met was indeed one of the two, best parts, of that university.
You two met at New York University 8 years ago to be exact, both from the same place Ilsan in Goyang, Seoul, South Korea, albeit never met each other, registered for the same program in uni, attended the same classes, but never spoke to each other. It was one day when you dashed to the class and took a seat beside him, horrified by the professor that if he didn't let you in like the other day he did with one of your class fellows, but the sigh of solace left your lips when you saw your professor was late for the first time in 3 months, hah!
You're somebody who never initiates a conversation with someone whether known or unknown, and you would have never known him if he wouldn't offer you his bottle of water, "Drink it, the professor would be late fifteen minutes", you were zoned out until you heeded his deep baritone voice which startled you. You blinked owlishly when you saw his hand stretched out the bottle in front of you.
"Thank you", barely two words you managed to choke out, after taking two sips, you handed the bottle back to him. Still today you laugh at your naivety, how you treated him the first day you two met, though you two used to gawk at each other, yet never persuaded to exchange a word or two. But you remember how your inner self lauded the Lord, for arriving late to the class. If In case you were on time that day maybe... You'd have perched on your regular seat, and again you two would have been eyeing each other from east to the west of your class, and never would have been friends. That was day one of your friendship.
"Uh-- sorry but would you mind walking with me to the library, umm after this class," taking a view of the watch on his wrist as he puffs out a breath, "uh, Just for the group project, if you already are in some group then there's no rub. I'm still looking for a group--"
"Oh, no issue, I can connect y'know", why are you feeling so diffident in front of him, looking everywhere but him, tracing circles on your palm midst talking to him, "I-- uh I too am not in any bunch, so let's do this then?" You harrumph, rubbing your sweaty palms on your thighs.
And you smack your head and snappily shut your eyes at the remembrance, of how shy you were beside him, but not now, now you two are akin to birds of a feather flock together.
"Great, then," he said with a dimpled smile.
His dimpled smile from ear to ear and the dips on his cheeks, and the crinkles near his crescent eyes looked so adorable on him. Not to mention his eyes are like a crescent moon, you could even draw his picture with closed eyes. The picture of his face is engraved in the back of your head.
Those days with Namjoon were flooded with solace, giggles, and serenity until one glossy day turned grey when you met Hyeon's father - Jace, at that university the first and last awful and guiltiest memory at uni.
But why are you even calling him your child's father, ever he said was, one thing for your kid, that he's not his. No, not again this pang in your chest.
You met Jace in the second year of your university. Not to mention the initial months of your relationship with him were all glitter and gold. You both enjoyed your university life like a grad student usually does. Being at frat parties was a new norm for a girl from a small town. Being at pubs, getting some Dutch courage, getting totally jaked at those darty parties, and not least of all out for the count.
Honestly, you're not confident about all those darty party nights with Jace, the negative behaviour of yours, a post-break syndrome after being utterly drunk as you fail to remember the night's episodes. But where you still hung up on is Namjoon never attended such parties, maybe because Jace was with you and protected you? Perhaps he never preferred Jace because of his d2 group in Namjoon's words - douchebag drunkard group, who either would be bathing in alcohol or would be soliciting some women in pubs or frat parties.
So your only best friend wanted to stay off from you and your nerd ex like rigidly stayed away by a country mile.
It's been 5 years since Hyeon's birth which adds, that you never met your ex ever again, what you went through after Jace became acquainted with the fact that you were pregnant, still haunts you. Not that you never wanted Hyeon, but after your ex was subjected to the reality that you were pregnant, he cut all the cords with you. Jace left you, made up the false assumptions in his mind, about you're not pregnant because of him, no, no you recall back to his words by heart - "This ain't my kid, it's your best friend's or whoever you're sleeping with, WHORE!!" The ache earned by the slap of his words is still in your heart, he chuckled, dark eyes wandering over your body, and left. Making all the promises void leaving your heart barren. But you wished for once his words were true, about Namjoon as your child's father.
You look at Hyeon sleeping soundly beside you, he so looks akin to his father by his looks but his heart is purely like Namjoon. He looks so glorious just like sunshine whirled your miserable life into a garden full of lifelike and scented blooms. Jace only gave you awful memories - nightmares, but your baby is the best gift, and besides the tragic past with Jace, everything fades away with Hyeon and Namjoon by your side.
You are grateful to your best friend that he never gave up on you and stayed with you in the rain and shine, life is not always about sunshine and glitters but with him, it really was and still is!!
Whether Namjoon isn't your child's father, he never lets you feel like you would ever need Jace. Driving you to the hospital, discussing your health with her, eyeing your every med, not letting you attend the classes, even writing notes for you. Who so ever will marry him, gonna be a lucky girl, he's the ideal man. You never felt you were a single parent of your child, never. Maybe a father too won't do what he did for you and Hyeon. Honestly even Hyeon never asked about his father, maybe Namjoon's presence was only equal to his father.
Your child's question - on last Saturday's dinner with him, is the clue.
Perhaps, a father figure is important whether you play the mother and father's part in your child's life, there still would be room left.
You do want to confess your feelings to Namjoon. However, at the same time, you do not want to waste his life because of you and your kid.
And even if you envision this, you do get scared what if he said no, or that the room in his heart is already engaged? but it haunts you in case he doesn't reciprocate what you feel for him. That is the reason why you asked about Ji-a that dinner night. What frightens you the most is not being rejected but him distancing himself from you after your confession... That's still okay but you can't see your kid and your best friend staying away because that would be a fate thousand times worse than death.
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Your overthinking took the best of you, it's currently 6 am you didn't shut your eyes for a moment. The alarm buzz makes Hyeon a little startle, so you quickly shut it. His tiny arms tighten their grip on your arm. You silently giggle at your baby's movement, as you kiss him on the forehead, ruffling his hair ever so lightly.
He shortly unfolds his eyes, "mom," he softly murmurs.
"Yes, my angel."
"Mom, Joonie will come" he manages to let those words out blinking his eyes to dust away the sleep and watch his mom's face.
"What? Baby sleep for a few more minutes,"
"No, I have to get ready for my school mom, Joonie is coming to pick me up for school," he smiles midst rubbing his eyes from the back of his hand to wipe away the slightest sleep left in his eyes.
"Oh, baby", you hug him tightly leaving kisses all over his face, "but he didn't phone me, baby"
"Mom, Hyeon called him," he points at you, "your phone," he chuckles at your baffled face, "hyeon told him if he will not come to pick me up for school," his eyes are on your night tee button which glitters under the dim light as he toys it, "then Hyeon will find a new best friend."
You chuckle and place a kiss on his forehead, at least your kid isn't like you, save for eating doughnuts and whatever sweet hooks his eyes, let alone unable to keep things in his heart, and you're delighted with him today.
"Then get ready for school."
Hyeon is quick at getting things done, maybe it's Namjoon's influence, sticking around him, eating occasionally sleeping, and repeating, under his friendship, is why he's fitting in the same frame as Namjoon.
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It's nearly 8 am you assume, and Hyeon's school time is 9. Hyeon is chomping on grapes, as your eyes are fixated at the entrance of your wee apartment which you could only afford to live in with your baby let alone you have been staying here since you flooded back to Seoul.
You left your main door unlocked for Namjoon, waiting for him, as you're barely focusing on anything else.
There's a knock at the door initially, and your eyes spring instantly from your phone to the direction of the knock followed by a creaking sound of the wooden door being opened.
"Joonieee," Hyeon squeals as he jumps off his skyscraper chair, his voice muffles because of the grape in his mouth.
Namjoon sinks to the floor, and outstretches his arms to hug the kid scurrying toward him, and hugs him tightly placing kisses all over his face and you gush at the scene in front of you, of the two main characters of your life. Their giggles, flood your mini apartment with light and serenity that soothes your heart.
"Piggyback me now," Hyeon whines.
Namjoon giving Hyeon a piggyback... It's a norm between them. When so ever Namjoon visits, he parades straight to Hyeon's room and gives him a piggyback ride to the living room.
Is there anything Namjoon denied Hyeon? No. Hyeon really does know how to bring his friend to his heels.
Will he, right now? Conceivably no!!
Because before you even think of an answer, he gives Hyeon a piggyback ride to the couch.
You glance at him, but he only avoids your gaze. You swore you won't ever poke tease at him about Ji-a or another girl. It was a colossal blunder that evening and the least he could do is flash a smile!?... this is something you didn't save at least he could return a smile to you!! Annoyance bubbles inside you, as you narrow your eyes at him and cross your arms under your soft bosoms, rise.
Fine, he's being tough... Then I'm the toughest.
You parade toward your kitchen to prepare some tea for him and ramen for your baby. This Namjoon is not your best friend anymore, he's Hyeon's best friend now. The way his face glows merely talking to your kid tells a lot. At least for Hyeon's sake, he's here after five days. But why are you jealous? He's only talking to your kid but why is he so low?
They are relaxing on the couch, Hyeon sitting close to Joon.
"Hey Joonie", his soft baby-like voice sounds so dull in the morning.
"Yes, my little angel", remote in his hand and eyes on the TV, surfing Hyeon's favourite movie minions... And probably it's the 50th time today for him watching minions with the kid.
"I do not want to watch a movie", he crosses his arms and knits his brow in unison.
"Why?" Namjoon frowns as his finger halts on the remote button he places it aside because it's so unwonted apathy on Hyeon's face.
Hyeon looks in your direction before speaking, "Promise you won't tell mom!" He impetrates, His eyes zoned out, on the floor, perhaps mind on whatever he's been thinking.
Not wanting to waste a second, Namjoon blurts, "I promise." He leans closer to him, picks him up, and straddles him on his lap. "Tell me"
"My friend Ji-woo, said Geon is her best friend and I'm not." He pouts as he hugs Namjoon burying his face, against his chest.
Namjoon chuckles placing a kiss on his hair he pats Hyeon's back, "this was the serious thing you wanted to tell."
"Yes, she's my very good friend Namjoon," he stretches himself out to catch a glimpse of Namjoon, as he continues, "it's complicated."
He chuckles again, age just five but thinks like a fifty. But at some point, Namjoon too felt the same.
Does he still feel the same after these years?
Does he still love your sapphire eyes, which he fell in love with?
Hyeon's eyes are Sapphire too, and radiant like you.
Does he still want to spend the rest of his life with you even after you are a mother of a child?
Does he need to remind himself why is he still single?
Or is he waiting for someone who perhaps never loved him or will never love him??
"What are you boys chattering ... I too want to know", you asked aloud from the kitchen and startled him the messed-up questions which were already jumbled up are now whirled up like a Bermuda triangle... consuming him.
"Nothing mom, we can't disclose. It's our secret, right Namjoon", Hyeon questions, placing his tiny hand on Namjoon's cheek whilst poking his index on his deep dimples, as Namjoon titters at Hyeon's baby-like voice.
"it's hollow," he scowls, poking both indexes on either of his dimples, "Joonie, your cheeks"
"Heyyyy, told you to call him uncle", you yell at your kid.
And they snubbed you, again babbling about something which now looks suspicious to you, yet you are here in the kitchen preparing tea for Namjoon and ramen for boys.
Whilst yelling at your kid, you burnt your index, as you shriek yanking back your hand, and on spur of the moment, you suck your index - a reflexive response.
He looks at you, standing in the kitchen, face scarlet and a finger in your mouth. With due consideration, he gently places Hyeon on the couch and dashes hotfoot towards you. Taking your hand under his custody, he - on autopilot - sucks your index which was in your mouth a moment ago. His eyes looking darkly, deeply, into your eyes with something unfathomable which you don't understand but gives you wintery shivers down to your spine.
"Ar-- are you mad at me?" You stutter, at the nearness between you two, your heart is pounding at the speed of light years. Oh, my god. You in a jiffy, look at Hyeon, and he's eyeing you two with a scowl on his baffled face, surely he is out of depth. You hastily take a step back.
"PUSHED TO VIOLENCE MAD" he declares, dark eyes still not leaving you, peeping oh-so-wildly into your soul.
"But why", you murmur, managing to choke out, your eyes flutter.
"Where was your damn mind y/n?" He hisses with his gritted teeth, your eyes wandering across his honey tone skin glowing in sunlight that seeps through the window and meets his soft petal-like skin as your hands are hungrily desiring to nuzzle him, craving to feel him.
"Jooniee," Hyeon calls, annoyance dripping from his voice, "what are you two doing there" he quizzes you two, and in a flash look at Joon and a mysterious grin on the corner of his mouth.
"Coming", he let out, looking at you with his sexy grin.
Does he smile like this or it's just you, noticing it right now? He looks handsome today, Is he really single? or not? because of how such a beautiful-young-rich man like him is? how has no one ever proposed to him or approached him? maybe someone must have, surely proposed to him and this idiot would have rejected her like he always had. Namjoon with someone else, this picture in the back of your dense head, who's not you is undeniably painful, your heart is burning with just a mere image of him with someone else! What will happen if that image will pop out someday out of nowhere, what if one day you'll meet the love of his life, who, beyond a shadow of a doubt, is not YOU.
He claps in front of your eyes, "hey, I'm talking to you, where is your mind y/n", as your eyes flutter and instantly you focus on his being.
"Oh, Joon, I'm sorry.... yea maybe I'd take an off from work, today."
"Hey, are you okay?"
"Yea, yea, I'm fine," you nod. "Just drop him today, if that's okay."
"This is what I came for. don't worry." he pauses, "I'm leaving to drop Hyeon to school, okay?" He traces your cheeks with his thumb and nods. "Are you sure, you're fine?"
"Yes 100%." you nod.
He places a gentle kiss on your forehead, a glow of warmth at the junction of your skin, under his touch. he nods, as he parades back to the couch.
"Come on Hyeon, will talk on our way. It's getting late"
"But Joonie your tea and, Hyeon's ramen," you stroll out of the kitchen and hand Hyeon his bento box.
"I'll be back y/n, don't worry about the kid we'll get something on our way!!!" He stretches out his hand towards Hyeon, as he holds his and the boys parade out of the apartment.
You plop down on the couch, and you hear a whisper from your right - what the hell was that y/n, oh my god. What Hyeon will think of you two, no no no.
Then the voice from your left utters - so what Hyeon too want him as someone more than a friend, maybe father.
Yea fair enough.
The voice from your right - do you too want him as Hyeon's father.
Then the voice from your left - Nah, not only as Hyeon's father!
Oh god, shut up!!!
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"Joon left his bag here, probably because he's coming back." You, in a tick, remember about the novel you gave him last week, as he said he'll return in 2 days, and as said you two are meeting after a long five days, so you assume he presumably has read it. You lean closer to the bag and pick it up. You open it, searching for your book.
But you find something - more - interesting, which you thought you won't ever find it. It's the same eight years old diary which he used to hide from you, which you, one of those fine days found, not found - honestly, got your hands on, and you were just a second ago that he caught you and took rkive into his possession. It's still the same, just a little scratch on the borders, and you take a sharp intake of breath, it smells like him does he keep it with him, ever?
It's a white diary with dark blue on the south of it, with rkive written in black bold characters just on the top of the blue border.
You open it, the itchiness in your hands to open it right away and read all 500 pages in a shot, you jump over to the last page... He still writes, pages are blank at the end of it. Calm down - the voice inside of your head yells at you, with wide eyes.
Yes, she's right you need to calm your nerves babe, you rise from the couch and make your way to your room. But you halt in the between, catch a glimpse of the diary in your hand... It's wrong to read someone's secret journal.
The voice from your left howls into your ear - it's okay he's not someone for you.
And the voice from your right mumbles into your ear - what if it was your diary in someone's hand?
You pause and veer around to place it back in its place. But you hear a creaking sound of your apartment door, rather than keeping it back into his bag, just after you catch a glimpse of Joon, closing the door behind him, you whirl around - hot foot, and like hell for leather, you strut into your room, you bury the diary under your pillow and parade back to the living room.
"What happened, why are your top pale", he moves closer to you and traces your lips with the bend of his index, his eyes filled with desire are on your lips, he leans down, closer to you, but halts looking back into your eyes, as he shuts his eyes for a second and when he opens, the emotions you saw barely a second ago, faints.
He harrumphs, running his fingers through your hair, eyes not leaving you... But then he traces your lips with the back of his thumb, as he takes the tendrils of your hair around your lips and gently tugs them behind your ear. You shut your eyes, your heart thumping at his touch and a low moan slips your mouth, you angle your head to your left. His eyes land on your exposed neck and he a groan leaves his lips.
He harrumphs again taking a step back from you, "oh, office", eyes everywhere but you.
"Oh, yeah, uh-- I'm not going."
"Are you okay? I mean if you want I can stay with yo--"
"No, I mean I do want you to stay here, with me but you should really go to the office", you nod, a faint smile on your lips, " you should go Joon... I'm fine, if possible do visit again before going to your place."
"Yea I'll. And don't worry about Hyeon... I'll pick him up ok", he places his palm on your cheeks as you nod.
He gives you your favourite, dimpled smile.
And he leaves.
You make your way to your room, plop down on your bed take out his diary to read. It smells homey - the diary smells like cinnamon - like him. Finally, you're diving into his diary. "It's wrong I know but still I want to read it, sorry Joon but if you hadn't snatched it from my hand then possibly I wouldn't be doing this." You puff out a breath.
You open it, and the first page says... "You should not read someone's diary and if you're, then give it back to me and if I'm not there wait for me, I'll presumably come back to find it. Thank you."
You laugh uproariously, actually, you shriek with laughter, "Sorry Joonie I didn't tumble under your trap".
You flick to the next page, "Honestly it's wrong if you're still reading, but if you decide to stick on reading it till the last, then let me tell you something- one -- you can not tell anything to her. Two -- it's going to be exhausting because it's BORING. Thank you".
"WHAT IS THERE IN THIS? now, the chances of me not reading it are zero, Joonie, and blame yourself for this, THANK YOU," you yell.
You turn to the next page, "it's something I never really shared with anyone in my life and maybe will share it in the future with her someday(04.15.2014). Change in plan maybe it'll be just between me and this diary, but I hope to tell her someday okay but genuinely speaking I won't(11.05.2014)."
"Why did he cut that line? 11.05.2014 the day Jace proposed to me!! But what else happened that day, I remember he was with me and was fine too."
P 1: I never imagined writing a diary out of nowhere, but there's a reason why am I writing this.
So, it was my first day at the uni, I saw someone, though I don't know her name, she's the reason I am holding a pen in hand.
"He never spoke to me about someone, and why he didn't wish to let me know?"
P 5: I saw her today, again, she was sitting in the last seat at the corner of the lecture room. I couldn't take my eyes off her. She looked lovely in beige, I really wanted to confess to her, how pretty that colour looks on her, but she's too shy and I couldn't tell her.
A scowl takes its place on your face like a permanent resident. And your heart is thumping now, at his notes.
P 11: I saw her today, she has the most joyful and adorable smile. I was mad about something which right now I don't remember, and she's to blame for that, it's her gorgeous smile.
You flick through the next few pages, and you couldn't wait to know the name of the person he's been writing to, since day 1 of his uni.
P 57: I guess, I like her. She was gazing at me, but when I saw her, she swivelled her head away. Does she feel the same? But the negative point - is we both don't know the names of each other. But I think she knows mine. That day in class, the professor called out my name, so presumably, she knows.
You close the diary, anxiety is eating you up. "He literally wrote every fucking day about that girl."
Then the voice from your left interrupt - read it, maybe, you'll find the girl's name.
You open the diary again.
P 101: 07.24.2014, I'll remember forever more, my heart never jumped like today, and my hands, are still as warm as a hot spring. no... not running a fever.
She just came, more like blew in unexpectedly, I was reading something which all the appreciation goes to her as I can't remember anything, I'm confident.
I asked her to walk with me to the library and on our way, we chatted like we already knew each other, and got wind of the fact that she too is from my hometown.
It felt surreal beside her, never felt like this before, and honestly do not know what it is but maybe this is what I was waiting for my whole life. Don't want to sound sugary but she's the one I want to roll over to in the middle of the night and wake up next to her diurnal. We didn't talk much but I'm clear.
I swear I have never been so sure about something or someone in my entire life
And yes finally got to know her name, y/n, with bright sapphire blue eyes.
You shut the diary with a loud thump, and bring it close to your heart as you shut your burning eyes, a warm tear escapes your eyes. Stupid idiot nerd what not, he deserves every single... Oh, Joonie why didn't you let me know? You open your eyes wiping away your tear with the back of your hand, and you open the book again.
P 130: We just met a few months ago, but feels like we know each other, for a long time. I wish to stay by her side for a lifetime. A smile tingles upon my lips, at the thought of our friendship.
P 139: when my phone's screen lights up with her name, so does my heart and my eyes like sun rays on my face, bestowing nothing but joy.
P 148: I didn't know the meaning of happiness until I met her, her smile warms my soul like a sun in the winter mornings, like a warm blanket on a cold night. Until I saw her and now I'm unable to find a difference.
P 163: today we both visited the library.
I saw a girl over there, sitting in the corner while reading a book. It was raining like heavily, and the content smile on her face was like she finally feels at home, and safe.
I guess y/n, must be my library, my halt from meandering outside in the rain. The home I've been looking for forevermore is beside me.
"I dared myself to read this, if I didn't maybe I wouldn't get the heed of not only his but my feelings too. He sure is dumb, but I'm not. He sure took years and maybe will take forever to let it out, I won't and I can't. But before that, I need to know what he feels about me now."
P 178: we went to the cafe today, and she looked pretty in that beige dress.
I have been praying for her, for what feels like forever!!
P 196: Everyone told me I deserve better, it was okay for everyone else to say. But she too said it, she murmured into my ear, when we were in class, that I deserve better and Ara is fine. The funny thing is I don't even know who Ara is! I know, I deserve better, but I don't want better. I want her.
P 204: Oh, now I feel there's no need to even write ever again in this diary. She was the light in my dark life. She who was the sun to my winter mornings is now with someone else, yes she deserves better. It's my mistake I should have confessed.
P 205: writing after 3 years, just to keep this memory between the pages. She told me she was pregnant, and I'm more than happy.
P 263: what is tougher than a human heart, which shatters over and over and regardless of pain still lives. I'm the evidence. He left her yet her heart yearns for him.
P 278: Today we visited the doctor for her routine check-up. She said she isn't willing to have this baby and honestly it broke me to pieces. I wish I could tell her how much I love her and want not only her but her baby too. I wish to love them till my last breath.
Why I overlooked, his affection. How can I be so stupid?
You recall your memories, of when you were pregnant.
"I'm just a call away y/n, can call me at 3 in the morning I'll be there, please do not stress over things that weren't meant to be."
Just one call of yours used to shake him up. You two visited the doctor together even though you told him to stay off, pushed him away because it was your problem you wanted to deal with it alone, yet he never left your side.
"I'm not leaving, I can't see you like this, alone at this deserted apartment, where you two lived.... No y/n you're coming with me, I have a spare room at my place. I'll be content seeing you safe next to me."
"Joon I'm okay, really, I can stay he--"
"No, you're coming with me."
Even stayed up with you for nights, didn't let you attend the classes, wrote not only his but your notes too, and fought for you when you weren't there.
Took proper care, he even memorized your meds on the tongue and learned the dates of your routine check-ups, fruits, soups, juice every other basic need of yours, was his command. He did everything that a father should do, which perhaps is the only justification for why he loves Hyeon so much.
Nights when you cried over your ex, yet lied to him, that this is only a hormonal reaction but a little did you know about him, but he sure knew every reason behind your genuine or phoney smile, every single reason behind your single teardrop.
"Listen y/n, I know I have been reciting this for months but here again I'm going to say, this time not for you for ours. I -- I mean you-- your baby. I-- I want you to be strong y/n. You're going to be a mother but crying like an infant." He wipes away your tears whilst leaning to kiss you but halts and ruffles your hair.
"Heyyy Joonie", you hit his chest.
"No, but seriously, do you want me to kill that nerd? See y/n I can!! and I'll if you allow me. I'm very much y'know skilled, uh competent, even proficient," he sums his abilities on his fingers, and you giggle at his naivety, "not lying I hold a black belt in Judo and earned one in Karate too, he doesn't stand a chance in front of your best friend", he dusts off his palms as of stroking off dirt and crosses his arms around his chest.
"So dramatically proud you are, Joon", Now you're laughing uproariously, in reflex your hand finds its purchase on your middle, and he instantly notices.
"Hey, are you okay?" he immediately holds you, his eyebrows furrowed at your hand's gesture, but you're still laughing.
"Joon, I'm really fine, you should have actually played Mr. bean. where were you back then?"
"Was probably waiting for your landing."
"I love your face glowing with that peaceful smile y/n, do not cry over some nerd. I'm here with you today, what if someday, I'm not there beside you, to wipe away your tears, which merely shed but if they do, the sole reason is men." You hit his shoulder, "stop it Joonie we're friends till the end, do you get it you asshole? don't you dare say that shit again."
But he wants his last sleep beside you, his last breath beside you. His ever so firsts to be by your side and ever so lasts by your side, this is what he feels for you.
"And do you know, your taste in men is horrible, I don't trust you in that process?"
You look down with teary eyes, p 278, and you skip to p380.
P 380: she deserves every star in her life, to glitter for her the way my eyes sparkle for her.
P 485: feels like we are two stars floating in the universe, yet light years away. She sure is with me but feels like those two stars, babbling on either side of the moon, neither I can reach where she is, nor she can where I'm. But, my heart cherishes every second, every moment, every single breath with her. I wish stars could collide someday, and we'll meet eventually.
P 525: a week to go, I told her it's a boy, and she said no.
P 540: It's a boy, we named him Hyeon. Honestly, I don't think I'll ever love my kid as I love Hyeon. And he has Sapphire eyes like his mom, another reason to love him even more.
You heard the clanking sound coming from your living room you shut the diary, wipe away your tears and hide it under your pillow.
You strut out of your room, "Oh you guys are back." And in the twinkling of an eye, you felt your cheeks warm, when Namjoon's eyes meet yours, like all the blood rushing up to your cheeks.
Perhaps your friends were always right about you two - that you two would make an aesthetically pleasing couple.
"Hey, come here,"
Heat pooling in the pits of your stomach, you sure did feel all of this before, but to be precise you're catching every reaction of your body, now. Those three words are just not mere words, they did something to you, the warmth between your legs is the evidence of those three words. You are eyeing him, hungrily, stop drooling you fucking idiot.
"Mom do you remember, it's Joonie's birthday tomorrow."
"No, Hyeon your mom won't--"
"Yes baby I know, there's something for him," you look at him, "will you stay with us today?"
He looks into your eyes, the glow in them, which he purely saw for Hyeon, is it for him? his brows knit together, "yes anything for you," he pauses eyes wandering across your face, "you two."
Your kid is smarter than you, when you secretly told him you need to prepare a cake for his birthday, he told you his plan, which is why they both went out, and here you're placing the cake inside the refrigerator.
You know he won't take a step forward, it's only you who could do such bravery. It's his birthday and a new start to every perfect day.
You make your way to your room to find a perfect dress for his birthday night.
You're wearing a black cold shoulder ruched flounce sleeve bodycon dress, the silk fabric just ends at the curve of your cheeks, and you complete it with a black thong and yes no bra today. It's normal for you to doll yourself up, whenever you three move out, for dinner, parties, or friends' weddings. But today is, no normal day because you have never spread out as far as to shave, lest yknow.
Brushing out your tangles, your makeup is tastefully done as you're touching up some lipstick - let aside hungrily awaiting for him to smear it, spraying some perfume all over your body, you bolt out of your room. looking around your living room, to be precise it seemed hideous barely an hour ago and now it's looking nothing but cheerful as you beautifully decked out your place with balloons on the floor which you assure Hyeon would low-key love more than your birthday boy, with a cake on the table in the middle of the living room.
There's a rattling sound of keys behind the door, and you know they're here. The front door opens, and you find Hyeon and Namjoon, standing at the door, Hyeon couldn't help but claps at the decor his eyes twinkles at the sight of balloons all over the floor, as he lets go of Joon's hand and take off to pick the balloons, but what you take a gander at Namjoon, not saying much but you can tell, he could cry any moment, he's eyeing the whole room, then looking at you, your heart is beating at light year.
He makes his way to you, "there are still three hours left for my birthday", his eyes wander across your body, and you silently praise the lord for the dress you found in your closet.
"Yes, I know Joonie, but Hyeon is really excited about your birthday, and in an hour you'll find him out for the count," you both laugh, looking at him playing with the balloons, his chuckle is canorous to your ear filling your apartment.
"Fair enough", he paused, "by the way you-- you're looking gorgeous y/n"
Three cheers finally my man noticed, "oh, thank you, I thought you won't ever notice."
"you already think so low of me, y/n," you see a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth.
"if so, what else do you like about me then," without a shadow of a doubt, you take a step towards him, as he too leans closer to you.
"Mom, I love the cake, it's looking yummy." You look at your baby.
"Oh, did you forget about Hyeon", he grins, teasing you to the core.
"Isn't it obvious today?" you take a step back.
"y/n are you flirting." he takes a gander at you and smiles mischievously.
"No", you stand tiptoe and lean closer to his ear, and warmly without qualms, "wanna be your sugar baby", you puff out a warm breath that gives chills down to his south as his tool twitches, "this is what I call is - flirting, Mr Kim, and I strongly believe you should take some classes, yknow? from me!!" you take a step back and make your way to your kid, who could sleep any moment.
you meet Namjoon's eyes, as he shares a knowing look, that he should probably slice the cake, "Hey my baby angel, would you cut the cake with me", he asks Hyeon.
"yess" Hyeon cheers excitedly.
You three celebrated his birthday like you have been doing for years now.
As you foretold, Hyeon is now in deep slumber. you pick him up, "uh-- you can sleep in my room--"
"No, I'll sleep with him today if that's okay with you?"
"Yea sure"
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it's 1am, and you're tossing and turning, unable to sleep at the thought of Namjoon sleeping under the same roof, just a few meters away.
You are wearing a red drop shoulder belted satin lounge robe, with a matching thong and no bra. Craving for his touch makes you nothing but more frustrated, and your mouth dry.
you pick up your mobile, this should end today, he's an epitome of shyness, you want him deep yet harsh inside you, and you're seconds away to strut out of your room and dashing inside the room next to yours, and straddling his saddle, but you can't he's sleeping with your baby. So, you just text him to check if he's still awake.
you 1:10 am- I have a little secret, which I think, you should know.
Joon 1:11 am- you still awake? And what secret?
You 1:13 am- yes, and looks like we're awake for the same reason. And about that secret. Check your bag perhaps you should be missing something.
Joon 1:20 am- did you swipe away my diary from the bag, when I was away from home? Don't you dare read it!!!
You 1:22 am- over and done with it.
Joon 1:26 am- I'm sorry it was all in the past y/n, I promise it's nothing like that now.
You 1:27 am- SAD. Perhaps I'm alone in this.
Joon 1:29 am- you too?
Joon 1:29 am- I mean you too feel what I feel for you?
Joon 1:30 am- you don't understand how much I feel for you y/n, if you're playing the clown then don't.
You 1:34 am- save for I'm not, and there's something I low-key want you to know beforehand if you do feel for me. Joon there's nothing behind the scenes, I, yknow I cry often even if Hyeon gets some silly injury, though he laughs, and I'm the one who cries. I cry over things that have hurt me in the past, or things I'm so in love with. Yknow I'm afraid of being left, afraid of not being good enough, a good mother, a good daughter, and a good friend. I can actually count millions of things that I feel hostility toward myself. If we're going to be a thing in the future you should know that even if you'll tell me you love me countless times, I'll still be afraid of you leaving me. Jace broke my heart into bits, just don't blame yourself.
There's a knock at your bedroom door, he slides it open when he finds it unlocked. He peeps inside before entering, entering your room he looks at you, "y/n when will you, stop thinking so low about yourself", his eyes hungrily wander across your body, and you find him in waist shorts.
His eyes travel to your hardened peaks covered with red satiny material which he wants to slip you out from it, he harrumphs distracting himself, but something catches his eyes, his eyes travel along your smooth long legs on display and halt at your sheer red thong.
"I uh--" he looks away from your figure, eyes on the floor filled with serene moonlight, "y/n, nobody's perfect, even I'm not, you know every deep and dark arcane of my past..... I'm here to tell you that I don't care, I fell in love with you, not with your perfection. Since I fell in love, since then I love every crack in your skin and all your freckles. I didn't meet someone like you," he looks back at you, as he walks closer to you and settles beside you taking a hold of your hand in his, he places a soft kiss on the back of your hand.
"I'm grateful," you take out the diary, "that I found this," and hand him.
"Oh thank you I thought I won't get it back.... and did you just say found? Really?"
"I probably wasn't going to because of the perfumes it holds of its owner, but seems like my bed would smell like him from now on, so it's fair enough to return it, no?"
He gives you his coy smile as he nods, "rather my bed will smell like you because I won't let you and our kid stay here," he parks a soft kiss on your forehead, "and what are we going to tell Hyeon?"
"That we accepted his proposal and now he'll call his best friend his dad!" You chuckle.
In a shot, he looks at you, a puzzled look blanketing his face, "I still can't believe this, that all these years you too felt the way I feel for you, why you didn't you --"
"Same question I'm hurling on you," your eyes are hungrily tracing his lips as you tightly grip the sheet under your fist and he notices you.
Without losing away any minute he leans close to you, smacking his lips on yours as your breath hitches at his sudden whirlwind of ardor, as his strong arms wrap around your waist, holding you tightly against his body and in a trice, he straddles you on his lap whilst kissing you breathlessly. your moan melts away into his mouth. you clung onto him, arms tangled around his neck.
His hand at the small of your back roughly snakes under your red satin robe. he slides his hand inside your thong, your skin flush at his touch, digging his nails into your cheeks for support. he's gently kissing you without letting you go but oh so rough on your body. sucking his lower lip, as you slowly tug his lip between your teeth leaning back to bruise it. you both moved apart breathlessly panting, hungrily looking into each other's eyes, travelling back to lips. you fiddle with the hem of his shirt, hiking it up, he's smirking looking at your eyes hungrily savouring his exposed chest.
you feel him grow under your heated core. he tugs at your robe belt as it slips down and pools around your butt. his sinful eyes filled with lust darkly eye your bosoms, he tenderly gropes your breast, he cranes his neck a little, enveloping your buds between his lips flicking it with his tongue as he takes it between his teeth, playfully biting it, your grip on his shoulder tightens dipping nails into his skin.
moans escaping from your lips making him groan, his warm breath hitting your bosom sending tingles on your skin, he places his palm gently over your lips and hushes you, "if you don't want to wake up our kid," retracting his hand from your lips, our kid that word did something like something incomplete is now perfectly complete.
He gently hurls you on the bed, you want to feel his body, you want him to kiss every inch of your skin, bite you and bruise you, your drunk eyes watch him, pulling down his waist shorts, freeing his shaft. He grabs his shaft using his large hands, and jerks himself for few times indirectly letting you know to get ready, low groans peep from his lips.
You gape at your man seductively, how he jerks his member in his hand, growing harder in his hold your stomach turns at his hard length. Fucking his fist in a pace, eyes never leaving you as he smirks at you drooling over his hard shaft. The urge inside you to take him in deep inside you, and fuking him much - very much better.
As he shoves his free hand between your legs, he spreads them apart.
He parks himself between your legs. His eyes on your bruised bosom with hickeys only make him want to bruise them more. He hooks his finger to the waistband of your thong and slides it down, your breath hitches at your exposed body in front of him as you close your eyes in self-consciousness, he gasps at his sight and leans down taking a lungful of your flavour as he parks a wet kiss on your heated - bare - wet pussy "beautiful" he murmurs.
His hands travel from your knees slowly to your lips, as he traces your delicate skin and dips his thumb in your slick, a low moan escapes your lips before you bite them to melt them inside your lips, "Joon, I can't wait, fuck me, baby", your voice seems to lower, sounding more like smooth whiskey and he knows you're only trying to make it hard for him.
"You want me to fuck your tight pussy, raw, that desperate huh!!"He parts your slit, as he flicks his tongue between your sensitive lips. "Don't you know how much I waited for you," without wasting another second he grabs your knees stretching them out for him, as your pussy slit opens. He grabs his hard cock, rubbing it.
Waiting for him to fuck you, you grab one of your bosoms and knead it desperately in your hold. He bends a little as his hands slide under your ass and grab them angling you for his cock, he slowly buries his shaft and your eyebrow furrow as he moves deeper and deeper inside you and halts drinking in your expressions.
He slightly pulls back then stops, and again pulls back eyeing you, "if you want, we can stop it right now baby", he leans down closing the distance between you two, his hands on either side of your head, and place a soft kiss on your forehead, you instantly open your eyes looking at him, his lips just an inch away from your lips, "no, I want you right now.... No more distance between us Joon," your hands cupping his nape to draw him closer as you park a soft peck on his lips.
He digs his fingers back into your flash, and retreats, slamming his dick back into you, as you whimper in pain, a tear escapes from your eyes. Glitters of sweat on his forehead under the dim light of your bedroom, doing no justice to how gorgeous your man is. Not only on his forehead but his chest too, deliciously sweaty. Seeing him on your top, your pussy clenches around his hard length, "baby", he groans dipping his head on the nape of your neck the warm breath breaking out goosebumps over your skin.
He doesn't stop now, his cock throbbing to match the crazy throbbing of his heart, arching your back you dip your head back into the pillow, "fuck Joon, shit.... Yeahhh babyy", you moan out loud, as he quickly kisses you nipping your lips to bite your moans.
He leans back, "baby, Hyeon wi--"
"Fuck me harder Joon," you murmur, breathlessly.
Without wasting any time, he's ramming his dick into your tight pussy again, as you grip the sheets under your skin.
The way he's making you feel, you never felt like this ever in your life though it's the first time after Jace, he too never made you as incredible as him. The way his hips are in a rhythm against yours, the pleasure making you clench around his length.
"I wanted you for so long y/n," he groans, pounding into you. "You are mine y/n, and I belong to you," your walls only clench tighter around his shaft, enveloping perfectly around his thick length.
"Yes, Joon, only you... Us baby" your breath hitches, looking at his dark eyes, you're close and you know he too is.
He groans as his knees buckle, striving to keep up the merciless rhythm, "should have confessed, before him but now I won't waste any minute", his words are only causing your walls to spasm and contract, fire in your abdomen with his words making your way to your peak.
"You can do this baby", he coos tracing your cheeks with his thumb. He could feel you close.
As your climax is near, your hips stutter against him, desperately, creating the heat and friction for the feelings and bringing you closer to your peak. You're writhing under him when you hit your orgasm, you're so wet that his thick shaft is easily sliding in and out of your pussy.
He's pushing into you inch by inch, massaging your walls slowly. He covers your mouth to hush you before emptying inside you, as your clenching walls only cause him to come inside you and fill you up to the rim.
He softens inside you, as he dips his head into the crook of your neck.
"happy birthday baby, I love you", you kiss his earlobe, panting heavily.
"I love you more..... the best birthday," he pulls back, looking deeply into your eyes, "can"t wait to see the joy in our baby's eyes".
you both chuckle, and there's a knock on the door, "oh, shit" you murmur.
Namjoon only chuckles, "seems like this is the time".
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© 𝐥𝟎𝐦𝐥𝐣𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐣𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐤𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟐 - 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐩𝐲/ 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭/ 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞. All rights reserved.
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justcallmenikki7 · 10 months
BTS Reaction To: The Purge Night
Summary: experiencing the purge with your mafia boyfriend can go many different ways.
Warnings: killing/murder (obviously, it’s the purge lmao), language, stealing/robbery, slight angst, fluff (haha), suggestive comments, badass y/n, torturing, crack, nonconsensual touching from stranger, split!jungkook, character slapping reader, angst, taehyung being taehyung.
W.C.: 3.9k
Notes: hiiiii! I’m back. My life has been so chaotic and busy ever since I got my second job back in March, and so I haven’t had much time to myself to even do anything. Thankfully, I learned on how to take time for myself now and balancing everything out. Anyways! I apologize if I’m rusty with my writing, it’s been a while. And idk how to feel about taehyungs part.
Kim Seokjin:
Ever since Korea has followed along with the United States by having the annual Purge two years ago, you decided with your boyfriend to go and experience it. Now, of course, you are prepared. Having a boyfriend who is the leader of the Korean Mafia, it’s no secret that he is prepared in many ways when it comes to…illegal things.
At first, he was against the idea of you going out on purge night, but once he realized that this was an internal thrill and want for you, he decided to go along with it. Whenever you heard of the purge happening in America, there was this thrill and excitement for one night a year for legal crime, you were wanting it to happen in Korea, and once you heard the news of Korea writing a bill and finalizing it, you wanted to purge. Now, it is a sick want, but some people need to release their anger and do shit that they would not do on a normal day when there are laws in place, but having that ability to do it with no repercussions, what could go wrong?
You were finally able to release the anger and hurt that a few people caused you and you wanted pay back. Could you just have Jin kidnapped and you could enjoy your sick pleasure by torturing them? Of course, but it is different when you can do everything start to finish.
“Babe, I think they’re dead…” you heard your boyfriend say in a monotone over the noise of your knife stabbing into the lady who embarrassed you when you were in sixth grade in front of the student body. She caused you anxiety and humiliation at a young age.
“Are you sure? Her body moved just a second ago.” You questioned cutely, already knowing she’s leaving the mortal realm. You’re just enjoying the thought of her never living again.
“Yes… she died five minutes ago, shortly after her husband.” Jin stated with a smirk on his face from watching you huff and fix your ponytail after giving the woman one last jab at her chest. Pushing off the wall, he walked over to you and cradled your face in his hands, loving how your cheeks crinkle your eyes because of how you have big cheeks that fit your face so well. “You do realize you spent about close to two hours of torturing and killing her that you have ten hours left? We must drive an hour to the next ‘victim’ of yours. And that depends if the roads are blocked off from Purgers.”
“With your driving, well make it there in twenty-five minutes. Plus, the boys already made sure that they’re not blocked.” You commented, grinning at Jin’s face turning red from realizing that you’re right.
“Okay, let’s get going, smart ass.” He ordered, slapping your ass before he grabs your hand and helping you step over the murder scene that just took place in the house.
Min Yoongi:
When the first purge happened in Korea, you and your boyfriend Min Yoongi obviously joined in on the fun. Now, on the second year, that is happening once again.
You were currently getting dressed into your purge outfit. You are wearing jean shorts with fishnets, combat boots, a crop top, a black leather jacket, your hair straightened, and face paint that is skeleton designed. Yes, you know that there is no reason to get dressed up for this night, but there’s no point in going out in sweats and a hoodie while you rob Walmart, the mall, and Hobby Lobby. You want to play the part.
You convinced your boyfriend to dress up with you this year since he did not last year, and it took lots of bribing and promising things, but you got what you wanted in the end like you always do.
“Babe, you ready? In about ten minutes the sirens will go off and along with announcement.” Your boyfriend told you as he walked into the bedroom, mouth dropping at your outfit, and just you in general. He’s now thinking about you guys staying in because he can feel himself getting excited at what he wanted to do with you – to you. “Maybe we should stay in tonight babe.”
Turning around, you glared at him. “Do you not realize that Hobby Lobby has cute house décor that we need for this place?”
“But I can just buy them for you baby,” your boyfriend pouted, along with making a fair point.
“But we can save that money with just stealing, legally! Plus, what’s the fun in that? We can take whatever we want without having to spend a single dime. And there’s build a bear at the mall, and I want all the stuff animals. We are not staying home just so you can rip my outfit apart. We can do that after the purge.” You countered back, determined to get free things, and possibly fighting someone who gets in your way.
It's been a stressful week with idiots at your job, and you’re looking for a reason to punch somebody.
Grumbling, your boyfriend threw his hands up in defeat, not wanting to challenge you while your mind is set. He’s learned when you threw a water bottle at him in the nono region when he tried to persuade you from not spending $50 on a large stuffed llama at Walmart because you already had plenty of stuffed animal llamas at home.
“Yes ma’am, can we at least break into the Oliva Garden on seventh street and take their breadsticks on the way home? I’ve been craving them lately.” He asked, putting his necklace on that you got him on your guy’s sixth month anniversary and his rings.
“I was about to ask the same thing,” you said, spraying your favorite perfume on. Right as you sat it down on your vanity, the sirens went off. Grabbing your gun that was specially made for you, you put in the gun holster that went with the outfit and your bag that had an emergency kit for just in case, along with one extra gun, you walked up and kissed your boyfriend.
“Ready baby?” he asked, taking your hand in his.
“Let’s roll! Hobby Lobby, here we come!”
Jung Hoseok:
It was a good idea at first, but now you’re questioning your train of thought from earlier, along with listening to your boyfriend. But sometimes men don’t know what they’re talking about. But then also is a long-time thief and is a mafia boss, so he does know what he’s talking about half of the time.
You just hate being wrong.
You thought that breaking into a bank that looked untouched from any other Purger’s was skeptical, but you decided to go ahead and do it anyways. But now, you realized that you should’ve listened to your conscious and boyfriend.
“This is your fault.” Your boyfriend commented, handcuffed to the wall.
“How is it my fault? You should’ve said something,” you snapped back, knowing that he did, but you won’t admit that he’s right.
“Stop being stubborn and just say, ‘babe, you were right, I’m a dumbass.’” He sassed, giving you a look that you hate. If only your hands weren’t handcuffed you would have smacked him, because it is the look of ‘you’re a dumbass,’ and know you were a dumbass, but you had a good idea that seemed like one to you, but it wasn’t.
You live and you learn.
“If you don’t wipe that look off of your face, I’ll do it for you after the boys get here and rescue us.”
“What are you going to do? Hit me?” He spoke in a childish tone, but you ignored and acted like you didn’t hear him.
Yes, you two are acting like children while being held at gun point, not caring that you are getting judgmental looks from your captors. What is even funnier, they don’t realize that they have the king and queen of the Korean mafia handcuffed to a pole. So, they are in a big surprise when the gang gets here.
“Will you two shut the fuck up? You sound like my kids right now.” A guy snapped, massaging his temples as if he has a headache.
“No, he called me a dumbass,” you argued back, “and I am not a dumbass.”
“You kind of are, babe.” Hoseok commented in a nonchalant tone. And after he said that gun fire began, a sign that his gang was here.
It was a quick process to say the least since the men who cuffed you both and had guns pointing at you for fifteen minutes were amateurs. After both of you getting uncuffed and you getting lectured by Jungkook and Taehyung on how you don’t know how to rob a place, you hit Hoseok in the arm.
“That’s for calling me dumbass,” you sneered, an angry look on your face.
“Noona, you kind of are…” the maknae’s said at the same time, quickly looking away once they felt your glare.
Kim Namjoon:
You don’t know what it is with your boyfriend, but he is like a child on Christmas morning when it comes to robbing places. He is in his own little world, piling up video games for the Maknae line for their Christmas presents, all of the sprite that he was able to get into the cart for Hoseok, all the colorful lights that Yoongi has talked about getting for his music room that he has at the house as his getaway area whenever he has the chance with his busy schedule of tracking people down, and then Jin kitchen décor for the kitchen at the base. You guys probably need to make a pit stop at HomeGoods for more of the decor because Walmart doesn’t have good selections, but it is the thought that matters.
“Babe! I found a book that I want to read!” Joon yelled out, reading the summary on the back of the book.
“What’s it called?” You asked, walking up to him and leaning your head against his arm, looking down at it.
“It’s called ‘The Cellar’ and it’s by this writer named Natasha Peterson. I’ve never heard of her, but this book sounds awesome.” He commented, placing it gently into the cart, “I’m getting it. I saw that it is a series, so we need to stop by Barnes and Nobel to get the rest of the series.” He mentally added that onto his list.
The peacefulness that was surrounding you both as you guys wondered around Walmart ended as soon as loud laughter sounded throughout the store and a gunshot. Namjoon instantly went into mafia mode, which is what you call it, and grabbed you and threw himself over you as he moved you both behind the shelf of towels and shielded you from any harm. His gun was pulled, and he was already texting the boys, who were also out and about on purge night, that there was a problem. You can’t trust anyone in general, but on Purge night, it’s a different ball game.
You could hear the group being rowdy, knocking everything over that was in their sight, making vulgar comments, and being disgusting in general. It sounded like they were getting closer, and that was making you nervous because of the fucking cart that was in the middle of the aisle.
“Joon, the cart.” You whispered, nervous as hell.
Namjoon muttered ‘fuck’ under his voice and was about to get up and grab the cart, when all the sudden WAP by Cardi B began blaring throughout the store.
Fucking Taehyung.
This obviously grabbed the groups attention because you heard them become alarmed, and slightly confused, on why WAP was blaring over the speakers. You heard someone yell, and then the sound of running on the other side of the aisle. You exhaled, relaxing when you heard the music turn off and Taehyung’s voice.
“I’m such a smart individual you guys.”
Park Jimin:
You and your boyfriend Jimin decided to stay in for the night. You both are not ones to partake in the new holiday because Jimin already deals with it daily. Whereas with you, you are not a fan of murder, despite being married to a mafia boss.
The house was on lock down, security cameras live on the second T.V. in the living room, the other T.V. playing your favorite show, the both of you cuddled up on the couch, and your favorite alcohol beverages next to both of you. It was peaceful, something that you both love when it comes to being with one another. It can be quiet, and no words spoken while you two are together and it isn’t boring or awkward, just peaceful.
That was until the camera for the backyard went black and Jimin got up quickly, and the look of anger and calculation was on his face. The peacefulness gone and the thought of murder was settling in the air.  Becoming nervous, you jumped up and stood right behind your boyfriend, hands holding to both of his arms, and you pushing yourself up against him, trying to become one with him.
“Baby, grab the gun that’s in the cushion that you were sitting on. You remember how to use it, right?” Your husband asked, checking to make sure you remember. It’s been a long time since you’ve had to use a gun because there was never a need too, until tonight.
“Yeah, I remember,” you answered while you grabbed it, hating the cold feeling to it.
“Good, stay next to me at all times, I’ll make sure nothing happens to you.” He replied, grabbing his gun from the side table, cocking it, and began to walk towards the kitchen where the bulletproof glass was that gave you both the ability to look outside. Peeking through it, your heart dropped at what you saw.
One of your security men hanging from the tree that was by your back porch. The churning of your stomach, heart pounding in your chest, and the want to wish you were dreaming was taking over your mind. And what was worse, the lights going out in the house. No power, no ability to see, and the fear of losing your husband became too much.
“Oh Jimin, I’m back. Let’s have some fun, shall we? There is only eleven hours left, and that gives us time to catch up. It’s been a long time, my friend.” A voice you never heard before sounded through the house, and it held everything but kindness.
Clutching Jimin’s arms, you felt tears brimming your eyes.
“Text the boys and tell them to hurry and tell them that Jacob isn’t dead. Tell them to come prepared,” he demanded quietly. “And if we don’t make it, just know we will meet again. I love you Y/N.” Jimin promised, bringing you in and holding you tightly.
Never in the ten years of knowing Jimin have you heard him sound scared before. But you did forget that there are still somethings you don’t know about him, and this is one of them.
Kim Taehyung:
There have always been snakes in every group, whether that being in gangs, friendships, relationships, or even in workplaces. There has been suspicion of a couple of snakes in the gang that your boyfriend runs, and you didn’t think that they would have the balls to do it on the night of the purge, of all days. You could do it on a Sunday, but they thought it would be best to do it on the night of a murder holiday.
You were sitting comfortably on the couch in your boyfriend’s office, watching Tik Tok and talking with your boyfriend as he does paperwork. Everything was peaceful until the moment that his six best friends ran into the office, closing the door and having pissed off looks on their faces.
“What the hell is going on?” Taehyung asked, standing up with a calculated look on his face.
“It’s Max and Jaiden. They’re the snitches and they’re gathering a few others to take us out tonight. Our security teams. The ones who are here now in this building.” Namjoon responds.
“Are you fucking serious? And are they stupid?” Taehyung questions, hands turning into fists as he thinks on what to do. It took a few moments for him to figure out on what he wants to do, before he looks up, “let’s go get rid of them all, but let’s save the two fuckers for last. We need to know what they all had done.”
The six men nod their heads before they left the room. Taehyung was the last to leave because he needed to gather a few things, along with kissing you goodbye. “Lock the door on my way out, you know it’s me when I do the three knocks.” He told you, helping you off the couch and led you to the door. As he walked out, you closed it and locked it, before making your way back to the couch to get comfortable.
Fifteen minutes later, the three knocks sounded. You realized it wasn’t a long process, but you brushed it off as you got to the door and opened it. Only to be greeted with Jaiden. Your heart fell to your stomach, and you quickly stood back.
“Hey, Y/N. Didn’t think I know the knock trick, huh?” He smirked, gun drawn and pointing at you.
“You know you have a death wish if you try something,” you pointed out, “you should really think about whatever you’re planning on doing.”
You didn’t even see him raise his hand until you felt it on your cheek. “Shut the fuck up. Do you not realize how fucking irritating it is to be bossed around and not be appreciated? For everything you do for this fucking gang, huh? You sacrifice your life daily for a guy who doesn’t even know how to fight. What kind of fucking leader is that, huh? And then see him take the girl you have loved for years and claim her as his own?” He questioned, stepping towards you.
You’re focusing on two things right now. The pain in your cheek and his reference towards you. He’s been in love with you? And he thinks that Taehyung has taken you from him? This guy is fucking delusional.
“Oh, so this is what it’s about? You could’ve done this tomorrow, or yesterday, or even last month. But, on purge night? That is hilarious.” You heard your boyfriend, relief flooding through your body. A groan of pain and the sound of electricity sounded through the air, and you know it was the taser that Jungkook bought for shits and giggles. Looking up, hand on your cheek from the hit, you said Jaiden on the ground, Taehyung standing above him. “You’re going to wish that you never once laid a hand on MY girl and for going behind my back to Ateez and giving them information.” Taehyung growled out, looking at you with a look that shook you to your bones.
Jeon Jungkook:
Occasionally, your boyfriends alter appears. Sometimes, it scares you because of how violent he can get, along with barely interacting with him. JK, for the first time in over a year, that you know of because that was the last time you had interacted with him for a few minutes, is out tonight.
You don’t know how to approach him, you don’t know how to do anything because of how you barely know him. You know that he is your boyfriend, and you do love him, but he scares you. You know that he wouldn’t do anything to you at all – he even told you that himself last year, but you know that you do not want to see him in action.
The gang had to leave the base because of Purgers who hate the gang, despite them never hurting an innocent citizen and only trying to protect them, raided the base and only a few got out. So now, you guys are now in the city, trying to get to across town on foot to the safety house that’s in the country. Everyone’s running, JK and his six brothers who are prepared for anything, and several other men who are a part of the gang are keeping the extra eye out for any danger.
You’re not an athletic person, running is not in your vocabulary, and so you are getting winded quickly. You thought you would be an athletic person when it comes to possibly dying, having all the adrenaline in you, but there isn’t any and so you’re slowly falling behind. Not being able to speak up because of having no breath in you since it’s long gone from the running you’ve done, you stop for a second and put your hands on your knees, trying to catch your breath and stretch for a few seconds.
Of course, you’re that person that stopped and now you’re getting yanked from the back. Screaming, which catches everyone’s attention, you began to kick the person who has a hold of you.
“Y/N!” Your boyfriend screamed, running towards you, only stop when other people came out of their hiding places and having guns drawn and ready to shoot. The look on your boyfriend’s face sent fear down your spine because it’s a look of pure bloodlust, the want to kill and torture the man who has you. “Let her fucking go, now.” He demanded, voice thick and deep.
“And why’s that? You don’t want to share this piece of meat with anyone else? Listen, pal, I can do whatever I want tonight and that is her.” The guy cockily said, the feeling of his hand sneaking down you, causing you to squirm and move his hand away. “Good luck on trying to stop me, but I have more men than you. There’s no way you’re going to—” He stopped in his sentence from your elbow jabbing into his stomach and then your foot making contact his dick. You learn thing or two from dating your boyfriend. “You fucking bitch!”
A warzone happened, and you somehow dodged his fist as it flew at you, but you ran towards your boyfriend, jumping into his arms, only to meet the ground with your back and he threw himself on top of you to protect you from any danger. The guns stop firing, and you heard the guy who grabbed you groaning. Hoseok managed to shoot him in the leg, but everyone else in his group are now dead, along with a wounded Jimin and Seokjin, and a dead member who meant everything to everyone.
“Nice job, baby,” JK praised, standing you both up, only to pull you against him, both your chests pressed together and his hands gripping your waist. This caused a blush to ran come across your cheeks and your chest, the look in his eyes hooded, but you know it is still JK, and this got you even more excited and nervous.
“Well, Jungkook taught me a thing or two… and so, I just acted.” You stuttered, trying to keep eye contact, but it being difficult from how intense JK is staring at you.
“Well, I can teach you a thing or two later. But now baby, I have to do something that I don’t want you to watch, or if you want to, I can teach you a few other things. But I don’t want to scare you away. So, now be a good girl and look the other way, you won’t like what you’ll see.” He ordered, eyes now deadly and not the ones that made an appearance for a few moments that comforted you.
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joon4eva · 1 year
forg_tful — kim namjoon.
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summary. where namjoon's forgetfulness gets him into trouble.
genre. established relationship ✰ angst ✰ fluff
word count. ~3,482 words
tags/warnings. angst; lots of it, crying, namjoon is a green flag idc, oc is whipped, apologies and a happy ending, oh also here's this to give you an idea of how i pictured joon towards the end of the story
masterlist :)
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"sorry"s and "i forgot"s seemed to become part of your daily conversations.
tonight was the night you'd been waiting for, the evening you finally introduced namjoon, your boyfriend, to your parents over dinner. to your relief, everything went smoothly and your parents adored him.
however, despite the outward success of the event, frustration bubbled deep within you.
the reason for this internal turmoil stemmed from multiple factors. first and foremost, you were late to the dinner; an issue in itself.
but what added fuel to the fire was that your tardiness was a direct result of namjoon forgetting about the event altogether.
this wasn't simply a matter of being late - it went much deeper than that.
you had done everything possible to ensure he would remember – leaving sticky notes on the fridge, setting calendar reminders on his phone – but to no avail.
in the beginning, namjoon's forgetfulness was almost endearing – he would forget where he'd put his keys or the name of that movie you both watched last weekend. but eventually, this tendency seeped into larger aspects of your relationship, causing him to miss important dates or appointments - moments that mattered a lot to you.
it seemed like you were constantly having to cut him some slack and reschedule plans, hearing apologies aplenty.
but somehow, namjoon always knew how to make it up to you - showering you with kisses and sweet gestures, making incredible plans for recompense on another day, or even demonstrating his love physically in ways that left you dizzy and unable to walk straight for days afterwards.
but this time felt different.
this time, it felt like his apology was more of an afterthought than a genuine act of remorse. it felt like he simply didn't care – as if your frustrations were utterly inconsequential to him.
before leaving for dinner, shit really hit the fan; heated words were exchanged at lightning speed through clenched teeth and narrowed eyes.
his defensive attitude made it apparent that he simply believed another quick apology would be enough to sweep his negligence under the rug.
as much as you tried to suppress it throughout the night, frustration eventually took over your usually sunlit demeanor.
somehow, both of you managed to plaster on fake smiles upon arriving at your parents' house, pretending that everything was fine between you.
every warm smile felt forced and every tender touch unnerved you.
you could barely bring yourself to look at him the whole night, and every time he tried to make a reassuring or affectionate gesture by holding your hand or wrapping his arm around you, you subtly but firmly rebuffed him.
by some miracle, your parents remained oblivious to the storm cloud hanging over the two of you.
somewhere deep down, you knew you couldn't simply let this go – not this time.
and so, this brings us to where you find yourself now – in the car with namjoon in the passenger seat as you both return home in silence.
the quiet is deafening, your demeanor frosty, and your eyes stubbornly focused on the road ahead, while namjoon's eyes occasionally dart towards you nervously. at red lights, your vision blurs as you stare resolutely at the world outside, acutely aware of his silent presence beside you.
namjoon, usually so adept at reconstructing bridges burned in anger and patching emotional wounds with well-timed humor, seemed at a loss for how to approach this situation.
this time, it appeared he couldn't simply laugh and charm himself out of this.
he exhales deeply, running a hand over his face. "i really am sorry-" he begins, but you cut him off, your voice barely containing the pain you felt.
"namjoon, please. i don't have the strength to listen to another one of your apologies..."
he blinks at you for a moment, wordless. his heart aches with guilt as he sees just how upset you are - more than he had ever seen before.
he opens his mouth as if to say something more but ultimately decides against it.
"i just want you to care, namjoon," you murmur through quivering lips, tears balancing perilously on the edge of your eyelashes. "that's all i want. am i asking for a lot?"
sudden honking from behind startles the both of you as the car behind you grew impatient with your delay at the green light.
with a jolt, you press on the accelerator, driving on towards home as fresh tears threaten to escape from your eyes, your throat growing increasingly tight with unshed emotion.
with a quiet sob firmly concealed behind clenched teeth, you bite your lip and try to focus on the road ahead – unsuccessfully fighting against a flood of fresh tears cascading down your face.
namjoon quickly averts his gaze, allowing it to wander aimlessly beyond the confines of the car, seeking solace in anything but the heart-wrenching sight of your sadness.
the elevator ride up to your apartment was filled with deafening silence - one where neither of you dared utter a single word as if doing so would shatter what little remained between you both.
as soon as the apartment door creaked open and you stepped inside, your resolve seemed to enter shaky territory.
for a brief moment, you stand still just inside the doorway, your clammy hands still clutching onto the keys.
your eyes follow namjoon as he takes several steps into the entrance. he removes his shoes and coat, seemingly on autopilot.
however, he soon pauses his actions and turns to face you, visibly aware of your eyes scrutinizing his every move.
"i think…" the words caught in your throat, "i think i'm going to spend the night at my place." your voice was barely audible, even to yourself.
namjoon's face registers surprise, and he stops in his tracks, eyes studying you intently for any sign that might reveal your thoughts.
after a brief pause, he moves to slip his coat back on again, his brows furrowing in concern.
"okay. i'll come with—"
"no, namjoon," you interrupt him firmly. despite the hitch in your voice barely rising above a whisper, there was no doubt how serious you were. he stops moving – his face reflecting his surprise and confusion.
namjoon has always been inseparable from you; there hasn't been a single night he has spent away from your side since you've been together.
"i could take the couch if that's..." namjoon starts again tentatively.
"just… let me have this space tonight. please."
his broad shoulders tense and he lets out a shaky sigh, turning his head away for a brief moment so that you wouldn't see the hurt that flickered across his eyes or the subtle gestures as his fingers came up discreetly to wipe at them.
he turns back to face you again and there's a vulnerability in his gaze – his normally confident exterior now replaced by feelings of insecurity and genuine fear at what this separation might mean.
as if propelled by instinct, namjoon crosses the distance between you both faster than you can react. he wraps you tenderly in a warm embrace, his arms enfolding your body against his firm chest.
his hand comes up to cradle the back of your head as if trying to protect you from the world or, perhaps, himself.
as you lean into him, the warmth of his body seems almost too much to bear – like walking on hot coals or holding fire in your hands – yet you know that it's exactly what you're yearning for.
his arms draw even tighter around you, and he lowers his head to press it lightly against your hair; the familiar scent of your shampoo wafting towards his nostrils.
he exhales tenderly before murmuring your name softly. with a voice strained by raw emotion, he whispers hoarsely, "i love you," allowing each precious syllable to crack the tiniest bit.
"and i'm sorry. i know i messed up. but please remember that i love you."
the drive back to your apartment is hazy, almost as if your body transported you there without any conscious effort from your mind.
your hands grip a duffel bag stuffed with essential toiletries and a few changes of clothes, enough to last a couple of days.
the thought of turning back and returning to namjoon crossed your mind multiple times. the lingering sensations of his arms wrapped around you were still so vivid; his heartbeat pounding against your chest felt as if it was still happening.
and as difficult as it was to admit, by the time you had managed to finally step through the door and leave the house, a part of you had already forgiven him.
when you unlock the door and step inside your old apartment, you notice that everything is exactly as you left it; eerily clean along with the darkness that envelops the space, the accompanying emptiness, and the lack of life within.
the emptiness is almost palpable, with a barren fridge and clean empty shelves serving as a stark reminder of the life you've temporarily left behind.
the only reminder of your presence in this apartment is the furniture that you bought brand new when you first moved in - before namjoon had ever asked you to live with him.
rather than feeling like home, your apartment appeared abandoned and forgotten; a place where no one had ever taken residence.
with a flick of a switch, dim light fills the living room casting shadows on the surrounding walls.
you stand there, rooted in the center of your living room, as a memory suddenly resurfaces:
you and namjoon had been dating for nearly nine months at the time. by then, both of you were comfortable enough with each other to spend nights together at each other’s homes; so much so that it almost seemed natural for your things to mingle together.
you were both sitting cross-legged on your couch together, warm cartons of chinese food cradled in your hands while letting a cheesy romantic comedy flicker across the tv screen on netflix – his selection no less.
the remnants of dinner were almost gone when namjoon ventured deep into the takeout bag and emerged triumphantly with two fortune cookies clasped tightly between his fingers.
handing one over to you, he flashed a warm and playful smile - the kind that seemed to make his dimples more prominent than ever.
"i'll open mine first," he declared confidently.
you watched him fondly as he eagerly cracked open the cookie, listening intently as he read aloud:
all things are difficult before they are easy.
he pondered the words for a brief moment, then, in true namjoon fashion, nodded to himself and adorably popped both halves of the cookie into his mouth.
reclining against the couch cushions, he gives you a playful wink and motions for you to proceed. "your turn," he mumbled through his self-satisfied grin.
you broke your own cookie, feeling the small slip of paper between your fingers, and your eyes raced across the message before they stopped dead.
the words printed there sent your stomach tumbling, your heart performing dizzying backflips inside of your chest:
your fortune: move in with me?
you glanced up at namjoon just in time to notice him observing you intently, a smug expression dancing across his face – it was clear he was enjoying the sight of your reaction.
"well?" he asked innocently, feigning ignorance as he leaned in closer to where you sat on the couch.
"what does it say?"
in a fit of frustration, you spin around, clutch your duffel bag tightly, and trudge towards your bedroom with heavy, slow steps.
pulling on your pajamas and brushing your teeth almost mechanically, you finally crawl into bed – but sleeping alone feels alien to you.
the chill of the empty sheets envelops you, and try as you might to shake it off, it's an uncomfortable sensation that clings to your skin. your heart grows heavier as blankets enshroud your shivering form in a futile attempt at comfort.
when morning arrives — or perhaps it's afternoon by now — you find yourself even more exhausted than before if that's possible.
the sunlight filtering through your curtains causes a strain on your groggy eyes as they slowly crack open.
with one arm stretched out from beneath the covers, you reach for your phone — clinging to a fragile hope that maybe, just maybe, namjoon had called or left a message while you were asleep. reality's cold slap stings as your screen is devoid of notifications.
although space was something you thought you wanted – needed even – it was never something that felt so crushing with its absence filled by namjoon.
groaning slightly, you sit up in bed and stretch before rising unsteadily on weary limbs.
coffee – that's what you need right now.
you were sure that you didn't have any cream though, but perhaps the bitterness of black coffee would suit your current mood; it's almost as if the scent of it was already lingering in the air.
you groggily shuffle down the hallway with bleary eyes. except for an odd denim jacket tossed on the counter, nothing seemed out of place.
your eyes widened at the jacket as you halted abruptly: buttoned cuffs, oversized, and slightly faded.
it was namjoon's.
your eyes quickly dart to the entrance, where a pair of shoes that couldn't possibly be yours were thrown carelessly next to the door.
your heart skips a beat as adrenaline momentarily jars you awake.
the sound of rustling emanates from the kitchen, and with bated breath, you walk towards it. cautiously, you approach and peek around the corner.
there stands namjoon with his broad back overshadowing everything else in view.
he's clad in a crisp white tank top, toned arms on display and muscles subtly rippling beneath the fabric. his back faces away from you as he appears wholly engaged in some task at hand.
you rub your tired eyes and squint, trying to recall whether yesterday's events were merely figments of your imagination or if they genuinely transpired.
you remember everything vividly: it really did happen.
absentmindedly perched on your kitchen counter are two mugs; namjoon smoothly fills each with coffee while he hums to himself.
what catches you off guard is the presence of your favorite hazelnut creamer next to the mugs - something he clearly must have picked up for you - as well as an all-too-familiar takeout bag from your favorite bagel shop.
the creamer— so delightful that on one occasion, you could have sworn you were hallucinating when you swung open the refrigerator door, only to find that namjoon had stocked it with multiple bottles. they were meticulously arranged in such a way that they occupied the majority of the uppermost shelf.
"so you won't have to worry anymore about running out too quickly," he had explained that day.
a mixture of emotions bubbles within; anger competes with relief, anxiety dances with affection.
you wanted this, didn't you? your secret desires brought to life with his unexpected presence, yet simultaneously neglecting the boundaries you had asked for.
it was difficult to deny how alluring he looks in that tank top, the very image of domestic perfection as he prepares your morning coffee and a fresh breakfast spread.
and then he turns around, clutching both mugs in his hands.
he freezes, seeming equally startled by your sudden presence – as if he wasn't expecting to be discovered just yet.
his lips quirk upwards in a hesitant, yet warm smile as his eyes take in the sight of you—sleepy, tousled hair, and the adorable pout that comes with a still-drowsy state. "good morning," he murmurs softly.
the two of you stand there for a beat, the awkwardness of the situation settling like a thick blanket around you.
the question spills out of you without warning:
"how did you get in?"
he glances down at the coffee mugs still cradled within his grip, cautiously responding, "you always leave a spare at our place. i thought it would be nice to talk over breakfast."
your voice falters as you try to respond, but any words that might have come forth dissolve into the swelling lump forming in your throat. instead, you opt for a subtle nod before turning away and leading him towards your small balcony.
as you step outside, the bright morning sunlight makes you squint, still adjusting from having just woken up not too long ago.
you take a seat with namjoon at the small table on the balcony, silently munching on cream cheese-slathered bagels and sipping coffee, which slowly helps lift the fog of grogginess clouding your mind.
your eyes occasionally flicker towards namjoon, whose pensive gaze seems fixed on some far-away point in the distance.
a somber cloud seems to hang over him and a sinking feeling in your stomach tells you that he's here to bring an end to something.
"i fucked up yesterday,” he says, breaking the silence, “i know that.”
your head turns to look at him, saying nothing.
"i'm sorry," he begins softly. "i know i can't make it up to you now, but i genuinely am sorry."
namjoon's eyes remain locked on the same distant point as before, and as he continues to speak, they're filled with a profound sadness that seems almost unbearable for him.
his voice begins to tremble ever so slightly as he starts to explain himself further. "i've always been forgetful; it's among my most significant flaws. but i want you to know that it's never been out of carelessness when it comes to you. sometimes, my mind just gets overwhelmed."
he takes a deep breath, glancing at his hands before turning to look at you and adds, "i promise i'll do better; not just because i need to but because i love you. and the fact that i was in bed without you last night made me realize just how much i truly hate being apart from you."
pausing for a moment, he reluctantly allows his hand to hover over yours before gingerly placing it atop your own.
"i understand if it takes time for you to forgive me – i'm not asking for it right now," he admits quietly, his voice wavering slightly. "all i need is a chance to prove to you that i can change and be there for you when you need me."
namjoon then slowly removes his hand and looks away, giving you space to consider his words while fidgeting with the coffee mug handle.
you release a heavy sigh and look away too, trying your best to hold back tears. "oh, namjoon," you murmur, forcing a weak, watery chuckle.
this man, you think to yourself, will be the end of you. gently, you reach out and take his hand once more, interlacing your fingers with his.
"you cannot do that to me again."
in response, he turns his head to look at you once more - tears brimming in his eyes as they drink in every detail of your face. his expression softens with love and relief as he nods earnestly, "i won't. i promise."
holding namjoon's hand firmly in yours, you slowly stand up from the cozy, cushioned chair, beckoning him with a subtle nod of your head, signaling him to follow suit.
he rises from his seat, his tall figure towering over you as he instinctively stretches his arm wide, then gently pulls you into a tight and loving embrace.
his arms envelop you while his cheek tenderly rests on the top of your head. sighing contentedly, you nuzzle your face into the comforting fabric that covers his chest.
"namjoon," you quietly ask, snuggling deeper, "have you slept?" you can hear the slight rustle of fabric as he shakes his head.
"nope," he replies, his voice resonating through his chest.
he presses a tender kiss onto the top of your head before continuing, "you know i can't sleep without you." his words bring a smile to your face and a chuckle bubbles up within you.
"let's go back to bed, then."
you both walk back inside your apartment and into your bedroom where everything feels warmer than it did just yesterday: the bed that awaits you; the covers that promise to envelop the two of you in their cozy embrace; and namjoon himself, whose presence brings solace to your heart.
and as you lay down next to him and rest your head upon his chest, namjoon's heartbeat fills your ears—slower and steadier than it was the day before.
the sound is a soothing lullaby that leads you both to fall into a deep slumber, allowing you to sleep better than you have in what feels like an eternity.
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littlemessyjessi · 2 months
“Couple of Chaos” : A Kim Namjoon/RM Commissioned Request: Plus Size Reader, Messy Reader
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Kim Namjoon x Reader, Plus Size Reader, Messy Reader, Established Relationship
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Prompt: Namjoonie and his partner who is just as much of a mess as him. A darling. A lovely person. Love of his life. But just as much of a chaotic mess as he is, lol.
“Life is the messy bits.” - Lisa Friedman
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Headcanons:  How Namjoon and Reader deal with the both of them being messy as hell. 
First and freaking foremost, you’re both disasters
just full on
You’re both equally chaotic
one as bad as the other
and yet ya’ll will get on each other’s nerves so bad with messes
like…. ya’ll both do it and yet when it’s the other person it’s somehow terrible
hypocrites, the both of yuns
that being said, in a way, ya’ll kinda complete each other
Namjoon is a perpetual passport loser right? 
And I’ve lost count of how many times he’s lost his air pods
Well, cue…. you
His personal storage locker… or purse.  Whichever you want to refer to it
If you carry a purse, just snatch his shit from him and keep up with it so this man can actually board a plane
If you don’t carry a purse but wear a bra, stick it in the boulder holder
If you don’t do either, put it in your pocket for him
If you don’t have pockets then you have bigger problems to worry about that Namjoon-ah and his lack of ability to keep up with his shit
Now, assuming that you do have these things, you do this so often that Namjoon just knows you have them. 
Needs chapstick? If you’re in a relatively private company, he just goes into your pocketeses for it
Passport? Ok, so Namjoon is smart as fuck. We get it.  However, he do be having some primo himbo energy at times.  
Picture this: Airport.  Namjoonie lost passport.  “Oh, wait a second.  I know where it is!”  Just turns and sticks his hand in your bra and deep sea dives in the titties until he has found what he’s looking for. Assuming that you have titties. If you don't, well again- homeboy is just deep sea diving in whatever area you're currently keeping his belongings.
meanwhile, the eyes of everyone around him have been scarred and you’ve just been violated in front of the entire airport 
he realizes this in about 3 seconds and all he can do is give you that cute dimpled smile
of course he’s forgiven.  It’s Joonie.  If you don’t forgive him then I’ll be along directly to deliver an ass whoopin'. Let's not play with sweet Namu's precious feelings. He's an angel and a perfectly wonderful person. Fuck with him and you fuck with me. And I have raged stored from the age of three. I am now in my 30s. I have it and I will use it.
so yeah
and going back to ya’ll getting on each other’s nerves
doom piles
There.  I said it.   
Ya’ll both got doom piles and junk drawers and whole ass closets just full of random crap
and you nearly kill each other over it on a regular basis
“Jagiyaaaaaaaaaaa! Come on! There is a full on mountain of stuff here and you can’t even close this drawer.”  
“Namjoon, would you like to discuss the entire guest bedroom full of figurines? Or perhaps, the closet full of books?  Or maybe, just maybe, you would like to explain to me why there is an drawer in our bedroom full of baby things when neither one of us has any plans of having children anytime soon?” 
“....” *Joon bites lip and narrows eyes
“....” *you lift a brow*
“Alright, jagi. My mistake. You hungry?” 
“Yes, I’m starving.” 
“Wonderful.” he smirks.  “Where would you like to eat?” 
Your head slowly turns around. 
You narrow your eyes at his smug ass face. 
“How fucking dare you, Kim Namjoon?” 
And he has the audacity to smirk at you because he knows he bested you cause you can’t decided where to eat to save your life.
Jokes on him though because you just needed a project.  It was sorting through your doom piles but now that he’s pissed you off it quickly changed to annoying the ever living hell out of him. 
Lowkey though, jokes actually on you because Joon loves it when your fiesty and sometimes purposefully does this shit just to rile you up. 
You also know this about him though.  Which is why you left the junk drawer open and also why you got sassy.   
He likes that you’re a mess and you love that about him too.
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"This is the stuff that drives me crazy This is the stuff that's getting to me lately In the middle of my little mess I forget how big I'm blessed"
- This is the Stuff, Francesca Battistelli
Members Reaction to the Deities of Destruction and Disaster: 
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Seokjin:  (A/N: omfg Seokjin you did not have to be so aggressively attractive. And that goes for you too, Namjoon)
Long suffering sigh.  The hyung energy is strong here.   It’s part frustration and part pure bewilderment as to why, how and what even is he going to do with the both of you.  That being said, Seokjinnie thinks the two of you are super cute together.  You definitely get scolded but also, he cracks easily because come on.  Look at ya’ll.  Thanks God every day that Namjoon uses you as his purse though.  He is so tired of standing around in an airport, lol. 
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Yoongi:  (A/N: Cue the dreamy sigh. Just look at them. Look at the smiles. Look at the damn ARMS!)
I’m gonna be so for real with you right now.  He does not give a shit about the mess. I mean, don’t get his things in a mess but if you roll up in a 2003 lifted Tacoma, open the door and a bunch of shit falls out… I mean, maybe he might give you a little bit of a lecture but honestly?  That’s ya’ll’s problem, lol.   But also stop losing ya’ll fucking airpods, the both of you.   If a bra works then do that because he will not be loaning you another pair ever again.  And he refuses to talk about why. 
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Hoseok: (A/N: Mother of God. I have the fattest crush on Hoseok. Also peep that cute little Kookie. And how DARE you attack me like this, Namjoon?!)
Never in the history of ever was anyone annoyed more by this than Hoseok, lol.  However, he doesn’t bitch.  Oddly enough, he never complains about it.  He never bitches.  He never lectures.  He does, however, come over to hang out and help the both of you clean your mess.  Hoseok is great for body doubling if you have ADHD.  However, if you have an issue with him doing the cleaning it might be an issue.  It makes him itch and he needs to scratch it.   
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Jimin:  (A/N: It's unspeakable how much handsomeness is in this gif.)
An actual ANGEL for body doubling if you have ADHD and you’re trying to handle the depression hoarder situation in your bedroom.  Super respectful and understanding.  He just enjoys spending time with his loved ones so he would gladly come help if you want it or just keep the both of you company.  Because clearly body doubling does not with you and Joon together. You just make it a bigger mess.  Acknowledging this: Jimin finds this chaos hilarious and doesn’t do anything to stop.  Ya’ll are wild and unkempt and honestly? Jiminie is here for it. 
Side note: I am particularly attached to Jimin in this gif. Look how beautiful. Look how handsome. I swear, that man is dangerous. We are all very, very, very lucky that he's such a sweetheart because don't act like if he asked you for a kidney that you wouldn't immediately start looking for something to carve with . And if that happened to be a spoon, we'd all just accept our fate. Don't lie.
Extra Sidenote: Namjoon be looking extra delectable. *chef's kiss*
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Taehyung:  (A/N: First of all, damn Namjoon. Those arms. Sweet lord. I'm looking, Joonie. Respectfully, of course..... but I do be lookin. Second, does Taehyung not look like the most precious creature in all the land?)
A precious darling. He does not give a shit about the mess.  He just loves his hyung.  He loves his hyung’s love.  Ya’ll are special to him and that’s how you are.  He thinks it is part of ya’ll’s charm and your charm as a couple.  Ya’ll are a messy couple but not in the having your dirty laundry out for everyone to see way. In a “aw, Jiminie, look at them.  They are such tragic disasters but they’re disasters together.” kind of way.  He will find a way to make it romantic no matter what. 
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Jungkook:  (A/N: Just Jungkook out here living his best y/n life, honestly, lol. )
Ok, so here’s the thing, lol.  Jungkookie has had his own issues with messes here and there. Also, let's be honest.... he's got the fattest crush on Namjoon, lol. His crush on Namjoon may even rival the crush I have on Hoseok. Like, I kinda doubt it because there ain't much I wouldn't do for that man but still. Jungkook loves him's Namjoonie. He loves all that Namjoon-ah is associated with. He's his biggest fan, lol. With you, it is honestly the same. Like... his hyung is in love? Who is this person that has captured the heart of the most magnificent Namjoonie? If you managed to do that and Namjoon is happy.... honestly Jungkook adores you. Regardless of the hopeless fucking messes that the both of you clearly are. He and Taehyung share this but in addition to this, Jungkookie will literally help you with anything you need. He just wants to hang out with you both so he'll do like his Jimin hyung and either just chill while you sort or he'll help you. Or just hang out in the chaos and not solve anything, lol. He just loves his hyung and he loves his hyung's love as well. It's as simple as that.
A/N: Thank you so much for reading my content and thank you so much to @alisoncdariel for commissioning this piece! I hope you enjoy it!
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ladyartemesia · 10 months
Can you do a drabble about one of them being cute to a plus size girl 😭😭 I'm sorry I'm emotional it's the Curse
I hope this was cute enough? More like whipped honestly… I hope you enjoy 🫣
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Kim Namjoon x Plus Size Reader (PG-13)
“Take a picture. It’ll last longer.”
The man standing behind you on the bus jolted at your words.
Clearly he hadn’t expected to be caught, but there was a mirror right above the windows and you’d been watching him take a thorough visual tour of your body for the last five minutes.
“Uh well—” he loosened the tie around his neck.
“Yeah, bro, not cool.”
A random girl sitting near the doors had heard your remark and was already rising up in righteous indignation to defend your honor.
You had to slap a hand over your face to keep from laughing.
Kim Namjoon’s mouth dropped open.
“Miss I think you have the wrong—”
But the girl—bless her—was not here for it.
“This woman’s beauty is not there for you to just casually consume—”
“I agree—honestly—”
“She’s got a mind of her own!”
He snorted.
“That’s for sure.”
You were practically biting through your lip trying not to giggle at this point. Joon looked like a cornered rabbit.
“She didn’t ask for your attention—”
“That’s debatable.”
Your galant girl-knight looked ready to throw hands at that one.
It was high time you saved them both.
“Miss,” you chuckled, shaking your head. “I truly admire you and I’m eternally grateful for you assistance but—” your eyes met Namjoon’s exasperated grin in the mirror—“this man is my husband.”
“I told you wearing that dress would get me in trouble.”
You laughed as your not-so-subtle admirer ran his hands appreciatively over your curves.
He was wild about you.
You shook your head and sighed in dramatic disappointment.
“Objectifying me in public. What a scoundrel…”
Namjoon was never truly able to hide his adoration for your fuller figure and you loved to tease him about it.
“I swear I thought she was going to burn me down with the patriarchy.”
You started to laugh, but he was already sliding his hand up your leg so it turned into a little moan instead.
“It’s not my fault you can’t control yourself. I was just an innocent bystander and you were so obviously undressing me in your head-ah!”
Namjoon smacked your thigh and let out a tortured groan as he watched it jiggle.
“Baby,” he murmured, gripping into your softness with just the right amount of pressure, “I was doin’ way more than that.”
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