alsfunkyalbum · 10 days
Light as a Feather Stiff as a Turtle (LFST)
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Fanfic Link:
LFST is a fanfic about double mutated Leo, where he goes on a long, slow, and painful trek to hide new sudden developments on his body. If you're interested I'd be happy if you give it a read !!
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d34thbr34th · 1 year
rant time! if you are a harry potter fan, post harry potter but "dont support jkr" i dont wanna hear it! you are still talking about her series and therefore indirectly giving her money and fame! you are indirectly supporting her! you cant separate the art from the artist at times! (this is one of those times!!!) if you really want jkr to stop being talked about.. let hp die out. fucking! stop!! thanks!!!!!!
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drawtoria · 2 years
Life from Sadness to Special Chapter 1 Character’s
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Character information:
Selina: Victoria’s best friend
Victoria: Selina’s best friend, Leon’s older sister, Lasida��s and Alexej’s daughter, Valera’s granddaughter
Lasida: Alexej’s wife, Leon’s and Victoria’s mother
Leon: Victoria’s younger brother, Lasida’s and Alexej’s son, Valera’s grandson
Alexej: Lasida’s husband, Leon’s and Victoria’s father, Valera’s son
Valera: Alexej’s father, Victoria’s and Leon’s grandfather
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izzythehutt · 15 days
Do you believe the theory that JKR wrote the Lupin/Tonks storyline to shut down the popularity of wolfstar? I can sort of see it but I also think authors understand their audience enough to know that giving a character a new canon relationship isn't going to immediately kill the ship. I also find it interesting that she tries to surprise the readers by hinting at Tonks being in love with Sirius - maybe she expected them to be a ship but I've never seen it explored in fandom.
I feel like I remember that being a theory about Remadora when HBP came out—I do remember people being pretty surprised by it and thinking it "came out of left field", but I also remember JKR on her old site talking about trolling some message boards and seeing posts after OOTP came out with people shipping them (multi-colored werewolf cubs!) and thinking they were clever for predicting it.
Here's a spice take: I don't buy that theory, because I think Tonks was created primarily to be Lupin's love interest. That is her major (really—only) narrative function. Lupin has always been one of Rowling's favorite characters, and even though she killed him off, she gave him something nobody else from Harry's parents' generation got—moving on from high school bullshit/first war Potter guilt (Sirius and Snape were not so lucky.) I honestly think she wanted Lupin to get a sliver of happiness in his short life and so she chose him to be the father of the "next gen" version of Harry.
I don't think JKR's the type to be terribly affected by the fandom's attitudes/preferences. She's always had a pretty healthy detachment from shipping/fanfic/etc., as far as I can tell. I really do take it at face value that she wrote Sirius and Lupin as straight characters in her mind (never mind that the majority of fanon w*lfst*r ignores their actual canon dynamic anyway) so she never even considered "shutting it down"—it just didn't occur to her that it would be a "thing."
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fiendishfyre · 4 months
6, 10, 19?
Oh my gosh, thank you and what great numbers! I preface this with whomever may read this, please don't take me too serious. Ship and let ship, ykinmkato(think that's the abbreviation), etc, etc. That being said, I have been given the sword of violence I shall wield it. 6) which ship fans are the most annoying? W*lfst*r and j*gulus. The first one is *not* canon and we don't need to always pair Sirius with Remus. And stop acting like it's the default ship to either of them. And no, it isn't a ship that you think makes sense because canon would say otherwise. I say this with the argument to those who declare it as the obvious ship. Jegs is also becoming like so default in marauders, not everyone ships them! Stop tagging anything with just Sirius or Regulus as those ships! I could go on. It's how they act really, not the ships themselves, all ships are great. 10) worst part of fanon
How popular mischaracterizations of characters are like Sirius, James, Regulus, etc. At this point some are just shipping OC's disguised as these characters. Nothing wrong with OC's but don't use canon characters as the mask for them. 19) You're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like... Hm, maybe the fact that I harp on w*lfst*r and jeg but actually ship them still? Hm. Oh, I drew a character once and used a hc that is popular with jeggie and I deleted it cuz it was cringe. Oh wait but I didn't like it. Hahhahaa. Sorry if I offended anyone. Not all fans of said ships are annoying or write them ooc. But also tag stuff properly and don't over tag too. Stop adding dorlily to like jeg art or posts when it's not even there and such. That's my PSA. Questions from choose violence as game!
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iamchengguo · 3 days
Junior Depot:为子孙后代提供的ETF储蓄计划
Junior Depot:为子孙后代提供的ETF储蓄计划
ETF 储蓄计划是为您的后代储蓄的绝佳且高收益的方式。
爷爷奶奶、阿姨、叔叔和教父母没有机会以受益子女的名义开立监护账户。相反,他们可以在自己的证券账户中储蓄,并在受益子女 18 岁生日时将部分存款赠送或转移给受益人子女。
您想将股票或 ETF 作为礼物送给您的孩子、孙子或第三方吗?有了这样的礼物,您一定会从人群中脱颖而出——并让收件人开心。毕竟,在最好的情况下,金钱的礼物会随着孩子收到礼物而成倍增加和增长。
要购买和赠送股票或 ETF,您需要一��证券账户。您可以以孩子的名义打开它。但您也可以以自己的名义进行设置,并立即或稍后将内容提供给孩子。这是有关如何执行此操作的分步指南。 您如何为您的孩子找到合适的仓库?
许多银行为未成年人提供特殊的儿童或初级监护账户。因此,您可以先向您自己的银行查询他们是否有此类托管账户以及费用。许多机构为未成年人提供监护账户,无需月费。但是,购买证券通常要花费一些费用。 初级仓库比较
您需要做的第一件事是填写开立儿童监护权账户的申请。这在许多银行都可以在线获得。ING的“Direct Depot Junior Contract”显示了这种应用程序的样子。除其他事项外,您将需要您孩子的税号。 这些文件是开立初级证券账户所必需的
经纪人的完整合同 未成年人的出生证明或亲子关系证明复印件 所有账户持有人(包括父母)的合法性证明,以证明身份 - 例如身份证 单亲父母:监护令副本或有关未提交监护声明的信息(阴性测试,不超过 3 个月)或其他官方证据 姓氏不同:结婚证/改名证 在未婚父母共同监护的情况下:监护权声明的副本。
最初将证券存放在您自己的托管账户中有一个好处:您始终可以不受阻碍地访问资产:在您放弃之前,这笔钱属于您。但是,您还必须自己纳税——至少如果您的投资收入超过储蓄者 1,000 欧元的免税额。对于已婚夫妇,这是 2,000 欧元。
如果您的成年子女还没有证券账户,他或她必须自己开立一个。另一方面,如果孩子还是未成年人,那么父母还必须在送人之前为孩子设置初级押金。 谁可以处置初级仓库?
还要记住,在 18 岁时,后代对托管账户中的资产拥有唯一的控制权。如果你的孩子挥霍了所有的钱,你也无能为力。因此,您应该事先明确您最终是否想给孩子多少钱——例如,为了以后的遗产。 哪些ETF特别适合为子孙储蓄?
对儿童的投资往往与一定的长期前景齐头并进。例如,如果您从孩子出生开始投资,您的投资期限为 18 年。但即使你想在其他场合捐钱,比如生日、圣诞节或入学,首都也有足够的时间工作。
没有人知道这么多年市场将如何发展,哪些行业在未来会得分,哪些古老的科技公司会消亡。这就是为什么在为您的孩子选择合适的 ETF 时,将投资金额尽可能广泛地分散到许多国家、行业和公司尤为重要。您的资金越多样化,投资失败的风险就越低。
这就是为什么在为儿童投资时,有一种策略特别有意义:通过 ETF 投资世界各地的股票。这很容易实现:例如,您可以选择 70/30 策略,将 70% 的资金投资于 MSCI 世界 ETF,将 30% 的资金投资于 MSCI 新兴市场 ETF。或者,您可以让自己更轻松,选择跟踪 MSCI 所有国家世界指数的 ETF。
年轻一代在成长过程中往往对环境、气候和社会不满有不同的认识。如果您在孩子 18 岁生日时给他或她一笔钱,这笔钱来自对可持续公司的投资,那么您的孩子肯定会受益匪浅。您不必选择“绿色”ETF储蓄计划而不是广泛多元化的投资 - 如今,您只需一种产品即可同时获得两者。例如,以下情况是合适的:
Xtrackers MSCI AC World ESG Screened ETF (ISIN: IE00BGHQ0G80) Vanguard ESG Global All Cap ETF(分派:IE00BNG8L385,累计:IE00BNG8L278) 以及东方汇理MSCI ACWI SRI ETF (IE0000ZVYDH0)
此外,您还可以在 MSCI World 上找到五只最佳可持续 ETF。 儿童仓库的税呢?
儿童也要纳税——至少如果他们有自己的收入。因此,他们也有通常的津贴。这很重要,因为投资组合中的证券(希望)产生利息和利润。他们应该缴纳 25% 的统一预扣税——除非他们低于资本利得的免税限额。到 2024 年,这种所谓的储蓄者一次性付款将为个人每年 1,000 欧元。它也适用于儿童仓库。要申请免税额,您必须向银行提交豁免令。
如果预计这些年来收入会更高,您也可以在税务局为孩子申请非评估证明。您将其提交给银行,然后除了储蓄者的津贴外,还可以获得孩子的基本津贴。2024 年为 11,604 欧元。
您还应该密切关注多年来您为孩子的存款准备了多少钱。因为这也是税务局的样子。父母双方在十年内最多可以向子女赠送40万欧元,而无需缴纳赠与税。对于祖父母,此限额为 200,000 欧元。
另请参阅: ETF 和税收——ETF 如何征税以及如何节税?
在十年内,父母400,000欧元的赠与津贴和祖父母的200,000欧元的赠与津贴也适用于整个证券账户的赠与。在此期间,超出此范围的任何内容都将缴纳赠与税。对于兄弟姐妹、侄女、侄子或岳父母,这笔津贴为 20,000 欧元,同样适用于不属于家庭的领取者。 你必须向税务局报告礼物吗?
是的,这是法律要求的。即使押金的价值低于礼物的津贴,它也适用。根据《遗产税法》,受赠人和赠与人都必须在三个月内将赠与通知税务局。在每个联邦州,某些税务局负责赠与税。您通常可以在相应州税务局 (LfSt) 或高级财政局的网站上找到这些内容。
接受者和捐赠者的名字、姓氏、出生日期和地址, 接受者和给予者之间的关系, 有关各方的税号、税号和负责的税务局, 捐赠日期, 关于前几年是否有任何捐款的信息, 捐赠的目的和价值。
如果您有经过法院或公证人公证的礼物,则不必自行向税务局报告。然后,法院或公证人将为您处理此事。 Biallo模板仓库转移免费PDF下载 您关于子女监护权账户和证券捐赠的问题
您是否还有其他问题在本指南中未得到解答?我们的读者服务将很乐意回答您可能遇到的任何问题,只要它们是一般性的并且不构成个人建议。只需发送电子邮件给 [email protected] 即可。如有必要,我们将更新本文或编写新指南。
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fmarkets · 6 months
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Lifestance Health Group Inc's Revenue Skyrockets in Q3 2023 Earnings Season https://csimarket.com/stocks/news.php?code=LFST&date=2023-11-10004939&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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bischoff-steuern · 1 year
Bayerisches LfSt: Befristete Senkung des Umsatzsteuersatzes für Lieferungen von Gas und Wärme
Die bayerische Finanzverwaltung hat sich zur befristeten Senkung des Umsatzsteuersatzes für Lieferungen von Gas über das Erdgasnetz und Wärme über ein Wärmenetz geäußert. Mehr zum Thema ‘Umsatzsteuer’…Mehr zum Thema ‘Steuersatz’…
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hamzaaslam · 2 years
ROSEN, National Trial Lawyers, Encourages LifeStance Health Group, Inc. Investors with Losses to Secure Counsel Before Important Deadline in Securities Class Action - LFST
ROSEN, National Trial Lawyers, Encourages LifeStance Health Group, Inc. Investors with Losses to Secure Counsel Before Important Deadline in Securities Class Action – LFST
New York, New York – Newsfile Corp. – September 2, 2022 – WHY: Rosen Law Firm, a global investor rights law firm, reminds purchasers of the securities of LifeStance Health Group, Inc. (NASDAQ: LFST) pursuant and/or traceable to the registration statement and related prospectus (collectively, the “Registration Statement”) issued in connection with LifeStance Health’s June 2021 initial public…
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marketstracker · 2 years
LFST – LifeStance Health Group, Inc.
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bethisblogging · 2 years
So I’ve had w*lfst*r muted on my tumblr dash as long as we’ve been able to. But on my Instagram guess who just got a “suggested” post of the pair??? Fucking why????
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alsfunkyalbum · 10 days
Al's Wares !!
Just a place to find all of my masterposts
Light as a Feather Stiff as a Turtle
Double Mutated Leo au !!
Masterpost: https://www.tumblr.com/alsfunkyalbum/747948538732937216/light-as-a-feather-stiff-as-a-turtle-lfst?source=share
Two of a Kind
My comic about my two Gecko Yokai OCs lives
Trolls x Rottmnt au
#rottmnt x trolls
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dollelujah · 3 years
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drawtoria · 2 years
Life from Sadness to Special
Chapter 1
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souhailbog · 7 years
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Flatly, Magazine By Alisha Hieb
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laflorsagrada · 4 years
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Tattoo by resident artist Samantha Sirianni @samanthasirianni 🦆🦆🦆 Fabulous Mallard duck from Samantha’s flash 🥰 Made back in the day when we did sick tatts for cool cats ! 😎🤘🏾 Can you believe it’s been 6 weeks!? Hope you’re all going well out there mates!! Be kind to each other ❤️🐝🌿🌻 Can’t wait to see you all when we can reopen!!! 🎉 This amazing duckie tatt is on resident #LFST artist 💕@tatt2andrea✨ _____________________________________________ For artwork & enquiries please contact Samantha through her work email 📬 [email protected] 💌 www.laflorsagradatattoo.com . . . . . . . . . . . #melbourne #laflorsagradatattoo #samanthasirianni #australia #mallardduck #mallard #ducktattoo #sydneyroad #coburg #coburgtattoo #femaletattooartist #femaleartist #colourtattoo #supportsmallbusiness #supportmelbourneartists #melbournetattooartist #melbournelife #discovercoburg #morelandbusiness #moreland #supportlocalbusiness #thanksforyoursupport #greatmemories #sydneyroadcoburg #smallbusinesslove #loveourjob #ttt #inkedaustralianz #tattooartistmagazine (at La Flor Sagrada Tattoo) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_1oCq8lXbc/?igshid=mz6wmc3jn0qc
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