#Lacerated Enemy Records
gargarismo-blog1 · 3 months
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Bestiary is a seven-track auditory expedition through the complex realms of technical death metal. The band's relentless pursuit of tech death excellence is evident in each track, with precision and dexterity that defy the constraints of traditional metal. From the mind-bending complexity of the instrumentation to the intricate interplay of melody and aggression, Bestiary stands as a testament to their mastery of the craft.
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fictionally-driven · 10 days
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Bruises and Blossoms
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Pairing: Jiyan x f! Midnight Rangers reader Word count: 3165 words Trigger warnings: Injuries, mentions of blood, violence, mentions of death. Plot: Jiyan is gravely injured and saved by the resilient and resourceful field medic, (Y/N), whose unwavering dedication and quick thinking catch his eye amidst the chaos of war.
Author Note: I have been writing fics about WuWa characters developing feelings for someone. I could not help but indulge in this after playing WuWa from the past few days. If you liked it, then reblogs are appreciated, Thank you!
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The battlefield was a symphony of chaos, the air thick with the metallic tang of blood and the acrid stench of smoke. Tacet Discords, their dark forms swirling like a malevolent storm, descended upon them. Jiyan led his troops into the fray against the looming threat to Jinzhou and Huanglong. His blade cut through the fog on the enemy with lethal precision.
But the Tacet Discords were relentless, their numbers seemingly endless as they swarmed over the battlefield. It felt like an other outbreak was on the verge of breaking through and Jiyan was resolved to quell it before it got to that point. Jiyan fought with all his strength, his heart pounding with adrenaline as he pushed himself beyond his limits to protect his troops from the brunt of the attacks.
Suddenly, amidst the chaos, a joint attack from the Crownless and the Tempest Memphis caught Jiyan off guard. Despite his best efforts, he found himself overwhelmed, his vision blurring as pain seared through his body. Blood filled Jiyan's mouth as he struggled to maintain his footing, his ears ringing with the clamor of battle. But even in the midst of his pain, he refused to yield, his determination unwavering as he faced his enemies head-on. Slaying the crownless, Jiyan collapsed to his knees, trying to catch his breath and recover. Black spots emerged in his vision and he shook his head, trying to remain focused. Amidst the chaos, a familiar voice cut through the din, pulling him back from the brink of darkness.
An on-field medic approached at Jiyan's side "General! focus on me," she urged, her voice firm yet comforting as she assessed his injuries. Her hands moving with practiced precision as she tended to his injuries with the supplies she was carrying. "Let me patch you up."
But Jiyan, his resolve as strong as ever, swatted her hand away. He insisted that he was fine, his voice strained with pain. "There are others who need your help more than I do," he protested, his gaze flickering with concern for his troops. “I’ll be alright.”
Yet the medic, undeterred by Jiyan's protests, remained steadfast in her resolve. "You need medical attention, General," she insisted, her tone leaving no room for argument. "Let me do my job."
"I'm not leaving you like this," She retorted, her tone firm as she continued to patch up Jiyan's injuries. "No man left behind, remember?"
As she outlined Jiyan's injuries in her terminal, recording and transmitting the message to the infirmary, she detailed the extent of his wounds. "He's broken his arm, sustained a deep femoral artery laceration, and has multiple contusions and abrasions," she reported, her voice steady despite the urgency of the situation. "We'll need a transfusion and surgical intervention."
With practiced efficiency, she stabilized Jiyan's broken arm, carefully wrapping it in a makeshift splint to prevent further injury after removing his signature midnight green gardebras. Administering pain medication, she sought to alleviate his discomfort, her hands moving with gentle precision as she worked.
As she wrapped a tourniquet around his open wound to stem the bleeding, she barked commands to the surrounding troops, directing them to cover their path back to the infirmary. "We need a clear path, now!" She pointed to two soldiers. “You two. Cover for me and the general till we make it to the infirmary. Take defense positions at the back.” She then points to another soldier beside them. “You take the front. What? Do I look like I have sprouted two horns? Move. Now!”  With Jiyan's uninjured arm draped around her, she lifted the general up, staggering a bit due to his weight before stabilizing herself.
Despite his delirium from the pain and blood loss, Jiyan couldn't help but notice the warmth of her presence, her lively nature. "You're like a whirlwind, aren't you?" he murmured, his voice laced with admiration as she dragged him towards the relative safety of the infirmary.
Despite the chaos and confusion of the battlefield, Jiyan finds himself drawn to the medic at his side. Was she glowing? He couldn't help but wonder as he struggled to keep up with her brisk pace. How could someone be so beautiful, almost amidst the carnage of war? Though the scent of blood and smoke filled his senses, he could still smell was the antiseptic and medicines that she had used on him, comforting him. As she dragged him towards the infirmary, Jiyan weakly protested against her, insisting that he would be fine. She seemingly ignored his words, only to focus on the task at hand. And in that moment, as he clung to her for support, Jiyan knew that he was in good hands.
Inside the infirmary, the harsh lights made everything seem too bright and painful. Jiyan was gently lowered onto the bed, his muscles screaming in protest with each movement. Through bleary eyes, he watched as the medic busied herself. Jiyan’s eyes fixed on her, noting the blood, his blood, smeared on her skin and on her clavicle. He noticed the small injuries that marred her too. Her hair, disheveled from the chaos, fell out of place from its tie, framing her face. With his uninjured hand, he reached out and tucked a stray strand behind her ear, his touch lingering for a moment. “You are injured too. Make sure to get it patched.”
She glanced at him, a mix of frustration and tenderness in her eyes. "You need to rest, General," she admonished, her voice soft yet firm. "Let us handle the battlefield for now. Your troops need you to recover."
Jiyan managed a weak smile, his vision blurring again. "You... you're quite something," he murmured, his voice trailing off. “What is your name, soldier?”
She stood up, her expression softening as she looked down at him. "And you're quite stubborn," she replied, a hint of a smile playing on her lips. "Take care and recover soon. Your troops have got this, and you need to focus on resting." She wiped his blood off her using a few wet wipes as more medics gathered to tend to the general. “My name is (Y/N).” She said, as the medics began working on treating him.
Jiyan managed a weak smile, his eyelids heavy with exhaustion. "Thank you, (Y/N)." he murmured, his voice barely audible.
"You're welcome," she replied, still smiling. “Let the medics tend to you. I’ll be off now.”
As she turned to leave, her figure was haloed by the harsh light, making her seem almost ethereal. Jiyan watched her go, the scent of antiseptic and the warmth of her presence lingering even as he drifted into unconsciousness.
Days had passed since the chaotic battle, and Jiyan, who transferred to the hospital in Jinzhou city was gradually recovering. His body, still wrapped in bandages and dressings, bore the marks of the intense skirmish. His broken arm was securely cast, the deep laceration on his hip stitched and bandaged, and the myriad of contusions and abrasions were cleaned and dressed. The medics had done their job well, but amidst their care, Jiyan's mind lingered on one thought: the medic who had saved him.
(Y/N), she had said her name was. She hadn't served directly under him before, always stationed at a distant outpost. The recent upheavals had brought many changes to their forces, including her reassignment to the Northern border of Huanglong. He'd learned through her records that she was exemplary, her combat skills and medical background making her a perfect fit for an on-field medic. Jiyan knew he needed to thank her, not just for her skillful treatment, but for her unwavering determination to save his life.
Her image was etched into his mind: her firm yet gentle hands tending to his wounds, her unwavering resolve, and that fleeting moment when he had tucked a stray strand of her hair behind her ear. Despite the pain and blood loss, he remembered the warmth of her presence
The Tacet Discord outbreak from that fateful day had been contained, though at a grave cost. Several lives had been lost, each one a heavy burden on Jiyan's heart. As he regained his strength, he prepared himself for a somber duty he never neglected: honoring the fallen. With a pouch of Emortia seeds in his hand, Jiyan made his way to Knell Square, the hallowed ground where he planted these seeds to commemorate the soldiers who had perished in battle.
Stepping out into the streets of Jinzhou, Jiyan felt a wave of nostalgia wash over him. The city was alive with activity, but he sought solace in the quieter parts. His path took him away from the bustling marketplace, past the familiar landmarks of the city, and towards Knell Square.
As Jiyan approached the square, the familiar sight of Emortia flowers greeted him, their delicate petals swaying gently in the breeze. He paused for a moment, taking in the serenity of the scene, his heart heavy with the names and faces of the comrades he had lost. But then, his gaze caught sight of a solitary figure standing by the flower bed, lost in thought.
(Y/N) stood there, her posture relaxed yet somehow somber. She seemed absorbed in the sight of the flowers; her eyes distant as if she were communing with the spirits of those who had passed. The soft light of the late afternoon cast a gentle glow on her, highlighting the subtle strength and grace that had left such an impression on him.
Jiyan's heart skipped a beat as he watched her. He hadn't expected to run into her here, and the sight of her brought back a flood of memories from the battlefield. He wondered what she was thinking about, what memories or emotions had drawn her to this quiet place. He took a moment to observe her, the way her eyes seemed to soften as she looked at the flowers, the way her hands gently brushed against the petals. He cleared his throat, stepping beside her. "I didn’t expect to run into you in Jinzhou."
(Y/N) turned to him, a gentle smile forming on her lips. "General Jiyan," she greeted, her voice soft. “I see that you are recovering quickly.” She turned back to the flowers. “I was here to collect some personal supplies and stopped by to admire these flowers. They are quite beautiful, aren’t they?”
Jiyan nodded, stepping closer to stand beside her. "They do. Each one represents a life, a sacrifice. It's a way for me to remember and honor them. I plant these seeds for the rangers who lost their lives." he said quietly.
She looked back at the flowers; her expression thoughtful. "These flowers... they carry so many memories…”
There was a moment of silence between them, the weight of their shared losses hanging in the air. Jiyan took a deep breath, summoning the words he had been wanting to say. "Thank you," he began, his voice earnest. "For saving me that day. I owe you, (Y/N)."
(Y/N) waved a hand dismissively, but there was a twinkle in her eye. "I was just doing my duty, General. But next time, let me do my job without fighting back.” There was a hint of frustration in her eyes. “You of all people should know that without a general, the army would have fallen into disarray."
Jiyan felt a pang of sheepishness at her words, but he nodded in acknowledgment. "You're right," he admitted. "I was stubborn. But so were you. Your quick thinking and actions saved me. Your efforts will be formally acknowledged."
A soft chuckle escaped her lips as she shook her head. "No need for formalities, General. Knowing that you're alive and well is enough for me. I don't want praise," (Y/N) said, her voice firm yet soft. "I didn't do it for the recognition. I did it because it's my duty, and I want to be more efficient in that duty. I could have saved more lives that day if I was better."
Jiyan nodded slowly. "I do. It's a heavy burden, knowing lives depend on your actions. But that's also what makes it so important."
(Y/N)'s eyes widened slightly, a spark of recognition flashing in them. "That's right. You were a medic before you became a general. I'd almost forgotten about that."
Jiyan smiled faintly. "It's not something I talk about often, but it's a part of who I am."
She gave him an incredulous look, almost looking offended. “You, of all people, should know better than to resist treatment on the battlefield! Next time, I'll tie you up if I have to."
A chuckle escaped Jiyan before he could stop it, and (Y/N)'s eyes widened in surprise. "Something the matter?" he asked, bemused.
She shook her head, a look of astonishment on her face. "I don't think I've ever heard you chuckle before," she said, her voice filled with wonder. "It suits you more than your usual frown and scowl."
Jiyan was momentarily stunned by her words. He wasn't used to such candid observations about his demeanor. "I suppose I should thank you for that," he said, a hint of a smile tugging at his lips.
(Y/N) returned his smile, her gaze focused on the sky for a moment, "I'll leave you to your moment with the flowers, General," she said, stepping back to give him space.
As she began to walk away, Jiyan found himself not wanting her to leave just yet. "Wait," he called after her, his voice catching slightly. "Would you... would you help me plant these seeds?"
(Y/N) turned back, her smile widening as she walked back to him. "Of course, General. I'd be honored."
They knelt together by the flower bed, the pouch of Emortia seeds in Jiyan's hand. He handed a few seeds to (Y/N), their fingers brushing lightly. Together, they dug small holes in the soil, carefully placing the seeds within.
"Each seed represents a life," Jiyan said quietly, his voice filled with reverence. "A sacrifice that must never be forgotten."
(Y/N) nodded, her eyes reflecting the same solemn respect. "And each flower that blooms is a reminder of their bravery and our duty to honor them."
They worked in silence for a while, the act of planting the seeds almost meditative. The gentle rustling of the flowers and the distant sounds of the city created a peaceful backdrop to their task.
As they finished planting the last of the seeds, Jiyan looked at (Y/N), admiration evident in his eyes. "Thank you," he said, his voice sincere. "For everything."
(Y/N) smiled, her lively spirit shining through once more. "You're welcome, General. And thank you for your service. We all rely on your strength and leadership."
With the seeds planted, they stood together, taking a moment to appreciate the serene beauty of Knell Square. The Emortia flowers swayed gently in the breeze, their delicate petals a symbol of hope and remembrance.
"I should be going," (Y/N) said softly. "But if you ever need someone to tie you down for treatment again, you know where to find me, General."
Jiyan chuckled, a genuine smile breaking across his face. "I'll keep that in mind," he replied. “And please, call me Jiyan.”
“Jiyan…” She repeated, nodding at him. “Alright then, I’ll do just that.”
As (Y/N) repeated his name, a warm feeling spread through his chest. He didn't want her to leave just yet. There was something about her presence that he found comforting, something that made him want to know more about her.
He recalled Mortefi's words, a dear friend who often chided him for being too stoic and reserved. "You need to put yourself out there, Jiyan. Go on dates, meet new people, relax a little. Stop being a tragic brooding hero all the damn time and go live your life."
Jiyan had never thought he desired companionship. After all, the Jué had entrusted him with a duty, a responsibility that he had always taken seriously. But this woman, (Y/N), had come out of nowhere, stirring feelings within him that he had never felt before. It made him yearn for more and all he wanted was to be the subject of her attention at the moment.
Summoning his courage, Jiyan hesitated for a moment before calling out to her, his voice slightly awkward. "Um, (Y/N), wait!"
She turned back, a curious expression on her face as she regarded him. Jiyan stumbled over his words, his cheeks flushing slightly with embarrassment. At this very moment, he felt as if he would rather fight a horde of the Crownless than speak his mind.  "I, uh, I was wondering if... if it would be alright for us to, um, go out for a nice dinner? And maybe catch a lion dance performance after?"
(Y/N) turned back, a slight smile playing on her lips as she observed Jiyan's flustered state. "Are you asking me out on a date, General?" she teased, her eyes twinkling with amusement.
Jiyan hesitated, first blurting out. “N-no…that’s...” He immediately corrected himself. "I... uh... yes, I suppose I am," he admitted, his voice slightly uncertain. "If... if that's not out of line, I mean. I'm sorry, I should probably let you be..."
(Y/N) giggled, the sound light and musical, easing some of Jiyan's anxiety. "It's endearing to see the General so flustered," she said, her tone gentle and kind. “I’d like to see more of this side of yours, Jiyan.” She met his gaze, still amused. “So yes, I'd like to go on this date if you're still up for it."
Relief flooded through Jiyan, mingled with a newfound sense of excitement. He hadn't expected her to say yes, but now that she had, he couldn't help but feel a surge of happiness. “Yes. It... Its settled then.”
(Y/N) nodded, her smile warm and inviting. "Alright then, Jiyan. When and where?"
Jiyan thought for a moment, his mind racing. "There's a lovely restaurant near the theatre. How about we meet there at seven tonight or is that too soon...?"
"Seven sounds perfect," she agreed. "I'll see you then."
As they exchanged contact information on their terminals, Jiyan's heart thudded in his chest, a mixture of nerves and excitement coursing through him. He watched as (Y/N) took off, her graceful form moving with purpose, and he couldn't help but admire her even more. With a final wave and a cheerful reminder to take care, she disappeared into the bustling city streets, leaving Jiyan standing there with a smile playing on his lips.
His gaze lingered on the spot where she had vanished, the memory of her infectious laughter and warm smile etched into his mind. For a moment, he placed his uninjured hand on top of his chest, feeling the steady beat of his heart beneath his palm. Yes, even he, General Jiyan, renowned for his stoicism and unwavering dedication to duty, found himself looking forward to tonight and the possibility of many more nights spent in (Y/N)'s company.
WuWa Masterlist
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isnt-it-pretty · 11 months
Wip #4
Another of my wip collection that may or may not ever be finished. It's been a while since I last posted one, so here!
So far I've posted Cyno & Kaveh childhood friends, Cyno's Vision being stolen, and Windblume
This wip is inspired by this post of mine where I thoight it'd be cool if Kaveh and Tighnari teamed up to make something like automail for Amputee!Cyno.
Kaveh waited in tense silence, seated side-by-side with Cyrus and Tighnari in the Bimarstan's waiting room. He wished it was a less common occurrence, but he supposed it was what happened when his best friend was the General Mahamatra.
It was late, somewhere in the hours between midnight and dawn. Kaveh had already cancelled his guest lecture and various meetings for the next day, and he knew Cyrus had done the same. Tighnari's work was harder to get out of, but he must have handed it over to another Forest Watcher since there was no way he would leave when Cyno was injured.
None of them knew what to expect. The matra had alerted Kaveh and Cyrus that Cyno had been injured and was rushed into surgery in critical condition. They had sent word to Tighnari in Gandharva Ville, knowing he would want to be there.
That was hours ago. Tighnari had arrived not long before, but there was no news to give him. The nurses knew nothing when questioned-- only that Cyno was still in surgery‐- and the matra were tight-lipped over what happened, apparently unable to speak of an ongoing investigation. All Cyrus could tell them was that Cyno was out of the city on an investigation, but Cyno was always quiet about his work. It meant they had to wait until somebody of high enough rank deigned to tell them something. 
Finally, as the sky began to lighten with the pre-dawn sun, a doctor entered the waiting room. He looked exhausted, with hard lines on his features and deep bags beneath his eyes. 
Kaveh's heart stuttered in his chest, the fear that he had been suppressing roaring to life. He felt Cyrus tense next to him and knew the feeling was mutual. 
"Professor Cyrus," the doctor said, dipping his head in greeting. "You're here for the General Mahamatra, correct?"
Few people knew that Cyrus was Cyno's father. It was a matter of safety for them both, a way to lessen the scrutiny on Cyno during his Akademiya years and to keep his enemies from going after Cyrus as General Mahamatra. The only paper trail was the adoption record, buried deep within the archives with several layers of privacy, and that Cyrus was Cyno's next-of-kin on all medical paperwork. If the worst came to pass and Cyno couldn't make medical decisions for himself, it would fall to Cyrus to do it for him. 
"I am," Cyrus said. He stood, Kaveh and Tighnari following a moment later.
The doctor nodded. "I'm Dr. Adarsh," he introduced himself. "I'm the leading surgeon on General Mahamatra Cyno's case. Please, if you'd follow me, we can discuss this further somewhere more private."  
They followed. Cyrus nodded his permission at Dr. Adarsh's silent question, assuring him that Kaveh and Tighnari were allowed to be privy to whatever information he wished to share. 
The meeting room Dr. Adarsh took them to was small. It held a table surrounded by chairs and decorated with plants in the corners. They each took a seat, and Dr. Adarsh explained the situation. 
Cyno's leg had been crushed beneath a Ruin Drake, his arm partially amputated by a nearby Ruin Hunter's blades-- the fight with which left him with multiple lacerations across his body. The eremites who found him hours later, surrounded by other recently destroyed Ruin Machines and bleeding out among the sands, had no choice but to amputate the leg to free him. By the time he reached medical care in Caravan Ribat, his arm couldn't be saved.
Cyrus' breath caught audibly, the sound painful. Kaveh clenched his jaw so hard it ached. 
"He's stable and his prognosis is good," Dr. Adarsh assured them. "Barring any complications, he should recover."
There was a moment of silence as they each processed the information. Cyno had lost two limbs. It was surreal to think about, unbelievable. Cyno always seemed indestructible, his constitution and the spirit dwelling within him making him tougher than most.  Injuries were common, yes, but nothing to this degree. 
Kaveh wanted to laugh. His chest felt tight, an ache deep beneath his ribs. Cyno put everything he had into being the General Mahamatra-- it was how he defined himself. Kaveh didn't want to know what would happen with that taken away. 
"Where was the amputation?" Tighnari asked. 
"Mid-thigh, and about four inches below his shoulder," the doctor replied. 
Tighnari cursed. Kaveh was too shocked to make sense of what it meant, his hands trembling. 
"Can we see him?" Cyrus asked with a slight wave to his voice. If Kaveh hadn't known him so well, he would have missed it. 
That's all there is sadly, but I do love this concept. The fma fan in me craves it.
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smartycvnt · 2 years
Pairing: Jacy Jayne x Reader Summary: Jacy doesn't mean to hurt you, she's just a little careless sometimes.
Only an idiot or a complete fool would get themselves involved with one of their enemy's right hand women. You didn't completely understand what had happened. You knew how you and Jacy had gotten so close, all of the secret dates and sneaking around had been your life for months, but you didn't understand how or why. At first, you had been apprehensive about spending any amount of time with Jacy outside of Full Sail at all. However, she had been persistent and reminded you that she wasn't always that way. The offer on your fourth date to keep Mandy off your back during your match for the number one contender's spot had been rejected, but you knew that Jacy was behind that going as smoothly as it did. However, the little bit of bliss that you'd been feeling at her good deed only lasted about a week or so. It was replaced with the pain of being kicked into a car door in the parking lot by Toxic Attraction.
You had hoped that the attacks were done after a couple weeks of silence, but that wasn't the case. You were still the number one contender, but Mandy kept you just injured enough to be kept out of a match. Jacy was almost always the one leading the charge in the random group attacks. You had even sworn that she had whispered an apology this time as she tackled you onto the ground. This one was worse than the others, but they had an extra friend this time. Sonya had come along, and each of her punches had felt like a sledgehammer beating down on your back. Honestly, you weren't entirely convinced that they hadn't brought a sledgehammer with them just for extra damage. You were getting close to your limits, which was what Mandy wanted. If you were taking her title, she was bringing you down to her level.
"Y/n?" Jacy called out as she entered your apartment. You had gotten home later than usual, and surprisingly she hadn't been there. The text about dropping by had come when you were getting checked out by medical. There were a lot of bad bruises, but no broken or fractured bones. You did have a laceration on your hip that needed stitches and would definitely scar. That had been from Mandy's heel whenever she had been kicking and stomping you into the pavement. "I brought you Tylenol."
"Thanks," you muttered as you took the bag from her. There was more than just that in the grocery bag. You could see the familiar colors of the box of Sour Patch Kids that Jacy had also picked up for you. That was the apology she wouldn't give to you. You sighed as she walked through your apartment. There was a routine of sorts whenever she came over after shows. She'd turn on your record player, change her clothes, pour herself a drink, and then join you wherever you were.
The music playing from the speakers wasn't something that you ever really listened to yourself. You thought classic rock was okay, but it wasn't your favorite. Those records were only even in your apartment because Jacy had recommended them. You remembered the record store date fondly before remembering she had only taken you there because she thought your taste in music kind of sucked. Jacy had a habit of making good memories with you just to cover up the bad ones. It was no way to go about a relationship, but you had no idea how to confront her about it. Besides, you didn't want to accuse Jacy of not caring about you when there were too many little things that proved she did. That would be a fight you didn't think the two of you would ever get over.
"That's a pretty nasty bruise," Jacy said as she cupped your face. She had finally settled in with you on the couch, where you were more than content to sleep for the night. Your body was bruised and battered, so you didn't feel like you were in any condition to walk all the way to your bed.
"You got me pretty good. Maybe next time, don't aim for my face." Jacy frowned as she ran her finger under the bruise, careful not to press into the tender skin. You could see her mind starting to race as she thought about what she had helped Mandy do to you tonight. "Hey, cut that shit out. I'm not mad at you, it's just work."
"Is it just work?" Jacy asked you. Truthfully, it wasn't just work. Jacy did all sorts of things that left you hurting without realizing it. She had been so careful in attaining you, that it was sort of shocking how careless she was whenever she had finally gotten you. "I'm not a great girlfriend, I know. There are things I'd love for us to do, but we can't, not yet anyways. When you take Mandy's title, we will."
"You know, it's not a good look hopping from champion to champion," you teased. Jacy shoved your shoulder playfully, accidentally knocking you back against the couch. You tried to hide the wince, but there was no use. Jacy was already staring at you with a look of worry in her eyes, like maybe you needed someone else there to keep an eye on you. "Hey, it's okay. That was an accident."
"Aren't you sick of letting me hurt you?" Jacy asked softly. You sighed. Truthfully, you were kind of tired of it, but you didn't want to lose her.
"You love me, I know that you do. Sometimes, you're just a little careless that's all." Your words didn't do much to make her feel better, but she did relax a little when you laid against her. "We can work on that."
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alterrune · 1 year
Section 3: Broken Forest
This one is pretty interesting, this area takes the form of a forest, though it appears sections of it are… on fire. Navigate carefully, this area is dangerous.
Low Oxygen: The raging flames have covered the area in a dense smoke, which will both obscure your vision and suffocate you to death if you stay in the smoke for too long.
Insanity: You’ll go insane in this level as well if you stay for too long.
Hallucaitons: Certain enemies here can be illusions, stay vigilant.
Bet you didn't expect this, did you? Act 3 of Chapter 3 is finally here!
Before we start, though, I'd just like to say that we didn't get any artwork for the 2nd Anniversary Event. However, I'll be extending that until the end of June, as I'll be running a Pride Month event alongside it, making this the first time I've had TWO artwork events happening simultaniously. More on that later, though.
(Before we enter the area, I quickly write out "fireman gear" five times, and give them the same treatment I gave the winter gear from earlier.)
Take these, guys. They'll help.
Sweet! Thanks, Kyle.
Yeah. Okay, let's get going.
(We then rush through the door, quickly disposing of any enemies...however, as I approach the door, I trip on a stray tree root and land on the ground hard, face first, which smashes the protective gear on my face and causes shards of various materials to pierce every part of my face, aside from my eyes.)
SHIT! Alter, Vi, grab Kyle!
(The two grab me and pull me into the next room. Damien then gently pulls me in by my pantleg, as everyone looks at me, concerned.)
Kyle? Are you alright?
I'm not dead, at least...but every part of my face hurts.
(I can barely manage a whisper. Violet then rushes over to me, and then carefully removes the shards of broken material from my face, being as gentle as possible. She then uses some medical gauze and tape to patch up the wounds on my face)
Thanks, Vi...
No problem, Kyle. Those were some pretty deep wounds, but Dr. Vinnie's taught me some stuff about these kinds of injuries.
(The hatch pops open again, and Albert's screen pops up, displaying subtitled morse code)
Hey, fucktard! Kyle got a bunch of facial lacerations thanks to you! I know you want us to complete your trials, but have some fucking common decency for once in your artificial life!
I agree with Alter...have some fucking decency for us...
(Before he can finish, I whip out a recorder that I was using to record what I was saying and hit the "play" button.)
"I agree with Alter....have some fucking decency for us..."
(The playback then stops.)
(The monitor then shuts off.)
Good riddance.
ACHIEVEMENT GET: "Tripled Trouble"
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freyayuki · 2 years
Final Fantasy Record Keeper Final Fantasy VII D450 Torment Dungeon New Team Setup
Every once in a while in the Final Fantasy Record Keeper (FFRK) mobile game, players get missions that require us to clear around 4 or so quests in the Cardia Dungeons. 
To get all the rewards, you need to deal with a D450 Torment fight. Whenever this particular mission shows up, I always head for the Final Fantasy VII D450 Torment Dungeon because I can easily auto this quest.
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I talk more about this in another post, but I recently got new Final Fantasy VII (#ad) relics that had me tweaking my current FF7 D450 Torment team auto setup. 
I also just recently cleared the FFVII Dragonking fight against Bahamut known as the Door of Stars. This unlocked new tiles on the Record Boards of all FF7 chars.
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I unlocked these new tiles for the chars I use in my auto team and equipped the new relics I’d obtained before trying out the Torment quest with my new setup.
Before, my fastest clear time for this fight was 13.00 seconds. Now, I was able to lower that and finish the fight at 12.20 seconds. Another try let me lower that down to 12.00 seconds.
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My team was made up of chars that were all from Final Fantasy 7 - Sephiroth, Barret Wallace, Aeris or Aerith Gainsborough, Vincent Valentine from Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII, and last, but definitely not the least, Genesis Rhapsodos1 from Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII. 
1 Currently, Genesis is my absolute, most fave Final Fantasy char. He’s the reason why I’m playing Final Fantasy Record Keeper.
The general flow of the fight goes something like this:
The Realm Chain and Historia Crystal get summoned. Barret uses his Awakened Arcane Soul Break 2 (AASB2) for the party-wide buffs then spams Burnt Offering to imperil fire.
Vincent uses his Glint+ Soul Break (G+) to gain 2 Soul Break gauges then casts his Synchro Arcane Soul Break (SASB) after which he’ll spam his Hero Ability (HA) for the fire imperil and damage.
Sephiroth uses his True Arcane Soul Break (TASB) or Arcane Dyad Soul Break (ADSB) for the BDL+1 then spams his Hero Ability for the damage.
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Genesis uses his Glint+1 to activate his Trance Legend Materia, his Glint+2 for the BDL+1, then his Sync (like Barret, he’s equipped with the Record Materia that lets him start a fight with 2 gauges) after which he’ll spam his Hero Ability, Genesis Slash or Creation Laceration.
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Aerith uses her Glint+1 for the party-wide Protect, Shell, and Haste. Then she’ll spam Dispel to remove the buffs of the enemy. The fight ends before Aeris and Sephi can use their other Soul Breaks.
So what about you? Have you tried the Final Fantasy VII D450 Torment Dungeon fight yet? What team did you use? Have you tried to auto this battle? How did it go? What do you think about this quest? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.
screenshots are from my Final Fantasy Record Keeper game account
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Abominable Putridity Merch
Abominable Putridity is a slamming brutal death metal band from Moscow, Russia. The band formed in 2003 by Alexander (Drums) and Pavel(Former Guitarist). Material for full-length album was actually done in 2004 but the band had some serious line-up troubles and even were about to break-up. The fixed line-up was formed only in 2006 and 8 tracks material were recorded. Now they are signed with Lacerated Enemy Records (Czech) and released their debut full-length album "In The End Of Human Existence" in January 2008. Shop Abominable Putridity Merch Here!
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eliluminado7 · 2 months
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thorpeglobalnewsetwork · 10 months
Surrendering Japanese Airmem
A lot of Japanese aviators were captured alive by the Allies during World War II. As with most Japanese personnel who became POWs, this usually happened when they were severely wounded, unconscious, or sick.
A historian who has written the definitive work, so far, on Japanese personnel as POWs, Ulrich Straus, suggests that more than 38,000 Japanese personnel were captured by the Western Allies between December 1941 and August 1945. Other sources suggest that there may have been as many as 50,000. There is no breakdown of whether they were naval or army personnel, let alone whether they belonged to the IJNAS or IJAAF. And any such data would be suspect because captured Japanese aviators frequently gave false information regarding their identity, including which service they belonged to.
It was unusual for Japanese aircrew to carry or use parachutes, so those that were captured had usually ditched at sea or made a crash-landing. The latter was the case with the first Zero pilot to be captured, 上等兵曹 (Jōtōheisō; Chief Petty Officer) Hajime Toyoshima (see image above). On 19 February 1942, Toyoshima made a wheels up landing on Melville Island, off the north coast of Australia, following a major air raid on Darwin.
An striking, archetypal case was that of two aviators captured by the crew of USS Grayson off Guadalcanal in October 1942.
[T]hey came across a rubber raft bearing two Japanese airmen, apparently survivors of one of the planes shot down while attacking … [USS] Meredith. As they were about to be hauled aboard the Grayson, rather than be taken prisoner, one Japanese airman shot and killed himself.
The other allowed himself to be dragged aboard but shrugged and shook his head when … [American] officers spoke to him, indicating that he did not understand English. He was treated for a lacerated knee and placed under guard.
The following day, while enroute to Guadalcanal, Grayson … several times came under attack by Japanese bombers. […] The rescued Japanese prisoner[, who] had been locked in a torpedo repair compartment ... called to his guard, asking if he could help by passing ammunition … [to the crews of] the guns. He had suddenly acquired the ability to speak English… There is no record … that his request was granted, but later investigation revealed that he … [was a former] student at the University of California … [who had been living in] Japan before the war. Because he was not permitted to return to the United States, he had joined the Japanese naval air force.
(Friedman & Robinson, 2007, pp. 67–8.)
There is a strong possibility that this aviator, whose name seems to have been lost, was a Nisei – a member of the US-born ethnic Japanese diaspora, i.e. he seems to have regarded California as his home, rather than Japan.
Suicide was undoubtedly extremely common amongst Japanese officers, as a means of avoiding capture. However, according to Straus, the rate of self-harm tapered dramatically in long-term captivity, to a rate hardly different to those for Allied POWs.
It's a truism that all acts of surrender were actively, explicitly discouraged within the Japanese military culture of the early 20th century. Moreover, the Empire of Japan had never officially ratified the Geneva or Hague conventions, which defined international laws on the treatment of POWs and civilian internees. On the battlefield, Japanese personnel usually neither requested, nor expected, their enemies to show them mercy, or “give quarter”, in the words of Field Marshal William Slim (who at the war’s end commanded all Allied land forces in Burma). Facing Japanese forces, Allied personnel quickly became so accustomed to a “fight to the death” mentality, as well as what they saw as “dirty tricks” (i.e. feigned surrenders for tactical advantage), that they ceased to expect real surrenders; consequently, many Japanese may have been killed when they were genuinely surrendering. (Not to mention the many anecdotes about those murdered on their way to captivity, although, of course, such practices were never official policy, and nor were they restricted to the Allies or the Pacific.)
Given the prevailing military culture in Japan, there was profound embarrassment amongst leaders of the IJN, following the unprecedented case of 海軍中将 (Kaigun Chūjō; Vice-Admiral) Shigeru Fukudome (1891 – 1971), who was Chief of Staff of the Combined Fleet when he was captured in 1944, following an air crash in the Philippines. Fukudome was not only the first Japanese flag officer to be taken prisoner, ever (not just in that war), he was apparently physically well and uninjured when captured. The US-Filipino guerilla unit that netted Fukudome struck a deal with their Japanese adversaries, in order to prevent/halt reprisals against civilians, and the admiral was handed over. Fukudome’s adventure was subsequently, without any exaggeration, covered-up. In an internal memo, IJN headquarters stated that no official disciplinary action would be taken against Fukudome – the somewhat ironic reason given was that he had not technically offended against regulations, because he had been captured by “civilians”. In the very same memo, the IJN reiterated that all officers were expected to commit suicide as soon as possible, should capture became inevitable. (Fukudome was, subsequently, moved sideways, to command the 2nd Air Fleet, with responsibility for IJN land-based aircraft in Kyushu, Okinawa and Taiwan. Somewhat ironically, an Allied war crimes tribunal later convicted Fukudome of “negligence”, in regard to subordinates killing of two Allied aviators. After serving his sentence, Fukudome resumed his military career, with the Japan Self-Defence Force.)
With regard to the rare cases in which able-bodied personnel surrendered, one hypothesis considered that it occurred after individuals became disaffected with the war and/or with Japanese military culture. Some Australian interrogators came to believe that this was the case with Chief Petty Officer Toyoshima (see above) – they did not regard him as having been significantly injured in his crash (although his facial injuries and, quite likely, a concussion might suggest otherwise). It was true that Toyoshima offered no resistance and was easily disarmed by civilians who captured him. He gave a false name and other details to his initial military captors, which was probably an attempt to protect his family from the dishonour attached to capture in the broader Japanese culture at the time. (Toyoshima appears to have later committed suicide, during the largest breakout of POWs in history, from a camp near Cowra, New South Wales, on 5 August 1944.)
In most cases, passive surrenders – or overt defections – were carried out by support or rear area personnel, or auxiliaries, often colonial subjects (e.g. Koreans and Taiwanese), or Japanese people who believed they had faced discrimination in Japan – due to factors such as foreign ancestry, an overseas upbringing/education, adherence to a minority religion (such as Christianity) and/or politics (e.g. pacifism). Defection or passive surrender appears to have often been a factor in the handful of known cases of Japanese POWs actively assisting the Allies in the writing of propaganda leaflets, to be dropped by Allied aircraft.
Even less well-known is how disorienting and bewildering captivity could be for people who had not received a modicum of training on how to conduct themselves as POWs – not even the instruction to give only “name, rank and serial number”. A classic unintended consequence of this was that a significant minority of captured Japanese personnel spoke freely to Allied intelligence officers. This phenomenon was amplified by the Allies' use of ethnic Japanese interpreters – many of them Nisei recruited by the US Military Intelligence Service and/or the Allied Translator and Interpreter Section. (I have seen reference to Nisei ATIS personnel being attached to frontline Australian units as translators, down to at least brigade level.)
Ulrich Straus, 2011, The Anguish of Surrender: Japanese POWs of World War II. Seattle; University of Washington.
Barry Friedman & Robert Robinson, 2007, The Short Life of a Valiant Ship: USS Meredith (DD434). New York; iUniverse
Harry Gordon, 1994, Voyage from Shame: The Cowra Breakout and Afterwards. St Lucia; University of Queensland Press.
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wontonboop · 2 years
I know you are afraid of me.
Because you can die at any time. By your own hands. By your own family.
I know you love me.
Because I give you everything.
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t3rra-bull · 4 years
WORMHOLE - The Weakest Among Us (Full Album) • Lacerated Enemy Records 2...
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metalpurgatorymedia · 2 years
2021 had amazingly crafted albums from Frozen Soul, Rivers Of Nihil Carnifex, Cannibal Corpse and many more to come but I think 2022 has been the most surprising and stacked releases so far. Today, this band known as Sensory Amusia are a upcoming extreme metal project that takes heavy emphasis on modern death metal and hardcore signatures that is best described if Dying Fetus, Misery Index and…
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manofmuchmetal · 2 years
Hurakan - Via Aeturna - Album Review
Hurakan – Via Aeturna – Album Review
Artist: Hurakan Album Title: Via Aeturna Label: Lacerated Enemy Records Date of Release: 15 April 2022 The reason I’ve never checked out Hurakan before, is because of the looming ‘metalcore’ and ‘deathcore’ tags that have always been used to describe their music. Born in 2015, the French quartet burst onto the scene in 2017 with their debut full-length, the preposterously titled ‘Multiversal…
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dmyservices · 2 years
Lafayette (LA) - Brutal Death Metal quartet Golgothan will release its full-length debut album, Leech, February 4 on Lacerated Enemy Records. 
Lafayette (LA) – Brutal Death Metal quartet Golgothan will release its full-length debut album, Leech, February 4 on Lacerated Enemy Records. 
Golgothan Leech Lacerated Enemy Records 4 February 2022 Amongst the swamps and woods of Lafayette, Louisiana. Golgothan has spread their Gospel of Gore since 2013. Combining their love of horror and the sound of brutal death metal akin to Aborted and Cattle Decapitation, Golgothan’s live show is an unforgettable experience. Having released multiple EPs, Golgothan is ecstatic to work with…
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andysmuse · 2 years
Lafayette (LA) - Brutal Death Metal quartet Golgothan will release its full-length debut album, Leech, February 4 on Lacerated Enemy Records. 
Lafayette (LA) – Brutal Death Metal quartet Golgothan will release its full-length debut album, Leech, February 4 on Lacerated Enemy Records. 
Golgothan Leech Lacerated Enemy Records 4 February 2022 Amongst the swamps and woods of Lafayette, Louisiana. Golgothan has spread their Gospel of Gore since 2013. Combining their love of horror and the sound of brutal death metal akin to Aborted and Cattle Decapitation, Golgothan’s live show is an unforgettable experience. Having released multiple EPs, Golgothan is ecstatic to work with…
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An interview with Wormhole
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Thank you for your time, Could you introduce yourselves to the readers?
Noni: Thank you so much for having us! I am Sanil Kumar, but everyone calls me Noni. I play guitar in Wormhole. 
Ansh : Hello, you FILTHY readers, I'm Ansh, I've been the vocalist for Wormhole for about two years now, as well as guitar for Noisays, Codex Orhova and Perihelion.
Sanjay : I am Sanjay, I play guitar in Wormhole as well as Equipoise and Greylotus
How did Wormhole come to be?
Noni : Wormhole started sometime in 2015 between Sanjay and I, but really this band has been together for a lot longer than that. We’d known each other and been playing music together for a while but stopped for a bit in 2015. At that time Sanjay and I just write and release some music of our own. We saw how other slam bands at the time were making music in their homes and were able to cultivate a cult following through social media and Slam Worldwide and we thought if we could get a small following like that it would have been really cool if we could manage to get a couple people into our music.
So Sanjay and I had some doodles from our old band(s) that we more or less put together for an album and released it under the name Wormhole. Since it was just the two of us at that time, we needed to find a vocalist. We ended up having Duncan Bentley from Vulvodynia do most of the vocals. This must have been right after he finished recording his parts for their album Psychosadistic Design. That resulted in Genesis which was released in 2016.
Ansh: Back in the day we had a comedy slam band called Rotting Phallus that we all left except the vocalist. Later, Sanjay and Sanil used some of their Rotting Phallus tracks, wrote some new tracks, and released Genesis under the name Wormhole. Matt and I joined the band again and we started to really find our sound. New and improved, now with ugly-ol' BASIL, all has been smooth sailing!
Sanjay: Technically Wormhole was originally a ‘comedy slam band’ in 2014 called Rotting Phallus.  Noni, Ansh, Matt and I were all a part of this.  The band kind of died and we stopped being a band because we had a toxic asshole vocalist who we all hate now.  When the band died noni and I got duncan and recorded all the OG Rotting Phallus tunes under the name Wormhole.
On the start of 2020 you guys released ‘The Weakest Among Us’ the cover art reminds me of a boss fight about to happen in some Doom/Halo-esque battle, what is the story behind the cover art?
Noni: You’re kinda close haha. The cover was inspired by the Metroid Prime series. We are super inspired by those games in more ways than one. There is a cut scene before a boss battle in one of the games that we based the cover art off of. We’ve been really inspired by the soundtrack too. It sets such a cool vibe.Sanjay and I grew up playing those games, and we’ve played them over and over. The universe, atmosphere, character design, everything about those games is so cool to us. Pretty metal. If it weren’t for those games I don’t know what I would make this band about.
Ansh: Sanjay and Sanil are BIG and STUPID nerds who like SPACE and other SILLY THINGS like METROID PRIME and ANIME.
Sanjay: Metroid Prime is the main source of visual and lyrical inspiration, but I love Doom (especially Doom 3) and you can tell I think Mancubus looks brutal as fuck.
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Since the world is at a standstill for the foreseeable future and you released  ‘The Weakest Among Us’ on the top of 2020 how hard has it been to get the word out about the album since no one can tour currently?
Noni: It has been really shitty having tours cancelled and not being able to promote the album properly, but we also know that we are not the only ones in this boat so there is no sense in complaining I feel. Social media is our friend though and people still seem to be pretty responsive to the album anyway.  
It seems like going forward, bands are going to have to figure out how to do this anyway. So, if Wormhole (or any band) isn’t really working out because we can’t tour, then we have to figure something out.
Ansh: In general I've been happy with the online support but not being able to tour is beyond frustrating. As tough as it can be at times, touring is kinda like the celebration of your music and all the hard work you put into it, so not being able to get that live show release is truly devastating. Compounded with the potential fans we could have made and merch we could have sold, it's more than a bummer. But all the love and support the record has gotten online has also been one of the only things keeping me sane whilst I'm stuck in my house.
Sanjay: It’s definitely not as easy since touring is one of the main ways to reach new audiences but it’s not as hard when you have some dedicated fans who genuinely love spreading some Wormhole gospel.  Those fans are the realest MVPs in these trying times.
I always find it fascinating when the band's cover art describes what the album is going to sound like, when talking to the artist how do you project your ideas out of your head coherent enough to be understood?
Sanjay: We kind of got lucky with Lordigan (the artist of both covers) on Genesis.  We were kind of winging it and knew we just wanted a slam monster album cover.  We had some help from my bud Ryan Wolanski on getting the colors we wanted as well.  With TWAU I had a general idea of the color scheme and setting we wanted.  Lordigan was very aware of the Doom/Space Marine aesthetic so it was not hard to communicate.  Our album cover is not really a reflection of the music I would say because we kind of just pick what we want because it’s cool and we’ve seen similar things work for other bands.
Ansh: I usually just get an artist I really love and ask them to listen to the music and draw whatever comes to them, but maybe that's why I'm not allowed to do merch for Wormhole. 
Noni: We just tried to be specific and nit-picky. The most important thing for our artwork was to have a center focus, the classic slam monster, with a few other things to look at in the background/foreground. The album’s production wasn’t going to be super futuristic and modern, so the color scheme kind of reflected that. We wanted more browns to dominate the image, to give a bleak and miserable vibe. We went to Lordigan Pedro Sana for both of our albums and he was super responsive to every change we wanted to make. The best thing for them is a reference in my experience, especially if you can find something in artwork they made to use as a reference.
I see the album artwork as just as big a part of the album as any of the songs or riffs. The way I see it, both the music and the artwork and song titles all work together to create a vibe and atmosphere. They need to feed into each other. Not only that, they need to somehow stand out from the other million extreme metal records being released everywhere. It’s really important and one of the places I see newer/local bands cutting corners or not going all in, and maybe settling for something that isn’t stellar.
Crowdkill Apparel has some of the most unique merch options I've seen from car seat cover to a shower curtain, when given the opportunity what would be the weirdest merch you guys would like to release?
Noni: I would love to see the Wormhole logo on a cereal box. I imagine our cereal would have marshmallows.
Ansh: A bong??? A worm shaped bong??? Like from the first album??? Or maybe a big spikey worm dildo/butt plug??? Done tastefully OBVIOUSLY.
Sanjay: Wormhole weed called “The Dankest Among Us”.  Any weed paraphernalia honestly like rolling papers and some Wormhole glass.  We did a small run of grinders before which was cool.
With the state of the world that it is currently, touring as you would of guessed is a no go, Suicide Silence they have the right idea about having a virtual “world tour” where the show is streamed has the touring bug been bad enough to where you’ve considered this?
Noni: I think rather than trying to make “touring” work, we are going to try to put out content that is a little more practical for people to enjoy. Music analysis, lessons, playthroughs, stuff like that. Comedic or podcasty type stuff where people get to know the band members and develop some kind of a personal relationship with them despite not being able to meet with any of our fans in person. Not everyone who listens to this stuff plays an instrument or makes music, so we want to put something out that engages with that group as well.I’m sure we’ll do some full band stuff too, but not everything will just be us playing the songs. I think in this current era, and consequently the future, bands will have to do much more than just play their music to get out there. It was already kind of like that but now I think the big emphasis isn’t really on the music anymore. I think it will be kind of analogous to how gaming consoles used to be all about gaming. But now your Xbox or Playstation has to be able to have Netflix and YouTube and still regularly release and develop games over time.
Ansh: My other band Noisays was recently part of Mathcore Index Fest, the fest raised a reasonably sizeable donation for the Justice for George Floyed and Breonna Taylor Relief Fund, and it was sick to hang in a chatroom with a bunch of homies that i would be chilling with at the show. It was sick to do something good, share music and connect with friends and fans but virtual life is never going to be the same as real life to me. Whether it's teaching online, hanging out with people on video chat, or attending a virtual show, it's always just gonna be virtual and it'll never be a replacement for real life, to me at least. So please do everything you possibly can to make sure WE CAN COME PLAY FOR YOU ASAP.
Sanjay: I don’t think we can compare ourselves to Suicide Silence because our fanbases are vastly different.  I would hope we could do something like that but i definitely don’t think we are at a point where it would make sense.  Would be fun though.
Dream tour with Wormhole on the bill?
Noni: For the band obviously we just want to go out with the big boys like Obscura or The Black Dahlia Murder or Thy Art for our egos. But for my satisfaction I would want Wormhole to play with Dethklok just because Sanjay and I worship Brendon Small. Dude is a fucking genius and clearly has something figured out that neither of us do. Defeated Sanity would be on there too. If we’re talking defunct bands as well, I would want Necrophagist and/or Death in there somewhere too. But the real dream would for us to tour with Metallica and just play in Metallica and it’s also 1991.
Ansh: Warped Tour and we play right before All Time Low or some shit like that, Old Town Road guy opens right before us and does all the remixes. Miles Davis joins Limp Bizkit for the headlining set.
Sanjay: I would want to be direct support for Gojira.  That’s all really.  I think a bunch of bands (including Wormhole) have a lot to learn about the energy they project live and I would love to be a part of their show.
Anything else you would like to tell the readers before we go?
Noni: If there is some crazy guitar player or musician out there that you really admire and put on a pedestal you should understand that you are capable of literally anything that person is. That guy may have some special X factor but that is really only like 10% of it. The other 90% is the hardwork. Also thanks for reading and supporting and all that. It is really sick and cool and makes us feel good.
Ansh: Play and listen to lots of music, work stupid hard, and do whatever the fuck you want, the only people that'll say you can't do it are lazy as FUCK. Fuck'em.-ANSH OUT.
Sanjay: tech-slam
Wormhole Social Media:
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