#Last line game
cacodaemonia · 2 days
Last Line Challenge
The rules are post the last line you have written (or drawn) and then tag the same number of people as there are words.
Thanks for the tag, @marbled-polecat! :D
Humming in vague agreement, Boil shrugs again. "It's not so bad."
No-pressure tags: @ladysongmaster @frostbitebakery @whatislifewithoutangst @clonemando @wrennette
@furious-blueberry0 @insertmeaningfulusername @loverboy-havocboy @airlockfailure
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fluffypotatey · 11 months
Last Line Tag
tagged by the lovely @thiamsxbitch 😘
RULES—share the last line you wrote for your WIP, and then tag as many people as there are words.
MK placed too much responsibility on himself already, how would he react if he knew his mentor, the great Monkey King, signed off for his immortality to end after MK’s passing?
hehe :3 would you believe if I told you that this wip was supposed to be fluffy?
tagging (with no added pressure dw <3): @sourdough-morbread @bellamyblakru @ghoultaffy @shana-rosee and anybody else bearing witness to this post and feels inclined to play!
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the-elusive-soleil · 3 months
Last Sentence/Tag Game
Thanks to @thescrapwitch and @cycas for the tag!
RULES: Post the last sentence you wrote (fanfic / original / anything) and tag as many people as there are words in the sentence.
Been a busy weekend and I haven't been able to write for a couple days, but here's the latest sentence from my current WIP, wherein Maedhros is That Dad Who Didn't Want A Cat:
Just before the door slams, he thinks he hears the creature on Caranthir’s lap let out a smug mewl.
Which comes out to...19 words. Whew! It looks like a lot of people I'd want to tag already have been, so I'm not going to get to nineteen, but I'll do some.
No-pressure tags: @winterinhimring @sweetteaanddragons @jaz-the-bard @leucisticpuffin @eleneressea @potatoobsessed999 @youareunbearable
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cha-melodius · 3 months
Last Line Game
Thanks for the tag @mirilyawrites! I'm pretty sure this is the last line I've written (I've been jumping around in this doc a lot).
“Not going anywhere, promise,” Alex soothes as he attempts to extract his hands. “Gotta get us undressed, ok? Just one second, I swear.”
So that's where we're at, I guess. 😅
Putting a bunch of no pressure tags under the cut, but also consider this an open tag if you want to play!
@rmd-writes @welcometololaland @three-drink-amy @kiwiana-writes @firenati0n @indomitable-love @clottedcreamfudge @dumbpeachjuice @smc-27 @hgejfmw-hgejhsf @inexplicablymine @indestructibleheart @liminalmemories21 @eusuntgratie @bigassbowlingballhead @getmehighonmagic @magicandarchery @violetbaudelaire-quagmire @sparklepocalypse @tintagel-or-cockleshells @myheartalivewrites @anchoredarchangel @iboatedhere @leaves-of-laurelin @adreamareads @itsmaybitheway @porcelainmortal @ninzied @lizzie-bennetdarcy @orchidscript @maxbegone @sherryvalli @loki-is-my-kink-awakening @nicijones @justabigoldnerd @pippinoftheshire @oxfordslutphase @heytheredeann
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teejaystumbles · 10 days
Last Line tag game
Hello, once again! Tagged by lovely @tj-dragonblade, thank you!!
I am currently struggling along with Against all odds, real life is a bit stressful and so I haven't been in the mood to write much lately. I sometimes add single sentences here and there. Have a bit I think I have at least not shared on tumblr yet (I may be wrong🥲)
Dream steps into the dream space where the call originates from and comes face to face with his friend. Hob stands before him, smiling. Dream is for a moment hyper aware of Hob’s close proximity, and resists the urge to take a step back. He takes in the way Hob has dreamed himself just like in 1489, clean shaven to look younger, his hair cut to frame his face. He wears simple linen clothes, the dress of a man working in a town house rather than the fields, but he wears a leather apron stained with black ink.  Dream remembers being pleasantly surprised by the change at the time, the rough and dirty mercenary he met in 1389 having clearly found a different profession. Part of him missed the beard, though, and the challenging sparkle in Hob’s eyes that had been replaced by trepidation and fear. Here, now, in this dream, Hob does not look afraid. He beams at Dream and waves a hand in the direction of the large printing press filling most of the room. “My friend! I’m glad to see you! Have you come to inspect my work?”
Tagging @dsudis, @cuubism, @just-prime and @aralezinspace, no pressure as always <3
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silcoitus · 8 months
Oop. Got tagged by Professor @ink-and-dagger. Gotta turn in my homework.
RULES: Post the last sentence you wrote (fanfic / original / anything) and tag as many people as there are words in the sentence.
Out of the corner of your eye, you spot Silco and Sevika sharing a look. Finn continues, oblivious to the silent conversation happening in front of his eyes.
What could this be? 👀👀 Perhaps a TMSA teaser?
I'm not tagging that many people lol no way
No pressure tags: @ilikemymendarkandfictional @deny-the-issue @medic-simp @beardyladyqueen @juniper-sunny
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welcometololaland · 3 months
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I'll make a banner for anything! this is from 10 things au and TK is suffering from the fact he hasn't told Carlos something he really should have 👀👀👀👀:
There are so many things TK wants to do with Carlos – everything from the adventurous to the extremely ordinary – but none of them are getting done in an environment where a huge, inescapable secret lies between them.
anyone who would like to play, I tag you!
thanks for my tags @rmd-writes @strandnreyes @orchidscript @cha-melodius and @three-drink-amy
I'll also lassoo a few people (yee haw): @liminalmemories21 @alrightbuckaroo @sanjuwrites @kiwiana-writes @lemonlyman-dotcom @freneticfloetry @bonheur-cafe @lightningboltreader @jesuisici33 @safeaswrites @carlos-in-glasses @heartstringsduet @theghostofashton
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navybrat817 · 2 months
Thanks for the tag, @laurfilijames ! And that passage sounds amazing. ❤️
rules: in a new post, show the last line(s) you wrote (or drew)
“I’m going to be kind to him whether we become friends or not.”
I'll let you lovelies decide if it's about Bucky or Will. Hehe. 😉
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NPT: @ghotifishreads @cocoamoonmalfoy @galatially @buckyownsmylife @krirebr @ellemj @chxrryhansen @dungeonpuppykai @labella420 @witchywithwhiskey @jtargaryen18 @cockslutpadalecki @writercole and anyone who wants to play! ❤️
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cacodaemonia · 22 days
Last Line Challenge
Rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or as many as you feel like)
Thanks so much for the tag, @furious-blueberry0! :D
Here are a couple of lines because they're boring on their own, haha:
"D'you know where they are?" he slurs. "The chips?"
No-pressure tags: @loverboy-havocboy @omaano @amukmuk @come-chaos @marbled-polecat
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jeewrites · 1 month
Rules: Post the last sentence you wrote (fanfic / original / anything) and tag as many people as there are words in the sentence.
Thanks for the tag @joelmillerisapunk! (Ofc my last sentence has to be 29 words long lololol)
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Pressing a kiss to your temple and tucking your hair behind your ear, he steers you by the small of your back and leads you back to his truck.
The last line of Hold Fast Ch.5 (just in time for this week's Frankie Friday 👀)
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No pressure tagging: @imaswellkid @katareyoudrilling @kteague @burntheedges @fungal-rot
@rebel-held @grogusmum @ohforficsake @darkheartgatita @survivingandenduring
@syd-djarin @iamskyereads @vivan-pascal @frenchiereading @joelalorian
@theywhowriteandknowthings @diabaroxa @christinamadsen @undercoverpena
@yourcoolauntie @copperhalfcent @intheorangebedroom @yorksgirl
@littlemisspascal @toomanytookas @loliwrites @survivingandenduring @fitznleo
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nerdieforpedro · 3 months
Last Line Tag Game
rules: in a new post, show the last line(s) you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or as many as you like).
Tagged by @tinytinymenace @djarinmuse @chronically-ghosted @pedroshotwifey
So I think I’ll give three last lines, because it’s what I’ve been working on, first up is Din Djarin smut. I was supposed to be writing fluff, between @alltheglitterandtheroar and @megamindsecretlair it changed for the better and teasing is always fun. ☺️
Both arms pull Din’s head to your chest, the sharp inhale of air before he’s buried in your body has you whining. The intensity of just two of this thick fingers have you close to your second orgasm but he removes them, a pop then a second as he mouth part from your nipple. “Taste yourself, then you’ll come twice for me.”
Second is from “This is the Neighboorhood Din” my modern Din AU:
“Dear Lord in heaven I am not dressed or prepared to talk to that sort of man any day.” She muttered as Ms. Harris made her way down the stairs toward her, she hugged her, and her arms wrapped around her as well, eye still lingering on the man sitting on the porch. His sweatpants did not leave much to the imagination. They weren’t tight by any means; one could just trace the lines. Thick thighs and well… heavy in the middle is the most polite way to say it. The only way she can think to describe it while hugging her aunt.
Third, last line from chapter 5 of “The Lake Between Us” (yes I do have future chapters written I planned! Unheard of in Nerdie-land)
“That I did Moonbeam. You should be cautious of my motives, but I can start at the beginning of my troubles for you if you like.” He placed his hand on hers, running up her arm to her shoulder and drew a small circle around her mole. “Be forewarned, the past is neither rosy nor glamorous. It is fraught with hardship, double-crosses and some death.”
Moonbeam grinned, nodding as he spoke, “Sounds like a thriller Ezra. I’m all ears. Add a dash of romance and some mistaken identity and you have yourself a movie marathon.”
“I’m sure you’d be riveted to hear it.”
“That I would.” Moonbeam crosses her legs and leans forward, touching his chin with a finger, “Speak.”
Lastly, I might be trying finish my Dave York series finally. 👀 Or one of them, though I’m not sure all of them are on Tumblr. I think I write too much stuff and it get’s jumbled. This is a softer Dave:
At her core, Kiara felt safe with him. It hurt to admit though she wasn’t exactly sure why, pride maybe? Maybe she wanted to continue to be independent but she hadn’t been for a few months now.
No. Not when she really thought about it.
Her head was leaning against the steering wheel, the nurse had seen his SUV parked in the driveway. Dave pretty much lived with her now, though she didn’t remember giving him a key. He hadn’t needed a key their first night together either.
I’m also working on “Roc & Doc” and crafting the murder mystery since I killed off Rockford’s partner and introduced his brother. What role will his brother play? We’ll see. Also, if you’re going to be a furry for the night, make sure you can in and out of your suit. 😎
Chapter 5 of “Weddings 101 with Dieter” is under way as well. I want a lot to be in it, might be too much. We’ll see how it turns out, also smut because Dieter’s gotta get Maya’s dress off - he did promise her that. 😘 Half-ass and Bridezilla are in full swing!
It’s a lot like always because it’s Nerdie, what else am I supposed to do? Too many ideas, not enough follow-through. I did four instead of three. 😵
NPT: @maggiemayhemnj @morallyinept @rhoorl (for the sweatpants) @linzels-blog for Din @inept-the-magnificent @soft-girl-musings @angelofsmalldeath-codeine @magpiepills @secretelephanttattoo @goodwithcheese @undercoverpena @legendary-pink-dot @for-a-longlongtime @lady-bess @mysterious-moonstruck-musings @gemmahale @laurfilijames @avastrasposts @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin @tightjeansjavi @frenchiereading @boliv-jenta @thefrogdalorian @trulybetty @kewwrites @beefrobeefcal @fhatbhabie
And whoever else saw all this and was like, let me do it too! ☺️
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netherfeildren · 3 months
Last Line Game!
Thanks for the tag queen @justagalwhowrites
Rules: In a new post, show the last line(s) you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or as many as you feel like).
oh wow :) look who it is :)
“What’re we havin’ for dinner?” She crunches the apple again, and loudly. “Think the mess is serving meatloaf—fuckin’ yuck.” “Goodbye, Ellie,” he says, not even turning to look at her.  “What the fuck? I just got here. Birdie wants to chat, don’t you—" “Why is she so annoying? What did you feed her as a child?” “Rocks,” he says with that soft, lovely hazel hued look he gets when he wants to tell you all sorts of things without words, big thumb smoothing over the slope of your brow and ending on a gentle pressure at your throbbing temple. “Kid, get the fuck out.” She goes quiet, scrunching her freckled nose at the two of you, “Ew. What the fuck, man. What's going on here? Actually, ew. I don't even wanna know what the two of you lookin’ at each other like that means.” She gets up, coughing a ridiculous retching noise and leans over the arm of the sofa to press a kiss to your sweaty forehead, a reminder that the smartass can be sweet when she feels like it. “Later, dude.”
no pressure tags! @5oh5 @metaphoricgibberish @f0rlornmyths
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hahskeleton · 2 months
Last Line Challenge!
In a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or however many as you like).
tagged by @rayofmisfortune :DDD
Last Line:
Eclipse shifted his attention to the lunar animatronic, “Knock, you lunatic.” He snarled jokingly. Moon rolled his eyes as he sat in a chair between you and Eclipse.
HOO BOY 28 TAGS oh no oh man oh jeez-
Taggingggg @wanderingthinks @deyisacherry @vectorisheree @punypappy @ellaspenfrosti @beeshoesometimesdraws @melodyartiez @lemarapotato @sunnyys-jarss @tway-la @ocean-lunar @starii-lins @polaris-stuff @eternal-soup @bestkiboo @pbmonstaa @hikkokoro @justaduckarts @artoutoftheblue @inkcat1987 we get 20 bc I’m too scared to tag anyone else TvT
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teejaystumbles · 7 months
Last Line Tag Game
Rules: In a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or however many you like)
@ginoeh tagged me for that Pinterest game but I don't use Pinterest so when I saw them doing this game I decided to this instead! because I've wanted to share some WIP stuff for a while 😅
I've been working mainly on my Big Bang fic, of which I can't share anything, but I've also worked on my Daniel/Hob series so here's a bit from the second chapter of Kaleidoscope:
“You were a gift. From my sister, Death. To Morpheus. He struggled to connect with humanity. He did not understand how humans could live their lives the way they do, he could not see what reality was for. Do you understand?” Hob shook his head slowly, frowning. “Not quite…” Daniel hummed and stirred his tea, looking down for a moment before continuing. “Dreams are the opposite of reality. They are, to Morpheus’ understanding, far better than reality, because, after all, dreams are limitless. The limit is your imagination, nothing else. Reality cannot win against that… can it?” He looked up and looked at Hob, curious. Hob shook his head again and leaned forward in his chair. “‘Course it can! If you can dream it, you can make it come true, all it needs is a bit of work and effort, and time- what?” Daniel was smiling at him, brighter than Hob had ever seen him do, and he blushed at the sight, feeling his heart speed up.
💚 I've also been working on the Labyrinth dream comic so here's a WIP of one of the upcoming pages:
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There are a lot of pages to finish and I haven't had the energy to do that yet, but I hope to give you the rest of this short spicy comic soon.
I'm tagging everyone who wants to share something since that is what I did :)
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v3lnys · 3 months
the last line game :]
thank u for tagging me @lovelylotusf1 <3
well aware that its 2 paragraphs and not just the last line, but shhh just pretend with me, ok? it makes more sense this way
Oscar nodded, Lando's thumb pressed into his cheek a little more. “You don't gotta be shy, baby.” He added, sealing his statement with another kiss. Oscar pressed further into him, forcing Lando's lips to part so he could dip his tongue inside, the tips of their tongues brushing against each other as they shared a lazy kiss. No rush, just gentle passion.
Lando moved the duvet off of them, kicked it down beneath their feet on the bed. He pulled away and looked down, felt his stomach swoop at the sight of Oscar's bulge. He tore away his stare and their eyes met again, a slight desperation twinkling in Oscar's brown eyes. 
landoscar! wow!
also working on a fredloscar/FOL fic, but its quite hard to write for 3 people, so im procrastinating by writing other pairings (landoscar) lol
tagging @ill-procastinato @mctwinkdom @mclarengremlin no pressure as always :P
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zombiethingy · 8 months
Last Sentence Game!
RULES: post the last sentence you wrote (fanfic / original / anything) and tag as many people as there are words in the sentence.
Tagged by @griefabyss69 - (this took me a while to get to) thank you 💜
Eddie's brain took a break.
People I'll tag (hope I got that right and no pressure!): @steddieas-shegoes @ozais-lobotomist @thetragicallynerdy and I'll tag you right back @griefabyss69 😁
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