#Leo Manco
ladyinrosso · 2 months
Comunque vedere i commenti su Angelina Mango di gente che la chiama nepobaby (col neanche velato sottinteso che no, i traguardi raggiunti non sono dovuti al suo talento, ma solo ed esclusivamente alle conoscenze della famiglia, ha successo solo perché è la figlia di Mango) mentre quando ha partecipato Leo Gassman al festival il venire da una famiglia di artisti era una qualità da bravo ragazzo che porta avanti la tradizione, mi fa capire, come se ci fosse bisogno di ulteriori prove, che se a parole tutti sono per la parità di genere nei fatti neanche nelle cose più semplici (riconoscere il talento) tantissimi non lo sono manco lontanamente.
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omarfor-orchestra · 4 months
Mi aggiungo un attimo alla conversazione. Il personaggio di Manuel mi è caduto veramente tanto, non solo per il rapporto con Simone. Colpa di chi l’ha scritto, va bene tutto, intanto questo è. Poi per me possono pure farli mettere insieme ma ormai la cosa me l’hanno rovinata, io è da un paio di puntate che sono scesa dalla barca e va bene così, sono io che ci tengo particolarmente all’introspezione dei personaggi. La nausea che mi è venuta ultimamente è troppo forte. Amen, ci sono tante altre serie da guardare. Una cosa che mi spiace terribilmente è vedere buttato al vento anche il rapporto con M. che è stato l'highlight della seconda. Trama palesemente costruita per nascere e morire in questa stagione, ma soffro comunque nel sapere che non li rivedremo. Mi mancheranno molto.
Posso aggiungere una cosa senza essere scannata? La scrittura di Manuel campata per aria con un sacco di occasioni perse, ma io non ho manco capito alcune scelte di Damiano. Abbiamo visto Manuel innamorato di Alice e abbiamo pure visto Damiano fare un altro personaggio innamorato pazzo. Manuel quando parla di e con Nina non ha nulla di quello stesso atteggiamento. Ma proprio zero. Sembra una copia un po' meno stronza di Leo Adriani.
Considerato che ha dimostrato che è tutto fuorché un cane voglio capire perché secondo lui si comporta così. Io non ho mai condannato a prescindere la storia con Nina, ma ciò che si è percepito non è per niente una storia d'amore appassionata e romantica come ne parlano.
E questa maturità che decantano è immaginaria, perché a me sembra un ragazzino che farebbe di tutto per scoparsi la pischella, e basta. Manuel in questa stagione doveva affrontare in maniera anche dolorosa il discorso del padre e della sorella, oltre che della madre, invece chiava una volta e passa tutto.
E ancora una volta a soffrire è Simone, perché la merda non la possono mica distribuire equamente. La storia con Mimmo poteva essere una cosa meravigliosa e leggera, nemmeno per forza duratura, ma di certo non doveva finire in malo modo e quando già ha altri problemi. Il senso di farlo finire da solo, ancora una volta? Il senso di sviluppare un personaggio come Mimmo e poi lasciarlo andare? Ma pensate ai soldi che vi ha portato avere proprio quei due attori, manco questo vi va bene per avere una trama decente?
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homocrafting · 1 year
hi sorry if this message is sudden. Im deep in cold medicine so its not going to be coherent.either. But i reblogged ur richarlyson fanfic and brooooo uts fhcken awesome. i cried. idk if its some hidden sense of brazillian pride or whateves but i rlly love ur interpretation of himmmm. can u share hcs about richarlyson as a person and or post your snippet to ao3?
AAAAAA TYSM THIS MADE MY DAY!!!! everytime someone says they cried/almost cried bc of that fic I gain 5 points of strenght btw. this is a good thing
I might post it to ao3 soon!! just gotta get Tge Willpower for it, I'll add the link to it in the rbs of the og post when I do
hcs abt richas under the cut bc I love read mores (starts off as just more general stuff then gets into hcs abt him)
Richarlyson is such a fun character bc he's like the main character, just a little guy, the dude who dies to start the main character's story, and the symbol of hope charactersare given in their time of need, all at the same time
he's the main character in the way that the world revolves around him. like, he showed up, 5 people became obsessed with keeping him alive, safe and happy, his older brother (Bobby) tries to steal his spotlight, some people wanted him dead from the moment he was born, one of his fathers wants him to be a killing machine, he knows 3 languages, you see my point. and now, like, so many people are working on keeping him safe. he's the only uncracked egg, that has to mean something
he's just a little guy because he is just a little guy. he makes cute drawings for his dads and hangs out with his friends and has a bunch of siblings and is learning the flute and has a gun. he's 5 days old and he already lost a life
if he dies it's the beginning of so many terrible arcs. what is Forever's grind for if not his son's safety- to end the world, to get phil to love him? who does the emerald in Felps's house belong to? what's the point of the football field? what's the point of all the training? what if you lose a third (?) chance.
he's Quackity's hope, also, I guess, to be the parent he tried to be but never could, even if all he has is 1% of his custody
Due to being the youngest egg, the others have varying types of Older Brother behavior with him
Despite whatever his siblings do, Richas still loves them
He's been taken to Tilin's grave quite a few times now, and each time he just gets... really sad. It doesn't make him value his life the way they want it to- instead, it convinces him he can't, by any means, let himself get killed, otherwise his dads will end up like 1% dad quackity (very very sad), and his siblings will mourn him and that won't be nice
he's an incredibly sweet kid- this isn't an hc as much as it's an Actual Real On God fact, I just think it's very important
because he is such a sweet kid, the lessons about hurting other things are the ones that he dislikes most
he loves tax evasion it's his favorite crime to commit
he picks up other people's habits very easily! things like tics, stims, speech patterns, etc
he's scared being manco will make his dads like him less. no matter how many times they tell him it's fine, he feels he has to compensate for it somehow
his gun is like a comfort object to him, and staying away from it for too long makes him very uncomfortable
despite being scared of bulls, he doesn't hate them, not like Leo hates whales, for example. Killing that bull he had gotten phisically close to wasn't pleasant
as he grows, he tries to put on a bit of a tougher persona because of, especially, Cellbit's expectations, although all the other dads' also contribute in different ways
ultimately, he sucks at keeping that up, and 99,9% of people can see right through him
he cherishes his first stolen emerald so so much
he uses braces due to his bad leg! that leg stops at the knee, and Forever is working on a prosthetic for him
he loves watching Forever work on the prosthetic, and will often comment on things he wants on it
he has a hard time understanding romance, due to having 5 dads who aren't in love with each other, Chayanne's dad being one of his dad's crush (he THINKS that's it), whatever cellbit and roier have going, etc
he forgives very easily
he doesn't really... like his definetly not a captivity room. he thinks he understands why he has to sleep there, and the attempts to make it more cozy worked a little, but it's too dark and quiet and small in there. there's barely any space to shoot his gun and soon there won't be space for paintings
somewhere, he has a whole ass habitat for his pet jabuti
he loves Dapper's (I think it's Dapperd I forgor) zoo
he has flute lessons with Tallulah every 2 days or so
and I thiiiink that's all for now? I've taken way too long to answr this already sorry :( but I hope it was worth the wait
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Oggi ho augurato al mio ex di bruciare all'inferno, dopo che a messa si è predicato di porgere l'altra guancia e pregare per i nostri nemici, affinché abbiano ciò che desiderano. Non ho mai detto di essere una brava cristiana, principalmente a messa vado perché sto nel coro, ma ogni tanto cerco di mettere in pratica ciò che Gesù ci ha detto. Però oggi non mi sono fatta i cavoli miei e ho finito per augurare al mio ex il peggio, nonostante lui ha già avuto una buona dose di dolore dalla vita. Mi da così fastidio che non riesca a superarlo, non capisco perché non possa lasciarlo nel passato come una qualunque persona. La sua importanza l'ha avuta, ora basta, devo smetterla, lo so, non ha senso. Ma oggi io e il mio ragazzo siamo andati ai giardini vicino al mio vecchio liceo, ho rivisto io e il mio ex in determinati punti, il video che ci siam fatti sul prato, le panchine in cui mi appoggiavo a lui ancor prima di stare insieme, il punto in cui ci siamo baciati e il tavolino dove è iniziato tutto. Quanto ho desiderato dargli fuoco, prendere una tanica di benzina e bruciarlo. Come in "Bianca come il latte e rossa e come il sangue", quando Silvia brucia la panchina di lei e Leo a seguito della rottura della loro amicizia. Se non ricordo male. Un gesto che farei volentieri a quel cazzo di tavolo, dove ormai non ci sarà nemmeno più la nostra data scritta. Il suo fantasma mi perseguita e io stupida che lo alimento ancora. Ma alla fine è solo una cosa del momento, poi non ci ho pensato più e sono stata a pensare a tutt'altro. Il problema è che capiterà ancora, capiterà sempre finché lui non tornerà. Non ha senso nemmeno che torni, però mi farebbe star meglio sapere che non mi odia più, è questo quello che mi impedisce di lasciarlo indietro, questo suo blocco, odio, disprezzo nei miei confronti. Non voglio pensare che sia l'unica dei due ad aver dato un'importanza enorme alla nostra storia, non voglio più pensare di aver sprecato 6 anni dietro a lui, perché sì gli ho sempre dato troppo del mio tempo, quando invece avrei dovuto dare più spazio alle amiche visto che lui lo faceva coi suoi, dare spazio a me, a divertirmi con altri, non che stavo fissata solo con lui, cioè non che avessi chissà quanti spasimanti eh, però chissà. Inutile rimuginare sul passato, lo so, so tutto. Ma il mio cervello non comprende, non gliela fa. Dovrei smettere di scrivere di lui anche nel blog, ci ho provato ma tanto poi riscoppio e mi sfogo. Vorrei solo avere per lui la stessa importanza che gli ho dato io. Mi basta sapere questo e invece so solo di essere bloccata e che probabilmente ha buttato via tutti i miei regali e tutta la nostra storia, per questo lo odio e non ho più intenzione di porgergli l'altra guancia. Tra l'altro non è l'unico ragazzo ad avermi trattata così dopo la rottura e ciò ha mosso in me un trauma, ho il terrore che finisca col mio ragazzo perché penso che anche lui mi ricorderà con odio e butterà via tutto di noi. So che sono due persone diverse, innanzitutto Riccardo è maturo rispetto a Nico, ma che ne so se magari il problema sono io che so solo farmi odiare a una certa, anche le mie ex amiche proveranno disprezzo nei miei confronti come minimo. Che poi tutto sto pippone e lui non è manco un 2% dei miei problemi al momento. Relazionali sicuro, ma comunque non un problema serio. Non so nemmeno perché ne sto parlando ora.
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hebeandersen · 1 year
Sto collassando, non ho più le energie manco per urlare "LEO SPOSAMI"
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marikabi · 4 months
Caro Babbo Natale, war edition (cosa chiedevamo nel 2022)
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Carissimo insomma...
Rieccomi. Sono la tua coscienza pessimista e critica, il tuo Grillo Parlante cinico e sconsolato, la tua jella annuale (ormai da decenni).
Con la mia tazzona di caffè, fedele compagna di scrivania, anche quest'anno ti rompo le scatole, scrivendoti una lettera aperta.
Buon Natale, caro Babbo Natale.
Ma che dico? Ma buon natale manco pe' gnente.
Ma lo vedi, lo vedi come stiamo combinati?
Tra tutti i guai (pandemia, guerra, Calenda in Ukraina, crisi energetica, disastri idrogeologici, vernice rossa delle casette del mercatino che cola sulla piazza), ci mancava l'ultima ciliegina: la beffa del Qatar che minaccia ritorsioni energetiche all'Europa perché l'Europa ha accusato l'emirato di aver corrotto alcuni europarlamentari.
Della favola di lupus et agnus (Do you remember, Santa? Hai studiato Fedro, spero, babbonata' ?) nun je fa 'nbaffo a 'sti qatarioti, come si dice nel nuovo politichese.
Imbrodati nella nostra convinzione di superiorità morale e civile ci siamo fatti incastrare malamente sui fondamentali del nostro europeo snobismo: le fonti energetiche. Già, anche noi ci siamo scordati di Fedro, evidentemente.
Eh no, non resisteremo per i trent'anni necessari a sviluppare lo sfruttamento industriale della fusione nucleare, una delle poche belle notizie del 2022. L'evento - sai - mi ha ricordato il film Ritorno al Futuro, quando Doc metteva la buccia di banana e la lattina ammaccata nel reattore nucleare miniaturizzato della DeLorean. Ah, quei bei tempi futuri. Ou sont les neiges de demain?
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Stiamo proprio messi male e chissene della vittoria dell'Argentina ai Mondiali. Alla fine, meglio non aver partecipato (anche se per demeriti sportivi, non per meriti etici, precisiamo) ad un mondiale da dimenticare.
Eh no, babbo boomer non ci provare: non è la stessa condizione della Davis in Cile.
La tristezza generale (su tutti quella di Macron, sfanculato pure da 'Mbappè) non viene rischiarata mica dalla gloria di Leo Messi (il quale gioca in una squadra francese di proprietà del Qatar, che garbuglio!). Ma davvero vi siete emozionati quando Messi ha dovuto alzare la coppa indossando l'abito da cerimonia tipico dell'emirato?
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Il 2022 è stato ancor di più l'anno del populismo. Come persone, come classi sociali e come nazioni, siamo stati ancora - statisticamente ed elettoralmente parlando - abbacinati da discorsi demagogici, pensieri magici, istanze grossolane ed iper-egoistiche.
D'altronde, come ben puoi immaginare anche tu - che sei il personaggio fantasy nato per dare una direzione, per quanto stagionale, ai desideri da centro commerciale - quando non c'è raziocinio o buonsenso ad aiutare le genti (in tempi di 'grossa crisi' guzzantiana) ci si butta sull'assurdo, sull'impossibile, sulle istanze intestinali, quelle grossier.
Un po' come già c'insegnavano (i pur politicamente antitetici) Gramsci e Croce, ovvero come ci raccontava la Serao (caro Klaus - in amicizia - hai letto Il ventre di Napoli, sì vero?): la magia premiante del gioco del lotto, ovverosia la speranza di un falsamente meritocratico riscatto per mano d i un misericordioso e giusto Destino (Dio, Babbonatale, Sorte, Fede, Provvidenza, fate Voi) quale oppio della miseria. Anche morale, non solo economica.
Oggi, più che nel lotto, intontiti dalla politica social, abbiamo deciso di riporre fiducia nello scostamento di bilancio statale, come se ci fosse una inesauribile fabbrica dei soldi; chiediamo una rigorosa e restringente regolamentazione dei porti, come se solo così si potesse mettere fine alle ondate migratorie; tifiamo per l'abolizione delle restrizioni anti-covid per debellare un morbo che non è ancora endemico. E abbiamo votato, sicuri di estrarre il terno vincente.
Ci potevamo ribellare agli evasori fiscali, alle tangenti, alla corruzione, al pizzo, all'usura. Potevamo scendere in piazza contro i tagli alla sanità, il lavoro precario, la violenza contro le donne, il caporalato, le morti sul lavoro (stagisti e studenti compresi), la mafia, gli extra-profitti delle aziende energetiche, un distorto mercato del lavoro. Invece abbiamo scelto di protestare contro i vaccini e la 'spietata' dittatura sanitaria, contro il MES, contro il POS ed il limite al contante, contro lo SPID e i rave parties. Abbiamo inneggiato al bonus fiscale per chi si sposava in chiesa e fatto la ola all'abolizione del reddito di cittadinanza per punire i fannulloni.
Babbonata', dillo agli Italiani tutti che qui, da noi, di lavoro proprio non ce n'è e quando si trova qualcosa, questo qualcosa è quasi sempre a nero, a chiamata, a voucher, a sfruttamento, sottopagato, sottodimensionato, precario, ricattato, mischiato alla NASPI, travestito da CIG fittizia (come è massicciamente accaduto durante il lockdown). Vale per gli operai, come per i ricercatori universitari, per gli âgée come per le giovani generazioni.
Ti vorrei chiedere, dunque, caro barbuto buonuomo, di dire la verità, ti prego, sull'economia. Almeno un anno, almeno per il prossimo: facci aprire gli occhi. Spiega a chiunque che le commissioni sulle transazioni elettroniche sono azzerata sotto i 5 euro e che per 20 euro si pagano solo 10 centesimi.
Però, mi voglio allargare. Ti chiedo un investimento per il futuro, non solo di elargire utili informazioni e nozioni economico-finanziarie, che con la nostra memoria di pesce rosso durano l'espace d'un matin.
Ti ricordi, Babbonatale, quello che scrisse Isaac Asimov agli inizi degli Anni '80? «Una vena di anti-intellettualismo si è insinuata nei gangli vitali della nostra politica e cultura, alimentata dalla falsa nozione che democrazia significhi "la mia ignoranza vale quanto la tua conoscenza"».
Ecco, quell'insinuazione oggi è il mainstream ('uno vale uno') ed è per questo che oso chiederti di dare maggiori e migliori strumenti cognitivi alle persone: falle leggere di più ("Il fascismo si cura leggendo", scrisse Miguel de Unamuno), aiutale a smascherare rapidamente bufale e fattoidi, cialtronerie e imbonimenti.
Rinforza il sistema scolastico ("La mafia sarà vinta da un esercito di maestre elementari, sentenziò Gesualdo Bufalino), fai capire ai genitori che prima del tablet ai bambini vanno dati e letti libri, sennò verranno schiavizzati dal primo e schiferanno i secondi, alimentando, tra gli altri, anche il mito populista dell'uguaglianza nell'ignoranza, ahimè blandito e rinforzato dai social.
Ed infine, un mio desiderio personale: introduci massicciamente la fisica quantistica nei programmi scolastici. Come tanti, nonché per irreparabili mie ferite famigliari, ricado spesso nel terrore di non poter rivedere più i miei più profondi affetti. Pure Stephen Hawking (un serio laico, l'astrofisico teorico dei buchi neri) diceva che «L'universo è poca roba di per sé, se non fosse per le persone che ami». I legami sono tutto e la meccanica quantistica - con il multiverso, con Dirac (a proposito dei legami indissolubili), con l'entanglement, con la relatività del tempo e dello spazio, con l'incompletezza di Goedel - di sicuro ci darebbe più speranze che non un dio (uno qualunque), un Verbo, un mito o un rito.
Sostituiamo l'ora di religione con l'ora di Meccanica quantistica, insomma.
Come puoi leggere, quest'anno ribatto sulla buona istruzione e sull'investimento culturale, beni immateriali (ancorché fin troppo labili nelle popolazioni, le quali hanno memorie cortissime) che devono essere gratuiti e diffusi, come una eterna endemia buona.
Per il resto, proprio come scriveva Cesare Pavese, c'è una vita da vivere ci sono delle biciclette da inforcare, marciapiedi da passeggiare e tramonti da godere.
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(Qui è Gallipoli)
P.S.: Bene, anche per quest'anno la letterina è andata ed il caffè è pure finito. Non cambia niente, lo so, ma cambiare le persone non sarà mai affar tuo, che sei un feticcio consumistico, né pietto mio (come direbbe il Direttore Staglianò). Ma almeno, anche quest'anno, te ne ho cantate quattro. Cià.
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andrewmoocow · 6 months
Steven Universe Snake Eyes chapter 9: Let the Endgames Begin (originally published on October 23, 2023)
AN: We only have about three to four chapters left before I can finally close the book on Alternate Future once and for all and finally move onto other stories that I've left to collect dust for months to years on end. When last we left off, Squamata has been unleashed from his tomb and now plans to devastate the entire universe around him and beyond. Is there any way that the Crystal Gems can stop possibly their toughest foe yet? You'll just have to read on and find out as Alternate Future reaches its climax.
Synopsis: The race against time begins as the god of snakes Squamata breaks free from his prison and Steven rallies the royals & fighters to save reality.
Zach Callison as Steven
Noël Wells as Black Rutile
Estelle as Garnet
Michaela Dietz as Amethyst
Deedee Magno-Hall as Pearl, Mega Black Pearl
Grace Rolek as Connie
Zach Steel as Ronaldo
Atticus Shaffer as Peedee
Jennifer Paz as Lapis
Shelby Rabara as Peridot
Uzo Aduba as Bismuth
Kimberly Brooks as Jasper
Lauren Ash as White Topaz
Patti LuPone as Yellow Diamond
Lisa Hannigan as Blue Diamond
Christine Ebersole as White Diamond
Aurelio Voltaire as King Cobralan Jormagundr
Shirley Millner as Queen Constricta Jormagundr
Ray Porter as Squamata
Samantha Newark as The Lapidarist
Jason Marsden as Prince Nosiop Jormagundr
Tim Curry as Velhallen Beo
Crispin Freeman as Mr. Manco
Sam Witwer as Torius Vosania
Anna Akana as Dionna of the Sands
Christopher Lloyd as Batsputin Vosania
Peter Stormare as Reximillian
Elizabeth Maxwell as Vigrid
James Earl Jones as Wobbla the Butt
Barrett Wilbert Weed as Ezlipsia
Anthony Stewart Head as Solaris Noctua
John Mulany as Flipso
AJ Michalka as Stevonnie
Ted Leo as Steg
Della Saba as Aquamarine
Charlyne Yi as Eyeball
Christine Pedi as Holly Blue Agate
Casey Lee Williams as Cat's Eye
Avi Roque as Cinnabar
Gina Torres as Andesine
Jinkx Monsoon as Emerald
Kari Wahlgren as Pyrope
Melissa Fahn as Demantoid
Awkwafina as Kyanite
As the Lapidarist meditated within her chambers, she suddenly heard a noise, followed by an evil, bellowing laugh. "I have turned hundreds upon thousands of worlds to dust in the name of darkness and devastation until I was robbed of my glory." Squamata roared from outside the castle. "I will stride across the bones of my enemies and bask in the glow of pure evil, for all of existence shall be mine to consume!"
"I knew this day would come." The Lapidarist said fearfully before she vanished from her sanctuary in a blinding flash of light. When she reappeared on Serpentes's surface, the already-panicking Slytherophidians were confused at the giant glowing humanoid's sudden appearance, making them wonder if she would team up with Squamata to destroy their world. "I can see you, Squamata!" the Lapidarist yelled for the snake creature to hear her. "I've been guarding this planet where you've been sealed for eons, and I will not let you destroy it or any other world!"
"Ah, Rebeugar, the last of the Lapidarists, we meet at last," Squamata replied with a dreadful sneer. "Who would've guessed we would be laid to rest on the same planet? No matter. I will finish what I started all those years ago and eliminate you, the sole survivor of my creators. First Serpentes, then the universe, and then the multiverse, and possibly beyond." Just as Squamata had made his threat, he suddenly received an electric shock to the face courtesy of Yellow Diamond. "WHAT?!"
"Die, monster!" Yellow called as she stood firmly against the God of Snakes with Blue and White Diamond beside her. "You do not belong in this world."
"It is not by my hand that I am free to smite the universe as I did in days long past." Squamata declared while presenting his heralds, Prince Nosiop, Pyth, Velhallen Beo, Mr. Manco, and Torius Vosania. "I was released from my confinements by mortals who wished to pay me tribute in exchange for assisting them with their own plans."
"That is correct, Squamata." Nosiop proclaimed. "Now, enough talk! Fight us, grand Diamonds, and die for your sins!" Squamata and his heralds charged at the Lapidarist and the Diamonds, with Squamata assuming a different form that transformed him into a shadowy mass of fog with eyes all over his body.
The god of snakes lunged at the Lapidarist with a hiss and bit her with his neck, trying to poison her with the venom in his fangs. However, he was stopped at the last moment when Stevonnie came to the Lapidarist's rescue by slashing off one of Squamata's fangs.
"What is this human doing here?!" Squamata roared as he looked down on Stevonnie and Mega Black Pearl standing up to his tremendous fury. "Wait, that is no mere human."
"A fusion of a human and a Gem? Inconceivable!" the Lapidarist agreed in alarm.
"Stay back, everyone; Mega Black Pearl and I got this covered!" Stevonnie declared before turning to the other fusion. "Ready, MBP?"
"Always ready for a fight!" Mega Black Pearl responded with a grin.
"How does everyone keep moving so fast?" Blue wondered as Squamata realized who he was up against.
"The scion of the Crystal Gems and the Diamonds, it seems," Squamata smirked while looking down at Stevonnie. "We meet face to face at last. Though, I did not expect you to come out to me as a fusion, and especially with a human." He then looked down at his heralds. "Velhallen, Torius, Manco, you know what to do. The rest of us shall take care of these Diamonds."
"It shall be done, my lord." Velhallen Beo declared as he clashed his sharpened claws with Stevonnie's sword while Torius and Manco sought revenge on the Black Pearl Brigade. "I have heard so many stories about you and the Crystal Gems, but never would I live to see the day I'd face one myself!"
"Who even are you?" Stevonnie asked before taking a big swing at Beo's chest. "I don't think I ever heard of you before, or most of the other heralds, for that matter."
"I am but a humble ex-Universal Lord who was robbed of my royal birthright by the confounded Batsputin Vosania!" Velhallen revealed his backstory to his fused opponent. "After being locked away by the Coalition of Galaxies for my numerous crimes, I discovered the awesome power of Squamata and figured that with him by my side, I could take back my rightful place as ruler of the Twilight Zone!"
"Not on our watch!" Mega Black Pearl declared before mightily swinging at Beo with her spear. High above the fusions' battle with the heralds, the Lapidarist used her phenomenal cosmic powers to keep Squamata at bay. At the same time, the Diamonds fought back against Nosiop and Pyth, now cosmically empowered by their exposure to the godlike snake.
"You will be returned quietly to where you belong, Squamata." Yellow declared. "We heard about how you crave nothing but death and destruction to every being with a pulse."
"Then again, you aren't so different, Gem creatures." Squamata retorted with a sneer. "You claim you're trying your best to change your ways, but I feel it isn't enough. Perhaps you could throw all that away and join me as my heralds."
"We will never join you!" Blue yelled while firing a blast of pure emotion to bring Squamata to his figurative knees. Still, Squamata felt absolutely nothing at all before tackling Blue to the ground and trying to bite her, only to get blasted away by White.
"Ah-say-into-pie, oppa-maybe-uppen-die!" Squamata then turned his attention to White and breathed fire in her face, causing her to fall over in shock. "You have no hope of defeating me in my current state! I will only grow stronger by the minute unless this ultimate fusion appears and stops me once and for all."
"Squamata is right; I cannot hold him forever!" the Lapidarist exclaimed. "We need to retreat now!"
"Yes, run while you still can, fools!" Nosiop exclaimed. "But you'll still be leaving us to run amok across this wretched world and the rest of the cosmos soon!"
"Wow, he really is kind of like me." The Steven part of Stevonnie muttered to themselves as they, Mega Black Pearl, the Lapidarist, and the Diamonds, made their escape, contemplating what Inner Steven had said to Steven earlier.
Steven and Connie were un-fused when they reached the castle, where the Crystal Gems awaited them. "So, couldn't beat Squamata, huh?" Amethyst asked. "Kind of figured something like that would happen."
"Is there any way we can stop Squamata now?" Pearl wondered. "If not even the Lapidarist and the Diamonds are enough to overpower him, then what chance do we have?" Suddenly, the heroes heard a familiar voice panting loudly as she raced towards the castle, and when they turned around, Black Rutile was standing at the front doors, acting like she had just run five dozen marathons on her way there.
"Yes, I'm not too late!" Black Rutile gasped as she finally reached the Jormagundrs' castle. "Help me, Crystal Gems, you're my only hope!"
"Enough talk, Black Rutile; we know it was you." Garnet coldly declared, completely ignoring Black Rutile's cries for help.
"No, please, you simply must hear me out!" Black Rutile yelled while raising her hands in complete sincerity. "Nosiop betrayed me and nearly sacrificed me to release Squamata! Please, you have to believe me!"
"Yeah, how about no?" Jasper growled angrily while snatching Black Rutile by the neck and glaring daggers at the Rutile. "We've had enough of your lies for too long now. Make one more, and you can bet we'll shatter you on the spot."
"Wait, guys, let's hear Black Rutile out." Steven tried to calm everyone down. "I know firsthand just how she really feels. Let me talk to her, and we'll all start working together ASAP." Connie then grabbed Steven by the shoulder. "Need anything, Connie?"
"Steven, I hate to break it to you, but I think it's time you gave up on her," Connie responded bluntly. "Black Rutile has lied and used us so many times for her own selfish gain, so it's obviously no secret all those insecurities she yelled about were probably another lie to play with your sympathy."
"Oh, for crying out-seriously?!" Black Rutile yelled furiously. "You pride yourself on accepting everyone, even the ones you don't understand, yet I'm the outlier here?! I am in legitimate distress here, and you're just turning away from me just like that?!"
"Maybe come to us when you feel some form of remorse for your actions, you murder drone!" Peridot barked before turning away with her nose pointed to the ceiling. "Bismuth, Lapis, to me, please."
"Yeah, not sure how we can forgive you after you tried making me one of your team." Lapis added with a disdainful shrug before following Peridot.
"Ugh, once a corrupt uppercrust, always a corrupt uppercrust." Bismuth scoffed while turning to walk alongside her two best friends.
"White Topaz, you can believe me, right?" Black Rutile said to her former bodyguard. "You've been at my side for years. Surely, you can tell them I'm right!"
"Okay, I'm just going to give it to you straight." White Topaz declared. "Look, BR, I know you seem like you want the Crystal Gems to forgive you for your sins, but we all think you're a lost cause. You obviously made up your mind. Why don't you just cut your losses and get outta here for your own safety?"
"You wretched parasites!" Black Rutile shrieked as all the Crystal Gems left her alone in the castle. "If I did this earlier, I'd make you pay for showing me no sympathy!" But alas, Black Rutile's archenemies chose to ignore her as they walked away, the only one continuing to acknowledge her being Steven, who simply turned to Black Rutile with a disappointed sigh as if he knew that Black Rutile was being honest, but their past experiences together wanted to prove him otherwise.
Once again, Black Rutile was left with only crushing loneliness to keep her company. Her former minions had abandoned her to join the Crystal Gems for the sake of survival; Nosiop almost had her killed, and now, when she desperately needed help the most, the only ones who could refuse to believe her like she was a human boy crying wolf. All the mournful Rutile could do now was drop to her knees, gaze at her hands, and mutter to herself, "I'm the lowest of the low."
Outside the castle, the Universal Lords, Solaris Noctua, and a very reluctant Flipso stood together as they examined Squamata's rampage on Serpentes. Cobralan sighed in dismay as he looked down at his tail while contemplating Greg's critique of his parenting, feeling that for a human, he had every right to point out how the king's ignorance would lead to his son releasing an ancient god of destruction in a bid to prove that the Slytherophidians were meant to be conquerors. Perhaps if Nosiop were to survive this ordeal, father and son would have a long, hard chat with each other.
"I still can't believe it." Solaris declared in awe of the god of snakes. "Squamata has returned. I know my powers haven't been what they used to be ever since I graduated from Universal Lord to cosmic librarian, but even I believe our combined strength might be enough to at least knock him down for a spell."
"You're kidding me, aren't you, Larry?!" Flipso yelled in outrage. "That's Squamata, the god of snakes, devourer of worlds, bringer of death, the chaos bringer, the master of darkness, and wrecker of all our collective shit! I think it's time that we get on out of here; I know a great empty void a few dimensions down we can hide in until this all blows over!"
"Oh no, you don't, Flippy!" Dionna of the Sands exclaimed while grabbing the cosmic jester by his tiny ankle. "You're fighting with us, whether you like it or not!"
"Enough arguing, you two, allow me to take this." Wobbla the Butt declared as he slithered out of his dais and took a deep breath before bellowing, "IMMA FIRIN' MY LASER!" and spewing out a brightly colored laser beam from his mouth that struck Squamata in the eye.
"WHO DARES?!" Squamata roared while turning to face the Universal Lords, who all stood together as one united army to face the destroyer. "The Universal Lords! Your powers are indeed beyond comprehension, but they shall not be enough to face me!"
"We can try." Ezlipsia replied before letting out a mighty hoot that caused darkness to fall on her, which she condensed into a massive array of familiars she ordered to assault Squamata's heralds. Meanwhile, Vigrid transformed into a new form resembling that of a harpy as she soared through the air and trapped Velhallen Beo in a headlock.
"Ah, Vigrid, it's been too long since we last saw each other, my love," Beo said lecherously to Vigrid, making the witch-like Universal Lord retch in disgust.
"I thought what we had was just a one-time fling!" Vigrid exclaimed. "I never knew you still had feelings for me!"
"So, it seems we are fated to face each other again, my brother," Torius said to Batsputin as the two prepared for battle. "Don't think this shall be like our last battle when you robbed me of my throne!"
"It seems we have no other choice, especially since you have aligned yourself with Squamata," Batsputin said before the brothers engaged in a rematch. Torius's improved cybernetics gave him an edge in battle.
"For our people, for our planets, let us fight on!" Dionna cried as she and her fellow Amazonian warriors formed an army to face off against the snake soldiers under Mr. Manco's control.
"To me, Flipso!" Solaris commanded before casting a spell to assist Vigrid in battle.
"Fine, but I'm only holding back to make things fair," Flipso said before snapping his fingers and making an army tank appear. "Besides, bringing in someone as powerful as me against that guy would be ridiculously unfair."
Reximillian let out a beastly roar as he began stomping all over snake guards and robot drones. "Ugh, this is such a waste of my time."
"Son, I know you're still in there." Cobralan tried to reach out to Nosiop during the clash between Squamata's heralds and the Universal Lords. "Please, my son, drop your weapon and allow me to be a better parent to you."
"Oh, so now you finally decide to be a father!" Nosiop yelled angrily. "Where was this apology when I needed it after all the times you ignored my ideas?!"
"Because they were going against our way of life!" Cobralan replied. "We do not conquer; we prefer peace with other species, barring the occasional accidental extinction, and I want it to stay that way. Perhaps if you walked a mile in my scales, maybe we can finally see things eye to eye."
"I swear, this is just Copper 9 all over again!" Nosiop complained. "I wanted to conquer that robot-infested wasteland because I thought they would make good servants for us, but you instead signed that Lerdwichagul Treaty to ensure we wouldn't turn them into slaves!"
"Now, son, no need to get all huffy just because you're not getting what you want." Constricta stepped in between her husband and son. "It's like some species say, you win some, you lose some. Do you want this to end up like the jockstrap incident? Hopefully, we can give Boa a break from digging all the holes this time."
"You must always make things so difficult, your Highnesses," Pyth said glowingly. "I've served your family for generations, hoping that Squamata would give our people the wake-up call they needed, and it turns out Nosiop wanted the same thing to the point where I'm more like a father to him now. Your son has always been like this. I just gave him the push he needed."
"If that must be the case," Cobralan said bravely while drawing his sword. "then I cannot let you corrupt my family any further." Pyth did the same as his former king and drew out a sword as well before the two began to clash.
"Man, the Universal Lords ain't no one's fool!" Amethyst said in amazement as the Lords went to war with Squamata. "Maybe we should go out there and help!"
"Not yet, Amethyst," Garnet replied firmly. "Once we can find an opening, then we can strike. Otherwise, we need to work on finding the ultimate fusion."
"Ooh, I know just the one!" White Topaz said eagerly before taking Jasper's hand and causing the two to fuse into Orange Moonstone.
"Calm down, guys, I'm not sure if that's the one," Pearl said to Orange Moonstone's disappointment as she un-fused back into Jasper and White Topaz. "Steven, why don't you go review fusing with your human friends to see if they can help?"
"Okay," Steven agreed. "but first, I think someone wants to talk to us." The Crystal Gems turned around to find the Rutile Rebels standing behind them, and they instinctively summoned their weapons to prepare for a fight.
"Hold on, everyone, no need to fight!" Aquamarine exclaimed as she stepped up in front of the Rebels. "We just have a little problem that needs solving."
"And what makes you think we'll believe you this time?" Connie growled while pointing her sword at the tiny blue Gem, who simply just held out her hand.
"Let's make a deal." Aquamarine declared. "We have reached a bit of a situation here."
"Situation is putting this lightly." Eyeball added. "Black Rutile has been working with Prince Nosiop to unleash Squamata, and if we don't work together, it will mean the end of the entire universe, including the both of us!"
"And we know this because Black Rutile straight up told us how she was plotting to use the Lapidarist to turn every Gem into her mindless slaves so that Nosiop can use them as an army!" Holly Blue stated. "Frankly, that was a terrible idea on her part."
"So we say this again." Cat's Eye concluded the Rebels' statement. "Let us make a deal. If you help us stop Squamata and Black Rutile, we'll return peacefully to Little Homeworld and coexist with you all in harmony." Cat put on big puppy dog eyes to emphasize that she was serious while holding her hat in her hands. "Pwetty pwease?!"
"You just had to whip out the puppy dog eyes." Bismuth sighed in annoyance. "You sure you won't just end up stabbing us in the back before flying off to plot your revenge, twirling your mustaches and saying "MWA-HA-HA" along the way?"
"No, we're being perfectly honest here!" Cinnabar exclaimed defensively. "Black Rutile almost threw us out before we decided to quit, and now we feel that if we have to survive and live another day, we have no choice but to join you in saving the universe from destruction. Now, will you accept us or not?"
"Please say yes, we're desperate." Andesine urged the Gems through gritted teeth.
"Okay, but only if you promise not to go back on your word." Garnet obliged and reluctantly shook Aquamarine's hand.
"Thank you for being so reasonable." Aquamarine sighed in relief. "You are a credit to your team." Garnet had no idea how to respond to that statement. "I'm just being nice."
"We all need to be nice if we must live." Pyrope proclaimed. "Now, I know it will be tough having to live with your greatest enemies now, suddenly acting all chummy and all."
"While I would like to hear you bluster all day about how we can make a change," Demantoid interrupted her fellow Garnet. "we literally have tons of different things to do, like solving our little Squamata problem."
"Yes, we'll need to discuss that," Emerald added. "Anyone got any ideas?"
"I have one!" Kyanite exclaimed. "My idea is that we sit Squamata down, look him dead in the eye, and tell him "Don't eat our planet." Everyone just stared at Kyanite in dead silence. "Trust me, he'd have to be awfully evil if it didn't work, and I'm not gonna lie, I like the cut of his jib."
"Sometimes I wonder why you still keep her around, Cinnabar." Andesine groaned to Cinnabar in disgust.
"She may not be competent, but she gets me results." Cinnabar proclaimed in her bodyguard's defense, causing Dalmatian Jasper, Zoisite, Pyrite, and Bloodstone to nod in agreement.
"So, what do you all think?" Steg, the fusion of Steven and Greg, asked while showing off his powers for the other humans. "I know it's not much, but it's the symbol of one heck of a father-son duo!"
"How big is that hair?!" Lars gasped while pointing at Steg's big pompadour. "Do you think maybe someone's compensating for something?" he whispered to Peedee, who just frowned in annoyance. "Come on! I was just making a joke!"
"Okay, anyone else wanna fuse with Steven?" Steg offered. "How about you, Lars? I wonder what your powers would do."
"Hey, before we review any more fusions, can I talk with Steven for a bit?" Peedee asked. "Recent events, particularly news about his family, have gotten me thinking about things."
"Wait, you don't mean!" Ronaldo gasped at his little brother while Steg un-fused. "Oooohhhhh noooooo."
"What are you guys talking about?" Steven asked awkwardly before the Frymans took him away from Greg, Connie, and Lars.
"So, you know how it was mostly just us and our dad running the fry shop back on Earth?" Peedee stated. "Well, I'm sure there's one question that must've been on the back of your mind."
"Is this about your mother?" Steven asked. "Come to think of it, while I did notice she was gone, I never really bothered to ask. What happened to her?"
"Yeah, I think it's time we finally came out," Peedee replied morosely. "She wasn't into the frying business like we were. She was more of the detective kind, so you can guess where Ronaldo got his love for mysteries from."
"And also kind of like me, she gets really absorbed in her work to the point where she starts isolating herself from others," Ronaldo replied. "But unlike me, it became a serious problem, and she would argue with Dad whenever she worked long nights. And then, one day, she just kind of vanished. I'm not even sure where she is right now. She didn't even say goodbye!"
"Wow, I guess I have a bit more in common with you guys than I thought," Steven said in realization before he started laughing. "Let's just hope she didn't run off to start a rebellion or something!"
"Yeah, like your mom!" Ronaldo started laughing as well, and then Peedee as well. At first, Steven thought that he couldn't relate much to other human beings due to his half-Gem upbringing, but now, he realized that there were people much closer to him than he realized. And he couldn't be happier.
"I must restore my strength." The Lapidarist muttered to herself as she healed her injuries sustained from the fight against Squamata. Rebeugar needed that ultimate fusion as soon as possible and couldn't be kept waiting. However, she soon heard a set of footsteps approaching her. "Who is there?"
It was Black Rutile, who had come to see the Lapidarist just as she had planned. This could be it, her chance to finally get the revenge on the Crystal Gems she had craved for so long by forcibly rejuvenating all Gems and turning them into her unstoppable army, thus forcing Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl to learn how much they made her suffer by forcing them to become her servants instead of the other way around. But instead, she had one simple question to ask.
"Lapidarist, my name is Black Rutile." Black Rutile introduced herself to the foremother of all Gemkind. "And I've been dealing with a little crisis lately. For the past couple of months or so, I've been coping with my loss of identity. I've been so bent on revenge on the Crystal Gems for years now that I've practically built my entire life around it. Yet now, without an army, any allies, or even enemies to take me seriously, I'm not even sure if I still have a purpose in the universe. Please tell me, grand Lapidarist, is it possible for me to find a new purpose now that Steven has stripped me of my old one?"
The Lapidarist knelt idly as she processed Black Rutile's question, meditating in place while hovering just a few inches off the ground. Then, she finally spoke. "Your time will come soon, Black Rutile." The Lapidarist ominously declared. "Your true destiny simply won't be realized until you are at peace. But for now, I believe certain individuals need your help."
The Lapidarist then conjured up a holographic image of Steven leading not just the Crystal Gems, the royal family of Serpentes, the Universal Lords, and the various Contest of Champions fighters into battle against Squamata but also the now former Rutile Rebels. And alongside Steven's motley army, standing right alongside the boy, in fact, was Black Rutile.
Yeah, as you can probably guess, this is where Black Rutile's redemption arc finally begins! But she won't just need Steven to forgive her because he's got enough issues as is, what she needs is to forgive herself for forcing her to become the Gem she is today and keep moving forward to a brighter tomorrow. How can Black Rutile process this? Will everyone else accept this madman's change of heart? Will Black Rutile finally say Connie's last name properly? All this and more will be answered in the coming chapters, same Gem time, same Gem channel!
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itsmocaworld · 11 months
resoconti familiari
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La vita con Leo va bene, inaspettatamente si sta rivelando un cane estremamente equilibrato, mansueto e dolcissimo; io mi ero prefigurata un cane difficile.
Non so se questo idillio durerà per sempre e crescendo e diventando un maschio integro mi farà pagare sta dolcezza e quiete, oppure se rimarrà così, intanto però me lo godo e ne approfitto per impartire una nostra routine, o almeno ci provo visto che manco io ho una mia routine.
Venerdì sera è stata una serata bellissima perchè lui a akira dopo una presentazione non troppo bella, si sono capiti e mollati e hanno corso in lungo e in largo nel giardino di Stefano, dando spettacolo a tutti della loro energia e giocosità: il giorno dopo entrambi erano ancora stanchi morti.
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kentocraft · 1 year
⠀ ⠀ ⠀𓆸⠀ ⠀ ִ⠀⠀⠀𓇿⠀⠀⠀⼂⠀⠀#𝟏⠀ ︒⠀⠀⛄⠀
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mi nombre es kento, para empezar, muchos no lo saben porque no lo encuentran en mi nombre o @ de twitter. soy un ariano un poco sentimental, compañero y sobretodo protector con las personas que quiere, con esto me refiero a mis amigos que me acompañaron durante un largo periodo en este mundo. nunca he sido lo suficientemente bueno con las presentaciones, pero quería que sepan lo básico de mi y mediante los días puedan animarse a conocerme un poco más, ya que estoy muy dispuesto a ello. iré por unos datos que quizá se pueden ver algo cliché, pero siento que son indispensables y es lo que hace a mi personalidad.
empecemos por la comida, bien, soy una mierdilla JAJAJA un poco quisquilloso, aunque también con unos gustos un poco exóticos, obviando que no me gusta la comida del mar y disfruto más de esas típicas comidas que te hacen las abuelitas, algo calentito y que te remonte a esos momentos de lluvia acogedores en casita. mi favorita es la pasta en todas sus versiones, aún más con salsa de tomate. de postre siempre elijo chocotorta, aunque no soy tan amante del chocolate o lo dulce. sí, prefiero lo salado.
mi color cromático favorito es el blanco, también el lila. no soporto el verde oscuro, fui a una escuela primaria donde tuve que usar durante años ese color insoportable.
indudablemente las películas que más me gusta ver son las de terror, mis favoritas hasta ahora son las de ‹el conjuro›.
la estación que más amo es el invierno, próximamente conoceré la nieve así que me siento lleno con ese sueño que cumpliré.
amo a los gatos desde que tengo memoria, soy papá de una gatita de 8 años, vive conmigo desde su mes de vida.
uso muchos memes de changos, por eso mis cercanos me conocen como un niño mono, me gustaría tener un macaco capuchino.
entre comer y dormir, prefiero dormir, tengo problemas para hacerlo de noche, de día tengo responsabilidades y eso conlleva a que sea un zombie. siempre me pueden encontrar en las madrugadas, al menos hasta ahora.
no me gusta estar bajo el sol, tengo una piel muy sensible y lo sufro después, pero si amo salir a hacer cosas en establecimientos, como ir al cine, a comer algo o de casualidad caminar de noche.
me gustan los videojuegos aunque no soy experto en ellos. mayormente observo gameplays. juego a minecraft, roblox, fall guys, plato. no puedo con los juegos como ml, siento que soy manco.
Mi banda favorita de la adolescencia son los jonas brothers y my chemical romance. con este tema, aclaro que soy muy abierto ante los géneros musicales.
soy fanático de chucky, tanto la saga, la serie, como el muñeco en sí. pokémon también es parte de mi vida.
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amo one piece, no le teman a sus 1000 capítulos, valen la pena totalmente.
leo manhwas últimamente, es el mundo donde me gusta estar encerrado.
no soy tan bueno dibujando, pero es un hobby que acompaña desde mi niñez.
como persona, considero que la comunicación es lo más relevante dentro de una relación amorosa o amistosa, suelo optar por ello ya que últimamente aprendí que es lo que te lleva a una resolución. aún así, cuando no hay un entendimiento de por medio, prefiero alejarme.
me enojo con facilidad cuando no pueden escucharme a pesar de que intento dar un punto. Amo ser parte de la vida de las personas y que se sientan en confianza de depositar sus sentimientos en mi y recibir mi ayuda y consejos.
detesto las incomodidades, así que para no generar un clima tenso, prefiero retirarme de dónde estoy, aunque hay casos donde lo dejo pasar si no se vuelve pesado.
mi mayor red flag es que soy celoso e impulsivo, pero está claro que no tengo malos sentimientos, al contrario, soy una persona que tiene mucho para dar, sobre todo cuando estoy en una relación, me gusta recibir y dar atención, soy pretencioso pero creo que me esfuerzo para que algo funcione y es lo que admiro de mi mismo.
soy muy buena onda y dado, por lo que si están interesados en conocerme, te puedo tratar como si te conociera de toda la vida, así empiezan las historias más lindas, no me gusta ser borde con nadie, pero tampoco incomodarlos, por lo que espero reciprocidad.
una canción que me recuerda mucho a mi infancia es “no me preocupo” de oliver y su pandilla, cuando era chiquito la veía una y otra vez, mis padres tenían un cassette especialmente para mí. y si aún no vieron la película, se las recomiendo, más aún a los amantes de los michis (y en parte perritos).
pero otra un poco menos “infantil” es need you know de lady antebellum. solía cantarla con mi papá y me trae recuerdos algo dolorosos, pero dentro de todo cálidos.
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en fin, no sé si hablé mucho o poco, pero espero que a través de esto sepan un poquito más de mi, mwah.
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abr · 1 year
Come prepararsi all'orrore imminente di un trionfo dell'Argentina ai Mondiali
(...) Il fatto è che Messi è in finale di Coppa del Mondo con una squadra che gioca di merda, e cosa gli vuoi dire?
Tutto questo però ha trasformato il numero 10 stipendiato dal Qatar in Roberto Saviano: qualsiasi cosa dica o faccia è giusta, inattaccabile, perfetta, indenunciabile. Assistiamo a scene in confronto alle quali le urla di Adani col mate in mano sembrano telecronache di Sandro Ciotti: dopo il 3-0 alla Croazia in semifinale (quando Leo ha moltiplicato anche gli avversari scartati nell’immaginario dei suoi fan sbrodolanti) la giornalista Sofi Martinez Mateos invece di fargli una domanda lo ha soltanto ringraziato, e nella narrazione emozionale della Gazzetta è diventata “la toccante dedica” della bordocampista argentina.
Da giorni non facciamo che leggere l’elenco dei suoi record, e poiché l’essere umano è fondamentalmente una merda, trasuda ovunque la goduria per la caduta del suo avversario di sempre, Cristiano Ronaldo. Gli stessi che nel 2018 davano Messi per depresso e sconfitto, ora affollano il suo carro manco fosse il bancone di un pub che offre da bere gratis.
Se domenica vincerà il Mondiale non ci libereremo più della retorica maradoniana e maradonista, dei Cazzullo che gli dedicheranno libri e dei pizzicamerda che si affretteranno a spiegarci che no, la vittoria di Diego era un’altra cosa. Anche per questo prego e bevo affinché l’Argentina non vinca il Mondiale, ma mi preparo all’orrore imminente di un trionfo dell’Albiceleste, sperando che le scorte di brandy bastino per dimenticare.
via https://www.ilfoglio.it/sport/2022/12/15/news/come-prepararsi-all-orrore-imminente-di-un-trionfo-dell-argentina-ai-mondiali-4765130/
Come sempre condivisibile Jack O'Malley gentiluomo originale e originario, anticipatore dell'emergere consolatorio, tra tanti carciofi e caproni, dei Boni Castellane - teniamo fuori da ogni graduatoria e paragone l'indiscusso e irraggiungibile Mastro Langone.
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sudokulife · 2 years
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03/08/22 h12.51
Introducendo il tutto con queste immagini credo si noti la mia voglia di un viaggio al mare o chissà dove e di pigliare un po’ di fresco magari anche in campagna o ovunque sia evitando l’afa che ci perseguita da tempo in compagnia di una certa persona..
Ho iniziato così perché sembra vada tutto bene al momento, giuro mi sento benone anche ora che sono da solo strano ma vero (pensieri personali incasinati di quel ragazzetto e famiglia che dicevo a parte), ovvio la mancanza c’è sempre ma quando tutto sembra andare per il verso giusto si sente meno credo…
Ieri sera è stata una serata un po’ così lo ammetto e mi è dispiaciuto sentirmi più lontano del solito riguardo a certe cose, sarà anche complicato è un macellino da capire ma per certe volte io ci ho fatto l’abbonamento sembrerebbe e sapete che? Va ben così perché esistono anche le giornate e le serate no ma l’importante è esserci se ci va di esserci e fare del nostro meglio.
I pensieri viaggio non lo ammetto infatti stavo giusto pensando praticamente un anno fa che caldo a parte era praticamente tutto diverso da adesso a partire dal mio stato d’animo che era praticamente sotto terra, sono orgoglioso del fatto che neanche un anno sono riuscito riprendermi così bene; nuova casa, nuova vita, nuovo tutto e tanta voglia di fare e di vivere al meglio, tanta voglia di quel sentimento che da tempo reprimo nei meandri della mia solitudine e della mia buia anima. Sono arrivato ad un punto in cui dico “o la va o la spacca” perché sono stanco e arcistufo fi certe cose..ma in generale eh, proprio riguardo a qualsiasi tipo di aspetto o di sentimento e di rapporto con chiunque; il punto è se hai voglia di restare o di andare e d’ora in avanti sarà giusto fare così per me, cioè dire questo alle persone perché sono stanco di essere preso per il culo da chiunque praticamente, sono stanco di chi mi fa la bella faccia e poi pugnala bellamente da dietro e te la ficca anche in culo quindi pure mazziato ti ritrovi dopo, quando te magari volevi solo fare del bene.
È difficile la vita, é tanto strana quanto complicata e un libretto delle istruzioni non c’è manco a pagarlo oro, bisogna sudarsi tutto e evitare le troppe aspettative, la vita spesso da ma non restituisce granché se nn ci si impegni a pieno, questo penso. Se una cosa la vuoi e la desideri a tal punto dovrai tu trovare il modo di farla accadere, io credo al destino si ma credo anche che nn faccia tutto da solo, perché secondo il mio modesto parere bisogna guadagnarsele certe cose, bisogna essere coraggiosi e non tirarsi indietro, provare, riprovare e trovare la quadra che va meglio anche se alla fine ti ri trovi poi con una roba “”in mano”” tutta al contrario di come eri partito, E CHISSENE FREGA OH! L’importante è tentare il meglio e chiudo con questo, dicendo che se in questa fottuta vita punterai al dieci..anzi se chiunque punterà al dieci ecco, avrà sempre o quasi (raramente nn si ha perché poi dipende sempre da chi hai davanti ) tempo di sbagliare e recuperare al meglio…..un po’ come ho fatto io diciamo e cercherò di continuare così sempre che è la miglior cosa
Ora lascio che penso di andare a farmi un giro dato che devo fare poco poco di spesa anche se nn ne ho granché voglia buh magari sarà per oggi pomeriggio o bo… intanto mangio qualcosetta dato che s’é fatta l’ una
Adieu, Leo
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comicbooksblogger · 6 years
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Daily reading: Green Lanterns vol 1 #19 - "Polarity, Chapter One" (Humphries, Cliquet) - regular cover by Leo Manco - variant cover by Emanuela Lupacchino
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omarfor-orchestra · 1 year
Io non mi sto lamentando ma non ho capito perché ci sono protagonista 1 protagonista 2 e poi Damiano in ogni intervista se la maggior parte delle volte Leo manco lo nominano
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trioxina245 · 2 years
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Death Dealer, by Leo Manco
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msindrad · 3 years
The Dollars Trilogy zodiac signs
I thought about these long and hard, together with my friends, and I think I've reached the most fitting conclusions about everybody. Joe from AFOD: Capricorn 100%. Hard-working, emotionally reserved, protective, goal-oriented, ambitious, stubborn, and, of course:
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Ramon: Tell me: why you are doing this for us? Joe: 500 hundred dollars? Manco from FAFDM: Leo Dominant, direct, self-confident and stubborn to the point of arrogance, takes initiative and isn't afraid of anything or anybody, always has to have the last word:
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Manco: How can somebody in my business go around with a contraption like this? Mortimer: That contraption almost sent you to your grave. Manco: You're forgetting one thing, colonel: I was shooting at your hat. Mortimer: Well, I was only shooting at yours. Manco: I recall firing first. Mortimer from FAFDM: Libra Clever, strategic, loves beautiful things (including himself), self-absorbed, overthinking. idealistic, indecisive to the point of shyness:
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Manco: What about our partnership? Mortimer: Maybe next time... Indio from FAFDM: Aquarius Intelligent problem-solver, independent, unpredictable, emotionally reserved (but has quick sudden bursts of emotion), strong sense of justice, unforgiving:
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Indio: This time you'll have a chance to shoot me, but not in the back.
Tuco from TGBU: I wasn't sure at first, but then it dawned on me - classic Scoprio!
INTENSE at everything, determined, fearless, ambitious, brutally direct, resentful, afraid to seem vulnerable:
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Tuco: Nice guy, my brother. I didn't tell you my brother was in charge here. Everything, like the pope almost. He's in charge in Rome. My brother, he says to me: "Stay, brother, don't go home. "We never see each other. Here, there's plenty to eat and drink. Bring your friend, too." Whenever we see each other, he never lets me go. It's always the same story. My brother, he's crazy about me.
Blondie from TGBU: Pisces Laidback, creative, intuitive, moody, super adaptable, empathetic, generous:
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Blondie: (comforts a dying soldier) Sentenza from TGBU: Taurus Persistent, patient, receptive, ambitious, isn't fond of authority, reliable and very thorough:
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Sentenza: I almost forgot. He gave me a thousand. I think his idea was that I kill you. But you know, the pity is, when I'm paid... I always follow my job through. You know that. What do you think?
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nauseato · 2 years
Ma che vuoi fa che manco ce l'hai il gatto
Infatti li rubo in giro ora mando Leo a tutti
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