#Les amis as
fremedon · 5 months
It's a lovely day!
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Enjolras and his friends are going to meet Combeferre at the Natural History Museum this afternoon. (He has an internship there.)
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Courfeyrac and Enjolras are meeting outside the El Cubo Art Gallery to walk over together.
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"Is it today?" Grantaire is drinking at the rooftop bar. "I totally didn't forget!"
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"Bahorel said to pick him up here?" "Yeah, I think he had a meeting."
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"Hey babe, gotta go. Great meeting!"
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"And nice room! Jehan's is half this size."
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"Are you coming to the museum? The single muse can wait; come with us, visit the whole flock of them!"
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Courfeyrac meets Bahorel and Jehan in the lobby.
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pilferingapples · 3 months
Prompted by @lizamezzo's tags, Les Amis As: Top 10 Jobs Kids Want
Enjolras- wrecking ball operator
Combeferre- Paranormal Investigator Jean Prouvaire- Death Omen
Feuilly- Catacombs Tour Guide
Courfeyrac- Medieval Falconer
Bahorel- Urban Legend
Legles- Court Jester
Joly- Curiosity Collector
Grantaire- False Prophet
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geekghoul · 1 year
Les Amis… Do they need glasses?
Yes. Does he wear them? No. Miiighhhtttt reallize you can order glasses online though
Has basically always needed glasses. As an adult got laser eye surgery but still wears them out of habit with clear lenses. Enj and Courf know . Possibly others?
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Didn’t need them as a kid but basically created that trend of popping the lenses out of movie glasses and wearing them around cause they thought it was cool. Does need them now but not badly. Generally chooses to wear them. Most dramatic frames exclusively
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Farsighted but not badly. Only occasionally uses glasses
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Absolutely ginormous lenses. Can not see a foot in front of him without them. Legally blind. High index lenses are essential. Quietly shits himself whenever the order is fucked up .
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Not yet. Pursuing a stigmatism diagnosis though. Thought it was just the adhd for the longest time
Uses contacts. Only Combeferre and Courfeyrac know though. He keeps telling himself it’s not a secret, “it’s just completely insignificant”. 👀 His vision isn’t completely terrible but he does need his contacts to drive legally.👀 👀 He does have backup frames but they’ve never seen the light of day
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Has a freckle in his eye but no visual impairment. It drives him crazy
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Perfect vision. Could probably be a fighter pilot if he was inclined to
Yeah. She mostly wears contacts but sometimes she goes out with her cute pink backup frames and everyone swoons
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Well , yes , obviously. But he keeps breaking his frames. Grantaire and him are trying to figure out a shit-luck-proof solution
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Occasionally uses reading glasses.
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lavellart · 29 days
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As you probably know, the situation in Gaza gets worse every day. At this stage, every donation, no matter how small, might make a difference between life and death for someone trying to escape Rafah.
Donate as little as 7$ today and you get a sketch or a small illustration of yourself, an animal, a friend - whatever it is that you want.
You can find the full spreadsheet of families here: Operation Olive Branch
or you can donate to one of the randomized gofundmes from here: Gaza Funds
Send me proof of your donations and the details for the artwork you desire. YOU CAN SEND IT THROUGH DMs OR EMAIL ME (email and useful links here:)
Depending on how busy this gets, commissions might take two days or more.
*Biggers commissions are available for bigger donations! You can see illustrations I did in the past here.
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cx-shhhh · 4 days
Today is 24601. Happy pride month.
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permit-it · 8 months
"Kill them with kindness" WRONG. To the barricades! 🪑🪑🪜⚰️🪑💥🚪⚰️🪑🪜⚰️🚪🪑⚰️💥⚰️🪑⚰️🪑🪜🪑💥⚰️🪜🪑⚰️🪑🚪🪑⚰️🪑💥⚰️🚪🪑⚰️🪑🪑⚰️💥🪑⚰️⚰️🪑🪜⚰️🪑💥🚪🪑⚰️🪑⚰️🪜💥🚪🪑⚰️⚰️🪑💥🪜⚰️🪑🪑⚰️🪜
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ragesingoddess · 9 months
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on tragic heroes and the people who'd follow them anywhere.
tumblr textpost// Anne Carson, An Oresteia// Madeline Miller, The Song of Achilles// Victor Hugo, Les Miserables// William Shakespeare, Hamlet// Anne Carson, An Oresteia
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hayzeydayzey · 3 days
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Barricade Day 2024
"Dawn does not illuminate whom, but that which they left behind."
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infinite-mirrors · 5 months
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late nights at the Musain
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thatbarricade · 1 year
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fremedon · 2 years
No one asked for Les Amis as lesser Maiar, for good reason, because making them beings of any inherent power beyond the common measure of humanity fundamentally doesn’t work; LM is fundamentally a story about the Second-Born.
But I’ve been reading and rereading Silmarilion fic all week so here, have Les Amis as lesser Maiar.
(This got long.)
(And I am not coming up with their Quenya names or it would get longer.)
(That’s a lie, there will totally be Quenya names at some point.)
Enjolras: I was really taken by a couple of asides in @thearrogantemu’s fic, characterizing Olórin (Gandalf) as originally a Maia of Melkor, before he came to Irmo’s service, and characterizing Melkor’s original domain before he became Morgoth as transformation--that because of his fall, the Children have never known change without loss; and because of his banishment, change comes now unwilled by any Power.
You see where I’m going with this.
Enjolras is a spirit of transformation who joined in the Second Theme early and enthusiastically, because hell yes every creature should have a right to partake fully in shaping creation. And he did not repudiate him immediately: he saw the dissonance of the Second Theme as necessary to bring about the harmony of the Third, and as of the descent into Arda he was still Melkor’s creature to the extent that he was anyone’s.
When it became clear that Melkor had set himself as the enemy not merely of Manwë, but of creation, he left his service and attached himself to Manwë. In some ways it’s not a great fit. In substance he is a Valarauka, or close to one, a creature not of air but of fire; in temperament, he is the spirit of the sovereignty of the will over itself--the Maiar inherently serve the natures and functions of the greater powers, but his service is very much to the function and not the being that embodies it. He will take direction from Manwë, as the embodiment of legitimate authority rightfully wielded, but his nature is still that of transformation, and Manwë knows he will always serve the spirit of the law over the letter and conscience over authority.
Still, fire and air can collaborate well, and like his cousin Arien who draws the Sun, he accustoms himself to his new realm. He enjoys, more than anything, the long view from the crest of the Pelóri and the lower reaches of Ilmen, but his usual realm is far below that, in the spark of lightning, or as the breath that stirs the banked ember to sudden flame; or, among the nations of the Second-Born, as the voice that stirs oppressed spirits to remember that they are sovereign, and they are strong.  
He appears in form sometimes as an eagle, but most often as a Man with a high forehead, like a horizon with much sky.
Combeferre: So in every possible Les Amis as system, Combeferre is a mess who doesn’t really fit anywhere. He has some affinity with Estë the Healer, obviously, and some with Aulë the Maker, but I’m going to put him in the domain of Irmo, Lórien, Lord of Dreams and the spouse of Estë, whose gardens flow into his own. He is the spirit of chimeras, invention, what is not but that yet may be. He treasures all the Children but loves especially the Dwarves and the Noldor, and shares with them many designs they must look to Aulë to realize; and for this he is also a friend to Aulë, for in this way the Maker is driven to expand and perfect the scope of his Art.
Prouvaire: And for Jehan, while Irmo would have been an obvious choice, I’m going to go with Nienna, the Lady of Tears, who grieves for all in the world that sorrows or is marred. By day he weeps for the world that is, and he weeps with the passage of time for the worlds that are no more and for those that will never be; and by night he walks in the gardens of Lórien and imagines the world that still might be, and he smiles.
Feuilly: While he also has some affinity for Aulë the Maker, who was so eager for others to teach what he knew that he created a whole nation of people, Feuilly is obviously a Maia of Vairë, the Weaver, who sees and understands all of history and translates it into the medium of decorative art.
Courfeyrac: Courfeyrac is a servant of Vána, the Lady of Spring, who governs birds and flowers and also all things that are young and full of potential. There is great friendship between him and Enjolras, as has often puzzled the dwellers in Aman, for Enjolras takes no notice of flowers, or birds, or springtime; but they walk often together in Arda, by themselves or in company with Combeferre, and where they go the spirits of the young are moved to the thought of new struggles.
Bahorel: Bahorel’s friendly belligerence could have gone a lot of ways--Tulkas, obviously, or I could see him as one of Ulmo’s, a cousin to Osse--but ultimately I think he belongs with Oromë, who along with Ulmo never entirely forsook Middle-Earth or the Children of Ilúvatar, and who is always ready to throw down with Morgoth’s servants. Sometimes he rides in his train in the shape of a great wolf, but more often he wanders through the cities of the Second-Born, and where he walks the paving-stones remember the mountains, and the fountains the rivers, and Men remember that they too are wild creatures.
Bossuet: So Bossuet is the reason that I wrote this up in the first place, because what he’s associated with, alone among the Amis, is luck. Which is to say, Fate. And fate and free will--and laws and contracts, and also curses--are all very firmly in the domain of Námo, Mandos, the judge of the Dead.
Which is hilarious.
So, yes, Bossuet is the happiest servant of the Doomsman of the Valar! If his master’s domain is that which is, and Irmo’s is that which could be, and Nienna’s that which now can never be, Bossuet dwells in that which could be worse, and helps--in what measure he can, for his power is not great--to ensure it is not.
(On the plain of Araman, during the Flight of the Noldor, while Mandos pronounced his Doom, Bossuet, unseen, slipped through the host untying shoelaces and breaking the buckles on luggage. The extra minutes of consideration granted to several would-be Exiles while they got their gear in order were instrumental in their choices to turn back with Finarfin.)
Joly: Like Bossuet, Joly is a minor servant of one of the greatest Powers--Yavanna, the Giver of Fruits. He finds and mends the errata in creation, helping to ensure that every living thing has something to eat, and something to eat it, if only in its decay. Fungi, especially, are his interest, and everything that lives and sprouts anew from death; but he appears most often in form as one of the Children, cheerful and pleasant to look upon.
Grantaire: I initially thought Grantaire would be hard to place--wine is Yavanna’s domain and art is Aulë’s, and depression is Nienna’s and Estë’s, and verbal shitposting doesn’t seem to have an obvious patron. But then I looked at his name, and who else’s could grande aire be but Manwë’s? Spirit of fog and vapor--the cloud that obscures, or seems to be other than it is; pipe-smoke and the wisp of the dying candle.
Grantaire maintains that it was he who introduced pipe-smoking to the Halflings and the Halflings to Olórin; this is almost certainly untrue, but Olórin has never denied it.
Manwë has never really known what to do with him, but Varda is fond of him. Her husband finds this unaccountable; to everyone who doesn’t have to work with him it’s clear enough why the Kindler, whose greatest work requires darkness for its greatest effect, might find mist a comfortable companion. Grantaire is dazzled by her--as he is by Arien, by Enjolras, by all bright spirits. Varda doesn’t encourage it; but when she retires her old and dying stars, those too weak to blaze out all at once, she will set a few of their embers aside for lamps, and in their light Grantaire’s vapors make brief but haunting shapes, and even Enjolras, who has no eye for beauty, cannot look away.
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sachart · 1 year
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I started this for last year's Barricade Day then forgot about it and finished it about a month ago
Happy Barricade Day 2023 everyone! I guess I'm never growing out of this
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smchr-nina · 1 year
When the best fandom reunites to celebrate a non-official holiday based on a revolution mentioned in a 200-year-old novel
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batrachois · 25 days
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In this universe they didn’t die and the aftermath of the riots was a lovely stroll in the park to talk about fluff and feelings
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cx-shhhh · 6 months
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Gay people meeting up for brunch look like this.
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permit-it · 17 hours
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