#Lies and consequences
blueheartbookclub · 6 months
"Strings of Imagination: A Masterpiece of illumination"
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Carlo Collodi's timeless classic, "The Adventures of Pinocchio," masterfully translated by Carol Della Chiesa, transcends the boundaries of children's literature, enchanting readers of all ages with its whimsical charm and profound allegory.
In this literary odyssey, readers are beckoned into a world where a mischievous puppet, Pinocchio, embarks on a transformative quest, encountering a myriad of characters and challenges that mirror the complexities of human nature. Della Chiesa's translation preserves the vivacity of Collodi's original Italian, allowing readers to savor the nuances of the author's language.
The story, a delightful blend of morality and fantasy, takes readers on a rollercoaster of emotions as Pinocchio grapples with the consequences of his choices. From the mischievous antics spurred by his curiosity to the poignant lessons learned from the Blue Fairy and the wise Cricket, the narrative weaves a tapestry of moral insights. Della Chiesa's translation captures the essence of Pinocchio's misadventures, making the tale resonate with readers across generations.
The brilliance of Collodi's storytelling lies in his ability to craft a fable that entertains while conveying profound moral lessons. Pinocchio's journey from a wayward puppet to a compassionate, responsible individual mirrors the universal struggle for self-discovery and personal growth. Della Chiesa's translation elevates the narrative, ensuring that the humor, wit, and moral gravity of Collodi's work are not lost in translation.
Beyond its literary significance, "The Adventures of Pinocchio" remains a cultural touchstone, inspiring adaptations in various art forms. Della Chiesa's translation not only preserves Collodi's original brilliance but also introduces this literary gem to a broader, English-speaking audience.
In conclusion, "Strings of Imagination: A Masterpiece Unveiled" invites readers to relish the whimsy and wisdom of Collodi's classic through the impeccable translation by Carol Della Chiesa. The journey with Pinocchio is not just a delightful escape into fantasy but a profound exploration of the human experience, proving that, like Pinocchio's nose, great literature knows no bounds.
Carlo Collodi's timeless classic, "The Adventures of Pinocchio," is available in Amazon in paperback 10.99$ and hardcover 18.99$ editions.
Number of pages: 228
Language: English
Rating: 10/10                                           
Link of the book!
Review By: King's Cat
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heritageposts · 6 months
getting incredibly tired of westerners responding to firsthand accounts shared by palestinians in gaza with the reflexive demand to see a "source"
because by source, they always mean a western news report
never mind, of course, that international journalists are banned from entering gaza; the word of the western journalist, writing in passive voice about a genocide 6000 miles away, is still deemed more 'reliable' than the firsthand accounts shared by the victims living through that same genocide
a palestinian shares a video of an IOF solider brutalizing civilians in gaza? not good enough; they still need a ''source.'' the video in question was posted by a palestinian journalist? okay cool, but does someone have a more reliable source? can we get a word in from the esteemed fact-checkers over at the new york crimes, or the iraq-has-wmds-post? we just don't want to spread misinformation...
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blueheartbooks · 6 months
"Strings of Imagination: A Masterpiece of illumination"
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Carlo Collodi's timeless classic, "The Adventures of Pinocchio," masterfully translated by Carol Della Chiesa, transcends the boundaries of children's literature, enchanting readers of all ages with its whimsical charm and profound allegory.
In this literary odyssey, readers are beckoned into a world where a mischievous puppet, Pinocchio, embarks on a transformative quest, encountering a myriad of characters and challenges that mirror the complexities of human nature. Della Chiesa's translation preserves the vivacity of Collodi's original Italian, allowing readers to savor the nuances of the author's language.
The story, a delightful blend of morality and fantasy, takes readers on a rollercoaster of emotions as Pinocchio grapples with the consequences of his choices. From the mischievous antics spurred by his curiosity to the poignant lessons learned from the Blue Fairy and the wise Cricket, the narrative weaves a tapestry of moral insights. Della Chiesa's translation captures the essence of Pinocchio's misadventures, making the tale resonate with readers across generations.
The brilliance of Collodi's storytelling lies in his ability to craft a fable that entertains while conveying profound moral lessons. Pinocchio's journey from a wayward puppet to a compassionate, responsible individual mirrors the universal struggle for self-discovery and personal growth. Della Chiesa's translation elevates the narrative, ensuring that the humor, wit, and moral gravity of Collodi's work are not lost in translation.
Beyond its literary significance, "The Adventures of Pinocchio" remains a cultural touchstone, inspiring adaptations in various art forms. Della Chiesa's translation not only preserves Collodi's original brilliance but also introduces this literary gem to a broader, English-speaking audience.
In conclusion, "Strings of Imagination: A Masterpiece Unveiled" invites readers to relish the whimsy and wisdom of Collodi's classic through the impeccable translation by Carol Della Chiesa. The journey with Pinocchio is not just a delightful escape into fantasy but a profound exploration of the human experience, proving that, like Pinocchio's nose, great literature knows no bounds.
Carlo Collodi's timeless classic, "The Adventures of Pinocchio," is available in Amazon in paperback 10.99$ and hardcover 18.99$ editions.
Number of pages: 228
Language: English
Rating: 10/10                                           
Link of the book!
Review By: King's Cat
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willgrahamscock · 1 year
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HANNIBAL + Text Posts 18/∞
♡ Jack introduces Will & Hannibal ♡
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maybeiwasntthere2 · 2 months
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collection of life is strange userboxes i made :)🌀
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[text: this user loves life is strange (10 different versions in a variety of colours matching each image)]
feel free to reblog/download and use on your profile but keep my username visible ty! :)
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sunpraiserarts · 1 year
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nutcasewithaknife · 9 days
I think. seeing Di Feisheng cry could unspool Li Lianhua's entire mind
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radicalmommyxx · 1 year
Idk man…I’ve literally never heard of men shaving bc their leg hair is ‘itchy’ or the hairy feeling is ‘uncomfortable’. Somehow I doubt that it’s a feeling only affects females.
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sunnykeysmash · 1 year
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the way they both hate themselves but love each other, the real mac and dennis only exist in the shape of the hole that they fill for each other
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basilbots · 14 days
Ironically Ruin killing Solar is what appealed Solruin to me like yes let's make this tragic as hell
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grimeye-j · 4 months
Amon being consindered as one of the Fool's angels is absolutely hilarious
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bbcphile · 1 month
WIP Wednesday (MLC longfic again!)
Now that my amnesia fic is posted, it's time for more of my MLC longfic! At long last, LLH is awake again . . . and not doing that well.
(You can find earlier excerpts here.)
CW/TW: Panic attack, bicha flare, suicidal ideation
Something was different. The pain was there as always, waiting to devour him whole once he acknowledged it, but there was something else, something blanketing it, muting it somehow.
Li Lianhua stretched out his senses like a limb and tried to make sense of it.
Ah. Warmth. That was the strange sensation. Warmth–heat, even–all around him–his back, his chest, his legs, even his fingers, which had been more like blocks of ice than flesh and blood these last few months.
He leaned back, pushing into the banked heat behind him. The solid core of warmth tucked against his front from navel to neck twitched, then pressed against him more securely, as though it could make a home for itself inside his sternum, ribs, and spine and heat him from within.
He felt warm everywhere.
Well, almost everywhere.
He rolled forward slightly, wiggled further down on the bed, and tugged the core of warmth up higher. He curled his arms and shoulders around it and nestled the bit in his hand between his face and the pillow until it cradled his cheek. 
Much better.
He smiled into his new, warmer pillow and let himself start to relax back into sleep.
The warmth against his face gradually took shape as his skin and mind began to wake. That was a finger–no, several fingers. A hand. A large hand. And those calluses–how could he not know them when they had clashed steel with him, choked him, clinked brimming cups of wedding wine with him, even been inside him, taking him apart with a gentleness he hadn’t known they could profess.
He let his awareness spread throughout his body, setting aside the pain, and yes, that was a-Fei’s chest he had pressed himself against, like Huli Jing requesting head scritches, and those were a-Fei’s legs, tangled with his, and that was a-Fei’s breath rustling his hair–less now than it had been a moment ago–and that was indeed a-Fei’s arm he was clutching like a child would a favorite toy. 
But a-Fei had been holding him first.
Why was a-Fei holding him? It was one thing to wake up in each others’ arms in the newly wed room, after their  . . . exertions. Before a-Fei knew that any real dream of a future was doomed to fail.
But to hold him now? After he’d given away the wangchuan flower and left a-Fei behind, left their promise behind? To hold him like he still mattered. Like he wasn’t a curse who killed everyone he’d ever cared about. Like he was some sort of treasure . . .
Treasure . . . 
Cabinets stained in blood, Xiaobao’s blood–
“Xiaobao,” he gasped, flinging himself free and to his feet. Where was Xiaobao? He had to find him, had to heal him, before it was too late–
“Xiangyi! Sit down!” A-Fei caught him as his legs buckled and lowered him back onto the bed. 
Why wasn’t Xiaobao here? Had he killed him, too, just like he killed everyone he cared about? 
“Duobing,” a-Fei roared. “Get in here. Now!” Callused fingers cupped both sides of his face, turning it gently but firmly toward him. “Xiangyi, look at me. He’s alright. He’s on his way.” 
“How could he be alright?” Li Lianhua gasped, clutching at his shoulders, the already blurry world turning more hazy. “I saw the blood!”
“I healed him. He’s safe,” a-Fei said, cradling his head as though he could hold the shattering pieces of his mind together. “Now breathe.” 
Li Lianhua choked on an inhale, his lungs spasming, only managing to draw in a desperate wheeze.
A-Fei cursed and dropped to his knees by the bed, pressing one hand to Li Lianhua’s back and the other to his chest, filling both with a familiar warmth that began to break apart the iron bands strangling his throat and lungs. “Try again. Feel my hands. Press against them when you inhale.”
The next breath shook and spluttered like a dying candle but some air squeaked through nonetheless.
“Good.” A-Fei gave his back a short supportive pat. “Again.”
Lotus Tower shook as footsteps pounded toward the bed. “What’s wrong?” panted a beautifully familiar, impossible voice. “Xiaohua’er?”
“Bicha,” a-Fei growled, rising from the floor to kneel on the bed at his side, his hands still bracketing him on either side. “He thinks you’re dead. Show him the scab.”
“Shit,” the Xiaobao-shaped hallucination cursed. It seemed especially cruel of hallucinations to now match the blurriness of their surroundings. It made them seem far too real.
The hallucination knelt at his feet and took his hands. “It’s me, Xiaohua’er,” it said, tears in its eyes and voice. “I’m alright. A-Fei healed me. See?” It brought his hand up to a spot on the back of his skull and pressed his fingers to a crusted, raised line on its scalp. “I’m right here and I’m alright. Do you believe me?”
He could feel it. Why could he feel it? His fingers had always passed through hallucinations before. And even when he’d dreamt of Xiaobao, or of a-Fei, of holding them again, it hadn’t felt as real as this. His fingers traced the ridges of the scab–a perfectly neat seam–then the silk curtain of hair that covered it. 
This was Xiaobao’s hair. The texture, the thickness, what he could see of the color–no hallucination could do justice to this. 
This was his Xiaobao.
He was alive.
“Xiaobao,” he cried, turning his head this way and that to make sure it was the only injury. “You’re alright!”
Xiaobao’s bright smile shone through despite the haze his eyes imposed on everything. “Told you. No harm done. So focus on taking care of yourself, ok, lao huli?”
Li Lianhua huffed out a wet attempt at a scoff and bopped the side of his head. “No harm? What do you call this?”
Xiaobao captured his hands with his and brought them down from his head to rest between them. “Less serious than a Bicha attack. How are you feeling?”
Li Lianhua blinked. A Bicha attack? He turned his attention inward to his qi, and–
Ah. There was a-Fei’s Beifeng Baiyang, somehow wrapped around his Yangzhouman and pushing the last of the poison back into the recesses where it would lie in wait, coiled and ready for the next attack. The black tinge was almost gone from his veins.
He had been so worried about Xiaobao that he hadn’t even realized.
A-Fei had probably saved his life. Again. 
He shouldn’t have bothered.
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skunkes · 5 months
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mixelation · 1 year
One thing that really gets my goat about how Sakura is written is that she does occasionally start to do something, but the narrative shuts her down. Like this:
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Sakura goes to leap into the arena to see Lee after his fight with Gaara. Kakashi shuts her down. Contrast this to the panels that immediately follow this one:
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Naruto does the exact same thing and no one bats an eye!
It’s not that I think characters shouldn’t be stopped from doing what they want— it’s just that when it’s a consistent pattern it makes reading about the character really frustrating. When Haku traps Sasuke in his mirror prison thing, Sakura hurls a kunai to help… and Kakashi tells her to guard Tazuna. She does this obediently for the rest of the fight, INCLUDING when she literally thinks Sasuke is dead (Tazuna has to offer to go to Sasuke with her to get her to move). Sakura’s willingness to do this is actually an interesting character trait, but because it’s couched in this weird lack of agency, it makes her seem complacent and cowardly, especially when the take away of a lot of fights seems to be “try no matter what.”
Here’s another example: in the first part of the chunin exam, they’re all told they can pick to answer a final question and risk being banned from promotion, OR they can back out now and take the exam again later. If Sakura were alone, she’d take the question because she’s confident in her abilities.
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However, she starts to raise her hand to back out because she wants to protect Naruto.
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She backs off when Naruto gives a speech about never giving up, even though her making them all back out is arguably the more mature choice (why would you drag a teammate along on a mission you know they’ll fail?). She also tries to pull them out of the prelim tournament because Sasuke needs urgent medical attention, and he shuts her down AGAIN. Like, looking at this with the wisdom of an adult, Sakura was definitely in the right there.
To be clear, I don’t mind Sakura being a cautious killjoy to Naruto’s “Believe it!” Shonen protag energy. It’s just that whenever she tries to exercise that caution, it gets shut down and that makes it seem like a negative trait to have. (Also: contrast this to Shikamaru being REWARDED for exercising caution and knowing when to back out). I’m not even arguing that the scenes I cited need to be changed, because they do character work for Naruto and Sasuke. I’m just saying that Sakura could have gotten a few more scenes where her choices were plot relevant, and she’d be a more fleshed out character.
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