#Blue Fairy
artist-issues · 3 months
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I repeat: I do think Wish should’ve had a Blue-Fairy-like wishing Star come go on the adventure with her. Just so that she could “get to know” the Wishing Star, learn that it does care about what happens to her and wants what’s best for her, and then through that personal relationship, come to believe the actual message of most Disney movies, which is:
“Have faith and even more than what you wish for will come true.”
But sure, if you want to go ahead with your crappy “The power to make your wishes come true is in you,” yeah, make the Star a voiceless faceless blob. You don’t need it anyway, right?
(Tap for higher quality 🫢 My art. Give me credit if you’re going to use it.)
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aquitainequeen · 1 year
I wondered how the Guillermo del Toro adaption of Pinocchio was going to do the Blue Fairy, and oh. Oh wow.
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Oh wow.
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mynnub-blog · 1 year
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"The wooden boy with the borrowed soul."
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miikpal · 9 months
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happy lies of p release..! 🦋
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dinneratgrannys · 7 months
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nellonsartblog · 8 months
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Saintess of mercy
Something a bit more experimental because I'm rusty and trying to ease myself back into things
But I have plans and the puppet is next 👀
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hopeyarts · 2 months
The Blue Fairy and Star! 🌟
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I like to think that Star is one of those star-cherubs in the Snow White art concept where she’s dancing with her Prince. The Blue Fairy could’ve just sent one of her Stars down to help Asha, at least in my Wish AU.
No stealing. 💖
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chaospyromancy · 3 months
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Sophia my beloved
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zal-cryptid · 17 days
Does a certain fairy with turquoise colored hair have a place in the pantheon of the fae?
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Yes! Turchina is one of the archfey of Faerie, but she's been off-world for quite some time. Something about going off to harness a star.
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The actual The show
villain: villain:
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locuas642 · 2 years
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Now this? this is gorgeous. Beautiful. She is so ethereal, so inhuman, a Pagan creature that looks almost angelical.
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gracebethartacc · 5 months
Just a glimpse into my beautiful mind
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Believe me, I already saw the concept art of Star as a boy, but that just never set right to me.
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Wish is supposed to be the origin story of the Wishing Star. The problem is that in the last two times the Wishing Star had plot relevancy in Disney canon, the Wishing Star was female.
She was the Blue Fairy in Pinocchio, and Evangeline in the Princess and the Frog. To this very day I call the Blue Fairy Evangeline because of that.
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In my headcanon, the Star in Wish is a baby star, that's why they are so curious and mischievous. But eventually, as people begin to wish more and more on stars, the Star will take human form, and become the Blue Fairy from Pinocchio, and Evangeline from Princess and the Frog.
Essentially Star will evolve into the Blue Fairy, and she will become the highest authority in good magic in the Disney universe, guiding people and protecting their dreams and wishes from dark magic.
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"But what about my ship? Who am I supposed to ship Asha with?"
Make it a lesbian ship, dummy. It will make Disney even more uncomfortable 😂
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ako142 · 1 year
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Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio is a masterpiece 10/10 everyone should watch it.
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claudskiart · 1 month
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Sophia felt the puppet's pain and it made her sad. She made sure the dying puppet recovers.
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hopeyarts · 23 days
✨What the Message in Disney’s Wish Should’ve Been✨
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If Disney wanted Wish to have their classic magical movie then the message shouldn’t have been ‘to keep wishing’. Like what does that mean? It should’ve been to ‘have faith and do what is good, and your dreams will come true’.
If you keep the right faith and love in your heart, you will get what is best for yourself and others. Pursue in the effort to put these values in the right power who loves and cherishes you back. Do what is right and more than what you’ve wished for will come true. The real magic of making your heart’s purest desire come true is your faith and kindness. It’s not solely in yourself to make them come true.
I know this sounds Christian to some people, and it is. I’m a Christian. I’m not saying Disney as a company should’ve made everything Christian or religious, but they should’ve taught the lessons they’ve always taught in their better animated movies for Wish. They could have also made a great story with their characters to give a clear example of moving away from an amateur/fraud/false prophet in power (for example, villain King Magnifico) and into the true deity (the Blue Fairy). The citizens who moved to Rosas had lost hope because they see that their desires are unfulfilled, so they turn to a false prophet (evil King Magnifico) to make them come true, when really that false prophet is using their trust for his own gain and power. He is just posing as a higher power, and opposing the traits and values of an actual loving higher power. The true higher power (the Blue Fairy) does the opposite and righteous thing. She blesses those who have faith and are selfless, and guides people who commit their hearts to goodness.
And no, Star is not that higher power in the movie. It is only Asha’s motivation/inspiration to keep going because it’s a light in the dark times she’s facing and is the only thing that *believes in her*, telling us that she’s the true power to making her dreams a reality. It’s a good thing to have people believe that you can achieve something, yes, but Star is only really telling her that the power to make your dreams come true is in yourself only. YOU have the power to make anything come true, which contradicts the lesson in every other Walt Disney Animated film.
The point is to be selfless and to have faith in the true loving higher power.
Snow White showed kindness to anyone and anything, even those who hated her (Grumpy). No matter what trouble she fell into, she showed empathy and love to everyone and everything. She offered her kindness to others, even if it meant falling under a spell.
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Princess and the Frog! The perfect example of finally allowing yourself to have faith in others instead of relying solely on yourself to make your dreams come true. She allowed love into her life, which helped her not only get her restaurant but form stronger bonds and relationships with other people. When she was offered the chance to get what she wanted, she gave up her dream life because she knew that love was what she needed, not a restaurant.
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The Little Mermaid. Ariel finds the goodness in humans and gives them a chance, despite her father’s hatred towards them and despite them killing her mother. She believed that there was love in humankind and that belief helped to peacefully connect the two worlds together and helped her father overcome his hatred and grief. She traded away her life as a mermaid in exchange for a life as a human, even if it meant she’d have limited time if she failed to kiss the prince. Don’t forget that she risked her life to save Eric when his ship burned down.
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Hercules, who was born a Greek god, looked up to some higher power in hopes of finding where he belongs. During the movie, he was given strength and a pegasus and things he would want. But it wasn’t what he needed. At the end of the movie, he decided to give up his immortality and powers to stay with Meg in Greece. He gave up everything he wanted for what he truly needed, and he knew it was enough.
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Pinnochio really dives into having faith and being selfless. He learned that in order to be a real boy, you must learn from your mistakes. You must do what is right, be honest, and be selfless. He earned the reward of being a real boy when he saves his father. He gave up his life to save him, and in return for his bravery and love he is transformed into a real boy.
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Cinderella. She shows kindness to both the animals (even Lucifer) and her stepfamily, no matter how cruel they are to her. She persevered through their abuse and stayed faithful in her dreams. Once she is broken down to the point she nearly gives that faith up, her fairy godmother appears and helps her. Cinderella keeps her faith and love in her heart. At the end, she forgives her family, showing more of her kindness. The entirety of the movie, she gave up her patience and stayed calm and compassionate to others even if they gave her a more than difficult time.
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There are plenty more, but those are some examples. They all have the values of doing what is good *and* putting your faith in the direction. That equals selflessness. So the point of my post is that the message should’ve aligned with what past Walt Disney movies had. While Asha does a good thing in the movie (sort of), her faith isn’t aligned well. The message is beaten down to something so absurd and vague that it’s…💀 ‘Just keep wishing’ is not a good message, especially not for Disney’s 100th animated film.
I recommend reading @/artist-issues posts on Wish and having faith because that person knows more about it and is more articulate on the topic.
Anyways, I’ve written a character arc for Asha in a previous post so I’ll just be adding some more to it here. Instead of my own take, I’m just going to go by the movie’s storyline to be simple.
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The idea I have for Asha, according to this whole thing, is that at the beginning of the movie Asha is like every other citizen until she somehow finds out that King Magnifico is using their wishes (which in all honesty, these wishes shouldn’t have been wishes but should have actually been their passion/sparks/willing ambition but I’ll say wishes right now for the sake of being simple once again) for his own power and gain. He consumes these wishes to stay in power, and whenever he does consume a wish the original owner of that wish is put into a state of endless grief and depression and would shortly result in death from a broken heart (kinda inspired by Chef Gustaeu from Ratatouille). People wouldn’t know this was happening and thought they died naturally. This ties into how Asha’s father should’ve died. Additionally, she lost her faith in the stars when her father died because they didn’t help fulfill her wish. This could signal the question on how wishing upon a star or having faith in a higher power works.
So anyways, the citizens are gaslighted by King Magnifico that everything is fine because they are ‘safe, fed, and protected’ and that they are ‘ungrateful if they question him because they are safe, fed, and protected’ when really they aren’t safe because he’s killing them, unbeknownst to the citizens. They eventually gaslight themselves about this too because they’re like ‘the king is the king and so he’s right. Right? Any doubts I have about him are wrong because he is keeping us safe’. He is basically luring people into his kingdom with the false hope that he’ll grant every wish and that he’ll keep them safe and happy. This whole consuming wishes thing could be leading up to him having enough power to capture Star in the first place or whatever, but I’m not gonna really get into that here.
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To put it short, King Magnifico is the venus flytrap and the citizens are the flies; his kingdom looks nice and welcoming but has bad-intentions. King Magnifico is the farmer and the citizens are the animals; he keeps them safe for the sake of getting their wishes and consuming them for power. He takes advantage of their trust. These could be people that seek refuge somewhere safe only to realize they’re being exploited for their king’s own gain. He is breaching their contract deal and terms (them giving up their wishes in order to stay in Rosas, Magnifico guaranteeing he’ll grant every wish and that he’ll keep them safe when really he’s consuming them to keep his power).
Asha, however, finds out about what he’s actually doing with the wishes and she sets off to free them all and return them to the people. It is not a wrong thing to do, unlike the movie’s version, because Magnifico has been giving them actual FALSE HOPE and betraying their trust. At this point, she doesn’t believe in King Magnifico anymore. Taking her father’s words, she thinks that wishing upon a star will guide her directly. But no, it doesn’t work that way. You can’t look up to someone and expect that someone to solve all of your problems for you. Asha, seeing that Star isn’t what SHE THOUGHT he’d be, would forget her father’s words and try to pursue her goal herself.
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So she doesn’t believe in Magnifico anymore. She doesn’t even believe in the Star or Blue Fairy anymore AGAIN either. She starts to believes that people have the power to make their own dreams come true *themselves*. Throughout the story, she is constantly being told by the Blue Fairy or Star that what she is doing is good, but her faith, love, and more is in the wrong place. Ignorantly, Asha still doesn’t believe that, showing a form of selfishness and arrogance, and continues to try to pursue her wish herself with or without help.
It is then at the end of the movie she learns a lesson after King Magnifico does something horrifyingly bad like consuming every wish for example. People are on a time limit when they’re wishes are consumed because they’ll die soon. This gives us a risk! And Asha learns that she can’t do this herself BY herself. She learns that instead of putting your faith in the wrong power (King Magnifico or solely yourself), you need to put that faith in the right direction. Let people help you and put your trust in others. You can put in the effort and work into achieving your dreams, but without staying selfless and having the right love and faith you won’t meet your end goal. And this helps the people to realize that they’ve been believing and putting their trust in the wrong power. The lesson learnt is to put your faith and love in the right direction. Accept the help of the people who will forever cherish and support you. Put in the effort and do what is right, and what is best will be rewarded to you. Be selfless.
ALL IN ALL—at the start, we know she had lost her faith in the stars after her father died when she was young. She put that faith in King Magnifico, but her trust was betrayed. She looked to the stars again in a desperate moment, and thought it’d solve all of her problems. But because that’s not how it works and she doesn’t know that, Asha gives up in all higher powers and tries to pursue her dreams herself. At the end she got it back and refocused it in the right direction. It makes her selfless and finally see the truth in who to believe in. She does what is right (giving the wishes back to the people) and accepts help. She learns that her effort was right, but the only ingredient she was missing was love and the right faith. Asha is then rewarded; she gets MORE from this (getting a magic wand to help others) and gets what’s BEST for her and the kingdom.
Have faith and do what is right, and your dreams will come true.
The general lesson in Walt Disney movies.
I suppose this is a journey people like myself experienced, especially with God, so you could say this is a reflection of that. I want to talk more about Him and how He has helped me, and I think this is a great way for me to do that. I’m still learning and traveling through this journey with Him, always. 👍🏽
To end this here, have a quote from the song A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes: “Have faith in your dreams and someday, your rainbow will come smiling through. No matter how much your heart is grieving, if you keep believing, the dream that you wish for will come true.”
Another one from When You Wish Upon A Star: “Fate is kind. She brings those who love the sweet fulfillment of their secret longing. Like a bolt out of the blue, fate steps in and sees you through when you wish upon a star.”
There are many Walt Disney quotes both from the movies and himself that I could put here. ❤️
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