#Fantasy adventures
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enchantingepics · 3 months
Story Prompt 69
As the tunes of Running up the hill filled the room, a young girl swayed to the rhythm, her eyes shut tight. A gentle breeze from the open window kissed her skin, sending shivers down her spine. She felt a tingling sensation, as if tiny sparks of magic danced around her.
Skipping her classes, she found solace in her own world, where reality blended with her imagination. With each hum and wave of her hand, she felt a surge of power coursing through her veins. She longed for a life beyond the ordinary, where she could explore the depths of magic without restraint.
Lost in her reverie, she twirled around the room, her laughter echoing against the empty walls. Her mind wandered to distant memories, conjured up by her vivid imagination. But amidst the joy, a hint of sadness lingered, like a shadow lurking in the depths of her heart.
As Train Song filled the air, her emotions spilled over, tears streaming down her cheeks. The melancholic melody struck a chord within her, stirring up memories she had long suppressed. Yet, she continued to sing, her voice a bittersweet melody against the silence of the room.
With each verse, she felt herself drifting further away, her surroundings fading into oblivion. Clad in a simple black dress, she floated out of the dormitory, oblivious to the curious gazes of the portraits that adorned the walls.
Outside, beneath the starlit sky, she soared through the night air, her hair trailing behind her like a veil of stardust. The world below seemed to blur as she surrendered herself to the enchanting music of Fleur de Lune.
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joncronshawauthor · 4 months
Free and Discounted Fantasy and Sci-fi ebooks –February 16, 2024
In this special blog post, we’re thrilled to guide you on a journey through the most captivating realms of fantasy and science fiction. Here, you’ll find an array of free and discounted books, each a gateway to adventures untold. Simply click on the book fair images to discover your next favourite story.
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fairytaleprincessart · 3 months
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luckyfaeth · 1 month
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obsessed with zac's face journey after this comment
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marinecanary · 19 days
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hats off to the man that has been making us all lose our minds for the past 5 months
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brionbroadway · 26 days
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i have never seen a more accurate representation of my teenage experience
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emtortles · 2 months
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we all remember Kristen’s familiar, right?
[ID: a recreation of a Steven Universe comic panel by Haus of Decline. In this version, kristen applebees has a tiny winnie the pooh in a baby chest carrier and is supporting her weight in one hand while the other holds her staff of doubt beside them. They both have a worried expression as Kristen says "i think we're gonna have to kill this guy, winnie", who disappointedly replies with "damn". /end ID]
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my-kawaii--world · 7 days
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to-be-a-dreamer · 19 days
See now the most compelling thing about Skuttlespring (Gorgug/Mary Ann) is that Zac Oyama the human guy reacts to the “Okay. Do you have a girlfriend?” scene like he’s an actual 17-year-old boy who just got asked out by the girl he’s been fighting tooth and nail to hate for an entire school year in front of his five best friends. That man is FLUSTERED and EMBARRASSED he is selling Gorgug’s sudden onset hate-crush in the midst of a completely unrelated situationship like his life depends on it and all the other Intrepid Heroes are equally in-character it’s so perfect. That is a 30-something year old man who has a whole entire wife but he’s out here stuttering and blushing like a teenager and THAT is why I will absolutely ship these two characters that have interacted two and a half times in canon and were either completely apathetic about or cartoonishly enraged by the other’s general existence for the entire season
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haleyusesherwords · 2 months
Gilear Faeth is doomed by the narrative in that he was supposed to be just Some Guy, but his daughter was so determined for him to be part of the narrative that he ended up with an ancestral curse
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ur-daily-inspiration · 3 months
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enchantingepics · 3 months
Story Prompt 39
In a small town where quirky happenings were a norm, something peculiar was unfolding at the local dance studio. The rhythmic beats of the latest pop tunes echoed through the mirrored walls as a group of people gathered for their weekly dance class. Little did they know that this seemingly innocent gathering would soon take an unexpected turn.
As the dance instructor pumped up the volume, the participants began to groove, blissfully unaware of the impending chaos. Suddenly, a mysterious figure in a dark hoodie joined the class, blending seamlessly with the group. The energy in the room intensified as the group engaged in what seemed like an ordinary twerking session.
Amid the laughter and enthusiastic twerking, the atmosphere turned tense. The hooded figure, driven by an unknown motive, started twerking with an unusual intensity. The movements became sharper, more erratic, and the onlookers couldn't help but exchange puzzled glances.
One brave soul, sensing that something was amiss, approached the hooded dancer. "Hey, you okay there?" they asked, their curiosity tinged with concern.
Without uttering a word, the mysterious twerker abruptly stopped and locked eyes with the inquirer. A chilling silence enveloped the room, broken only by the distant thumping of the music.
Suddenly, the lights flickered, plunging the dance studio into darkness. In the ensuing chaos, a blood-curdling scream pierced through the air. As emergency lights flickered to life, the participants discovered the unthinkable – a member of their dance class lay lifeless on the floor.
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rrat-king · 4 months
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an accidental renaissance moment found in this weeks adventuring party
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time-woods · 9 months
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a nighttime routine
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daily-spooky · 3 months
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