#Lucas Sinclair deserves better
dwobbitfromtheshire · 8 months
You're telling me that Steve "the mom" Harrington didn't pull Dustin, Mike, and Erica out by their ears to make them go see Lucas play while also giving Eddie the bitchiest look ever. He also might be lecturing Eddie on dividing their friendships and conforming to the idea that jocks also can't be nerds, ending it with a quote from Lord of the Rings. He'd leave Eddie sitting there with a mixture of anger, shame, and arousal while mom guilting the kids out of the drama room. Steve Harrington would be good with the mom guilt. I believe it.
"Well," Eddie said, clapping his hands together. "It looks like we're going to the game after all."
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mimymomo · 2 years
In ‘Lucas on the Line,’ Lucas Sinclair experienced countless bouts of racism and micro aggressions including but not limited to:
Had children run away from him and refuse to touch him because they thought his Black skin color would rub off on them. This happened IN THE THIRD GRADE! And he never told his parents about it!
Calmed his anxiety about being the only Black kid in his homeroom class by coming to the realization that since there was no other Black kids that meant he most likely wouldn’t be bombed
Had to install a camera in his locker because his property got defaced by a glitter bomb
Lost his first and only black friend/mentor who supported him thanks to an ACTUAL MAKESHIFT BOMB being installed in his locker that caused a janitor to go to the hospital for 1st/2nd degree burns (and the white boy who did it barely got punished)
Got teased that the only reason he got on the basketball team was because he was Black
Comes to the realization that he might’ve actually only gotten in the team because the coach has a history of recruiting Black boys for the team regardless of their skill level
Gets called an Oreo (for uneducated: white on the inside, black on the outside) by racist bullies. Erica (who apparently has also been called this) sticks up for him and is the only one who understands what the insult means which means Mike and Dustin don’t know/understand the lengths of how deep the racism Lucas experiences in Hawkins on a daily bases
And these aren’t even all of them! These are just examples I had from the top of my head!
And despite all this happening in the book, “fans” have STILL FOUND A WAY to turn this book about Lucas and his struggles as a Black boy in a mostly white suburban town and his deteriorating relationship with Max and make it about Byler!
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The fact that Lucas, one of the only characters of color on this show, can’t have ANYTHING to himself without people using him to push their ships is so aggravating!
He and Erica constantly get shit talked and miss characterized by fans, get excluded/cut out of group shots, and barely get any fanart/fics about them and their struggles compared to the white characters (I could make a whole new post about the terrible way this fandom treats Erica but I won’t do that here). Hell don’t forget that the fandom constantly tries to dispute the racism Lucas received in S2 from Billy was either not really racism, just a moment that Duffer Bros. put in to “ruin” Billy’s character and ultimately can be tossed out and ignored.
The only time I ever see Lucas get any large amount of attention is either due to 1) Lumax (but let’s be honest: 90% of the lumax tag on here isn’t even about them and has now become Elumax 2.0 and most post are people praising ElMax and then being like “oh Lucas/lumax is cute too” in the tags and that’s it). 2) people creating “parallels” of Lumax to their ship of choice (mostly Byler and Mileven) as a way to say that their ship is gonna be canon or 3) to say that he’s bisexual.
And all that is fine and whatever, ship and headcanon things to your hearts content, but if you only care about Lucas if he’s helping push you ship narrative or because you think he’s gay (to the point where some people actually read snippets of the book that talked about Lucas coming to the realization that Black boys like him can be considered attractive and only acknowledge the “queer” reading of the text and completely ignored the big race element that was the main focus), I’m sorry but, that’s not cool. The fact that 95% of the Lucas Sinclair tag isn’t about Lucas himself but white characters like Steve, Eddie, Byler says everything about how the fandom treats him.
I’m just so tired.
Lucas Sinclair deserves the same respect that the white characters get!
I leave you one of my favorite sections of the entire book: Lucas learning to become unabashedly himself:
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Rant over.
Edit: in my blind rage I realized I forgot to edit out the Twitter handle. That’s completely my fault. Please don’t hate that Twitter user. I’m just coming back to fix that.
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“this part of lucas’s book where he talks about how he thinks this other guy on the team is attractive indicates hes bisexu-“ GUNSHOTS
is he bi? i think so, yes, BUT, hes talking about the first black kid he saw in high school and how he had a different idea of what attractive people looked like compared to his friends. he then literally says “especially for someone that looks like me.” its not him being bi in that snippet. its about seeing that people that look like him can be attractive, too. im not saying to stop making everyone queer, but what i AM saying is to stop only looking at lucas and other POC characters from the lense of a white queer.
sincerely, a queer latina<3
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i love lucas sinclair. i live and breathe lucas sinclair. i am a lucas sinclair defender always. i would call myself a lucas sinclair apologist but he has never done anything wrong ever in his entire life. if lucas sinclair has million fans, i am one of them. if lucas sinclair has ten fans, i am one of them. if lucas sinclair has only one fan, that is me. if lucas sinclair has no fans, that means i am no longer on this earth. if the world is against lucas sinclair, i am against the world.
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ronancebyler · 9 months
i love lucas sinclair so much you guys you dont even know.
hes so cool and amazing and is consistently so wonderful to every other character.
i got so legitimately sad when everyone missed his basketball game hes just a kid dude he finally gets to have the childhood he missed by fighting monsters let him be happy plsplspls.
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imreading105 · 2 years
strawberry mentos
lucas sinclair x gn!reader
type: literally tooth-rotting fluff
word count: 0.2k
warnings: poorly written smooches, reader’s fav candy is strawberry mentos
summary: kisses with lucas are already sweet enough. even sweeter when you can taste the sugar on his tongue.
inspo: “strawberry kisses” by leanna firestone
a/n: wrote this bc i couldn’t sleep and we need more lucas fics !!!
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i pulled away from him, my eyes scanning his face.
"what- what is it?" lucas asks, eyes a little terrified.
i dive back in for another kiss. it's a press of lips and a swipe of the tongue before i pull away again.
"you taste sweet, sinclair," i state plainly.
the boy chuckles nervously. "umm... thank you?"
i kiss him again and again, trying to find the sweetness i had just tasted.
i could taste the sugar on his tongue. i knew lucas loved candy, but there was something special about the sweetness of this kiss. it was all too familiar.
after a handful more of kisses, i finally figured it out, pulling away from lucas with the largest grin adorning my face.
"holy shit, sinclair," i say. "strawberry mentos."
he stutters, his whole body heating up in embarrassment. "i have no idea what you're talking about."
my smile grows impossibly. "you ate my favorite candy," i say, "so that when i kiss you, it'll taste like them."
i get up off his bed, pulling open the drawer in his bedside candy, the designated candy stash. sitting at the top was a case of strawberry mentos, no doubt costing a few hours in the hot summer sun mowing lawns.
i picked them up, showing them to lucas as evidence. i gave him a pointed 'see?' look.
"i thought you'd like kissing me more if i tasted like your favorite candy..." the boy mumbled.
i wrapped my arms around his neck, hugging him tightly.
"jesus, sinclair. you're so sweet that i think my teeth just might fall out."
we both laughed, feeling unbelievably happy in each other's arms.
maybe all of erica and the party's teasing was worth it for these little moments.
and lucas' stupid strawberry mentos kisses.
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blackaquokat · 1 year
Alright Stranger Things Fandom, I'm putting this out there.
I desperately want to read Elumax or Lumax fanfic, BUT, I am wary of Fandom portrayals of Lucas in these dynamics. Whether it involves shunting him to the side entirely or villainizing him, making his Whole Personality be his relationship with Max, etc.
I've been lucky, so far, but only because I've only been reading Hellcheer or Steddie or Jopper. I would LOVE to read stuff with more Lucas but I am wary of dipping my toe in and getting slapped in the face with some VERY racist takes of his characters.
So if anyone has any fanfic requests, let me know.
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killukoo · 2 years
i’m still sick over how everyone skipped lucas’s CHAMPIONSHIP game for a dungeon’s and dragons tournament like y’all are not serious.. they owe him an apology idc idc. bc d&d??? give it upppp y’all can play that literally any other time 🤨
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lumaxramblings · 2 years
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sadie praising caleb and being so proud of him :') and her saying they have so much chemistry she's literally so right !!! they do !!!!
SO TRUE!!!!!!! caleb finally getting his time to shine That's Right!! honestly sadie is braver than any u.s marine because if i'd heard caleb cry like that i would've sobbed with him :'(
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highonwolfstarsmut · 2 years
to think that Steve probably taught Lucas basketball. and then him being the only one at his game ;((
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dqmens · 2 months
The fandom treatment of Lucas Sinclair is wild. Like in every single poll on tumblr he’s losing. Fucking Eddie came into the show and IMMEDIATELY became more popular than Lucas. He’s been an ORIGINAL MAIN CHARACTER since season 1 but you’d never guess it based on all the lack of content. When people talk about his book (if they even know about it) they zero in on the hints of him being bisexual. I totally support lgbtq Lucas but it shouldnt take him being lgbtq for you to give a fuck about him.
Last thing… does anyone else remember when the season four trailers were coming out and people thought Lucas did something horrible and were hating on him but it turned out everyone else treated him like shit? Because I do. I think about it constantly. 
I really need more screen time for him in the last season. I’m only watching for him at this point.
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 8 months
Bully stans DNI (I don't even want to say his name). Just block me, unfollow me. I don't want to hear your propaganda bs about how you are in love with a fictional racist.
There are some people out there who don't like Steddie because some people ship them with Bully. Honestly, Bully stans shouldn't be able to interact with this tag. But maybe if there were more fics where Eddie and Steve talk shit about him, talk about how much they hate him. Maybe they get together because they hate him. I just hate that there are some people who hate Steddie for that. Not all of us are like that, and there are a lot of us who hate people who ship Steddie with that racist, child abusing attempted murderer. Let's face it, that asshole was trying to kill Steve, and he probably would have if Max hadn't intervened. Eddie is all about lost sheep, about taking lost kids into his fold. . . He would absolutely hate that vile dickbag for hurting kids. They only time that I would want him to come back is so they can kill him again. Fuck that guy. Goddamn. Lucas, Max, and Steve deserve better in this goddamn fandom. I swear. God, they're also shipping him with Chrissy, too. Yeah, she deserves better, too. Sorry, it's that time of year again where I clear out any Bully stans that are following me. Hopefully, there's none.
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viewsfromthemallow · 2 years
I really, really wish the writers would acknowledge Lucas Sinclair is a black character. The scene that had him at gun point at the hands of Carver, a character who is definitely a shining example of privilege, felt so much deeper as a black viewer. Lucas pleaded to be trusted and understood by Jason and was met with a gun to his face. It was painful to watch the pain and hopelessness on Lucas’ face when he saw is hope of getting to Max was dashed by Jason. It magnifies the trauma experienced that night on top of witnessing what happened to Max that much more. I am angry. Shoutout to Caleb for the powerful acting (he most definitely understood the implications of the scene ). Refusing to acknowledge the depth added to Lucas’ character due to his blackness is a huge disservice to the character and viewers who can relate.
The fantasy behind Stranger Things allows for a level of escapism for the audience, but the ignoring that Lucas’ blackness in this case created a unfortunate scenario that black viewers have had too much experience with in real life.
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polyamorous-eleven · 2 years
I saw on wiki that people from school call Lucas “midnight” because of his skin color.
But I want to change it into something nice for our boy. So, little hopclair drabble.
Lucas finally makes his way to El, who is waiting for him in front of the school gates. He smiles at her, and starts to ask how was her day, but it’s when they both hear someone yelling “Bye, Midnight!” in his direction.
Lucas stiffens, starts scratching his head, and isn’t able to look into El’s eyes. He’s just ashamed of it. Of how people treat him and see him. And yes, he’s used to it, but he doesn’t want his girlfriends to hear it. To see how they treat him outside the people close to them.
El immediately sees that he’s distressed. She just knows his expressions, as well as she knows Max’s. They both matter to her so much, and she loves just looking at them, exploring their faces and learning any new expression they can make. That’s how she knows when something is not right. They are making that kind of expression. 
She comes closer to him, her boots meeting his, and cups his face in her hands, making him bend a little. 
“Lucas.” She says only, and even though her voice is soft and quiet, it’s also grounding. 
Lucas now can’t avoid looking into her eyes, and when he does, he sees question as well as reassurance there. It makes him breathe out slowly, calming himself.
“Sorry, El. It’s just that I don’t want you to hear how they call me. I’m... ashamed, I guess.” He tells her sincerely, placing his hand on her palm that still is on his cheek.
They learnt at the very beginning of their new, weird relationship that talking and being honest is a key to it. If they want it to work, they can’t hide their feelings and fears. 
“Oh.” El breathes, glancing for a moment at people behind Lucas. “Does it hurt you?” 
When she speaks, he can feel huffs of air on his mouth, and he has to force himself to not just kiss her here and now. But it’s not a good time, he knows. El wouldn’t like it either. So he doesn’t. Instead, he just closes his eyes for a moment.
“I mean, yeah, but I’m used to it.“ He opens his eyes, smiling slightly. “And I know that my warrior girl would like to fight them now, but it’s okay. You don’t have to.” She doesn’t look convinced, so Lucas runs a thumb over her palm. “Really.”
El huffs, not agreeing with him, knowing how bulling hurt, but she knows that Lucas knows his own feelings best. So she nods, and Lucas kisses her on the nose, making her giggle. 
His kisses always makes her giggle.
“So. Home?” Lucas asks, when his girl steps next to him, and takes his hand.
“Mine or yours?” El start walking and so does Lucas. “Or Max’s?” She adds after a second. She knows that right now, they can’t do that and Max explained everything to them earlier, but she still wants to see her again. They didn’t see her only three days so far, but El already misses her.
Lucas elbows her lightly, laughing at her expression. “Don’t make that face. You sure know that we can’t go to Max. But... maybe mine tonight?”
El nods, swinging their joined hands cheerily, focusing on Lucas and a warm feeling that she feels holding his hand.
It’s nice.
It’s nice until El starts the topic of Lucas’ bulling again.
“I think it's nice. How they called you then.” And he looks at her with a questioning look, because he knows that sometimes she just can’t express herself enough. And he can’t figure out, what she means by that. 
“I just think that ‘Midnight’ sounds nice. Romantic. I’ve never heard that word, or think about it, but now when I hear it, I think of you. Sitting on the grass, full moon behind you, making your hair glow, making you look like an angel. You smile at me and Max, when you take our hands and just hold them. You are the most beautiful things in the world for me at that time, and I think how much I love you.”
El ends, coming back from her dreaming state. When she does that, she always doesn’t know what is happening to her body and things around her. She just shuts down everything else.
Right now, she realizes slowly that they are no longer walking, but they hands are still joined. She follows Lucas’ hand to his arm, and then to his face.
“Oh” She mutters, because she sees Lucas looking to his other side, trying to hide his tears from her. His other hand hides his lips, and El is terrified that she just said something really stupid.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t want to hurt you, Lucas.” She explains and wants to let go of his hand, but he squeezes her hand a little tighter, telling her that he doesn’t want to.
El fiddles with her skirt, waiting for Lucas to calm down.
But he doesn’t take time to calm down. He titles her head in his direction with his other hand, and when El sees his eyes, he doesn’t look hurt. Not at all. Even though he clearly is crying. 
She waits.
“El, you didn’t hurt me. Not at all. I’m just happy because I can date two most incredible women in that world. I love you, too.” This time, Lucas can’t hold himself as he steals a little kiss from El’s lips, surprising her.
But he had to, had to let her know that she didn’t do anything wrong. On the contrary, she just made one of the names that people call him from hatred, sound like a compliment when coming from her lips.
El kisses him back, surprising them both. It was also a short kiss, only a peck even, but it made both of them smile wide for the rest of their way home.
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I can proudly say that I've 100% agreed with lucas since season 1. the hate he got for being rational was so stupid, proud to say that I've always stanned him.
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miaisagirllover · 10 months
plot twist: lucas is bisexual and and gets with will but its a shock because everyone in the stranger things fandom ignores and overlooks him. i know i sound fucking insane but i would love the duffers to give lucas some big role and shock everyone just to show how much they have underestimated him. but even the duffers have treated the sinclair family like they are nothing
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