xiiiwayfinders · 8 months
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accio-motivation · 5 months
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mickeym4ndy · 3 months
Sometimes I think about how Mickey & the Milkovich’s very first storyline is centered around them getting revenge on someone who they think hurt their little sister.
Mickey was just scouring the south side with a bat prepared to do ANYTHING for her without any question or need for proof, clearly so protective of her & his family. And the way no one’s even surprised by it shows that this isn’t the first time the Milkovich boys have gone after someone they think has fucked with Mandy.
They grew up in a house of horrors where all they had was each other, it almost seems like if they couldn’t protect each other from Terry, then at least they could do whatever they could to protect each other from everyone else.
And then that side of their dynamic which was set up as such a core element of their family was just forgotten about and never really explored again after, but I WISH we could’ve seen more of it.
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sluttygallavich · 24 days
Galladrabbles: muscle
Getting something in just under the wire after a stupid, crazy week. This week's @galladrabbles is based on the prompt "muscle" from @blue-disco-lights. <3
Mickey takes in the dark freckles of Ian’s sun-kissed shoulders. The wide planes of his back. All the new muscles that ripple beneath his skin from a summer swimming laps in the pool.
Mickey’s eyes travel lower, appreciating the taper of Ian's waist, the sweet dimples just above his ass, the way his own cock looks pumping into Ian’s hole.
He thought the thrill of fucking out on their balcony would be what got him off, but it’s the view of his husband from behind that has him moaning and pulling out to paint that sculpted back a minute later.
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tequilaasquared · 30 days
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I feel like enough time has now passed to say that I’ll truly never understand anyone who thinks Mickey assaulting Ian and breaking his leg was justified when Ian didn’t sign that marriage license. Like I just can’t imagine being a fan of them and fully absolving Mickey of that truly awful decision. Especially since the same people will berate Ian to the ends of the Earth for getting cold feet.
I’ve seen Gallavich stans over the years unabashedly admit they hold Ian to higher standards than Mickey and I feel like reactions to that scene are a perfect example of this: Instead of trying to empathise and understand both POVs (whether or not they agree with actions taken by either), Ian is villainised for his very valid and heartbreaking worries surrounding long term commitment and his complete lack of self love, and Mickey is praised for physically hurting someone he loves because his feelings were hurt and he was defensive.
Mickey’s feeling were completely valid, but so were Ian’s. And instead of telling him to go fuck himself and walking away, or allowing Ian to explain himself like he was attempting to, he impulsively threw his boyfriend down a flight of stairs. And then on top of that, tried to taunt him outside his house with his one night stand a day later.
Other than the fact that Mickey is favoured over Ian by most fans, my guess is that a big reason for the lack of sympathy extended to Ian in that episode, is that the average viewer relates more to heartbreak and being let down by romantic partners than they do to emotional turmoil and warped perception of self exacerbated by severe mental illness.
Was it unfair of Ian to show Mickey up like that right in front of the notary? Of course it was. Did he dig a hole for himself by not reading the situation and Mickey’s feelings properly? 100%. But it makes no sense to me that people think Ian was somehow deserving of that punishment.
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untouchedsoap · 8 months
there is something sooo fucking good about early seasons ian and mickey, about watching this summer fling turn into something more, the fear that elicited from mickey but him being unable to stop, finding those little moments hidden away and taking all this meaning from small gestures and persevering in dugouts and under bleachers and barely pressed confessions in the back of a church that is soo good for my brain
like i am very glad mickey gets to shout his love for ian from the mountain tops and also beat his love for ian into his dad's face but when he was clenching his teeth shut and his love for ian was coming out regardless ohhhhh baby i was eating
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Me when Mickey is being a huge asshole to everyone else: Fuck yeah rock on dude
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pophxj · 1 year
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Normal colors.
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teddybeartoji · 7 days
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golden28s · 8 months
i talk a lot about Mickey's character development but let's talk about Ian's quiet and subtle character development.
Mickey's character development was loud and it felt like an statement in the sense that was based on accepting himself and defending his own identity. And you need to speak up and be loud, make sure everyone hears you to do that. But Ian's character development happened almost in a quiet process that from time to time would let you know it was happening with some little clues (some of Ian's actions, some of his words).
And his character development was also a quiet process because it was about accepting love, about stop self hatred, about changing the image he had of himself to something more positive. It was about being aware of how wrong his negative thoughts about himself were, it was about feeling worth loving, worth fighting for and just enough. And he struggles with that from s5 til practically s10.
He finally reaches the peak of his character development in s10. And you see the final step of the process during the episodes that lead to the wedding. We see there that he's not entirely sure yet about how worth loving he is, he's not sure yet why someone would choose him, about how he can do things work and he's not sure if he can keep good things in his life or if he's even allowed to. But then it happens, his own proposal, his own wedding is the proof of how he thinks he can be loved, how he thinks people can choose him and how it's okay to just learn how to make things work.
This last idea solidifies in s11, he's the one coming to the conclusion that they can do that together, that they can learn together. He's the one knowing Mickey loves him and would choose him, he's the one thinking that it's okay if they don't know yet how to navigate marriage, they can learn and that doesn't mean he's ruining anything, that doesn't mean he can't keep good things in his life.
So Ian ends the show knowing he's loved, he's a priority, allowing himself to learn and knowing he deserves everything he has and deserves the happiness he finally has and now knows how to fight the old negative thoughts that would probably try to convince him again, from time to time, that he's a mess and too much but like I said, he knows how to fight that now.
It's a silent and very internal process, that also manifests in the way he kinda confirmed a lot of those old thoughts i mentioned in his other relationships and how badly they went even if you could say he was quietly sabotaging that by comparing them to what he had with Mickey which is human and natural. But he was fighting those thoughts, he was trying to keep happiness in his life.
So Ian's character development is this: a long journey of learning how to accept happiness, love and good things in your life and never stop reminding you how much you deserve that.
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aenslem · 9 months
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women are my favorite guy for sure
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tiktaalic · 8 months
Wait sorry. Just remembered how funny it is every time mickey thinks very heavily about murdering someone Ian’s reaction isn’t. Murder is wrong! Or human life has value! It’s. :/ mick don’t do it you’ll go to jail again.
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mickeym4ndy · 2 months
Mickey deserved an arc like Richie’s in the bear. where he finds a job/hobby (tattooing maybe) he enjoys and gets really good at it and people believe in him and they tell him he’s really good and so he starts to believe in himself
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squirrel-fund · 7 months
galla-phics by auds
[You know... like graphics... but with the boys.... you get it...]
Inspired by Sexual Harassment in the Workplace written by @goodkwuestion /Shamelessquestions
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Second one under the cut because kinda spoiler-ish? Probably not... but it's one of the best storylines in the fic!
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Shout-out to @squidyyy23 for letting me force her into being my sounding board in most of my creations 🤣🧡
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bisexual-playwright · 9 months
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My favorite cartoon rabbit
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gallawitchxx · 1 year
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caught in the act by gallawitch | rated: M | 2K
Mickey's had a shitty day. The cure? A beer at home with his husband and their teenage kid. But he never expected that his daughter would have a house guest...
a sweet anon popped into my inbox asking "if [i] could write something about if maybe mick and ian had a daughter and one day they left her home alone and came back to her fooling around on the couch with a boy? or a girl." why they think i'm the person to write galladads, i'll never know... but i tried anon! i really tried! especially because my sweet precious goblin king nosho's (@creepkinginc) birthday prompts were: fluff with slice of life. SO. here are some fluffy dads! i love you nosho! i love you anon! xx
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It's been a fucking shitty day.
Mickey throws open the front door with all of the force he can muster, ignoring the flare of pain in his bad shoulder. Stupid thing’s been acting up again since the weather’s turned cold. 
The metal of the doorknob cracks against the plaster of the wall in their entryway, and Ian winces. “Mick—“
“Not now, Ian,” Mickey barks. 
[ read the rest below the cut or here on ao3]
What he wants to say is, Fuck off, Gallagher, but they’ve spent over two decades together, and can at least be on a first name basis. Plus, he’s been trying to work on his reactions to things. Be less hot-headed and more thoughtful, or whatever the fuck. But he’s almost at the end of his rope, his fuse already lit and rapidly burning down thanks to a frustrating combination of idiot clients and useless new hires. 
It’s days like today that have him wondering why exactly he thought he wanted to run a business. Be somebody’s boss. Be responsible for keeping the lights on and the customers happy. Even though he's been doing this for years, he can't help but think that it was a lot easier when he was running drugs and whores.
Louder, though, and he's become accustomed to the quiet.
He needs a fucking beer. 
Two maybe, he thinks as he toes off his boots. Shoves them in his designated cubby in the hall closet like the little domestic bitch he is. Even steps out of the way so that Ian can come up beside him and drop his own shoes off. 
Mickey’s not mad at him. No reason to be, they don't even work together anymore. Haven't in years. But Ian'd offered to pick him up after his shift at the new hospital downtown, and he'd stepped right into the crosshairs of an already terrible mood. Mickey just needs a minute to unwind.
Before either of them can say anything further, a slight whimper, of all things, wafts towards them.
Mickey cranes his neck to see further into the house, his rage quickly finding a new target. He feels Ian’s chest close to his back, and lifts a finger to his lips.
Other sounds follow—a hitched breath, the shifting of bodies against the soft, leather of their new couch (a splurge purchase made when all kids and dogs had been sufficiently trained up and housebroken), a small, wet pop that makes Mickey's spine curl.
He catches Ian’s curious stare, their shoulders raising as they make their way to the living room. It all feels familiar, yet odd. Been a while since either of them had their shackles up. The Southside even feels somewhat safe these days, thanks to a new generation of kids and a bunch of gentrifying motherfuckers. 
So it comes as a surprise to see someone strange in their house, making slick noises on their furniture, sticking their tongue down their daughter’s—
“Oh, hell no! You gotta be shitting me!” Mickey yells, Ian right at his heels.
The kid leaps to his feet, his shoulder-length hair as disheveled as his button-down; his eyes and his boner bulging in tandem. He looks to Mickey, horror-stricken, then glances at Ian before looking down towards the girl on the couch: sixteen-year-old Josephine Gallagher-Milkovich, bright red hair sprawled out beneath her wide, green eyes.
“Hey Dad…” she says, shrugging just slightly.
Mickey’s blood boils. “Hey Dad?! Jo, what the fuck?”
She scrambles to sit up, grabbing the blanket at the end of the couch to cover herself, despite being fully clothed. 
Thank Christ.
“I think you should probably leave,” Ian chimes in, pulling Mickey’s attention back to the kid wilting silently to his left. “Door’s just that way.”
“That’s a good fucking idea,” Mickey yells. He takes a step forward and crosses his arms, settling into a wide stance. “Better yet, let’s make sure I never see you again. Got it, Pimple Puss?”
“Yes, Sir. Sorry, Sir,” the kid mumbles, shoving on his shoes at lightening speed. He stands, looking at them both. “Uh, Sirs.”
“Yeah, yeah, get the fuck outta here!” Mickey reiterates as the kid runs past him. Mickey swings back around towards his daughter, who has dared to stand up while his back was turned. “Not so fast! You better stay right where you are.”
She freezes, her eyes wandering to Ian. The door slams shut behind them, and he jumps a bit. Shrugs. Shakes off her stare. He wants to be the one to come through for her, soften the blow of what’s about to happen, but he can’t. His hands are tied. Instead, he reaches for Mickey’s wrist, turning him slightly. 
Warm green eyes catch his ice-cold stare.
“Mickey, think about this,” he whispers. His gaze is sweet, and he rubs a little circle with his thumb across Mickey’s pulse-point. It’s soothing, and it brings Mickey back into his body for a moment. Back to the present. Back from another day, in another house, when it was them getting caught. 
Fuck, he hadn’t visited that memory in a while. Didn’t even realize he’d slipped there now until Ian’s breath ghosted his temple, his words evoking yet another day with the same captor. The gun in his hand that time. His eyes wild. Mick, pause.
Mickey sniffs. Gives Ian a curt nod, sucking his lip between his teeth, and preparing to face his dumbass daughter again. “Give us a minute?”
Ian squeezes his wrist, “Course.”
Jo opens her mouth in protest, but closes it again off of Ian’s look. She’s sure he’ll have his own shit to say about the state she’s been discovered in—the rules, and the trust that she knows she’s broken—but that’s sure to be a calmer conversation. Less at stake, and everybody knows it.
“Gonna order us a pizza, I’m starving,” Ian calls behind him as he leaves his two most cherished people to hash it out.
It’s instantly uncomfortable. 
Jo picks at the skin on her lip, her ticks always more Mickey than Ian. Nurture kicking nature’s ass. But Mickey’s never been able to hold steady around a Gallagher pout, so when he finally exhales and meets her eyes, he knows he’s full of nothing but hot air.
"I ain't mad," he says, pinching the bridge of his nose between his thumb and pointer finger–a move that absolutely doesn't say everything's cool.
"You're not?" Jo asks, her eyebrows crinkling.
He drops his hands and takes in her expression, now dancing between terrified and confused. Shakes his head and says, ”Course not. I was banging your pops all over this neighborhood way younger than you are now.”
"Ugh, Dad.”
Mickey chuckles, briefly lost again in different, more pleasant memories; of stock rooms and refrigerators. ”Got caught a lot, too.”
Jo’s shocked. ”You did?”
“‘Course we did. We were dumb fucking kids! Got caught by his pervert boss, by fucking Frank... Another time, too…” He shifts his weight, and thumbs at his nose. “Let's just say that if you're gonna follow in our footsteps and fuck around in the open, you're goddamn lucky that it's us walking in that door.”
Jo nods. She doesn’t know the ins and outs of her fathers’s lives before her. Neither of them have spilled all of their secrets, and some things might never be relayed. But she knows enough to know it was way different from how she's grown up, and she knows that she can always ask. They’ll be honest with her. They’ve made a point to share what’s important, and tell it to her straight. 
She’s a good kid. 
They raised her up pretty damn well, despite all of the fear, and the doubts.
Mickey clicks his teeth, making his way to sit beside her on the couch."A guy though? Really? I mean, I get it.” He pops her one on the shoulder, playfully. “But I was always kinda hoping you'd be smarter than me.”
Jo goes beet red, her arms folding cross her chest. "Uh, yeah, about that..." She takes a deep breath and says, “I’m… queer. I think. I like, uh, both. All? People. I like people.”
“Oh,” Mickey says, his eyebrows shooting up his forehead.
She squints at him. “Cool?”
"Never really liked anyone 'sides that alien-lookin' motherfucker listening in from the kitchen" – there's a rustling from the room in question as Ian backs away from the doorway – "But yeah, that's cool. Thanks for telling me.”
She nods. "Thanks for listening.”
"Look, I may not be the easiest to talk to or the most in touch with my feelings or whatever, but I'm always gonna listen." He puts a tattooed hand on her knee. "I love you, kid.”
"I love you too, Dad.”
He pulls her in, tight to his chest. Her hands ball into little fists against his back as she wraps around him, and he remembers those same fists grabbing tight to his pointer finger the day she came home from the hospital.
A new surge of possessiveness swoops through him. 
"You being safe?”
He can hear the eye roll, so he pulls back, taking her by the shoulders trying to catch it in action. Knows she’s embarrassed, but he ain’t done yet. Even as a dad, he can be a little shit. 
"I can tell ya about condoms and lube, though that might not be such a thing for you? I don't know fuck all about a woman's body. Already seen way more than I ever wanted to… And it seems like you're past whatever I woulda told you before…"
She shudders at the outpouring of information, but she’s intrigued. "What would you have told me before?”
He settles back on the couch, spreading his legs just slightly, a mischievous smirk on his face. 
"Aight, I got yer cheap birth control right here. Only costs a penny. You put the penny on the inside of your knee—doesn’t matter which—and then you hold it in place with the other knee.”
He demonstrates, closing his knees together and holding it tight, his hands now raised high in the air.
Jo groans, “Oh my god.” 
Ian plops down on the couch next to Mickey, tired of being relegated to the kitchen. ”You’re a dumbass.”
"'Ey, I think it's a great option,” Mickey balks. “Affordable, ya know?”
"You heard?” Jo asks Ian, her cheeks pinking up.
"I heard,” he confirms, his arm stretching past Mickey to tenderly touch her cheek. “We love you.”
“Love you too,” she says. “And I'm being safe… Haven't really done much yet.”
"Take your time,” Ian says simply. “There’s no rush.”
“He’s right,” Mickey adds, “especially because you’ll be grounded for the next month.”
“A month?! For kissing? That’s not fair!” Jo complains.
“But you said it yourself I’m not doing anything you two weren’t doing!”
“Fine, two weeks,” Ian says, earning him a “yes!” from Jo, and a scowl from his husband.
“Did you even order dinner in there or were you just listening in the whole time?"
Ian flushes. Grumbles something as he pulls out his phone.
“Fucking figures,” Mickey says. Turns back to Jo. “And we’re your parents, kid. Thing’s ain’t always going to be fair. So, fine, two weeks because your old man’s a pushover, but I better not catch you hooking up on my couch again, capisce?”
“Capisce,” she smiles.
Young, bare knuckles bump against older, inked ones.
“Now, I’ve had a crap day. Make yourself useful and get me a beer, would you?”
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