#Mango mew/two
bluejay-flies · 6 months
Design Contest Results
First off, I just want to recognize the AMAZING work everyone did. I absolutely adore all of your mango mews/twos! Before I announce the winners, please take a moment to give all the love to these fabulous people and their art!
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This piece is by @vanessa-the-mewtwo! I love how you changed the horns into leaves, it’s such a cool idea! The colors are awesome too, the details of the spots on the tail and the fade into red at the tip just really add to the piece. Amazing work!
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This one is by @definitely-not-a-mew! Ok, this is ADORABLE. TOE BEANS!!!! I LOVE THE TOE BEANS!! The colors are outstanding, I love how you have some many different shades of orange and red throughout the body, it looks super cool!
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This adorable mew is by @ghost1289! I love how you went with the more red colors, it looks so cool and powerful! The energy ball is AWESOME AS WELL!! The mix of colors in it, with the black on the inside and the oranges and reds on the outside just makes it pop. Plus, having the tail be a leaf? Super cool!
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This adorable ‘two is by @haycoat! First of all, that little bow is so cute oh my god. And the little smile on its face?! AAAAAA!!!! I love how you started with orange for the body, and then slowly faded down to a red-orange for the legs. And then having the yellow of the tail interrupt the orange color scheme? It’s such a good idea!
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This beautiful ‘two is by @xhunterbeatsx! ….
I am speechless. This is gorgeous!!!! The detail of the vines/leaves starting from the second neck and then slowly winding their way down to wrap around the tail is absolutely stunning. The pastel colors of the body just gives it a really gorgeous color palette!!!! And the name Sabine is so cute omg 😭 Bravo 👏
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Indica is by @mushroom-for-art! Out of everyone who entered, you’re the one of the only ones who named their mew/two and I LOVE IT!! I swear Indica is so cute and happy and adorable- I JUST WANT TO HUG THEMMMM. I love how you incorporated the leaves not just in one place, but the whole body! Two leaves for the tail, a bit on their second next, and one the top of their head! Plus, the flowers for ears?!! Amazing!!!!!
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This piece is by @ricksoo! Ok, I love the stance you put this guy in. They look read to go! And that little tuft of leaves on their head gives off STRONG anime protagonist vibes, I love it!! The colors look so yummy, out of all the art this is the one I just wanna *nom*
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This beautiful mew is by @mini-frau! Oh my god, this mew looks like a god!!! The colors are stripes are of course gorgeous, but the way the fur seems to flick around like fire gives it this ethereal vibe that I absolutely adore!! Truly gorgeous job!!!!
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And last but absolutely not least, we have this freaking ADORABLE mango mew by @kwispyhamburger! Oh my god oh my god this is so cute what?!!?! The little leaves around it’s neck like a scarf are ADORABLE!!! And that one little leaf on its tail is just so cool for some reason, I’ve no idea why but I love it! And those sunset colors- this is a mango mew if I’ve ever seen one.
Everyone give a round of applause, because every single on of those was gorgeous. Thank you to everyone who joined!
And now for the moment everyone’s been waiting for…
Since so many people joined, I’ve decided to have a second place as well. Both winners will receive a drawing of one of their characters that will at least be fully colored!
In first place, we have…
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Sabine by @xhunterbeatsx!! Beautiful job, the colors and the leaf design you created are what really won me over.
Finally, second place goes to….
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Indica by @mushroom-for-art!! Same as Sabine, the colors and design are so cool that I couldn’t not choose them!
Winners, you can DM me your character + reference whenever you like, and I’ll get started asap!
Congrats to the winners, and a biiiiiig thank you to everyone who entered! This has been loads of fun, and I hope you guys enjoyed it as much as I did ^^
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raymondshields · 1 year
📓 📓 📓 Go off king tell the world even more about this silly little AU of ours
Ah, wouldja look at that, my darling mate is awake~ This is why I can't be mad at my sleep schedule being this comically awful. I get to say good morning to you and send you off to work with a kiss like you always do for me! ;O;
The question is, are there any fics in my spreadsheet that you don't know about??? I don't think there is! I think In Observation was the only one I added that you didn't know about already? Uhm, I did just notice I had to update What Could Be's status and pitch, because Angel never does become the court sketch artist, and it was always meant to be their first date and we RPed that, so I just gotta back it up.
So I think this works best as "what ideas do I have kicking around that I've forgotten to tell you about that I'm sure you'll help me brainstorm into actual fics that will go in the spreadsheet until I write them", so how about I just bullet-point a list and we find out what happens.
I have that Shieldsworth smut fic I haven't titled nor finished. I should do that. I am taking title suggestions.
I really want to write the Sagiverse version of The Inherited Turnabout / the entirety of AAI2, because it features Marlis and Marni way more, and Ray gets to be cursed the entire time. Sagiverse!Ray is so different from canon!Ray that his existence alone will change stuff, so I wanna write that together.
Obviously, we need to write the Elderqueer's Aethelian trip, and the four really reclaiming their draconity. This will happen after I sit down and worldbuild the shit out of the Aethel. I am requesting / begging / asking very nicely for all your high-fantasy concepts and ideas that haven't been integrated into something, because the Aethel is like twenty realms and I intend on going off the shits, so we're gonna yes-and rule of cool. I established in I think The Deafening Distance that some of the bridges in Ilya Alyve's highways are just straight up mushroom concrete. Also, titles and ideas of what they're doing along the way. Tbh I wouldn't be surprised if we write this sometime this summer? It might actually be part of Mangoes, now that I think about it, it would be really fitting??? Yeah, okay, I think this is just one of the major plotlines of Mangoes. Lmao. xD
We really gotta sit down and plot out both the Imma and Amaryllis arcs... I say, knowing full well that doing the Imma arc requires sitting down and writing MvK & Addie vs the German Narrators not once but twice and also the Narrator Revolution, and doing the Amaryllis arc means plotting and probably coding three Heroes Infinity games, which requires the timeline, which requires the Infini12 storyline and also Willow's backstory. We could probably do the Imma arc soonish, because it's not so dependent on the Revolution + the German Narrators that we have to rewrite it the moment we do those, but let's be real with how much story we gotta dig into, I'll be amazed if we get to the Amaryllis arc by our wedding. xD Not that I'm complaining! I am looking very much forward to getting to write all this together!!!
See, now I really want to dive directly into Heroes Infinity again, because like, Mia, Diego, Willow, Dahlia, and Marni (and Ray as a bonus) being there changes the story so goddamn much. This immediately brings to mind the scene where Vitta is just yelling at Kaden for stealing the MEWS serum, except she immediately turns around and sees Marni ignoring her health problems, considers going and joining the Legion, sees Willow doing the exact same shit, and then goes back to the Heroes because Kaden is less bad than these two, and that's without her finding out about Ray who is literally only alive because the curse refuses to let him die. I gotta finish Kominting on Blueberries + Apricots before I plunge into Kominting on the HI drafts, but I am so excited to see how throwing some Lawyers into the mix changes things. Mia and Diego parenting the Connors-Shermans Edgeworth-Armandos is gonna be so good, and it not saving them is going to be so angsty and so good. So good. ;O;
Also I forgot until just now but you know Ehaelos? The guy I was bitching about not being able to picrew because he's Black and has red hair? Apparently he only wasn't Miles' advisor at Kensington because Miles really wanted to wingman Marlis. That's fucking hilarious. Miles Edgeworth really did say that wingmanning his sister was more important than his necromancer education and I choose to believe that this is the only trait he retained from MvK, who kinda was That Guy. Objectively, this is the funniest trivia fact in Sagiverse, right next to Raykath.
I really, really want to write the fic of Marlis saving Willow on the ghostroads, because it's also the fic of Atticus saving Marlis and Hannelore being conceived, but like, all of the characters involved save Willow are usually yours to POV from, so I may pass this one onto you, but either way we gotta write it my dude, we can't just Not.
One of these days I will write I Live for Glitter, Not You and it is going to be the objectively funniest fic I've ever written, and then right after it, I will write Hold On Through the Night and we'll get to see drunk Miles angsting over Charley and Larry egging him on, and that's that on that.
Also I found out tonight that during Fight the Good Fight, Miles realizes that Carter knew who Ray was (because he referenced him so heavily in The Last Star of Morning) and promptly summons him and then punches him in the face. He conveniently forgets that Carter couldn't have told him due to the curse, and then has to be restrained so he doesn't punch him again. Because if he does then Ali will kick him in the balls, and Ali kicking Miles in the balls only ever ends in Atticus grounding everyone involved.
Which reminds me. We've gone over Carter and Simon's arc exclusively in quotes. We should, at the very least, turn these into Audiomance recordings and make them into a proper fic. Because otherwise they will never see the light of day and we can't torment Tsuko with them. I feel like if we actually let anyone into the quotes doc we'd die, so we should formalize those and sic them on our friends. I dunno if their arc changes enough to warrant rewriting the canon cases (there are So Many Other things we gotta write and we only have two fucking thimbles to move this ocean with ;~; ) but I do wanna get those all fancied up. That would be great. I love them so much. ;O;
I'll let you in on a funny little secret that you're going to think is absolutely cringe, because I'm looking at the spreadsheet trying to figure out where my train of thought went. You know why I haven't finished Different Worlds, Same Old Moon? It's only halfway because my smut muse is super iffy. It's mostly because the phone in Atticus' apartment is in the hallway, and cell phones were not invented in '71, and it's a far enough stretch of suspension of disbelief to say Atticus rerouted the office phone to go to his home phone after hours, which means Ray has to go pick up the phone from the hallway. Hard to do with what they're doing at the moment, so I was originally like "he just picks him up and keeps doing that with Atticus on his shoulders", but that doesn't work, and you know why? You wanna know why? Because no fuckin hallway ever is going to be tall enough that they can do that, unless Atticus' shitty downtown L.A. apartment in 1971 has comically high ceilings, which it fuckin wouldn't, and thus my ability to write crashed and burned. Once I circumvent this incredibly difficult problem, I will be able to keep writing and hopefully finish it. But I have not doing that, and thus I have writer's block. These are the things that stop me from writing. I must have historical accuracy or I will die. This is the real reason why I need the timeline. I'm pretty sure Hanne and Trucy don't actually have Switches. They meet Ray in 2001. They have Gameboys. They might have played the original Animal Crossing if it was out by then, but certainly not the newer ones. Now, it's entirely likely that we can chalk the Nintendo Switch coming out twenty years earlier to Tails, which would be funny as hell, but we gotta establish this one way or another or otherwise I will die.
Dear god I want to write some fic with Bex, Wolf, and Aingel. But that requires dealing with the Heroes of Kharos, and their storyline is something I really know fuckall about, and I know we're not circling back to that until the Brainrot calls us back to Sonata. Which will happen, but probably after we jump back into Heroes Infinity, so like, I totally wanna do it Right Now but we have two fucking thimbles. I wish Diego did have the power to control gravity and make the world stop turning. Then maybe I could fling the thimble faster and write all of this all at once. I want to stick an extra 32gb of ram directly into my brain. Help.
And I have to end it there because uh. Tumblr. Tumblr what.
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Aight, I guess tumblr wants me to go to bed. xD See you in the morning, my lovely, please tell me your thoughts!!! ;O;
[send me a book emoji and I'll tell you the premise of a fic I haven't written yet]
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petnews2day · 2 years
Hey Pandas, What Are Some Good Male Or Unisex Cat Names?
New Post has been published on https://petnews2day.com/pet-news/cat-news/hey-pandas-what-are-some-good-male-or-unisex-cat-names/
Hey Pandas, What Are Some Good Male Or Unisex Cat Names?
I’m looking for ideas on what to name a new cat. He’s male, 2 years old. He’s a ginger, white with a few large orange patches. I’m still not sure about his true personality, was thinking of a name that matches his personality. His previous owners, my neighbors from across the street were neglectful, throwing him out all night in the cold crying, and they were always screaming, so this cat is skittish, but definitely not aggressive. He’s gentle, and I have a feeling he’s a sweet boy. Anyway, I’d love some ideas! I don’t know what the previous owners called him, usually just “pain in the a**!”
If i had a ginger cat i’d call them Ginger Ninja 😄🐈
I have always loved the name Jiggles or Noodles for a cat
Samson, Dragon, Sir Richard the Lion-Hearted, Bean, Toast, Mango, Willie, Noodle, Boris, Bumpus, Franklin, Milo, Hugo. Tell us which one you pick, or if you did something that’s not on this post!!
if its a black cat with green eyes the call it Loki if blonde with blur eyes then call it Odinson it will be cool if you have two cats of the above description cand call them Loki and Odinson(thor)
if its grey call it mjolnir or mew-noir for black
if its chocolate brown or mud colour then call it belgie(belgian chocolate)
if its whitish pinkish or creamish the call it onion
as you said, “He’s a ginger, white with a few large orange patches.”… I’ll say : Winnie the Pooh or (Pooh for short) or TWEETY for a girl anyone wondering; Tweety is a yellow canary in the Warner Bros. Looney Tunes i had a soft toy of her when i was a child and absolutely love it
Based on his colors call him Julius for the orange Julius drink. Lots of good nicknames from that too Jules, Julie, OJ, JJ, JuJu, etc.
Mittens Alex Fluffy Cheeto
Since you said, “He’s a ginger, white with a few large orange patches.”… I’ll say the obvious: Ginger 😸
I always name my pets after characters I like. Based on your description I would name him Malingo. It comes from Clive Barker’s Abarat series. But Malingo is a character introduced as a victim, escapes with the main character from this situation, and is really kind/loyal despite lacking some confidence. (He’s also conveniently orange!)
Our first male cat was Vergil, but he died very soon. Long story short, eventually we got two new kittens, girl Rikku and boy Dante. Yep, all names are from video games, my husband is a nerd (FF10 and DMC4).
Ginger bread or cookie. I think they are good names.
Potato! Works best if he’s a bit on the chubby side. I’ve also always thought that Miso would be a lovely name on a ginger cat.
I named my cat Fatso Franko. My old cat was a ginger called Meat, short for Meat-Head. My mom had two tuxedo males I called Dingle and Mr. Burt. Mr. Burt had a brother who was all white, I called him Ding-Dong. Cat names really depend on their personality.
Coco is amazing. Or Shadow. Or Ninja and Midnight
Jasper. It’s the name of a dragon in a book I just read and the stone matches the cat
I always thought Linus would be a good name for a ginger cat! My dear departed fluffy ginge was W***y Fabian, aka Pooh Bear or Puddin
Sammy, Twitch (named after a character in the movie Hoodwinked).
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hansols-yoda-boxers · 5 years
Kitten Ears - Part 3
Wonwoo x Cat Hybrid Female!Reader
Word Count: 2159
Contents: hybrid au, reader in heat, masturbation, sensitive tail, marking, oral (female receiving)
Tag List: @skjdln, @funinfundamental, @kwanismsworld, @taikalinna, @svt-mangos, @strawberry-artini, @lovesickmark, @cliffordmonarchy, @skylions-den, @karenbcy, @jisooderulo, @sleepy-star-boy, @brokenheartloving, @sno-leopards, @livorna, @jaehyunluvcult, @chanivity, @winktokki, @jqehyu, @kwanseo, @vernon-van-chwe, @lets-get-1t, @tearsofsyrup
You could have sworn you had been in this same position before. Most nights since your heat had started you slept in your room. You didn’t sleep particularly well but your post orgasm naps had helped you get some proper rest at least. You were a little worried about sleeping in a room with someone else and how you would feel when you woke up.
This just confirmed your fear.
Currently you were nuzzling closer to Wonwoo, pressing your face against his neck as he slept and breathing in his scent. You whimpered quietly at how good he smelled. It wasn’t your intention to fall asleep in his room the night before but you couldn’t help it. It was warm and cozy and he always calmed you down so much and you figured you had had some relief the day before so you would be fine.
Apparently not since just his scent was driving you nuts at the moment, not to mention the way he was breathing slowly underneath you as you cuddled into his chest or how nice the smooth sheets felt against your hot skin. Everything about him was enticing right now and it was making you whine. You tried to think through your haze and figure out what to do. You could always go back to your room and try to deal with it. But… you had yet to try anything on your own and the idea was intimidating. You also didn’t want to leave Wonwoo’s room.
That also took away the option of leaving to find Minghao or Joshua. You could barely think about either of them when you were so close to Wonwoo. There was also the option of trying to deal with it here, while he slept. You bit down on your lip as you glanced at his sleeping face. You would be pretty embarrassed to get caught again.
You pressed your face back into his neck, leaving a few small kisses and kitten licks against his skin between quiet whines and whimpers of frustration. You didn’t want to wake him when he finally had a morning to sleep in, but you wanted him more and more badly by the second.
You tried rolling off of his chest, hoping that not being on top of him would help, but after a minute or two or squirming and glancing at him you just wanted to be closer to him again. You inched a little closer, toying with the idea of playing with yourself here. You didn’t want to get caught but you couldn’t stand the thought of leaving his side right now. It would take him a minute to wake up so you could surely stop before he noticed.
You shifted until your nose was buried in his neck again, as much to take in his scent as to hide your own burning face. You parted your legs slightly and carefully trailed your fingers between them. The movements definitely didn’t feel as good as either Minghao’s or Joshua’s had as you clumsily tried to find the spot that had made you feel so good before. This couldn’t be that difficult, could it?
You felt your face heating even more as you struggled to find the right way to move your fingers and make yourself feel good. You would have given up but you were only making yourself more frustrated and desperate as you dragged your fingers along your clothed core, searching for the spot that would give you relief.
A small gasp left your lips as you pressed against the spot that sent a shock of pleasure through you. You rubbed circles around it and whined against Wonwoo’s skin. Your tail flicked and swayed back and forth, pushing the blankets around and your ears flattened to your head as you spread your legs a little wider, needing more. Your mind started to entertain the idea of pushing your panties down and even though that thought made you feel even more flustered, you were also desperate for release now.
Until you heard a chuckle.
You pulled your hand away from yourself and snapped your legs shut quickly as Wonwoo wrapped his arms around you and pulled you on top of him.
“Needy this morning?” his voice was a little more gravely from sleep and you bit your lip at the sound, whining.
“You just woke up, how did you know?” you mumbled against his skin.
He rubbed your back soothingly. “Because you’re burning up.” His hand slid lower down your back and you let out a mew as he started to play with the base of your tail. “And your little moans are very cute.”
“I-I thought I was being quiet,” your voice was a little breathy with the way he was touching you.
He chuckled. “You were, but not silent.”
You let out a whimper as his fingers trailed up your tail a little before moving back to the base. He pressed a kiss to your temple, trying to coax your burning face away from his neck. You stayed nuzzled there but as he kissed down the side of your face you inched out little by little, moving closer until he brought his lips to yours sweetly. You sighed into the kiss as his fingers continued to stroke the sensitive base of your tail and you pressed your hips back against his hand.
Wonwoo smiled against your lips. “I take it you want some help?”
You gave a small “mhm,” before he rolled you over. He gave you a few more kisses before pulling back a bit. He toyed with your shirt, giving you a thoughtful look.
“On or off?” he asked.
You bit your lip, “On, please.”
He smiled softly and leaned in for another kiss letting his fingers start to trail gently up your bare thighs and towards your panties. You wiggled your hips, feeling impatient and needy. You were a little more bold from your neediness and Wonwoo’s teasing tone and heated gaze weren’t helping at all.
He didn’t move his fingers any faster, taking all of his time to drag his nails along your hot skin and listen to the way you whimpered against his lips. His kisses were slow and deep, savoring the feeling of you getting more and more frustrated underneath him. His fingers trailed teasingly close to your core before dragging away again. You groaned and pressed your hips up towards him, feeling more desperate by the second.
“Wonwoo,” you moaned, breaking away from the kiss. “Please.”
He gazed down at you, his fingers gracing over your thighs. “You need me to move faster?”
You pouted and nodded but he didn’t move right away, instead watching you thoughtfully for a moment longer. His eyes traveled over your body, taking in your thighs and your hips as he bit his lip. As much as you wanted him to do something you were transfixed with the way he gazed at you hungrily. His finger trailed up along the neckline of your shirt and pulled it down just slightly, showing the base of your neck and some of your collarbone.
“Minghao left some pretty marks on you,” he murmured. You felt his hand squeezing your thigh. “It makes me want to leave some of my own.”
You were panting as you stared up at him. “Please,” you breathed.
Wonwoo pressed a few kisses to your jaw. Your breathing was heavy as his lips moved along your neck, leaving sweet kisses before grinning against your skin.
“I just had a much better idea of where to leave a mark,” he hummed.
You didn’t have the time to ask where he meant before he moved down your body, before pressing his lips sweetly to the tops of you thighs. Your cheeks heated as you hide your face shyly in the pillows, the butterflies building up in your stomach as Wonwoo kissed your thighs gently. His hands rubbed along them soothingly, gently and slowly pushing them apart. You felt his fingers curl into the waistband of your panties before he said your name softly.
You peeked down at him, a shy mew falling from your lips as he looked at you expectantly.
“Do you want these off?” he hummed, running his thumb along the fabric.
You let out a soft whine, nodding slightly and biting your lip as he pulled them slowly down your legs. He chuckled as you pressed your legs together again before kissing your thigh just above the knee.
“You’re too cute,” he purred as he fingers slowly worked your thighs apart. His lips moved slowly up your thighs as he settled himself between your legs and you let your eyes slide shut, your cheeks burning as you nuzzled your face into the pillow. He pressed your legs apart more and more until his lips were trailing along the tops of your inner thighs. A small gasp left your lips as he sucked harshly on the sensitive skin. 
Your tail flicked against the bed as you whimpered. He sucked hickies into a few spots on your thighs, his lips moving closer and closer to your core. The teasing and your neediness far outweighed any shyness as your fingers curled into his hair and you whimpered.
You heard him chuckle at your impatience but had no time to reply as you felt his tongue dragging through your folds, slowly. A gasp fell from your lips, morphing into a mewl as his tongue circled your clit slowly. Your fingers curled more tightly into his hair and you swore you felt him smirk against you.
Wonwoo pressed in even closer, pushing your thighs back just a bit more. His lips wrapped around you clit as he sucked gently and you let out a moan, peeking down at him. Your cheeks burned even more as you met his heated gaze that was only turning you on more. A whine left your lips and you pressed your cheek into the pillow again.
Your tail flicked against the bed as Wonwoo’s fingers dug into the soft skin of your thighs a little more. His tongue dragged over your sensitive bud again and your hips rocked into his mouth as you whined for more.
You pouted when his lips pulled back for a moment, whining out and tugging his hair and he chuckled before his tongue dragged lower. You let out a whiny mewl as his tongue started to tease your entrance.
You whined and rolled your hips. Your fingers dug into his hair a little more as you tried to pull him closer and he chuckled at your neediness, but obliged. His tongue pushing into your entrance, curling slowly as he caught some of your arousal on his tongue and groaned.
A high mewl fell from your lips and your tail flicked energetically at the bed as his tongue explored your heat. His movements started slowly but as he took in your reactions, he moved more quickly. You started to moan out as you rolled and ground your hips against Wonwoo’s face. His fingers dug in your thighs more firmly as he lost himself in your heat.
You felt him let go of one of your thighs and soon after the strong scent of his arousal hit your nose. You whined out and your thighs trembled slightly at the scent of Wonwoo getting more worked up. You felt him groan lowly against you, the vibrations running through your core sending tendrils of pleasure rushing up your spine.
Your moans climbed higher in your voice as you felt a coil tightening in the pit of your stomach. You gasped out Wonwoo’s name as he nose brushed over your clit and his tongue moved quickly into your core. Your thighs shook and pressed in around his head and his groans against you only served to work you up more.
A high pitched moan left your lips as you released, your hips bucking off the bed and Wonwoo holding you close as you rode out your orgasm on his tongue. He lapped at your core eagerly as he stroked himself quickly until he was letting out a breathy moan against your core as he came.
Your chest was heaving as Wonwoo pulled himself up from between your legs. You watched him through heavily lidded eyes and whined while he cleaned himself off, stretching out your arms. Wonwoo glanced at you and chuckled as he climbed onto the bed. You were quick to curl into his side as he wrapped an arm around you, resting his hand on your hip lazily. A purr emanated from your chest and Wonwoo pressed a kiss to your head gently.
“Do you feel better?” he hummed.
“So much better,” you sighed, wrapping your tail around him sleepily and yawning.
“You just woke up and you want to sleep again?” he chuckled.
“Just for a little bit,” you pouted.
“Okay, just for a little bit.”
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sailorvinusmoved · 4 years
✨ uh oh! bad ending.
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🌙 ( insert his sultry n sexy character theme song for when you reach his scenes. )
name: virote srisati. their profession: dance instructor, art therapist, local exorcist and spooky fighter by moonlight, fashion killa by daylight! where they can be found: studios, museums, metaphysical shops, parks, wandering the streets at night, cemeteries, art supply stores, trader joe’s, fighting soccer moms at whole foods over the last barley and bean salad, outside 7-eleven crying. or in a bathroom crying. crying somewhere. favourite food type: anything ultra spicy he has no spice limits, thai, chinese, cuban, japanese, will occasionally crave taco bell. that’s a lie… he will often crave junk, but won’t act upon it so he just dies inside. has a sweet tooth for unusual ice cream flavors like jalapeno-pineapple. favourite alcoholic drink: pink and red moscato, tokaji, plum wine, peach bellini, amaretto sour, glitter and trash ( gin, vodka, sprite. ) favourite trait: humor... listen, he loves when a man can make him laugh. first off, he doesnt laugh very much. if you can make him laugh, you’re in. as noted earlier, he doesnt give a shit about having sweet nothings whispered in his ear. tell him some crazy shit! make him crack tf up! also he likes men that can get aggressive and turn a bitch inside-out when needed. tough guys. a man who can hold shit down. who aint afraid to grab someone and break their fucking neck. that’s hot to him, babey! where they would go on a date: anywhere that isn’t uptight! hell, he’d be shocked someone wants to go on a date with him at all. ideal gift: candles, crystals, origami paper, art supplies in general, flowers, his favorite foods. super in luv w. the idea of being given things like handmade soap or jelly / jam from the farmer’s market. would die if he was given a single piece of fruit like a mango. that’s intimacy! and sharing it? bih… tf… that’s sexy to him. if you wanna get him married to you right away just tell him you donated money to a charity or something. if you buy him gucci or louboutin, aka what he considers k-mart for rich people with no taste, he will call the cops on you. when will they drink alcohol: there’s a 30% chance he’s already had two glasses of wine before leaving the house, tbh. not enough to get tipsy or drunk, but enough to just forget he’s had enough of everything. how many dates until they go to bed: depends on the date and who’s his dating partner. he doesn’t think sex is absolutely sacred so it don’t even gotta be a date! you bored? wanna get freaky? he’s game. though, he may wait a bit if he thinks he’s falling in love. also, you think he’s gonna make it to the actual bed? no, he’s sleeping on the floor with a volume of tokyo mew mew on his face. he just rly likes sex... it’s recreational, in his eyes.
✨ TAGGED BY: :) ✨ TAGGED BY: lit’rally.... if u wanna do it then b my Guest,
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Taiwan Qurantine Series
Quarantine experience in Taipei!
The service at this hotel is very attentive!
I booked a hotel a month ago, and finally one in Taipei. I recommended booking a hotel earlier.
On the day of arrival, the staff were already waiting for my arrival, and they were fully prepared. Friends who came back from abroad entered through the side door, the room card and anti-epidemic shoe covers were prepared for us, and the luggage was sprayed with alcohol again.
Room : After check-in, I found that the hotel room was very clean! The switches on the wall and the TV remote are wrapped in plastic wrap. There was also alcohol, detergent, dish soap, laundry detergent, and hand lotion in the room. I also had a small washing machine in my room.
Since there will be no cleaning staff for two weeks, the hotel also provides other cleaning tools. Toilet brushes, garbage bags, dish sponges, and dishwashing gloves! The hotel is really considerate!
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Meals: I have ordered meals at the hotel. The meals are delivered at 7:00, 12:00, and 6:00. Maybe it’s been a long time since I returned to Taiwan. I look forward to the meals they bring every day. Because they are really delicious! I have a small microwave in my room. You can heat it if you need.
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Services: The staff was very attentive. After I booked, the hotel immediately sent a message to confirm the flight time. If you have friends who are vegetarian or don't eat beef, you can inform the hotel first.
And I used their delivery service. I ordered the mango shaved ice with Uber Eats. The staff brought the ice right the first time. The service was very efficient!
Other: The only disadvantage is that there are many buses and scooters on Linsen Road, often waking up by the horns.
Hope everyone also has a pleasant quarantine experience. Thank you for reading!
Source: Grace Lee, If there is infringement, please let me know.
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tsukiipnatsu · 6 years
About Me
Tagged by @honeyglue 💕
❀ name: Kaylee
❀ nicknames: Kay, Keeltje, Ayu, PiiPii, AyuPii, AyuuPii, buddy,
❀ height: 5′5.5″
❀ orientation: straight
❀ nationality: Dutch American (got two passports, yo)
❀ fave fruit: PEACH (Mango comes up close as a second)
❀ fave season: Winter, I like layers and cute boots. Also scarves are cool.
❀ fave plant: any type of succulent. 
❀ fave scent: fruity???? That’s tough. Citrusy?
❀ fave color: pink, cream, white, black and turquoisss
❀ fave animals: ducks, cats, frogs, birds
❀ tea, coffee or hot chocolate: coffee for days. 
❀ avg hours of sleep: during school semester: 4-0 no school: 7
❀ fave character: Ichigo from Tokyo Mew Mew
❀ dream trip: Hokkaido, I wanna eat the crab legs~ Also I wanna drag @honeyglue with me to japan next time I go cuz that would be dope.
❀ when my blog was created: Uh, 2011? I stopped using it for like, 4 years during college lmao.
❀ how many followers: many, but also many inactive. :’D 
❀ random fact: I had an ovarian cyst burst last night and I have spent the past 3 hours applying for healthcare.
(make up your own question)
❀ Hobbies: I like baking and cooking, I also like drawing and traveling. And I also foster kittens on occasion!
I don’t have many friends on here as well, so if you see this feel free to do it because learning about other people is fun! :’D
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Wedding Cocktails: Mango Mew & Monkey Butter
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Mango Mew
2 mango slices 1 oz half and half cream 1/2 oz respado tequila 1.25 mango cream liqueur (Somrus) 1/4 oz strawberry liqueur (Drillaud)
Equipment: muddler, shaker Glass: cocktail Garnish: Whole strawberry
Muddle the mango slices in the shaker. Add the remaining ingredients and ice. Shake thoroughly. Strain into glass. Garnish with whole strawberry.
Source: me
Monkey Butter
1 oz creme de banana (Drillaud) 1/2 oz butterscotch schnapps (Dekuyper Buttershots) 1/2 oz Amaretto (Trader Vic’s) 1/2 oz White Chocolate liqueur (Godiva) 2 oz  half and half
Equipment: shaker Glass: coupe or martini Garnish: 1/2 inch thick banana slice
Shake the liquid ingredients with ice. Strain and garnish.
Source: me
Well, due to all the procrastinating I’ve done, we’re getting two pairs of wedding cocktails back-to-back, postwise. I actually did get a shot of these lovelies at the wedding. Due to the nature of light plastic cocktail glasses, the strawberry for Mango Mew ended up floating in the cocktail itself, rather than discretely perched on the edge like was originally envisioned. No matter; the cocktails got smashing reviews, especially from the couple in question (which were the most important, but it’s nice that other people thought so too).
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catmomdiaries · 7 years
The Obligatory First Post
Hi, Cat mom here!
Who is the Cat mom? Jess or Jessi. Never Jessica. Call me that and you’ll be ignored. I’m a massage therapist by trade, and I do artwork on the side. I run a few rp blogs on here. This is just a side blog, for the record.
Who are the kitties? There are six inside, five of which are mine and the other belongs to @mentalyentl. They are Claire my calico-tortie mix, Belle the tortie, Trixie the calico-tabby mix, Mimic my mini Persian, and Avalon my testy calico mix. My bestie’s is a Maine Coon tabby mix, Prince Charming – or if he is doing something he is not supposed to be doing, Fatass.
Now there are currently two outside kitties. One is Spooky, a little black kitty. He technically is not mine. He belongs to the neighbors but comes to my house because I fed him for two weeks (he showed up outside my house one night and mewed. Cat Mom is weak and just HAD to feed him! I found out after those two weeks he belonged to my neighbors). And the other is a mangly brown tabby that I have dubbed Mango. (Mangled. Mangly. Mango… it made sense in my half asleep state).
And the purpose of this? Because Cat Mom must share cat mom life. Normally it is filled with things such as #catmomcantwin
…you try keeping your hot cocoa or ice cream away from a swarm of determined kitties.
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bluejay-flies · 6 months
The design contest is closing soon!! Most of you have submitted your BEAUTIFUL works of art, but some haven’t yet. Tagging those people in case they forget or have to withdraw ^^
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tagged by @tasmaniandevil-4​ (aka dorklord supreme, aka my person)
1. Are you named after someone? not,,,like,,,,directly I mean technically yes I was named after St. Therese of Lisieux but not like,,,after anyone my parents actually knew
2. When was the last time you cried? idk yesterday afternoon I think
3. Do you like your handwriting? um sometimes? my cursive is nice when i try to make it neat but only for like two sentences l o l
4. What is your favorite lunch meat? roast beef hands down  
5. Do you have kids? no pls im only 18
6. If you were another person, would you be friends with you? what kind of a question is this of course not
7. Do you use sarcasm? i have never been sarcastic in my life idk what ur accusing me of here
8. Do you still have your tonsils? yeah
9. Would you bungee jump? mmmm probably not? im lowkey scared of heights. ziplining is fun tho
10. What is your favorite kind of cereal? i don’t really like cereal
11. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? no pls that takes so much time
12. Do you think you’re a strong person? i would,,,,like to think so
13. What is your favorite ice cream? peppermint stick
14. What is the first thing you notice about people? um how tall they are. also their noses.
15. What is the least favorite physical thing you like about yourself? hA YOU THINK I CAN PICK
16. What color pants and shoes are you wearing now? im not wearing shoes but i am wearing lurid pink running shorts
17. What are you listening to right now? "over the love” by florence and the machine  
18. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Purple Mountain’s Majesty
19. Favorite smell? lavender, lilacs, and rain
20. Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone? mmmm one of my friends from high school
21. Favorite sport to watch? i,,,,figure skating, i guess? i dont watch sports?
22. Hair color? um so usually it’s brown but rn its like,,,,rosy pink with blond and magenta bits
23. Eye color? brown
24. Do you wear contacts? no but my glasses r purple
25. Favorite food to eat? potatoes and coconut and mango
26. Scary movies or comedy? neither
27. Last movie you watched? i dont know it was a pokemon movie okay i just dont remember which one it was
28. What color of shirt are you wearing? teal i think?
29. Summer or winter? winter
30. Hugs or kisses? hugs hug me pls all the time constantly
31. What book are you currently reading? rousseau’s “a discourse on inequality” ..... it’s for school? 
32. Who do you miss right now? @lizceratops :////////
33. What is on your mouse pad? i dont have one i use a touchpad
34. What is the last TV program you watched? ,,,,also,,,, pokemon,,,,,specifically pokemon xy,,,,,,,
35. What is the best sound? my friends’ laughter, cats mewing, thunder
36. Rolling stones or The Beatles? neither they both suck
37. What is the furthest you have ever traveled? US east coast to Beijing
38. Do you have a special talent? nope!
39. Where were you born? Massachusetts, in a hospital
i tag: @genderfluidalexfierro, @mlmtimdrake, @juliet-the-velociraptor, @galactibi, and literally anyone else who wants to do this but if u dont wanna then don’t obviously 
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hydrangeatea · 7 years
Tagged by the great and wonderful grampers!!!! aka @mew-poo!!!
Rules: Answer the 20 questions and tag 20 amazing followers! (Except the people I’d tag have already been tagged aaaaah!)
Name: Ann
Nicknames: Just Ann. :’) My name’s already too short to have nicknames. :(
Zodiac Sign: Gemini!
Height: 5″2′...though I might be 5″3′. 
Orientation: Ace ✩ Detective
Ethnicity: Asian, Chinese; Asian-American.
Favorite Fruit: Melons (Watermelon in the summer and honeydew particularly--nearly everyone I know hates honeydew but I WILL DEFEND!!!! Yellow melon is also good!!), peaches/nectarines, mangoes, and clementines.
Favorite Season: Autumn!
Favorite Book Series: Oooh, particularly series?? Then...the Sevenwaters series by Juliet Marillier and the Green Rider series by Kristen Britain are the most recent, I suppose. I also love a lot of the books in the Valdemar series by Mercedes Lackey and the Tortall Universe series by Tamora Pierce. 
Favorite Flower: *jazz hands at my URL* Hydrangeas!! But recently I’ve also grown to like peonies very much!
Favorite Scent: Oooh...this isn’t something I think about too often. I’m...not sure I really have an answer for this; there are plenty of nice scents that I like but I’m not sure there’s one I can necessarily isolate as a favorite?
Favorite Color: I don’t really have one. :’)
Favorite Animal: CATS!!! I also like wolves. 
Coffee, Tea, or Hot Cocoa: I drink more tea, but I do like coffee and drink more of it during the semester, ha ha. Hot cocoa I...actually rarely drink nowadays, now that I think about it. I used to drink it a lot when I was younger.
Average Sleep Hours: MMMM...kinda varies...I’ve been doing better this semester, so about...7-8 maybe?? But I sleep late, so...weh.
Cat or Dog Person?: 800000% CAT PERSON!!! I like dogs too but BOY do I gush about cats.
Favorite Fictional Characters: feMC and Ryoji from P3P/P3!!!! They’re my immediate answers, but I also really like Cole and Cullen from DA:I.
Number of Blankets you Sleep With: Two!
Dream Trip: Somewhere/anywhere calming. Alternatively, France. 
Blog Created: Uhhh...is there a way I can check this? I think...I think at least four years ago, but I didn’t start actually using it until much later.
Number of Followers: 174! 
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lilynoellerogers · 7 years
Cuba, Libre
From the moment the plane hovered overhead, fought back by warm sweeping winds, I could tell we had entered a different world. Already the 5am wakeup, the disorientation of being alone on a voyage I had envisioned for two, and a five hour flight had left my head a bit spun out. But landing in Havana, and all that followed that day, gave me a sense of being suspended in time and place. It was pure magic. In the final miles that the plane descended on the lush tropical landscape of Cuba, small scenes caught my eye: a group crossing a green plain on horseback to check the crops, exuberantly bright old cars barreling along a highway going about 50 but looking like they were pushing themselves to the brink, pockets of dense jungle scattered within a mile or two of Habana Centro. The plane landed smoothly, despite the strong gales of wind,  and a ramshackle faded yellow airport building appeared. We were bussed over to it and were ushered in, where numbered cubicles that looked like small wooden phone booths were the vessels we would pass through to a land that felt like the Wild Un-West. A few quick questions from an immigration officer and then a mystery door, opening up to Cuba. An immediate rush of people appeared, some well intentioned, some not as much. In the bathroom a cleaning lady hoped to do an unofficial currency exchange with me. I navigated through the crowd to get a taxi, which ended up being a new vehicle with AC rather than the 51 Chevy convertible of my dreams. But those pushed along the road with us, some looking as though they had been worked to the bone and others as though they hadn’t exited a garage since whatever year in the 1950’s they had been made. An occasional pink Cadillac would sidle up alongside us. Men selling mangos rushed to do a quick exchange with a car in front of us on the highway - “only in Cuba,” my driver said with a chuckle. Cuba by and large felt safer than many places with a similar demographic, though some opportunists were emboldened by the recent rush of tourism. My driver began to tell me about trips I could take to the countryside, and I started to prepare a kind but firm defense, knowing that the pitch for his services was forthcoming. Instead, he surprised me by suggesting that I take the bus for a couple CUC, or to walk through Habana Centro rather than taking a taxicab. He really wanted me to have a good time, and that made me smile. Somehow it felt like everywhere else we had slipped into the era of young capitalists seeing the chance for a quick buck rather than the simplicity of people who loved their country and wanted others to experience it’s beauty too. Walking down the streets also felt safe. The only frustrations were people begging for money and men hitting on me in Spanish (for which I didn't have a full enough Spanish vocabulary to adequately warn them off). I arrived to the building where my homestay was located, and a man smoking a cigar lingered in the doorway. He grunted a bit and directed me where to go. Another ancient looking man with a bulbous nose was slumped on the stairs, and his eyes smiled at me. I found my host, Magalys, who I exchanged excited noises of greeting with in lieu of a common language. My mind flashed to google translate - but there’s truly no service anywhere in Cuba. Not even easy wifi. It’s complicated. So with no raft to save us, she rattled on in Spanish, I caught every fourth word and the general gist, and smiled inside at how much I appreciated the simplicity of it all. This was a different world. The lack of technology and virtually no internet was one of the most striking things I first experienced in Cuba. I used a paper map to navigate and made educated guesses. I gestured a lot with my hands and employed a broad smile. I seemed to over-rely on the word “perfecto” for everything. Low-tech seemed to change the nature of everything. Even the fact that I pushed through a writer’s block the minute I arrived was telling. When I first found Magalys I walked past apartment doors, all mostly open but some with a barred door just to stop people from walking in. Small windows into small worlds, and again a different era. Ancient TV sets and photos of granddaughters alongside renderings of Jesus were the pretty vignettes through the bars. Beams of golden light, brightly colored walls, overgrown plants, and indoor/outdoor living abounded. I was loving Cuba. My apartment was clean, bright, and perfect. Twin balconies overlooked the streets of Havana. The capital shone in one direction and Plaza Vieja in the other. An old cherry apple red Ford convertible idled below while a group of men chatted. Stray kittens mewed and meandered across the street while street puppies play fought beside them. I ventured out in the world after unpacking a bit. I ended up At El Del Frente, a place I could tell would be my new home base. Fresh juice and a welcoming environment, as well as some young English speaking Cuban guys who told me I was their “favorite customer ever.” I’m a sucker for feeling special. I had baked plantain chips, a sweet potato puree, and some incredibly fresh cold lobster tacos. I met an English couple from Yorkshire who were incredulous I was alone, and the woman in particular seemed to feel a bit of motherly responsibility for me. As we ate on a small terrace one floor up, able to somewhat invisibly observe the happenings down below, a Michael Jackson impersonator very enthusiastically (but not too adeptly) performed some renditions of “Black or White” and “Thriller,” complete with sparkly glove. I became lost in my own imaginings of this man as a young boy, watching the only VHS tape in the house of a Michael Jackson concert, drilling himself on the moves and sounds so that someday he could voyage out with a very particular set of skills. My new friends from the UK, Shelley and Rick, took me afterwards to a bar they had been to before dinner, where there was live music. A group of women ran through songs that seemed every Cuban person in the room knew, and brayed along drunkenly. People were salsa dancing, smoking, imbibing in the crowded but pulsing space. This felt like Cuba. “Stand by Me” was also thrown into the mix and we had a chance to sing along. My usual judgments or self-consciousness in this was nowhere to be found. A city, colorful and alive, was allowing me to feel like me.
But it’s funny how days can go. The last line of this, both poignantly true and utterly false on day two. The thing I thought would be tough about traveling as a single woman alone in Cuba, my (lack of) safety or being an easy target, was only partly true. I felt pretty safe, even on blocks that looked as torn apart as Aleppo, but I was constantly catcalled and targeted for the scam du jour. Every block I walked, multiple no’s. The interaction exhaustion I experienced after only one hour “out” forced me back to my apartment to recoup. It reminded me of parts of Asia or Istanbul, for slightly different reasons. Third world with a side of being hit on constantly made it tough. The language barrier was the cherry on top. There’s not many creative ways to couch “NO” when you don’t speak the language. And sometimes they don’t listen. Yesterday a guy followed me home for 30 minutes babbling drunkenly while I completely ignored him (full disclosure: I spoke to him for a couple sentences as “nice American”) before starting to completely ignore him. But that’s the problem with going full “feminist at a frat party” NO. I feel vulnerable here. This is not my country. A way I might feel safe communicating in LA, with a full grasp of the English language, a car in clicker shot, my complete bearings of where I am…that doesn’t apply here. So in a way, you put up with it. “Nice American” it is. It’s brought up a lot of internal questions about feminism here. Sometimes I think many of our male-dominant culture issues are American ones. But as I think about it, there’s really not a single place I’ve been, with the exception of maybe Australia and New Zealand, where that’s not an issue. For some reason, I imagine Tokyo might be the same. However, everywhere else I’ve been catcalled, treated as lesser than, touched without permission. Yesterday, even my well-meaning driver touched my leg an awful lot over my virgin Mojito and his Cuba Libre - and I was the one who felt like it would have been impolite to ask him to stop. It’s truly a global issue. And I’ll be honest, in the case of Havana, it’s making me want to jet to Cancun sooner than later, as much as I also love it here.  I think being a single woman traveling here is truly not an easy task. Despite all this, yesterday was still fun. I found an old flea market near the Plaza de Armas with loads of precious small things: pins, old books, sentimental trinkets. This was nothing like the tourists markets with maracas, cheap drums, and Club Havana t-shirts. I bought a pin that spoke to me - 1972 Blood Donor - as well as an old 1988 Dave Stewart baseball card. Funny to travel all this way for that! The rest of the day was spent wandering out of old Havana and into other areas on the outskirts. I got caught in a sudden tropical rainstorm and kids emerged from every door in underwear, dancing and yelping. I took refuge in a dark corner of Cafe Miglis and had some meatballs that seemed a million miles from Cuba. I took a wander after the rain died down to the nearby Ocean Wall, the Malecon, where young lovers canoodled and fisherman sat on the wall, kicking, looking for the catch of the day while simultaneously hissing at me with approval. I made my way up to the Hotel Malecon, a grand decaying old Hotel but well worth popping in to spend time in the rolling gardens with a drink or a cigar. I exited the hotel quickly and immediately met Michael, a driver with a pink Chevy who beckoned me to come on a city tour with him. I hadn’t planned on this, but why not. I was tired and could use to take a rest and see some sights. So out we went, past the old University with the broad stairs and broken windows, through Revolution Square, a bleak places with a couple outlined portraits of Che Guevara and Fidel Castro, and up to the somewhat mythical Bosque of Havana. The bosque is a forest right in Miramar, on the outskirts of Havana, and though I cringed a little at parts of it being trashed, it still felt like something out of Avatar. People were even bringing dead things down to the river for a Santeria ceremony. We rolled home through Miramar and after a mojito on the Malecon. I fell into a deep sleep at 8pm and slept for 13 hours, exhausted by the stimulation of it all.
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pravasiga · 7 years
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July 18, 2017 - Dépaysement: (n.) The feeling that comes from not being in one’s home country, being a foreigner. Wandering, abroad, and far away from home. Origin: French
I remind myself to look up as often as I can, so I don’t miss out on the feeling of standing under a sky I’ve always seen, while my feet are rooted in earth that I had never yet walked. I constantly remind myself that in just a few weeks’ time, every moment I have had in India will become past, will become part of my history, will become part of the stories I have cloaked my body in. It feels traitorous to be homesick when I realize how fleeting these 8 weeks are, cocooned away from the rest of the world, fully aware of how difficult it will be to return. And yet, I am. It’s taken me two weeks to come up with another blog post because it’s much harder to write about home when traveling abroad. There’s a certain guilt, a certain discomfort that you aren’t dedicating your entire self to the incredible experience in front of you. But in many ways, I have been making a home or sorts here among the trees and farmland. Sometime in the last few weeks, my body settled in with the food, my rhythms became calibrated to the quiet hum of the Indian countryside, and even my cravings for chicken have subsided. Though not by much because that KFC burger I had last week damn near made me cry real, ugly tears in the middle of a mall food court.
The truth is I could write about all the happy, huge, significant moments, and turn every interaction over until I find a silver lining and big writeable moment with a moral lesson, but there’s something that feels just as right about settling in the same way I would when I come home. Being vulnerable and letting India seep into my bones was a slow process that I wasn’t even aware had begun. The first month in India felt like a constant barrage on the senses – new places to see, new people to meet, new lessons. The second month feels like a quiet retreat back in a familiar shell in a strange, new world, leaving me unsure of where home begins and ends.
************************************************************************** What makes a place a home?
I thought long and hard about this question as I fiddled with the rice and sambar on my metal meal tray. It’s more than just the people, it’s definitely more than just the location, and it’s certainly more than what could be described concisely. Months ago, I had struggled with the mere feeling of rice and sauce and vegetables under my fingers in class. Eating rice with my hands when I had spent so much of my life learning to eat it with chopsticks felt like alien and almost heretical. I had to sit on my left hand to prevent myself from using it to grab food or tear parts of the bread. Now, I absent mindedly rip perfectly sized portions of chapatti with a quick flex and roll of my fingers while I drink water that six weeks ago, would rumble my stomach ominously. I flickered back to my first interview for this program, where I was asked earnestly about my ability to eat spicy food. I had worried about that the most during pre-departure and even during the first dinner I ever had here, where I managed to bite down on something that erupted hot flames down my throat. The pure agony of it, combined with jet lag and fatigue almost managed to turn my stomach inside out. Luckily, I did not.
I roll another ball of rice, beets, onion, and sambar.
My fingers, no matter how much I wash and scrub, always carry a faint smell of food. It reminds me of how I used to unlock the front door and smell the sweet, crisp aroma of my mother’s botanical garden of home-grown, freshly picked vegetables on the table, or the long, dark, strips of pork that my father used to dry out in the laundry room downstairs. The smell of the marinated meat filled every crevice in the house. When the pork went up, it meant that dinner for the next few days were going to be excellent. It also meant that doing the laundry would require some concentration as to not knock all the meat over.
I always thought that I would miss American food here – that’s typical right? I talk about craving cheeseburgers and fries and onion rings and everything that’ll give me a heart attack one day. Even at Cornell, I don’t even know what cuisine of food I typically eat. Most days I’m in ‘eat this fast before you have to run to finish whatever the hell you left until the last minute’ mode. But the cravings that hit the hardest are always the kind of food that no restaurant on this planet could ever serve. Home tastes like fan chei cao dan, with a recipe that only my dad makes correctly, but changes every time the tomatoes are bubbling sweetly in the pot, fluffy scrambled eggs waiting to be added. Home is how he holds out the spoon for me to taste and knows just what to add, digging through the cupboards to put in a pinch, a dash, a splash. I’ve tried recreating this dish on my own, even with my dad on the phone telling me word for word what to do. It never comes out right. Home tastes like my mother’s soup, boiled from the bones of the meal we had last night, where we were all ordered to neatly strip the meat (but not all of it!) from the bones of chickens and ducks. I hear hipsters were calling it bone broth now. It doesn’t matter that what’s a new trend has nourished me through twenty winters and so many nights around the same dining table that has followed us from coast to coast. I can trace the scent, the taste, and the warm path it traces down my esophagus. Home is white rice, where every member of the family prefers the texture slightly differently. When I decide to be a contributing member of the household, I pour a little less water, to avoid making a mushy mess. I swear my brother always adds more than he needs to. My mom just wants rice on the table. My dad wants it to still be hot when he comes home.
White rice here clumps together more than the grains that come out of our rice cooker. I love it in its own way.
But when the kitchen staff comes out with hot, fresh puri from the stove, my tongue etches brand new memories into my mind of what home feels like too. I flash to memories of watching puri inflate on the stove at Saumya’s house and noting how much I loved those doughy little balloons of joy. I flash to memories on the streets of flushing as my grandfather hands me a straight from the fryer you tiao, still crackling with oil. I flash back to the plate in front of me where I reach for another puri. I reach for another experience of familiarity.
The cook recently has been adding dill to several of the dishes – from the potatoes to the lentils to the vegetables. My taste buds remember an echo of the dill plants in my house that stand where other mothers have put flowers. My mom bakes and roasts her potatoes with dill and rosemary. I fight with my brother to pick out the best chunks from the oven tray.
But some memories here stand on their own. Like how I sunk my teeth into a slice of deep, rich golden-orange toned mango and knew that I had ruined the experience of eating mangoes anywhere else in the world. I will remember Kenchanahalli for many things, both big and little, and among them – the fact that I learned to like bananas again in this little parcel of land. The tiny little fruits, about a third of the size of the bananas I was used to eating, were pure and sweet, soft without being mushy. I have to admit that I’ve had better apples though. That still belongs to upstate New York.
Food is a memory that fills you in two ways, both the physical sense and spiritual. It carries stories of home, it carries stories of discovery, it carries echoes of love.
But other things carry hints of home – like staying up late and staring at the ceiling, playing Sound of Pulling Heaven down by Blue October in my iPod as I think about nothing in particular. Lazing around in the golden hour of the day as sunlight filters in through the screened windows. The same motions of getting out of bed at home, getting down a small stepladder at school, and here, ducking out of a mosquito net that has been pretty inefficient at keeping bugs out – they become familiar parts of the fabric of living here. Knowing which part of the bed to not apply extra pressure on because the metal buckles and will snap back with a great hollow thud. Remembering to lift the bathroom door latch up slightly so it won’t scrape against the ground. Getting into the habit of checking whether or not the toilet paper roll is empty or not in new places. Being kept up at night by the screeches of monkeys. Or birds. Or bird monkeys. I’m still not sure and I don’t know if I want to ever find out. Even sprinting up the stairs by the room I’m staying in at night to avoid the possibility to confronting a monkey face to face has become part of life here.
As are the monsoon rains that crash down spontaneously and leave as quickly as they come. Or the feeling of mud and gritty rocks and dust and sand in my sandals at the end of the day. The feeling of the soft green soap that we scrub our meal trays with. The desperate mewing of Kenchanahalli’s resident cat and two kittens (Whiskers and two kittens we can’t differentiate so both are now Furgie). The game of how we can best feed the dogs without attracting attention. The game of how to pet said animals without attracting attention. The same stingy little blue fucker that keeps flying into the office at choice times, disrupting us from our work all the time. Draining cups of hot tea and milk every day, feeling the warm, kashaya slip into our stomachs. Getting into the routine of switching into the charging spots, like a day-long game of musical chairs around the same table. Memorizing where passing oxen and cows have taken a dump on the sidewalk so we can avoid them on our walks in the dark. Gazing up at a pitch black sky, alight with a pinpricks of light, far more clear than any starry night I’ve ever seen. All these details have been worn into my skin, my hands, my memory, and I fear the day that I take these for granted. Life moves fast outside of this bubble, and I am aware of how quickly all of these tiny realities get swept away in the storm. Here, it is quiet and I have time with my thoughts and my hopes and my dreams. I’ve had time to question myself over and over again, wondering about what my future will be. But as it turns out, at the end of the day, I have come to accept Kenchanahalli as home. Just like the day I stopped referring to my Cornell dorm as ‘my Cornell dorm’ and simply just as home, I have simply begun to refer to returning to this little room in this little health center in this little corner of the world as another place where I have not only rested my weary head after a long day, but have allowed it to take residence in some nook and cranny in my heart.
Home turns this big, blue world, into a manageable microcosm of memories. And though I miss home, I know that forever, wherever I roam, a part of me will always yearn to return home here, too.
Matte Siguva, Winnie
PS oh dear god we only have a week left
PPPS The first snake has appeared on campus and I still don’t know how to feel about this. But also frogs so many frogs are here and they are cute.
PPPPS Shoutout to the wifi for crapping out on us for this entire weekend because while frustrating, I have never gotten so much nap time in my entire life.
PPPPPS How can we only have a week left???
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gunboatbaylodge · 7 years
Rooms with Views: Romantic Restaurants for Valentine’s Day in Vancouver
Sourced from The Boathouse website
Whenever I return to Vancouver from a trip, I’m always struck by the phenomenal scenery and views of the city that I often take for granted during my day-to-day life here. It takes being away, as well as special occasions, like dinner out, that make me see and appreciate Vancouver anew.
Luckily, there are many excellent restaurants with locations that make them perfect for admiring what the city has to offer, whether it’s a waterfront view or sightlines of the mountains. Twinkly lights, blue gray mountains, and shimmery water – paired with great food and drink – make for an unforgettably romantic evening, especially with someone special.
With Valentine’s Day fast approaching, here are five recommendations for restaurants with views for the 14th, or for your next date night:
LIFT Bar Grill View 333 Menchions Mews
Sourced from LIFT website
I lived in Coal Harbour for over a dozen years and loved the location because not only was the whole of the downtown core nearby, but Stanley Park and its seawall, and the Coal Harbour marina and seawall were only a few blocks away. LIFT is perched on the water, with floor-to-ceiling window views from the dining room of the surrounding area, including the North Shore mountains and the downtown core (eg Canada Place). The patio space is also one of the best in the city. The menu showcases superb west coast cuisine, with items like Salt Spring mussels with garlic, bacon, leek, and white wine cream, tempura prawns with spicy mayo, and mains like kuterra salmon with a Mediterranean bean medley and daily vegetables.
Photo Credit: Tara Lee
This year’s Valentine’s Day menu is $ 85 per couple (plus tax and tip) and begins with half a dozen Ocean Wise oysters with red wine mignonette and freshly shaved horseradish before moving onto a spicy tuna roll with grilled pineapple and avocado sweet soy and a 10 oz AAA tenderloin with lobster, truffle tagliatelle and winter vegetables.
Photo Credit: Tara Lee
Choose from the dessert list (eg brandied cherry dark chocolate mousse), as well as enjoy two chocolate dipped strawberries.
Salmon House on the Hill 2229 Folkestone Way, West Vancouver
Sourced from Salmon House on the Hill website
I have a soft spot for Salmon House since it’s the first restaurant I went to for a proper, romantic dinner date. The restaurant has been around for forty years, which is impressive given the challenges of running a dining establishment. Located in West Vancouver, Salmon House overlooks the expanse of downtown Vancouver and Stanley Park, as well as Burrard Inlet. Windows wrap up around the dining area, and its wood accented, west coast styled space makes for a very welcoming eating experience.
Salmon House showcases west coast seafood; Sourced from Salmon House website
The food is seafood and local focused, with all sorts of excellent starter options, like smoked wild BC salmon on rocket salad; and togarashi seared rare sashimi albacore tuna with quinoa salad. Mains range from alder grilled Haida Gwaii smoked sablefish with a crab and spinach dumpling and a vegetable medley, served with lime coconut broth; to pan seared Fraser Valley duck breast with goat cheese potato purée, baby spinach sauté, warm sour cherry compote, and honey passion fruit vinaigrette. If you want to go all out, share the seafood tower for two. Molten chocolate tart with raspberry ganache and caramel Bailey’s gelato would be a classic and very satisfying last course. On February 14, there will be a special three-course menu, with details to be released this weekend on the restaurant’s website.
Beach Bay Café and Patio 1193 Denman Street
Sourced from Beach Bay Cafe website
One of my favourite go-to romantic spots in the city is English Bay. It’s lovely in the summer with all the crowds and the buzz, but I also really like it in the winter time since you really get to appreciate the natural beauty of the beach area. Beach Bay is situated right across from English Bay, giving you great views of the ocean front. The dining room is bright and airy, with a contemporary design aesthetic.
Sourced from Beach Bay Cafe website
The food focuses on fresh, local ingredients, with items such as wild salmon poke, with avocado, charred scallion, pickled ginger, and sesame cracker; seared arctic char with beetroot, pea purée, crème fraiche, and trout roe; and grilled beef tri-tip with roasted squash, hand cut fries, corn salsa, and demi glace. The curated wine list also celebrates the best of the local.
Sourced from Beach Bay Cafe website
The Valentine’s Day menu ($ 49 per person) consists of four courses, starting with a kusshi oyster amuse bouche, followed by grilled octopus with shaved fennel, pickled fennel, lime, and herbs; Salt Spring mussels and manila clams with house made pasta and vodka rose sauce; roast pork loin with seared scallops, fingerling potatoes, kale, and apricot relish; and, finally, chocolate truffles, chocolate strawberries, and chocolate mousse.
The Boathouse Restaurant 1305 Arbutus Street
Sourced from the Boathouse Kits Facebook page
Go for a walk along stunning Kitsilano Beach before heading to dinner at The Boathouse Restaurant. This chain, started in Vancouver in 1981, specializes in seafood and in unbeatable location dining. I really like their English Bay location, but am a particular fan of their Kits restaurant, with its floor-to-ceiling windows that are ideal for catching the beach sunset as you enjoy your meal.
Sesame crusted ahi tuna and coconut pacific cod; Sourced from the Boathouse Facebook page
The menu is accessible and consistently delicious, with crowd pleasers such as Thai crab cakes with lemon aioli and mango salsa to start, as well as simply grilled wild sockeye salmon with roasted potatoes, seasonal vegetables, pernod beurre blanc, and your choice of sauce accompaniment for a main. Other mains include crab stuffed prawns with wild rice and seasonal veggies, as well as baby back ribs with smoky BBQ sauce.
The Valentine’s menu is a $ 49 or $ 59 per person three course menu with a choice of starter (eg coconut shrimp), entrée selections like an 8 oz prime rib or fire grilled sirloin and snow crab, and three desserts to choose from (eg New York cheesecake with berries).
The Observatory and Altitudes Bistro Grouse Mountain, 6400 Nancy Greene Way
The local mountains have had an incredible season this year with our continuous snowfall, making them truly into winter wonderlands. Grouse Mountain itself makes for a fabulous Valentine’s Day idea since you can go skiing/snowboarding together, as well as skating on their Mountaintop pond, and snowshoeing (the Light Walk is a magical stroll).
Sourced from The Observatory website
The Observatory is the ultimate in romantic fine dining. Basically, you’re in a mountaintop Chalet at the peak of Vancouver (3700 feet), overlooking the city. With advance reservations, admission to Grouse Maintain is included. Unfortunately, Valentine’s Day itself is booked up, but there are still times available for the nights before and after the 14th for those wanting to celebrate on other days.
The kind of local, seasoning cooking you can expect; Sourced from The Observatory website
The kitchen excels at the local and the seasonal. Begin with BC side stripe prawns with crispy pork, sea urchin vinaigrette, and carrot top pesto, and then sup on Shaw Farms pork with rye spatzle with sauerkraut and bacon or Pacific Provider salmon with ikura, radish, black garlic dashi, and seaweed fritter. Conclude your meal with the Golden Ears cheese platter or chocolate beet cake with fennel sorbet.
Alternatively, if you’re looking for a similar breathtaking 3700 feet high view, but somewhere more casual, Altitudes Bistro on Grouse Mountain is a good option. It’s found on the upper floor of the Peak Chalet, with tables available on a first-come first-served basis. You’ll need an Alpine Experience ticket or Annual Local’s pass to access the Chalet.
The menu is accessible and satisfying with grilled marinated flank steak tacos, truffled mac and cheese, BBQ ribs with jalapeno and corn bread pudding, and an albacore tuna Vietnamese baguette sandwich. The chocolate pudding with chocolate, cinnamon, and whipped cream is heavenly high above the city.
Note: Make your reservations at these establishments as soon as possible as they are booking up quickly. Consider also going before or after the 14th to celebrate your love when the restaurants are less busy.
Inside Vancouver Blog
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bluejay-flies · 7 months
Design contest time!!
After some suggestions from @ghost1289, I’ve decided to have a design contest to celebrate 100 followers!! The rules are simple:
You’ll design a mew/two character based on the image I give you
You submit them by re-blogging this post with the art
Enter by commenting on this post
The winner gets a free drawing of one of their characters from me! The detail depends on how I feel when drawing it, but it will at least be fully colored ^^
And that’s it! The winner will be judged not on art skill but the design they make.
And now for the image. Create a character based on this image:
Tumblr media
Have fun!!
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