#Design contest
bluejay-flies · 13 hours
Design Contest Results
It’s time to reveal the winners of the design contest! First off, I want to give a huge thank you to everyone who joined. Your enthusiasm and dedication to this was amazing to see. This could not have happened without you guys, so thank you!
Before I reveal the winners, I’d like everyone to take a look at and appreciate the amazing designs everyone’s created. Truly, this was even harder to judge than last year, every single design deserves a medal.
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This design is by @ricksoo! I love how you have the power radiating from their chest and flowing through their body like veins. It’s such a nice detail, especially since the power surge in their chest is shaped like a flower blossom! Awesome job ^^
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This design is by @haycoat-art! Choosing to take the bluebonnet prompt and make it a porcelain Mewtwo is such a creative idea, and I think it turned out beautifully! The pattern is gorgeous, and I love the detail of the cracks leaking water(I think? It might be blood), because of course a Mewtwo made of porcelain would be delicate. The creativity for this one is astounding!
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This design is by @altaria-andthe-two! Absolutely gorgeous art, the flower at the end of the tail is beautiful! The leave sprouting from the base of the tail and the flowers creeping up their second neck and around their head has such a cool effect. Such a neat design!!
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This design is by @tokyoteddywolf! The patterns on this one are just beautiful, the wavy lines almost seem like water, and the fade between colors on the tail mimics a bluebonnet wonderfully. I love how this one is more blue themed, with the only bit of green being the bluebonnet they’re holding. Amazing design!
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This design was by @risingbrightness! My favorite part of this one is how the tail fades from blue to white to yellow. Blue and white can be difficult to fade into each other and not look too abrupt, and you did it perfectly! The little cape they have with a bluebonnet broach is so freaking cute, I just want to give this Mewtwo a hug. Awesome job!!
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This design is by @fluffymuffincentral! I love this mew so much, the fluffy chest fur seems to mimic flower petals, and the little white spots all over their body seem like stars. Such a beautiful (and huggable!) mew!! Such a cool design ^^
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This design is by @elegantcollectionpenguin! This design uses a lot more yellow than any of the others, and I honestly love it so much!! It contrasts the blue and purple so nicely, which can be difficult to do because they’re very different colors. You’ve managed to pull it off stunningly! Amazing work, they’re such a pretty ‘two!
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This was by @mushroom-for-art!! Bonbon is such a cute name for this guy! The tail being a flower seems to be a common theme for these, but every single person has done it slightly differently. I love how the flowers are mostly white with yellow pollen, the edges slightly tinged with blue. The vines extending from the base of the tail are gorgeous as well, and together it gives such a nice, flowery vibe. Such an amazing design! ^^
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This design was by @starintheday! I love how this one uses so many blues and purples, they all go so well together. And the contrast of the green tipped tail and paws looks super cool! I love a stripy mew and this is exactly what that is. Amazing job!!
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This design was made by @jet-the-hedgehog! Before I say anything about the design, I want you to know your style is freaking adorable. Those eyes!! I love them!! As for the colors, it’s so cool that you have the face almost completely white. The fade between that and the blue of the body is really neat, it looks a lot like how the flower’s coloring fades in really life! And of course, the stem-like tail really ties the whole theme together. Well done!!
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This is by @vanessa-the-mewtwo! Oh my gosh, this one is just absolutely stunning. The flower crown, the vines wrapping around the tail and the tip being the flowery petals, and the ears being un-opened flower buds all contribute to such a regal looking mew, not to mention the flower wrist cuffs! Such a fancy little guy, they’re rightfully name Quiing. They look like a King!! Such an amazing design. Bravo!
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This design was by @ghost1286! I love the contrast with the deep blue of the tail and the purple at the tip! It looks super cool, and I honestly think the abrupt change of color rather than a slow fade had a really nice effect. Awesome design!!
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This design was by @waffledragon10! The flowers around the neck are stunning-they genuinely look real!! I love how fluffy and flowery they are, and the stem tail breaking off at the end into leaves is really beautiful. Another gorgeous, regal mew!!
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This design is by @gunllet! Easily the most unique out of everyone, I really like the armor on them! It’s a really neat idea to have it attached to their body, and it looks really painful, poor guy :(
Awesome design!
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And finally, this design is by @a-shy-mimiktwo! You went for darker blues than most people, and I really love how it turned out! The sharper fades look really cool, and I love the yellow tipped tail. It goes so well with the rest of the colors! Such a cool design ^^
And that’s all of the designs! Genuinely, this was the hardest decision I’ve had to make in a while. Everyone did so well, I just sat here on my phone for probably an hour typing out this post and just utterly baffled at how I was going to choose the winners.
But here they are!! Please, give your congratulations to these three people and their designs.
In first place, we have….
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@haycoat-art’s design!! What won me over was the sheer creativity of it. I’d have never thought someone would do a porcelain Mewtwo, and then you pull this beautiful design out of your pocket! Amazing job.
In second place, we have…
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Quiing by @vanessa-the-mewtwo!! I just love how regal looking they are, and the amount of care you put into the flower and leaf placement is amazing. Such a cool design!
And finally, in third place, we have…
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@waffledragon10’s design!! Third place was the hardest for me to choose, everyone did such an amazing job. I had at least five designs I couldn’t choose between! But in the end, the flowery ruff just pulled me in. It’s like a whole garden in there, and I just think it’s such a cool idea!! Wonderful design ^^
And that’s it! Winners, you can DM me a picture of the character you’d like me to draw, and I’ll have it done ASAP! Everyone has full ownership of their designs and can use them for whatever they want, no credit needed. You made it after all!
To everyone who joined, thank you so much for participating. It made me so happy to see everyone’s art, and I’d love to do another when we hit 300!
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Polestar Synergy Concept, 2023. The result of the 2022 Polestar Design Contest is actually a combination of the three winning entries with input from the automaker’s own design studio. A prototype for a single-seater electric hypercar that will go into production, as a scale model by Mattel.
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ostara-frost · 7 months
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Russ, a potato plague doctor! She's a simple doctor who has a bit of extra growth. While she remembers to clip the roots that grow on her hands, she certainly forgets everywhere else. Russ stuffs her mask with Rosemary and carries garlic cloves to keep away the black plague best she can.
For @slocotion December dyo patreon contest :)
Potatoes are my favorite. They can become so many different delicious dishes and they come in so many wonderful colours! For Russ I included the garlic and rosemary as that's primarily how my mom seasoned roasted potatoes when I was growing up.
The green is a nod to me. I tend to forget a potato or two and find them months later in the back of the veggie draw all weirdly green and with new eyes lol.
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all-them-feelsss · 6 months
Here's my submission for @slocotion 's December DYO doll contest. The theme was fruits/veggies, and given that it's winter and also that this is my favorite fruit, it only felt fitting for me to go with a pomegranate design!
I'm very excited to introduce Meikos, the pomegranate plague doctor 💕
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(I'm really hoping you'll just be able to zoom in on the pic to see the details 😬🤞🏼)
A little background on how/why I picked the name: if you don't know anything about the Eleusian Mysteries (which, fair, I'm just a big nerd), they were a cult in ancient Greece that worshipped Demeter and Persephone, and particularly the goddesses' connections to the seasons. If you don't know the myth of Persephone and Hades I would suggest looking it up bc it's a bit too much to summarize here, but Persephone has a big connection to pomegranates through that myth, and that's why I chose to pull inspiration from her cult when naming my lil guy!
I pretty much explain the inspiration for the details of everything in the photo, but a few things I didn't touch on:
The eyes have details that make them look a bot like cut gems, reflecting the facet-like nature of the fruit.
The pendant on the collar and the beads hanging from the hat have a brighter center to look like the seeds of the fruit.
The frill at the hem of the pants is meant to be lace, like on the doublet/top.
The mask portion of the face is a light pink to reflect the pink seen when looking at the seed of the fruit.
Not sure if it's clear enough in the photo, but they've got a big bow attached to the back of their collar. Not all that inspired by the fruit; I just thought it was really cute ☺️
Oh, and the witchy hat is because with the cult and the goddesses and all the inspo from ancient Greece, I kind of felt obligated to make them a little magical ✨
Here are the reference photos of the fruit and flower that I used as reference:
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I made some adjustments to the colors to make them all work cohesively, but I hope the idea still comes across!!
Uhhh anyway I think that's it. Rushing this a little to make sure I get my submission in on time. (So paranoid about that since it was late last time T-T)
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pastelhills · 2 months
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Design Contest Entry for @/starzin._ & @/song.of.the.wings (on instagram)
My 3rd entry for the contest!
As much as I would love to also make an entry for Insectclan I sadly don't have time to work on it so this will be my last entry, hopefully you'll enjoy my little vampire themed cat. 🦇
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fermithesilly · 6 days
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All my skins for the summer skin contest (the ube and flan are supposed to be matching skins)
These last two can’t enter the contest😭
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All artists that see this:
I am hosting a design challenge. I want you to re-imagine your pet(s) or other animals you know into Wings of Fire dragons.
-Have your final drawing and picture of the animal you based it on turned in via the chat bubble button on my page by June 30, 2023
-Sign your art with the name you wish to be called, or I will call you "anonymous" no matter what your username is. (Jk, mostly)
- Can be any type of animal
- No fantribes (Hybrids are fine, though)
- You may submit more than one piece
I hope everyone has fun doing this challenge. I will not be taking any submissions after the date I stated on June 30, 2023. I will judge and have the results out within one week after the due date.
The drawing at the top is a WIP of a drawing I am doing of the litter of puppies that my grandparents' dog had last year as dragons.
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hetatanart · 8 months
Aphelia DiffSinger Design Contest
I'm holding a design contest for Aphelia's DiffSinger voice modes. There will be 3 winners (one per vocal mode) who will receive ~$100 worth of art from me
Deadline for designs is November 30th!
All details, rules, and the link to submit are HERE
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felicks-art · 1 year
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My submissions for the dbd cosmetic contest!
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megnutk · 2 years
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I realized I never posted this here but: I decided to enter the FFXIV sage weapon design contest for fun this year and made some moogle helpers 💗🏥💗
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hafrun · 1 year
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won a design contest :)
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bluejay-flies · 15 days
In celebration of 200+ followers (again, thank you guys so much!!) I’ll be hosting another design contest!
The rules are exactly the same as my last one, but in case you’re new here (or just don’t remember, I had to look back myself), I’ll list them here.
You’ll design a mew/two character based on the image I give you.
2. You’ll submit them by re-blogging this post with your art.
3. Enter by commenting on this post.
4. The winner(s) get a free drawing of one of their characters from me! It will at least be fully colored. Depending on how many people join, the number of winners will increase.
5. I will be judging based on design creativity, not your art skill. Don’t be afraid to join even if you think you can’t draw!
6. The deadline is pretty loose, but as long as you get it done in around 2 weeks (about June 12) then you should be good. Of course, if you need an extension just DM me! I’d be willing to allow an extra week ^^
That’s all the rules! Feel free to comment/DM me if you have any questions.
And now for the image you’ll be using for your design:
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Bluebonnets! I’ve always thought they’re incredibly beautiful flowers, and the colors all go very nicely together.
And that’s it! Have fun everyone! :)
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vivipuri · 2 months
Sunset Jellyfish Queen 🌅👑
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for Poseidon🔱 Mytho’s design contest!
listen I’m not really into vtubers but Poseidon… not a simp but there’s just something about her.. I love her so much aa
*✧・゚: *✧・゚:
the concept of her design comes from the imagery of an ocean reflecting a lovely sunset, complete with a jellyfish motif (her crown and her sleeves)! 🪼
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ostara-frost · 2 years
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For @slocotion patreon contest this month:)
Meet Ino or rather by her full name Inosculation Pine. She is inspired by the pine trees from my childhood that were so vibrant in winter. Winter is my favorite season and one of my favorite winter sounds is the whispers the pine trees make as wind creeps through them at night. Her name is the term used for when trees graft together. Ino has 2 pine tops on her head, while her body is the twisted trunk they both grow from. I included two stars on her as reference to the stars the shine so bright in the winter sky. (these ones are also sisters)
Ino was so fun to make, i may need to draw more jesters lol
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terrydactyl14 · 5 months
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stargazer169 500 Watcher Design Contest Entry
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pastelhills · 2 months
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Design Contest Entry for @/starzin._ & @/song.of.the.wings (on instagraml
My 2nd entry for the contest!
He's definitely a fun character to play around but also very unpredictable, never trust him with sharp objects. 🔩
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