#Marcy Hints
ask-a-wooper-n-mew · 6 months
○ Ask Hints ○
Rules -
No fettish asks No hi or hig asks.. *May be subjective to Munday only
Nothing inappropriate
If you wish to start a relationship with a character on here pls contact me first unless is has marked somewhere otherwise
Mark meanings -
No marks - Okay to ask 👍
🚫 or slice - Means is has been answered
📬 - Means it's in inbox
💌 - Means it's a sensitive topic
🔮 Athena 🔮
Who are you?
What are you?
Who is the Wooper? Are they your friend? Child?
What is this place?
What's up with your markings?
Are there any others Mews around here?
*Bug more about her past
Have you tried anything to get Marcy to talk at all?
Are you feeling alright? Is there anything I could do to help you feel better? What do you mean you set yourself up for it?
Why did you decide to come?
What do you plan to do?
Have you ever been to a beach area before?
💜 Marcy 💜
Are you able to speak? How old are you?
Is that your Mom? The Mew?
What kind of Wooper are you? Whats up with your markings?
⚔️ Bronx ⚔️
Whose Marmie?? Is it a Nickname for Marcy??
What are you?
Who are you? And how do you know Athena and Marcy? 📬
🌸 ??? 🌸
Who are you?
why do you look so slimy?
Star the rest of your life?? What do you mean by that??
Expecting process?? What is that?? 📬
What do you mean by not a 'purebred Mew'?
What's wrong? Why do you look so surprised to see Athena? Do ya know her??
Where are your PJ's?? Did you bring any snacks?? 📬
🌊 Callie 🌊
Pester more about Venus?
Did you make Athena and your PJ's??
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nightthinker-08 · 1 year
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Who's she?
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sadmitskifanatic · 8 months
so.. prismo glitching, scarab new wishmaster -> potential for lore behind prismo and wishmasters (also who the hell is their boss..), nice that simon got therapy but they didn't really explain minerva's sudden human-like consciousness, am i losing it or was golbetty turning into a humanoid form as simon got launched away?? and in the altered memory was simon talking to betty or was it his imagination??
the finale was good, but it left me with a lot of jumbled feelings and a LOT of loose ends. i'm hoping this isn't the conclusion for simon and fionna and cake's story (hell even prismo because he's seriously gotta deal with his post-jake depression, and then there's finn on that same boat) and that there's a season 2 along the way, because there's a whole chunk of stuff that wasn't really elaborated on as much as i would've liked, and some character arcs still feel a little.. incomplete?
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ruthlesslistener · 9 months
The one major downside to Destiny 2 is that everytime I want to make a new character its a fucking chore. No I don't want to do the million hour tutorial that is useless to me all over again I just wanna make my new oc idea a thing and start fucking around with other classes already
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trophygony · 2 years
Started amphibia a few days ago and so far i'm on episode 12 and...how the fuck does it turn dark. I genuinely fear that
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tiffanybluesclues · 15 days
Started casually brainstorming a gen case fic about Superman and Nightwing (or really Renegade because it branched off of that arc), but I drifted so far that I don't even remember what the original premise was and also I think this is getting into rom-com territory because Dick and Clark are now debating what they would name their kid if someone combined their DNA to try to make another super-clone.
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aria0fgold · 3 months
Been playing Sims 2 a lot and now I know what it feels like to be a rookie god whose creations are doing fuck all while I'm here stressing how to repair the relationship between Alec and Ray all cuz Ray got jealous seeing his bestie sleep in the same bed with Marcie, who, by the way, has been living with them SINCE I STARTED THIS GAME.
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mthevlamister · 1 year
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ask-a-wooper-n-mew · 6 months
Bingo @ Marcy: OHHH are you climbing trees? I wanna play too!
While Athena was busy with the other mons, Marcy took the opportunity to play with the little Eevee Bingo.. Nodding her head, showing thay she love to play and climb about in the trees.. Marcy, during that little period, had tried to communicate with Bingo... But her efforts, still resulted in failure..
"Oo- Oopa Oopa! Oop oopa oop.."
Marcy looked at Bingo with a hint of sadness, seeing Bingo could not understand her.. No one could understand Marcy.. Not even her own mother... That is what disappointed Marcy the most..
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sicklyseraphnsuch · 9 months
Yeah She's Dead
So, little Marcy died in the Winter King's world.
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I draw this conclusion based of two facts:
Even post break up, Marcy would not let Ice King mess with Bubblegum for 100 years straight without stopping that mess
There's no Finn around to either help Winter King (because he was born post madness transfer and things WK is the good guy) or help Bubblegum (because timelines are wacky and who's to say Finn wasn't around at the time of the madness transfer)
But there's no hint of Finn anywhere - Winter King made himself helpers to protect himself because heroes don't exist in this world. That's a big clue.
So the lack of anyone helping Bubblegum and also curbing Ice King points to Marcy's death not only due to the lack of Marcy's influence but because:
If Marcy died as a child, the vampires would have feasted on the humans. There's no more humans in this version of Ooo. Ergo, Finn was never born.
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luxthestrange · 7 days
DunMeshi Incorrect quotes#1 Delulu-
Shuro: I just feel like someone reached down my throat, grabbed my small intestine, pulled it out of my mouth, and tied it around my neck-
Kabru*Unimpressed by Shuro's outburst offers him a cookie* Cookie?
Y/n*explaining to the others* He just found out Falin...had a romantic date with Marcille-
The Party + Retainers: Ohh...
Maizuru:  Let me get you some Food...
Shuro: Thanks...
Y/n*Side-eyeing him still in shock he didn't pick up the hints* And you never knew she was a lesbian...
Shuro: No!! Okay?! Why does everyone keep fixating on that?!-She didn't know, how should I know?!
Mickbell*Is currently poking Kuro's ears, accidentally saying his thoughts* Sometimes I wish I was a lesbian...
They all stare at him...some with a raised brow and some with some with low brows...
Mickbell:...Did I say that out loud?
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...Like...Shuro is the "Laois" to Marci & Falin's romantic chats...like...Literally...everyone in the party knew...
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inbarfink · 9 months
So when I talk about how the Winter King is, on some level, far more removed from original-flavor Simon than Ice King ever was - Betty is the most obvious example. Ice King’s whole obsession with princesses and the kidnapping therefore and general romantic neediness has always been a Mad, Sad and Magical reflection of just how much Simon misses Betty.
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Even when he was too far too gone to recognize Betty when she was standing right in front of his face
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Ice King always carried the hole she left in his heart. Meanwhile, the Winter King has full access to his old memories, he just forgotten her because he doesn’t care anymore. 
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Even while he was forcing Princess Bubblegum to dance along in a recreation of that same romantic grief.
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But still, I feel like what happened Winterworld version of Marceline is an ever more poetic example, even if figuring out what exactly happened includes a lot of inferences and headcanons.
In “I Remember You”, during yet another emotional breakdown, Ice King accidentally shoved Marceline - and he was immediately absolutely overcome with regret and shame
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Because although he didn’t consciously remember what Marceline meant to him, he still retained these feelings of fatherly care and affection. Some sort of core element of Simon’s being that persisted despite the effects of the Magic Crown. Because of that, he couldn't even stand the thought of hurting her, even slightly.
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Ice King was capable of doing some fucked-up things in his desperation and madness - but hurting Marceline was the one line he never ever wanted to cross.
But the Winter King?
We only have hints of what went down between Winterworld Simon and Winterworld Marceline. All we know is: 
The Winter King and Winterworld Marceline had the same Simon and Marcy backstory as in the Mainworld, and the Winter King fully remembers it - since he conjures a vision of them during his song. 
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Since Marceline’s Ax Bass still exists in its familiar form, it’s safe to say this version of Marceline did reach adulthood and probably had a pretty similar life to Mainworld Marceline.
The Winter King did something absolutely morally repugnant to the Candy Kingdom in general and Princess Bubblegum specifically. Although at the time the Winter King came to being, Marcy and Peebs were still reeling from that centuries-old breakup (assuming there are no other major divergences in the timeline) - I have no doubt that Marceline still had enough lingering feelings (and also maybe general human decency) that she would not stand for Simon’s actions.
And yet the real Marceline is 100% unaccounted for, only her Ax-Bass remains, in the Winter King’s possession. 
Or rather, in the possession of Ice Marcy, an icy duplicate of Marceline as a child living in a gilded cage in the Winter King’s palace - presumably just as lacking in Free Will as the Ice Scouts and any other creation of the Winter King.
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The Winter King’s little conversation with Simon about Betty is the best hint we have to Winter King’s motivation for making Ice Marcy. Namely, he suggested making an ‘Ice Betty’ as a way for Simon to get over losing the love of his life. And he’s fully aware that this is unethical - he just doesn’t care.
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I think it’s pretty reasonable to assume that Marceline and the Winter King would have some sort of confrontation about what he did to Bubblegum and since the Winter King implicitly compares it to the situation with ‘the dead one’ (Betty)… I honestly think it is not a stretch at all to assume the Winter King killed Marceline. 
And even if he didn’t straight-up kill her, I think most scenarios that fall under Occam’s Razor still involve the Winter King knowingly inflicting a great amount of emotional and potentially physical damage to Marceline. And it definitely involves the Winter King claiming Marceline’s most beloved posession as his own and giving it to a false icy duplicate of her child self he made to replace her. 
I mean, the fact that he even bothered implies that he at least misses her more than Betty. But his discussion with Simon still means he considers replacing her with a nonsapient magic ice construct that copies not the person she was when she was speaking out against him but the child who adored him to be more than a suitable solution. Which is a demonstration that whatever sort of love remained in the Winter King’s heart for Marceline was a very twisted and selfish kind of love. 
Even if you want to argue that the Winter King has nothing to do with Marceline’s disappearance - the fact that this is how he dealt with her being gone shows how much of the love Simon genuinely had for Marcy is now become a hollow and self-centered sort of thing. This is also a form of hurting her.  And again, with the way the Winter King is in general - I think it’s very likely he has a lot to do with what happened to Marceline.
Meanwhile in the Mainverse, the Ice King couldn’t even lightly shove her away in a fit of emotions without being overcome with pain and regret.
So which Ice Wizard really retains more of what made Simon Petrikov who has is? The one who kept his identity and memories but has lost all of the love and care that has once motivated him more than anything? Or the one who can’t remember his name or his old face most days but still retains this ever-persistent echo of his romantic love for Betty and his fatherly love for Marceline even if he doesn’t fully understand where it comes from? 
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mattsunbae · 3 months
༉‧₊˚. friends to lovers with jjk men
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gojo, nanami & choso
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in which, you and him both know you’re not meant to be friends.
+ word c. 785
+ warnings. alcohol! oblivious reader
+ song. 4me 4me by malcolm todd
+ marcie’s note. guys pls go easy on me i haven’t written in damn near two years… also my first time writing jjk men soooo :3
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satoru gojo
being friends with satoru for so long has showed you one thing - never take him seriously. keeping this in mind, imagine how flabbergasted you were when he had asked you out on a date. you thought this relationship was strictly platonic… besides like the one or two or five times you and satoru had kissed. in your defense, two of those were dares. either way, your heart was beating through your chest as the date went on at the cozy restaurant. you refused to believe this was real.
“i can tell you’re nervous.” he grinned over to you, his lips curling upward. “relax, it’s just me.” you shook your head, hating how calm he was in this moment. “exactly. i can never read you, satoru. is this a friend date or a romantic date?” you sighed. he cocked his head to this side with confusion, “i thought i made it clear that this was a romantic date? i bought you flowers and everything, pretty girl.”. you slumped down in your seat, “i couldn’t read you.” “there’s nothing to read, princess. i wanna be yours. is that clear enough?” you just blinked at him, not believing what he was saying. “you wanna be my… what exactly?” satoru let out an incredulous laugh, shaking his head, “you still don’t get it?”
nanami kento
one word to describe your relationship with nanami kento would be familiar. you became friends at work and it evolved on its own. several late nights spent fighting cursed spirits and getting drinks after. it all felt like you had known him forever. and while it is true that kento isn’t the most… warm person on earth, he always made sure you were comfortable and had everything you needed when you were with him. it’d be a lie to say you hadn’t developed a bit of a crush on him. you had dropped little hints for what felt like forever (a week) to no avail, so you decided to throw in the towel. however, it seemed like nanamin had different plans.
“what i’m saying is, i think we’d be a good couple.” kento mumbled, the both of you crammed in a corner of a shoddy bar, away from the other sorcerers. “are you drunk, kento?” you felt his forehead, really wondering if he was okay. he always seemed to get a little bolder (and a lot more giggly) when he was tipsy. “i’m alright, thank you.” he let out his rare but infectious grin, “i’m just saying, we wouldn’t be a bad couple.” “kento, what are you saying right now?” your breathing got heavy as your chest fell and rose quickly. what the hell is this man talking about? “i wanna give this dating thing a try.” he blinked at me like i was supposed to just catch on. “with you, if i wasn’t clear.” “what happened to no da-“ he shook his head, “the whole no dating at work thing was just me deflecting. will you be mine, sweetheart?”
choso kamo
your relationship with choso had always been one you genuinely enjoyed. there was always a mix of playfulness and patience that made you value it even more, because it wouldn’t be the same with anyone else. however, you’re not sure if this is a recent thing or if you’re just now noticing, but he always seemed to look at you some type of way. it was the type of look where his eyes were low and you couldn’t tell what he was thinking. he would always run his fingers through his hair and/or look away after getting caught. you had always taken a liking to his boyish charm, but this staring problem seemed to be getting out of hand.
“why do you keep looking at me like that, cho?” you asked, sprawled out on his couch with your head resting on his lap. his fingers played with the ends of your hair, “like what?” he asked as his eyes stared into yours, giving you that same look that drove you insane. “like that! literally how you’re looking at me right now.” his lips curled into a little smile, “i don’t know what you’re talking about, doll.” “this is gaslighting and i won’t stand for it!” you started to sit up but he gently pushed you back down onto his lap. “explain how i look at you. i wanna know.” he wrapped your hair around his finger. “you look at me like- like…” you tried to find the right words, “like you want me or something!” choso didn’t even flinch at your words, like he’d been waiting for you to say it. “would it be a problem if i did?”
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thank u dearly for reading ily :p
-> back to general masterlist
© mattsunbae 2024. please refrain from copying, translating and/or modifying.
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bellaxgiornata · 7 months
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Break the Tension [Chapter Two: "The Rehearsal Dinner"]
Pairing: Matt Murdock x Fem!Reader Word Count: 3.7k
[Full summary and series chapter list can be found here.]
Warnings/tags: 18+; Enemies to lovers, sexual tension, smut, semi-public sex, light angst
a/n: So this fic won the poll for which one I'll update today! I also feel like this part really sets the tone for this series... Feedback is always appreciated!
Tag list: @mattkinsella @danzer8705 @pazii @paracosmic-murdock @xxdrixx
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It had been years since Matt had last been around you. Graduation day at Columbia, to be exact. And yet from the moment you'd stepped into Fairfield Manor and made your way down the hallway towards him with Marci at your side, he'd known one thing remained true.
You still drove him absolutely crazy. 
Though not in the way you'd probably always thought. Matt truthfully never meant to be the way he was with you–harsh and teasing–but for some reason every time he got the taste of your pheromones on his tongue, his sexual frustration came out in the sharp way he spoke to you. He figured it was a sort of defense mechanism, one he hadn't initially meant to implement. Especially since it made him feel like a ridiculous school boy pulling his crush's ponytail because he couldn't just use his words.
Matt had picked up on your physical attraction to him from the very first day you both had met in the lecture for Critical Legal Thought. And back then, he'd always been terrified that if he flirted with you–even just a little bit–and you became the least bit aroused around him, he'd lose his mind completely. He didn't think he could handle the smell of your arousal mingled with your natural pheromones, not without pathetically throwing himself at you in Columbia's hallways. So he'd been crass and rude instead, still craving your attention but unable to handle you being further attracted to him. But to his surprise, you always held your own against him, which somehow only made you more attractive to him. 
But for some damn reason when you'd shown up tonight, he'd found himself initially torn between wanting to keep you at a distance and wanting to finally have you. Admittedly he'd forgotten just how good you always smelled because no one else ever had quite the same effect on him. It was like your particular pheromones were crafted specifically to drive him wild. 
You were Matt’s weakness and he so desperately wanted to be yours.
Earlier tonight, back at the venue for the rehearsal for tomorrow's ceremony, things had gone fairly uneventful after the initial interaction Matt’d had with you. Though he had noticed the way you'd reacted to his fingers barely grazing you below the hem of your dress. He had reveled in the way your skin had prickled with goosebumps, your heart accelerating in your chest as your face heated. His cock had stirred awake in his dress pants almost immediately, the faintest hint of your arousal hitting his nose and then his tongue. Your response had shown him that you still found him attractive, possibly even more than he remembered you being back in college, even if you still seemed incredibly annoyed by his presence. 
But Matt didn’t care about that. He’d find a way to change your opinion of him this weekend, at least enough so that his presence didn’t frustrate you. Because knowing you still found him attractive after he’d gotten a taste of your pheromones once more ultimately had him deciding that he was going to pursue you over the course of the wedding weekend– relentlessly . Matt refused to end the weekend without ever having a taste of you. Without ever hearing the soft, breathy moans he always imagined you'd make when he dove between your thighs. Without feeling all the soft, sweet lines of your body beneath his fingers– and his tongue. Without burying himself deep inside of you, fucking you so tenaciously that you could barely hold onto him, clawing at him as your your smart mouth moaned his name instead of cursing it for once.
Fuck. If he kept thinking like this he'd be needing to excuse himself to the bathroom just to take care of himself in one of the stalls. 
Shifting under the table, trying to alleviate the sudden uncomfortable strain of his dress pants against himself, he attempted to focus on his dinner. On either side of him sat Foggy’s brother along with a few of Foggy’s cousins that were also members of the bridal party, but directly across the table from him was you. And the scent of your perfume mixing with your pheromones wasn't helping his situation right now.
For most of the rehearsal dinner you'd been focused on your own food shortly after everyone had been seated and served. Though you’d chatted with the bridesmaids around you until Marci and Foggy’s parents had given their toasts before the meal. Oddly enough you didn't seem as conversational as he usually remembered you being tonight. Instead, you'd kept your head ducked over your plate, eating your food and occasionally responding to comments.
Frustrated because you’d stayed true to your earlier words, not making conversation with him anymore than you had to, Matt's foot slid forward underneath the table. He knew this would probably irritate you further with him, but he also didn’t know how else to catch your attention. Anytime he’d tried to start a conversation with you this evening, you’d answered in clipped replies, quickly pulling others around you into the conversation when possible so you wouldn't have to converse solely with him. 
He noticed your foot tapping anxiously in your heels as he slid his dress shoe forward until it finally bumped against yours. Across the table you stiffened in your seat, your foot halting its movements instantly. Bringing his fork to his mouth, he slipped the bit of steak between his lips as his head rose, his covered gaze focusing on you as he chewed. He could hear the tension growing in your muscles as your head rose marginally from the table, probably looking at him from across it and wondering if that had been an accident. Seconds later your foot slid a few inches backwards from his and resumed its anxious tapping.
Swallowing down the bite of food, Matt’s resolve didn’t disappear. He cut off another piece of his steak, spearing it with his fork and slowly drawing it up to his mouth. At the same time, he slid his foot forward again, bumping his into yours for a second time. This time he heard the way your hand tightened around your fork, your head rising up fully as you looked at him from across the table. He sent you a smirk before he took another bite from his fork.
“Goddamit, Murdock,” he heard you mutter under your breath. 
His smirk only grew wider as he chewed, his focus on you while the rest of the table remained oblivious to the silent interaction. Though in that moment, Matt would’ve given anything to hear you moaning out his first name instead while he felt your cunt tightening around his cock.
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Entering your room in an irritated huff, you closed and locked the door behind yourself. For a few minutes all you could do was pace the room in frustration, walking back and forth as you ran your fingers through your hair.
Matt had gotten under your skin and you hadn’t even been here a full day yet. And tonight Marci and Foggy were having a fire out in the courtyard for anyone who wanted to join them for the evening. You’d wanted to go, hoping to catch up with some of the girls you’d met through Marci and become friends with over the years, but the thought of running into Matt and dealing with his strange and annoying flirtatious teasing had you considering staying in tonight. 
You didn’t understand what had gotten into him. He must’ve heard from someone after graduation that you’d once drunkenly called him attractive and he was now trying to make you admit it. Either that or he’d found out and figured it would be funny to tease you because of it, to make you think that you could ever draw his attention. Either way, you weren’t thrilled with his unwelcome flirting. 
But that weird game of footsie he was trying to rope you into at dinner had been so odd. It was almost as if he knew how much it was making you mad. Which was strange considering he couldn’t see your reaction each time he touched his foot to yours. 
With a sigh you told yourself you needed to stop thinking about Matt for the evening. You’d just stay in your room, clean off your face, and maybe get to bed early. That way you’d be rested for tomorrow. Admittedly the couple of glasses of wine from dinner were making you a little tired, anyway.
Heading back towards your bed, you picked up the clutch purse you’d brought with you to the restaurant. Opening it up, you reached inside for your phone, but your fingertips only brushed along your lipstick, your ID, and your debit card. Panic shooting through you, you opened the clutch wider and peered inside. Your phone wasn’t there.
A surge of fear raced through you as you tried to recall when you’d last had it. You know you’d used it at the rehearsal dinner tonight, but you could’ve sworn that you had put it back into your purse before you’d left. With a groan you realized you must have left it somewhere at the restaurant, which meant you were now going to have to borrow someone’s phone to call a ride back there just to pick it up.
“Great,” you grumbled to yourself.
Two brisk knocks at your bedroom door startled you, causing you to jump on the spot as the sound broke through your thoughts. Turning, you made your way over towards the door, wondering who it could be and also hoping they had a phone you could borrow. But when you unlocked and opened the door, you were vexed to see Matt standing there in the hallway. That stupid smirk was on his mouth again, too.
"What the hell do you want, Murdock?" you ground out. "I'm sort of in the middle of something right now."
"Oh?" he asked, his brows rising up high over his glasses. "Is something wrong?"
"Nothing that concerns you," you answered. 
Peering around him in the hall, you searched for signs of anyone else you could ask to borrow a phone from. Unfortunately the hall was entirely empty except for Matt.
"Well, does the something wrong happen to do with you accidentally leaving your phone at the restaurant?" he asked. 
Your attention swiftly returned to him, watching as he reached into the inside pocket of his suit coat and slid your phone from within it. Relief flooded you instantly at the sight of it, a soft sigh escaping you. Though when that smirk grew on his lips at the sound of your relief, your left hand balled into a fist at your side. You didn’t like that he was pleased at having helped you.
"Heard you'd left it on the table from one of the bridesmaids," he explained. "So I offered to bring it back to you, considering we have rooms next to each other." 
"How very gallant, Murdock. Thank you," you said in a clipped tone, accepting the phone from his outstretched hand. "But now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to get ready for bed."
Before you could close the door more than an inch, Matt’s hand darted forward. Your eyes widened in shock, staring at his large palm as it spread wide over the wooden door, halting its movements. 
"You aren't going to the fire tonight?" he asked, head tilting curiously to the side. "With everyone else?"
“If it means interacting with you? No, I’m not,” you replied bitterly. “Can you please let go of my door now? I think we’re done here.”
Matt said your name, the sound of it coming out low and sultry from his lips. Your hand gripped the door tighter in response, your eyes fixed to the red lenses of his glasses. It was as if his voice had suddenly put you in a trance and you couldn’t look away from him, your heart speeding up just a little faster in your chest.
“Why don’t you just admit it?” he questioned softly, taking a slow, calculated step into your room. “Just admit you want me. That you’ve always wanted me.”
Brows jumping up onto your forehead in surprise, your mouth fell partially open. Taken so off guard by his words and his boldness, you didn’t have the chance to stop him from further entering your room. Blinking rapidly a few times in shock, you took a step back from his imposing form passing through your door. Someone must have told him that you’d once drunkenly admitted to finding him attractive and now he was being an asshole about it. That had to have been the reasoning for his behavior so far.
“I’ve always thought you were a conceited asshole, actually,” you shot back.
You hoped he hadn’t caught the tremble in your voice as he continued to close the small distance between you both. For some reason you found him more attractive than usual advancing on you like he was; you couldn’t exactly explain why it was beginning to turn you on. He looked intimidating and strong with those broad shoulders tugging at his suit coat, the buttons of his dress shirt pulling beneath his tie which was askew along his chest. He looked good–better than he ever did at Columbia–but you did not want to be feeling that way. Not for Matthew Murdock. Because he was an asshole .
“And I think you should go,” you ordered, finding your voice again.
“Is that what you really want?” he asked, voice dropping an octave to something deeper as he took another step towards you. “Because I’m not buying it, sweetheart.”
Matt continued to gradually stalk towards you, one hand reaching out behind himself and pushing your door closed. It shut with a soft thump and your heart stuttered in your chest at the sound. Because you were alone with him in your room now, and for some reason that was having an effect on you that you’d rather never admit to him.
“I think,” he continued in that gravelly, deep tone, “that you’ve always wanted to know what it would be like with me.”
“That’s what you think, is it?” you questioned weakly.
“Mmm,” he hummed out, lips curling upwards. “Mhmm.”
Unable to move, your eyes fixed on his smirking lips, Matt closed the remaining distance between the pair of you. His hands very gently landed on your hips and your breath hitched in response, catching in your throat under his touch. In all the years you’d known Matt in college, he’d never once touched you. Not once. Not until that brief graze of his fingertips along your thigh earlier at the rehearsal. But right now it felt like the heat from his fingers were searing into your skin beneath the thin fabric of your dress, burning you from the inside out. It felt far too good, especially when his hands tightened further on your hips, gripping them more firmly as he balled your dress in his fists, pulling the fabric higher up.
Still transfixed by his face, you could see the sharp flare of his nostrils as he repeatedly expelled harsh breaths from his nose, his chest lightly heaving each time. His bottom lip was caught between his teeth as his head tilted to the side, almost like he was studying you in the silence that had fallen. Even behind the dark lenses of his glasses that he wore you could see that he was focused on you.
And that’s when a thought struck you as you took in the sight of him, trying to keep your knees from quivering at his proximity. He didn’t seem like he was remotely teasing you right now. This didn’t feel like the Matthew Murdock you’d known in college who’d taunted you and made jabs at you. He wasn’t here doing any of that.
No, it seemed like he genuinely wanted you. 
Something stirred low within you at the thought, a heat beginning to grow inside of you. One you’d never anticipated when it came to this particular man, no matter how attractive you’d found him over the years. Because he’d always been such an asshole to you. But yet…
“Except,” you found yourself saying, surprising even yourself with the way your tongue had been loosened by the glasses of wine you’d had with dinner, “I’m pretty sure it's the other way around. Because looking at you right now, Murdock, I’d say you’re the one who wants to know what it would be like with me.”
You saw the moment his jaw clenched, the muscle jumping agitatedly in his cheek. He bit down harder on his bottom lip, his shoulders tensing at your voice. 
A jolt of curiosity sparked inside of you at his reaction, your nerves dissipating. Had that been it all along? Had Matthew Murdock actually wanted you back then? Was that why he was being an asshole to you now, coming into your room uninvited and making these flirtatious advances? Because he still wanted you?
Oh that was an unexpected twist indeed. One you were going to enjoy in more ways than one this weekend. Because maybe you’d thought about fucking Matt in college, back before he’d become quite so mean to you that you couldn’t bear the sight of him, but now you considered taking what you wanted from him. Maybe you’d find out if he really was as great in bed as everyone praised him to be, but that’s all you’d do. Take what you wanted from him. And you weren’t going to make this easy on him in the slightest–he was far too cocky to begin with.
Consider it payback , you thought. You beautiful asshole .
When he hadn’t denied your comment outright, you figured now was as good a time as any to test your theory. You took a step closer to Matt, leaving the pair of you now only inches apart. Immediately you heard a rumbling within his chest at the movement, the noise something almost animalistic that sent a shudder straight up your spine. A pleased smile grew wide across your lips when he fisted the fabric of your dress even tighter in his hands.
“I’m right, aren’t I?” you murmured, tilting your face up towards his. “Tell me, Murdock,” you whispered, bringing your mouth closer to his as you spoke, “how often did you think about fucking me?”
“You’ve got a mouth on you, sweetheart,” Matt shot back.
“And how often have you thought about it on you, hmm?” you countered.
Matt’s bottom lip rolled out from beneath his teeth, his lips twitching as they thinned out along his face. It looked like he was struggling before you, torn between making a snarky comeback or fighting the urge to kiss you. Especially with how you’d leaned up towards him, your mouth only the slightest distance from his. You could feel his warm breath brushing over your lips as you stood there, the rush of adrenaline from having such an unexpected effect on him easily going to your head–and your cunt. 
Almost as if in slow motion, Matt dove forward to press his mouth to yours, but you abruptly stepped back from him. He immediately froze in place, head canting to the side as his dark brows knitted together beneath his glasses. His lips pressed firmly together as his expression shifted to one of confusion, and the sight left you grinning in satisfaction once again. 
Reaching out, you placed your hand against Matt’s chest, noticing the way his lips parted and a faint whine barely spilled out between them. With a gentle push, you nudged him backwards. Surprised, Matt stumbled back a step, his hands releasing their hold on your dress. The fabric unbunched, sliding back down your legs.
“I’m not going to kiss you, Murdock,” you stated. 
“Oh come on, you clearly want to,” he snapped. “I may be blind, but I can’t be the only one seeing the sexual tension here. Just admit you want me. That you want me to bend you over your bed and fuck you senseless here and now.”
Eyes narrowing, you shook your head. “No,” you answered.
“No?” he questioned, surprised.
“No,” you repeated. “I don’t want that, Murdock.”
He huffed out a laugh, that stupid, smug smirk spreading back across his lips. “Now, I’m not going to believe that for a second.”
“Believe what you want, sweetheart ,” you replied, tone intentionally condescending, “but if you want me, you’re going to have to beg for it.”
Matt openly scoffed, shaking his head as he let out a humorless laugh. “Absolutely not. I’m certainly not one to beg, and I sure as hell won’t beg for you ,” he ground out. “You’ll change your mind real soon, sweetie. I can tell you want me. Then you’ll be the one coming to beg me to fuck you and it’ll be that much sweeter .”
“Tell yourself whatever you want,” you told him. “Just do it out of my room that your desperate ass barged into. I need to get ready for that fire.”
He pulled a face at your words, his mouth opening and closing for a moment. The sight almost had you laughing but you bit your tongue, trying to fight it back. He somehow looked even more confused.
“I–I thought you said you weren’t going to that?” he asked.
“I changed my mind,” you answered with a shrug. “Might be fun to watch you squirm now that I know what you’re really after.”
Matt shook his head, turning around and heading back towards your door. You almost offered to help him as he felt around in front of himself for a second, but then he’d grabbed the door handle and twisted it open. He took a step out into the hall, grabbing his cane that he must’ve rested against the wall out in the hallway. Before he left, he turned over his shoulder back towards you.
“You have absolutely no idea what I’m after,” he told you.
You watched as Matt unfolded his cane, making his way next door to his own room. Standing in the middle of your room, you were left staring out of the open door wondering what the hell he’d meant by that.
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thebubblesareevil · 1 year
A Deal is a Deal…
I haven’t really posted any danny/kaldur in a bit so here you go
Danny was having a really long, really stupid day.
First he was late for his exam because he woke up to kitty and johnny fighting in his apartment. By the time he got that sorted out he had to rush to campus.
Then, by some miracle, the proctor let him in despite being late only to realize he was in the wrong exam halfway through. (He decided to finish the test and turn it in rather than admit his mistake.)
Then he finally managed to stop and get a truly unholy cup of coffee that he topped off with his last bit of ecto shot only for someone to run into him, spilling his coffee.
Which really didn’t make the blind date Sam set him up with anywhere near bearable. She was nice, don’t get him wrong, however Sam has two types of friends outside of Tucker and him. He was pretty sure he would have preferred hearing about the deforestation of the Amazon than have the heavily pierced girl get wayyy too excited when she realized he was from Amity Park. After he finally escaped with the excuse of feeding his dog Sam decided to call to find out how the date went.
“She did the thing Sam.” He stated bluntly as he struggled to unlock his door.
“And which thing would that be Danny? The one where she’s interested in your personality or the thing where you might need a restraining order?” He groaned, thumping his head on the door before checking the hall for neighbors. With the coast clear he phased through, once more leaving his arch nemesis to fight another day.
“The second one, or at least that definitely seemed where it was heading. She kept asking about all my favorite cemeteries back home.” He threw his keys on the counter, dropping his bag to the floor.
“Well did you tell her about the one near the old clocktower? I’m sure she loved that.”
“Sam, she wasn’t asking about nightly walks and talking to ghosts. She made some not so subtle hints about what she liked to do there.” He could hear Sam wince through the phone.
“Eww, sorry Danny. She really seemed like someone you would click with.” He sighed as he looked through the bare cabinets.
“Not your fault, to be fair things were going great till that point. Plus most people don’t see half as much as I do in graveyards. It could have been worse.” He grinned.
“Oh yeah, what are you thinking?”
“Do you remember that guy from the protest you set me up with awhile back?”
“You mean Orion? What about him? You said he tried to gas light you.” Sam almost sounded offended on behalf of her semi-cannibalistic friend.
“Oh he did more than that. He followed me home.”
“Yep, apparently I was being stingy and he thought I owed him so he tried to steal my bike.” He laughed.
“Ugh, don’t worry I’ll be sure to pass the word on to his new partner Marcy. I guarantee he’ll regret it.” He shrugged as he ate a piece of plain bread.
“It’s whatever, at least he didn’t try to kill me.” Sam sighed.
“It was one time!”
“Oh really?” He said as he munched. “If I remember correctly it happened twice.” He could hear the sound of Sam smacking her forehead.
“The first time doesn’t count, that was an accident! Besides Valerie tried way more than I did.” She huffed.
“Yeah, I know.” He yawned, heading over to the bathroom, discarding his socks and shoes along the way. “Some how neither of you are even my worst exes to date.” Sam snorted.
“No I think that title belongs to that crazy Viking that was convinced you were going to start Ragnarok.” Danny felt a small tug at his core as he brushed his teeth.
“What can I say? She was charismatic!” He claimed after spitting into the sink.
“Yeah well Miss. Charismatic nearly talked you into a war with her brother just because he flirted with you.” The tug on his core got stronger. “Personally I would have gone with the brother.” Danny nodded as he nearly tripped walking to his bed.
“I mean, that was never in question. Regardless, I’m swearing off Vikings for the next century.” Danny began struggling to take his shirt off without setting down the phone. The tug on his core was stronger than ever, try as he might to ignore it.
“You really suck at this dating thing, I killed you twice and somehow I’m still not in your top ten-” Danny struggled to escape his stupid shirt as his core PULLED, sending him tumbling to the ground. With a groan Danny finally gave in and just pulled the stupid shirt through his body only to come face to face to someone that was distinctly NOT his bed.
He looked around,coming face to face to someone he was actively avoiding.
“Ello Phantom? How’s death going for ye.”
John Constantine, accompanied by what appeared to be some of the newer members of the Justice League.
Danny decided the best option for this would be to do his best impression of a confused, semi-hungover college student.
“Look man, I don’t know who you are, or what you want but do you have some coffee or something? I’m dying over here.”
“Yet not foolin anyone mate. Need a favor from you. Or rather your better half of you don’t mind.” John replied vaguely as he rubbed his hands together before blowing some kind of powder all over Danny.
Danny stood there flabbergasted, as a rain of dust? Covered him head to toe. He stood there for a minute before his face started to twitch as John began to chant a spell. Danny took a deep breath and-
“AACCHHOOO” John jumped back as the sneeze disrupted the dust.
“What the hell man?” He scolds as he rubbed his nose. John grunted.
“Stubborn little shit huh? Too bad we need the Phantom and he’s coming out one way or another.” Once more he began to chant, Danny however chose to ignore this fact as he took in the faces surrounding the circle. They were clearly some of the younger heroes, even a few apprentices by the looks of it. But Danny really didn’t have time for this, he had another exam tomorrow.
“Look man, I’m not sure what you’ve been smokin or how I got here but unless you’re gonna help me study for my engineering exam, then I gotta go.”
“Please wait.” Danny spun around to face the hero standing behind him, stopping him before he even started to leave. The handsome hero stood tall, clearly he was the leader of this group, which begged the question of-
“Why? What you guys possibly want from me?”
“Allow me to explain. I am Kaldur’ahm, though I am also known as Aquaman. We are seeking the help of a spirit of hope and protection that goes by the name of Phantom. We need his help.” Danny gave the gilled hero a considering look.
“With what?” Kaldur’ahm somehow managed to stand up even straighter.
“A powerful magician by the name of Zatanna was pulled into the Infinite Realms. We need to help of Phantom so we can venture into the realms to retrieve her.” He replied with a barely noticeable sense of urgency. Danny raised a brow.
“You want to go to another dimension? With help from a ghost named Phantom? And you want my help to what? Summon him?” John scoffed, completely ignoring the glare Aquaman sent his way.
“Don’t go playin dumb mate. How exactly do you think you got here.” He pointed to the floor “ That there is a summoning circle, invoking Phantom by name. Now here’s how I figure it. Either you’ve gone and disguised yourself or you decided to take this poor sod for a joy ride.” He smirked. “So which one is it mate?” Danny glared at the Englishman.
“Whether you’re Phantom or not we need help.” Danny sighed as he looked back at the hero.
“Well what’s in it for me? You dragged me from my apartment and you want my help, give me a reason.” He announced.
“Name your price demon.” Danny rolled his eyes at the annoying sorcerer.
“Not a demon.” He paused, trying to figure out what he could ask for as the little heroes started to get nervous. He was gonna help them one way or another, ideally they would give up on him and send him back to his apartment. It would be easy enough to get a magician out of the realms. Danny took one more look around the circle before grinning.
“How about a date?” He said, looking directly at Kaldur’ahm with a grin. He laughed before he continued “Just Kidd-”
“Deal.” Danny choked on his own spit as his cheeks lit up like a Christmas tree. John shouting from the other side of the circle.
“What the bloody hell kind of request was that?!?”
“ I didn’t think he’d say yes!!!!” Danny covered his cheeks as the handsome hero smiled at him.
“A small sacrifice to help a friend, though not a difficult one.” Danny’s face turned a darker shade of red as green started to bleed into his cheeks. ‘Was this guy seriously flirting with him right now?!?’ The hero raised a single smug brow at him, tilting his head just slightly to the side.
“Do we have a deal?” Danny took a deep breath, coughing into his hand.
“Uh, yeah sure, I’ll get your friend back from the realms.” Kaldur’ahm smiled, Danny blushed. “I guess I’ll just… yeah.”
“We shall begin preparations immediately. Once Phantom arrives we should head out immediately, the less time Zatanna spends in the realms the better.” His face closing off as he got serious, Danny couldn’t deny it was cute before he realized what he said.
“Oh, yeah no, you guys aren’t going.” John practically growled causing the hairy green kid to back up.
“Like hell we aren’t! Just because you claim to be a spirit of protection doesn’t mean I trust ye.” Danny turned a steely glare on the sorcerer as he walked towards him. He made it all the way to the edge and the look of confidence he’d been sporting during this whole ordeal dropped from his face as Danny stepped over the edge of the circle.
“I don’t give two shits if you trust me! You aren’t welcome in the Realms John Constantine. Not until you get that piece of patchwork you call a soul sorted out!” He looked around at the rest of the people in the room. “Besides, it’s against the rules to bring the living into the Realms and I’d rather not have to deal with Walker today, thank you very much.” John glared.
“Look here you dead piece of sh-”
“HALF-dead thank you.” He interrupted as he started to float off the ground. “Now buzz off before I change my mind.” John looked as though he intended to reply when Kaldur’ahm stopped him.
“Enough Constantine, we need his help. For Zatanna.” The British asshole grumbled to himself as he scurried off to the side. Danny stepped back on the ground, making his way over to the Atlantean.
“Hey Kaldur’ahm, before I get your friend, you don’t actually have to go on a date with me.” He looked away as he rubbed the back of his neck. “I was gonna help you anyway, I just wanted to get under Johnny boy’s skin.” He just looked at Danny with a smile.
“I thank you, however a deal is a deal, it’s too late to back out now.” Danny’s jaw dropped as the Atlantean grinned. “And please, call me Kaldur.” Danny coughed into his hand to try to force himself to talk.
“Okay… well… okay then… um…” he studdered, dying a little more inside. “I’m gonna go get your friend we can…uh… talk about the details after.” Kaldur nodded as Danny reached a hand behind him to open a portal.
“Agreed, and please be careful Phantom.” Danny paused.
“You can, you can call me Danny.” He back with a slight stutter.
“Very well Danny.” He smiled. Danny blushes as he backed up into the portal, tripping over his own two feet as he fell through. Once on the other side he quickly reached out to find the intruder in his domain. She was easy enough to find, he didn’t even bother transforming. She was standing on an unclaimed floating island only a few miles from where he opened the portal.
Armed with the knowledge that she regularly worked with superheroes he thought it would be best to announce his presence before he surprised her.
“You wouldn’t happen to be a magician by the name of Zatanna would you?” The fierce woman turned, her wand posed, ready to send a flurry of spells at a moments notice.
“And if I am?” Danny smiled.
“A friend of yours asked me to come get you.” She looked at him suspiciously.
“And which friend would that be?”
“A cute Atlantian with a killer sense of humor, named Kaldur.” She raised an eyebrow at that.
“I’ve never heard him described as having a sense of humor.” Danny chuckled.
“Yeah, I told him I’d come get you in exchange for a date. He didn’t even hesitate. Like he’d actually wanna go on a date with a ghost!” He replied with a laugh. Zatanna however did not join in and instead looked Danny up and down before looking him dead in the eyes. She grinned.
“Gotta say I can’t exactly blame him. It’s not often he gets asked out by handsome shirtless men.” Danny squinted at her confused before looking down. His eyes went wide as he realized he hadn’t been wearing a shirt the whole time!
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danikamariewrites · 1 month
I have a Flynn request! There definitely aren’t enough out there for our crescent city males. Lol reader is out with friends at a bar and really drunk. She gets separated from her friends and some guy is really creeping her out and won’t leave her alone. She texts/calls Flynn to come get her.
My First Call
Tristan Flynn x reader
A/n: I HAVE FINALY FINISHED CC3 and Flynn absolutely deserves love bc it seems like he’s the only single Pringle left I volunteer as tribute
Warnings: drunk reader, aggressive behavior (not the frat pack), and not proof read sorry
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Wobbling through the club on numb limbs you were jostled by the crowd of swaying bodies. Your mouth was dry but you were craving another fruity-vodka cocktail. As you made your way back to the table your friends were currently inhabiting this evening you tripped a little.
Only two of them were left. The other three having bailed earlier thanks to their work schedules. Who even makes their employees come in on a Friday for a holiday weekend? A crime honestly.
A male had joined the table, too busy flirting with Marcy to notice your presence. Taylor, your other friend, had noticed you cautiously walking back. “Hey,” she says enthusiastically with a small giggle at your drunken demeanor. You giggle back, falling into her arms.
“I want another drink.” Your words coming out as one long sound. Taylor just laughed in response. “I think you need to go home.” You groan at the blonde before remembering your bestest friends are waiting at home. The guys were probably still up. Either playing video games or having a house party in honor of the long weekend.
“Ok. Marcy! Come on.” Taylor commanded. Marcy gave the male one last kiss on the cheek with a look that promised she’d call him. She never called though. She just liked attention and free drinks. What pretty girl doesn’t though?
Letting out a sigh you move from Taylor’s protective grasp. Turning your back on your friends you start to move toward the exit. At least what you think is the exit. The crowd is definitely thinning out. Pushing open a door with peeling paint and rusty hinges you find yourself in a dimly lit alley. At either end is a bustling main street of Lunathion.
“Fuck,” you mutter. Looking from side to side you can’t remember which end of the alley the club entrance would be. “Fuck.” You say a little louder.
Letting out a sigh you start walking to the left, hoping to find your friends. Coming out on the sidewalk you notice a fancy restaurant and a closed cafe. Some business entrances, a bank, then the fanciest hotel in the city. The warm lights of the Regent of Lunathion looked so inviting. Plus they have comfy armchairs to wait in.
You start heading down the street in the direction of the regent. Now that you’re out in the chilly night air and not in the dark, crowded club consuming alcohol your body starts to ache. You hug your arms to your chest, cursing yourself for not bringing a sweater. Your chunky platform heels start to feel heavy with every step you take. The blisters starting to form on the back of your ankles and toes have you stepping gingerly.
Heavy footsteps quickly approach that have you tensing. Hoping it’s just someone on a late night run that will pass you. You move over slightly to not just be in the middle of the sidewalk. Runners in this city get pissy about that.
But it’s not a runner. No, something worse. A male in dark jeans and hoodie falls into pace beside you. “Hey,” he starts, “what’s a pretty lady like you doin’ wanderin’ the city alone?” You roll your eyes, not caring about the consequences. You wouldn’t have been able to hold the annoyed expression back anyway. “I’m not. I’m with my friends.”
The male looked around the almost empty street. “Really? Because I don’t see them.” “Yup.” You reply dryly. Urd, can’t males take a hint these days? “I’m meeting them.” A lie you were sure he saw through but didn’t care. You would say anything to get him away from you. “Well what bar are you going to? I know a short cut,” he says seductively, trying to grab for your arm.
You move quicker than the both of you expect. The situation sobering you up. You looked at him with bewildered eyes. “No!” You scream at the top of your lungs. Passersby staring for a moment before looking away and walking a little faster. Cowards.
Before the male can say anything you book it down the rest of the way to the Regent. The doorman, an elderly human man, gives you a curious look. Your words stick to the tip of your tongue. Not knowing how to form your plea for help as the alcohol still rushes through your system.
You look back down the street. The male looking pissed as he storms up to you. The doorman notices, an angry look now on his kind face. “Head inside miss. And please make yourself at home until your ride is here.” You rush past him with a grateful look. Pulling out your phone, ignoring the texts from your friends, you immediately go to Flynn’s contact and pressing the call button.
he answers in one ring. “Hey sweetheart,” his smooth voice relaxing you as you sink into the plush armchair. “Flynn, can you come get me. I’m a little lost.” From his sharp inhale you could tell he was trying to hide his laugh. “I’m already on my way. Taylor called me five minutes ago.” You let out a sigh of relief. “Wait, how do you know where I am?” “I have your location, sweetheart.” You can hear the smile in his voice.
Urd you love that smile. So suave but genuine. “Only for you,” he’d say with a wink that always made you blush like crazy. It was no secret you have a crush on the lordling. And Ruhn would argue that Flynn had a bigger one on you. Why neither of you had made a move yet was beyond everyone.
The male walked past the window of the lobby staring daggers at you. Your eyes went wide as you remembered why you were in the hotel lobby. “Can you hurry? There was a guy following me and I just wanna go home.” The silence on the other end of the line was deafening.
Flynn gripped the steering wheel so hard his tanned knuckles turned white. “I’m one minute away.” He stepped on the gas, just barely making the light before it turned red. He kept talking to you as he flew down the street. Telling you everything he saw before pulling up to the Regent.
Throwing the car in park, Flynn throws his door open. Passing the doorman he nodded at Flynn with a small smile. “She’s to the left.” “Thank you.”
Seeing you curled up in the chair clutching your phone like it was a life line made hims heart clench. You looked like a lost child. Flynn knelt in front of you taking your hand in his. “Hey sweetheart,” he coos, “ready to go?” It took you a moment to realize who was in front of you. Once it clicked you smiled widely at Flynn.
“Hey,” you drawl. Your exhaustion catching up with you. Flynn smiled back you. Overjoyed to see you unharmed. “Yeah let’s get outta here.” He stands to help you up but you just give Flynn a pout and doe eyes. “Will you carry me? My shoes hurt.” “Of course.”
He knelt back down to unbuckle your ridiculous shoes, holding them in one hand while scooping you to his chest with his other arm. Letting out a deep sigh you lazily wrap your arms around his broad shoulders, snuggling into his neck.
Flynn’s heart soared. He held you tighter, basking in your warmth and scent. Though he could smell the alcohol, that strawberry and honey scent he loves so much is still prominent to him. “I got you, sweetheart.” He murmurs, pressing a kiss to your temple.
Gently placing you in the passenger seat and bucking you in Flynn breathed a sigh of relief. You were safe. Climbing in the car himself he quickly sends a text to Taylor letting her know you’re fine. The drive home seemed long but he didn’t care. Anything to spend time with you.
Your hand grasps his resting on the gear shift. You look at him, your lids heavy. Finally pulling up to the house Flynn looks down at you. “Thank you for getting me. My knight in shining armor.” Flynn blushes as he squeezes your hand. He brings your hand to his lips, pressing soft kisses across your knuckles. “I’ll always come get you. No matter where you are, sweetheart.” You give him a tired smile before your eyes fully close.
Carrying you inside, Flynn tucks you in making sure to take out your hair clips. He even takes your makeup off, gently scrubbing at your face. Just as he sets a glass of water down and a tonic for your headache in the morning, you stir slightly. Flynn froze as he saw you squinting at him. “Will you stay? Please?” You mumble.
“Sure, sweetheart.” You turn to face the side of the bed Flynn makes himself comfortable. He sits on top of the covers, leaning against the propped up pillows. Once he sits you instantly fall back to sleep knowing your safe.
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